' ' 23 ad your want-ads Bell Phone— RITtenhouse 5000 THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER. TUESDAY MORNING. JANUARY 4. 1944 Phone your want-ads Female Help Wanted Continued From Preceding Paga SALESGIRL*-Severs I opening* for gtrla with specialty shop exp. (Hosiery, Ltnger- te. Sportswear). Attractive aaiaty. oppor. for advancement. Apply Golden Dawn Hosiery Shop. 307 N. Broad at.. 6th floor. fAfesCtftLS. for 5 A 10 with exp., good salary. Apply Grahma. 20th A Fairmount SALESGIRLS for children's shop. Apply* 1305 Frankford ave. SALESLADIES—Pleaaant work. Pull time unlv Storea tn varioua localities. Experi- ence not required. Salary and commiaaion plus bonus. Hanaeom'a, 9 N. 53d at. SALESLADIES for Sportswear dept. Per- manent position, excellent salary * com- m taaion^A pply Ace Stores. 2630 Gtn. ave. 'SALESLADY, to aaaiat owner in specialty gown shop on Main Line. Experience A ability compensated with good salary A com- misalon. S-I99 Inquirer. BALSSLAISV tor part-time: evening worlF. Female Help Wanted TELEPHONE Operator— Expd. P B . X,. on Hell A Keystone Boards. Permanent S b. good working conditions. Call Mr. at thews. Motor Freight Express, Regent TELEPHONE" bperator with some clerical work In hardware supply business. Steady work. 40 hours. Porn. refa. Alden Supply Co.. 926 Arch st. candy store. Apply 9»? «* 46th st. Eve. a**. • ALeWOMfSTter" wear depta. C My Personnel Chestnut st. 6A LESWOMEN. exp Alfred's Candles. accessory A ready-to- Oppor. for good earnings. Ap- Dept . The Blum Store, 1300 on ladies' ready-to- wear. excel. sal.,stdy.or part-time poa.The Smart Shop. 1124 Broadway. Camden. N.J. SALESWOMEN.exp.for sportswear A coats. Apply Bonwit Teller. 17th A Chestnut sts. SANDWICH Maker, exp. A fast worker Hrs. 7 A. M. to 3.30 P. M. No Sunday * >rk. Good salary. Yeager'a Sandwich Shop, 41 X. 6th st. SEAMSTRESS wanted. Apply Mrs. Madi- son. Jewish Hospital. York A Tabor rds. SECRETARY-STENOGRAPHER General office work, permanent position. Apply Personnel office. 3rd floor. FRANK A SEDER, 11TH A MARKET STS. SECRETARY, capable stenographer, pref- erably familiar with advertising, pur- chasing or medical terms. Center city office. 5-day, 40-hour week. Apply John Wyeth A Bro., Rm. 724. 1600 Arch st. SECRETARY. Must have at least 5 years" 1 varied office experience. Not over 30 years old. Alert and conscientious, for steady po- sition in center city. State exp. In detail and salary desired. T-135 Inquirer. SECRETARY, excel, oppor. for young lady with secretarial exp., to interpret Gov't. regulations, prepare Gov't, forma A statis- tical reports. Henry Diaston A Sons, Long- shore A Wlsslnotnlng. Tacony, Phtla. TELEPHONE OPERATOR, typiat, recep- tionist, good appearance. Permanent posi- tion in real estate office. Pleasant sur- roundings. Loc. 6600. TIMEKEEPER'S ASS'T, mfg. co. in N.E. 5-day week. Timekeeping A payroll exp. desirable. Call Mr. F. L. Jacobean, DeL3100. TOBACCO Stripper, full or part-time High wages. Seider Cigar. S.E.Cor. 4th A Race. TRAINEES For aircraft assembly. Proctor Electric Co.. 3rd A Hunting Park ave. TRAINEES—For safe and easy War work. Day or night. The Eastern Specialty Co.. Plant 'BV/H. E. Cor. 3d A Allegheny ave. TRAV Girl A kitchen assistant. Cohvalas- cent home. 6 days. $12. meals. Bar. 2847. Female Help Wanted WArTRESSEinS). table A~ltn. service"." day work. Must wear 32 to 34 uniform, be neat A fast. New depot restaurant, open- ing the 8th. No ph. calls. Ap. Mr. Mattusch. Baltimore A Ohio Stat., 24th A Chestnut. WAITRESSES AGE 18 to 40. Exp. not necessary. Full or part-time. Meals, good wages. Apply Lin- ton's Lunch, West Phlla. Employment Dept.. 5122 Market st Female Help Wanted WAITRESSES. No exp. necessary. Perma- nent, full-time work. Part-time work if desired. Good salary plus meals A uniforms. Apply McCrory Stores. 1205 Market at WAITRESS, expd. ment. Supervise In dining room manage- waitresses, cashiers A pantry. Apply dietitian, New Mayfair Diner A Dining Room, 7353 Frankford ave, TRIMMERS A examiners, expd. on Govt jackets and coats. Those expd. m other lines can fill pos. easily. Good sal., excel, working conditions. Foster Bros., 21st A Hunting Park ave. (above Penn Fruit) TRIMMERS A EXAMINERS, EXP. WILL TRAIN FOR BOYS* WASH SUITS. STEADY JOB, GOOD PAY. PETER PIPER, 147 N. 10TH ST. TRIMMERS. Floor girls A examiners on girls' coats. Will teach if inexp. Steady work. Good salary guaranteed. Gastwoth Bros.. 211 N. 13th st. 4th floor. TRIMMERS A examiners, expd. on Gov't work. Steady work A good wages. Plenty of overtime. Cold Climate Co., 2080 E. Castor ave. TRIMMERS, exp. on men's Jackets A trousers. Steady work, 1st fir. Snellenburg Bldg., Broad A Wallace sts. TRIMMERS A examiners, exp. boys' wash suits, dresses or shirts. Good pay. Fishman A Tobin, Broad A Carpenter sts. SECRETARY A office manager. Suburban office. American Red Cross. Permanent po- sition. Apply by letter, giving age, exp. * references, or in person. 511 N. Broad St., 8th fl. Personnel Dept. "SECRETARY-Stenographer. splendid op- port. for alert competent secty. to dept head. N. E. Phila. Permanent position, age limit 30. Address D-15. P.O.Box 3575 Pnlla. S£CRETAR?-Stexiographer. pleasant worT- ing conditions in suburbs. Must have hos- pital experiences. Call Chestnut HID Hos- pital. Che. 4600. SECRETAftT. Hue o m„ steady to poei- war. Age 20 to 30. EdJphone exp. State full details, salary desired In written letter. C-108 Inquirer. law office. SECRETARY-Stenographer fiT Good salary. State qualifications. Inquirer. B-lStt SECRETARY A general office work. 40 hrs,, 5-day wk. Good working conda. CaH Mr. Clarke for interview. All. 5400. on blouses, steady. Jd. Kauffman. 226 3. 11th St., 4th floor. TRIMMERS A operators, expd. or learners, on cotton towels: 4341 Orchard st. TRIMMERS—Exp. 28 S. TRIMMERS on sweaters Good pay.App. Haber's.1335 Washington Steady work, av. WAITRESS, neat A attrac. Must be exp. Hours 9.30 to 3.30. No Sunday work. Good salary A tips. Apply Yeager Sandwich Shop, 41 N. fith st? ._ _ ' WAITRESS (2). over 21, steady work, good salary. Bob's Cafe. 2101 W. Cambria W p. on C A K 4x4 box'looms, steady work, god pay. Excel, post-war op- portunity in an essential Industry. E. w. Twitchell. Inc., 3d A Somerset sts, 2d fir. WEAVERS for Draper automatic looms. Apply Phillip L. Sheerr A Son. Torresdale ave. and Church st. WEAVERS, male or female, experienced A learners. Apply 5600 Tacony st. WEAVERS, shaft. Excellent pay. Moss Rose Mfg.. Hancock A Allegheny ave. WINDERS, are you looking for a post-war lob. Cone A skein winders on Foster ma- chines. Steady work. No phone calls. Clar- ence L. Meyers A Co., 2d & Somerset sts. WINDERS, expd. on rayon. Steady, year- round work. Gd. sal. Apply Artex Knitting Mills. Coral A Hagert sts. Reg. 4627. YOUNG LADY, over 17 yrs. of age, addreseograph operating. Good starting salary A post-war future for bright, intel- ligent beginner. Henry Diaston A Sons, Longshore AWlsslnomlng sts. .Tacony. Phlla. YOUNG LADY. exp. not nec„ for pastry counter. 5 days week, short hours, good wages. 812 Lancaster ave., Bryn Mawr, Pa. YOUNG LADY, expd. in selling perfume in Situations Wanted Female COST 1 aecounttn KeyYtone^ BROAD 5000 R-l-F fw X broker* Gent: lie. o'clock. Writ f drug te N-li 5 Inquirer. 5 to 10 YOUNG WOMEN We have openings for trainees with agile fingers to learn the .bindery trade. Steady work, pleasant surroundings, music. Phila. Bindery. 260 N. 3d at.. 4th floor. FLEETWINGS. Div. Kaiser Cargo. Inc.. Bristol. Pa. Get In aviation war work. No experience needed. Apply Fteetwings, Plant No. 2. Bristol., Pa. , FIRST class woman chef, for hotel. Excel. sal. and working conditions. References. Box 923. Atlantic City. New Jersey. TWO girls for cleaning cars. No exp. neces- sary. Phone Reg. 4374. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES, FEMALE FRANKLIN. 117 S. BROAD ST. SECY.: Chemical terms $50-360 DIETITIANS Wllm. $200 BKKPR.: Advtg.» central i $40 FILE CLERK $120 g, secy,. 8 years exp. College graduate. nqulrcr, DAY'S work, des. $4.50A carefare. Ph. Ste. 4488, Ida Culbreath. 1008 Olive Place. DAY'S Work des. by exp. colored laundry or cleaning. $5 A carfare. Ref. Fre. 2299. 6lN¥lST ASSISTANT. Large experience and reference. Responsible work. Fillings, extractions, acylics technlc, children. An- swer E. Novoa. 4319 Pine st. GIRL, colored, des. hswk. Help with cook- ing. No Sun. Sleep out. Call Bal. 4877. GIRL desires housework, no washing or Hoteli WM. PENN Hotel. 3808 Walnut,Rms..newly renov. Sgle. $1 day, $5 week, hot A cold wat. all mis., showers, lobby, free parking. CROWN Hotel, 731 Spruce st. Newly furn.. comf. rooms. Radios, showers, cont. h.w. oil ht. Single, $1.50 up. Special wkly. rates U»ed Automobile* Sleep out. Refs. Loc. 5744. LAUNDRY, bundle washes at rea- le prices. Ste. 8768. ORK desired by woman, sewing, broidery, button-holes, etc. 3828 Melon. HOUSEWORK, general. Colored. Sleep in or day's work. Call 2417 W. Sharawood st. MOTHER—With child of 4 wishes pos. as keeper.Write Mre.Knox. 1314 Spruce. K 8 yrs. exp., des. II NU yrs. exp., des. pos. In"b'r.'a office or private case, can travel. D-43 Inquirer. type case A EXECUTIVE. 37 S. 13TH ST. SECRETARY: Vic. Trenton $45 COST CLERK: Mfg. exp. $40 STENO: Central. 5 days $27.50 TYPIST: Central. 5-day $27.50 WINDERS, expd. on Foster coning ma- chines. 61 N. 2d st. Phone Mar. 0983. WOMAN, for posting A filing on sales A ad- vertising detail, must be able to type. Perm, employment in non-war industry'. 8 to 5 daily, half day Saturday. $25 to start. Ph. Mr. Cleary, Rad. 2033. WOMAN, with driver's He. operate retail food route. In essential food industry, calling on estab. trade only. Excel, sal. A comm. arragement. 5-day wk. Cash bond req.Wrlte.give ph.No.,to R-13 P.O.Box 3414 TRUCKERS handling freight, loading A un- loading cars. Shift work/Weight 145 to 160 lbs. Minimum height 5'5". Apply P.R.R. Employment Office, Street Floor, 30th St Station. N. E. Corner. TWISTING MACHINE—Operator, experi- enced. Steady day work. Downs Carpet Co. Inc.. Indiana ave. and A sts. TYPISTS, beginners A advanced. Pleasant surroundings, agreeable associates A attra hours. Schedule of advancement made known. State all qualifications A salary re- quired. Q-1I5 Inquirer. SECRETARY, publicity. Unusual oppor- t unity for unusual person. Lorn. 5500. SHIPPER or shippers helper for marking cases A checking loads. Experience helpful but not essential. Overtime available. Apply Henry Dtsstoa A Sons. Longshore A Wls- sinoming sts.. Tacony. Phlla. "SHOEi SAILESLADY. experienced*! good opport. Nice appearance. Excel, pay. One who can use initiative. Women's A children's shoes. O-120 Inquirer. SHOE operators, top stitchers A lining makers for children's shoes. Edmor Shoe Mfg. Co.. 1234 Carpenter st. 5th floor. TYPIST—Junior, gen. office work, will teach P B X operating. Permanent, excell. opport. with 50-year-ofcl Gtn. concern. Give age, education, exp. and salary expected. C-181 Inquirer. TYPIST-Clerk, part time. Central Ins. of- flce. Pleasant surroundings. No Sat. work. give age. education and phone number. Box B - l l l Inquirer. TYPIST, knowledge of shorthand helpful, but not essential. Steady post-war pos. 40- hr. wk. plus overtime. Apply Mgr., Rm. 70S, 1518 Walnut st. TYPIST with some shorthand ability, 44- hour week. Pleasant conditions. Apply Per- sonnel Department, Struthers Dunn, Inc., 3d floor. 1321 Arch street TYPIST, general or transcription typing work in large central city trust company. Excellent working conditions. State age A experience. O-109 Inquirer. TYPIST, good opportunity for person inter- ested In perm, position with good salary A congenial surroundings. Fogel Refrigerator Co.. 5400 Eadora s t J«f. 8300. TYPIST, know! WOMAN, for pantry work, to wash glasses A silver Boys boarding school. Near Phila. A Trenton. Direct bus line. 1% days off a week. Live In. B-192 Inquirer. WOMAN, 25 to 45. to manage patent medi- cine A drug dept. of Super-Food Market. Good salary A pleasant working conditions. L-148 Inquirer. WOMAN to do general housework, 5-day week. Room A board A $15 week. Refer- ences. Write Mrs. Franklin Hartley, Rose av*,, R. D. #2, Norristown, Pa. PRESSLER. 242 S. 13TH ST. JR. ACCOUNTANT: 5-day week STENO: Secty. Central TYPIST: Central. 5-day week PBX TYPIST: 5-day week -$28 -$25 CRAIG A GRAVATT 1505 RACE ST. 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Tuesday till 7 P. M. CHEM. $35. Charts A Graphs $40 COPY A. layout. 5 days $35-$40 TYPIST-Secty. Stenos. Open NURSE desires work, state salary. L-185 Inquirer. RESTAURANT WOMAN, former owner of high-type mid-city restaurant desires pos. as asst. manager, exp. In buying, compos- ing menus. Adaptable for any dept. Limited hours. Salary secondary. Q-188 Inquirer. Boarding FRANKLIN ST., 2202. N.. 2d fl.. rm. A board for gentleman. Home cooking. Fre.7285 OAK LANE, 1019 69th Av. Lge. frt. rm. for 1-2. Excellent table. Train A subway. WALNUT, 2215. Noble Hall. Attrac. rmT $9.50 to 112. Excel, meals, maid, elev. 15TH. N.. 31 18. Dble. A X I. rms., 2d fl., Nr. subway. twin beds, gd. meals oi Rad. 2889 CHILDREN, 3-6 yrs.. Junior Victory Hall, playrm. A grounds. Constant supervision. wkly. doctors exam. Accident A cas. Ins. Best of food. Sleep tn $13. Ger. 2136. NUISE, ft. N.. wfinaTET'conviresciliror semi-invalid Intu own warm, pleasant home. Write R-134 Inquirer. NURSING home 24-hr. nurses. I N. 4&th*!ve. serv,. SECRETARY, expd. H.S. A Peirce Business School grad., desires responsible position in center city. $30. Wav. 8734. SECRETARY. Pvt—Comp., alert with ln- itlative des. perm. pos. Central. Refs. Age 26. $35 per 5-day week. T-232 Inquirer. SECY.-executive, office mgr.. purchasing, A-l appearance. Gentile. MaJ. 1037. BUTTRICK A MEGARY. 225 S. 15TH ST. Tuesday A Thursday to 7. SECY. Exec, ability, cent $40 F. C. BKKPR. Advertising $40 TYPISTS (30). all Iocs. $25-$3U GRUBER'S 1601 CHESTNUT ST. PHILA.'S LARGEST AGENCY INSTRUCTIONS WOMAN inspector for coll springs. High School education but experience not neces- sary. 5H-day week. Apply H. J. Moll, John Evans Sons. 508 N. 13th s t WOMAN, to clean office A some cleaning in mill. Apply Concordia Gallia Corp., Al< lengheny ave. Boudlnot st. WOMAN for hlapltal diet kitchen, full maintenance A lory. Apply Home for Con- sumptlves, 8601 Stenton ave.. between 9 A 5- WOMAN to live in and do cooking * general housework for family of 3, good wages. Phone Ardmore 0523. of stenography, accurate with figures. Mfg. exp. pref. Good hours. Excellent salary. Apply London Knitting Co.. 875 N. 28th St. WOMAN, cleaning, restaurant 8.30 A. M.- 3.30 P. M. Andrews, 1640 Bridge (Fkd. A Bridge). WOMAN lroner, hospital laundry. Steady year round work. Apply Home for Com- sumpOves. 8601 Stenton av. betw. 9 msS, WOMAN, housework A cooking, steady A reliable. Expd. $25 week. Refs. Llv. 2847. WOMAN, middle-aged, sleep in. It hoose- worfc, excell. home, 1 adult. C-183 Inquirer. SWITCHBOARD SCHOOLS. Actual experi- ence on P. B. X. boards. Girls A women of all ages, day or eve. Free employment serv- ice. Come, write, phone Florence Utt, Suite 803 Bailey Bldg., 1218 Chestnut st.Pen.1833 LEARN DRESSMAKING THE GRAC1E, 3940 MARKET ST. Short course for factory or home use. Emp. Service. Visit, write or call Eve. 4947 INDIVIDUAL instruction and simplified methods make It possible for you to learn shorthand, typing, bookkeeping, ate., in less than one-half the usual time. Palmer School, Broad and Erie. Sag. 1344. Bookkeeping Home Study—Complete Course LA SALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITY A Correspondence Institution 201 S. 13th S t , Philadelphia, Penna. BUSINESS Course In exchange for services. Acquire valuable office experience. En- trance fee is only cost. Free catalog. Sec- retarlal Exchange. 1411 Walnut Rlt 3816 LEARN shorthand, typing or bookkeeping in % usual time. Complete course $30.Sena for catalog. Pennsylvania Bus. School, 13—t Spruce st Phone Pen. 3682. TYPIST A Clerk. Knowledge of bookkeeping. experience. Vic. 5393. TYPING or clerical work done at home. Sunset 4449-J. WOMAN des. part time work to do at home. Typing or related work. R-136 Inquirer. YOUNG GIRL desires work mornings. 5 days week. Write Lydla Ford. 1206 Pine at. YOUNG WOMAN—Interior Decorator A Furniture Saleswoman desires position with reliable firm. Write C-123 Inquirer. COMFORTABLE home for pensioners, good home cooking. $35 month. Call Eve. 6607. CHILDREN, over 6 yrs., best cace A food. Close to school, pvt fam. Ger. 9643. CHEVROLET 11*41 •1H40-1WW DE LUXE SEDAN. COACHES A COUPES Largest stock of Cars. All makes '38 to '42. AUTO MART 1409 N. Broad st. Pop. 5122. Open Evea. CHEVROLETS—All years A body styles. A large selection. MOBILE OLDS. 4640 N. Broad. Closed Sunday. Open eves. CHEVROLET, etc. All models, priced right. Anders A Jervis, 1515 N. Broad. Open eves. Automobiles WeweteT -ELL your car or truck wttfc tne seawTs ndenea aa you buy. New ear staler \ pay guaranteed highest prices ler yesjr ROLET. 1818 N. CHEVS., '41-'40-'39 Sedans. Coaches, Club Cpes. Tma. Gorson Chrysler, 250 N. Broad. CHRYSLER '41 4-dr. sdn. Mech. perfect clean inside A out. except 1 fender. $965. Edw. Pierl, Garfield, A White Horse Pike, Chesilhurst. N. J. Berlin 659R4. CHY. '39 sedan, beautlfuTcorui. inside A out. excel. W. W. tires, r. h.. defroster. Priced $750. J124 8. 8th s t after 8 P. M. CHRYSLER, '41, New'Yora»r7Tudlo7niiT. j»r, Low mile. Gorson Chrys.,2So N.Broad OlRY~sT.KR~~'37 convert, coupe: radio, htr? _ A overdrive New top. Must sell. All. 0811. ________ nr „. •-^ ircVr; ^- 1B5a is-r; Only $395 dn. JACOBS, 245 N. Broad. •-Kw-m cmevftoL, WUl pay a good price for all cars, aS makes. 5818 N BROAD ST. LTV. 3200 HIGHEST CASH PRrC_5 FOR YOUR ' « TO '41 CAR BELGRADE 4477 Standard Auto Salsa, 5801 WILL BUY any make or" „ give you hlgt_e* ea*_ gets*. *t« to Extra bonus paid for cieaa fate. WW Depot Motor Co . 4733 OM Yafft **. Mr. Williams^Mlc. 3043 NURSE'S home, board A care aged A convT Special diets. 5644 Walnut. All. 9525. WILL BOARD CHILDREN during~dayT Mother's care. All. 8179. 2107 S. SHIELDS ST.. near 66th A Wood- land, room A board, lunches packed. Reas. LICENSED Nursing Home, aged A chronic ladles. Graduate nurses. Eve. 2458. BAY care for children. In home. Excellent food. Dav. comf. 0744. private DODGE '39 sed., 4-dr. Radio, heater, good tires. 1411-17 Spring Garden. Pop, 7880. DODGE '41 2-door. Good rubber! FORD DEALER. 4601 Chestnut st FORD, 1941-1940 SUPER DE LUXE 5-PASS. COUPE Largest stock of Cars. All makes '38 to '42. AUTO MART 1409 N. Broad st. Pop. 5122. Open Eves. FORD '41 del. coach, swell tires, runs granT Only $295 dn. JACOBS. 245 N. Broad. FORD '37, 60 sedan, good tires. Call 24 W Hortter s t Gtn. FOTlD" PVT. fam., board child, gd. home, excel. food, maid serv., rm. for parent.Gra.8121. DAY care or wkly. care for children pleas- ant home, vie. 6000 Frankford. Del. 7663. PRIVATE family will board girls 6 to 9 yrs. School across street. Sar 3979. YOUNG Woman desires any kind of work at home. Phone Sagamore 8493. ATTRACTIVE YOUNG LADY, 25, des. posi- tion as PBX Operator A receptionist. Experienced. Prefer 5-day week. Call Mrs. C. M. French. Reg. 1846. COLLEGE GRAD.—1% yrs. exp. designing draftsman; also details; assemblies A some marh. ahop exp., des. drafting work. Like to try architectural. A-174 Inquirer. Room* to Rent ARCH ST. AT 19TH (THE ANDERSON HOUSE). Single rooms, 75c A $1 per day each person. Clean, warm A quiet. Loc. 8559 ARCH ST., 931 (Arch Hotel) warm, comf., rms., run, h. c. w. Ply. $1 up. Wkly. 84 up. BALTIMORE, 4ili.Tnlcely furn. rooms . bath, accommodate 3 or 4. No cooking. BROAp, N., 4116. Lge, warm 2d fir. rear SHOE workers, cutting A fitting room, mak ing room, cleaning A packing. Steady Job, TYPIST, permanent position good pay. Pearl Shoe Co.. 543 N. 55th st. I packing Arm. 5 day. 40 hour SHor^^ •* lOES, exp. French bind stitchers. Apply Reuben Gordon Shoe Co.. 1725 N. 6th s t SODA Dispensers, experienced. Apply Ben Franklin Drugs. 9th A Chestnut sts. SODA dispenser or waitress, good hours; ne j evenings: no Sundays. 700 Chestnut st. SPOTTER, exp. not necessary, for retail dry cleaning plant Permanent, well paying Job, Fernwood aeaners. Baltimore Pike and 4th a t . Fernwood, Del. Co., Pa. STATISTICIAN Efficient for coat and government records. Typing and steno. exp. required. Excellent Immediate and post war "opportunity for responsible woman, Snyder Mfg. Co.. 2218 w. Ontario st. STENOGRAPHER Perm. pos. tor genl. work In small cen- tral city branch office of naU. organisation, now engaged In 100* war work. 5 day 40 hr Meek. Full details requested. R-139 In- quirer. STENOGRAPHERS, typists A clerks. Sev- eraX attractive positions available. Con- genial, steady employment \ppiy Henry Disston A Sons. Inc., Longshore A Wissl- nemmg sts.. Tacony. STENOGRAPHER A diversified office duties, old estab. firm in Gtn. Permanent stow and post-war. Good future. Give age, education, experience and salary desired. B-110 Inquirer. STENOGRAPHERS, Jr., excel, oppor. for girls who desire perm. pos. with national organization. Attr. working conda. No exp. necessary if average in typing A short- hand. Household Fin. Corp., 931 W. Lehigh. with meat week. Excel- lent oportunity. F. G. Vogt Sons, Inc., 36th A Grays Ferry ave. Ful. 2200. TYPIST A Gen. Office work. Permanent position. N. Phila. State exp. if any, age, religion A salary desired. Exp. not sary. H-178 Inquirer. TYPIST. Claim dept. Central city. Ins. office 5-day week. Good oppor. Exp. pref. but not nee. Phone Rlt 2500 for app't TYPIST—Accurate. Opportunity for ad- vancement Permanent position. No Satur- day. Call Mrs. Hiroes. Lorn. 0260. TYPIST—Excel, oppor. with central dry insurance company. Exp. not necessary if rapid A accurate. Phone Lombard 3757. TYPIST A general office work. 5-day week. Apply all week. Tiny Grace Frocks. I A Ontario ate. TYPISTS—Also stenographer for Insurance Co. Hrs. 9 to 4.45; Sets. 12 noon. For toterview apply 122 3. 4th at TYPIST. Some exp. to operate edlphone, 5- day week. Applyin person. The Liquid Carbonic Corp., 2251 E. Tioga st TYPISTS, expd., American Red Cross. 5% days weekly. Apply in person, 8th fir., 511 N. Broad st. Personnel WOMAN to clean offices, part-time. Geo. H. Morrill Co.. 137 N. lith St. WOMAN—Housekeeper, 44 hrs. wk. $19.50. Stteady. Apply ready for work, 110 N^lSth. WOMAN to assist with cooking and~house- work at O. E. S. Home. CaU May 5437. WOMAN to help in kitchen of small hotel. Apply 2215 Walnut st. WOMAN, middle-aged. Care of 2 children. Steep out Good salary. Call Sar. 2077. WOMAN," FACTORY Sewing A Government work 1 taught. H. power machines, $1 per wk. Al- so a special compl. course in 1 wk. Easiest work for women. 3606 Walnut at. Bar. 3570. FREE training, female and male, for war work. Starting wage $50 wk. War workers do not apply. l04-O8 N. 6th. Wal. 3817 COLORED Typists, stenos., Clerks needed. Short course. Learn with confidence. Male A female. Pioneer Institute, 627 S. Broad. SHORT COURSES In Shorthand. T: A ass IiTE live in, light hswk. Dr.'s office. $20. All. 6869. WOMAN wanted for cleaning theater. Lenox Theater, 54th A Chester ave. WOMAN—30. 35, to do cleaning in tap- room.good sal. Bob's Cafe.2101 W.Cambria WOMAN 8 A.M. for cooking A housework, from to 2 P. M. 1529 Germantown ave. WOMAN for hsewk. Lt. cooking. Washing machine. Sleep out. $20. All. 6329. WOMAN. Handy for small restaurant, tap- room. to do light work. 1338 W. Cambria WOMAN or girl, living vie. 65th A Cheater, for housework, 9 to 2 wkdays. Sar. 0780. TYPIST—Good at figures, dustries. Inc.. Lester, Delaware STENOGRAPHER for large central city trust company. Excellent working condi- tions. Splendid opportunity for advance- ment. State age A exper. Q-122 Inquirer. STENOGRAPHER, general office work, ex- perience preferred, but not essential. State age. salary A exp., 5-day. 40-hr. wk. Write K-197 Inquirer. STENOGRAPHER, accurate, good at fig- ures. for plant production office. Perm., not war work. Sal. $30. Write state age A experience to Box R-204 Inquirer. STENOGRAPHER, to.assist in sales dept.. experience preferred. Good working con- ditions. Permanent position. A. Pomer- antz, 1525 Chestnut st. STENO. A typist, exp., willing also to do gen. office work; age 25-35; good sal., 40- hr. wk., 5% days, central city. Reply giving fuii detolls. C-157 Inquirer. STENOGRAPHER, permanent position, branch office of nationally known chemical Co. Excel, oppor. 5-day week. Central location. 0-134 Inquirer. STENOGRAPHER, gen. office work. Some exp. Perm. Overtime at present Advance- ment Estatbllehed firm. State details. R-127 Inquirer. Apply Lester In- elaware County, Pa. Take PTC Car No. 37. TYPIST-Clerk, accurate and rapid, with ap- titude for figures; six-day week. Personnel Department, John Wanamaker. TYPIST-Clerk, general office work. Good* opportunity for person seeking permanent employment. Whitman's. 415 Race st TYPIST. General office work. Perm, posi- tion, nationally known concern. Post-war. State exp., age A salary. T-109 Inquirer. TYPIST-Clerk, perm, pos., good opport State age .sal., etc. P.Q Box 7362, Phila. TYPIST A stock record clerk for duration. L-149 Inquirer. TYPIST until Easter, full or L-150 Inquirer. WOMAN to make sandwiches, restaurant. Apply 1340 Spring Garden st WOMEN A GIRLS for light manufacturing. Night shift, 4 to 12 P. M. A 12 P. M. To 8 A. M. Also day shift. Apply in person, Shallcroas Mfg. Co., Jackson and Puaey sts., Collingdale, Pa. WOMEN. 18 to 35 years. Positions all shifts for learners on machinery. Instruction pro- vided. Good working conditions, substantial wages. 5-day basic week. The Curtis Pub- lishing Co.. 604 Sansom st. WOMEN, ESSENTIAL WAR WORK. NO EXP. NECES. WE TRAIN YOU. GOOD PAY, AUTOMATIC INCREASES WHILE LEARNING. LIGHT WORK. JACQUARD KNITTING MACH. CO., G A LYCOMING. etc. Day or Evening. Philadelphia tarlal School, 37 S. 16th s t Loc. 4560. FINGERPRINTING, detection, criminology courses. New term Jan. 27. Free catalog. Pa. Inst. Crlrnlndrogy, 431 Walnut Wal.1170 SINGERS, announcers, speakers, trained for broadcasting career. Army shows, au- ditions. Mod. rates. Write 0-16 Inquirer. FRANKLIN School of Science A Arts. X- Ray A Lab. Technique. 251 S. 22nd. Phlla. rm., next bath A shwr. Suit 2. Conv. trans. BROAD A Erie. Nr. sub. Attr. furn., warm studto rm., rad. Non-hakpg. Rad. 2976. BROAD S. 1235 Sleep, rms., board opt. Also hskpg. suite, nr. Navy Yard. Ful. 4024. CHEStNUT. 4135. Furn. double rm.. suit- able for hskpg., $8 wk. Double rm., run- nlng water, $5 week. CHESTNUT. 4240. Furn. dean well-heated room, near bath A shower, excel, transp. Adults, CftESTNUf. 4050. Large 4th fir. warm. furn rm. Cont. h. w. Conv. trans. Eve.4105 CHESTNUT ST.. 4010-12-14, Bond Hotel. Low weekly rates. Fine transportation. ERIE AVE. W., 1803, well furn. 2nd fir. frt. r,. prlv. b. A ent, gentleman, refs. FARRAGUT, S., 248 (46th A Spruce). Frt. rm., with pvt. bth. A ent.Conv.trans.42 car. 8U8URBAN CLIFTON HOUSE. Elliott ave.,Bryn Mawr, Pa. 25 mln. city. Breakfast If desired. JENKINTOWN RD., 720. Comft rm. with board, with privileges of using 1st fl., home-like atmosphere, M sq. from trains A trolleys, at Ardsley, Pa. Ogontz 2051.. MONTGOMERY INN, Bryn Mawr, Pa., 2 blocks station. A family hotel. Home com- forts A cheaper. 22 minutes to city. '35 del. coach. Dandy tire swell. $195 full pr. Jacobs. 245 N. i, runs Broad FORD '36 de luxe. 2-dr. trunk sedan. Excel, cond. $250. 1220 W. Venango. Sag. 6903. FORD '38 De L. conv. Nash. 1244 N. Broad. coupe, $475. Adkins LINCOLN. '38, 7-pasa. deluxe, 5 brand new W. W. tires, pert, cond.. $850. Del. 4894. LINCOLN Zephyr, '37, radio A heater, reas. 1519 N. 7th st. OLDSMOBILE 1939 4-door sedan, owner. 873 N. 26th st Private MR. CAR YOURMO!> CAI IRVIN SACKS 4839 CHESTNUT ST. OPEN EV1 GORSON PAY§ TH. UMtT WE'RE OVERBIDDING STVKKTBOD' PHONE RTT 5837. BUYER WUX CAU GEORGE GORSON. 250 N BROAD SELL YOUR CAR TO MR. U _ - S NEW HIGHER PRICES 1931-1942. ANY MAKE CAR . JUST CALL DEL. 87W LTLES MTBS., 874 PRATT ST. OLDS.. '41-'40-'39 Seds., Sedanettes, Club Cpes. Bargs. Gorson Chrysler. 250 N.Broad OLDS. '38 2-dr. sed.. 6 cyl. Excel, cond. $385. Bridge. 1308 N. Broad. Open eves. 69TH ST. sect, large frt. rm., beau, furn., excel, meals, pvt. •borne, bus. people. 25 mln. City Hall, reas. Clearbrook 0275. CHILDREN, good home, personal supervis- ion. Balanced diet. Hesjthy loc. Che. 2981. CONVALESCENT HOME for elderly. Near Camden.Ph.Emerson 1425W.C-179 inquirer CHILDREN, over J», mother's care. Lg. grounds, good food, $6. Sharon Hill 9534. COUNTRY TWIN Linden home for aged men and women has vacancies. Nursing care A good food. Rates 115 and up per week. Write F. I. Stewart. Church town. Lane. Co., Pa. ~ * —•« _*»"»-.•—»» _y —,-.». F ~ J ~^|'~~~ "_ '——f" o _—--—--••i_u—• YEAR-round boarding school boys, girls. 2-14 yrs. High standards. Reas. 18 mL Phlla. Train service. A-9113 Inquirer. WARMINSTER HALL, Johnsville, Pa. Bdg. school, boys A girls. Reg, nurses. 6-16. Reas. A School, A Farm, A Home, A Summer Camp. Oaklelgh Hall, Pottatown R.D.2,Pa. BOARDING—WANTED YOUNG Man desires warm furnished room and board with congenial adult family. Home privileges. T-284 Inquirer. PACKARD '40 6-cyl. sedan. Black. Perfect condition throughout. Excellent tires, $935. Ogontz Motor Co.. Inc.. 6350 Ogontz ave. PACKARD '41 sedan, run only 11.000 mHes. Radio, heater, one owner. Gokiner Packard. Greene A Rittenhouse sts. Ger. 9797. PACKARD 120. 3940 4-door sedan. 4 new tires A puncture proof tubes. Radio A heater. $875. All. 7644. PACKARD '37. Model 120-8 4-dr. trunk sedan. Clean, good tires. $300. cash only, private owner. Hilltop 0806-W. PACKARD '39 6" 4-dr~iiedan7neater, $250 down. Adkins Nash, 1244 N^roswl PACKARD '36 del., smaTieit sdn. Runs fine. Only $280. JACOBS, 245 N. Broad at. PACKARD. '39 club cpe.. rad. A htr. tires, clean, heater. 234 Race. Mar. PACKARD 6, '39 deluxe 4-dr. sdn., r. A h . $625. 2045 W. Cambria st. Sag. 8632. PLYMOUTHS—AH years A body styles. A large selection. Mobile OMs., 4640 N. Broad. Open eves. DIRECT FORD DEALER WILL BUY ALL MAKES AND PAY MORE CASH FOR YOCR CA» VICTORY AUTO SALES 4920 N. BROAD ST. CALL DAV. tm It your car _ eteaa we wftt ad about price. You name It. we*! CALL SHE- 1700 DIRECT DODGE DEALER 4733 OIESTNUT ST WANTED 50 CARS 1937 TO 1941 WE WILL PAY PRICES THAT WELL AMAZE YOU ELION MOTORS. POWTLsV 511 S. BROAD ST. PEN. 2S7Q. RELIABLE PAYS THE BIG CASH FOR USED CARS 203 N. BROAD ST sUT CART A C^Ni1tRTIBL_i. fCYPTIICESFl PRIVATE _PARTJE3 AND DEALERS PURCHASED AT FANC ALL PRK IPMM PHONE MR. WILSON POPLAR 9413 USED CAfti, Trucks, itedesi makes and modela We are la a pay you HIGHEST PRICE. CI.IFTON-HAMIL1 a 812 N. Broad st fILTOW READ ALL THE A M THEN CALL STE 2SSSI ASK FOR MR. MILTON AND GET MORE FOR YOUR CAB PLYMS.. *41-'40-'39 Seds.. Cpea..Club Cpes. Terms. Gorson Plymouth, 250 N. Broad. PLYMOUTH '37 del. 4-dr. sdn. Extras. Run grand. Only $345. JACOBS. 245 N. Broad. PONTIAC '37 4-dr. trie, sedan. R. A H . $435. Adkins Nash. 1244 N. Broad. PONTIAC *41, Del. new. Low mi. Tms. GIRARD AV., W., 1100. attr. rm. Reason Call Ste. 5084. rm. FLORENCE UTT Switchboard Schools, 803 Bailey Bldg.. 1218 Chestnut. Pen. 1833. PRACTICAL Nursing "Classes now forming. Comp. fee $30. Penn School, 3714 N. Broad. Situation* Wanted Male ACCOUNTANT, Auditor. Formerly with National Firm of Tax Consultants. Now practicing on own. Available for a few additional current year filings or audits. T-184 Inquirer. ACCOUNTANT. Will prepare tax returns or handle books on monthly or wkly. basis. Exper. audits, closings, write-ups. Reas. hrs. arr. to suit you. Lom.5910,or Q-195 Inquirer WOMEN, part-time Jobs, expd. palrera A folders. Come* In A talk it over. Pleasant surroundings. Make some extra money. J. W. Landenberger A Co., Kensington A Cas- tor aves. part time working cond. Graybar Esse.. TYPIST for general office work. Morgan Home Equipment Co.. 1304 Race. 910 Cherry. Apply TYPIST, billing dept. 5-day wk. Perm, po- sltion. nr. center city. Lorn. 8445. Mr. Aokl. WAITRESS, good pay A tips. Short hours. No Sunday or evenings. Experience not necessary. Sam's. 56 N. 12th s t WAITRESS, must be experienced. 1.30 P. M. to 10 P. M. Sunday off. Excellent *al- ary A very good tips. 6854 Elmwood ave. STENOGRAPHER A typist in large cen- trally located concern. Pleasant surround- lnga. Opportunities for advancement Glee ate A salary. Box L-129 Inquirer. STENOGRAPHER, experienced; essential industry. Apply Lester Industries, Inc., Lester. Del Co.. Pa. Take PTC Car No. 37. STENOGRAPHER-Typist-Gen. clerical wk. Perm. poa. Post-war opp. 5V»-day wk. Will consider bright beginner. Gd. sal.Lom.4314 STENOGRAPHER A gen. off. work. State age, exp.. religion A sal. expected. 40 hrs., 5-dav week. Ref. req. S-183 Inquirer. expd., 25-35 yrs.. ca- 5-day week. Industrial STENOGRAPHER, middle aged, full crpart time. Hotel or real estate experience. Phone Eve. 6556 between 9 A. M. and noon. STENOGRAPHER. pab'e. permanent. . concern. Kensington section. R-128 Inquirer STENOGRAPHER. Prefer experienced, or Will consider one with initiative Ai ability to learn WUkening Mfg. Co.. 2000 3. 71st st S' ENOGRAPHER, exp.. 5 * days. Apply American Red Cross, 511 N. Broad St. Personnel Dept.. 8th floor. STENOGRAPHER, N. Phila. Real estate, Alert With or without exn Stateage, sal- n:y etc. Good oppor. PO Box 4800, Phila. STENOGRAPHER A bookkeeper. 40-hr wk. No Sat work. CaU for interview or phone Loc 6460. Mann A Fountain. Inc..1205 Race STENOGRAPHER, general office work. Pf rmanent position. 5-day week. 1917 Mar- ket st. iTENOGRAPHER-typUt. state age. exp. *e ephone number, salary. Perm, position in C rrnien. B-112 Inquirer. STENOGRAPHER, expd plant. Good pay. perm. Cold Climate Co STENOGRAPHER, ex Apply to Mr. Becker A Chestnut sts. , to work in Gov't pos. for girl with , 2080 Castor ave. ipd. banquet Hotel Adelphla. dept. 13th STENOGRAPHER-Typist for essential war pant: interesting work; convenient hours. Lake States Engineering. Ful. 3337. STENOGRAPHER, part-time. exp.. for central city architects office. Ph. Pen.3965. i:\OGRAPHER wanted. Cugley's Pet 0766. WAITRESSES wanted for night work; must be exp. A reliable. Good pay A very good tips. Paramount Rest. 1606 W. Pajayunk. WAITRESS wanted, 2 shifts 5 P. M. to 1 A. M. anS 12 M. to 8 P M. Apply Eagle Res- taurant. 5213 Frankford ave. WAITRESS, neat A experienced; high-class restaurant. Apply Bookbinders Seafood House. 215 S. 15th s t WAITRESS, ^S years or over. exp. not necessary. Good salary, excel, tips and meals. Hot Shoppe, 28th A Hunting Park. WAITRESSES, salary, board, room A uni- forms. Apply Penna. Institution for the Blind, 64th s t A Malvern ave. WAITRESS—Morning shift, must be expit, good salary A excel, tips. Apply 3171 Kensington ave WAITRESS. Must be expd. for dinner vice. Good wages. Excel, tips. 122 Easton road, Glenside, Pa. WAITRESSES, day A night, no Sunday work, good pay. Apply ready for work. Barbara Waktron. 1866 Market st WAITRESS for night work. Must have diner experience. Clover Club Diner. 23d s t and Hunting Park ave. WAITRESSES, night work. S P. M. to 1 A. M. Good wages. Apply 7264 Fkd. ave. WOMEN (2) wanted for business couple's home in country. Must be capable of tak- ing full charge A do all work. Bendix wash- er A lroner. Excel, wages. Phone Riverside 0047 A reverse charges. WOMEN. MIDDLE-AGED OR ELDERLY, FOR LIGHT WORK IN FINISHING DEPT. NO EXP. NEC. APPLY ESKIMO KNITTING MFG. CORP., 3016 EAST THOMPSON ST. WOMEN for coach cleaning in Phila., bet. ages of 25 A 40 A over 5 ft. 5 in. in height, bet 125 A 150 lbs. Shift work. Empl. en- f aged In war work need not apply. P. R. R. imp. Office, 30th St. Sta., st. fir.. N.E. cor. WOMEN A GIRLS. Restaurant A Cafeteria work. Meals furn. Uniforms A laundry free. Xmas bonus A 2 weeks' vacation with pay after 1 year's employment No exp. nee. Horn A Hardart. 29 N. 9th St., 9 to 5. WOMEN, over 20, to do light machine work; also light grinding. Day A night shifts in essential Industry. Northeast section. Work week 48 hours. See Mr. Henry, N. E. Cor. Lehigh ave. A American st. * WOMEN, 16 to 40. to assemble A pack seed orders for victory gardens. No exp. ntc Light, clean, pleasant work. Apply 9 A. M. to 4.30 P. M. weekdays. W. Atlee Burpee Co.. Hunting park ave. A 18th st. WOMEN, girts, assembly A machine shop work. Sit down or standing Jobs. Exp. or inexpd. 5 day, 44 hr. week. Conv. location. Cafeteria, rest periods. Modern clean war plant 2218 W. Ontario st ACCOUNTANT. C.P.A. Available toe a a * its. tax reports. Exp. with termination, re- negotiations.cost plus cqntracts,etc.qav.l638 ACCOUNTANT will personally render comp. auditing A tax service. Yearly closings, Income taxes, payroll taxes. Sar. 7388. ACCOUNTANT for firms with or without bkkprs., payroll taxea, auditing, part-time bkkpg.. income taxes, etc. Reas. Wav.8480. ACCOUNTANTS, C. P. A., desires audits. Year-end closings, tax reports, etc. Wav. 6146. able, use of phone. GIRARD AVE. nr. 17th. Beaut, fur. frt Also 2 rms.. hskpg. If des. Eve. 1492. GREENWICH Village sec. Man will share with 1 or 2 men. Studio home, 4 rs., fire- place. Pen. 4195 Call after 3 P. M. HUNTING PARK AV.. W., 1416. Nlc. furn. tile b. A shwr. sub. Mic. 0636. rms., innerspring matt, Plenty h t A h. w. % sq, JACKSON! 1041. Clean, comf. fur. rms., cont.h.w.. kitpriv. Nr.NavyYard.Ful.7763 LEHIGH. W., 809. Lge. furn. frt. llv. rm., 1st fir., light hskpg.Gentile adults.Bal.2322 LOCUST. 1213-15. Central. Attrac. furn. rs. Inap. matt, h.w. Rates reas. Pen. 7123. MARKET ST., 3940—1 rm. furn., pvt. ent, h. w. .quiet A clean. $25 mo. Single. MELON ST., 1322. Near Broad. Furn.. clean rooms for men. Hot water ht Conv. transp MORRtt ST U 1223—Warm furn. bedroom next bith. Plenty h._w. Reas. Ful. 0143. OGONfZ AVE.. 7332. Fur.'rm.. sult"2. Ap- ply after 4.30 P. M. PARK1V1B MAN des. room A board. Yard. C-274 Inquirer. Conv. to Navy ~8 Conv. coupe. Like Guar. 203 N.Broad at. Business Opportunities APTS. 9632. (7), price $200. Low rent Pop! BARBER Shop A business. Phone rty, 2 apts. Good swood 1145R homelike, . N.. 1943.1 lr conv. trains. rnv, twin beds, PARK AVE.. N., 2231. Nicely furn. warm rm. next to bath, *6 blk. subw. Gentlemen. PINE, 1327. 2d-story front, South, exp., twin beds, pvt. bath. Maid serv. Pen. 7392. ROOSEVELT Blvd., W., 808. Newly furn. rm., pvt. b., stall shower.Gentile man pref. ROOSEVELT Blvd., W.. 808. Newly furn. rm.priv. b., stall shower. Gentile man pref. SANSOtt. 3473, kit A bed.. livrm.Trecdnd. A furn. Also entire 1st fl.. unfurn.,4 rms.,b. ACCOUNTANT. C.P.A.. Gentile, monthly adudits, tax audits, yearly closings. Moder- ate size firms preferred. Call Walnut 5791 ACCOUNTANT, part-time bookkeeping, audita A tax reports. Reas. Call Wal. 3545. ACCOUNTANT. Open, close, audit books. Taxes, aystems. part-time. bkkpg.Han.8989 ACCOUNTANT, C. P^ A., deairea audits, taxea. part-time, bookkeeping. Rlt. 3765. ACCOUNTANT, small firms, trial balances A financial statements. Reas. Dew. 7617. ACCOUNTANT for firms with or without bkkprs.. tax experts. Reas. Sag. 6586. BAKER—White, age 40. ATl-around man. Help out Saturday or Sun. T-218 Inquirer. BARTENDER, high class man, 5 yrs. last place, des. pos. in first class house, sober, reliable, beat of ref. C-275 Inquirer. BOOKKEEPER-Accountant, middle age. Jewish,complete charge, office detaila.cred- lts, collector, correspondence. T-218 Inquirer. CARPENTER wants work, Jobbing or alter- atlons, available lmmed. Hancock 9444. CARPENTER wants work. Factory, altera- tlons A maintenance. Call Mic. 5922. WOMEN wanted part or full time interest- ing factory work conv. H Z E buses. Write or call in person. Monad Paint A Varnish Co.. 27th A Roberts ave. WOMEN, for counter work, experience un- necessary, no Sundays or holidays. Uni- forms A meals supplied. Good wagea. Apply Stouffer'a, 1526 Chestnut st WOMEN, to learn restaurant work. Ex- perience unnecessary. No Sundays or holi- days. Uniforms A meals supplied, good wagea. Apply Stouffer's, 1526 Chestnut st. WAITRESSES. Top salary, good tips. Sun- ken Gardens, Cheltenham A Ogontz aves. WAITRESS. Wtd. for day work,good salary. Apply 2806 W. Glrard ave. WAITRESS for restaurant. Good wagea. Apply 1340 Spring Garden st WAITRESSES, day work. 11 A. M. to 7.3U P. M. No Sunday. Apply 2737 N. Broad at WAITRESSES, expd. only. Apply afU A.M. Majestic Coffee Shop. Br Glrard WAITRESS, over 21. Good wages. Apply 3537 Germantown ave. WAITRESSES. Excellent salary A meals. A pp. *l Lansdowne ave.. Lansdowne. Pa. WAITRESSES, expd.. for night work. A in person. Embassy Restaurant 5211 M WAITRESS wtd.. expd. Call after 10 A. M.. good wages, full or part time. 1501 N. 4th. WAITRESS, exp.. for taproom A restau rant Mike's Cafe, 2502 Richmond.Neb.9055 S - op. 1744 Market at, Rit. S-ENOGRAPHER, preferably with pub- I city exp. Permanent poa. Q-192 Inquirer. S* ENOGRAPHER. experienced for tempo- •v work. Call Pen. 3562. STENOGRAPHER—Not over 45: will con- ,id?r begjnner. Call Lorn.7952.Miss Metzger STENOGRAPHER—Exp. advertising agen> cy 5 day week. Phone Loc. 4ff37. _ ; :NOGRAPHER-Typist expd general of- ^e work. Good salary. Phone Ste. 1515. § ENOGRAPHER—Sect, also typist. Corn ' ch. 4700 Frankford ave. Room 222. ITOCK RECORD clerk, experienced; essen- * : a' industry. Lester Industries. Inc., Les- J r >l- Co.. Pa. Take PTC Car No. 37. S OCK record clerk. Apply Lester Indus- t r,«. Lester, Pa. Take P. T. C. 37. "S'VEEPERS. 48^hr. wk. Apply nearest V RES. Office or Employ. Bureau of The JM'dvale Co.. Wlasahickon ave. above Hunt- ing Park ave. TEACHERS, commercial typewriting stenog- -mhv. bookkeeping, etc., music, vocational A languages. Good opportunity." Write In- t Trade!.School. L-173 Inquirer. TECHNICIAN, graduate technician in pri- va i e medical laboratory. Che. Hill 4432. % t ''HNICIAN. physician's office. 4 hre. Coed salary. W. Phlla. All. 6869. TECHNICIAN X-ray room, exp. pref. State salary. Q-112 Inquirer. '" TELEPHONE Operator A typiat familiar ith monitor awitrhboard, 5-day week. Ap- f ill week Jack Tobin. 3d A Somerset ste. TK r EPHONE OPERATOR, experienced PBX. A Monitor Board operator. Call Entrrprtae Paper Co.. Mar. 0275, Mr. G. TELEPHONE OPERATOR. Exp. for genC hospital Alternating shifts.B-116 Inquirer. WAITRESS, no Sunday. Apply 1503 W. Dauphin st. WAITRESSES, fun or part time. Steady. Apply 1320 Chancellor st WOMEN to assist cooks A bakers, hours 7 to 3. No evenings, Sunday or holiday work. Apply In person 9 to 11 A. M., The Colon- nade Cafeteria, 1616 Walnut st. . WOMEN for circ. sales div. 3 sales dly. pays $58.50 wkty. Exp. helpful, but not nee. Paid from start. Advancement. Room 709, 1518 Walnut at. WOMEN—Over 50 to workln news Ytores as agents and clerks. Good pay A bonus ar- rangement. Exp'd. preferred, but not neces- sary. L-147 Inquirer. WOMEN for light work in garage stocE room, preferably with knowledge of auto- motive parts. Good rate plus overtime. Phone Miss Davis, Bal. 1050. CHAUFFEUR or Inside work des. by expd. reliable man. 2335 St. Albans. Loc. 7863. CftlfF—Exp.I wants position. A-l refs. 35 E. Afton ave., Yardley, Pa. Phone 2749. CHEF. 1st class, ail aroundTRet. Hotel, In- stltutlon or clubs. 5911 Vine st SPRUCt ST. at 10th. Clinton Hotel, 7 story, an outside A largest rooms in city. Newly dec. All have pvt. baths or run. water. From 31.75 daily to $25 per weak. SPRUCE, 2327. Attractive large furnished housekeeping room. Semi-private bath. Convenient transportation. Private bell. BEAUTY SHOP, modern equipment, in S. Phila., doing good bus. Location needs ahop. Cheap rent. Selling account of illness. Call Don, Mic. 5706. , BEAUTY EQUIPMENT. NEW. FOR SALE. REASONABLE. LOC. 6057. CIGAR, newspaper, candy stand in office tldg., aelling on account lllnesa. Tri. 4670 Sun, or 7 to 9 eves. CLEANING A tailor shop sale, doing exceL bus. Good loc. Reason illness. 6102 Pine. PONTIAC '40 Del. 6-cyl.. 4-dr. sed. R. A H., extras. Good tires A cond. Dav. 5885. •42, Convertible Chio Coupe, PONTIAC. Very classy. Gorson Chrys., 280 N. Broad PONTIAC '40, 6-cyl. 2-door .trunk sedan? radio A htr.. $800. 431 Lombard at. STUDEBAKER 1941-1940-1939 CHAMPION A COMMANDER SEDANS Largest stock of Cars. All makes '38 to '42. AUTO MART 1409 N. Broad st. Pop. 5122. Open Eves. STUDEBAKER, '39 Champion. 2-dr WANTED-19S7-38-38 MODELS SHORE PAYS MORS SHORE BROS. 4201 N. Broad. Dav 4225 Chestnut. 3000 CARS AT ONCE DRIVE IN—PHONE OR WRITE IRVIN SACHS 4539 CHESTNUT ST. A L L 441 OPEN SUNDAYS A EVENINGS FOSS-HUGHES, "K 21st and Market Phlla. *a oldest new-car deader wtQ pay ym cash for your ear ptas 880 credit Si pri- ori iv on delivery of a new Ford, " or Lincoln after the war Rlt " HIGHEST CASH PRlOES •33 TO '42 CAR OR TRUCK (Will-all anywhere 100 atikw) Roth Motors. 4101 Kenasngtoa iTrt perfect tires, r. A h.. $600, $200 8046 Frankford ave. May. 1232 . sdn., down. DRESS A Sportswear Shops for immediate sale. Owner drafted. Good locations. With or without merchandise. K-100 Inquirer. DRUGS, store A dwell sell at once. Sac. 6th Rent or sale. A Jackson. Must DRY Cleaning. Pressing. 1300 Beaut . Repairs, equip. Bus. $300 wk. Sacr. $600, Act quick. BOND CO.. 11_N. JUNIPER ST. LOC. 8656. EXTERMINATING BUSINESS EARNS 1100 WK, AXLER, 1321_AR.CH. RIT.JW09. FOOD DISTRIBUTOR, with 500 cubic feet of refrigeration space, desires agency for additional items of merit, for large re- tail following. Address box 0-25 Inquirer. FRUIT, produce A fish store, making$l75 wk. profit. Sell reas. Drafted. Dav. 7328. GIFT SHOP A greeting cards, bus, section, suburban Phila. Q-108 Inquirer. GROCERY A Delicatessen. $700 wk. 6 A. M.-7 P. M. No Sun., low rent for property A mod. flxt. Call Ful. 5270. No agents. GROCERY STORE for sale in W. PhUa. Over $400 weekly business. Reason death. Apply 716 Fairmount ave. LIQUOR A Beer Licenses Bought A Sold. H. P. SHARP, 215 S. BROAD ST. STUDEBAKER. '41 Champion. 2-dr. A 4- dr. sdns., low mi., one owner. Guar. Tms. Keeley Chev.. 3322 N.Broad.Op.eves. A Sun. 41 custom sdn. Just like a brand STUDE. ' new car. $395 dn. Jacobs, 245 N. Broad. TERRAPLANE *36 4-dr. de luxe trunk sdn. Very clean, splendid cond. A tires. Radio, reasonable. Del. 7831. USED CAR AUCTION SALE THURSDAY, JAN. 6TH, 10.30 A. M. 75 CARS, ALL MAKES A MODELS CLIFTON A HAMILTON 912 N. BROAD ST. COMMERCIAL CARS _• TRUCKS AUTOCARS WANTED ANY CONDITION 1526 S. WATER ST. FUL 9375 CHEV. '37 1V4-T. S. W. B. tractor or stoke. George. 234 Race. Mar. 0232, Main 1317. MAIN LINE CARS WANTED Must have 50 cars this week. Price no Ject Highest prices on the Mate nM KALAHAN MOTORS 222 W. Lancaster Ave. NEARLY S O L D O U T — SPECIAL PREMIUM FOR YOUR CAR TODAY. CALL RIT. 9821 _ JACOBS, 245 N. BROAD WE BUY 'EM ALL. 1937 TO 1941 CAH AUTOS WANTfiD—ALL MAKE HIGHEST PRICES PALO JOHN F. DALY. JSC Authorized Ford Dealers 53D A BALTIMORE _____ WE HAVE THE CASH YOU HAVE THE CAR LETTS TRADE. CALL ALL 1800 OR WRITE N E COR. NER 58TH A CHESTNUT. OPEN EVE- N1NGS A SUNDAY CHEV. '40. 1 T. panel-rebuilt George, 234 Race. Mar. 0232, good Main tires. 1316. FORD "36 Model V-8 %-ton Panel. Good cond. A 5 good tires. 132 Madison ave. Clifton Heights, Pa. Call anytime. FORD '41 "4-ton panel. Like George, 234 Race. Mar. 0232. Main 1317. FORDSON Tractor with plow, good condi- tion. Ph. bet 2 A 5. Tinicum 4134. FRUEHAUF Trailer. 20" open top 10x20 Ures. SCHEER, 145 N. 22d at. body. LCHNETTE nr. Sun., good .bus. hi h school closed eve. A Sullivan 4515 N. 5th. SPRUCE ST., 5042. Nicely furnished room to rent Gra. 4373. SPRUCE. 708, nicely furn. rm. A suites for women. Lobby. Reas. Wkly. A mo. rates. SPRUCat, 2039, warm rm.. twin beds., fire- place, maid serv. Dinners If des.Loc.9680. SPRUCE. 4240. Nicely furn. rms., single A double. Good transp. Reas. Eve. 6083. SPRUCE ST., 1314 (Rudy). Comf. fur. rm., run.w.,84.50 up.Sales A tourlsts.Sl day up. SPRUCE. 930. Des. dbl. A sgl. rm. Plenty of light, hot wat. A showers; maid service. SPRUCE, 1122-24, nice furn. sgle. A dble. rms., 84 up; 1 A 2 rms.. pvt. b., kit. Reas. SPRUCE ST.. 910-918. Nicely furn. sleeping rms., $8.50. Also 2 A 3 rm. suites, shower. SUMMER ST., 1617-19-21, Parte HoteL Comf. beds, from $5.50 wkly., $1.50 dally. WALNUT. 2108, lge. stbdio A bedrm., (suit 4) priv. b.. kit., gr. piano. $18 wk. Others. WYLlfi ST., 1808 (17th and Ridge*. 2 rms.. bath, lit front. Other rooms $5.50 up. 3D, N., 469—Nice fur. rms., some hak CLERK, 53, all around office ex., desires clerical position. T-292 Inquirer. COOK, short orders, sober, rel., honest, middle-age man, 25 yrs. diner exp., desires pos. In old style diner, nights. One man Job. go anywhere.H.Hardee. 633 N.22d st.Phila. DRUG. R. M. Desires relief work. $12 day. Call Market 9327. DRUGS R. M. Gentile. Relief or part-time. Reliable. T-233 Inquirer. ENGINEER, licensed, maintenance super- lntendant Available Jan. 15th, wants permanent connection with Central City Apt. house, bldg. or institution. Full re- sponsibility. R-103 Inquirer. ENGINEER, graduate, experienced In pro- duction mgt. A control, desires position on 4-12 or 12-8 shift. T-231 Inquirer. FURNITURE FINISHER and repair man, exp.. desires position. Tri. 1233. HOSIERY-EXP: "FulOashTon" Tegger, des part time day work. 9 A. M. to 4 P. M write Inquirer Branch 352, Front A Alle gheny. Pvt. enf , park, $2.28 A $2.50 wk. Mar. 7TH ST.. N., 2419—2 rms. 1st fir. rear, newly papered. Reas., also others. §fH ST7, S., 253. Beaut furn. sgle.-dble. hskpg.rs.,$4 up.Mod.2-rm.8ulte,pvtb.,$6 up 16TH St., N., 1414 (Midway)—Hskpg. A non-hskpg.,rooms from $5 wk.Free park'g. MEAT CONCESSION, available in busy food market. Call Bel. 2672 after 6 P.M. PRINTING A Binding plant Vertical. Mlf- lers. Jobbers. Good location. Plentiful equipment in excellent condition. Ready for lmmed—te operation. S-228 Inquirer, ROOMING House, 16 rs. Furn., gd. Income, little cash. Bamash, 5223 Baltimore ave. TAPROOM—100% central location, beauti- fully equipped, air-conditioned, best clien- tele and good for $600 net profit wkly. A place you can be proud to own, $30,000. LOWENSTEIN, 1612 Market st. Rit. 0821. TAPROOM, doing good business, entering service. Reasonable, 2d ave. and State rd., Croyden, Pa. Phone Bristol 7574. TAP RM., $400 wk., nr. Phllco plant Low rent with dwg.$2500. BLAU.1420 Chestnut TAPROOMS—Sold for you at highest prices. State prices and location. E-153 Inquirer. TAPRM., Phlla. Illness forces owner to selL Excel, opp. $3600. Orate. Blvd. 0395. WE HAVE capacity in our foundry for making gray iron castings up to 50,000 pounds In one casting. We would be inter- ested in opportunities to quote any type of cast iron or semi-steel. D-221 Inquirer INTERNAT. D50, D40, D35, all long w. b , good tires, mech. perfect. 1137 N. Front at. INTNTL DS35, 1940. with 3d axle. Runa like new. 8/25x20a. Theel. Glaaaboro 211. MACK '41 EMT, air brakea. tractor. 10x00- 20a. George, 234 Race. Mar.0232.Maln 1317 SUPERIOR trailer. 26' open top, 1100x20a. George, 234 Race. Mar. 0232. Main 1317. INTNTL. '39, 1-ton panel, 7.50x16 tires. rNTNTL., '38 tractor, 7.50x20s, 5th whl. GMC '41, lV»-ton, 9' ref rig. body. FORD '39, m-ton, 9' ref rig. body. GMC DLR., 4060 Powelton ave. Bar. 2000. TRUCKS WANTED ALL MAKES, MODELS A SIZES 1526 S. WATER ST. FUL 9375 WE HAVE several Chevrolet trucks. SWB A LWB. Very good rubber. Bus. 0733. TRUCK NAME YOUR PRICE AND WE WILL TRY TO MEET IT WTTM SPOT CASH OR CERTIFIED CHECK. JM N. BROAD. CALL STE 3224 OR WRITE US. OPEN EVENINGS A SUNDAY. MORE than you paid for year 1941 car. We buy all makes 1 1941. Call Mr. Kay. POPLAR 5138 J. K. Motors, 929 N. Broad st WANTED—USED CARS—1934 TO - M L FAIR DEALING. SPOT CASH AT ONCE, Pat. O'Brien 2010 Germantown Awe. Fnt. WHEN YOU ARE TIRED SHOPPING FOR HIGH BIDS CALL MR COOPER DEL AND GET TOP DOLLAR IN CASH FOR YOUR CAR SHORE SELL YOUR CAR TO SHORE PAYS MORE SHORE BROS 4225 CHESTNUT. BAR. 4201 N BROAD. DAV. WHY SELL FOR LESS? KROUSE PAYS THE MOST. WE WOULDN'T SAY TT ET WE COULDN'T PROVE IT. HARRY KROUSE. 667 N.BROAD. WE BUY LATE-MODEL CARS ' TRUCKS A STATION WAGONS "THE AUTOMOBILE TRADING HEINEL MOTORS. INC 4240 N. BROAD ST. BODY, 12-ft, practically Rack removable sides. Bar. 4368. QUAKER CITY MOTORS NEEDS • CARS. 1934 TO 1942. WILL PAY DOLLAR. JACK MORRISON 4233 FRANKFORD AVE. DEL ^S new. AUTOS—TRUCKS TO MIRE RENT a car, truck or tractor You drive it. Bill's Truck Rental Service, S W. cor. 6th A Berks sts. Ste. 2171: Park 2150. 17TH ST y N., 1440—2 rms. Furn. for hskpg. Seml-pvt, bath, cont h. water, very reas. 17TH. N., 2222, furn. rms.. also suites, light hskpg. opt. Modem convs. $2.50 up. 17TH, N., 1426. Furn., 2 warm rms. A kltchnte.,bath, porch. 2d floor. Conv. cars. 22D, N , 746. Ent. 3d fl. unf. 2 rms., kit, pvt. b. Adults. $20 mo. Inq. 1610 Brown. 34TH. N.. 537. Newly furn. apt. house, tile ahqaver. linens, maid, $5.up. Eve. 3664. 39TH"sf r S.. 130, Nicely furn. sgle. rms., also suites. Ht A plenty n.-w.Conv.cartlnes 46TH, fiC 225. Large well furn. single room. Well heated. Conv. trolley, or El. 56TH A LEBANON vie. Furn. or unfur. frt rm. Conv. loc. Pvt. fam 5TN" Tri. 2358. bfeut. warm, sunny room, beds., widow's refined home. for 2, twin bads., widow's refined home. Excel, meals optional. Ideal trans. Vic. 1577, eves. WOMEN, middle aged, for kitchen A pantry work in large Institution. Exp. unnec. Meals A uniforms furnished. Apply Kitchen, Presbyterian Hospital, 39th A Powelton. WOMEN wanted for damp waah dept. No exp. necessary. Good salary, steady post- tlon. King Laundry 2012 S. 11th s t WOMEN, for light factory work, good starting rate plus overtime. Apply Pioneer Paper Stock Co., 22d A Westmoreland, 9-2. WOMEN on assembly line. Exp. not neces- sary. Apply Fogel Refrigerator Co.. 1 block No. of Fkd. Arsenal. WAITRESS wtd. Day work. Apply Brier- hurst Restaurant, 4531 Walnut st WAITRESS, expd., full time, steady, good wages. No Sun. Victory, 30th A Market WAITRESSES for Merlon Cricket Club. Live in. Good working cond. Gre. 2470. WAITRESS, expd. No Sundays. 11 A. M. to 2 PM Andrews, 1640 Ridge (Fkd. A Bridge) WAITRESS, full-time. No Sundays. Apply Marie Dining Room 27 S. 18th i t WAITRESSES, day A night, also wk. ends., excel, wages A tips. Walters, 221 S. Broad. WAITRESS wtd.. expd. Call at New Leader Cafe. 4000 Market st. WAITRESSES, expd. Hotel dining room. Apply St James Hotel, 13th A Walnut st. WAITRESS—Experienced. Good salary? Apply 929 W. Glrard ave. ^_^ WAITRESS, Cafe exp., night work. Apply afternoon, Alan Hotel, 820 Walnut st WAITRESSES for day A night work, exp. Apply in person. 5211 Market st. WAITRESSES, 21 yrs. or over.Gd. wages A tips. Ap. Rainbow Restaurant 1133 S. Broad. WAITRESS, expd., for small restaurant Good pay. 1112 Shackamaxon st. Neb. 9047 WAITRESS, exp. 11.30 A. M. to 2.30 P. M. No Sat, or Sun. 241 E. Allegheny. WAITRESSES, day work, no Sunday or holl- day. Cranes Restaurant, 1705 Sansom st. WAITRESSES wanted for day and ntght shift. Apply DeGorgue. 1503 Walnut st WAITRESS, over 22. exn,. full or part-time. Good oppor. Kelly's. 16 N. 12th st. WAITRESS, exp.. for oyster house. No Sun- day work. Apply 1609 Sansom st WAITRESSES for mid-city restaurant. Fine clientele. No Sun. Apply 1512 Walnut, WOMEN for cleaning. Good wages. Apply Housekeeper. St. Luke's Hospital, 8th A Thompson sts. t WOMEN to work In kitchen, to assist m general work. Clean work. Good wages. Apply Verdi Restaurant. 4629 Frankford. WOMEN, no experience necessary, good wages. Apply Camac Baths, Camac at Walnut. WOMEN. Wanted light work in burlap bag business. No exp. nee. No. 19 Washington ave. 5-day wk. Apply WOMEN to work In diet kitchen. Good sat. A maintenance. Apply Miss Seago. Epia- copal Hospital. Front and Lehigh ave. WOMEN or girls wanted on darts, good pay, time- A half for overtime, will take learners. Apply 3237 Kensington ave. WOMEN, light factory work, no exp. neces- sary. Essential industry In Lansdowne. Phone Allegheny 3870. PAINTER: 1st class with equip., wants small inside jobs. Harrison, 307 Berks st PAINTB».{-Paperhanger, 1st class job, hour wages. Reas. pvt. work. All. 8016. or PAINTER-Paperhanger, 1st class, all tools. desires work. Call Del. 7085. PRINTER, part time, late afternoon A eve. Job pressman, cylinder feeder also all around work. Write C-191 Inquirer. PURCHASING AGENT, age 477TiIIng _ S office equipt, office stationery A printing. Good executive, permanent connection, post- war. T-294 Inquirer. SALES REPRESENTATION A service available. Will take over estab. territory, or will follow-up all leads A inquiries. Salary or comm. L-178 Inquirer. SERVICE MAN, expd. on radio A mechani- cal appl., des. steady pos. D-199 Inquirer. TRUCK DRIVER—1st class, wishes perma- nent position. City or road work. Ste. 4272 TRUCK DRIVER, tractor trailer exp., for road work or city. 633 N. Franklin. YOUNG Man, age 25. neat appearance, good education, draft def., already employed, desires part-time pos. from 2 P. M. to 6 P. M. No laboring. Phone Sag. 2181. WOMEN for labeling and light packaging, red. Full 3d floor. exp. not required. Full or part-time. Apply 1423 Vine s t , " WOMEN. Hospital, Appl housekeeper, Chestnut Hill Germantown ave. WOMEN for general cleaning. Apply House- keeper. Doctor's Hospital. 1701 Summer st. WOMEN. 25 to 40, for light shop work. No exp. nee. Reg. 2176. , WOMEN. Wanted, able to mend on sew- ing machs.5-day wk.No.19 Washington av. WRAPPERS, exp. helpful but not necessary. Apply Personnel Dept.. The Blum Store, 1300 Chestnut st. YOUNG GIRL for generaTcTertcal duties. Exp. pref. but not essential. Give full de- tails. M-184 Inquirer. YOUNG ladies for soda fountain or waitress work, day or night hours. Excellent salary A meals. Apply Miss Sacks, Loft Candy Co., 1237 Market st YOUNG MAN, draft deferred, 1C, has exp. as furniture salesman, des. light work. Write R-141 Inquirer. WORKING farm manager des. pos. on sal- ary or share basis by April 1, married, age 31, high school ed., farm raised, exp. with dairy, (grade A milk), poultry, hogs and all farm crops. Position must be permanent, present farm is sold. Best references, will go anywhere. Write to James.C. Dolinger, Elk- ylew, Pa..Chester .ounty. TAX EXPERT—State and Federal, experi- enced in cost accounting, desires limited engagements. D-122 Inquirer. ALTON HOTEL, 15TH, N. 143—New mgt Now opened. New furniture, comp. hot and cold running water. Dally A weekly rates. DELMONT HOTEL, 816 Walnut st Day rate $1.80; $6.50 wkly. All convs. Kin. 9314 INVENTORS, patented or unpatented. We promote your inventions. M. Humphries, 812 Otis Bldg., 112 S. 16th st.. Phila. PARTNER desired with liquor A license to merge with established food business. Central dty. A-130 Inquirer. REDUCING Salon, newly equip, busy cor. Illness cause selling. $2000. T-103 Inquirer. WANTED WAR WORK WTD. Have open 3* Radial Drill, 8' planer, 4' planer, large A small lathes, milling machine, shapers A any kind of machine work, for competent machinist Call Morgan J. Lewis, Rlt. 0276. KING HOTEL, Spruce at 11th. Excellent beds, running water, tile shdwer. From $6. 5200 BLIC Litchfield St.. Irg. frt. rm.. conv. 2 bus. girls or bus, couple. Sar. 2332, i. glrli ML r. Vic. WEST PHILA. Sgle. rm.. furn. 3d fl. $3 wk 38 car. Vic. 35th A Baring. May. 1187T WOMAN' can have room household duties. 2048 S. In exchange for Norwood st. aft.5 FURN. rm. Clean.Comf. Cont.h.w.,pvt.ent, 5 mln. Navy Yd. or cent.city,$6.How.8195. CLINTOS. 901-09. Furnished, 2 rms., kltch- enette A bath. Also 1 room and bath. SUBURBAN ' BALA. Well furn., suit, for 1 or 2. Conv to all trans. Cynwyd 9142. CYNWY&—Warm rm. Pvt. b. Shwr. Suit 1 or 2, Nr. trains. Pkg-Cyn. 1535 or Loc.2134. DREXEL HILL, comf. furn. rm., gentle- man,conv. tranap.,bkfst. opt.Sunset 04Q3W. GTN. atlf)ueen Lane Sta. 2 newly decor. A furn. rooms, 1 single A 1 double, for gentle- men; breakfast If des. Ph. Ger. 9949. Situation* Wanted Female BOOKKEEPER-Accountant—Over 10 yrs. exp. manufacturing background, familiar with taxes, exports, inventory control A all office procedure des. perm, connection with post-war future. Write N-195 Inquirer. BKKPR., long diversifiedi exp., full charge credits, taxes, payroll. E-192 Inquirer. COMpANION—TNufse^ re n,ned. dependable; excell. refs. to lady; private home. Pen.2883 COOK—FIRST CLASS CALL ALL. 7225 COOK, 1st class manager, ret, school or in- stitution, country, $25 wk. D-227 inquirer COOK, will cook dinners at night or for dinner parties. Phone Loc. 7388, GTN., comf. rm., pvt. bth,, in pvt. home, business man or couple. Reas. vie. 2565. GTN. Full furn. rm., private fam. Conv. trans. Must see to appreciate. Ger. 6710. GERMANTOWN—Business couple, 3 furn. rms. Phone Vic. 8448 between 9 A 4 P. M. MERION. Man'a bed-Uv rm.. pvt. bath. pvt. entr. Gar. City 15 mln. Merlon 0666. MT. AIRY—Comf. rm. next bath, pvt. fam- WAR WORK WANTED. We have a mod- ern woodworking factory, capable of han- dling additional priority orders for wood parts or complete wooden Hems. M. Halpern A Sons. Inc.. 2229 N. American st. Reg.8939 MODERN electrical equipped woodworking mill located in Phlla. desires orders for wood parts that are essential to the war ef- fort. Can make Immediate shipments. L-179 INQUIRER. WILL SELL YOUR'BUSINESS QUICKLY FOR CASH AXLER, 1321 ARCH RIT. 0509. WE CAN SELL YOUR BUSINESS COURTEOUS SERVICE. CALL OR PHONE BOND CO., 11 N. JUNIPER ST. Loc. 5655. CALL SID KASKEY Cash paid for stock and flxt. of all kinds. c yy^L£ oun * ry _ 61 N - 2d. Mar. 9409. WAR Work wtd. for modern equipped wood- working shop. Complete Items or parts. Call or write J.W.Davis,Haddonfield 3873-W WAR WOftK WTD. for large woodworking shop. Write or call S. Miller A Sons, 1631 S. Water at. Ful. 4458. TRAILERS 1944 MODELS now on sale, also several good used trailers. Used trailers bought Village Green Trailer Park, R D. No. 3, Media. Pa. Chester 7953. LUGGAGE trailer, 2 wheels, steel body, safety hitch, perfect tires, $65 cash. Phone Pop. 1709. 2707 W. Susquehanna ave. foot TRAILER—Open top air brakea. long. Make offer. How. 5139. 22 Automobile* Wanted WE BUY any make cars, even Junk cars. W A L Motors, 801 N. Broad St. Open Evenings Till 10 P. M. Pop. 9581 WANTED. '38 to '41 cars, any make, by Jacobs Bros., oldest Chevrolet dealer tn Philadelphia. 217 W. Che!ten ave. Ger.22i»4 WANTED—Good clean~uaed cars from pri- vate owners. Will call at your home and pay cash. Davenport 9960. WTT5T WILL BUY 1937 TO 1942 ANY MAKE OR MODEL PRICE NO OBJECT GEORGE GORSON 250 N. BROAD RIT CHEVROLET dealer will pay nigJseat prices for good used cars, any model. Doan-Catho—a. Inc.. Dealers. 4805 N. 9th st. Mic. 1710. CASH FOR CARS A TRUCKS WOLFINGTON'S, 3427 CHESTNUT ST. TRUCKS WANTEB We pay more for trucks A cars, call aa first and get cash. Neb 4732. Sales. 1137 N. Front st IF YOU WANT MORE FOR YOCR CAR THAN OTHER DEALERS PAY. Mr. Scott. Ste. 0752, as we era topping the so-called top prices hi LOW OVERHEAD PAY TOP $ FOR "31 TO '42. Fair DOMINICK. 5th A Thompson. SHORE BROS. Established 25 years. Will pay ket value for your car. 4235 < Bar 8600. 4201 N. Broad at. 1934-1941 FoTd" sedan or coupe. Will 4610 N. Broad s t Mic "Chevrolet, Plymouth pay cash. 8. Chervin, PRIVATE PARTY WANTS 1940-'41 Ford. Will pay cash, private party, no dealera. Wayne 1518; WANTED from private party. Good used Ford for cash. Ogontz Motor Co., Inc.. 6350 Ogontz ave. Wav. 7600. 1936-'37-'38 CARS wtd. for essential busi- ness from private parties. Highest prices. Call Mr. Burke. 6410 N. Broad. Wav. 9932, MORE LESS TALK—MORE CASH ALL MODELS, ANY CONDITION 2.115 N. 11TH ST., STE. 2691. WOULD like to buy furnished rooming hse. or furn. apt. No property. D-237 Inquirer. STOCK A FIXTS., any line, plumbing, eiec. A hdwr. Horn, 210 Market st. Lom. 6600. HIGHEST prices paid for stock A fixtures of any bus. Joe, 26 S. 2d St. Mar. 1808. CASH FOR YOUR MERCHANDISE. Any business. 21 N. 2d. Market 3395. I WILL buy your apt. or rooming house. Must show good profit. C-190 Inquirer. CLUB LIQUOR LICENSE. Write C-159 Inquirer. STOCK A FIXTS.. any kind mtrs., tools machy. Frankel, 68 N. 2d. Wal. 6685. STOCK A flxta. Any business. City or coun- try. Cash KIrsch. 520 Market. Mar. 1091. Used Automobile* lly, cony, trains, trol., bus. Che. 2637. OAK LANE 6838 N. 9th. Nicely furn. rm. for 1 or 2 people. Nr trains. Llv. 1130. UPPER "Barby. Comf. rm. Gent. In new home of 2 adults. $5 wk. Boulevard 4538-J. BEAUTIFUL estate, 1 or 2 furn. or unf. rms., sgle or dble., light hskpg., pvt. bath. Nr. transp. Free garage. Ardmore 9456. ROOMS WANTED WANTED by middleaged couple* tn well- heated private home, 2 bedrooms, with use of kitchen and phone. State location A cost. D-243 Inquirer. Hotel* YORK HOTEL, 1221 Walnut. Pleas, sgle. A dbl. rma,. r. w., bath; cent. loc. Pen. 1692. ALDEN Hotel. 45 N. 17th. Rms.. run. h. c. water, showers, $5.50 wk. up. $1.50 daily. WASHINGTON HOTEL, 7th A Dauphin. Center of def. area. With or without meals. BUICKS 1936-1937-1938-1939 SEDANS, COUPES A CONVERTIBLES Largest stock of Cars. All makes '38 to '42. AUTO MART 1409 N. Broad at. Pop. 5122. Open Eves. BUICKS, '41-'40, Sedans, Sedanetta, Club Coupes. All models. Low mileage cars. All fully equipped. Gorson Chrys. ,250 N.Broad WILL BUY USED CARS. Any year or body type. Highest prices paid. Call or write, Treegoob Mtrs.. 321 NT Broad. Wal. 5959. KELLYS PAYS MORE. Stop in and be con- vinced before going elsewhere; '36s-'41s. a day. Accessories, Part*, Repedre CARS A trucks repaired. No east $1.25 per week. Open 24 hours Thorn I on-Fuller Co., 24th 1410 N. Broad St.. 138 E. Ardmore. WE~£UY, set! or exc-angeTW-km. Cfis> Kodaks. Projectors A Quasi alia EASTMAN KODAK STORES, INC 1020 Chestnut st. Mr. Benham. Pen. 8977. Also 117 S. 16th s t Mr. Brewster. RS. ~ All models. 2534 N. Broad. Sag. 4400. or make. Will condition. S WTD.—Used car. Any year pay cash regardless of Chervin. 4921 N. 15th st. Dav. 5105 WE PAY more than all others. 510 N. Broad it. Op. eves. A Sun. Ste. 7483. WANTED from private party. Good used car for cash. 6350 Ogontz ave. Wav. 7800. USED CAR wantadT Running or not No dealera. Phone Greenwood 7028. WILL PAY good price for good car. H. Ratcliffe. 4800 N. Marvlne. Mic. 0848. I NEED A CAR IN GOOD CONDITION. 1420 W. PASSYUNK AVE. FUL. 6090. PVT. PARTY wants '36-'37 Buick, Plym.. Chev. or Dodge from pvt. owner. Bar. 7153. AUTO REPAIRS. Wreck spre__eta down payment No security required. Aa low as $1.50 per week. Drive oar ear free while yours la repaired. Direct ef._ Cor. 48th andO-staut I SCIENTIFIC wheel alignment *. b 9 d y_ I *P««» f rtc. CROWN. 1711 Vktaat CAR WRECKfo? Call Bar. 2300~~E_sy terms. Woiftngton, 3437 Chestaut et Pets and Supplies BIROS PIGEO rial d< IN A Poultry Feed and Msjjood. Rosenberg. 3d i CATS PEDIGREED Persian Ogontz 5845-J. Red OOOS IRVIN Sachs needs 3000 cars and station wagons, 46th and Chestnut sts. All. 4450. YOU'LL like the way we do business. Pat O'Brien, 2010 Germantown. Fre. 2500. BUICK '39 trunk sed. Radio, htr. Very good tires, $690. Tms. 4057 Market. Op. eves. BUICK '42 Super sedanette. Just like new. RAH A spare. Sacr. Jacobs. 245 N. Broad. BUICK '37 sedan, excel, cond. A tires. Pvt, owner. $350. 2906 N. 21st st Sag. 6455. Radio, heater, Wav. 5018. BUICK 1936 small sedan, good rubber, good condition. BUICK '41 spec. 4-dr. sedan, R. A H. $1295. Adkins_Nash, 1244 N. Broad. BUICK '40 super 4-dr. sedan. R. A H. $1050. Adkins Nash, 1244 N. Broad. BUICK '38, smallest 4-dr. sdn., heat, (Like a 1941). Very cheap. JACOBS, 245 N. Broad BUICK '41 del. sed. RAH. 5 nrly. new tires. About $395 dn. JACOBS. 245 N. Broad st. CADILLAC. '41, Sedan. Immaculate thru- out. Rad.Ahtr. Gorson Chrys.,250 N.Broad WE WILL buy your car regardleaa of year or make.Thornton-Fuller Co., 1410 N.Broad PAT O'BRIEN gives you spot cash, not promises. 2010 Germantown. Fre. 2500. CADILLACS '41 and '42, world's highest prices for Caddies. Ph. Scott, Ste. 0752. WILL buy from private party. Good used car for ca*h. Wav. 9922; 6410 N. Broad. party des. am. coupe or sed., 1933 to 1937 model. Gd. cond. Dav. 5966*. WANTED—150 Fords, Highest cash prices. Ford Dealer. 4920 N. Broad st. Dav. 7400. WANTED—175 Chevrolets. Highest cash prices. Ford Dealer. 4920 ^^Broad^Dav. 7400 WTD.—Good, cleani used cars from private owners. Eblnger Motors, 719 E. Glrard. JUNK CARS A trucks wanted for parte. Nick's. 5th A Thompson sts. Ste. 8453. Spot' WE BUY cars for defense cash paid. Ford Dealer. workers. 4920 N. Broad st JUNK CARS A TRUCKS WANTED FOR SALVAGE. 1610 POPLAR ST. POP. WANTED—Ford or Chevrolet in good con- dition. Call Mic. 3516. COCKERS, wire-hairs, Scotttes, Alvtn Kennels. Primos, Pa. Mad. 1074 COLLIES, toy shop., rat ten., ponce $4 to $10. 2314 W. Cotumbta. Ste. ' IRISH Terrier pups, best in coontry Scottish Terriers. Show stock; aa Irish Tr's. A police pup. Sac SAC. RAT TERRIER Pup, black A wntte7$3 Si Exterminating store 514 8. 53d at. FOR Sale. Thoroughbred Cocker female. 11 mos. old.'Priv. party. PR. DOG A CAT remedies a i d aTT Vahle'a. 319 Market st.: 426 W FISH GOLD A tropical fish and all Barrett, 3551 N 5th st. Reg 9747 PETS AND SUPPLIES WANTED PUPPIES—Monkeys. Lovebirds, Parreta. Persian Kittens. Best prices pa_t. Pet Shop. 11th A Arch sts.. Mar. 4788. PUPPIES, a*, breeds I We pay more 70S N 20th. Ste. 3080 Boat* 16' Kllnker built ratr., factory rebuilt A 34 HP Phoenlxvil lie 3837 WANTEO WTD. Rowboata, sailboats Phila. Beat Works. 5837 N OB 2d Han. 351S, Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Son Hell A Keyston e Boards. Permanentfultonhistory.com/Newspapers 23/Philadelphia PA Inquirer...TOBACCO Stripper, full or part-time High wages. Seider Cigar. S.E.Cor. 4th A Race

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Page 1: Son Hell A Keyston e Boards. Permanentfultonhistory.com/Newspapers 23/Philadelphia PA Inquirer...TOBACCO Stripper, full or part-time High wages. Seider Cigar. S.E.Cor. 4th A Race

— ' '

23 ad your want-ads Bell Phone— RITtenhouse 5000 THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER. TUESDAY MORNING. JANUARY 4. 1944 Phone your want-ads

Female Help Wanted C o n t i n u e d F r o m P r e c e d i n g P a g a

SALESGIRL*-Severs I opening* for gtrla with specialty shop exp. (Hosiery, Ltnger-

te. Sportswear). Attractive aaiaty. oppor. for advancement. Apply Golden Dawn Hosiery Shop. 307 N. Broad at.. 6th floor. f A f e s C t f t L S . for 5 A 10 with exp., good

salary. Apply Grahma. 20th A Fairmount SALESGIRLS for children's shop. Apply*

1305 Frankford ave. SALESLADIES—Pleaaant work. Pull time

unlv Storea tn varioua localities. Experi­ence not required. Salary and commiaaion plus bonus. Hanaeom'a, 9 N. 53d at. SALESLADIES for Sportswear dept. Per­

manent position, excellent salary * com-m taaion^A pply Ace Stores. 2630 Gtn. ave. 'SALESLADY, to aaaiat owner in specialty

gown shop on Main Line. Experience A ability compensated with good salary A com-misalon. S-I99 Inquirer. B A L S S L A I S V tor part-time: evening worlF.

Female Help Wanted TELEPHONE Operator— Expd. P B . X,.

on Hell A Keystone Boards. Permanent

Sb. good working conditions. Call Mr. at thews. Motor Freight Express, Regent

TELEPHONE" bperator with some clerical work In hardware supply business. Steady

work. 40 hours. Porn. refa. Alden Supply Co.. 926 Arch st.

candy store. Apply 9»? «* 46th st. Eve. a**. • ALeWOMfSTter"

wear depta. C My Personnel Chestnut st. 6A LESWOMEN. exp

Alfred's Candles.

accessory A ready-to-Oppor. for good earnings. Ap-

Dept . The Blum Store, 1300

on ladies' ready-to-wear. excel. sal.,stdy.or part-time poa.The

Smart Shop. 1124 Broadway. Camden. N.J. SALESWOMEN.exp.for sportswear A coats.

Apply Bonwit Teller. 17th A Chestnut sts. SANDWICH Maker, exp. A fast worker

Hrs. 7 A. M. to 3.30 P. M. No Sunday * >rk. Good salary. Yeager'a Sandwich Shop, 41 X. 6th st. SEAMSTRESS wanted. Apply Mrs. Madi­

son. Jewish Hospital. York A Tabor rds. SECRETARY-STENOGRAPHER

General office work, permanent position. Apply Personnel office. 3rd floor. FRANK A SEDER, 11TH A MARKET STS. SECRETARY, capable stenographer, pref­

erably familiar with advertising, pur­chasing or medical terms. Center city office. 5-day, 40-hour week. Apply John Wyeth A Bro., Rm. 724. 1600 Arch st. SECRETARY. Must have at least 5 years"1

varied office experience. Not over 30 years old. Alert and conscientious, for steady po­sition in center city. State exp. In detail and salary desired. T-135 Inquirer.

SECRETARY, excel, oppor. for young lady with secretarial exp., to interpret Gov't.

regulations, prepare Gov't, forma A statis­tical reports. Henry Diaston A Sons, Long­shore A Wlsslnotnlng. Tacony, Phtla.

TELEPHONE OPERATOR, typiat, recep­tionist, good appearance. Permanent posi­

tion in real estate office. Pleasant sur­roundings. Loc. 6600. TIMEKEEPER'S ASS'T, mfg. co. in N.E.

5-day week. Timekeeping A payroll exp. desirable. Call Mr. F. L. Jacobean, DeL3100. TOBACCO Stripper, full or part-time High wages. Seider Cigar. S.E.Cor. 4th A Race.

TRAINEES For aircraft assembly. Proctor Electric Co.. 3rd A Hunting Park ave. TRAINEES—For safe and easy War work.

Day or night. The Eastern Specialty Co.. Plant 'BV/H. E. Cor. 3d A Allegheny ave. TRAV Girl A kitchen assistant. Cohvalas-

cent home. 6 days. $12. meals. Bar. 2847.

Female Help Wanted WArTRESSEinS) . table A~ltn. service"." day work. Must wear 32 to 34 uniform,

be neat A fast. New depot restaurant, open­ing the 8th. No ph. calls. Ap. Mr. Mattusch. Baltimore A Ohio Stat., 24th A Chestnut.

WAITRESSES AGE 18 to 40. Exp. not necessary. Full or

part-time. Meals, good wages. Apply Lin­ton's Lunch, West Phlla. Employment Dept.. 5122 Market s t

Female Help Wanted

WAITRESSES. No exp. necessary. Perma­nent, full-time work. Part-time work if

desired. Good salary plus meals A uniforms. Apply McCrory Stores. 1205 Market at WAITRESS, expd.

ment. Supervise In dining room manage-waitresses, cashiers A

pantry. Apply dietitian, New Mayfair Diner A Dining Room, 7353 Frankford ave,

TRIMMERS A examiners, expd. on Govt jackets and coats. Those expd. m other

lines can fill pos. easily. Good sal., excel, working conditions. Foster Bros., 21st A Hunting Park ave. (above Penn Fruit) TRIMMERS A EXAMINERS, EXP. WILL


girls' coats. Will teach if inexp. Steady work. Good salary guaranteed. Gastwoth Bros.. 211 N. 13th st. 4th floor. TRIMMERS A examiners, expd. on Gov't work. Steady work A good wages. Plenty

of overtime. Cold Climate Co., 2080 E. Castor ave. TRIMMERS, exp. on men's Jackets A

trousers. Steady work, 1st fir. Snellenburg Bldg., Broad A Wallace sts. TRIMMERS A examiners, exp. boys' wash

suits, dresses or shirts. Good pay. Fishman A Tobin, Broad A Carpenter sts.

SECRETARY A office manager. Suburban office. American Red Cross. Permanent po­

sition. Apply by letter, giving age, exp. * references, or in person. 511 N. Broad St., 8th fl. Personnel Dept.

"SECRETARY-Stenographer. splendid op-port. for alert competent secty. to dept

head. N. E. Phila. Permanent position, age limit 30. Address D-15. P.O.Box 3575 Pnlla. S£CRETAR?-Stexiographer. pleasant worT-

ing conditions in suburbs. Must have hos­pital experiences. Call Chestnut HID Hos­pital. Che. 4600. SECRETAftT. Hue o m „ steady to poei-

war. Age 20 to 30. EdJphone exp. State full details, salary desired In written letter. C-108 Inquirer.

law office. SECRETARY-Stenographer fiT Good salary. State qualifications.

Inquirer. B-lStt

SECRETARY A general office work. 40 hrs,, 5-day wk. Good working conda. CaH Mr.

Clarke for interview. All. 5400.

on blouses, steady. Jd. Kauffman. 226 3. 11th St., 4th floor.

TRIMMERS A operators, expd. or learners, on cotton towels: 4341 Orchard st.


TRIMMERS on sweaters Good pay.App. Haber's.1335 Washington

Steady work, av.

WAITRESS, neat A attrac. Must be exp. Hours 9.30 to 3.30. No Sunday work. Good

salary A tips. Apply Yeager Sandwich Shop, 41 N. fith st? . _ _ ' WAITRESS (2). over 21, steady work, good

salary. Bob's Cafe. 2101 W. Cambria W p. on C A K 4x4 box'looms,

steady work, god pay. Excel, post-war op­portunity in an essential Industry. E. w . Twitchell. Inc., 3d A Somerset sts, 2d fir. WEAVERS for Draper automatic looms. Apply Phillip L. Sheerr A Son. Torresdale

ave. and Church st. WEAVERS, male or female, experienced A learners. Apply 5600 Tacony st.

WEAVERS, shaft. Excellent pay. Moss Rose Mfg.. Hancock A Allegheny ave.

WINDERS, are you looking for a post-war lob. Cone A skein winders on Foster ma­

chines. Steady work. No phone calls. Clar­ence L. Meyers A Co., 2d & Somerset sts. WINDERS, expd. on rayon. Steady, year-

round work. Gd. sal. Apply Artex Knitting Mills. Coral A Hagert sts. Reg. 4627.

YOUNG LADY, over 17 yrs. of age, addreseograph operating. Good starting

salary A post-war future for bright, intel­ligent beginner. Henry Diaston A Sons, Longshore AWlsslnomlng sts. .Tacony. Phlla. YOUNG LADY. exp. not nec„ for pastry counter. 5 days week, short hours, good

wages. 812 Lancaster ave., Bryn Mawr, Pa. YOUNG LADY, expd. in selling perfume in

Situations Wanted Female COST1 aecounttn

KeyYtone^ B R O A D 5 0 0 0

R-l-F fw X broker*

Gent: lie.

o'clock. Writ f drug te N-li 5 Inquirer.

5 to 10

YOUNG WOMEN We have openings for trainees with agile fingers to learn the .bindery trade. Steady work, pleasant surroundings, music. Phila. Bindery. 260 N. 3d at.. 4th floor. FLEETWINGS. Div. Kaiser Cargo. Inc.. Bristol. Pa. Get In aviation war work. No

experience needed. Apply Fteetwings, Plant No. 2. Bristol., Pa. , FIRST class woman chef, for hotel. Excel.

sal. and working conditions. References. Box 923. Atlantic City. New Jersey. TWO girls for cleaning cars. No exp. neces­

sary. Phone Reg. 4374.


SECY.: Chemical terms $50-360 DIETITIANS Wllm. $200 BKKPR.: Advtg.» central i $40 FILE CLERK — $120

g, secy,. 8 years exp. College graduate.

nqulrcr, DAY'S work, des. $4.50A carefare. Ph. Ste. 4488, Ida Culbreath. 1008 Olive Place.

DAY'S Work des. by exp. colored laundry or cleaning. $5 A carfare. Ref. Fre. 2299.

6 l N ¥ l S T ASSISTANT. Large experience and reference. Responsible work. Fillings,

extractions, acylics technlc, children. An­swer E. Novoa. 4319 Pine st. GIRL, colored, des. hswk. Help with cook­

ing. No Sun. Sleep out. Call Bal. 4877. GIRL desires housework, no washing or

Hoteli WM. PENN Hotel. 3808 Walnut,Rms..newly

renov. Sgle. $1 day, $5 week, hot A cold wat. all mis. , showers, lobby, free parking. CROWN Hotel, 731 Spruce st. Newly furn.. comf. rooms. Radios, showers, cont. h.w.

oil ht. Single, $1.50 up. Special wkly. rates

U»ed Automobile*

Sleep out. Refs. Loc. 5744. LAUNDRY, bundle washes at rea-

le prices. Ste. 8768. ORK desired by woman, sewing,

broidery, button-holes, etc. 3828 Melon. HOUSEWORK, general. Colored. Sleep in or

day's work. Call 2417 W. Sharawood st. MOTHER—With child of 4 wishes pos. as

keeper.Write Mre.Knox. 1314 Spruce. K 8 yrs. exp., des.

II NU yrs. exp., des. pos. In"b'r.'a office or private case, can travel. D-43 Inquirer.

type case A

EXECUTIVE. 37 S. 13TH ST. SECRETARY: Vic. Trenton $45 COST CLERK: Mfg. exp. $40 STENO: Central. 5 days $27.50 TYPIST: Central. 5-day $27.50

WINDERS, expd. on Foster coning ma­chines. 61 N. 2d st. Phone Mar. 0983.

WOMAN, for posting A filing on sales A ad­vertising detail, must be able to type.

Perm, employment in non-war industry'. 8 to 5 daily, half day Saturday. $25 to start. Ph. Mr. Cleary, Rad. 2033. WOMAN, with driver's He. operate retail

food route. In essential food industry, calling on estab. trade only. Excel, sal. A comm. arragement. 5-day wk. Cash bond req.Wrlte.give ph.No.,to R-13 P.O.Box 3414

TRUCKERS handling freight, loading A un­loading cars. Shift work/Weight 145 to 160

lbs. Minimum height 5'5". Apply P.R.R. Employment Office, Street Floor, 30th S t Station. N. E. Corner. TWISTING MACHINE—Operator, experi­enced. Steady day work. Downs Carpet Co.

Inc.. Indiana ave. and A sts. TYPISTS, beginners A advanced. Pleasant surroundings, agreeable associates A attra

hours. Schedule of advancement made known. State all qualifications A salary re-quired. Q-1I5 Inquirer.

SECRETARY, publicity. Unusual oppor-t unity for unusual person. Lorn. 5500.

SHIPPER or shippers helper for marking cases A checking loads. Experience helpful

but not essential. Overtime available. Apply Henry Dtsstoa A Sons. Longshore A Wls-sinoming sts.. Tacony. Phlla. "SHOEi S A I L E S L A D Y . experienced*! good

opport. Nice appearance. Excel, pay. One who can use initiative. Women's A children's shoes. O-120 Inquirer. SHOE operators, top stitchers A lining

makers for children's shoes. Edmor Shoe Mfg. Co.. 1234 Carpenter s t . 5th floor.

TYPIST—Junior, gen. office work, will teach P B X operating. Permanent, excell.

opport. with 50-year-ofcl Gtn. concern. Give age, education, exp. and salary expected. C-181 Inquirer. TYPIST-Clerk, part time. Central Ins. of-

flce. Pleasant surroundings. No Sat. work. give age. education and phone number. Box B - l l l Inquirer. TYPIST, knowledge of shorthand helpful,

but not essential. Steady post-war pos. 40-hr. wk. plus overtime. Apply Mgr., Rm. 70S, 1518 Walnut st. TYPIST with some shorthand ability, 44-

hour week. Pleasant conditions. Apply Per­sonnel Department, Struthers Dunn, Inc.,

3d floor. 1321 Arch street TYPIST, general or transcription typing work in large central city trust company.

Excellent working conditions. State age A experience. O-109 Inquirer. TYPIST, good opportunity for person inter-ested In perm, position with good salary A

congenial surroundings. Fogel Refrigerator Co.. 5400 Eadora s t J«f. 8300. TYPIST, know!

WOMAN, for pantry work, to wash glasses A silver Boys boarding school. Near Phila.

A Trenton. Direct bus line. 1% days off a week. Live In. B-192 Inquirer. WOMAN, 25 to 45. to manage patent medi­cine A drug dept. of Super-Food Market.

Good salary A pleasant working conditions. L-148 Inquirer. WOMAN to do general housework, 5-day

week. Room A board A $15 week. Refer­ences. Write Mrs. Franklin Hartley, Rose av*,, R. D. # 2 , Norristown, Pa.

PRESSLER. 242 S. 13TH ST. JR. ACCOUNTANT: 5-day week STENO: Secty. Central TYPIST: Central. 5-day week PBX TYPIST: 5-day week

-$28 -$25

CRAIG A GRAVATT 1505 RACE ST. 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Tuesday till 7 P. M.

CHEM. $35. Charts A Graphs $40 COPY A. layout. 5 days $35-$40 TYPIST-Secty. Stenos. Open

NURSE desires work, state salary. L-185 Inquirer.

RESTAURANT WOMAN, former owner of high-type mid-city restaurant desires pos.

as asst. manager, exp. In buying, compos­ing menus. Adaptable for any dept. Limited hours. Salary secondary. Q-188 Inquirer.

Boarding FRANKLIN ST., 2202. N.. 2d fl.. rm. A board for gentleman. Home cooking. Fre.7285 OAK LANE, 1019 69th Av. Lge. frt. rm. for

1-2. Excellent table. Train A subway. WALNUT, 2215. Noble Hall. Attrac. rmT

$9.50 to 112. Excel, meals, maid, elev. 15TH. N.. 31 18. Dble. A X I. rms., 2d fl.,

Nr. subway. twin beds, gd. meals oi Rad. 2889 CHILDREN, 3-6 yrs.. Junior Victory Hall,

playrm. A grounds. Constant supervision. wkly. doctors exam. Accident A cas. Ins. Best of food. Sleep tn $13. Ger. 2136. NUISE, ft. N.. wfinaTET'conviresciliror

semi-invalid Intu own warm, pleasant home. Write R-134 Inquirer. NURSING home 24-hr. nurses.

I N. 4&th*!ve. serv,.

SECRETARY, expd. H.S. A Peirce Business School grad., desires responsible position

in center city. $30. Wav. 8734. SECRETARY. Pvt—Comp., alert with ln-

itlative des. perm. pos. Central. Refs. Age 26. $35 per 5-day week. T-232 Inquirer. SECY.-executive, office mgr.. purchasing,

A-l appearance. Gentile. MaJ. 1037.

BUTTRICK A MEGARY. 225 S. 15TH ST. Tuesday A Thursday to 7.

SECY. Exec, ability, cent • $40 F. C. BKKPR. Advertising $40 TYPISTS (30). all Iocs. $25-$3U




WOMAN inspector for coll springs. High School education but experience not neces­

sary. 5H-day week. Apply H. J. Moll, John Evans Sons. 508 N. 13th s t WOMAN, to clean office A some cleaning

in mill. Apply Concordia Gallia Corp., Al< lengheny ave. Boudlnot st. WOMAN for hlapltal diet kitchen, full

maintenance A lory. Apply Home for Con-sumptlves, 8601 Stenton ave.. between 9 A 5-WOMAN to live in and do cooking * general

housework for family of 3, good wages. Phone Ardmore 0523.

of stenography, accurate with figures. Mfg. exp. pref. Good hours.

Excellent salary. Apply London Knitting Co.. 875 N. 28th St.

WOMAN, cleaning, restaurant 8.30 A. M.-3.30 P. M. Andrews, 1640 Bridge (Fkd. A

Bridge). WOMAN lroner, hospital laundry. Steady

year round work. Apply Home for Com-sumpOves. 8601 Stenton av. betw. 9 msS, WOMAN, housework A cooking, steady A reliable. Expd. $25 week. Refs. Llv. 2847.

WOMAN, middle-aged, sleep in. It hoose-worfc, excell. home, 1 adult. C-183 Inquirer.

SWITCHBOARD SCHOOLS. Actual experi­ence on P. B. X. boards. Girls A women of

all ages, day or eve. Free employment serv­ice. Come, write, phone Florence Utt, Suite 803 Bailey Bldg., 1218 Chestnut st.Pen.1833


Short course for factory or home use. Emp. Service. Visit, write or call Eve. 4947 INDIVIDUAL instruction and simplified methods make It possible for you to learn

shorthand, typing, bookkeeping, ate., in less than one-half the usual time. Palmer School, Broad and Erie. Sag. 1344. Bookkeeping Home Study—Complete Course LA SALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITY

A Correspondence Institution 201 S. 13th S t , Philadelphia, Penna.

BUSINESS Course In exchange for services. Acquire valuable office experience. En­

trance fee is only cost. Free catalog. Sec-retarlal Exchange. 1411 Walnut Rl t 3816 LEARN shorthand, typing or bookkeeping in % usual time. Complete course $30.Sena

for catalog. Pennsylvania Bus. School, 13—t Spruce s t Phone Pen. 3682.

TYPIST A Clerk. Knowledge of bookkeeping. experience. Vic. 5393.

TYPING or clerical work done at home. Sunset 4449-J.

WOMAN des. part time work to do at home. Typing or related work. R-136 Inquirer.

YOUNG GIRL desires work mornings. 5 days week. Write Lydla Ford. 1206 Pine at.

YOUNG WOMAN—Interior Decorator A Furniture Saleswoman desires position with

reliable firm. Write C-123 Inquirer.

COMFORTABLE home for pensioners, good home cooking. $35 month. Call Eve. 6607.

CHILDREN, over 6 yrs., best cace A food. Close to school, pvt fam. Ger. 9643.

CHEVROLET 11*41 •1H40-1WW DE LUXE SEDAN. COACHES A COUPES Largest stock of Cars. All makes '38 to '42.

AUTO MART 1409 N. Broad st. Pop. 5122. Open Evea. CHEVROLETS—All years A body styles.

A large selection. MOBILE OLDS. 4640 N. Broad. Closed Sunday. Open eves. CHEVROLET, etc. All models, priced right. Anders A Jervis, 1515 N. Broad. Open eves.

Automobiles WeweteT -ELL your car or truck wttfc tne seawTs

ndenea aa you buy. New ear staler \ pay guaranteed highest prices ler yesjr

ROLET. 1818 N.

CHEVS., '41-'40-'39 Sedans. Coaches, Club Cpes. Tma. Gorson Chrysler, 250 N. Broad.

CHRYSLER '41 4-dr. sdn. Mech. perfect clean inside A out. except 1 fender. $965.

Edw. Pierl, Garfield, A White Horse Pike, Chesilhurst. N. J. Berlin 659R4. CHY. '39 sedan, beautlfuTcorui. inside A out. excel. W. W. tires, r. h.. defroster.

Priced $750. J124 8. 8th s t after 8 P. M. CHRYSLER, '41, New'Yora»r7Tudlo7niiT. j»r, Low mile. Gorson Chrys.,2So N.Broad OlRY~sT.KR~~'37 convert, coupe: radio, htr? _ A overdrive New top. Must sell. All. 0811. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n r „ . • - ^ i r c V r ; ^ - 1 B 5 a i s - r ;

Only $395 dn. JACOBS, 245 N. Broad.

•-Kw-m cmevftoL, WUl pay a good price

for all cars, aS makes. 5818 N BROAD ST.

LTV. 3200


BELGRADE 4477 Standard Auto Salsa, 5801 WILL BUY any make or" „ give you hlgt_e* ea*_ gets*. *t« to

Extra bonus paid for cieaa fate. WW Depot Motor Co . 4733 OM Yafft **. Mr. Williams^Mlc. 3043

NURSE'S home, board A care aged A convT Special diets. 5644 Walnut. All. 9525.

WILL BOARD CHILDREN during~dayT Mother's care. All. 8179.

2107 S. SHIELDS ST.. near 66th A Wood­land, room A board, lunches packed. Reas.

LICENSED Nursing Home, aged A chronic ladles. Graduate nurses. Eve. 2458.

BAY care for children. In home. Excellent food. Dav.

comf. 0744.


DODGE '39 sed., 4-dr. Radio, heater, good tires. 1411-17 Spring Garden. Pop, 7880.

DODGE '41 2-door. Good rubber! FORD DEALER. 4601 Chestnut s t


Largest stock of Cars. All makes '38 to '42. AUTO MART

1409 N. Broad st. Pop. 5122. Open Eves. FORD '41 del. coach, swell tires, runs granT

Only $295 dn. JACOBS. 245 N. Broad. FORD '37, 60 sedan, good tires. Call 24 W

Hortter s t Gtn. FOTlD"

PVT. fam., board child, gd. home, excel. food, maid serv., rm. for parent.Gra.8121.

DAY care or wkly. care for children pleas-ant home, vie. 6000 Frankford. Del. 7663.

PRIVATE family will board girls 6 to 9 yrs. School across street. Sar 3979.

YOUNG Woman desires any kind of work at home. Phone Sagamore 8493.

ATTRACTIVE YOUNG LADY, 25, des. posi­tion as PBX Operator A receptionist.

Experienced. Prefer 5-day week. Call Mrs. C. M. French. Reg. 1846. COLLEGE GRAD.—1% yrs. exp. designing draftsman; also details; assemblies A some

marh. ahop exp., des. drafting work. Like to try architectural. A-174 Inquirer.


HOUSE). Single rooms, 75c A $1 per day each person. Clean, warm A quiet. Loc. 8559 ARCH ST., 931 (Arch Hotel) warm, comf.,

rms., run, h. c. w. Ply. $1 up. Wkly. 84 up. BALTIMORE, 4 i l i . T n l c e l y furn. rooms .

bath, accommodate 3 or 4. No cooking. BROAp, N., 4116. Lge, warm 2d fir. rear

SHOE workers, cutting A fitting room, mak ing room, cleaning A packing. Steady Job, TYPIST, permanent position

good pay. Pearl Shoe Co.. 543 N. 55th st. I packing Arm. 5 day. 40 hour S H o r ^ ^ •* lOES, exp. French bind stitchers. Apply

Reuben Gordon Shoe Co.. 1725 N. 6th s t SODA Dispensers, experienced. Apply Ben

Franklin Drugs. 9th A Chestnut sts. SODA dispenser or waitress, good hours; ne j evenings: no Sundays. 700 Chestnut st. SPOTTER, exp. not necessary, for retail dry cleaning plant Permanent, well paying Job, Fernwood aeaners. Baltimore Pike and 4th a t . Fernwood, Del. Co., Pa. STATISTICIAN — Efficient for coat and

government records. Typing and steno. exp. required. Excellent Immediate and post war "opportunity for responsible woman, Snyder Mfg. Co.. 2218 w . Ontario st.

STENOGRAPHER Perm. pos. tor genl. work In small cen­

tral city branch office of naU. organisation, now engaged In 1 0 0 * war work. 5 day 40 hr Meek. Full details requested. R-139 In­quirer. STENOGRAPHERS, typists A clerks. Sev-

eraX attractive positions available. Con­genial, steady employment \ppiy Henry Disston A Sons. Inc., Longshore A Wissl-nemmg sts.. Tacony. STENOGRAPHER A diversified office

duties, old estab. firm in Gtn. Permanent stow and post-war. Good future. Give age, education, experience and salary desired. B-110 Inquirer. STENOGRAPHERS, Jr., excel, oppor. for

girls who desire perm. pos. with national organization. Attr. working conda. No exp. necessary if average in typing A short­hand. Household Fin. Corp., 931 W. Lehigh.

with meat week. Excel­

lent oportunity. F. G. Vogt Sons, Inc., 36th A Grays Ferry ave. Ful. 2200. TYPIST A Gen. Office work. Permanent

position. N. Phila. State exp. if any, age, religion A salary desired. Exp. not sary. H-178 Inquirer. TYPIST. Claim dept. Central city. Ins.

office 5-day week. Good oppor. Exp. pref. but not nee. Phone Rlt 2500 for app't TYPIST—Accurate. Opportunity for ad­

vancement Permanent position. No Satur-day. Call Mrs. Hiroes. Lorn. 0260. TYPIST—Excel, oppor. with central dry

insurance company. Exp. not necessary if rapid A accurate. Phone Lombard 3757. TYPIST A general office work. 5-day week.

Apply all week. Tiny Grace Frocks. I A Ontario ate. TYPISTS—Also stenographer for Insurance

Co. Hrs. 9 to 4.45; Sets. 12 noon. For toterview apply 122 3. 4th a t TYPIST. Some exp. to operate edlphone, 5-

day week. Apply in person. The Liquid Carbonic Corp., 2251 E. Tioga s t TYPISTS, expd., American Red Cross. 5%

days weekly. Apply in person, 8th fir., 511 N. Broad s t . Personnel

WOMAN to clean offices, part-time. Geo. H. Morrill Co.. 137 N. l i t h St.

WOMAN—Housekeeper, 44 hrs. wk. $19.50. Stteady. Apply ready for work, 110 N^lSth.

WOMAN to assist with cooking and~house-work at O. E. S. Home. CaU May 5437.

WOMAN to help in kitchen of small hotel. Apply 2215 Walnut st.

WOMAN, middle-aged. Care of 2 children. Steep out Good salary. Call Sar. 2077.


FACTORY Sewing A Government work 1 taught. H. power machines, $1 per wk. Al­so a special compl. course in 1 wk. Easiest work for women. 3606 Walnut at. Bar. 3570. FREE training, female and male, for war work. Starting wage $50 wk. War workers

do not apply. l04-O8 N. 6th. Wal. 3817 COLORED Typists, stenos., Clerks needed. Short course. Learn with confidence. Male

A female. Pioneer Institute, 627 S. Broad. SHORT COURSES In Shorthand. T:

A ass IiTE live in, light hswk. Dr.'s office. $20. All. 6869.

WOMAN wanted for cleaning theater. Lenox Theater, 54th A Chester ave.

WOMAN—30. 35, to do cleaning in tap-room.good sal. Bob's Cafe.2101 W.Cambria

WOMAN 8 A . M .

for cooking A housework, from to 2 P. M. 1529 Germantown ave.

WOMAN for hsewk. Lt. cooking. Washing machine. Sleep out. $20. All. 6329.

WOMAN. Handy for small restaurant, tap-room. to do light work. 1338 W. Cambria

WOMAN or girl, living vie. 65th A Cheater, for housework, 9 to 2 wkdays. Sar. 0780.

TYPIST—Good at figures, dustries. Inc.. Lester, Delaware

STENOGRAPHER for large central city trust company. Excellent working condi­

tions. Splendid opportunity for advance-ment. State age A exper. Q-122 Inquirer. STENOGRAPHER, general office work, ex-

perience preferred, but not essential. State age. salary A exp., 5-day. 40-hr. wk. Write K-197 Inquirer. STENOGRAPHER, accurate, good at fig-

ures. for plant production office. Perm., not war work. Sal. $30. Write state age A experience to Box R-204 Inquirer. STENOGRAPHER, to.assist in sales dept..

experience preferred. Good working con­ditions. Permanent position. A. Pomer-antz, 1525 Chestnut st. STENO. A typist, exp., willing also to do

gen. office work; age 25-35; good sal., 40-hr. wk., 5% days, central city. Reply giving fuii detolls. C-157 Inquirer. STENOGRAPHER, permanent position,

branch office of nationally known chemical Co. Excel, oppor. 5-day week. Central location. 0-134 Inquirer. STENOGRAPHER, gen. office work. Some

exp. Perm. Overtime at present Advance­ment Estatbllehed firm. State details. R-127 Inquirer.

Apply Lester In-elaware County,

Pa. Take PTC Car No. 37. TYPIST-Clerk, accurate and rapid, with ap-titude for figures; six-day week. Personnel

Department, John Wanamaker. TYPIST-Clerk, general office work. Good*

opportunity for person seeking permanent employment. Whitman's. 415 Race s t TYPIST. General office work. Perm, posi-

tion, nationally known concern. Post-war. State exp., age A salary. T-109 Inquirer. TYPIST-Clerk, perm, pos., good opport State age .sal., etc. P . Q Box 7362, Phila.

TYPIST A stock record clerk for duration. L-149 Inquirer.

TYPIST until Easter, full or L-150 Inquirer.

WOMAN to make sandwiches, restaurant. Apply 1340 Spring Garden s t

WOMEN A GIRLS for light manufacturing. Night shift, 4 to 12 P. M. A 12 P. M. To

8 A. M. Also day shift. Apply in person, Shallcroas Mfg. Co., Jackson and Puaey sts., Collingdale, Pa. WOMEN. 18 to 35 years. Positions all shifts for learners on machinery. Instruction pro­

vided. Good working conditions, substantial wages. 5-day basic week. The Curtis Pub­lishing Co.. 604 Sansom st. WOMEN, ESSENTIAL WAR WORK. NO


etc. Day or Evening. Philadelphia tarlal School, 37 S. 16th s t Loc. 4560. FINGERPRINTING, detection, criminology

courses. New term Jan. 27. Free catalog. Pa. Inst. Crlrnlndrogy, 431 Walnut Wal.1170 SINGERS, announcers, speakers, trained

for broadcasting career. Army shows, au­ditions. Mod. rates. Write 0-16 Inquirer. FRANKLIN School of Science A Arts. X-

Ray A Lab. Technique. 251 S. 22nd. Phlla.

rm., next bath A shwr. Suit 2. Conv. trans. BROAD A Erie. Nr. sub. Attr. furn., warm

studto rm., rad. Non-hakpg. Rad. 2976. BROAD S. 1235 Sleep, rms., board opt.

Also hskpg. suite, nr. Navy Yard. Ful. 4024. CHEStNUT. 4135. Furn. double rm.. suit-

able for hskpg., $8 wk. Double rm., run-nlng water, $5 week. CHESTNUT. 4240. Furn. dean well-heated room, near bath A shower, excel, transp.

Adults, CftESTNUf. 4050. Large 4th fir. warm.

furn rm. Cont. h. w. Conv. trans. Eve.4105 CHESTNUT ST.. 4010-12-14, Bond Hotel.

Low weekly rates. Fine transportation. ERIE AVE. W., 1803, well furn. 2nd fir.

frt. r,. prlv. b. A e n t , gentleman, refs. F A R R A G U T , S., 248 (46th A Spruce). Frt.

rm., with pvt. bth. A ent.Conv.trans.42 car.

8U8URBAN CLIFTON HOUSE. Elliott ave.,Bryn Mawr,

Pa. 25 mln. city. Breakfast If desired. JENKINTOWN RD., 720. Comft rm. with

board, with privileges of using 1st fl., home-like atmosphere, M sq. from trains A trolleys, at Ardsley, Pa. Ogontz 2051.. MONTGOMERY INN, Bryn Mawr, Pa., 2

blocks station. A family hotel. Home com­forts A cheaper. 22 minutes to city.

'35 del. coach. Dandy tire swell. $195 full pr. Jacobs. 245 N.

i, runs Broad

FORD '36 de luxe. 2-dr. trunk sedan. Excel, cond. $250. 1220 W. Venango. Sag. 6903.

FORD '38 De L. conv. Nash. 1244 N. Broad.

coupe, $475. Adkins

LINCOLN. '38, 7-pasa. deluxe, 5 brand new W. W. tires, pert, cond.. $850. Del. 4894.

LINCOLN Zephyr, '37, radio A heater, reas. 1519 N. 7th st.

OLDSMOBILE 1939 4-door sedan, owner. 873 N. 26th s t








OLDS.. '41-'40-'39 Seds., Sedanettes, Club Cpes. Bargs. Gorson Chrysler. 250 N.Broad

OLDS. '38 2-dr. sed.. 6 cyl. Excel, cond. $385. Bridge. 1308 N. Broad. Open eves.

69TH ST. sect , large frt. rm., beau, furn., excel, meals, pvt. •borne, bus. people. 25

mln. City Hall, reas. Clear brook 0275. CHILDREN, good home, personal supervis­

ion. Balanced diet. Hesjthy loc. Che. 2981. CONVALESCENT HOME for elderly. Near

Camden.Ph.Emerson 1425W.C-179 inquirer CHILDREN, over J», mother's care. Lg. grounds, good food, $6. Sharon Hill 9534.

COUNTRY TWIN Linden home for aged men and women has vacancies. Nursing care A good

food. Rates 115 and up per week. Write F. I. Stewart. Church town. Lane. Co., Pa. ~ * —•« _ * » " » - . • — » » _y — , - . » . F ~ J ~ ^ | ' ~ ~ ~ " _ '——f" o _ — - - — - - • • i _ u — •

YEAR-round boarding school boys, girls. 2-14 yrs. High standards. Reas. 18 mL

Phlla. Train service. A-9113 Inquirer. WARMINSTER HALL, Johnsville, Pa. Bdg. school, boys A girls. Reg, nurses. 6-16. Reas. A School, A Farm, A Home, A Summer Camp. Oaklelgh Hall, Pottatown R.D.2,Pa.

B O A R D I N G — W A N T E D YOUNG Man desires warm furnished room

and board with congenial adult family. Home privileges. T-284 Inquirer.

PACKARD '40 6-cyl. sedan. Black. Perfect condition throughout. Excellent tires, $935.

Ogontz Motor Co.. Inc.. 6350 Ogontz ave. PACKARD '41 sedan, run only 11.000 mHes. Radio, heater, one owner. Gokiner Packard.

Greene A Rittenhouse sts. Ger. 9797. PACKARD 120. 3940 4-door sedan. 4 new

tires A puncture proof tubes. Radio A heater. $875. All. 7644. PACKARD '37. Model 120-8 4-dr. trunk sedan. Clean, good tires. $300. cash only,

private owner. Hilltop 0806-W. PACKARD '39 6" 4-dr~iiedan7neater, $250 down. Adkins Nash, 1244 N^roswl

PACKARD '36 del., smaTieit sdn. Runs fine. Only $280. JACOBS, 245 N. Broad at.

PACKARD. '39 club cpe.. rad. A htr. tires, clean, heater. 234 Race. Mar.

PACKARD 6, '39 deluxe 4-dr. sdn., r. A h . $625. 2045 W. Cambria st. Sag. 8632.

PLYMOUTHS—AH years A body styles. A large selection.

Mobile OMs., 4640 N. Broad. Open eves.



4920 N. BROAD ST. CALL DAV. tm It your car _ eteaa we wftt ad about price. You name It. we*!











USED CAfti, Trucks, itedesi makes and modela We are la a


a 812 N. Broad s t fILTOW



PLYMS.. *41-'40-'39 Seds.. Cpea..Club Cpes. Terms. Gorson Plymouth, 250 N. Broad.

PLYMOUTH '37 del. 4-dr. sdn. Extras. Run grand. Only $345. JACOBS. 245 N. Broad.

PONTIAC '37 4-dr. trie, sedan. R. A H . $435. Adkins Nash. 1244 N. Broad.

PONTIAC *41, Del. new. Low mi. Tms.

GIRARD AV., W., 1100. attr. rm. Reason Call Ste. 5084.


FLORENCE UTT Switchboard Schools, 803 Bailey Bldg.. 1218 Chestnut. Pen. 1833.

PRACTICAL Nursing "Classes now forming. Comp. fee $30. Penn School, 3714 N. Broad.

Situation* Wanted Male ACCOUNTANT, Auditor. Formerly with

National Firm of Tax Consultants. Now practicing on own. Available for a few additional current year filings or audits. T-184 Inquirer. ACCOUNTANT. Will prepare tax returns or handle books on monthly or wkly. basis.

Exper. audits, closings, write-ups. Reas. hrs. arr. to suit you. Lom.5910,or Q-195 Inquirer

WOMEN, part-time Jobs, expd. palrera A folders. Come* In A talk it over. Pleasant

surroundings. Make some extra money. J. W. Landenberger A Co., Kensington A Cas­tor aves.

part time

working cond. Graybar Esse.. TYPIST for general office work. Morgan Home Equipment Co.. 1304 Race.

910 Cherry. Apply

TYPIST, billing dept. 5-day wk. Perm, po-sltion. nr. center city. Lorn. 8445. Mr. Aokl.

WAITRESS, good pay A tips. Short hours. No Sunday or evenings. Experience not

necessary. Sam's. 56 N. 12th s t WAITRESS, must be experienced. 1.30 P. M. to 10 P. M. Sunday off. Excellent *al-

ary A very good tips. 6854 Elmwood ave.

STENOGRAPHER A typist in large cen­trally located concern. Pleasant surround-

lnga. Opportunities for advancement Glee a t e A salary. Box L-129 Inquirer. STENOGRAPHER, experienced; essential

industry. Apply Lester Industries, Inc., Lester. Del Co.. Pa. Take PTC Car No. 37. STENOGRAPHER-Typist-Gen. clerical wk.

Perm. poa. Post-war opp. 5V»-day wk. Will consider bright beginner. Gd. sal.Lom.4314

STENOGRAPHER A gen. off. work. State age, exp.. religion A sal. expected. 40 hrs.,

5-dav week. Ref. req. S-183 Inquirer.

expd., 25-35 yrs.. ca-5-day week. Industrial

STENOGRAPHER, middle aged, full crpart time. Hotel or real estate experience. Phone

Eve. 6556 between 9 A. M. and noon. STENOGRAPHER.

pab'e. permanent. . concern. Kensington section. R-128 Inquirer STENOGRAPHER. Prefer experienced, or

Will consider one with initiative Ai ability to learn WUkening Mfg. Co.. 2000 3. 71st s t S' ENOGRAPHER, exp.. 5 * days. Apply

American Red Cross, 511 N. Broad S t . Personnel Dept.. 8th floor. STENOGRAPHER, N. Phila. Real estate,

Alert With or without exn Stateage, sal-n:y etc. Good oppor. PO Box 4800, Phila. STENOGRAPHER A bookkeeper. 40-hr wk.

No S a t work. CaU for interview or phone Loc 6460. Mann A Fountain. Inc..1205 Race STENOGRAPHER, general office work.

Pf rmanent position. 5-day week. 1917 Mar­ket st. iTENOGRAPHER-typUt. state age. exp.

*e ephone number, salary. Perm, position in C rrnien. B-112 Inquirer. STENOGRAPHER, expd

plant. Good pay. perm. • Cold Climate Co

STENOGRAPHER, ex Apply to Mr. Becker

A Chestnut sts.

, to work in Gov't pos. for girl with

, 2080 Castor ave. ipd. banquet Hotel Adelphla.

dept. 13th

STENOGRAPHER-Typist for essential war pant: interesting work; convenient hours.

Lake States Engineering. Ful. 3337. STENOGRAPHER, part-time. exp.. for

central city architects office. Ph. Pen.3965. i:\OGRAPHER wanted. Cugley's Pet


WAITRESSES wanted for night work; must be exp. A reliable. Good pay A very good

tips. Paramount Res t . 1606 W. Pajayunk. WAITRESS wanted, 2 shifts 5 P. M. to 1 A.

M. anS 12 M. to 8 P M. Apply Eagle Res-taurant. 5213 Frankford ave. WAITRESS, neat A experienced; high-class

restaurant. Apply Bookbinders Seafood House. 215 S. 15th s t WAITRESS, S years or over. exp. not

necessary. Good salary, excel, tips and meals. Hot Shoppe, 28th A Hunting Park. WAITRESSES, salary, board, room A uni­

forms. Apply Penna. Institution for the Blind, 64th s t A Malvern ave. WAITRESS—Morning shift, must be expit,

good salary A excel, tips. Apply 3171 Kensington ave WAITRESS. Must be expd. for dinner vice. Good wages. Excel, tips. 122

Easton road, Glenside, Pa. WAITRESSES, day A night, no Sunday work, good pay. Apply ready for work.

Barbara Waktron. 1866 Market s t WAITRESS for night work. Must have diner

experience. Clover Club Diner. 23d s t and Hunting Park ave. WAITRESSES, night work. S P. M. to 1 A. M. Good wages. Apply 7264 Fkd. ave.

WOMEN (2) wanted for business couple's home in country. Must be capable of tak­

ing full charge A do all work. Bendix wash­er A lroner. Excel, wages. Phone Riverside 0047 A reverse charges. WOMEN. MIDDLE-AGED OR ELDERLY,

FOR LIGHT WORK IN FINISHING DEPT. NO EXP. NEC. APPLY ESKIMO KNITTING MFG. CORP., 3016 EAST THOMPSON ST. WOMEN for coach cleaning in Phila., bet. ages of 25 A 40 A over 5 ft. 5 in. in height,

bet 125 A 150 lbs. Shift work. Empl. en-

faged In war work need not apply. P. R. R. imp. Office, 30th St. Sta., st. fir.. N.E. cor.

WOMEN A GIRLS. Restaurant A Cafeteria work. Meals furn. Uniforms A laundry

free. Xmas bonus A 2 weeks' vacation with pay after 1 year's employment No exp. nee. Horn A Hardart. 29 N. 9th St., 9 to 5. WOMEN, over 20, to do light machine work; also light grinding. Day A night shifts in

essential Industry. Northeast section. Work week 48 hours. See Mr. Henry, N. E. Cor. Lehigh ave. A American st. * WOMEN, 16 to 40. to assemble A pack seed orders for victory gardens. No exp.

ntc Light, clean, pleasant work. Apply 9 A. M. to 4.30 P. M. weekdays. W. Atlee Burpee Co.. Hunting park ave. A 18th st. WOMEN, girts, assembly A machine shop

work. Sit down or standing Jobs. Exp. or inexpd. 5 day, 44 hr. week. Conv. location. Cafeteria, rest periods. Modern clean war plant 2218 W. Ontario s t

ACCOUNTANT. C.P.A. Available toe a a * its. tax reports. Exp. with termination, re-

negotiations.cost plus cqntracts,etc.qav.l638 ACCOUNTANT will personally render comp.

auditing A tax service. Yearly closings, Income taxes, payroll taxes. Sar. 7388. ACCOUNTANT for firms with or without bkkprs., payroll taxea, auditing, part-time

bkkpg.. income taxes, etc. Reas. Wav.8480. ACCOUNTANTS, C. P. A., desires audits.

Year-end closings, tax reports, etc. Wav. 6146.

able, u se of phone. GIRARD AVE. nr. 17th. Beaut, fur. frt

Also 2 rms.. hskpg. If des. Eve. 1492. GREENWICH Village sec. Man will share

with 1 or 2 men. Studio home, 4 rs., fire-place. Pen. 4195 Call after 3 P. M. HUNTING PARK AV.. W., 1416. Nlc. furn.

tile b. A shwr. sub. Mic. 0636.

rms., innerspring matt, Plenty h t A h. w. % sq, JACKSON! 1041. Clean, comf. fur. rms., cont.h.w.. kitpriv. Nr.NavyYard.Ful.7763

LEHIGH. W., 809. Lge. furn. frt. llv. rm., 1st fir., light hskpg.Gentile adults.Bal.2322

LOCUST. 1213-15. Central. Attrac. furn. rs. Inap. m a t t , h.w. Rates reas. Pen. 7123.

MARKET ST., 3940—1 rm. furn., pvt. e n t , h. w. .quiet A clean. $25 mo. Single.

MELON ST., 1322. Near Broad. Furn.. clean rooms for men. Hot water h t Conv. transp

MORRtt ST U 1223—Warm furn. bedroom next bith. Plenty h._w. Reas. Ful. 0143.

OGONfZ AVE.. 7332. Fur.'rm.. sult"2. Ap­ply after 4.30 P. M.


MAN des. room A board. Yard. C-274 Inquirer.

Conv. to Navy

~8 Conv. coupe. Like Guar. 203 N.Broad at.

Business Opportunities APTS. 9632.

(7), price $200. Low rent Pop!

BARBER Shop A business. Phone

rty, 2 apts. Good swood 1145R

homelike, . N.. 1943.1 lr

conv. trains. rnv, twin beds,

PARK AVE.. N., 2231. Nicely furn. warm rm. next to bath, *6 blk. subw. Gentlemen.

PINE, 1327. 2d-story front, South, exp., twin beds, pvt. bath. Maid serv. Pen. 7392.

ROOSEVELT Blvd., W., 808. Newly furn. rm., pvt. b., stall shower.Gentile man pref.

ROOSEVELT Blvd., W.. 808. Newly furn. rm.priv. b., stall shower. Gentile man pref.

SANSOtt. 3473, ki t A bed.. livrm.Trecdnd. A furn. Also entire 1st fl.. unfurn.,4 rms.,b.

ACCOUNTANT. C.P.A.. Gentile, monthly adudits, tax audits, yearly closings. Moder-

ate size firms preferred. Call Walnut 5791 ACCOUNTANT, part-time bookkeeping,

audita A tax reports. Reas. Call Wal. 3545. ACCOUNTANT. Open, close, audit books. Taxes, aystems. part-time. bkkpg.Han.8989 ACCOUNTANT, C. P^ A., deairea audits, taxea. part-time, bookkeeping. Rlt. 3765.

ACCOUNTANT, small firms, trial balances A financial statements. Reas. Dew. 7617.

ACCOUNTANT for firms with or without bkkprs.. tax experts. Reas. Sag. 6586.

BAKER—White, age 40. ATl-around man. Help out Saturday or Sun. T-218 Inquirer.

BARTENDER, high class man, 5 yrs. last place, des. pos. in first class house, sober,

reliable, beat of ref. C-275 Inquirer. BOOKKEEPER-Accountant, middle age.

Jewish,complete charge, office detaila.cred-lts, collector, correspondence. T-218 Inquirer. CARPENTER wants work, Jobbing or alter-

atlons, available lmmed. Hancock 9444. CARPENTER wants work. Factory, altera-

tlons A maintenance. Call Mic. 5922.

WOMEN wanted part or full time interest­ing factory work conv. H Z E buses. Write

or call in person. Monad Paint A Varnish Co.. 27th A Roberts ave. WOMEN, for counter work, experience un­

necessary, no Sundays or holidays. Uni­forms A meals supplied. Good wagea. Apply Stouffer'a, 1526 Chestnut s t WOMEN, to learn restaurant work. Ex­

perience unnecessary. No Sundays or holi­days. Uniforms A meals supplied, good wagea. Apply Stouffer's, 1526 Chestnut st.

WAITRESSES. Top salary, good tips. Sun­ken Gardens, Cheltenham A Ogontz aves.

WAITRESS. Wtd. for day work,good salary. Apply 2806 W. Glrard ave.

WAITRESS for restaurant. Good wagea. Apply 1340 Spring Garden s t

WAITRESSES, day work. 11 A. M. to 7.3U P. M. No Sunday. Apply 2737 N. Broad a t

WAITRESSES, expd. only. Apply afU A.M. Majestic Coffee Shop. Br Glrard

WAITRESS, over 21. Good wages. Apply 3537 Germantown ave.

WAITRESSES. Excellent salary A meals. A pp. * l Lansdowne ave.. Lansdowne. Pa.

WAITRESSES, expd.. for night work. A in person. Embassy Restaurant 5211 M

WAITRESS wtd.. expd. Call after 10 A. M.. good wages, full or part time. 1501 N. 4th.

WAITRESS, exp.. for taproom A restau rant Mike's Cafe, 2502 Richmond.Neb.9055

S - op. 1744 Market a t , Rit. S-ENOGRAPHER, preferably with pub-

I city exp. Permanent poa. Q-192 Inquirer. S* ENOGRAPHER. experienced for tempo-

•v work. Call Pen. 3562. STENOGRAPHER—Not over 45: will con-

, i d ? r begjnner. Call Lorn.7952.Miss Metzger STENOGRAPHER—Exp. advertising agen>

cy 5 day week. Phone Loc. 4ff37. _ ;:NOGRAPHER-Typist expd general of-

e work. Good salary. Phone Ste. 1515. § ENOGRAPHER—Sect, also typist. Corn

' ch. 4700 Frankford ave. Room 222. ITOCK RECORD clerk, experienced; essen-

*:a' industry. Lester Industries. Inc., Les-J r>l- Co.. Pa. Take PTC Car No. 37. S OCK record clerk. Apply Lester Indus-

t r,«. Lester, Pa. Take P. T. C. 37. "S'VEEPERS. 48^hr. wk. Apply nearest V R E S . Office or Employ. Bureau of The JM'dvale Co.. Wlasahickon ave. above Hunt­ing Park ave. TEACHERS, commercial typewriting stenog-

-mhv. bookkeeping, etc., music, vocational A languages. Good opportunity." Write In-t Trade!.School. L-173 Inquirer. TECHNICIAN, graduate technician in pri-

v a i e medical laboratory. Che. Hill 4432. %

t ' 'HNICIAN. physician's office. 4 hre. Coed salary. W. Phlla. All. 6869.

TECHNICIAN X-ray room, exp. pref. State salary. Q-112 Inquirer. '"

TELEPHONE Operator A typiat familiar i» ith monitor awitrhboard, 5-day week. Ap-

f ill week Jack Tobin. 3d A Somerset ste. TK r EPHONE OPERATOR, experienced

P B X . A Monitor Board operator. Call Entrrprtae Paper Co.. Mar. 0275, Mr. G. TELEPHONE OPERATOR. Exp. for genC

hospital Alternating shifts.B-116 Inquirer.

WAITRESS, no Sunday. Apply 1503 W. Dauphin st.

WAITRESSES, fun or part time. Steady. Apply 1320 Chancellor s t

WOMEN to assist cooks A bakers, hours 7 to 3. No evenings, Sunday or holiday work.

Apply In person 9 to 11 A. M., The Colon-nade Cafeteria, 1616 Walnut st. . WOMEN for circ. sales div. 3 sales dly. pays

$58.50 wkty. Exp. helpful, but not nee. Paid from start. Advancement. Room 709, 1518 Walnut at. WOMEN—Over 50 to workln news Ytores as

agents and clerks. Good pay A bonus ar­rangement. Exp'd. preferred, but not neces­sary. L-147 Inquirer. WOMEN for light work in garage stocE

room, preferably with knowledge of auto­motive parts. Good rate plus overtime. Phone Miss Davis, Bal. 1050.

CHAUFFEUR or Inside work des. by expd. reliable man. 2335 St. Albans. Loc. 7863.

CftlfF—Exp.I wants position. A-l refs. 35 E. Afton ave., Yardley, Pa. Phone 2749.

CHEF. 1st class, ail aroundTRet. Hotel, In-stltutlon or clubs. 5911 Vine s t

SPRUCt ST. at 10th. Clinton Hotel, 7 story, an outside A largest rooms in city. Newly

dec. All have pvt. baths or run. water. From 31.75 daily to $25 per weak. SPRUCE, 2327. Attractive large furnished

housekeeping room. Semi-private bath. Convenient transportation. Private bell.

BEAUTY SHOP, modern equipment, in S. Phila., doing good bus. Location needs ahop.

Cheap rent. Selling account of illness. Call Don, Mic. 5706. , BEAUTY EQUIPMENT. NEW. FOR SALE.

REASONABLE. LOC. 6057. CIGAR, newspaper, candy stand in office

tldg., aelling on account lllnesa. Tri. 4670 Sun, or 7 to 9 eves. CLEANING A tailor shop sale, doing exceL

bus. Good loc. Reason illness. 6102 Pine.

PONTIAC '40 Del. 6-cyl.. 4-dr. sed. R. A H., extras. Good tires A cond. Dav. 5885.

•42, Convertible Chio Coupe, PONTIAC. Very classy. Gorson Chrys., 280 N. Broad

PONTIAC '40, 6-cyl. 2-door .trunk sedan? radio A htr.. $800. 431 Lombard at.


Largest stock of Cars. All makes '38 to '42. AUTO MART

1409 N. Broad st. Pop. 5122. Open Eves. STUDEBAKER, '39 Champion. 2-dr


SHORE BROS. 4201 N. Broad. Dav 4225 Chestnut.



OPEN SUNDAYS A EVENINGS FOSS-HUGHES, "K 21st and Market Phlla. *a oldest new-car deader wtQ pay ym

cash for your ear ptas 880 credit Si pri­ori iv on delivery of a new Ford, " or Lincoln after the war Rlt "


(Will-all anywhere 100 atikw) Roth Motors. 4101 Kenasngtoa iTrt

perfect tires, r. A h.. $600, $200 8046 Frankford ave. May. 1232

. sdn., down.

DRESS A Sportswear Shops for immediate sale. Owner drafted. Good locations. With

or without merchandise. K-100 Inquirer. DRUGS, store A dwell sell at once. Sac. 6th

Rent or sale. A Jackson.


DRY Cleaning. Pressing. 1300 •

Beaut . Repairs, equip. Bus. $300 wk. Sacr. $600, Act quick.


1100 WK, AXLER, 1321_AR.CH. RIT.JW09. FOOD DISTRIBUTOR, with 500 cubic feet of refrigeration space, desires agency for

additional items of merit, for large re­tail following. Address box 0-25 Inquirer.

FRUIT, produce A fish store, making$l75 wk. profit. Sell reas. Drafted. Dav. 7328.

GIFT SHOP A greeting cards, bus, section, suburban Phila. Q-108 Inquirer.

GROCERY A Delicatessen. $700 wk. 6 A. M.-7 P. M. No Sun., low rent for property

A mod. flxt. Call Ful. 5270. No agents. GROCERY STORE for sale in W. PhUa. Over $400 weekly business. Reason death.

Apply 716 Fairmount ave. LIQUOR A Beer Licenses Bought A Sold.


STUDEBAKER. '41 Champion. 2-dr. A 4-dr. sdns., low mi., one owner. Guar. Tms.

Keeley Chev.. 3322 N.Broad.Op.eves. A Sun. 41 custom sdn. Just like a brand STUDE. '

new car. $395 dn. Jacobs, 245 N. Broad. TERRAPLANE *36 4-dr. de luxe trunk sdn.

Very clean, splendid cond. A tires. Radio, reasonable. Del. 7831.





1526 S. WATER ST. F U L 9375 CHEV. '37 1V4-T. S. W. B. tractor or stoke.

George. 234 Race. Mar. 0232, Main 1317.

MAIN LINE CARS WANTED Must have 50 cars this week. Price no Ject Highest prices on the Mate nM KALAHAN MOTORS 222 W. Lancaster Ave.





Authorized Ford Dealers 53D A BALTIMORE _____


CHEV. '40. 1 T. panel-rebuilt George, 234 Race. Mar. 0232,

good Main

tires. 1316.

FORD "36 Model V-8 %-ton Panel. Good cond. A 5 good tires. 132 Madison a v e .

Clifton Heights, Pa. Call anytime. FORD '41 "4-ton panel. Like

George, 234 Race. Mar. 0232. Main 1317. FORDSON Tractor with plow, good condi­tion. Ph. bet 2 A 5. Tinicum 4134.

FRUEHAUF Trailer. 20" open top 10x20 Ures. SCHEER, 145 N. 22d at.


LCHNETTE nr. Sun., good .bus.

hi h school closed eve. A Sullivan 4515 N. 5th.

SPRUCE ST., 5042. Nicely furnished room to rent Gra. 4373.

SPRUCE. 708, nicely furn. rm. A suites for women. Lobby. Reas. Wkly. A mo. rates.

SPRUCat, 2039, warm rm.. twin beds., fire­place, maid serv. Dinners If des.Loc.9680.

SPRUCE. 4240. Nicely furn. rms., single A double. Good transp. Reas. Eve. 6083.

SPRUCE ST., 1314 (Rudy). Comf. fur. rm., run.w.,84.50 up.Sales A tourlsts.Sl day up.

SPRUCE. 930. Des. dbl. A sgl. rm. Plenty of light, hot wat. A showers; maid service.

SPRUCE, 1122-24, nice furn. sgle. A dble. rms., 84 up; 1 A 2 rms.. pvt. b., kit. Reas.

SPRUCE ST.. 910-918. Nicely furn. sleeping rms., $8.50. Also 2 A 3 rm. suites, shower.

SUMMER ST., 1617-19-21, Parte HoteL Comf. beds, from $5.50 wkly., $1.50 dally.

WALNUT. 2108, lge. stbdio A bedrm., (suit 4) priv. b.. kit., gr. piano. $18 wk. Others.

WYLlfi ST., 1808 (17th and Ridge*. 2 rms.. bath, l i t front. Other rooms $5.50 up.

3D, N., 469—Nice fur. rms., some hak

CLERK, 53, all around office ex., desires clerical position. T-292 Inquirer.

COOK, short orders, sober, rel., honest, middle-age man, 25 yrs. diner exp., desires

pos. In old style diner, nights. One man Job. go anywhere.H.Hardee. 633 N.22d st .Phila.

DRUG. R. M. Desires relief work. $12 day. Call Market 9327.

DRUGS R. M. Gentile. Relief or part-time. Reliable. T-233 Inquirer.

ENGINEER, licensed, maintenance super-lntendant Available Jan. 15th, wants

permanent connection with Central City Apt. house, bldg. or institution. Full re­sponsibility. R-103 Inquirer. ENGINEER, graduate, experienced In pro­duction mgt. A control, desires position on

4-12 or 12-8 shift. T-231 Inquirer. FURNITURE FINISHER and repair man, exp.. desires position. Tri. 1233.

H O S I E R Y - E X P : "FulOashTon" Tegger, des part time day work. 9 A. M. to 4 P. M

write Inquirer Branch 352, Front A Alle gheny.

Pvt. enf , park, $2.28 A $2.50 wk. Mar. 7TH ST.. N., 2419—2 rms. 1st fir. rear,

newly papered. Reas., also others. § f H ST7, S., 253. Beaut furn. sgle.-dble. hskpg.rs.,$4 up.Mod.2-rm.8ulte,pvtb.,$6 up 16TH S t . , N., 1414 (Midway)—Hskpg. A

non-hskpg.,rooms from $5 wk.Free park'g.

MEAT CONCESSION, available in busy food market. Call Bel. 2672 after 6 P.M.

PRINTING A Binding plant Vertical. Mlf-lers. Jobbers. Good location. Plentiful

equipment in excellent condition. Ready for lmmed—te operation. S-228 Inquirer, ROOMING House, 16 rs. Furn., gd. Income,

little cash. Bamash, 5223 Baltimore ave. TAPROOM—100% central location, beauti-

fully equipped, air-conditioned, best clien­tele and good for $600 net profit wkly. A place you can be proud to own, $30,000. LOWENSTEIN, 1612 Market st. Rit. 0821. TAPROOM, doing good business, entering

service. Reasonable, 2d ave. and State rd., Croyden, Pa. Phone Bristol 7574. TAP RM., $400 wk., nr. Phllco plant Low

rent with dwg.$2500. BLAU.1420 Chestnut TAPROOMS—Sold for you at highest prices.

State prices and location. E-153 Inquirer. TAPRM., Phlla. Illness forces owner to selL

Excel, opp. $3600. Orate. Blvd. 0395. WE HAVE capacity in our foundry for

making gray iron castings up to 50,000 pounds In one casting. We would be inter­ested in opportunities to quote any type of cast iron or semi-steel. D-221 Inquirer

INTERN AT. D50, D40, D35, all long w. b , good tires, mech. perfect. 1137 N. Front at.

INTNTL DS35, 1940. with 3d axle. Runa like new. 8/25x20a. Theel. Glaaaboro 211.

MACK '41 EMT, air brakea. tractor. 10x00-20a. George, 234 Race. Mar.0232.Maln 1317

SUPERIOR trailer. 26' open top, 1100x20a. George, 234 Race. Mar. 0232. Main 1317.

INTNTL. '39, 1-ton panel, 7.50x16 tires. rNTNTL., '38 tractor, 7.50x20s, 5th whl. GMC '41, lV»-ton, 9' ref rig. body. FORD '39, m - t o n , 9' ref rig. body. GMC DLR., 4060 Powelton ave. Bar. 2000.


1526 S. WATER ST. F U L 9375 WE HAVE several Chevrolet trucks. SWB A LWB. Very good rubber. Bus. 0733.



1941 car. We buy all makes 1 1941. Call Mr. Kay.

POPLAR 5138 J. K. Motors, 929 N. Broad s t


Pat. O'Brien 2010 Germantown Awe. Fnt.










BODY, 12-ft, practically Rack removable sides. Bar. 4368.



S new.

AUTOS—TRUCKS TO MIRE RENT a car, truck or tractor You drive

it. Bill's Truck Rental Service, S W. cor. 6th A Berks sts. Ste. 2171: Park 2150.

17TH S T y N., 1440—2 rms. Furn. for hskpg. Seml-pvt, bath, cont h. water, very reas.

17TH. N., 2222, furn. rms.. also suites, light hskpg. opt. Modem convs. $2.50 up.

17TH, N., 1426. Furn., 2 warm rms. A kltchnte.,bath, porch. 2d floor. Conv. cars.

22D, N , 746. Ent. 3d fl. unf. 2 rms., k i t , pvt. b. Adults. $20 mo. Inq. 1610 Brown.

34TH. N.. 537. Newly furn. apt. house, tile ahqaver. linens, maid, $5.up. Eve. 3664.

39TH"sfr„ S.. 130, Nicely furn. sgle. rms., also suites. H t A plenty n.-w.Conv.cartlnes

46TH, fiC 225. Large well furn. single room. Well heated. Conv. trolley, or El.

56TH A LEBANON vie. Furn. or unfur. frt rm. Conv. loc. Pvt. fam

5TN" Tri. 2358.

bfeut. warm, sunny room, beds., widow's refined home.

for 2, twin bads., widow's refined home. Excel,

meals optional. Ideal trans. Vic. 1577, eves.

WOMEN, middle aged, for kitchen A pantry work in large Institution. Exp. unnec.

Meals A uniforms furnished. Apply Kitchen, Presbyterian Hospital, 39th A Powelton. WOMEN wanted for damp waah dept. No

exp. necessary. Good salary, steady post-tlon. King Laundry 2012 S. 11th s t WOMEN, for light factory work, good

starting rate plus overtime. Apply Pioneer Paper Stock Co., 22d A Westmoreland, 9-2. WOMEN on assembly line. Exp. not neces­sary. Apply Fogel Refrigerator Co.. 1 block

No. of Fkd. Arsenal.

WAITRESS wtd. Day work. Apply Brier-hurst Restaurant, 4531 Walnut s t

WAITRESS, expd., full time, steady, good wages. No Sun. Victory, 30th A Market

WAITRESSES for Merlon Cricket Club. Live in. Good working cond. Gre. 2470.

WAITRESS, expd. No Sundays. 11 A. M. to 2 PM Andrews, 1640 Ridge (Fkd. A Bridge) WAITRESS, full-time. No Sundays. Apply

Marie Dining Room 27 S. 18th i t WAITRESSES, day A night, also wk. ends., excel, wages A tips. Walters, 221 S. Broad.

WAITRESS wtd.. expd. Call at New Leader Cafe. 4000 Market st.

WAITRESSES, expd. Hotel dining room. Apply S t James Hotel, 13th A Walnut st.

WAITRESS—Experienced. Good salary? Apply 929 W. Glrard ave. ^ _ ^

WAITRESS, Cafe exp., night work. Apply afternoon, Alan Hotel, 820 Walnut s t

WAITRESSES for day A night work, exp. Apply in person. 5211 Market st.

WAITRESSES, 21 yrs. or over.Gd. wages A tips. Ap. Rainbow Restaurant 1133 S. Broad.

WAITRESS, expd., for small restaurant Good pay. 1112 Shackamaxon st. Neb. 9047

WAITRESS, exp. 11.30 A. M. to 2.30 P. M. No Sat, or Sun. 241 E. Allegheny.

WAITRESSES, day work, no Sunday or holl-day. Cranes Restaurant, 1705 Sansom st.

WAITRESSES wanted for day and ntght shift. Apply DeGorgue. 1503 Walnut s t

WAITRESS, over 22. exn,. full or part-time. Good oppor. Kelly's. 16 N. 12th st.

WAITRESS, exp.. for oyster house. No Sun-day work. Apply 1609 Sansom s t

WAITRESSES for mid-city restaurant. Fine clientele. No Sun. Apply 1512 Walnut,

WOMEN for cleaning. Good wages. Apply Housekeeper. St. Luke's Hospital, 8th A Thompson sts. t

WOMEN to work In kitchen, to assist m general work. Clean work. Good wages.

Apply Verdi Restaurant. 4629 Frankford. WOMEN, no experience necessary, good

wages. Apply Camac Baths, Camac at Walnut. WOMEN. Wanted light work in burlap bag business. No exp. nee.

No. 19 Washington ave. 5-day wk. Apply

WOMEN to work In diet kitchen. Good sat. A maintenance. Apply Miss Seago. Epia-

copal Hospital. Front and Lehigh ave. WOMEN or girls wanted on darts, good pay, time- A half for overtime, will take

learners. Apply 3237 Kensington ave. WOMEN, light factory work, no exp. neces­

sary. Essential industry In Lansdowne. Phone Allegheny 3870.

PAINTER: 1st class with equip., wants small inside jobs. Harrison, 307 Berks s t

PAINTB».{-Paperhanger, 1st class job, hour wages. Reas. pvt. work. All. 8016.


PAINTER-Paperhanger, 1st class, all tools. desires work. Call Del. 7085.

PRINTER, part time, late afternoon A eve. Job pressman, cylinder feeder also all

around work. Write C-191 Inquirer. PURCHASING AGENT, age 477TiIIng _S office equipt, office stationery A printing.

Good executive, permanent connection, post-war. T-294 Inquirer.

SALES REPRESENTATION A service available. Will take over estab. territory,

or will follow-up all leads A inquiries. Salary or comm. L-178 Inquirer. SERVICE MAN, expd. on radio A mechani­cal appl., des. steady pos. D-199 Inquirer.

TRUCK DRIVER—1st class, wishes perma-nent position. City or road work. Ste. 4272

TRUCK DRIVER, tractor trailer exp., for road work or city. 633 N. Franklin.

YOUNG Man, age 25. neat appearance, good education, draft def., already employed,

desires part-time pos. from 2 P. M. to 6 P. M. No laboring. Phone Sag. 2181.

WOMEN for labeling and light packaging, red. Full 3d floor.

exp. not required. Full or part-time. Apply 1423 Vine s t , " WOMEN. Hospital,

Appl housekeeper, Chestnut Hill Germantown ave.

WOMEN for general cleaning. Apply House-keeper. Doctor's Hospital. 1701 Summer st.

WOMEN. 25 to 40, for light shop work. No exp. nee. Reg. 2176. ,

WOMEN. Wanted, able to mend on sew-ing machs.5-day wk.No.19 Washington av.

WRAPPERS, exp. helpful but not necessary. Apply Personnel Dept.. The Blum Store,

1300 Chestnut st. YOUNG GIRL for generaTcTertcal duties.

Exp. pref. but not essential. Give full de­tails. M-184 Inquirer. YOUNG ladies for soda fountain or waitress work, day or night hours. Excellent salary

A meals. Apply Miss Sacks, Loft Candy Co., 1237 Market s t

YOUNG MAN, draft deferred, 1C, has exp. as furniture salesman, des. light work.

Write R-141 Inquirer. WORKING farm manager des. pos. on sal­

ary or share basis by April 1, married, age 31, high school ed., farm raised, exp. with dairy, (grade A milk), poultry, hogs and all farm crops. Position must be permanent, present farm is sold. Best references, will go anywhere. Write to James.C. Dolinger, Elk-ylew, Pa..Chester .ounty. TAX EXPERT—State and Federal, experi­

enced in cost accounting, desires limited engagements. D-122 Inquirer.

ALTON HOTEL, 15TH, N. 143—New mgt Now opened. New furniture, comp. hot and

cold running water. Dally A weekly rates. DELMONT HOTEL, 816 Walnut s t Day rate $1.80; $6.50 wkly. All convs. Kin. 9314

INVENTORS, patented or unpatented. We promote your inventions. M. Humphries,

812 Otis Bldg., 112 S. 16th st.. Phila. PARTNER desired with liquor A license to merge with established food

business. Central dty. A-130 Inquirer. REDUCING Salon, newly equip, busy cor. Illness cause selling. $2000. T-103 Inquirer.

W A N T E D WAR WORK WTD. Have open 3* Radial

Drill, 8' planer, 4' planer, large A small lathes, milling machine, shapers A any kind of machine work, for competent machinist Call Morgan J. Lewis, Rlt. 0276.

KING HOTEL, Spruce at 11th. Excellent beds, running water, tile shdwer. From $6.

5200 BLIC Litchfield St.. Irg. frt. rm.. conv. 2 bus. girls or bus, couple. Sar. 2332, i. glrli

ML r. Vic.

WEST PHILA. Sgle. rm.. furn. 3d fl. $3 wk 38 car. Vic. 35th A Baring. May. 1187T

WOMAN' can have room household duties. 2048 S.

In exchange for Norwood st. aft.5

FURN. rm. Clean.Comf. Cont.h.w.,pvt.ent, 5 mln. Navy Yd. or cent.city,$6.How.8195.

CLINTOS. 901-09. Furnished, 2 rms., kltch-enette A bath. Also 1 room and bath.

SUBURBAN ' BALA. Well furn., suit, for 1 or 2. Conv to

all trans. Cynwyd 9142. CYNWY&—Warm rm. Pvt. b. Shwr. Suit

1 or 2, Nr. trains. Pkg-Cyn. 1535 or Loc.2134. DREXEL HILL, comf. furn. rm., gentle­

man,conv. tranap.,bkfst. opt.Sunset 04Q3W. GTN. atlf)ueen Lane Sta. 2 newly decor. A furn. rooms, 1 single A 1 double, for gentle­

men; breakfast If des. Ph. Ger. 9949.

Situation* Wanted Female BOOKKEEPER-Accountant—Over 10 yrs.

exp. manufacturing background, familiar with taxes, exports, inventory control A all office procedure des. perm, connection with post-war future. Write N-195 Inquirer. BKKPR., long diversifiedi exp., full charge

credits, taxes, payroll. E-192 Inquirer. COMpANION—TNufse^ ren,ned. dependable; excell. refs. to lady; private home. Pen.2883


COOK, 1st class manager, r e t , school or in­stitution, country, $25 wk. D-227 inquirer

COOK, will cook dinners at night or for dinner parties. Phone Loc. 7388,

GTN., comf. rm., pvt. bth,, in pvt. home, business man or couple. Reas. vie. 2565.

GTN. Full furn. rm., private fam. Conv. trans. Must see to appreciate. Ger. 6710.

GERMANTOWN—Business couple, 3 furn. rms. Phone Vic. 8448 between 9 A 4 P. M.

MERION. Man'a bed-Uv rm.. pvt. bath. pvt. entr. Gar. City 15 mln. Merlon 0666.

MT. AIRY—Comf. rm. next bath, pvt. fam-

WAR WORK WANTED. We have a mod­ern woodworking factory, capable of han­

dling additional priority orders for wood parts or complete wooden Hems. M. Halpern A Sons. Inc.. 2229 N. American st. Reg.8939 MODERN electrical equipped woodworking mill located in Phlla. desires orders for

wood parts that are essential to the war ef­fort. Can make Immediate shipments.




CALL SID KASKEY Cash paid for stock and flxt. of all kinds. c y y ^ L £ o u n * r y _ 6 1 N - 2d. Mar. 9409. WAR Work wtd. for modern equipped wood­

working shop. Complete Items or parts. Call or write J.W.Davis,Haddonfield 3873-W WAR WOftK WTD. for large woodworking

shop. Write or call S. Miller A Sons, 1631 S. Water at. Ful. 4458.

TRAILERS 1944 MODELS now on sale, also several good

used trailers. Used trailers bought Village Green Trailer Park, R D. No. 3, Media. Pa. Chester 7953. LUGGAGE trailer, 2 wheels, steel body, safety hitch, perfect tires, $65 cash. Phone

Pop. 1709. 2707 W. Susquehanna ave. foot TRAILER—Open top air brakea.

long. Make offer. How. 5139. 22

Automobile* Wanted WE BUY any make cars, even Junk cars.

W A L Motors, 801 N. Broad St. Open Evenings Till 10 P. M. Pop. 9581

WANTED. '38 to '41 cars, any make, by Jacobs Bros., oldest Chevrolet dealer tn

Philadelphia. 217 W. Che!ten ave. Ger.22i»4 WANTED—Good clean~uaed cars from pri­vate owners. Will call at your home and

pay cash. Davenport 9960. WTT5T



250 N. BROAD RIT CHEVROLET dealer will pay nigJseat prices for good used cars, any

model. Doan-Catho—a. Inc.. Dealers. 4805 N. 9th st. Mic. 1710.


TRUCKS W A N T E B We pay more for trucks A cars, call aa first and get cash. Neb 4732. Sales. 1137 N. Front s t IF YOU WANT MORE FOR YOCR CAR

THAN OTHER DEALERS PAY. Mr. Scott. Ste. 0752, as we era topping the so-called top prices hi



Established 25 years. Will pay ket value for your car. 4235 < Bar 8600. 4201 N. Broad at.

1934-1941 FoTd" sedan or coupe. Will

4610 N. Broad s t Mic

"Chevrolet, Plymouth pay cash. 8. Chervin,

PRIVATE PARTY WANTS 1940-'41 Ford. Will pay cash, private party,

no dealera. Wayne 1518; WANTED from private party. Good used

Ford for cash. Ogontz Motor Co., Inc.. 6350 Ogontz ave. Wav. 7600. 1936-'37-'38 CARS wtd. for essential busi­

ness from private parties. Highest prices. Call Mr. Burke. 6410 N. Broad. Wav. 9932,


WOULD like to buy furnished rooming hse. or furn. apt. No property. D-237 Inquirer.

STOCK A FIXTS., any line, plumbing, eiec. A hdwr. Horn, 210 Market st. Lom. 6600.

HIGHEST prices paid for stock A fixtures of any bus. Joe, 26 S. 2d St. Mar. 1808.

CASH FOR YOUR MERCHANDISE. Any business. 21 N. 2d. Market 3395.

I WILL buy your apt. or rooming house. Must show good profit. C-190 Inquirer.

CLUB LIQUOR LICENSE. Write C-159 Inquirer.

STOCK A FIXTS.. any kind mtrs., tools machy. Frankel, 68 N. 2d. Wal. 6685.

STOCK A flxta. Any business. City or coun­try. Cash KIrsch. 520 Market. Mar. 1091.

Used Automobile*

lly, cony, trains, trol., bus. Che. 2637. OAK LANE 6838 N. 9th. Nicely furn. rm.

for 1 or 2 people. Nr trains. Llv. 1130. UPPER "Barby. Comf. rm. Gent. In new home of 2 adults. $5 wk. Boulevard 4538-J.

BEAUTIFUL estate, 1 or 2 furn. or unf. rms., sgle or dble., light hskpg., pvt. bath.

Nr. transp. Free garage. Ardmore 9456.

ROOMS W A N T E D WANTED by middleaged couple* tn well-heated private home, 2 bedrooms, with use

of kitchen and phone. State location A cost. D-243 Inquirer.

Hotel* YORK HOTEL, 1221 Walnut. Pleas, sgle. A dbl. rma,. r. w., bath; cent. loc. Pen. 1692.

ALDEN Hotel. 45 N. 17th. Rms.. run. h. c. water, showers, $5.50 wk. up. $1.50 daily.

WASHINGTON HOTEL, 7th A Dauphin. Center of def. area. With or without meals.


Largest stock of Cars. All makes '38 to '42. AUTO MART

1409 N. Broad at. Pop. 5122. Open Eves. BUICKS, '41-'40, Sedans, Sedanetta, Club

Coupes. All models. Low mileage cars. All fully equipped. Gorson Chrys. ,250 N.Broad

WILL BUY USED CARS. Any year or body type. Highest prices paid. Call or write,

Treegoob Mtrs.. 321 NT Broad. Wal. 5959. KELLYS PAYS MORE. Stop in and be con­vinced before going elsewhere; '36s-'41s.

a day.

Accessories, Part*, Repedre CARS A trucks repaired. No east

$1.25 per week. Open 24 hours Thorn I on-Fuller Co., 24th 1410 N. Broad St.. 138 E. Ardmore. WE~£UY, set! or exc-angeTW-km. Cfis>

Kodaks. Projectors A Quas i alia EASTMAN KODAK STORES, INC

1020 Chestnut st. Mr. Benham. Pen. 8977. Also 117 S. 16th s t Mr. Brewster. RS. ~

All models. 2534 N. Broad. Sag. 4400. or make. Will condition. S

WTD.—Used car. Any year pay cash regardless of

Chervin. 4921 N. 15th st. Dav. 5105 WE PAY more than all others. 510 N. Broad

it. Op. eves. A Sun. Ste. 7483. WANTED from private party. Good used car for cash. 6350 Ogontz ave. Wav. 7800.

USED CAR wantadT Running or not No dealera. Phone Greenwood 7028.

WILL PAY good price for good car. H. Ratcliffe. 4800 N. Marvlne. Mic. 0848. I NEED A CAR IN GOOD CONDITION.

1420 W. PASSYUNK AVE. FUL. 6090. PVT. PARTY wants '36-'37 Buick, Plym.. Chev. or Dodge from pvt. owner. Bar. 7153.

AUTO REPAIRS. Wreck spre__eta M» down payment No security required. Aa

low as $1.50 per week. Drive oar ear free while yours la repaired. Direct ef._ Cor. 48th a n d O - s t a u t I SCIENTIFIC wheel alignment

*.b9dy_ I*P««» f rtc. CROWN. 1711 Vktaat CAR WRECKfo? Call Bar. 2300~~E_sy

terms. Woiftngton, 3437 Chestaut e t

Pets and Supplies BIROS

PIGEO rial d<

IN A Poultry Feed and Msjjood. Rosenberg. 3d i

CATS PEDIGREED Persian Ogontz 5845-J.



IRVIN Sachs needs 3000 cars and station wagons, 46th and Chestnut sts. All. 4450.

YOU'LL like the way we do business. Pat O'Brien, 2010 Germantown. Fre. 2500.

BUICK '39 trunk sed. Radio, htr. Very good tires, $690. Tms. 4057 Market. Op. eves.

BUICK '42 Super sedanette. Just like new. RAH A spare. Sacr. Jacobs. 245 N. Broad.

BUICK '37 sedan, excel, cond. A tires. Pvt, owner. $350. 2906 N. 21st s t Sag. 6455.

Radio, heater, Wav. 5018.

BUICK 1936 small sedan, good rubber, good condition.

BUICK '41 spec. 4-dr. sedan, R. A H. $1295. Adkins_Nash, 1244 N. Broad.

BUICK '40 super 4-dr. sedan. R. A H. $1050. Adkins Nash, 1244 N. Broad.

BUICK '38, smallest 4-dr. sdn., heat , (Like a 1941). Very cheap. JACOBS, 245 N. Broad BUICK '41 del. sed. RAH. 5 nrly. new tires.

About $395 dn. JACOBS. 245 N. Broad st. CADILLAC. '41, Sedan. Immaculate thru-

out. Rad.Ahtr. Gorson Chrys.,250 N.Broad

WE WILL buy your car regardleaa of year or make.Thornton-Fuller Co., 1410 N.Broad

PAT O'BRIEN gives you spot cash, not promises. 2010 Germantown. Fre. 2500.

CADILLACS '41 and '42, world's highest prices for Caddies. Ph. Scott, Ste. 0752.

WILL buy from private party. Good used c a r for ca*h. Wav. 9922; 6410 N. Broad.

party des. am. coupe or sed., 1933 to 1937 model. Gd. cond. Dav. 5966*.

WANTED—150 Fords, Highest cash prices. Ford Dealer. 4920 N. Broad st. Dav. 7400.

WANTED—175 Chevrolets. Highest cash prices. Ford Dealer. 4920 ^Broad^Dav. 7400

WTD.—Good, cleani used cars from private owners. Eblnger Motors, 719 E. Glrard.

JUNK CARS A trucks wanted for parte. Nick's. 5th A Thompson sts. Ste. 8453.

Spot' WE BUY cars for defense cash paid. Ford Dealer.

workers. 4920 N. Broad st


WANTED—Ford or Chevrolet in good con­dition. Call Mic. 3516.

COCKERS, wire-hairs, Scotttes, Alvtn Kennels. Primos, Pa. Mad. 1074

COLLIES, toy shop., rat ten., ponce $4 to $10. 2314 W. Cotumbta. Ste. '

IRISH Terrier pups, best in coontry Scottish Terriers. Show stock; aa

Irish Tr's. A police pup. Sac SAC. RAT TERRIER Pup, black A wntte7$3 S i

Exterminating store 514 8. 53d at. FOR Sale. Thoroughbred Cocker female. 11 mos. old.'Priv. party. PR.

DOG A CAT remedies a id aTT Vahle'a. 319 Market st.: 426 W

FISH GOLD A tropical fish and all

Barrett, 3551 N 5th st. Reg 9747

PETS A N D SUPPLIES W A N T E D PUPPIES—Monkeys. Lovebirds, Parreta. Persian Kittens. Best prices pa_t.

Pet Shop. 11th A Arch sts.. Mar. 4788. PUPPIES, a*, breeds I We pay more 70S N 20th. Ste. 3080

Boat* 16' Kllnker built ratr., factory rebuilt

A 34 HP Phoenlxvil lie 3837

W A N T E O WTD. Rowboata, sailboats

Phila. Beat Works. 5837 N O B

2d Han. 351S,

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
