Date Location & time schedule Actors Equipment Costume/props 10/3/13 The attic of Milo Watson’s household John Pattison Canon XL1 Desk, Jars, Photo’s, Scissors, Knives, string, Map, Pencils, Fake Blood, Dead Plant. John: Large worn out shirt and jeans, glasses 11/3/13 The attic of Milo Watson’s household John Pattison Michael Rowell Canon XL1 Desk, Jars, Photo’s, Scissors, Knives, string, Map, Pencils, Fake Blood, Dead Plant. John: Large worn out shirt and jeans, glasses Michael: Casual shirt, black trousers

Shooting schedule

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Page 1: Shooting schedule

Date Location & time schedule Actors Equipment Costume/props 10/3/13 The attic of Milo

Watson’s household John Pattison Canon XL1 Desk, Jars, Photo’s,

Scissors, Knives, string, Map, Pencils, Fake Blood, Dead Plant. John: Large worn out shirt and jeans, glasses

11/3/13 The attic of Milo Watson’s household

John Pattison Michael Rowell

Canon XL1 Desk, Jars, Photo’s, Scissors, Knives, string, Map, Pencils, Fake Blood, Dead Plant. John: Large worn out shirt and jeans, glasses Michael: Casual shirt, black trousers