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O u l f Of Sex ioo OOS Koqion

so* o r loan*, L O V I I I I M U


• m - S F B C X P X C E)TVIRQN1CENTAL IlllaaaataSI


NO. SS/SS 92-090

S t r u c t u r e Roaoval A c t i v i t y

weat Caaeron Araa, Block 311

eeea OCS-G 4765

June, 1992


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G u l f of Mexico OCS Region

New Orleans, Louiuiana




NO. ES/SR 92-090

ment of the Environmental l epec te of the Propoeed Removal of P l a t f o r n A in Weat Cameron Area , Block 311

( Leaee OCS-G 4765) By Hall-Houoton O i l Compeny

Dete Submitted: June 19, 1992 Commencement Date: Auguat, 1992

Prepered by Suean B. Gaudry

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I have conaidered tha propoaal by Hall-Houeton Oi l Coapany to

remove Platfora A in Haat Caaaron Araa, Blook 311 (OCS-G 47*9),

BEA No. ES/SR 92-090. Beeed on the environaentel enelyeie end

a i t igat ive aeeeuree oonteinod in the u i te -epeci f ic environaentel

aaeeeement, there i a no evidence to indicete thet the propoeed

action(e) v i l l e ign i f i cent ly (40 CFR 130S.27) effect the quality

of the huaan environment i f the permit/appl icat ion ie epproved

aubject to e l l of tha a i t igat ive aeeeuree. Preperetion of en

environmental iapact eteteaent ie not reguired.

Leaaing end Environment Oulf of Nexico ocs Ragion

i i

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1. E n v i r o n a o n t a l Geology and Gaologic Haiarda

2. Meteoro log ica l Condit iona

3. Phya ica l and Chaa lca l Ocaanography a . P h y a i c a l Ocaanography

b. C h a a l c a l Ocaanography

4. Nator Q u a l i t y

5. A i r Q u a l i t y


1. Coaata l Habi ta ta

2. Protec tad , Endangarad, a n a / o r Thraatanad Spaciaa a. B i r d a b. Marina Naaaala c . Saa T u r t l a a

3. B irda

4. S e n e i t i v e Marine Habitata

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5. offshore Habitats and Biota


1. Eaployaont

2. Eoonoaloa

3. Onahora Support fac 11 itiaa, Land Uaa, and Coaatal Coaaunltlea and Servlcea


1. Coaaarcial and Racraational Piahariaa a. commercial Piahariaa b. Racraational Piahariaa

2. Archeeologleal Raaourcoa

3. Mil i tary Una/warning Araaa and Exploaiva Duaping Araaa

4. Navigation and Shipping

5. Pipalinaa and Cablaa

S. Othar Mineral Reeourcee

7. Huaan Heelth end Sefety









Teble 1 - Exploelvea Propoeed by the Opretor for the Structure-Reaoval ln Meet Ceaeron Aree, Block 311

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The purpoee of thie S i te -Speci f ic Environaentel Aeeeeement (SEA) le to eeeeee the epeeific Impecte eeeocieted with propoeed etructure-removel ec t iv i t i ee . The BEA ie beeed on e Progreamatic Envlronmentel Aeeeeement (PEA) (USDOI, MMS, 1967) whieh eveluetee e broeder epectrum of potentiel Impecte reeulting frcm the removel nt etruetureo, e.g., pletforme/calenone ecroee the Centrel end Weetern Plenning Areee of the Oulf of Mexlee Outer Continental She l f . The PEA/SEA proceee le deelgned to elmpllfy end reduce the e l i e of environaentel eeeeeeaent documents by eliminating repet i t ive dlecueelone of the eeae leeuoo. Thie SEA conforme to KMS and other eppropriete guideline! for propering environaentel eeeeeeaente by u t i l i z i n g dete preeented ln the PEA to eoaplete the eeeeeeaent. I t preeente e i te-epecl f ic dete regerding the propoeed etructure reaovel and eveluetee tre removel'e potentiel iapecte. Preperetlon of thie SEA hei ellowed tha deteralnatlon of whether e Finding of No Signif icant lapect (PONSI) le eppropriete or whether further eeeeeeaent of the propoeel le neceeeery.



Hall-Houston O i l Coapeny hee eubaltted e propoeel to reaove Pletfora A ln weet ceaeron Aree, Block 311, (Leeee ocs-o 4769). The etructure ie loceted ln e weter depth of 59 feet, approximately 30 a i l ee eouth of Ceaeron Perieh. Louieiene. The operetor plene to eever the conductor, ceeing und ceeing etrlnge ueing exploeivee 16 feet BML. See Table l ror epeeific dete regerding the exploeive reaovel operetione.

Refer to Appendix A for etructure specifleetlone, additional dete on reaovel techniquee, typee end quentitlee of exploeivee to ba i' ed end eequence of evente.


He.er to the operator'! propoeel (Appendix A) for mitlgative aeeeuree propoeed to reduce the likelihood of deeth or Injury to eee turtlee end aerine aaaaele.


A diecueeion of the legel end reguletory aendetee to reaove ebendonod oil end gee structuree froa Pederel wetere cen be found ln the PIA (USDOI, MMS, 1987). The well le depleted end no further operetione ere propoeed.


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An a l t«rnat iv« to tho propoaad atructura raaoval aa o r i g i n a l l y submitted la non-roaoval. Non-removal of tho atructura vould rapraaant a confl ict with Federal lagal and r e g u l a t o r y requlremente, which mandate tha timely raaoval of obaolata or abandoned atructuraa within a parlod of ona yoar a f t a r termination of tha laaaa, or upon termination of a right of uaa or aaaaaant. Tharafora, non-removel doaa not appear to be e v a l i d elternetive.


The MMS hee diecueeed verloue etructure-reaovel techniquee l n the Pinel Environaentel lapect Steteaent (PEIS) for propoeed O i l end Oee Leeee Selea 123 end 123 (USDOI, NMS, 1989) end the PRA (USDOI, MMS, 1987) . Updated lnforaetlon le eleo "ound ln the F i n e l Environaentel lapect Steteaent for Selee 131, 1 J 5 , end 137 (USDOI, NMS, 1990). I t wee oonoluded thet the aoet ef fect ive aothode of etructure reaovel ere the uee of exploeivee, either bulk or eheped chergaa, end underweter ere cutting. Othar aathode eppeer proaielng, but require edditionel developaent to aolva the operetlonel end logletlcel probleae eeeocieted with thaaa techniquee. Prlmerily for thia reeeon l t doee not eppeer to ba e feasible e l ternet ive for the eubject etructure(e) .

Refer to the FEIS (USDOI, MMS, 1989) nnd PEA (USDOI, MMS, 1987) for detelled lnforaetlon concerning elternetive aethode of atructure reaovel.


I t hss been deteralned thet the propoeed operetione f e l l within the cetegory of ect iv l t lee covered by the Netlonel Merlne Fiaheriee Service (NMFS) Biologicel Opinion of July 29, 1988, which eddreeeee "etenderd" exploeive etructure reaovele ln the Gul f of nexico.

Refer to the terae end conditione of the "generic" Incidentel Teke Steteaent (Appendix B) , end eny ait lgetion identi f ied by thie SEA neceeeery to reduce the likelihood of death or Injury to aaa tu ties snd aerine aaaaele.

Our enelyeee indicete thet there ere pipelinee loceted within 150 aetere (490 feet) of the propoeed ec t iv i t i ee . The feature(e) aey pose e heierd to the propoeed operetione. Preceutione ln eccordence with NTL 83-3, section IV.B, w i l l be token prior to performing the propoeed operetlons.


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Our analysis of ths propoaal identified no additional •itiaa. tion.



1. Environaontal r.rdogy end Geologic H lards

A discussion of environaentel geology end geologic heierde oan be found ln tha PEA (USDOI, MMS, 19S7). The propoeed atructure-removal ec t iv i t i ee ere not in en eree of eediaent in s tab i l i t y (aud f lova , eluape, or a l ldee) . Therefore, geologic conditions srs not expected to heve en lapect on the propoeed atructure-reaoval aot iv i t i ee .

2. Meteorologioel Conditione

No lapeote era expected ee e reeult of the propoeed a c t i v i t i e e . Por enelyeie Inforaation, oee the PEA referenced ln tha Introduction.

1. Phyeicel end Cheaicel Oceenogrephy

e. Phyaical Oceenogrephy

No lapeote ere expected ee e reeult of the propoeed e c t i v i t i e e . Por enelyeie inforaation, eee the PEA referenoed ln tha Introduction.

b. Cheaicel Oceenogrephy

11 -»ecte ere expected to be very lov ee u reeult of the propoeed a c t i v i t i e e . Por enelyeie information, eee the PEA referenced ln the Introduction.

4. Neter Quelity

Iapecte ere expected to be lov ee e reeult of the propoeed a c t i v i t i e e . Por enelyeie lnforaetlon, eee the PEA referenced ln tha Introduction.

5. Air Quality

Iapecte ere expected to be very lov ee e reeult of the propoeed a c t i v i t i e e . Por enelyeie inforaation, eee the PEA referenced ln the Introduction.

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1. Coastal Hsbitsts

No iapacta ara axpactad aa a raault of tha propoaad activitiaa. Por analyaia inforaation. aaa tha PEA rafarancad lr. tha Introduction.

2. Protected, Endengered, end/or Threetened Speciee

e. Birde

The operetor Lee lndiceted thet they propoee to uee Ceaeron, Louieiene ee ehorebeee to eupport the propoeed etructure-reaovel ectivltlee. The PEA (USDOI, MMB, 19S7) delineates eeneitive ereee elong the Texee ooeetline where whooping crenee end brown palioene could be edvereely iapectad by etructure-reaovel euppoit ectivltlee. The propoeed work ie not expected to iapact threetened or endengered birds or their hebltete.

b. Ma rim -Baaia

A diecueeion of aerine aaaaala occurring ecroee the Gulf of Mexico (OOM) end en eeeeeeaent of the potentiel iapecte of etructure-reaoval activitiee on aarine aeaaale cen be found in the PEA (USDOI, MMB, 19S7). fr i t t a et el. (19S3) conducted eeriel eurveye ecroee e 9,514 square alia eree of wetere lying ln the oentrel OOM. Reeulte of theee eurveye indicete thet the bottlenose dolphin le by fer the aoat likely aerine aaaael to be encountered et the propoeed structure reaovsl. MMB observers aey be utilized to look for aerine aaaaele ptlor to detonetion of the priaary cherge et the reaovel eite. If aarina aaaaele ere detected et the etructure-reaovel eite, detonetlon of the primary cherge would ba delayed until tha enlaele ere reaoved froa the eree. In eplte of theee precautions, e low probebility exiete thet aerine aaaaals could enter the bleet eree undetected and could be injured or killed by the underweter, eubeurfeco detonetione. Such en occurrence le coneidered highly unlikely end with the lndiceted protective aitlgetion aeeeuree, the propoeed etructure-reaovel ectivitiee ere expected to heve only a low lapect on aarine aaaaals.

c. See Turtlee

A diecueeion of eee turtlee occurring ecroee the central snd western GOM end en eeeeeeaent of the potentiel iapecte of etructure-reaoval ectivltlee on eee turtlee cen be found in the PEA (USDCI, MMB, 1997). studies by Pritte et el. (1983) and Puller end Teppen (1986) ee well ee etrendlng dete froa the See Turtle stranding end Selvege Network (Teee end Martinez, 1992) indicete thet eee turtlee occur in the vicinity of the propossd ectivitiee. Laflnitive infrraetion on the probebility of


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encountering eee. turtles St the removal s i t * during renuvci operatione is scarce. The NMFS end/or MJUJ observers n«y be utilized to look for ees turtlee prior to detonetion of the primary ohergee. if eee turtlee ere detected st the structure^ reeovel site, detonetion of the priaary charge m i be delsysd until ths animals srs rsnoved fraa the eree. -• m the osee of aerine Beaaele, tha poeeibllity euiete thst eee turtlee could enter the bleet eree undetected, end oould be injured er killed by the underweter. eubeurfeoe detonetione, This occurrence vs coneidered highly unlikely, snd with the indioated protective aitiqetien aeeeures, the propoeed etructure*reeev«l sotivitiss srs expected to have mly e low iapact on ees turtlaa, A cumulative incidentel teke hae been authorized by NNPS for actions in this cstsgory, but with s l l ths precautions to be taksn ss mitigating aeeeure(e), it is unlikely thst sny ees turtlee will ba effected by these propoeed opsi*tions.

3. Birda

Iapecte ere expected to be veiy low se s reeult of the propoeed ectivitiee. for snslysis lnforastlon. see tne PBA referenced in the Introduction.

4. Sensitive Marine Hsbitsts

A discussion of ssnsitivs aerine hsbitsts occurring in ths csntrsl snd weatern OOM snd sn ssseeeaent of the potentiel iapscts of structure-removal sotivitiss on thsss srsss csn bs found in th? PBA (USDOI, MMS, 1987), The propoeed ectivities sre not neer sny sensitivs nsrine habitete. Therefore, the eubject etructure reaevel will not lapect any bens rive aerine habitete or their resident biote.

5. offehore Hebitets snd Biots

lapsota sra expected to be low AO s rssult of ths propossd sctivitiee, por snslysis information, sss ths PEA referenced in

the Introduction.


1. Emplaywant lepecte ere expected to ba very low se a reeult of the

propoeed ectivit iee. » >r snslysis information, see tue PEA referenoed in the introduction.

2, Boonoaioe

lapeote ere expeoted to be verv low ss s rssult cf ths propossd sctlvitiee. Por snslysis lnforastlon. sss the PEA refsrsnced In the Introduction.


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3. Onshore Support F a c i l i t i e s , Land Uaa, and Coaatal Communities and Services

Ths operator hae -ndicated thet they propoee to uee Cameron, Louieiene ee the ehorebeee to eupport the propoeed etructure-reaoval e c t i v i t i e e . No iapecte ere expected ee e reeult of the propoeed e c t i v i t i e e .


1. Commercial and Recreetionel Fieheriee

e. Coaaorciel Fieheriee

For enelyeie inforaation, aee the PEA referenced in the Introduction. Since the PEA vee originally written, new concerne have emerged concerning the iapecte of exploeive etructure reaoval on reef fieh populations. On Mey 9, 1991, the Culf of Mexico Fieh Menegeaent Council expreeeed concern over the declining etocka of reef fieh, ee' e c i a l l y red enepper. They referred to the entidotel eccounta of finfiah k i l l a eeeocieted vith exploeive reaovele of offehore etructuree in order to link theee a c t i v i t i e e with their concerne about declining populations of reef fieh. They further suggested thet MMS ehould hold e l l exploeive etructure reaovele in abeyance until aore inforaation becoaee evelleble on the effecte of theee e c t i v i t i e e on fieh etocke. See the PEA (Section on Offehore Hebltete end Biote) for a diecueeion of fieh k i l l e in association vith exploeive etructure reaovele.

The MMS hee declined to hold e l l exploeive etructure reaovala in abeyance citing the reguletory aendetee for etructure reaovals and problems with current non-exploeive etructure reaoval aethode. MMS hae eteted e commitment to cerry out etudiee to assess the iapacta of o i l and gee etructure reaovala on Gulf fieheriee reeourcee and the reeulte of theee etudiee w i l l be ussd to deteraine future policies with reepect to theee ectivitiee.

The MMS continuee to coneider the overell iapecte of etructure reaovals on coaaorciel fishing to be low. The MMS policy of encoureging an active rigs-to-reefo program w i l l help to offeet cumulative etructure-reaoval iapecte top fieheriee reeourcee.

b. Recreational Fieheriee

Iapecte ere expected to be low as a reeult of the propoeed activitiee. For enelyeis information, see the PEA referenced in the Introduction. See the preceding eectlon for e diecueeion of fieh k i l l e in association with exploeive structure reaovele.


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2. Archaeological Resourcee

Iapacta aro expected to bo low a raault of tho propoaad a c t i v i t i a a . Por analyaia inforaation, aaa tha PEA rafarancad in tha Introduction.

3. Military Use/Warning Araaa and Explosive Duaping Areee

The propoeed etructure-reaoval ac t iv i t i ee v i l l not teke p l a c e in e a i l i t a r y use/warn ing aree or in en exploeive duaping a r e a . A deecription of theee ereee, the ir locations and potent ia l iapacte of etructure-reaoval ac t iv i t i ee on theee ereee can be found in the PEA (USDOI, MMS, 19S7) . No iapact ia expacted.

4. Navigation and Shipping

The propoeed etructure-reaoval a c t i v i t i e e in Weet Ceaeron Area , Blocks 311, ie loceted neer e veeeol fairway eree. Structuree loceted neerehore aey serve ee "landmarks" to veeeele or helicoptere operating in the eree on e regular baais. The o v e r a l l iapecte of the propoeed work on nevigetion end ehipping i a expected to be very lov. Nore lnforaetlon on the iapecte of atructure reaoval on nevigetion end ehipping cen be found in the PEA (USDOI, MMS, 1987).

5. Pipelinee end Ceblee

The PEA (USDOI, MMS, 1987) contains e deecription of the iapecte of structure reaoval on pipelinee end ceblee. There ere ax ia t ing pipelinee within 150 aetere (490 feet) of the propoeed atructure-reaoval a c t i v i t i e e . Since the operetor auat adhere to ax ia t ing lawe end reguletione for ab idonaent of structuree (including proceduree required by Notice to Lessees snd Operetore 8 3 - 3 ) , the propoeed work ehould not poee e hazard to pipelinee or cablee in the eree.

6. Other Mlnerel Reeourcee

No iapecte ere expected ae a reeult of the propoeed a c t i v i t i e e . Por enelyeie inforaation, eee the PEA referenced In tha Introduction.

7. Huaan Heelth end Safety

The PEA (USDOI, MMS, 1987) describes the hazardous condi t i me for workere during etructure-reaoval ec t iv i t i e e . The operetor hae propoeed the uee of exploeive aethode to reaove the aubject etructure. Exieting legel end reguletory eefety requirements w i l l keep the iapecte of the propoeed work on huaan haal th and eefety et e very low l eve l .

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A discussion of unsvoidsbls adverse iapscts csn ba found in tha PEA (USDOI, MMS, 1987). Two aroaa of ongoing concern heve baan the potentiel iapact to protected, threetened, end/or endangered epeciee end potentiel loee of hebitet to the aerine environaent. Both topice ere diecueeed in the PEA end previouely i n t h i e docuaent. A more recent ieeue of concern hee eurfeced regarding the iapacte of exploeive etructure reacvale on reef f i a h atocke. Thie ieeue hee been previouely diecueeed in thie document. Although the iapecte to coaaorciel end recreetionel f i a h e r i e e ie coneidered to be low, further etudiee inforaation about thie ieeue ehould be evelleble in the future. Other unavoidable adveree iapecte ere coneidered to be ainor.


A diecueeion of public concerne regerding etructure reaovele can ba found in tha PEA (USDOI, MMS, 1987).

In Mey 1991, the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Menegeaent Council requeated thet the MMS piece a aoratoriua over the exploeive reooval of offahore etructuree vith three or acre supports. Non removal of theee etructuree vould conf l i c t with current Federel legel end reguletory requirements which mandate the t imely reaovel of ebendonod or obeolete etructuree within e period of one yeer e f t e r termination of the leeee, or upon termination of a right-of-uee or easement.

The MMS bellevee thet current dete on the effecte of exploeive reaovele on f ieh aortel ity ie ineufficient to drew eny conclueione, end e aoratoriua on a l l but eingle pi le ceieeone et t h i e tiae ie unjuet i f i ed . In order to quantify exploeive a f f a c t e , the MMS in i t i e t ed en interegency etudy with the NMFS to deteraine fieh aor ta l i t iee froa plat "orm reaovel operetione. In addit ion to the ebove etudy, MMS oupporte en ect ive rige-to-reef program and encourages industry to search for aethod thet w i l l minimize effecte on f ieh froa pletfora reaovel operetione. atructure reaoval hae genereted no coaaente froa the public.


In eccordence with the provisions of Section 7 of the Endengered Speciee Act, the propoeed etructure-reaoval operetione e r a covered by the Biologicel Opinion ieeued by NMFS on July 25, 1988, vhich eetebllehed e cetegory of "etenderd" exploeive atructure-reaoval operatione. Their coaaente ere included in Appendix B. The NMFS concluded thet thie cetegory of etructure-reaoval ec t iv i t i e s w i l l not l ikely jeoperdize the continued oxlatence of eny threetened or endengered epeciee under their purview. Additionally, they concluded thet thie type of ••standard" etructure-reaovel ect iv i ty aey reeult in injury or


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mortal i ty of loggerhead, Kamp'a r idlay, graan, havkebill , or leatrerbeck turt laa . Tharafora, thay aatabllahad a cuaulative l a v a l of incidentel teka and diecueeed verloue eeeauree neceeeery to aonitor end ainimize thie iapact (eee Appendix B) . The KMFS noted that no incidental teking of aarina aaaaala vae authorised under Section 101(e)(5) of the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 in connection with thie cetegory of etructure-reaoval a c t i v i t i e e . Therefore teking of swrine aammala by the operetor would be prohibited unleee they eucceeefully epply for end obtain a waiver or peralt to do eo froa NMFS.


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P r i t t s , T.H. , A.B. I r v i n t , R.D. Jennings, L.A. Collua, N. Hoffman, snd H.A. McGmhss. 19*3. T u r t l s s , birds, and mammala i n ths northern Gulf of Noxico snd nearby Atlsntic watere. U.S. Fieh end wi ld l i fe Service , Divieion of Biologicel Servlcee, Weehlngton, D.C.

Pul ler , D.A. end A.N. Teppen. 19S6. The occurrence of eee turt lee in Louieiene coeetel vetere. Coeetel Fieheriee Inst i tute . Center for Wet lend Reeourcee. Louieiene Stete Univereity. Baton Rouge, LA.

Taae, Wendy G. end Anthony Martinez. 1992. 1989 Annual report of the eee turtle strenOlng end eelvege network. Atlentic end Gulf Coeete of the ited & vatee. Jenuery - December 19S9. Netlonel Narine Fieheriee Serv ice . Southeeet Fiaheriee Center, Hieal Loboretory, 75 V i r g i n i a Beech Drive, Miami, FL.

U .S . Department of the Interior. Minerele Menegeaent Service. 19S5. Accidenta connected vith Federel o i l end gee operetione on the Outer Continental Shelf. Gulf of Nexico OCS Region. Voluae I I Jenuery. 1980-Deceaber, 1984. Weehlngton, D.C.

U . S . Department of the Interior. Minerele Menegeaent Service. 19S7. Programmatic Environaentel Aeeeeeaent. Structure-removal ac t iv i t i ee Centrel end weetern Gulf of Nexico Plenning Areee. OC8/EA 87-0002. G u l f of Mexico OCS Region, Nov Orleana, LA.

U.S . Department of the Interior. Minerele Menegeaent Service. 19S9. Finel Environaontal Iapact Steteaent. Propoeed OCS o i l end gee leeee eelee 12 3 end 125: Centrel end weatern Plenning Areee. OCS EIS/EA MMS 89-0053. Weehlngton, D.C. Available froa NTIS, Springfield, VAx PB89-1141S5/A8.

U .S . Department of the Interior. Ninerele Menegeaent Service. 1990. Finel Environaontal lapect Steteaent. Propoeed OCS o i l end gee leeee aalaa 131, 135, end 137 (Centrel, western, end Eeetem Gulf of Nexico). OCS EIS/EA MMS NO. 90-0042. Weehlngton, D.C. Available from the Gulf of Mexico Region or froa NTIS, S p r i n g f i e l d VA: v o l . 1, PB90-273582; v o l . 2, PB90-273590.


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Table 1

Explosive. Propoaad by tha Oparator for tha Structure Reaovel In Meet Ceaeron Aree, Block 311

Qt iKPlQSlvas:

Composition B Bulk and C4 ohergee

Mnaner snd al«« of r H f r a a , ,

^..inSToSi^^Iigr* f ° r t h # W # U °° n d t t J t 0 r — *• **< Earnlnvaanr of C h i r a c ,

Insids, is feat below the aud line.

I i l 2 i l e l h ! i > ; ^ J 0 " " 0 1 " * 1 Coapoaition B Bulk charge snd two (2) aeparats 90-pound C-4 chergee


Page 17: so* or loan* LOVIIIIM, U



, U " n ° * U d r y - » r o t « * l . „ A. . t . t .nt Typisti

Ssndrs Psvlss - clerk Typist


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Toi Enrlronosntal Operation* Saction (LE-5)

Frost Off loo of Structural aod laconical Support, f ield Operationa, Oulf OF Hex ioo O d loglon (OSTS)

Subject: Platform PeeoTsl

CfBSATOli Wo\\- H P U S + O ^

Cootrol lo, H /S t * W

Platfom Area/Block Leaae

Saiu^ Ha. > ^° £2 0 C J - ' i 0 ^ 1

Mo O- » H

f ^ f K ^ ^ d _ sic 3H"" " QO -6 +7iT Shore Beae: C A v ^ r L f Q ^ , 3^*1 ^ / * /

The attached appl leet lon la forwarded to your office ao tbat tbe Finding of Mo

significant. Lnpeot can be prepared, 'ie believe tbla propoaed activity aeet a

che requirements of tbe generic Endangered Spe.-les Aot Seotion 7 Conaultatlon

Document. There^are/eammsK) existing plpellne(s) within 500 feet of tbe propoeed

removal looatlon.

arrlod Shab (OSTS) Extension 289*



AShah: :LEXITTPE:Dlsk 5

Page 21: so* or loan* LOVIIIIM, U

HALUHOUSTOFe 1 OIL COMPANY 700 Louisiana Suits ?100/Moueu>n. Teaes 77002

Tt l tphont (713) 228-071 1

Jut* 18, 1982 -7000 •7001

Mr. Denial J . Bourgeois Regional Supervisor, F i e l d Operationi U . S . Department of the I n t e r i o r Mineral i Menegeaent S e r v i c e 1281 Elawood Par* B l v d . - — ^ ^ ^ * * t j Mew Orleans. LA 70123-2394 ' J

Attention! MS 5231 - Mr. Arvind Shah

RCt Applications fo r Structure Reaoval west Caeeron Aree , Blocks 57 and 311 Offshore Louis iana

Gentlearn i

Enclosed, in t r i p l i c a t e , ere appl Icat ions for the reaoval of tne following three (3) structures loceted i n the West Caeeron Area.

West Caaeron Block 57, X S - G 10541. Caisson No. 1 west Ceaeron Block 57, OCS-G 18541, Caisson No. 2 west Caaeron Block 311, OCS-G 4765, P le t fora A '

Hall-Houston Oil Costpeny respectful tV^reouests your approval to renove eech of the structures by us ing conventional explosive aethods. Ones fn the West Ceaeron e r e a , tech structure w i l l be reeoved consecut ively .

Hall-Houston Oil Coapeny wi l l coemnce plug end ebendonaent of a l l wells assoc is tedwl th these s t ruc tures on or before July 15, 1992. The production casing wi TT be p u l l e d . The remaining c a s i r g strings end conductors w i l l bs sewered usi g e x p l o s i v e s .

Your ear l iest epprovel w i l l be greet ly appreciated. Thenk "no for your consideration with t h i s s e t t e r . I f further inforaation i s reouired. plaese do not hesitate to c a l 1 .

Kathy CeapV S Regulatory 6 Cnvi ronewntel Manager

KC attechaents

S incere ly ,

Page 22: so* or loan* LOVIIIIM, U


I f t t pons l s io Party

A. Least Operator Name: H.l 1 Houston OH C me any

B. Address: 700 Louisiana, Suit t 2100 Houston, Ttxas 77002

C. Contact Parson: Kathy Camp


0. Shore Base: ' Caaeron, LA

I I • lee*M f l e e t ion ef structure fn fcj leenvad A. P U t f o r e Name: Wfl l P ro t i t t c r A

1. Location: w t,t Cajwron Art i , I luU 111, QtS 6 47t»

!!«: H ^ I A B e - - u i : tP-aff-te.iar-C. Oate instilled (y«ir): Jfe7

0. Proposed Date of lUeo 1: Auqust |f 198? t t o f

I . Water Depth: ^ 6 6 feet

I H . Descr i p t i on of i t ructure fn he Bsssnved

A. Configuration: (Set Elevation Drawing At t tchtd)

B. Size: SJjf l j t ca j j jee w/J flecks aaj h i l l f luYl

C. Muetoer of Ltgs/Casings/Pi 1 ings: i caisson / 1 conductor

D. Diaeet t r and Wall Thickness: 72" x 2" ca'sson

W * 1" conductor

t . Ar t Pi I ts Grouttd? W/A

f . B r i t f d tscr ip t ion of soi l composition and condit ion: I n t t r l a y t r t d f i r e to s t l f t c j j ( Md Si l ty f ine iiflsl tfl 20 f t , j a t i f f clay to 70 f t . ; in t t r layersd clayey s i l t , f i r e clay and sand tfl 125 V i l T S m to ytry st i f f P i t to Ito ft

C. Casing str ing rssaming af ter PiA:

16" x 3/B" Grouttd 10-3/4" x 3/8" Grouttd

Page 23: so* or loan* LOVIIIIM, U

WC 311 "A" - HHOC Platform Renoval Page 2

IV. Purpose

Br l t f discussion of the reason for removing tht s t ruc tu r t :

Well Protector Platform A was ins ta l led as a well protector for West Cameron 311, Well No. 1. This well has depleted and w i l l be P&A'd with no future operations proposed. Lease OCS-G 4765 expired 12/10/91.

V. y a m ] Hcthod

A. Brief description of the method to be used:

The crane barge will remove well deck. The conductor will bt severed a minimum 16 feet BML by explosives and removed. Tht caisson will be severed with two (2) separate C-4 charges a minimum 16 feet BML and lifted, secured to a barge and carried to shore for scrap.

B. If explosives are to used, provide the following:

1. Kind of Explosives: C-4 and Como B

2. Number and Sizes of Charges: 2-50 lb C-4 / 1-5P lb Comp B

a. Single Shot or Multipe Shots? Single

3. Bulk or Shaped Charge? Bulk

a. Depth of Detonation Below Mudline: 16'

b. Inside -r Outside Piling? Inside

Page 24: so* or loan* LOVIIIIM, U

WC 311 "A" - HHOC Plat fonn Reeoval Page 3

C. Pre-removal Monitoring Techniques

Is t h t use of scare charges or acoustic devices proposed? _No_



2 Wi l l divers or acoust 1 : devices be used to conduct a pre-removal survey to deti t presence of tu r t l es and manne mammals? Yes, i f during rout*n i QP«rations.

0. Post-removal Monitoring Techniques

WUl transducers be used to measure the pressure and Impulse of the detonations? Jig. .

2 Wi l l divers be used to survey the area af ter removal to determine any effects on marine l i fe? Y f i . rtyrlM rPWtlflt operations.

V I . • l o l M l C ' 1 information

I f available, provide the results of any ' • / « " \ 1

b ; ° 1 ^ conducted In t h i v i c i n i t y of t h . s t ructure. I f • • • ^ • ^ J ^ S t S * recent observations of tur t les or marine mammals at the structure s i t e .

Bene Available

c : \wp51\data\platform\remo31 IA

Page 25: so* or loan* LOVIIIIM, U

9 9


8 ^ w i v

i n

I f

A/AV. Lim>MT (THf)






HALL - H C L ' S T O N O I L CO 1 WELL PPC J EAT0« •ziGNArijPE f L E A S E B L O C K 311 TITLE DATE v/ •: 5 " ' A M E R O N

1 . R I N f l f f H T . 1 O I M r\»r- t f .

Page 26: so* or loan* LOVIIIIM, U

Hall- Houston Oil Company O C S - 6 4765 WELL * 1




ttfWCIl n




,56" • 283 mm wm TOC 4 5 0 ' B M l


I f f 1011


or4 c P<O< r*- Asscrwor FBQMS78S TO 1789' 1 " D

l O I / < -•J4021

2 I / f TBO



TOC t> 7 6 4 2 ' BOC 0> 7 9 9 2


PtKff S121-S14S-

SUMP MOl #8137"



L.. • •'•

OILFIELD SERVICES ( w t l 8#r« —h»m«tt<) E 3

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Page 29: so* or loan* LOVIIIIM, U

J U 2 5 Sll

Mr. will u« 0. Bettenbero Ci rector M.neraia Manageeent Service U.f . Depertssnt of tho Xr.torlor Washington, O.C. 20240

Door Nr. lettsnberg:

tnelooo io tho Biological Opinion prepsrsd by the Netlonel Morlno Ftshsrlee Sorvico (NMPS) purouont to Section 7 ef tho Endangers* Speciee Act (BSA) concernino potentiei lepecte on endengered end threetened epeciee eeeocieted with reeevel ef certein ell and fee platforms end releted etructuree ln the Oulf Of Mexico (OON) using ejrplooivee.

Thie "etenderd" coneultatlon covere only theeo rooovel operetlons thet oeot epeelfled erlterle pertaining to the eiie of eaploaive cherge ueed. detonetlon depth, end number of Bleete per structural grouping. Consultation nuot ee lnitleted on e cese-byceec Bseie for e l l dIscentline operetione requiring the uee of explosives thet do not aoot the sstabl lshsd erl eerie.

NMPS concludss thet structurs rsoovsls In the OOM thet fe l l within the eetehllsned orltorlo ore not likoly to < soporous th* continued existence of lieted speoleo under the jurledlctien ef NMFS. however, It io eur «• inien thet, tho prepeeed eetivltlee eey reeult In the Injury or eortellty of endeneored end threec ied eee turtloo. .here/ore, purouont to Section 7(h)(4) of the ZS*, ve hove eetebllehed e lov level of incidentel teks. •hicr U cuauletlvo fer Oil reeevsU covered By this ceneultetien, end terme end cond. tlono neocener/ te oinioKe snw ocn it or eny inpecte, ehould they occur. The tens er<4 conditions ere eontelned In tho oneloood lneidentel teke ststseent. Meo enclosed lo e Hot of pending coneultetione tnet eeet, vith noted exceptions, thc orltorlo eetebllehed ln tne "standard" ceneultetien. Thie biological cpinion end the mitigating seasurss end terme end conditione eontelned ln the releted incidentel toko eteteeent epply to theee propoeed reeovel operstions. Therefore, fores 1 ooneultetion is concluded for theee proposed ootions.

" ' Si-f»« *e>ti » Pit («ei» • ' f l ' it-M

Page 30: so* or loan* LOVIIIIM, U

Csnsu.tstlon oust bo relnititeted i t : f i i the „ cf taking specif ied in tha incidsntsl tsks m . £ 2 1 ^ « I f

s-cesdsd (J) nsw information r s v s s l . i m l U l l I t T i l i * ectivlt lee thst nsy . f foct l i s t sd epIc l IS l £ \ L ^ - ? r c * 3 » « * e*tent not considsrsd thus far in SSr ! • t r r # r or to sr. identified . C t i v i t i ; . srs eodlfiSd tr. ? i I i ! B # , . i , ) t h * edvsrss sffsct to l i . t e d .peelee not . J . ! ? " * ? t h # t c * u i # t « r

(4, s ns. spoclo. io n ^ i r o r c r ? n c ! r ^ ; s ? or that M y bo sffoctod by thi project. »• '•sloneted

I look forvsrd to your contlnusd eoooorat i M i -coneultatlene. es^peretion ln future

f lneeroly.

Jo*—• ^/••lBten

w. Brennan letent Adalnletretor

for Fiohorioo cncloeuree

Page 31: so* or loan* LOVIIIIM, U

Slo log l ee l Opinion

Agency: Hin .r . l . Nen.gement Service, U.S. Deportment Of the I n t e r i o r

Activity! Conoultotion for Rooovel of Certain Outer Continentel •helf Oil end Oee structuree ln '.he Oulf ef Nexico

coneultetlon Conducted »y: Netlonel Nerlno fieheriee Service (NNFS)

Dete Ieeued:


B>ec kg round Informetion:

in e letter deted November l t . ItSS, the Ninerele Neneeement service (HNS) node en in i t ie l requeet for formel coneultetlon pJreuSnt tVeection 7 of the Endengered Specie. Act (MA, ror the removel of en offehore oi l end gee pletform I f * * * * federel vetere of tho Oulf of Nexico (OOM). NHS end l*W rft-Irli-ed thet removel of oil end ooo pletformo end releted ^ricTuret " " h e W i l MmtM endengered smi m e ^ o n ^ r l n . Ipeclee. Thie -mey of foot- determination v.e booed en e peeeible JSletlon.hlp between endengered end threetened oee turtle morSo lttos end tho dismentllng of J l ^ f t i r . r i ' l . r R i ^ f Mnviihir as l t td . NMPS leeumd the flrot of s eeriee or V i o l Z ^ '« «"ell. ^ r . 1 / ^ ' 6 1 ' to listed eerine epeciee thet oey oeeur ee e rooult of OCS esendenment ectivit iee.

KHS end NNFS ..tebllehed procedures for • ^ ^ • g 1 * * . 1

coneultetione em pletform l 5 i ! ! « i l n l f t h e e e referred to ee •expedited coneultetione.- following thoee proceeuree epprolclStoly 4* coneultetione S m M M completed for removel operetione ln the OCM r e g i o n . * 11 ef Jhe coneult.tioneheve concluded thet the / ' ^ • J J ^ ^ ° ^ B


u t # n c . ect iv it lei vere net likely te jeopardise the ^ * i " ^ / " ^ " # n c * of eny li.ted epeelee, hut thet the » W ^ * c ^ v i " " l ^ d M

reeult ln th. incidentel teking of endengered end threetened eee turtle . .

Page 32: so* or loan* LOVIIIIM, U

T " • dienentling of pls t forre snd rolotod structures using a-ploslvss hot ovolvod to s point whoro e -stsndsrd" protocol *-co ssteol.ensd for rexovsl cpscttlor.t rooting cttctlr. eriterlo I t tod -pen roaovol tschnleruss aovoio^od tnd reviewed in con}unction with tho previously conducted "expedited coneultetione," MMS hee requeeted, hy letter of Mey 24, l t s t • "generic cortul t t t ion H thtt would be tpplictble to t i l future' rerovtl cptrtt:ont thet f a l l within t dletlnct ctttqory. d t f i r e l cy epeeific pereeetere. k ctttqory hte been deelqntd to Include thoee etructure typoe end reeovel techniquee moot coeeonly encountered durlnq the expedited coneultetione end dleeentllng uperetions already corpietad. Since epproxiaetely 1000 etructuree thet aay he scheduled for future reeovel f e l l vithin the paraaatara of the eetebllehed cetegory, MMfS egreee thtt t "generic" coneultetlon le eppropriete et thie t lae . The objective of the coneultetlon la ta reduce the adalnletrstlve burden on both KMS and NMFS for conducting repetitive coneultstions on e c t i v l t l e e thet aay reeult ln e l a i l e r iepects to lieted. epecloe end thet require identical aitigetlng aeeeures to eeintern adequate protection fcr euch epeciee. Thie biological opinion reeponde to NMS' Nay 14, ISSS, coneultetlon requeet. The opinion la beeed on the heet ee lent l f lc tnd cotuierclsl dsts preeently evelleble end lncorperetee lnforaetlon froat l) previoue MMS Summery Evaluation*, 2) previoue NNFS biologicsl opinione on pletfora reaevel, 3) the oelentl f le l i t er t ture , tnd 4) other pertinent end evelleble lnforaetlon. Coneultetlon auet he reinit iated l f nev lnforaetlon becoaee eveilebie concerning Iapecte te l ia ted apeciee thet vould elter the eoncluelone reeched ln this opinion or reguire aodlfleetior. of the aeeeu/ee ident i f ied ln the etteched Incidentel teke eteteaent. Coneultetlon v l l l continue en e case-by-ceee besis for thoss structure reaevals thet de net aeet the c r i t e r i a oetebllshed for "etenderd" reaovala.

Deecription of Propeeed action:

The propoeed eetlon lnvelvee the reaovel, by explosivs aeana, of offehore e l l and gee atructuree loceted l i Pederel vetere ln the Gulf of Nexlee. heaevel ef the atructuraa v l l l he ecceapllehed by covering the eupport pi l ings , eoieeene, ve i l conductort. etc . , ueing vtry ing tcounte ef evpleelvee te peralt eelvege ef the etructurea. Thia lnvelvee the placoeont ef eaploeivee Inside or c - t t idt ef euppertlng etruetureo end detonetlng ohergee pr ie tr i ly ueing s l ect ren lee U y controlled s ignals .

This "gsnsric" coneultetlon coneidera enly theee reaovel operstions thet aeet csrts in e r l t e r l e pertaining te the else of tne exploeive cherge ueed, detonetion depths, and nuaber of bleete per et ructure1 grouping. Tho opeelfle e r l t er l e estsblishsd to cover eueh reaovele ere eo fol love:

Page 33: so* or loan* LOVIIIIM, U

1) Utt of high veloci ty erplotivet (detonetien rate greater then 7,400 eetere/eecond).

2) A maxlouo of eight individual bleste por group of detonatlont with chorgoo staggered et en Interval of o.t teconde (too ell l lteconde).

J) Chtrgtt euet he eet et e minimus depth of i t feet below the sed leer, t surface. Severing of etructuree ebove the eediment eurfece "open veter" euet be tccoepllehed hy mechanical (non­exploeive) eethode.

4) The taxieum exceed SO pounde.

tmount of exploeivee per detonetion le not to

Speciee Occurring ln the Project Areei

Lieted epecles under tho juried lotion of hMPS thet eey the project tree:

occur ln


right vhele E s/a/70

flnbeck vhele I S/2/70

huapbeck vhele E • / a / 7 0

eel vhele l a l a a n a a t i f i b o r e a l i s E s/a/7e sperm vhele Phyteter catodor S/2/70

green turtle ghelaf i ia ovdaa Th I * 7/2S/7S

Kemp't ridley turtle

I c p l d o c h f lys keepi z ia/a/7o

leethorbeek turtle

OiaejeJie^yj ggrjAfijA E s/a/7o

loggerheed turt le

f ' * a > \ t t i c a r e t t a Th 7/as/7s

hevkebill turtle

E s/a/7o

• A U of tht U.S. green turt le pepuletiene ere l ieted es threetened except the Plnrlde breeding population vhich i t l i e t e d ee endengered.


Page 34: so* or loan* LOVIIIIM, U

no critic*', hsbitst hee keer dtslgrstsd i« the pro;ect ores fcr tP-0 etcv* ooecleff-

A I M f l M O t Of t » :

•oooo upon their knovn distribution end sbwndsnee in tno OCN, onoongoroo whslee oro be', loved unlikely to oeeur In tho vicinity of the propeeed structure reeovel eetivltlee, end, therefore, unl>eely to to edvereely effooted by tne prepeeed eetlon.

Previous NMPf biologicel oplnlone (Noveeeer I f , lttt snd februer/ U , ItIT) heve eeeVoffeed, In dotell, reeevel of structures in the OCM. Accounts ef endengered end threetened usee ies vhlen oeeur in the prelect *-«••. ene the "Aeeeeement ef Xepeete" eontelned ir. theee prler 5 eleo spply te thio eeneultetlen end ere incorporate* • «renee.

In eormery, t oplnlone referoneed shove ec know led* the eeietenee ef e poeeibls reletienehle hetveen the ust -nderveter eepleeivee ln reeevlnf pletforme end re i •ad etructuree end the oeeurrenee of otrondod eee turtlee, merino semmals Turn ope t, pMatuii snd fieh. Limited esperieente conducted ky NMPf, oelveeton Ls moratory confirm thet eee turtles (end other eeilns vertsbrstes) found In prcvtelty to petrel ue pletfone sen he injured or killed my rsoovsl operstions employing, underveter explosives (Slime, ItSS).

Technology eeet commonly ueed in the dismantling ef plstforms includes! eulk empleolvos, shsped espiesive chergee, mechenlcel end err so ivs euttero snd undo rvs tor srs cutters. The use of hulk explotivss • become the indue ry's etenderd procedure fer severing pwtnge, ve i l conductors snd rslstsd eupporting etructures (sppros. tot uee). Mien ueing bulk ehergeo, the ineide ef the structure sen be jetted out te st leeet it feet belov the sediment fleer to silev pleceeent ef eepleeivee ineide cf the structure, reeult ing in s decree eo ln the impulse end pressure fereee releeeed inte the veter column upon detonetien. The use of high veloeity eheped che rece is reported to novo seme sdvsnttfss ever bulk empleslvee end mos meen meed in eemeinetisn with smeller hulk shsrmes. The cutting eet len emteined py s troped charge le eecempllehed hy focusing the espiesivs energy w.th s eon1eel metellie liner, A color edventege soooeisted vith uee ef high velocity shsped <rgc* is thet s smeller emeunt of explosive eherge ie reguire*, eever the structure, vhleh else rssults in reductione in the *>pulee end preeeure fereee releesed into th« vster column. Ceo e.* meehsnleel cutters snd undervstsr sre cutters io successful in eeme circueetenoee end de not prod uee the lmpulee ond preeeure fereee se eee is ted vith detonetlon of exp'oelves, he*ever, t»eee methode sro, in most lnetenees, eere time eonsueing, eeetly end mere hessrdeus te divers. Ae e reeult, these eeUieee sre net ueed en e routine cesie KNS Report on Plstfore Remove1 Teehnlguee)


Page 35: so* or loan* LOVIIIIM, U

sited upon dttt obteintd during prtviowtly conducttd "expeditt? ' ;zrtultationt on p l a t f o n rtsovala, tht following l t t ccrpariajr zi tht typtt of txplotivtt eoet l ikaly to bt uttd in tht propctea reaoval operatione:

r^ploaivt PatanaMna V e l o c i t y B f l l t r . C t *

POX approx. S . l t t B/OOC. 1.35

C-4 approx. 1,001 a/aec. 1.15

Coap.-B epprox. 7,103 m/tec. 1.32

• Brittncc l t tht aeeoure of ahttterlng power t t coeptred no THT which htt briaence of 1.00. (KHS Report on Pletforn Removal Techniquee, I tSS . )

The propoeed rerovtl operetione w i l l be tccoepliehed uelnq high velocity exploeivee. Uee of thie type of exploeive cherge ehould elnieite the durotion of the lepulee end p.eeeure :orceo produced by detonetien of the crirget, while providing the eaount of force required to eever the etructuree. According to RMJ, rootrictIng the grouping of detonetione to eight lndlviduel bleete per group tnd ataggering bleete by O.t ttcondt (§00 alllleeconde) v l l l BlnlBlia the eree effected by the bleata end euppreee ehaolng of ehocfc vevee. thereby decreasing the cuauletive effecte ef the bittte. In addition, tinea e l l dotonetlone v l l l occur et leett IS f t t t beiov the eediaent eurfece end no aore than to pounde of erplotlvee per bleet v i l l be permitted, tho eaount of reeldutl tntrgy releeeed into the aerine environment ehould be reduced e ignif ictnt ly . Ae a raault, BMP1 bellevee thet a lnlae l ehock end iapulee foroee v l l l he releeeed ln tho vic ini ty of reaovel operationo et any given tiae.

To date, of epproxiaetely 44 pravioualy oonducted coneultetione covering abandonment eetivlt lee. about J l ttructure removele heve been completed. Bech removal operation vaa monitored by NMPS obttrvtre and vma eendueted ueing eppropriete ait igating aetsuree. ht thc preoent time, eight turtlee hava mean alghted " t r e e , neer atructura. ha ing i l S l l t l S t J . ht U * * WO Of which wtrt green tur t l ee . Of the eight documented eightlnge. one turtlo wet reported te be fleeting en i f e hook neer a dttonttlon ef chtrgtt, apparently atunnod ar Injured. Norther incldonte of eee turt le Injury or morteiity hove been ropvrted. Therefore, MMPB bellevee thet the propeeed ectlene ere not uxe iy to reeult in t ignifxetnt adveree iapeeto tn endengeree ene threatened eee tur t l e populationa.

Page 36: so* or loan* LOVIIIIM, U


B*s«d on ths sbovs, l t Is our opinion thst rsaovsl of plstf oras snd rslstsd structures in ths COM is not likely to jeopsrdits ths contlnusd sxtstsnce of threstsnsd end endenaered species under tho jurisdiction of MMM. However, MMFS concludes thst ths proposed sctlvitiee eey reeult ln the injury or eortellty of loggerhesd, Xsep'e ridley, green, hevkebill end leetherbaek turtlee. Therefore, pureuent to Section 7(b)(4) of the CSX, ve heve eetebllehed e lov level of Incidentel teke end terse snd conditions nsceeeery to Binisiis snd aonitor this impect. :capUance vith thsss tsras snd conditiono is the reeponelblllty of MMS snd the permit eppllcent.

Reinitiation of Coneultetlon:

Coneultstion euet be rolnltlets* i f : l) the emeunt or extent of teking epecified ln the Incidentel toko statsmsnt ie met or excoededi a) nev informetion reveels impecte of the project thst oey effeet lieted epeciee ln e aenner or te on extent not coneidered ln thie opinion; 3) the identified ectivltlee ere modified ln a eenner thet eeueee en edveree effect on lieted epeciee not previouely coneidered) or 4) e now epocieo le lieted or critlcel hebltet le deeigneted thet mey be effected by the propoeed ectivitiee.

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Section 7(b)(4) of thc Endangered Speciee Act requiroe thet whon A proposed egency ectlon lt found to he coneletent with Section 7(e)(2) of the Act end the propoeed ectlone oey inc'dentelly ttkt lndlvidutlt of lieted epeciee, MHFf will ieeue e ettteeent thtt epoclflee tht lepect (eoount or extent) of euch incidentel re king. Incidentel teking hy the Pederel egency or epplleant thet coopilee with tho epeelfled terae end conditione of thie eteteeent ls authorized end exeapt froa tho taking prohibitions of the ISA.

•aeed on stranding? recorde, lneidentel eapturee ehoard coaaorciel ehriap vessele end hletorleel dete, five speciee of eea turtlee ere known tc occur ln northern Oulf ef Mealeo wetere. Current evellekle lnforaetlon on thc reletloneh'p between eee turtle aortelity and tha uaa af high-velocity eapleeivee to roaove a l l platforaa indicettt that Injury tnd/or death af eee turtlee aey reeult froa tha propoeed ectlene. Therof oro, pureuent te Sect len 7(h)(4) ef the SSA, an incidentel teke (hy Injury ar aortallty) laval cf one documented heap's ridley, groon, hevkebill or loatherbeck turtla cr ton loggerhead turtleo Is sot fer e l l reaovel operetione conducted under the terse and eenditlona ef thia incidentel teke eteteeent. The lovol ef teking epeelfled here lt cur-lative for e l l reaovele eovered hy thio eeneultetlen. i f the lneidentel take acctc cr eaceeda thia epeelfled level, MMS auat reinltletc coneultetlon. The •cuthceet hoglen, MMPS, v l l l cooptrttt vith MMJ in the review ef the incident tc deteraine the need for developing further aitlgetion aeeeuree.

Thc retsoneble end prudent eeeeuree that MMPS bellevee are necessary to alnlalse the lapcet ef incidental takings have been dleeueeed vith MMJ end v l l l be incorporated in the reaovel deelgn for "etenderd" etructure renovele. The folloving torao end conditione ere eetehl lahed for thoee reaovele te ianleejant the identified eltlgetlon aeeeuree end te docuaent the lneidentel teke eheuld euch teke eccuri

1) Quelified 4Nteorver(e), ea approved by hMPt, auat be ueed to aonitor the aree around the site prler to, during end efter detonation ef ohergee. Oaeerver coverage v l l l begin 4S hours prior to detonetlon ef ohergee. Zf eee turtlee ere ceocrved in the vicinity ef tho pletfora end thought te be reeldent et the elte, pie- end poat-detonation diver eurveye auat be conducted.


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2) On deye that blasting oparationa occur, a )C-eii.r.ute eerie, a-rvey auat bo conducted within ono hour before a d ono hour after each blaatlng epieode. Tho NHrs-epproved observer and/or -.M/S on-slts psrsonnel (WHTS seployoe only) oust bs ussd to chock for ths prsssnce of turtlee and, lf possible, te identify epeciee. X* weather conditione (fog, excessive vinds, etc.) esks i t ieposalbls to conduct eer«al surveys, bleeting sctivlt iss ray be elloved to proceed i f epprovod by the MMFS end/or KMS pereonnel on-site.

3) If sss turtleo ere obeerved ln the vicinity of the plstfore (within 1000 ysrde of the elte) prior te detoneting chergee, bleeting v l l l as deleyed until attaapta ere sueoeeeful ln removing thas et lssst 1000 yerde froa tho bleet elto. The eer ie l eurvey euet he repeeted prior to recusing detonetlon of chergee.

At Detonetien of earploeivee v l l l oeeur no eeoner then 1 hour following eunrleo end no leter then 1 hour prior to ouneet. However, If lt lo determined by HUPS and/or KKS on-site pereennel thet epeclal elreusetenceo justify e sodi fleet ion of theee time reetrletlene end thet euoh eodif lest ion lo net likely to edvereely lepeet lieted epecies, bleoting sey be ellowed to proceed outaide of t M e t l s e frswe.

• ) During i l l diving operatione (working dlveo se reguired ln the eouree of the reaovala), divere wil l be instructed to oeen tho subsurface arsss surrounding tne pletfora (blasting) sites fer turtloe snd aerine aeasels. any elghtlnge euet be reported to tho MMFS er MMS on-eite pereennel. Opon coapletlen ef bleoting, divere suet report end stt sept to recover eny eight ed injured or deed eoo turtlee or aarina aesaaals.

d) Chergee auat ho otegpered O.t eeconde (too elllleeeende) fer eeeh greup of otruetureo, te slnlslse the eusulatlve effecte of tho blaeta. Xf a leaovel operstlon lnvelvee aultiple groupings ef otruetureo, the lntervel between detonation ef cherges for eeeh group should be aln la l sed te eve id the -chumming" effeot. Whenever oueh lntervela exceed fO-einutes, the aerial survey suet he repeeted.

?) The uee ef eoere ehergeo eheuld be avelded to alnlalse the -chumming of feet." Oee of scars chergee say be elloved only If epproved by the KMFS and/er NMS on-site pereennel.

S) A report ouamarlslng the reeulte of tho reaoval end aitlgetion aeaauree suet be eubsltted te tho MMS Gulf of Mexico hog lon vithln lt vorking deys of tho rooovel. A eepy of the report suit be forwarded to NMFfl, Oeutheeet Region.

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Thie incidental teke eteteaent eppliee only to endengered end threetened eee turtlee. Xn order to el low en lneidentel teke of e serine eeeeei epecloe, tne teking ouet he eutherlsed under Section 101(e) (S) cf the herine Kernel Protection net of • • ? ! . Although interest hee been exprecced l n obtelning en exception eu thor icing a Halted teke of delphlne Incidentel to ehendonaent ectivltlee, ne eerine eaeeal teke le suthorlted until spproprists sae l l teke reguletione ere ln piece end releted "Letter* of Authori tet ion" ere iaeued.


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Cai l louet , C.M., A M. Undry. M J . Duronalet, f .A. Menaeila. c.T Fontaine, O.f. Revere. R .L . Indelicato, T.D. W i l l i * . , and 0 rorcucci . l t to . Prellalnery Evaluation of Biological Xap.ct. of Underv.t.r Exploolone Associated vith Reeovel of an Oil F io ld Structure Froa tno Oulf of Moxlco Near Cryatal faeeh Texee. Rational Marina Fi thor iao Sarvica. foutheeet Fieherie . Cantor, Calvaaton Uboretory i i pp. r i M

0 ^ T ^ . ! i i : - £ ! ' £ * i n * " * * ' "aniel le . K.M. indelicate. C . T . Fontaine, D.B. Bev ra, T. Mill .aaa and D. loaa itaa Tn* C f f e c t . of an Und.rv.ter Bxplo.ion on t h o ^ K ^ j t S L H i r ; , lLmMBi and CxijBl&A S A r i u i vith Obaervatlon ef Bf feet I o n oth.r Merlne o r g . n i . . , . Unpubliohod Trip Report - Beaovel ef Tenneoo Oil Pletfere on June S l , I M S . NMFS. MFC. Oelveeton Laboratory, l t pp.

Fontaine', C . T . , l t f f . Oeocrvatlene on the Beaovel ef Tenneeo o i l P le t fera 4tl-B, Meet Ceaeren Fie ld , JO-JJ July >'.M. Unpuhllehed Trip Boport te MMM, SSPC, Oelveeton Uboretory t PP.

l i 5 ! l a i J ! ' a w i t t V •»«f M » r y Beport en S ie lo f i ee l Iapeeto ef Of fehore Petroleuja Pletfera Severenee Doing Explosive. Unpublished Boport to MMFS. SSFC, Oolvooton Uboretory l t pr

M i . n * r * ? f "•"Meoent Serviee, l t f f . Pletfera Beaeval Teehnieuo. Unpuhllehed Beport, NMS Oulf ef Mealeo Region, 14 pp-

Netlonel Nerlno Fieheriee Serviee, I M S . Biological Opinion Concerning iapacta af Prepeeed Beaeval ef Clt lee Servicee o i l end Oee Corporation's Offehore P l . t f o r . S - l , Located in GO I v e . ton Block 144, Oulf of Hex lee. 14 pp-

Hetlonel Harine Fieheriee Service, I t s ? . Slologleel Opinion Concerning Propo. ed Beooval ef PehJisell Coapeny'a Pletfora A. Loceted ln vera i l l i on Sleek U f , Oulf ef Mealee. 14 pp.

Roneud. N. and C. Oltechleg. 1M7. Study of l io loglcal Iepacta of the Bxploelvo Baa eve 1 ef an Offahere Pletfera (Pennaoll P le t fera - Varol i i lan sasA). Unpuhllehed Trip Beport to MNfs SCFC. Oelveeten Uboretory. tap.


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Mobil tvploration end Produc In* U.S. Inc. 154 I S S

Rorr-McCoo Corporot l< 8blp_ SOS

Conoco Inc. Pulp Vermilion

SOS asa

41 Mobil SBplorotloo ood) i-MJ 0.0. Il isa 101

44 Tonnoco Oil Onplocotioo ood ato St* Mobil BJOS locati on ond


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(boi iport) vollo * -a- im

l i t 74

l l - O - T S - S )

70 4a MobU Exploration ond Producing Coopony U.S. Ino. Vormilion

4 / Sooodor- Oil Corporat low Coivooteai 14_l

( I

Conoco Inc, ori Ioio S l to 47

40 Mobil Bxplorotion ami Producing Coopni U.O. Inc. Mola

•tQ Mobil I vp1 oro tlow ond Producing Coopojiy U.S. Inc. Sooth Polto

M Rxxon coapeny Moot Dolto

Conwo I nr Moot 1*1 to

• 1


10 •

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1) Noteil Explorat ion and Producinq Coapany U . S . ac . • South Harmh


ass A 9

*4_ Tannaco O i t Exploration ond Production SSjlp Smoal ISO B

54* Conoco I n c . •

• Kxcwpt Moot raooirai 101-S

Onat Caaarroi

0. Nmrato, M. Ad

119 47


A 0 A

57* Exxon Coopany U . S . S . Exoopt Rio* l o l ond Boot AamUtiem>-AJ4a-A

•lom to., B. Ad A-141 B

Sfl BHP Petroloun •lorn Ielood A-SC7 A

notoll Expl OK f t ion and Producinq Coopcoy U .B . I n c . •oot Caomron IS S

•0 PMP Operat ing Compony Omot caooroo Odd A

«1 Aaoco Production Coapany fl. Marah Ioload 31 A

Conaultationa whoae numbers include an eatarlab (•) did act totally f a l l undor too paraootara of thio "etenderd • coneultation, therefore, only thoaa n BQl i s l B a et lnq tho Poreaotere ara epprovod end further coneultation w i l l ho neoaaeary for tho except lone.