Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America March 2019 SCBA Newsletter 1 CONTENTS 1. National Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences inductees 1 2. SCBA/CANON/CBIS open letter to NIH 2 3. SCBA Election: information and nomination 2 4. SCBA Toronto Chapter Annual Meeting 6 5. Welcome New Members to SCBA 10 6. Seventeenth SCBA International Symposium in Kunming, July 24-28, 2019 11 7. Excellent Poster Awards Announcement 11 8. Joseph Li Travel Awards for Students, Postdoctoral Fellows, and Junior Faculty to Attend the 17 th SCBA International Symposium in Kunming, up to $1,500 per award. 12 9. 17 th SCBA International Symposium Program 14 SCBA CONGRATULATES FOLLOWING CHINESE AMERICAN AND CHINESE BIOSCIENTISTS FOR BEING ELECTED INTO THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES (USA) AND AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES IN 2019. National Academy of Sciences: Jue Chen, Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute; and William E. Ford Professor, The Rockefeller University, New York City George F. Gao*, Director General, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention; Dean, Medical School, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; vice president, National Natural Science Foundation of China; and Professor, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, People’s Republic of China Nieng Yan*, Shirley M. Tilghman Professor of Molecular Biology, Department of Molecular Biology, Princeton University * National Academy of Sciences Foreign Associates American Academy of Arts and Sciences Yifan Cheng, investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute; Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of California, San Francisco Guoping Feng, Investigator, McGovern Institute; James W. and Patricia T. Poitras Professor, Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Director, Model Systems and Neurobiology, Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research; Institute Member, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard Yishi Jin, Junior Seau Foundation Endowed Chair in Traumatic Brain Injury; Professor and Chair, Section of Neurobiology, University of California, San Diego. We are proud of their distinctions and achievements. In particular, Professor Nieng Yan was a recipient of the SCBA Young Investigator Award in 2015. March 2019 NEWSLETTER Volume 34 | Issue 1 Newsletter Editor: Jianming Xu, Ph.D. Production Editor: Chris Lau, Ph.D.

Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America · 2. SCBA/CANON/CBIS open letter to NIH 2 3. SCBA Election: information and nomination 2 4. SCBA Toronto Chapter Annual Meeting 6 5. Welcome

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Page 1: Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America · 2. SCBA/CANON/CBIS open letter to NIH 2 3. SCBA Election: information and nomination 2 4. SCBA Toronto Chapter Annual Meeting 6 5. Welcome

Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America

March 2019 SCBA Newsletter 1

CONTENTS 1. National Academy of Sciences and the American

Academy of Arts and Sciences inductees 1

2. SCBA/CANON/CBIS open letter to NIH 2

3. SCBA Election: information and nomination 2

4. SCBA Toronto Chapter Annual Meeting 6

5. Welcome New Members to SCBA 10

6. Seventeenth SCBA International Symposium in Kunming, July 24-28, 2019 11

7. Excellent Poster Awards Announcement 11

8. Joseph Li Travel Awards for Students, Postdoctoral Fellows, and Junior Faculty to Attend the 17th SCBA International Symposium in Kunming, up to $1,500 per award. 12

9. 17th SCBA International Symposium Program 14

SCBA CONGRATULATES FOLLOWING CHINESE AMERICAN AND CHINESE BIOSCIENTISTS FOR BEING ELECTED INTO THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES (USA) AND AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES IN 2019. National Academy of Sciences: Jue Chen, Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute; and William E. Ford Professor, The Rockefeller University, New York City George F. Gao*, Director General, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention; Dean, Medical School, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; vice president, National Natural Science Foundation of China; and

Professor, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, People’s Republic of China Nieng Yan*, Shirley M. Tilghman Professor of Molecular Biology, Department of Molecular Biology, Princeton University * National Academy of Sciences Foreign Associates American Academy of Arts and Sciences Yifan Cheng, investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute; Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of California, San Francisco Guoping Feng, Investigator, McGovern Institute; James W. and Patricia T. Poitras Professor, Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Director, Model Systems and Neurobiology, Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research; Institute Member, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard Yishi Jin, Junior Seau Foundation Endowed Chair in Traumatic Brain Injury; Professor and Chair, Section of Neurobiology, University of California, San Diego. We are proud of their distinctions and achievements. In particular, Professor Nieng Yan was a recipient of the SCBA Young Investigator Award in 2015.

March 2019 NEWSLETTER Volume 34 | Issue 1 Newsletter Editor: Jianming Xu, Ph.D. Production Editor: Chris Lau, Ph.D.

Page 2: Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America · 2. SCBA/CANON/CBIS open letter to NIH 2 3. SCBA Election: information and nomination 2 4. SCBA Toronto Chapter Annual Meeting 6 5. Welcome

Volume 34 | Issue 1

March 2019 SCBA Newsletter




Shan-Lu Liu, President of SCBA-Virology Division An open letter sponsored by SCBA and co-signed by the Chinese American Hematologist and Oncologist Network (CAHON) and the Chinese Biological Investigators Society (CBIS) was published in Science (Vol 363: Issue 6433, pp. 1290-1292; http://science.sciencemag.org/content/363/6433/1290.full) on March 22, 2019. The letter was written in response to “recent US political rhetoric and policies that single out students and scholars of Chinese descent working in the United States as threats to U.S. national interests”. A response letter written by NIH director Dr. Francis Collins and his leadership colleagues was published in the same issue of Science (http://science.sciencemag.org/content/363/6433/1292). In the open letter, we expressed our serious concerns about some recently increased regulations and investigations of scientists of Chinese descent that “have led to confusion, fear, and frustration among these highly dedicated professionals, who are in danger of being singled out for scapegoating, stereotyping, and racial profiling”. In the open letter, we made it clear that “we absolutely support the well-established policies regarding intellectual property, employment, and governance of conflicts of interest”. But in the meantime, we pointed out that “open data access and data sharing are important for accelerating research advancement and can be implemented without putting U.S. security at risk”. At the end of the letter, we “urge both federal and local governments to work with our academic and research institutions to create a respectful, transparent, and productive environment for everyone, regardless of their ethnic origin”. The preparation of the letter was tasked by a special SCBA committee chaired by Dr. Shan-Lu Liu, President of SCBA-Virology Division; members include Drs. Zhe Han, SCBA Membership Committee Chair, and Hui Zheng, SCBA President-Elect. The letter was initially drafted by the SCBA-Virology Division, which was led by Drs. Shan Lu, Zihai Li, Zhi-Ming Zheng, and Shan-Lu Liu. The draft letter was extensively discussed within SCBA-Virology Division members and approved by its advisory committee before being submitted to SCBA. The letter was subsequently evaluated and undergone many rounds of revision by SCBA officers, co-executive directors, and council members, including SCBA President Dr. Paul Liu, Secretary Dr. Jianming Xu, Treasurer Dr. Pan Zheng, and Co-executive Directors Drs. Xi He and Chris Lau. The letter was finally approved by SCBA council, and signed by additional SCBA leadership members, along with leaders of two other sister organizations, CANOH and CBIS, who have participated in discussion and revision of the open letter.

The open letter, together with the NIH response letter, has drawn significant attentions and responses in the public, social media, as well as scientific communities, immediately after their publication online March 21, 2019. The Scientist published a special news report (https://www.the-scientist.com/news-opinion/chinese-american-scientist-societies-fear-racial-profiling-65627), which interviewed NIH director Francis Collins, the Ohio State University President Michael Drake, University of California, Berkeley vice chancellor for research Randy Katz, and Caltech professor of biology Alice Huang, etc. The open letter, along with the NIH response letter, was also featured in the Chinese popular social medium Zhishifenzi (“ � � � � ”: http://zhishifenzi.com/news/multiple/5509.html).

MESSAGE FROM THE NOMINATION COMMITTEE It is election time for us to choose our leadership for the next few years. We are calling for nominations and self-nominations of candidates for elected offices in SCBA. Please spread the words and help us to identify the candidates by sending the nomination or self-nomination form back to Zhong-Ping Feng, Chair of the Nomination Committee, before March 1, 2019. Based on the nomination, the eligibility and willingness to serve of the nominees, the Nominating Committee will propose an official ballot and obtain a brief curriculum vita and a description of service to the Society from each of the nominees for the elected offices. After review and approval by the SCBA the Council, the Executive Director shall forward the official ballot to all Active Members on or before April 15, 2019 for a vote by electronic means. The members should return their completed ballots by May 15, 2019. An alternative paper ballot can also be accepted, but must reach the Co-Executive Director, Dr. Xi He, by the voting deadline, to the address provided on the SCBA website. The ballots shall be opened

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by the Executive Director in the presence of at least one other Council member or person designated in writing by a Council member. The results of the election shall be tabulated and announced by posting on the official website of the Society. If you have any questions, please send a email to the Chair, Zhong-Ping Feng, of the Nomination Committee or the Co-Executive Directors, Dr. Xi He or Chris Lau. The NOMINATION COMMITTEE Zhong-Ping Feng (University of Toronto) - Chair [email protected] Wenyi Wei (Harvard Medical School) [email protected] Huilin Zhou (University of California, San Diego) [email protected] Yang LIu (George Washington University) [email protected] Xiao-Jing Wang (University of Colorado) [email protected] Nan-Ping Weng (National Institutes of Health) [email protected] The following Positions are open for nominations. The relevant portions of their respective duties, as described in the SCBA Bylaws, are detailed below. CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICERS: 1. President (1): January 1, 2022 – December 31, 2023

The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Society and shall preside at all meetings of the Council. Subject to the control of the Council, the President shall have general executive charge, management, and control of the properties, business, and operations of the Society with all such powers as may be reasonably incident to such responsibilities; shall have the authority to agree upon and execute all leases, contracts, evidences of indebtedness, and other obligations in the name of the Society subject to the approval of the Council; and shall have such other powers and duties as may be designated in these Bylaws and as may be assigned to such officer from time to time by the Council. The President shall take a leadership role in the organization and implementation of a Biannual International Symposium during his/her tenure.

2. Secretary (1): January 1, 2022 – December 31, 2023

The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the Council in books provided for that purpose; shall attend to the giving and serving of all notices; shall organize the Council Meeting and all Council meetings; in furtherance of the Society's purposes and subject to the limitations contained in the Articles of Incorporation, may sign with the President in the name and on behalf of

the Society and/or attest the signatures thereto, all contracts, conveyances, franchises, bonds, deeds, assignments, mortgages, notes, and other instruments of the Society; shall have charge of the Society's books; records, documents, and instruments, except the books of account and financial records and securities of which the Treasurer shall have custody and charge, and such other books and papers as the Council may direct, all of which shall be open at reasonable times to the inspection of any Member upon application at the Society's office during business hours and approved by a majority vote of the Council; and shall in general perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary subject to the control of the Council.

3. Treasurer (1): January 1, 2022 – December 31, 2023

The Treasurer shall have custody of all of the Society's funds and securities that come into such officer's hands. When necessary or proper, the Treasurer may endorse or cause to be endorsed, in the name and on behalf of the Society, checks, notes, and other obligations for collection and shall deposit or cause to be deposited the same to the credit of the Society in such bank or banks, or financial depositories and in such manner as shall be designated and prescribed by the Council; may sign or cause to be signed all receipts and vouchers for payments made to the Society either alone or jointly with such other officer as may be designated by the Council; whenever required by the Council, shall render or cause to be rendered a statement of the cash account; shall enter or cause to be entered regularly In the Society's books to be kept by such officer for that purpose full and accurate accounts of all moneys received and paid out on account of the Society; shall perform all acts incident to the position of Treasurer subject to the control of the Council; and shall, if required by the Council, give such bond for the faithful discharge of such officer's duties in such form as the Council may require.

COUNCIL AND COMMITTEES: 4. Council Member (2): January 1, 2020 – December 31,


Two Councilors shall be elected every other year by mail or electronic ballot to serve for a period of four years and shall assume office on the first day of January of the following year. Councilors shall (i) attend each meeting of the Council, (ii) advise the President with respect to financial matters, the Society's publications, national and international issues that may affect the future of the Society and other matters relating to the Society, the local chapters and the membership, and (iii) serve as liaisons to other scientific and professional societies. Councilors shall not be eligible for immediate reelection, unless such election is recommended by a vote of three-fourths (3/4) or more of the other members of the Council or a majority

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vote of the Active Members.

5. Nomination Committee (6): January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2021

A Chair and five (5) members of the Society, who hold no other elective office, shall be elected to be the Nomination Committee by mail or electronic ballot on the second year of the new administration of the SCBA. The six candidates who receive the highest number of votes shall be declared elected; the one receiving the most votes shall serve as the Chairperson. The Nominating Committee members shall assume their responsibility on January 1 immediately following the year of their election for a two-year term. It shall be the responsibility of the Nominating Committee to identify and nominate potential candidates for elected offices of the Society in the election process, starting at the end of the first year of the new administration, with a schedule to be completed before May 15 of the second year, according to the specifications defined by the SCBA Bylaws.

6. Membership Committee (6). January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2021.

A Chair and five (5) members of the Society, who hold no other elective office, shall be elected to be the Membership Committee by mail or electronic ballot on the second year of the new administration of the SCBA. The six candidates who receive the highest number of votes shall be declared elected; the one receiving the most votes shall serve as the Chairperson. The Membership Committee members shall assume their responsibility on January 1 immediately following the year of their election for a two-year term. The Membership Committee shall organize national and local membership drive activities, review and approve membership applications, review and present the record of Members with problems, as defined by these Bylaws, for possible Council action or expulsion, and work closely with the Executive Director in updating membership profiles and publishing the membership directory. The Membership Committee shall also act as a liaison to the local chapters and international membership nominees to serve as officers and representatives of the Society. The Membership Committee shall also identify and recruit individuals with special scientific and technical expertise by nominating them for membership in the Society.

All nominations and self-nominations are welcome. The Nomination Committee will convene a meeting after all nominations are collected and tabulate a list of candidates for the consideration and approval of the SCBA Council. The nomination form is included in the following page. We need the best among us to lead the Society in the future. Please contact the Nomination Committee Chair and its Members, COOs and the Co-Executive Directors, for

discussion of likely candidates for various positions in this election, if you have any questions. The contact information is listed at the beginning of this announcement, and on the SCBA website: http://www.scbasociety.org/

Nominations are still being accepted till May 15, 2019. All interested members, please contact the Nomination Chair Zhong-Ping Feng - [email protected] and/or the Co-Executive Directors, Drs. Xi He – [email protected] and Chris Lau – [email protected] for further information on the deadline and nomination or self-nomination processes. We welcome all members to participate in the 2019 Election as nominators and/or candidates and contribute to the future of our Society!

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Election Nomination Form - 2019

Name of Position: ________________________________________________________________ Name of Nominee: ________________________________________________________________ Title and Affiliation: _______________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Information: ________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

Qualifications and Achievements: (also attached detailed curriculum vita of Nominee)

Nominated by: _______________________________________________________________________ Contact and Affiliation of Nominator: ____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

Send nomination and a copy of the CV of the nominee via e-mail to: Zhong-Ping Feng, Chair, Nomination Committee, [email protected] and cc a copy to the Secretary, Jinaming Xu, [email protected] before May 15, 2019.

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2019 Annual Scientific Symposium and Dinner Reception

The SCBA Toronto Chapter held its 2019 Annual Scientific Symposium on February 15, 2019 in the Peter Gilgan Centre for Research and Learning (PGCRL), Toronto SickKids Hospital, Toronto, Canada. The theme of the symposium was "Frontiers in Brain Function and Disorders". The symposium organizing committee was let by Dr. Hong-Shuo Sun, the current President of the SCBA Toronto Chapter and Associate Professor of the Departments of Surgery, Physiology, Pharmacology, and Institute of Medical Sciences at the University of Toronto, and Dr. Haibo Zhang, the President-Elected of the SCBA Toronto Chapter and Professor of the Departments of Anesthesia, Medicine, Physiology, and Institute of Medical Sciences at the University of Toronto, and Senior Scientist at the Keenan Research Centre for Biomedical Science of St. Michael's Hospital. The symposium was attended by over 100 faculty members, scientists, clinicians, postdoctoral fellows, graduate students and research staffs. The Symposium began with a poster presentation session to provide unique opportunities to our trainees and scientists for knowledge exchanging, networking and establishing potential collaborations. There were 21 research trainees in the fields of biomedical sciences presented and discussed their most current work with the faculty members and their fellow researchers. The interactions among faculty members and students were upbeat. The poster presentations were evaluated by a panel of faculty judges, including Drs. Haibo Zhang, Burton Yang, Heyu Ni, Jim Hu, Li Zhang, Tianru Jin, Haiyang Guo, chaired by Dr. Hong-Shuo Sun and Dr. Heyu Ni. The evaluation criteria included the quality of visual and oral presentation, scientific content, and the ability of the presenters to answer questions. Dr. Hong-Shuo Sun, the President of the Toronto Chapter opened the symposium by welcoming speakers and attendees and highlighting major activities of the event. Dr. Sun reviewed the 20-year history of the Toronto chapter and acknowledged contributions of all the past-presidents. Dr. Sun also thanked the executive committee members, and event sponsors and helpers. Dr. Michael Salter, the Chief of Research of Toronto SickKids Hospital, welcomed everyone and emphasized important relationships between Toronto research communities and local Chinese scientists. Then, Dr. Christopher Yip, the Associate Vice President of the University of Toronto gave his opening remarks. Dr. Yip expressed his support to the SCBA Toronto Chapter and stressed the significance of Chinese professors (SCBA members) in basic and clinical research as well as international collaborations between the University of Toronto and the Chinese Research/Educational institutes. President Yip closed his opening remarks by wishing everyone a Happy Chinese New Year and a successful annual symposium.

Six world-renowned scientists delivered their talks during the annual symposium in two sessions. The 1st session was moderated by Dr. Jim Hu (Professor of Departments of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, and Paediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, and Senior Scientist of SickKids) and Dr. Hong-Shuo Sun. Dr. Michael Salter (Professor in the Department of Physiology, University of Toronto and senior scientist of Toronto SickKids), and Dr. Graham Collingridge (2016 Brain Prize winner, and Professor and Chair of the Department of Physiology, University of Toronto) highlighted their currently work on synaptic plasticity, brain function and brain disorders. Dr. Michael Tymianski (Professor and Neurosurgeon of the Departments of Surgery and Physiology, University of Toronto) shared his experience and view on the process bringing research discovery to phase III clinical trial. The 2nd session was moderated by Dr. Zhong-Ping Feng (Professor of the Department of Physiology, University of Toronto), and Dr. Haibo Zhang. Dr. XiaoPing Gu (Professor in Drum Tower Hospital, Nanjing University, China), Dr. Cindi Morshead (Professor and Chair of the Division of Anatomy, Department of Surgery and Institute of Medical Sciences at the University of Toronto), and Kang Lee (Professor in Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto) discussed their work ranged from recent advances in circadian in conflictive function, stem cells in brain tissue repair, and Affective Artificial Intelligence and neuroscience. Two junior faculties, Dr. Dehan Kong, and Dr. Qiang Sun, from the Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Toronto, have also been invited to introduce their work on object-oriented data analysis and manifold modeling in the field of data mining science. The speakers also led in-depth discussion with the audience. A special highlight in this year’s SCBA Toronto Chapter annual symposium was the presentation by our invited guest speaker, Professor XiaoPing Gu, from Drum Tower Hospital, Nanjing University, China. The Drum Tower Hospital in Nanjing, China, was originally established by a Canadian Physician, Dr. William Edward Macklin in 1892 (he lived in Nanjing for 40 years). Dr. Macklin had a medical degree from the University of Toronto. In the “Mission to China” with the assistance of the Church of Christ in US, Dr. Macklin was the first director and formed the Christian hospital, which was widely known as “Ma

Lin Hospital” ( *�8 / now called��9+�8). (Note:

“Ma Lin” ( *) is the Chinese pronunciation of Macklin).

Currently, the Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital is a Level Three Grade A, large scale general hospital that combines medical services, teaching, and research. This is one of the examples for long China-Canada relationships. At the beginning of the 2nd session, Dr. Mingyao Liu (Professor of Surgery and Director of Institute of Medical Science, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto and Senior Scientist, Toronto General Research Institute, University Health Network) introduced Dr. Macklin’s family members. Dr. Hong-Shuo Sun and Dr. Zhong-Ping Feng also mentioned the established collaboration between the

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University of Toronto group and Dr. Gu’s group in Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital. Dr. Macklin’s family members and Professor Gu exchanged their gifts and had photo together for the historical moment during the 2019 Toronto SCBA annual symposium. Dr. Heyu Ni (the Past President of the SCBA Toronto Chapter and Professor in Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology and Senior Scientist in Keenan Research Centre for Biomedical Science, St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto) chaired the Trainee Awards Ceremony. Dr. Tianru Jin (Professor in Medicine and Physiology, and Senior Scientist in Toronto General Research Institute, University Health Network) and Dr. Burton Yang (Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology and Senior Scientist, Sunnybrook Research Institute) presented the Best Paper Award, foundered and sponsored by Dr. C.C. Liew, a former President of SCBA International and the Toronto Chapter. The winner of the 2018 Best Paper Award was Junjie Tony Hua for Cell 2018, 174:1 entitled “Risk SNP-Mediated Promoter-Enhancer Switching Drives Prostate Cancer through lncRNA PCAT19.” (Supervisor: Dr. Hansen He of Medical Biophysics, the University of Toronto). Dr. Heyu Ni and Dr. Hong-Shuo Sun announced the winners of Poster Presentation Awards and presented the awards. The Poster Presentation Awards went to Vivian Szeto, Hok-Yan Cheng, Alice Luo, and Tiffany Ni. A big thank to the poster award judges. In closing, Dr. Heyu Ni again acknowledged the generous event sponsors, including the SCBA Central, the University of Toronto (Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, Departments of Physiology, and Surgery, and the Institute of Medical Science), Toronto SickKids Research Institute, GeneSeeq, CCOA Therapeutics Inc., the Zebrafish Center for Advanced Drug Discovery, and Pioneer Biomedical Pharmaceuti; and special thanks to Dr. Peter Liu and Dr. C.C. Liew for their supports/funds over these many years, as well as Dr. Tianru Jin’s support for the award funds. Dr. Ni also highlighted the success of the event, thanked the speakers, and congratulated the winners of the Best Paper and Poster competitions, as well as encouraged trainees to join SCBA. A dinner reception celebrating the Year of the Pig and the 2019 SCBA Symposium was held at the Dim Sum King Seafood Restaurant and attended by 210 members and invited guests. Dr. Haibo Zhang organized the entertaining performance. Dr. Zhong-Ping Feng and Dr. Jim Hu joined Dr. Haibo Zhang

served as the co-Masters of Ceremonies. Many SCBA members, trainees, guests and volunteers showcased their musical talents, including Chinese local opera solo, group dancing, Guzheng solo, Chinese song solo, electronic piano solo, Italian opera solo, and group singing. Many distinguished guests also spoke, including Dr. C.C. Liew (former President of SCBA International and the Toronto Chapter), Dr. Mike Salter (Chief of Research Institute), Dr. Jeff Hederson (Faculty of Pharmacy), Dr. Graham Collingridge (Chair of Physiology), Dr. Avrum Gotlieb (Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology), and several other distinguished guests. Dr. Mingyao Liu introduced Dr. Macklin’s family members again in the symposium dinner event. Dr. Mingyao Liu, Dr. Haibo Zhang, Dr. Lu Jin, Dr. Zhong-Ping Feng and Dr. Hong-Shuo Sun also added comments on the important links between the University of Toronto and the Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital. Dr. Macklin’s family members and Professor XiaoPing Gu also spoke and took photo together in the dinner event too. Dr. Hong-Shuo Sun later acknowledged and thanked the organizing committee, sponsors and event volunteers. The success of the 2019 SCBA Toronto Chapter Annual Symposium and Dinner Reception events can be directly attributed to the phenomenal volunteer team effort of the Toronto Chapter Executive members, including Drs. Hong-Shuo Sun, Haibo Zhang, Heyu Ni, Ren-Ke Li, Mingyao Liu, Tianru Jin, Li Zhang, Jim Hu, Zhong-Ping Feng, and Shirley Wu. Other volunteers included Iulia Park, Sara Chowns, Julia Bandura, Ann Gong, Sarah Eide, Nancy Hamdy, Raymond Wong, Jiangfan Wan, and Wenliang Chen. Special thanks to Dr. Jim Hu for arranging the venue facilities and the caterer for lunch and coffee break. Also, special thanks to Ms. Iulia Park and Ms. Sara Chowns for assisting with both the Symposium and dinner registrations as well as organizing the displays, and executing many other behind-the-scenes tasks. The SCBA Toronto Chapter 2019 Symposium and Dinner reception was yet another fantastically successful event, underscoring the engagement, participation, and deep support from the University of Toronto biomedical community. Dr. Hong-Shuo Sun Dr. Haibo Zhang President President-Elect SCBA Toronto Chapter SCBA Toronto Chapter

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2019-02-15 Toronto SCBA Annual Symposium displays

2019 Toronto SCBA Annual Symposium registration desk & student helpers

2019 Toronto SCBA Annual Symposium in Toronto SickKids PGCRL auditorium

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Dr. Macklin & Nanjing “Gu Lou” Dr. Gu with Dr. Macklin family

2019 Toronto SCBA symposium dinner event and group singing

2019 Toronto SCBA symposium speakers and special guests - group photo

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The Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America (SCBA) is the

largest professional society for Chinese bioscientists in North

America. Our SCBA network has continued to expand, and we

hope that our members encourage colleagues to join and enjoy

the many resources and opportunities at SCBA.

We would like to give a warm welcome to our newest members:

Life Membership:

Dr. Kaifu Chen, Houston Medical Research Institute

Dr. Lei Xuesen, University of British Columbia

Dr. Dong Fang, Zhejiang University*

Dr. Rao Feng, SUSTech*

Dr. Hansen He, The Princess Margaret Cancer Centre

Dr. Jianming Hu, Penn State University

Dr. Yasuko Iwakiri, Yale University

Dr. Yulong Li, Peking University *

Dr. Han Liang, The University of Texas, MD Anderson

Cancer Center

Dr. Baohua Liu, University of Toronto*

Dr. Hua Liu, University of Texas Medical Branch

Dr. Xuefeng Liu, Georgetown University

Dr. Yi Qiu, The University of Florida

Dr. Shizhen Emily Wang, University of California, San Diego

Dr. Gonghong Wie, University of Oulu*

Dr. Bin Wu, Johns Hopkins University

Dr. Kexin Xu, University of Texas Health Science Center

Dr. ShuYuan Yeh, University of Rochester

Dr. Jian Yuan, Mayo Clinic

Dr. Mesheng Zeng, Sun Yatsen University*

Dr. Wenbo Zhang, University of Texas Medical Branch

Dr. Yanbin Zhang, University of Miami

Dr. Anny Xiaobo Zhou, Brigham and Women’s


Dr. Ronghlia Zhou, Wuhan University*


Regular Membership:

Dr. Shi-Jie Chen, University of Missouri-Columbia

Dr. Guang-Chao Chen, Institute of Biological Chemistry,

Academina Sinica*

Dr. Shuibing Chen, Weill Medical College, Cornell University

Dr. Tsung-Hsein Chuang, National Health Research


Dr. Lei Ding, Columbia University Medical Center

Dr. Yanshan Fang, Chinese Academy of Sciences*

Dr. Shobha Ghosh, VCU Medical Center

Dr. Caixia Guo, Bejing Institute of Genomics*

Dr. Jian Huang, Temple University

Dr. Jun Huang, Life Sciences Institute Zhejiang University

Dr. Hung-Ming Lam, University of Washington

Dr. Bo Li, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Dr. Chuan-Yuan Li, Duke University

Dr. Jianxun Lin, BGI-Research*

Dr. Ping Mu, UT Southwestern Medical Center

Dr. Xiaodong Mu, McGovern Medical School of UTHealth

Dr. Bingda Sun, ConfometRX, Inc.

Dr. Peiqing Sun, Wake Forest University School of Medicine


Trainee Membership:

Dr. Peng Zhang, University of Maryland

Dr. Mungyue Liu, University of Maryland

Dr. Shashan Shi, Dana Farber Cancer Institute

Xi He, Ph.D. Chris Lau, Ph.D.

Co-Executive Director Co-Executive Director

SCBA Newsletter is an official quarterly publication of

the Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America. For

more information, please visit SCBA website:


Newsletter Editor: Jianming Xu, Ph.D.

([email protected])

Production Editor: Chris Lau, Ph.D.

([email protected])

Copyright © 2019.

Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America.

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March 2019 SCBA Newsletter


For meeting information, registration, abstract submission, travel and hotel reservation.

Please visit the meeting website: https://scba.medmeeting.org/8579?lang=en


SCBA is delighted to announce the availability of the Excellent Poster Awards for the 17th SCBA International Symposium, Kunming,

China, from June 24 – 28, 2019. All posters, except those receiving the Joseph Li Travel Awards, will be evaluated by a panel of

established scientists, chaired by the Co-Executive Director Professor Xi He, during the poster sessions, and will be graded for their

scientific excellence. The top 20 will receive a monetary award of US$250 each to the first author and presenter of the posters. There

is no need for any formal application. Please submit your abstracts by the submission deadline posted on the meeting website and stand

by your posters during your designated sessions, so that the judges will be able to interact with you on your presentations.

These Excellence Poster Awards are made possible by a generous donation by Dr. Kenneth Fong of the Kenson Ventures LLC, Palo

Alto, California.

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March 2019 SCBA Newsletter


THE JOSEPH K.-K. LI Travel Awards

With a generous support of Dr. Kenneth Fong, the Chairman of Kenson Ventures LLC, we are delighted

to announce the availability of the Joseph K. K. Li Travel Awards to students, postdoctoral fellows, and

junior faculty to attend and present in the 17th International Symposium of SCBA to be held in Kunming,

China, from June 24 – 28, 2019. SCBA is anticipating providing 20-25 such travel awards to qualified

individuals who is the first author of a poster presentation at the Symposium. Those originating from the

North America and/or Europe will be provided a monetary assistance to cover their airfares and lodging

expenses up to US$1,500, while those originating from Asia will be awarded up to US$500 for

transportation and lodging expenses. Please note that the priority will be given to those candidates

originating from North America.

Dr. Joseph Li (1940 – 2015) was a long-time Executive Director (2000 – 2010) and had contributed

significantly to the initial establishment and growth of SCBA. He was a Professor of Biology at the Utah

State University and had strong commitment to foster educational growth and scientific experience for

students and postdoctoral fellows. Dr. Kenneth Fong, a former SCBA President and the founder and former CEO of Clontech

Laboratories, had been a long-time friend of Dr. Li since their early careers in the 1970’s. His funding of the Joseph Li continues the

passion both shared in fostering educational and learning experience for students, postdoctoral fellows and junior faculty in SCBA

symposia in the past.

Requirements for Joseph Li Travel Awards: Student and postdoctoral fellow applicants should be nominated by their supervisory

professors, who are members of SCBA. Junior faculty member applicants need to be members of SCBA. He/she must be the first author

or last author of a poster/oral presentation, accepted by SCBA Program Committee. Please specify your application in your submitted

abstract/registration and send your submitted abstract to the Travel Award Committee via the Co-Executive Directors, Dr. Chris Lau

and/or Dr. Xi He, [email protected], via email attachment, [email protected], upon submission of abstract and ASAP.

Awardees will be announced in June 2019.

Livia Li, Joe’s widow, and Ken Fong at the Kenson Ventures Office.

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THE JOSEPH K.-K. LI Travel Awards

Application Form

Name of Applicant: _______________________________________________________________________________

Address and Affiliation: _______________________________________________________________________________


Abstract Title: _______________________________________________________________________________________

Name of Supervisor/Professor: _________________________________________________________________________

Supervisor/Professor/Junior Faculty Applicant Membership Status:

Life ( ) Regular ( ) International Life ( ) International Regular ( )

Affiliation: __________________________________________________________________________________________


Signature of Supervisor/Professor/Department Chair: _____________________________________________________

(Student/Postdoctoral Fellow applicants) (Junior Faculty Applicants)

Please send your completed application form together with a copy of your submitted abstract to the Joseph Li Travel Awards

Committee via email attachments to the Co-Executive Directors, Dr. Chris Lau, [email protected] or Dr. Xi He,

[email protected], upon abstract submission.

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17th SCBA International Symposium Kunming, China – July 24-28, 2019

Conference Rooms Location lectures/presentations Date

Yun An international conference center


The 2nd Floor Lecture Hall

(2+#�) Opening ceremony/Keynote/ Welcome reception 24th July

Yun An Auditorium


The 3nd Floor Lecture

Hall:3+���; Keynote/ Plenary/ Named/ Award lectures

25th-28th July

Conference Room 2F-1

(�+1��) Session: 3/8/13/18/24/30/35/40/45/50

25th-27th July

Conference Room 2F-7

(�+7��) Session: 4/9/14/19/25/31/36/41/46/51

25th-27th July

Conference Room 3F-1

(�+1��) Session: 21/27/L32 26th July

Conference Room 3F-10

(�+10��) Session: 5/10/15/20/26/32/37/42/47/52

25th-27th July

Conference Room 4F-1

(�+1��) Session: 1/6/11/16/22/28/33/38/43/48

25th-27th July

Conference Room 4F-2

(�+2��) Session: 2/7/12/17/23/29/34/39/44/49

25th-27th July

Map of the Hotel

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Main Program July 24, 2019

Venue: The 2nd Floor Lecture Hall, Yun An international conference center:�������2F#�;


Opening Ceremony


Moderator: Jianming Xu, Secretary of SCBA, 2 minutes

Opening Address 1: Paul Liu, President of SCBA, 9 minutes

Opening Address 2: (Representative) of Yunnan University, 9 minutes

Opening Address 3: Yong-Biao Xue, President of Genetics Society

of China, 5 minutes

Program Overview: Linheng Li, Chairman of the Scientific Program

Organizing Committee, 3 minutes


Keynote Speech: Dr. Zhu Chen (Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine): Aging and cancer: Effective therapy for multiple myeloa

Introduction by Paul Liu (National Institutes of Health, USA)


Keynote Speech

Dr. Brian Kobilka (Stanford University): G protein coupled receptors: Challenges in drug discovery

Introduction by Xi He (Harvard University)

20:15-21:45 Welcome Reception

July 25, 2019

8:00-9:20 Keynote/Plenary Venue: The 3nd Floor Lecture Hall, Yun An Auditorium (�����+���)

8:00-8:45: Keynote Speech

Elaine Fuchs (Rockefeller University): Stem cells in silence and in action

Introduction by Linheng Li (Stowers Institute for Medical Research).

8:45-9:20: Plenary Lecture

Haifan Lin (Yale University): A role of piRNA in stem cell and cancer

Introduction by Hongkui Deng (Pekin University)

9:20-9:40 20 minutes break

9:40-10:55 Session 1-5

Session 1: Cancer immunity and inflammation. Chairpersons: Shao-Cong Sun (The University of Texas)/Yun-Cai Liu (La Jolla Institute for Immunology). Venue: Conference Room 4F-1, Yun An Auditorium (�����+1��)

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9:40-9:55: S1-1 Rongfu Wang (Weill Cornell Medical College). Title: Expanding cancer immunotherapy by targeting neoantigens.

9:55-10:10: S1-2 Yun-Cai Liu (La Jolla Institute for Immunology). Title: Regulation of inflammation and autoimmunity by ubiquitination.

10:10-10:25: S1-3 Jin Jin (Zhejiang University). Title: A New Insight of T Cell-Mediated Autoimmune Diseases in CNS.

10:25-10:40: S1-4 Xin Lin (Tsinghua University). Title: CARMA family of molecules in immunity and inflammation.

10:40-10:55: S1-5 Shao-Cong Sun (The University of Texas). Title: NF-kB in immunity and autoimmune inflammation.

Session 2: Stem Cell and Development. Chairpersons: Jinsong Li (Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology)/Shuibing Chen (Weill Cornell Medical College). Venue: Conference Room 4F-2, Yun An Auditorium (�����+2��)

9:40-9:55: S2-1 Jinsong Li (Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology). Genome tagging project (GTP): tag every protein in mice through “artificial spermatids.

9:55-10:10: S2-2 Shuibing Chen (Weill Cornell Medical College). Title: Human Pluripotent Stem Cell-Based Disease Modeling and Drug Screening.

10:10-10:25: S2-3 Wei Li (Chinese Academy of Sciences). Title: Regulation and function of allelic imbalance in mammalian development.

10:25-10:40: S2-4 Weijun Pan (Chinese Academy of Sciences). Title: Live Characterization on Haematopoietic Stem Cell Homing.

10:40-10:55: S2-5 Lingsong Li (Chinese Academy of Sciences). Title: Phosphorylation of Oct4 determines ESC differentiation.

Session 3: New Insights on Inflammatory Signaling: Basic Mechanisms and Liver Disease. Chairpersons: Min You (Northeast Ohio Medical University)/ Ping Zhang (Northeast Ohio Medical University). Venue: Conference Room 2F-1, Yun An Auditorium (�����+1��)

9:40-9:55: S3-1 Bing Liang (Chinese Academy of Science). Title: Roles of S100A11 in fatty liver diseases.

9:55-10:10: S3-2 Ping Zhang (Northeast Ohio Medical University). Title: Sonic Hedgehog Signaling in the Hematopoietic Stem/Progenitor Cell Response to Septic Infection.

10:10-10:25: S3-3 Hong-Min Ni (University of Kansas Medical Center). Title: Role of MTOR in regulating lipid metabolism in alcoholic liver disease.

10:25-10:40: S3-4 Chaohui Yu (Zhejiang University). Title: Silencing of functional P53 attenuates NAFLD by promoting HMGB1-related autophage induction.

10:40-10:55: S3-5 Min You (Northeast Ohio Medical University). Title: Myeloid deletion of SIRT1 drives neutrophilic inflammation in alcoholic steatohepatitis: a pivotal role for inducible nitric oxide synthase.

Session 4: Cellular Clearance Pathways in Cell Death and Disease. Chairpersons: Hui Zheng (Baylor College of Medicine)/ Yueming Li (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center). Venue: Conference Room 2F-7, Yun An Auditorium (�����+7��)

9:40-9:55: S4-1 Zheng Zhou (Baylor College of Medicine). Title: Clearance of apoptotic and necrotic cells in C. elegans.

9:55-10:10: S4-2 Pengbo Zhou (Weill Cornell Medical College). Title: Protein knockout, a new tool in interrogation and intervention of diseases.

10:10-10:25: S4-3 Xuejun Jaing (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center). Title: Ferroptosis, mechanisms and role in disease.

10:25-10:40: S4-4 Yueming Li (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center). Title: Autophagy-mediated degradation in Alzheimer’s disease.

10:40-10:55: S4-5 Hui Zheng (Baylor College of Medicine). Title: A lysosome-nucleus signaling pathway in aging and neurodegeneration.

Session 5: Translating GWAS Discoveries to Biological Understanding of Complex Diseases. Chairpersons: Xiaobo Zhou (Harvard Medical School)/ Jian Yan (City University of Hong Kong). Venue: Conference Room 3F-10, Yun An Auditorium (�����+10��)

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9:40-9:55: S5-1 Yong-Gang Yao (Chinese Academy of Sciences). Title: Genetics and molecular mechanism of Alzheimer's disease.

9:55-10:10: S5-2 Yun Li (University of North Carolina). Title: Leveraging Chromatin Interactome Information in post-GWAS studies.

10:10-10:25: S5-3 Jian Yan (City University of Hong Kong). Title: Systematic analysis of differential transcription factor binding to non-coding variants in the human genome.

10:25-10:40: S5-4 Xiaoping Miao (Huazhong University of Science and Technology). Title: Genetic variants in CYP26B1 and risk of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.

10:40-10:55: S5-5 Xiaobo Zhou (Harvard Medical School). Title: Biological insights into lung diseases from GWAS.

10:55-11:15 20 minutes break

11:15-12:30 Session 6-10

Session 6: Autophagy: Basic Mechanisms and Disease. Chairpersons: Wen-Xing Ding (University of Kansas Medical Center)/ Wei-Xing Zong (Rutgers University). Venue: Conference Room 4F-1, Yun An Auditorium (�����+1��)

11:15-11:30: S6-1 Wei-Xing Zong (Rutgers University). Title: TRIM 21 regulates proteostasis in liver tumorigenesis.

11:30-11:45: S6-2 Lin Yang (University of Iowa). Title: Autophagy and ER stress in NAFLD.

11:45-12:00: S6-3 Xiao-Ming Yin (Indiana University). Title: Autophagy and HMGB1 in liver tumorigenesis.

12:00-12:15: S6-4 Han-Ming Shen (National University of Singapore). Title: Autophagy and lipid rafts.

12:15-12:30: S6-5 Li Yu (Tsinghua University). Title: Autophagy, p62 and phase-separation.

Session 7: New Frontiers in Liver Cancer Research. Chairpersons: Xin Wei Wang (National Cancer Institute)/ Mitchell Ho (National Cancer Institute). Venue: Conference Room 4F-2, Yun An Auditorium (�����+2��)

11:15-11:30: S7-1 Gen-Sheng Feng (University of California). Title: A new effective combination immunotherapy for liver cancer.

11:30-11:45: S7-2 Junfang Ji (Zhejiang University). Title: Heterogeneity in hepatic cancer stem cells.

11:45-12:00: S7-3 Mitchell Ho (National Cancer Institute). Title: The development of CAR T-cell therapy for liver cancer.

12:00-12:15: S7-4 Wei Gao (Nanjing Medical University). Title: The role of glypican-3 in regulating Wnt in hepatocellular carcinoma.

12:15-12:30: S7-5 Wen Xue (University of Massachusetts Medical School). Title: CRISPR-based liver cancer modeling and gene therapy.

Session 8: Breast Cancer Signaling, Metabolism, Stem Cell and Metastasis. Chairpersons: Jianming Xu (Baylor College of Medicine)/ Yi Li (Baylor College of Medicine). Venue: Conference Room 2F-1, Yun An Auditorium (�����+1��)

11:15-11:30: S8-1 Chuxia Deng (University of Macau). Title: Cisplatin reduces energy metabolism and blocks cell metastasis.

11:30-11:45: S8-2 Shizhen Emily Wang (University of California). Title: Local and systemic effects of cancer-secreted extracellular vesicles.

11:45-12:00: S8-3 Ceshi Chen (Chinese Academy of Sciences). Title: HECTD3 promotes breast cancer metastasis.

12:00-12:15: S8-4 Yi Li (Baylor College of Medicine). Title: Wnt signaling in breast cancer stem cells and metastasis.

12:15-12:30: S8-5 Jianming Xu (Baylor College of Medicine). Title: Twist-regulated gene expression and breast cancer metastasis.

Session 9: Probing Neural Circuitry, Function and Behavior. Chairpersons: C. Ron Yu (Stowers Institute)/ Minmin Luo (National Institute of Biological Sciences). Venue: Conference Room 2F-7, Yun An Auditorium (�����+7��)

11:15-11:30: S9-1 Yulong Li (Peking University). Title: Spying on monoamine modulation by constructing new genetically

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encoded sensors.

11:30-11:45: S9-2�� (Institute for Neuroscience). Title: Hypothalamic control of territorial aggression in mice.

11:45-12:00: S9-3 Tianyi Mao (Oregon Health Science University). Title: Dissecting circuit properties using mesoscopic connectome and novel imaging modalities.

12:00-12:15: S9-4 Bo Li (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory). Title: Dissecting the neural circuitry underlying motivated behaviors.

12:15-12:30: S9-5 C. Ron Yu (Stowers Institute). Title: What is critical for the critical period in the development of the olfactory circuit?

Session 10: Drosophila Models of Ageing and Degenerative Diseases. Chairpersons: Jun-yuan Ji (Texas A&M University)/ Sheng Zhang (The University of Texas). Venue: Conference Room 3F-10, Yun An Auditorium (�����+10��)

11:15-11:30: S10-1 Jun-yuan Ji (Texas A&M University). Title: CDK8 mediates the dietary effects on developmental transition in Drosophila.

11:30-11:45: S10-2 Sheng Zhang (The University of Texas). Title: HAP40 is a conserved central regulator of Huntington’s disease gene Huntingtin.

11:45-12:00: S10-3 Guang-Chao Chen (Academia Sinica). Title: Autophagy in host defense and tissue homeostasis: lessons from fly.

12:00-12:15: S10-4$0� (�48�-() �36!). Title: Design and Implementation of In Vivo Imaging of Neural

Injury Responses in the Adult Drosophila Wing.

12:15-12:30: S10-5 Chi-Kuang Yao (Academia Sinica). Title: Circuit-dependent propagation of oxidative stress mediates glutamate excitotoxicity-induced motor system deficits in Drosophila model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

12:30-14:00 Lunch

14:00-15:05 Plenary /Award lecture Venue: The 3nd Floor Lecture Hall, Yun An Auditorium (�����+���)

14:00-14:35: Plenary lecture

Weizhi Ji (Kunming University of Science and Technology): Monkey cloning

Introduction by Qiao Jie (Peking University The Third Hospital;

14:35-15:05: Kenneth Fong Young Investigator Award lecture

Meng C. Wang (Baylor College of Medicine): Messenger Metabolites in Longevity Regulation.

Introduction by Hui Zheng (Baylor College of Medicine)

15:05-15:25 20 minutes break

15:25-16:40 Session 11-15

Session 11: Integrative Prostate Cancer Genomics and Therapy. Chairpersons: Jindan Yu (Northwestern University)/ Qi Cao (Northwestern University). Venue: Conference Room 4F-1, Yun An Auditorium (�����+1��)

15:25-15:40: S11-1 Jindan Yu (Northwestern University). Title: Integrative genomics analysis of prostate cancer.

15:40-15:55: S11-2 Yun Qiu (University of Maryland). Title: Mechanisms of therapeutic resistance in prostate cancer.

15:55-16:10: S11-3 Qianben Wang (Duke University). Title: Systems epigenomics to identify transcriptional dependencies in prostate cancer.

16:10-16:25: S11-4 Qi Cao (Northwestern University). Title: A HMT-independent role for EZH2 in prostate cancer.

16:25-16:40: S11-5 Jianfei Qi (University of Maryland). Title: Histone Demethylase JMJD1A in prostate cancer.

Session 12: Innate Immunity, Infection, and Organ Damage. Chairpersons: Bin Gao (NIH,USA)/ Cynthia Ju (University of Texas Health Science Center). Venue: Conference Room 4F-2, Yun An Auditorium

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15:25-15:40: S12-1 Bin Gao (NIH, USA). Title: MiRNA-223 controls liver inflammation and injury by targeting multiple inflammatory genes.

15:40-15:55: S12-2 Cynthia Ju (University of Texas Health Science Center). Title: Role of eosinophils in liver ischemia reperfusion injury.

15:55-16:10: S12-3 Xiaogang Xiang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University). Title: The therapeutic potential of interleukin-22: a specific epithelial survival cytokine, for liver failure and bacterial infection.

16:10-16:25: S12-4 Zhanxiang Zhou (University of North Carolina). Title: Dysregulation of intestinal Paneth cell antimicrobial function critically mediates alcohol-induced dysbiosis and hepatic inflammation.

16:25-16:40: S12-5 Hongyang Qin (Fourth Military Medical University). Title: Notch signaling in tumor-associated macrophages: implications for innate immunity-targeted cancer therapy.

Session 13: Molecular mechanism of aging regulation. Chairpersons: Weiwei Dang (Baylor College of Medicine)/ Meng Wang (Baylor College of Medicine). Venue: Conference Room 2F-1, Yun An Auditorium (�����+1��)

15:25-15:40: S13-1 Meng Wang (Baylor College of Medicine). Title: Lysosomal Lipid Signaling in Longevity Regulation.

15:40-15:55: S13-2 Chuankai Zhou (Buck Institute for Research on Aging). Title: Mitochondrial Factors Regulate the Formation and Dissolution of Protein.

15:55-16:10: S13-3 Mengqiu Dong (National Institute of Biological Sciences). Title: What does Aging Start at the Molecular Level?

16:10-16:25: S13-4 Zhiyong Mao (Tongji University). Title: Novel Roles of SIRT6 in DNA Repair.

16:25-16:40: S13-5 Weiwei Dang (Baylor College of Medicine). Title: A high-throughput screen identifies a class-II histone deacetylase as a novel aging regulator.

Session 14: Gut-Liver Axis in Liver Diseases. Chairpersons: Huiping Zhou (Virginia Commonwealth University) / Peng Chen (Southern Medical University). Venue: Conference Room 2F-7, Yun An Auditorium (�����+7��)

15:25-15:40: S14-1 Xudong Wu (Nanjing University). Title: Novel effect of hnRNPs in metabolic syndrome.

15:40-15:55: S14-2 Yasuko Iwakiri (Yale University). Title: Macrophage polarity in metabolic diseases.

15:55-16:10: S14-3 Gianfranco Alpini (Indiana University). Title: Role of melatonin signaling in gut-hepatobiliary injuries.

16:10-16:25: S14-4 Peng Chen (Southern Medical University). Title: Gut microbiota and acute liver injury.

16:25-16:40: S14-5 Yu-Jui Yvonne Wan (University of California). Title: Diet, gut microbiota, and health.

Session 15: Targeting Bile Acid Receptors for treating Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH), Diabetes and Liver Cancer. Chairpersons: John Chiang (Northeast Ohio Medical University) / Tian Lan (Guangdong Pharmaceutical University). Venue: Conference Room 3F-10, Yun An Auditorium (�����+10��)

15:25-15:40: S15-1 Tian Lan (Guangdong Pharmaceutical University). Title: Sphingosine kinase signaling in liver injury.

15:40-15:55: S15-2 Changtao Jiang (Peking University). Title: Intestinal FXR and gut microbiota in treatment of diabetes.

15:55-16:10: S15-3 Huichang Bi (Sun Yat-sen University). Title: Nuclear receptors in hepatomegaly and liver regeneration.

16:10-16:25: S15-4 Heather Francis (Indiana University). Title: Bile acids and Mast cell regulation of NAFLD/NASH transition.

16:25-16:40: S15-5 Shobha Ghosh (Virginia Commonwealth University). Title: Role of Intestinal Barrier dysfunction in diet-induced diabetes.

17:00-18:30 Poster I/Career Development Workshop

17:00-18:30: Poster Session I. Venue: Conference Room 2F-1, Yun An Auditorium (�����+1��)

17:00-18:30: Workshop for Career Development, Venue: Conference Room 4F-1, Yun An Auditorium (�����+1��)

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Host: Jianming Xu (SCBA Secretary)

Speeches and discussions:

Wei Yang (A member of National Academy of Science, National Institutes of Health)

Xuetao Cao (The President of Nankai University, the Director of Center for Immunotherapy of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences)

Mien-Chie Hung (The President of China Medical University in Taiwan)

Xi He (Professor, Harvard University)

Meng Wang (2019 SCBA Young Investigator Winner, HHMI Investigator and Professor at Baylor College of Medicine)

Xin Chen (2019 SCBA Young Investigator Winner, Associate Professor at Johns Hopkins University)


Venue: 1st and 2nd Floors, Yun An International Conference Center :��������<�+)


-Lifetime Achievement Award Ceremony:

The Award goes to Dr. James Wang (Harvard University)

Introduction by Wei Yang (National Institutes of Health)

-Acknowledgements of Sponsors

Pan Zheng, the Treasurer of SCBA

July 26, 2019

8:00-9:20 Keynote Speech/Plenary Lecture Venue: The 3nd Floor Lecture Hall, Yun An Auditorium (�����+���)

8:00-8:45: Keynote Speech

Xuetao Cao (Nankei University): Immune Oncology

Introduction by Yan Liu (University of Maryland School of Medicine)

8:45-9:20: Plenary Lecture - KT Jeang Memorial lecture

Hua Yu (City of Hope): STAT3 in cancer and as a target for cancer (immune) therapy: an update

Introduction by Pan Zheng (University of Maryland School of Medicine)

9:20-9:40 20 minutes break

9:40-10:55 Session 16-21

Session 16: Coevolution of tumor and tumor microenvironment in Cancer Progression. Chairpersons: Dihua Yu (The University of Texas)/ Lun-Xiu Qin (Fudan University). Venue: Conference Room 4F-1, Yun An Auditorium (�����+1��)

9:40-9:55: S16-1 Xiuwu Bian (The 3rd Military Medical University). Title: Pathological Phenome of Cancer: Heterogeneity Challenges Precision Medicine.

9:55-10:10: S16-2 Lun-Xiu Qin (Fudan University). Title: Metabolism aberrations drive hepatocellular carcinoma metastasis.

10:10-10:25: S16-3 Binhua P. Zhou (University of Kentucky). Title: Epithelial-mesenchymal Transition in Breast Cancer

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Progression and Metastasis.

10:25-10:40: S16-4 Dihua Yu (The University of Texas). Title: Coevolution of tumor and tumor microenvironment in Cancer Metastasis.

10:40-10:55: S16-5 Mien-Chie Hung (The University of Texas). Title: Effect of PD-L1 therapy in tumor microenvironment.

Session 17: Hematological Malignancies. Chairpersons: Rubao Ren (Shanghai Institute of Hematology)/ Yong Li (Cleveland Clinic). Venue: Conference Room 4F-2, Yun An Auditorium (�����+2��)

9:40-9:55: S17-1 Cheng-cheng Zhang (UT Southwestern Medical Center). Immune checkpoint in acute myelocytic leukemia.

9:55-10:10: S17-2 Jun-ke Zheng (Shanghai Jiaotong University). Title: Metabolic imaging of leukemic stem cells.

10:10-10:25: S17-3 Qing Yi (Houston Methodist Hospital). Title: Role of tumor microenvironment in myeloma drug resistance.

10:25-10:40: S17-4 Jing Zhang (University of Wisconsin Madison). Title: Expression of oncogenic Nras and a MYC transgene in germinal center B cells induces a highly malignant multiple myeloma.

10:40-10:55: S17-5 Yong Li (Cleveland Clinic). Title: Targeting a driver mutation in non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

Session 18: Stem cells and early development. Chairpersons: Feng Liu (Chinese Academy of Sciences)/ Dei Ding (Columbia University). Venue: Conference Room 2F-1, Yun An Auditorium (�����+1��)

9:40-9:55: S18-1 DING LEI (Columbia University). Title: Genetic dissection of the hematopoietic stem cell niche.

9:55-10:10: S18-2 Jian Huang (Temple University). Title: Tracking hematopoietic precursor division ex vivo in real time.

10:10-10:25: S18-3 Fuchou Tang (Peking university). Title: Single-cell RNA sequencing analysis reveals sequenctial cell fate transition during human embryogenesis.

10:25-10:40: S18-4 LU WANG (Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences). Title: Epigenetic regulation of blood stem cells and early development.

10:40-10:55: S18-5 Feng Liu (Chinese Academy of Sciences). Title: Deciphering new mechanisms of hematopoietic stem cell development in zebrafish.

Session 19: Novel Mechanisms for Obesity and Diabetes. Chairpersons: Yong Xu (Baylor College of Medicine)/ Feng Liu (Zhongnan University). Venue: Conference Room 2F-7, Yun An Auditorium (�����+7��)

9:40-9:55: S19-1 Qingchun Tong (UT McGovern Medical School). Title: Stress and Obesity.

9:55-10:10: S19-2 Zhiping Pang (Rutgers University). Title: Synaptic Mechanism of Neuropeptides in Mediating Food Intake Behavior.

10:10-10:25: S19-3 Yong Xu (Baylor College of Medicine). Title: Brain Glucose Sensing and Glycemic Control.

10:25-10:40: S19-4 Lily Dong (University of Texas Health). Title: The Role and Mechanism of Adiponectin Signaling in Controlling Insulin Sensitivity and Inflammation.

10:40-10:55: S19-5 Qin Yang (University of California at Irvine). Title: Epigenetic Regulation of Energy Metabolism.

Session 20: Interfaces of Replication, Transcription, and DNA Repair: A Structural Perspective. Chairpersons: Dong Wang (University of California, San Diego)/ Yan Jessie Zhang (University of Texas, Austin). Venue: Conference Room 3F-10, Yun An Auditorium (�����+10��)

9:40-9:55: S20-1 Wei Yang (National Institute for Health). Title: Structures and operation principles of the replisome.

9:55-10:10: S20-2 Dong Wang (University of California, San Diego). Title: Structure basis of transcription-coupled DNA damage recognition.

10:10-10:25: S20-3 Yan Jessie Zhang (University of Texas, Austin). Title: Cross talk at the heptad repeats of RNA polymerase II.

10:25-10:40: S20-4 Gang Cai (University of Science & Technology of China). Title: Structure basis of ATM and ATR.

10:40-10:55: S20-5 Xin Liu (University of Texas). Title: Structure and Function of Polycomb Repressive Complex 2, A Master

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Epigenetic Regulator of Gene Expression.

Session 21: Biodiversity and adaptation. Chairperson: Cheng-Gang Zou (Yunnan University). Venue: Conference Room 3F-1, Yun An Auditorium (�����+1��)

9:40-9:55: S21-1 Chengshu Wang (Shanghai Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology, CAS). Title: Population genomics of fungal adaptation to hosts.

9:55-10:10: S21-2 Shi-Qing Cai (Institute of Neuroscience, CAS). Title: Genetic variation in glia-neuron signaling modulates behavioral aging.

10:10-10:25: S21-3 Li Yu (Yunnan University). Title: Genetic diversity, evolutionary history and adaptation of Asian sub-nosed monkeys.

10:25-10:40: S21-4 Chang Chen (Institute of Biophysics, CAS). Title: Redox response resistance and aging.

10:40-10:55: S21-5 Cheng-Gang Zou (Yunnan University). Title: Role of the adiponectin

receptor signaling in aging.

10:55-11:15 20 minutes break

11:15-12:30 Session 23-27

Session 23: Developmental Signaling Pathways in Cancer and Differentiation. Chairpersons: Ying E Zhang (National Cancer Institute, NIH)/ Xiao-Jing Wang (University of Colorado). Venue: Conference Room 4F-2, Yun An Auditorium (�����+2��)

11:15-11:30: S23-1 Ying E Zhang (National Cancer Institute, NIH). Title: TGF-beta-regulated alternative splicing in Cancer Progression.

11:30-11:45: S23-2 Xiao-Jing Wang (University of Colorado). Title: Signaling pathways in Head and Neck squamous cell carcinoma.

11:45-12:00: S23-3 Kunxin Luo (University of California, Berkeley). Title: SnoN in signaling and differentiation.

12:00-12:15: S23-4 Pinglong Xu (Zhejiang University). Title: A protein phosphatase curbs organ regeneration by targeting Hippo signaling.

12:15-12:30: S23-5 Steven Y Cheng (Nanjing Medical University). Title: Medulloblastoma, Hedgehog and pathway to precision medicine.

Session 24: Antiviral Immunity. Chairpersons: Genhong Cheng (UCLA)/ Lishan Su (UNC at Chapel Hill). Venue: Conference Room 2F-1, Yun An Auditorium (�����+1��)

11:15-11:30: S24-1 Genhong Cheng (UCLA). Title: Type I interferon response to viral infection.

11:30-11:45: S24-2 Lishan Su (UNC at Chapel Hill). Title: Plasmacytoid dendritic cells in persistent virus infection and pathogenesis.

11:45-12:00: S24-3 Shan-Lu Liu (The Ohio State University). Title: Restriction of HIV infection and viral countermeasures.

12:00-12:15: S24-4 Shou-wei Ding (University of California, Riverside). Title: Antiviral RNA interference.

12:15-12:30: S24-5 Qihan Li (Peking Union Medical College). Title: Innate immunity and design of antiviral vaccine development.

Session 25: Modulating Ubiquitin Signaling in Human Diseases. Chairpersons: Wei Zhang (University of Guelph)/ Yi Sheng (York University). Venue: Conference Room 2F-7, Yun An Auditorium (�����+7��)

11:15-11:30: S25-1 Wei Zhang (University of Guelph). Title: Targeted inhibition and activation of ubiquitin signaling by protein engineering.

11:30-11:45: S25-2 Yi Sheng (York University). Title: HUWE1 missense mutation R2981H impairs E3 ligase function by disrupting the structure of a tandem ubiquitin-binding motif in XLID.

11:45-12:00: S25-3 Yong Zhao (Beijing Computing Center). Title: An integrated structure-based approach for the

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development of anticancer drugs.

12:00-12:15: S25-4 Hui Zheng (Soochow University). Title: Ubiquitination regulation of type-I interferon signaling and antiviral efficacy.

12:15-12:30: S25-5 Liang Zhang (City University of Hong Kong). Title: The ubiquitin-proteasome system in regulating planar cell polarity.

Session 26: HSCs, microenvironment, and hematopoiesis. Chairpersons: Jiwang Zhang (Loyola University Chicago)/ Demin Wang (The Blood Research Institute). Venue: Conference Room 3F-10, Yun An Auditorium (�����+10��)

11:15-11:30: S26-1 Ying Liang (University of Kentucky). Title: Genetic diversity as a means to identify hematopoietic stem cell regulatory network.

11:30-11:45: S26-2 Meng Zhao (Sun Yat-Sen University). Title: Bone marrow microenvironment aging.

11:45-12:00: S26-3 Bing Liu (Academy of Military Medical Sciences). Title: Resolving endothelial transition to hematopoietic stem cells at single-cell solution.

12:00-12:15: S26-4 Jinyong Wang (Chinese Academy of Sciences). Title: T lineage reconstitution from pluripotent stem cells.

12:15-12:30: S26-5 Suming Huang (Penn State College of Medicine). Title: Role of lincRNA in HSC function and leukemogenesis.

Session 27: Novel actions of thyroid hormone receptors in stem cells and metabolic disease. Chairpersons: Sheue-yann Cheng (National Cancer Institute)/ Ying Hao (Chinese Academy of Sciences). Venue: Conference Room 3F-1, Yun An Auditorium (�����+1��)

11:15-11:25: S27-1 Yun-Bo Shi (NICHD/NIH). Title: Epigenetic modifications in the development of intestinal stem cells.

11:25-11:35: S27-2 Paul M. Yen (Duke-NUS Medical School). Title: New mechanisms for thyroid hormone regulation of brown adipose tissue activity.

11:35-11:45: S27-3 Xiaochun Teng (China Medical University). Title: Clinical and experimental study on the effect of iron deficiency on thyroid function and thyroid autoimmunity.

11:45-11:55: S27-4 Victor Hsia (University of Maryland Eastern Shore). Title: Thyroid hormone mediated regulation of HSV-1 replication in human dorsal ganglia neurons.

11:55-12:05: S27-5 Jingjing Jiang (Fudan University). Title: miRNA-mediated mechanisms of metabolic regulation by thyroid hormone in skeletal muscle.

12:05-12:15: S27-6 Hao Ying (Chinese Academy of Sciences). Title: The metabolic regulation by hepatic thyroid hormone receptor: a lesson from the biological evaluation of its liver-targeted agonists.

12:15-12:30: S27-7 Sheue-yann Cheng (National Cancer Institute). Title: Thyroid hormone receptor beta functions as a tumor suppressor by blocking the tumor-initiating capacity of cancer stem-like cells.

12:30-14:00 Lunch

14:00-15:15 Session 28,29,30,31,32, LS32

Session 28: Molecular landscape and therapeutic opportunities in emerging castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) phenotypes. Chairpersons: Hung-Ming Lam (University of Washington)/ Kexin Xu (UT Health San Antonio). Venue: Conference Room 4F-1, Yun An Auditorium (�����+1��)

14:00-14:10: S28-1 Wenliang Li (UT Health Houston). Title: New stressed dogs in town: BARKing 2 metastasis, and novel EMT kinases.

14:10-14:20: S28-2 Jer-Tsong Hsieh (UT Southwestern Medical Center). Title: The role of oncogenic lipid kinase in neuroendocrine prostate cancer progression.

14:20-14:30: S28-3 Kaifu Chen (Houston Methodist Research Institute). Title: Epigenetic landscape reveals druggable driver genes for tumorigenesis.

14:30-14:40: S28-4 Xuesen Dong (Vancouver Prostate Centre). Title: RNA splicing during neuroendocrine prostate cancer progression.

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14:40-14:50: S28-5 Ping Mu (UT Southwestern Medical Center). Title: In vivo shRNA library screen identifies CHD1 as a molecular tuner regulating androgen receptor dependence in prostate cancer.

14:50-15:00: S28-6 Hung-Ming Lam (University of Washington). Title: Emerging CRPC phenotypes and therapeutic opportunities from UW Prostate Cancer Rapid Autopsy Program.

15:00-15:15: S28-7 Haojie Huang (Mayo Clinic). Title: Cell lineage plasticity and antiandrogen therapy resistance in prostate cancer.

Session 29: Understanding and targeting inflammation in cancer progression and recurrence. Chairpersons: Xiangwei Wu (MD Anderson Cancer Center)/ Ruiwen Zhang (University of Houston). Venue: Conference Room 4F-2, Yun An Auditorium (�����+2��)

14:00-14:10: S29-1 Xiangwei Wu (MD Anderson Cancer Center). Title: Actute inflammation and stress as risk factors for lung cancer recurrence.

14:10-14:25: S29-2 Ruiwen Zhang (University of Houston). Title: Targeting Inflammation and Oncogene for Pancreatic Cancer Therapy.

14:25-14:35: S29-3 Zhu-Min Yuan (Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health). Title: A novel epigenetic mechanism behind p53-dependent tissue sensitivity to DNA damage.

14:35-14:50: S29-4 Fen Wang (Texas A&M University). Title: Ectopic fgf signaling promotes inflammation in the tumor microenvironment.

14:50-15:00: S29-5 Paul J. Chiao (MD Anderson Cancer Center). Title: TAK-ing aim at inflammation: The emerging role of MAP3K7 in pancreatic cancer development.

15:00-15:15: S29-6 Wanjun Chen (NIDCR, NIH). Title: Immunotherapy for cancer and autoimmune disease: Treg is a key target.

Session 30: Ubiquitin Family, Proteasome & Diseases. Chairpersons: Jianping Jin (Zhejiang University)/ Xiaodong Cheng (University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston). Venue: Conference Room 2F-1, Yun An Auditorium (�����+1��)

14:00-14:15: S30-1 Ning Zheng (University of Washington). Title: F-box Proteins as Signal Sensors.

14:15-14:30: S30-2 Xing Guo (Zhejiang University). Title: Regulation of the 26S Proteasome in Health and Disease.

14:30-14:45: S30-3 Feng Rao (Southern University of Science and Technology). Title: A glucose-induced protein degradation axis in control of insulin secretion, obesity and diabetes.

14:45-15:00: S30-4 Xiaobo Qiu (Beijing Normal University). Title: Protein degradation by PA200-proteasome.

15:00-15:15: S30-5 Zhijie Chang (Tsinghua University). Title: CHIP regulates the stability of Pkm2 during tumorigenesis in colon cancers.

Session 31: Emerging cancer therapy-DNA damage response and repair. Chairpersons: Shan Zha (Columbia University)/ Li Lan (Harvard University). Venue: Conference Room 2F-7, Yun An Auditorium (�����+7��)

14:00-14:15: S31-1 Lee Zou (Harvard University). Title: Targeting the ATR checkpoint in cancer therapy.

14:15-14:30: S31-2 Li Lan (Harvard University). Title: RNA modifications in DNA damage repair and cancer.

14:30-14:45: S31-3 Zhongsheng You (Washington University). Title: A novel role of Ca2+ in genome protection.

14:45-15:00: S31-4 Peng Guang (MD Anderson Cancer Center). Title: Systems biology approaches in DDR and cancer research.

15:00-15:15: S31-5 Feng Li (Wuhan University). Title: Histone demethylation after damage and cancer.

Session 32: Metabolic and epigenetic regulations in blood progenitors and disorders. Chairpersons: Yang Xia (University of Texas Health Science Center)/ Linzhao Cheng (Johns Hopkins University). Venue: Conference Room 3F-10, Yun An Auditorium (�����+10��)

14:00-14:15: S32-1 Gang Huang (Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center). Title: The Yin-Yang of Myelodysplastic Syndromes.

14:15-14:30: S32-2 Yang Xia (University of Texas Health Science Center). Title: Metabolomic Reprogramming promotes

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erythroid commitment in stress erythropoiesis.

14:30-14:45: S32-3 Xinyang Zhao (The University of Alabama). Title: PRMT1-controlled metabolic signaling in hematological malignancies.

14:45-15:00: S32-4 Jing Liu (Central South University). Title: Novel insights into GATA1 regulation at post-translational level in human erythropoiesis.

15:00-15:15: S32-5 Jun Lu (Yale University). Title: Clonal hematopoiesis and innate immune signaling.

Session LS32: Drug development. Chairpersons: Hong-Shuo Sun (University of Toronto)/ Guanlei Wang (Sun Yet-Sen University). Venue: Conference Room 3F-1, Yun An Auditorium (�����+1��)

14:00-14:15: LS32-1 Heyu Ni (University of Toronto). Title: Thrombosis and Stroke - Novel Mechanisms and Therapies.

14:15-14:30: LS32-2 Guanlei Wang (Sun Yet-Sen University). Title: CFTR, a potential therapeutic target in vascular remodeling.

14:30-14:45: LS32-3 Mingyao Liu (University of Health Network). Title: Drug discovery and delivery pipeline in lung transplantation.

14:45-15:00: LS32-4 Jiangang Shen (University of Hong Kong). Title: Oxidative stress and anitoxidant: what we should do for preventing brain damage and improving brain repair in stroke treatment.

15:00-15:10: LS32-5 Hong-Shuo Sun (University of Toronto). Title: Ion channels in neuroprotection and drug development.

15:15-15:25 10 minutes break

15:25-16:40 Session 33-37

Session 33: Under the Gas Pedal: Signaling Perspective of Cancer Metabolism. Chairpersons: David Ann (Beckman Research Institute)/ Jing Chen (Emory University). Venue: Conference Room 4F-1, Yun An Auditorium (�����+1��)

15:25-15:40: S33-1 Zhimin Lu (MD Anderson Cancer Center). Title: Cancer-specific functions of metabolisms and metabolites.

15:40-15:55: S33-2 Jing Chen (Emory University). Title: Diet, Metabolism and Cancer.

15:55-16:10: S33-3 Boyi Gan (MD Anderson Cancer Center). Title: Metabolic Regulation of Ferroptosis, Nutrient Dependency and tumor suppression.

16:10-16:25: S33-4 Hsing-Jien Kung (Taipei Medical University). Title: Nutritional Stress-mediated Metabolic Shift in Cancer.

16:25-16:40: S33-5 Wen-Ching Wang (National Tsing Hua University). Title: Nutritional Stress-mediated Metabolic Shift in Cancer.

Session 34: Ubiquitin Signaling Pathways in Cancer Biology. Chairpersons: Wenyi Wei (Harvard Medical School)/ Hui-Kuan Lin (Wake Forest University). Venue: Conference Room 4F-2, Yun An Auditorium (�����+2��)

15:25-15:40: S34-1 Ruey-Hwa Chen (Academia Sinica). Title: BIK ubiquitination controls life-death fate of cellular stress responses and anti-tumor ac.

15:40-15:55: S34-2 Hanqiu Zheng (Tsinghua University). Title: A dual luciferase-based, genome-wide siRNA library screening identifies a novel E3 ubiquitin ligase for SNAI2 degradation in breast cancer metastasis.

15:55-16:10: S34-3 Pengda Liu (UNC-Chapel Hill). Title: Ubiquitin-dependent function of mTOR signaling.

16:10-16:25: S34-4 Qing Zhang (UNC-Chapel Hill). Title: Studying VHL Ubiquitination Signaling in Kidney Cancer.

16:25-16:40: S34-5 Lijun Jia (Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine). Title: Regulation of autophagic cell death by FBXW5 E3 ubiquitin ligase.

Session 35: Stem cells inflammation and disease. Chairpersons: Yufang Shi (Soochow University)/ Lixin Wei (Naval Medical University). Venue: Conference Room 2F-1, Yun An Auditorium (�����+1��)

15:25-15:40: S35-1 Ping Hu (Chinese Academy of Sciences). Title: Immune cells serve as critical players in muscle regeneration.

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15:40-15:55: S35-2 Renhe Xu (University of Macau). Title: Human ESC-derived MSCs promote wound healing.

15:55-16:10: S35-3 Jun Xu (Tongji University). Title: From bench to bed: the basic research and the translational study of adipocyte-derived stem cells.

16:10-16:25: S35-4 Ying Wang (Chinese Academy of Sciences). Title: Immunomodulation of mesenchymal stem cells: Pathological and Therapeutic Implications.

16:25-16:40: S35-5 Yufang Shi (Soochow University). Title: Mesenchymal stem cells and inflammation.

Session 36: DNA Repair and Personalized Cancer Therapy. Chairpersons: Fen Xia (University of Arkansas)/ Zhenkun Lou (Developmental Therapeutics Mayo Clinic). Venue: Conference Room 2F-7, Yun An Auditorium (�����+7��)

15:25-15:40: S36-1 Junjie Chen (MD Anderson Cancer Center). Title: Targeting DNA damage repair in cancer therapy.

15:40-15:55: S36-2 Guomin Li (UT Southwestern Medical Center). Title: Novel mechanism underlying mismatch repair deficiency-triggered immune-response.

15:55-16:10: S36-3 Jian Yuan (Tongji University). Title: The role of homologous recombination in chemoresistance.

16:10-16:25: S36-4 Fen Xia (University of Arkansas). Title: Tackling tumor resistance to PARPi-induced synthetic lethality.

16:25-16:40: S36-5 Zhenkun Lou (Developmental Therapeutics Mayo Clinic). Title: DNA-Protein Crosslink and Cancer Therapy.

Session 37: Neuroscience, aging and neurodegenerative diseases. Chairpersons: Zhong-Ping Feng (University of Toronto) / Meihua Bao (Changsha Medical University). Venue: Conference Room 3F-10, Yun An Auditorium (�����+10��)

15:25-15:40: S37-1 Zhong-Ping Feng (University of Toronto). Title: Calcium-dependent mechanisms in neurodevelopment.

15:40-15:55: S37-2 Wenhua Zheng (University of Macau). Title: The neuronal protective effect of artemisinin and its implication in the treatment of Alzheimer Disease.

15:55-16:10: S37-3 Baohua Liu (University of Toronto Mississauga). Title: Circuit Mechanisms Underlying the Cortical Control of Innate Reflexes.

16:10-16:25: S37-4 Meihua Bao (Changsha Medical University). Title: Effects of noncoding RNAs on endothelial functions.

16:25-16:40: S37-5 Tianru Jin (University Health Network). Title: Metabolic function of Wnt Signalling Pathway.

17:00-18:30 Poster Session II / Publication Forum with Editors

17:00-18:30: Poster Session II.

Venue: Conference Room 3F-1, Yun An Auditorium (�����+1��)

17:00-18:30: Publication Forum with Editors of Cell/Science/Cell Research, Venue: Conference Room 4F-1, Yun An Auditorium (�����+1��)

Host: Linheng Li

Panel discussion: John Pham, Beverly Pumell, Dangsheng Li

18:30-20:30 VIP Dinner

Place: 3rd Floor, VIP Building (��+�+���)

July 27, 2019

8:00-9:20 Award / Plenary lecture Venue: The 3nd Floor Lecture Hall, Yun An Auditorium (�����+���)

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8:00-8:45: Presidential Award Lecture

James (Zhijian) Chen (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center): Nucleotide induced Innate Immune response

Introduction by Paul Liu (National Institute of Health;

8:45-9:20: KT Jeang Memorial lecture

David Ho (The Rockefeller University): Engineering antibodies to combat


Introduction by Jing-Hsiung James Ou (University of Southern California)


Special bioscience educational class for high/middle school students. Chairpersons: Huanming Yang.

Please refer to the separate itinerary in Chinese, which is included after this Main Program.

9:20-9:40 20 minutes break

9:40-10:55 Session 38-42

Session 38: Forty Years of p53: Tumor Suppression and Beyond. Chairpersons: Zhaohui Feng (Rutgers University)/ Wenwei Hu (Rutgers University). Venue: Conference Room 4F-1, Yun An Auditorium (�����+1��)

9:40-9:55: S38-1 Wei Gu (Columbia University). Title: ROS-induced ferroptosis acts as a novel tumor suppression pathway of p53.

9:55-10:10: S38-2 Hua Lu (Tulane University School of Medicine). Title: Roles of MDM2-p53 regulators in lipid metabolism and cancer biology.

10:10-10:25: S38-3 Jian Yu (University of Pittsburgh). Title: Tricking p53 to protect the gut against cancer treatments.

10:25-10:40: S38-4 Wenwei Hu (Rutgers University). Title: Regulation of gain-of-function mutant p53 in cancer progression and treatment.

10:40-10:55: S38-5 Zhaohui Feng (Rutgers University). Title: Tumor suppressor p53 in metabolism.

Session 39: Regulation of early embryo development. Chairpersons: Jie Qiao (Peking University) / Shaorong Gao (Tongji University). Venue: Conference Room 4F-2, Yun An Auditorium (�����+2��)

9:40-9:55: S39-1 Jiang Liu (Beijing Institute of Genomics, CAS). Reprogramming of epigenetic landscape during embryogenesis.

9:55-10:10: S39-2 Hengyu Fan (Zhejiang University). Title: Regulation of maternal mRNA translation and decay during oocyte-to-embryo transition.

10:10-10:25: S39-3 Qi Chen (University of California, Riverside). Title: Sperm RNAs and RNA modifications: how many secrets in programming offspring phenotypes?

10:25-10:40: S39-4 Youqiang Su (Nanjing Medical University). Title: Toward making a good egg: Sculpting the transcriptome of mouse oocytes by MARF1.

10:40-10:55: S39-5 Li Shen (Zhejiang University). Title: Epigenomic and epitranscriptomic regulation in totipotent cells.

Session 40: Genetic and epigenetic basis of diseases. Chairpersons: Zhiyuan Shen (Rutgers University) / Jun Huang (Zhejiang University). Venue: Conference Room 2F-1, Yun An Auditorium (�����+1��)

9:40-9:55: S40-1 Jun Huang (Zhejiang University). Title: Protein Acetylation and Human diseases.

9:55-10:10: S40-2 Chuan-Yuan Li (Duke University). Title: Novel roles of DNA damage response in stem cells.

10:10-10:25: S40-3 Caixia Guo (Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing). Title: Regulation of translesion DNA synthesis and its implication in genotoxic therapy.

10:25-10:40: S40-4 Yanbin Zhang (University of Miami). Title: An unexpected role of FANCA in genome instability.

10:40-10:55: S40-5 Dong Fang (Zhejiang University). Title: Reprogramming the epigenome of tumors with oncohistones

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H3.3K36M and H3.3K27M.

Session 41: Sex Chromosomes, Evolution and Reproductive Health. Chairpersons: Yun-Fai Chris Lau (University of California, San Francisco)/ Rongjia Zhou (Wuhan University). Venue: Conference Room 2F-7, Yun An Auditorium (�����+7��)

9:40-9:55: S41-1 Ji Wu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University). Title: Epigenetic characteristic of FGSC (female germline stem cells) development.

9:55-10:10: S41-2 Tatsuo Kido (University of California, San Francisco). Title: Roles of the Y chromosome Genes in Human Cancers.

10:10-10:25: S41-3 Wen Wang (Chinese Academy of Sciences). Title: Evolution of neo-sex chromosomes in mammals.

10:25-10:40: S41-4 Wansheng Liu (Pennsylvania State University). Title: Mammalian Sex Chromosome Structure, Gene Content, and Function in Male Fertility.

10:40-10:55: S41-5 Rongjia Zhou (Wuhan University). Title: Proto-sex chromosomes and their genes in sexual differentiation.

Session 42: Emerging viral pathogens and therapeutics. Chairpersons: Zheng-Li Shi (Chinese Academy of Sciences) / Li-Jun RONG (University of Illinois at Chicago). Venue: Conference Room 3F-10, Yun An Auditorium (�����+10��)

9:40-9:55: S42-1 Dong-Yan JIN (Hong Kong University). Title: MAVS-suppressing activity of influenza A (H7N9) virus PB1-F2 protein.

9:55-10:10: S42-2 Li-Jun RONG (University of Illinois at Chicago). Title: Small molecules as entry inhibitors of filoviruses and chemical probes.

10:10-10:25: S42-3 Pei-Yong Shi (University of Texas Medical Branch). Title: Zika virus: emergence, diagnosis, and vaccine.

10:25-10:40: S42-4 Zheng-Li SHI (Chinese Academy of Sciences). Title: Pathogenesis of bat SARS- and MERS-related coronaviruses.

10:40-10:55: S42-5 Tian-Lei YING (Fudan University). Title: Germline-like human monoclonal antibodies for the treatment of infectious diseases.

10:55-11:15 20 minutes break

11:15-12:30 Session 43-47

Session 43: Toward precise human genome edition. Chairperson: Wensheng Wei (Peking University). Venue: Conference Room 4F-1, Yun An Auditorium (�����+1��)

11:15-11:30: S43-1 Linzhao Cheng (Johns Hopkins University). Title: What have we learned and what is next in precision human genome editing?

11:30-11:50: S43-2 Jun-Jiu Huang (Sun Yat-Sen University). Title: Basic research on human genome editing: hope or hype?

11:50-12:10: S43-3 Hui Yang (Shanghai Institute of Neuroscience, CAS). Title: Genome editing and gene therapies.

12:10-12:30: S43-4 Wensheng Wei (Peking University). Title: Gene therapies via leveraging endogenous editing mechanisms.

Session 44: Viruses and Human Cancer. Chairpersons: Jianming Hu (Penn State University) / Ke Lan (Wuhan University). Venue: Conference Room 4F-2, Yun An Auditorium (�����+2��)

11:15-11:30: S44-1 James Ou (University of Southern California). Title: Hepatitis C (and/or B) virus and liver cancer.

11:30-11:45: S44-2 Haitao Guo (Indiana University). Title: Hepatitis B virus and liver cancer.

11:45-12:00: S44-3 Xufeng Liu (Georgetown University). Title: Translation of papillomavirus studies to disease modeling and precision medicine.

12:00-12:15: S44-4 Pinghui Feng (University of Southern California). Title: Kaposi’s sarcoma associated herpesvirus.

12:15-12:30: S44-5 Musheng Zeng (Sun Yat-Sen University). Title: Epstein-Barr virus and human cancer.

Session 45: Mechanisms of Genomic Instability Syndromes: From Genetics To Genomics. Chairpersons: Xiaochun Yu (Beckman Research Institute) / Xiaohua Wu (The Scripps Research Institute). Venue: Conference Room 2F-1, Yun

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An Auditorium (�����+1��)

11:15-11:30: S45-1 Binghui Shen (Beckman Research Institute). Title: Genetic factors that regulate dynamics of the genomic secondary structures during replication and repair.

11:30-11:45: S45-2 Xingzhi Xu (Shenzhen University). Title: UFMylation modulates genomic stability.

11:45-12:00: S45-3 Qing Li (Peking University). Title: New insights to chromatin replication.

12:00-12:15: S45-4 Qiao Feng (University of California, Irvine). Title: Molecular mechanism of telomeropathies.

12:15-12:30: S45-5 Lin-Yu Lu (Zhejiang University). Title: Role of BRCA1 in the maintenance of genomic stability.

Session46: The roles of circular RNAs in disease development. Chairpersons: Burton B Yang (University of Toronto) / Hansen Housheng He (University Health Network). Venue: Conference Room 2F-7, Yun An Auditorium (�����+7��)

11:15-11:30: S46-1 Hansen Housheng He (University Health Network). Title: Wide spread and functional RNA circularization in cancer.

11:30-11:45: S46-2 Nu Zhang (Sun Yat-sen University). Title: The effects of circular RNA translated peptide on glioblastoma development.

11:45-12:00: S46-3 Honghong Yao (Southeast University). Title: Circular RNA and Neuroinflammation---Implications for stroke therapy.

12:00-12:15: S46-4 Junjie Xiao (Shanghai University). Title: Circular RNAs in exercise induced physiological hypertrophy.

12:15-12:30: S46-5 Burton B Yang (University of Toronto). Title: The roles of circular RNAs in ventricular remodeling.

Session 47: Ubiquitylation and Cancer Therapy. Chairpersons: Yi Sun (Zhejiang University)/ Shaomeng Wang (University of Michigan). Venue: Conference Room 3F-10, Yun An Auditorium (�����+10��)

11:15-11:30: S47-1 Ping Wang (Tongji University). Title: UPS-mediated Regulation of the Stability of Stem Cell Factor Nanog.

11:30-11:45: S47-2 Pengbo Zhou (Cornell University). Title: Dissecting the functional complexity of cellular proteins by Protein Knockout.

11:45-12:00: S47-3 Zhen-Qiang Pan (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai). Title: Regulate Cullin-RING E3 Ubiquitin Ligases by Small Molecule Modulators.

12:00-12:15: S47-4 Lingqiang Zhang (Beijing Institute of Lifeomics). Title: OTU deubiquitinases and cancer development.

12:15-12:30: S47-5 Dan Ye (Fudan University). Title: Matabolites in epigenetic control and cancer.

12:30-14:00 Lunch


Dr. Tsai-Fan Yu Legacy Lecture, Venue: The 3nd Floor Lecture Hall, Yun An Auditorium (�����+���)

Chen Dong (Tsinghua University School of Medicine): T cells in inflammation and cancer- better understanding, better translation

Introduction by Pan Zheng (SCBA Treasurer; University of Maryland School of Medicine)


Kenneth Fong Young Investigator Award Lecture, Venue: The 3nd Floor Lecture Hall, Yun An Auditorium (�����+���)

Xin Chen (Johns Hopkins University): Breaking asymmetric histone inheritance.

Introduction by Keji Zhao (National Institutes of Health)

15:05-15:25 20 minutes break

15:25-16:40 Session 48-52

Session 48: Stemness and Cancer Development. Chairpersons: Peiqing Sun (Wake Forest University) / Tsung-Hsien Chuang (National Health Research Center). Venue: Conference Room 4F-1, Yun An Auditorium

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15:25-15:35: S48-1 Peiqing Sun (Wake Forest University). Title: Regulation of cancer stemness properties by the p38 MAPK pathway.

15:35-15:45: S48-2 Hui-Wen Lo (Wake Forest University). Title: Role of truncated glioma-associated oncogene homolog 1 (tGLI1) in cancer stem cells and tumor microenvironment.

15:45-16:55: S48-3 Suling Liu (Fudan University). Title: Regulation of breast cancer stem cells and its clinical implications.

16:55-17:05: S48-4 Jeng-Fan Lo (National Yang-Ming University). Title: Stress and Cancer Stemness on Tumorigenesis.

17:05-17:15: S48-5 Tsung-Hsien Chuang (National Health Research Center). Title: Regulation of a positive feedback loop between inflammation and stemness in cancer cells by ubiquitination and deubiquitination.

17:15-17:30: S48-6 Chi-Ying Huang (National Yang Ming University). Title: Drug repurposing of cancer stem cell inhibitors: from big data to therapeutics.

Session 49: Precision Cancer Medicine: Novel Mechanisms, Diagnosis and Therapeutics. Chairpersons: Jie Wu (University of Oklahoma)/ Jin-Xin Bei (Sun Yet-Sen University). Venue: Conference Room 4F-2, Yun An Auditorium (�����+2��)

15:25-15:40: S49-1 Shimei Zhuang (Sun Yet-sen University). Title: Vessels that encapsulate tumor clusters (VETC) in HCC metastasis and therapeutic response.

15:40-15:55: S49-2 Jin-Xin Bei (Sun Yat-sen University). Title: Genetic study on NK/T cell lymphoma.

15:55-16:10: S49-3 Wei Yu (Fudan University). Title: Deacetylation of Serine Hydroxymethyl-transferase 2 by SIRT3 promotes Colorectal Carcinogenesis.

16:10-16:25: S49-4 Yi Qiu (University of Florida ). Title: Lysine demethylase LSD1 promotes EMT and chemoresistance in colon cancer.

16:25-16:40: S49-5 Jie Wu (University of Oklahoma). Title: RET-aberrant cancers: targeted therapy and resistance mechanisms.

Session 50: Sexual dimorphism in development and cancer. Chairpersons: Xue (Sean) Li (Boston Children’s Hospital)/ Han Liang (The University of Texas). Venue: Conference Room 2F-1, Yun An Auditorium (�����+1��)

15:25-15:35: S50-1 Xue (Sean) Li (Boston Children’s Hospital). Title: Enigmatic sex differences in cancer.

15:35-15:45: S50-2 �� (�48��21�����368). Title: Spermatogenesis.

15:45-16:55: S50-3 7� (.���8). Title: The dimorphic gonadal differentiation.

16:55-17:05: S50-4 Charles Guo (Yunnan University). Title: Sexual dimorphism of the lower urinary tract development.

17:05-17:15: S50-5 ShuYuan Yeh (University of Rochester). Title: Biasing roles of the sex hormones in bladder cancer.

17:15-17:30: S50-6 Han Liang (The University of Texas). Title: Comprehensive analysis of the sex-specific molecular differences in cancer.

Session 51: The life cycle of mother-daughter cancer stem cells: Impact on therapy. Chairpersons: Jinsong Liu (UT MD Anderson Cancer Center) / Xiuwu Bian (Third Military Medical University). Venue: Conference Room 2F-7, Yun An Auditorium (�����+7��)

15:25-15:35: S51-1 Jinsong Liu (UT MD Anderson Cancer Center). Title: Giant cancer stem cells: mother of cancer stem cells?

15:35-15:45: S51-2 Weihua Zhang (University of Houston). Title: Regulation of cancer metabolism and organ specific metastasis.

15:45-16:55: S51-3 Wei Wang (University of Houston). Title: p53-MDM2 axis and therapeutic implication.

16:55-17:05: S51-4 Qi-En Wang (Ohio State University). Title: ALDH1A1 contributes to PARP inhibitor resistance in ovarian cancer via enhancing DNA repair.

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17:05-17:15: S51-5 Shi-Yong Sun (Emory University). Title: EGFR and drug resistance in lung cancer.

17:15-17:30: S51-6 Peng Huang (Sun Yet-Sen University). Title: Mitochondria metabolic regulation and cancer stem cells.

Session 52: Cell Biology. Chairpersons: Chonglin Yang (Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, CAS)/ Zhuo Du (Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, CAS). Venue: Conference Room 3F-10, Yun An Auditorium (�����+10��)

15:25-15:40: S52-1 Yu Lan (Jinan University). Title: Decoding the lncRNA pivotal for HSC emergence at singel0cell resolution.

15:40-15:55: S52-2 Wei Wan (Zhejiang University). Title: Identification of novel mTORC1 substrates in autophagy.

15:55-16:10: S52-3 Zhuo Du (Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, CAS). Title: Defining a molecular roadmap of C. elegans embryos: every cell, every minute.

16:10-16:25: S52-4 7 (Tsinghua University). Title: A membrane translocation process for unconventional secretion of IL-


16:25-16:40: S52-5 Hao Yin (Wuhan University). Title: Therapeutic genome editing: from CRISPR/Cas9 to base editing.


Plenary lecture, Venue: ����3F ���

Zihe Rao (Tsinghua University): Shed light on the biomachineries in mycobacterium tuberculosis

Introduction by Ke-Qin Zhang (Yunnan University)

17:15- Dinner

Watch Performance in The 3nd Floor Lecture Hall, Yun An Auditorium (�����+���)

July 28, 2019

Venue: ����3F ���


Keynote Speech:

Lieping Chen (Yale University): Normalization Immunol function to treat cancer

Introduction by Dihua Yu (M.D. Anderson Cancer center;


Plenary Lecture:

Huanming Yang (BGI-China): Genomics & Bioinformatics

Introduction by Jiayou Chu (China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences)

9:50-10:00 SCBA Election Announcement

10:00-10:20 20 minutes break


Presidential Human Genome Editing Forum: Human genome editing, promises and challenges

Speakers: Matthew Porteus, Charo Alta, Xiaomei Zhai

Panel discussion: Paul Liu, Linzhao Cheng, Wensheng Wei, Huanming Yang

11:50-12:20 Announcement and Ceremony of Poster Awards and Travel Awards;


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12:20-12:40 SCBA New President (Paul Liu/Hui Zheng)

12:40- Lunch

14:00- Departure

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