News of Centereach and Lake Grove Mrs. Ethel Smith. ROnk. 9-8752 ^ Mr. and Mrs. August Olsen and Morris Ny burg of Suffern spent iho New Year ' s holiday weekend with the Rev . and Mrs. Kenneth Olsen at the parsonage on Hawkins Avenue. Mr. and Mrs, Erich Wever of North Colman Road spent Christ- mas day wi;h her sister and fa i- ily. Mrs. Johanna Lange , in Middle \ illage. Mr. and Mrs. Josep h Manitta of Wood Road are parents of a son , Josep h A n t h o n y. weighing 6 pounds. 12 5 - ounces, born at Ma- ther Memorial Hospital December 20. The couple have four other children , Anthony, Ann. Joann and Terri. The Secret Pal Club were dir. nor guests of Mrs. Alma Wendel at Herb y ' s Restaurant in Lake Ronkonkoma Friday. Those attend- ing were Mesdames George Ken- nedy. Sr.. Albert Reynolds , Alvin Smith . Henry Fausuich , Georg-j Bingay, Julius Hahn and Perc y Peters . Mr. and Mrs. George Kennedy. Sr.. of Wood Road and Mrs. Nett Steele of Ottawa. Canada, who is visiting with the Kennedy ' s, spent last Tuesday in New York City where they visited p laces of in- terest, saw the show at Radio City Music Hall , and visited re- latives in the Bronx. The Patchogue Advance is on sale at: Dawn Stationery, Scott' s Candy Store , John ' s Meai Market , Rey lek Candy Store. Steve ' s Gen- eral Market and Village Chemists in Centereach.—Adv. Mr. and ? N I IS . Alvin Smith of Smith. St reet entertained the CO- DS Club at a New Year ' s Eve supper Saturday night. Those at- tending were Mr. and Mrs. Hira m Harrow of Bayport . Mr. and Mrs. Foster Overton, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Overton of Lake Grove and Mrs. Marguerite Beck of Patch- ogue. who was a weekend guest. Mr. and Mrs . Mi- hael Alte- brando of Middle C um t ry Road are parents of their third s< n, Thomas , weighing seven pounds , tour trances, born at Brookhaven Memorial Hospital December 28 Their other two sons are Nicholas , six years old . and Josep h , four years old. While Mrs. Altebrando was confined at the hospital , her mother. Mrs. I.ucrezia Calderalt. who resides with her, spent the tune with her son and family. Mr. and Mrs. William Calderale , in Kellaire. She returned Sunday. Tiie annual Frank Overton fam- ily reunion was again held on New Year ' s Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Overton in Bay Shore. Those attending from here were Mr. anil Mrs. Percy Overton . Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Overton , Mi- ami Mrs. Ernest Overton and sou. Ronald. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Karnelt and. children. Bonnie . X;;; - - cy. Stephen and Sally, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Williams and <hil- dren. Brian . Joyce and Jeffrey. Mr. and Mrs. Frederich Schwamb . Jr.. rind children . Freddy. Peggy. and Kevin, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holfrich ar. d sons . Johuy and St e- p hen and Mrs. John Overton. Mr. and Mrs. August Flamey ot N ewark spent the holiday woe 1 .: with their son-in-law and daugh - ter , Mr. and Mrs. Robert HiU* of Fulton Street. The Rev. and Mrs. Theodore Overton and children , Daniel , Tim- othy. Sharon and Susan , of New- burgh , spent several days last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Overton of Lake Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Burr of Main Avenue celebrated their twenty- fift h wedding anniversary Decem- ber 21. They celebrated first by having dinner at Don ' s Restaurant with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Nic- hols of Kings Park , then cele- brated with family and friends over the Christmas w e e k e ?i d. Those helping in the celebration were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Metzen- dorf of Levittown , N. J., Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Salerno and daugh- ter , Dawn , of Westburv , Mr. and Mrs. William Wild of Holbrook , Mrs. William Bush and children Andrea and Brian , of Rockviile Centre , Mr. Guy Castro of Se- tauket . Mr. and Mrs. Ray Burr , Jr., Miss Diane Burr and Miss Robin Burr. They also helped cele- brate Ray Burr , Jr. ' s birthday which fell on December 24. The Patchogue Advance is on sale at: Five Corners Delicatessen in Lake Grove. —Adv. The Lake G r o v e-Centereach Home Extension Unit will meet next Tuesday at the Community Churc h meeting rooms at 10 a. m. for a business meeting. At 11 a. m. Mrs. Austin I). Sammis of the Department of Civil Defense of Suffolk County will speak to the ladies. In the afternoon ait 1 p. m. . Airs. Fred Heuer , local leader of the Family Life Day program , will give a lesson on "Parental Disci- plin Techniques. " Also prelimin- aries will be held on chair caning. Anyone interested in this project must register for it at this meet- ing. The unit held its last meeting, a Christmas party, with twenty- five members attending, in the church room which was trimmed with a Christmas tree and other Christmas decoration. Members ex- changed gifts, after which refresh- ments were served. The committee in charge was Mesdames Made- line Sauer , chairman . Ann Haunns Dolores Weber. Eileen Goenner and Isabelle Sullivan. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Oles and daughters , Diane , Linda and Su- san, of Smith Street , were dinner guests Christmas day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wil- liams of Medford at a family din ner party. December 27 the Oles family were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Williams in Patchogue when they celebrated the fifth birthday of Susan Oles. Mr. and Mrs. " James Kilcoyne of Stony Brook Road entertained . Christmas eve , Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Pace and sons , Ronald and Billy, of St. James. The occasion was in honor of the second birth- cay of their daughter Carolyn. Sir. and Mrs. David Overton of Middle Country Road entertained at an eggnog party at their home Friday nig ht. About ' d0 friends and relatives attended. Cubscout Pack 21 enjoyed a Christmas party with Santa Clans played by Ray Taylor , at the Holbrook " Road * School December 20. A goodly number attended with each boy receiving a p ine- wood Derby Kit racer to be raced at the January meeting. The boys enjoyed trimming the I hristnia.- - tree with many of the decorations they had made during Den meet- ings. Carols were sung with Ro- bert Hedges , teacher at the Hol- brook Road School , playing the organ, after which refreshments were served. The next meeting will be held January 25. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Odenwald of Ulrich Road are grandparents again. Their son-in-law and daugh- ter , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mays of St. James , have a daug hter , Donna Jeanette , born at Mather Memorial Hospital December 12, weighing seven pounds , seven oun- ces. Mr. and Mrs. Mays have a son , Robert , Twenty-one months old. Mrs. Odenwald , on a sadder note , December 22 suffered the loss of her mother , Mrs. Emma Voigt , who had resided several months each year here with her and was known to many in the area. The following folks in the area attended a New Year ' s Eve party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed mund Gonsalves in Huntington ; Mr. and Mrs. John Niblock , Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steinmann , Miss Joan Walsh , Mr. and Mrs. Frark V. Walsh , Mr. and Mrs. John Niblock , Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Gray. Mr. and Mrs. Gr° .y are here from Cornwall . Ontario , Canada , and are spending some time here with the Niblocks and the Walshs. On Monday Messrs. Niblock , Sr., Niblock , Jr., Gray, and Gonsalves attended the hockey •game at the Arena in Commack. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Overton of Middle Country Road entertained the Secret Pal Club members and their husbands at a New Year ' « buffet supper party Monday . Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Pe rcy Peters , Mr. and Mrs. David Spence of Stony Brook , Mr. and Mrs. George Bingay, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds , Mrs. Henry Faustich , Mr. and Mrs. George Kennedy, Sr., Mrs. Nett Steele , and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Smith of Centereach , Mrs. Alma Wendel of Selden and Mr. and Mrs. David Overton of Lake Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Randall and children , Thomas and Elaine, of Millersville , Pa., spent the New- Year ' s weekend with Mrs. Ran- dall' s parents , Mr. and Mrs. Pier- son Van Orstrand of Holbrook Road. Mr. and Mrs. James Becce of Ulrich Road entertained at a New Year ' s Eve party Saturday night , with relatives and friends from the city. Local people attending were Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Sul- liva n , Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Walsh , Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ce- berek. Miss Nancy Strong, daugher of Mrs. Viola Strong of Audrey Lane , entertained at a New Year ' s party Monday. The young folks enjoyed a scavenger hunt , going from house to house searching for un- usual items , after which refresh- ments with a buffe t supper were served at Miss Strong ' s home in the recreation room. Attending were Misses Judy and Robert" Orris , Barbara Ingraldi , Carol White ; also James Slattery, Ja- mes Strong, Marvin Lorramore and Edward Murphy. The Centereach Fire Depart- ment will hold their regular meet- ing at the firehouse next Monday night. The Married Couple ' s Club of the First Congregational Churc h of New Village held their Christ- mas meeting December 20 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jen- sen in Smithtown. Those attending enjoyed a Chinese Christmas gift exchange and the singing of Christmas carols , after which re- freshments were served. CHURCH NEWS The Firpt Congregational Church of New Village has Sun- day School at 0:45 a. m., worslv p at * 11 a. m., Junior Youth Fellow- ship at 5:30 p. m., Senior Youth Fellowship at 0:30 p. m., gospel service at 7:30 p. m. Sunday. Prayer and Bible study hour , at 8 p. m. Wednesday. The annual churc h business meeting will be held January 12 at 8 p. m. Next Monday night the Women ' s Mis- sionary Society will hold their night meeting at 8 p. m., with guest speaker , ?Jrs. Vera Kelly, a former missionary to Alaska. All are welcome to attend. A dea- con ' s meeting will be held at the parsonage to-night at 8 p. m. The Centereach C o m m unit y Church holds Sunday School at 10 a. m. .. worship at 11:15 a. m., Westminster Fellowship at 0:30 p. m. Sunday. Confirmation class for eighth graders and older students is held at 3 p. m. Sunday. Next Sunday, in observance of Semin- ary Sunday, Newton Todd of Florida , who is studying for his master ' s degree in sacred theology will be the guest speaker at both Centereach and Selden Commun- ity Churches. The Centereach Mennonite Church hold worship at 10 a. m., Sunday school at 10:45 a. m., gos- pel service at 7:45 p. m. Sunday. Bible study hour is at 7:45 p. m. Wednesday with a special class for young people. Our Savior Lutheran Church has Sundav School at 9 a. m., worship at 8 and 10 : 30 a. m. Sun- day. Confirmation classes for se- venth graders are at 4 p. m. Wed- nesday, for eighth graders at 4 p. m * Thursday, and for High School at 7 p. m. Wednesday. Adult discussion group meetings at 8 p. m. Wednesday are held at the parsonage. The annual Church voters ' meeting will be held next Monday night at 8:15 p. m. with election of officers. Members of the church are invited to attend the installation of the Rev. Daniel Fiehler at the Eman- uel Lutheran Church in Patch- ogue Sunday at 4 p. m. St. An- drew ' s Reformed Episcopal Church holds Sunday School at 10 a. m., worship at 11 a. m. evening pray- er and sermon at 7 p. m. Sunday. Catechism class , at the cottage 7:15 p. m. to 7:55 p. m.; Evening prayer , at 8 p. m. Wednesday. The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary R. C. Church hold masses at 8 , 9 , 10:30 , 11:30 a. m. and 12 : 30 p. m. Sunday. A daily mass , at 8 a. m. The Rosary Al- tar Society will meet next Monday at 8 p. m. LUTH ERAN LADIE'S GUILD The Ladies ' Guild of Our Savior Lutheran Church , Mark Tree Road , have planned an active schedule for the firs t month of the New Year. January 10, all interested members and friends are invited to meet at the church to roll cancer bandages begin- ning at 8:30 p. m. Donations of clean old sheets for this project will be welcome. January 1(5 , the guild will be host to the fi^st Suffolk Area Meeting of the Women ' s Auxiliary of the Long Island High School Association. The Rev. Elmer F. Eggold , Ex- ecutive Director and Principal of the Lutheran High School at Brook ville , will be the main speaker. January 19 the guild will hold its regular monthly meeting with the Rev. Henry Ressmeyer , pas- tor of Our Savior Lutheran Church , Malverne , as guest speak- er. The January meeting has been changed from the usual se- cond Tuesday so that the guild may have the opportunity of hear- ing the Rev. Mr. Ressmeyer. January 28 the guild will spon- sor a covered dish supper for members of the congregation and Rev. Daniel Fiehler New Pastor of Emanuel Lutheran T OA CCI TMC PiOQT The Rev - Daniel G. Fiehler, /lOOUlVlILi I VAJl well known in Lutheran Church circles, will be installed as pastor of Emanuel Lutheran Church in Patchogue Sunday. He has been serving as pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Schenectady since 1950. The Rev. Daniel G. Fiehler , formerly of Trinity Lutheran Church , Schenectady, will be installed at 4 p. m. Sunday as pastor of Emanuel Lutheran Church of Patchogue. A native of Bridgeport , Conn., the Rev. Mr. Fiehler attended Concordia Collegiate Institute, Bronxville , and graduated from Con- swirrlio Thunlnn ic:i 1 Spiinnavv. St. v Louis , Mo. The Rev. Mr. Fiehler will be in- stalled by the Rev. Paul E. Holls , circuit counselor , East Suffolk , who also is pastor of Our Redeem- er Lutheran Church , Riverhead. The Rev. Rudolph P. F. Ressmeyer , Long Island vice president of the Atlantic District , Lutheran Church- Missouri Synod , will deliver the sermon. Also assisting in the ser- vice will be the Rev. Carl G. Ger- nannt , pastor Emeritu s of Eman- uel; the Rev. August Herbert , re- tired pastor of St. James Lutheran Church , and the Rev. Kenneth E. Hoener , pastor of Our Savior Lu- theran Church , Centereach. The Rev. Mr. Fiehler has served as pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church , Hawthorne , as assistant pastor , St. John ' s Lutheran Church, Brooklyn; as pastor of Our Re- deemer Luthera n Church , New London, Conn, and as pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church , Schenec- tady since 1950. The Rev. Mr. Fiehler served as circuit counselor of the Schenec- tady Circuit of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod since 1953. He now is serving as: chairman of the New York State Pastoral Conference of the Atlantic District of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod; vice-chairman of the At- lantic District Pastoral Conference of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod; pastoral counselor of the Atlantic District Lutheran Wom- en ' s Missionary League of the Lu- theran Church-Missouri Synod , and is a member of the Advisory Com- mittee to the Board of Control of Concordia Collegiate Institute , Bronxville. The Rev. Mr. Fiehler also served as an Army chap lain in World War II in the European Theatre. He is married to the former Georgean Moelter and is the father of four children , Nancy, 13; Paul , 10; Timothy, 7 and Na- omi , 4. Mrs. Fiehler has served as At- lantic District Supp lement editor of the Lutheran Woman ' s Quar- terly of the Lutheran Women ' s Missionary League. She now is serving as chairman of Christian Growth for the Atlantic District Lutheran Women ' s Missionary League. The Fiehlers have moved into the parsonage on Oregon Avenue in Medford which Emanuel has provided them. Immediately after the service on Sunday afternoon , the Senior Ladies ' Aid Society and the Mary- Anna Guild of Emanuel will pro- vide refreshments for the many parishioners , friends and guests expected for the installation ser- vice. New Out-Patient Clinic To Be Built by County Menta l Health and TB: The County Board of Supervisors last Wednesday approved the construction of a $375 , 000 Mental Health , Health , and Tubercu- losis Out-Patient Clinic at Holtsville. According to the resolution , County Executive H. Lee Dennison is to make application for federal aid in the amount of $125, 000 for i -—... .,-., - .., - ,., .... —— -¦-—- ¦¦ —.— ¦ in i , their families from 6 to 8 p. m. Serving on the planning commit- tee are Mrs. Ronald King, Mrs. Kenneth Hoener , Mrs. Joseph Smith and Mrs. George Martin. Additional volunteers to serve on the supper committee are asked to contact any of these women. There will be no admission charge. All families attending will be asked to bring a dish of food as their contribution. An evening of fellowship for members and friends of the church is the prime purpose of this get-together. re-imbursement to the county. Mr. Denniso** said that the building, to be of masonry and brick , one story> and containing 12 ,000 square feet , would be on county property at Holtsville , but on the opposite side of Horse Block Road from the old sana- torium. The two sanatorium buildings , the Ross and Marshall buildings, are to be used by the Suffolk County College, now temporarily operating at the Sachem Junior- Senior High School in Lake Ron- konkoma. The Ross building is now being used as a TB out-patien t clinic. All bed patients have been trans- ferred to Nassau County institu - tions. "This is a hurry-up job , " Mr. Dennison said , "We must get the college established at Holtsville by September." He told newsmen that construction on the new building would be underway by early Spring. EASTWOO D VILLAGE and DAWN ESTATES Mrs. Ethel Smith, ROnk. 9-8752 Mr. ' and Mrs. Walter Olsen of 148 Noel Drive entertained at a party on Christmas eve in honor of their fourteenth wedding an- niversary. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Philipsburg, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hubbs , and Arthur George all of Noel Drive. Drive. Mark Wagner , son of Mr. and Mrs. John Wagner of 126 Tree Road celebrated his second birth- day with a party December 23. His guests were Clare , Stephen and Thomas Fornsel. Michael Ter- signi , Jeffrey Butterich , John Schneider , also his brothers , John and Edward , and sister , Kathleen. On Christmas day the Wagners entertained at dinner , Mr. and Mrs. George Schoemann , Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Schoemann and son , Ken- neth , all of Brooklyn. Wayne Antieri , son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Antieri of Spur Lane , celebrated his second birth- day with a party December 27. His guests were Lauren Fuchs , Gail Lynch , Lynn Schellborn , Ro- bert Ferri , Michael , Thomas and Dorothy Beattie. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Jarrett of 17 Dust Drive entertained in hon- or of the first birthday of their son , Eugene , Friday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGee , Mrs. Vivian Aloe , Mr. and Mrs. Mi- chael Vecchio , also Eugene ' s sis- ters , Michelle and Rena. On New Year ' s eve Mr. and Mrs. Jarrett had as their guests , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Vecchio. A double birthday celebration was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Ramirez of 157 Mark Tree Road last Thursday in honor ei the fifth birthday of their son , Norman , and the first birthday of of their daughter , Alicia. Their guests were Gail and Gary Pit- cher , Diane Warfield , Carol Schold Dianne Calaris , Maria and Riri Denimarck , Debra Kix , .Charles and Donald Savers. Lynn Hinman , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hinman of 30 Bernard Place , celebrated her tenth birthday with a party Friday. Her guests were Mr. and Mrs. * Peter Hogan of Rego Park , Mr. and Mrs. William Hawkin and daugh- ters , Amy and Ellen , Mr. and Mr* . William Lindlum and daughters , Kathy and Patricia , of PaJ;<>uogue! Mr. and Mrs. Robert Aiosa of 131 Wagon Lane "\ f Ves> are parents of a daughter , Christina , weighing six pounds , fivft ounces , born at Mather Memorial Hospital Dece a- ber 20. The couple have four other children , Debra , Robert , Edward and Thomas. On Christmas day they had as dinner guests, Mr. and Mrs . Julius Ptasvyski , and Gerald Ptasvynski of Franklin Square. Dinner guests on New Year ' s day were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Corazzo of Brooklyn. RECENT OBITUARIES CYRIL CLARK , 46 , of 91 Fos- ter Road , Lake Ronkonkoma , died December 29 in Brookhaven Memorial Hosp ital following a heart attack. Mr. Clark , who was born in Brooklyn , moved to Lake Ron- konkoma four years ago from Hicksville , where he was a mem- ber of the Hicksville Volunteer Fire Department. He was em- ployed as an aircraft mechanic, at the Grumman Aircraft Engine- ering Corp., Bethpage. He is survived by his wife , Marie , four sons , Edward C, George A., John J. and Robert J.; two brothers , Josep h S. and George E. of Woodside; and two sisters , Mrs. Edna Hamill of Hempstead and Mrs. Florence Kil- lard of East Meadow. The body reposed at the Joseph A. Weber Funeral Home , Hawkins Avenue , Lake Ronkonkoma. fu- neral services were held at 10 a. m. Saturday with interment following in Holy Sepulchre Ceme- tery, Coram. MRS. MARIE FUHRINGER of 213 First Avenue , Port Jeffer- son , died unexpectedly Decem- ber 27 in Mather Memoiial Hos- pital following a fall in which she sustained a broken hip. * Mrs. Fuhringer was a resident of Lake Ronkonkoma for many years before moving to Port Jef- ferson. Her husband and she were the proprietors of Fuhringer ' s Meat Market on Hawkins Ave- nue , which they operated up to the time of Mr. Fuhringer ' s death. Mrs. Fuhringer is survived by a daughter , Mrs. Mary Di Gio- vanni of Richmond Hill; a grand- son and one great-granddaughter. The body reposed in the O. B, Davis Funeral Home in Port Jef- ferson. A Solemn High Requiem Mass was offered at 10 a. m. Friday in the Infant Jesus R. C. Church , Port Jefferson. Interment followed in St. Lawrence Ceme- tery, Sayville. . . > DR. GENOVA GASPARE , 4 , of 28 Hill Avenue , Lake Ronkon- koma , died December 26 in Brook- haven Memorial Hospital after a brief illness. A general practitioner , he was born in Carini , Sicily, and re- ceived his doctorate from Rome University in Italy. He came to the United States in 1922. In 1925 , after passing the state me- dical examination , he set up prac- tice in Brooklyn , where he lived until 1954. He was a resident of Lake Ronkonkoma for the past six years. He was a member of the Suffolk County and American Medical Associations and was hon- orary surgeon of the Nesconset Fire Department. He is survived by his wife , Maria , two children , Carmelo of Lake Ronkonkoma and Mrs. Jo Carol Evarts of Ankara , Turkey; two brothers , a sister in Italy and five grandchildren. The body reposed at the Joseph A. Weber Funeral Home on Hawkins Avenue , Lake Ronkon- koma. Rosary services were held December 27 and a High Requiem Mass was recited last Thursday morning in St. Joseph' s R. C. Church , Lake Ronkonkoma. In- terment followed in Holy Sepul- chre Cemetery, Coram. MRS. EMMA VOIGT , 74, died last Thursday at the home of her daug hter , Mrs. Ann Livingston of Bayside , after a short illness. Mrs. Voigt made her home with her daughters , spending several months at a time with each. Surviving in addition to Mrs. Livingston are Mrs. Viola Oden- wald of Centereach , Mrs. Emma Lewi s of Shelton , Conn; and two grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 2 p. m. Saturday at the Harden Funeral Home in Bayside with interment at the Lutheran ceme- tery in Glendale. PIO FELICIONI, 69 , of Lake Ronkonkoma , died December 20. dren : Nicholas Felicioni , Mrs. dren; Nicholas Felicioni , Mrs. Mary Cravotta , Mrs. Louise Pri- ce, Patrick Felicioni , Mrs. Mar- garet Stone , Mrs. Yolanda Har- vey and Brother Biagio; and 17 grandchildren , Mrs. Viola Mays of St. James and John Lewi s of Shel- ton , Conn., and two great-grand- children. The body reposed at the Molon- ey Funeral Home on Carleton Avenue, Central Islip, where Ro- sary services were held at 8 p. m. December 23. A Solemn Requiem Mass was offered at 10 a. m. the following day in St. Joseph' s R. C. Church , Lake Ronkonkoma. Interment followed in the family plot in St. Patrick's Cemetery, Hauppauge. MRS, CORNELIA CASTRO, 62 , of David Street , Ronkonkoma , died December 27 after being hit by a car while crossing the road. She is survived by her hus- band , Thomas; three sons , John , Jesse and Joseph ; a daughter , Mrs. Lydia Jaeger ; and a sister. Mrs. Teresa Balan of Deer Park. The body reposed at the Mi- chael J. Grant Funeral Home , 571 Suffolk Avenue , Brentwood. A Solemn Requiem Mass was offered at 9:30 a. m. Friday n St. Anne' s R. C. Church , Brent - wood. Interment followed in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Coram. EDWARD C. ROWEHL , 55 , of 136 Bellmore Road , East Meadow , died at his home December 26. Born in East Meadow , he owned and operated a potato and vegeta- able farm in Moriches for the past seven years. He is survived by his wife , Grace; three sons , Edward of Mor- iches , Donald of East Meadow and Roger of Smyrna , Georgia; two daughters , Patricia and Beatrice of East Meadow; five grandchildren and one brother , John , of East Meadow. Funeral services were held at the Wagner Funeral Home , Hicks- viHe , wi th the Rev. Douglas Mac- Donald officiating. Interment fol- l owed in Greenfield Cemetery, Hempstead. .. ¦. ¦ ¦ ¦ ^^. ..wnnnnBnnnni w iiwiB WII I^ ^ I I STATEMENT OF CONDITION i j December 31 , 1 960 I ASSETS i ! First Mortgage Loans $37 , 261, 839.37 | Property Improvement Loans 258 ,628.80 | Lo ans on Savings Ac counts 147, 775.88 | Federal Home Loan Bank Stock 453 , 1 00.00 | United States Government Bonds 2 , 569, 450.39 I Cash on hand and in banks 1 , 536,034.90 | Office B uil dings and Equipment ( less depreciation) .. 553 , 952.36 ! Deferred Charges and Other Assets 36 , 957.33 i j $42 , 817, 739.03 ! LIABILITIES i ! Savings Accounts $37 ,700, 460.53 i Advances from the Federal Home Loan Bank 1 , 656, 250.00 i Loans in Process 437, 703.32 i Other Liabilities 536 , 371.87 j Specific Reserves 74 , 958.21 j General Reserves $2, 268 , 312.23 I Surplus 143 , 682.87 i | 2, 411,995.10 i __________________ | $42, 817, 739.03 | YOUR SAVINGS INSURED UP TO $10, 000.00 | By the Fede ral Savings and Loa n Insurance Co rp., Washington , D. C. i i r | LATEST NEW DIVIDEND 4% PER ANNUM ! PAID FOR PERIOD ENDING DECEMBER 31 , 1 960 i i i ' i i EASTERN FEDERA L SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION of Sayville FORMERLY SAYVILLE FEDERAL SAVINGS . MAIN OFFICE s . . BRANCH OFFICE : , HOURS . * 160 MAIN STREET HOURS : 500 MAIN STREET 9 to 3 Weekdays SAYVILLE, N. Y. 9 to 3 Weekdays Center Moriches , N. Y. 7 to 9 Mon. Evenings SAyville 4-5900 6 :30 to 8:30 Fri. Evgs. ATlantic 4-1183 —¦—¦— a——i —¦——— i —i—IMSs—¦—a———.—¦— i —¦— Hn—¦ H - ———_-—a¦—BB —¦—a- A ]_ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ _—————¦———¦—— «¦——¦——¦—i——i—¦—¦—¦— MMOI ^ M—¦——— i•—— Private Parking at Both Offices or, use our free Save-by-Maii Services * _--., - _-. —.-— . —.—^ Robertaccio Funera l Home R. J. ROBERTACCIO Lie. Manager A Service That Satisfies . . . 85 MEDFORD AVENUE PATCHOGUE GRover 5-0135 PETTIT FUNERAL HOME S L^^^k This Home is Dedicated to Those Who in Eternal Sleep Repose Herein , and la For the U BC and Comfort of Rela- tives and Friends. A. C. PETTIT, Lie. Mjrr. 326 E. Main St. Patchogrue Telephone GRover 5-0052 THE PATCH^uiT^ B^KSHOP I BUYS and SELLS BOOKS USED and OUT-OF-PRINT UNITE D STATES STAMPS, COINS and ACCESSORIES f Open Mon., Wed., Thurs. and Fri. —4 P.M. to 9 P.M. f Saturdays—1 :30 to 9 P.M. Closed Tuesdays | 166 West Main Street GRover 5-3520 _ __! > - ¦ ¦ ^_, i_i , : ' •¦ . ¦ ' ¦ ' . . * C. W. Ruland Sons 1 I IN C- I I FUNERAL DIRECTORS I j John R. Ruland , Lie. Mgr. j 'j More than 100 Years I j of Dependable Service j [ 500 NEW NORTH OCEAN j I AVENUE, PATCHOGUE I | Phone GRover 5-0C98 j ¦ < l i l l l l l l l l l l i l l i i l ! i l ! i g :! l ! i i : r i i f i Hing!iiiiiiiiiiiiiii)iiii!ii!g _ 1 GOOD RESULTS f I j $ Tx f^& f 1 When MR, BUYER 1 1 Meets MR. SELLER 1 a i in | I Sty? j j iPatrljnrju? j I Afciianr? 1 I WANT ADS I * 4ll|M|M|!l|li|f«,.«,>!, I | M « M | ,,!„,,,» .... ., , , ,,. ..,11,11.11,? " . * " " ^ - . - s^^^ i^o^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ s^^s^^^i^Mi^M^-^ £i •jt . ^ >^f^# _ I H ^$/§8_ ^^* I I *^4 ^ ff ip &% I I i ^fM ^M B f ti/h \ ^ < s> ^ YHIIP #S. _Jk I r mg J KJuK Tmi0% t (^^^t WFnniN£ Iw^^^ p ° ?a se> *#£_£&> ^ L WEDDINGS :: BANQUETS :: RECEPTIONS \ It . 1^ Superb and gracious service in a decor of magnificent luxury < }- - _ at prices more modest than you expect. £\ ! N Completely private facilities for groups to 350. |* Special party dates now bein . ir accepted . Ask for Jack } N Lally, Director. \- > ^ P EjHRyrr-^^r - ^ ^- ^^- ^r- -^^-^ m^m * Rl__ r* _mf %5~ ' ¦¦ ¦ : i ^ m-- ^PLA 7 _ (i_ i _ S ^Nmit ii a^ i Oakdale - Sayville Shopping Plaza , Oakdale : , ¦ B8H " -Jt- " - > »* - saw The JVelcome Wa_ <m Hostess Will Knock on Your Door with Gifts & Greeting* from Friendly Business Neighbors and Your Civic and Social Welfare Leaders On the Occasion of: Arrival of Newcomers to the Community. MRS. MADELINE DITMARS Phone GRover 5-4063 MRS. RUTH LARKIN Phone BEIloort 7- 1 001

SL^^^k - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn86071739/1961-01-05/ed-1/seq-17.pdf · Mrs. Ethel Smith. ROnk. 9-8752 ^ Mr. and Mrs. August Olsen and Morris Nyburg

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Page 1: SL^^^k - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn86071739/1961-01-05/ed-1/seq-17.pdf · Mrs. Ethel Smith. ROnk. 9-8752 ^ Mr. and Mrs. August Olsen and Morris Nyburg

News of Centereach and Lake GroveMrs. Ethel Smith. ROnk. 9-8752 ^

Mr. and Mrs. August Olsen andMorris Ny burg of Suffern spentiho New Year 's h o l iday weekendw i th the Rev . and Mrs. KennethOlsen at the p a r s o n a g e onHawkins Avenue.

Mr. and Mrs, Erich Wever ofNorth Colman Road spent Christ-mas day wi ;h her sister and fa i-ily. Mrs. Johanna Lange , in Middle\ illage.

Mr. and Mrs. Josep h Man i t t a ofWood Road are parents of a son ,Joseph A n t h o n y. weighing 6pounds. 12 5 - ounces, born at Ma-ther Memorial Hospital December20. The couple have four otherchildren , Anthony, Ann. Joann andTerri.

The Secret Pal Club were dir.nor guests of Mrs. Alma Wendelat Herb y 's Restaurant in LakeRonkonkoma Friday . Those attend-ing were Mesdames George Ken-nedy. Sr.. Albert Reynolds , AlvinSmith . Henry Fausuich, Georg-jBingay, Ju l ius Hahn and PercyPeters .

Mr. and Mrs. George Kennedy.Sr.. of Wood Road and Mrs. NettSteele of Ot tawa. Canada, who isvis i t ing with the Kennedy 's, spentlast Tuesday in New York Citywhere they visited places of in-terest, saw the show at RadioCity Music Hal l , and visited re-lat ives in the Bronx.

The Patchogue Advance is onsale a t : Dawn Stationery, Scott'sCandy Store, John 's Meai Market ,Rey lek Candy Store. Steve's Gen-eral Market and Village Chemistsin Centereach.—Adv.

Mr. and ?N I I S . Alvin Smith ofSmi th . St reet entertained the CO-DS Club at a New Year 's Evesupper Saturday night . Those at-t end ing were Mr. and Mrs. Hira mHarrow of Bayport . Mr. and Mrs.Foster Overton, Mr. and Mrs.Percy Overton of Lake Grove andMrs. Marguer i t e Beck of Patch-ogue. who was a weekend guest.

Mr. and Mrs . Mi- hael Al te-brando of Middle C umt ry Roadare parents of their th i rd s< n,Thomas , we igh ing seven pounds ,tour trances , born at BrookhavenMemoria l Hospital December 28Their other two sons are Nicholas ,six years old . and Joseph , fouryears old. Whi le Mrs. Altebrandow a s conf ined at the hospital , hermother . Mrs. I.ucrezia Calderalt.w h o resides wi th her, spent thetune w i t h her son and family . Mr.and Mrs. Wi l l i am Calderale , inKellaire . She re turned Sunday.

Tiie a n n u a l Frank Overton fam-ily reunion was again held on NewYear 's Day at the home of Mr.and Mrs. Howard Overton in BayShore. Those a t tending from herewere Mr. anil Mrs. Percy Overton .Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Overton , Mi-ami Mrs. Ernest Overton and sou.Rona ld . Mr. and Mrs. StephenKarnel t and. chi ldren. Bonnie . X;;;- -cy. Stephen and Sally, Mr. andMrs. Sidney Wi l l i ams and < h i l -d ren . Brian . Joyce and Je f f rey .Mr. and Mrs. Frederich Schwamb .Jr.. r ind ch i ld ren . Freddy. Peggy.and Ke v in , and Mr. and Mrs. JackHolf r ich ar.d sons . Johuy and St e-p hen and Mrs. John Overton.

Mr. and Mrs. August Flameyot N ewark spent the hol iday woe 1.:with their son-in-law and daugh -

ter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert HiU*of Fulton Street.

The Rev. and Mrs. TheodoreOverton and children , Daniel , Tim-othy. Sharon and Susan , of New-burgh , spent several days lastweek with his parents, Mr. andMrs. Percy Overton of Lake Grove.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Burr of MainAvenue celebrated their twenty-fif t h wedding anniversary Decem-ber 21. They celebrated first byhaving dinner at Don 's Restaurantwith Mr. and Mrs. Everett Nic-hols of Kings Park , then cele-brated with family and friendsover the Christmas w e e k e ?i d.Those helping in the celebrationwere Mr. and Mrs. Louis Metzen-dorf of Levittown, N. J., Mr. andMrs. Eugene Salerno and daugh-ter , Dawn, of Westburv, Mr. andMrs. William Wild of Holbrook ,Mrs. William Bush and childrenAndrea and Brian , of RockviileCentre , Mr. Guy Castro of Se-tauket . Mr. and Mrs. Ray Burr ,Jr., Miss Diane Burr and MissRobin Burr. They also helped cele-brate Ray Burr , Jr.'s birthdaywhich fell on December 24.

The Patchogue Advance is onsale at: Five Corners Delicatessenin Lake Grove.—Adv.

The Lake G r o v e-CentereachHome Extension Unit will meetnext Tuesday at the CommunityChurch meeting rooms at 10 a. m.for a business meeting. At 11 a. m.Mrs. Austin I). Sammis of theDepartment of Civil Defense ofSuffolk County will speak to theladies. In the afternoon ait 1 p. m..Airs. Fred Heuer , local leader ofthe Family Life Day program , willgive a lesson on "Parental Disci-plin Techniques." Also prelimin-aries will be held on chair caning.Anyone interested in this projectmust register for it at this meet-ing. The unit held its last meeting,a Christmas party, with twenty-five members attending, in thechurch room which was trimmedwith a Christmas tree and otherChristmas decoration. Members ex-changed gifts, after which refresh-ments were served. The committeein charge was Mesdames Made-line Sauer , chairman . Ann HaunnsDolores Weber. Eileen Goennerand Isabelle Sullivan.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Oles anddaughters, Diane , Linda and Su-san, of Smith Street , were dinnerguests Christmas day at the homeof Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wil-liams of Medford at a family dinner party. December 27 the Olesfamily were dinner guests of Mr.and Mrs. Bernard Will iams inPatchogue when they celebratedthe f i f th birthday of Susan Oles.

Mr. and Mrs. " James Kilcoyneof Stony Brook Road entertained .Chris tmas eve , Mr. and Mrs. Ar-thu r Pace and sons , Ronald andBilly , of St. James. The occasionwas in honor of the second bir th-cay of thei r daughter Carolyn.

Sir. and Mrs. David Overton ofMiddle Country Road entertainedat an eggnog party at their homeFriday nig ht. About 'd0 friendsand relatives attended.

Cubscout Pack 21 enjoyed aChris tmas party wi th Santa Clansplayed by Ray Taylor , at theHolbrook " Road * School December20. A goodly number attendedwith each boy receiving a pine-wood Derby Kit racer to be racedat the January meeting. The boysenjoyed t r i m m i n g the I hristnia.--tree with many of the decorationsthey had made during Den meet-ings. Carols were sung with Ro-bert Hedges , teacher at the Hol-brook Road School , playing theorgan, after which refreshmentswere served. The next meetingwill be held January 25.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Odenwaldof Ulrich Road are grandparentsagain. Their son-in-law and daugh-ter , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Maysof St. James, have a daughter ,Donna Jeanette , born at MatherMemorial Hospital December 12,weighing seven pounds , seven oun-ces. Mr. and Mrs. Mays have ason , Robert , Twenty-one monthsold. Mrs. Odenwald , on a saddernote , December 22 suffered theloss of her mother , Mrs. EmmaVoigt, who had resided severalmonths each year here with herand was known to many in thearea.

The following folks in the areaattended a New Year's Eve partyat the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Gonsalves in Huntington ;Mr. and Mrs. John Niblock , Mr.and Mrs. John Walsh , Mr. andMrs. Charles Steinmann, MissJoan Walsh , Mr. and Mrs. FrarkV. Walsh , Mr. and Mrs. JohnNiblock , Jr., and Mr. and Mrs.Ivan Gray. Mr. and Mrs. Gr°.yare here from Cornwall . Ontario ,Canada , and are spending sometime here with the Niblocks andthe Walshs. On Monday Messrs.Niblock , Sr., Niblock , Jr., Gray,and Gonsalves attended the hockey

•game at the Arena in Commack.Mr. and Mrs. Foster Overton of

Middle Country Road entertainedthe Secret Pal Club members andtheir husbands at a New Year '«buffet supper party Monday .Those attending were Mr. and Mrs.Percy Peters, Mr. and Mrs. DavidSpence of Stony Brook , Mr. andMrs. George Bingay, Mr. and Mrs.Albert Reynolds, Mrs. HenryFaustich, Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeKennedy, Sr., Mrs. Nett Steele ,and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Smithof Centereach, Mrs. Alma Wendelof Selden and Mr. and Mrs. DavidOverton of Lake Grove.

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Randalland children , Thomas and Elaine,of Millersville, Pa., spent the New-Year 's weekend with Mrs. Ran-dall's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pier-son Van Orstrand of HolbrookRoad.

Mr. and Mrs. James Becce ofUlrich Road entertained at a NewYear 's Eve party Saturday night ,with relatives and friends fromthe city. Local people attendingwere Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Sul-liva n , Mr. and Mrs. Frank M.Walsh , Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ce-berek.

Miss Nancy Strong, daugher ofMrs. Viola Strong of Audrey Lane ,entertained at a New Year's partyMonday. The young folks enjoyeda scavenger hunt , going fromhouse to house searching for un-usual items, after which refresh-ments with a buffe t supper wereserved at Miss Strong's home inthe recreation room. Attendingwere Misses Judy and Robert "Orris , Barbara Ingraldi , CarolWhite ; also James Slattery, Ja-mes Strong, Marvin Lorramore andEdward Murphy.

The Centereach Fire Depart-ment will hold their regular meet-ing at the firehouse next Mondaynight.

The Married Couple 's Club ofthe First Congregational Churc hof New Village held their Christ-mas meeting December 20 at thehome of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jen-sen in Smithtown. Those attendingenjoyed a Chinese Christmas giftexchange and the singing ofChristmas carols, after which re-freshments were served.


The F i rp t CongregationalChurch of New Village has Sun-day School at 0:45 a. m., worslv pat * 11 a. m., Junior Youth Fellow-ship at 5:30 p. m., Senior YouthFellowship at 0:30 p. m., gospelservice at 7:30 p. m. Sunday.Prayer and Bible study hour , at8 p. m. Wednesday. The annualchurc h business meeting will beheld January 12 at 8 p. m. NextMonday night the Women 's Mis-sionary Society will hold theirnight meeting at 8 p. m., withguest speaker , ?Jrs. Vera Kelly,a former missionary to Alaska.All are welcome to attend. A dea-con 's meeting will be held at theparsonage to-night at 8 p. m.

The Centereach C o m m u n i t yChurch holds Sunday School at10 a. m... worship at 11:15 a. m.,Westminster Fellowship at 0:30 p.m. Sunday. Confirmation class foreighth graders and older studentsis held at 3 p. m. Sunday. NextSunday, in observance of Semin-ary Sunday, Newton Todd ofFlorida , who is studying for hismaster 's degree in sacred theologywill be the guest speaker at bothCentereach and Selden Commun-ity Churches.

The C e nt e r e a c h MennoniteChurch hold worship at 10 a. m.,Sunday school at 10:45 a. m., gos-pel service at 7:45 p. m. Sunday.Bible study hour is at 7:45 p. m.Wednesday with a special classfor young people.

Our Savior Lutheran Churchhas Sundav School at 9 a. m.,worship at 8 and 10:30 a. m. Sun-day. Confirmation classes for se-venth graders are at 4 p. m. Wed-nesday, for eighth graders at 4p. m* Thursday, and for HighSchool at 7 p. m. Wednesday.Adult discussion group meetingsat 8 p. m. Wednesday are heldat the parsonage. The annualChurch voters' meeting will beheld next Monday night at 8:15p. m. with election of officers.Members of the church are invitedto attend the installation of theRev. Daniel Fiehler at the Eman-uel Lutheran Church in Patch-ogue Sunday at 4 p. m. St. An-drew's Reformed Episcopal Churchholds Sunday School at 10 a. m.,worship at 11 a. m. evening pray-er and sermon at 7 p. m. Sunday.Catechism class, at the cottage7:15 p. m. to 7:55 p. m.; Eveningprayer, at 8 p. m. Wednesday.

The Assumption of the BlessedVirgin Mary R. C. Church holdmasses at 8, 9, 10:30, 11:30 a. m.and 12:30 p. m. Sunday. A dailymass, at 8 a. m. The Rosary Al-tar Society will meet next Mondayat 8 p. m.


The Ladies' Guild of Our SaviorLutheran Church , Mark TreeRoad , have planned an activeschedule for the first month ofthe New Year. January 10, allinterested members and friendsare invited to meet at the churchto roll cancer bandages begin-ning at 8:30 p. m. Donations ofclean old sheets for this projectwill be welcome. January 1(5, theguild will be host to the fi^stSuffolk Area Meeting of theWomen 's Auxil iary of the LongIsland High School Association.The Rev. Elmer F. Eggold , Ex-ecutive Director and Principal ofthe Lutheran High School at Brookville , will be the main speaker.

January 19 the guild will holdits regular monthly meeting withthe Rev. Henry Ressmeyer, pas-tor of Our Savior LutheranChurch , Malverne , as guest speak-er. The January meeting hasbeen changed from the usual se-cond Tuesday so that the guildmay have the opportunity of hear-ing the Rev. Mr. Ressmeyer.

January 28 the guild will spon-sor a covered dish supper formembers of the congregation and

Rev. Daniel Fiehler NewPastor of Emanuel Lutheran

T OA CCI TMC PiOQT The Rev- Daniel G. Fiehler,/lOOUlVlILi I VAJl well known in Lutheran

Church circles, will be installed as pastor of Emanuel LutheranChurch in Patchogue Sunday. He has been serving as pastor ofTrinity Lutheran Church in Schenectady since 1950.

The Rev. Daniel G. Fiehler, formerly of Trinity LutheranChurch , Schenectady, will be installed at 4 p. m. Sunday as pastorof Emanuel Lutheran Church of Patchogue.

A native of Bridgeport , Conn., the Rev. Mr. Fiehler attendedConcordia Collegiate Institute, Bronxville, and graduated from Con-swi r r l i o T h u n l n n ic:i 1 Spiinnavv. St. v

Louis , Mo.The Rev. Mr. Fiehler will be in-

stalled by the Rev. Paul E. Holls,circuit counselor , East Suffolk,who also is pastor of Our Redeem-er Lutheran Church , Riverhead.The Rev. Rudolph P. F. Ressmeyer ,Long Island vice president of theAtlantic District, Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod , will deliver thesermon. Also assisting in the ser-vice will be the Rev. Carl G. Ger-nannt , pastor Emeritu s of Eman-uel ; the Rev. August Herbert , re-tired pastor of St. James LutheranChurch , and the Rev. Kenneth E.Hoener , pastor of Our Savior Lu-theran Church , Centereach.

The Rev. Mr. Fiehler has servedas pastor of Trinity LutheranChurch , Hawthorne, as assistantpastor , St. John 's Lutheran Church ,Brooklyn; as pastor of Our Re-deemer Luthera n Church , NewLondon, Conn, and as pastor ofTr in i ty Lutheran Church , Schenec-tady since 1950.

The Rev. Mr. Fiehler served ascircuit counselor of the Schenec-tady Circuit of the LutheranChurch-Missouri Synod since 1953.He now is serving as: chairmanof the New York State PastoralConference of the Atlant ic Districtof the Lutheran Church-MissouriSynod; vice-chairman of the At-lantic District Pastoral Conferenceof the Lutheran Church-Missouri

Synod; pastoral counselor of theAtlantic District Lutheran Wom-en's Missionary League of the Lu-theran Church-Missouri Synod , andis a member of the Advisory Com-mittee to the Board of Control ofC o n c o r d i a Collegiate Institute ,Bronxville.

The Rev. Mr. Fiehler also servedas an Army chap lain in World WarII in the European Theatre.

He is married to the formerGeorgean Moelter and is thefather of four children, Nancy,13; Paul , 10; Timothy, 7 and Na-omi , 4.

Mrs. Fiehler has served as At-lantic District Supplement editorof the Lutheran Woman 's Quar-terly of the Lutheran Women'sMissionary League. She now isserving as chairman of ChristianGrowth for the Atlantic DistrictL u t h e r a n Women 's MissionaryLeague.

The Fiehlers have moved intothe parsonage on Oregon Avenuein Medford which Emanuel hasprovided them.

Immediately after the serviceon Sunday afternoon , the SeniorLadies' Aid Society and the Mary-Anna Guild of Emanuel will pro-vide refreshments for the manyparishioners, friends and guestsexpected for the installation ser-vice.

New Out-Patient ClinicTo Be Built by County

Mental Health and TB:

The County Board of Supervisors last Wednesday approvedthe construction of a $375,000 Mental Health, Health , and Tubercu-losis Out-Patient Clinic at Holtsville.

According to the resolution , County Executive H. Lee Dennisonis to make application for federal aid in the amount of $125,000 for

i -—... .,-., -. . , - ,., . . . . —— — — - ¦ -—- ¦¦ —.— ¦ in i ,

their families from 6 to 8 p. m.Serving on the planning commit-tee are Mrs. Ronald King, Mrs.Kenneth Hoener, Mrs. JosephSmith and Mrs. George Martin.Additional volunteers to serve onthe supper committee are askedto contact any of these women.There will be no admission charge.All families attending will beasked to bring a dish of foodas their contribution. An eveningof fellowship for members andfriends of the church is the primepurpose of this get-together.

re-imbursement to the county.Mr. Denniso** said that the

building, to be of masonry andbrick, one story> and containing12,000 square feet, would be oncounty property at Holtsville, buton the opposite side of HorseBlock Road from the old sana-torium.

The two sanatorium buildings,the Ross and Marshall buildings,are to be used by the SuffolkCounty College, now temporarilyoperating at the Sachem Junior-Senior High School in Lake Ron-konkoma.

The Ross building is now beingused as a TB out-patient clinic.All bed patients have been trans-ferred to Nassau County institu-tions.

"This is a hurry-up job," Mr.Dennison said, "We must get thecollege established at Holtsville bySeptember." He told newsmen thatconstruction on the new buildingwould be underway by earlySpring.


Mrs. Ethel Smith, ROnk. 9-8752Mr.' and Mrs. Walter Olsen of

148 Noel Drive entertained at aparty on Christmas eve in honorof their fourteenth wedding an-niversary. Their guests were Mr.and Mrs. Edward Philipsburg,Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hubbs , andArthur George all of Noel Drive.Drive.

Mark Wagner, son of Mr. andMrs. John Wagner of 126 TreeRoad celebrated his second birth-day with a party December 23.His guests were Clare, Stephenand Thomas Fornsel. Michael Ter-signi , Jeffrey Butterich , JohnSchneider , also his brothers, Johnand Edward , and sister , Kathleen.On Christmas day the Wagnersentertained at dinner, Mr. and Mrs.George Schoemann , Mr. and Mrs.Kenneth Schoemann and son , Ken-neth , all of Brooklyn.

Wayne Antieri , son of Mr. andMrs. Michael Antieri of SpurLane, celebrated his second birth-day with a party December 27.His guests were Lauren Fuchs ,Gail Lynch , Lynn Schellborn , Ro-bert Ferri , Michael , Thomas andDorothy Beattie.

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Jarrett of17 Dust Drive entertained in hon-or of the first birthday of theirson , Eugene, Friday. Guests wereMr. and Mrs. Robert McGee , Mrs.Vivian Aloe , Mr. and Mrs. Mi-chael Vecchio , also Eugene's sis-

ters, Michelle and Rena. On NewYear's eve Mr. and Mrs. Jarretthad as their guests, Mr. and Mrs.Robert Smith and Mr. and Mrs.Michael Vecchio.

A double birthday celebrationwas held at the home of Mr. andMrs. Victor Ramirez of 157 MarkTree Road last Thursday in honorei the fifth birthday of their son,Norman , and the first birthday ofof their daughter, A l i c i a. Theirguests were Gail and Gary Pit-cher , Diane Warfield , Carol ScholdDianne Calaris, Maria and RiriDenimarck , Debra Kix, .Charlesand Donald Savers.

Lynn Hinman , daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Charles Hinman of 30Bernard Place, celebrated her tenthbirthday with a party Friday . Herguests were Mr. and Mrs. * PeterHogan of Rego Park , Mr. andMrs. William Hawkin and daugh-ters, Amy and Ellen , Mr. and Mr*.William Lindlum and daughters,Kathy and Patricia , of PaJ;<>uogue!

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Aiosa of131 Wagon Lane "\fVes> are parentsof a daughter , Christina, weighingsix pounds, fivft ounces, born atMather Memorial Hospital Dece a-ber 20. The couple have four otherchildren , Debra , Robert, Edwardand Thomas. On Christmas daythey had as dinner guests, Mr.and Mrs. Julius Ptasvyski, andGerald Ptasvynski of FranklinSquare. Dinner guests on NewYear 's day were Mr. and Mrs.Frank Corazzo of Brooklyn.


ter Road, Lake Ronkonkoma,died December 29 in BrookhavenMemorial Hospital following aheart attack.

Mr. Clark , who was born inBrooklyn, moved to Lake Ron-konkoma four years ago fromHicksville, where he was a mem-ber of the Hicksville VolunteerFire Department. He was em-ployed as an aircraft mechanic,at the Grumman Aircraft Engine-ering Corp., Bethpage.

He is survived by his wife,Marie, four sons, Edward C,George A., John J. and RobertJ.; two brothers, Joseph S. andGeorge E. of Woodside; and twosisters, Mrs. Edna Hamill ofHempstead and Mrs. Florence Kil-lard of East Meadow.

The body reposed at the JosephA. Weber Funeral Home, HawkinsAvenue, Lake Ronkonkoma. f u -neral services were held at 10a. m. Saturday with intermentfollowing in Holy Sepulchre Ceme-tery, Coram.

MRS. MARIE FUHRINGER of213 First Avenue, Port Jeffer-son , died unexpectedly Decem-ber 27 in Mather Memoiial Hos-pital following a fall in whichshe sustained a broken hip. *

Mrs. Fuhringer was a residentof Lake Ronkonkoma for manyyears before moving to Port Jef-ferson. Her husband and she werethe proprietors of Fuhringer'sMeat Market on Hawkins Ave-nue, which they operated up tothe time of Mr. Fuhringer's death.

Mrs. Fuhringer is survived bya daughter , Mrs. Mary Di Gio-vanni of Richmond Hill; a grand-son and one great-granddaughter.

The body reposed in the O. B,Davis Funeral Home in Port Jef-ferson. A Solemn High RequiemMass was offered at 10 a. m.Friday in the Infant Jesus R. C.Church , Port Jefferson. Intermentfollowed in St. Lawrence Ceme-tery, Sayville.

.— . >

DR. GENOVA GASPARE, 4,of 28 Hill Avenue, Lake Ronkon-koma, died December 26 in Brook-haven Memorial Hospital after abrief illness.

A general practitioner, he wasborn in Carini, Sicily, and re-ceived his doctorate from RomeUniversity in Italy. He came tothe United States in 1922. In1925, after passing the state me-dical examination , he set up prac-tice in Brooklyn , where he liveduntil 1954. He was a resident ofLake Ronkonkoma for the pastsix years. He was a member ofthe Suffolk County and AmericanMedical Associations and was hon-orary surgeon of the NesconsetFire Department.

He is survived by his wife,Maria , two children , Carmelo ofLake Ronkonkoma and Mrs. JoCarol Evarts of Ankara , Turkey;two brothers, a sister in Italyand five grandchildren.

The body reposed at the JosephA. Weber Funeral Home onHawkins Avenue, Lake Ronkon-koma. Rosary services were heldDecember 27 and a High RequiemMass was recited last Thursdaymorning in St. Joseph's R. C.

Church, Lake Ronkonkoma. In-terment followed in Holy Sepul-chre Cemetery, Coram.

MRS. EMMA VOIGT, 74, diedlast Thursday at the home of herdaughter , Mrs. Ann Livingston ofBayside, after a short illness.

Mrs. Voigt made her home withher daughters, spending severalmonths at a time with each.

Surviving in addition to Mrs.Livingston are Mrs. Viola Oden-wald of Centereach, Mrs. EmmaLewis of Shelton, Conn; and twograndchildren.

Funeral services were held at2 p. m. Saturday at the HardenFuneral Home in Bayside withinterment at the Lutheran ceme-tery in Glendale.

PIO FELICIONI, 69, of LakeRonkonkoma, died December 20.dren : Nicholas Felicioni , Mrs.dren; N i c h o l a s Felicioni , Mrs.Mary Cravotta , Mrs. Louise Pri-ce, Patrick Felicioni , Mrs. Mar-garet Stone, Mrs. Yolanda Har-vey and Brother Biagio; and 17grandchildren, Mrs. Viola Mays ofSt. James and John Lewis of Shel-ton , Conn., and two great-grand-children.

The body reposed at the Molon-ey Funeral Home on CarletonAvenue, Central Islip, where Ro-sary services were held at 8 p. m.December 23. A Solemn RequiemMass was offered at 10 a. m.the following day in St. Joseph'sR. C. Church , Lake Ronkonkoma.Interment followed in the familyplot in St. Patrick's Cemetery,Hauppauge.

MRS, CORNELIA CASTRO,62, of David Street, Ronkonkoma ,died December 27 after being hitby a car while crossing the road.

She is survived by her hus-band , Thomas; three sons, John ,Jesse and Joseph ; a daughter,Mrs. Lydia Jaeger ; and a sister.Mrs. Teresa Balan of Deer Park.

The body reposed at the Mi-chael J. Grant Funeral Home,571 Suffolk Avenue, Brentwood.

A Solemn Requiem Mass wasoffered at 9:30 a. m. Friday nSt. Anne's R. C. Church, Brent-wood. Interment followed in HolySepulchre Cemetery, Coram.

EDWARD C. ROWEHL, 55, of136 Bellmore Road , East Meadow ,died at his home December 26.

Born in East Meadow, he ownedand operated a potato and vegeta-able farm in Moriches for the pastseven years.

He is survived by his wife ,Grace; three sons , Edward of Mor-iches , Donald of East Meadow andRoger of Smyrna , Georgia; twodaughters , Patricia and Beatrice ofEast Meadow; f ive grandchi ld renand one brother , John , of EastMeadow.

Funeral services were held atthe Wagner Funeral Home , Hicks-viHe , wi th the Rev. Douglas Mac-Donald officiating. In te rment fol-l owed in Greenfield Cemetery,Hempstead.

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j December 31, 1960

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A Service ThatSatisfies . . .



SL ^ kThis Home is Dedicated to Those Whoin Eternal Sleep Repose Herein, andla For the U BC and Comfort of Rela-tives and Friends.

A. C. PETTIT, Lie. Mjrr.326 E. Main St. Patchogrue

Telephone GRover 5-0052


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Phone GRover 5-4063MRS. RUTH LARKIN

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