Signal Processing and Analysis Multidimensional processing– Images and video W V Benny Thörnberg Associate professor in electronics Copyright (c) Benny Thörnberg 1:29

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Page 1: Signal Processing and Analysis - Miunapachepersonal.miun.se/~bentho/sigpronal/download/F4.pdfSignal Processing and Analysis Multidimensional processing– Images and video W V Benny

Signal Processing and AnalysisMultidimensional processing– Images and video



Benny Thörnberg

Associate professor

in electronics

Copyright (c) Benny Thörnberg 1:29

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•Multidimensional signals

•Convolution in 2D or more…

•Separable convolution

•Video filters with temporal behaviour

•Signal processing for camera surveillance

•Multidimensional processing in frequency domain

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Images and video




The intensity � of a single pixel is a function of

three dimensions, I =� �,�, � .

� is the frame index of sampling in the time

domain. � and � are indexes of sampling in the

spatial image domain.

The bit-width of a typical data bus is 32 or 64 bits which will allow for access or transfer of a one

or a few pixels per clock cycle. Access and transfer of images or video will thus happen in serial.

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Images and video




f =1;forever do {

for m =1 to rMax {n = 1 to cMax {

VideoData = I(f,m,n);

}}f = f + 1;


Pixel clock



VideoData 1 2 43 5 76 8 109

Explicit synchronization signals

One or more pixels per

clock cycle on a parallel data bus

Transfer of video frames in progressive scan order

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Convolution in 2D or more …

� � = � � ∗ ℎ � = � � � · ℎ � − ��

����= � ℎ � · � � − �


� �, � = � �, � ∗ ℎ �, � = � � � �, � · ℎ � − �, � − ��



� �, �, � = � �, �, � ∗ ℎ �, �, � = � � � � �, �, � · ℎ � − �, � − �, � − ��




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Geometrical interpretation of

convolution in 2D

� �, � = � �, � ∗ ℎ �, � = � � � �, � · ℎ � − �, � − ��





The 2D filter mask holds the

coefficients of a 2D FIR filter

whose output is computed in a

predefined order of sequence.



ℎ�,�� ℎ�,�

ℎ��,�� ℎ��,�

ℎ�,�ℎ�,�� ℎ�,�

A corresponding neighborhood

of input data is accessed at every

position where output data is

computed at its center. This

neighborhood is often referred to

as a “sliding window”



��,�� ��,�

���,�� ���,�

��,���,�� ��,�

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Images and video

�� ��

1 1 1 1 1 1



��,�� ��,�

���,�� ���,�

��,���,�� ��,�Input video stream

Sliding window

��,� ��,� ��,�� ��,� ��,� ��,�� ���,� ���,� ���,��

The flow graph above show how FIFO registers are used to store data from a progressive

scan pixel stream. �� means that the FIFO has a length equal to the number of pixels in

one row. Data outputs at the bottom of the graph allow for simultaneous access of all

pixels within the sliding window.

Copyright (c) Benny Thörnberg 7:29

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Separable filter kernels

� �, � = � �, � ∗ ℎ �, � = � � ℎ �, � · � � − �, � − ��



The 2D impulse response of the filter ℎ �, � is separable if it can be expressed as the

outer product of two vectors ℎ = ℎ�⨂ℎ� = ℎ� · ℎ��.

ℎ�and ℎ� are Sx1 and Tx1 column vectors

� �, � = � �, � ∗ ℎ �, � = � � ℎ� � · ℎ� � · � � − �, � − ��



= � ℎ� � � ℎ� � · � � − �, � − ��

����= ℎ� � ∗ ℎ� � ∗ � �, �


This means that the separable 2D convolution ℎ can be divided into two separate 1D

convolutions ℎ� and ℎ�.

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Why 2D convolution in two steps?

Convolving an M-by-N image using a filter mask of size S-by-T roughly requires

� !" multiply and adds.

The same 2D convolution but divided on first S-by-1 and then 1-by-T convolutions

requires NM(S+T) multiply and adds.

The expected speedup of computation on a microprocessor will thus be #$%�#$ %&� =


For larger filter masks, the expected speedup can be substantial, e.g. an 11-by-11 mask

results in a speedup of 5.5

If instead parallel computation in hardware is used, there will be a 5.5 times reduction

of allocated arithmetic resources.

Copyright (c) Benny Thörnberg 9:29

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Example - Gaussian LP filter

A 2D Gaussian shaped filter mask is often used in image processing for noise suppression.

The impulse response of this filter is denoted as,

'( �, ) =1

2,-� .�/0&�0�(0

We can easily divide this impulse response into a product of two separate responses for r

and c dimensions,

'( �, ) = ℎ�( � · ℎ�( ) =1

- 2,1 .�/0�(0 · 1

- 2,1 .��0�(0

This also means that the kernel '( �, ) is separable in its two dimensions.

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Example - Gaussian LP filter

The graph shows the 2D Gaussian impulse

response (filter mask) for - = 0.8


















0.0005 0.0050 0.0109 0.0050 0.0005

0.0050 0.0521 0.1139 0.0521 0.0050

0.0109 0.1139 0.2487 0.1139 0.0109

0.0050 0.0521 0.1139 0.0521 0.0050

0.0005 0.0050 0.0109 0.0050 0.0005

'( �, ) =

Impulse response

Amplitude response function ℱ

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Example - Gaussian LP filter

The graph shows the 1D Gaussian impulse response (filter mask) for - = 0.8

ℎ�( � =0.02190.22830.49870.22830.0219

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Example - Gaussian LP filter

These graphs show the 2D amplitude responses for the two separate operations

ℎ�( � =0.02190.22830.49870.22830.0219

ℎ�(� ) = 0.0219 0.2283 0.4987 0.2283 0.0219

ℱ ℎ�(

ℱ ℎ�(

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Example - Gaussian LP filter

Thus, we can compute the same 2D filter mask from the two separate vectors

'( �, ) = ℎ�( � · ℎ�(� ) =0.02190.22830.49870.22830.0219

· 0.0219 0.2283 0.4987 0.2283 0.0219

'( �, ) =

0.0005 0.0050 0.0109 0.0050 0.0005

0.0050 0.0521 0.1139 0.0521 0.0050

0.0109 0.1139 0.2487 0.1139 0.0109

0.0050 0.0521 0.1139 0.0521 0.0050

0.0005 0.0050 0.0109 0.0050 0.0005

Copyright (c) Benny Thörnberg 14:29

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Example - Gaussian LP filter

Equally, we can multiply the two separate amplitude responses and get the 2D

amplitude response for the original separable filter, ℱ '( = ℱ ℎ�( · ℱ ℎ�(

ℱ ℎ�( ℱ ℎ�(

ℱ ℎ�( · ℱ ℎ�(

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Example - Gaussian LP filter

Applied on an image

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Video filters with temporal behaviour

• A video filter is said to be temporal if the sliding

window includes data from more than one frame

• A video filter is said to be spatio-temporal if the

sliding window includes more than one frame and

more than one pixel in each frame



��,�� ��,�

���,�� ���,�

��,���,�� ��,�

Sliding window



��,�� ��,�

���,�� ���,�

��,���,�� ��,�



;�,�� ;�,�

;��,�� ;��,�

;�,�;�,�� ;�,�




Time [frame index]

• The sliding window to the right depicts an

example of a spatio-temporal video filter

operating on three consecutive frames

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Video filters with temporal behaviour

Input video stream

�� ��

1 1 1 1 1 1

��,� ��,� ��,�� ��,� ��,� ��,�� ���,� ���,� ���,��

�� ��

1 1 1 1 1 1

��,� ��,� ��,�� ��,� ��,� ��,�� ���,� ���,� ���,��

�� ��

1 1 1 1 1 1

;�,� ;�,� ;�,�� ;�,� ;�,� ;�,�� ;��,� ;��,� ;��,��




• This diagram shows how pixels in this

sliding window can be accessed in real-

time using a memory architecture

• Frame buffers, line buffers and registers

are used to hold data dependencies

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Example: video filter for surveillance

• A typical task for a smart video

surveillance camera is to detect motion

• A car park is typically a static scene

until someone is entering the surveilled


• One typical approach is to compute an

estimated background picture that can

change slowly with increased/decreased

light and shadows while sudden motion

should be detected

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A temporal video filter - Surveillance

• A low pass filter applied in the temporal dimension is used to compute a background image

• Filter coefficients for this IIR filter was computed using Matlab sptool

• Sampling frequency Fs = 24 Hz (frames per second)

• Fpass = 0.05 Hz and Fstop = 0.5 Hz

• Max ripple in pass band = 3 dB

• Min attenuation in stop band is 80 dB

Camera output Computed background image

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Background computation





x[n,r,c] c0







-d4c4 +


-d3c3 +

• n,r,c are indexes for frame, row, collumn

• Four frame buffers are used to store

intermediate values in the feedback loop

• This LP filter is thus used to process every

pixel in the temporal dimension

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Detect objects in motion


computation +-Camera

Local cross


1 2 3



2 3


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Demonstrated signal processing

is capable of emphasizing

objects in motion

Processed data is


• Frame

• Row

• Column

• Color channel

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Frequency domain – DFT - IDFT

{ } ∑∑−


















2-dimensional discrete Fourier transform DFT

{ } ∑−











1-dimensional discrete Fourier transform DFT

{ } ∑∑−








)(21 ],[],[],[










2-dimensional inverse discrete Fourier transform IDFT

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Frequency domain - Examples

Spatial domainAmplitude spectrum

of Frequency domain



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Frequency domain - Examples

Spatial domain



Amplitude spectrum

of Frequency domain

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Image filtering in Frequency domain

Reference: R.C. Gonzales and R.E. Woods, Digital Image Processing, Addison-Wesley

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Image smoothing in Frequency domain

Reference: R.C. Gonzales and R.E. Woods, Digital Image Processing, Addison-Wesley

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Image smoothing in Frequency domain

Reference: R.C. Gonzales and R.E. Woods, Digital Image Processing, Addison-Wesley

Original Radii=5




2:nd order Butterworth LPF

Copyright (c) Benny Thörnberg 29:29