Short Term Deferral - Long term Effect! Moira Carter Katherine Moir Vincent Mooney Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service May 2009

Short Term Deferral - Long term Effect! Moira Carter Katherine Moir Vincent Mooney Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service May 2009

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Short Term Deferral -Long term Effect!

Moira CarterKatherine Moir

Vincent Mooney

Scottish National Blood Transfusion ServiceMay 2009

The Virtual Moira Carter

Not Convinced?

Oh, OK Then!

Let’s be Honest!

Wish I was


Short Term Deferrals – Long Term Impact on Donor Base

This presentation will aim to explore how true this statement is

Consider what influences our deferral rates Present Research findings on the impacts of Donor

deferrals Consider whether it is possible to refuse a gift well? Explore options for intervention to minimise the long-

term impacts Inspire you to think about how you can minimise

these impacts on Blood Donors and your Blood Centre

Where were we?Donor Deferral Rate Trends

21% increase in new donor deferral rate since 2003-04

24% increase deferral rate overall for donors since 2003-04

Scottish Deferral Rate Trends




























% D







AllDonorsPDI or

New & Lapsed

Tick Box DHC PTD



Where were we?-Donor Base Shortfall

Lowest Number of Donors since records began

Donor Base Shortfall of 10,500 Donors 6% and a decline of 10% since 2004/05

Required increased recruitment or increase in attendance frequency from 1.64 pa to 1.69pa

Active Donors Trend & Prediction








Impact of Exclusion of Previously Transfused Donors

Cumulative Previously Transfused Donor losses (PTD’s) losses of ~22K donations per annum (9.4% of 2009/10 target )

> 8% of of current Active donor base permanently deferred for this reason

Continuing losses of 1400 donors each year 0.8% of Active Donor Base

Donor Losses Previously Transfused Donors










Implementation Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Total PTD Donors DeferredNew Deferrals

Deferral Rates: Trends post BSQR

Impact on Deferral Rates: SNBTS







% Hb Deferral Deferral Rate Medical Deferral Rate




Increase in Hb deferral results in the loss of up to 10,700 donations/year 4.2% of supply

Increase in Medical Deferral Rate results in a minimum loss of ~5300 2% of supply

Permanent deferrals increased by 50% since BSQR

BSQR Total loss 6.2% losses

What Affects Deferral Rate? Method of Donor Selection

• Detailed Tick Boxes rather than list of exclusions• Personal Donor Interviews for New & Returning Donors

Stringency of the Selection Criteria• Exclusion of Previously Transfused Donors • Blood Safety & Quality Regulations/ FDA criteria

Quality of Staff training in donor Selection • Regional variations in practice• Historical differences in operational practice• Different staff groups making deferral decisions

Donor Population• Donor Lifestyle Choices • Donor Demographics • Health and deprivation indexes

Differences in these issues must be considered when reviewing benchmarking data

Where/When are Donors Deferred ?

•Donor Call UpSelf Deferral

Less Accurate

•Between DonationsSelf DeferralInaccurate

Resulting from Changes in Circumstances e.g. Travel/

Medication etc

•On SessionMost Accurate

Offers more chance to explain

•Call Centre EnquiryMore ControlledMore accurate

Avoids Deferrals on session

NB: Operation practices vary between services and this can account for some of

the apparent differences

•Post DonationInaccurate reporting

Donors less aware of need to report

Donor Or Patient Safety: Review of Donor Health Check Questionnaire

No Of Questions on

DHCDonor Safety

Donor & patient Safety

% Donor or Combined D/P safety

Patient Safety

% Patient Safety

SNBTS Regular Donors 37 3 7 27% 27 73%SNBTS New & Returning Donors 44 3 9 27% 32 73%NBS Regular Donors 30 6 20% 24 80%NBS New & Returning Donors 33 6 18% 27 82%

Benchmarking Deferrals

SNBTS measure Donor Exclusions at Sessions

When Comparing Data with other services we need to make sure that we are measuring like for like

Need to consider differences in Data Capture and Process

Is it Possible to Refuse a Gift Well? Qualitative Research

Qualitative Research: Caffrey Consultants Conducted July 2007

The objectives of the research were:

1. To establish the reasons why temporarily deferred donors do not return to give blood

2. To gauge how deferred donors felt their deferral was handled and to establish degree of rejection, if any, they experienced

3. To investigate any differences between how longer term and shorter term donors respond to deferral

4. To establish which incentives/triggers would entice donors to attempt to give blood again – specifically to test a range of propositions

Method and Sample

Sample identified and sourced by SNBTS

20 in depth interviews were expertly recruited by Glasgow SNBTS recruiters

4 no-shows3 replacedCurrently deferred donors most difficult to replace like for likeTotal of 19 in depth interviews achieved

Caffrey Consulting conducted the 45 minute long interviews between 10th-25th July 2007 in Inverness and Edinburgh

8 depth interviews Deferred donors who have

not returned after the deferral period

6 depth interviews Deferred donors who are

within the deferral period and are undecided

6 depth interviews Deferred donors who did return after the

deferral period

8 achieved

4 achieved

7 achieved

Results: Deferral Experience: The Deferral Event

SNBTS staff well regarded Very few criticisms of the manner in which deferrals were

handled SNBTS staff were repeatedly referred to in exceptionally

positive light At a topline level deferrals handled in a consistent

manner: Staff described as professional, friendly, reassuring Deferral often described as delivered in a factual, matter

of fact, or professional manner Evidence of some deferrals being offered a leaflet

• Recall of dietary advice in Hb leaflet

They were upset themselves because they were having to refuse people

They were very nice…I wasn’t the only one there were others too

The Deferral Event : One or two criticisms

Most common shortcoming is that SNBTS did not make clear to donor when they could return

Doubt = assumptions that may not be correct • Can cause confusion• Particularly amongst repeat Hb cases who assume 12 months• Also for short term deferrals – e.g. ‘come back when you feel

better’ Some concern expressed over how obvious it was that donor

was being deferred• Particularly New donors – this may just be a perception

An offer of tea / biscuits should always be made when deferred

If I wanted to and if I was able I might want to come back sooner

Post deferral emotions?

Generally a mostly rational reaction to being deferredNo great feeling of rejectionDisappointment prevails

Anger, annoyance and irritation more common amongst Regular donors Particularly for Hb deferrals

where EU regulations / changes were cited

Seen as something that is impeding the donor and is very de-motivating

2 regular donors (males) ‘failed’ the Hb test due to EU regulations and both questioned whether they would ever be able to give blood again

Disappointment seems most acute for New Donors

Relief too for New donors but also embarrassment • And within that, new

donors who had gone with a group of people

• Feeling of being in one door and out the other

Post deferral: Not top of mind for long

Very little navel gazing about deferral At most thought about for the rest of the day

Reminded when encounter SNBTS advertising or media coverage of blood shortage

At these times annoyance at being deferred can emerge amongst some donors e.g. O negative blood type donors who are aware of the utility of their blood

Most common mind-set is to wait to hear from SNBTS re: a return date

The deferral visit: Some lack of understanding

Depth of understanding around reason for deferral differed depending on donor previous experiences

Uncertainty over whether deferral was due to risk to donor’s or patient’s health

Second time Hb deferrals may benefit from more time from SNBTS staff to explain why this has happened again

I think you would have felt happier if you had been a bit more explained

Why did some donors tell us they had not returned?

Of the 8 non-returners 4 were regular and 4 new

Regular donors all cited not being told how long they were deferred for as the main reason for not returning

All claimed that they would definitely be going back once they were told they could – they were simply waiting to be invited1 also suggested that having had a reminder she was not sure whether she was still within the deferral period and had not been able to attend to check this

The New Donors cited not getting round to going back, not knowing when to go back, not having had as much contact from SNBTS as they thought they might, not feeling sufficiently ‘wanted’ by SNBTS

1 returned as a result of being invited to participate in the research (and was deferred again)

How deferral length can influence returning

For some the issue is not whether they return but WHEN they return and how to get them to return sooner to maximise donationsThis is most acute in short deferrals (1 day – c 4 weeks)

Key to an early return is to: Make a Date Try to arrange next visit within the current cycle where possibleEncourage donor to share short term view of deferral

Deferral periods also need to be reinforced at each communication to heighten awareness of return date

Donor typologies – key influence on responses to deferrals

Donors who were deferred on their first visit (or first visit in a number of years)

No frame of reference re: the donor experience and in need of most management

Most likely to feel unmotivated

Passive New = most vulnerable

Donors who have given regularly when the mobile unit has visited place of work

/ local area / when feel like they have been asked to

Opportunistic donors & Deferral something that happens to them

Risk that can get lost in the system due to lack of opportunities to donate

By their nature need more targeted encouragement to return

Donors who have given regularly by actively visiting a donor centre or mobile unit

More likely to actively manage donations / visits to minimise potential deferrals /

maximise potential donations

More likely to return of own volition / with limited encouragement

Potential to further maximise donations through communication


Reg Passive

Reg Active

How emotional impact of deferral can affect returning



d facto


Something that is the norm for them to doReturning was more of an internal motivation

Intrinsic in their nature to continue to try to givePart of the original motivation for giving

No fundamental reliance on external stimulusHowever the functional reminder card is

invaluableEven donors who were repeatedly deferred,

repeatedly returnedIndefatigable spirit

Regular Donors: Why did they return?

Intervention required to restore emotional

well-being and maintain motivation to donate

Feel g


d facto


How emotional impact of deferral can affect returning

New donors enter at a quite high levelAlready feel that they have made a positive decision to give bloodExpecting to give blood and for feel-good to increase as a result

New donors can end up down here when deferredNothing to show for their effort

Effectively like a crashNeed something relatively immediate to get back up the


Desk Top Research: SNBTS

Desk Top Analysis of 565 Donors who had attended during Dec 2005

Two Cohorts compared

283 Donors who had returned to give during next 12 months

282 Donors who had not returned

Donors were selected at random from all donors who had attended during December

Analysis Conducted by Carol Garnett & Lynn Whitelaw

565 Donors Number 283 282

Had Returned

Had Not Returned

283 282Male 62% 42%Female 38% 58%Regular Donors 96% 46%Irregular Donor 3% 30%Lapsed 1% 1%New Donors 0% 23%Deferred @ Last Visit 8% 33%Previous Deferral History 60% 56%Deferred > 1X 32% 18%Donated in other Regions 31% 17%Donated at Regular venue 89% 81%Donate in >1 venue 13% 6%Listed as Off Service 0% 7%

Desk Top Research: Results

?? Regular Active

?? RegularPassive

Qualitative Research: Conclusions

New donors seem most at risk of not returning. Greatest need to be made to feel special

Regular passive donors may return but could be encouraged to return sooner by demonstrating where opportunities exist and encouraging to break the routine

Regular active donors likely to return relatively quickly after deferral period if the know when to come back

Short term deferrals would benefit greatly from an appointment being made on the day of the deferral where practical

Long term deferrals do not need constant reminders, only at critical points

Revise Donor Selection Criteria

Improve Training on Donor Selection Criteria

Improve monitoring system and conduct trend analysis

Implement ‘Sample Only Donation’ and accreditation of Deferred New Donors to reduce impact of deferral and promote ‘Club Membership’

Develop Welcome Pack with Temp Membership Card for On Session Use

Develop Specific Deferred New Donor letters to accompany Donor Card

Extend range of materials for Deferred Donors on Session

Possible Interventions

Possible Interventions

Clearly Identify the date the donor can next donate and identify the next donation opportunity. Provide Donor with written confirmation on day

Develop Intervention Models For New and Regular Donor who have been Deferred

Conduct Further Research on the Characteristics of Regular Passive Donors

Develop an end of deferral mailing or tele-recruitment strategy

End of Deferral Mail shot: Pilot

Why did we do it? • Research indicated donors were unclear on

when to return• Routine Donor Call up did not seem to trigger

return• Therefore, needed to send clear signal

How did we do it?• Limitations of current IT system did not permit

automation • Manual system required to record deferral

end date

What Did we do?• Targeted mailing for next session post

deferral end date • Generic letter reminding donor to return with

session details





CONTROL 1204 280 23% 591 49%

TEST 3489 957 27% 1830 52%

These results indicate a 17% increase in the likelihood of return within one month of deferral end date

7% increase of return within the next year

End of Deferral Mail shot: Pilot: Results

Automation via e-Progesa or Data extraction, Ultimately CRM

More specific to deferral reason


•Body Piercing & Tattoo

•Travel –Malaria/Chagas


End of deferral telephone call to build relationship

Combined impact of on session improvements and letter/call

End of Deferral Mail shot Pilot: Next Steps

Why did we do it? • Research indicated donors were unclear on when to return• Donors did not share the view that deferral was temporary • No matter what we tell the donors when they are deferred, many do

not take the information on board.• This results in donor complaints or failure to return• To avoid distress / annoyance at being deferred • The “walk of shame” – donors are often in a hurry to leave and

therefore do not listen

How did we do it?• Designed card for on session use

What Did we do?• Conducted pilot for all deferred donors for 1 month • Provided simple written information on whether they can return,

and if so when, or how they will be told – the “Deferral Card• Conducted donor satisfaction survey

Session Deferral Card:Pilot

The On Session Deferral Card

Starts off with a “Thank you”

Session date recorded so donor can relate from this


Tick-boxlist of options

Blood Centre contact number provided

T h e d o s e o f y o u r m e d i c a t i o n … … … … … … … … … … … . . i s s t a b l e ( i . e . h a s n o t b e e n c h a n g e d r e c e n t l y ) .

Y o u n e e d a n A c u p u n c t u r e C e r t i f i c a t e f r o m y o u r P r a c t i t i o n e r – c o n t a c t D o n o r C e n t r e f o r m o r e d e t a i l s .

O t h e r -

B e f o r e y o u c a n d o n a t e : -

A few regular deferral items listed overleaf – otherwise space to record free text.

The On Session Deferral Card

15 7 08

Sample Card: Failed haemoglobin

The Deferral Card – Examples of Use (3)


15 7 08

GP investigating upper GI symptoms

The Deferral Card – Examples of Use (9)

T h e d o s e o f y o u r m e d i c a t i o n … … … … … … … … … … … . . i s s t a b l e ( i . e . h a s n o t b e e n c h a n g e d r e c e n t l y ) .

Y o u n e e d a n A c u p u n c t u r e C e r t i f i c a t e f r o m y o u r P r a c t i t i o n e r – c o n t a c t D o n o r C e n t r e f o r m o r e d e t a i l s .

O t h e r -

B e f o r e y o u c a n d o n a t e : -

All investigations must be negative, and you must have no further planned follow up.

One month pilot conducted August 2008

234 Donors Deferred

193 Questionnaires Sent (82% sample)

48% Response Rate 93 responses

100% said they understood the information

97% said they found the information useful

82% thought donors who got a card would be more likely to return

Session Deferral Card:Pilot: Results

13 free text comments of relevance

9 were positive – e.g. “good idea”/ “excellent idea”.

2 were “negative” – “would have returned even if I didn’t receive a card”/ verbal information was good enough.

2 were practical issues – “heavier card”/ “more wallet-sized”

One particularly enthusiastic comment was “Being told when you can donate is a really good idea as opposed to being told to “try again next time”, especially for the first time donors”.

Session Deferral Card:Pilot: Results

Implement nationally alongside Sample Donation

Encourage Donors to visit website to find an alternative donation opportunity for short deferrals

Provide dates of future sessions

Extend the range of deferral information on session

Monitor return rates

Session Deferral Card:Pilot:Next Steps

Other Initiatives

Revised Donor Selection at UK Level• High Blood Pressure Medication• Removed Upper Age limit for regular Donors • Accept non insulin dependent diabetics

Implementation of Capillary Hemocue to improve accuracy of Hb screening

Revise donor selection methods for lapsed donors returning after more than two years

Implemented national training for all donor selection staff

Where are we now?

Deferral Rate

Before (Peak Level)

After (2008/09 average)

% Change

All Donor 20.50% 18.20% -11.2%New Donor 40.40% 34.70% -14.1%

Where are we now?

Decline reversed, rebuild commenced

Active donor: Trend to Year End 2008/09



























































5.2% % increase since

Ad Launch

Donor base increased by 6.2% (10,749) since December 2007

Donor attendance frequency has reduced from 1.63 to 1.61

Your Action PlanNo matter what your role is- You can make a

difference to mimimise the impact of Deferrals on Blood Donors and Tour Blood Centre. ACT NOW!




Thank You- Any Questions?

Contacts: [email protected]

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