1 TWELVE THURSDAY. APRIL 17. 1947 RAHWAY NEW8-Pyf - '•••A H c I SPRING SALE DAYS! •* hnve finally assemWrd enough merchandise that is good merchandise, nationally v. a»id proper]v priced ~we sire happy to offer the fiist pale ve have had in '"»r qnjiniii!'•• »n some i*f» are still not ns pleniif'd '»••' f l" ^ «*»»f*1if l>f i \ on i oj> early. 111 ^ ^--.i i %l I •^• ; .'<' / 1 ( 1 1 \M.< A- •- NY/ - /x / * 1 >.. v >\S ^; I 1 / 1 J »' W VM 1 pi 'nil '") \ , . . , » •! » » , , < •*•) AH Wool S \tct- . .. P r-ii., F ) ..' ' i j » . a n d r ' v l p s I n ' ' " ' ' I'" in M f-» I",'" iil.f-r ("' Chun's ' 'V>IIIB i p Ii ' nf '-ihlr \\ >• 11:iv •- tli*'<< \ Two-Wav Stn'trh PAYTY (;iHT)IKS ('.otton Nijjlit (w Tn Batista -seersucker lawn Oool OO \ r \ v I«T<li<"< Polos Tap ai"l short yl<"ev<\s, made of 'he 'IHPK! o'nl'ty 'rate'ia's 'n -olid rnlom ind n:'at Nationally Adverfi^-d SWEATERS JWSON winn ' MKYSSHOIMS I ';-• il by '>:>-irfi;p' 'W SPOHISHUUS MF.N'SBRU IS MENS SPOUT HOSE i\ r\ '«u-i;nrifiin2 IIIMP i n f in*> mcr <--«>r ,7.*>d ir Sizes lO 1 ^ to 12 in colorful pla;ds MENS SWEAT SHIRTS Vl..r.,-,,,| linod enttnri in poarl I.KV Sizes S-M-L SPORI SHIR IS- ..,.,.!„ of finp nt ••!• i o n by Tjjon of ..n<i v.-How lo'' in ET*>V bnmbno s S M T. Rp-.ularly $7 OS No\V ^4.0ft 65 JJ 95 »1 65 comfortable f"r rrst f u\ >;lp?pina Sizps 32 Originally made to sell f i nm $5 98 to $7 98 r.,.- . h r m . l i . l . tlm MFN'S PAJAMAS Fruit of thp Uoom and Plert\vny= fine hroarifloth San- fnri/pd and rolorfast. Sizes A-B-C-D. Regularly $4.29 NOW $3.98 Domestics (annon Hath Towels S l.c! r.'ior- :r. blue. r.v.e. cre<?n i.'-.;: .-jlci. -2x44 :-eg. 79c 59c Cannon FaccCloths W .'t- :\:'h colored borders, in •-•ri-rn i- t'.ii. blue and pink. 1J\!J 6 for 88c Cannon Dry-Alls F .r the kitchen. Multi-colored :e imi iff •f ir * Vi .l Printed Dish Towels Fanry Pillow Cases In colorful fruit patterns. White embroidery. 45x3C Reg 1 ix34. reg. 59c. $2 . 50 . Now 47c Floral Printed Table Cloths In Red and blue. 42x42. $1.00 Calloway Table Cloths Now S] .98. Beacon Blankets In Indian patterns, i Ideal for summer homes, cabins, sea- fhore and car. 72x84. 83.98 Floral Pattern Toweling 36 INCHES WIDE Floral Paltern Cretonnes Cretonnes in rose, blue, natural backgrounds. 97c vd. j Cretonne DRAPES Chrysanthemum pattern in blue, prey, rose, natural. 90 in. long. Calloway Tablecloths Beautiful floral prints. 57x70. Reg. $3.98. Now 83.50 OvalRa<rRiif. r > To brighten up your kitchen or bathroom. 82.19 $5.98 pr. 19x36 15x29 81.39 All over prints. Red. blue, rose, For drapes or kitchen towels, yellow. 52x52. Reg. $2.98. 17««nchcs. wide. Res. 49C-^d. t Now $2.59 -"""" Now 39c vd. Plastic COTTAGE SETS Ideal for Spring hGir.c decorating. Set Shower Curtains and Window &rrrrr. :oeac7f$3.9.T Girls 7! F " 1 . i"> »i . f • » It •*> :': i Gabardine Sets Tailored by "Stantogs" In spring pas- tels. Overall and Jackets in blue, maize or aqua. Sixes 3 to 6x. $3.98 POLO SHIRTS Mnde by the famous "Matey" and "Health Tex" mills. Non-stretch neck- lines—attractive solids and stripes in ' sizes to 10. Corduroy Overalls e In a v from $2.98 Made of fine pinwale In a variety of colors. Sizes 3 to 6x. Dung from 79c garees g A sanforized shrunk denim by "Mill- brook" for that rough wear. Rlvited seams—sizes 7 to 14. DRESSES-"Bonnie Blair $2.98 Toddler Dresses New stffing cottons—exception- al values. Sizes 1 to 3. $1.98 washable cottons—perfect $3.98 GIRLS' SLEEVELESS Undershirts In light weight combed cotton for summer. Sizes 4 to 12 SPECIAL 49c Girls' Cotton PANTIES Sixes 1 to 6 0 Sizes 8 to 14 49c We SPRING TOP COATS Every youngster should have one to be- well dressed—coverts -tweeds and flannels in sizes 3 to 10. Reduced 20% Boy's ATHLETIC SHIRTS In swlss rib combed cotton. An exceptional offer while they ln_st. Sizes S-M-L. 59c Boy W A S H SUITS by "StantORs." We have a fine selection to choose from. Sizes 3 to 8. from $1.98 Boys' Corduroy Longies The touahest wearing pants for school and play plus a neatness for casual dress. Blue, green, brown and grey in sizes 6-12. at $4.29 Boys Boy's SWEAT SHIRTS Fleece lined, the perfect garment for play. Sizes S-M-L. Orey only. 81.19 Boy's ZELAN JACKETS An assortment of broken sizes, colors ami styles. Excellent value—now priced at 82.69 DUNGAREES Sanforized shrunk—perfect for the boys. * u rivited seams. $1.79 Boy's Eton Suits ^) Choose any one from our large assortment of flannels—tweeds—worsteds. Sizes 3 to 8. • Reduced 2(K/r Girls' White Confirmation Dresses Dotted Swiss—Crepe. Cute styles which will be approp- riate for wear all summer. Sizes 7 to 12. - $4.98 to $5.98 HARRIS' MAIN STREET (at the bend) RAHWAY RAhway 7-0545 Boys' Confirmation Suits 100% wool cheviots—A suit tailored like dad's for all purpose wear. Sizes 8 to 18. Priced from $14.98 to $19.98 'Round Rahway By TB* BOONDSKAN Do leagues outside of schools actually creat Interest—do many players participate and how many spectators attend? ? ? ? This week the highlight of the Recreation Commission program for the winter under Supt. of Relation William Boylan end- ed. Figures on players and at- tendance for four basketball lep jucs ire interesting. ? ? ? Dlrentor of Leagues Ray Hoac- 4and lists a to- tal of 333 boys and girls who artua'ly played in the lepgues. while over R.000 attendance wa« recorded h«rr and 5,000 at N J. Reforrnnf 1 '' RAHWAY f/ VOL. 125—No pecotb RAHWAYS HOME NEWSPAPER For More Than n Century Erery Thursday- Water Rate Minimum Set; Hearing May 7th I the Rahwij Record, EM. 1822 with the KaHwaj N i l K»t. 1B30 ?IL 24, 1947 RAHWAY. NEW JF.RSEV, Tlll'RSDAV Lrx~»t Subscription 92.00 a Tear In Advance PER COPY FIVE CENTS Ray H»agland The CI t y Men's ' oflgnp produced 'M r State A. /V U Champion The ite Flashes coached by Mix d Thi t t t "tcr Hoard Rfoeivpo 'V port I' roni Supprir RerommendtUlons rmde by Suporin'pprient MorMmpt Oi> 1 hons illative to r*te inr'pa-sf'; f^r ron- slimpl'in of wntpr. wll' b*- p'ared before i public Renting t" hp held at Oh H»l', Wedne/rta; p>"ninK M^y 7 a.? n t^^ii 1 ' of af' on tnken by the Bfia-d of "•'-'"• ' -. tt^.i: -i-inpr-^ ]nst night 7 hp pr'»pc-.Pd •atp'; «:u(T2'- ffn tiir'atinn of ''IP rninimii"! ( )A'[iP Tnr domes!' 1 ronsumoM pfr quarter O'he p^ipi SO White Lillenfleld. This Denvr end playp<1 < A A " names w?nt on to The Church Leagues for hoys and girl" had a total attendance cl 5.335 In the B"ys League a total of 123 play«rs vtun'ly par ticlpaf'd and in tt»» •>!•'•• *-„„,,* a total nf 71. ? ? ? In the CICy League.?, for Men and Women, a tctal of 94 players were in the Men's play and 45 in the girls circuit. Attendance was fisted at 2,030 in Ralwsy and 5.000 at tile Reformatory where the entire inmate population at- teoded ench game. ? ? ? You will note that a total of 116 Rirls actually played in the two feminine leagues. This is a far crv from the old days tvi\pn a eirLs team was a noveMy. ? ? ? It looks as If here is something the city can well investigate for davelopment In the field of rec- Bation. Next year a bigger and trader program should be plan- flW. •- ' • "" - •*••- ? 1 ? They tell me there are 40 days to go to the end of school—June 20th and members of Senior Class, have only 31. Time sure spins around for us even if the school students donU think so. ? ? ? Speaking of time, you who re- member Bryant Kirkland the Princeton Seminary student preacher at Grand Street Chapel >n 1929. it is now Rev. Bryant are <\<; fallows; \\ fnpt PPr qnqrtPT to 1(000 S' fiP f o r -uhir p--h Kirkland. pastor DriscoTs own Church. of Governor Haddonfleld ? See Eagles have a Welcome Home program for veterans who «'ere members Sunday and sup- Pose the city-wide program for a splcome home is on. the flre with action in the future for the event July 4lh. ? ? ? They give a testimonial dinner "iday night to a great man, who 1 overcame a ,"-«-ifcJmndlcap thar' •««rqui: J , ^ f l i j j S r r t 6 ' be<wme rqui: J ,.. > ,..^flijjSrrt6' be<wme one of the city's outstanding mem- Mrs of the clergy—Rev. J. W. P. Collier. Memorial Plans Include Parade .Grand Marshal Scheitlin Outlines Day's Pro- gram Here With the announcement that "it nifty-eight trees making up Heroes' Grove In the County "W here have all been planted. "Tangements for the Memorial "ay program here were an- nounced complet at the Central veterans Committee meeting Monday night. Fr <M SchelUin, veteran leader j n ° »as named grand marshal or ""• parade outlllned the line 1.000 fbic f<"t: I' im n 000 n< 100.0^0 LI bis f ppt P*M qi'irpi $1.31 pei 1.000: f-ei IP'on" , ubir '"Pt p"i quartp'-. 51.08 ••«! l.oon The rpnort "f Mi Oib'-nns stated in part: Since 'P<3 thn Water Board has fnl'ou/prt R nollcy of pay as you go i" 'nfl M nd 'tipi- tal improvements In t»i» flvp years 1942-46, the sum of $199.- 302.00 was expended from operaH ing revenues for improvements to the water .system. During 'tie same period $92,noo 0« worth nf •=prial bonds u 1(I rp als'i ipriipH "In 1946. a sharp rise in the cost of labor and material had permanently increa.s' d thp opeiai Ing expenses of the water utility Consequently, this will reduce tht annual operating surplus avaiiablt for capital improvements More over, the cost of construction ha. 1 increased about 70 percent, so we are faced with a situation in which we will have smaller annual earnings with which to make im- provements which have been ad- vanced substantially in cost. The net result will be that a much _sfflajler volume of construction caS'be financed out of earnings. There !s a real danger that water system may gradually deteriorate. "A list of necessary Improve- ments over a ten year period im eludes, replacement of concrete mains and construction of feeder fines. $350,000; new storage tanks and appurtenances at water works. $150,000; extension of mains and services for estimated 500 popula- tion increase to 1957, $250,000." The bid of $1.30 per foot for laying 6 Inch water main by W. G. Fritz Co., was accepted. The resignation of Charles Eastman, assistant engineer was accepted. v Church Receive* $30,000 TAX RATE IS$4 »7 Annour-emerX last niaht from the offtre of Recf'ver of Taxp.i J Francis Fox .shows the I°t1 t >x ra'.e Ju »t set Ft f 4 07 1 ) tix 'e fc R»l 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 ir> on 1 ' 1 to l I I 4 10 4 30 4 52 4 39 4 44 3 41 3 82 3 90 3 74 3 60 4 17 4 66 4 47 4 46 4 30 4 48 4 44 4 43 4 71 4 97 Council Appropriates $25,000 And Buy 300 Parking Meters 'upport Bill On New State School Funr!« Appropriation Passed for Installation of Here by Jwlv 1st; Will Cover \h. R..-! t) r^a ^fi'tion: SQ.fiOO Inronn* S. >"n pppropi ' rnr!r T i"ti"n Uill nv rt I hi I" \t ( 2nd Presbvteiian Church Meetings Officers Elected for Year at Con- ereratlon Meetings —Officers elected last night at the meeting of the congregation of the Second Presbyteria/i Church were elders. Carleton A. Ransom. Arthur L. Perry and Charles F. Neuhaus; deacons: Mrs. William L. Boswell. Mrs. Elton W. Lance. Mrs. Everett Tay:or and Mrs. Frank W. Henson. Reports were received from committee chairmen, of the Sunday School, the Pyads. the Woman's Missionary Guild, the Welfare Association, the Sewing Society and the Boy Scouts. Reports also were received from committee chairmen of the lJ Rev. Gilbert F. van Bever. presided, with Fred Ritter, secretary. Trustees elected for a term of three years at the meeting of the (Continued on Page Veteran Welome Committee Forms Oiarle* F. Reed IIP '»roup to Flan for July 4th Event Charles E. Reed who headed the Seleclve Service Board in Rah- way during the war. was named chairman of the Welcome Home Celebration Committee at an or- ganization meeting held in Mayo( Dennis P. Don- ov^n's office last night. Henry Miller and Ike Will- iams were named vice- chairmen. Other mem- bers of t h e committee In* elude Lannon Mead. John H. Maget, Harry Green. Walter Rltzman and Gec*«e Bent. This Mayor's committee will ar- range the details for a welcome home celebration to be held here July 4. Additional working com- mittees will be named at a later date. The next meeting of the committee was set by chairman Reed for Tuesday. April 29. Library Audience Hears Professor Charles E. Reed Dr. Houston C. Peterson, pro- fessor of philosophy at Rutgers University, spoke before approxi- mately 50 persons this week at he Rahway Free Public Library on "The Ethics of Reading." Dr. Peterson, who was the last speaker in the series sponsored by the library, deplored the lack of reading done by the mass of the American public and offered a. selected list of books that he considered worth while. Amon | hose he recommended were "All tfie King's Men." by Warren and "The Wild Flag." by E. B. White. He stated that he considered White an essayist comparable in stature to Ralph Waldo Emerson. Junior Order Council Marks / 7 5 t h Anniversary At Dinner The seventy-fifth anniversary -™t six-vnuslcoi units wll] tak^ » « with members of all of the «<*ran organizations to march „ |\ eUler with civic groups, school «udents. etc. Buses will trans- Gold star Mothers and '• A Memorial Day Church, *""ce will be held Sunday eve- f'" g "ay 25th at First" Presbyter- Church and Rev. C. M. Davis. will apeak. M was reported at the on a permanent plaque Th 7""* World War n veterans. °Ke^orX baCke<J *•"• R D manager i.U. A. M. oir T;llN0. 3 1 J r . O . U . A. M. ... April 23. 1872 was celebrated last night at a dinner held at Greven's Hotel. Albert H. Schaefer, 8r., was general chairman and John Ger-i ner acted as toastmaster. Speak- ers for the evening were Alonzo J. Stuart, of Washington. New Jer- sey, and W. Harry Stuart, who read the list of the 13 charter members. Schaefer a'so spoke and told of the future problems O'I the order and council. Entertainment In charge of Charles Wehrle, Included songs and instrumental renditions. Mn. John Oerner accompanied on the piano. Orchestral music was provided byFrank Thorne and his band. Announcement was made at the meeting on Monday night that the—order frad-Btteirdfd services at Trinity Methodist Church to- gether with the Boy's Club and the Daughters of America. A fraternal visitation will be held this evening when the order will meet with Garfleld Council, No. 6. in Union City. The Junior C!ub will meet in the order hall on Friday night. , of TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION TO CELEBRATE HERE a Rahway Local, No. J)35 of the International Typographical Union wll celebrate their fiftieth anniversary In September .with Guy Hughes general chairman. His co-chairman and committee members will be announced at a later date. Opposite C'Uy Hall is the Zlon Lutheran '"liur- h. pictured nhove—a fmall but active church body uhich th«- past weok received $30,000 under the will of William VVril. Pahu.-y rea estate man who died Apri 6th. No announcement h** been made for the live of the money in church work as yrt. Fi<nrri> by Rnhwuy Photo Co Health Board Urges Compulsory Diptheria Immunization H e r e That Sell .... ] ^m.l.-ntc I),. Protect «'(l Here 6fl . IMMI'NIZED Recommendations that the Board of Ethwat'ion demand com- pulsory diphtheria immunization for all school students were ap- proved last flight by the Board of Health following a -review -of the :ensus completed by Superinten- dent of Schools Arthur L. Perry ihowing that 68 percent cf the present student body immunized. Under the law the Board of Ed- ucation may make the program compulsory. The board also recommended ,hat the people of the city con- tact their physicians and be :uided by their suggestions with respeot to vaccination against smallpox. The local beverage board will he ajked to write a letter to all ;avern owners warning them thar> icenses for the comins year \vi!l not be granted unless they comply ully with regulations concernin;| sanitary facilities. Vital statistics report showed '7 births, eight marriages and 11 leatrrs for March. Frank Cerone was appointed registrar of vital itatlstics with Harold Heinz, as deputy. President John D'Am- orosa. Sr., presided at the meet- Ing attended by Commissioners .rthur Murphy. Mrs. Willian^ Lints. David Stewart. William Herman, Health Officer Joseph J O'Nei'l and Sanitary Inspector. Frnak Cerone. H tirion-il \t Ditinc t>-li II- up vllh -l .lid •'•oik I hr KEV. J, IV. P. COLLIER V Workers Near Goal For Drive Have Passed the Half- Way Mark of SI0.000 In Campaign Slightly more than half of the ilO.OOO goal set for the annual 'Y" finance drive was reported || :ollected at a dinner meeting of rorkers held Monday night. Re- lorts indicated the response was !ood and that the block system of :olleetion was resulting in a great- :r number of contributors. The >peed with which the collections ire being made however, was re- luced because of the additional tails necessary. The final report of the drive has leen set for Monday. April 28. At his dinner meeting, reports are expected from sohool employes ind other organizations which lave not as yet reported. Director J. F. Wralght presided it the meeting Monday. Reports /ere presented by F. N. Talley, :dward Schremp, Earl Burchfleld. Sdward Elmer, LeRoy Potts and Jharles Reed. More than half of Ihe captains and their workers were absent from the dinner to permit more time for making the necessary calls. Plan Third Ward Playf ield Bids Recreation Commission to O|« n Playground Over Highway^ •,: .- Bids on construction of the playground and ball field in the Third Ward will be sought- in the immediate futitre as a result of action taken this week by the Board of Recreation Commission- ers. The commissioners are ar- ranging for meetings with com- muiees of the Board of Educa- tion to secure cooperation for the programs. The annual marble tournament will be held Saturday at Milton Oval. Winners will be entered in County championships. It was re- ported here that most o/ the new layground equipment has arrived. Those 'interested in working In •he Hobby Shop are asked to reg- ister at Recreation headquarters. Lack of interest has forced the commission to give up plans for formation of a baseball league. It was reported 47 are registered for me of the Rym which is open to all who wish to work out or to box. Commissioners Leo Blitzer, Cor- nell Crulkshank. Qeorge B. Doty and William T. Boylan, superin- tendent, participated in the meet- ink this week, Washington P*t.A. Minstrel Program Will Give Show and Dance at the School on May 1st and 2nd The Washington School Parent- Teacher Association wll! present a minstrel show and dance at Qrover Cleveland School auditor- ium, Thursday and Friday ove- nlngs. May 1 and 2, with a large cust of both men and women taking leading role\ in the pro- duction A cabaret scene Uforrr. the (Continued on Page Six) 1 lip oi (j? lizat 'nil p Pahway ^dii' 'U1 ('nm'nis'iinn lasi nl hark ^p-iale Rill ' 6B ^t^t" M l !OOl «'d ff'l PV'lli r'« iiu! u M ' • M i s ffi ^ ' 'i rr HI M '-ppinl ^.^rii' of t h e latro tn" : ^ummP' If pas- bi'l ui'l provide Rahuay $7" "00 aiidil i'lifll statr srl" tn '-npinVP ri'lcr IOTIRI frt»ni ^lanHivMiu r' ±p niir ••luipripnt Tlip Fuscic rhiii whic'i u' foteiiinri'i n f t h p n nv bill pro \Vles S13.000 noo for this work and is a law now From tins Rahway will rei-.'ivc S7.873. If Plan B coveiPd l iy Bill 166 is pas-;*-d H to;al of «:!<! ono.000 will be ap- propi lapd and Hallway will ^H $78,000. The local commission will vnrk ^'osoly with thp school boaid and mithontles to Improve tdncatimiHl st.^ndaid.s in Rahway With Chairman Reynolds C Buckley piPsiHm^ othei membrA pre-piu wpio .Joseph Feinbeiij. Earl Purchfli-IH Rpv Cliestrt M Davis. D 13.. Mrs. Albert E Lehrer. John O'Connor. Rev John M Jaqueth. Albert H. Schae- fer. Sr . Herber Kiehn. Rev. Ed- win A Goldsworthy. Mrs. J. W. Costello, Mrs. Donald Wolfe. WUV.ain H. Hand. Dr. Alexander E. Breslow and Harry G. Kettner Kiwanians Hear Industrial Talk Merck Industrial Relations Man Talks Before Club E. J. Lyons, industrial relations director of Merck & Company. In,.'., talked on labor relations in celebration of Goiden Rule Week for the Rahttny Kiwani.s Club fol- lowing a lunnicon meeting ir. Greven's Hotel. Wednesday. -Tohnj H. Maset of the Business Stan- dards Committee sponsored the program. John W. Wieser intro- duced the speaker who wa [ thanked by Eail Burchfleld. Fo'lowinR the business meeting. Edwin Eimcr and his committee on Boy's and Girl's work, dis- cussed plans lor the formation of a Key Club at Rahway Higl| School. The Board of Directors met Tuesday nipht to coming month. Charles E. Reed will pi esei l\ :he motion Picture. "Money At Work" is a feature of the meet- ing lext week. Joseph M. Fein- •g presided with Rev. Chester M. Davis, D.D., secretary and .reasurer. NORMAN J. TEMPLE PHI BETTA KAPPA Norman J. Temple of 263 East Albert street, is one of 11 students at Bates College admitted to Phi Beta Kappa, national honorary ;cclety for scholastic ark'.evement. He is president of the debate coun- •i!, and a member of the first American post-war debate team which the college sent to England last fall. REV. BRYANT KIRKL.AND Oiapel Services For >f $25,000 fnr thp pur- in^tallpd hpf* by July i (V"inril lnst T>ifr)it. Bids pn the mr'ers will be onen**d ^t a "K"'^' m r rtinp M?v 14 PIIIIPVS (• va'lablo indicptr that nn income of $P 500 <an be ex- pp( 'nri f- on* tb* 1 'netpj • i 11 he firs!> <;ix pioii 1 h- ai-i \h?\ i fi** '•irome n\ • • iin 1 R i " o n ' ' i t r*"' i"*^ woiTd ( hr -.rfk-irtit tn pav t h e pn' ir** "•>' ' f rripfp's afd in^ftUlnr'nn An ••>!)*• i I;O!H- IP nppt npi iat "in of $5.00" u•!<•, ;<N" .*i>p' "vnd tn nrn- plcic e' j'dinj;, 'uid ^rpdine. the laying nf walk*, snccnmi' nf v»t- t*i iiiK hou••('•; and ot h**\ work in tho vetTans housing arp.-v;. Co'in- ciln t( in T«mBnrina objected to t lip !;i'tn i^ptopiintinn cnU'iriK aLicnti.iti ; . . i v fa<-t ih"" b p had iccommfiiir' 1 in <*;u •-•"•" °f -^ucli HiMii- i n t hf hiidyet Fnl lowing A report showing street cleaning work. S R. Mor- litn was mst: uctod t;> write the Supenuienricnt nf thr Pennsyl- van'ia Ha " t n.ifl a-=kinc That I hey clean up ai mind I hr-ir property and then keep it in order in the r »iUirp. A i 1 **^ pa-^^piiKer cai and a ne\^ ! truck u;i •; ordered purchased from i he Rainvav Auto Supp'y Co Councilman Kimmick was in.stnu'trd to communicate with : Public SoiOce on schedule of bus : lines K14 and 48. The request of Councilman James E^olf for a survey of bi 1 - cycle riciinp in Cherry street was referred to the Police Commit- tee. A resolution was approved closing city offices on Saturdays. Former Student Preacher Speaker Here on Sunday " | >-iuoiiin WI.J UU1V.LO Ull OttVUlUttJ-1 The Grand SUeet Chapel of i between May 3 and September 27 - - . I and also provldlpg for daylight the Second Presbyterian Churcli ivil mark the seventy-flrth anni- versary of tlie chapel Sunday eve- ning with a special service, fo- lowinc a weeks observance by members of the East Rahway in- stitution and the various organi- zations. Rev. Bryant Kirkland, who was .student pastor at the Chapel from June of 1929 to AuRust of 1930 will be the guest speaker. He is at present pastor of Haddonfleld Church, wheie Gov. Al.red Dris- coll is a member and regularfv at- tends. Present and past rhapcl workers will be nur.sLs at the din- ner on Friday nmht Rev. G'llbert van Bcver. pastor of Second Presbyterian Church wi'l plve the invocation Sunday evening and Mr. Leroy Y. Dilie- ncr of Princeton, whopreaches at the chapel at present, the re- sponsive readme. Rev. Chester H period of M. Davis, of Fir.-l :1 will deliver the .sermon ''The Church's Opportunity" and tlit 1 benediction will be by Mr. Dillencr._ Mr. Alexander Hunter, of Jersey City, is the soloist for the musical pro- Riam. with Mr. Edward Tompkins. Jr.. at thn piano and Mi.s. Ran- cio'pli O. Milnes. violin. J. Edward Tompkins heads the Kcneial committee as chairman: with Loroy Y. Dillener secretary and Karl H. Schwotzer. treasurer. Other committees include: Pro- ;ram and Publicity, L. Y. Dillc- ned and J. E. Tompkins: Anni- versary Supper and Invilatins. Mrs.' William S. Harrison. Mrs. George J. Cherry and Mrs. S. E. "iteward; Lists, Mrs. K. H. SchwoN May 1 to the last Sunday in Sept- ember. The apointment of Charles E. Reod as a member of the Muni- cipal Board of Alcoholic Bever- iiKc Contro: for a three year period to May 9. 1950 was approved. Payment of county taxes in the amount of $44,758.40 and court ' taxes m the amount of $479.43 was authorized. : The request of H. A. Dlers for purchase of property adjoining Rahway Library on Seminary avenue wa.s referred to Assess- ment Committee. City Attorney and Special Zoninu Committee. An ordinance limiting and re- stricting the number of liquor licenses in the City was approved. Council will meet a.s a com^ mlttoe of the whole on April 30 at seven o'clock and a special moetinR of council to receive bids on work at Veterans Housing sites will be held at 7:30. _I_. (loneerl Planned For Chorus, Bandj Mixed Chorus and Illsh School! Blind Plan Event May Oth 'Continued on Pace Six) St. Mary's Alumni Comedy Hit "Stop T h i e f Scores Success Last night St. Mary's Alumni Association "BfouRht ahotiiel"" suc- cessful stage production to a close In the second and final nlnht o' ;he presentation of "Stop Thief" i comedy in three-acts, directed by Charles A. Badcr and William C. Yorlce. The production which was ably staged by a large and talented cast was well received by targe audiences both nights. The production was for the benefit of the 8chool Picnic held each sprlnR for children of St. Mary's School. Music was pro- 'lded by .Howard Kelly and or- chestra. Robert Liston headed :he committee as general chair- man and Rey. Francis A. Sheri- dan was advisor. The cast of characters Included: John Bader, Claire McCartney, Toan Jardot, Mary Matthews. Barbara Hammel. Dorothy Miller. Betty Rommel. Ann Shannon, Jeanne Cahill. Margaret C Dwyer. Joseph E. Mulrooney. Robert Kaiser. Edward Dwyer. Peter Ca- tov. Joseph Catov, Raymond O'Donnell, Jack Roberts. Jerry Slonaker. Carmen DeSimone, Jack Caulfleld. Robert Carlin. The committees heded by Mr. Liston Included: Stage. Jack Williams. William Duffy. Rudolph Gelss. Frank Reeseg. Kyren Kelly. Rev. Thomas B. Meaney: "Patrons. Frances Bacek. Teresa E. Catov. Charlotte Miller. Edith Yorke! Tickets, Arthur Schaefer. Edwina MoMahon. Grace Sclcan. Joan Dube. John Sullivan. Victor Jan- ufk, Marion Rlsley. Cecelia Dull. Edward Oraney. Gloria Selcan. (Continued onPage Six) The Railway HiKh School mixed chorus and the band, together with soloists Donald Winter and. . M'ISS Cecelia Harvey, will present the Sprlns Concert in the school auditorium Tuesday evening. May 6. Featured by the chorus will bo ii Ytigo-Slav Folk Sonc, "I Won't Kiss Knty." a negro spiritual •Listen to the Lambs" in addition to numerous other choral works. The band will feature tin over- ture, novelty numbers and the Playing of an arrancement of "Temptation" written by director Howard Kclley. Thornton Monc-z wtl have ch-irse of the chorus and Howard Kelley will be In charge- of the bnnd. PROGRAM-FOR TEAK s PLANNED BY CLUB The Finance Committee of the Rahway Woman's Club in session this week at the home of Chair- man Miss Bessie Hinds, reviewet* programs for the year. President Mrs. Joseph W. Costello. Mrs. Carl F. Graves. Mrs. William E. Kujp. Mrs. John L. Markey and Mrs. Donald C. Wolfe partici- pated. POCAIIONTAS HOLDS CARD PARTY HERE A caMT party and social marked the meeting of Degree' of Poca- hontas held last nlsht with Mrs. Gordon Hall and Mrs. John Peel in charge. A public card party will be heM at the home of Mrs. Chrlstensenfl 1218 Klein place, Friday. April 25. \J\

SPRING SALE DAYS! f/ pecotb RAHWAYS HOME ......White embroidery. 45x3C Reg 1 ix34. reg. 59c. $2.50. Now 47c Floral Printed Table Cloths In Red and blue. 42x42. $1.00 Calloway Table

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Page 1: SPRING SALE DAYS! f/ pecotb RAHWAYS HOME ......White embroidery. 45x3C Reg 1 ix34. reg. 59c. $2.50. Now 47c Floral Printed Table Cloths In Red and blue. 42x42. $1.00 Calloway Table




c I

SPRING SALE DAYS!•* hnve finally assemWrd enough merchandise that is good merchandise, nationally

v. a»id proper]v priced ~we sire happy to offer the fiist pale ve have had in'"»r q n j i n i i i ! ' • • »n s o m e i * f » a r e s t i l l n o t n s p l e n i i f ' d '»••' f l " «*»»f*1if l>f

i \ o n i o j> e a r l y .111




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»' W VM1 pi 'nil

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AH Wool S\ t c t - . . . P r - i i . , F ) . . ' ' i j » . a n d r ' v l p s I n ' ' " ' '

I '" i n M f-» I " , ' " i i l . f - r ( " ' C h u n ' s ' ' V > I I I B i

p Ii ' nf '- ihlr

\ \ >• 11:iv •- tli*'<< \

Two-Wav Stn'trhPAYTY (;iHT)IKS

('.otton Nijjlit (wTn Batista -seersucker lawn Oool


\ r \ v I«T<li<"< PolosT a p a i " l s h o r t yl<"ev<\s, m a d e of 'he ' I H P K !o ' n l ' t y ' r a t e ' i a ' s 'n -olid r n l o m i n d n: ' a t

Nationally Adverfi^-dSWEATERS

JWSON winn '

MKYSSHOIMSI • ' ;-• i l b y '> :> - i r f i ; p ' 'W



MENS SPOUT HOSEi\ r\ ' « u - i ; n r i f i i n 2 I I I M P i n f in*> m c r <--«>r ,7.*>d i r

Sizes lO1^ to 12 in colorful pla;ds

MENS SWEAT SHIRTSVl..r.,-,,,| l inod ent tnr i in poar l I . K V

Sizes S-M-L

SPORI SHIR IS-..,.,.!„ of f inp nt

••!• i o n

by Tjjon of..n<i v.-How

lo'' in ET*>V bnmbno

s S M T. R p - . u l a r l y $7 OS No\V ^4.0ft

6 5 JJ 9 5

»1 65

comfortable f"r rrstfu\ >;lp?pina Sizps 32 Originally made to sell f i nm $5 98 to $7 98

r.,.- . h r m . l i . l . t l m

MFN'S PAJAMASFruit of thp Uoom and Plert\vny= fine hroarifloth San-fnri/pd and rolorfast.

Sizes A-B-C-D. Regularly $4.29 N O W $ 3 . 9 8


Hath TowelsS l.c! r.'ior- :r. blue. r.v.e. cre<?ni.'-.;: .-jlci. -2x44 :-eg. 79c



W .'t- :\:'h colored borders, in•-•ri-rn i- t'.ii. blue and pink.1 J \ ! J

6 for 88c

Cannon Dry-AllsF .r the kitchen. Multi-colored


iff• f i r * V i . l

PrintedDish Towels

FanryPillow Cases

In colorful fruit patterns. White embroidery. 45x3C Reg1 ix34. reg. 59c. $2.50.

Now 47c

Floral PrintedTable Cloths

In Red and blue. 42x42.



Table Cloths

Now S] .98.

Beacon BlanketsIn Indian patterns, i Ideal forsummer homes, cabins, sea-fhore and car. 72x84.


Floral PatternToweling


Floral PalternCretonnes

Cretonnes in rose, blue, naturalbackgrounds.

97c vd.j


Chrysanthemum pattern inblue, prey, rose, natural. 90 in.long.


TableclothsBeautiful floral prints. 57x70.Reg. $3.98.

Now 83.50

OvalRa<rRiif.r>To brighten up your kitchen orbathroom.

82.19$5.98 pr.


15x29 81.39

All over prints. Red. blue, rose, For drapes or kitchen towels,yellow. 52x52. Reg. $2.98. 17««nchcs. wide. Res. 49C-^d. t

Now $2.59 -"""" Now 39c vd.

Plastic COTTAGE SETSIdeal for Spring hGir.c decorating. Set Shower Curtains and Window

&rrrrr. :oeac7f$3.9.T


7! F" • 1 .



. f •





Gabardine SetsTailored by "Stantogs" In spring pas-tels. Overall and Jackets in blue, maizeor aqua. Sixes 3 to 6x.


POLO SHIRTSMnde by the famous "Matey" and"Health Tex" mills. Non-stretch neck-lines—attractive solids and stripes in 'sizes to 10.

Corduroy Overallse In a v

from $2.98

Made of fine pinwale In a variety ofcolors. Sizes 3 to 6x.

Dungfrom 79c

gareesgA sanforized shrunk denim by "Mill-brook" for that rough wear. Rlvitedseams—sizes 7 to 14.

DRESSES-"Bonnie Blair$2.98

Toddler DressesNew stffing cottons—exception-

al values. Sizes 1 to 3.


washable cottons—perfect


UndershirtsIn light weight combed cottonfor summer. Sizes 4 to 12

SPECIAL 49cGirls' Cotton PANTIESSixes 1 to 6


Sizes 8 to 1449cWe

SPRING TOP COATSEvery youngster should have one to be- welldressed—coverts -tweeds and flannels in sizes3 to 10.

Reduced 20%

Boy's ATHLETIC SHIRTSIn swlss rib combed cotton. An exceptional offerwhile they ln_st. Sizes S-M-L.


Boy WASH SUITSby "StantORs." We have a fine selection to choosefrom. Sizes 3 to 8.

from $1.98

Boys' Corduroy LongiesThe touahest wearing pants for school and play— plus a neatness for casual dress. Blue, green,brown and grey in sizes 6-12.

at $4.29

BoysBoy's SWEAT SHIRTSFleece lined, the perfect garment for play. SizesS-M-L. Orey only.


Boy's ZELAN JACKETSAn assortment of broken sizes, colors ami styles.Excellent value—now priced at


DUNGAREESSanforized shrunk—perfect for the boys. *u

rivited seams.


Boy's Eton Suits ^)Choose any one from our large assortment offlannels—tweeds—worsteds. Sizes 3 to 8. •

Reduced 2(K/r

Girls' White Confirmation DressesDotted Swiss—Crepe. Cute styles which will be approp-riate for wear all summer. Sizes 7 to 12. -

$4.98 to $5.98HARRIS'

MAIN STREET (at the bend) RAHWAY

RAhway 7-0545

Boys' Confirmation Suits100% wool cheviots—A suit tailored like dad's for allpurpose wear. Sizes 8 to 18. Priced from

$14.98 to $19.98



Do leagues outside of schoolsactually creat Interest—do manyplayers participate and how manyspectators attend?

? ? ?This week the highlight of the

Recreation Commission programfor the winter under Supt. ofRelation William Boylan end-ed. Figures on players and at-tendance for four basketball lepjucs ire interesting.

? ? ?Dlrentor of Leagues Ray Hoac-

4and lists a to-tal of 333 boysand girls whoartua'ly playedin the lepgues.while over R.000attendance wa«recorded h«rrand 5,000 at NJ. Reforrnnf1''


VOL. 125—No



For More Than n Century

Erery Thursday-

Water Rate MinimumSet; Hearing May 7th

I the Rahwij Record, EM. 1822 with the KaHwaj N i l K»t. 1B30

?IL 24, 1947RAHWAY. NEW JF.RSEV, Tlll'RSDAV Lrx~»t Subscription 92.00 a Tear In Advance PER COPY FIVE CENTS


T h e CI t yMen's ' oflgnpproduced 'MrState A. /V UChampion The

ite Flashes coached by Mixd Thi t t t

"tcr Hoard Rfoeivpo ' Vport I' roni Supprir

RerommendtUlons rmde bySuporin'pprient MorMmpt Oi>1honsi l la t ive to r*te inr'pa-sf'; f r ron-sl impl ' in of wntpr. wll' b*- p'aredbefore i public Renting t" hp helda t O h H»l' , Wedne/rta; p>"ninKM^y 7 a.? n t^^ii1' of af' on tnkenby the Bfia-d of "•'- '"• ' - . tt .i:-i-inpr-^ ]nst night

7 hp pr'»pc-.Pd •atp'; «:u(T2'- ffntiir 'a t inn of ' ' I P rninimii"! ( )A'[iPTnr domes!'1 ronsumoMpfr quarter O'he p^ ip i


WhiteLillenfleld. ThisDenvr end playp<1 <A A " names

w?nt on to

The Church Leagues for hoysand girl" had a total attendancecl 5.335 In the B"ys League atotal of 123 play«rs vtun'ly particlpaf'd and in tt»» •>!•'•• *-„„,,*a total nf 71.

? ? ?In the CICy League.?, for Men

and Women, a tctal of 94 playerswere in the Men's play and 45in the girls circuit. Attendancewas fisted at 2,030 in Ralwsy and5.000 at tile Reformatory wherethe entire inmate population at-teoded ench game.

? ? ?You will note that a total of

116 Rirls actually played in thetwo feminine leagues. This is afar crv from the old days tvi\pna eirLs team was a noveMy.

? ? ?It looks as If here is something

the city can well investigate fordavelopment In the field of rec-Bation. Next year a bigger andtrader program should be plan-flW. • - ' • "" - • * • • -

? 1 ?They tell me there are 40 days

to go to the end of school—June20th and members of Senior Class,have only 31. Time sure spinsaround for us even if the schoolstudents donU think so.

? ? ?Speaking of time, you who re-

member Bryant Kirkland thePrinceton Seminary studentpreacher at Grand Street Chapel>n 1929. it is now Rev. Bryant

are <\<; fallows; \\fnpt PPr qnqrtPT

t o 1 ( 0 0 0

S ' fiP f o r

-uhirp - - h

Kirkland. pastorDriscoTs o w nChurch.

of GovernorHaddonfleld

?See Eagles have a Welcome

Home program for veterans who«'ere members Sunday and sup-Pose the city-wide program for asplcome home is on. the flre withaction in the future for the eventJuly 4lh.

? ? ?They give a testimonial dinner

"iday night to a great man, who1 overcame a ,"-«-ifcJmndlcap thar'• « « r q u i : J , ^ f l i j j S r r t 6 ' be<wmerqui:J,..>,..^flijjSrrt6' be<wmeone of the city's outstanding mem-Mrs of the clergy—Rev. J. W. P.Collier.

Memorial PlansInclude Parade

.Grand Marshal ScheitlinOutlines Day's Pro-

gram Here

With the announcement that"it nifty-eight trees making upHeroes' Grove In the County"W here have all been planted."Tangements for the Memorial"ay program here were an-nounced complet at the Centralveterans Committee meetingMonday night.

Fr<M SchelUin, veteran leaderj n ° »as named grand marshalor ""• parade outlllned the line

1.000 f b i c f<"t: I' im • n 000 n<100.0^0 LI bis fppt P*M q i ' i r p i$1.31 pei 1.000: f-ei I P ' o n " , ubir'"Pt p"i quartp'-. 51.08 ••«! l.oon

The rpnort "f Mi Oib'-nnsstated in par t : Since 'P<3 thnWater Board has fnl'ou/prt R nollcyof pay as you go i" 'nflMnd 'tipi-tal improvements In t»i» flvpyears 1942-46, the sum of $199.-302.00 was expended from operaHing revenues for improvements tothe water .system. During 'tiesame period $92,noo 0« worth nf• = p r i a l b o n d s u 1 ( I r p a l s ' i i p r i i p H

"In 1946. a sharp rise in thecost of labor and material hadpermanently increa.s' d thp opeiaiIng expenses of the water utilityConsequently, this will reduce thtannual operating surplus avaiiabltfor capital improvements Moreover, the cost of construction ha.1

increased about 70 percent, sowe are faced with a situation inwhich we will have smaller annualearnings with which to make im-provements which have been ad-vanced substantially in cost. Thenet result will be that a much_sfflajler volume of constructioncaS'be financed out of earnings.There !s a real danger that watersystem may gradually deteriorate.

"A list of necessary Improve-ments over a ten year period imeludes, replacement of concretemains and construction of feederfines. $350,000; new storage tanksand appurtenances at water works.$150,000; extension of mains andservices for estimated 500 popula-tion increase to 1957, $250,000."

The bid of $1.30 per foot forlaying 6 Inch water main by W.G. Fritz Co., was accepted. Theresignation of Charles Eastman,assistant engineer was accepted.

v Church Receive* $30,000

TAX RATE IS $4 »7Annour-emerX last niaht

from the offtre of Recf'ver ofTaxp.i J Francis Fox .showsthe I°t1 t >x ra'.e Ju »t set Ftf 4 071 ) tix

'e fc






















ir> on1'1 to lI I

4 104 304 524 394 443 413 823 903 74

3 604 174 664 474 464 304 484 444 434 714 97

Council Appropriates $25,000And Buy 300 Parking Meters'upport BillOn New StateSchool Funr!«

Appropriation Passed for Installation ofHere by Jwlv 1st; Will Cover \h. R..-!

t)r^a ^ f i ' t i on : SQ.fiOO Inronn* S. >"n


' rnr!rT


Uill •

nv rt I


I" \ t (

2nd PresbvteiianChurch Meetings

Officers Elected for Year at Con-ereratlon Meetings

—Officers elected last night at themeeting of the congregation ofthe Second Presbyteria/i Churchwere elders. Carleton A. Ransom.Arthur L. Perry and Charles F.Neuhaus; deacons: Mrs. WilliamL. Boswell. Mrs. Elton W. Lance.Mrs. Everett Tay:or and Mrs.Frank W. Henson.

Reports were received fromcommittee chairmen, of theSunday School, the Pyads. theWoman's Missionary Guild, theWelfare Association, the SewingSociety and the Boy Scouts.

Reports also were receivedfrom committee chairmen of the

l J Rev. Gilbert F. vanBever. presided, with Fred Ritter,secretary.

Trustees elected for a term ofthree years at the meeting of the

(Continued on Page

Veteran WelomeCommittee Forms

Oiarle* F. Reed IIP'»roup to Flan for

July 4th Event

Charles E. Reed who headed theSeleclve Service Board in Rah-way during the war. was namedchairman of the Welcome HomeCelebration Committee at an or-ganization meeting held in Mayo(

Dennis P. Don-ov^n's officelast n i g h t .Henry Millerand Ike Will-i a m s w e r enamed vice-chairmen.

Other mem-bers of t h ecommittee In*elude LannonMead. John H.Maget, HarryGreen. WalterRltzman a n dGec*«e Bent.

This Mayor's committee will ar-range the details for a welcomehome celebration to be held hereJuly 4. Additional working com-mittees will be named at a laterdate. The next meeting of thecommittee was set by chairmanReed for Tuesday. April 29.

Library AudienceHears Professor

Charles E.Reed

Dr. Houston C. Peterson, pro-fessor of philosophy at RutgersUniversity, spoke before approxi-mately 50 persons this week athe Rahway Free Public Library

on "The Ethics of Reading."Dr. Peterson, who was the last

speaker in the series sponsoredby the library, deplored the lackof reading done by the mass ofthe American public and offereda. selected list of books that heconsidered worth while. Amon |hose he recommended were "All

tfie King's Men." by Warren and"The Wild Flag." by E. B. White.He stated that he consideredWhite an essayist comparable instature to Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Junior Order Council Marks/75th Anniversary At Dinner

The seventy-fifth anniversary

-™t six-vnuslcoi units wll] tak^» « with members of all of the«<*ran organizations to march„ |\eUler with civic groups, school«udents. etc. Buses will trans-

Gold star Mothers and'• A Memorial Day Church,

*""ce will be held Sunday eve-f'"g "ay 25th at First" Presbyter-

Church and Rev. C. M. Davis.will apeak.

M was reported at theon a permanent plaque

T h 7 " " * World War n veterans.

°Ke^orXbaCke<J * • " • R



i .U. A. M. oirT;llN0. 3 1 J r . O . U . A. M. ...April 23. 1872 was celebrated lastnight at a dinner held at Greven'sHotel.

Albert H. Schaefer, 8r., wasgeneral chairman and John Ger-iner acted as toastmaster. Speak-ers for the evening were Alonzo J.Stuart, of Washington. New Jer-sey, and W. Harry Stuart, whoread the list of the 13 chartermembers. Schaefer a'so spokeand told of the future problems O'Ithe order and council.

Entertainment In charge ofCharles Wehrle, Included songsand instrumental renditions. Mn.John Oerner accompanied on thepiano. Orchestral music wasprovided by Frank Thorne andhis band.

Announcement was made at themeeting on Monday night thatthe—order frad-Btteirdfd servicesat Trinity Methodist Church to-gether with the Boy's Club andthe Daughters of America.

A fraternal visitation will beheld this evening when the orderwill meet with Garfleld Council,No. 6. in Union City. The JuniorC!ub will meet in the order hallon Friday night. ,



Rahway Local, No. J)35 ofthe International TypographicalUnion wll celebrate their fiftiethanniversary In September .withGuy Hughes general chairman.His co-chairman and committeemembers will be announced at alater date.

Opposite C'Uy Hall is the Zlon Lutheran '"liur- h. pictured nhove—afmall but active church body uhich th«- past weok received$30,000 under the will of William VVril. Pahu.-y rea estate manwho died Apri 6th. No announcement h** been made for the liveof the money in church work as yrt. Fi<nrri> by Rnhwuy Photo Co

Health Board Urges CompulsoryDiptheria Immunization Here

That Sell....]^m.l.-ntc I),. Protect

«'(l Here


Recommendations that theBoard of Ethwat'ion demand com-pulsory diphtheria immunizationfor all school students were ap-proved last flight by the Board ofHealth following a -review -of the:ensus completed by Superinten-

dent of Schools Arthur L. Perryihowing that 68 percent cf thepresent student body immunized.Under the law the Board of Ed-ucation may make the programcompulsory.

The board also recommended,hat the people of the city con-tact their physicians and be:uided by their suggestions with

respeot to vaccination againstsmallpox.

The local beverage board willhe ajked to write a letter to all;avern owners warning them thar>icenses for the comins year \vi!lnot be granted unless they complyully with regulations concernin;|

sanitary facilities.

Vital statistics report showed'7 births, eight marriages and 11leatrrs for March. Frank Ceronewas appointed registrar of vitalitatlstics with Harold Heinz, asdeputy. President John D'Am-orosa. Sr., presided at the meet-Ing attended by Commissioners.rthur Murphy. Mrs. Willian^

Lints. David Stewart. WilliamHerman, Health Officer Joseph JO'Nei'l and Sanitary Inspector.Frnak Cerone.

H tirion-il \ t Ditinc


II- up

vllh-l .lid• ' • o i k

I hr


V Workers NearGoal For Drive

Have Passed the Half-Way Mark of SI0.000

In Campaign

Slightly more than half of theilO.OOO goal set for the annual'Y" finance drive was reported ||:ollected at a dinner meeting ofrorkers held Monday night. Re-lorts indicated the response was!ood and that the block system of:olleetion was resulting in a great-:r number of contributors. The>peed with which the collectionsire being made however, was re-luced because of the additionaltails necessary.

The final report of the drive hasleen set for Monday. April 28. Athis dinner meeting, reports are

expected from sohool employesind other organizations whichlave not as yet reported.

Director J. F. Wralght presidedit the meeting Monday. Reports/ere presented by F. N. Talley,:dward Schremp, Earl Burchfleld.Sdward Elmer, LeRoy Potts andJharles Reed. More than half ofIhe captains and their workerswere absent from the dinner topermit more time for making thenecessary calls.

Plan Third WardPlayf ield Bids

Recreation Commission toO|« n Playground

Over Highway^ •,: .-

Bids on construction of theplayground and ball field in theThird Ward will be sought- in theimmediate futitre as a result ofaction taken this week by theBoard of Recreation Commission-ers. The commissioners are ar-ranging for meetings with com-muiees of the Board of Educa-tion to secure cooperation for theprograms.

The annual marble tournamentwill be held Saturday at MiltonOval. Winners will be entered inCounty championships. It was re-ported here that most o/ the newlayground equipment has arrived.Those 'interested in working In•he Hobby Shop are asked to reg-ister at Recreation headquarters.

Lack of interest has forced thecommission to give up plans forformation of a baseball league. Itwas reported 47 are registered forme of the Rym which is open toall who wish to work out or to box.Commissioners Leo Blitzer, Cor-nell Crulkshank. Qeorge B. Dotyand William T. Boylan, superin-tendent, participated in the meet-ink this week,

Washington P*t.A.Minstrel Program

Will Give Show and Dance at theSchool on May 1st and 2nd

The Washington School Parent-Teacher Association wll! presenta minstrel show and dance atQrover Cleveland School auditor-ium, Thursday and Friday ove-nlngs. May 1 and 2, with a largecust of both men and womentaking leading role\ in the pro-duction

A cabaret scene Uforrr. the

(Continued on Page Six)

1 lip oi (j? lizat 'nilp Pahway ^dii ' 'U1

('nm'nis'iinn lasi nlhark ^p-iale Rill ' 6B^t^t" Ml!OOl «'d ff'l PV'llir ' « i i u ! u M ' • M i s ffi ' ' i rr

H I M ' - p p i n l ^ . ^ r i i ' o f t h e

l a t r o t n " : ^ u m m P ' If p a s -bi'l u i ' l p r o v i d e R a h u a y$7" "00 ai idi l i'lifll s t a t r s r l "

t n ' - n p i n V P r i ' l c r • IOT IR I

f r t»ni ^ l a n H i v M i u r ' ±p n i i r

• • l u i p r i p n t

T l i p F u s c i c r h i i i w h i c ' i u '

f o t e i i i n r i ' i n f t h p n n v b i l l p r o

\Vles S13.000 noo for this work andis a law now From tins Rahwaywill rei-.'ivc S7.873. If Plan BcoveiPd liy Bill 166 is pas-;*-d Hto;al of «:!<! ono.000 will be ap-propi lapd and Hallway will ^H$78,000. The local commissionwill vnrk ^'osoly with thp schoolboaid and mithontles to ImprovetdncatimiHl st.^ndaid.s in Rahway

With Chairman Reynolds CBuckley piPsiHm^ othei membrApre-piu wpio .Joseph Feinbeiij.Earl Purchfli-IH Rpv Cliestrt MDavis. D 13.. Mrs. Albert ELehrer. John O'Connor. RevJohn M Jaqueth. Albert H. Schae-fer. Sr . Herber Kiehn. Rev. Ed-win A Goldsworthy. Mrs. J. W.Costello, Mrs. Donald Wolfe.WUV.ain H. Hand. Dr. AlexanderE. Breslow and Harry G. Kettner

Kiwanians HearIndustrial Talk

Merck Industrial Relations ManTalks Before Club

E. J. Lyons, industrial relationsdirector of Merck & Company.In,.'., talked on labor relations incelebration of Goiden Rule Weekfor the Rahttny Kiwani.s Club fol-lowing a lunnicon meeting ir.Greven's Hotel. Wednesday. -TohnjH. Maset of the Business Stan-dards Committee sponsored theprogram. John W. Wieser intro-duced the speaker who wa [thanked by Eail Burchfleld.

Fo'lowinR the business meeting.Edwin Eimcr and his committeeon Boy's and Girl's work, dis-cussed plans lor the formation ofa Key Club at Rahway Higl|School. The Board of Directorsmet Tuesday nipht to

coming month.Charles E. Reed will pi esei l\

:he motion Picture. "Money AtWork" is a feature of the meet-ing lext week. Joseph M. Fein-

•g presided with Rev. ChesterM. Davis, D.D., secretary and.reasurer.


Norman J. Temple of 263 EastAlbert street, is one of 11 studentsat Bates College admitted to PhiBeta Kappa, national honorary;cclety for scholastic ark'.evement.He is president of the debate coun-•i!, and a member of the firstAmerican post-war debate teamwhich the college sent to Englandlast fall.


Oiapel ServicesFor

>f $25,000 fnr thp pur-in^tallpd hpf* by J u l y

i (V"inril lnst T>ifr)it. Bids pn• the mr'ers will be onen**d ^t a

" K " ' ^ ' mr rtinp M?v 14PII I IPVS (• va'lablo indicptr t ha t

nn income of $P 500 < an be ex-pp( 'nri f- on* tb*1 'netpj • i 11 • he firs!><;ix pioi i1 h- a i - i \h?\ i fi** ' • i r o m en\ • • iin 1 R i " o n ' ' i t r*"' i"*^ woiTd (hr - . r fk- i r t i t tn pav t h e p n ' ir**• "•>' ' f rripfp's a f d in^ftUlnr'nn

An ••>!)*• i I;O!H-IP nppt npi iat " in of$5.00" u •!<•, ;<N" .*i>p' "vnd tn nrn-plcic e ' j ' d in j ; , 'u id ^rpd ine . t h elaying nf walk*, s n c c n m i ' nf v» t -t*i iiiK hou••('•; a n d ot h**\ work intho vetTans housing arp.-v;. Co'in-cilnt(in T«mBnrina objected tot l ip ! ; i ' t n i ^ p t o p i i n t i n n cnU ' i r iK

a L i c n t i . i t i ; . . i v fa<-t i h " " b p h a d

i c c o m m f i i i r ' 1 i n <*;u •-•"•" ° f -^ucl i

HiMii- i n t h f h i i d y e t

Fnl lowing A report showingstreet cleaning work. S R. Mor-litn was mst: uctod t;> write theSupenuienricnt nf thr Pennsyl-van'ia Ha " t n.ifl a-=kinc That I heyclean up ai mind I hr-ir propertyand then keep it in order in ther»iUirp.

A i1** pa-^^piiKer cai and a ne\^! truck u;i •; ordered purchased• from i he Rainvav Auto Supp'yCo Councilman Kimmick wasin.stnu'trd to communicate with

: Public SoiOce on schedule of bus: lines K14 and 48.

The request of CouncilmanJames E^olf for a survey of bi1-cycle riciinp in Cherry street wasreferred to the Police Commit-tee. A resolution was approvedclosing city offices on Saturdays.

Former Student PreacherSpeaker Here on

Sunday" | >-iuoiiin WI.J UU1V.LO Ull OttVUlUttJ-1

The Grand SUeet Chapel of i between May 3 and September 27- - . I and also provldlpg for daylightthe Second Presbyterian Churcli

ivil mark the seventy-flrth anni-versary of tlie chapel Sunday eve-ning with a special service, fo-lowinc a weeks observance bymembers of the East Rahway in-stitution and the various organi-zations.

Rev. Bryant Kirkland, who was.student pastor at the Chapel fromJune of 1929 to AuRust of 1930will be the guest speaker. He isat present pastor of HaddonfleldChurch, wheie Gov. Al.red Dris-coll is a member and regularfv at-tends. Present and past rhapclworkers will be nur.sLs at the din-ner on Friday nmht

Rev. G'llbert van Bcver. pastorof Second Presbyterian Churchwi'l plve the invocation Sundayevening and Mr. Leroy Y. Dilie-ncr of Princeton, who preaches atthe chapel at present, the re-sponsive readme. Rev. Chester

H period of

M. Davis, of Fir.-l

:1 willdeliver the .sermon ''The Church'sOpportunity" and tlit1 benedictionwill be by Mr. Dillencr._ Mr.Alexander Hunter, of Jersey City,is the soloist for the musical pro-Riam. with Mr. Edward Tompkins.Jr.. at thn piano and Mi.s. Ran-cio'pli O. Milnes. violin.

J. Edward Tompkins heads theKcneial committee as chairman:with Loroy Y. Dillener secretaryand Karl H. Schwotzer. treasurer.Other committees include: Pro-;ram and Publicity, L. Y. Dillc-ned and J. E. Tompkins: Anni-versary Supper and Invilatins.Mrs.' William S. Harrison. Mrs.George J. Cherry and Mrs. S. E."iteward; Lists, Mrs. K. H. SchwoN

May 1 to the last Sunday in Sept-ember.

The apointment of Charles E.Reod as a member of the Muni-cipal Board of Alcoholic Bever-iiKc Contro: for a three year period •to May 9. 1950 was approved.

Payment of county taxes in theamount of $44,758.40 and court 'taxes m the amount of $479.43was authorized. :

The request of H. A. Dlers forpurchase of property adjoiningRahway Library on Seminaryavenue wa.s referred to Assess-ment Committee. City Attorneyand Special Zoninu Committee.An ordinance limiting and re-stricting the number of liquorlicenses in the City was approved.

Council will meet a.s a com^mlttoe of the whole on April 30at seven o'clock and a specialmoetinR of council to receive bidson work at Veterans Housing siteswill be held at 7:30. _I_.

(loneerl PlannedFor Chorus, Bandj

Mixed Chorus and Illsh School!Blind Plan Event May Oth

'Continued on Pace Six)

St. Mary's Alumni Comedy Hit"Stop Thief Scores SuccessLast night St. Mary's Alumni

Association "BfouRht ahotiiel"" suc-cessful stage production to a closeIn the second and final nlnht o';he presentation of "Stop Thief"i comedy in three-acts, directedby Charles A. Badcr and WilliamC. Yorlce. The production whichwas ably staged by a large andtalented cast was well received bytarge audiences both nights.

The production was for thebenefit of the 8chool Picnic heldeach sprlnR for children of St.Mary's School. Music was pro-'lded by .Howard Kelly and or-

chestra. Robert Liston headed:he committee as general chair-man and Rey. Francis A. Sheri-dan was advisor.

The cast of characters Included:John Bader, Claire McCartney,Toan Jardot, Mary Matthews.

Barbara Hammel. Dorothy Miller.Betty Rommel. Ann Shannon,Jeanne Cahill. Margaret C Dwyer.Joseph E. Mulrooney. RobertKaiser. Edward Dwyer. Peter Ca-tov. Joseph Catov, RaymondO'Donnell, Jack Roberts. JerrySlonaker. Carmen DeSimone, JackCaulfleld. Robert Carlin.

The committees heded by Mr.Liston Included: Stage. JackWilliams. William Duffy. RudolphGelss. Frank Reeseg. Kyren Kelly.Rev. Thomas B. Meaney: "Patrons.Frances Bacek. Teresa E. Catov.Charlotte Miller. Edith Yorke!Tickets, Arthur Schaefer. EdwinaMoMahon. Grace Sclcan. JoanDube. John Sullivan. Victor Jan-ufk, Marion Rlsley. Cecelia Dull.Edward Oraney. Gloria Selcan.

(Continued on Page Six)

The Railway HiKh School mixedchorus and the band, together •with soloists Donald Winter and. .M'ISS Cecelia Harvey, will presentthe Sprlns Concert in the schoolauditorium Tuesday evening.May 6.

Featured by the chorus will boii Ytigo-Slav Folk Sonc, "I Won'tKiss Knty." a negro spiritual•Listen to the Lambs" in additionto numerous other choral works.The band will feature tin over-ture, novelty numbers and thePlaying of an arrancement of"Temptation" written by directorHoward Kclley. Thornton Monc-zwtl have ch-irse of the chorus andHoward Kelley will be In charge-of the bnnd.


The Finance Committee of theRahway Woman's Club in sessionthis week at the home of Chair-man Miss Bessie Hinds, reviewet*programs for the year. PresidentMrs. Joseph W. Costello. Mrs.Carl F. Graves. Mrs. William E.Kujp. Mrs. John L. Markey andMrs. Donald C. Wolfe partici-pated.


A caMT party and social markedthe meeting of Degree' of Poca-hontas held last nlsht with Mrs.Gordon Hall and Mrs. John Peelin charge. A public card partywill be heM at the home of Mrs.Chrlstensenfl 1218 Klein place,Friday. April 25.


Page 2: SPRING SALE DAYS! f/ pecotb RAHWAYS HOME ......White embroidery. 45x3C Reg 1 ix34. reg. 59c. $2.50. Now 47c Floral Printed Table Cloths In Red and blue. 42x42. $1.00 Calloway Table


Special Services During MayAt Trinity Methodist Church

Awaiting P Blessing" will bethe subjft o' the sermon Sundaymornln" i t Trinity MethodistChurch by Pev John M Jaqueth.pastor. The Church S thool meets&t p'nr-forty-flve and th' M-t.'indist Yo ' i t h FV1I"«-I ' l l - IK Hw . r"Ing at se-en

Ooinhng ' '-r**- at Trtnity In-rlrde Mav < MRs Clnra M

Fiench for 15 yea-s a missionaryin ' hlnn to t<-'l of 'ier vtOTk; M*y11. Mothe''s '>ay with off>rlnf!for Home for > he Kgfi of WewJersey H >- ill bf the sixth »n-inive'sary of p°v Mr Taqu<?th'sflrc' sermon at Trinity On May1(1 'he Methodist Y ulM FH'.d'v-•*' 'i' wll have *-har^e of the *«" v

Continwd i>n Pan** Flvt»

Does Christ'*"1

Science Heal?n < M l i l t ' " ! < • U i •« r " . i ' V ' I I I . I 1 i

• » ' » ) l w l l ' ' i l > •

• I '

A TIPC Lpntni«

Christian Science:I ho Religion of Love Which Moak

' • V

M W V I U I H V N O R W O O D . <" ^ Hof p-.oon Ma*-sachusotts

•"••->ber of the Board of Lectureship of Tb~ Mother C'hr- *>" • • Finct Church of <hri«t. Scientist I" Boston. Ms>-


Roosevelt School AuditoriumST. GEORGES AVFNCEStanton St and W TJIITP AVPTHIP

Given by

First Church of Christ ScientistRAHWAY. NEW JERSEY

All Are Welcome!

1st Presbyterian("liuroh Is Listed

1'ptown Church Included Aroon*Those F.xceedlnr Qnpta

Annoiin'-«rmnt will be made atthe PWt PrMhyterian ChurchSunda} moi"inK that UIP up*-ownrlmrcii h»' b«pn listed on thPhonor mil to be published andd)strlbii*«1 «t "w General As-seml-'i. a." nnr «f UIP chm^'iesthat ha* fully subscribed ll-s Iquota In "hp Restoration Fund.

Sunday morning Re.v ChesterM Davis. D D , pastor will preachon "Un.= 'lenced nrisclnles." At. theevening service Mr. John Gernerwll le»d U>« sonfj servlc* and DrDflvlS wll! continue his programof answering questions from thepulpit tncl>«JI».(t U'e quftio" "Ifconsci'-ice '• t'<* volet of Codwithin why do people •tlF'T sow'dely >n th°lr conc»r' "' *'•"''• rlph' and wr nK?

TvTR'; Cfolyr Oriffls will havpof thi worship proemm


- rr

Worn-hold• n o f > -

l i a • 1

to iw •^ ,T.

~n s ' ire1"May 'st «t

i wMi the cl,lr"= "tid Mr'd a J"int' i V » b f t r d v ' ' '


meet'TBtwo In

I T 1




'<"! Of


w l• i .

prog'am .' unday rveninR at srvenwith Jack r b a p l n 'o continue thedl«cu?nlnr on T'-e T»'o A d v i t sRa tu i ' ay • Icl'* the soc'-l " in -Blum ivlll be roi'tlnurrl at tief'omT' nity T7ni sr T-t h rnovi* • ntsi-ifn an. ' sq ai? dai cinf a 'oicht On Icy ' ' ." V< ry R*>v Mi


nffirr,- inst lied at the meet-ing "'its well of the MothersBlhle ' ' Ins of (hp First rresby-tetlan '"hurch were Mrs. ElliottStcfflet president; Mrs. He'mflnScout, vice president: Mrs. Oli-ver Resch. recording secretary:Mr . Dani'l Mn'tln. cOrrespond'np^ecretaiv- and Mr« p«Tn«lH'- r1

Buckley, treasurerThe birthday anniversai'y of

Mrs °he<:f*f T>»vis was eptebra '-dwhen * he was presented with t»gift hy the class Game!, ^nd a so-cial hour followed the me»tinaHostesses 'or the evenine wer-Mrs Jams Pickens. Mrs Elli»:Stnufflpt and Mis. Fred Baker.The next rneet'"^ will be held onMay i°t>* at the c*r,mn*nin


Services at the Ebenezer A. M".E. Church Sunday morning at 11include sermon by Rev. J. W. P.Collier, pastor, with the subject"The Troublefree Heart." TheA. C. E. League meet at six Inthe evening and the pastor speaksat seven on "The Sustaining Vine.'|Prayer service is Wednesdaynight.

DAYLIGHT SAVING TIMEThose who wish to make

church on time Sunday willhave to move clocks ahead anhour before retirement Satur-day night Mayor DonovanIssued a proclamation lastnight u'fflng the residents ofthe city to cooperate by ustriitdaylight time following neces-sary resolutions adopted byCouncil setting r.»-t-h that pro-ceedings of public affairs willbe mainlined r-i the daylight)srn-tiu'r which wi'l stand tothe last Sunday in September.

Christian Science Lecture HereAt Roosevelt School On Monday

tist MinisterContinues


"House of Quality and Courteous Service"

PHONE RAhway 7-0848Please phone orders early

69 E. MILTON AVENUEOpp. Penna. Depot

Thursday, Friday and Saturday Specials

ARMOl'H'S STAR "Ready to Serve"

SMOKED HAMS(•JVhole or Half Shank i

Just heat and serve—no shrinkage65 c


Baby Spring r i " cLAMB 00 IbSwift* Sugar-Cured

Lean Sliced 0 0BACON 0 0half


Choice Cuts


Fresh Ground


ARMOUR'S Cloverbloom 100- Pure

Creamery RollB U T T E RGuaranteed 92 wore

FREE DELIVERY every day anywhere in Railway. Please phone earlyand receive our prompt, courteous and efficient service.


•• F A . GohJsworth" to 8p~k•.„ * "OTtntlnc '" "«•»•-


^mountl"B to Pomethlnn" 'J!th<- j.ib)»ct of tj-e "»cor«i of a!p''-i of sermor« by Re" IMwlxiA O"ldswort>". pa»to> of theFirst Baptist Church Sunday•Morning. The series IF entitled

Answers tc Everyman's r>«lres."Saturday evening f-he Choir

Association ro*>ets *t elgnt forApril meeting and social. TheBo-iMi of De9'on» will n>eet Mon-day even'"g *t eight with Dr.Randolph L. Heard, of 1684Chur'h street The Howard Wor!dWide Guild meets Monday nlHhtwith Mrs. naymom) A. HUIer of174^ Essex street. On Wednes-day evening the monthly covenant

"pting of 'he church will be held.Sntu'day representatives of the

Ivirch will jo to the conference•>( the New 7Cr*ey F"de'*tlon ofMen s B1b!» C'isseK at Ruther-ord where Mr John D'Amb'nsa,ir a member of the rh""-'« «"i« i.ioioiled president.

OflBcem NamedOfficers named by the Baptist

Brotherhood at the annual dinnermeeting Include vice-president.Richard Hamfl: secretary. C. T.Arc>>»r and treasurer. Fred Ger-ner. John Kochy. A. F. Bowlesand C. F. Baes served as the nom-inating cotT>Fnitt»<". H8ml!l washairman of the dinner commit-

tee James L. Bodwell was namedto arrange Jor the series nf sum-mer picnics.

The principal speaker was Dr.Randolph Howard, who recentlyreturned from Burma and Indiawhere he made an extensive sur-vey. J K. Abbott presided at the

Continued on Pace 8U

|2nrl PresbyterianOrdains Officers

New elders and deacons will beordained "\nd installed and trus-tees- eWt will he publicly recoc-ntzed at the Sundav morningservV-e at the Second Presby:ir-lan CrtircTv H*V ntlbert T vanBever will preach on "Man WithA Pact."

Rev. Bryant Kirkland. pastor ofthe Presbyterian Church In Had-donfteld *111 preach In the GrandStreet Chapel Sunday evening at< p. m. when » service In cele-bration of the Chapel's 73th an-niversary will be held. Mr. Kirk-land was once student ministerof the Chapel. The church henow serres has 1,800 membersand Is one of the most prominentIn New Jersey. Governor Drlcollis a m»«nb»r and n»iul«r wot«' v-»there.

Th» diristian ' Endeavor willmeet at 010 Bryant street "isp. m. end attend the Chape' -.<•»vice in a body.

Th» Welfare AssocUtlor' willmeet Tuesday afternoon at 'hrep

clock ftt the residence o' Mrs•TOIH gray, 1104 Mldwrxtf •'•'••»

Missionary G«iMThe meeting of the Missionary

rulld of the Second Presbyte'lanhuroh was held this week at theloir"" of Mrs. William Ma>"h. of32 W>st Stearns «tree< Mrslarvey Wooster and Miss Ell?"•th B«rkley were co-ho«'«ssesMrs William Pn!len reported

m the Presbyterlal held In PerthUnboy on April 8. Devotions wereed by Mrs David Taylor and the

ewardshlp by Mrs. T. H. Rob-rts. Mrs. Joseph Swing reviewed.nother portion of the book. "In-lia in Transition."

Mrs. John Marsh presided with.frs William Marsh, secretary,"he next meeting will be held onJay 19th at the home of Mrs.Vilitnm (Pullen. In Linden.

Special Speaker Listed forProgram to Outline

Belief"'Christian Science: the Relig-

ion of Love which Heals." is to bethe title of a special lecture byMrs. Elizabeth P. Norwood, C.S.B.. lecturer from Brooicltne. Mass-achusetts, at Roosevelt School onApril 28th st eight o'clock. Thelecture Is free and is under theauspices of the First Church ofChrist. Scientist of this city.

Mrs. Norwood is a member ofthe Board of Lecturship of theMother Church. The First Churchof Christ. Scientist, to Boston.Mass. In .arranging the lecturethe members of the local churchbelieve they are provMing a meansfor reaching many people withanswers to freouent que«tioiu »-bout Christinn Sclent, what Ittesches. how it heMs. why thouiands Have become its

Cathol ic In fo rmat ionGet a pi.o t- -any priest

They carried him into the emer-gency ward, mangled and dying,and all he would answer to re-peated Questions was: ' a priestr—

a priest.""Get priest," ohjcttd the

gcon impatisntly, "any miest""j[OOBUBWA on Pace n





or COAL' & GAS



RAhway 7-2260

Open Fridsty Evenings

I£ARL MARX(Railway Upholstering


Window ShadesFurniture Repaired and


Phone RABL 7-0383

Edw. Mackic •& SonsServing Northern N. J.

for Over 50 Years

UpholsteringSlip Covers


S29 SOMERSET STREETPlainfleld, N. J.Plalnfleld 6-3274

Open Evenings by Appointment


I "Probation A'ter Dea'h" Is theI Lessen -Ser'non subject for Sun-day, Anril n Oolden Text: IfIn this life only w hr'e hope InChrist, w <vrp - ' all m o mast

[miserable. Bnt not is Christi risen fr'*m th» dead .ind become"<e first fruits -f th-n> n.ot «i»rt

I Cor. 15:19. 20>SpiTpon. a-sfOBe" from the KIOR

James vprsion of the Hible in-clude' "FifliRt f'e p'iod flgh' offaith, lay Tiold on »tevp«l life,whe^eunto thou »*e also called,and hast pr-fessed a good profes-sion beforp many wlinpeses. ' 'I.

'Tim 6:12) C"rrelativp pa^saces• from "Science and Health withI Key to the Scripture." by Mary| Baker Eddy include: We can.!and ultimately shall, so rise as toavail ourselves in every direction

| of the supremacy of Truth overerror. Life over death, and goodover evil, and this growth will go

jon until we arrive at the fulnessof God's Idea, and no more fear

I that we shall be sick and die."I i p. 406>.

SAY FELLOWS!Mother's Day Is coming soon—May 11th. How about .lurpris-

Ing Mom with a tilt certificate) for a permanent wave, stria]for her by Fredrlc—Just drop by and make the appointment ,„,her.


BUSS DORIS SCOCT—1219 Pierpont Street

LETS TRY AGAIN!This week's prizes win go to the 2 young ladies who

high school, have the longest hair, and wish to h a v R r—"" •wttrmit havine It cut.

HERE'S HOW TO WIN:1. Send ma your name, along with the mea«<ir«imon< ">

>>a.lr from the scalp to the end.2 Send the names of four of my customers.3. The 2 young ladles with the longest hair and thr cc

nam*s of four of my ci'stomers will win R »IO,OO Or«a>r. r.•>TT<t wave WITHOUT CUTTTNO by -

Fredric your hairdresser1,f\vin, rtear Irvitig St. RAhway 7-2681



(•Ctrl w t l d f d , crt*d factory fln'.ib

th* app«araT1c« of yr <r car.

Plolrrfl.ld 4-4242


_H*IN»«» , N. t.

with a Gift Shell Appreciate-£cMd Weardble^Housearesses

by lHE


Gvattfjr wu« wofhen oppre-,CtOfS frM QUiJfCnt©© Of SOttS*faction the Fruit>of-the-lo6mlobti on a garment itona» for.thtf know "they can dependupon lit* vrathina, and w*ar«

k big qwaOrtes of dresses Nor- •ing •"'• weH-itnownlabel. Kef* ore twoot t foc t iv* stylesequally Mjffofcle for'large or unall dttt.




^f* ChMrfut floraf print inhel'to. rose or c o p e n . . .br/afiteneo' with yards andyards of crisp white ruffles. r •<



>tr m.




Cfto/c* of pink,blu0 or a<jv*

becoming to•very


Sf t ^ .



Sadye Cooper79 E. Milton Ave. RAhway 7-2151



ffeddings^ E Y HELEN LAZER?X0 EOSELLE MANJus Shirley Helen Lazar.^ r of Mr. and Mrs. Paul

ar of 2H5 Allen street, wasj this weekend at St.

rertory to Richard W.-,h eon of Mr. and Mrs. Wll-

Ith. of Roselle. Rev. Thom-. jjfan"' performed the cere-

M bride wore a gown of white1(j j , | . n and carried a bou-

, 0[ whit1" roses. The matron ofior Mrs Paul M. Lazar. Jr..

aUii«d in blue satin and car-yellow ro"«s. Paul M. Lazar.

t Drnii^r of the bride, wasI man.iilowiriB a reception the cou-left (or 'heir honeymoon in

rth Jfrs/1>' They will re.s!dp n'Alien street address.paduate of St. Mary's School.[jide n'f'ided Railway Hluli

mo! and is pmployed by 'Ve--| WlnrT. Linden. She Is a• of Pr Mary's Churct andlniri A -sociaUon He h ain ''.r1'1 served w' .l Me

A r m y i.. p . , , opp • •


Ma" - Chufh wth1* " '"'nd of the


& \




ding of Miss OlKa J. HomcnukdauBht«r of Mr. and Mrs. DimitrvHomenuk. of 551 River ,-oa.l andTheodore Tatarynw. son of Mrand Mrs. Bedar Tatarynw ofElm street. Ri-v. T1ioma.s B. M.-,ney performcfi thp cpromony

The bride wore a uovn of whitechif.'on and carried n bouquet olgladioli. The maid of honor. MissMildred Swiork. wns dressed intalfeta and carried pink ciacMoh.Nicho'as Tattirynw >«iH -•• hi"brother's bp'i ma"

Following the 'pcppMon thrcouple left for a western, ti'ju.They will reside at thp Hivpr roadaddress Both n>n nv th r r s of siMary's Church She is a gradu-ate of Railway Hich Srhoo! andis cmi'lcvrcl by MTck ft Co . In,-He i- i i.'i'a hint/- nf W me1 ' n i , ,HiKli f 'W'o' and •• r-rd i>and • > ' " - . . . -.

JULIA \. Sf'VAKW E D S l O I I ' i S U N H M

M"l s .7ul ; r A S l l t \ ' l k 1 ? : W

M . i i ' ' . s u r e r , • l . i n i l l l t c n ' M i n n '

M r s S n r - U u S u H ' i l t . - f IN" ', "V

oil---. r--i . \y - I I - I I . Hi- b r . i l - •..

t h - H i ' . c i l - " (if ' ' ) " h " t u n ' I-

Mip o ' M i m i d M ' • 7 l.i- ;•

ii-h of I7i We -I Mi : n •

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•;n! in 'mixi-'l• r'Tl Ofnf 'hisnfi n nrl

7* f I • I •

-Hii "•

;> n '


bright teeo-igcr lookj» com/on u well u style sodMom? in ahoei. SUNDIALS,'ilibe billon all three couotil,


.52-1 Main St., Railway« Friday & Saturday Nights

F ' i ] l " » ' . " i ! a " • < • • , > ' - i n h - '

G r r ' p p ^ 17 t e l : i i e T . u r 1

fo r " n i p U i i i - i u ' h ' i< •

s t a l e T ' I P V • " • • • • l , | i • ' '

M a i n s. i

B o t h a r e m e n i b p * ' nf

7 n h n ' ^ O i i - n k C h u r c h S i i c

u r a d u a t p of P c n n s y ! \ ' a n : : i - r ia n d t h e F r a n k l i n Si-hnnl i,f Tt i r a ; Nursp.L ' . N e w a r k Hn Uployed by t h e P e n n s y ) - a r ; iroad nnci is a meinbpT nf •'<tho l i c W a r V K c a n s . He •for thr«:" a n d a h a l ' y:-r •

t h " T' !* A. " iv in ' 1 " f


The Fir.n prcbytenun riniii 'iwas thp scene of a pretty w.-dri TI_'ceremony in which Mi-< PUi'rlirA. Dietz, o.' 1451 Church sti.'ct.became the bride of Earle B I.:ifjim of Plainfield. The cere-mony was performed by Rev CM. Davis, D.D. The couple we:attended by her sister Mrs. Geor-ge C. Browcr of Rahway and Lester Latham a brother of the brid, *ffroom.i A dinner fur Lli bnda'I'.arty followed at the l irerSmith Hotel. New Brunswick. Thebride wore peacock blue suit withwhite hat and nlove.s and cor-sage of orchids, while Mrs. Browcrwore cocoa brown suit with match-ing hat and corsage of violet or-chid>\ Following' a trip to F'oridathey will reside in Plaln.'ield-.


A report on Rotary as he foundIt 'in England and on the cuiit.n-


Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wletry cf1259 Madison Hill rcacF, tuvc an-nounced ihe engagement of theirdaughter. Blanche, to ThrodnreH. Sirychowskl, son of Mr. andMrs. Frank Stry:-hn\i ,ki. of ClarUToY'U-Klrp. A date fnr UIP up'ldim;''us nnt been s<'t.

A giTuiuate.iil. Rahwnv Hir;h.S(-lin"!. Miss Wietry '.s a memberof S« 5 'a iy 's Chiiic-h and is p>:m-6ucr <l the Fed, '[a] Cican'-rs andU v r s ps;ah]iMirj)ent on Ch'-j ry*-' reel.

He ».is r.'radiiated from theT e n f i l C''mmpir-i;ii Sclmo: NewVnrk City a n d v i v e d fnr l . lreeveajs -vit'i ti-.o U S A m " , p a n o'w l r c h time w.v spi-iii OVI-:S ' -T:! ' • i-i cmp''iyi-d by the S.iin- •••

• fT ' iMiMn C i t n i M i n v . f' V

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•u[ v.'.vs i i r r ^ ' i i l r i l to n - . rmbcrs nf•)i.- R c l n r y C l u b by : n r m i T p n ' s i -lon : Car l K. A(ld::i:i!l v. !r i h i s

;ust r i ' t u r n e d f rom a t r n m n n l h ' . '• o u r of E u r o p i ' f-ir tin- u . S. jovi- r i imcnt . H e ,iL;o p i c t u r e d t h et r u ' l K f u l con<l i i ions w h i c h e x i s t'.In i v . A p i c t u r e on C.:;«st Cin:ird•Vculeniy t-raininu' will f e a : n i v ihi*iiii ' i ' t in:! .M(.r.<!ay Pri- . \ .dcni .7 : hnM .I:i(;!ic:!i iirc-.idc:! a l i iw s,..s-


A visit to St. Patrick's Cathed-'•'1, Gr-ir.'

etirium. Centra] Park and theAmerican Museum of Natural His-tcry was made during the past

Cabrlni Troop of Junior Catho-lic Daughters of America. Coun-selor Mrs. Charles Kraft, Mi^

liam Hoodzow. chaperonnd. Girls i B r y a n 'attending were the Misses BlancheMaher, Barbara Bair, Patricia O'-

mb, Hdyden Pl.-vn- week by a Rroup from the Mother Ed\vina McMahon and Mrs. Wll- Donnell, Audrey Bacek. Winifred ' Roberts.

Mccurdy, Barbara1 Mesco, Carm'ela Cerehlaro, Ruth

A. McCartney, Ruth Kenna, Flor-ence McCarthy and Kathleen

Hard To Get

Gabardinesand at An Easy Price

All businessmen should nut \w placed in llicsame category. Stein & Markowilz lonj: ai o rec-ognized the folly of eliiisin^ a leni|ioi arilvlarge profit. During the war years our priesremained constant—jet our clothing wasequal in every way with pre-war standards. So

.today we do not have the problem of reducingprices and explaining our war time greed toour customers. In accordance with this policywe offer a line of 100' , virgin wool gabar-dine suits, in popular two and three buttonmodels, in all the favorite shades for Spring—priced at a figure representing cost, plusonly a reasonable profit.


•4r Open Thurs. & Sat. Evenings Until 9 P. M.

" MEN'S & BOY£ SHOP .3 Broad* St., Elizabeth, N. J. At Elizabeth ,Av».

l ' a « n * v « . » . « A

$*.00 A Month" , ,Hm* tUe greatest values r

Simmon•; T ' Minp-l





Sure—$29.75 is a very low pricefor a Simmons' innerspring mattress! But it's made"

just as carefully and with all the high-priced features that makeSimmons famous for producing the best in bedding. Starting ivith its resilient steel inner-spring center unit, generously protected with many layers of soft white cotton and sisal—thenright up to the final operation of enclosing it in a heavy, woven cotton striped-ticking, Sim-mons uses nothing but the best in material and workmanship. Rest assured, for real sleep-ing comfort—this is an excellent "buy." Please shop early as the quantity available won'tlast long.

' " VBack" a g a i n . ; . ; .

Simmons famous

DEEPSLEEPTwin or full size

$39.50DEEPSLEEP was one of America's favor-

ites and it has always been popular ivith our customers. SoMcManus Bros, is glad to announce that this splendid Sim-mons mattress is again available. DEEPSLEEP has these pre-war quality features; Innerspring comfort... Deep upholstery. . .Prebuilt border . . .Cord liandles . . . 8 Ventilators . . .French edge and flat button tufts. The DEEPSLEEP Match-ing Box-Spring, at $39.50, has deep coils, ivith layers of feltedupholstery.

McManus Bros.1 1 5 2 - 1 1 5 4 E A S T J E R S E Y S T R E E T • E L I Z A B E T H

furnishing home* complete since 1880

• ' - > - -

Page 3: SPRING SALE DAYS! f/ pecotb RAHWAYS HOME ......White embroidery. 45x3C Reg 1 ix34. reg. 59c. $2.50. Now 47c Floral Printed Table Cloths In Red and blue. 42x42. $1.00 Calloway Table




: • * • ; : •

;. ii<

' • • • I -



ftahwaj Nero-Record


INFORMATIONThe Railway Ne^vs-RTO'd re-

•rrves the right to edit or rojectm y r'usslfied i ^ v c ' l s i m AU AdJmu-st conform U1 th" RahwayNews-Record tvpp ani rlivslX'ca-tlon sfxnriaris ETrors must bf rVported a''pr P'st ' ' w i l n n as thepublisher will nol b* rr-stvnxlbl"for P">T» thon tn» tnro'Ti>ct lntpr

Gardening landscaping I Help Wanted, Female

OTO-Tnj.ER PLOUGHING.Oood f-v laroe and small gar-dens. One *per»'.longround readyNels'-n W?O(fmnn avrnne w l

sr«'dlnpiiie 'off


AND FI.CMVER BED?due I Tuns mo"

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am 4!

R O T I F.rt i l . <r>r1' •' 1 »\

OR OIBL TO pO GEN-eral housework. One day aweek from 1) to 5 p.m. Callafter 5 p. m. 298 Morton ave-nue. Railway 7-0541-R.

'LERK FOR KT<K"K CONTROLdepartment. 40 tiour "veek. CallPahway 7-39OO htr *ialliBttn.

'"T interview.


NSKiU.ED LABORERS NKJCD-ed f c u"tk in Avene' N. J .Pln"t, of FhU»delphla QuartzC.i . 'orated l'i mile due south"f '1 T Ctntc T^afornidtory.

JSO - «

I Can Sell your PropertyMy clients are many and anx-ious to buy. Our sales are com-petently handled.

There li no obligation In list-ing your property with me andno expense unless sold. At your

let's U1K U ovef.


E. Grant An.,tr]. KAh+ay 7-MMO

Rooms Without Board

City Offt •PoKtofTW


p O f f ? • • •

I . .i> 1-ial


Autos For Sale•1J6 I V T r R N A T ' O W ' TOV .

cab and '-h.iM.- r xir1 r<"'rii' KVNHarr^on av(-nur 'ifT VV Tr"""1

n f n u f Rahu.iv 7 3RS6 .1

*rCK FOR S.M.F.S \VOOIInquire 141•> N V - P - ^ »


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VOUB ' A R .

Caffl pirk -'iver»<i. < all Rah-Al c an'1 Jot'-iny'sf=-rvv N 7

a24 7t

Servirp Offered

DKAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT.Renting Cil!<"<-ting sp?ciillst«.POT results, see SHELL. K9 Main«treet Pahwav 7 0«3l.

AprU 4-tf

' V T O 'J'.ASS INSTALLED—'Safpiy' Channric, I>."T Rpgulflto'-. rnft-oji 73fi Andrpydrivp Rnhtt-ny 7 1631 R


\rNTIN" AN" DECOPATINO.interior nnd ••xterlr'-: ppper-hanninR Fast. c l " n «"«k failRjh.iv 7 1625 R


VRT TIME WORKER, SUN-days and "ventnes. Married manprpferre'l Must have some ex-prrion**" tn service "'atlon workWri'n pn'tl<-u»»rs. rpBox 5f", cnre ".a' w

Articles For Sale"OT WAT1R BOtLER—8CIT-

ab!e for small home, perfectcondition, very reasonable. 416Madison avenue. Rahway 7-1793-J. a24-2t

>RTF.R AT RAHVVAYtip stpafly r-osit'on.Kt*1 mDnflRe" . Mr. Nichols.

mar6 tf


RIVF" FOP IJOHT DE'tVERVtrur and f" g w e ' il helper.Call Rahwa' 7-1(585 ofleld 4-9''S6 Ir.»er» wThe !>' £ Shop. 3 " '"avpnup f^lainfleld

9 8

^r 'NFI 1 OF.VTI^MANpd /o ' ('ooiman (tirkpt-toApply at Rshway Theatre.

* WO TtUCYCLES, 1« IN. FRONTwheels, aicellent condition mustsell 414 Mad*«"n avonnp Rohway 7-1793-J

'••AS RANGF GOOD CONDI-tlon, can be seen anytime. 405Central ave. Rahway 7-1715-R.

OCKBft RPANtBL PUPPIES,pedigreed stock. Irish Setterpuppies. Cr. Knighto Oa/ t Fer-managil. very chr*p. fuhway7-2340 W. or roll at »• o«hstreet. Avenel.

f)lT«r; M A N TO i^ABN * RADEand dMve ll^ht dHiver» truck.Steady work good P*T ApplyMilton Me»t Market.

8FBVJCE 8TATIOI* OP^ttA-tor ' >r Sunr>">y work orj'y Ap-ply "Cddl' s SeiWce S»«tlon.Main onH rnplnr ctioptjt« e3-U

" A N WANTED TO PRIVF ANDdelivpi food orders par* time.daily Parhman'i. 1521 Mainstreet.





MASON WORK. BRICK STEPS.sidewalks general repairs Jo-

EN IBS OF WASH. 25c, SOAPfr» , at the LAUNDERETTK. 8W Elizabeth avenu'-. I,lnden Wedo your wash in 30 minutes. 21Bendix auoimnMr washprs. Lin-den 2-2570. f27-12tFLOOR SAXDIXC. ANI» FINISH-

ing Frank P K^s. 135 w£s« ^ ^Main street Rahway 7-S3^R-T. LBJC. GEORGE DELICATESSEN,

a24-10t, 926 St. George Avenue, Rahway7-0053. catering to parties, wed-dings, salads, sandwiches made.

Dec. 5-tf


LINOLEUM S I N K . DRAINboards installed. Formica sinktops, counter tops, bar tops. etc.Asphalt tile available for im-


PlumJbing - Heating16



RAHWAY 7-1021March G-tf

SEE THEM TODAY! THE BEAU-tiful new Duo-Therm AutomaticFuel Of. Water Heaters arenew on display in our show-room and you can have one now.Come in and see them. RalphL. Smith. 444 West Grand ave-nue. Railway. ~ '


floors cleaned and waxed. West-field Specialties Co.. Inc.. 123Quinby street. Westfleld 2-5508.Evenings, Ranway 7-1330-J.

nov 27-tf

Professional Services

"\XOPHOKE - LEA EN TttFmodpin easy ~ iy Le"-y RackU76 Bryant ctrpft Rahway70870 mar6-3t

Situations W«ntp<iMale

HANDY MAN WOULD LIKEwork. Call Rahway 7-1533. be-twppn 5 p m and 7 p m.


WOHK OF ANY KIND WANTEDbetween 5 p. m. and midnightRahway 7-2824-W. Pred Bre-voort, 1118 New Brunswick ave-nue, Rahway.

Articles For Sale

TWO-PIECE GREEN FRIEZEriving room .suit«. Any reason-able offer accepted. 633 WestScott avenue. Rahway 7-0460-W.

1 >. ;• LNCH B. & G. CIRCULATINGpumps. Town Hardware, West-field avenue, Clark Township.

'OP SOU AND FILL DIRT.cinders, w»nd, grav»l. Carley>Trucking RetVlee. 5BS Fllzabpth street. o<jr. S. Ir""">n »"•nu» RahwAjr t-*l531"

a24 3t

"ATHINteTT«. MUAV PEN.Bullt-Rite eaniage, txelningseat, >*0. cotPrtete. i°83Maurice OVWIUP nnhway 71829-W.

"AMT COTTACW OROAN, INgood condition. 1!"' Broadway. Rahmay. N. J


BEAUTIFTIL HAND WOVENrag rugs, borders In all co'ors27x54 Inches. S2.S0: 3 ft. X 6 ft14.76. Do not send money, paypoeunati. A. P. Thierry. IBPotwsy Pl«<*. Nowark. N. J.


dinette fumifihings. Manyhousehold accessories, Includ-ing Ice bok. Exce'-lent condition.339 tower AJden drive, Rah-way.

TWO CHESTNUT F R E N C Hdoora J-'/4 ft. by 7 ft., and two6olid panel chestnut doors 7 ft.

by 2V* It.: one walnut diningroom table and chairs. 426 wMeadow avenue. Railway 7-0489.


ONE FEMALE GOAT. HEALTHY.balrgain. Michael Kupchuk.O»k Tree road, Iselin.



ins: chickens, dncks. Soup andfricassee; also fresh eggs. Free

delivery. Rahway 7-1160. Mea-dowbrook Poultry Farm.



PIANO INSTRUCTION, CHILD-ren Launht easily in your homeor at 723 W. Grand avenue.Phone Rahway 7-3114-W.


Painting, Decorating

REVOIR A DITMARS PAXNTKR8and paperhanjers. 974 BroadBtreet. Telephone Rahwnj 7-1684 Call after 6 PM ti

C. AND S. SPINELLA, PAINTING»nd decorating. Ulterior amd ex-terior. Pai>erhangin(i:, floors

~" scraped and finished. Specializ-ing in Dura seal life time finish,waterproof and 6cratchproof.Call RahWEy 7-3211 and Rah-way 7-3341-J.


MTNG8T BTUSIC STUDIO1152 New Brunswick Ave..

Phone Rahwir 7-0171.Nov 11 U

Help Wanted

CORDWOOD FOR SALE, CTJTto any length, for fireplace, fur-nace and stove, seasoned. Rah-way 7-1062.


Wanted To Buy

MRS. JAMES McCOLLUM. FINEfurniture, and rugs at whole-sale prices. Hand paintedjewelry, pottery, and textiles toorder. Studio. 34 W. Emersonavenue. Rahway 7-2993-R. "


BOOKS. OLD AND NEW COINS,pottery, glass, china, bronzeitems, old pictures, guns, swords,gold coins, music boxes, oddsand ends, antiques of all kinds.Rahway Book and AntiqueShop, 1346 Main street.

• • • - • • • - • a l o - 2 t

FOREIGN JOBS. MEN, WOMEN.Gov't. Private listings, hun-dreds skiled classifications. 16pages accurate information $1postpaid. Satisfaction guaran-teed. Foreign Jobs, Inc., Balti-more l, Maryland.


THREE 6.60x15 TIRES ANDfour tubes, good condition alsoice box. Price reasonable. Callafter 7 p. m. at 1133 Rahwayavenue, Avenel.


PAINTER, DECORATOR, PA1NT-lng inside and outside, paperhanging, price reasonable. Jo-seph Varany. 1425 Oak Treeroad. ISLlln. Phone Metuchen 6-1791-J. a3-4t

Help Wanted Female

GIRLS AND WOMEN WANTED.factory work. William R.

Kump Co.. 2182 Elizabeth ave-nue, Rahway, N. J.


WF.STINGHOUBE E l K C TRICranges with automatic timer.1947 models. We can make im-mediate installation. George R.HoBman. 1594 Irving street.

VEGETABLE PLANTS ANDfertilizer. Schlefersteln'e Farm.Madison H3U road, Clark Town-ship. «24-4t

Rooms Without Boardu

FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMSfor gentlemen. All Improve-ments. 195 Lewis street

FURNISHED ROOM FOR GENtlemeo. S09T Montgomerystreet, near Merck's. Mrs.Dolechek.

GIRL FOR CANDY COUNTER INRahway Theatre. Apply at



JOE BOZULICK — PAINTING AticcoTatlnp. inside and out. Pa-per hanRlng and floors scrapedReasonable prices. All jobs gua-ranteed. Estimates free. Alscwe have all selections of wallJsaper. cuaranteed washable. Allines of paint, very reasonable1324 Main street. Rahway 7-8026. mar6-12t

GIRL FOR LUNCHEONETTEand fountain work. Part-time.25 hours weekly. Experiencedpreferred. Apply at CountryClub Sweet Shop, iV2 "W. Grandavenue. al7-2t

CHEF —MAN OR WOMAN,Eicht hours dally. E.stelle Shop.1524 Irving street. Rahway.

PHILCO CONSOLE RADIOwith Inclined sounding board,*20; man's bicycle, 110. Wolfe.761 Linden avenue. Rahway 7-


FURNISHED BOOM FOR SINgle or couple. 78 East Hazewood avenue. Rahway 7-0935-M

NICELY FURNISHED ROOMfor gentleman on busjlne. Call

at 672 Jaqix*" «v»nup T?ah-way 7-2016-.T


Wanted To Rent

OR 4 ROOM APARTMENTunfurnished l-usini"" coup'.p.no »Mldrrn. no i—Ls. Box CCCcare Rariwnv NP-V* R«-orclRahway. N. J.


OR 5 UNFURNISHF.D ROOMSor ppartmTit f"«f v-'teran. w'ffand chik1. Bo« '"" 1 > r " N " 'Polm-nv H .7


3 or 4 UNFURNISHED ROOM?urRpntly ueedeH in Rah« av nivicinity. Will ('"coratp. Ci',El''.ab"th 5 4386 af'er 6 30 pm -•" w r t t « B o x P"1. ?ti.rp P n h«n> N " ' r > i . r " " l V»i . I .» B y . NJ , i' . 1 1 7 ?l

USINESS GIRL V'OUI -< MKFfurnished rooi"\ 'ith pii iairfaxni'y. loc»*ed in iirn •rnnnalso handy to 48 bus Viif


MMX F/»MILS IN FI ' INEKSIn tpwn wan* to rr it =M *i'm^nt nr ^i^use. ^Vha' ha' • VMIto offer' Write Box M? '•*•<R o n v . o v N P » < R . - M ' M.I . . . „,

N J,

5 ROOM APAPTMHN' FAM-ily ot three. 'n m prn'-'ir"Flprpont strep'. Comae' M •'Foster, Quirtn & Boden '"'


Beautiful 6 room house ti'ebath, modern kitchen, oil hpataittached garage. Ra>-mond L.Ruddy. Realtor. 196 E. Gran^nvonup Rehway 7 0040


FAMILY HOTJgE. 5 ROOMS &bath, «un parlor on ""ch floor2-car garage, gooH 'oration$11,300. Raymond I. Ruddy.Realtor, 4B6 E. OmnH svenue.Rahway 7-0040. a24-tf

WINTER BOME. KEANSBURG.6 rooms, convenient neighbor-hood, immediate possession:reasonable Phone Keansburg6-0670. alO-3t

VETERANS—4'3 ROOMS, OILburner, foilly insulated, lot. 50x100 feetr*$550. down.-$49. permonth. INSPECT -daily. 5-6p. m. Saturdays and Sunday?2-4 p. m. "Clark Manor." Rari-tan road, near Central avenueClark Township, opposite Char-lie Kelley's. H. A. Dieis. BrokrRahway 7-2977, Rahway 7-0853-R. al7-4t

FOR IMMEDIATE POSSESSION.Beautiful 6-room brick bunga-low; 2 tile baths, modern kitch-en with cabinets: gas heat.$12,800. Raymond L. Ruddy.Realtor, 196 East Grand avcnueiRahway 7-0040. a24-tf

RAHWAY—141 MADISON AVE-nue, 4 room bungalow, bathfurnace, large sun parlor, largeplot of ground 100x300, foiquicq sale. $5,500. 30 day.-possession. Rahway 7-0059. (StGeorge Delicatessen).


Lots For Sale

LOT—RESIDENTIAL SECTION.80 ft. x 125 ft. Oas. sewerwater to curb; paved road, side-walks. Apply 425 West Scottavenue. Rahway 7-1021.

Money To LoanMoney to Loan

On Bond and MortgageHyer & Armstrong

Rahway National BankBalldlnr, Rahvay. N. J

TWO S I N a L E FURNISHEDrooms for young married couple.References. 11 Poplar street.Rahway 7-3389-J.

UPRIGHT PIANO FOR SALE.Inquire 31 Kathryn street, ClarkTownship.

ALL HOUSEHOLD FURNITUREto be sold. 153 West Harelwoodjavenue, Rahway. 5:30 to fl;3Qp. m. a24-3t


SERVICINGFor Ai/Djlntment Call

Rahway 7-3114-WBetween 6-7:30 P.M.

OPPORTUNITY FOR MIDDLEased woman, white preferred, ascook. Able to read and write.LlRht cleaning tor 3 adults. Nochildren, no laundry. Comfort-able home, sleep in, radio,ample time off Someone pri-marily Interested in good per-oianeat home and consideratetreatment. References requir-ed. Last party with us 11years. RFD No. 1, Box 1022,Rahway. or phone Rahway 7.-0264 between 6-8 p. m.

NEW OLSEN RUG AND PAD.9x12. uphol.stered chair, studiocouch, foldihg cot. oak diningtable, chairs, all in excellentcondition. 1970 Rutherfordstreet. Rahway 7-2346-M.

LARGE FURNISHEp ROOM INprivate home, gtentleman pre-ferred. 69 W. Milton avenue.Rahway 7-D229-J. Call afterS p. m.

MORTGAGE MONEY—F. H. A.G. I.—B. & L. etc.. for purchasing, building, refinancing bungalows, houses, stores apartments, factories Interest rate a:low as 4 per cent for refinancing existing mortgage. Unliinlteifunds available. Honest, court-eous service. Peter A. SensenlgW Milton Si Esterbrook AvesRahway 7-1333.


Public SaleIn «ccora*n« with » . 8. «OiSO->tJ »n<| t .resolution, j u i u d by t.ti» n n » .

man Council at the City or Bah way, «t s regular meeting held on April9. 1B47, the City of Rahwty -will ofrer for Bale »t public auction to thehighest bidder on Monday, the 88th day of April. 1047, 10:00 A. M.. (Day-light Caring Time) at the City Hall, tfeb«r&y. New Jeney, the followingdeaorlbAd land* and premises:

fteal Estate Wanted


Commerical—IndustrialQuick Sales or Leases

Honest, Courteous ServicePETER A. SENSENIG

W Milton A EKterbrook Aves.RAHWAY. TeL 7-13-13

Estate Brokers

VTh FBKKMAN * BONRea] EsUte and Insoraoet

XfitAbttibDd 1893. 1469 Irving St.. near Cherry Bt



TelephoiM R*hW*y 7-1398Fto 8 tf



;hat the following Ordlnwicadduly


gp and approved on ftnsl

at H r»gul»r meeting of Com'"T\rll. Cl*v of Bai)w»y, Jd ,T

H « V o v o t t u c . A p r i l 3


B, MORTON,Olty Oi-rfc

AN ORI>!*A*:CK1>I ' ANTK t(1 amr»"«I an

Ordln*»nr» nil Hlpd "An Ordl-nanrf 'n limit o*ul ir«tr'rt tb«nun''»cr ol liquor '•' »•«*« in ihr<ii» <;' Kaliway."BF n O'lDAtNEP bv the Com'n»n

ouncil of 'h*> City of Rahway:BECTIO^ I That &cc*'^n 4 of the

irdlnwnce herelnabove quoted of'Mch 'his ordin«n( e Is amendatory' nnd the Rftme is hrrt-by am«*nrt '

thnt 't eKoJI rt-id ft* follow^:"Club Llren^es commonly calledCB Llrcn.<ve- ar*1 hpf°by fixel nnddete'minod for the C!fy of Hnh-wny to be not mor*1 than Ten(10) in li'imber 'SECTION 2. Thnt all Ordinances or

mrte of Ordlnnrv PS inconsistentlOrewlth ** Rr»d t h ; O«TT»O oro )\«r©ky«* pealed.

SECTION 3. This Ordinance eh.aHake effect Immediately after final

nnrt puhHrntion n^rordlnK to,aw.


he final account of tha subBcrlber.Executor ol the Ust Will and Testa-

ent of ANNIE E, TITMAN. deceased,Ml) bo i\"dlt*»rt nntl stp*ed by thevirrou;it'>, nnd rr ported lor KC* tle-

nent x^> the Orphans' Court of theounty of Union, on Friday. th<* 6thl»y of June n»xt nt B 30 A. M.

JOHN E RARGER.Exe<*utor.

Dated April 21st. 1947,NeedeU &. Needell. Proctors5 Eiist Cherry Rt .

Rahway. N Jaw5w Fees S5.20



By virtue of a« order of th* Courtf Chancery of the State of New Jer-

sey, made on the 14th day of April,947, In a cause wherein THOMAS. BROWN 1-s petitioner and you are

defendant, you are hereby requiredanswer the petition of petitioneror before the 16th day of June

next, and in default thereof, suchdecree will be rendered, apainat yous the Chancellor shall think equit-

able and Just.The object of Bald suit is to obtain

a decree of divorce between said pe-itioner and you.

EUGENE F. MAINZEB,Solicitor ot Petitioner45 E. Milton Avenue,Rahway, New Jersey.

Dated: April 17. 1947.


We the undersigned, being theofileers or board charged with theduty of making assessmenta for bene-its under and in accordance with

the provisions of Chapter 152 lawsof 1017 and the supplements andamendments thereto, do hereby Rivenotice that the 9th day of May, 1047,at 10:00 A. M., at the City Offices.1470 Campbell Street, Rahway, NewJersey, has been fixed by this boardas the time and place for the hear-ing of all persons interested in thematter of the construction of a sani-tary sewer In the southerly elde ofE. Hazelwood Avenue from the ex-isting sewer In Clark Street easterlyfor a distance of approximately 210feet, together with the necessarymanholes. "Y" or "T" branches, etc..and to provide for the assessment ofthe cost thereof as a local improve-ment.

As authorized by Ordinance ad-opted by the Common Council onfinal reading November 13th. 1946.and that at such time and place allpersons interested will be given nhearing and may present any matterto be considered by the undersignedin connection with the said assess-ment either in writing or in person.

Board of AssessorsHOWARD C. MADDEN


Legal Notices



ceived by the Board of RecreationCommlsalonera. 'City of Rahway, N. J.at a special mating to be held atthe Administration Building. 60 W.Main St.. Monday evening, May 6that fl :00 P. M., for the construction ofa Ballfleld and Playground area tobe located on Slock 683 at Russelland Princeton Aves. and Grove St.

Plans. SpeclficfttfluC —.^ -relatsJdocuments may &e examined at theRecreation Offices and if taken there-from a depoelt of »fi.00 will be re-quired, which amount will be re-funded upon the return of the docu-ments witnm fire flays after tne DWShave been opened.

Each bid must be accompanied bya certified check made parable to theBoard of Recreation Commissioners,C"y of Rah way. In an amount equal

Legal Notices

to at leut 10 T0 of tho totalbid. mu«t be .ubmitua ujlform to bt «uppli«i by th. j?"tendent ot Recreation up(!

T h e Bonrfl of Recreation <v•1OMT. rcaerve. t h . r l K h . ! ? °any or all bid. and to wrel•lltlea therein, u by M d


beat interest of th* cit? ar?°*WILLIAM T BOY??

8uptrlr,ter,d,.Dt o f ,

THURSDAY, APRIL 34, 1947~ - - - ' • ' •

Dr. Henry N. Tur8urreoo-ChlroD<xiUt

UM Irtlat St.* Tel » , 7

YOUTHS BED, NEW MATTRESS.artificial fire place and electricIOKS; washing maohine. 524East Milton avenue.

WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRICwater heater, 80 gal. captclty.$178.95. We can make Immedi-ate installation. No down pay-ment. Three years to pay.George R. Hoffman, 1594 Irv-mg street.

Tax Atlai ofCltr of Rabwa;, N. 1.

Block Lot*

107 6 and 7

118 I t and 19


Washington Street

Lenlngton Street

Approximate Minimal*Frontage Offer

a 180.00







8. 3, 4;». S. 10,33. 114,37. 36.31. 32.

, S6 an«

and 8

». 6.)21.)

35.)39.)33.)SB )





vllle Avenue

620 Ft.

80 Pt.



Terms and conditions of sale on file at the office of Receiver of TaxesCltf BUI, lltO Campbell Street. Rahwmy. New Jersey.


City CWk.


We the undersigned, behitf theofficers or board charged with, theduty of making assessments for bene-fits under and In accordance withthe provisions of Chapter 152 laws of1917 and the supplements and amend-ments thereto, do hereby give noticethat the 8th day of May. 1947. n«10:00 A. M.. at the City Offices. 1470Campbell Street. Rahway. New Jer-sey, has been fixed by this board asthe time and placo lor the hearingof all persons Interested In the mat-ter of the construction of sanitarysewers ]p Mn i«} r) Aveniio from —%V-Meadow Avenue to a point near WLake Avenue. In Hemlock 8treet fromMadison Avenue westerly for a dis-tance of approximately 330 foetthrough lands or the City of Rnhwayfrom Hemlock Street to W. Lake, Ave-nue and thence easterly In W.- LakeAvenue for a distance, of approxi-mately 180 feet., together wltb thenecessary manholes, "Y" or "T"branches., etc.. and to provide fothe assessment of the cost thereolas a local improvement.

As authorized by ordinance rtdopted by the Common Council onIlnal reading pctober 33. 19413. an,that at such time and place all per-sons Interested will be Riven a hearIng and may present any matter tbe considered by' the undersigned 1connection with the said ofleesemen'cither in writing or In person



HfiT,P WANTEDA^istnnt F.ngin«"pr an<7 Pippli

|>«*ri*»n<" <l <!• aft«m;in with knnv I«

w ^ i i t « * H f- r c o t i j i r ^ i ' t i o n a n < J <

{ , j n | ; " » . • i . . - ; , ) , , . , , i »

, < . . . i


•' I'• ' F t

) | ) | ft .\IK,R C

( ity Hall . Rahway. N. J.



10 Sq. Ft. Mln2 in. SUts

Also Available in Aluminum

' THIS NEW SEAL OF QUALITYis orte good way to identify Venetian blinds made w:;h galvan-ized, bonderlred flexible steel slats. Their long-life beauty ca:.".be marred )y rust, chipping, or splitting, yet the flexible stre'

.slats bend .'or easy cleaning. Tapes available in colors to matclyour decorating schemes.


1162 E. GRAND ST. EL. 5-2404



7&es46M&4t7U*e*S<Ye», that is right.... We almost never exaggerateexcept occasionally when we get back from a fishingtrip or the golf course. That is why you can believeui when we say that we furnish sound insuranceplaced with good capital 6took-comp*nic»; -that *!.can give you and your business the attention whichit desefves; and that we are proud of the recordwhich this insurance agency has established, w e °not say that we are the best agency in the commu-nity, but we Jo think that we are one of the best. » °Will welcome the opportunity of proving it to you.

Our advice costs you nothing and places joa ,

under no obligation.

Bauer-Brooks Company1480 IRVING ST. RAHWAY

PAOK m a* • • - • — ' • •

fet yew 8«y'i orGirls Communion


GABARDINE SUITSCorrrpKe w i t h s h o r t s . ] ( . • • • •h f r . . . . . *Md tie. S i z e s a to to


\ (,IRLS'DRESSESSVs'3"to'6x $4.98

;- 710.]4 $4.98 &r' ' "


J i . n o to $» .08

Jack & Jill K;<f<JSe Shcc157<> IVfATN S T R E E T RAHWAY

1 v i \ i >

Coal PricesAre Down!(UJR NEW SUMMER PRK :i"a


Order y o u r next y ° a r R supp ly of

F u e l N«nv am] <jpf qual i fy rnnl ;«r

ihf H17P yotl rprjnir f

At the New T,ow Frier

Call RAhway 7-1000

Chodosh Bros. & Wexler36 E. GRAND AVE. _ RAHWAY, N. J.






Jane Logan ShopF<junlain Service — Luncheons — Dinners

Special Sunday Dinners $1.25SBHVED FROM 12:30 TO 7:00 P. M.

Dinner Strvvt Daily from i i» 7 P.M.—ttfi t» Jl.J* »l» carteLuncheon Serrerf Doily Irsm J! to 2 F. M.—5 coafms T*t to Bit

STORE HOURS;—Dally 11 a.m. to 11 p.m.Sundays 12:30 to 8 P. M.

Jane Logan Shop1101 IRVINC STREET

.Opposite A. St P. SupermarketRAHWAY, N. J.

J. H. Grey. Prop.

Rahway High WinsConference Game

Dawn Cranford 8-4 ta PostG a m Here Yestenfor

Playing yesterday afternotfn inan unexpected Immediate play-off of the postponed conferencesame with Cranford the RahijjajHigh baseball team rose to \>eflform of tho sea.«jn to win 6-4Dunran on the mound for Rah-way held the Cranford battersto only .five htu. Rahmcf madefive errors and Cranfc 1 iurshowing l»ck of practice m» rv

by both

Trup«, JbAppjegft*.Nidlef. rtKeller, ssTaylor ib

ek. IfKloea, n>>



Though moderate in cost, ouf

service is complete in appointment,

and modern and ««tisfactory in sup-


Albert E. Lehrerr C N I B U 0 I H E C T O B







L. Burivtt.Scanlon


Colored MinisterGue3t For Dinner

»»vr. J. w. P. Collie* to be FetedTonwrrow Nlsbt Here

A testimonial dinner and re-ception will be erten for Hrv. J.

£ P . Collier tomorrow st 8 p.m..the eve of hi* retirement fol-Inc twenty-six years of sendee

by the officers and members ofthe Ebenezer AJA.E. Church

Rev. Collier's retirement winbecome effective on May 7th atthe annual conference of theNew Jersey A. M. K. in NewarH.Mis. Collier will al*o be honored»t the reception.

Chairman for the ceremonieswhich will be heW at the Hzenezerchurch wVl be Gilbert D. Browrt.Sr. Other commibtce member*are MM MiMred K. BTown. I' t""Vims and ftoberta Hart.]»v

Score by 'nntnirwCrnnfoM 023 000 0 4B«hw»T 010 311 It—6

Twos h&se hits. And»r5On. Co»mn9Double plays. ChrlBtl**. 'unasftlstod)Hit by prtch«d ball, by WchorburS-K-ller Bdnei oft bo"», of W-herb'irg,2; off r>urt<-4n. 3 strire* o»it, byWeherburg2. by Dun-an, 0 Op-p)rv"""'•zow and Ccnbp Svorf H ' '

f"««KIJ««»d om Pae« •-••


The flrst Spring Dance eversponsored by the Music I3opart-ment of the High School P.-T. A.win be held Friday night in thegym with proceed* irolnir for cholngowns. Thornton Monez is gen-eral chairman and Howard Keileywil direct tne schont ASDCP btntfwhich will furnish rtrusie. Urs.Margaret ftirke and student com-mittee hare charge of dccKrallonsand P.-T. A. ex«culive board mem-bers wll; serve as chapernne*.


A miscellaneous shower wastendered Miss Barbara J. Brun-nlng in honor of her approachingmarriage to Albert P. Kirsteinwith Mrs. George Brawling, of363 Orove street hostess. Pintand white decorations prevailed.MLss Brunnlng is the daughter ofMr. and Mrs. W. J. Brunning of1323 Maple terrace.

Al No Extra Cost!" f HBKTS mr ItHctart ot e*r-• rftfit ehmrtt ffMn jf(»o Mo

raar ttatg** at OvMtstnttt **anier** otHrnnteUlM M M Mf «Y«pcf i f pre»Brrt«tf ejrv-

P*ot B.


fo MtekMami* PmtttOpen Daily 8 A. M. to • P, tt.

Ab* Frt * 8«t ETM.

Goldblott'sCrwlh JeweJw. * OptlotuB


Catholic InformationC*ntlnu«d from T*te T»o

doesn • matter I ve seen scorps ofthem rile—these Catholics -andwlthont cxrgptl'n earh '•alls for »priest and »lso •vlthout e* 'er*lo»ieach r>assr-( on *ey"gned>' if thepriest h*"1 f»n»^ in tim*- F^inriytHlngl

Funny* I ' s the n'ost naturaltrtlng 'n the world if ore uncWstands thr "nportanot tp a C8'no-lle Of Vs* Sarrr'n*7-'.s and thrnflCi fbr ** t'*'^w* f"» t»rir*tip if *.aTi"g them.

No matter how fautles* the dy-ing C«th''lic, MO matter how ro-cf*nt'y he ma? h^ve confp^seH hissins to 9 pr)<"»t. wtwn dea'h ai>"preaches it Is his greatest desireto make a flr>al confession, to re-ee've his Ood rn HoW Communiort.to have the healing gra^os of Ex-treme Uu^tion- to pass 'in to hasGod Wi'-h <*VPTV po"iblp preparfttlon.

This Is what Is known as a"Happy death." for which everyCatholic prays throughout life,for which he yearns afid callswhen he •* aware of his criticalcondition. That is why the Cath-olic prie3t is ready day or night.fair weather or foul; to rush tothe side of the sic* or dylnj).Tbst is why he wilt risk plagueor pestilence, "hot or shrtl. danrerof any kind, to reach him whocalls for those a races of Oodwhich the priest Blone can arf-minlster.

The Catholic priest may or maynot be a good preacher. He mayor may not have a pleasing per-sonality. He may or may not havethe average amount of humanweaknesses.

• But when he stands npon Chealtar of God and when he ad-ministers tne Sacraments, we be-lieve he is exercising Gr>d-g!venpowers with the same validity andefficacy as did Peter and the otherApostles who received their man-date from Jesus Christ, Himself.•1900 years ago.

BUSINESS MEN OUTINGOftvt Schwart* has contri-

buted an interesting newspaperwhich unfortunately v e cannotreproduce of the Rahway Busi-ness Men's Outing Sept 1, 1S26.Included are many men nolonger with us as well as somewho would not recognize theirpicture today. The group In-cluded: President Charles W.Bowers, Secretary C. A. Ward";Treasurer David Schwartz, FireChief Walter Ritzman. SheriffHarry Simmons. Mrt^or ThomasA. JPyfie. Raymond L. MorUin.Herman Grips, Charles Chal-conas, Louis Truppa, AnthonyHor!in«. James Klase. JosephKagan. Louis Miller. J. P. Kln-dernay, Councilman Russell S.Hofl. Ernest Lachman. StephenKuhar. John Roihmann. A, D.Lambert. P. H. Cordes, ThomasBauer. Nelson Taylor, ErnestHalasz, Ivy Brown. Hal B. Als-ton. r t I -d Bowrt , Bela Varosi.Peter FVIedl Wlllinrn FVerrh. r J. Burton, 'amesDonne"v TPH Rowltr-i, J''inTracy. The p»"«o •••>- -•

" ' I'l'pr •: B e n r h

jLuncteon Program) For Summer Campt ^ ~I Actlvitie* of Day Camp Introduced| At Program Here

[ A nncfteon and caret party des-: tgned to Introduce the activities|of the GHrl-Scout Day Camp toleaders, mothers and the Girl

TrinityConHnwrl froin Two

lee n"d on May 2 f ' h the ««• ndMil*- Blb'» Class '"»<>i'f--' -•.^^nterast Sunday

Sunday evetiins rti"mfvrs ofUnion Courvtl, No. 3 ' . , ' ' . O. IT.A. M. and merrbers of Star ofRahw-3? Council No 11. Di>'iuh-tors of Amer'oa flMd Junior M P -chanirs Boy- rinh Vf'lted TrinityChurch and heard p spec'al ser-mni "T>IP Chtm>' an<i Btate-Hlvirtpd T/iyalt! " The servic*opfned the fine' we<-k of the 75thanniversary of »»<•• I™T>I TimiorOrder Council

Every Catholic knows this. Thatis why, when death comes onapace, frc '•alk for a priest any

If it's anv'tiinn Cnthollr ft<;lc (tCatholic!

Holy Name Men of Rahway.



RUSSELLDecorating Service

IS* MAPLE AVE.. AVENEL, • . Woodbrldge 8-1611\-OHet-tkrh ter the-p»mMnir


ReginaRahway Agency


Vacuum Cleaners• Floor Polishers

• Elektrikbrooras•^ Smoothcut Can Openers

Have Your Old Regina Vacuum REPAIREDCALLED for and DELIVERED







RAhway 7-0561

For Demonstration


4-5 Rooms $15.6 Rooms $20.


RAhway 7-3083

Ideal Trucking

NOW READY^-For~hmi«rdiai"te~ Insraltattoh]




j at the Girl Seont HoOse, by theDay Camp Committee. The DayCamp will be held on Tuesdays.Wednesdays and Thursdays fromJuly 8 to 24.

Mrs. Fred Peacock was chair-man for the afternoon with Mrs.

! Kenneth Ughthipe, co-host«ss.1 Members of the Day Camp com-l mlttee are Mrs. Ughthip*, chair-|man; Mrs. A. C. Brooks, Mrs. a.; Black. Mrs. Oeor&e Murphy, Mr3.E. Kubti, Mrs. Maai-i e- Riv-hmornand Mrs. Kathorin*


Opening of the new HebrewCommunity J'ouso was celpbri>t(>dlast night by the auxiliary to thec o n g e s t i o n Samuel Robi.isonwelcojn«d the men"b<v ^ ar>1 GeorgeKagan. ch'irmar of the buildingronrnlitep upolce on the dllHc'tl-ti"-i wW"h st«p^ in th* path ofs '"R B new home Follcnrlng

the meeting, refreihinenta wereserved, Tho eoasftlttM include^Un. Harold Cottetl, Mrs. JacobCohen, Mn. Leo Rich, Mrs. Hil-ton Kntsberf, Mrs. Betnsrd Gor-don, Mrs. Harry B?to*> MM. Vlvl-»-n oorota and Mr«. Jaek Baze'r.

JEWISH MEETINGOn Monday April 28th at the

local synagogue the women's divi-sion of ihe American Jewish Con-gress m«t, the progriRi fo fea-ture Roosevelt'i memorial and BigThree Unity. Refreshments will Ibe served.




•«hw«y 7-2ISC




VM OR, F*)* o«»Lvnni COMFOKf

Chodosh Bros & W©xfer


v oV 7 r o o o



Smoked Calis 4Sc 1b.Fillet Mignon 79e \b.

Sliced or by Piece

Pure Lard lb. ctn. 29c lb.Boneless Forelegs

LAMB 49c Jb.


VEAL . 49c lb.

Boneless BrisketCORNEDBEEF . 59c Jb.

Sliced Bacon'/.lb. 33c

HAM SALAD lb. 59c

TUNA & MAC. SALAD lb". 49c.

Schrimp & Mac. SALAD lb. 19c

TOSS SALAD lb. 29c

French Dress

COLE SLAW lb . 29c

P O T A T O SALAD . . . . lb . 25cHOME MADE

BAKE BEANS lb. 25c

CANADIAN BACON .'/2lb. 60c

HAM. Imported Style y2lb. 75c

HOT JEWISH RYE & ROLLSEvery Afternoon (Sun. Incl.)

Birdseye ApplesatireBirdseye Peaches . . .Birdseye Spinach . . .Birdseye Corn

23c-31c.21c. 19c

Beach-Nut Coffee . 45c lb.Drip or


Pineapple Preserv. jar 25cTEA GARDEN

Grape Juice qt43cNESTLES

iMorsels . . . . 2 1 c

Apricot* . . . 2,ScLi.ran

FLAGSTAFFGrapefruit . . 19cDelMONTE CRUSHPineapple . . 15cMARASHINOCherries . . . 29c

CHEFS BEST REDC a b b a g e . . . 1 5 cSWIFTS DRIEDBEEF 33cWHITE ROSEWax Beans . 23cB. 4 M.Brown Bread 21cLily of ValleyCream Corn . 19c

We Cater ToParties, Weddings, Ete.

BEERBalentinePabstTrommersReingoldBreidt"s, etc.

We Also Carry a

Taylor's WinesTawny PortSherry'ott_

SanterneBilrgamlyDry SherryFull Line of Whiskey



Large Oranges . doz. 29cWINBSAP—EXTRA FANCY

Apples 3 lbs. 29eYOUNG TENDER

Yellow Squash 2 lbs. 29cLARGE SUNKIST

Lemons doz. 39cCALIFORNIA

Carrots 2 bun. 15cSEEDLESS

Grape f ru i t . . . 4 for 25c

Delivery RAhwayJtAHWAfMJ



Page 4: SPRING SALE DAYS! f/ pecotb RAHWAYS HOME ......White embroidery. 45x3C Reg 1 ix34. reg. 59c. $2.50. Now 47c Floral Printed Table Cloths In Red and blue. 42x42. $1.00 Calloway Table

» • ? *



SCORFS COMMUNISMMcmb'rs of Railway Council.

Kn' wins of Columbus la.st weeklief d n powerful t-alk by John'.at an of E'izapplh Council No.5 Kptphts of Columbus last'v "ti the subject of f f f - n i n

ism. Eugene Kenna. of Hahway.District Deputy spoke on state af-lalts. The meeting was in chargeof Grand Knight Thomas EFlanaoin. vith Phl'\p O'Ne"l. sec-r c u t ' = • " ' "<•>•••• i n . -


I ' . . : Irvine Kt R t h w i j 7 2666



< \NT -i? HIONF


IT;I.H;KAM-<M- \ \v







Boilers Cleanedand


D O D D S Heating EngineeringPlumbing - Heating Installations - Repairs

R Aim ay 7-3128 Railway, N. J.

Mode lRailroad Exhibition

Central Jersey "Model Railroad Association -

137 ELM STREET, WESTFIELDiBehind Cities Service)


Friday, Saturday, SundayApril 25, 26, 27 - May 2, 3,4

May 9, 10, 11Fridays. 7 to 10 P.M. — Saturdays, 2 to 10 P.M.

Sundays. 2 to 6 P.M.

ADULTS 30c CHILDREN 20cTax Included

Baptist ChurchContinued from Pagi- Two ,

meeting and received H"" annualreports Rev. Edwin A. Oolds-worthy g«ve the Invocation. Fortymembers narUcip'»P5ar In 'he din-"«r served by Uciie-. of ihr • hurch.

Office's named by the Fid-ilsCuss of F'rst Bapt'st Church ata mTtlnK held at the home ofMrs Victor Roulund with Mrs.sLloyd Hr-k and M- s. N'U~n an Brayas joint >">stes.v= are »- follows-Prp.s'dpnt Miss May* VouRht:first vice-president, Mrs. ThomasB. T"omp; "»cond vlcr presidentMrs Ttctw Ronlund: secretaryMis J Kenneth Abbott: In-asiir

M's. T»"?od"re Bollii"? Ti tallation w'll be ''eM at •>" M»v

eeurff at the ' h u ' r hMrs. William F Kulr "as

named chairTnan of dinn' r I'- be;PIVI'I In ronn'-'-Hon wit1' t h ' an-nii.il IMI« n«"s m«etlnK of theenure'1 I" h~ held Friday. M*« 9Fli»r • f >T P rumm«*"p «n • ' » be

i'l n* 'lie chinch ^ • • " o < ' i t i-1


m i > •••>

May IChunc h i l l i '

m i l ' 1



ITc as- will Iiar'~w T/drk City en

vis -'IK ('a'var-iU o y r i ''<«•

\v PI *



': i« thp

H ' l l ('<>• D I ' r T 5 M.File r_ndi«"; Anviliary to

Ra)i«av Mcombine "colU"tioi>pan wa? smorrf v af

Main and

f ' - >

f clothing f -t R- ro'fpr«'s toda* and 'o-thp va'-int stti-« atMo'lro*1 si»«eti for

merly occ-'Dipd by 7hp Art PrintShop All members an*i- friendsar1* urePd to gpt the'r donation-to thp center as early aspossinlp

Chapel ServiceiContinued from Pate One)

?.er; Arrangements. Charles Bruntand Halph C. Sammonds.

As 'old in the News-Record '.astweek the chapel started .is theEast Rnhway Sunday School or-Kanized in 1867 and \n 1870 theSecond Presbyterian Church hadbecome spo»vsor and Trustees ofthe c)'ur<-h decided Jo erpct nchapel at s> cost of J5.000. Thechapel was dedicated in 1871 asGrand Street Chapel of SecondPresbyterian Church. In 1884 Mr.Han ' ' W. Wnrd becarne secretaryand ^rved as such until 1911whet* he be™mf superintendentand served i s superintendentuntil hLs dpath in 19S2.

In 1896 thp 25t'i anniversarywas observed jmd In 1921 theflftlpth »nniversaT program con-ducted Tn 19^7 during the pastornte of Pev. James W Laur<ea' 5?econd 'Pre.sryterlan Churcha Ri'nday eveninir servl' •» programwas lnnui!i1"\tPd with rrincetonT>ieoloplc?l Sem'iary s1'"'1*"'1

•"•rvins n* student pastorsChapel Sunday School Si'oer

intendpnts include Randolph TV-('arr'o. 1H67-1P71; Edv-ar-i Collins. 18711880 18831883 'R841887 ' i j 'Fred 'HarryC'hail'-Adam

'»80; Edword f PotterGeorRr W. Wa'orn

'Vil'lam E' B. Corso-

' "'orshonW Wnrd.Nordm-vpr.

R.-inkin". 19^fi.l9pastors since 10"'

Veils. 18841887 1890:1890 1911:1911 1932:1937 " ' '


S' Ma 'vs Holy Name Societywill hold 'ts annual Fa'her andSon niKht at S' Marys auditor-ium Wednesday evening. Anril 3dwhen an extensile program of enter*<\1nment will be presented foran anticipatpd large <:3thpTinE


If irr>u want n rrfrigrrator that will accommo-date a lot of food and keep it right : : : if you'rewilling to fc»<^o dp luxe accessories, then here'sthe one for you. Seven cubic foot capacity:Quality built • all steel cabinet, Fiberglas insu-lation, famous Weatinghou»e hermetically-sealedrefrigeration system. It 's a thrift sensation.

GET A WfestinghauseMODEL E-7-W



and only


Tnti fakv.


1464 MAIN ST., at Lewis

RAhway 7-2956

Is your car Winter Weary?BRING IT TO US FOR A

Spring Tune-UpRedueed Prices on Firestone Batteries

Tires - Accessories - Parts - Ignition






Dr. Foster Orton. son of Dr.and Mrs. George L. Orton. of Elmavenue and a resident of 911Bryant street has bepn named aFellow In American Society ofAnesthesists. following successfulcompletion of required examlna-ion. Dr Orton. who Ls associated

with his fathpr nnd brothpr DrStuart Orton In practice here,graduated frorn the University ofPennsylvania and PennsylvaniaM»dical College, served with theU S. Navy in convoy duty to Rif.sla and Iceland and following aTWriod as officers 1n cri.-irsc ofanesthesia departmpnt Pi Brock-yn Naval Hospital. wa~ n~r>\Ri °r'to Fiel ' UnU No. 1 for -• • 'TT.. 'I qnd Two Jlma

St. Marys11 ititinuP'1 fr-vn P.ute One1

John Ballwer ' " i t ' «•'•--m.n.ip.-'-hn HprityUc' prptte-^. Mary F'iznbpt1

Post. Betty Ann Trott*". Betnndette Slonakec. Clairp SullivanJoan Oi--n. Kathleen Ki'n"» ly:Parkinp. James Crowpll. 'lotwrt

UallarNy. William F ' " ' " - '"heck, n1 -hard Biand

( \> -p. - 'ncludf ' Prps'rl' i W ^,;>'' " Ynt kf Vifp ; • . " 't n Cn'*.r 'pi Tt T.'I

2nd FVrs.



nh rnrporn ti' n UTTP P . F.Ui. Robpf I. Jonns «nd Dan-Koch: •reasU'er. Hainld

d: dupl'" tioasuip' Mrs. THnberts Auditing member?

named as follows* Fred Gerchairman; Albert O>!islo

n Jost. William Poswe'l anc-'nard Lindsay.Hismi.ssion of th° fiscal pro-

m f'n the cominR vear follow-the election with J. Fdwarqptrin^ Pivinp thp rrr"** "f f | ir

N-MMiai Commitiee.

'(•'•r.tlnned fro.-n Pa^c• Or.p

setting for the .\iijiv. A woman'schorus will be 'eatured and the•nd men will serve as waiters

The 22 specialty numbers wll! ex-lend the show over a two and ohalf hour period. Dincins willfollow.

Mrs. Roy Eise is.general chnir-man of the program and Mrs.Elizabeth Madden is chairman ofthe program committee. All mem-bers of the association are co-


ATLANTIC CITYTHE Marlborouqh-Bl*nh*iffl !i known through-out th» United SUt. i andCanid« «i on* of Amir.ic*'» fin«tt r#wr+ hotalft.

Itt atmoipfitr* of r«fin«-mtnt. Us t«t«ct«d cli«n-t«U. !h courttout strvic*.itt ftn» music, iti spaciouslounginq rooms, aitansivaiun-a«CK, «nc!ot«d lotaiia,shaded porchat and sa-cludad . nook*, ^Jt, >t *nthdtvldualify and* charm

' diitinctly its own which hasappaalad ov«r the yaars to*n avar-widaning circla ofdiscriminating guaits.


Joil.t Whlf. 1 Som. Lid.

' turn 4ffc«flcCJfr S-12'l



LINNELL & BROWERElectrical Contractors589 W. GRAND AVE.

Rahway, N. J.

Phone Rah. 7-1182-R—7-3117






RAhway 7-2839


The mnrriagt; of Lt. Evelyn M.Kokes. Navy Nurse Corps, to Lt.Cmdr. H Russell EnnLs. M.C.. U.S.Navy, at Tsingtao. China on April5th has been announced by Mr.nnd Mrs. John K-okes.

The bride was Riven in marriageby Cart C H. Cnmjins. M.C.. n &Navy. Lt Cmdr. Ann Check ofPerth Ambov *va= the maid ofhonor Cm'1' T " "«>< was bestmar tf'

A nativr of Omnon. the brfdehns served with the Nivy for thepast four years. She is asslcned tothe U.S.S_ Repose.

CmrmmiPt Ennl« is tho son ofMr nnd Mrs M F F.nnii of 1434Campbell street A member of St.M'iry s Churrh. he is a crariuateof S' Pi-'er's OolleKf1. Jersey City.and Now York Medical Colege Helias <.ovrd with the Navy for fiVe.ind a half year.« and during theii- i p.T t icipnterl in nction in ther.Tff-r. Atlanti" and McrMterrp Ti-tan 7 h'1 ronplr expert ', 'i^tn1-'- (o• >i I-.- ' " i in ' iy in t hr f" " ' ' ' "

Philadelphia. He was an Intern atOrange Memorial Hospital. He ser-ved with the U.S. Navy during thewar and saw service In SouthernEurope and off the Normandy


Ml ->nd Mrs Fduin M D"rnnrlnf '295 W«'-'Mi" >n nveruip, I'-^ve

PTV.'aEpr^'t'n' nfloinn*1. to Dro' Dr nnd Mrs

'•' '96 Elm nvp-

:in!)'"'-irp'l thrIhnir lauulit-r.Stunrt ' i i 'on, sofifoi '!P L (">' tor't m r A du tp ' " ' ' ' ' ^ " ' ' ' i i n j ; I>DC" • i t be>r<\ s p t

Miss Huran'l is n 'rrnrl'ln'^ ofRnhwny High 'M lu>nl ^rul is MOWattendirt* Ncv Ir's*.\ C'nN- t fnrWomen Sh*1 is ,T w mhpt a1 tlu

ifr'ind Frr-byU ' ••!• av'•>p Tidtian Cl'ir-

D-. Ort-m is a f rndnr ' r nf Rah-

vny Hlj;h Sr-lvnl. Onkf T'niver'-'ljind J"ffp'son Mr'iif^l ' V J I P ^ P ip

opprat'nrj in thn sa'o rr tiMcotsa n d ' in a u n T t u c m T i i f < " ' i - . ' p i - t


DOUBLE MEMBERSHIPSAt a department meetim? with

Mr.s. Donald C. Wolfe. 443 Grovestreet last week-end it was votedto purchase 100 rnerjjf.r.sbips in

the Opera Guild for nextwhich Is double the number wlTthis year ennbled students to u,"La Travlata" at the MetropolisOpera House. Miss Doris Soout .the student body expipss,.dstudents' appreciation Mrs rge L. Orton Ls chairman uvi,Joseph A. Kenna proEmn r\man. A luncheon m«-»i>ni! »-,held May 16th wiUi MrF. Weinheimer. of «•street.


GREEN'SFor thoso wlin have been wnitiim

h••• <- just rtM'cived a full shipuuMH <

Window Shade'/ nur r <ni \ 11 7 iu<"\ 1:0 1 <

N m i\r> •-

GREEN'S•'••r ( "nvrn 1

MATN \ \ \










If your telephone isn't working, simply mail your order to us on a pennypost card. We will deliver it Saturday.Stop in for some rards—they're free


Rib ROAST 4 8 , , I Chuck Roast 39SNOW WHITE VEAL

Legs VEAL 3 9 k I Rumps VEAL 39,,R I B





25c lb.



38c lb.





NOW?blue coal'at REDUCED Prices!

— Now you can start filling your Lin with"America's Finest Anthracite"-cleaii, long-!>uruing 'blue coal.' There is no substitute-It's the BEST.

Ask Us About the

"Friese 'blue coal9 Heating Service"A COMPLETE service for COMPLETE comfort and saving-

George M. Friese,Incorporated





Use the Classified Ads For Result*


RAHWAY. NEW JERSEY. TIHBSDAY. APRIL 24. 1047 Telephone RAhway 7-0600

>n Post NamesStudent For Post

R«"iaM Breslow N a m e ' toT>"»« S ta f at Rut

<jers U.

Rp'inl'1 Breslow. so" of Or andMrs A E. Breslow was namedreprpspn'ative to Bov.s' State atHutirrs Univenity with Fred-fru-k Hall, alternatp. by P^'^wayPast. 5. American Lc"..in Theamcided by-laws were (riven sec-onr1 rp.i'llng at a week-e'id rce t -.ni; inr' will com" up for <Vi •' <\~iin .it the neft session.

Tn'auirer A. E Adams. Jr wasnamprl <-l'alrmftn and former <-om-manfipr Emil Neugebauer. corha-rnaM of the 'innua' clprribakp.probably to be held at RoyalOa 'let's in June Flans verp nado(or <h* showing of Hunt Bro? cir-co- M"y 10. Samuel Rogers andT r* Rvans. Jt u-ere -pcp'vpdinto m •iberslitp. Coin.nn dpr i nFarbpi nnd Spnlor V'I <"rvma'H''i William Hood; •;.'!*• r ps'iilng honots. «p,.,- ...I. ttant pro tpr-


A donation of $25 was Tiadp toaid fire victims in Texas City, nta mpp"ng of the Ounty C'"inci]of th» Attvillarv to V F W hp)dhere uver the week-end. Plaasuerp made to attend annivei-nndinner of C)ark Heasllp Auxiliary.We-stfield. April 24. Election ofcounty ofifcers will take place onMay 20th at Elizabeth.

Mr.s Catherine Dietz and MrsA. J Boyle of Rahway wp>e incharge of the social period MrsCharles Gall of the local nn»niarv spired as treasurer

CONTINUE DANCESThp new series of dances spon

sored by St. Mary's Alumni Asso-ciation continued Friday night atSt. Mary's Auditorium with alarge attendance. Miss Alice Fanceand Michae; Marchltto. Miss Ka-thleen Cacarell and Edwin Boyle.

Junior Rod CrrKSContribute $200

T"hp PaliWHv Junior Red Crosshas sent a contribution of $200 tothp National Children's Fund orcording to announrpment mad° byMis'" M Ada Farrell. Rah^'«v .T""lor Red Cr"ss rhai 'msn

A total nf $307 89 was collectedfrom thp school children this year.Rer )rts by Miss 'rene Folinus ofthp Isltin? niirsp stn'T. -ih'iws 471

made d'Ting lh<- psu 'nonthFnr'"ll. Mr-, A O. Bi 'arlpjK ' 1. «r, Mrs F E Pren

Youth Problems Luncheon FeatureFor Rahuay Council of (Ihurrh

'.School Doul'le Qu.it tct uill sini:Rpv Gilb.it F van BCVPI of Sec-

'OJKJ Fvp-bytpn^^vChiii'ch will Kivethp i' vf-;(!ion Mrs. Willin'n MLj'"s 'S [itot"''tn cliaitm^- , \T) sR A P u t o n d . - i - ' i r n t m i i s I I M . I

In : " run t ion •>! C ' " p o r n ' i r n Quni

dinn'-in. "f fiM w-iit s.-riit PCniip. thi^ citv has completed 25venrs servicp vith fhi" f n c e r nWnrl-tinston. a na'U'p -f .7<-r sey"iry was inductpd into thp clubat n luncheon K'vpn at thp P-iild-

: F»ip|nvprs Ass'ic it ion. NewVoik He received n watch andpin pmblematic of the eorvice and

iub membership. Mr. Wadding-ton is married, the local couplehaving two sons L' Pobert BWaddlnijton U. S. A 2"1. onri Pvt.William T Waddington rj s A 18.He is a member of the AmericanLegion. Amerjfan Sor'^ry of Civil

«ineers and held a '•ommis.s'on

h thp U. S Navni " IT I.,:he first World War

Miss Agne.s Moussou and AnthonyKalescky. Miss Claire Schimmeland Lee Rutter were winners o!prize dances. Frank Rposiz head-ed the committee.


Spring Coats and Suits

Boys' all wool Tweed-Covert

Men's wear flannel and Shet-

land Springy Coat and Hat

Sets in sizes 1 to -1 and 3 to 6.

(/iris' all wool suits and

coats in solid colors and

plaids and checks—some

with hats to match. Coats in

sizes 1 to 4. 3 to 6x and 7 to

..Sl.litS 'a4j5££.,5tfo.I'l-- _

Jack & Jill Kiddie Shop•1539 MAIN ST. RAHWAY. N. J.

Rahway Photo Co.«1 K. CHEnRT ST. RAHWAY, N. J.

Phone RAhwaj 7-2080




Operated by Russell Armstrong. Veteran



Rahway's Jewelry StoreOF CONFIDENCE

QUALITY—SERVICE—DEPENDABILITYYour Purchases Can be Made with Savings

Time Payments If Desired

Diamonds — Watches — Jewelry — Gifts

Em-Bee Jewelers85 E. CHERRY STREET RAHWAY, N. J.


K l i 7 n ' e t ' w Arm

What youth thinks 0* iand Its ippptlnK of their ne»ds willform the background of a discus

[ slon to feature the annual lunrhI eo" meeting o' thp Rahwny Conn| cil of ' 'hurrh Women to h- t'nHI at the First r'resbyte» inn C -ni.munity Hnusr T'lPsrlnv MJH nf i»-30 p. m. •

A Ynniii Panel v ill iis'-ussfollov iny qup.stion.c at a m^bpinii sponsored by tbe Cour1

F»''way ITiKh n"hoo] r"riday« I\—\ the H"Tle M e 1

np*"'i Shp'man Ancif:i\-f °hutch xlept O"1* F?' s r")-)i"thv HnuPi: '>•

SchooJNancymunilAnns •

, man.l i i r


M n v

M««t <"iiu- N«-»d"» M i xHanf POPS thp Corn- i ,i „..Meet Our ripprN' Edna! ^ ^ '^jWhat HIPSP young pe 'pip . c h n ] | p s

s;iy ntifi-^i^^u- Kpnpral i t t i tudp to- ,-. . ,war1' thp institutions m' 'iti'mprl {will T<'(enp onsiH^i alion atCouncil riop' n« MrSch"lt7 cf 'he '\\iih .schowi l l .-r. • o . „ . . ' . . . .


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Officers <>< lh- Rcbekah CornellChiiptet ND S7. insla 'fi\ Iu.i >vp(.kby M'S Eil: F 'ank l ic . rl.'pu; ^ nnriMis t)a\lri C'arrnPil fi'.iutv ma: •Jirfll. w i . Mrs I^dTH FT"TH?M-:iobl< t i.ind. M- • I.c< f.ni.l W Khart - i"p u< and Mr • Fi er1 HIMman. recorri'nc secretary: MisMat* Pavip . fm:i'icml spctr tary.V I ' " ' " t i , F ' T Z l - T I ' r - H U H K M ' ^

1 3 a s H a : M D a y Ml i T i v i i r i n i i

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t n a ' l n fr> s u n i ' i i P i p ' i w

C . i l c a n r !'••• '<• i • " n . , .,

• i v ' I i i s

Ell Jensen, right supporting nobleiinind: \frs Georp" Noterup. leftsupportlnu noble urand: MlS3Juani'a Hendrici's. warden: Mrss.A'me Hurradin: conductor: Mrs.Dorothy Williams; outside guard:Mrs Maronvpt Boros. inside guard:'Mrs Jumps Bcdwoll. chaplain:Mrs Murtarr-t DiLmirs. R. S. viceKliard: Mrs Helen Hadly, L. S.vn-p minrd: and Mrs Waltpf Gage,pa t ir-;iii'! n<'fipslimn«'!s follow-

i H i . , i t v t l H ; i t i c n


Thp I.nri.i''. /\M\ ili.iry to thei-wintinn willI'tsdpv after-

thp Fxr>mptX1 • 'n street.>•' Mr*. Al-

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COCKFIGHT CHAIRSDecorative conversation piece tadapted jrom chain used at Englishcorklifhls. They make tconderlulbridge chairs. Mahogany ivithIjwgenta upholstery, fif^^f^tf^

SOFAWith teattng space /or jour. Com-fortable for a tall person lying down.Architectural curve at top adds toits beauty and grace. Covered inMel/patterned green brocatelle withwatching velvet pillows.


EASY CHAIR) our invitation to curl up and relax. . . deep, roomy comfort, simplebeauty. Bumper at bottom takes thoplace of leg*, gives decorative lines.Covered in lime green.

FATHER.AROUND TABLEFocus of interest and usefulness inthe room. Leather top for coffee,cocktails, nibble dishes, flowers.Shelf for big books, radio; drnxcerfor games, cards. Mahogany finishedin butternut. o*


BARREL EASY CHAIRCreat distinction in this chair Ugained by its rounded back, squaretufting and tt»ucl* fringe outlines.

* 178

LAMP TAULKTwo drop leavet, tico dratotrt. twodeep compartments for odd thingslike record albums, tall books, andtht newspaper. UeJiOftny in butter-nut color. »95OPEN EVERY EVENING' TIL 10


K O O S OF RAHWAYPhone Rahway 7-3200

ST. GEORGES AVE. Highway 27


Page 5: SPRING SALE DAYS! f/ pecotb RAHWAYS HOME ......White embroidery. 45x3C Reg 1 ix34. reg. 59c. $2.50. Now 47c Floral Printed Table Cloths In Red and blue. 42x42. $1.00 Calloway Table


! , •

Rahway News-RecordJ l 8 423

17*July 18. 1423

Td. *ah . 7-OOM Bahw«T Nrw JenwiPubli»ii#<i TburkOftT *fterooui b» Tho ^ahwrny Publishing Corporation,

ntered »i Uie port ofTlre *t RaJ*w»y W»w J*r»*y. as second rlajm rnmil m*tt*rr\4*r Lha act of Marcb 4, UP9.

prnm.il m*tt*r

I H M ' K I P T I O N K.XTEJ*—singl* > <p» '1 wUhln f'nion ConntT, o* » j •

('* mall, TW**|»w'tf r t t iU' ' • '

3 enKi. Lor*> i - i l cry or hy tanll. pout-, $2 W. nit FMOpr n , ft gg. Thrv« moni»*«

3r " T " * • i - " .V) . " ' • - ' Rj>h\v»y 50 Yea r s ApoC f i ' m o n i < ' h H H r c i t t ' n 1 1 T I

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I l i r t i t y h'A^ t w o p r o h l f ' T i

d e t o t i o n of those who n r r rThi-i •ihou'rl b» follnwoH with n suffiiflimiimtp thr- ronrlition OIK-P and forli>m is trm! of k-nrping thr a r c i frpp If-.hh which cxi = ts This moan? only Ur p lacP 'nrn t of ;i manin this a rea to corvtmurilly clean the debris Tt may not bethe city's job. but it is a Job which should be done until suchtime as i" is possible to e l imina te the conditions throughsome other means.

VITAL ISSUESThe Rahway Council of Church Women have taken the

lead here in di~cussin» one of the vital issues of the day."The Attitude of Youth Toward his Home, the Church andthe Communnv." Ir. the lit;ht of present day conditions,no topic should be more in the minds of parents.

Four representatives of the High School student bodyu'lli uiscuss the home, the schools, the community and thechurch in a special forum on May 9 at the High School. Theresults of this forum will then be used as a basis for con-sideration at a meeting of some 115 organizations of womenin the city at the annunl spring luncheon meeting to be held..: K./<t Presbyterian Church. May 13.

T:iere is little question but what many of the parentswill receive some surprises on the outlook of youth of theday. Regardless of what the attitudes may be, these atti-tudes are affecting the act.ons of youth. It is because ofthis that it is wei: to discuss, what youth has to say aboutthese four t.jp-cs, because it is only through the under-

,;:Sfa8^j|^of attitudes that any desirable changes may be' rriade or any a;d can he given to youth.

However, discussing the outcome of the panel willmean l.'tle if t ie usual academic approach, of discussiononly is to foli-.nv. Some-definite action may be needed afterthe outcomes urv discussed and if action is needed, thecouncil will tail in its duty if it neglects to follow through.

' r r rRnli my 30

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A l r v

Editor, NeWK-R»<-orri?ar Sir:Th° rprent outbreak of several

cow." of •vm.iIIpox in NPW V' rkCity has led that metropolis toImtltntp n ••ity-wlci" enmpulim tohave ~vnry clti?°n vacrinatert a-Bflt'ist th'is most ommunlcAblp ofall dis'MKPs. thr vncri'iRtions tobe administered «t all Board ofHealth and Pol'ce Stations at citycxpo'iso As of this vrl t lng Ui^rehavr bCM'n five cases reported inNew York C;ty an'1 four In Mill-

brook. N " Vo . l . i n r l n H i n i . two

' " t a H t i p srn vip»- of the large number of

R»hway residents who commuteto and from New York. City dully,and are t>er"for<? exposed to Miepossibility of sm^Mpox ''urin?i atiPP^t c'Kht hour- d the day J-'stsji arr TcsidenU of New Y"ik ItwouH seem fhat for r'pa't.h of iuown r i '^ons. the Clli' of Rah' nyshoL'd ''nrr'-c"-i-flt^ly in*' tut aprf'S am of ' -"tn"H"i^ f"- n'l" i ' -.Irlfn'T

c PIi t \vr wait " n t ' l w gotom •• i - a se herp? If thf d ls -

:•• t «i- l the 75 iT'Des 'ron-' to \Mllbrr>n|- , t1)" ill '

' i '.i i... .

• • v t r u ' v • m i - s .

F r l K i r d 1 < •

• ' I • < • - . ; - i . r , l , • : i , - , M r-f

M i r • - ' • . t i n - ' • ' • , 1 • • •• •

T ? o - W i i l l d i o M C n r - ' n p n s t n t o f ^ r > r r - ' l H F ' r - - ; 1 v W i n n

l l . h i ' . . : t ; , I K ; . I F d w i T ' l T o i n p H n ' - T I I l H . T o l . . . \ ' • • • - • , (

- 1 H . , , . : , , , , ) F i o H n r i f l r T , M ' " t r l n < ; < ) r : l f ' " T l

• • •

Rnhway Tndnstrip] Exhibit heir' in Industrial Hall con-: . , , , , , f t l ' p < - i H V M r A l , , . i l . i ; , , r , .. ; u , . , n p , . , { . , i . i . i ; n . , , ,

' I " . ) h v I n r g p r t o w r U .

I V v . J o h ' i W T \ C o l l i e r r - ' . . • - • • . ! ' • • r 1 ! n,,,,-!,

C 11 Petorson installed as PictatTr nnd n?n'°l J.mmcl p;mt dict.itor by Rahway Moose. Retiring r.-i = t

s r h r f > r p j l ' O S p a s t H i f t n t o T ' ^ : jo^^•rIr > i r t n | . . T < " n r 1


Colorful and Fruitful Garden




PANSIES 4»c box

PERENNIALS 35c each13 for SI.001




ManalapanPlant Market


Rahway 5 Years AgoCity Council passes ordinance to inake Irving and Main

streets travel one way as move to aid traffic conditions.• * •

Merck & Comprr > announces the pur^hj-.e ~>f the plantf the Royal Manufacturing Company on East Grand ave-


* * * * * * * *




It's easier to concentrate on one toart thanon scattered, separate debts, if you get aloan here, at our reasonable rates, you maysave money in the process. Why not do it?


Loan$ 100




% 6121824 ,3060


MonthlyPaymentsS 8.34



* * * * * * * *

Don't fool around-with home repairs on yourRadio, rhonoeraph. ElectrirTn^ters. Vars. etc. You'll findit cheaper and more conven-ient io -bx»»uf- ihem to »n *^t>ertwho ha.s the tools and caneuarantpp yon a finished job.

Rahway HardwareAppliance Division1561 Main St., Rahway

LOOK AROUNDWhat Money will 'Buy!

In shop windows, stores and sales rooms,j oodj* are back again. People with rash

are buying needed articles- H>t}io,,tKout "how will I pay the t»51'?

V o'x can build a cash reserve of y<i ir own,

HI icrj. a n a^coupt at •h»s °<>-yeaf oh\ mutual

i> y,' h^uk. Just &t- anJ • ' ' r ••' '

' v <i '«PT r< intr1*

' I

' i l l (\< ;\w '

Ml \f

I ' il \"1

SlOP //v TODAV AND7 i l k 01 ER \OIR

r n 1"n n u r •

Rahway SavingsInstitution'The n,mh of Strength"


Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation


DAYMothers' Day program was

' (d at the meeting of R a h -1863. Fraternal Order

jjgles Edward Curtis wasMd chairman. Other committeembers incl"rle Francis Kenna,j Esolf. William Preplak.

pelwonaro. Joseph Caplano,fjrd ELspnlyrRer. Richard Hed-

llt Crtngoli. Thomasnto and Charles

fjpl»no "••nutmaster of Troop

41, reported that Rnhway boystook prizes in the Boy Scout Ex-position held recently In Eliza-beth John Schmidt reporict' thatfive Runway mTnbrr" Iniii.-i'• d ndistrict class a' Forth Ambov nv,-the -ictk-end

SP"cr. new mrmbrrs *•<• " ';rlcorned InU) th" group ?nr an-n o u n - e m p n t w n s TI-«\P t'i;-.< <-<^\\,m o r e pe r son ' ; wore nf*c<! c! tn fillt h e <juot.n of oiKhty font P - n i i -aco t " l d of u l a i r ; for , 'n •H o m e d i n n e r for \-C{J< :-

cers will be nominal*"'' *m p p t i n n on A p ' i 1 nil



\V I K i ' y o n l i a v f n - | ) << r > l n\< •<<'• u l I . . <

n l>'>v o f e x q i l i s i t o s p r i t i ; ; l l o ^ c i - - ' i . l i f i .

» " f l ' f f n l i o n ^ f " T ) ) - ' \ ' ' " ' • | i « > •••• \ f u n d

f i l t t i r t t o r t f i n r t n t f \ o f \ u n u . i . l - H I M . ' '

[ e n i f n i l « " r . . . f l o w e r * fibrin* ~ ; i \ i l l i . l t i i


J. R. BaumannFlorist


Members Florists' Telopraph Dflivpi-y Association

rhar'<-> E. Allman. Sr.SpTvire1; were h.'l'I ycstcflav

from thp Tliiim.1! F. TTl;;iV Fu-nrral Homo. 1116 Bryant .street.tlioner to Mary's Chui'-li whero:i sr'cnin liiyh "lass of rpriiiicmwas ••t!>r<'H W ^harlcs E. All-man. Sr . 7r>, o' 879 Hamiltons t l i . - l u l i o died RI IM( I '<V f.'ill.".v-ui(! a -.hciit 11!11• • ;.s A n n l i v e ofL^viriiju;4>. -Ma'"* . h e *»*i'1 •r»*-<d«r1

•n I J a h w a y 11 VO:M- " • • w nit n i m u ' t i ' a n t of Rt ^ t a r y ' sf ' l u i K ' 1 S u r v i v n r r a r 0 ii'1- w'lfe,r.yili:- I ^ ' p t ' i ' T A l l m a n : U"c>e- • f . M n i 1 M ^ u r i f " A l l m a n ofv-t I num. ^To • i.t C o m m a n c l o rf i n r AMman of T a m p a . Fl.i . an '1f n n i " ] : " m y c a p ' a i n C h a i i ' K A'.l-in i 'n . .!• of be H a m i l ' t n s i ' o n 'a'1 >i '. fl\ C ' . lUllht ' -f ; . ?. ' i" Wn I' | , I - I I i,' W ' if . M;i': : Mr-

IV i f iint i- of lh'< ' •• M:i.-^ •M ' . ' :<•->! t f ' tn f "' n

l - . j - ' H I - ., • ' \- i -i t>

, - , f t" •

I i i r I :< ] M - I V ' I - -. u ' - i •• h : H t ; ' - ^ '

| " I . - . •• ' n - i m i " f w ' t l \ ) « I . r h i . i

1- n n i -i • I I . , ! , , ; i I " , V V " - ' M i ' l r . i >

v . i n - I I ' i n M i I i \ { : < - A F : i - : : \ ' , - :

•A ! ' • • . ' f : < - ' . I I • T • " • : > ! - - » • i -s r< S I H i

V: . . ; . - I i - . - I . » | i r , 1 , . -I l a . ' 1 W r - I

• , , . .1 , - , . ) , t ; , ( . . . ., l , , n t , i l ' . l f ^ . .

T • I ( v H e : h i - t I . L i ' l l e y I e i - -

i ' "( '~'t P . i n ' - f l - u i c l l o " i i i n ' . - l

, : I . . • : . ! • . .,-<• n - 1 , 1 ' - ' f - i o i l ]• r. \ <• •

I I • . rr ' i l ' tr IV T I'1' l i n t f'l . I• • . • . , l ( - n i i - . - s ' > l - . l l . '

<)fficers NamedBy Reading Club

Mr;. Prank C. Woodruff wasnamed president of the HomeRoa'llni; Club Friday other ofn-eers named including vice-prpsl- !dent. Mrs. Herbert F. Moonoy: re- I

cording spcre-tary. Mrs Geo. |J. Lander; cor-re5ponfHnn sec-retary. Mrs. a.A l l e n Roakeand Treasu'«"r.Miss Abbln H.Smith.

A f°atur*/oft h e meetingwhich wp- heldwith Mrs Ran- 11doljili J,. HovJ Tard of 1654Ch>i"b streetwas a l«clui"i»

Mildred T. Rull-


mul 'all-- by Mrs•-nn. of this -ity.Mi[n'ivi-o, o'

ho is r"iturp

ai"l !n|1in Wa' h

\'"\ CountyJ rxhibitcd pic-h« Tiailsido M>'« r e "iv.HLio".• >tnr "ip ' ur c trip

P.TUI a n~ 't.inpI . . . 1 - • • \1> q

i , l f e t M i s M - r -

H n l r - e s . 74 '>f 7'

\O,-k a v n i i e . W ' I P

P a h ' a v H o s p i t ' l

'"t M-Gowan

i'd Pind'<y atete -h^ had

beep a patier '


t l ." hit*

o f i i ' i u i t

• t l

nitm a'e twoii.nie' I! 7>iomrtl-et aiul \fT"

n1 T a yrara r>ifl"e Ofhut Ii'-1 re

ten yrarsda"el' 'ars.

-oi of ' 2 " "-la ne

) I ; L ' I n ' 's.^ of ii 'iuitTTl ' u s "f

f f i n i : o ! fV.in-l,..- F - : : a n . 72. ofW<-st I n m ^ n a\* 'ntjp. Woodbiki t j* 1

T I . - A I I - H i P . w h o <lied s u d d e n l y a th u m e on S t u u l a y H e w-is a r : u h nn p M a ' o r for t h p O i a c c I.in*"- for; wi-i't v - sc'.pri y e a r s S ' n v i v i n e ' i r r :'•!u- hi-i;)iPt Wi! i t ;un F ; iu ;m: t u osister -. Mi.s.s . Inl ia F i m a i i a tvi M r s• • • , - - . I , T ? , - I ' l v K - i t l , V 1 1 , , . i y , l w 1 ' 1

M r s M : i r i r n ' - t H i> l tnp«

P ' t v i r r s W'-IP l l P i d T u e s d a y

n i o : n : r ' ( T f r n r n ; h ' - I o h t P t F u n e r a l

H o r n r . : H 5 W P S - ( M i l ! < m i n - p n i i p .

I I I I I H - I ' : o S t M ' I i v s p h i u r l i u h e r p

;i h;r j ! i t r ia . -s o f i c r j u i e m u . i s ofT,M -


Mal \Dolan

cif Keansbtire: one .son Jam^s J.Holmes wit>i - >iom <:hp li pd andi imdetlll, I"" ' !"i'l l " " l pimi'l

n.Frn«-~* F. >irhm"^n

Serviees wpip held Mondaymornitiq at the Hei'mann FuneralHome. 736 Cl'mton avenue. New-ark. for Ernfst F. I-achmann. 70.(}f 2" Coleen street. Newark, whodie,' suddenly Th'i'i-.dny follow-ing a lonii illness A native ofNew York he lived in Rahway for

I thirty years, eondu&tlnR a dpli-rate.s^en he'e He had resided inNewaik for the past e'-ven years.Surviving are four daughters.Mrs. Wiinam Naclpy. 1794 Allen•treet: Mrs. Joseph O. Anderson.SRO East Milton avenne. both ofNnhway: Mrs Marie Wesmann.

(Continued on Page Twelve)



i-|-.ocrh on Tuesday. April 22, 1947. \ou

asked husiiir^ss to take a hearty cut in price*

—Tfl'c"re Ix-hiiid you 100'.—and our first

step is to continue our First Anniversaryi

i:. adding numerous items lo it! „

Everything in our store is REDUCED from

10% to 30%CRIBS













Mechanical Toys

Construction Toys

• "Music Braces and Toy Instruments c


N. Y. Bicycle & Baby Carriage Co:RAhway 7-08591478 Main Street •Except those prices which are factory fixed.

Own the one car that gives you

BIG-CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST COSTin all these features...In all these ways


Yet, this «ven bigger-looking, better-looking Chevrolet for 1947 is the only car thatgives you BIG-CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST COST, as witness the following facts:

I .,

olone glvti you the Big-Cor performance # It alone B'ves y ° u the combined Big-Car comfort"J*1 <*«P»ndobairy of a Valv.-ln-Head Thrift- and •afo/y of tho Knee-Action Ride and Positive-*°it«r Engine—In a cor that has such jur- Action Hydraulic Brakei—in a cor that haj juch' r i * l coit of upkeepl remarkably low operaling coitsl

# It alone gives you the Big-Car beaufyand luxury of Body by Fisher—in a car thatstands out ai the lowelt priced In the Chtv-rolel fleldl • ~

Bewise! Place and keepyour order with ur for a nevr 1947^hevrolet. Owncar that gives you BIG-CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST COST . . ;

in all these leatures, in all these ways!'


Rahway Auto Supply & Service Co.Cor BROAD ST. and W. MILTON AVE. (Opp. Penn. R.R. Station)

RAhway 7-0410 — Rahway, N. J.


World War IIWHO mi1 m !ir\iiii\i: i\ \ru irit\r\

I f f ' \ V

i r n ? f i i r \rv\ I A " ' i " (H;»<'

,. i . ; . w -. l i t i , . - i i I I . . - . - | f : - • . - ) A ! M D

..{»• t j i l . l r . « l i p | w - . . . t< ) A T l . I F T O N ' S


M I \< < I•"XoiMI;(' (.,,„.


H T I V F A H ^ T O PAY A I T TTF V.\( F F I I O N AT I \

^ i r n \ K C F o r O N I v t yr n T I N T P F H V F A I ? '

• Tu the past yf>n». T,if on*s Jin« taken care of lmndn'fl^ of v

in tliis fa^liion . . . now we make this offer nnblie, and we will take

can'of any Veteran of Worn! War 2 who wishes to take advantage,

of this offer.

• The prices you, as a veteran, will pay; will he Regular Lifson Low

prices... and remember that ABSOLUTELY NO ONE SELLS


• There is no red tape involved in this offer to Veterans (any man or

woman who served in the Army, Navy, C o a s t Guard or Marine

Corps in World War 2).

• You may come in at anytime at your convenience to choose your

furiiiture, applJ3n/>oc fl-apr cove rings a»d 1*QJH« accessoae^rRe-



VANTAGE OF OUR OFFER. If you wish any additional infor-

mation, fill in and return to Lifson's, the coupon in the left hand


Slight delivery delaybut priority for vete-rans.


221 Broad St.. Elizabeth. N. J.

Without anj; obUfitlon on mypart, please Bond me additionalInformation on the Veterans' Of-fer you matte public In the News-Record.

This offer Is made In accordance with

the Regulations of the Veterans Loan

Act of the State of New Jersey and

through the cooperation of some of

the banks of Elizabeth.


Street Addrcu


Come in . . . Write

in . . . Phone in . . .

for any additional

information you

may want

EL. 2-6670

"The Store

221With. 50,000 Friends"



Page 6: SPRING SALE DAYS! f/ pecotb RAHWAYS HOME ......White embroidery. 45x3C Reg 1 ix34. reg. 59c. $2.50. Now 47c Floral Printed Table Cloths In Red and blue. 42x42. $1.00 Calloway Table



" • ' - . - » .

John's Russian Church FiveWin Pipy f« Title In Local Pla>

" i.lf • hmrti. „ « • ; „ , • • •

P u n < ' >s

I U l > ' I K ' < 1

( 1 > I . 1 | p i - I ' ' I

MJ<)| Sof»ha] '

' " ' H i t I " '

nners In FightFor League Lead

' huff and Brandt In T<»

f i i - c " i 7 i ' • - I ' i - M < " • • :--

1 1 1 - • , i - ) . - ; ' • ! 1 '

»• ! ( S t ' I " I ' l

I I T r - - - • ' • • ' i . • i n '

I ' U - f 1 . . . | . ' i-i •• 1 1 i e , . - , •

r ' - - I - -. - . - , -t ' v T • • i •

' o o t A T , t i l

GuttersVentilationM«-<al FlashingAir ConditioningAll T>pf« Boofin/-

Ml Work Cuafarlwi1

'•33 CAMPBri.I 51RAHWW. N J

W I. Petfil 20 750.'.<! '2 5 CTI•)« 33 6904(1 3fj 50840 :ia S1341 40 508

1 64 :IS4

i:t-n;l'"d '.n 11it first 03jlti"!i. f.i:. ! • • -. I . - f i n - T i i n ; v " T n i a h - ) •

f r i t -i [ - i n , - i - ' - K - f - M l i k e a v T i n t - : * n

; h - > ' \ f i ' ,- ^ i i i T ^ i i g i ; p O n ' y a

: > . T 1 1 ' • > f o i ' J i i , ' p | - \ r e ' v - l w i ' i - r

F i 1 - ' K n H c t v : m r i t ' - r " l i e 1 p n - n T

( i i l ' < c n t i ; i l i .- - e m s t - i f i - . i ' - . u r t ! - i

' ' • i ^ 1 m : i ' r l ^ s o f t h r ' M r y I - - m i l e

' • i T t i " i f <*f T T I T . M V U - H i 1 1 H '

i ! I ! ! ! I ' u - - - f I ' : i n i • " • • » ) ' - I 7 1

. ' 1 • •• ' i ' h * i - i i i f n i h i n - ' ' ' u - i

- . . . - . - T i l . < ' : r k l i " t i : i ' I d I

. I i . ' . I . ' I i > " i f ; | l | I n . • t . - • I I U

' - . h i - n < • ' K l . I I - i : - • I c '

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i - • l l i ! - l I . I • .. I M

11 I I- • : " i • - ' f i l ' ' : ,





47HE'S v



SCOPEOVER Jo P7'" ' A SlN«! "



' ' • ' ''Iniul Paik dr'junc Ends Jn TIP

2 1

fS H



i f nHi 2IfilIf, I1SR


I S 7


' ' \ < V

H.. : i ; 111. . | i -

' i . i I .-I T r l n l l y


Madison Hill Ko:id



MAY .5. 19 17


TtAh'.vay 7-3273

H i -t : n : I " - ! l l - - ~

s.-hui.-.- r i . in i . - -S.im-r-. I'hlllK".C I U / I PhllUi--.An.ncr.nt,- r . KLandanny . Phi l lnr.ahrr.n. Phi l l iesBru-iu, Plilllli-s

15 1151151151150150ISO1 4 1 1 I140M714!)Ull14814814814814614C1461431431421411-i 1infl139130135134131132121


H Mii.-i.m, f 1M.,r-h • 2


." The Kni.'ht.s r.f P-ytliias has vot-29 . ci to onier a Irani in the Senior

Soft ball I.'-a:',ic for men over 30P., ycurs i.'tl. Mas Li!j/.T.Ifld w.i«(• uaincci maii-.uu'i' T h r r c cancii-o liiiU'.s were ek-ruxj and will b° , uuli.^U^l l,*Ujr. Tlie 1'iciyewnt<ie its

_^ annual donation t-> C;imp F'ldou-i! vor. A dc!c:;:Umii from Linden

Now's the TimeTo Order Your

• • • = - • j » ^ p - y -g^i,- ~ - --•S c r u r o \ o u r i i i | i ) i l \ uf t-oal or <<>Lc for ll ic w i n l r r

. . . D i m ' l wail un t i l i h r la>[ m i m i t c . . . D o n ' t

lit' raujil i t sl iort . .

Our Prices are Guaranteed to be ourLOWEST OF THE SEASON

Two Easy Payment Plans:I. MONTHLY PAYMK.\TPLAN


—or—2-32-10 2 . FINANCED PAYMENTS



NADELCoal and Supply Co.


1520-28 W. Elizabeth Ave. Linden, N. J.

• i'l C»,nr ..)i

• •<• Mi:.r>f . 1

a l l . i i - h o d n V I f i r A p r i l ' f i t h .

' I i P i m r l W i h i n j ' n t l i r t r r | rf,,P

t n w r a t h ' * an . - ' t h e p u r n s ' - ' t c d

v r s t r ' i a v - I t h ^ I R I ' I . ' I •>: I l i f

l r r . i l f i e l d n ' - o p i l l r i f f C n a r h

F . a i l H o a ( j ! a n < - 1 s n ' M e n - n v 1 ' n s I r -

vinfi 'nn T--"h on t a p for t o d a y:uul Edi.son of F l i z a b r t ' i h e r e o nF ' ida? O n " lon<* • ' l * '•! . ' « " " * > o c

• • •<• ' ' n a t i e

1'r HlgMnnil TarkI! wi« 2 2 in the iiami' T h u r s -

rlav ai the eounrv pa»-|/ r1in"inndIr-im-i-n H'ohlanri r-.-k ami EarlHoatiiand s Rphu-.iv Hi''h n ineHi^Ma'id P^ 'k .^pff-tl in the sec-ond f- lend l 0 until ' he fourthmnin:; when P:\hwav tied thecn'tnt After 'he Middlesex Co-,lTl-tv team to'ik thp !epd in th-1 fi:sLof Ulf six t Ii Dun lip Rut 'P! ?v.(-dthp dav by rprirint: thp sidp. ?]-tlunich two men w M-P .in b-.i-p andonp o-.it Rahwav t .pd thp rount

Ixidgc \vxs cn'.crLaincd. Dr. HenryTurner, chancellor commander",was in charge of the meetinK v.-itt^Irving Kaplan, keeper or recordsand sea!. The social period wasin charce of Benjamin Demblingand Eli Cohen.












t -


Nndler, rl-cfKeller -f-«-lnylo, lhKl(iss. ss-31-Srrilth. 3bC IMvls. ifBurek. ITDuncan, p!>.,.»„, p

Totals 2 6 4Hlijhlaii'l Pixrk 010 001 000 2HiOlway 000 101 000— 2

Two ba.se hit. Nadle-r: doubleplays. Arsini. Sira nnd Hill: Gran-de. Kira and Hill: Smith Truppaand Taylor. Left on bases. Rah-way. 11: Hishland Park C.

Bases on balls--Off Schmidt. 6.off Charuez. 3. off Garlhe 1, offDuncan 4. Struck out—by Schmidt8. by Chersez. 1. by Garthe 1. byDuncan. 4, by Ruttcr 6. Umpires.Aufustine and Fuchs.




• Fertilizers

• Seeds

• Gardening Tools

• Lawn Mowers

• Garden Hose

• Sprinklers

© Screen TV ire

• Screen Doors

• Insecticides • Sprayers

• Wire Fencing

Fixing up for Spring? See Us first


HELP WANTED »Playground Supervisors

Needed on City Playgrounds


Male or Female

Applications Close April 28th at 4:30 P.M.

IApply At

Recreation Office59 W. MAIN STREET RAHWAY, N. J.

Koch And DippleLead "Y" Pin Race

nit the Lead"" 'n

•v Qtntivp I.KAOIFndlni; Apt*| ?1)

^W L Pet.ZTon lAltlipranSecoUcI PreHbvtprUFi™f -Bnp'W.'O ^ P O Ujilt PnuluFirst rrcsWocxl TretI l p h . ~ w < •' ntr

58in 48

43444 !4 0" 3


172 62 42 8343 7617 ^

773C29636811547919175n i n

TTIP Zlon I.utHoraas =;ttn remaintar put in front as the season J5ln-n.iis In 'he Y rhurrh Leagueerx-s it>in the final qtaKes. A bat-tle for second place Is tqldng placehetvi pen '.he Second (Presbyter-ian." with 639 and the First Bap-tist with .636 with Osceilfl not"nt of runnine with 611

Pvihm of J.uthernn.s, has highpin fall 'nr 1 came.s wi'h 6? 1: F.Srheitlin f>f •$,uthpran<; ha-c liighInd'vidual Rap\e with ,2^9; 'hllef'p I.nthprnn" h a v bott' Lrr ilgh3 cane mi'-k w'th 2fi49 ai1 ilghteam pan- wl'ti P7J» Ko?h ?nH

'«. ims I N iud nipj-'p "•'«•!' .17(1 in II - •! "r g"

Wundorll' h. y-ld f

Srhi-llll" 1 . ZlFulrhi" Os<--^l»Svlhrn 7,ionHlrks 1-* n*y stFult-h r 'lud . "Uavl= IM Fro*Kulp 1-' D'vpcls-

M-li-r. ' « Pie-lln. S' Pa'il R

Rpdmiit1 p- ~colr\" in. Pr 1st F'rr--I'-'-nr'iy Wo •»"•• • ';•; S' Paul i.

Clinton. ZlonLaubnrh. 1 s' PenBiui-rbrnmi. Sr Fmil -Van Oykf. 1st Bi" " "Levl. W-'oo^brlclKPMlllls. P' Fiul ^Johnson 1 nt Fro«RelsniT. l«t TiesSchcltlln. F . ZlonHcrsr. Woodbrldpf1

Miwrant Ino, O'icorilaWelt. OsrpolriNordnip^or. \*t B«pf'•Honson 2nH Pr«-sCorson. .Tr , 'Rt Prr-Jnhn.^n, s t Pn\il «Ore^n. Hebs.

KnrhV 1st V"?'1-"Mint*-). ZlonRjithypn. ^sc-^lnGrltschko. D . Zlo"Potter. WnodbrUlyo

Gelonia Golf Qub MembershipRecord Broken As 31 Are Receiv

Votpran Coif Organization Now Has 3If !\Jen,iThe r.arge.«t Number in Nearly F:'i\ vPqr


History of Club

At the meeting of the Board of Directors nf tho cGolf Club last week, e total of 3) new 'ru-ml-or<;received, mEfking*tfee-membcrship of th<> 1-



RefrigerationAir Condition


Railway 7-2668O. & H. RADIO, Refg.

RAhway 7-1049




Softball MeetingMomlay April 2

Final arrangements for theopening of the Rj>hw«y City Soft-

ll League will be marie at ameetinc Monday. April 20 in Rec-reation headquarters, Main stree'-.At this time the twelve teamsmust submit rosters, turn In entryfe<";. splect umpires and appiov™of the schedule which Is f< bepresented by p »v Fooglonr1 '»»

e dl"K-tor.The twelve Ipams have beenvi led into *wo divisions to form

the "atlnn"l w i Amprtran L a-gue Day wi'l star*, cv May S

^ nil "amps are t<* t ^ v ' ••'- "v T'iver Park

Ped Crn$* I (fe Savii 'gwil b*> l inld on M i n f ' ^ j . w*dn- a t ' l ''v-icl'-v <'o"i 7 toat Din Y M c A !>r-.oTtan annnun- ^me') ' 'nadr " i

Gnrthwnlt*- ]«• FrfAronowity. H H r i "(irow, Wfx)dbrldgcHuldrn. W"o<1br' 'f(»eiint.lnncle'. HeH«Jost. 2nd ^rosAronowlty.. H"bnHnll, OercolaKath. WoodbridgeHowcll. Wtx«lt"l'liti>Krplshpr^. HcbaKuhlbenm. Wood, .DOKcnhardt. 2nd ProMajor.

•=" "Libthe largest in tho lonc h l s u Jnearly fifty ypnrs a,.tu.,,v

members rerpiv^d «p r o .intprmpcttitp: fi- -n n.;-,,„.:..,bers: onp hou^f • .cl^rcy memrx'!

A W'\g and i- im, ;„„


Chapter 14, Disabled AmericanWar Veterans last week. OthergUCT ^ w e e f c o t h £ r

pred SchelUin was elected com- | persons e'ected were George J

mu»der of the J M M S J. Hea.ly | Kufus, senior vice-command-r-

on a tentative hp< ( ,,,.]..the Spring O p e n i - : ,,;lrt, -,„n t h with KO'f. In- ,-h j . .Rarr">s and entertami ont. hjoap committeo priz' May •>,Lou Nebuerg prize. M, V 3JJJune 1st: club champl -KI,lfylng round. Ju"p 7 n «.ldRnts' Trophy r< HI imD. W. Bartholor>p» 'n !n

club c a m p i o n : W 7 n,prize ' second p' ,-r -, ja m e n 1 - - ' M r t - i t t ^ r


| Tl io f l u b ' harr , • -.-,roun<1 m a t c h pViy ' ~for J u n f H I ' - . - i i . f,,,oo •' ne ? ' s t o! ' ' . . .

K a r l A-'.i a ' , ; r ,.,,

R a i l w a y V M ' A -n i „ y,-a

prn N P W ' ' i ^ v • <--. w.ii] ^

Hanr ibnl l " i r - i r - : • • „ , , , r , :

w h i c h "-ill br li- ri .- th, p-

b e t h Y M <" A o. \ p , | 29^

30 a n d M a v ' nrri ' :t q , .

nouncp^l fii1- ucrl- Mi- u-,5 1

w i n n e r by a S C O T of 32 to 23

a s ing les m a t c h li--:d :K- & ; I

wi th t h e El izabe th Y

Do YourSprings Squeak

^again soon ati?r ynu have hadl

*yoar chassis luhric t<-d? Thatj

means the grease h.i-in t eotltn i

the way in BETWF.LN THE LL\

VES—and that rrrnanv \VF\R!

Spring leaves should be ROCKED and SPREAD APAR

while beinc lubricated. In that nay, and ONLY in that nay 1

you get the grease all the way in.

Visit our lubrltorium and see how your car in ROCKED 1

the lift while it Is being lubricated. There is no extra charge lor


Hazelwood«Gulf Service

C. W. RICH & SON, Prop.


Phone RAhway 7-2010 RAIIWAY. V

Stewart Electric Co.TRVINO RT. I? Mi \ \ \ v 7

Home —

Us Give You An

On That Ne^'

Harold C. Schweitzer, Junior vice-commander: Michael D. Stein,chapraln; Earl C. Miller, treasur-er; VernoQ Morris, sergeant-at-arms; Joseph Dombrowskl. o'flcer of the day.

Delegates to the Veterans' Cen-tral Committee were asked to sup-port measures promoting erectionof permanent housing units andto Inquire Into the possibilities ofveterans being employed as ex-tra policemen Repeat wa< madethat cannlsters had been placedthroughout the ,'ity f'-r Mi" col-IprMoP of fundfl f"» « nf*- l>nmt>f'*r the chanter.

Following the meeting, mo*1""t''"'ures were shown by Stein

PLAN CHAPFX SOCIAI.A public social will be he'd by

the Cheerful Workers of GrandI Street Chapel on May 1st at thej hom? of Mrs. Ralph Sai mons.1 106? Bryant street, the c oml*.-, lee "eluding Mrs. AJbin : 11;.'Mrs Vllrlain Ha- rison. s


\ TO A SERVICE.'{All-1 m um/aai J e e p

Power Uke-of) at r«3i of "Jeep" canbe used to operate air compressor unit

"Jeep" hauls up to 1,200 lbs. Steel bed'-provides space for tires, batteries, tools.

Operation.any road-2-wheel drive for speed and econoro;^vheel-drive power for eary towinging, for going through mud, snow, sand.

istanea in jccy »-~ .„,Broom and snow blade can be attached lor ^ jter use. Let us show you why the jee

America's No. 1 service vehicle.

Willys MotorsRahway, Inc.

1003-07 St. George Ave.. Rahway.RAhway 7-3344-45


Until that nPW Chrysler is purring atyour door, you can't afford to let yourold car quit. Bring her in to us. We'lltune her up, doll her up, malre herlively and keep h«r in shapp to bringyou a good pri *1 wh^n trade in dayrolls around.

- We use time-saving tools, factory-approved . methods.. We've got menwho specialize in keeping your car

w-f lr i ' -g past retitomont PJP. T'ri

in for -> "Serk up. Tt may Kflv *



WEST END GARAGE, Inc.Direct Factory Denier







•Si :A-'S '•?&.-,~s K-.-:'





Fellowship TopicTs March of Time

"The March of. Time" was thethem? of the pr^'.eniat'ori "^ th-.-Peln'.v.ihlp CHib Tb'ir!''iiy :: 1 • Ti11by Pvi»«lcrnt of the Y M' C ACi.-irUs E Rp?<i pssisted by H. C«

Hiushtop umlIncludiiig m-lv

int; picturesA surprise fnr

Lhe T>'"rv!syrneef tng v- n 5the aclion ofC o n ric 1 lmsnOtto E W'ier^er.prtsident of theCownon founcil who p,-ep.\"' d an'l cooked 'he dinnerfor the clubWpmcr a fo' oi

or scent lpad»i wa. n -;i'-'.crf byJessl- WTaiE G'»npj'il ' • -T --,:iiy O r o i c " r •>' - •••- • '-• «•• 'l ack l ' 9 ( l ] - .

T ' ' e Hlh pjpe ted ^ ' i - h a l H ' r an v r In n i f m b e r s l i . p fTilcsf;e luded C nmci lmp- i Anr ' i ony .1K i m m l r k . WMlinm ' V e r J . W ' i i a t nD o m - h r >;i'i B- "<v 1 V l>-mrt. Pv-kK i r i c k . - n 1 ' r i t ' - e r - n i T - ' r i i i ' r . t \

s l i - . c r i ^ « " h .In. k C i n r n c i a t l l u ;

p i u ' o -I C i i - . f ' - : h ( 1! ; a n -IT • -r1

t . h c i n v n c a t i ' M \ n r ! T t , . S K i M A

V . C a i k h " ' 1 •• " - . n i p m i ' - ' ' •

r > A m b ; o . s i ' ' ^ T e c i - ' - ' t y

T - - " U l h t n ' [' o F P I I ' I U - i i i y

( ' U l b m * " ' i j 7 t j i ' . ^ t . a : - i r r H ' ' ]

C d t ' - n a n y n ( M p W - ' - i w y - 11 r . " v

t h e ro'n>--' film M P \ \ . T e i ' i - i

J o u r n e y F o l l n « . - m p t ) " - <.-Wv..

TiM the Clouds Roll H,

I" lV«-hnlr"l".

Sjlurd.i^ Mi'Ml"1*- Olllv

"Shadows on the Range *A » P « « I . F-ntliri>

1 "". Mini. \ Tur^ . Apr 7 '!)' '"AW SMfHIllAN a-



1>OI ( ; i . \ s KAIICII.WKS, J rMAI HKKN () IIAKA


"That Brennan Girl".Mom* KnM*n>:iM—.lanirs Dunn




BAhway 7-Zi.Sli



Let Us Help You frith




1513 Main St. at CherryJ. M. Peiubcrg

RAhway 7-1717

"I LOST 32 LBS.!WIAB SIZI 14 AOMN"Ooc« 150 H» , MiiH Rej-nolda IOHI fweight woekly with AY DS Viu- 'raid Candy Hoduoina I'Un. Now•he ha* a OKXJCI'B licurr. Your ex-perienc« xaxy or may not bo theMm* but try thi* MUM- reducingplan. Very Firtt Box Mu*t ShowXtsuiit or money back.

ID clinical tMU conducted bymedical doctors more thiaa 1Mpersona loat H to 15 poOnfla•ferale In a ttvr woeka wtthttM AY D S Vrtamln CaadyRoduclnjl Plaq.

Nonercine. Ko lixfttire*' ^*°drugs. 1' at plenty. You don't cutout nieajj, poUloaa, «tc, you juatcut ttiem down. Hituplo wtian youenjoy ilatidout AVDfl Viumio Candy t>eftmm**l*. Voly *2JW for 30 d*ya' aupDly. Pheaa1'tfr fy^t tt^m n,(i u i reminder


Tuberculosis AidPresented 'P. T. A.

The need o! pub!' ' ' support ofrhc U n n n County TulvrculosisLeague v s pr f -ont td befjr r mem-brr^_ of t'»e l?oo.st-*ve't SchoalP - T A l)j MUs fi , ' ! : i C) K'.fiin,e\e?uv.v" -pfi"v;ary «: a w- 'k-end

i'ic.-ri thi' fpoakcH i e : i . : . : • : . ; • ' i n >i..V ) ] • • • - a ; i i b -

l i c c a ' i i v u y - t K • •< ) • • . . - . S t .

O •>! B - - 1 e - ' u i \ ^ ' n y r : ' " t 1 : M

p r n . w i t l i \ i i - - - < i . i ; ; - " M i l l e r ,

r l u n m a n Mrs. Frank Swindell. iM M:-. T.t t-. • P;-\i'. «.-*••(• n.-mn-d

t l r M i o n of c l ' i r e ' s w'!'l h" l i ck:i: r! ir r . n m ^ - ^ n . : " ' : r <-x i . ' . tL)o'.id \I.IL11 ni t 1"; V ' o 1 8 u ' t A-TT -

David Nc-di-r 978 Uqucs i t ••(•. I • ' • i .-j- s a ' : I1.-- n ' ' . I

M i . ' 7 ' - i r r y H I M ) - - ' • '

r,\Ris;j« H I ' ; S i r ' • •" ' O F r Bi'" r i n

O n t - - i - - i ; . v . . . . . . . i a . . . p , , . - ( |

\ r m - r - t - • I ' U - r ' : h I . ' 1 •' ! •

C l r ; - I . . I H . ' i r . m l • - - !••.,-•

c o p t - ' ' i i i • •{ - n . i i ' : > ' " i ^ .

t i o n . ' - | - • ! , . I - - . I - . • .- - • , • - I

U l . d • ; M l . - . i , ; . . , - t i , - , , - • (••,<• ' - '

W i - • . ' i - -. S > r i ! v - , - : i . : ' - , t . ! • • • ' v

t i n : ' l i \ f i - ; I . •• ' ; • I - • - , ! •

M - - ^ \\ i [ V . - v - l . I , , | " - I , - .

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f a ; .'I : e n - 1 - ' I ' 1 v w e : < c • '1 h

( • ! > • ! . • V n : ' d . - 1 - ! W n a- <• s - ' i

V J T I ' / - , nd t t <• r i ' r i l - II ' u - i c l

I . i ' !>y I h ' - n i ; !•• n I ' , ] - l i I ' IT

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M i 1 - 1 - ' " . I- ! ' • ' H i p . , ' '-. ( i l . - . ! . -

B ' - i • r ; H I • :\ ; u u ' I i ) d ' < - 1 N u l l c i

Temptation Theatres At Rahway

1 Jlcrlc <Jhcr;-u and Charl ie Kor-vin (urn thpi»- rnmant»c interludesin t" :m uvij alliance for murrieiin ltt*"- n:ilionnl's (J^irtratir »n-

t tr H''" I on i " ' -> ticin. t ' - y I Tip a'Hi- Rr ' i • H rhf :il> " -•

.! M u ' o n . ' " ( . o : d W -rtb,11' ' n r on. T 'ai iv '•'

f.-. -• ; ; . . y ' " b i ' . ' l r k c U

l ' i . " " - I I e.-t H M n i l i T

t - •• ••) i i i r r - ^ 1 r " s i

ill i ' H a h a v ' s t N'>

- - i I r i . - i n t M i I l - i n i ' - l

< > r . M - - , , • < - • < - , • - . , . , ' • ' , , - - j - , . . m ]

a y u l r i M l ^ O l i v e ; V ( ' ' I - ' m i l l '

HI r f i ? ' H h - ' l a s p l a c e w i l l ' ? l ' " « t

^s fo1 tlu* p-xt n^^tiru; OP1-'.-1

taking pa r t were Mi's W JK' iii^ Mi> Aucli^w Mancuso. NT' ^P M Midt-i on. M--5 Charios IA n n o ' M>s F'r.'d Schr ' -z . M"1-Sun;o '-.T.-lgr'ni. Mr- G e ' i.1"<•) d'lPld M'ss Angr i 'm n«s----iand county officers.

•"HI. i SAT.—J S.M\sll i l l l -J l M t S SIKH Alt"

" I f S A Wondrrf i l l I if.-

uni l"High School Hern"

l l i l i l 1 < I - - -2 IIILOl )S II \ \ \ \ A i m

i n i l l ' V I H BKITTI'N



"Muf;nificent Doll"li:l> \ TIIIKS^.'. ' llr?! ni T illi"



KunUnlpli St-nttIHmili short-—i;>l»sy H«I-.I> I ^

"Belle of the Yukon"

T H E A T R ER a t - u a y . \ . .?.

F - U I-:1- V 7 T O ! ' : 'O r . M .S.iI 1 :tn 1.1 4:S0 A- 7 to l ! : 3 0S u n . C o n t i n u o u s 1 tD 11:30 P.M.


"Roll OnTV\as Moon



KAHWAY THEATREAnn Sheridan Is co-starred with

Kent SmHh and Bruce Bennett(In Warner's "Nora Prentice."I which opens at the Rahway TTiea-j trc on Sunday for a three dayI run. The supporting cast In-cludes Robert Ald-i. Rosemary Dc-Camp and John PJHTPIV in lm-

' portant rolos. . **•?<!

I Tensely directed, beautiiullymounted, and ortisUcally enacted.Tempi ation." an Intc-' national

pi'ture .^tarrln^ Merle Oberon.Ocnrtr" Brrrvt. Char>s"Tvnvv:h nnrtPaul I,uk;is. opens at tin> Ralnvry.Sunday f'-r a three day run Thispicturr f a skillful poitrayal offeminin? psyhologv. romanticduplicity nnd taut melnd^ama.Tho film has an em :tlonal Inpactthai win hvi'H thr ^vernpo rec-

N w ti1 • i.'lnfr if 'T ' l l t ' ier?r.l' P 11 •<., Tii: n r \ '"»- , . ] ] s •• o . I I . , . . •

EM rIRETheatre feas will sre Roy

Rogers at his best In the picture"Kojl o<a Texa« MOOQ" which or»nsF ^ a y Pt tri>> gmr-lre Tb^itic l<"» t 'ier d*>' run. KBor>p of the porular a'thr liy. is als^ -uire t111" 0 foiU'Jtr "Wlfr

t • f^ i r.-y tis w'lll '


/> clear '-a.se o' inflatio" c' 'ppedup dni'ng tile shoctinR of F?K<H:»d" •; stirrtrp Te'hDtcolc «p<"ctri l* KinbPd the Sailer ^t«rrniK Oc-iiglas Pnirhanks, .1' . M^ui-cer f» Kara "nd Walter SI- >.akThe gorgeous costiioUnp nf thebig cast of characters *n thisn'nth • -ntury pageant on' ofArabian NiphU called for va.s'fiuantitle.^ of costume jewelry Tcday. uhis jewelry is va'ued at S25.000 and special guards were pro-vided for its Mfcty. Eefme Pear!H.Tbor. ni' iden'lca! heap of f-\vliy wr iilfl havp been Injured forno more, than $1,500. and nocuiards would rmve been neces-nry

4j>n SheriH»n, -o-s(arHn» withK'^t Sxoilb and Brvce Bennettin Warner Bros.' ikQwer'ul melo-A'\mp. "Nora Prentlss." falls Intoa t^nffaroiis l^vc when she tiresof thr p»radr ->f phorfy plavboysin >» r H'f. The neu excHln; dra-Ti>.i u-lll be shown Sunday thru• '-c-iay at the Rahway Th">*'»


*n anticipation of her mnrriaReor May 31st to Malcolm I >vubachr>! Raiway. Jklls-s Porotby Terry,rtf 87^ Wrstfleld avpnup was hon-ored "tth a miscpllttne -us showerglvei by Mr«. fra'-cis E. Moore,and Mrs. Edu-ard T Sch'empGame prlz-CK went to Mrs. .7 L.Hunt"r, M'ts Gertrude Pattersonand Miss FJorr-ye Wlhitel'esd.(


Tyler E. Clark has been namedby the Executive Board of theRahway American F«d Cross tohav° charge of the disaster re-lief division. Etlwin Shults willstart a Red Cross life saving and-—imrtfinc class at the "Y" poo!.

' You'll find Excitement...Adventure .T. Thrills . . .RomanceTr. Spectacle..'


1 ...lurr I'r.'smtodWeekdnys. 11 :20: 1 :50"

4:25; 7:00: 9:35

Snturdny: 11:35: 2:104 50; 7:30; 10:05

Sunday:. 1«35. 4:15'0:50; 9:30




S t a t e TheatreVV00UHRIDGE


Iluniphrey Bo^art — Lizabclli Scott in

"Dead Reckoning"PLUS —

"Betty Co-Ed"With Jean Porter

SUNDAY THRU TUESDAYLorctla Young-David Niven In

'"The Perfect Marriage"Sonny Tufts - Ann Blyth

"Swell Guy"WED. THRU SAT



Thru Sat.

t i . ' u w n I h t ' i s . & F n . 1 : 4 0 ; 7 ; 9 : 3 0 — S a t . l : 4 u ; I : J U ; 7 ; i : 3 5


3 DAYS — SUN.. !UOiN.. TUES.


T— IQiftl AlPi -


"SINBAD THE SAILOR"•In Glorious Technicolor

James Dunn in '"THAT BRENNAN GIHL"

Rahway's Jewelry StoreOF CONFIDENCE '

QUALITY—SERVICE—DEPENDABILITYTout Purchases Can be Made with Savings

Time Faymenta IT Desired

Diamonds — Watches — Jewelry — Gift#

Em-Bee Jewelers85 E. CHERRY STREET RAHWAY, N. J.

Page 7: SPRING SALE DAYS! f/ pecotb RAHWAYS HOME ......White embroidery. 45x3C Reg 1 ix34. reg. 59c. $2.50. Now 47c Floral Printed Table Cloths In Red and blue. 42x42. $1.00 Calloway Table



1.1: •-

AT TRAINING BASEMidshipman WlUlam R. Pm.in). USN, son of Mr. and Mrs

street, this cUy. has reported IrDie Navnl Air Traininn Bn<— CorPus Chl'UU. T*>vnc far Nnv

eorge Smanko of 485 Hamilton ' flight training.


world'! doily n«wtpop«r—

TH! CHRBMN SCIENCE MONITOR. VIXJ wll f.nd yourself on* ofth« bttt-Worm«d penont in vow comrrfcjrwty on world oMoirs wh«fiyou reod thit world-wide doi/y newspaper rcQuloxly. You will goi/l* h f l l A h d t d f t d C ' * t f '«vr vtwpomrs, q fvillAr,' r*ch«r underitarding of todO>"« vffi

PIUS K»(p from -Ti *xcMiv« fr->turej c> »»•*"••••,^».x ,-«•„-.

•Uibscrfbe f»«v tot*»H tpeclol "set- (•CQiMiateri" oi*«r- 1 moath tor $ f

Obituary'Continued from Page Nine)

Brook'yn and M»"s. Francis Bceh-ringpr. Newark; four grandc* ild-rrn. ' -v» g ' ea t granddaug>

""vicp<! \- - ' p held P«turdnv inI fit JrMn • Russion Orthodoxrlujrrh for EmeHan B^schiik. 58,of 1542 Bp'ifcrd. street, who riVdWodno^f'iy at Pah way M^m^1' nJHnspw*] "ftpr 9 short iMnes1 Anfttivn of VQlin. Russia, he hm'

IT> R n h v y TOTSUI viv'ng arp h'r v ifp

Bisrhrk a i«uFa;1 sv U: nchP1' .Jt " o

Martln OPalamar, John Ko'cscLsky.Alex Jakobowski and Samuel Sa-lik. all members of Branch C5,R. O. O. V A. Very Rev. JohnSemanitzPv. officiated at the ser-vice and at the prave (~i S*Valdmir's Russian OTt>- ' ' •


Sponsored by t'lf Railway Sofety Council, wit)) DuBois T Hi'maa ; »* fhnirrruLn t_h . JVnnsyl-vani.i Rnil'oad presented a nrogram nn'1 demonstration at th;1

Roospvplt School Auditorium Thrtheme for the program was 'Prac-

DomonKtratlniv for Combat :

Flf's Ar 'iind Pe^nsylavninl a d . H i g h T - n I " . Flc< t . i ^ n l

>ns "

A deF»'on.it*"ation of the com •bustible rhni notpr of petroleum

an exhibition of ji1 fire '«?ep. a fire enRin*? a^d a

PO-2 *rallpT omplf*t'?d " ie 'To-Those " ' f ir'a*'MR at ' he

rtfnon* 'ration WP* P J n n n s T<JiTor tor o ' pn^^llr safety

of Nf w Brunrwirk ' R. I-. p as rop ..1 \ i,porqrrt and WiMi'm Marshall < 1 thr ppfiTwylvnln RailroadThe 'ernnru-tration >.[?<; c'^nc'-irt

l cd >:y ' r v s r.e>>''»r. f fhp V <l!• • i '»(* T » ruMip ' \i * ' '<m"'' '' -

' T -misSrlioei't 'le. p- thp

to Atl"'itir City • on,n 10 A'terna'^s arex .l-*hn T .arsen. .1r\ronC"ip ?'"AP rrifmb' r was

thp wp'lt end "lee'over by '•n 1"1"1 w l 1 1 1


it bctk hem© *TM tbk 4 way Ford

cf your enr a f\ ut^m iat hfck horn*1 at vour

nwhanios uw Ford

Ford Furti, nnH

pT'al Fnrrl too)/ «

t. To you thatr jo' -*

jment of antingleight and shear

i •. ^ l

4. Fo-'ory-oppr - '

.needed?looks better)

buiit better)CUTS better.1

Sec it!:

' There's no placelike HOME

forJord Service


Honor Society InductsToday the Natlqnnl Honor So-

rletv n! the Railway Hluh Schoolwill hold an induction program.O" Jiinn ""M it Is plan»wl to I'ulda plcfir Huns are mad" 'orJunior nirmbers nf tho club i" b-ii«hi"rs at senior graduation.

A t"tul of $18 51 has b r r r ror-lcrtrd at the HiKh School f')i thenod C'os^ acr'*rdinK to the latestrepe ' t bv Mrs, Elizabeth Marnier .:hi.s the result of a monthly b«x- '-n'M-f ion diivp

^'onnj'i Brpslnw ha.s been namedas 'his yf ir s rpprpsepiative tothp J.-r«f> B"vs S t - t c programcoi'iduotpd l-i June a t . TMlt'-pr^Univpi-i"v I ' i 'ha . r i Roll .- - '

SophoiPQre DancefMdny niKht th« sprinK dnnrf

of thp R'^pho'noTe Class was WP1'nttc-idi'd and in<lndpd pn 'er ta inm"" J fpnture" by a qi">rtpr inr 1 >iclinn Richard S mon Robert Si-

Residential FiresTnrroase In N. J.

Slnrp 1928. the number of rpsl-dpntlal flrps In thp United stateshas increased 40 percent. FireChipf 'VaHpr H. Ritzman declarer!loday 'n urKintr all-nut supportof \hf rum-nt Fpr'np C|pan-upDii\° . Accordi'11,' to the NationalFin- Pio•••i-tion A.SNori:it;on. 400.-000 Hies nitark I'lnn:-; nnnu-Uya n d 7 0 " 0 P « M ^ < - > - : p i r t i n t n r r * ( n

m o nA i - '•

p i '

V1 \rv

TIdent1 at)fMill.m'-nchai<;pph

. I 'IP!

^irrP c.„••

. . . t





•i'U"y Pa nt 'P idley Pa

• on • ir i !i, .i

nmnM'tPp f l f'gpi H'"1P iJoseph \l 1 >"arbarft f •

PTbnraa"; Barbn''A1 ' imnvicr-

•r and *tIni-r a-ns sine1

• i

•ndpd h>nclud'T*movif '.i mpr: •

V a n1 Farrr


i - h1 RIr;'



• i f


ar• >h


r -1

IV i


- i l l

•If '. In


! Thi•••<• ftKWPs wr- - .strpssc'l byChip ' Ri l 'man in p.-iinMriK oulthat most dwelling fires ran bp

|lr»rr(! U1 farf\jllnr Tiazards. mostof which c:>u br ohminatp'l while

j t h e h ^ ' n e is bpint? uiv*>n iN Bitiuinl•^prinu " l ean ipc

T h e major f l r p - b r c d e r s n r e :iiubbi>i> nnd houspholrl debr is a l -lowed 'n a r c u m u l a t p d u r i n g WIPw m t p r - defect ive c h i m n e y s ; s p a r k s

' fal l inp on Pa rpab le wood 'oofs .j wh ich shnuld he '-ovprpd \* itj» firp-, resi< 1 n• • • a s p h a l ' s l i inul"s or <nm«. s i n r ' a i prolf c t ' ' /p m a i c u a 1 rtp' T1'-' .i ' h<Mi t ' ' '4 i -ju i t'rr ° ' t ; c i r p

li".1. 'nokiny M:i • \'': u rf '',>.-••j ! r 11 fju if J v i-> h • -Mr ' t >

Chsx r

Listen 1o the Ford Show starring Dinah Shore onColumbia Network Stations Wednesday evenings

For immediate Service — See Your Friendly Ford Dealer


i j o r e n g i n e t ? r i n g r e f i n e -

..iL-nts g u a r a n t e e l o n g e r l i f e ,

easier mowing 1

M a d o b y C ' . E M S O N BRO5 , Inc .

Midd l .Mown. N Y - U S A.

Special Price $29.50

Rah way Hardware1S53 Main St. RAh. 7-0772

}{PJ bei t G 'b 't. O«orRp May.nrn, M<rnn w^

Goirdner; Inor Sam T 'o^ry.Simon nnd CJporyp May;

while py'^'isi1 ° dprorar"'" 's u p "ar rnn(T°d by Carolyn at nK<ipHelen Baggs, Fln f rnce ' ' imp'-on

^tervpi* Marv n i nphyDura, Barbnra Rnen<;,

Dianp Braslow, ElizabPt h Oray,O'Connor. Poar ' Rntir- , Til

lian RnriiR. Margarpl ROTK«, I/in isValonti. Edwin Eastman. Cionrizr


nru of

M'>- -npv p l ' i rp t f rr\' p*' Mm fj *M

kpy i t l h " RViPir 'i!y '( ' W P ' • nt

np )' f o t * y


I RoV- ->Si nnnp1 '1 Tn l l in ; ".eorpnNf ny. FcJwai ri H ' l ' t i ldo. *>• c -" ' ) n f 'wid R i r h p r H A i f h c r

T1 o i i ^ r m h ' y p loyr:i iTi l a r t « T K! \xn*i matkpcJ by pi e ^ e n t n ' ior> nf! p l a y Il'Mitrn Hoi ^ ' O I P K ' O by t h «[ S p a r i K i i C l a s s . t>ie ra>t. i n c l u d i n g 'I Barton Blum. Dnr^hy Bactk.Cain] VVnrmnth. .Tni>rt Bran. Joan

| Ri'irlc AIIPO R»\s» r Jnan CrCanv.lanor Hi^^ins, Dolores Tnmassi.


Roofing - Siding - Insulation

Floors Refinished-Intprior Decorating


C- A. Carlson 0. F. MillsRahway 7-3316-R IMainfieM 6-9287-W



Flexees.. . foundation for a beautiful figure. Therv'i firm

control in th* lustrout Racon front and back ponelt. raiy

comfort in the lastique »ide». To be worn an inch obovt th*

' waist for completely smooth, lovely lines. Six*s 27 to 34.

A'*d fo» noturol, fluid bosom b»outy . . wear o TUw'-- "»

;<> die n«w Pulchro Design.

Flexoire bra, THE PULCHRA DESIGN . . . $1 to $5.95

Flexees girdles and combinations . $5.95 to $18 SO


RAhway 7-0545

o mm



-GOOD CMf?£ OX/mfNew car or old, heat and fric-tion will take an equal tollthia spring and summer oncars that aren't properly lu-bricated! To enjoy your carin the Happy Motoring daysahead, have your nearby Es^oDealer service it carefullynow for that important sum-mer protection. Then, on thehighways, stop regularly atthe red-white-and-blue EssoSign for helpful service andfor quality Esso Productsthat can mean so much to oldand new cars alike!

DON'T i n TtoUIlE catch you onthe road — have tires, batteryund other vital parts inspectednow. Your Esso Dealer will tellyou whether they need servic-ing or replacements.

fO« OEFENDAIIE (MINE PtorECTIOMask for unexcelled Esso MotorOil. Protective lubrication withlong-lasting economy. Outstand-ing value in one of the world'sfinest motor oils!

CHASItl FtlCTION JM)TJ n e e d c a r eas you pjle up the miles. SturdyEsso Lubricants will help re-duce we»r and avoid repairs —expertly applied by your EssoDealer.

YOU CET POWEI and pick-up thatyou can feel at the wheel... andlong mileage too... with famousEsso Gasolines! What's more,you enjoy the plua protectionof patented Esso Solvent Oil inevery gallon, to help give youa clean, smooth-running engine. Copr. 1»I7. Euo In.



With the change to Daylight Saving Time in certaincities, effective Sunday, April 27th, general adjust-ments have been made in Baltimore & Ohio Routetrain service.

New Early-Morning Train toBALTIMORE and WASHINGTON

nuunmIDoylight T[m« o t * hour loi«r)

Lv. Elizabeth .' 8:06 AJA.Lv. Plainfleld 8:20 AM.Ar. Wayne Junction 9:19 AM.Ar. Philadelphia (24th * Chestnut) 9:35 AM.Ar. Wilmington 10:04 AM.Ar. Baltimore '. . . 11:13 A.M.Ar. Washington 12:00 Noon

Individual S«at Coaches — Dining Car—Parlor Car

Ofner fine, fast fra/nt to Ba/l/more and Washington

I . e . . Eli,ab.rh 9:46 A.M. ( T b : Royal Blue); U:52 P.M.;2:11 P.M.; 3:41 P.M.; 5:22 P.M.; 7:21 P.M.; 1:20 A.M.

L o » . Ptaiftfl.id 9:59 A.M. (The Royal Blue); 1:06 P.M.; U <P.M.; 3:54 P.M.; 5:35 P.M.; 7:34 P.M.; 1:39 A.M.

StanearW Tina

Also Jast, dependable service Co Pittsburgh, Toledo, Detroit,Chicago, Cincinnati, Louisville, St. Louis, and other pomuin the West and Southwest.

For complete informationof icbedult changes, telephone1

ELIzabetrV 2-9081, or PLalnfleld 6-3012




The smartest thing that youcaul do, would be to plan a tripfor you. It matters not justwhat or where, as long as you

•Ket yourself there. Perhaps,you'd like to fish a bit. Or. golfmay be your favorite. And.then, again, if you're like me.your porch U where you're aptto1 be. Jue

And. another smart thing to do. is to have vourbrakes checked and adjusted by an expert. No.j>apt-of your car hasrniore.-Fesfwnsinnm «,.u^fioyour brakes. For repairs by experts, call at -

Rahway Brake Service1263 MAtN STREET RAIT 7-1511

8»mnel J. Oassawej PBOP8. Joseph N. Gassaw»j15 Ve»r« a Brake 8peclallil—17 Fear, a Cben-olxt NH

Automatic Hot WaterFor Every Use — Brand New Models On Display






The Correct Size for Your RequirementInstalled by Us NOW!


Ralph L. Smith444 W. GRAND AVE. RAhway 7-2228



Pnrktng so long a problem—uikt..i about so much—is finallyw b,, •arkl»d as an acutp pmhiomhero.

1 1 1 -OM May 14 the Council gets

bids on parking meters to cost525<100 and to govern parkin in,i,f hi'ilrn-ss sections.

? ? ?The Police Committee headed

by ChnirmanAnthor"' Kim-tn yo k a n dMayor Pr»nn-van f1""" HIPtolgBe1-'' I ad-achp iri op-e r p t | v p tjiem e t >• • s mw h n ' >< • • " «s h a 1 '

? ? '

P u r r h i s p A'Anthony the " ' o • r r •l[imn'l'1|c ra i r - s m f il J

qu^t '"i Shall t h " mptpri t-rbun.' " eratet ' nr au f ••' •.. v m n d p b^1 ' Jl r -^ "

? ? ?s h a " p r o v i s i o n )•<• wttdp fnt

penny ''arc*? fo r p few m i n u t p 1 ;parkin- or s h o u l d *hey We likpA-hui\ Park on thp hour basis?sin '!<! ihero b<? any difference In" <• in'pp In diflerpnt. sections7

? ' ?A nipliminary review of busi-

npss mm and citizens, ^fllrlalssay ind'icnte.s the majority favorpaympnt? of a penny for 12 rr.in-utps nnd meters which will Ul"-pennies and nickles.

? ? ?The same line of thought as

expressed to officials calls for atwo hour limit on parking asfurh parking meters using penniesand nickles wouM not cover overthat period. The machine »»>Mnnly UL-p 10 cents.

? ? ?Officials stated last night that

the $25,000 appropriated willcoyer all the meters needed forthe zones or streets covered in theordinance published on March27th and passed April 9th. Prom250 tn 300 are needed.

? ? ?The meters wUl of course go

on Irving. Main streets and"Cherry street, sections of EastJfilton avenue. Poplar street. Elmavenue, Central avenue. Vailplace. Coach street, Lewis street,fierce street, Pulton street. Camp-bell street, Hamilton street. Broadstreet, etc.

? ? ?Derision to buy the meters In-

stead of ''rent" them followeddetail on state ruling, makinR thepurchase necessary if they are tobe operated.

? ? ?The original plan of the city

Retting a share of the return wasfollowed, the city would collect atonce with the only deduction thecost of policing the areas.

? ? ?With S25.0O0 sunk in the ven-

ture the city expects to get about59.500 the first six months andabout the same In each .similarPeriod thereafter. From thismust (ome the cost of policing,fcpairs. etc.

1 .1 1With any attempt to limit the

^ V V ftoure-bx. J&frpewy'«*r. there can be no all-day

Parkins; by commutere to NewYork or elsewhere.

? ? ?The parking meters are ex-

Pwlcd to be in only a short timeWore the municipal parking lot.long a dream here, should become3 realHy.

? ? ?City officials stated last night

thiit plans are being pushed for*e parking lot behind Cherryand Main streets with entrance°n both streets. Consent of a.'ljtoticemcd has been secured andPlans made for the work. It is"Pmed the lot will be paved.

I l lA"other municipal parking lot

mav come Into being on Irvingstrcet alongside the News-Recordbuilding if an agreement with theowner on waiver of taxes can beCached.

I l l!' looks at present that the big-

c«t problem1 of parking in six•ninths will be for the man or»°man living In the outskirts (or°utslde of Rahway^ who. Jrives

-to the station and leave their carca<* morning. Where they willput 't Is something they shoulds tart to solve now.


flee orbRAHWAY'S


for Morp Than n Century

VOL. 125—No. 74Merging the Railway Record. Est. 1S22 with the hah way Neva Eat. 1930

BAHWAV. TiT.W JERSEY. THl'RSPAY. MAV 1. 1947 P"V>»-rifit!on $3 OO » Yoar In Advtnr* PER COPY FIVE CENTS

Discuss Junior League Benefit

Tirrd bul 1

niillrp 'HPII-'•'•nll'i. Ir .I M ' in..-I

t 11 pr tl' Iltlrtnr: I ' I M - I I •<S l)n, ,1 "\T.


:i(tpnd--int-p ^t *hc Annual l-";islil«in ShowOi'tinc Cluh n> thr .Innior I -la?ur. pom•lit*. Rpa'''iK I'M to riffM* Mrs. .Urn1**

"•'.Idtide' ""' 'Villn I H«ll. Mr'

SchoolBoardIncrease PayFor Teachers

" : " Minimum Pa) T'»*-\OOO am) M < "

* "mpr t it inn

The Moa* r\ of Education In-creased *.h' rrilnipuim salp'y r>(teachpr.- tc $2.00" to n v c t com-potiMon of otHpr -rhool 'list.rict<i

' and dprroa-ed the perioc* of time• In wh; 'Ji a tparhpi mu.ct work toI spciire H n " t i n n i ' ' fror1 20 to 18'years for 'our ypar tr •Nln'nc

r lass i i rn ' ion and from 21 to 19iVP^rs for teao1 pri wil'i fl\-' year^

of TMpparat ir" •'•>> ;.>r il>^-- mcr-t


Jf elcomf Home Eretif

Planned For Jidy

K yThe 'psWnat'ons o< Mr1:

nf fhe hffh school F"ei'^rt" cnt: Mrs. Mary A

Washb-'otoo R«')ux))Kellpy of the >>lRh

department v^re arregret. Mr KeDeyrhi"K <ipld ar 't cc\

M-., .r"s Cc Plans for FNi *. Athlcli- V ••»

F c u r t h of Jn ly cf lebrat iKIP n i " rn in» . atl ' lpti ' eve

works in the rvf i ' ing WIT>Mayor's Committe for Honpring

prans of World Vi1 M (" •••'"•ion at City Hall.

Preparations thus fni ouHtnedn c l u d e p a r t i c i p a t i o n in t he par.de by representatives of vc-leransrgani?.ation.s in the citv. and

floats presented by local indus->ries, boxing events at. the countyark and fireworks, also at theounty nark, under the supervi-;ion of Fire Chief Walter Rit-

man.General chairman is Charles E.

Seed. Mayor Dennis P. DonovanIs honorary chairman. Isaac Will-iams and Henry J. Miller, co-hairmen; Ferdinand Wolcott,ecretary and Alfred E. Adams,.reasurer.

Sub-committee appointmentsre as follows: Parade. Henry J.filler and Gforue Bent: Athletic.

Ralph L. Smith: Fireworks. FireChief Walter Ritzman: Industry.,annon Mead, John Mapet and. C. Williams: Mercantile. Harry

Green and Publicity. William F.Davis, Orrin Griffls and J. T.iVells.

The committee will meet on'ue.sday of each week at City


"ommittre StudiesRepair Of I.ilnarv

'ill Clore Institution SaturdaysSlartinir June 21st


fl motion picture, "The Coas"afd Academy" showing the

"•amlng of cadets at New London.°nnecUcut waf l p r e s e n t e d a t t h e

™*e»ng this week of the Rotan„ ub of Rahway held at Greven':sided P r e s l d e n t J o h n Jaqueth pre

Final plans for the Ladies'»nt and dlnner-dance to be helc' t h e Colonia Country Club to.

(_4J were discussed. Visiting RoMartin Corcoran, of Eliza

was welcomed by Harry T.lock.

as\X t'lroni<' Velcrans Horn*'

on plyns •-> include 'i p p r a d er i t . s i n t h p ; i f t p ' M ' t r u i : » n r ] H r p

• o n t l i n n d t l i i i ; vve i -k h v <hp*

iHonor Ixx'al Man

For TJOIIII Service

erii Electri<- fur2.S Years

Charles Balllnger of 418 Stan-ley place, this city this week com-pleted 25 years service with the

j Western Electric Company at the• Kearny works.

The Rahwayman be:,'an hisservice in 1922as a toolmakerand advancedat the Kear^ney plant untiltoday lie Issupervisor o, Ithe toolmakerssection. He hasw i t i i e s j e dmany of thei m provement/j

in telephone equipment from theKearny works.

He is a member of the StanleyS. Holmes Chapter of Te'ephonePioneers of America. Mr. Ballin-ger is receiving the congratula-tions of th Wekearnyan -asso-

Bepaitr "to the Rahway .Puj^igLibrary will be studied b;pecial committee Ineludinc Ar-hur L. Perry. Oscar B. Garth-

waite GeoiRe C. Bartell namedhis week. The library will be:losed on Saturdays during the,ummer starting June 21st.

George Bartell presided withMiss Eunice Brennan. secretary,with others present IncludingMrs. Joseph W. Costello. Mrs.Edwin Haliday. Oscar Garth-waite, Rev. Gilbert F. van Beverand Miss Mary C. Thomas.


A discussion of "Men and Peace"led by Rev. Thomas B. Meaney.on the problems in the post-warworld marked the meeting this'.veek of ;he Catholic Daugh c.sj ! America held at St. Mary's3chool. Chairman was Mrs. Ed-ward Markey.

Following the study hour, re-freshments were served. Membersof the refreshment committee in-cluded: Mrs. William Haggerty,Miss Mary Hornby. Mrs. HarryHlrkman. Mrs. Rose Heath. Mrs.Ellsworth Husbands, Miss Ele^i'orHorneck. Mrs. Joseph Holland.Mrs. James Brady, Mrs. WilliamHobhtzell. Miss M. Anita Hiisiinsand Miss Audrey Polin.


Thrp? hundred dollars morethan the minimum price set bythe Common Council was broughtthis week when four parcels oftax lien properties were sold bvTax Receiver J. Francis Fox.

Twenty-six lots in Elm terrac.-1.valued at 51.170 were sold to VeraSaiariino, of 213 Adams str?et for$1,140. Ross DiComo was agent

j Two lots in Leeseville avenue, val-ued at $120 were sold to John J.Dwyer and wife, Lottie, for $250.J. D. Markey was agent. The twoparcels sold at minimum valueswere: two lots in Washingtonstreet sold to George Kampo for$180: and two lots In Lennlngtonstreet, sold to Ethel Alabano for$300.

Haj ' len ofand Fnwnrt1

school 'ntmirceptpd u ' t hwill l*"ave 'p

I tinilP his -"" 'v n1 m n«i r (»i nHoctnrfl'e.

Rnfe H»rdy. Mrs. Selina Min-gus. Mis-s Catherine Parent andMrs. Kathryn Sibley were giventenure appointments. Appoint-ments for the 1947-48 school yearwere given Shirley Allison. Shir-ley Beckert. Robert Berger.Marlon Brokaw. Margaret Burke.Rose De Waters. Charles Cook.Jeannette Duffy. John Gardner(Carmine Giiastello. Athene Ke-kos. Doils Lambert. ElizabethMagnler. Gi!da Mussachio. FredSchmidt. Frank Shupper. Vir-ginia Thorn. Mi.ss Emma Ryanwas named attendance officerDr. E B. Morrison was nameddental inspector and Dr. EltonLance wns renamed medical in-spector. Mrs. Jessie H-arrimanand Miss Dorothy Car>well wereitemed secretary and assistantsecretary to the hiRh school prin-cipal.

The petition of parents ofseventh grade children for hold-ing an eighth grade class in Lin-coln School next year was turneddown by the board because ofphysical conditions of the build-ing.

A special meeting was calledfor May 12 when members of theboard will discuss the problemsof supervision and the servicetraining of teachers and parent-leather relationships in the ele-menary-school.

The board authorized a lettersent to Board of Health request-ing notification of any cases ofcontagious diseases.

Rev. Russel M. Potter, rectorof Church of the Holy Com-forter was invited to K'IVC thpbaccalaureate sermon at the hlch.school on June 8. A check for$1,000 from the Fred Shotwellestate in memory of Miss AnnieShotwell was received by theboard. This will be invested andthe income given to a boy and aalrl-in bicb. schoor- <j

by the board.The use of Rooseve't School

was g'ranted Clark Board of Ed-ucation for graduation exercise?June 19. The board also approved

| the use of school buildings forseveral affairs during the com-inR month.

Letters objectlong to compul-sory immunization were receivedone being in the form of a peti-tion signed by seven people.

Attendance was at 91 percentfor the past month. W. DicksonCunningham presided at themeeting attended by Martin F.Gettings. David Needell. Mrs.Kenneth Ritchie. Edwin B. Du-rand, Superintendent Arthur L.Perrp and Secretary Guy M.Howard.


An organization meeting of thePixie Club, a girls' group fashion-ed after the pattern of the Grem-lins, was held thi$, week at thehome of Mrs. John Ingersol. of584 Jefferson avenue. Officerselected were as follows: President.Miss Ruth Kochy: vice-president.Joan Ingersoll; and secretary.Joan Schwlndeman. .

Advisor of the club will be MissHelen Gibbons. Meetings will beheld on the first Tuesday of eachmonth at the Y.M.C.A.

Expect "Y" Drive To Top Goal SetWith 75'* Of $10,000 Reported Here

Weleonie Home For Fa^le Veteran-

With seventy-five per cent o'the $10,000 soul In the. annual fi-nance drive of the Y.M.C.A..real-ized. Campaign Director Jesse FWraight indicated this week thaithe drive will go over the tonwhen final returns are tabulated.

Incomplet returns show $7,575collected. Although the drive irofficially closed, canvassing willbe continued until remainingprospects are visrted. Those par-ticipating in the drive discussionthis week were Frederick RItterEdwin M Durand. Rev-Gilbert F.van Bever. Edwin J. Elmer. JohnWiesc. Randolph L. Oilman. Mil-ford J. Lewis. Robert Cornell,Charles A. Schults, Joseph W.Skarda, Edward A. Schreup, Fay-ette N. Talley. Charles E. Reed.

Talley conducted the reportingof teams and Schults compiled re-

ults. Rev. van Bever offered ln-tocatiqn. Chalmers Reed, led thaong service, with Jack Cramer>:anlst.


A luncheon meeting was heldthis week by the women of theColonia Country Club followingmorning golf. Putting prizes wentto Mrs. Clifford W. Dunphy. Mrs.E. I. Stevens. Mrs. R. C. Bauer,Others participating were Mrs.Lloyd Grlswold, Mrs. J. S. MarksMrs. T. H. Ohlweiler, Mrs. C. HCase, Mrs. John Mossman. Mrs.James Deschler. Mrs. R. J. SauerMrs. George Marron, Mrs. D. A.Thorrle, Mrs. R. C. Dutt. Mrs. Jo-seph Donahue, ^Mrs. HerbertCastor and Mrs. J. ValentineBrown.

( t iarrnr 'n Jo'wi Dr-lmontco nf Fa-I*1*- >M'T viromru'^ ('o»nr*liltrpirat liov rtown to i.l>iil<e T 'nd*i wilb ,\ntlr» \v B:i u n1" a I no1 . .» lo'l^cniprn'-trs M'h*» vva* a Jap prisoner *UIM <• Kn'smn first F:igl<- t"€-ntr» •.i-riicr here smiles from thi- lefi. w ' h .l!r»i !-'i;n", rounril•nan :»nd .ICajrlcs Prr^idpnl l>pt'won thr n-"n. wit*' w**rri*t:»r\ilnrrv Mcxandcr anrl m^slrr of < "rf imTirs Samur ' R Mortonlr.nkjr>£ «n. Kvent is tH^ »-!'•>•>" 11-MT-r l.\ I*;lKl*v "li Sunr'n*S*tory *»n Pac** Twelvf. r-i.tii,.. »-v FiutrmT ••

Merck Expansion !s IndicatedBy $84,000 Power Plant Here

Wo, I

12 Emergency UnitsOffered For Rahway


' , ' l i

P r o p -it t 'i l>- t u tf'tl " • • '• if

' H I , i , I

hr. "ff"rprl the- v of their

P'-rtjiit I- Issn.'d FFTrrc and AN<>

I.indi'.n Sit

The power plant at the Merckh**mical plant, bore will be great-y extended in thp immediaLouture to meet the demands for

more power needed to supply theadditional manufacturing unitsconstructed and be.int,' construct-ed. Building Inspector PatsyPfllegrlno 'issued a permit todayor the extension in the amount

of $84,000. It is understood thathe Merck concern also look an

$88,000 permit In Linden lor tneconstruetfcar-of » building, -adjlands sKuated in that city.

'Permits were Issued to ErnaniDeCarvalno of 2025 State HIRII-way 25 for demolition of a «asstation and erection of anotherit a cost of S6.000. A permit \va»,i'so granted David B. Jones whowiil construct a $5,000 dwelling-n Lawrence >tree!.


to Mark lOlbi rv l l p r p . f i i n p


P!.'.ns were made last ni^ht fora banquet on June 26th to maikthe fortieth anniversary of R.ihway LodRe Elks. The banquetwill be in comtnemorat inn nf i he-

found ing o fthe lodge onJune 2C. 1907.

I.? -k "f aboi s -f T o n 1 'p n n e t ! ' - i lf r o r r l.i^l m i '

•*(-.-• i n " [•

>' Mm foi-- ri m r m1 COUMC' 1 In pn.it

h.-di'l.-d rii-Plim:irit :1 ' -jni-ht tien

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ens- tifiei^l . ity piohlpnis and tnlay p'uns (>f action for projectswhi ' t i will be undertaken in the'•Ity dm tim the summer monthsOne of the pidurums for discus-sion «'ill no doubt b"1 that of iv,-tiihhshinB a plani)ing commissionin the immodiatp future. Con-sicipi':ii ion is also oxpectpd of thpofTer nf the S ta te for UVPIVP addiHnnal housing units of an emei-gency or permanent type.

Lmxlicon yl>\ Cliuivli WHIUCM

Special Speakers Secured; YouthPanrl at School May flth

E. F. Kennarnin June 8th.The comm.tteo fur the Fortieth

i anniversary CL-lcbrati n of Rah-| way Lod'ie No. 1075. B.P O.E.. for

Money At Work'1 Sh(™n at the j June 2fith as announced this week

knvanians KnjoyMotion J'ict

!'mehti u n d e rChairman Eu-gene K M I n aalso call fortcntafivi.. pian.sfor a danccion SaturdayJune 28th foi-members and ' Program and hmclieiin plan*their ladies. I for May 13. at the First Presby-T h e commit- J terian Church Community Hous-[cc will meet were comjjlctcd tins week by '.he

Rah'Viiy Council of ChurchWomen in session at the Y. MC. A.

Plan- include Mr., Emm^ C

Meeting of Scrxice Ciroup

Presentation of a motion pic-.urc. "Money At^VVork" giving adescription and >ni^uing the func-ion of Wall Street^ featured Iheirccram in connectron with theunchcon meeting ofUhe Kiwanis

^'lub held Wednesday noon atreyeii's. Hotel. Ciuulcs E. Reedlffi(8>$f%jc'G,.Jfc/Ughton presented.

lie features Including a .talk byMr. Reed. The many publicervices Mr. Reed has renderedo the city including municipal

office, presidency of HIP Y. M. CiA. and head of Selective ServiceBoard were outlined in he thanksxpressed by S. R. Morton.

F. P. Wolcott was in charge ofthr program. President JosephM. Feinben? and Vice-presidentRalph Tcmpleton shared presid-

honors with Rev. Chester M.Davis. D.D.. secretary.

Leonard Widmanu of the vuh-\icity department of the Penn-sylvania Railroad wi'l be speakernpxt week. J. Erwin Pettit wasa guest.

.nrlmles Eugene F, Kcnna. chai!-man; Charles A. Rorke. s-.lcretary;.ind Albert Jeambey. treasurer.

The sub-commitU'cs include:Dinner. Harry Collins chairman:John R. Leonard. Fred Hoffmanand Paul Miller: speakers, Wil-

Dcrinis P. Donovan will be Kiie.stand Rev. Gilbert F. van Beverwill offer the invocation.

Plai'.s also were made fur the, You) n Pa.-ic: to be held al theliiph SLII'JOI on F'- ay. May R at8 p m, witli N[ »ii.ciit.-. discussing

! topics on the tl.cme. "Ynuth• lain Dalton chairman: Walter : Spoak.s." President Mrs. William

mcur Bush: music and entertain-rnent. William F. Weber, chair- F r a n k c ; L ,n to F l . Secretary Mrs.

Morton Ancicr. Treasurer Mrs.

mrnt made tO-hy Mayor Den-"is r . Donovan.

In their com-munirpMon toMayor Dono-van. Btate offl-ciBis Meclared( h e i r i f l ve5willing to in-crensr the lo-cal q""ta by athird Thirty-

Mayor five units wereDonovan prnnted pre-

vious > rhe new units may be,-ither nf thr emergency or thepeimaneiu type. In either classthe sti»»« provides $5,000 per unitand the citv is charged with fur-nishinK 'h«> land and the utilitiestocether with the Rrading und thelny'iiiR of roads and sidewalks.

It is understood that the per-manent units cost approximately$1,600 above the $5,000 figure forthe temporary units. If this classnf birlidintr were accepted the city'would have to pay the differencebut the '-Ity would receive a per-manent huildinR Instead of onewhich at best will serve only foilan emergency period.

Action on the ofTer wiU be con-sidered at caucus meetings beforeit is presented for public dis-cu.s.s'ion at a regular session of theKnvcrnlni; body.

Auxiliary Party

Benefit Card Program YesterdayIs LirKcly Attended

.T.ar.: Lam-, Si.-to. Ray Hchak. Ja- Christine Price. Correspondnm

.tics U.uthwaite and Clins nidi- , Secretary Mrs. Bernard F. Jolin-A

Tlnrty-flve tables were in playat the card party sponsored Wed-nesday afternoon by the Women'sAuxiliary to the Rahway Mem-orial Hospital. Prizes for the af-fair were donated by Merck & Co..Pachmnn's Food Market, JohnMossman, Fcrtl Soil. Koos Bros..Kirstein's. Frederic Hairdressersand Ben's Beauty Shop.

The committee on food IncludedMrs. H. C. Howell. Mrs. E. W.Lance. Mrs. L. L. Pohl. Mrs.Hairy Simmons. Jr., Mrs. J. B.Ednar: decorations, Mrs. J. S.AnriereKs; tables Mrs. E. M. Du-rnnr!. Mis. J. L. Parkhurat.prizes.Mrs. Walter Augustine. Mrs. H.L. Gray: door prize, Mrs. AustinL. SlnKcr.

Winners included Mrs. RobectRookc and MfS. T6firner""Armr..strong of Westflcld: Mrs. FredAlbee. Colonia: Mrs. John Rcp-kie. Mrs. L. E. Cole. Mrs. J. WVAckley. Mrs. F. E. Nelson, Mrs.O. A. Wilkerson.


The Certificate of Honor formeritorious achievement in the1947 Fund Campaign has beenawarded the local chapter ofAmerican Red Cross according toa letter received by Mrs. JamesSmith, Jr.. chairman. The cam-Daitm was headed by JudgeUrBarger^and a large committee.Any organizations feeling thatth Red Cross can cooperate withthem In any way have been in-vited to contact headquarters inCity Ha'l and public is welcometo inspecT the offices which areopen from nine in the morningto four -thirty In the afternoon.

son: decorations. Mrs. R.Buron: program. Mrs. William M.Lints, and tickets, Mrs. George O.

i Miller.

JKWISII CONf.RESS', A di-cussion of tlie ideals of thrlate Presic'ent R-iosevel". in com-iJaiison uiih the present govern-ment was held this week a*. th(

t' Wctscr aiid Fred Hoffman: : mfpllng o} the Rnhv.sv Chapterreception, Harry Colvm. chairman. I Women's Division of lh? Ameri-William Duff, Fred Marsteller. Jo- can JewMi Congress. Preside!!',seph Urmston. Refreshments nad I Mrs. Dorothy Timins presidedthe dance will be in charge of [ with Mrs Joseph Kagan secrc-thc Elks' house committee headed ; :ary. Mits Beatrice Jacobs was inby Fred Hoffman. j char'-'c of the program.

ardson; historian. John J Huff-man: souvenirs. Jye Dunn, chair-man; David Needell and Ma::wiF. Getting.

Program and printliij1: Jijlin F.Pori-. LudwiK Schneider and Mi-chael Glennon: publicity. CharlesA. Rorke and Ray Druke: reserva-ii'iii.s Al Jeambey. chairman' An-

NOTICEThe office of the Receiver

of Taxes will bj open from 7:30to 8:30 p.m., orf Thursday even-ing. May 1st. 1947. for the pay-ment of thr second quarter ofthe 1947 taxes, due on that date.

J. FRANCIS FOX.Receiver of Taxes.

Smallpox Vaccinations AvailableBv Rahway Physicians For Low Fee


Twenty tables were In play atLhe spring card party conducteda^t night by the Franklin SchoolP.T.A. Mrs. Louis Marclano wonth;- non-player award and the:loor prizes went to Mrs. ElwoodMiller, Mrs. Fred Scliubauer. Mrs-Chrls Henrich, Mrs. Joseph Sch-

•Iter, James Toner. Mrs. Kenne.tiiFarmer. Mrs. Jerry Hrudka. Mrs.M. Curtis Mrs. Richard Mason.The committee headed by Mrs. El-wood Miller Included Mrs. Wil-liam Kaempffer. Mrs. MichaelMaranclk. Mrs. Louis.Bruno, Mrs,Arthur Taylor. Mrs. Charles O'-Neill.

Action taken following themeeting of the Board of Health,this week lmKqatcs that, smallpoxvaccinations will be available tolocal resident? at a small fee inthe near futnjje on the basis of apreliminary survey of local phy-sicians.

Dr. Elton W. Lance a memberof the health board told mem-bers of that board, counci'men.school representatives and otherst int he would not recommendboard sponsored mass Innocula-tlons here at this time. The pasesreported in New York and NewJersey to date he did not con-sider an emergency.

It was pointed out pre-schoo]children should be immunized asa precaution and indigent per-sons could be innoculated by ac-tion of the Overseer of the Poor.

President John D'Ambrosa pre-sided- -with Commissioners Mrs.Lint-s, David Stewart. Arthur J.Murphy. Dr. Lance and HealthOfTicer Joseph J. O'Neil togetherwith Mayor D. P. Donovan, W. D.Cunningham, Edmund Jennings.Clifford Comer. Joseph TamBur-Ina. Arthur L. Perry present.

CANDIDATES SPEAKCampaign speeches by candi-

dates seeking offices in the Na-tional Honor Society and by theirmanagers featured the assemblyprogram at high school Wednes-day. Richard Hall and RonaldBreslow seek presidency whileRichard Simon and James Pettit


The Rahway High School Mix-ed Chorus and band will presenttheir annual spring concert In theIilgh school auditorium Tuesdayevening. May 6 under the directionof Thornton Monez and HowardKelley. The chorus will sing folkchorals and well known songs andthe band will feature an over-ture in addition to concert num-bers. The High School P.T.A. Issponsoring the program and pro-ceeds will be used for purchase ofgowns for the high school chorus.

CANCER DRIVE EXTENDEDDeadline for returns in the

Cancer drive has been extendeduntil May 15 by chairman A. H.Schacfer. The goal is J3.200.Easter week and the phone strikehave handicapped workers butrunds are rolling In at fc moderaterate, indicating the drive will bea success.

ii n

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