Short Introduction to Freefem

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  • 8/10/2019 Short Introduction to Freefem


    A short introduction to FreeFem++

    M. Ersoy

    Basque Center for Applied Mathematics

    12 November 2010

  • 8/10/2019 Short Introduction to Freefem


    Outline of the talkOutline of the talk

    1 Introduction

    2 HOW TOsolve steady pdes : e.g. Laplace equationsolve unsteady pdes : e.g. Heat equation

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    1 Introduction

    2 HOW TOsolve steady pdes : e.g. Laplace equationsolve unsteady pdes : e.g. Heat equation

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  • 8/10/2019 Short Introduction to Freefem


    A software for solving PDEs

    FreeFem++ for 2D-3D 1 PDEsFinite element method

    Freesoftware : available at 2 , it runs on Linux Windows


    1. in progress2. Useful documentation available at

    pdfM. Ersoy (BCAM) Freefem++ 12 November 2010 4 / 22
  • 8/10/2019 Short Introduction to Freefem


    A software for solving PDEs

    FreeFem++for 2D-3D1

    PDEsFinite element method

    Free software : available at 2 , it runs on Linux Windows

    Mac++extension of FreeFem and FreeFem+ (see Historic

    1. in progress2. Useful documentation available at

    pdfM. Ersoy (BCAM) Freefem++ 12 November 2010 4 / 22
  • 8/10/2019 Short Introduction to Freefem


    A software for solving PDEs

    FreeFem++ for 2D-3D1

    PDEsFinite element method

    Free software : available at 2 , it runs on Linux Windows

    Mac++ extension of FreeFem and FreeFem+ (see Historic

    FreeFem++ team : Olivier Pironneau, Frederic Hecht, Antoine Le Hyaric,Jacques Morice

    1. in progress2. Useful documentation available at

    pdfM. Ersoy (BCAM) Freefem++ 12 November 2010 4 / 22
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    1 Introduction

    2 HOW TOsolve steady pdes : e.g. Laplace equationsolve unsteady pdes : e.g. Heat equation

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    1 Introduction

    2 HOW TOsolve steady pdes : e.g. Laplace equationsolve unsteady pdes : e.g. Heat equation

    M. Ersoy (BCAM) Freefem++ 12 November 2010 6 / 22

  • 8/10/2019 Short Introduction to Freefem


    The problem

    Given fL2(), find H10 () such that :

    = f in (x1, x2) = 0 on 1

    n:= n= 0 on 2

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    Variational formulation (VF)

    Let w be a test function, the VF of the Laplace equation is :

    w dx=

    f w d x

    or equivalentlyA(, w) =l(w)

    where the bilinear form is

    A(, w) =

    w dx

    and the linear one :l(w) =

    f w d x

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    Variational problem

    Problem is now to find vH10 () such that, for every wH10 () :

    A(, w) =l(w)

    where the bilinear form is

    A(, w) =

    w dx

    and the linear one :

    l(w) = f w d xWe set V =H1() in the next

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  • 8/10/2019 Short Introduction to Freefem


    FEM : Galerkin method

    Let Vh V with dimVh=nh,

    Vh =

    u(x, y); u(x, y) =


    ukk(x, y), uk R

    where k Ps is a polynom of degree s.Now, the problem is to find hVh such that :

    wVh, A(h, w) =l(w)

    So, we have to solve :

    i {1, . . . , nh}, A(j , i) =l(i)

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    Spaces VhSpaces Vh =Vh(h, P) will depend on the mesh :





    andthe approximation PP0 piecewise constant approximationP1 C

    0 piecewise linear approximation

    ...M. Ersoy (BCAM) Freefem++ 12 November 2010 11 / 22

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    With FreeFem++

    To numerically solve the Laplace equation, we have to :

    1 mesh the domain (define the border + mesh)

    2 write the VF3 show the result

    its easy !

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    Step 1 : mesh of the domain

    if = 1+ 2+. . .thenFreeFem++ define border commands : borderGamma1(t = t0,tf){x = gam11(t), y = gam12(t)} ; borderGamma2(t = t0,tf){x = gam21(t), y = gam22(t)} ; ...

    where the set {x = gam11(t), y = gam12(t)} is a parametrisation of theborder Gamma1 with t [t0, tf]

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    Step 1 : mesh of the domain

    if = 1+ 2+. . .thenFreeFem++ define border commands : borderGamma1(t = t0,tf){x = gam11(t), y = gam12(t)} ; borderGamma2(t = t0,tf){x = gam21(t), y = gam22(t)} ; ...

    where the set {x = gam11(t), y = gam12(t)} is a parametrisation of theborder Gamma1 with t [t0, tf]

    FreeFem++ mesh commands :

    meshMeshName =buildmesh(Gamma1(m1)+Gamma1(m2)+. . . ) ;

    where mi are positive (or negative) numbers to indicate the number of pointshould on j . example

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    S 2 VF

  • 8/10/2019 Short Introduction to Freefem


    Step 2 : write the VFPremliminar

    To write the VF, we need to

    define finite element space , we will use :

    fespaceNameFEspace(MeshName,P) ;

    where P = P0 or P1 or P2, . . . . Example :fespaceVh(Omegah,P2) ;

    use interpolated function, for instance,

    Vh f = x+y ;

    N.B. x and y are reserved key words

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    S 2 VF

  • 8/10/2019 Short Introduction to Freefem


    Step 2 : write the VFVF

    VF is simply what we write on paper, for instance, for the Laplace equation, weshould have :

    Vh phi, w, f ;

    problemLaplace(phi,w)int2d(Omegah)(dx(phi)*dx(w) + dy(phi)*dy(w))- int2d(Omegah)(f*w)

    + boundary conditions;

    where w, phi belong to FE space Vh.

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    S 2 VF

  • 8/10/2019 Short Introduction to Freefem


    Step 2 : write the VFVF

    VF is simply what we write on paper, for instance, for the Laplace equation, weshould have :

    Vh phi, w, f ;

    problemLaplace(phi,w)int2d(Omegah)(dx(phi)*dx(w) + dy(phi)*dy(w))- int2d(Omegah)(f*w)

    + boundary conditions;

    where w, phi belong to FE space Vh.Next, to solve it, just write :

    Laplace ;

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    S 2 VF

  • 8/10/2019 Short Introduction to Freefem


    Step 2 : write the VFVF

    VF is simply what we write on paper, for instance, for the Laplace equation, weshould have :

    Vh phi, w, f ;

    problemLaplace(phi,w)int2d(Omegah)(dx(phi)*dx(w) + dy(phi)*dy(w))- int2d(Omegah)(f*w)

    + boundary conditions;

    where w, phi belong to FE space Vh.

    or equivalently write directly :

    solveLaplace(phi,w)int2d(Omegah)(dx(phi)*dx(w) + dy(phi)*dy(w))-int2d(Omegah)(f*w)+ boundary conditions

    ;M. Ersoy (BCAM) Freefem++ 12 November 2010 15 / 22

    Step 2 write the VF

  • 8/10/2019 Short Introduction to Freefem


    Step 2 : write the VFBoundary conditions 3

    Dirichlet condition u= g : +on(BorderName, u=g)

    Neumann condition nu= g : -int1d(Th)( g*w). . .

    3. see the manual p. 142M. Ersoy (BCAM) Freefem++ 12 November 2010 16 / 22

    Step 3 : show the result

  • 8/10/2019 Short Introduction to Freefem


    Step 3 : show the result

    to plot

    plot(phi) ;


    plot([dx(phi),dy(phi)]) ;

    Laplace equation

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    1 Introduction

    2 HOW TOsolve steady pdes : e.g. Laplace equationsolve unsteady pdes : e.g. Heat equation

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    The problem

  • 8/10/2019 Short Introduction to Freefem


    The problem

    Given fL2(), find H1() such that :

    t= f in (x1, x2) =z(x1, x2) on 1n:= n= 0 on 2

    may be rewritten, after an implicit Euler finite difference approximation in time asfollows :

    n+1 n

    t n+1 =fn

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    Variational formulation

  • 8/10/2019 Short Introduction to Freefem


    Variational formulation

    The Variational formulation for the semi discrete equation is : let w be a testfunction, we write :

    n+1 nt

    w+n+1 w dx=

    fnw dx

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    The FreeFem formulation

  • 8/10/2019 Short Introduction to Freefem


    The FreeFem formulation

    Following the steady state case, the problem is then :

    solveLaplace(phi,w)int2d(Omegah)(phi*w/dt+dx(phi)*dx(w) + dy(phi)*dy(w))

    -int2d(Omegah)(phiold*w/dtf*w)+ boundary conditions;

    where we have to solve iteratively this discrete equation. example

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