The #StopTheBantustanBills coalition is forming. Stand in Solidarity with South Africans who are having their rights sold out because of big business. Tomorrow it could be any of us. You can get involved, go to our website www.StopTheBantustanBIlls.org, and sign the demand that parliament drops these bills. When you sign up you’ll get updates on the fight, and we’ll let you know the next action you can join and make your voice heard. The Xolobeni villagers of the former Transkei Bantustan fought a 15 year battle to have a say over their land. They said NO! to an Australian mining company, because they could see that it would not benefit the community. The Bakgatla ba Lesetlheng in North West also challenged the mines. Recently the Constitutional Court agreed with them that the people must have a say over their land. But the new TKLB would overrule this community right and give legal power to unelected chiefs. What about Xolobeni and Bakgatla ba Lesetlheng? WHAT CAN I DO? @stopthebills @stopthebills Lastly, don’t forget to follow us on An initiative by: SOUTH AFRICA UNITE Support a common citizenship and the same laws for all South Africans! Contact media.stopthebills@gmail.com Call, SMS or WhatsApp 076 687 0442 If made into law, these bills will allow homeland chiefs to make deals with big business, chase people off their land, and force people to attend a traditional court. JOIN THE FIGHT against the bantustan bills.

SOUTH AFRICA UNITE - Stop The Bantustan Bills...The TKLB does recognise the Khoi-San people, but the rest of this bill is about giving new oppressive powers to unelected chiefs like

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Page 1: SOUTH AFRICA UNITE - Stop The Bantustan Bills...The TKLB does recognise the Khoi-San people, but the rest of this bill is about giving new oppressive powers to unelected chiefs like

The #StopTheBantustanBills coalition is forming.

Stand in Solidarity with South Africans who are having their rights sold out because of big business. Tomorrow it could be any of us.

You can get involved, go to our website www.StopTheBantustanBIlls.org, and sign the demand that parliament drops these bills.

When you sign up you’ll get updates on the fight, and we’ll let you know the next action you can join and make your voice heard.

The Xolobeni villagers of the former Transkei Bantustan fought a 15 year battle to have a say over their land. They said NO! to an Australian mining company, because they could see that it would not benefit the community. The Bakgatla ba Lesetlheng in North West also challenged the mines. Recently the Constitutional Court agreed with them that the people must have a say over their land.

But the new TKLB would overrule this community right and give legal power to unelected chiefs.

What about Xolobeni and

Bakgatla ba Lesetlheng?




Lastly, don’t forget to follow us on

An initiative by:



Support a common citizenship and the same laws for all South Africans!

Contact [email protected] Call, SMS or WhatsApp

076 687 0442

If made into law, these bills will allow homeland chiefs to make deals with big business, chase people off their land, and force people to attend a

traditional court.

JOIN THE FIGHTagainst the bantustan bills.

Page 2: SOUTH AFRICA UNITE - Stop The Bantustan Bills...The TKLB does recognise the Khoi-San people, but the rest of this bill is about giving new oppressive powers to unelected chiefs like

Traditions and culture need to be respected and protected while ensuring that all people have democratic power and equality before the law. These bills do not do that.

The TKLB does recognise the Khoi-San people, but the rest of this bill is about giving new oppressive powers to unelected chiefs like the apartheid government did.

People should have a choice to attend a traditional court, but if Parliament’s version of the TCB becomes law, chiefs would be able to punish people who challenge them. through traditional court processes.

Accountable traditional leaders and courts exist. They do not need laws like this.


whatare these

the badhidingthe good

The Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Bill (TKLB) and the

Traditional Courts Bill (TCB) will effectively bring back the

apartheid bantustans.

Who stands to make money?

But why?

Clause 24 of the TKLB would give chiefs and their councils the power to sign over your land,

including your family graves, your fields and even your homes, to mining companies, large

farms, developers and casinos.

They will be able to do this without even asking your opinion, let alone your permission.

They will make millions while you lose your home.

17 million people in the former homelands will be subject to different laws

They will have less citizenship and property rights than the rest of South Africans

They can be summonsed and sentenced by unelected chiefs

Women will be disempowered by being denied the right to represent themselves in traditional courts
