SIXTH section Sidelights on the War Real EIGHT PAGES Estate Gardening Notes Poultry Financial News Games Problems SEVEN MILLION WOMEN WORK IN BRITAIN NOW 875,000 Filling Places of Men Who Have Been Called to War. . MANY TRADES ARE TAUGHT TO THEM tptrial Co"fpontfnot to Tns 9e. Lonton, June 16. It Is estimated that th number of women now working In war and rcace Jobs exceeds ",OOO,Of0. Nothing In mors noticeable In the. as-I- oi tlie streets th.ui the illia;cr-snc- s at the joutliful ami middle aged flxlllsr.. and next montli will probably n.s tn.irkcil diminution of eicn Uhakl , !al .ouii(stcrs. Then there will in only the oldsters nml oaklings, T!i wholesale withdraw tl of men from the commercial and Industrial rinks has lefultwl in a huac substitut- ion of female labor for the purpose of m1nt.ilnliiK the Industrial output of tfcf countrj. Many hundreds of women lire trlnlnr to become milker" and ililry hr il In Scotland nnd North-umber- id this sort of worl; Is Ileitis fffitarly undertaken lij women, whlla In DeviniKhii'c and other counties mllk-t- n Is beln done even by young Rlrlt before they ko to s..hool Women arc at the lathe, In overalls iM cap, In the powder shed, working melve hour shifts on thu motor buses or fashioning metal, timber and leather, Mrtlns. drlvitiR and distributing. the war It used to be said that the "err Jack liad his trade. The same ca,n row be (aid of every Jill. ... Women In trousers are becoming moro ai more numerous, they are (Tomilng them In greater numbers oicry day. In He order to cope with work where the skirt . :i found to be a 'hindrance. They do not dislike the change and It cannot be said te detract In any way from their native grace or carriage. Napoleon Favored Trousers. Napoleon, It em. was a great In arraying women In masculine l- -, ttlre In time of war. "Dress does not make the man." any the proverb: but Napoleon found that It made the woman, ind that putting her Into trousers made a world of difference to her work and uVllable English opinion Is Inclined to eiccurag women to adopt masrullne attlr for what, after till, ought to be mans ork. convinced that so dressed will give as good an account of th Mr'f .n her absent mate. Man- - thousands of women and girls It re -- rv,i"E mo nation as munition of ion.r The .Ministry of Munltlfina rial mne.rs and hlr oc in ? hu ' o1 . ,.7.p,Lf-..,r'l-- ?'"'' rif.,1 her tre. ,, wHr i,i. Many of the women . en-- ! "V, "'"lion wock are art stuunts, ' embroldresses 8s who had t" uml h"!'u! ko. be aval . iico drafted Into a fac- - ..... .1. re MlaUy lookea uie .ministry as to hours, ac- - i "uitc.j and rate of pawnent. The "".r re J., a vvoelr h . . ,,i ,ilr.,.m, ana ' w. ..er- - arc soun nbla to earn J1.1 to ".of " p.ece work. Thf .M tfv of" un i ''"1 :.e.rlv seie-i- v free ,VL, t' nr. .'.j i out the ' 'tr ,.,. ..." u lounirj. .... . ami . . al ," prepareu lot 'Ke "gittr latl.tles of munition work. this ie V .ganlzed Air Dep.ir'men:. to .u nu. i.ovcrniiierit oflpcs. -. ' .""""i'c olllce. rt!,d commercial ... '"""'inn" thousands of '"ni"- a,, n. w trui:Wlii w.-- Lt.l-- ' ' " - b.oks. ledgers" ani'l om ,r " u ..en I . Riiiplo. moms for Women. the Ti ...., . ' adir n,e" f'n arid the l transference of ''Pe hcli f.t tain female labor from the iiat.lt trdiiMH.. V out nuiiltlon making nd vxr m-- 11. .ii ,' ir .;"'e"uc-s,o- f ""I'lt'J - as 11 ., . j ; ""nic wince jnil ih. ..",Vm 10 a "rla of t li, rt!l,c" ft''t'i car, be em- - "ii-i- i iciaxation nf the require- - TIP ly n I1 t -- utory acts Ih permitted 'it arr .n.'ctniits .... ...... ... . 'iuihA1'' uf ,', fK".nrlf,i to "'"t Ihe lntto-- i fennle labor, 'n me Mils wa )"mi ''fa!- - I "ji' !.e;'" i.i.i ""hen ware. India rubber, wool art sc.is rAi imhiuhi. xn iiiir:i)ir mi! ... . . .... . . mi uL! 'captured' fir- - f" T,," .fa;t' , ... ....... .... " ' 1, the and at in jtusslan r ' ZZ h been In the , i anion .....i ... - "ilieir. gaged , "umocr of females en- -' U""'tm,0n f "mle r U as foili.ws leo. Anrd. lrie.c Ii:f. HI.".. mi; :c.i'.) ;;;,.jo T'i. It thu aiegory nmlr. Increases 4I T f'jnw life Aliril i iriles lain M.l II !:: ' tra I,. i - ,vi V"1' "t tr,r, ... sv ii'ij; jj'ii if.dM i,.'ivi A vVeTa f.'.1..,,,n"n u'.rt) I '"hT U'"' I ' PACIFIST SENATOR ANGRY. I r"n df.sloiirnelle. Ilrnllr. lo "'ir.i of Knl.rr'a l'hoi..Braph. . n :... :'''''"'.?' ine w woumkd soldiers oc- - PaelllHt" had caused 'Itirlianee there when in... t i ulog I,.. , . - f ..ll "man., , aim ..i ivamor .i i'., ,, ftii. """" us ant. f,.,,,,, Sarthe ITin "r I'tter to fr.'imoro which reprlnled the us paper's paragraph , Oil 1,11 ... .Ill ..1 ..... . (Ii... ... . ".n wounae.i ioi- - "y '"; '""" 1,1 '' Prop it leiin.int-l'e.in- s lo be nursed ruae inn), ri,,!.,,. ...... ir..... ..... .... . '' th. drawing ' o( ,r'nt"' U.i.prK.i'. plii.oKra.!i, . 'Oil have I.e.,, v.. i,.: ''" "lL''' '"'urted I dial-- a y one to piodlice any h nursed there who can thine-- " ypti " ,llf flrtl PU'lure of icc-A- mlml of Herman high fleet, to be pub- - 1 , ' n,Cr rMc i .icvr the Herman main licet In the rro :it battle between the Sk'cra'. ami Horn- It (T. r.is been In III, present postllon . YORK, Commander of the German Fleet sssssZm VICE-ADMIRA- L SCHEER. Rcliihatdt comni.iudcd SUNDAY, SUKHOMLINOFF, MINISTER OF CZAR, VICTIM OF SPIES 'c,i''1'"if,'1rm"'' Head of War Bureau, Awaiting Trial Trea-iu- t son, in of Adventurers Warned Against His Associates. wiiiiA saw f. Icndly '" "f two r V ,,', '.. wounde.1. ..'nun ,') saw in in.1 ,ldl.l soldier .Schret. for fp.,l u,irtp!njfnrr tn Tn lONDOs-- . June K, Gen. Sukhomllnoff. Russian of War, who awaiting trial for treason, Is a man unusual military gift' has al-- 1 lowed himself to be Influenced people undo.nR. The Nor Slovo ,eH circumstances which led to ar- - . When SukhomllnnfT moved to I'etro- - nn(J lyj). gycr I)34 juIlistf,r War he was follo-ir- by the ma- - iJmlty of his satellites. Among them was Myasocloff. It Is admitted that the Minister of probably h.-.- d Inkling of the true character of double lie appears lepo'ed the greatest confldenco nun n cntei' to hl1" "ly hl" ',rlv;lt ... amny news mn mni... s- .- erets of department he ndmluls- - 'rl.B. On the other hand, according to s ..... .. . , .,n.i,iAi..,i, . .i, .,.,. rr BU.UUIIl. .ii,...' .'.. revponslhllity for Rusrla's ..... unpie- - .. pare'lness for war rests upon MUMiomu- - notT and on him alone. It further .!...- - ...- - .i,Jt ...m,. ....... nuMU'Illlllll, ,.,n., consulting any niTiei.il jtorf, lie formilluted and put cutlon a faulty rcheme defence which STEEL MONEY FOR BU1GARS. ! nnd .rail Col unite. I.ONDO.S, I i Orndually thi moncttiiy systems of th- - Central Powers beln? radically changed, but their themselves, unless the conclusion of the war should be In There Is gold In circulation, and silver Is beginning to disappear In sfiino notably Ir Austria, Ruigarla and Turkey. Thii'. to replace specie, iron, steel nnd lead are being lntroduci d Instead of coppr nnd silver. The Hulgarluu Government has ordeied $2,000,1100 of ".' cent and 1 cent colim In steel and lean. .Mor $.1.11011.000 to bo shortly ne,.e ,,!..,. are - - .. . Issued In small bank notes m tue respec iiv,. triliio of 20 cents and 10 each The.n small ank notes are being printed In . . v Urst smlis of liaiiK notes nt tne lvalue of cfntn. $!.!!! and JS.St apleie, aim amountlt g altogether to jr.,ii00.0ii0 nominally, nro auaiien ny inn nuiK'irii.u fiou Heriiiany Iiiiiik'-dlatel- v further as a dallv s be sent to So!l:i, Jt.ooo.miu eacn nine in Iheno new notes, until the tolnl older foi 10'),000,uOO In notes has been sup- plied, All tills new Bulgarian money Is made In SACRIFICE IN INDIA. Mne rresed for K llllnir Voolh In lllndn rrniplr. laiNiio.v. Jme H. A despatch from Calcutta that a case of human sacrifice N reported a at Jalfn.i. It appeal." that ceila III ..t . nn , ..ntni I wen, Mlionirll- - lemptod b a ilream icgi.rdliig . ............. ...... i.ui i.v tn. ui.,riii,-- ..f tiove. ... - an Innocent youth to the goddess: thev oblain llu desired money, they led a outh of 20 Al of night to the temple of the goddess, whcie was drugged ml hi throt was cut. J lo;iiiiu, pottery and br.c'i, specie and paper now coming Into 'i'1. ,va,rnls!l. papermnklr.g. dilation bo valueless, except V..'.' Deiurtment. f""lR and coinm.imler InHtalment, NEW JULY 2, 191(5. about monlht. succeeding tin late Adiin.al I'ohl lie was. made Vice- - jV'1"1"1 li"". !3- - to 1!11 was of staff of the juiir ii, n iii- i.niir ui I'iimi.'I I, I iih" Mirne I)i,n.ntnieiit Ho has been for ears leganled In (lorman.i as one of the ahlict and tacticians In the Ka se: s navy ' Involved the abir.donmert of l'ol.-- h fortresses M vnr ain th.- - .Minister was delugoil wltli frrnt for a mrw iu.ei.il e.ut.pl" of munitions. Such B.tpeals are said lo 'nave renoied him as early i August. rormer for Fell Hands hfm 'VTr ,!'" the ., til. the the tll.il enleff. ri.e ... In llnMl. .......... ll ,,. ...I frequently to en: lighten the on the shady ' "t many oi ;uj associates, he no need whatever to these wain-- 1 '"de.d ho singled nut those who' nve them as his particular cmmlc; treated according Mean-- 1 viil without the fast o,t his part, his ho:nc had -- ....i u. mr "om" M'V organUatlnn" All the - ......v.i...Kl. m nu--i- a came together In the very rosl- - dence of the Ru.slnn of W ar. The cot.splr.itors, according this nc- - eniiiii I linn,. ,...i.T .... limn i..i. ' . .i,iv....- - ...... " .v,.' niii.ui ir .... . . ""ii".'". o.. giacuy accepted the one . .ance of the fiequentera of her salon. n .. u ,n,,v ca..,iiiiimiti lOI jusure 1..1. ncntegioviiorr), and for the Interior (M. Maklakoff) are to be called ' Itncse.i In the Sukhomllnoif affair. i i ' MUD HOUSES FOR ENGLISH. " Kxpi rlinenu Xow Belnit t'nrrlril On l London ( . olle,,,. Uondd.v. June 15. The possibility of using mud as building material so solving the urgent problem of provld- - Ins cheap country cottages the district? and housing accommodation In un ai cas there who : ......" .::':?. ."" elice King's College for Women, l.nlverslly of London, .Six looking walls Just erected Ir. grounds at urn urn, eacn wall being composed of a ni vhim ,.r ,n,,.l .ii. to tesilug VnnV ik tne i .nsTiit.li ruinate III each ense the eaVth h..,. .. - to a different process of prepar.. .tiui, in t rasp wniorir nii him imm. lidded, hi atmther soft rimii mM tn IIIP . soap In another llino has been added, A 'grouting' of has been poured oi.-- r ll. i wall lii ....other ..... ...i Vi'.. ,' ' one wall made earth nlone. i DIAMONDS' JUBILEE South Wrlcan Celehrnllon la lliir' el Year. mmidM I ..,,.. m.. , ? fSou,h 'Stre" I wl" n,l '''"r-li't'- l celebrated ull f.'i . .,,,1 ' In 1J7 In Lin. r n"m,,' ''"'obs, owned farm near the Orange V ;hrou"h various vlcls- - similes, the hands of nn Irish- - named one v. ni.ri u... n.,n.. Identified In the same year by Ur. Atlicr-- I an KiirIIsIi .dentist, who hap- pened to be staying at Hrahamstow n So movemenl Is on foot unions the few survivors of the old Kltnberle) dig-ge- to celebrate the Jubilee of what Into an Kauth Afri- can Industry, either In 1917 or "after the war," IX peact has set then murnad. IMW flDANfllJ TRAINS' iivii i annul iiimuu ITQ ARMY uuniuui nnnivuui SpIciiop Now So IHjrhl.v Spe-fiiilizc- il Scries of School In Nomsiiry. MITII TARfiKT IMIATICK Srrdil Corrupnndtntt to Tur. ft-- fists, June It There was a tlmel when an aviator was expected to herom n. air fighter In much the is a boy l taught to swim by being thrown Into deep water expected to strike; out to save himself from drowning. S the pilot had a quick tlrer placed nil his aeroplane and was turned the air with the expectation that he would get as' near as he could to nn enemy avlon (an avion la a military and shoot him down lefore being shot down himself. Kven quite recently a member of the American escndrllle now on duty around Verdun ilreil his leuse for the first time when he found an enetnv avion near him. This As a fact, after n wounded, disc women fielder are to he In to undent Russian put In place, recoiled his midline from his foe was are of move away a good speed. This. deeds of was an rase, .is he Join ex ' who. side by side with on its being 'o been through of ''crs IhsIs moiiihs. of many Americans lu taken It ,ir are taking It If the survlv.. war. form a valuable ass.l Amerl- - ' can tutlJii If "preparedness" out to extent of formins aviation . orps. ,i. it mcds hardlv to bo added, it eildenilv should be I Schools llroiiitiiK It was found nvrsnr. to lire to,..,,, : pirtl.-uli- r wcitl; Tour fli are solely learners, they i dcc-ibe- d in Tin: Srs. .in which do "t' Hie m, tl., run li. ,!ratghi line fo; half mile As as the , i:1'!' "r ",al:i? in,- - rt.i .in.. iivi. ... ,i inir,- - which the il-'- about n couple of (hi nun hino impilf learn to leave the ground. their nmtots. then p.is ,i six cillndor Rlerlot. wlii.h can tweti'i on which tlioy practise l.indi' lainllng i tl-.- mo-- t put of tint it till" "tare Is broken." .is Trench tl.ca say of machines A tr horse-pow- mnunis to lirtwcen l."'i Son fo,-t- , then en :ildc.-- the learner to make (turns) to tlie right irace llc1"" .eMvn ", :o !")ii iltltudel, when he learu shut off lu. motor at hir.hesl point descend to 400 JKtris.f'i '"i""'"" lL'. 'UiZ piobably seventy-tlv- e Meuport Meuport Meuport, privates. '''"""Inu escadillle scattcis. machli-ea- ' cartridges poslilon) "irkacrew moven.em, Meuport machine, horsepower, monoplane", worker'Vbeingfhr WW i!.l,'l!n.',n'l".Wa?.fr.u".rt' AVIATORS hV'rnr S$mx. Copyright, Printing MANY WHMPW ElflUT mmu uvmuii iiuiijl RIMIAN RANK: iiuuuinu uniuiu Patriotism Prompts Some Seek Avenge Unloved ROMANCE STIKS OTHKIIS ''nrrttpnttdtntt Ixinhon, 14, Hliunky. strongly fought now hospitals minds quite prototypes the race of'female Scythln, Khlmky valiantly her e:, defeat approached onstantlnopie even then found torl'ous nnrf iho Tticltt find ranks ."en 'X'riiuSli verv existence, nutter first (forty-seve- n thnts) very rnp- - These new his tr.ilng Th(. Mveial bullets and Kv, sagas) full stories de-t- o young however, exceptional "poleiillsl. the m.ilds prehistoric Wf illo.ied .idrllln sla. fathers sent the lefrc hrothers. tribal clmofng steids the savage hands arm pilots operating the o live utid )icioods who Hie carried prclntlseit soon qieci.ii- - avl.itloti schools and ilen.tc eacti ,,,i. nirp and Hiiiif whcie becln. has rl!:u'n.- roller" ne nlr. soon ,"" jiniti-- i ltleil.it. leaves yards. tips lontrol sas, ilfo iwclie dltlli'ult that tnoM "wood Rlerlot which loft and 'ishl' Uler.ot "l"o feft was the was the gla the the Ruthenes. the and to moti r He :ilo tiripatmn of women In the pres-tear- mnko a hilf ent wnr, the of atid full spiral hl comprehensive volume, off. There Is now regiment In He then ic.oli for otllcial tels,tho army one two fur his license. He has to make nn women warriors. They nil sp'r.il attached to; or women of the better hlii lo ieeor.1 his l.r.oa! . cirlalu percentage of them, although feet. barociaph will a primarily bv .a spiral, but an mantle by n deelre to lie J" ' , "V! T t. niTa...i c.iij ' mic u hlii nt iti i:ni(i mire id i;ikp . i wnc R prl KMlab- - " usunijy wh0 had luring "' 1'0"" (the above ine ...... ...''land doing LS md arv Tnne their qulto .... r. ,....n.. discovered ),. hand", T made on , AH " ? Ht .m who by no trait' ll0t th IU s e.-.- e- favor, no wotth almost llrst bank HUMAN Hindu Pin could ha eight on oi imt and .......... ... a of different S ha. jccled and , ,, i nan stone, way of tiring not ., I id now ltusla .,,,, i t and and th and feet restart u line irregui.ir one ror oaoiv m.ine oestem . .... I. .. m,IKPH iniiiiRuiar insnt ni i.i.i tests, "breiet." ir lillot's If lie his put In at lea it r'llllslllllK Off" Sell. Ml Xl.o. th,. nowlv iieei.so.i nii.n u n,.,, . . nnlshlnir off school at Pen He jja. now good-h- y to machines' and win start to perreet nis ..mil landing, on a three o Under Morane. as the .Morane has the same uinri nf lamllne rtiments a. vi.nnnrt anil It is mucn cneaper in case of him? w.in.l" tie la iienm,,t.a m ..... SI?, e.llllllier anil l.'ll eyilllllCI .MOr.iriCS, lie lint" limn,' irn nei ir.i ......... ii.iiitk. He then mounts a twenty-thn- e meter ( feet apiead) as .....i. .. . a J'ilsseilKer nun a lll'Mllinr. w llll SIIOWF i.i.V. ..1 vi ti .... nun wn.ti , 111,, lien lie tackles this alone when lie has twentv nerfect landings on It Is mount sixty foot a but more powerful machine tin this he makes snlrals imd a test altitude night of 15, duo feet l...-- . rniu"! ll.v llllie are about eighty graduates, almost ajl of- - iiiei.- - irn ,. ffv. Am,.r.an. .n ,riated 'he at my olllclals as If they were' whatever rani; they ma have, even If they are merely "chool. lininli.irdlni? nr those fit to scout "ai Ions do hunting down the en- - cmy) coin se. Here on fast Nleuports pupils team to mano-mr- in escndrllle formation , ...i..: ...... . ...... e.... . i. ,, V 'Z . .,1 ti - . " '..II follow lie slcnals will, M,. I and his escadrlllc files single 'llle.' In iviiik nr 'ii rnnrw. .n finpini nv nrn f.ir off. thr tn.mlti.r si. khIn number of amoke balls, the Hie encinv sur- - peak toward him at a rloiis 'a m.whii... i.,.,,m .,., ia.ni, off at (lie escadillle returns avion describes a complete, circle after the one of lilm has lauded, nights, sixty to ninety tulles, am made III escadrllle f.u mallnii, and fret Is minimum height at which men lly In tlila svhool. The expert pilot then lakes a coumo hi the aciol.atlc school, where lie learns how to lo Illt, 0(,p, how , ,,m lliH In and how It out f,o,n ,,ut falling how to make -- tail drop" (descent by falling tall first), nd every of nodal feat. To become filer an aviator him to master many ......... ... i,i.i...e int. ail in l.l III MK al speed of fiom Ihltly llfty mllrs an He will train .'.'. horse-powe- r, Hi horse-pow- nnd so horse-pow- lllrtiot then rapes and Ihen with Moirports of decreasing he teaches "llaby only feel curt, with peihupa a 110 hoist-powe- r nflna, nilot liUlux of wV " '1, 'luting school. (),hersi are Into. I.J ill new and al sol. woilt department mysterious ..i soft of it,, a i!",.T'1 a developed Important Into aeroplane) him fin 119 1U, ty tht Sun IN in Many to Dead. tpentil tn This Si June The tlut .Ida built Russian girl of who for some months In the Itueslan ranks, Is lying In one of the Hlga severely wounded re. one that there are num- ber of girls fighting In the Itus-la- n ranks, worthy of fabu- lous marjjors In entered the Hide Ha ttalion last autumn, passing; off as an attested itran. and fought so that when sex discovered she wa, RiWf(t to temaln In the ranks. Is the second time she has been wnen tne ureeas iiiiucicn crrshlng on the licet of Russian galleys which ancient ( tne of the "King iMy." as the Russians called It. the dream of Russia's rulers), they number fair Imlreil, blue ecel maidens among ine cri-w- s of the RuwHan galleys, Again In u?i n, i.,it nt ii.,rninl. thu vie. Greeks were amazed to rtnd Rus- - .h(, ,.r,,,nr .i, ..,., ..a through Russian hlstorv we flehtern In Russian ,lcI.Pr ,,, fl(tht,nff B ,ruy M. ii I om li lighting for her that dropped second nlory It at scribing the gallant of Uus-- b to front In and defended home-ha- d training. ngalnst rob-Th- e training In northern some Hie to Is r,i. ground, regulate the during "vuag"" b" ,p to pi the whn-- e speech Is utmost ce amaron-s- . While hundreds ' Identical with of sou'hwestern Itus-n.u- ii u i r.miMit in lb sla Tliey 'Mttlo- - then the Russian ii quarter sjiiral, results their Investl-sfdr- al motor i form a shut scarcely hl Russian ,,tll- - mostly girls with a oung classes, hack dc'ent from minority are actuated straight for pcifict rr Inipulse, eher' - Austrian was nment rie.,..i, llogroff of jtltlons 1,a1' were after Identity saw lrvt r,a"d bien of nf was iiifinai, ilolivcrif Herman)-- . Iichhuih Minister them Minister have nroves mltrnll-- 1 jrations show a license. n.e "im. liniii ... made h" a smaller .11 ,( ,,. eiKiiaillllg, machines take the further . " " ' .Ih tw ndvntu-int- will, rounded, iilos , each instance Die ,Hl.,lne lake perfect . illini,, hour until Nleup.iit," eJ sent 'ftllinir news a a I.Ida lyttlih a of ,,ri. Cars; are the-- e that s'a- - are very like Itus- - and without tire near mid allowed chasso" nnd size prod ii of iH.leonlc war in the Crimean campaign and the present war. no mich women ; wirrlors were heard of In the Russo- - Japanese war of a dozen leara ago. It would thus seem that It Is not a more loie of adventure that brings .men Hip battlefield, but a moro deeply rootfd passion springing from the s.i'iie ourc as the general patriotic up- heaval of the nation. t!en. A. P. Nlcolaev. who In time of pe ice . known r a a brilliant military hlstoilnn, but who now com- mands Russian division on the eastern front, has made, with the assistance of some of his officers, a special study !f this question, ramely. the active par their swet hearts or husbands n the flr- - llne. Others are there to avenge thdr beloved dead, but the majority have unlimited Ollrelc bv mllltnnt nn. i iicv iti tfl i iiiiiiv nun nr ni rn rii t on inp DR. HELFFERICH A POET. tierniHii o( sfule Wrote Fle ir Drama. I.omin, June 14. It Is not generail) known that lr Karl Helfferlch, recentl.i "i,i,l,l'"1 mr ine in- - terlnr In ilenuany, besides being a tinted imam-ie- .umi rtunninisi t also a i dramatic Isiei .uuiran riron, wrai-- r in ui( rrnrc l.lourf. savs tears ago he was visit in - . iuirr.,,i.'u .. ...,.. u,...t. i.i.,n-- i n. uiiiniui; I .,.,, j"u"h tn.,, n,r n iii.i. mane poem to re.ut. it was the future Secretary of State and his play, was en- - .1.1...1 .. . t ... .....v.... wi.r. .....i .....i.t-..- . nrilieil nil- I .1., .1,. ... i,nm ...... ,i niimu ri.. ....... iii iirii 1'ieder acknowledges that he all ni.out the nl.iy and Its existence when he read In the paper th:i' the bank director had len mad.. Stat. for the Treasurv. He nt one sought out the manuscript and "burled" ullll-e- il ill 11 win lie irnu 11 nil!, mill he thought of Ooethc, another poet w ho , nail nceii at'l'uiniru flimsier oi mine He adds: "That which I had once thought was naive now perceived to be the joutlt- - fUj fire of great struggling for exiuession. Die! It remind.-.- ' ,o of 'C.oets von Rerllehlngen.' The young poet then saw throiu,'h Hutnen's . PPrrWe.l pofrnntry" . DESERTER GARBED AS GIRL, ' l'rrilerli-- Wrluht I'rrseuta Ktrnniir ' Appenrnnce In Court, I June in.-Dr- essed In a long blue richly braided coat, reaching from I "'i-- to l.eels, and wearing while kid f!l",u' .41,,'"c5e iV 'i',"' xo11 -- l'""lnR. ' HMlcriCH u num. a rnati or ... , pre , ri'!, Hlghg ile poll. e court recently . There were thlce aga nsi hlui, "i"1 ''"In- - that he was a deserter from the n.ial s Wright, who described himself n valet, told the police that he had from the army and sought refuge In woman's The prisoner wat. remanded, BRITISH STILL MOURN NELSON. niiipjnrkrt' t'nlfnrma horr Trlb-nl- e lo (.rent Admiral. l.o.M.rt.N, .lime Ui. Tlie black band on the arm wlilrli all olllcers ate wearing In memory of Lord Kitchener Is a that the navy not et gone out of mourning for Nelaon livery one la familiar with llin lines rows of white tape around tlie edglng nf the blue collar and the Mail: silk scarf knotted In ant which part of Hie bluejacket's diess uniform, The fuuner coiniueiiiotate .N'cIsoii'h three most famoiw vlcloiles, Copenhagen, the Nil and Trafalgar, while the scarf adopted by Nelson's seamen us a mark of mourning for their dead hero and been retained since. and Publishing AMOClallun. TARN-ID- TIIPNI7T. nmwi vu tuiuuui INTfl RI1RRT A N TOWN I uwv uuuuimt ivim Occupation by Cznr'.s Troops Has Transformed Hip Austrian City. KIXIH.Y TO IMtlSOXKHS A'cm farrfupoiiderif? tn Tar. 1.0VPO.S-- , .lunf 16. Hamilton Kyfe, the I'etn-gra- d correspondent of the tinlly Mull, r.;nds the following li from Tarnopol : "We are In Austria here, hut tin one who was plumped down Into Tarnopol. say from an aeroplane, would ever irness It. Not only are the streets fu i of Russian soldiers. All ie names on the shop fronts are In Russian char- acters. The hotels changed their styles and titles. The notices posted up In public places are Russian. Kvery-wher- e Russian (of a kind!) Is talked, (ermaii. the olllclal language of Alls-ttl- a, Is neither heard nor seen. "It Is true that this part of (lallcla as been In the possession of Rutla Mho the early days of the war. Kien so It Is surprise to tlnd a population so accommodating. "'What can you do,' an Infantry Colonel ashed the other da. half In- dignant, half In fun, 'with men who are for the enemy when the) catch ,, lA(,n (( 1)p hnn j,cMVed abomtnibli; . AtstrUns found with explosive bullets In cailrldges shall be trt.ttt-- .i iflendcte against the laws of war nur k.mows uciuiiuy oj.ii imnwin have such cartridge, and say, I throw them awas.'" That Is a goil II- - hlMratlon of th sentleness and un- - bounded hum.in sympathy which arc I commonly found In Russia among all classes The Colonel pretended to be angrv, but he did not reall mind i "The people In this part of Au-'.r- la aro Pole.. Ruthenes and .lews l'oll.l. belongs to th same family of languiiueh as Russian and the Voles are Hlavs. So slan. o called to distinguish them from the people of 'Creat Russia In the no-t- h They l.ic in the same mat. lliat.ned ...... niiitcnonitu i..s' ...v.. the same gaylv colored national tunica still In wear, the same fairy talis, the same merry lilting tongs, so differ- ent from the melancholy strains of north- ern folk music. Almost the same reli- gion. "The finest churches in Tnrnop..! be- long to the I'oles. who are Roman Catho- lics. The Ruiwlan soldle.-s- , man of them, seem to tlnd the Roman niaas quite aa comforting as Orthodox rite. Thev stand and listen to it hum bly, crossing themselves in Kaetern fash- ion, only caring to know that Is being worshipped In moro or less the same fashion as that to which they are accustomed. Hut In the Rtltllenian churches they find exactly the same ritual as their own With their blood i relations they are upon family terms There waa an Interesting exhibition In I I'etrograd last ear Illustrating the Rus-- j sian racial traits In the Rutheulan popu- - I latlon. Down here one recognize.! there at once. "No clearer proof could be found of the gentle, kindly character of t!ie Rus- sians than the attitude toward them of the Austrian Slavs generally Al a point close to the tiring line early this soneir. i the given from happ to ngaln to the i rear, sitting by the ro.ul.-.I- smoking cigarettes which escort had given thorn. Captives and guardians were m ' tlie friendlier of term". "Conlta-- with this the sentiment of a laptuied Herman soldier fiom l.oiraine, who said to a Russian olllcer the other delighted to find thnt his crosS. examiner spoke l'reiirlr 'They may try hard as they moiileur, but thev will neier take Veniun imi ..., i . i,, i,i. .,!,. ti, Hermans fiom ais.iio nic equally , ,. ... ....., n,tr ..,n.c.n.n ' iulrt ,.,.r.n.r jn II, , . . , .. ... iinni mi.iv. ii ii ui ,neii:t.. " , , ,, ,,,' . .., ,i, ' '" ' ' " h' ill ' niaciime gun positions weie, with the Iresult that they were piomptlj peppered l' ",,p11 rr ,! ..... ' ' nt u,.tl,u, VI,,. enemy gels no smli help from prisoners i'." V""-- , r''!. ix 'f'li' ..' : . ! .. . " " muao lams 01 iari...,,. wno 0 ...... ... remain under Russian or to go ba. k to Austrian rule the Russian would be The only ollliiul evidences of occupa tion which have noticed are notices announcing lestauraiils and eales dose nt 11 nnd that there must be no ""!' '"'king or piaing or iiistiuments ,0,el8 utt" 10 an cdht for which J1'1'1 Profoundly grateful. sns of peace- - " 'l"r''. "."'1 V.."' eZ H Pe'm.deli "h ' .mall hnv-- selllni- - Itnssljiii in r.r. or making a good thing out of cleaijlng the high Russian mllitaiv 'sapogee' (top uoois), t ncy get ;i (cms lor a penny fiaper and nlnrpiqice or a shilling fot I . iiihii niai ainK, mil "iisiiiei ink llio mull of Hallcla l have been ,. to mv Pool tops that Is, up In my knees In ID. the i Imrge Is not H. heavy, especlallc If the unusual deamess of living be taken ery ga tills sliret Is nf an afternoon, crowded with officers come In fiom Ihe trenches to enjoy life, A ver pleasant lol of .lining fellows Ir.ev aie, and lety easily pleased, One met Invited me lo mldilay ea u In. bomhpiool shelter in a fiuwaid licnih I iicccpled gratefully and found him I'harmingl.N gay host He took u child like pleatuue In showing me all tho con- - lenlenus he tilted up, ami Kepi on savin.;. 'All. how eonifitrlnhl.. .....I n.u, n. ' able ll is here" with lie sound of ilile and hand grenade and e. plosions in our ears nil the time , "''mm highest tn lowest nlinot all I the Itusslun olllcers I have met aie frlenilH' nnd unassuming. The younger aie delightful, There It. no di Ink tn be had bete, niu theiefnre fonll.li, tlpsv loudness or qiiarrelling nrnoiig them " Cured b Nt-ii- a of Ills Umi ilenlh, CllRlKTCHPRi'li. New Zealand, lum- - --- A New soldier win. had fought in nalllpoll and had seiie.l Lord K'lteheiier al mditrnmn and in South Africa, In hospital here with a psialjzed aim awaiting smpiilalion re- ceived such a iihock from tin- - ii"h. of his death that he tecoirred the emu. plsts us of bla arm Immediately. " " "... c , ,h ' new '""" "," lormauties i morning I tin ee homllnoff ver with he undertaken bv (love , 1. .Lr'.T r. i. ,n volunteer, are been murderer Stolpln). and repir, ,o front for .;..im,i ' .pa"I iulM . lines wits wont.. t. I.... ..."A ... very often succeed o. themselves up. They Sorbs- ,. 'r.."vr mUe. wo ks ', , , e time has been 0,a. they were ',, . .,.,,. ,i., only a hospital after they them """.i" : "E' V.'" their Attempts e- -e '. Is awarded his later day way Kdi, the 1 MA - me "" con I . . - ( toom such . , ! i Kleff War dyed have 1,11 ui.n a v... Is or iiih eniwi. Into of Kuppllra Iron June their countries, "... .. cents t tacc :ni Trc.iHUiv aio lo a from l i..i.. dead will V" str.it(git ... char-- 1 P'tiu e. excltlns thus to r . ,i,. ..- as w and In rural . ' been the Cam- - " . to ui case vet NEAR. haw same and loose ldl. In their their that will. t.r for bcin not n . to to inrd.-- . sin.ish.ng and lo with a or b.itoratili Tlie a miles, l ,,.. said slow in . . to ... nicers officers, UllII ilv or (for .. . .m a Ih i As ahead Two 3,00(1 vertical to a kind a ..; iw with with Mo I - , . I ' I in these w to a i Sprrelarr Oner m i r,i.A . .. . ( v forgot only Secretarv I a soul And I i charges as attire. re- minder has ' ft form was first has avsr have l a me siiry , - thf.r "Quick. I cos- - their Hod their day. as like. . ....... I1 i ' I that I " main a had I shots mine ones no ' in:tiKitt( K t.nKscit ro. S . BROOKLYN - IIKOIIKI.IN lt BTIKMKSTJJ Store Closes Daily at 5 P. M. Saturdays at Noon Tuesday the Store Will Be Closed All Day We Will Pay Delivery Charges On Goods Sent to the Soldiers Lnw nooris to po to i ho members of tin National (iuanl at the mobilization camps or on the Mexican border will be delivered free of charpe. An extra service, we think, is. proper at this time. A Great Vacation Sale of Smart Summer Apparel For Women, Misses and Girls High Grade Cloth Coat and Silk Wraps $35, Formerly to '$85 For Mroet. sports, the linarchwilk, country woar and drew occasions. Made- of rlutrmc-iise- , silk finished wool velours, taffeta silk, wnterfall, Riilmrdini.-- s nnd Over 'J00 in all. White Chinchilla Sport Coats $3.75, Formerly $6.50 Bolted sport Coat of fine ohinchillii. a make. Belted and with two larue patch pockets. Tailored seams. Sizes for women nnd misses. Three-Piec- e Awning Striped Suits Formerly $15, at $7.50 Made with a full dress and a teparatc coat in ihree-piec- o tailored fashion. Tlie Dress ma, be worn separately and thu coat coinliiiied willi lingerie dresses. Fancy stripes n op and i;ray, blue and tan, blue and li'Ie. many of them with the stripes picked out by lines of blacl- - Women's Silk and Cloth Suits $35, Formerly $55 to $98.50 M r- one of a kind, embroider'"! Kahardme in black and lia, i ' t- ;- cloths, plain and check i, se'f" in navy and itieu'x wear checks. Women's Sport Coats, $10.75 Formerly $15 to $25 Plain color Filk poplins and fancy stripes, viitli -- ash frinced n.- - t.istpl ends and patch pockets. Two stles. Also of striped chinchilla in all siw?. emarkably handsotm' Coat.'', fine valtip.--. Women's Silk or Cloth Coats $18.50, Formerly $35 to $50 Of black Duchcssp satin, black taffeta Kabardin'".''. Bedford cords and waterfall. Styles for siorts antl for street wear. Many two and three of a kind. Women's Tailored Suits, $7.50 Formerly $25 to $35 About fifteen Suits, corduroys in 'am u- - color8 cabardines tn creens and a few cheviots. An odd 1' NEW YORK. II ' lie .s '.' ' s 't'l I I KW HancUMade Cluny and Torchon Laces 8, COO Ynrds from France and Belgium 6c. to 29c. a Yard Instead of 29c. to $1 MOST HF.MAKK HI.K l'l'HCHASF of haml-mad- e l.aces THK we base marie in tvu-lv- month-.- . It concerns an importer's surplus stock of broken set, and we offer them tomorrow for Ip--- - than tho cost for machinc-m.:d-e Luces, They are beautiful ('eii:n-- . representinc the patient finder worl; of Belgian and French peasants, and useful for summer hlouses, sleeve trimniiuKS, yokes, collars and cutis. There are KdKinss and in a few u-i- - m n.atcli but the majoril are Insertions. In white, ecru antl black, oue-ha- l' to fie inches wide. Milli KliMir Ni.ne ..nl ( H Women's $29 to $40 Pure Silk Sweaters Now $18.50 : : Sale especially for this event from one of the leading makers Pl'KCHASKD They are made of Italian and knit silk and are pretty and smart as well a serviceable. Some have sailor collars, others Byron or convertible collars. Many are enuinned with sashes and the rest have belts. Colors include many of the 'in .it liked solid tones with contrasting collars and cuffs. fwi.n.l 1'liM.r 50c. Printed Voiles, 25c Sheer, Summery and Attractive MOST I'OPL'LAU of all fabrics this summer for the Hunt THK of w hieh every wiiinar. must have a plentiful supply. These are of a particularly sheer weave the sheerer fabrics are in ureatt'si demand this summer with a woven ribbon stripe of self color ami printed floral patterns in charmini colors. Almost all the pretty light colors on tinted and while grounds. Forty inches wide and made to M'll at fiOc. a yard. Sifonil l'l sir Take a Small Victrola To Your Summer Place CANNOT IMAiilNK tlie wealth of ainii-enien- t and interest YOl will piovide. It i never loo hot for the Victrola nor for even tho.e who feel the heat most lo listen to unoil nui-i- e. And there are evening-- ! when a dance on the veranda help In make a Mieepss of an otherwise dull mitherini,': boal ndes to which a Victrola lends a cnotian charm; rainy das when music helps wonderfully to pass the time. The smaller Vietrolas are very easy to pad; and ship. They K0 safelj by express antl it costs little to send them long distances. i is far more economical lo buy a small machine at a cost of $15 to $50 than m -- k your larKo Victrola. Any Victrola on Your Own Te.-m- s at Loeiser's Th('c who want mist'1 ii'folip. lor .unniin'i' ii( will IimI a 11 plele stock of them 111 ever.v iMi.d linish. An. machine nun lie tnn;lit on anv payment plan convenient 10 011 which is noi ini.ill. i.n ..n.-- t the bound-- ' of i:od husimi-s- . will undertak" the afi tni'i i'.i" , of the N'li'lrola lo anv desired tesorl. Sew 'ii lor Rci oids Mav lie Cti-.- c.l H Mail from Locsci'sa nl

SIXTH section S$mx. Sidelights on FinancialSIXTH section Sidelights on the War Real EIGHT PAGES Estate Gardening Notes Poultry Financial News Games Problems SEVEN MILLION WOMEN WORK

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Page 1: SIXTH section S$mx. Sidelights on FinancialSIXTH section Sidelights on the War Real EIGHT PAGES Estate Gardening Notes Poultry Financial News Games Problems SEVEN MILLION WOMEN WORK

SIXTH section Sidelights on the War Real

EIGHT PAGES Estate Gardening Notes PoultryFinancial News Games Problems




875,000 Filling Places of

Men Who Have Been

Called to War. .



tptrial Co"fpontfnot to Tns 9e.Lonton, June 16. It Is estimated

that th number of women now workingIn war and rcace Jobs exceeds ",OOO,Of0.

Nothing In mors noticeable In the. as-I-

oi tlie streets th.ui the illia;cr-snc- s

at the joutliful ami middle agedflxlllsr.. and next montli will probablyn.s tn.irkcil diminution of eicn Uhakl, !al .ouii(stcrs. Then there will in

only the oldsters nml oaklings,T!i wholesale withdraw tl of men

from the commercial and Industrialrinks has lefultwl in a huac substitut-

ion of female labor for the purpose ofm1nt.ilnliiK the Industrial output oftfcf countrj. Many hundreds of womenlire trlnlnr to become milker" andililry hr il In Scotland nnd North-umber-

id this sort of worl; Is Ileitisfffitarly undertaken lij women, whllaIn DeviniKhii'c and other counties mllk-t- n

Is beln done even by young Rlrltbefore they ko to s..hool

Women arc at the lathe, In overallsiM cap, In the powder shed, workingmelve hour shifts on thu motor busesor fashioning metal, timber and leather,Mrtlns. drlvitiR and distributing.

the war It used to be said that the"err Jack liad his trade. The same ca,nrow be (aid of every Jill. ...

Women In trousers are becoming moroai more numerous, they are (Tomilngthem In greater numbers oicry day. In Heorder to cope with work where the skirt .

:i found to be a 'hindrance. They do notdislike the change and It cannot be saidte detract In any way from their nativegrace or carriage.

Napoleon Favored Trousers.Napoleon, It em. was a great

In arraying women In masculine l- -,

ttlre In time of war. "Dress does notmake the man." any the proverb: butNapoleon found that It made the woman,ind that putting her Into trousers madea world of difference to her work and

uVllable English opinion Is Inclined toeiccurag women to adopt masrullneattlr for what, after till, ought to bemans ork. convinced that so dressed

will give as good an account of thMr'f .n her absent mate.Man- - thousands of women and girls It

re -- rv,i"E mo nation as munition ofion.r The .Ministry of Munltlfina

rial mne.rsand hlr ocin ? hu

' o1

.,.7.p,Lf-..,r'l-- ?'"''

rif.,1her tre.,, wHr

i,i.Many of the women. en-- !

"V, "'"lion wock are art stuunts, 'embroldresses 8s who hadt" uml h"!'u! ko.be aval . iico drafted Into a fac- - .....

.1. re MlaUy lookeauie .ministry as to hours, ac- - i

"uitc.j and rate of pawnent. The"".r re J., a vvoelr h . . ,,i ,ilr.,.m, ana' w. ..er- - arc soun nbla to earn J1.1 to".of" p.ece work.Thf .M tfv of" un i''"1 :.e.rlv seie-i- v free ,VL,t' nr. .'.j i out the '

'tr ,.,...." u lounirj..... .ami. .al," prepareu lot'Ke "gittr latl.tles of munition work. this

ie V .ganlzed Air Dep.ir'men:. to.u nu. i.ovcrniiierit oflpcs. -.

' .""""i'c olllce. rt!,d commercial...'"""'inn" thousands of'"ni"- a,, n. w trui:Wlii w.-- Lt.l-- '

' " - b.oks. ledgers" ani'l om ,r" u ..en I

.Riiiplo. moms for Women. the

Ti ...., .

' adir n,e" f'narid thel transference of''Pe hcli f.t tainfemale labor from theiiat.lt trdiiMH.. V outnuiiltlon makingnd vxr



.ii ,' ir .;"'e"uc-s,o-f ""I'lt'J -

as11 ., . j ; ""nic wince jnil ih...",Vm 10 a "rla of

t li, rt!l,c" ft''t'i car, be em- -"ii-i- i iciaxation nf the require- -

TIP ly n I1 t--utory acts Ih permitted'it arr .n.'ctniits .... ...... ... .

'iuihA1''uf,', fK".nrlf,i to "'"t Ihe lntto-- ifennle labor,


Mils wa )"mi ''fa!- -

I "ji' !.e;'" i.i.i""hen ware. India rubber, wool art


rAi imhiuhi. xn iiiir:i)ir mi! ... . . ..... . miuL! 'captured'

fir- - f" T,," .fa;t', ... ....... ....

" '1, the andat in jtusslan

r' ZZ h been In the,

i anion.....i ...- "ilieir.

gaged , "umocr of females en- -'U""'tm,0n f "mler U as foili.ws

leo. Anrd.lrie.c Ii:f. HI.".. mi;:c.i'.) ;;;,.joT'i. It thu aiegory nmlr. Increases4I T f'jnw

life Alirili iriles lain

M.l II!::' tra I,. i - ,viV"1' "t tr,r, ... sv ii'ij;jj'ii if.dM i,.'ivi A

vVeTa f.'.1..,,,n"n u'.rt) I

'"hT U'"' I



r"n df.sloiirnelle. Ilrnllr. lo"'ir.i of Knl.rr'a l'hoi..Braph. .

n :... :'''''"'.?'ine w woumkd soldiers oc- -

PaelllHt" had caused'Itirlianee there when in... t iulog I,.. , . - f ..ll

"man., , aim ..i ivamor.i i'., ,,

ftii. """" us ant.f,.,,,,, SartheITin "r I'tter tofr.'imoro which reprlnled theus paper's paragraph ,

Oil 1,11 ... .Ill ..1 ..... .(Ii... ... . ".n wounae.i ioi- -

"y '"; '""" 1,1 '' Propit leiin.int-l'e.in- s lo be nursedruae inn), ri,,!.,,. ...... ir..... ..... .... .

'' th. drawing 'o( ,r'nt"' U.i.prK.i'. plii.oKra.!i, .

'Oil have I.e.,, v..i,.: ''" "lL''' '"'urted I dial-- a

y one to piodlice anyh nursed there who can

thine-- "


" ,llf flrtl PU'lure of icc-A-

mlml ofHerman high fleet, to be pub- -


' n,Cr rMc

i .icvr theHerman main licet In the rro :it battlebetween the Sk'cra'. ami Horn- It (T.

r.is been In III, present postllon.


Commander of the German Fleet








Head of War Bureau, Awaiting Trial Trea-iu- tson, in of Adventurers Warned

Against His Associates.

wiiiiA sawf. Icndly

'" "ftwo

rV ,,','.. wounde.1.


,')saw in in.1





fp.,l u,irtp!njfnrr tn TnlONDOs-- . June K, Gen. Sukhomllnoff.

Russian of War, whoawaiting trial for treason, Is a manunusual military gift' has al-- 1

lowed himself to be Influenced people

undo.nR. The Nor Slovo ,eHcircumstances which led to ar- -


When SukhomllnnfT moved to I'etro- -nn(J lyj). gycr I)34 juIlistf,r

War he was follo-ir- by the ma- -

iJmlty of his satellites. Amongthem was Myasocloff. It Is admittedthat the Minister of probablyh.-.-d Inkling of the true character of

double lie appearslepo'ed the greatest confldenco

nun ncntei' to hl1" "ly hl" ',rlv;lt

...amny news mn mni... s- .-

erets of department he ndmluls- -

'rl.B.On the other hand, according to s

..... .. . ,.,n.i,iAi..,i,. .i,.,.,. rrBU.UUIIl. .ii,...' .'..revponslhllity for Rusrla's.....unpie- -..

pare'lness for war rests upon MUMiomu- -

notT and on him alone. It further.!...- - ...- - .i,Jt ...m,........nuMU'Illlllll, ,.,n.,

consulting any niTiei.iljtorf, lie formilluted and putcutlon a faulty rcheme defence which


! nnd.rail Col unite.

I.ONDO.S, I i Orndually thi

moncttiiy systems of th- - Central Powersbeln? radically changed, but their

themselves, unless the conclusion of thewar should be In

There Is gold In circulation, andsilver Is beginning to disappear

In sfiino notably IrAustria, Ruigarla and Turkey. Thii'.to replace specie, iron, steel nnd leadare being lntroduci d Instead of copprnnd silver. The Hulgarluu Governmenthas ordeied $2,000,1100 of ".' centand 1 cent colim In steel and lean. .Mor

$.1.11011.000 to bo shortlyne,.e ,,!..,. are- - .. .

Issued In small bank notes m tue respeciiv,. triliio of 20 cents and 10 eachThe.n small ank notes are being printedIn . .

v Urst smlis of liaiiK notes nt tnelvalue of cfntn. $!.!!! and JS.St apleie,

aim amountlt g altogether to jr.,ii00.0ii0nominally, nro auaiien ny inn nuiK'irii.u

fiou Heriiiany Iiiiiik'-dlatel- v

furtheras adallv s be sent to So!l:i,

Jt.ooo.miu eacn nine inIheno new notes, until the tolnl older foi

10'),000,uOO In notes has been sup-

plied, All tills new Bulgarian money Is

made In


Mne rresed for K llllnir VoolhIn lllndn rrniplr.

laiNiio.v. Jme H. A despatch fromCalcutta that a case of humansacrifice N reported a

at Jalfn.i. It appeal." that ceila III

..t . nn , ..ntni I wen, Mlionirll- -

lemptod b a ilream icgi.rdliig. ............. ......i.ui i.v tn. ui.,riii,-- ..ftiove. ... -

an Innocent youth to the goddess: thevoblain llu desired money, they led

a outh of 20 Al of night to thetemple of the goddess, whcie wasdrugged ml hi throt was cut.

J lo;iiiiu, pottery and br.c'i, specie and paper now coming Into'i'1. ,va,rnls!l. papermnklr.g. dilation bo valueless, except






NEW JULY 2, 191(5.

about monlht. succeeding tin lateAdiin.al I'ohl lie was. made Vice- -

jV'1"1"1 li"". !3- -

to 1!11 was of staff of the

juiir ii, n iii- i.niir ui I'iimi.'I I, I iih"Mirne I)i,n.ntnieiit Ho has been for

ears leganled In (lorman.i as one of theahlict and tacticians In theKa se: s navy '

Involved the abir.donmert of l'ol.-- h

fortressesM vnr ain th.- -

.Minister was delugoil wltlifrrnt for a mrw iu.ei.il e.ut.pl" of

munitions. Such B.tpeals are said lo'nave renoied him as early i August.

rormer forFell Hands

hfm 'VTr ,!'"





tll.il enleff. ri.e... In llnMl........... ll,,. ...I

frequently to en:lighten the on the shady

'"t many oi ;uj associates, heno need whatever to these wain-- 1

'"de.d ho singled nut those who'nve them as his particular cmmlc;

treated according Mean-- 1

viil without thefast o,t his part, his ho:nc had

-- ....i u. mr"om" M'V organUatlnn" All the

- ......v.i...Kl. m nu--i- acame together In the very rosl- -

dence of the Ru.slnn of W ar.The cot.splr.itors, according this nc- -

eniiiii I linn,. ,...i.T .... limn i..i.' . .i,iv....- -......" .v,.' niii.ui ir.... . .

""ii".'". o.. giacuy accepted the one ..ance of the fiequentera of her salon.n.. u ,n,,v ca..,iiiiimiti lOIjusure 1..1. ncntegioviiorr), and for theInterior (M. Maklakoff) are to be called '

Itncse.i In the Sukhomllnoif affair.ii



Kxpi rlinenu Xow Belnit t'nrrlril Onl London ( .olle,,,.

Uondd.v. June 15. The possibility ofusing mud as building materialso solving the urgent problem of provld- -Ins cheap country cottages thedistrict? and housing accommodation Inun ai cas there who

: ......" .::':?. .""elice King's College forWomen, l.nlverslly of London,.Six looking walls

Just erected Ir. grounds aturn urn, eacn wall being composed ofa ni vhim ,.r ,n,,.l .ii.to tesilug VnnV iktne i .nsTiit.li ruinate

III each ense the eaVth h..,. .. -to a different process of prepar..

.tiui, in t rasp wniorir nii him imm.lidded, hi atmther soft rimii mM tn IIIP

. soap In anotherllino has been added, A 'grouting' of

has been poured oi.-- r ll. i

wall lii ....other ..... ...i Vi'.. ,' '

one wall made earth nlone.i


South Wrlcan Celehrnllon la lliir'el Year.

mmidMI ..,,..


? fSou,h 'Stre"I wl"

n,l '''"r-li't'-l celebrated

ull f.'i ..,,,1 ' In 1J7 InLin. r n"m,,' ''"'obs,

owned farm near the OrangeV ;hrou"h various vlcls- -

similes, the hands of nn Irish- -named one v. ni.ri u... n.,n..

Identified In the same year by Ur. Atlicr-- Ian KiirIIsIi .dentist, who hap-pened to be staying at Hrahamstow n

So movemenl Is on foot unions thefew survivors of the old Kltnberle) dig-ge-

to celebrate the Jubilee of whatInto an Kauth Afri-

can Industry, either In 1917 or "afterthe war," IX peact has set then murnad.

IMW flDANfllJ TRAINS'iivii i annul iiimuu

ITQ ARMYuuniuui nnnivuui

SpIciiop Now So IHjrhl.v Spe-fiiilizc- il

Scries of School

In Nomsiiry.


Srrdil Corrupnndtntt to Tur. ft--

fists, June It There was a tlmelwhen an aviator was expected to herom

n. air fighter In much the isa boy l taught to swim by being thrownInto deep water expected to strike;out to save himself from drowning. S

the pilot had a quick tlrer placed nil hisaeroplane and was turned theair with the expectation that he wouldget as' near as he could to nn enemyavlon (an avion la a militaryand shoot him down lefore being shotdown himself. Kven quite recently amember of the American escndrllle nowon duty around Verdun ilreil hisleuse for the first time when he foundan enetnv avion near him. This

As a fact, after n wounded,disc women fielder are tohe In to undent Russian

put In place, recoiledhis midline from his foe was are of

move away a good speed. This. deeds ofwas an rase, .is he

Join ex ' who. side by side withon its being 'o

been through of''crs

IhsIs moiiihs. ofmany Americans lu taken It ,irare taking It If the survlv..war. form a valuable ass.l Amerl- - '

can tutlJii If "preparedness"out to extent of formins aviation. orps. ,i. it mcds hardlv to bo added, iteildenilv should be I

Schools llroiiitiiKIt was found nvrsnr. to

lire to,..,,,: pirtl.-uli- r wcitl; Tour fli are

solely learners, they idcc-ibe- d in Tin: Srs. .in

which do"t' Hie m, tl., run li. ,!ratghiline fo; half mile As as the ,

i:1'!' "r ",al:i?in,- - rt.i .in.. iivi. ... ,i inir,- -

which the il-'-

about n couple of (hinun hino impilf learn to leave the ground.

their nmtots.then p.is ,i six cillndor

Rlerlot. wlii.h can tweti'ion which tlioy practise l.indi'

lainllng i tl-.- mo-- t put oftint it till" "tare

Is broken." .is Trench tl.casay of machines

A tr horse-pow- mnunisto lirtwcen l."'i Son fo,-t- , then en:ildc.-- the learner to make(turns) to tlie right irace

llc1"" .eMvn ",:o !")ii iltltudel, when

he learu shut off lu. motor athir.hesl point descend to 400

JKtris.f'i '"i""'""lL'. 'UiZ


seventy-tlv- e Meuport





escadillle scattcis.machli-ea- '






worker'Vbeingfhr WW




S$mx.Copyright, Printing

MANY WHMPW ElflUTmmu uvmuii iiuiijlRIMIAN RANK:iiuuuinu uniuiu

Patriotism PromptsSome Seek Avenge



''nrrttpnttdtnttIxinhon, 14,

Hliunky. stronglyfought


minds quite

prototypes therace of'female Scythln,Khlmky



approachedonstantlnopie even then



nnrf iho

Tticltt findranks

."en 'X'riiuSliverv existence,

nutterfirst (forty-seve- n thnts) very rnp- - These new

his tr.ilng Th(.Mveial bullets

and Kv, sagas) full stories de-t- o

younghowever, exceptional "poleiillsl. the m.ilds prehistoric

Wf illo.ied .idrllln sla. fatherssent the lefrc hrothers. tribal

clmofng steids the savage handsarm pilots operating the o

live utid )icioodswho


prclntlseitsoon qieci.ii- -

avl.itloti schools and ilen.tc eacti ,,,i. nirp andHiiiif

whcie becln.has

rl!:u'n.- roller" nenlr.


jiniti-- i

ltleil.it. leavesyards. tips


ilfo iwclie


tnoM "wood

Rlerlot which

loft and'ishl'

Uler.ot "l"o feft










and to moti r He :ilo tiripatmn of women In the pres-tear-

mnko a hilf ent wnr, the ofatid full spiral hl comprehensive volume,

off. There Is now regiment InHe then ic.oli for otllcial tels,tho army one two

fur his license. He has to make nn women warriors. Theynil sp'r.il attached to; or women of the better

hlii lo ieeor.1 his l.r.oa! . cirlalu percentage of them, althoughfeet. barociaph will a primarily bv .a

spiral, but an mantle by n deelre to lie

J" ' , "V! T

t. niTa...i c.iij ' mic u hlii nt iti i:ni(i mire id i;ikp .

iwnc R prl

KMlab- - " usunijy wh0 had luring"' 1'0""(the above

ine ...... ...''land doingLS md arv Tnne their qulto

.... r. ,....n.. discovered ),. hand",T made on,


" ?

Ht .m





IU s











oi imt






different Sha.









of tiringnot




.,,,, i




thand feet


lineirregui.ir one ror oaoiv m.ine oestem

. .... I. ..m,IKPH iniiiiRuiar insnt ni i.i.i

tests, "breiet." irlillot's If lie his put In at lea it

r'llllslllllK Off" Sell. Ml Xl.o.th,. nowlv iieei.so.i nii.n u n,.,, .

. nnlshlnir off school at Pen Hejja. now good-h- y to machines'and win start to perreet nis ..millanding, on a three o UnderMorane. as the .Morane has the sameuinri nf lamllne rtiments a. vi.nnnrtanil It is mucn cneaper in case of

him? w.in.l" tie la iienm,,t.a m.....SI?, e.llllllier anil l.'ll eyilllllCI .MOr.iriCS,

lie lint" limn,' irn nei ir.i.........ii.iiitk.He then mounts a twenty-thn- e meter( feet apiead) as

.....i. .. .a J'ilsseilKer nun a lll'Mllinr. w llll SIIOWFi.i.V. ..1 vi ti ....nun wn.ti , 111,, lien lietackles this alone when liehas twentv nerfect landings on It

Is mount sixty foota but more powerful

machine tin this he makes snlrals imda test altitude night of 15, duo feet

l...-- . rniu"! ll.v llllie areabout eighty graduates, almost ajl of- -

iiiei.-- irn ,.ffv. Am,.r.an. .n ,riated

'he at my olllclals as If they were'whatever rani; they ma have,

even If they are merely


lininli.irdlni? nrthose fit to scout "ai Ionsdo hunting down the en- -

cmy) coin se.Here on fast Nleuports pupils team to

mano-mr- in escndrllle formation ,

...i..: ...... . ...... e.... . i. ,,V 'Z

. .,1 ti - . "'..II follow lie slcnals will, M,. I

and his escadrlllc files single 'llle.' Iniviiik nr 'ii rnnrw. .n finpini nvnrn f.ir off. thr tn.mlti.r si.khIn number of amoke balls, the

Hie encinv sur- -

peak toward him ata rloiis 'a m.whii... i.,.,,m .,., ia.ni,

off at(lie escadillle returns avion

describes a complete, circle after the oneof lilm has lauded,

nights, sixty to ninety tulles, am madeIII escadrllle f.u mallnii, and fret Is

minimum height at which men lly Intlila svhool.

The expert pilot then lakes a coumohi the aciol.atlc school, where lie learns

how to loIllt, 0(,p, how , ,,m lliH In

and how It out f,o,n,,ut falling how to make-- tail drop" (descent by falling tall first),

nd every of nodal feat.To become filer an

aviator him to master many......... ...i,i.i...e int. ail in l.l III MK alspeed of fiom Ihltly llfty mllrs an

He will train .'.'. horse-powe- r,

Hi horse-pow- nnd sohorse-pow- lllrtiot then

rapes and Ihen with Moirportsof decreasing he teaches

"llaby only feelcurt, with peihupa a 110 hoist-powe- r


nilotliUlux of wV

" '1, 'luting school. (),hersi are Into.I.J ill new and al sol. woilt









developed Important






1U, ty tht Sun




tpentil tn This SiJune The tlut .Ida

built Russian girl ofwho for some months In the

Itueslan ranks, Is lying In one ofthe Hlga severely wounded re.

one that there are num-

ber of girls fighting In the Itus-la- n

ranks, worthy of fabu-

lous marjjors Inentered the Hide

Ha ttalion last autumn, passing; off as anattested itran. and fought sothat when sex discovered shewa, RiWf(t to temaln In the ranks.

Is the second time she has been

wnen tne ureeas iiiiucicncrrshlng on the licet of Russiangalleys which ancient

( tneof the "King iMy." as the Russianscalled It. the dream of Russia'srulers), they number fairImlreil, blue ecel maidens among inecri-w- s of the RuwHan galleys, Again Inu?i n, i.,it nt ii.,rninl. thu vie.

Greeks were amazed to rtnd Rus- -

.h(, ,.r,,,nr .i,..,., ..athrough Russian hlstorv weflehtern In Russian

,lcI.Pr ,,, fl(tht,nff B ,ruy M.ii I om lilighting for her that

dropped second nloryIt

at scribing the gallantof Uus-- b

tofront In and defended home-ha- d

training. ngalnst rob-Th- e

training In northernsome





regulate the







the whn-- e speech Is utmostce amaron-s- . While hundreds ' Identical with of sou'hwestern Itus-n.u- ii

u i r.miMit in lb sla Tliey 'Mttlo- -

then the Russianii quarter sjiiral, results their Investl-sfdr- al

motor i form ashut scarcely

hl Russian,,tll- - mostly girls

with a oung classes,hack dc'ent from

minority are actuatedstraight for pcifict rr Inipulse,



was nment rie.,..i,llogroff of jtltlons 1,a1'

wereafter Identity










Herman)-- .







mltrnll-- 1






"im.liniii ...

madeh" a



,( ,,.


take the further


" "'




rounded,iilos ,









eJ sent




I.Ida lyttlih

a of



the-- e thats'a- - are very like Itus- -









prod ii

ofiH.leonlc war in the Crimean campaignand the present war. no mich women ;

wirrlors were heard of In the Russo- -Japanese war of a dozen leara ago.

It would thus seem that It Is not amore loie of adventure that brings

.men Hip battlefield, but a morodeeply rootfd passion springing from thes.i'iie ourc as the general patriotic up-

heaval of the nation.t!en. A. P. Nlcolaev. who In time of

pe ice . known r a a brilliantmilitary hlstoilnn, but who now com-mands Russian division on the easternfront, has made, with the assistanceof some of his officers, a special study

!f this question, ramely. the active par

their swet hearts or husbands n the flr- -llne. Others are there to avenge

thdr beloved dead, but the majority haveunlimited Ollrelc bv mllltnnt nn.

i iicv iti tfl i iiiiiiv nun n r ni rn rii t on inp


tierniHii o( sfuleWrote Fle ir Drama.

I.omin, June 14. It Is not generail)known that lr Karl Helfferlch, recentl.i"i,i,l,l'"1 mr ine in- -

terlnr In ilenuany, besides being a tintedimam-ie- .umi rtunninisi t also a i

dramatic Isiei.uuiran riron, wrai-- r in ui( rrnrc

l.lourf. savs tears ago he was visit in-. iuirr.,,i.'u.. ...,.. u,...t.i.i.,n-- i n. uiiiniui; I

.,.,,j"u"h tn.,, n,r n iii.i.mane poem to re.ut. it was the futureSecretary of State and his play, was en- -.1.1...1 .. . t ... .....v....wi.r. .....i .....i.t-..- . nrilieil nil- I

.1., .1,.... i,nm...... ,i niimuri.. ....... iiiiirii1'ieder acknowledges that he allni.out the nl.iy and Its existence

when he read In the paper th:i'the bank director had len mad.. Stat.

for the Treasurv. He nt onesought out the manuscript and "burled"ullll-e- il ill 11 win lie irnu 11 nil!, millhe thought of Ooethc, another poet w ho ,

nail nceii at'l'uiniru flimsier oi mineHe adds:

"That which I had once thought wasnaive now perceived to be the joutlt- -

fUj fire of great struggling forexiuession. Die! It remind.-.- ',o of 'C.oets von Rerllehlngen.' Theyoung poet then saw throiu,'h Hutnen's .

PPrrWe.l pofrnntry" .


l'rrilerli-- Wrluht I'rrseuta Ktrnniir '

Appenrnnce In Court,I

June in.-Dr- essed In a longblue richly braided coat, reaching from I

"'i-- to l.eels, and wearing while kidf!l",u' .41,,'"c5e iV 'i',"' xo11 -- l'""lnR.

' HMlcriCH u num. a rnati or ...,

pre,ri'!, Hlghg ile poll. e court recently .

There were thlce aga nsi hlui,"i"1 ''"In- - that he was a deserter fromthe n.ial s

Wright, who described himself n

valet, told the police that he hadfrom the army and sought refuge

In woman's The prisoner wat.remanded,


niiipjnrkrt' t'nlfnrma horr Trlb-nl- e

lo (.rent Admiral.l.o.M.rt.N, .lime Ui. Tlie black band on

the arm wlilrli all olllcers ate wearingIn memory of Lord Kitchener Is a

that the navy not et goneout of mourning for Nelaon

livery one la familiar with llin linesrows of white tape around tlie edglngnf the blue collar and the Mail: silkscarf knotted In ant which partof Hie bluejacket's diess uniform, Thefuuner coiniueiiiotate .N'cIsoii'h three mostfamoiw vlcloiles, Copenhagen, the Niland Trafalgar, while the scarfadopted by Nelson's seamen us a markof mourning for their dead hero andbeen retained since.

and Publishing AMOClallun.

TARN-ID- TIIPNI7T.nmwi vu tuiuuuiINTfl RI1RRT A N TOWN Iuwv uuuuimt ivim

Occupation by Cznr'.s TroopsHas Transformed Hip

Austrian City.


A'cm farrfupoiiderif? tn Tar.1.0VPO.S-- , .lunf 16. Hamilton Kyfe,

the I'etn-gra- d correspondent of thetinlly Mull, r.;nds the following li

from Tarnopol :

"We are In Austria here, hut tin onewho was plumped down Into Tarnopol.say from an aeroplane, would everirness It. Not only are the streets fu i

of Russian soldiers. All ie names onthe shop fronts are In Russian char-acters. The hotels changed theirstyles and titles. The notices posted upIn public places are Russian. Kvery-wher- e

Russian (of a kind!) Is talked,(ermaii. the olllclal language of Alls-ttl- a,

Is neither heard nor seen."It Is true that this part of (lallcla

as been In the possession of RutlaMho the early days of the war. Kienso It Is surprise to tlnd a populationso accommodating.

"'What can you do,' an InfantryColonel ashed the other da. half In-

dignant, half In fun, 'with men who arefor the enemy when the) catch,, lA(,n (( 1)p hnn j,cMVed abomtnibli;


AtstrUns found with explosive bulletsIn cailrldges shall be trt.ttt-- .i

iflendcte against the laws of war nurk.mows uciuiiuy oj.ii imnwinhave such cartridge, and say,

I throw them awas.'" That Is a goil II- -

hlMratlon of th sentleness and un- -

bounded hum.in sympathy which arcI commonly found In Russia among allclasses The Colonel pretended to beangrv, but he did not reall mind

i "The people In this part of Au-'.r- la

aro Pole.. Ruthenes and .lews l'oll.l.belongs to th same family of languiiuehas Russian and the Voles are Hlavs. So

slan. o called to distinguish them fromthe people of 'Creat Russia In the no-t- h

They l.ic in the same mat. lliat.ned......niiitcnonitu i..s' ...v..

the same gaylv colored nationaltunica still In wear, the same fairy talis,the same merry lilting tongs, so differ-ent from the melancholy strains of north-ern folk music. Almost the same reli-gion.

"The finest churches in Tnrnop..! be-

long to the I'oles. who are Roman Catho-lics. The Ruiwlan soldle.-s- , man ofthem, seem to tlnd the Roman niaasquite aa comforting as Orthodoxrite. Thev stand and listen to it humbly, crossing themselves in Kaetern fash-ion, only caring to know that Isbeing worshipped In moro or less thesame fashion as that to which they areaccustomed. Hut In the Rtltllenianchurches they find exactly the sameritual as their own With their blood i

relations they are upon family termsThere waa an Interesting exhibition In I

I'etrograd last ear Illustrating the Rus-- j

sian racial traits In the Rutheulan popu- - I

latlon. Down here one recognize.! thereat once.

"No clearer proof could be found ofthe gentle, kindly character of t!ie Rus-

sians than the attitude toward them ofthe Austrian Slavs generally Al apoint close to the tiring line early this

soneir. i


happ tongaln

to the i

rear, sitting by the ro.ul.-.I- smokingcigarettes which escort had giventhorn. Captives and guardians were m

'tlie friendlier of term".

"Conlta-- with this the sentiment of alaptuied Herman soldier fiom l.oiraine,who said to a Russian olllcer the other

delighted to find thnt his crosS.examiner spoke l'reiirlr 'They maytry hard as they moiileur, butthev will neier take Veniun imi..., i . i,, i,i. .,!,. ti,Hermans fiom ais.iio nic equally, ,. ... ....., n,tr ..,n.c.n.n'

iulrt ,.,.r.n.r jn II,, . . , .. ...iinni mi.iv. ii ii ui ,neii:t..", , ,, ,,,' . ..,,i,' '" ' ' " h' ill'niaciime gun positions weie, with the

Iresult that they were piomptlj pepperedl' ",,p11 rr ,! ..... ' ' nt u,.tl,u, VI,,.enemy gels no smli help from prisonersi'." V""-- , r''!. ix 'f'li' ..' : . ! .. ." " muao lams 01 iari...,,. wno 0

...... ...remain under Russian or to go ba. k toAustrian rule the Russian would be

The only ollliiul evidences of occupation which have noticed are noticesannouncing lestauraiils and ealesdose nt 11 nnd that there must be no""!' '"'king or piaing or iiistiuments

,0,el8 utt" 10 an cdht for whichJ1'1'1 Profoundly grateful. sns of peace- -

" 'l"r''. "."'1 V.."'

eZ H Pe'm.deli "h '

.mall hnv-- selllni-- Itnssljiii in r.r.or making a good thing out of cleaijlngthe high Russian mllitaiv 'sapogee' (topuoois), t ncy get ;i (cms lor a pennyfiaper and nlnrpiqice or a shilling fot I

.iiihii niai ainK, mil "iisiiiei ink llio mullof Hallcla l have been ,. to mv Pooltops that Is, up In my knees In ID.the i Imrge Is not H. heavy, especlallc Ifthe unusual deamess of living be taken

ery ga tills sliret Is nf anafternoon, crowded with officers come Infiom Ihe trenches to enjoy life, Aver pleasant lol of .lining fellows Ir.evaie, and lety easily pleased, Onemet Invited me lo mldilay ea u In.bomhpiool shelter in a fiuwaid licnihI iicccpled gratefully and found himI'harmingl.N gay host He took u childlike pleatuue In showing me all tho con- -

lenlenus he tilted up, ami Kepi onsavin.;. 'All. how eonifitrlnhl.. .....I n.u, n.

'able ll is here" with lie sound of ilileand hand grenade and e.

plosions in our ears nil the time ,

"''mm highest tn lowest nlinot all I

the Itusslun olllcers I have met aiefrlenilH' nnd unassuming. The younger

aie delightful, There It. no di Inktn be had bete, niu theiefnre fonll.li,tlpsv loudness or qiiarrelling nrnoiigthem "

Cured b Nt-ii- a of Ills Umi ilenlh,CllRlKTCHPRi'li. New Zealand, lum- -

--- A New soldier win. hadfought in nalllpoll and had seiie.lLord K'lteheiier al mditrnmn and inSouth Africa, In hospital here with apsialjzed aim awaiting smpiilalion re-ceived such a iihock from tin- - ii"h. ofhis death that he tecoirred the emu.plsts us of bla arm Immediately.

" " "... c , ,h' new '""" "," lormauties i morning I tin eehomllnoff ver with he undertaken bv (love , 1..Lr'.T r. i. ,n volunteer, are been

murderer Stolpln). and repir, ,o front for .;..im,i' .pa"I iulM

. lines wits wont.. t. I.... ..."A ... very often succeed o. themselves up. They Sorbs-,. 'r.."vr mUe. wo ks ', , , e time has been 0,a. they were

',, . .,.,,. ,i., only a hospital after they them""".i" : "E' V.'" theirAttempts e- -e '. Is awarded his later day way







"" con

I . .













a v...


or iiih eniwi.Into


Kuppllra Iron




"... ..




aio lo










char-- 1


e. excltlns





as w


In rural



been the Cam- -

" .to
















. toto

inrd.-- .










,,..said slow







UllIIilv or(for

.. .





ahead Two







with Mo








thesew to



Sprrelarr Oner


i r,i.A .

...( v





a soulAnd







minder has'

ft form

was first











cos- -





as like.


.......I1 i





" main




shots mine



in:tiKitt( K t.nKscit ro.




Store Closes Daily at 5 P. M.Saturdays at Noon

Tuesday the Store Will Be Closed All Day

We Will Pay Delivery ChargesOn Goods Sent to the Soldiers

Lnw nooris to po to i ho members of tin National(iuanl at the mobilization camps or on the Mexicanborder will be delivered free of charpe. An extra service,we think, is. proper at this time.

A Great Vacation Sale of

Smart Summer ApparelFor Women, Misses and Girls

High Grade Cloth Coat and Silk Wraps$35, Formerly to '$85

For Mroet. sports, the linarchwilk, country woar and drew occasions.Made- of rlutrmc-iise- , silk finished wool velours, taffeta silk, wnterfall,Riilmrdini.--s nnd Over 'J00 in all.

White Chinchilla Sport Coats$3.75, Formerly $6.50

Bolted sport Coat of fine ohinchillii. a make. Belted andwith two larue patch pockets. Tailored seams. Sizes for women nndmisses.

Three-Piec- e Awning Striped SuitsFormerly $15, at $7.50

Made with a full dress and a teparatc coat in ihree-piec- o tailoredfashion. Tlie Dress ma, be worn separately and thu coat coinliiiied willilingerie dresses. Fancy stripes n op and i;ray, blue and tan, blue and

li'Ie. many of them with the stripes picked out by lines of blacl- -

Women's Silk and Cloth Suits$35, Formerly $55 to $98.50

M r- one of a kind, embroider'"! Kahardme in black and lia,i

' t- ;- cloths, plain and check i, se'f" in navy and itieu'x wear checks.

Women's Sport Coats, $10.75Formerly $15 to $25

Plain color Filk poplins and fancy stripes, viitli -- ash frinced n.-- t.istplends and patch pockets. Two stles.

Also of striped chinchilla in all siw?.emarkably handsotm' Coat.'', fine valtip.-- .

Women's Silk or Cloth Coats$18.50, Formerly $35 to $50

Of black Duchcssp satin, black taffeta Kabardin'".''. Bedford cordsand waterfall. Styles for siorts antl for street wear. Many two andthree of a kind.

Women's Tailored Suits, $7.50Formerly $25 to $35

About fifteen Suits, corduroys in 'am u- - color8 cabardines tn creensand a few cheviots. An odd 1'


II ' lie .s '.' ' s 't'lI I KW

HancUMade Cluny andTorchon Laces

8, COO Ynrds from France and Belgium

6c. to 29c. a Yard Instead of 29c. to $1MOST HF.MAKK HI.K l'l'HCHASF of haml-mad- e l.aces

THK we base marie in tvu-lv- month-.- . It concerns an importer'ssurplus stock of broken set, and we offer them tomorrow

for Ip--- - than tho cost for machinc-m.:d-e Luces,They are beautiful ('eii:n-- . representinc the patient finder worl; of

Belgian and French peasants, and useful for summer hlouses,sleeve trimniiuKS, yokes, collars and cutis.

There are KdKinss and in a few u-i- - m n.atcli but themajoril are Insertions. In white, ecru antl black, oue-ha- l' to fie incheswide.

Milli KliMir Ni.ne ..nl ( H

Women's $29 to $40 Pure SilkSweaters Now $18.50 : : Sale

especially for this event from one of the leading makersPl'KCHASKD They are made of Italian and knit silk and are

pretty and smart as well a serviceable. Some havesailor collars, others Byron or convertible collars. Many are enuinnedwith sashes and the rest have belts. Colors include many of the 'in .itliked solid tones with contrasting collars and cuffs.

fwi.n.l 1'liM.r

50c. Printed Voiles, 25cSheer, Summery and Attractive

MOST I'OPL'LAU of all fabrics this summer for the HuntTHK of w hieh every wiiinar. must have a plentiful supply. Theseare of a particularly sheer weave the sheerer fabrics are in

ureatt'si demand this summer with a woven ribbon stripe of self colorami printed floral patterns in charmini colors. Almost all the prettylight colors on tinted and while grounds.

Forty inches wide and made to M'll at fiOc. a yard.Sifonil l'l sir

Take a Small VictrolaTo Your Summer Place

CANNOT IMAiilNK tlie wealth of ainii-enien- t and interestYOl will piovide. It i never loo hot for the Victrola nor for eventho.e who feel the heat most lo listen to unoil nui-i- e. And there

are evening-- ! when a dance on the veranda help In make a Mieepss of anotherwise dull mitherini,': boal ndes to which a Victrola lends a cnotiancharm; rainy das when music helps wonderfully to pass the time.

The smaller Vietrolas are very easy to pad; and ship. They K0 safeljby express antl it costs little to send them long distances. i is far moreeconomical lo buy a small machine at a cost of $15 to $50 than m -- kyour larKo Victrola.

Any Victrola on Your Own Te.-m- s at Loeiser'sTh('c who want mist'1 ii'folip. lor .unniin'i' ii( will IimI a 11

plele stock of them 111 ever.v iMi.d linish. An. machine nun lie tnn;liton anv payment plan convenient 10 011 which is noi ini.ill. i.n ..n.-- t thebound-- ' of i:od husimi-s- . will undertak" the afi tni'i i'.i" , ofthe N'li'lrola lo anv desired tesorl.

Sew 'ii lor Rci oids Mav lie Cti-.- c.l H

Mail from Locsci'sa nl