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Some Blunders of Indian Historical Research

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about indian history at the time of history after muslim came to india.. how distorted history we read today

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PJ\!. Oak

Some Blunders of Indian Historical Research


byp. N. OAK. M. A., LL ., B. Pre~ldtoi,IDtt ilale tor Re10rltlaa World Hlltory

Ph! 3'3!'1!>:'4 ,.




HINDI2. 8.0 (; (N!. Pt2nls,;l


0\llij, Katcl SQn. N.D 5

.I."' ,



BHARATI SAHITYA SADANJ0(90, Connoupt Cirws, New Delhi-110001

>'L lll --~-----------

CONTENTSPreface Wbat Prompted My H11tonc Quest lllunder No. 1 Indian mooumeots Credited to Alien Muslim2 : Ignoble Akbar Believed Noble 3 : M11pl~ceDI arose 10 my mood.

I thought, thot the H indut, wbo bad ruled lodoa for at least 4,000 yean from tbc Pandavu to Pritbviraj, dod oot hl\c even a JoDtle monument to their credit ? tr tboy11.

How wu

dtd nor buold any monuments where did they, their courtiers and th: commoo people live 1 I( during tbat period, u IS nomlaJcally dccn'b< riven of milk and honey flowed in India. told r-ety chunoey emlued amoke of gold, wbere was a!ltbat ullh ttlllcd' And l r Rome is bu!lt by tile Romans, London ~Y ,t.ondoncn and Tok)o by the Japanue, bow come that to '"" " lane O..lho, Asra, Fatebpur Siltri, Allahabad, Ahmed b>' aDd be> I of other cirh teem in& with mediaeval moou "7't"' ...,. buill by a "' do UIOrtrueot of forei&oen like ~~~"" lurb lraoiaDJ, Mongolt, Abyuloians, KuakJ and ~ an.l "' ftcd a pyramidal polace over Tuteokhameo'l corPtc whm 11 Lhat au.,..sont paltce? Wboo ncitber Tutenlthamen hi ouocesaor bad moe over thm beadJ bow come one or bo, a cootemporary chro oicle tella us that Pritbvirp.j lived oo a palace on the bank o f the Yamuna river. Traditional KCOiiOU a.lso tell us that PrilbvJraj"t pals.cc was kaowa &J l.oiKot l,t . red-walled sttuclure. The only building in Deihl wblcb answers four.. squarc 10 tbese two spe:cificatioos is wbDt is today known as lho Red Fort, And yet the Mogul emperor Sbahjalwl is bciog wrongly aivcn the Credit or havloa buill the Red Fort ia Oolbl .Taimurlana who iovaded Delhi In 1398, !bat is n..rlY :!50 years before Shohjoban, refers to Old Delhi whO'SC lnhabluau he mas.sacrcd. And ycl Old Delhi it mcotiooed in our bl&toria u a coty fouoded by Sbahjobon. Tbc Rtd Fo11 la Dell u the very fGled from tbe Red Fort afrer Shabjahan, the fifrb &oneration MoJul empuor. Had Shabjabllll built the fort, the bank atreteh of the Yamuna ott be rc:ar would lulve bee.o known as 8adabob Obal aod not RaJabat. The Otlbl 1110 of tbe fort bas a pair of stone elephant out 11 dc 11. IJiam strictly forbids the raising of any images wbilc RaJpUt mooarc:hs w< the ootrallc:e to the buildioa is a btautirul Rajpuc ,t1te woado with a ourow'oruace balcony or the type wbich ..., bt ..., to tbm huadrcds ia ca. stlcs aad palapcs in Raj.uthao, Tbc square buddtog "~I is completely or Rajput deai&e Tbc eclt6ec It olto coeloscd by a protective wall, bavioa ba"ioas at coram aod watch cowothc1 polo! lA bt considored is that Safdarjana had btt.(38) Btrootr saystbat the oelhcr-chambtrt of theTa] '"" opened only oott a year aDd no aoo-Muslims nre aUo....S ioaide. That shows the blllbbuall tcerecy maintained abouttbo undergrouod noon of tbc Taj. It II Pity tbal bodl Go~crn~~~*to I'e looa bold in eont~mpt the absurd nouon thll Shahjahan bllill the Taj Mabel. Your scbolatly lnvestianuons hoVe boulertd our own theories. and you arc to be commcndtd for the clantY wuh " bieh you have presented th .. new and refrctbin& '""'"" or. turbulent chapter of lodtan bhtory (On my visit to tbc TaJ) I u ~~tuck by tbe fact that in pt of cerlaln ,Mogul wpllm 1lmc:s. 9, Tho fct that tbc Aaup Late butS! In I S8l compclhna Akbar tO Hnily d..crt the IOwnthlp also IUISC.Itly run 11 alt M'Otlim fa~ln did Sceondly 11 4u&bt to be real1tcd tbat Akbars wivcJ wcte not li3DS\CJ to &ive birth to tltttrt In cavu. Thirdly the os>cruoo that /lkbr u~ to send hos whu for delovery to Salim Chitl I 111ell euno-us bcuutc: St.lllll Cb11U was cerutln1y not a practiiiOI -c:ertiOed mldwife. 28. Mcordrns to eurreM falsiliec! accouou Fatehpur Sokfl wu uoder cooltructlon from aboul 1670 to ISin. And yet that wos the prcclst period whon it was Akbar'~ capital How could A\bar tlvo In a r~wnsblp under construction 1 29. Hostory rccordl tb~t Akbu.t forever left the towruhlp In 1585 payina It o nly "ftying visit In t6(11. Thll a monarch ..bould sray 01 a plocc amidst huge pilet or build in& mllerlal for I S years and tben auddealy teavc tho brand ne01 towablp immediately a(ter ltl complc-tiOD i.s OD the Very face of ll absurd. It only proves tbat Akbar lived i.D RaJpOt royal -pr.Jacc complex Slormed and captured by bis tnondfatber. He bod to leave It on ISSS beCause tbe lokc-bur11 tow>rds the end of I 583 made life In Fatcbpur Sikri unreoableroi&ht without tbe sligb;en ,:.~:::.ole. ciry ~oul~ be buill ''the btoabt of seotimeaul no 0 oy matettallytag abour tbe fUI!rbl talk of Akba 's fi ~D~. Apparently takco in by tbo Jesuns could hardly f:uo:w~~oeg couuiers whose lanauage ootloa ro lhtrr mediaeval sim 'r I Iauer have made tbb naive 10 ror ua now tbat noting is of ~ ry aod belief io magic. But lbro~ab tho mediaeval tame :~~nso .significance In sceina ur catron of Indian hillorr. 27. Evco before tbe 6ttit' 0 5 of Fatcbpur Sikri rowtubip .' ~ ~ares on which tbe building A\bar, ilra recordtd . b. lS c revcd IO have been begun by fOf cb~dbmb 10 p:.:tory ';hat be used to aend bis wiv< I ..,_ ~ually ~lrnt, Yet an Mchaeolog, lgnboarJ docl&t., that Clumpancr wu founded b; Me~ ' q ,. . llutory ru:ordo llat Mohammtd Bagda was a sadjst ruler. Ill> oy,.uay aut! torture knew oo boundt, This Is apparent frolll Mr. Atbu~ Kumar MuJumdar 1 remark quoted earlier. Suc:lllUic fury running riot after capture, can be Scc.u sboved 10 11 random wbec aubsequent'y tbe bul1din1 was pu'- to asc as 1 mosque. ,... We sball next turn our I Ulcntioo to the town of Ohar aruJ the neatby mountain fort koowa as Mandavpd o r ~andu. They are in Central lodia. ibu urvey of a crousociiOD of medlaevlll monuments. situated sevctal hundred miles from ooc aoolhtr In different parts or lndl1, is jui\ to bow that the S3mc story has been repeated aJI over India. Monuments co-or trUCICd dUfiOJ differen t 'periods or liiodu rule, spread tbTOUJb out Jodia, were, ancor Cllptu.rc, coovcucd to MUJiim UK. Tbc iovders and captors btlonaed ro different narionohtics, .....,., cultures and 11rata of ~lety. Some or them wore mere sl~vcs. footm t n Or freeboottrS who bappcaed tO capure pariS or tbc eouotry and proclaim themlclvcl rulers. The diverse tlled oncluded Mongol~ Ptbans, Abyuioians, l raoi3ns, Turks aad A robs.Dbat Dbar is a Sanskrot namt. That clty was the capilli or a nourishina e mporc on ancieot rimu. As such u bod mao7 temple and palaeet. Mou or tbesc oow sraod convened mto moaqucs. Even their outward appearance sboulhiva >hrloe or tht Lrngayall (tbc lonl Hrndu Community) who arc greal Shaiva11s (wor ahlrpcrs ofSbova). Around that shrine lie scauered and burred innumerable Hindu images. A few the excavated ones bovc been oollrctrd in lmall mustum in a nearby building.1ured for the last SIKro c1gtccntunes 1 1as gro"'n 1n1o a monb1 k or such fe.nt.aJtlc a.tmmlckl, nc.vcr heard or 10 IIJ.am. \ G !beDtombrc mood of a orrow1D1 rcatm 1 Oo the 01hc:r ba.ftd tbuc are a area\ many cluu to behcvc, chat h wu a Sh,va temple because ehc entire tunouodiaa mrca bean uamtJtlb.b'o --sipl of tna ..tilfcdc.atruCCion aod dclOlauoa or Ht.Od~ abt~OCI.. Tbc ornamental "one drcss,oa or 1hc Gol Oumbn Htdr hu .. pporeotly been petled olf ... t.bat lhe wul or tho buhed monarch may ft"lt to peAce. Mr. 0.0. Josh. aa areb1tect (rom ~ bat wrinco to the autbor lhat he spcc&ally \Ill& ted 1be ,.agpur. b. d d -o 1 Qumbal on bt..ariaa of &be IU[bor 1 1 eslS. an COG\'IOCC: bl~setr thatrhe Ool Oumbot ;, on raet a pre-Muslim HIDdU temple built to the onclent Shilpa Sbama speclflcalia"' ood It-not an original tomb. The huge To) llavdl ond tbe "'"sive walla around Bjapur town lltC all or pre-Muslim orr gin. The Ad II Sbhs ouly captur.,d the place and ruled over it. They deslroyed a sood many buildings and built none : that is wby too tber~ are no palaces i n tbe1r oamu.Malana Spacious lounaes. parlours and apart:meast in mtd:ae:Y&J monumtou ace vaaucly iatroduced to lbe visitors u Ma.c t.rus.:' Under Ulitc:rar~. mediaeval tstam.1c rtoglmtt 10 l odia, wbc.n aU r.cademic instruc:uon was coo6o.ed 10 tbe nc:it& tioo of the Kono. and tbat 100 10 an lnfinitc:lim.~;l )CCI100 or the Musllm popula11on, whll rulcn-drialc IUld dru1 ~ddlcu as t hey were-would ever build stupc9dous mooumcoiJ for Madai'UJ scmlnarlu ! So the very [&ct that i pacious pan mentJ in mediaeval monuments arc speciously and nebulou1ly palmed otr on aullible loy vositars, uod unsuspcclins ~eholan, as Medarsas is further proof lbat 1be mediacl>al Indian monU mealS whicb contaon many rcoiUrct lncaplieable to hlamle wage are on f&ct preMuslim Raj~ul monuments. The nme Madam llleka to lbasc buildiop bccousc they ....,. Vedic tcbools.ort..The acoustoc &Jmmiclt buillin In the dome which rtvorbcraIClthc aliahteal sound II limcr, was inlcnded 10 produce lho NadaBrhma, 1ba1 11 pbonetic ocs tasy, during the great Shlva rlln aod other PUJII ofJ'cred to Shive. Shiva is !mown ror his Tandan Nr01ya (Cosmic Dance) wbicb ia accompanied by a peal CQiallc din of mridansas, dmrus, cyllibala, bells and aomba or otbtr rnllrumenl of Dihh by Prof. 8 P. Sakscna. 9. TarkbFirozshashl by Slwn'-iSbiraz Alif. I~ Rambles aed RecolltJooa of an lodi1o Oflici41, by lr. Col. w,a Sleemao. 11. lmpcnal Apa of lhe Moauls, by Kesbav Cbandra"Ia.Ignoble Akbar Believed Noblela currredtcusor's decuioo to abstain from al f1UU1J an 'lrernliLYe e ~ co ~~ e a '!"ctd fuLJo, o1 op!WII Ae followed tbe praeroce of bas family for .,.., ~liS in consumlnJ both mona dnok and vari'Oc:od ro hrJ farber. He sent h~ 1~ bei"""Mobemmod, 10 Kebul, at bit - As mrnor r-- N cis ol ba&rr e commonly ordered. o rccorI IO~roundctins'EJ111111ofnorexLet UJ lhc lbe insta.n~ oftbe }3ipur royal farrnly "'bicb bad to suucodcc away of iB daughten 10 the Moaul ruleB. oa:ounl of how I be Jaipur rulers "ere cocrctd 1o1o 1cWod burqa In tcnrun& \logul harem, hal been carefull lanlo bill &ad OOCI'U tr he bad be~n alfected by any Ice!. ill& o( liore ptitude 10 the dead kiDB be (ought to bo pnlaod bim aod dedicated 10 him bis work Ia lf&lof: - r y). Be bas not done 10, and the terms in ...,i made il clur lbol the lnaders who ~.,. dzed by tbe mere river gbacs io lodla could harot Abul Ful Uted 10 fulfil his rcmportl IUarouc&l ,.. .,.. urate to reprd It u aoyrhiog more. Ao) 1 -dtolll This 1 ". therefore, happens 10 conrato is ooly li:-:::-:-::-~Q[ll&o:: 01 "'by o liS teeming pages we 6od all 1. Ia Abul Ful'1 b,oar. lho Altoon.o..& the pby appended 10 lbe lSI volume ol ru... Ia llil~~~a~>o bi~&Japher says "Jabangir opArale apor1111nor. Surprislnaly enough Abul Ful fails ro meolloo..... cncrn)'. .11,tNDtAN nnoaoc.,L ~J'1IDIa ddiltOO tho womenfolk or AL bar's ubJuls &od ,.. "'"'also oompt \\Joo 1111111 bl>loriaM ,_. b&\'0 obCI"~ u 1he u o al road wi1b lbe kio&' lool fort) It aae d and I be . l rtmOIC &Oiiqult) tlat ,... bet 111 r..rc:t" pmocl. We bur ol 11 onl) ... 1 ~ 1111 (em lhr o:moteot ume&. To > tba;' tuu,. &Q' tpcc c ti!C Ill " I uadotiQD of lndill tmcraeo 1Myth About the Mogul Garden Art\loaul G ard thiral Golden Periods UnderAlien RuleOur b11tottel nostalsrc3lll describe sorno period~, such , 1 iloc n:iJII c! ShabJ&han, during the II~ year !" etch or allen mil: litf1nJ 11 nb Mobammad Kastm, os golden aae\' "Jbh u I""'' pr: and temples. Tbul Sohod no ..u a a.plurecl RJput palate io which Akbar dtd and nt buried. The oame bold sood of what~< tno,.. ao Homayull'l ToODb aod or tbe other mtdiaenl tombs lhtOUJhout JodJa ood lb rcganled u hvlnc bchu 1>ca.pna.., &lid roo!J>J.At 1na m.._,, tm!lb) suCIS r.o t1e purdy r~ 'P &r.d CD>I:.dn , DCftJ'Ihd:ss, !be IJVI'l"!plall baed OG tl:e pUCijlilli o( (cr;u chambm n>:::llod OIIC lfCU caoual r - . iopwdybdl&ll,w.c:.r~. to barld tbeu fllleied tom!M ud IDOSQt'l : aod """""''Y b) tbcy b&c lctl w obsoluttly oo record or IKuld&Ill)& lodi.ao mcdi&.C'Cierlac aalh=a apian the HlOdos. onnrmously feU for !be Hltld~IDOII!lmcou..--n.e tomb of Mobd. GJ;.aos 1.1 Gaaliornobody ClDVId ...Wah U for AOftbUIJ but AD Iodil!l tDODUmtDL The bol= Is a "!"*"' meuutlD& 100 fL QD cub side, tb bt:u b tower attac'bed b) u aa&lc to eadl corocr. The IID&lc tom dlu:btr, 43 f'- oqo.arc " mrrOUDded by a deep oc11odab ::: \:Cled b) cJLtraordtlllnly large ea..-a some of lbe "! ~ ~mDI &lid bucket cap1rals miJiu be loa& to a Boodu ttellf.;. (!'qt 316 ofSailib't boo..) Wlat Smith ud otbm m::.,.bol' -=a a a.1e b - rnlai,.& tile face tb&J 1M -ued woW. c:;u,.. _ 601 ., :aJtl.JJ1I ..n., his death bolr wu 011 -llcr U.p.r< le luLl.AbcM::t !!cr ~ the bulldlo&J look Rtodu btc:awc they uc 10 C..ct PtoMIUitm Hlldu CODitrucuoru, and Meslim uchi'.et t>s';"dors. rr~m the capilal, Alexander bad led t he realm's f tber s ab>cloa t or rouadtd by lbe enomy but was wbisked away by hli bod&uard."''"'YAbotu < be terror rhar Porus't elephanll sprad 1a tbc ar.t :::'.~ Cun,o.s wrncs .. These aotmals ospircd lfUI terrot Iaiii ~IOOlDI (lrumpcl ltkel ctoe> ftoJ bt's life bu! ilio t '"'"" tiQidom and threw ia some other territory in ood meMure ioro tbe busaro 11 a IOrt of a reward ? 'Tlll$ 1 1 as (aotaatJC as PYJD& that deodly cobra which bad reared It looud to srriu furiauiiY suddenly changed Into chorrnln~ prlucoe who ":tithed Ia miles presided over a prizcfivlna ceremony. The very rae I I hat Porul woo rrom A!cuoder some ddJ. uonal territory instead or to11na hll owa .-bowa abat ~e:uo~rnxw;.-l!~:n-~ ~- bat 14ncd tbc ("ETHIOPIC nt ""' -.ort U IICICO ._ 1- , . .... 0(1AM!ts1et. He ot; _larpcalOOtiJor~!~' to lbobottle or - ......,. .... killed.UIU 0theIIICluv~tniro1y it is quhc clear tbiC A1 t.l!" ,. col tru.. u.n\ of IOCICdaa poatliT< cwr ~~- Tbe l4 uabrotea h~ ~ b I . P aootDJ1 y .. r the orianl Sbankaracborya IS l 0 be tb< l ear of~trlb o J8tb =sor Abhioava Sb_!lnkara wa~ abe year ao "'hc:J' t.bt S~ankara presidc4 over the K amakou10 be :;:., borD iS alto uo~~:,lie ) Cif of !;bankar. ewaoe the lunar date on locid and Suo all bao1 in culrarioo, Men:ury bclns pofrled wrth rbc SW>, lloryrnb !Sbanlcara't morber) cave birth to the atoriow Sb>nmulcha." Yudbtstbrra ern 26J I corrt1poods 10 2593 Kali wbich it tht ume 1J ~9 B.C. The horOI(:Ope IJ ce>nrdlus.atu could ~cb Buddhism, the dacet 1887-1801 B C lot The Buddha stand corroborated.Adi Sbankancbarya, the JtloAI Indian philosopher who isronaty pla.ccd by modern bi11ories 10 tbe Sib O:nlury A.D. wu born oo a Sunday on the Sth day of tbe l>riahl half of the -u. or va..akba While S>gitlltiUI was " *ndaot, iu tbc C)'CIIC )ell bo ..... Nandaoa in the year 2S93 or the Kah)'U81 Tllat OOrt. .pOOdl 10 (Jt02 MlnUl 2S9~-S09) ll.C. This lhOWI bow ShanltaraCbarya abould In f&cl be plaec!- .....r J.1 RAIATARANG IN( at aces tbar J 30 Yars before Loktdbuu 4 :>1cmponl)' lllllioed Niru1111 of KaoiJbka {129412}4 B.C.), Lord BUddh~.-cr..Accort ~GoUlled hllloncal ega.rtnt mend tholr currently profuse. e.bronoloaJ Jhl. tbtrdor:d~~:, buth at 1887 B.C.. and Jcmue at ISG-7 uod put The 9 11 h tho~ eveotl properly belona. 11te D.C. the datu to ancient Indian history doted durong other unportant e h oo Tbe Buddbn mu$1 abo be Jokctbo coun< o11 f ~~ t~~:; bO>toricl eut Ans College, RaJabmundry, 'IIOokOf oe tbe aurocomial :lata available of Buddba'a lofe !..mel} tbe Mooa' pbsa ud week days mentoooed for C\'QJII of The BlldJba'a hfc) bu also arnvrd 01 1.07 A C.*' be daoe or Lord Buddha s death He S3)1 tn an artoclc Oil the lllbjlcr are pure fiction and ought not to be bcltcvcd on. u araument in rac1 becraya our own lgooraooc or human Pl)'cb 0Jou H '11tll l 10 '"' umao community progress IS never lop-s1docl .,~ ~ 1ay commuoiliea wblch can reach the rummu of 111oc:~-> cal aod civic concepts would never Ia& beb1od 10 """ICII IQ . llledqJ enuona, lndUJiry, ootor-steller travel aDd ......,d li!t ~:~teoce. Becaute h It after all the saiD:Ailoos dCJeltbed In the Romayan1 and the M1habharato If this is clearly understood then thoro oh~uld difficulty in vlulrztog tbot 1bo two Indian cptc dr~~rry lOa far thh academic intnenslgcni)C l1 chat India bu btcn ruled by a.lient for over .. thousand yeats. or tltcto Ulo ""' 800 yoaro unde~ Muallm rule wore or complete chaos and dtcJ~Ie alrndy cxpla~ned earlier Chat bunun Civilizations ba\e risco :llld fUcn rn a n unending cyde lord Ramn i~ regarded oa tbc LCVcnth incarnation The trmr or his htrth lo kuol'!n with eer~ainty He was bone Dl t/,. olrolcc 01 12 noon The day of his birth coo Is lu10IYD for cer t~t~ He wn boru on l.he nlrth day of the bright hQif of the tarlton month Cluutrn corresponding to the Qnd of MDI'Ilh .wd b~1;"~"8 or April The o nJy uncercain~y i about tbe ~emr in ;IJlic 1 e~~-et-e::~ (r.t::hc ~ ""' t'C>DI able tO l&f bls baDP"o Q011C lA 1 w-IU c ~:~~uodxcd a raJ~ a:>:. !k; 111 . . . . ..... .-.eo if to. th'ec ot ~~ bopct tbc IDOCI< l:lo.-b!IDd prc,'UiL:t ~~ ~I cbaru wbocb of proi't"' daUDJ the c(ar >D and Ouu Oh lodro wllb your help may we kill both the Da>IS aod Aryau." (Ri&l'edli J().8J) S hould thiS be 10ter~reted 10 mean that before I he rtal while Aryans ' Invaded' lodla t o me nlllvc ' Aryan' variety already existed in India. Reference&10 Arctlc aeaarapby whoeb LokmiUlya Tilak d1J covert in the Vedas could only moon that composera of Vedoc bymns bad penurated u f1r as the Norlh Pole in thc~t nploratory teal insp11ed by 1hc odel of carrying cducatloo. oci= and cullurc to l hc four corne11 or 1bc world. Thi> bat been discussed by Dr. Ab1nasb Chondra Ous on hb book mled RIGVI!DIC I :oiDIA. A diliacnt $1udy o f !he Roavcda '"'"reveal thai lb< 0AJ)UI ere no rival race d111'erinc 10 pbysJolo& ical characccriuics froiD -1he so called 'Aryans'. The word " Oasyu" oecurt aboul 40 urn illoa o ca l and uu., Til< Word Pa&boapbh h 11 m eonnoivt wert mtmoblsl~ are specifically dcscrlbeu as while which provu tbll Lbelndl~ or Vedic dmu wtrc a mixed pc:op1c even u 'hey are today hs all shd or complulon from abe milky white to black. Tborefore, 10 im&lne the AryllliS to be a race. tbeo oalllbcm ford&n invlldru and cb.s.s them aJ white 11 all pure rutai-y. Accordiog to Sayana Ihe word Ouyu dtriv from the root 'Du' meaoma oa.e who hums. 1 his apia bears out abe car.lirr meaning tb3t tbt 0Hyus were {aupcr-oatura.l) bettlp who harm cd tbc people (by oburuclioarain ell lent alundcr. Tha t water Rowed out in the form of Sapta Sindhu (Ieven rivers). lt is apparent that the Riavedtulludc.l t.o a natural cataclysm of repeated earth tremors, accompaoled by storms IDd li&btaing. Numerous hymns aive tbo detai:. or tbis bappeoioa. Oeologm admit tho oKisteneo of a big lako In tbe KasbmJI anctnt times, The 1964 edition of the Britiab Eoc)'Cllopae~la 011101 on page 887-8 or lis vot, 11 tbal at ooc tlmo ~lhmlr wu on inland sea wllb "ArchopcfJIO of volcaooo tllDds". On c.:ount or the lcCIOOIC movemcntt of tbc cartb'a OIUJf the " 001 or tbc Jako IOIC Whole tb< DCIJbbounn&111lnAU refer.- lD lncliao billories 10 ao~ de Terra and Paumon have or "'-Y huadtd ,: coul~ n >t be o f immemorial:. .... '" "' n " - on\) dr.. Tllo Brl~ab aatlno"- -~mainthe 1 ame, '"" t~UJaod Y~ old A tton. Time a nd apu c too hove oo bcaloal and liD vtctory oTer commemorotlog tb.....,.lSIPll tbt ' ~~:h witb them. AI Ubla ~~~':Indian tribe o f Jets in ~~.~-~ .. tl4a .,bile 1Cilin1 out oo the npcditlon tells two other Nany&~~a that fully prb bavo 1b0 clcbtd Olll' in India soOJO holy meO (rom II of thalllto '""'pie, fbl>up I be mukhi lo~ripuonl on tbowal be orcomparatlRty occrno uittin& bulidlnl of the temP~ =~~moria! OJJtlquiry. oli~lyto coomucdon the .ue being ~~properly explored. Tll~ romlniao yield very .. lutble ovodco~ lbO Vm rt&icn or Sin-kll Tbb periptcticpreJc.he-r WAJ ooe emonaIThe ~Ulric dJC: lpi;OilO,boro of him were oftbe oamc CambodJC "full of oothioa elso..... n....Mlllll ntaab ....., trlldiiiDCII or \radot-.1 .,.lhoral corocoatlon prevaol oo lndoana o1 tbc I...SI&o roiMic ed in the 1 ....... pUI bas b.llhn and mo) otbd " 1t from SUr aod .O..ura bccau&o !.U ~"ooa - "u" Tbc words " Mall aod a...,.... rb< r~ .,. "') " wbidt arc tile ooms of ro Afnco.n sratts are foundTill> bnI arc to lioct the ruuhe....Unt&DIIJDJ aod a IDIIJIIIcrpi'CiaiJoo or hlltOry. Sloe. loofd14 llarp Hindu culture so clearly tronre out b, La~: and Um.ar auJOJDAlically Clplaiu rho exit! ~of Buddbt omaaes and lnditn fire wo11hip tbrouahout Wt:rJ Air a. Srnao Propbe~ Mobaa.aud'a uncle was a Hrndu clearly -liOocd bY him rl follows lbU io lbose limes of joinI fomi I all mt111bctl rncludtns Propbol MahaOJmad were born Kllldlll aad ....,. aun: Some of the erntell Arab rvtdlY and spon~~~T Ji"hom and Umar have uorISSOUII Kalokrl ..;;;bered"';,':;,...:!, ...,,:.tAt~ >J.I"' ------lu'' lboul tl.illl ltuuJ)Urlramb I\ lhCMoshul tmpcto' fell Ddt' If< "''".) 1 pulll ,,,ntrmporMl ohto"'" lltr ''" I ul.,o. he''"' c.trned to .ond It hh) h~vc ~"' ple>IUI"""''~'n' I''" ,,J (lu- on either aide o r the apu . The word 'Fatehpuri mcanJ a conquered {Hindu) townJbip. Tbo marblc slab on the ted..tonc atlo ~onou, uoed to I "'here royal RaJ' put ....., m~ ,.,.. ;...._ pot'UIUC'nl uc~ toe ,.,.... the T up bo hur1cd undtr pdd .~uthorihipimaae-brc:~kct,s~nshJ~1mu'toofunrn~th!08Thit \n,uu B.l$h rJ\Ifhm ttiShfC Agrol fort pr0\('5 that lt\,C ICOCD(lfrYI ruucra g.Jrden hu RajpUI ongrns Note thel"bh, lbe J'llil",lht br>tkeos, lh< cupola 11 ohe ri&hl, Ihe '""'d ffiltoa panly l>~bl< adJoonoog the aopola which nre II lhJPUI charcctcnslksTlus SO'na oe h llb1~,. kn~"'" as "ltiraoroa~e" DotSaolom " roat. n Joopur, whteb proves that tile butldona 11 .tt) urf,r: R...Jrut pa lliCn rechntS recorded b) .M !IDDIIIIInslllSb!Jtr llfah l AabatJmd;-nt.JIIy ll ma) also be ponted our ch.11 rh' recorded fKl G( \fohommad Ghazn~ havmg been bun..:d '" h11 own roo I - 10 Gflu7nr (I 030 A D) obo pro>., lh>t II pted the monstroua myth that olien Mushm~ invading lndta buoh motquet and tombs galore durong their restless. turbulent nd on>ecurc regonoes but nu correspondons palaceuatry d~~ronr the many mllltntum or theor rule from Pandv& t" PrtthoraJ...., 61 ., 1 _. ~P" t ~ arwrr~ 'tiT ~ifi~ " if'R" ~ ._, ,_. n 16414 it Ill ijiiit;:q')- CfiTt EJ~ ~rV..~t~""'~'", (~Toft m~)am ~ (.t ~) 1 t ll5lf ~ 5Wh ~or ~~~ ~)~