Social Media Definition, Role, Function, and Impact To Our Life By:Ali Fakhri Arraisi Social Media is an online media, the users can easily participate, share and create contents include blogs, social networks, wikis, forums and virtual worlds. Blogs, social networking and wikis is a form of social media that is most commonly used by people around the world. But others argue that social media is online media that supports social interaction and social media use web-based technology that transforms communication into interactive dialogue. Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein define social media as "a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological basis of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content".

Social Media Role,Function,And Impact

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Page 1: Social Media Role,Function,And Impact

Social Media Definition, Role, Function, and Impact To Our Life

By:Ali Fakhri Arraisi


Social Media is an online media, the users can easily participate, share and create contents include blogs, social networks, wikis, forums and virtual worlds. Blogs, social networking and wikis is a form of social media that is most commonly used by people around the world. But others argue that social media is online media that supports social interaction and social media use web-based technology that transforms communication into interactive dialogue.

Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein define social media as "a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological basis of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content".

               Social networking is a site where anyone can create a personal web page, and then connect with friends to share information and communicate. Largest social networking include Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter. If traditional media using the print and broadcast media, the social media use of the internet. Social media invites anyone who is interested in to contribute openly and feedback, comment, and share information in a fast and unlimited.

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When the Internet and mobile phone technology more advanced then social media, too, is growing rapidly. Now to access facebook or twitter for example, can be done anywhere and at any time simply by using a mobile phone. So quickly people can access social media resulted in a major phenomenon of the flow of information not only in developed countries but also in Indonesia. Because the speed of social media is also starting to look obviate the conventional mass media in spreading news.

               The rapid development of social media like now because everyone can have their own media. If to have a traditional media such as television, radio, or newspaper takes a large capital and labor that much, then another case with the media. A user can access social media using social media to the Internet network to which access was slow even though, without great expense, without expensive tools and conducted themselves without employees. We as social media users can freely edit, add, modify either text, images, video, graphics, and other content models.

Social media has characteristics as follows:

1.The message conveyed is not only for one person but it can control every aspect of a lot of people for example messages through SMS or internet

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2.The message conveyed freely, without having to go through a Gatekeeper

3.The message conveyed tends to be faster compared to other media

4.Recipient determines the interaction time

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Social Media Growth


The rapid development of social media like now because everyone can have their own media. If to have a traditional media such as television, radio, or newspaper takes a large capital and labor that much, then another case with the media. A user can access social media using social media networks to which access the internet even though slow, without great expense, without expensive tools and conducted themselves without employees. Social media users can freely edit, add, modify either text, images, video, graphics, and other content models.

Role and Function of Social Media

Social media is an effective business promotion tool because it can be accessed by anyone, so the network could be wider promotion. Social media is becoming an indispensable part of the marketing for many companies and is one of the best ways to reach your customers and clients. Social media just as blogs, facebook, twitter, youtube dab has a number of benefits to the enterprise and faster than conventional media such as print and TV ads, brochures and flyers.

Social media has advantages compared with conventional media, among others:

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In a conventional media production required a high level of skill and superior marketing skills. While social media is very easy to use even for people without any basic IT can access it, all it takes is a computer and an internet connection.

2.Building Relationships

Social media offers an unrivaled opportunity to interact with customers and build relationships. The company gets an immediate feedback, ideas, testing and managing customer service quickly. Not the traditional media can not do that, the traditional media is only one-way communication.

3.Global Reach

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Traditional media can reach out globally but of course the cost is very expensive and time consuming. Through social media, businesses can communicate information in an instant, regardless of geographic location. Social media also allows you to customize the content for each market segment and give businesses the opportunity to send a message to more users.


With easy sistemtracking, messaging can be measured, so that the company can directly determine the effectiveness of the promotion. Not so with the conventional media that takes a long time.


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Social Media Functionality

When we define social media as a communication system, we must define the functions related to communications systems, namely:


Organizing proofil company employees in the relevant social networks and the relative position of the market where you are now. The formation of a social media policy training, and education to all employees on the use of social media. The formation of an organization's blog and content integration in the relevant community. Research pasatr to find where your market.

2.Listening and Learning

Preparation of the monitoring system to hear what your market wants, what is relevant to them.

3.Thinking and Planning

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By looking at the phase 1 and 2, how you will stay in front of your begaiman market and communicate to the market. How social technologies improve the operational efficiency of market relations.


Establishing effective measures are very important to measure whether the method used, the content is created and the tools you use are effective in improving your market position and relationships.

Negative Impact of Social Media

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             Here is the negative impact of social media on adolescents:

1.Wasting time

Adolescents become addicted to using social networks without knowing the time. Most if a teen use of social networking, they could have hours to use it.


Adolescents become lazy communicate in the real world. The level of understanding of the language becomes impaired. If the teenager is too much communication in cyberspace.


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Social networking sites will make teens more self-serving. They become aware of the environment around them, because most of the time spent on the internet. This can lead to less empathy in the real world.

4.Addicted to the game

Making a teen being lazy learning because often use social networks to play games that are on the site. Facebook provides a gaming service that makes teens become addicted to the game.

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5.Lack of manners

Causing a lack of manners teenagers today. With the social media, more and more teenagers are using a language that is not appropriate. And for teens who are still innocent, it will assume that the language is the language of today's modern children.

6.Hard to communicate in the real world

For teenagers, there are no rules of spelling and grammar on social networking sites. This makes them more difficult to distinguish between communicating on social networking sites and in the real world.

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According to my personal positive and negative effects of social media on top will not occur if the teen's clever use of social media properly. In addition to the teens themselves can set the environment but can also be an important factor to encourage teenagers and impact on the get.