Sixth Form Magazine

Sixth-Form Magazine Denotation

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Sixth Form Magazine

Page 2: Sixth-Form Magazine Denotation

Front Cover The colour scheme for my magazine

cover is green and yellow because, green is Southend High School For Girls’ school colour so I wanted the cover to be associated to the school. I also used yellow because I wanted the cover to be appealing and eye-catching, additionally I thought as the magazine is called ‘The Shoutout’ the colour yellow is bright and loud so it coincides with the name.

My masthead for ‘The Shoutout’ has sound vibrations on it that I photoshopped in, to emphasise the volume of the word ‘Shoutout’. This is also why the word ‘The’ in my masthead is thin and small. I wanted the masthead to look like a student exclaiming their opinion to fit with the ethos of the magazine (The ethos was to be a more opinion-orientated magazine written by students).

Above my masthead I have the line “NEW Autumn Edition” the ‘new’ is in capitals because it’s a buzz word and I wanted it to stand out, I also used the word ‘edition’ because then the reader feels like the magazine is a one-off special/worth-getting.

Page 3: Sixth-Form Magazine Denotation

Front Cover The puffs on my cover have certain

words in bold/capitals/larger font so that the words spark interest in the reader. For example ‘opportunities’ is highlighted in my ‘community volunteering’ puff, opportunities is a direct word that students may be looking for in a sixth-form magazine. The purpose of my Sixth-Form magazine is to inform on school events and tell students about clubs etc. that might look good on their UCAS.

My main image is of a student who is an ethnic minority, this was on purpose to portray in a positive way that the school is diverse, the student in the image is also smiling and studying this puts the idea in the reader’s mind that school isn’t boring. The building in the background is the sixth-form block, students already at the school would recognise this and associate the magazine to sixth-form, this is an alternative to mentioning on the cover that it’s a sixth-form magazine, I wanted it to be less formal with the intention that students will be more willing to pick it up.

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Contents Page My contents colour scheme matches the

cover, there’s also a down-sized picture of the cover in the top-right corner of the page.

The contents titles are in bold then there is a small summary of what to expect in the articles underneath (not in bold).

In the bottom left corner of the page I have photoshopped in the school’s emblem and included the masthead of the magazine this links the contents to the front page.

On the left hand side I have included pictures from recent events in school that were sixth-form related. I have slightly tilted each of the pictures to look more informal.

I have also photoshopped in a speech bubble in the bottom right-hand corner that asks students to get involved. I put it on the contents page because students are more likely to see it there than they would if it was on the back of the magazine for example.