SPO Annual Report 2012

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Find out what SPO has done throughout the country this last year!

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“The task of evangelizing all people constitutes the

essential mission of the Church, a duty and a mission

which the widespread and profound changes in

present-day society render ever more urgent. At

stake is the eternal salvation of persons, the goal and

the fulfillment of human history and the universe.”

- Pope Benedict XVI

From the Executive Director

Our Mission, Values & Strategy

Rebecca Shrake - Student Story

Jimmy Abreu - Staff Story

News from Our Mission Centers

Facts & Figures


Endorsements & Board of Directors


The Year of Faith & the New Evangelization


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Dear Friends in Christ,I had just finished a presentation about our work with college students at a local parish. The floor was open for questions, and one of the ladies present stood up and said, “Twenty years ago you mentored my son when he was a young man. I have no idea where he would be today if you had not taken the time to teach him to pray and live as a Catholic man. He is now married to a wonderful Catholic woman, and has six beautiful children that they are raising in the faith. Thank you for all that you are doing for our young people.”

After getting married, in the early days of SPO, my wife and I decided to invite young men to live with us and embrace our pattern of Catholic family life: a sort of post-college SPO Household. This woman’s son was one of those men.

The most enjoyable part of my job has always been helping young men to discover or redis-cover their faith and mature into responsible, committed men of God. As our organiza-tion has grown and my responsibilities have evolved, I have been doing less of this directly, but it is at the very heart of what SPO is about.

The advanced formation that we provide to help college students know and live the Catho-lic faith in a deep way is the most unique gift

we have to offer in SPO. Formation is a “big” word, perhaps even intimidating. But forma-tion is simply more mature people helping less mature people grow, through a personal invest-ment of time spent together in community.

Formation in SPO builds a strong foundation that lasts a lifetime. The result is a remarkable “ripple effect” of thousands of SPO alumni who have become leaders in the Catholic commu-nity and in the marketplace. They are renew-ing the Church and transforming the culture for Christ.

Your support makes this possible, so thank you! I can think of few more urgent or neces-sary tasks in today’s world.

Gordy DeMaraisFounder & Executive Director


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Renewed CatholiCism

We advance the renewal of authentic Catholic life on college campuses, rooted in Sacred Scripture and Tradition, faithful to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, and confident in the help of the Holy Spirit.

the new evangelization

We follow the example of Saint Paul the Apostle by proclaiming the Gospel so that all might come to faith and maturity in Christ.

life-Changing Communities

We create transformative environments to challenge and equip college students to live out the call to holiness in their daily lives.

seRvant leadeRship

We identify and form the next generation of lay and religious leaders for our Church, our communities, and our world.

ChRistian unity

We are committed to the unity of the Church, and collaborate with other Catholic and Christian organizations.

Saint Paul’s Outreach actively invites college students to a life of

Christian discipleship. With Saint Paul as our example, we create

vibrant, faith-filled environments that challenge students to deepen

their relationships with Christ in the fullness of the Catholic Church.

We reach out to college students through building relationships

and community: Peer ministrySocial events


We call students to embrace faith and salvation in Christ and His Church:

Fan into Flame retreatBible studiesPrayer events




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We send students to be missionaries and leaders

in SPO, in the Church, and in the world:School of the New Evangelization

Missionary Corps

We form students to maturity in the Catholic faith and life:

HouseholdsFormation Program


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I came to the University of Minne-sota after 12 years of Catholic school education and I thought I was set in my faith. Thinking I didn’t need much support, I surrounded myself with non-religious friends. For the first time in all my years of schooling, my faith began to waver under the pressures of the partying college lifestyle. I was in danger of becoming a statistic: yet another Catholic falling away from the faith during college.

Then I heard about SPO. A friend of mine was living in the women’s Household and invited me over for dinner. Soon I joined a small group and started building new relationships with women who cared about me, who had a beautiful sense of self-worth, and whose lives were cen-tered on God. Deep down I longed to experience the source of their joy, but outwardly I was too afraid to break away from the shallow pleasures I was living for.

So I tried to ignore this desire for a renewed relationship with God and I stayed on the fringes of SPO, but as my longing for the Lord grew, I couldn’t hide any longer. To this day,

I struggle to find words to describe the transformation that happened. Simply put, God captivated my heart and drew me into the SPO community where my faith came alive and grew deeper.

Now I live in one of the women’s Households at the U of M. These sisters in Christ call me on to grow as a daughter of God, and are amazing witnesses to the abundant life that comes from trusting in the Lord. God worked through SPO to help me find Him again. Now it’s my turn to share with others the joy of living for the Lord.


“Deep down i longed

to experience the

source of their joy”



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The last six months have been quite the whirlwind! My wife and I are blessed to work for SPO as Mission Directors, and back in the summer we uprooted and moved all the way from Minnesota to Texas to lead the mis-sion here. Not only that but our first child was just born!

I first heard about SPO when I was at Seton Hall University in New Jersey. One of my friends on campus intro-duced me to a guy who was living in the SPO Household, who invited me over for dinner. I was surprised by what I found. Here was a group of Catholic men that chose to live together to grow in their faith and discern their vocation. They had a

genuine desire for the Lord and for brotherhood. I had no idea that this kind of thing even existed.

Christ was drawing me to himself through SPO. When I graduated, I ap-plied to be a missionary and was ac-cepted. It’s been an incredible journey – moving to Minnesota to serve there, meeting and marrying an SPO’er, the love of my life, and then off to Texas.

I love SPO’s vision of community on mission. To me, it’s better to have a whole community on mission, be-cause a community is more effective than one person… and more fun too!

All I can say is I’m sold! I have seen

countless men and women come to know Christ and grow closer to Him through SPO. I know that I want to do nothing more than bring others to Jesus and I can do that through SPO. Not to mention I wouldn’t have Sarah and Anna if it weren’t for SPO.

We are grateful to be an SPO mission-ary family. Thank you, God, and thank you, SPO!


“A community is more

effective than

one person”



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E g






SPO hosted two “Trust One Greater” evangelistic events: one at Bene-dictine College in Kansas, and the other at the University of Minnesota. Over 1,500 college students and young adults attended.

They were nights of deep prayer and worship with Catholic recording artist Matt Maher. Fr. Craig Vasek of St. Philip’s in Bemidji, MN capti-vated those at the University of Minnesota with his message, while Arch-bishop Naumann of the Archdiocese of Kansas City, KS (pictured above) gave an inspiring exhortation at Benedictine College:

“That’s really my prayer for all of you tonight, that you might have that same faith in Jesus Christ, that same personal relationship with Him that will give you the power and the strength to endure, to overcome, to triumph, just as His cross triumphed.”

Lives were changed! Students turned back to God and grew in faith. Afterwards, one wrote:

“Amazing! I want to be a priest now!”



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SPO-New Jersey continues to go from strength to strength. Students are turning back to Christ and His Church. One recently commented, “College for me is no longer simply about having fun on the weekends; it’s a mission field for me to share what I have received. SPO brought me to the Lord Jesus and to a new life, and for that I am so blessed.” Thank you to all our supporters, especially Archbishop Myers and Congressman Mike Ferguson, who was the honoree at our benefit banquet this year, receiving the Saint Paul’s Outreach Servant Leadership Award.NEW JERSEY

SPO-Arizona, one of our newest Mission Centers, is taking a big step this year, with three full-time missionaries now serving at the campus of Arizona State University. When SPO opens at a campus it works closely with three important groups. First the diocesan Bishop and his representative on campus; next the students who have shown interest in estab-lishing SPO at their campus; finally SPO collaborates with local Catholic supporters to get the word out and to ensure the financial stability of SPO into the future. Please keep this new SPO Mission Center in your prayers.



For the past few years, college students from the Archdiocese of Miami have attended SPO’s School of the New Evangelization. We have had students from various campuses in Miami that include: the University of Miami, Florida International University, Miami-Dade College, and Nova Southeastern University. Students and campus leaders from new loca-tions catch a vision for SPO through their experience of the School of the New Evange-lization, and this is one of the ways that SPO expands to new dioceses and campuses.



Our Texas Mission Center has launched a Formation in Christian Living Program in the diocese of Austin. SPO’s Formation Program is one of our most unique offerings, provid-ing students with advanced training to know and live the Catholic faith to the full. Every other week, the students gather to worship God and receive inspiring talks. They also meet one-on-one with a mentor, and together in small groups to encourage one another in living for Christ and sharing him with their peers on campus.

This year, SPO Mission Leaders have taken up residence in Morgantown, West Virginia to serve SPO’s newest campus, West Virginia University, an offshoot of the Ohio Mission Center. They have been hosting Men’s and Women’s Nights, Bible Studies and Lord’s Day celebra-tions among other community-building events in collaboration with the university’s Newman Center. In Columbus, SPO continues to grow, including adding two new Households filled with students on mission for Christ at Ohio State and Ohio Dominican.


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mission centers across the united States7

28 households


formation members







students receiving advanced training in the Catholic faith and life

program participants

residential communities of students learning, living, and sharing the faith



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60 campuses:

260 young people trained to be leaders

in evangelization, impacting

Arizona State UniversityAugusta State UniversityBemidji State UniversityBenedictine CollegeBethel UniversityBoston CollegeCapital UniversityCatholic University of AmericaCentury CollegeCollege of New JerseyColumbus State Community CollegeConcordia CollegeDartmouth CollegeFlorida International UniversityFlorida State UniversityInver Hills Community CollegeIowa State UniversityKeane UniversityMacalaster CollegeMaricopa Community CollegeMesa Community CollegeMiami Dade CollegeMidAmerica Nazarene University

Minnesota State University - MoorheadMontclair State UniversityMorris County Community CollegeMount Carmel College of NursingNew Jersey Institute of TechnologyNorthwestern CollegeNova Southeastern UniversityOhio Dominican UniversityOhio State UniversityOtterbein UniversityRaritan Valley Community CollegeRockhurst UniversityRutgers University - New BrunswickRutgers University - NewarkSeton Hall UniversitySouthwest Minnesota State UniversitySt. Catherine UniversitySt. Cloud State UniversitySt. Mary’s University of MinnesotaSt. Olaf CollegeSt. Paul CollegeSt. Vincent CollegeTexas A&M University

Texas State UniversityThe King’s CollegeUnion County Community CollegeUniversity of DaytonUniversity of Kansas Medical CenterUniversity of Miami - FloridaUniversity of MinnesotaUniversity of Missouri - Kansas CityUniversity of Notre DameUniversity of St. ThomasUniversity of Wisconsin - MadisonUniversity of Wisconsin - SuperiorWest Virginia UniversityWinona State University

Statistics are current as of November 2012. The number trained in evange-lization includes SPO’s School of the new Evangelization and other training programs.



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BAlANCE ShEET (JuNE 30Th, 2012)

2011-12 iNCOME



Current Assets $ 857,405 Cash 417,230 Accounts Receivable 28,673 Pledges Receivable 389,218 Prepaid Expenses 22,284 Property & Equipment $ 615,143 Houses 763,406 Office Equipment 27,654 Vehicles 10,125 Less: Depreciation (186,042) Other Assets $ 27,835 Security Deposits 27,835 Total $1,500,383


Current Liabilities $ 136,723 Current Maturities of Long Term Debt 9,878 Accounts Payable 31,202 Accrued Employee Benefits 32,087 Security Deposits 43,291 Unearned Revenue 20,265 Long-Term debt $ 331,572 Mortgage Payable 341,450 Less: Current Maturities (9,878) Net Assets $ 1,032,088

Total $ 1,500,383

Programs$ 950,188

Other Contributions

$ 145,302

Contributed Services$ 637,703

Personal Support Raising

$ 420,420

Benefit Events$ 392,220

Annual Campaign$ 473,720

Development & Office

$212,254Support Staff


Outreach Programs $1,162,640

Household Program $772,376

Formation Program $210,685

Missionary Training $264,172

iNCOME $3,019,553 ExPENSES $3,003,196

NET iNCOME $16,357

Budget % breakdown by Mission Center: MN 35%, OH 20%, NJ 10%, KS 6%, TX 7%, National Office and Nascent Mission Centers 22%. Funds raised in the Mission Centers go towards the Mission Centers in which they were raised.

“Personal Support Raising”: funds raised by missionaries from family and friends. “Other Contributions”: primarily in-kind facilities contributions. SPO’s annual audit is conducted by Lethert, Skwira, Schultz & Co. and is avail-able on our website. (spoweb.org)



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Most Rev. John C. Nienstedt Honorary CHair

Very Rev. Peter Laird President

Mrs. Katie Damberg ViCe- President

Rev. Mr. Jim Meyer treasurer & FinanCe CHair

Mrs. Jessica Nelson seCretary

Mr. Steven Kennedy Board aFFairs CHair

Mr. Jim McQuillan deVeloPment CHair

Mr. Gordy DeMarais Founder & exeCutiVe direCtor

Mr. Mark Berchem

Rev. Andrew Cozzens

Mr. Denny Farrell

Mrs. Laura Hemler

Mrs. Sarah Mealey

Mr. John Miller

Mr. Dan Moran Jr.


Mrs. Karen Berhow

Mr. Rich Chapman

Most Rev. Paul Dudley †

Rev. Kevin Finnegan

Mr. Eugene Keating †

Dr. Jim Kolar

Mr. Al Kraling

Mr. Joseph Lahti

Mrs. Margaret Langfeld

Mr. Cy Laurent

Mrs. Sheila Letscher

Mrs. Carole Locke

Mr. Dan Locke

Mr. John McDonald †

Mr. Patrick Menke

Dr. Dennis O’Hare

Mr. Tom Ottman

Most Rev. Richard Pates

Rev. Mr. Don Poirier

Mr. Greg Pulles

† Deceased


“There is an urgent need for SPO as college campuses are battlegrounds for the minds and souls of our young people. SPO is responding to that need and is answering the Church’s call for a New Evangelization by leading students back to Christ and the fullness of the Catholic faith. SPO builds evangelistic communities that provide these students with a unique quality and depth of formation in the Catholic faith and life. Your prayerful and financial support of SPO is critical to this mission and its result: thousands of alumni, who are passionate followers of Christ, continue to shine His light in the world long after they have graduated. Yes, SPO is renewing the Church and evangelizing the culture.”

- Most Rev. John C. Nienstedt, Archbishop of St. Paul & Minneapolis


“We should be even more thankful than ever before that the young men and women of Saint Paul’s Out-reach are working to bring the Gospel message to their peers at the college level, and helping to foster the formation of conscience and moral values based on the words and actions of Jesus, His Apostles, and the Magisterium of the Church.”

- Most Rev. John J. Myers, Archbishop of Newark, pictured right with SPO missionaries


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AALFA Family ClinicMrs. Angeline AbbottRev. Gregory AbbottMr. & Mrs. Jimmy AbreuMr. & Mrs. Jim AccursoMr. Thomas AdairMr. Timothy AdairMr. & Mrs. Joao AdamiakMr. & Mrs. Ed AdamsMs. Mary AdlerMr. & Mrs. Garrett AdrianAdvance Realty FoundationMr. & Mrs. BJ AgugliaroMr. Duarte AguiarMs. Cindy AielloMr. & Mrs. Joesph AielloMr. Greg Allen, Jr.Ms. Suzanne AllenMr. & Mrs. Nathaniel AllweinMr. Tom AlthauserMr. Ben AltmanAmerican Health NetworkMr. & Mrs. Anthony AmonMr. & Mrs. Bjorn AmundsonMr. & Mrs. Dan AndersenMiss Shelley AndersenMr. & Mrs. Justin AndersonMr. & Mrs. Tim AndersonMr. & Mrs. Joseph AndresMr. Kyle AndrewsMr. & Mrs. Carmen AngeloMr. & Mrs. Jeffrey AnnalaMs. Mary Jeanne AnnalaArchdiocese of Kansas City in KansasArchdiocese of NewarkArchdiocese of St. Paul & Min-neapolisMr. Adam ArchibaldMr. & Mrs. Mark I. C. ArchibaldMs. Gabriella ArguelloMrs. Joanne ArndtMr. & Mrs. Tim ArntzenMr. William ArthurMr. & Mrs. Bob AshwanderMr. & Mrs. Glenn AtkinsonMr. & Mrs. Gary AtkinsonMr. & Mrs. Thomas AtzbergerMr. William BachMr. & Mrs. Yves BaeyensMr. & Mrs. Michael BaierMr. & Mrs. Robert BaierMr. Andrew BakerMr. & Mrs. David BakerMr. Vance BaladoMr. & Mrs. William BalasMr. & Mrs. John BaldauffMr. & Mrs. Bob BalkMr. & Mrs. Thomas BalsterMr. & Mrs. Bob BamseyMr. Jose BanaagMr. Roland BandyMr. Tony-Alpha BanguraMr. & Mrs. Don BarczaMr. & Mrs. Jeffrey C. BarefootMs. Patricia BarickmanMr. & Mrs. Timothy R. BarmanMr. Matthew BarnesMr. & Mrs. Gustavo BarredaMiss Emily BarrickMr. & Mrs. Jeffrey BarrickMr. & Mrs. Ben BarronMr. & Mrs. Edward BarronMr. & Mrs. Ken BarronMr. & Mrs. Duane BarthelMr. & Mrs. Michael J. BartkoskiMs. April BartlettMr. & Mrs. Brian BartleyMs. Carol BarwickMr. Greg BauerMs. Joan BauerMr. & Mrs. Phil BauerMr. Luke BaumanMr. Jason BeachMr. Noah BeacomMr. & Mrs. Bill BeaumontRev. Michael Becker Jr.Mr. Paul BeckerMr. & Mrs. Steven BeckerMr. & Mrs. Bernard J. BeckmanMr. & Mrs. Chris BeckmanMr. & Mrs. John BeckmanMrs. Marilyn BeddorMr. Paul BedeMr. & Mrs. Philip Bede

Mr. Jeffrey A. Beer Jr.Ms. Jo Ann BeermanMr. & Mrs. Curtis BehrendsMr. and Mrs. Frank BeickelmanMiss Kathryn K. BeiterMs. Kristina BeiterMs. Beverly BendiksenBenedictine CollegeMr. Edward BenkartMr. & Mrs. Anthony BennettMr. Justin BennettMr. & Mrs. Rodney BennettMr. & Mrs. Virgil BennettMr. & Mrs. Bob BensonMr. & Mrs. Tom BensonMr. & Mrs. Al BerchemMr. & Mrs. Mark BerchemMr. Elwin BergMs. Elizabeth BerningMr. & Mrs. John BettagMr. & Mrs. Dave BezuskoMr. & Mrs. David C. BianconiMr. David BielejeskiMr. & Mrs. John G. BielejeskiMr. & Mrs. Gerald H. BieseMs. Kimberly M. BigelowMr. Scott BilleadeauMr. & Mrs. Marvin J. BinstockMs. Paula BirdMr. Nick BjakerMr. William BlackMr. & Mrs. David BlaeserMr. Donald C. BlakeMr. & Mrs. Mark J. BlandoMr. & Mrs. James BlankMr. Michael BlissenbachMs. Mary BloechlRev. David BlumeMr. Richard BlundinMr. & Mrs. Carol D. BlyMr. & Mrs. Ed BockMs. Eileen BockMr. & Mrs. Mike BodeMr. & Mrs. Steve BohlMs. Joanne BoisclairMr. & Mrs. Bill BojanMr. & Mrs. Donald BollandMr. & Mrs. Edward BooneMr. & Mrs. Arnold BorgeltMr. Geoff BornhoftMr. Harald BorrmannBowling Green State UniversityMr. Daniel BowmanMr. & Mrs. Rick BowmanMr. James BownasMr. & Mrs. Jonathan BoydenMr. & Mrs. Peter BraamMs. Robin BraggMr. & Mrs. Ronald BranchMr. & Mrs. Bruce BrancheauMs. Loreese BrandtMr. Frank L. BrantmanMs. Lorraine BrasketMr. & Mrs. Jason BrassMr. & Mrs. Michael BraunMr. & Mrs. Josh BrechtelMs. Rebecca BrembergMr. & Mrs. Gerald BrennanMr. Scott BreuerMr. & Mrs. Daniel P. BrewerMr. & Mrs. Frank BrewerMr. & Mrs. Frank E. BeickelmanMr. Donald C. Brey & Mrs. Diane Richards-BreyMr. & Mrs. James R. BricherMr. Matthew BrickwegMr. & Mrs. Dick BringardnerMr. & Mrs. Brad BronenkampMiss Charlene BrooksBrotherhood of HopeMs. Barbara BrownMr. Donald BrownMr. Donald P. BrownMr. & Mrs. Henry BrownMr. & Mrs. Loren BrownMr. & Mrs. Reginald BrownMr. & Mrs. William BrownMr. George W. BrowneMr. & Mrs. Elliott BrubakerMs. Mary BrummerMs. Elizabeth BrundageMs. Theresa BrundageMr. & Mrs. John BrunelliMr. & Mrs. Dominic BrunoMs. Danielle Budnick

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene BuerkeMr. & Mrs. Bruce BuerkleMr. & Mrs. Fred BunsaMr. & Mrs. Jack BurkeMr. & Mrs. Mark BurkeyMr. Dallas BurkholderMs. Brooke BurnsMs. Kimberly BurnsMr. & Mrs. Larry BurnsMs. Katherine BuroMr. & Mrs. David BurseyMs. Amy BurtMr. & Mrs. Ron Busby-SimpsonMr. & Mrs. David R. BuschMr. Joseph BuschMr. & Mrs. Stephen BushmannMr. & Mrs. Dick ButlerMr. Matthew ByrneMr. Paul ByrneMr. & Mrs. Timothy ByrneMsgr. James CafoneMr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Cahalan Sr.Miss Terry CahalanMs. Ashley CaillierMr. & Mrs. Denny CainMs. Erin CainMr. & Mrs. Robert CalamaiMr. & Mrs. David CamioloMr. & Mrs. Donald CampbellMr. E. Scott CampbellMr. James CampbellMs. Katherine CampbellRev. Theodore CampbellMr. Jeffrey CampeauMr. & Mrs. Mark M. CantineMr. & Mrs. Joe CardamoneMr. & Mrs. Darrell CarderMr. & Mrs. Robert J. CardinalRev. Scott CarlMr. Brian CareyMr. Bryan CarnahanMr. & Mrs. Allen CaronMr. Chad M. CaronMr. & Mrs. Federico CarranzaMr. Will CarterMs. Nancy CarusoRev. Antonio J. CarvalhoMr. & Mrs. Timothy CaseyMr. & Mrs. Luis CasoMr. & Mrs. Shamus CassidyMiss Alexandra CastanoMr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. CastropCathedral of Saint PaulCatholic Charismatic Renewal CenterCatholic Community FoundationCatholic Spirit Publishing CompanyCatholic United FinancialMr. & Mrs. Timothy CaylerMr. & Mrs. Jakub M. CechMr. & Mrs. Michael CerconeRev. John ChadwickMr. & Mrs. John ChalbergMs. Christina ChanMr. & Mrs. Don ChapdelaineMr. & Mrs. Bryant ChapmanMr. & Mrs. Rich ChapmanMr. & Mrs. George ChappuisMr. & Mrs. Robert CheskyChesterton AcademyRev. Mr. Dennis ChitwoodMr. Piotr ChlapowskiMr. & Mrs. Warren ChristiansonMs. Erica ChristmanMr. & Mrs. Gerald ChristmanMr. & Mrs. Matthew ChristoffMr. & Mrs. Anthony L. ChristopherChurch of Saint PaulChurch of St. MaryChurch of the Maternity of the Blessed VirginMs. Beth CinkMr. Tom ClairmontMr. & Mrs. Thomas ClaridgeMr. & Mrs. Bill ClarkMr. & Mrs. John T. ClarkMs. Rosemarie ClarkMr. & Mrs. William ClarkMrs. Lorraine ClarkeMr. & Mrs. John ClevelandMs. Brenda CohenMr. & Mrs. William ColemanMr. & Mrs. Nicholas CombsMr. & Mrs. Clement CommersMr. & Mrs. Jeff Compton

Ms. Kimberly ComstockMr. & Mrs. Patrick C. ConleyMr. & Mrs. Steve ConlinMr. & Mrs. Kevin ConneelyMs. Margaret ConnellyMr. & Mrs. George CookMr. & Mrs. Tim CookMr. Trevor CookeMr. & Mrs. Norman A. CooneMr. & Mrs. Andrew CoronatoMr. & Mrs. Jim CottrillMr. & Mrs. Daniel CoughlinMs. Mary CoxRev. Andrew CozzensMs. Sandra CozzensMr. Andrew CraigCrane Associates, P.C.Rev. Michael CreaganMr. John CrimiMr. David A. CritserMr. & Mrs. Al CrockMr. & Mrs. Gary CrookMs. Jo CroswellMr. & Mrs. Chad CrowMr. & Mrs. John CrowleyMr. John CrudeleMr. & Mrs. John CrudoMr. & Mrs. John CsargoMr. & Mrs. Mark CulhaneMs. Mary CumminsMr. & Mrs. Robert P. CumminsMiss Cathy CunninghamCurran FoundationMs. Kristin CurranMr. & Mrs. Bill CurrieRev. Mr. & Mrs. Sean CurtanMs. Camille CurtissMr. & Mrs. Tom CvelichMr. & Mrs. David DaggettMrs. Joyce DaleyMr. Joseph D’AmatoMr. & Mrs. Michael D’Amato Sr.Mr. Mike D’Amato Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Berik V. DambergMr. & Mrs. David DamesDr. Mario DanceMr. Brian D’AndreaMs. Carolyn D’AndreaMiss Colleen D’AndreaMr. & Mrs. Michael D’AndreaMrs. & Mr. Patricia D’AndreaMs. Barbara DandurandRev. Michael G. DandurandMr. Paul DankoskiMr. James DannenbergMr. Bryan DaultonMr. & Mrs. Douglas DavidsonMr. Chris DavisMr. & Mrs. Ernest DawsonMr. Felipe De La TorreMr. & Mrs. Alex P. Deak Sr.Ms. Sarah DeakMr. Donald DeardorffMr. Dave DederichsRev. Donald DeGroodMr. Bradley DelauneMr. & Mrs. Nery O. DelcompareMr. & Mrs. Kurt DelkerMr. & Mrs. Benjamin DellariaMs. Susan DeLongMs. Maria DeLucaMs. Anna DeMaraisMr. & Mrs. Gordon C. DeMaraisMrs. Marilyn DeMaraisMr. & Mrs. Thomas DeMarsMrs. Barbara DeMatteMr. & Mrs. Daniel DeMatteMr. & Mrs. David DeMatteMr. Dominic DeMatteMs. Maria DeMatteMr. Mark DeMatteMs. Rita DeMatteRev. John DennehyMr. & Mrs. Mark Denucci, CPAMr. & Mrs. Jerry DeringMr. & Mrs. Anthony DeSalleMiss Jeanna DesideriMr. & Mrs. Kevin DevaanMs. Carol DevannyMr. John DevereauxMr. Robert DevereauxMr. & Mrs. Jack Devones Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Timothy G. DeWatersMr. Jorge DiazMr. & Mrs. James Dicostanzo

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher DietzenMr. & Mrs. James DillMr. & Mrs. William D. DillMr. Brent DillerMs. Brooke DillerMrs. Cathy DillerMr. & Mrs. David DillerMr. & Mrs. Neil DillerDiocese of ColumbusMr. & Mrs. Douglas A. DoboszenskiMiss Anna DohertyMs. Peggy DohertyMr. & Mrs. Vincent DolanMr. & Mrs. Timothy DonneganMs. TinaMarie DonnellyMr. Paul DonovanMr. & Mrs. Bob DoranMr. & Mrs. John Paul DormanRev. Thomas DornRev. Mark DoshMs. Jennifer DoucherRev. Mr. & Mrs. Kevin DownieMr. & Mrs. Dennis DoyleDr. & Mrs. David DriesMr. & Mrs. Steve DrilletteMr. & Mrs. Don DubayMr. & Mrs. Marc DuBoisMr. & Mrs. Duke DuchatschekMr. & Mrs. Ted DudziakMs. Adeline DuerscherlMr. & Mrs. Mike DuffyMr. & Mrs. Robert DulingMr. & Mrs. Joseph DunlavyMr. & Mrs. Joe DunlevyMr. & Mrs. Dennis DunneMr. Norman Dupre, IIIMr. Stephen DuraneyMr. & Mrs. William DurrantMr. William J. Durrant Jr.Mrs. Paula DwyerMr. & Mrs. Jon DymitMr. Casey DynanMr. & Mrs. Daryl EastburgMr. Dan EddingfieldMr. Eldon EddyDr. & Mrs. Christopher EdgeMr. & Mrs. Alan EggingMr. & Mrs. John EhardtEide Communications, Inc.Mr. & Mrs. Gerald EidenshinkRev. Brian EilersElberon Development Co.Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth ElchingerDr. Marilou & Mr. Don EldredMr. & Mrs. Ted EllerbrockMr. & Dr. Jim EllingsonMr. & Mrs. Clarke EllisMr. & Mrs. Daniel EllisMr. & Mrs. Steve EllisMs. Mary M. ElsassMr. & Mrs. Gregory ElsenMr. Stephen EmbreeMs. Arlene EnglertMs. Lucy EnnisMr. & Mrs. John ErtelMr. Samuel Erwin Jr.Dr. & Mrs. A. Gabriel EstebanDr. & Mrs. John EvansMr. & Mrs. Robley EvansMr. Nathan EvertsMr. & Mrs. Joe FallerMs. Vanessa FangmeierMr. & Mrs.Terry FanninMr. & Mrs. Denny FarrellMr. & Mrs. Rich FarrellFr. John Deere Ladies Auxilary K.C. CouncilMs. Elizabeth J. FauMrs. April FegleyMr. & Ms. Tom FeidtMr. & Mrs. Michael FellrathMr. & Mrs. Michael FelmleeMr. & Mrs. John FeltlMr. Ryan M. FeltzMr. James FentonDr. & Mrs. Kevin FerdinandtCongressman & Mrs. Mike FergusonMr. & Mrs. Thomas FergusonRev. William FergusonMr. & Mrs. Christopher FernandezFiat Builders LLCMr. Danny FiedlerMr. & Mrs. Tom FielderMr. David Fine

Rev. Kevin FinneganMr. & Mrs. Joseph FinneranMr. Patrick FinneranMs. Janice FirnMr. & Mrs. David FischerMr. & Mrs. Doug FisherMr. & Mrs. Gary FisherMr. Kenneth FisherMr. & Mrs. David FitzgeraldMr. & Mrs. Michael FitzpatrickMr. & Mrs. Mark FjelstedMr. Robert FjelstedMr. & Mrs. Jake FlahertyMr. Jerome FlammangMs. Kristi Flanagan-VillarMr. David FlanaganMr. & Mrs. John FlanaganMr. & Mrs. Sean T. FlanaganDr. & Mrs. Todd FlandersMr. Daniel FlatleyMr. Richard FleischhackerMr. & Mrs. John FlorinMr. & Mrs. Chad FlowersMs. Paula FluckMost Rev. Harry J. FlynnMr. & Mrs. Gabriel FlynnMr. & Mrs. Robert FlynnMr. & Mrs. James FoleyMr. John Paul FoleyMr. & Mrs. Robert FoleyMr. & Mrs. Leonard FormanMr. Leonard ForteMs. Vicki FountainMr. & Mrs. Greg FraniaMr. & Mrs. David FrankRev. Donald E. FranksMr. & Mrs. Clayton A. FrederickMr. Eddie FrederickMr. & Mrs. James B. Frederick Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. FrederickMr.& Mrs. Jerome FreihammerMrs. Myra FrenzRev. Francis FriedMr. & Mrs. Robert FriisMr. & Mrs. Bob FritzMr. & Mrs. Zachary FroelichMr. & Mrs. Adam FrommeMr. & Mrs. Al FryeRev. Michael FugeeMr. Chip FuhrmannMs. Mary Ellen FullerMs. Christen FurkaMr. & Mrs. Peter FurkaMr. & Mrs. Gregory S. FurnessMs. Mairead FydaMr. Dennis GaetanoMr. Patrick GaffeneyMr. & Mrs. Thomas GainorMr. James GallagherRev. Joseph GallatinMr. & Mrs. Fran GallicMr. & Mrs. Christopher GaraventeMr. David GarciaMrs. Juanita GarciaMr. & Mrs. Jeff GardnerMr. & Mrs. Andy GarnerMr. & Mrs. Pedro GarridoMrs. Mary Lee GarrisonMr. & Mrs. Timothy GarveyMr. & Mrs. Joe GautilleRev. Roger GeditzMr. & Mrs. Patrick GehretMs. Annie GehrzMr. & Mrs. Bruce GeierMs. Kathryn-Ann GeisMr. & Mrs. Mark GeisMs. Maxine GermanMs. Becky GermundsonMr. James GernetzkeMr. & Mrs. Bernard GeroldMr. Jim GeruetzkeMr. Neal GiacomelliMr. & Mrs. Anthony GiancristofaroMr. Dave GibbonsMr. & Mrs. Peter W. GilesMs. Stacia GillamDr. & Mrs. Robert GillespieMr. & Mrs. David D. GillhamMr. & Mrs. T. J. GillisMr. & Mrs. Kevin GilmoreMr. John GionMr. & Mrs. Don GirouxMs. Carol GlaserMr. & Mrs. Bill GleasonMr. & Mrs. Leonard Goettl


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Mr. & Mrs. Scott P. GoettlRev. Stanley GomesMr. & Mrs. Michael GordonMr. & Mrs. Craig GoreckiMiss Hannah GornikMr. & Mrs. Matt GraczykDr. & Mrs. Carlos GradosMr. Stephen GraffDr. & Mrs. Gary L. GrammensMr. Justin GrammensGrand PromotionsMr. & Mrs. Darren GrecaMr. & Ms Mick GreenMrs. Jodi GreeneMs. Anna GreeyMiss Laura GreeyMs. Lisa GreeyRev. Charles GriffinMs. Carol A. GriffithMr. George GriffithsMr. & Mrs. Mark GrimmMr. & Mrs. David GroppelMr. & Mrs. Ed GrossMr. & Mrs. Peter GruningMr. & Mrs. Bernard GrutschMr. & Mrs. Stephen L. GryskiewiczMr. Bill Guajardo & Mrs. Cynthia GonzalesMr. & Mrs. Mark GubashMr. & Mrs. Richard GummerMr. & Mrs. Eric GundersonMr. Jacob GutschalkMr. & Mrs. Manuel GuzmanH L Grant Catholic Student Center - Texas State Mr. Charles M. HabenMr. & Mrs. Larry HableMs. Mary E. HackettMr. & Mrs. Ronald HadsallMr. & Mrs. Chris HagenMr. & Mrs. Daniel HagenMr. Brandt HaglundMrs. Patrice HaglundMr. Bill HahnRev. William HahnMr. & Mrs. HahnenbergMr. & Mrs. Albert HaikMr. & Mrs. Daniel HainesHair DesignMr. & Mrs. Curtis HallMr. & Mrs. Eugene HallMr. & Mrs. Ivan HallMr. & Mrs. Louis HallMr. & Mrs. Nickolas HallRev. Warren HallMr. & Mrs. Jerome HalloranMr. & Mrs. Michael HalloranMr. Edward J. Hallwood Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas W. HamelMr. & Mrs. Michael HamerlindMiss Christie HamersMr. & Mrs. Edward HamilMr. & Mrs. Jeff HanelMr. Michael HanewinkelMr. & Mrs. Patrick HaneyMr. & Mrs. Robert HaneyMs. Christine HanfMs. Jacqueline HannaschMr. & Mrs. Kenneth HannemanMr. & Mrs. Michael HansenMr. & Mrs. Timothy HansenMr. & Mrs. Michael HanzelyMs. Stephanie HappeMr. John HarmonMr. & Mrs. Paul HarmonMr. & Mrs. Peter HarmonMr. John P. HarneyMr. & Mrs. John HarringtonMr. Aldon HarrisMr. & Mrs. Andrew HarrisDr. & Mrs. Nathan HarrisMr. & Mrs. Robert HarrisMr. & Mrs. Fred HarrisonMr. & Mrs. Bruce HarryMr. & Mrs. Thomas HartMr. & Mrs. Frank HartgeMr. & Mrs. Ben HartingsMr. & Mrs. Joe HartingsMr. & Mrs. Robert HartnettMr. & Mrs. Michael HartshornMr. Fern HartwickMr. & Mrs. Jay HashMr. Justin HastingsMr. Andrew HausladenMs. Lori HawesMiss Micheal HawnMs. Kimberly HayekMs. Beckie HayesMs. Carol HayesMr. & Mrs. Mark HazzardMr. Matthew HazzardMr. & Mrs. John HealyMr. Richard HebanMr. & Mrs. John HeffernanMr. & Mrs. Steve HeggernesMr. & Mrs. Quentin HeimermanMr. & Mrs. Richard Heineman

Mr. & Mrs. Dan HeinlenRev. Walter HeinzMr. John HeislerMr. & Mrs. Francis HelfrichMr. & Mrs. John H. HellerMr. Michael HelmerMr. & Mrs. Charles HelmsMr. & Mrs. David HemlerMs. Beth HempfingMr. & Mrs. Keith HempflingMr. & Mrs. John W. HendersonMr. & Mrs. Robert J. HenleyMr. & Mrs. Curtis HenryMrs. Lynda Henry-AlexanderMiss Anne HerbeckMr. & Mrs. Michael HerbeckMr. & Mrs. Curtis HerbertMr. & Mrs. John HerlihyMr. & Mrs. Tom HermanMr. Thomas HermansonMs. Rosemary HernandezMr. & Mrs. Richard HertelMr. & Mrs. David B. HeskampMr. & Mrs. Mike HeskampMr. & Mrs. Lawrence HessburgRev. Tony HesseMr. Roger HewinsMr. Chad HibbsMr. & Mrs. William HickeyMs. Betsy HickokMs. Diane HiderMiss Olivia HiggensMs. Sammy HilbyMs. Diana HilliardMr. & Mrs. James HiltsMr. & Mrs. Richard HinterschiedMr. Gregg HintershiedMr. James HislopMr. Stuart Hoarn & Ms. Cathie DurhamMr. & Mrs. Ryan HobbsMs. Janice HoeschlerMs. Meagan HoeschlerMr. & Mrs. Joseph HoffmanMr. David HoffmannMr. & Mrs. Robert HoganMr. & Mrs. Phillip C. HohlerMr. Rob HohlerRev. James HollMr. & Mrs. Vincent HoltmannHoly Family CommunicationsHoly Name Men and Women’s ClubMr. & Mrs. Wayne HoneymanMr. & Mrs. Thomas HooleyMr. Chad HooverMr. & Mrs. Scott R. HooverMr. & Mrs. Timothy HornMr. & Mrs. John M. HouckMr. & Mrs. Jason HouleMr. & Mrs. Russell HuberMr. Joseph HuberMr. Jerry Cawley & Mrs. Patricia HuberMr. Richard HubertyMr. & Mrs. Mark HuddyMr. & Mrs. Michael HuelsingMr. Wayne R. Huls & Ms. Anne SweetRev. Lawrence HummerMr. & Mrs. Lamar Hunt Jr.Mr. Ben HuntleyMr. Michael HuntleyMr. Hugh HurleyMr. Isaac HussMr. & Mrs. David J. ImwalleMr. & Mrs. John C. ImwalleMr. & Mrs. Donald InkrottMr. & Mrs. Jeremy IrlbeckMr. & Mrs. Michael E. IrwinMr. & Mrs. Robert IsraelMr. Bruce JacobsMr. & Mrs. James T. JacobsMr. & Mrs. Jim JacobsMr. & Mrs. Peter JacobsonMr. & Mrs. Matt JahnkeMr. & Mrs. John JakubczykMr. & Mrs. Mark JarockiMr. Eric JasoMr. & Mrs. Dan JasperMr. & Mrs. David P. JasperMr. & Mrs. Mike JenkinsMr. Ricky JewellMr. Mark F. JoergerMr. Mark JohannsMs. Anna JohnsonMr. & Mrs. Craig JohnsonMr. Craig JohnsonMr. & Mrs. Daniel JohnsonMr. Henry JohnsonMr. & Mrs. John JohnsonMs. Karena JohnsonMs. Peggy JohnsonMr. & Mrs. Steve JohnsonMr. & Mrs. Robert P. JonesMs. Leona JovanovichMs. Kimberly JuncewskiMs. Melissia Juncosa

Mr. & Mrs. David M. JungquistMr. & Mrs. Brandt JunkerMr. & Mrs. John JunkerMr. & Mrs. Donald JurekJust GiveMs. Linda KahligMr. & Mrs. Alan KaiserMr. & Mrs. Arnold R. KaiserMr. & Mrs. James KalpiersMr. & Mrs. Wayne KandasMs. Allison KarhoffMr. & Mrs. Richard KarhoffMr. David KassingMr. Gregg KatchmarkMr. & Ms.Kenneth KattMr. & Mrs. Ken KaufmanMr. & Mrs. Chris KavanaghMs. Marguerite KeatingRev. Michael KeatingMr. & Mrs. Andrew KebeMr. Isaac KebeMr. & Mrs. James R. KebeDr. & Mrs. Steve KebeMiss Sheila KeelingMr. & Mrs. John KellerMr. & Mrs. Brendan KellyMr. & Mrs. Gilbert KellyMsgr. Michael E. KellyMs. Cynthia KennedyMr. & Mrs. John KennedyMr. & Mrs. Robert KennedyMr. & Mrs. Steven KennedyMr. Todd M. KennedyMr. & Mrs. Jack KennefickMs. Patricia KenneyMr. & Mrs. Patrick KenneyRev. Sean KenneyMr. & Mrs. Paul J. KerstingMr. Donald KesterMr. & Mrs. Paul KietzmannMr. & Mrs. R.G. KilkennyMs. Danielle KindermanMr. Lucas KinzelDr. Edward KiolbasaMr. & Mrs. Joseph KiolbasaMr. & Mr. John Kirk IIIMr. & Mrs. Michael KisrowRev. Robert KitsmillerRev. Francis KittockMr. John KlaersMr. & Mrs. Loren R. KlassenMr. & Mrs. Daniel KlearRev. Joseph C. KleeMs. Reine KleinMr. & Mrs. Robert KleinMr. Jason KlemanMr. & Mrs. Paul KlemanMs. Susan KlemondMr. & Mrs. Alan KlimischRev. Charles KlingerMr. & Mrs. John L. KlossMr. & Mrs. Dave KnebelsbergerKnights of Columbus Council 14457Knights of Columbus, Fr. Gibbons CouncilKoch FoundationMr. & Mrs. David and Babs KochMr. & Mrs. Jerry KochMr. & Mrs. Edward Kocourek Jr.Mr. Kenneth KoetzMr. & Mrs. Joseph E. KohlerDr. & Mrs. James KolarMr. & Mrs. Dale KolbMr. & Mrs. John KolbMr. & Mrs. Dan KoonsRev. Mr. & Mrs. Steven KoopMr. & Mrs. Thomas KopacekMr. & Mrs. Jon KopeckyMr. Jeff KormanMr. & Mrs. Thomas M. KotelesMs. Julianne KotrbaMs. Kelly KotsmithDr. & Mrs. William J. KottemannMr. & Mrs. Fred KottenstetteMs. Abby KowitzMs. Grace KoyMr. & Mrs. Walter KozojedMr. & Mrs. Christopher KrakerMr. & Mrs. David KrakerMr. & Mrs. Alan KralingMr. & Mrs. Norb KramerMr. & Mrs. Erich KrammerMiss Kaitlyn KremplMr. Pete KresgeMr. Matt KrevdaMs. Kristie KripotosMs. Cindy KritzbergerMr. Joseph Kromalic & Mrs. Sue Baik-KromalicMr. & Mrs. Phil KronlageMr. & Mrs. Benedict KubesMr. & Mrs. Jerry KuehlMr. & Mrs. Joseph KueppersMr. Matthew KuettelMr. & Mrs. Matthew C. KulhanekMs. Kim Kunasek

Mr. & Mrs. Jerry KurtMr. & Mrs. Tim KurtMr. David KvasnickaRev. Joseph LabakMr. Bob LabatMs. Shara LaFaveMr. Amedie D. LaFondMr. & Mrs. Joseph LahtiVery Rev. Peter LairdMr. & Mrs. Stewart LairdRev. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph L’AllierMr. Marco LanaveMr. & Mrs. James LangworthyMr. & Mrs. David LanningMr. & Mrs. Steven LaphamMrs. Betty LaRosaMr. & Mrs. David LarsonDr. & Mrs. David LarsonMrs. Irene LarsonMr. & Mrs. James LarsonMr. & Mrs. Ed LauMr. & Mrs. Kurt LauberMr. & Mrs. Sean LavellRev. Mr. & Mrs. Larry LawingerMr. & Mrs. Jeffrey LawlerMr. Timothy LawrenceMr. Greg LeBlancMr. & Mrs. Vincent LeBlancMr. & Mrs. Steve LechiaraMr. & Mrs. Ed LeClairMs. Margaret LeClair Ph.D.Mr. & Mrs. Randall A. LehnenMr. & Mrs. Tom LeightonMs. Margarita LemaMs. Melissa LentzMr. & Mrs. Larry Lenzen IIIMrs. & Mr. Thomas LetscherMost Rev. John M. LeVoirMs. Dana LewisRev. Thomas LeylandMr. Tim LiebacherMr. & Mrs. Tom LieserMr. & Mrs. Craig LietzkeMr. Brian LiggioMiss Denise LightfieldMr. & Mrs. Stephen LillisMr. & Mrs. David LinsMr. Daniel LinwickMs. Katrina LitzauMr. & Mrs. Dan LockeMr. & Mrs. James A. LodoenMr. & Mrs. Charles LoegeringMr. Michael LoganMs. Constance J. LohseMr. Frederick LongMr. & Mrs. Jeff LookerMr. & Mrs. Richard W. LuchtenbergMr. & Mrs. Steve LuchtenbergMr. & Mrs. Stephen P. LuckeMs. Kelsey LuersMr. & Mrs. Joseph LuisiRev. Eric LundgrenRev. Kevin F. LutzMr. & Mrs. John T. LynchMr. & Mrs. James P. LyonsMr. Michael MaasMr. & Mrs. Dan MacDonaldMr. & Mrs. Dennis MackeyMr. & Mrs. Jim MackeyMr. Jim MaguireMr. & Mrs. Thomas MahalaRev. Mr. & Mrs. Edward MaherMs. Michelle MaherMr. & Mrs. Jim Maholm Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Ernie MaierMr. Frank MaixnerMr. & Mrs. Nicholas MalangaMiss Marga MalarkyMr. Jay MalaveMr. & Mrs. James MalettaMr. & Mrs. Bruce MalloryMr. & Mrs. Michael MalloyMr. & Mrs. Jerry MambrettiMr. & Mrs. Mike ManahanMr. & Mrs. Joe ManginoMr. & Mrs. Bill MarcotteMrs. Lucy MarekMr. & Mrs. Gregory MargaritMr. & Mrs. Thomas MargaritRev. Thomas MargeviciusMs. Catherine MarienMr. David MarquardtMr. & Mrs. Rodney MarquardtMr. Matthew MarrisonMr. & Mrs. Tom MarsolaisMr. & Mrs. Ernest MarstellerMr. & Mrs. David M. MartinMr. & Mrs. Michael MartinMs. Doris MartinezMr. & Mrs. Fernando MartinezMr. José MartinezMr. & Mrs. Jeff MartiniMr. & Mrs. Joseph MarvinMr. Daniel MascarenhasMr. & Mrs. Timothy J. MasekMr. Sean X. MastersonMr. & Mrs. Michael Mastriano

Church of the Maternity of the Blessed VirginMr. & Mrs. David MatlockMrs. Isha MatthewsMr. & Mrs. Al MayersMr. & Mrs. Robert MayhanMr. & Mrs. James Maynard, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Mark MazzonMr. Alphonsus McAdamsMrs. Marilyn McAlpineMr. & Mrs. Casey McAndrewMr. & Mrs. Robert McCabeMr. & Mrs. Jeffrey McCallisterMr. & Mrs. Peter McCannMsgr. Gerald McCarrenMr. Tim McCarthyMs. Jessica McClernonMr. Daniel McClureMr. Joshua McClureMr. Michael McClureMr. & Mrs. Randall McClureMr. & Mrs. John McCombMs. Marissa McCombsMr. & Mrs. Giles McConvilleMr. & Mrs. Joe McDanielMrs. Ann McDonaldMs. Annabelle McGannonMr. & Mrs. Patrick McGillMr. & Mrs. Lawrence McGoughMr. & Mrs. Michael McGovernMs. Lauren McGowanMr. & Mrs. Robert McGuireMr. & Mrs. Bill McIntyreMs. Lois M. McIntyreMr. & Mrs. Mark McKeeMr. & Mrs. Scott McKenzieMr. & Mrs. Daniel McLaughlinMr. Jim McNameeMr. & Mrs. John McNeillMr. & Mrs. Jim McQuillanMr. & Mrs. Michael P. McQuillanMr. & Mrs. Patrick MealeyMr. James MeenaMr. & Mrs. David MeierMr. & Mrs. Robert MelcherMr. Stephen MelcherMr. Bruce Melchert & Mrs. Cath-erine NillesMr. & Mrs. Michael J. MelliereMr. Enrique MendozaMr. Troy MenendezMr. & Mrs. Thomas MenglerRev. Joe MenkerMs. Veneice MercerMr. & Mrs. Thomas E. MerrillMr. & Mrs. Thomas R. MerryMr. & Mrs. Charles D. MersMr. & Mrs. Leo MertensMr. William MesserlyMr. & Mrs. Eugene G. MessingMr. & Mrs. Richard MessingMs. Becky MeyerMr. & Mrs. Gary MeyerMr. & Mrs. Gerald J. MeyerRev. Mr. & Mrs. James V. MeyerMs. Susan MeyersMs. Deborah MichaelRev. Mr. & Mrs. Joe MichalakMr. & Mrs. Steve MichelMr. Edward MielkeMr. & Mrs. John MielsMr. & Mrs. Milo MilburnMr. James MileyMrs. Anne MillerMr. & Mrs. John MillerMr. & Mrs. Robert MillerMr. & Mrs. Scott MillerMr. & Mrs. Luke MillsMr. Doug MilroyMiss Bridget MinogueMr. & Mrs. James MinogueMiss Marisa MinogueMiss Rebecca MinogueMinuteman PressMr. & Mrs. Bruce MinzenmayerMs. Teresa MirandetteMr. & Mrs. Allan MitchellMs. Josephine MitchellMr. & Mrs. Carl P. MocciaMr. & Mrs. Edward MocciaMr. & Mrs. Peter MocciaMr. Foster MoffoMr. James MolnarMr. James MontavonMr. & Mrs. Robert MontavonMr. & Mrs. Gary MontavonMr. & Mrs. Donald A. MontbriandMr. & Mrs. Gary MontemurnoDrs. William and Nicki MooreMr. & Mrs. William MooreMr. & Mrs. Robert MoraineMr. & Mrs. Daniel MoranMr. & Mrs. Daniel Moran Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Keith MoranMiss Patricia MoranMr. & Mrs. John MorganMs. Mary Morgan

Mr. Mark MotzelMr. Mike MrazMs. Ann MuehlingMr. & Mrs. Robert MuehlingMs. Barbara MuellerMr. & Mrs. Michael MuellerRev. Charles F. MullenMr. John MullmanMr. & Mrs. Ed MurphyMr. & Mrs. Jim MurphyMs. Sharon MurphyMr. William MurphyMr. & Mrs. Brian MurrayMr. & Mrs. John MurrayMr. & Mrs. David MuzillaMr. Rob MuzykaMr. & Mrs. Brian MyerholtzMr. & Mrs. Frank MyersMr. & Mrs. Lee MyersRev. Mr. & Mrs. Andy NaporanoMr. & Mrs. Edward NaselloMr. & Mrs. Andrew NathDr. & Mrs. Michael J. NaughtonDr. & Mrs. James NeffMr. Christopher NelmsMr. & Mrs. Bradley NelsonMr. & Mrs. James NelsonMr. & Mrs. Jesse NelsonMr. Jonathan NelsonMs. Karen NelsonMr. & Mrs. Paul NeriMr. & Mrs. Gary P. NessMr. & Mrs. James NesterDr. & Mrs. John NewcomeMrs. Patricia NieblingMr. Rick NillesMiss Sarah NillesMr. Marcos NinoMr. Paul Niskanen & Mrs. Erin CassidyRev. Paul A. NobleMr. & Mrs. Brandon NorbergRev. Jeff NorfolkMr. & Mrs. John NorrisMr. & Mrs. Daniel NorthropMr. Greg NovakDr. & Mrs. Michael A. NovenaMr. & Mrs. Brent NowakMs. Barbas NyaosiMr. & Mrs. Michael NystromMr. & Mrs. Bill OadesMr. & Mrs. Joseph Oakes IIIMr. John ObergMr. & Mrs. Mike ObergMr. & Mrs. Joseph O’BrienMs. Mary O’BrienMr. & Mrs. Scott O’BrienMrs. Judith A. O’ConnellMr. & Mrs. Michael R. O’ConnellMs. Tammy O’ConnellMr. & Mrs. Jim O’ConnorRev. Robert O’Donnell, C.S.PMr. & Mrs. Donald O’DorMr. & Mrs. Mark OgrenRev. Jim OgurchockDr. Michael W. O’HaraMr. & Mrs. Ryan O’HaraDr. & Mrs. Dennis O’HareMr. Dan OhmeMr. William OhnstedMs. Lisa OkaforLt. Col. & Mrs. John O’KeefeMrs. Marie OlsenMr. & Mrs. John OlsonMs. Susan OlsonMr. Sid O’NeillMs. Kathleen O’ReillyMr. & Mrs. James S. OricchioMr. & Mrs. Timothy OrnellMr. & Mrs. Joseph OsendorfMr. Ryan O’ShaughnessyMr. Luke OskvarekMr. & Mrs. Jim OstensonMs. Maria OstertagDr. & Mrs. Ronald OtrembaMr. & Mrs. Tom OttmanOur Lady of Joy Catholic ChurchRev. Walter OxleyMr. & Mrs. James PacciorettiMs. Laura PachellaMr. & Mrs. James R. PackardRev. Gregory PaffelMs. Rita PainterMr. & Mrs. PakizerMr. & Mrs. Del PalacheckMr. Roman PalloneMr. & Mrs. George PalmMs. Jeannine G. PalmerMr. & Mrs. Matthew PalmerMs. Megan M. PalmerDrs. Matt and Mary PaquetteMr. & Mrs. Al ParentRev. John ParksMr. & Mrs. Chad ParsonsMr. Andrew PasternackMr. & Mrs. Matthew PasternackMr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Pasternack

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Most Rev. Richard PatesMr. & Mrs. Joel PatrosMr. & Mrs. Myron PaulyMr. & Mrs. Richard PavekMr. Joe PavlasMr. & Mrs. Zachary PavolMr. Timothy Pawl Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Bob PeachMs. Rita PellerMr. Thomas PellerMs. Linda PennPeople of God’s LovePeople of HopeMr. & Mrs. Des PepinMs. Madelynn PerezMr. & Mrs. Raymond PerisinMs. Gwendolyn PerkinsMr. Anthony PerroMr. Lauren PetersDr. & Mrs. Dennis PetersonMr. James PetersonMs. Kathie PetersonMr. & Mrs. Larry PfaffMr. & Mrs. Chris PfahlerMr. & Mrs. John PflugiRev. Mr. Byron PhillipsMrs. Katherine PhillipsMost Rev. Lee PicheMr. & Mrs. Matthew PiciMr. & Mrs. Darrell PiersolMr. & Mrs. Mark PikulaMr. & Mrs. Christian PinsonaultRev. Robert PishMr. & Mrs. Tom F. PlankersMrs. Darlene PlanteMr. & Mrs. David PlanteMs. Leesha PlanteMr. & Mrs. Robert PlanteMr. & Mrs. Timothy PlaschMr. & Mrs. Cory PlottsRev. Scott PogatchnikMrs. Lorraine PohlenMr. Daniel PokrzywaMs. Patty PolkDr. & Mrs. Vincent PompiliMs. Kirra PopeMr. Arthur PopehnMr. & Mrs. William PorterMr. & Mrs. Seth PorterfieldMr. & Mrs. Joe PoskinMs. Kathy PospichelMr. Donald PostiyMr. Charles PostlewaiteMr. & Mrs. Rick PothastRev. Francis PouliotMs. Kathy PowersMr. & Mrs. Rex PoyaoanPremier Bank MinnesotaMr. & Mrs. Joe PrenosilMr. & Mrs. William G. Price IIIMr. Scott C. PringleMs. Andrea PrisbyMr. & Mrs. Sonny PrivettMr. Martin ProkottRev. Troy PrzybillaPS&S GlobalMr. & Mrs. Kevin L. PughMr. & Mrs. Patrick PughMr. & Mrs. Greg PullesMrs. Olga PutykewyczQueen of All Saints Knights of ColumbusMs. Mollie QuenseMr. & Mrs. Paul QuenseMr. & Mrs. Peter QuenseMr. Patrick QuillanMr. & Mrs. Mark QuinlanMs. Sarah QuinnMs. Dinora RabinesMr. Kyle RacetteMr. & Mrs. Mark RachacMsgr. John RadanoMr. Peter RangeMr. & Mrs. Donald R. Rasmus-son Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Alan RatliffMr. & Mrs. Lee RavaioliMr. & Mrs. Joseph RayenMs. Sharon ReedMr. Roger ReesMr. & Mrs. Don ReganMr. & Mrs. Patrick ReganMs. Eileen RegesMr. Timothy Regewitz

Mr. & Mrs. Pierre RegnierRev. James ReidyMr. & Mrs. Bill ReilingMsgr. Joseph ReillyMr. Andrew ReinhartRev. Justin ReisRelevant RadioMr. & Mrs. Gary ReslandMr. & Mrs. Tim RethlakeRev. Peter RichardsMr. & Mrs. Jamie RichardsonMr. Vincent RichardsonMr. & Mrs. Keith RieckmanMr. Stephen A. RiedererMr. & Mrs. Virgil RiemanMr. & Mrs. David RinaldiMr. & Mrs. Pat RinellaMs. Adeline RipperMr. & Mrs. Robert RizzardiMr. & Mrs. Charles RobbinsMr. & Mrs. Russ RobbinsMr. Frank RobertsMs. Ruth RobinsonMr. & Mrs. Andrew RobisonMr. & Mrs. Joseph RocheMr. & Mrs. John RockMr. Austen RockcastleMr. Andrew RodriguezMr. Sam RoebleMr. Jim RomportlMr. & Mrs. David RonnerMr. John J. RooneyMr. David RootMr. & Mrs. Rick RoppMr. & Mrs. Francisco RosalesMr. & Mrs. Tizoc RosalesMr. & Mrs. Michael RoseMr. & Mrs. William and Jeanne RoseMr. & Mrs. William and Elizabeth RoseMs. Deborah RossiMr. & Mrs. Ron RotondoMr. & Mrs. Don RottmannMr. & Mrs. Matt RouhierMr. & Mrs. Tim RowlandRev. John M. RozembajgierMr. & Mrs. Richard J. RubenzerMr. & Mrs. John RuckerMr. David RuffnerMs. Margaret RuskMr. Don RussellMr. & Mrs. Douglas A. RussellMr. & Mrs. Patrick RussellRev. Erich RuttenMr. & Mrs. Dennis RyanRev. Steve RyanMr. & Mrs. Tom RyanMr. & Mrs. Robert SaffellSaint John Vianney College SeminaryMr. & Mrs. David SandomenicoMr. Calixto SantanaMr. & Mrs. Christopher SanterDr. & Mrs. Mike SanterMr. Damian F. SantiagoMr. & Mrs. Michael SantiagoMr. Brian SantosMr. & Mrs. Michael SarraMr. & Mrs. Paul SavarynMr. & Mrs. Matt SaxeMs. Mary J. ScamperleMr. Peter A. ScarcellaMr. & Mrs. Paul ScarfoneMr. & Mrs. Michael P. SchaeferMr. & Mrs. Paul SchaeferMs. Marjorie S. SchaferRev. David SchalkMr. & Mrs. Harry SchallerMr. & Mrs. John E. SchechterMr. & Mrs. Todd SchemenauerMr. John ScheubelMr. & Mrs. Keith SchierlohMr. & Mrs. Gene SchimekMs. Gwendolyn SchimekMrs. Patricia SchimekMr. & Mrs. David SchimmelMr. Paul SchirmerMr. & Mrs. John SchlaterMs. Rachel SchlaterMr. & Mrs. Brad SchleeterMr. & Mrs. Patrick SchlossMs. Rewa SchlosserMr. & Mrs. Bernard Schlueter

Mr. & Mrs. Doug SchmidMr. & Mrs. Patrick SchmidtMr. Jacob SchmittMs. Shirley SchmittMr. & Mrs. William A. SchmittMr. & Mrs. John SchmitzStephen & Carrie Schmitz Fund of the Catholic Community Founda-tionMr. & Mrs. William SchmitzerMr. & Mrs. Michael SchnitkeyMr. & Mrs. Charles SchoenMr. & Mrs. Robert J. SchoeneckerMr. & Mrs. John M. SchoenfelderMr. & Mrs. Kenneth SchoenfelderMr. & Mrs. Matthew SchoenfelderMr. & Mrs. Sam SchoenfelderMr. & Mrs. Charles J. SchoenwetterMr. & Mrs. Jeff SchramMr. & Mrs. Clifford SchroederMr. & Mrs. Elton SchroederMr. & Mrs. Joseph SchroederMr. & Mrs. Tony SchroederMr. John SchuebelMs. Nancy SchulteMr. Jay SchultzMr. & Mrs. Rodney SchusterMr. & Mrs. Carlton J. SchwabRev. Robert SchwartzMr. & Mrs. Robert SchwarzMr. Rob SchweitzerMr. Michael ScottMr. & Mrs. Michael P. ScottMerlyn & Bernadine Scroggins Family Fund of the Catholic Com-munity FoundationMr. & Mrs. Michael B. SealyMr. Drew Segadelli, Esq.Mr. & Mrs. Gary SegretoMr. Rahul SehgalMr. & Mrs. Jim SeidelMr. & Mrs. Leo F. SeiffertMr. & Mrs. Brian SelegueMr. & Mrs. Lawerence SelegueMr. & Mrs. Michael SelegueMs. Rebecca SelegueMr. & Mrs. Stephen SelegueMr. Michael SelenskiMr. & Mrs. Mark SelhorstMr. Mark SellnerMr. Kyle SellnowMr. & Mrs. Thomas SellnowMr. Dan SelnerMr. Mark SendzikSeton Hall University Priest Com-munityMr. Daniel SevenichMr. & Mrs. Tom ShackleRev. Martin ShallbetterMs. Ruth ShanerMr. & Mrs. Thomas SharkeyMr. Thomas ShaughnessyMr. & Mrs. Jack ShawMr. & Mrs. Geoffrey ShellRev. Edward ShermanMr. & Mrs. Frank SherwoodMr. & Mrs. Frederick A. ShidellDr. Sean ShockeyMr. & Mrs. Brian ShortRev. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas SicolaMr. & Mrs. Robert SimmetMr. & Mrs. Kent SimmonsMr. & Mrs. Jason SimonMrs. Dorothy SimonetMs. Hillary SimpsonMr. & Mrs. John SinclairRev. Robert SipeRev. David SizemoreMr. & Mrs. Mark SkebaRev. Michael SkluzacekMs. Megan SlatesMr. & Mrs. Harold SlawikRev. Stanley V. SledzMs. Ann SmithMiss Chiara R. SmithMr. Christopher SmithMr. & Mrs. Craig SmithMr. & Mrs. Dan SmithMr. & Mrs. Frank SmithMr. & Mrs. Gary SmithMr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Collert SmithMs. Joan M. SmithMr. & Mrs. Paul SmithMr. & Mrs. Ronald P. Smith

Mr. & Mrs. Steve SmithMs. Kirsten SnaterMr. & Mrs. Jeff SnoyerMr. & Mrs. Andrew R. SnyderMr. & Mrs. Michael J. SnyderMs. Roberta SnyderMr. & Mrs. Francis SohmMrs. Jane SohmMr. & Mrs. Matthew E. SoileauMr. & Mrs. Eric SoiuDrs. James & Kitty SoldanoMr. & Mrs. Dave SolumMr. & Mrs. John SortebergMs. Sarah SpangenbergMr. & Mr. William Sparks Jr.Mr. & Mrs. John SpellmannMr. & Mrs. Robert SpeltzMr. & Mrs. Thomas SpenceMr. Neil SpencerMr. Greg SplittMr. & Mrs. Jeremy SpringerMsgr. Stanley SrnecSt. Andrew ParishSt. Christopher Catholic ChurchSt. Edward the Confessor Catholic ChurchSt. Ignatius of Loyola Catholic ChurchSt. John the Baptist ChurchSt. John’s University ParishSt. Patrick’s Catholic ChurchSt. Rose Catholic ChurchSt. Thomas More Catholic ChurchSt. Thomas More University ParishSt. Thomas the Apostle Catholic ChurchMr. & Mrs. Brian StalboergerMr. & Mrs. Charles R. StalterMr. & Mrs. Gary StammlerMs. Carol StarrMr. & Mrs. Albert StarshakMr. & Mrs. Kevin SteadlandMr. & Mrs. Michael SteadmanMr. & Mrs. Donald StechschulteMr. & Mrs. Robert StefaniMr. & Mrs. Bob SteigaufMr. & Mrs. Richard SteinMr. Michael StenquistMs. Dana StephensDr. & Mrs. Chuck StevensMr. & Mrs. Daniel StevensonMr. & Mrs. Don StevensonMs. Jaime StevensonMr. & Mrs. James E. StevensonMs. Joan B. StevensonMr. Paul StevensonMs. Sara StevensonMr. & Mrs. Thomas StibalMr. & Mrs. David StilpMr. John StockMr. Dick StocksteadMr. & Mrs. Clarence StoffelMr. & Mrs. Dan StokmanMr. & Mrs. Harry StoreyMr. & Mrs. James L. StrandeDr. John StranskyMr. Timothy StreiffRev. James StrombergMr. Frank SullivanMr. & Mrs. Tom SullivanMs. Joan SummersMs. Vivian SutchMr. & Mrs. Ricard SuterRev. Brian SuttonMr. & Mrs. Bret SuttonDr. & Mrs. David SybertMr. & Mrs. John SyrkoMs. Lyndsey SyrkoMr. & Mrs. David TaccoliniMr. & Mrs. Donald M. TadichMr. & Mrs. Jeremy TatmanMr. & Mrs. Joseph TatmanMr. & Mrs. Larry TaylorMr. & Mrs. Ray TaylorMr. & Mrs. Murray TeafordMs. Therese TeafordMr. & Mrs. Richard TebbeMr. & Mrs. Terrence TelegaMr. Jonathan TempleMr. & Mrs. Michael TempleMr. & Mrs. Skip ThalerMr. & Mrs. Jeff ThamesMr. John ThamesThe D’Amato Landscaping Com-

pany, LLCThe John A. Reger CompanyThe Marian FoundationThe Saint Paul SeminaryThe Word Among UsDr. Michael Thoennes D.D.S.Mr. Jason ThomasMr. & Mrs. Paul ThomasMs. Ana ThompsonMs. Megan ThompsonMs. Anne ThuesonMr & Mrs. Daniel ThurmesMr. & Mrs. Chris TibbettsMs. Valerie TilsonMrs. Diane TobinMr. & Mrs. Peter TomaselloMr. & Mrs. Phillip TomaselloMr. & Mrs. Clint TomlinsonMr. Mike TorchiaMr. & Mrs. David TouhillMr. & Mrs. Jonathan TouhillDr. & Mrs. Edward TouneyMr. & Mrs. Michael TouneyMr. Marcelino Tovar Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Donald TraxlerMr. & Mrs. John TreacyMr. & Mrs. Carl TreiberMr. & Mrs. Joe TrepanierMr. & Mrs. Eric TreptowMr. & Mrs. Brad TressellMs. Catherine TristaniMr. Mark TristaniMr. & Mrs. James TroutmanMr. Mitchell TruesdellTruistMr. Michael TrusoMs. Marilyn TuckerMs. Jessica TurnerMr. & Mrs. Gerald TurnerMr. & Mrs. John TushausMrs. Marjorie TushausMr. & Mrs. Mark TysonMr. & Mrs. R. Dent UnderwoodUniversity of MinnesotaUniversity of St. ThomasMr. & Mrs. James UnterbrinkRev. Anthony UrbanMr. & Mrs. Joseph UtechtMr. & Mrs. Joe UtoftMr. & Mrs. Mark Van BrunkDr. Sarah & Mr. Paul L. VandermeerMr. & Mrs. Timothy VansickleMr. Jeffrey VanSteelMs. Teresa VargoMs. Katherine VassarMr. & Mrs. John VavraMr. & Mrs. Robert VennemeyerMr. Nathan VerschaetseMr. & Mrs. David VesselMr. & Mrs. James VettelMiss Maggie VettelMr. & Mrs. Matthew VettelMr. Tim VettelMr. & Mrs. Richard VigilanteMs. Nancy VillwockMr. & Mrs. James VincentViridian Energy IncMr. & Mrs. Norman VirnigMr. & Mrs. Robert VischerMr. & Mrs. Rio VitaleMr. & Mrs. Paul A. VlahutinRev. Mr. & Mrs. John VomastekDr. & Mrs. Charles VonderembseMr. Nathan VoronyakMs. Sam VostersW.J. Murphy Construction Co.Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. WagnerMr. & Mrs. Wayne WalderaMr. & Mrs. Chuck WaletzkoMr. & Mrs. Rodney L. WalkerMr. & Mrs. Mark WallMr. Jason WallsMr. Mark S. WalorskiMr. & Mrs. Christopher WalshMs. Vanessa WalshMr. & Mrs. James WangenMs. Leah WaraksaMs. Rachel WaraksaMr. & Mrs. Stephen WaraksaMr. & Mrs. Edwin WardMr. & Mrs. Jay WardMr. & Mrs. John WardMr. & Mrs. Michael R. WardMrs. Rose Warnecke

Mr. & Mrs. Robert WarnerMr. & Mrs. James WarrenMr. Bob WaruszewskiMr. Isaac WashMs. Jillian WaylandMr. Duane WeaverMr. Jay WebberMr. & Mrs. Gregory WeberMrs. Kelly WebsterMr. & Mrs. Ben WehmanDr. & Mrs. Clement WeidenbennerMr. & Mrs. Nicholas WeidenbennerMr. & Mrs. James WeilandMr. & Mrs. Arnold WeimerskirchDr. & Mrs. Kenneth B. WeiseMr. & Mrs. Daniel G. WeisenbachMr. Thomas E. WeisenburgerMiss Erin WellmanMr. Patrick WelshMr. & Mrs. Paul WelshMr. & Mrs. Jeff WendelMr. & Mrs. Brian WengerDr. & Mrs. Mark WernerMr. Terry WernerMs. Ginger WestMr. & Mrs. Eric WestbyMr. & Mrs. Allen R. WesterbergMr. & Mrs. Ronald WesterheideWheeler FarmMr. & Mrs. Matthew WheelerMr. & Mrs. Sean WhiteMr. & Mrs. Thomas WhiteheadMr. & Mrs. Dave WhooleyMr. & Mrs. Albert WickensMr. Frank WiesnerMiss Grace WigtonMr. & Mrs. Eric WiitaMs. Gloria WilkieMr. & Mrs. Tim WilkinMr. & Mrs. John WilletteMs. Katherine WilletteMr. Nick WilletteMr. & Mrs. Gary WilliamsMrs. Jennie WilliamsRev. Peter WilliamsMr. & Mrs. Paul WillisMr. & Mrs. Thomas A. WillkeMrs. Sharon WilsonMr. Steve WilsonMr. & Mrs. Jeff WinkerMr. Harry WittMr. Jeff WittreichWitzler Shank Funeral HomeMr. Larry WoernerMr. & Mrs. Tom WojciechowskiMr. & Mrs. Earl WolfWolff & SamsonMr. & Mrs. Peter WolneyWoolley’s RestaurantMr. Paul WostenbergMr. & Mrs. Thomas WratkowskiMr. & Mrs. Thomas WrayMr. & Mrs. Kyle WunderlichMr. Andrew WurthMr. Edwin WurthMr. John WurthMr. Kenneth WurthMr. & Mrs. Paul WurthMs. Margaret YackelMr. & Mrs. George YacykewychMr. & Mrs. Steven YakubovMr. Joe YankoMr. Brett YarmeschMr. & Mrs. Jonathon A. YerianMr. & Mrs. Leonard J. YoergerMr. & Mrs. Brian YohnkMr. & Mrs. James YonushonisMr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. YunkerMr. & Mrs. John ZarotneyMr. & Mrs. Jim ZavoralMr. Dennis ZehrenMr. & Mrs. Wayne ZenkMr. Eddy ZervigonRev. C. Anthony ZiccardiMr. & Mrs. Todd ZiesmerMs. Jerri ZimmerMr. & Mrs. David ZimmermanMr. & Mrs. Alan ZinkMr. & Mrs. Paul ZinsMr. & Mrs. Howard ZipfMr. & Mrs. George ZirnheltMr. Jonathan ZmiklyMr. & Mrs. Nicholas ZukMr. & Mrs. Michael Zwiefelhofer

Every effort was made to ensure the correct spelling of each name. SPO apologizes for any errors.

We would like to thank those who supported the mission of SPO in the 2011-12 fiscal year. Your role is just as critical as that of the missionaries on campus. We are deeply grateful for

your generosity to the lord and his work.

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by Gordy DeMarais

Pope Benedict XVI has proclaimed this year as the “Year of Faith.” It began on October 11th, 2012 and will con-clude on November 24th, 2013, the Solemnity of Christ the King. The Holy Father is summoning the faithful “to an authentic and renewed conversion to the Lord, the one Savior of the world.”1 It is an invitation to each of us to turn to God wholeheartedly in prayer, study, and the sacraments, to experience the joy of abundant life in Christ. But it is also a call to evangelize. We must not keep the greatest gift in the world to ourselves.

Evangelization is at the very heart of Christianity. Jesus commissioned His disciples to believe in the Gospel and then go forth to the ends of the earth and proclaim it. This has been the task of every disciple in every age since the birth of the Church on Pentecost.

In recent years the Church has sought to awaken us to this essential mission, this sacred privilege. “The Church exists to evangelize,” proclaimed Pope Paul VI.2 Blessed John Paul II announced this same message with equal urgency and intensity, “I sense that the moment has come to commit all of the Church’s energies to a new evangelization…No believer in Christ, no institution of the Church can avoid this supreme duty: to proclaim Christ to all peoples.”3

Pope Benedict is calling the Church to this Year of Faith because, quite simply, we are facing a crisis of faith. We live in a culture that, in the words of the Russian writer and dissident Alexander Solzhenitsyn, has “forgotten God.” Many live as though God does not exist and if He does exist He has little relevance to one’s daily life. The removal of God from our public discourse has profound consequences for the well-being of our culture. Arch-bishop Rino Fisichella, president of the Pontifical Council for the New Evangelization, suggests that if our culture continues on its current path of being ashamed of the Gospel, ashamed of our Christian history and identity, then it will have no future: “The conclusion can only be that of an irreversible decline.”4

Nowhere is this crisis of faith more evident than among young people between the ages of 18 and 29. In 1960, fewer than 3% of those in this age group identified themselves as having no religious affiliation (“nones”). In the most recent survey of the Pew Institute, no less than 32% of this demographic claimed to be “nones.” Worse still, the religious affiliation of those who claim one is shallow. Indeed, only 14% of Catholic millennials attend weekly Sunday Mass.5

The crisis of faith is also a crisis of morality and a loss of respect for persons. Unsurprisingly, the rejection of God eliminates respect for the dignity of every human being as made in His image and likeness. Without this strong anthropology, human life is cheap and human beings are simply “useful” to one’s success and happiness.

The attacks on marriage, life, and religious freedom are merely symptoms of this underlying crisis. It is a crisis that goes far deeper than politics and so requires a solu-tion more fundamental than political activism, important though that is. It requires the renewal of the Church and the evangelization of the culture.

Our recent Popes have recognized this, making the call to the New Evangelization a defining priority of their pontificates. They have recognized the erosion of the Christian foundations of European and North Ameri-can culture and lifestyle. In the New Evangelization, the Christian faithful are exhorted to proclaim the Gospel anew particularly in these places – places that require “re-evangelizing”.

The New Evangelization is more than an improvement program for the Church – a rearranging of our ecclesial furniture. It is a whole new, or renewed, way of thinking. Archbishop Fisichella warns against reducing the New Evangelization to a slogan. The New Evangelization can-not simply be a new heading for our current approach



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and programs. “Tactical changes will not save us.”4 The New Evangelization is a call to rebuild and transform the culture, fostering a civilization of love in the midst of the culture of death.

And there is hope! Young people are not satisfied with shallow lives; they are hungry for truth. They just need to be reached effectively. This is what we have been doing in SPO since our founding 27 years ago. We train and send young missionaries into the mission field of colleg-es and universities to evangelize. We reach students with the life-changing message of the Gospel and form them into mature disciples. Our vision for the future is that we would continue to expand across the country in order to provide every college student with the opportunity to encounter Christ and the beauty of the Catholic faith.

I am often asked, “What are your programs?” I am reluc-tant to answer with a list of our programs. While we have developed excellent programming in SPO, fundamentally it is not a “program” that changes people’s lives. What changes people’s lives is the culture, or the environment, that we create on college campuses, of people com-ing together in genuine, committed love of God that’s expressed in their love for one another. We are fostering a culture of life as an alternative to the prevailing secu-lar culture in our universities. Our mission begins with building strong communities of faith on college cam-puses and is only complete when these young adults are rooted in the life of the Church and living for Christ in every aspect of their daily lives.These are the key questions for us in our work with

college students: Are they experiencing life-changing conversion? Are they being built into living communities of faith? Are they growing in love with God through a life of prayer? Are they learning to live in genuine selfless love of neighbor? Are they continuing to live for Christ and share Him with others long after their college years? This is the kind of transformation that is required if we are truly to change the culture and address the crisis of faith.

Amidst this crisis, we must resist the temptation to lose hope and doubt the power of God to change hearts. As St. Paul says, we must “fix our eyes not on what is seen, but what is unseen. For what is seen is passing, but what is unseen is eternal.”6 I am greatly heartened in this battle by the response of the young men and women who serve as SPO missionaries. One young man texted me recently quoting Psalm 146:3, “Put not your hope in princes, and in mortal man who cannot save.” These SPO missionaries continue to see with the eyes of faith as they carry out the New Evangelization. May we all be inspired to do the same this year. Truly, a new springtime of Christian life awaits us – if we are docile to the Holy Spirit.

1 Pope Benedict XVI, Porta Fidei, # 62 Pope Paul VI, Evangelii Nuntiandi, #14 3 Blessed John Paul II, Missio Redemptoris, #34 Archbishop Fisichella, Address at Proclaim 20125 Christian Smith, Souls in Transition6 2 Corinthians 4:18




Two SPO directors recently had a private meeting at the Vatican with the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization. The purpose of the meeting was to strengthen SPO’s relationship with the Vatican and to explore ways we can collaborate. The Council expressed great interest in and support for SPO’s Formation and Training Programs.

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There is a critical need for the New Evangelization on campuses, and our vision is for every college student to have the opportunity to encounter Christ in the fullness of His Church. So, if you’re interested in finding out about getting SPO to come to your campus or diocese, please email [email protected].