Spotlight: Pasadena City College

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  • 8/12/2019 Spotlight: Pasadena City College


    Spotlight: Pasadena City College

    (in 75 sl ides or less )

    BSIL I June 2nd , 2014

    Lake Arrowhead

  • 8/12/2019 Spotlight: Pasadena City College


    The Catalyst

    Developmental Education

    N = 3,408

    Non-Developmental Education

    N = 2,129

    10% earned an AA/ASdegree

    4% earned acertificate

    41% transferred

    55% no discoverablemilestone

    12% earned an AA/ASdegree

    5% earned acertificate

    25% transferred

    69% no discoverablemilestone

  • 8/12/2019 Spotlight: Pasadena City College


    Our Response

    Comprehensive First Year Experience Program

    Interdisciplinary First Year Seminar

    Professional Learning



    Mindset & Habits of


    Understanding First

    Year Students

    3CSN scholarship toRALCoP, Links, FTLA,

    BSILI 4

  • 8/12/2019 Spotlight: Pasadena City College


    More Responses!

    Program Redesign Bootcamp:

    English (Stretch Acceleration)

    Math (SLAM)



    Group Counseling

    Professional Learning

    Reading Apprenticeship

    Project Based Learning


  • 8/12/2019 Spotlight: Pasadena City College


    Laying a Foundation: The Team


    Collaborativeorganizational expert

    ValerieData-driven innovator


    RA trained honeybee

  • 8/12/2019 Spotlight: Pasadena City College


    Laying a Foundation


    SASI Grant


    College Assistant


    Dean of Teaching and

    Learning Center VP of Facilities

  • 8/12/2019 Spotlight: Pasadena City College


    Laying a Foundation


    Comprehensive: Pedagogy,Leadership, & Wellness

    Advisory & Reading

    Faculty, Classified, & Managers

    Math, English, Distance Ed.,

    Student Affairs, Career Center,Library, Counseling

  • 8/12/2019 Spotlight: Pasadena City College


    Laying a Foundation


    Full-time faculty, Adjunct faculty, Classified, Managers


    Is there enough PL? What kind do you need?

    Length of service & satisfaction

    Modality, time, learning preference

  • 8/12/2019 Spotlight: Pasadena City College


    Professional Learning Survey Results:

    Full-time Faculty

    Full-time faculty were asked to rate their

    feelings about their overall outlook on their

    current position for 5 different categories.

    An online survey was createdby APL and implemented in

    spring 2013 to assess the

    professional learning needs of

    the campus. This is a summary

    of the responses given by 72

    full-time faculty at PasadenaCity College. Of these

    respondents, only 19.4% feel

    that there is professional

    learning that supports their

    need to grow at PCC (Figure


  • 8/12/2019 Spotlight: Pasadena City College


    Professional Learning Survey Results:

    Adjunct Faculty

    An online survey was created by APL and

    implemented in spring 2013 to assess theprofessional learning needs of the

    campus. This

    is a summary of the responses given by


    adjunct faculty at Pasadena City College.

    Ofthese respondents, 50% feel that there is

    professional learning that supports their

    need to

    grow at PCC and 28.3% are unsure if


    learning opportunities currently exist

    (Figure 1).Do you feel there is currently

    professional learning at PCC that

    provides you with the support you

    need to grow in your position?

    Scores (Scale 1-5; 1=positive feeling and

    5=negative feeling) were averaged

    according to the number of years

    employees have been at PCC (1-5 yrs,

    N=22; 6-10 yrs, N=9; 11-15 yrs, N=6; 16-20

    yrs, N=4; 21+ yrs, N=1).

  • 8/12/2019 Spotlight: Pasadena City College


    Survey Takeaways

    Needs Universal need for increased PL

    Satisfaction varied over time

    Different needs based on employee type

    Faculty: pedagogy Classified: work place performance tools

    Managers: organizational


    FT faculty: 3-hour workshop, late afternoon PT faculty: videos, evenings

    Classified: lunch hour

  • 8/12/2019 Spotlight: Pasadena City College


    Laying a Foundation

    BSILI Generous support network

    Santa Rosa Los Medanos


    Assessment ideas


  • 8/12/2019 Spotlight: Pasadena City College


    Logic Model

  • 8/12/2019 Spotlight: Pasadena City College


  • 8/12/2019 Spotlight: Pasadena City College


  • 8/12/2019 Spotlight: Pasadena City College


    Dealing with Challenges

    Your group will be presented with a

    challenge. In 15 minutes you should

    Brainstorm possible motivating factors forthe challenge

    Suggest strategies for overcoming it

  • 8/12/2019 Spotlight: Pasadena City College


    APL Website
  • 8/12/2019 Spotlight: Pasadena City College


    In spite of the challengesOngoing LancerPoint Training

    WHAT DRIVES PCC? Faculty Professional Learning Days 358

    Classified Professional Development Day Attended 184

    Building Our Practice: Integrating Instruction and Student Support Services (co-sponsored by 3CSN) ~30

    New Faculty Orientation

    Growth Mindset Part 1 &2 : A Growing Solution for Fixing Education? 31

    Weekend College Adjunct Faculty Orientation/Training 20

    Assessment and Program Review Best Practices Seminar

    General Education Colloquium: Focus on Cognition 35

    One City, One Story- A Virtual Visit with Robin Sloan 20

    Safe Zones Training 1.0 30

    ESL Retreat Attended 23

    Project Management Seminar 4

    STACC Retreat 15

    PCC Online Faculty Orientation 40

    Spring 2014: DriveBook Club 15

    An Introduction to 10

    Reading Apprenticeship Online Course 22

    Michael Wesch speaker (co-sponsored by 3CSN)

    New Classified/Staff Orientation

  • 8/12/2019 Spotlight: Pasadena City College


    Weekend College/Adjunct Faculty

    Orientation (N=16)

    Figure 1: Participants were asked to rate the overall value of the event.

    Comments about the usefulness of the event content and/or facilitation:

    All participants felt the information about LancerPoint, Canvas, and Kronos

    was great.

    Information about the campus was very helpful for them.

    The following are suggestions for improvement:

    Many participants suggested shortening the length of the campus tour.

    They suggested having the orientation a few weeks before class start.

    Many felt that the time was too short and suggested at least 3-hour event

    next time.

    The following are suggestions for additional topics: Having handouts with the information discussed during the event and

  • 8/12/2019 Spotlight: Pasadena City College


    Figure 1: Participants were asked What was your primary motivation forattending? The response percentages were: To

    learn something new: 84.7%, To brush up on existing knowledge: 5.1%, I

    thought this was a mandatory FLEX day: 1.7%,

    The stipend: 5.1%, My dean made me go: 3.4%.

    WHAT DRIVES PCC? Faculty Professional Learning Days


    August 21st & 22nd, 2013

    What was your primarymotivation for attending? Figure 1: Participants were asked

    What was your primary motivation for

    attending? The response

    percentages were: To

    learn something new: 84.7%, To brush

    up on existing knowledge: 5.1%, Ithought this was a mandatory FLEX

    day: 1.7%,

    The stipend: 5.1%, My dean made me

    go: 3.4%.Figure 2: Participants were asked if

    they learned and benefit from thisevent. The response percentages

    were: 91.4% learned

    something new, 6.9% did not learn

    anything new, and 1.7% had no


  • 8/12/2019 Spotlight: Pasadena City College


    What is to come?

    Advocate forincreased budget

    Deepen thebench

    Launch facultymentoringprogram

    Bringmanagers onboard

    Communicateclearly to theentire campus