8/13/2019 Some Lectures of the Mystic Brotherhood University (1933) http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/some-lectures-of-the-mystic-brotherhood-university-1933 1/39 Beloved Companion: GEBURAH. TIE FIFTH SEPKTAH. TI TL E: Geburah, Strength, Severity. MAGICAL IMAGS: A mighty warrior in his chariot. SITUATION ON THE TREE: In the centre of the Pil lar of Severity. YSTZIRATIC TEXT: The Fif th Path is called the Radical Intelligence because it resembles Unity, uniting itself to Blnah, Understanding, which emanates from the primordial depths of Chokmah, Wisdom. TITLES GIV FN TO GE BU RA H: Din: Justice. Pachad: Fear. GO D- NA ME : Elohim Gebor. AR CH AN GE L: Khamael. ORDER OF AN GE LS: Seraphim; fiery serpents. MUNDANE CH AKR A: Mad im : Mar s . SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCE: Vision of Power. VIRTUE: Energy: Courage. VICE: Cruelty: Destruction. CORRESPONDENCE IN THE MICROCOSM: The right arm. SYM BOL S: The Pentagon: The five-petailed Tudor Rose: The Sword: The Spear: The Scourge: The Chain. TAROT C A R D S : The four fives. FIVE OF WANDS: Strife. FIVE OF CUFS: Loss in pleasu re. FIVE OF SWORDS: Defeat. FIVE OF PSNTACLES: Earthly trouble. One of the least understood things in Christian philosophy is the pro ble m of evil; and one of the things least adequately dealt with in the Christian ethic is the problem of force, or severity, as contrasted with mercy and mildness. Consequently Geburah, the Fifth Sephirah, which has for additional titles Din: Justice, and Pachad: Fear, is one of the least understood of all the Sephiroth, and is consequently one of the most important. Were it not that the Qabalistic doctrine explicitly lays it down that all the Ten Sephiroth are holy, there are many who would be inclined to look upon Geburah as the evil aspect of the Tree of Life. Indeed, the planet Mars, whose sphere is the mundane chakra of Geburah, is

Some Lectures of the Mystic Brotherhood University (1933)

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Beloved Companion:


TITLE: Geburah, Strength, Severity.

MAGICAL IMAGS: A mighty warrior in his chariot.

SITUATION ON THE TREE: In the centre of the Pillar of Severity.

YSTZIRATIC TEXT: The Fifth Path is called the Radical Intelligence

because it resembles Unity, uniting itself to

Blnah, Understanding, which emanates from the

primordial depths of Chokmah, Wisdom.

TITLES GIVFN TO GEBURAH: Din: Justice. Pachad: Fear.

GOD-NAME: Elohim Gebor.


ORDER OF ANGELS: Seraphim; fiery serpents.

MUNDANE CHAKRA: Mad im: Mar s.


VIRTUE: Energy: Courage.

VICE: Cruelty: Destruction.


SYMBOLS: The Pentagon: The five-petailed Tudor Rose: The Sword:

The Spear: The Scourge: The Chain.

TAROT CARDS: The four fives.


FIVE OF CUFS: Loss in pleasure.


FIVE OF PSNTACLES: Earthly trouble.

One of the least understood things in Christian philosophy isthe problem of evil; and one of the things least adequately dealt

with in the Christian ethic is the problem of force, or severity,

as contrasted with mercy and mildness. Consequently Geburah, the

Fifth Sephirah, which has for additional titles Din: Justice, and

Pachad: Fear, is one of the least understood of all the Sephiroth,

and is consequently one of the most important. Were it not that

the Qabalistic doctrine explicitly lays it down that all the Ten

Sephiroth are holy, there are many who would be inclined to look

upon Geburah as the evil aspect of the Tree of Life. Indeed, the

planet Mars, whose sphere is the mundane chakra of Geburah, is

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called in astrology an infortune.

Those however, who are instructed beyond the crude pretty-pretty

of a wish-fulfilling philosophy, know that Geburah is by no means

the Enemy or Adversary described in Scripture, but the king in his

chariot going forth to war, whose strong right arm protects his peo

ple with the sword of righteousness and ensures that justice shall

be done. Chesed, the king on his throne, the father of his people intimes of peace, may win our love, but it is Geburah, the king in his

chariot going forth to war, who commands our respect. Sufficient jus

tice has not been done to the part played by the sentiment of respect

in the emotion of love. We have a kind of love for the person who

can put the fear of God into us, should occasion arise, which is of

quite a different quality, is far more steadfast and permanent, and,

curiously enough, far more emotionally satisfying, than the love with

which no tinge of awe is mingled. It is Geburah that supplies the

element of awe, of the fear of the Lord, which is the beginning of

wisdom, and of a general wholesome respect which helps us to keep to

the straight and narrow way and calls forth our better nature because

we know our sins will find us out.This is a factor to which the Christian ethic, as popularly

understood, does not give sufficient weight; and because the general

tone of Christian society is biassed against the holy Fifth Sephirah,

it will be necessary to consider its place in relation to the Tree,

and the part it plays in both spiritual and social life in consider

able detail; for it is ill-understood, and this absence of understand

ing of the Geburah-factor is the cause of many of our difficulties

in modern life.Geburah holds the central position on the Pillar of Severity; it

therefore represents the katabolic, or down-breaking aspect of force.

Katabolism, be it remembered, is that aspect of metabolism, or the

life-process, which is concerned with the release of force in activity.

It has been said that good is that which is constructive, which buildsup, and evil is that which is destructive, which breaks down. How

false this philosophy is we see when we try to classify a cancer and

a disinfectant according to its principles. In the deeper, more phil

osophical teaching of the Mysteries we recognize that good and evil

are not things in themselves, but conditions. Evil is simply misplaced force; misplaced in time, if it is out of date, or so far a-

head of its day as to be impracticable. Misplaced in space if it

turns up in the wrong place, like the burning coal on the hearth-rug

or the bath water through the drawing-room ceiling. Misplaced in

proportion, if an excess of love makes us silly and sentimental; or a

lack of love makes us cruel and destructive. It is in such things

as these that evil lies, not in a personal Devil who acts as Adversary.Geburah the Destroyer, the Lord of Fear and Severity, is there

fore as necessary to the equilibrium of the Tree as Chesed, the Lord

of Love, and Netzach, the Lady of Beauty. Geburah is the Celestial Sur

geon, He is the Knight in shining armour, the dragon-slayer; beautiful

as a bridegroom in his strength to the maiden in distress; though no

doubt the dragon might have preferred a little more love.

The initiations of the Infortunes, Saturn, Mars, and the decep

tive Yesod, are just as necessary to the evolution and balanced devel

opment of the soul as are the Mysteries of the Crucifixion assigned to

Tiphareth. It is the one-sidedness of Christianity which is its bane,

and is responsible for so much that is unsound and pathological in

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both our national and our private lives. But equally, we must not for

get that Christianity came as a corrective to a pagan world that wa

sick unto death with its own toxins. We need what Christianity has

give; but also, unfortunately, we cannot do without that which it lacks.

Let us now consider the astringent, cor^ ctiv® _i n f meek-Dynamic energy is as necessary to the welfare of society as meek

ness, charity, and patience. We must never forget that the eliminatory

diet, which will restore health in disease, will produce disease  in

health. We must never exalt the qualities which are ^eessary to com

pensate an overplus of force into ends in themselves and ^he means of

salvation. Too much charity is the handiwork of a fool, too much pati

ence the hall-mark of a coward. What we need is a just and wise bal

ance which makes for health, happiness, and sanity all round, and the

frank realisation that sacrifices are necessary to obtain it. You can

not eat your cake and have it in the Cosmic sphere any better than

anyWhGeburahe is the sacrificial priest of the Mysteries. Now sacrifice

does not mean giving up something that is dear to you because a Jea}°

God will brook no rival interests in His devotees and is nattered by

your pain. It means the deliberate and open-eyed choice of a greater

goo5 in preference to a lesser good, as the athlete p r e f e : ^ ^ i g u e

of exercise to the ease of the sloth that puts him out of condition.

Coal burned in a furnace is sacrificed to the god of steam power. Sacri

fice is really the transmutation of force; the latent energy m

coal offered up on the sacrificial altar of the furnace *V ^ r M n e r vinto the dynamic energy of steam by means of the appropriate ^achi;nery.

There is both psychological and cosmic machinery available °on"

npction with every act of sacrifice which converts it into spiritual

energy and this spiritual energy can be applied to other mechanism

ISd ^ L p p e a r on the planes of form as an entirely different type offorce to that as which it started. oor-• nr a

For instance, a man sacrifices his emotions to his car-er, or

woman sacrifices her career to ner emotions. If the cut is clean, and

there is no repining, an immense amount of psychic energy is release

for use in the chosen channel. But if the lesser desire is merely In

hibited and denied expression and not really laid upon the al arsacrifice as a deliberate free-will offering, the unfortunate victim

has made the worst of both worlds. It is here that we need Geburahto come like the priest that takes the sacrifice from our hands, even

i? n V o u r   first-born, and offers It up to God with the quick clean,

merciful stroke. For Geburah, in the microcosm, which is the soul of

man, is the courage and resolution that frees us from the

^ ^ ’HoJ/badly do we need the Spartan virtues of Geburah in .this age

of sentimentality and the neuroses. How many break-downs would e

saved if this Celestial Surgeon were permitted to make the _ clean c

that has a chance to heal, and so avoid the deadly compromise and

irresolution that is like an open wound and so often goes seP“ C.And again, if there be no strong hand at the service of S°od

in the world, evil would multiply. Though it is not well to quench

smoking flax when the flax is making an effort; it is equally evil

to nut uc with the smouldering when what it really wants is the usethe poker and bellows. There is a place where patience, becomes weak-

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ness and wastes the time of better men, and when mercy becomes folly

and exposes the innocent to danger. The policy of non-resistance of

evil can only be pursued satisfactorily in a well-policed society;

it has never been tried with success under frontier conditions. For

nature, red in tooth and claw, wears the colour of Geburah; whereas

the compensatory civilisation is of Chesed, Mercy, which modifies theunrestriated force and mutual destructiveness of all that is in the

Geburah phase of its development. But equally we must remember that

civilisation rests upon Nature as a building rests upon its founda

tions, wherein is concealed the sanitation so necessary to health.

Whenever there is anything that has outlived its usefulness,

Geburah must wield the pruning-knife; wherever there is selfishness,

it must find itself impaled on the spear-poir.t of Geburah; wherever

there is violence against the weak, or the merciless use of strength,

it is the sword of Geburah, not the orb of Chesed that is the most

effectual counteractant; wherever there is sloth and dishonesty,

Geburah's sacred scourge is needed; and where there is a removal of

the landmarks set for our neighbor's protection, it is the chain of

Geburah that must restrain.These things are as necessary to the health of society and of

the individual as brotherly love, and a good deal rarer, used medi

cinally and not vengefully, in our sentimental age. Someone has got

to cry 'halt' to the aggressor, and 'move on' to those who are block

ing the way, and that someone i6 functioning as a priest in the

sphere of the holy Fifth Sephirah.

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.

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<12 rmj

Beloved Companion:

The deeper we delve into the Mysteries of the Occult

and into the varied Doctrines associated with the Cabala, the closer

we come into juxtaposition with the Inner Planes, the more vital thenbecomes our need for instruction concerning Reincarnation, and Inner

Plane Consciousness.

The thorough comprehension of these topics depends

upon an understanding of the Ego, which is permanant, and the chang

ing Individuality. The terms, Ego, Higher Self, Personality and

Individuality, refer to distinct phases of Consciousness, each one,

when understood, contributing its part in unlocking the Mysteries

of Inner and after life existence. With the Individuality we are

familiar from our study of this subject thru previous Brotherhoodlessons. It represents the v/orld of objective consciousness, the

assemblage of traits and characteristics associated v/ith one incar

nation. The Personality and the permanent Ego are practically syn

onymous; they denote the Divine Man which projects consciousness to

the physical plane, motivates activity, endowing reason and Spiritualinsight to each successive mortal vehicle. It is this consciousness

which is held responsible for all of the sins .committed by its pro

jection, the Individuality. Has Isaiah not counselled us: "Thus

saith the Lord, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool"?

This level of consciousness is also termed the "Higher Self1,' in refer

ring to its close associate connection v/ith the Logos, and its con

sequent ability to transfer Illumination from the God-Head thru to

the objective consciousness.

There is still a further aspect of Awareness not touch

ed upon extensively in the studies, but nevertheless important. To

name it we employ the Sanskrit noun, Atma. It is the Divine Principle

behind the Ego. It belongs to no one soul separately, but it is diffused in the Higher Self Consciousness of all Souls; it is pure con

sciousness, it is God-like, but it is not God; it is that force which

gives the Ego consciousness of Self-hood. To illustrate ---- if we

can think of the Logos as represented by the fiery Sun then the Atma

is related to the Logos as illumination is related to the Sun. The

Ego is then as one beam of the illumination, as contrasted with the

total splendor of the aurora, v/hereas the Individuality is one transi

tory, scintillating flash, visible as the beam travels on its Eternal

Way. •

When individual Consciousness has been expanded to

catch this Eternal Vision then the circumstances and the aspirationsof one incarnation can better be adjusted to cooperate v/ith the_

Universal Plan. Instead of thinking in terms of one life v/e thinkin terms of many incarnations. It is the Ego v/hich is responsible

for each life. No single incarnation is overwhelmingly important to

that Ego, but in the aggregate all are vital to the welfare of the

Higher Self.

Objective Consciousness does not remember past lives

as there is no connection between one life and another save that

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which exists in the Ego or Personality. Karma conditions the projec

tions of the Ego and we transcend the gulf between one state of ob

jective consciousness and another only as we become Ego or Personal


I say that there is no connection between one life

and another, but perhaps a better phrasing would be to say thatordinarily there is no realization of association between the past

and the present. Actually the past speaks to us constantly interms which we are prone to accept without acknowledging their sign

ificance. I refer to conscience, to intuition and to those strange,

otherwise indefinable premonitions. All of these are threads of

connection linking the objective with the subconscious and the Ego.

The direct union of the Ego and the mundane plane comes about thru

governed psychic and Spiritual development.

Although the Ego remembers the sins as well as the

meritorious attainments of each life, in itself it does not either

suffer for objective evil, nor does it receive benefit because of

objective good. It is Divine and equilibrated, knowing nothing ofIntrinsic change. Thru the operation of Karma, however, it sponsors

the condition of the projected aspect of itself, disciplining its

lowest vehicle in the stabalization of its polarity on the physical


In all things is observable the Celestial Harmony of

the Spheres; the Ego is responsible for, but it is not punishable

for mundane sins, simply because the evil of the physical plane isliable to exculpation only on that plane and on no other.

Regardless, then, of the extent of evil perpetuated

in the Life of an individual, after the purgatorial experience (which

consists of remembering and evaluating in the light of Truth the

events of the life just completed) the Inner Plane existence between

incarnations is one of peace. Retribution is delayed until further

earth lives, at which time adjustment can be made in consideration

of former influences and circumstances. Rightly we say that all men

are brothers. However defiled or exalted one segregated life may

be, the Ego is Divine, changeless and perfect; Karma does not function

on the Inner Planes between the spans of earth life. It is the

operation of unpqrvertable justice, unswervingly balancing the scales

of Right and Wrong. As the Soul descends the Planes to come once more

into rebirth it delivers itself to Karmic jurisdiction; be that Karma

what it may, beneficent or malefic, it is deserved.

Consider the process of transition: at the time of

so-called death three bodies gradually disintegrate and are returned

to their respective planes; they are not recalled for further use,

as they are confined to the operation of one incarnation alone. ---

these are the terrestial Body, the Etheric Double and the Astral Body.

These three are lost to be adopted no more, but the memory of that

which these lower vehicles accomplished during the incarnation rests

permanently in the memory of the Ego, and finds its reflection again

in a further and new coordination of lower vehicles, which are assumed

at the period of the next rebirth.

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Then the Higher Vehicles continue on the Inner Planes

unrestricted by the somewhat hindering limitations of the lower as

pects of consciousness. They are then free and in a true state of

’'bliss’' — ’’Where neither moth nor ruse doth corrupt and where

thieves do not break through nor steal: for where your treasure is,

there will your heart be also."

But those Orthodoxically inclined when studying these

Truths, recoil at the thought of losing earth plane identity. Say

they, "Is it not much more consoling to believe that one life is all

we experience, after which we ascend to a state of perpetual bliss,

resurrecting the physical body once again?" More consoling- per

haps so to those who are disposed to accept lyrical phantasies rather

than fact. Those who have looked upon the Truth and rejected it are

free to accept whatever teaching they may desire, but self-deception

is more cruel and deleterious in the last analysis than'stern actuality. The desire for a total remission of sins and the sustaining

of an inactive, inconsequential Heaven-state is born of nothing more

or less than timidity.and indolence. It is born of a desire toavoid the normal responsibilities of existence and to feed freely

upon the gifts of a Saviour-God.

Future lives will necessarily bear the burden of ad

ditional responsibilities, because of the shirking of opportunity

for development in this life. This mental state of aimless drifting

may be pleasant, but it contributes nothing to soul growth, neither

does it elevate consciousness nor invest Spirit with any permanent


The Inner Plane existence of the four higher vehicles

is not to be feared; the Ego knows nothing of inharmony nor of suffering; it is truly at rest in a Paradise of satisfying poise, but

its work does not end with the cessation of one life; it but re

cuperates its forces for further incarnation, that the lower vehicles

may be*made as perfect in attunement as the Higher, subtle bodies.

It will then be complete and self-conscious in operation on all

planes - verily a Master.

Another aspect of this question of preference in the

matter of belief is that of the Spiritualists who advocate the com

munion with Spirits of the Departed. This is perhaps more serious

ly detrimental and indeed more selfish than the inhibitions and fears

of orthodoxy. Those who journey to the Inner Planes have done so

because their work has been temporarily fulfilled; they merit therest and peace which re-entry into the Inner Planes affords. It is

true that earth ties can restrain that progress, can force a re

tention of the astral body and prolong the association of the De

parted Spirit with the pleasures and the pains that they have beenprivileged to leave behind. The Astral consciousness, now more

highly sensitized than before, is thus compelled to live a suspend

ed existence, hovering perilously between Spirit and Matter, observ

ing helplessly the prayers, the supplications, the pleasures and the

sorrows of those left behind to continue their existence.

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Rather than giving us encouragement the thousands and

thousands, of messages of testimonial from Spiritualists’ journals re

peating the "Messages” from departed ones should give us cause for

consternation and grief. The majority of them, it is true, emphasize

their condition of happiness, but when we truly understand_these mat

ters we will see that they at least, with their more illuminated understanding, are doing what their earth plane associates have not

the charity to do — they are carrying their own burdens without a

murmur of resentment, and doing all that they possibly can to re

lieve the abject sorrow of those who call upon them without ceasing.

Consider well the things we have discussed in this

lecture. In a future discussion we shall touch upon other vital

points closely associated with this same topic.

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.

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Beloved Companion:

At the close of lesson 225 we touched upon the matter

of recalling the consciousness of those recently passed on,to the

earth plane conditions they left behind.

This desire to recall those who have passed on is also

closely linked with the desire of associating with them on the Inner

Planes between incarnations. Both are exceedingly natural ones,based

upon ties of affection and love. Sometimes this desire is even car

ried to the point of wishing to be associated with our loved ones in

the next incarnation, and with this in mind in the inquiry arises as

to why we do not remember past lives and past attachments so as to

thus locate in each incarnation the associates which meant so much

to us in a previous life.

That lack of memory between incarnations, except when

it is developed thru psychic awakening, is merciful. Now those who

have formed deep attachments would not consider this lack of memorya blessing, but it is that. In the case of ties of love, if affec-_

tion is strong enough, if/bond is stable enough, if it is a bond which

will bring Illumination and Development to both souls concerned, there

is no reason why such a fellowship could not and does not continue. In

such cases it is more than likely that these two,or more,will be in

carnated at the same time in a future life, and will continue to en

joy the harmony and mutual -understanding which brought them together.

A memory of former lives will hardly be necessary in

such a case; the joy of each incarnation is sufficient unto itself,

and points to a recognizing of each other by the Divine Egos. The

advantages enter into those special cases wherein something of

antagonism, of hardship, of unhappiness and sorrow entered into sucha relationship. To be required to carry the burden of sorrow in this

life that was associated with the last life would be to stop develop

ment entirely. If psychic cognition has developed to the point

where not only the Akashic Records of the past can be read, but when

character is strong enough to face the story which that past has to

tell, whether it is good or evil, then knowledge is given unto us;

until that time all of our attention and all of our efforts should

be directed to the present incarnation, to the solving of these pro

blems, which only the blessed forgetfulness of past responsibilities

makes possible.The Transition comes to us as a means of Spiritual re

lease, as a deliverer from the restrictions of a first Plane vehicle.Frequently students ask us why it is that the Brotherhood seems to be

so opposed to the practice among its students of Seance and Medium-istic*Methods. These points have been discussed frequently thruout

the lectures and the personal letters, and I will not go further in

to the subject, except to say that because of the fact that "like at

tracts like" it is doubtful if the illiterate, untutored, unregener

ated Mediums who make a habit of practicing indiscriminately can ever

attract anything of good from the Astral Plane. In the case of those

who are clairvoyant, who are directing their consciousness up the

Planes to the Upper Astral regions and beyond, there comes a sublime

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radiance and illumination far different from that of the shells and

disembodied Spirits of the average seance. The practice of Spiritual

Mysticism, if re may call it that, is ennobling and fine, but he who

follows the pathway of the average medium is dealing in little more

than Necromancy.

Just as a man can be judged by his works, so can anOrganization, a system of thought, be judged by the effect which it

has upon the lives of its followers. Look about you, if you are in

terested in this matter of meditlmship, analyze the lives of famous

mediums and see how many of their experiences would serve as a re

commendation for the work which they sponsoreu. They seek for the

spectacular on the Inner Planes, caring nothing for the harm they

bring to themselves and to the Inner Plane ones as well; they make

a display of intercourse with "Departed Spirits", without appreciat

ing that the faculty of Psychism which they possess is out an in

strument, a tool, which they are using for evil, not for good.

But there is nothing further that we wish to say now

on the subject of Mediumship and Seances. Remember these things,and

base your own judgment upon experience, analysis and impartial con

sideration of fact.

It is fitting that we turn our attention now to a sub

ject long delayed, and that is the Christian Doctrine of the remis

sion of Sin. This seems to be in exact opposition to the Occult be

lief in Karma and Karmic action. Those who accept the belief inKarma know that every deed, good or evil, produces a consequent and

relative result. While ordinarily we accept that as the belief ofChristians also, when we turn to their theory of the remission of

sins we see that their belief embraces an exception to Karmic Rule.

The Orthodox Christian Faith, the limited interpretation of themodern Church, expounds the idea that the blood of Christ expiates

the sins of all mankind. This, in spite of the statement of Matthew

"With what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again." The

belief in complete remission is a dangerous dogma, for it means that

no matter what one may do, what sins may be perpetrated, all thatanyone has to do is believe in the Sacrifice of the Jesus of Nazareth,

and His Atonement will wash out every stain from the consciousness

of the offender. Orthodox Christianity believes that one may spend

an entire life-time in promoting the most heinous crimes, but if they

repent, even at the last moment of life, that they will enter into a

Heaven World state of Bliss, pure and free from responsibility.

On the face of it,that certainly is saying very littlefor a Christian Doctrine which should be based upon justice, if no

thing else. Justice demands retribution, and it is right, it is

lawful and in accordance with the Cosmic Plan that we should pay for

that which we do, either in knowledge or in ignorance. Rather than

face the fact that every action has its reaction, Exoteric Christian

ity promises a complete "Salvation". Such a belief promotes the con

tinuance of Evil, rather than discouraging it.

There is not one student absorbed in Truths of Occult

Study and cognizant of the efficacy of Karma who does not , because

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of that belief consider wisely each thought and each action, under

standing the consequences being incurred! a knowledge of Karmic Law

lends logic to life. Heed these Teachings from the Secret Doctrine:

"Those who believe in Karma have to believe in destiny,

which, from birth to death, every man is weaving, thread by thread,around himself, as a spider does his cobweb, and this destiny is

guided either by the heavenly voice of the invisible prototype out

side of us, or by our more intimate astral or inner man, who is but

too often the evil genius of the embodied entity called man. Both

these lead on the outward man, but one of them must prevail; andfrom the very beginning of the invisible affray the stern and im

placable law of compensation steps in and takes its course, faithfully following the fluctuations. When the last strand is woven,

and man is seemingly enwarpped. in the network of his own doing, then

he finds himself completely under the empire of this self-made destiny.... An Occultist or a philosopher will not speak of the goodness

or cruelty of Providence; but, identifying it with Karma-Nemesis, he

will teach that, nevertheless, it guards the good and watches over

them in this as in future lives; and that it punishes the evil-doer-

-aye, even to his seventh re-birth--so long, in short, as the effect

of his having thrown into perturbation even the smallest atom in the

infinite world of harmony has not been finally re-adjusted. For the

only decree of Karma— an eternal and immutable decree— is absolute

harmony in the world of matter as it is in the world of spirit."

"This lav,r, whether conscious or unconscious, predestines

nothing and no one. It exists from and in eternity truly, for it is

eternity itself; and as such, since no act can be coequal with eter

nity, it dannot be said to act, for it is action itself. It is not

the wave which drowns the man, but the personal action of the wretchwho goes deliberately and places himself under the impersonal action

of the laws that govern the ocean’s motion. Karma creates nothing,

nor does it design. Itis man who plants and creates causes, and

Karmic lav/ adjusts the effects, which adjustment is not an act butuniversal harmony, tending ever to resume its original position,like

a bough, which, bent down too forcibly, rebounds with corresponding

vigour. If it happen to dislocate the arm that tried to bend it out

of its natural position, shall we say it is the bough which broke our

arm or that our own folly has brought us to grief?"

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.

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Beloved Companion:

Of course the discussion of our last lesson brought

up the subject of the conflict between blind faith and absolute know

ledge. To those who understand the difference between these there

would seem to be little, if any, advantage in following a Pathway


Those who have a knowledge of Esoteric Truth but whoprefer instead a self administered placebo of fantasy, dreaming, and

theological romancing, can never be truly satisfied. There are

thousands who skirt around the edge of Truth, thousands who excuse

their lack of ambition, as far as investigating Truth for themsel

ves is concerned, by saying that they are unwilling to believe in

Reincarnation, or unwilling to believe in Karma and other facts be

cause it would make them unhappy. The truth of the matter is that

they are unwilling to accept the responsibility of their own errors,

and prefer fastening false hope upon some Doctrine that will assurethem that they can do no wrong if they will repeat a few words of re

pentance.A belief in Occult facts means that one must face the

stern Truths of Life, they must see themselves in their true nature,they must be willing to defend their belief thru actual experience,

and testing it under any and all circumstances. You know it takes a

particular kind of moral courage to live day in and day out, perhapsin an inharmonious environment, quietly pursuing one’s ownw ay, ac

cording to one’s own belief. Those who are smugly secure in their

narrow faiths, deeming their Creed right and everyone else’s wrong,

are the first to criticize. They are the loudest in the denouncement

of Truth as it actually is, because they have not developed to the

point where they can understand it, and are not willing to exert

the effort to bring about that development.

The type of individual who is mentally indolent natural

ly prefers a blind Faith; they are mortally afraid of anything that

is going to require them to think for themselves, and are still more

fearsome of any Philosophy that will tell them pointedly that they

are their own Masters and alone are responsible for their own circum

stances .There is a great deal of experimentation being done

at the present time in regard to ascertaining the cause underlying

the various reactions of Humanity. Psychologists have built up a

tremendous system of emotional reactions, whereby they can trace theoriginal thoughts generating each mental response of the human mind.

They have classified all of these in various complexes and inhibitions.When these are analyzed we will find that Mankind has built up a for

midable system of defense, for the sole purpose of self-delusion.These phases of delusion go all the way from those completely irres

ponsible, who labor under the delusion that they are prominent personages or have extraordinary faculties, and who as a consequence

live in a state of perpetual bliss, to those who build up artificial

barriers about themselves and doggedly follow one line of reasoning

to the exclusion of all others. We call the former type of persons

’’insane," but we have a more charitable term for the latter, and

simply deem them "opinionated," or "dogmatic.”

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The effect of these two extremes is much the same,

for they are both operating for the building up of a resistence

to change, a resistence to improvement and development. The back

woodsman v/ho refuses to buy anautomobile, even though he can af

ford it, but who drives to the city and thru city traffic in a

lumbering, traffic-retarding ox cart is certainly no credit to him

self nor to his generation and certainly is a discredit to this

age. He is living in a world of his own creation, refusing thosethings which Universal Mind has made available for him for his own

good, his own happiness and his own convenience.

The serious part of the situation is that the average

person actually doesn't realize how much damage is being done by

condoning such a condition and even complimenting it. Let me il

lustrate what I mean by quoting a portion of an article written by

a Psychologist in one of our modern Universities. He is speaking

on the subject of Insanity, and is not at all perturbed with the

condition. In part he has said "As a group they are supremely

happy; consider the typical 'Napoleon' in an insane hospital. He

will write a check for a million dollars or give you .a duchy in

France for the asking. In his own mind he is very wealthy and very

powerful. 'Poor devil', you say, 'he's crazy.' But note that

he is very happy, he is living in a world of dreams, but those

dreams are very real. For that reason he is incurable; he enjoysbeing insane, and with all due respect to yourself, intends to re

main that way.

"The insane have solved life's problem. You wish

wealth; they have it; you seek power, but this chap is Napoleon.

You laugh and you say he is insane, but what are you seeking - hap-

inesss!...... He is incurable because he doesn't want to be cured.

After all is he not very vise? You toil, you strive, you worry....

he never works, he is well fed and worry never crosses his path.He dies a multi-millionaire; well may he look at you and say 'poor

devil, he is sane.'"

Analyze that article for a little while and see just

how dangerous such a sentiment is. Such retreating from actuality

is in fact the most degenerating sort of practice. This professor

looks upon insanity as something pleasant, as something which will

keep one from accepting the responsibilities of his own life and

which will permit one to drift lazily in the world of rainbow-hued

dreams. Nothing could be more harmful than a viewpoint such as that.

Certainly we must learn to develop faith, assurance and confidence;

we must refrain from running away from conditions, from running away

from circumstances that seem a little difficult at first glance. TheRepressive Self is indolent enough, without having its weakening

forces further depleted by constantly listening to its dictates.

The Occultist especially notices these things; in even

referring in a general conversation on the Truths of the Cosmos,

usually finds himself up against a stone wall of solid opposition,

opposition not based upon a profound knowledge of Truth but opposition

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based upon a bull-dog determination to enforce one':3 d

spite of all counter proof. Naturally <Occultismis atct gunder such conditions, but anyone who has ever nought to b r a

enrichment of understanding to those of.constricted “®^ta^ ^ g nCe,will appreciate the seriousness of the barriers of fear, indolenc ,

or vanity, which preventing such individuals from realizing

Christ nature.

But you may say that many of the Tru^hs concerning

the Inner Planes are accepted by the Occultist on the same £of blind faith that the Orthodox Christian accepts the leachings

of the Scriptures. No, there is no real basis of comparison be

tween the tSo attitudes expressed. The Orthodox follower accepts

without question, without investigation, wlt^o^t individual

original thought or research, the simple exoteric, unenli0ht gTruths which are repeated again and again for his seeming edifica

tion. On the subject of the Holy Ghost ±or instance, :his idea;s a

only of the vaguest sort. If a tepid curiosity prompts him to ask

a ouestion regarding any of these Teachings the answer is usually

so ̂ uncertain that he gives up inquiry entirely and lapses into a

state of Spiritual apathy.

YJhen one studies Occult work, however, the approach

is entirely different. The Occultist is seeking to grow, he 1S

eager to assert his Divine faculties, and to expend them in useful

mental endeavor. If he finds ip necessary to °n f^ith eer

tain Truths mentioned about those aspects of the work which he hast entered into, it is a provisional acceptance, it is ./nn

the thought in mind that those things w i l l b e understood later, in

a more full manner, and he immediately seeks to develop himself to

the point where hr. can personally investigate ohe inner teachings

more definitely.

The Orthodox follower, as well as the Esotericist, :re

cognizes the veils before him. Ynhereas one is satisfled to make no

approach to those veils to fii%SHfee*hat lies hidden on the fartherside, or is contented with a bflef/behmd the veil, the Esotericist

knows no rest until those veils have been torn aside one by one, an

all things are made known to him.

Of course those who hold a dogmatic viewpoint are

young souls, but they bear no badge v/hich discriminates them from ad

vanced souls; they may hold positions of prominence in the land, we

meet them every day as indeed their numbers compose the majority of

persons in the world.

Go the Occultist, advanced or just beginning, Las

little toguide him as far as determining the development of those

l i S M he comes in contact. Let us not ^d is tu rb ed , then, gthp expression of ideas by those who hold such erratic,_fanatical

or restricted opinions. If we were grading them according to Inner

A w a h S n g ™ V o S d certainly place them in Kindergarten class

regardless of their position, social or financial, on the material

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plane. But because of the fact that no such discrimination is pos

sible we must use our own judgment in valuing the advancement of

each individual we contact. Above all let not our thoughts be in

fluenced by the opinions of those who may be perfectly capable of

judging certain lines of mundane work in which they are expert, but

who are actually woefully immature as far as Esoteric Understanding

is concerned.

We have taken this opportunity to discuss rather in

detail this particular point because so frequently students of the

advanced classes, to say nothing of those just commencing the work,

will tell us of the harmful effects conflicts with those of little

understanding have brought to them. They mistake earth plane pres

tige for Inner Plane Majesty; they are consequently very often led

to the acceptance of those statements which are greatly exaggerated

or entirely false, and when the AjWgrgf adjustment comes, as it mustinevitably, they find their faith/a severe shock. There are somany seeking to give us advice, so many who will try to operate

our lives for us that we must alv/ays analyze advice; we must ana

lyze the nature of thoughts entering our minds at all times. Thought

is a powerful force; it is in constant operation, and thousands of

ideas crowd in upon us constantly during our waking moments. Part

of our Occult Training should be the sensitizing of our Thought

receiving apparatus. Thru analyzation we accept those things which

are harmonious and true, and reject those things which are the op


In the Bonds of.the Eternal Brotherhood.

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Beloved Companion:

Far more during this age than ever before is the Oc

cultist faced with the question of his attitude toward internation

al policy and social activity. In times past it was not so im-_

perative that the Occultist should consider world affairs, as his

own situation was usually so remote from general conditions abouthim that there was no purpose in his concentrating upon anything but

his personal development and his service to the few friends and com

panions in his native habitat.

Now, however, the twentieth century has removed the

barriers between us and our most remote neighbors. We must learn

to adjust the realm included in our thought world to cosmopolitan

expansiveness.We must recognize that fundamentally every Occultist

has a certain duty to perform which he cannot ignore and still deem

himself worthy of the name which he bears. It is true, of course,

that Occultism develops independence, it helps one to concentrate

upon his own fulfillment as an individual of consciousness, and torealize that fulfillment to its highest capacity. But in doing so

the Occultist also recognizes that his development is the sort of

awakening which is not selfish, but which is altruistic in the

highest sense of the word.

Occultism should lead us to activity in all phases

of endeavor - that is just as much a part of the Western Traditions

as the development of the Inner Consciousness. In fact, we some

times lose sight of our responsibility to man in our concentration

upon the development of self. We see a Goal ahead of us as individuals and we strive for it, letting nothing stand in our way, but when

we incarnate we not only inherit our personal Karma, but we also in

herit the Racial Karma for which we are just as much responsible, as

we are our individual debts.

A belief in Occult Principles is proven by action,

not by thought alone. You remember the question which was asked

of Demosthenes - "Vlhat is the chief part of an Orator?" If we wereasked in the same way - "What is the chief part of Occult practice?",

our answers would be the same as that of Demosthenes - "Action!"

If we truly believe in a Principle we have faith in

it; if we have faith in it, that faith is bound to find a reflection

in our lives for we see its good and we depend upon it with all of

our strength. The average man is not capable of being "his brother'skeeper", and the admonition to that effect seemingly does not apply

to him, but the more developed we become, the more capable we are of

acting constructively and with responsibility for our brethren.

But we are speaking chiefly here of national and in

ternational affairs. So often we are asked if the Brotherhood does

not sponsor different political parties and governmental moves. In

many cases we do not; the political machine is, at best, unreliable.

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It is a system based upon enforcing the right of a representative

portion of the population, and suppressing the rights of those of

opposite political belief. It is a governmental jurisdiction^based

upon partiality. What would it avail us to cooperate with this

party, lending it our support, if it would be but furthering the

system of Party domination?

No, the Occult School is, and always has been, chief

ly concerned with the individual, in rejuvenating their understanding of life, in bringing them a vision, of teaching them harmony,

and so eliminating the traits of envy, jealousy, contention and

strife, that automatically all of negative conditions will banish

from the political horizon. A government is made up of its people-its salvation rests in the hands of each individual in its composite

group. Political reform cannot accomplish everything for it is

simply a remolding of wornout policies, fashioned and enforced by

the same people, or the same type of people. A desire for changemust blossom in the hearts of individual souls, find reflection in

the life of that individual thru good works, positive thoughts, and

plans which are in agreement with the Cosmos. If each individual is

living a life of Christ-Consciousness, the political problem is go

ing to take care of itself. It has no identity aside from the de

sires of the individual composing the political party, and its ac

complishments and activities will reflect exactly the state of de

velopment of those registered in it.

The Occult is seldom a political figure, but he is

always a humanitarian. His policy is one of justice to all, he

seeks to unite them for the common benefit of all. The Occultist,

more than any other individual, realizes the need for Universal fel

lowship. He perceives that the separation of those during this life

wave into segregated units is not beneficial for the welfare of all.

No man is separate from his neighbor, even though he may live the

life of a hermit, for there are bonds, unbreakable, uniting us all.

First, we have our common issuance from the same

source - the Logos. Then we have our association with world Karma,

with Racial Karma, and with national Karma. Finally, we are related

thru the very fact that we incarnate again and again on this plane

for the soul purpose of developing the same qualities of awakening.

Wide mention is being made at the time this is written,

of certain radical political parties who wish to enforce what they

term a Brotherhood of Man thru the military suppression of all those

of an opposite opinion. They wish to distribute wealth thru a common fund, furnishing opposition with dire penalties of imprisonment

and death. When we speak of "brotherhood", we are not refering toany  party in existence, nor to any governmental plan now in opera

tion. Vi/e are speaking of a finer Brotherhood based upon the Princi

ples of Christ Consciousness. This Brotherhood will not need to be

enforced by Law. When it is achieved there will be no need for Law.

The present day parties who are trying to achieve these ends and who

are, nevertheless, using the wrong means, have noted many things which

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are true, but they are endeavoring to correct them in the wrong way.

They point out the two extremes of the social scale;

they direct accusing fingers at the potentates who live in lavish

splendor while within a radius of a few yards, there will be beggars,

living in misery without hope or future prospects. They say vehement

ly that that is wrong, and they are right in their criticism, but

snatching the wealth from one faction and giving it indiscriminately

to the other faction is but tipping the scale to the. other extreme,

and duplicating the same condition over again. Military enforcement

cannot bring the awakening of Christ Consciousness into the soul,and

that is the only thing that can alter these conditions as they should

be altered, making it possible for man to dwell among men in peace

and in understanding.

Radicals are constantly saying that society is to

blame for this or that, when society as a unit does not exist. It

is simply an abstract idea applied to a group of individuals who

themselves, each and every one, must understand the ideals of Oc

cult Consciousness if they are going to produce a mythical "society"that will be any better than the present one.

The work of the Occult Schools, therefore, and large

ly the work of its students, is this laboring in the Master's vine

yard with the Soul of each Neophyte. The circle *of Neophytes is

ever increasing; thousands upon thousands are locking upon life

with a new understanding of the Inner Consciousness.

After all, when things are analyzed in a sensible,

logical light, we can perceive that working for social justice is

in our own interests. It is we who are going to incarnate again

later on in the future; we who are going to live under the juris

diction of the state we are now building. May we never overlookthis solemn fact of reincarnation. Too often we think of it in a

vague way - there are many who would willingly embrace any type of

political procedure if it brought them temporary respite fromcertain obligations, or if it offered them gain for this lifetime.

They would be satisfied to condone any procedure, getting out of

things the easiest way, even though their conduct meant the fashioning of conditions to be felt for countless generations in the

future. They may even know that, realize that their deeds must be

paid for later on, but they look upon those future generations im

personally, failing to understand that they themselves will be a

part of that future world, being affected by the very conditions

which their presentday actions are setting into motion.

This by no means is the same thing as becoming a

fanatical moralist. The esoteric sciences do not advocate the Neo

phyte, with the first glimmer of understanding, deserting home and

fireside to campaign for social readjustment, even though he may

perceive that it is vitally necessary. The first demonstration which

should take place upon the perception of Truth is the changing of

each individual's own personal life, that he may, insofar as he is

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concerned, demonstrate in the harmony of his life, exactly what

Truth is and can do. The Occultist is certainly meticulous in his

observance of duty, and the fulfilling of one's personal obligations

becomes a matter of rigorous observance.

This he does, not because he believes a spiritual

or mundane reward is waiting for him to bless him eterftially for his

faithfulness, but he does it because he understands that right living and right thinking are the first practical steps on the Pathway. He perceives that the performance of duty is the foundation

upon which good citizenship and spiritual harmony are built. For

each man to do his share in the world’s work would mean that half

of the vices of humanity would be eliminated. So he takes pleasure

in the performance of his duty for its own sake, not for any pro

mised reward which might accumulate for him. So far as he is con

cerned, he is going to do his utmost to raise the level of racial

and world Karma with which he is connected. As this is so it is

certainly apparent that aligning oneself with an Esoteric^order

does not mean the desertion of any of those responsibilities to

which each one of us are heir.

No one more mistakes the meaning manifesting Christ

Consciousness than he or she who says "I wish that I had oratory

ability, for then I would preach Truth thruout the world, but with

out this gift I amuseless to the Cosmic Plan, and so must be ex

cused from service." Or the one who avers "I have a very real de

sire to serve, but must find some other location as this city in

which my home is located offers me no opportunity to demonstrate

the humanitarian love which I have for God's children". In both

of these cases the statements are in error; regardless of who we

are, where we are, whatever our special gifts and talents may be,

the ability which we have can be consecrated directly to the Cos

mic Plan in the special assistance to someone or something closeat hand.Let me quote you an example of what I mean by this.

It concerns the attitude of a young man who was employed as an at

tendant in a public institution. After being a student of Truth

for several months, the full implication of the possibilities of

living a life of Truth dawned upon him. He was immediately convinced of the benefits of Occult study and the wonderful opportunity

for renewing hope and confidence which such esoteric knowledge car

ried with it. Because of his specially developed abilities along

the line of public speaking, he was convinced, and perhaps rightly

so, that wdre he to be given a temple in a large city, that he could

fill it competently with the fiery messages he felt formulating in

his consciousness and surging to his lips. He knew he could dothese things, he knew that he could help humanity - all he wanted

was a chance to show his ability. He demanded of the Cosmos that

the temple should be provided. At first he was completely convinc

ed that his complete faith in himself would be successful in mater

ializing the building he desired. But time passed, weeks and months,

and still he seemed as far from his Goal as he was when he first

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identified himself with Occult thought. His assurance in himself

never diminished, but he lost complete faith in the Cosmos andblasphemed against it because it was restricting, limiting him to

menial tasts when he felt himself invested with Divine Qualities.

All this time, as we have pointed out above, he was

working in an institution, surrounded by broken souls and broken

bodies. His disappointment, jealousy and anger for other speakerswho were doing what he wished to do, so permeated his nature that he

developed a most despicable disposition. He was thoroughly disliked

and eventually lost his position because of his destructively em

bittered viewpoint.

As we analyze his response impersonally we can per

ceive quite clearly that bountiful opportunity surrounded him all

the time. The splendid gift of effective approach, the ability toclearly analyze for the assistance of others these principles would

not have been lost on the bewildered souls which he associated with

each day. They were worthy, perhaps more worthy to receive his mes

sages than the teeming thousands pictured in his mind's eye, filling

his unrealized temple.

This is an illustration of an actual case, but it is

an extreme one. But let it serve to point out to each and everyone

of us the principles we have discussed in this Lecture.^ First, this

study should help us to change ourselves, give us an understanding

of the duties we have to ourselves, to our close associates, our

community, our nation, and the Race at large. Then let it also

point out that this duty, when it is recognized and discharged honor

ably, can assist in a most effective way, the development of the Cos

mic Plan. If we have the special faculties of active leadership, a

way for the manifestation of those faculties will be open unto us.

Otherwise, let us be satisfied if the field of our work lies at home,as our service there is just as important a work as that of any great

leader and teacher.

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.

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Beloved Companion:No thinking individual is entirely without a convinced

acceptance and acknowledgement of the influences which seemingly con

trol life. Whether we call it Fate, Destiny, Karma, or Luck, we have

all observed its subtle activity in the drama of life. Of courseyou

and I understand the operation of these forces, but up to this time we

have not related such powers with the Cyclic Laws. In other words,

those Cosmic Laws governing various dispensations.To a large extent, those forces which are neither Karmic

or stellar, which seem to have no rational reason for operating in the

life of an individual, whether they bring about benefic or adverse con

ditions, may be said to be Cosmic. In other words, they are beyond the

influence of Karma, and operate separate and apart from the stresses of

any individual life. Forces for instance, which may be connected with

the Precession of the Equinoxes. Forces in which the_individual has

no personal part, but in which he is included not by virtue of personalselection, but because he is an inseparable part of the whole. The

Piscean Age, for instance, was not brought into being, and is not draw

ing to a close, because the Karma of any single individual, or any

group of individuals demanded its influence. The Piscean Age, and allothers proceeding and to follow, was brought into manifestation because

of a Power greater than that of any single human ego.Now we say that every being has the right and the ability

to manifest his Free Will. That is true. But Free Will can be no

greater than the capacity of the individual. A moth also has the privi

lege of exercising Free Will, but nevertheless such freedom of choice

never accomplishes that which is possible to a human being with the

same privilege. Class and type limit attainment.Remember, if Free Will is a common privilege of all forms

of life, then the Logos also enjoys that right. In one form it is ex

pressed thru the operation of the Greater Zodiacal forces. In other

words, the Precession of the Equinoxes is the choice of the Logos. Of

course you observe exactly what that implies; it means that the powerof Free Will is measured in proportion to the station of consciousness

in question. For instance; the silk worm is cultivated for a specific

purpose by man. During its life, the worm is the master of its fate;it eats when it chooses, it moves as it likes, in short, it lives its

own life undisturbed by man. However, when a certain stage is reached,then the Free Will of man enters into the situation, overcomes the Free

Will of the worm, and utilizes the properties of the worm for a purposehigher and more enduring than the worm itself could either accomplish or

understand. In the same way, man lives his own life; his Free Will is

operative on his own level. If he be a person of advancement, perhaps he

may be able to extend the influence of Free Will to higher planes; that

is the purpose of mental and spiritual advancement - to break thru the

shakles of the purely animal physical and function on' the more elevated

realms. But he has no control of the Cosmic Forces as applied to theGreater Zodiacal dispensation in which he manifests.... they are arranged

according to a pattern and for a purpose to which he must assent.But, is this simply the unjust and arbitrary_control ol

the Logos, taking advantage of human weakness to exercise Divine com

mand? Certainly not - every soul is connected with its Universal cycle

just as the Logos is connected with a Cosmic cycle. Man s Will and

free choice extend over as large a range as is necessary and suitable

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for his development. The kindergarten pupil is not permitted to con

trol the entire grammar school, even tho he may be an exceptionally

brilliant kindergarten pupil. There are others whose judgment is bet

ter, and whose knowledge is wider, even tho he may stand at the head

of his particular class. Likewise, each of us is subservient to a high

er power, else development would not be possible.

Furthermore, one's Karma, while it does not cause a cycle, is affected by a cycle. At the present time, all Karma is being

worked out according to the opportunities of the Aquarian Age; the

methods may be different from those of previous ages, but the results

v/ill be entirely in keeping with the needs of each soul.

We readily perceive, therefore, that the Will of the

Logos is more largely constructive and uplifting than the Will of any

single individual. Logodial Will is so all-inclusive that it is capable of assisting the entire Life swarm higher and higher toward its

goal. It is so immense as to have the good of each Kingdom as itschief objective. Hence there are cases wherein an individual here and

there finds himself entirely at cross-purposes with current trends.Logodial Will is just, indeed so discerning that it weighs each element

of life impartially and balances it against the good of the whole. The

Aquarian Age and all that it means will not be stopped because here and

there an individual is wholly out of tune with the vibrations of this

Age.We have elaborated upon this particular point for there

has been much misunderstanding regarding Fate and those lives which

seem to battle unceasingly against the so-called "Will of God." Occasionally we find individuals, or even families, who seem to be burdened

down under one distressing condition after another. It would seem that

whatever they do ends in chaos and disaster, their abject humility un

der the seeming lashings of fate, availing them nothing. Such situa

tions as this cause the skeptic to scoff and declare that the Love of

God is a fallacy, that no sympathetic Power would permit such disastersWhat the skeptic fails to take into consideration is that the Will of

the Logos is not intentionally merciless, it is Just and entirely Good.There can be no happiness where there is not Harmony between.the Cyclic

Laws and man's Free Will. If one is determined to discount the natural

influences of his Age, then all of his humility and praying is of no

avail; God has spoken thru his Laws, He has declared the Way, jnan cannot designate a by-path and pray for strength and blessing in following

it. The person who is out of harmony with the Universe is like the sol

dier who is out of step in a marching column. The difficulties which

come to him are generated because of unbalance and are for the purpose

of helping him to establish his place in the great Cosmic Rhythm.When one's strivings meet with unending, repeated disast

er, there is no purpose in reviling God, in traducing Fate._ Millionsof persons are happy for they have found the secret of happiness inharmony with the Cosmos...that which has been possible for them is pos

sible for everyone.

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.

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Beloved Companion:"Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of

things not seen." How simple that statement is, and yet have we not

too often failed to ask its true importance? Do we perceive in each

joy, and in each trial the working of faith as it rewards and tests each

deed and faculty? How often we neglect to remind ourselves of faith,

and yet it should be the key-word of our occult lives, especially now

that we have advanced to a high station. Faith, and all it implies -

loyalty, courage, pride in the things of spirit, boundless aspiration,

these are the fabrics from which the garment of the initiate is spun.

We cannot enter into the arcane halls unfittingly garbed, but how petu-

antly we try to force our entrance to those sacred corridors5.

"Faith is the substance of things hoped for." Substance im

plies actuality, fulfillment. One dreams mighty dreams, one aspires

to climb the mountain heights, but has it not been said that only thru

faith can these things be made substance, fact? We never reach the pointwhere we are superior to the temptations of the lesser planes. We never

reach that point where faith ceases to be tested. We are not alwaysrequired to tarry in the garden while the Master prays; tests assume

various forms, forms which we would hardly suspect were important. Butwe manifest our faith or the lack of it in all things that we do. Be

cause the test of faith is so frequent, because it meets us at every

turn, because we are weak and self-willed, we often fail. And failing,

add to our difficulty by too lightly excusing our short-comings. Faith

is one quality in which we should never fail. Whatever circumstances

may develop, whatever life may bring of adversity and sorrow, thru all

of this our faith in the great supernal good intrinsic in all things,

should glow with an undying fervor. When we lack faith, we lack all

other virtues. More than any other quality it defines our lives....

without it even love is falsified.

As you are advancing now into the higher work, I feel more andmore free to discuss with you these vital elements of Truth study. You

are looking ahead to a resplendent future, and justly so. But you, as

is every consecrated worker, are destined to find those who in their ac

tivities with you, will bring sore disappointments. I say that not be

cause I look with cynicism upon the foibles of human nature, but because

we have so many young souls among our race, souls who apparently seekhelp, but who are not prepared to profit by the attention and care you

lavish upon them.

Repeatedly you will hear the cry "How long, how long?" and a-

gain "Show me the great Masters, let them come to me, and I shall be

lieve." Oh they of little faith! The young soul seeks to command the

Cosmos, when they have not yet earned that right. Unmindful of what theyask, they demand that the great Avatars impose upon themselves the re

strictions of this, the lowest of the planes, to satisfy their idle

whims. The adept, whose faculties have been sharpened, refined, puri

fied to a most remarkable degree feels keenly any confinement in thegross substance of the terrestrial existence. All of the focussed mal

ice, hatred, evil and discord of this plane to which the uninitiated is

deadened, react upon the subtle vehicles of the adept just as vitriolic

acid would sear the flesh of your hands. Discord pierces thru their

perfect bodies, and yet, they come, always they answer the call of serv-

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ice, unthinking of the inflicted suffering it will bring. They come,oft-times are unrecognized in their humble station, but never have they

failed. Thus the officious young soul, seeks to command the divine

powers as he would the performance of a' theatrical show. I say the

Masters come, but it is a just balance of conditions that those who

called in the most demanding tones are the last to see the nature of

that which they have brought into being.Faith alone can lift the cloud of spiritual blindness, faith

alone unfold in the Light of truth as a flower opening under the raysof the sun. The Masters have come in every age theywork and strive

to raise the fallen. They have given us knowledge, and more than that,

they have given us all the practical example of their lives.

Thus the faith that is really the substance of life, makes no

thoughtless demands upon man or god. It, in itself, is alive and stim

ulating. It feeds the soul, replenishes it with life-giving nectar. It

does not tear down, it builds, it lifts, and it fulfills promise. Doubt

destroys, ultimately defeating itself. Faith ascends, indomitable,

victorious, supreme."Faith is the evidence of things not seen"....have you thought

of Faith as being an intangible contract between you and your Master?

Do you perceive it an indissoluble bond? ' In your hours of pain, or of

sorrow your thoughts turn naturally to those you know will guide you;

you realize your own weakness, but you feel kinship and close sympathy

of a higher power enfolding you. Faith accomplishes this, it leads you

to the perfect source of inspiration and peace. When_disaster overtakes

your mundane fortune, when you feel enmity and hardship around you;then

once more you reach confidently out into the darkness of the silence,

and unfailingly the hand-clasp of the Way-shower comes. Faith unites

you with the inner planes, it bridges every gulf and crevice.And so for the assignment of this week, I am going_ to suggest

that you observe yourself and your actions to see just wherein you aresucceeding or failing in the test of faith. I know we are accustomed

to pass over these seemingly minor demands with unconcern, but hemember

that regardless of the heights of intellectual or spiritual attainmentthat you may ascend, your accomplishments will actually amount to no

more than your faith in that which lies beyond. Prepare a special medi

tation for each day of the entire week, touching for a few moments upon

some aspect of faith. Observe your actions and thoughts carefully.More

and more as you advance, is the example of your life an important Par_t

of your work. Everywhere young souls are observing you. Perhaps theyare not watching you consciously, but the opportunity is yours as *ar

as manifesting the life of Truth is concerned. You never know just when

some problem, some crisis is forming in the lives of those you meet,even in a most casual manner. A chance word, a thoughtless condemnation,

a slighting remark, a skeptical remark, altho meaning little to you,maybe the deciding weight in turning that observer from one path to another.

Small incidents decide great issues. Our deeds, our manner of conductand action is the open book of life which our associates read. As a com

panion on the Pathway, it is your duty to so compose that Book_that _those glancing at it may find nothing but that which is of an inspiring

example. So enter into the spirit of this week of Faith - observation.Check your responses carefully, search into the innermost deptns of con

sciousness, weed out lingering ideas of discord and doubt,and report to

your instructor at the end of that time the results which this special

exercise has brought.In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.

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©1)? Qlijurrl} o f c£ifr JUumtnatiR t . R ev . R . A . W a c k e r m a n  

Western Trad i t ions A r c h B i s ho p  

R e v . R o b e r t C . A s h f o r d   

B i s h o p  

ffiampa Jflnriim.

I - A n n o - M C M X X X I I I

R e s p e c t e d M e m b er ,

G r e e t i n g s

C o m p l y i n g w i t h t h e r e q u e s t w h i c h y o u h a v e s e n t t o y o u r T e a c h

e r , I a m v e r y h a p p y t o e n c l o s e h e r e w i t h M a n i f e s t o S e v e n , w h i c h o u t l i n e s t h e w o rk

o f t he M o t h e r C h u r c h o f t h e I l l u m i n a t i a s a t r a i n i n g S c h o o l f o r M i n i s t e r s ,

P r a c t i t i o n e r s a n d T e a c h e r s.

I a m s u r e y o u w i l l r e a d i t c a r e f u l l y a n d w i l l n o t e w i t h i n t e r

e s t t h a t i t i s n o w p o s s i b l e f o r y o u , t h r u a p p l i c a t i o n a n d z e a l t o r e c e i v e c r e d i t s

i n t he w o r k y o u h a v e b e e n a n d a r e t a k i n g, w h i c h w i l l b e a p p l i e d i f a n d w h e n y o u

b e c o m e a L a y M e m b e r i n t h e C h u r c h.

U p o n f o r m a l a p p l i c a t i o n f o r L a y M e m b e r s h i p a n d a c c e p t a n c e as

s u ch , y o u w i l l r e c e i v e m o n t h l y , i n a d d i t i o n to y o u r r e g u l a r w o r k f r o m y o u r

T e a c h e r , S p e c ia l , P r i v a t e I n s t r u c t i o n s a n d E x e r c i s e s i n c o n d e n s e d f or m, f i t t i n g

y o u t o a t t a i n a n d r e c e i v e t h e d e s c e n t o f t h e H o l y S p i r i t t h a t P o w e r m a y b e y o u r s

i n H e a l i n g , S p e a k i n g a n d T e a c h i n g . E a c h M i n i s t e r w i l l t h us b e a t r u e P r i e s t o f

P o w e r, e a c h P r a c t i t i o n e r h e a l i n g i n " t h e N a m e of G od " , a n d e a c h T e a c h e r v i t a l

w i t h S p i r i t u a l G r a c e . T h e s e S p e c i a l I n s t r u c t i o n s w i l l b e s e n t o n l y so l o n g a s

t h e y a r e u s e d a n d p r a c t i c e d w i t h r e a l a p p l i c a t i o n , a n d w i t h a l t r u i s t i c m o t i v e s .

O n l y s o l o n g a l s o a s t h e S u p p l i c a n t k e e p s t h e m P r iv a t e , a n d m a i n t a i n s t h e r u l e s

a n d o b l i g a t i o n s o f h i s a s s o c i a t i o n b o t h w i t h C h u r c h a n d t h e U n i v e rs i t y , w r i t t e n

a n d a p p l i e d .

T o t h o s e w h o h a v e b e e n s o u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f U n i v e r s a l B r o t h e r

h o o d a s t o s e n d t h e U n i v e r s i t y a d d i t i o n a l a m o u n t s a b o v e t h e r e g u l a r e x p e n s e s t o

b e u s e d i n a n d f o r it s W e l f a r e D e p a r t m e n t , I w i s h it u n d e r s t o o d t h a t C h u r c h M e m

b e r s h i p w i l l N O T r e q u i r e a d d i t i o n a l a m o u n t s - - i n o t h e r w o r d s t h o s e w h o s e n d e x t r a

s u m s n e e d n o t i nc r e a s e t h o s e a m o un t s , b u t s i m p l y a s k f o r L a y M e m b e r s h i p a n d t h e

S c r i b e w i l l d i s t r i b u t e t h e s u m s s e n t, b e t w e e n t h e C h u r c h , t h e U n i v e r s i t y a n d t h e

b a l a n c e t o t h e W e l f a r e D e p a r t m e n t . W e w a n t s u c h a s t h e se f a i t h f u l o n e s to f e elt h a t a l l w e h a v e t o g i v e i s t h e i r s .

F o r t h e p r e s e n t a d d r e s s a l l c o m m u n i c a t i o n s , in c l u d in g y o u r f o r

m a l a p p l i c a t i o n w h i c h is o n t h e l as t p a g e i n t h e b o o k l e t , M a n i f e s t o S e v e n , d i r e c t

t o y o u r r e g u l a r T e a c h e r , s o t h a t i t m a y b e e x p e d i t e d .

I n H i s N a m e ,

B i s h o p

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® a m p a. (florida i/23/34-f-5


Beloved Brother:

Your letter of the 9th has been brought into my

study and indeed it does mark the entering of a brighter year, with many

opportunities for spiritual advancement.

I can understand your feelings as you consider con

ditions about you and I would like to discuss these things for it iswell to have a correct understanding of them.

I do want you to get the picture however, as clear

ly as possible, for the situation is fraught with many difficulties, and

the storm-clouds hang low on the horizon. In Italy the philosophers of

fascimo have in terms reasserted the old Roman doctrine, that the citi

zen exists for the State, and every act of the Duce is consistent with

that Doctrine, though he has not as yet pushed it to its ultimate..

Germany, so it seems, is following Italy in this,

it is impossible otherwise to understand either acts or words of Hitler,

and his Ministers; leaving Soviety Russia out of the question, it is ominous, or should be for us Americans, that two of the great Powers of

Europe should set up systems of Government that so completely oppose what

seems to us to be the self-evident foundationsof all Governments amongstmen. Is there something loose in the world that threatens those foun

dations?Ten or more years ago LaPalingenesi di Roma, warned

the world that the Moloch State was being reborn, the State that claimed

the citizens body and soul for itself, and admitted no limitations, humor or design upon its Powers. We, the youngest of the great Nations, foun

ded our Nation upon a flat denial of that claim. The assertion of human

rights against the State, contained in the opening sentences of the Dec

laration of Independence, has been declared by our Supreme Court to be

the Soul of the Constitution.We find ourselves now in an emergency which

us to re-orient our economic life in such a manner as to bring thegovernment into direct relation with ur lives to an extent, and in a

degree without precedent in our short history. It i s common talk amon

us that the Constitution is in form some rough treatment as the New

Deal develops. In part a jest pe haps, for it is our habit to jest

serious things, at least for a while.Are 7/e, too, beginning to slip from our moorings?

Perhaps not, but as one nears the ole World, and begins to breathe the

troubled air, and note the lowering clouds, that cover the sky of

affairs, one cannot help wondering whether our own foundations are

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still solidly standing where they did. We are very young yet. As we

grow up, shall we escape Moloch? That seems to me, is about the most

important single question for our attention.I think that nothing perhaps would make us rea

lize just how young America is, as will time devoted to a little research

into History. So many are accustomed to think that civilization is ex

tending back but a short five or six thousand years, seeing in their Mind's

eye, half naked savages running over the sands and suddenly acquiring thehabit of using the cooperand bronze, and becoming civilized. They fail

to realize the vast periods of millions of years in which man has inhab

ited the Earth.Men who build pyramids whose roof stones stay in

place by a mysterious power that baffles twentieth century engineers,do not clothe themselves in skins for a time, live in caves, and learn

the use of fire, and we judge them the cities of antiquity, and their

accoutrements, that we are justified in believing that the world commerce of these Phoenicians must have b en quite on a par in volume and

value with anything displayed by England and the United States at the

present time.And even after all this, these mighty civilizations

are still young in time, back of thesePhoenicians, a hundred and fiftythousand years or more, there reigned the twelve Kings of Atlantis, the

mother land, which from the great Sun Temple on the Heights of the Hill

in the Center, ruled the entire world, and then another hundred thousand

years or more and we come to Lemuria - still finding men civilized, ed

ucated, in all arts and sciences, setting out as explorers in their crafts

across the Pacific, landing in Mexico, and western United States, we

find them building a great canal through the Isthmus, and sending their

huge ships equal in size to any of ours of today, out into the broad At

lantic. And so on and on, back and back, to the time when the great WaterRings hid the surface of the Earth from the Sun's Rays, those days when

there were giants that lived practically alone in a true Garden of Eden.As we glance back over this array of great civiliza

tions that have come and gone, as we survey the catastrophy which sank

Atlantis beneath the Waves, and wiped out the Adite Kingdom, as the great

flaming meteor from Heaven fell upon the Earth, burying the Earth's Sur

face some seven hundred feet beneath the debris. As we study all thesethings, we realize indeed, how young we are - this civlization of the

Anglo-Saxons, England and America, andparti cularly America, which is

now going through the first throes of difficulty with its Constitution ,

and it is no wonder the question arises whether we have indeed slipped

our mooring.I find I have talked at quite some length, following

out the trend of thought, so I will be unable to comment upon the other

interesting points in yourletter. I have enjoyed going over them however

and we noted the correction in the address and in the future your communications will be sent to 2054 Garnit Street. We appreciate your call

ing our attention to this.The Brotherhood acknowledges receipt of theScribe

Alms and extend their sincere thanks, appreciation and blessings.Sincerely, Thy Brother in Light Eternal,

CL.— '— —   c ^ K ^ ~


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Manifesto Seven 

lUyfiltr Urntijrrijnrifo IHmuerBity

QJatrtqn JFlrrlia.

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For many years, the Hierophant of

the "Western Tradi ti ons , 11 and that Body

associated with Him, have labored to

teach and serve, in the University of

the Mystic Brotherhood. During these

years, they have labored and worked be

hind the Veil of Obscurity, seeking nei

ther reward nor honor, content with giv

ing the "Messages of Truth" to those who

have come seeking.The unexampled growth

of the University has come almost entire

ly thru the recommendations of satisfiedstudents who have sensed the innate Spi

rituality of the given Messages, and who

have contacted the love which actuates

all who serve thru this Institution.

Gratified members have carried the Mes

sage and so the work of the Institution

has grown far beyond expectations, and

it is now among the larger in the world

of the truly altruistic, non-commercial

Institutions. .

So successfully has the work been

done, so successfully has the entire

aim and pursuit been kept intent on ser

vice, and so completely has the worldly

lure of self-aggrandizement, honor, and

reward been resisted,thet now there has

been authorized a most Epochal Pronunci-

amento, which is now given forth.

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Under the Jurisdiction of this Hierophant of

the Body of the Mystic Brotherhood University, there is

to again come into Being, in this Western World, and at

the beginning of this Western Age, the old time-honored

Church of the Illuminati. Documents and Froofs submit

ted to the Government of the United States, have been ac

cepted and the sole right to the Ancient Symbol and Name

of the Church of the Illuminati has been vested in us-

The purpose of the work of the Church of the

Illuminati is two-fold. The Western Traditions, which

give to the people the Religion of the Illuminati, at

this time, fill a great need. Never has there been a pe

riod when the cry for Light, and Understanding has risen

in greater volume, and the appeals are increasing daily,

as countless thousands realize that this is no mere de

pression, but the birth of a new social system and they

realize further, that the change from the old to the new

is fraught with danger and grave consequences. They needhelp,assistance and knowledge. It will be the purpose of

the Churches of the Illuminati to furnish this to them.

This requires sincere men and women.ably qua

lified, trained, and taught in the Work of the Western

Traditions, and such will be given an opportunity to aid

Humanity and the Western Masters and to support themsel

ves comfortably while doing so. We now open to those, a

Profession, and a Service,in the line of work which they

most enjoy. It will provide an opportunity for a Service

of Love and the opening of channels of Supply by which

all that is required and necessary to provide for needs

should come to them. The "Mother Church" of the Illumi

nati will accept Lay-Members for such training (by mail)

and will furnish assistance in the work of its regular

members who shall be the Ordained Ministers of its Branch

Churches thruout the World.


1 - Any man or woman of good moral character

who is a student and member of the Mystic Brotherhood U

niversity, taking the regular courses of Instruction.


2 - The requirements of Lay-Membership in the

Mother Church of the Illuminati, are that the applicant

be a member in good standing of the regular work of the

Mystic Brotherhood University, and that he shall conform

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to d efini te s tandard s in hi s studi e s , that he or a he

shall be over twenty-one years of age, and that the Lay-

Merabers of the Church must indicate their worthiness for

final Ordination by the general manner in which they han

dle their studies in the University, and their obliga

tions, and follow the general rules, and requirements.


3 - It shall be the purpose of the "Mother"

Church of the Illuminati to train and ordain Ministers,

Teachers,Practitioners,and the Council shall decide the

Curriculum necessary for the training of those who aspire

to be such Ministers, Teachers, or Practitioners of the

Church, with an authority, which will enable them after

graduation,to comply with the Laws of any City and State

governing Ordained Ministers,of National Religious Move

ments .thereby enabling them to incorporate branch Church

es, and as the Minister and Spiritual Leader of those

Churches, to teach the Religion of the Illuminati, tohave private or public classes,and to open their own of

fices as Practitioners, offering and giving to Humanity,

relief and assistance in all sickness and disease,wheth-

er such affliction be "Spiritual, Mental or Physical."

Also,to enable such Practitioners to aid in creating new

Spiritual, Mental, Moral, Physical or Social Conditions

for his or her clients.

4 - For the present, the studies required,

shall be the regular work of the Mystic Brotherhood Uni

versity, in the regular department.The Lay-Members of the

Church must retain his membership in the University, and

he must conform to definite Standards of study and-work.

He must prove his interest and zeal, as well as his wor

thiness, to act as Teacher, Practitioner and Ordained

Minister of the Church of the Illuminati. The entire

work of the Brotherhood, which the Applicant must com

plete, covers a period of four years or four semesters,

if the work is taken at the regular rate of one lesson

per week.Those who are able to take two lessons per week

thereby cut the time in half -

5 - Each six months, Certificates of Credit

will be issued, to those who have completed the work of

the half semester.These credit cards, will apply on therequirements of the Lay-Memberships in the Church of the

Illuminati.If it is necessary to go on the inactive list

of the University work for a time, such credits may be

preserved, and when the work is again taken up, the ap

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stationery, and all other detailed items of the Church

will reach at least a dollar a month per Lay-Member, it

is therefore proposed as follows:

fl - The applicant for Lay-Membership in the

Mother Church of the I lluminati , shall first of al1, De a

student of the Regular Department of the Mystic Brother

hood University, and shall so maintain his membership ingood standing. If his offering to the Mystic Brotherhood

University is one dollar per month, he shall be entitled

to one lesson per week, and credits will be duly issued

as the work i s comple ted each half semester- If his of

ferings to the Brotherhood University are one dollar and

a half per month, he shall have six lessons per month,

receiving extra credits, thus shortening the necessary

total time requirements- If his offering is as much as

two dollars per month, he shall receive two lessons per

week, with double credits,cutting the four year require-

raenta in half. In add i ti on to thi s, he shal1 pay a fee

of one dollar per month, to maintain his Lay-Membership

in the Church of the Illuminati- Under this plan, the

member need pay little more than he should be sending at

the present time, in the regular department in the Bro

therhood .

9 - Those who propose to become Teachers and

Practitioners of the Church of the Illuminati, are ex

pected to cooperate with and aid both the Church and the

University,by conforming with the rules and regulations

thu9  avoiding adding unnecessarily to the expenses of

the University or the Church.This can be done by prompt

payment of the necessary offerings, prompt notificatican

of changes in address, and a general interest, enthusiasm and zeal. These are to be expected from all who as

pire to be Teachers of Humanity, recognized by the Cos

mic Hierarchies, as such.


10 - The Method of applying for Lay-Membership

in the Church of the Illuminati to become a Teacher,

Practitioner or Minister, is first that one shall join

and become an accepted member oi the Mystic Brotherhood

University, in the Regular Department,then the enclosed

application may be filled in, signed, end returned tothe Secretary of the Church of the Illuminati, with the

enrollment fee of two dollars to cover the necessary

clerical expenses of the enrolling of the applicant. If

the applicant is not accepted by the "Church Council,"

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this offering will be returned. If,at any time in the fu

ture, the applicant is placed upon the inactive list,thru

failure to comply with the regulations of the Church of

of the Mystic Brotherhood University,or for other reasons

they ahal1,before reinstatement,fill in a re-instatement

application for Lay-Membership in the Church,sending one

half of the regular enrollment fee, that is, one dollar,

to cover the cost of transferring the names and records

to an inactive and then back to an active list again, ^fcourse, a reinstatement shall first be made in the files

and records of the Mystic Brotherhood University before

the Church Application for reinstatement can be accepted.

11 - Present members of the Mystic Brotherhood

University desirous of taking up this new work may apply

per paragraph 10 and credit will be issued by his Teach

er for such work as has been satisfactorily completed.

Welfare members may change to the Regular Department by

conforming with its requirements and will receive credit

for the work already done.

12 - Members of the University, who have beenstudents for a considerable length of time, and have com

pleted such work as may be required a priori to being or

dained, as a Minister of the Church, may fill in their

application, if they are interested, and send it in now

with the understanding, that on account of the amount of

detail which is to be yet worked out, it will be three

to six months before the final examination can be given,

and their Ordination can take place. They are requested

to indicate their desire, however, by sending applica

tion at this time and assuming regular Lay-Membership in

the Church.

13 - With further regard to the matter of the

Ordination Offering. Each about to graduate from the Mo

ther Chv.rch of the Illuminati, as Teacher, Practitioner,

or Orda.ned Minister, shall make such a voluntary gift

to the Church, sending it with his final examination pa

pers. The Church is dependent upon the offerings of its

members, the monthly fee is very low,far less than othnr

Institutions and the Ordination Gifts alone enable the

work to go on.There is surely no better way in which bhe

love and appreciation of those who are about to be grad

uated, as Ordained Ministers can be shown than by such

Offering at that time. The necessary Church Manuals

containing the Order of Church Services, the Rituals., In

structions for the Pastors, the Marriage, Funeral and

Baptism Ceremonies, and all of the other details, which

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the duly Ordained Minister will need, are included. The

Practitioner will have a Manual for instruction,and guid

ance, in the opening of their offices, and the handling

of their clients --   while the Teacher receives similar

instructions in the forming of their classes - topics to

be discussed,the methods and manner of creating and hold

ing interest.

14 - Those who at final examinations make theminimum gift of twenty five dollars receive the necessary

Manuals, and Instructions, together with a beautifully en

graved Certificate,attesting their Ordination. Those who

desire the necessary robe of their Grade as Ordained Min

ister will be furnished such Robe and Stole, provided

the expense is covered in the offering, which in that e

vent, must be at least fifty dollars. The Robe wi11 be

made to measure, of beautiful silk, with Stole of White

Satin, embroidered with the Symbols and Insignia of the

Order in Gold Thread. The colors of the Robe, may be

White or Light Violet.

15 - After graduation, Teachers, Practitioners,

and Ordained Ministers, shall all retain their membership

in the Mother Church becoming full members and receiving

thru monthly bulletins, instructions in carrying out the

assigned tasks, and the personal questions and problems

will be dealt with in the correspondence and advice and

instruction will be given. - At the time of the gradua

tion, they will be instructed in the proper procedure in

organizing a Branch Church in their Community, and in form

ing classes or opening offices, without the payment of the

excessively high licenses which are reauired in many com-

muni ties.

16 - The one who contemplates studying and de

veloping with an idea of entering upon the Path of Ser

vice, as a Life Profession is naturally interested in

many phases of the work. In almost every case, the mat

ter of finances stands first in his mind. He should know

of course, that if he does dedicate his life to the Ser

vice of the Master, sufficient will be provided for his

reasonable needs, if he does his part.Perhaps, it is fit

ting In the closing pages of this presentation of a new

opportunity, that we should discuss this matter in de

tail .

17 - After all, the right or wrong of the mat

ter of accepting money for Occult and Spiritual Service

lies in the mental attitude of the Minister. Teacher or

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Fractitioner;certainly he or she who ia devoting their en

tire time to work of this kind, is entitled to a remuner

ation, suff ici ent to take care of themselves, in comforta

ble circumstances, and certainly no Minister, Teacher or

Practitioner can do their best, nor can the work receive

the respect to which it is entitled, unless they are suf

ficiently endowed with income to maintain their proper

station in life, and b 2  free from the worry and care of

Obligations. The Offerings of the Church of which the Minister will be the Spiritual Head,are of course, volun

tary, as they usually are in any Church. All that a Min

ister has of Spiritual Understanding or Power, he gives

freely to his congregation, that all who are thirsty may

come and drink freely of the Waters of Life.

18 - But, those who wish additional services,

who are ill or have special problems, which require the

time and attention of the Minister in his office, should

be willing to reimburse him in accordance with, the ser

vices rendered. The Minister may or may not, beable to

receive a salary for his work in the Church, but in his

work as a Practitioner, he is entitled to remunerationfrom each of hie clients according to their ability.Here

again, his mental attitude defines the line of demarca

tion between right and wrong. If his principal motive is

service, and if he has a sincere regard for the problems

of those who come to him, then he is maintaining the high

standard of Occultism and Mysticism.

19 - There is another field in which the Or

dained Minister of the Church of the Illuminati fills

out his income. - It is this: he is authorized by the Mo

ther Church of the Illuminati, to accept not more than

thirty pupils in any Calendar Year, for the purpose ofteaching them to become Practitioners, for the Branch

Church of which he is a Pastor. - Their Certificates

should be issued by the Pastor, and sent to the Mother

Church for it9 counter Signature, so that the Practition

ers may be recognized Nationally. Members of these class

es are to pay a fee to their Teacher (the Church Minister)

of from two to five dollars per month,who as the Minister

may decide. Inasmuch as the work will cover two years,

the Minister may have, after the first year, two classes

per year, of thirty pupils each, if he desires,a new class

commencing at the beginning, and a higher class, which

will be approximately half way thru. This will give him

then, the authority to teach, and train sixty pupils ata time, and the income is recognized as his right and

due for the service he renders in fitting those who de-

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9ire to become Practitioners, to themselves in turn work

with and for Humanity, No one, save Ordained Ministers

of the Mother Church of the Illuminati, will have 9uch

right to train Practitioners.

19a - Such Ministers also shall have the sole

right to use the Ancient Symbol Mark of the Illuminati

in accordance with the privileges of sole use vested inthe Mother Church by the Government of the United States.

20 - The newly Ordained Minister, when ready

then incorporates his branch Church under the Laws of

his State, and commences his services, 9imple at first,

but increasing in detailB as he carefully selects assis

tants, singers, etc., from those who attend.

21 - As the congregation grows, he announces

his office hours as Practitioner and Spiritual Advisor.

A little later he can announce the formation of a first

class for the training of Special Practitioners for the

new Church, and the following year, a second class.

22 - By the time the first class graduates,at

the end of the two year period,the congregation and work

to be done should he far beyond the capacity of the Min

ister, and the Church will need as many as may remain

out of the original class, so they should be able to op

en their offices and find abundant work.

23 - Of course, much depends upon the capabi

lity, the initiative,judgment and personality of the Min

ister, insofar a9 he is flexible and actuated by a sin

cere regard for his fellows, he will find that the Channels of Supply, thru the offerings of the Church, thru

hia private practice as a Practitioner of the Church,

and thru his authorized clas9e9, will be sufficient to

maintain him in such station of life aa will accord him

the respect of his fellow men.

24 - In hia elementary training, before Ordin

ation, and after hia Ordination as a Minister of the Mo

ther Church, in the forming of his classes, and the work

which he will need to give help, in the many problems

which will arise in his personal practice, the Minister

is going to need help and guidance. He is going to needpersonal letters, dealing with individual points, he is

going to need Rituals, Services, Lectures, and Letters.

Hia needs will be almost unlimited, and it is thru the

retaining of his membership in the Mother Church, that

provision will be made to supply him with these things.

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This will be covered as nearly on a non-profit basis,as

is possible, by his small Lay-Llembership fee and later

by his full Membership fee.


25 - It is NOT obligatory that such Lay-Member

immediately upon Ordination shall commence his work. Thismay be deferred until later, after other duties and af

fairs are out of the way. He should, however, prepare now

and thus have his authority when the way opens.


26 - The Inauguration of the Church of the Il

luminati should now afford to each one an unusual oppor

tunity. Those who are, or who can take the full regular

work have now a Goal towards which to work, a profession

that will enable them to secure Peace, and Happiness in

Life which they cannot find in ordinary commercial work

with its stress and strain, its terrific competition and

its inharmony with fine Spiritual Natures.


27 - Those who are unable at present to take

the full regular work may proceed with the Welfare Work,

demonstrating by their zeal and enthusiasm, as well as

in the general manner in which they handle their corres

pondence and comply with the rules, that they are worthy.

The Teacher will note these things and form his opinion

so that when the time comes, when formal application can

be made, the credits allowed will be such that time willnot be lost.


28 - Each therefore can now work with added en

thusiasm, making what sacrifices are needed that due stud

y and development may proceed without distraction, gain

ing strength thru the discipline of keeping each study pe

riod, writing the regular letters as and when due, and

demonstrating in the matter of covering their expenses an

appreciation of others problems, showing in all things

that they can learn and understand the fundamentals of life

right living and right growth, and that they have that sym

pathetic understanding of others, which made the Western

Master outstanding.

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a p p l i c a t i o n FOR l a y -m e m b f r s h i p



I   _____________________________________ respectfully

make plea to the Bishop and Council of the Mother Church

of the Illuminati for Lay-Membership in the said Church.I understand that such Lay-Membership is a Probationary-

Membership to continue as such until I have finished the

prescribed studies,passed my examinations and received my

Ordination as a Min ister ,Teacher and Practitioner of the

Church, at which time I shall apply for Full-Membership.

It is my desire and intention to live ag nearly

as possible in accordance with the general principles of

the Illuminati as taught by the Mystic Brotherhood Univer

sity and exemplified by the Master Jesus,as I myself in

terpret such teaching and such example.

I agree to apply myself to my studies to the

best of my abilities and as far as I am able, to continuethru all the grades of the University until I receive my

Ordination as a Minister of the Church, and so far as T

may be able I intend to work at some time either thru a

branch of the said Church, or as a Class Teacher, or as a

Practitioner, but I understand my present obligations and

duties are to be carried but so long as they remain my du

ties and my obligations.I agree to maintain my membership in the Mystic

Brotherhood in good standing and to regularly and prompt

ly send my offerings to the said University and I further

agree to maintain my membership as a Lay-Member in said

Church, by thoughtful consideration, by application and

zeal and to promptly and regularly make my offering to the

Church for the expenses incurred in my behalf. I under

stand that if I am placed on the inactive list of the Un

iversity, it will automatically place me upon the inactive

files of the Church.I agree not to reveal the contents of such priv

ate manuscripts as may be given or loaned to me as T ad

vance to higher work in the Church of the Illuminati,nor

shall I allow such private papers to fall into other hands.

SIGNED ________________________    _ _ 

DATE A D D R E S S   ________________________ 


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