Shiela Dixit(Governor) Appointment

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  • 8/12/2019 Shiela Dixit(Governor) Appointment


  • 8/12/2019 Shiela Dixit(Governor) Appointment


    material form, hence the same cannot be provided. The RTI Act requires thesupply of only such information which already xists nd is hel by the publicauthority or held under the control of the public authority. As regards queries 1to 3 and 16 to 19 the (PIO has no information to provide. Hence the RTIapplication is being transferred back to President's Secretariat for necessaryaction.5. Photocopies of documents relating to appointment of Smt. Sheila Dikshitas overnor of Kerala, available with the CPIO, are enclosed.6 The appeal stands disposed accordingly.

    S. SURESH KUMAR)Joint Secretary CS)/ First Appellate Authority

    ToShri Subhash Chandra Agrawal,

    1775, Kucha Lattushah,Dariba, Chandni Chowk,Delhi 110 006

    Copy to Central Public Information Officer, President's Secretariat, RashtrapatiBhavan, New Delhi for necessary action.

  • 8/12/2019 Shiela Dixit(Governor) Appointment


    Ministry o Home ffairs(M G Section

    ( \

    ******Shri. Nikhil Kumar was appointed y the President as Governor of Nagalandand assumed office on 15/10/2009. Subsequently he was transferred to Keralawhere he assumed office on 23/03/2013. His t rm of five years will expire on14/10/2014. Shri. Nikhil Kumar has submitted his resignation which is placed on thefile which would need to be accepted by the Hon ble President. Until a newGovernor takes over, it is proposed that Shri. H K Bharadwaj, Governor of Karnatakawill officiate as Governor of Kerala as additional charge.2 As indicated by the Home Minister, the Government of India has decided torecommend the appointment of Smt. Sheila Dixit as Governor of Kerala3 The bio-data of Smt. Sheila Dixit is place below.4 A note for the consideration of the Home Minister, Prime Minister and thePresident is placed below for kind consideration.5 Smt. Dixit does not hold any office of profit.

  • 8/12/2019 Shiela Dixit(Governor) Appointment


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    " /Irs c.t i P 'I......

    - -SECRETNo. 2/2/2014-M G


    Article 155 of the Constitution, which relates to the appointment of aGovernor, provides that the Governor of a State shall be appointed by the Presidentby warrant under his hand and seal.2. Shri. Nikhil Kumar was appointed by the President as Governor of Nagaland andassumed office on 15/10/2009 Subsequently he was transferred to Kerala where heassumed office on 23/03/2013. His term of five years wi ll expire on 14/10/2014. Shri.Nikhil Kumar has submitted his resignation and is placed in the file and which wouldneed to be accepted by the Hon'ble President. Until a new Governor takes over, it isproposed that Shri. H K Bharadwaj, Governor of Karnataka will officiate as Governorof Kerala as additional charge.3. t is proposed that the President may be requested to appoint Smt. Sheila Dixit asGovernor of Kerala in place of Shri. Nikhil Kumar with effect from the date she1> lr(shLtassumes charge of the office. The bio-data of Smt. Sheila IG:H:tI is placed below.4. f the Home Minister and the Prime Minister agree, the above proposal may besubmitted to the Hon'ble President for his kind approval and the resignation of Shri.Nikhil Kumar may also be accepted. It is also requested that the proposal to appointShri. H K Bharadwaj, present Governor of Karnataka to also officiate as the Governorof Kerala until the new Governor takes charge may also be approved.



    t ~..

  • 8/12/2019 Shiela Dixit(Governor) Appointment


    . .

    MS SHEIL DIKSHlr J O ~ f , ' ~ r g p . . Chief Minister Government of N T of DelhiIndia

    Smt. Sheila Dikshit started her historicthird term as the Chief Minister of theGovernment of NCT of Delhi on 17December2008. As the second womanChief Minister of Delhi she served herfirst term between 1998-2003 andsecond term between 2003-08. Sherepresents New Delhi Constituency in

    the Assembly. Appointed President of the Delhi PradeshCongress Committee in May 1998 she led her party to asweeping victory in the Delhi Assembly elections inNovember that year. She repeated the performance inthe 2003 Assembly Elections where she rode a victorywave of not so common pro-incumbency. Some of theconcrete achievements during her first term as ChiefMinister of Delhi from 1998 to 2003 include the starting ofMetro CNG fuelled public transport numerous f1yovers,cleaner environment substantial increase in the greencover reforms in the power sector marked improvementin standard and results of Government schools anextended and quality public health infrastructure andvarious incom e generation schemes for the marginalizedsections of the society. As Chief Minister of Delhi for asecond term she is committed to make Delhi a trulyglobal City that every Indian could be proud of. Theproblems of the slum-dwellers and the unauthorizedcolonies are foremost in the priorities of her government.A well-enunciated policy including low cost housing fortheir settlement is on the anvil. A cleaner Yamuna will behigh on her agenda. Smt. Dikshit holds a Master of Artsdegree in History and received her education at Conventof Jesus and Mary School New Delhi and later in MirandaHouse Delhi University.

  • 8/12/2019 Shiela Dixit(Governor) Appointment



    J . . . ~ ~ ( l - i: w ~ ~

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  • 8/12/2019 Shiela Dixit(Governor) Appointment



    The President has accepted the resignation o Shri Nikhil KumarGovernor o Kerala with immediate effect.

    The President has been pleased to make the followingappointments :-

    1. Shri Sheila Dixit as Governor o Kerala vice Shri Nikhil Kumar.2. Shri B.L. Joshi Governor o Uttar Pradesh as the Governor othe same state for a second term with effect from the date ohim assuming charge.3. Shri HR Bhardwaj Governor o Karnataka is appointed todischarge the functions o the Governor o Kerala until a new

    Governor takes charge.Rashtrapati BhavanNew Delhi.4 March 2014.

  • 8/12/2019 Shiela Dixit(Governor) Appointment


    . tMIT P UL RASHTRAPATI BH V N8 r oetary to the New Delhi - 110004. President of India

    No. F.23-CA(I)/2014 March 4, 2014

    Dear Shri Kumar,Your resignation as Governor of Kerala has been accepted by the

    Hon ble President of India with immediate effect.ith regards,

    Yours sincerely, ~(OMITA PAULShri Nikhil Kumar

    Raj BhavanThiruvananthapuram-695099.

    Tel. : 011-23014930, 23013324 e mail: o_nsml(@nll n

  • 8/12/2019 Shiela Dixit(Governor) Appointment


    RASHTRAPATIBHAVANOMIT P ULs .,retarytothe NewDelhi- 110004President of India

    No.F.23-CA(I)l2014 4thMarch2014

    TheWarrant, under the.hand and seal of the Presidentof India,. ,appointingyoutodischargethefunctions of theGovernorofKeralauntilanewGovernortakescharge.

    -../ .


    Shri.H.R.BhardwajGovernorofKarnatakaRajBhavanBangaloreCopywithacopyof theWarrantreferredtoaboveforwardedto:

    1. TheSecretarytoGovernorof Kerala,RajBhavan,Thiruvananthapuram.2.TheSecretarytotheGovernorofKamataka,

    RajBhavan,Bangalore3.TheChiefSecretary,GovernmentofKerala,Thiruvananthapuram..4. TheAccountant-General,Kerala h i r u v a n a n t h a p u r a ~ \ _.Jv

    . ~ \ ~P a ~Tel.:011-23014930,23013324 e-mail: [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/12/2019 Shiela Dixit(Governor) Appointment


    1 Jidue o the power vested in me by

    articles 155 and 160 o the Constitution o India,I Pranab Mukherjee, President o In4ia, herebyappoint Shri H. R. Bhardwaj, Governor oKarnataka to discharge the functions o the

    0Governor o Kerala with effect from the date heassumes charge o his office.

    Given at Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi thisfourth day o March in the year two thousandfourteen (13th Phalguna, 1935 Saka), in thesixty-fifth year o the Republic o India.

    President o India

  • 8/12/2019 Shiela Dixit(Governor) Appointment



    ii ~ O l ~ ~ 'qHd q l l e q f d , qIH t ~in i ~ ~ 155 ~ 160 iIHI ~ .q. ~ d fIT Ttl ~ l f C f d ~ anuR ~ G I ~ I

    Cfi'1feCfi ~ =(1\itlql

  • 8/12/2019 Shiela Dixit(Governor) Appointment


    '"/ '"Q MITA PAUL RASHTRAPATIBHAVAN.retarytothe NewDelhi- 110004. PresidentofIndia

    No.F.23-CA(I)/2014 4th March2014

    The Warrant, underthe hand and seal of the President of India,appointingyoutobethe o v ~ r n o r of Keraia,isenclosec.



    Smt.SheilaDixitNew DelhiCopywi,th acopyof theWarrantreferredtoaboveforwardedto

    1. TheSecretarytoGovernorof Kerala,RajBhavan,Thiruvananthapuram.2. TheChief Secretary,Governmentof Kerala,

    Thiruvananthapuram.3. TheAccountant-General,Kerala,Thiruvana11thapuram,

    Tel.:011-23014930,23013324 e mail: o.08ul(a)nic3

  • 8/12/2019 Shiela Dixit(Governor) Appointment



    I.y fltUae o the power vested in me

    by article 155 o the Constitution o India,I Pranab Mukherjee, President o India, hereby

    r::: . appoint Smt Sheila Dikshit, to be the Governoro Kerala with effect from the date she assumescharge o her office.

    Given at Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi thisfourth day o March in the year two thousand

    o fourteen 13th Phalgllna, 1935 Saka), in thesixty-fifth year o the Republic o India.

  • 8/12/2019 Shiela Dixit(Governor) Appointment


    fi, gOlcst y } S I ~ , ~ I ' ( d ~ ~ I e q f d , ~ H da i ~ ~ 155 G;HI i Plttd

    cnl T f ~ l r C k t 3lItW ~ i i l ~ 1m fdl fl0t11 ~ a : f enT (11

  • 8/12/2019 Shiela Dixit(Governor) Appointment



    ShriSSureshKumarJointSecretary(CS) AppellateAuthorityUnionMinistryo HomeAffairs(MHA)NDCC-IIBuilding,JaisinghRoadNewDelhi-l10001

    SirI vide my RTI petition dated 07.03.2014 sought complete information on under-mentioned aspectstogether with related documents/file-notings/correspondence also relating to submissions 'Defeatedpoliticians as governors not agood tradition: Nopost should be for persons rejected in polls for fiveyears'registeredalsoatPresident'swebsite(PRSECIE/2014/04444)dated06.03.2014:

    1. Complete information together with related correspondence/documents/file notings on actiontaken oneachaspecto submissions 'Defeatedpoliticiansasgovernorsnotagoodtradition:Nopostshould be for personsrejected in pollsfor fiveyears' registeredalsoat President'swebsite(PRSEC/E/2014/04444) dated 06.03.2014 at President's Secretariat and/or by concerned-oneswherethesesubmissionsareforwardedbyRashtrapatiBhawan

    2. Havemysubmissionsasreferred in query (1)abovebeenplacedbeforeHonourablePresidentoIndia?

    3. Copy o comments/observations/notings etc by Honourable President o India on the saidsubmissions4. Completeinformationonrules/procedure/normsetcfor appointingstate-governors5. Complete information together with all related correspondence/documents/file-notings on

    appointingSmtShielaDixitKeralagovernorenclosingalsocopieso recommendationsmadeforherbeingappointedKeralagovernor

    6. Complete informationon othernamesconsideredand/orrecommended(togetherwithcopiesoanysuchrecommendations)forbeingappointedas Keralagovernorwhen SmtShielaDixitwasselectedforbeingappointedKeralagovernor

    7. Dateonwhich posto Keralagovernorf ll vacantenclosingalso copyo resignation-letteroearlierKeralagovernortogetherwithcopies o file-notings/correspondence/documentson actiontakenonthesaidresignation-letter

    8. Date on which process for selecting/appointingnew Kerala governorstartedwhen Smt ShielaDixitwasappointedas Keralagovernor

  • 8/12/2019 Shiela Dixit(Governor) Appointment


    9. Date nd time when Honourable President of India signed documents for appointing Smt ShielaDixit as Kerala governor

    10. Date on which Smt Shiela Dixit took charge as Kerala governorII. Is it compulsory to take consent and/or information given to Chief Minister before appointing

    governor in a state?12. Complete information together with related correspondence/file-notings/documents on consent of

    Kerala Chief Minister taken and/or information given to him before appointing Smt Shiela Dixitas Kerala governor

    13. Complete information on perks/pay/pension/privileges/post-retirement benefits etc available to astate-governor

    14. Copies of objections against Smt Shiela Dixit being appointed as Kerala governor together withcomplete information together with related file-notings/correspondence/documents etc on actiontaken on any such objectionsIS. Are charge-sheeted persons entiteled for being appointed as state-governor?

    16. Is it true that Smt Shiela Dixit is charge-sheeted by Delhi government?17. Copy of h r g e ~ s h e e t against Smt Shiela Dixit filed by Delhi government revealing status of the

    case18. Was consent of Smt Shiela taken before Rashtrapati Bhawan endorsed her name as Kerala

    governor?19. If yes, copies of letter from Rashtrapati Bhawan seeking the said consent and also of consent

    letter received from Smt Shiela Dixit in respect of her appointment as Kerala governor20. File-notings on movement ofRTI-petition

    Learned CPIO vide response NO.2115612014-M&G dated 22.04.2014 in reply to query-numbers (1) to (3)replied that information is not available with CPIO. But a communication No.2476/RTII03113 14 dated01.04.2014 (copy enclosed) clearly establishes President Secretariat having electronically transferred mysubmissions 'Defeated politicians as governors not a good tradition: No post should be for personsrejected in polls for five years' to MHA. I appeal that learned CPIO (MHA) may kindly be directed to revisit query (1) for a proper response. fu case said submissions are further forwarded to some other pubJicauthority, then my RTI petition may kindly be directed to be transferred/revert-back for query (1). AlsoRTI petition may kindly be directed to be revert back to President Secretariat in respect of query-numbers(2) and (3), and if necessary respect ofquery (1) and (9-part).

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    Learned CPIO in response to query-numbers (14) and (17) to (19) informed that neither information isavailable with responding CPIO (MHA) nor he is aware about the public-authority which might havesought information. I appeal these queries may kindly be directed to be revert-back to PresidentSecretariat.

    Learned CPIO in response to query-numbers (6), (9-part), (12) and (16) replied that information is notavailable with responding CPIO (MHA). But it is significant that he had not claimed that he is not awareabout the public-authority which might be concerned with the sought information like was done by him incase of query-numbers (14) and (17) to (19). I appeal that learned CPIO may kindly be directed totransfer/revert-back query-numbers (6), (9-part), (12) and (16) to concerned ones under section 6(3) ofRTI Act.

    Learned CPIO demanded a sum of rupees 24 towards copying charges. But DoPT circularF.No.l2/3112013-IR dated 11.02.2013 (copy enclosed) following a CIC-verdict stipulates demandingcopying charges in such a reasonable time that petitioner may get sufficient time to remit copying chargesso that he/she may ultimately get copied documents within 30 days of receipt of RTI petition by theconcerned public-authority. How is it possible when demand-letter dated 22.04.2014 (received by theundersigned on 24.04.2014) in respect of RTI petition admittedly received by MHA on or before24.03.2014 as is evident from referred MHA OM No. A-43020/01l2014-RTI dated 24.03.2014? Ratherlearned CPIO provided by himself copied document on the same RTI petition under query (20). I appealthat learned CPIO may kindly be directed to provide copied documents free-of-cost under section 7(6) ofRTI Act. It is prayed accordingly.

    Humbly U b m i t t ~ Sf M-:ln;{: {l1. \fmf./.:;;i )::-.;11:.) I. { ) : - : . : : : ~ ( ' i\i:',llot.::r ( ~ ; H t .1i:Lf;Ij\ :': )

    SUBHASH CHANDRA AGRAWALGuinness Record Holder & RTI Activist1775 Kucha LattushahDariba, Chandni ChowkDELHI 110006 (India)Mobile 9810033711 Fax 23254036E-mail [email protected]

    wa, 1 ;1(, :- l l. i .. II....rTT: I+rr:""'"r o ~ H S I: {:j-.I, W ){J .i

    ll>: : . \ ~ ) l l r ; I ~ ,Aflli:.r 1 ,a:, : : ~ / i i v r . @ j l

    mailto:[email protected]:///reader/full/www.subhashmadhu.commailto:[email protected]:///reader/full/
  • 8/12/2019 Shiela Dixit(Governor) Appointment


    .';' .- rt . .

    . . ; / ~ : ~ ~ l f

    1 3 : th .S8 Me fiB S been sent efectmnfcaify to the 'MinlstfY of 'Home. , ' .~ l k t f e l D l l m e Portal.

    . . ' . . ' ;6--6 Minfstry ofHome All . . _ -lmsJ _ I ~ _ ~ ~ t l o n has already.b4e'tf . ( 1 1 ~ ~ . 7 . .

    A f l , a l ~ ~ W , # ,.1iin$t.thl$, ,... : R l l D I I ; ~A I . t ~ I I ) f ; J ) J t i ~ . ; _ ~ . f : . ~ t

    ,Yours faithfully

    ~ , . ~ , .

  • 8/12/2019 Shiela Dixit(Governor) Appointment


    F. No.12/31/2013-IRGovernment of India .Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and PensionsDepartment of Personnel &TrainingNorth Block, New Delhi - 110001Dated: 11 .2.2013


    Subj ct: Timely intimation about payment of additional fee under RTI Act2005.It has been brought to the notice of the Central Information

    COrrjmission that some CPIOs inform the information seeker about thea d d i ~ i o n a l fee under sub section 7(3) of the RTI Act at the fag end of the thirtyd a y ~ period prescribed for providing the information under sUb-section 7 1) ofthe Act.:2. The Central Information Commission in one of its orders has mentionedthat while there cannot be any hard and fast rule about when exactly theinti ation about the photocopying charges should be conveyed to theinfor ation seeker, it is implied in the prescribed time limit that the demandfor t e photocopying charges must be made soon after the RTI application is .rece ved so that the information seeker has time to deposit the fees andreclve the information within the prescribed thirty days period. If theinformation sought is not voluminous or is not dispersed over a large numberof fiE es, computation of the photocopying charges should not be a timecon uming task. As soon as the RTI application is received, the holder of theinfor ation should decide about how much information to disclose and thencalc. late the photocopying charges so that the CPIO can immediately writeto tti information seeker demanding such fees.,3. This may be brought to the notice of all concerned for compliance.

    Sandeep Jain)Deputy Secretary1. II the Ministries Departments of the Government of India

    .. , 2. nion Public Service Commission; Lok Sabha Sectt, Rajya Sabhaecretariat, Cabinet Secretaiiat Central Vigilance Commission,resident's S ~ c r e t a r i a t Vice-President's Secretariat. Prime Minister's Office,lanning Commission, Election Commission.

  • 8/12/2019 Shiela Dixit(Governor) Appointment


    -. /

    SPEED POSTNo.21156/20 14-M&GGovernment of IndiaMinistry ofHome AffairsNDCC-II Building, Jai Singh Road,

    New Delhi, IU'1\pril 2014.To Shri Subhash Chandra Agrawal,1775, Kucha Lattushah,Dari ba, Chandni Chowk,Delhi - 110 006.Sub: Supply of information under the Right to Information Act, 2005Sir,

    With reference to your RTI application dated 07.03.2014, receivedthrough the President's Secretariat, and the Ministry ofHome Affairs OM No.A-43020/01l2014-RTI dated 24.03.2014 on the subject mentioned above, thefollowing information is provided:Point Reply1 to 3 No information is available with this CPIO4 Appointment and eligibility for appointment of Governor is laiddown clearly in Article 155, 156, 157 and 158 of the Constitution of

    India.5 This Ministry, in principle, agrees to provide copies of documentsavailable with this CPIO relating to appointment of Smt. SheilaDikshit as Governor of Kera1a. However, in terms of Rule 4 of theRight to information (Regulation of Fee and Cost) Rules, 2005, youare advised to remit a sum ofRs. 24/- (Rs. 2/- per page for 12 pages)by way of cash against proper receipt or by demand draft or bankerscheque or Indian Postal Order payable to the Accounts Officer, IMinistry ofRome Affairs; New Delhi.6 No information is available with this CPIO.7 04.03.2014. Copies of the documents available with this CPIO will

    I be provided on payment of requisite fee as mentioned in 5 above.18 04.03.2014.9 Date: 04.03.2014. Information relating to time is not available with Ii this CPIO.10 11.03.2014. Ij11 The State Chief Minister is consulted as a matter of convention. I12 No information is available with this CPIO.

  • 8/12/2019 Shiela Dixit(Governor) Appointment


    13 Salary and allowances o the Governors are governed by theGovernors Emoluments, Allowances and Privileges Act, 1982 andthe rules farmed thereunder namely the Governors Allowances andPrivileges Rules, 1987. Copies o the aforesaid Act and Rules canbe accessed from the website o the Ministry o Home Not available with this CPIO or aware as to with whom the desiredinformation will be available.

    15 Same as in point (4) above.16 No information is available with this CPIO.17 to19

    Not available with this CPIO or aware as to with whom the desired.information will be available.20 Copy enclosed.3. As per Section 19 o the Right to Information Act, 2005, an appealagainst this letter would lie before Shri S. Suresh Kumar, Joint Secretary (CS)and the First Appellate Authority, Ministry o Home Affairs, NDCC IIBuilding, Jai Singh Road, New Delhi.

    Yours fLYAshutosh Jain)Director (CS-II) CPIO

  • 8/12/2019 Shiela Dixit(Governor) Appointment


    Ministry o Home Affairs(M G Section)

    S. No. 1 R) pps 1-5/cors PUCR TI Section o this Ministry has transferred application dated07.03.2014 seeking information under RTI Act, by Shri Subhash ChandraAgrawal, received through President's Secretariat, for providinginformation. The applicant has sought information relating toappointment o Smt. Shiel a Dikshit as Governor o Kerala. The RTIapplication may please be seen at page 1-3/cors.A draft reply to the applicant has been prepared and placed belowfor consideration.

    \lltl~ \ o o \ -

    . \0- 1 i-'=.b\'t c t.S.'_;)..1-)-I-_

  • 8/12/2019 Shiela Dixit(Governor) Appointment


    ~ , , ~ ~ titi RIGHTTlI No. 4 7 6 / R T I / 0 3 / 1 3 ~ 1 4 INFORM nON ~ 1 l f r ~ rqq IclliPRESIDENT S SECRETARIATR.T.I. SECTION

    ' 1 ~ q R l +JCf1, ~ - 1 1 0 0 0 4 .Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi-110004.1 April 2014To Shri Subhash Chandra Agrawal1775, Kucha Lattushah, DaribaChandni Chowk, Delhi 110006.

    Sir, Kindly refer to the letter of this Secretariat of even number dated12.03.14 with respect to your RTI application dated 7.03.14. Theinformation available in this Secretariat on your RTI application is asfollows:1-3. The same has been sent electronically to the Ministry of HomeAffairs through RB Helpline Portal.20. Enclosed.

    You may approach the Ministry of Home Affairs for other informationto whom the RTI application has already been transferred u s 6(3) of theRTI Act, 2005.

    An appeal, if any, against this reply may be made to the AppellateAuthority of the Secretariat, t the mentioned address within 30 days ofthe receipt of this letter: JS-cum-SSP and Appellate Authority, President'sSecretariat, Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi-110004. Yours fai thful ly

    s a u ~ v f a - yCentral Public Information OfficerEnclosures: As above.

  • 8/12/2019 Shiela Dixit(Governor) Appointment


    Due Date: 09/04/2014President s Secretariat

    RTI SectionDy.No.:2476IRTI/03/13 14 Date:111 312 14Name of the Applicant : Shri Subhash Chandra AgrawalAddress of the Applicant : 1775, Kucha Lattushah

    Dariba, Chandni ChowkDelhi Delhi (UT) 110006Date of Application : 07/03/2014Date ofReceiving in Section: 11/0312014Received Through : By postPayment Amount : 1 -Mode of Payment : IPO(l3F 864053)IsrNo1 iRequired Information suggestion i:anSfer

    1-3, 14, 18-20. Information about hisportal petition no. 2014/04444 copies of1 objections against the appointment ofSmt. Shiela Dixit as Governor and otherelated information.

    -20. Various information aboutappointment of Governors andappointment of Smt. Shiela Dixit asGovernor.

    Chirabrata SarkarUSeRTI)

    Saurabh VijayCPIO

    us (CA I) may be requestedfor the desired information. CA-I

    A copy of the applicationmay be transferred to MHA. Ministry ofA/ely a transfer letter is put Homeup for approval and Affairssignature.

  • 8/12/2019 Shiela Dixit(Governor) Appointment


    ~ / 1 ~ m : ; i C.A. n SECTION.;. ,o'lii' D y . N o . E ~ 142875/20 4 ~ C A n R T ni / ~Placed below is a petition received from Shri Subhash Chandra Agrawal,1775, Kucha Lattushah, Dariba, Chandni Chowk, Delhi, seeking information onhis application under the Right to Information Act, 2005. The information soughtby the Petitioner is given below:

    Pt.No. Information sought by ShriSubhash Chandra Agrawal Draft Reply




    Complete information together withrelated correspondencel documentslfile notings on action taken on eachaspect o submissions Defeatedpoliticians as governors not a goodtradition: No post should be forpersons rejected in polls for fiveyears registered also at President swebsite PRSEC/e/2014/04444) The same has been sentDATED 6.3.2014 AT President s electronically to the Ministry oSecretariat andlor by c o n c e r n e d ~ Home Affairs through RB Helpones where these submissions are Line Portal.forwarded by Rashtrapati Bhavan.Have my submissions as referred inquery (1) above been placed beforeHonourable President o India?Copy o comments/observationslnotings etc by Honourable Presidento India on the said submissiol1s.14. Copies o objections against Smt. No information in this regard isShiela Dixit being appointed as available m CA (1) Section.Kerala Governor together with However, the question may becomplete information together with transferred to the Ministry orelated file-notings/correspondencel Home Affairs.documents etc. on action taken onany such objections.18.


    Copies o objections against Smt. No information in this regard isSheila Dixit being appointed as available. However, theKerala governor together with question may be transferred tocomplete information together with the Ministry o Home Affairs.related file notings/correspondenceldocuments etc. on action taken onany such objections.Was consent o Smt. Shiela Dikshit The question may be transferredtaken before Rashtrapati Bhavan to the Ministry o Home Affairs.endorsed her name as KeralaGovernor?20. File notings on movement o RTI - Relates to RTI Section.petition.

  • 8/12/2019 Shiela Dixit(Governor) Appointment


    RTI MAITER/TIME BOUNDNo.A-43020/ 01 /2014-RTIGovernment of IndialBharat SarkarMinistry ofHome Affairs/Grih Mantralaya*****

    New Delhi, Dated the C}4) b3/ 2014.OFFICE MEMORANDUM

    Subject: Application of Shri/Smt/Kum .... g-bha.s t1 .. .chdhlcbttl . - ~ ~under the Right tInformation Act, 2005. --_.__ ~This Ministry has received an application dated . ~ . ..1. : . .1201 under

    the R T I , t ~ ~ . 0 ~ t 5 from Shri/SmtlKum.... . v . . h . b a b .... c./uJ.A tdJ1.a. ......... ... .. .. . : ''.t(9 t L S J . ........... :. (received on .if..1.< ..3. .12014 by way of transferfro111 ............... . / d P . J , J : ... . e < 2 . d : t : : ~ ......... ). As the requestedillfonnation pertains to/is more closely related to the functions of 'C S D th 1' b.c d 'd h D . ............... , .. .. .. .. .... 1 ISlOn, e app lcatlOn IS emg lonvar e to t at 1VlSlOnfor providing information, t is requested that if the subject matter pertains to anyother CPIO/Public Authority. the application may be further transferred to thatAuthority directly, under intimation to the applicant.3. The applicant has paid the requisite fee of Rs.10/- vide Receipt No,. ~ ~ ~ r J < 2 d . - J d a t e d ..... .1 .1201 (copy enclosed)/ nQbpaid the fcc sinGe-he

    c ~ i m s to/belongs to t h ~ e l o w Povert?' Line EBPL) G a t ~ r y .

    Encl: As above.

    To.... > . i t f e ~ . c ~ ~ d J )Mlo Home Affairs,NDCC - Building,New Delhi.

    Copy for illfonnation to:. Shri/SmtlMs . J u b . b ~ b ... l w t d n . a . J . ~.... t7 25/ ... ~ c t \ Cl.. L.a.liz.c.:bnaiJ............ ' .

    ,. .... :J)t.t5U.ha.:y' . 4 q . t . 0 w ~ .. ..... :. . : v . e J . h . . : ~ , ...Jlel .. .GtJ .1) ............. ./ .... .................... . -:: .1.J. o:croS : ..(He/She is requested to contact the -above-mentioned CPIOlPubl icAutlior ity for.further infonnation in the matter).

  • 8/12/2019 Shiela Dixit(Governor) Appointment


    24761RTI/03/13 141 I q ~ , ~ q I 6 l : q


    \ ( I ~ q f f i ~ , 110004Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi - 110004

    2Marcn 2014To

    Central Public Information OfficerMinistry ofHome AffairsNorth Block New DelhiSir,

    A copy of an RTI application of Shri Subhash Chandra Agrawal dated 07/03/2014received on 11103/2014 is being transferred to your office under section 6(3) of RTI Act2005 for providing information, as the information asked for pertains to/more closely relatedto the functions of your office/office under your jurisdiction. You are requested to providethe requisite information to the applicant directly.2 t is certified that the applicant has paid Rs. lO/-(Rupees ten only) in this Secretariat.

    (Sau abh Vijay)Central Public Information Officerr Information to:

    Shri Subhash Chandra Agrawal1775, Kucha LattushahDariba, Chandni ChowkDelhiDelhi (UT) 110006

    You are requested to contact the above-mentioned authority for further information in thematter. The information available, if any, in this Secretariat will be provided to you in duecourse.


    Central Public I n f o ~ ; ; ; c e r .

  • 8/12/2019 Shiela Dixit(Governor) Appointment


  • 8/12/2019 Shiela Dixit(Governor) Appointment


    12. Complete information together with related correspondence/file-notings/documents on consent of KeralaChief Minister taken and/or information given to him before appointing Smt Shiela Dixit as Keralagovernor

    13. Complete information on perks/pay/pension/privileges/post-retirement benefits etc available to a stategovernor14. Copies of objections against Smt Shiela Dixit being appointed as Kerala governor together with completeinformation together with related file-notings/correspondence/documents etc on action taken on any suchobjections

    15. Are charge-sheeted persons entiteled for being appointed as state-governor?16. Is it true that Smt Shiela Dixit is charge-sheeted by Delhi government?17. Copy of charge-sheet against Smt Shiela Dixit filed by Delhi government revealing status of the case18. Was consent ofSmt Shiela taken before Rashtrapati Bhawan endorsed her name as Kerala governor?19. f yes, copies of letter from Rashtrapati Bhawan seeking the said consent and also of consent-letter received

    from Smt Shiela Dixit in respect of her appointment as Kerala governor20. File-notings on movement of RTl-petition

    In case qurries relate to some other public-authority, transfer RTI-petition there under section 6(3) of RTI-Act.Postal-order I3F-864053 for rupees ten is enclosed towards RTl-fees in name of 'Accounts-Officer' as per DoPTcircular No. F.1O/912008-IR dated 05/1212008.


    SUBHASH CHANDRA AORA WALGuinness Record Holder RTf Activist)1775 Kucha Lattushah ,Dariba, Chandni ChowkDELHI 110006 (India)Mobile 98100337] 1 Fax 23254036E-mail [email protected] www.subhashmadhu.com07.03.2014

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  • 8/12/2019 Shiela Dixit(Governor) Appointment


    Defeated politicians as governors not a good tradition: No post should be for persons rejected in polls for five years

    It refers to former Chief Minister of Delhi Shiela Dixit appointed as Kerala governor after she lost inrecent held assembly-elections in Delhi. It is not good that persons rejected by people may be rewardedby giving such dignified posts where governor-houses at times are grossly misused like 'partyheadquarters' of ruling party at the Centre by political appointees at post of governors like was done byRomesh Bhandari. Politics should not be made as profession that too for life-time by appointingpoliticians on posts getting benefits like post-retirement bungalows and many other princely facilities. Noposts should be given to persons rejected in polls for at least five years. Only non-politicians like retiredjudges or bureaucrats should be appointed on post of Governors, with binding of their not joining activepolitics after retirement. In case of violation, all their pensions and other benefits even for their earlierheld posts may be forfeited.

    Otherwise also post of Governors is a simple waste of pubJic-money where functions ofGovernors can beperformed by Chief Justice of the state after refining process of electing Chief Minister, Speaker andDeputy Speaker. Main role of governor is his/her discretion in inviting a person to form government asChief Minister, an aspect which is often misused because of political appointees appointed as Governorsoften playing biased role. Chief Minister, Speaker and Deputy Speaker should be simultaneously electedby secret and ,compulsory vote of all members of lower House on nominations signed by at least 34percent members through Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) thereby abolishing any need of a post ofGovernor. Such elected persons may be removed only by same process but with compulsion to namealternate leader in the same motion. Members not participating in such a democratic process mayautomatically lose membership ofState Legislative Assembly.{\w

    ~ SUBHASH CHANDRA GR W LGuinness Record Holder RTf Activist1775 Kucha LattushahDariba, Chandni ChowkDELHI 110006 (India)Mobile 9810033711 Fax 23254036E-mail [email protected] 06.03.2014PRSEC/E/2014/04444LGV E0/E/2014100059

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