: « : C O N T A I N S MORE •' ' THAU ;i; AMY OTHER PAPER. :i: •t' HAS THE LARGEST V 1 Northern New Jersey. you xxvi. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1896. NO 12 PtfBLlflHED IVIEY ITEIBJLT BT Office on J3fockwdl}Street next door to Ox National Union Batik. TEBMB OF HUBSOBIPTIOH ABLr Iff AUVANOK. BtxHOBTBB T a u t * MOHTHB &DV3BTX8IHG &ATBS. 1 nk. 2 wkB 8 wksi 11 auo SCO «i 650 HOtf _m 13 50 IS00 18 50 3400 Percentage added for extras, Local notlow fittoen oeatt per line. r\iWITT R. HUMMER. Heal KetAte utd.Iiuuruioe Agent OUlw over Ths Qw, Bloh&rda €O.'B Bton DOVKB. M. J. K. It A. BENNETT COIl. GOLD AND' VUE8TKUT STS. DOVBK, N. J. . 8 toBA, II. ( 8 to BA, M. a h to :>!•, u. 7 to a !•,(!. Special attention given to OUsaaei of women and ohillren. E UI 7UOKKE J. COOPER, ATTORNEY AT t-AW »HD S1ABTEII i»D BOLICITOlt IN CEANCKR1 - Oflioe In UIB Tone Building, Otm J. A. Lvon'B STOILI, DOVER, N. J rAUES O. COOPER, DOVER, N J. [imininca Broker And Uommiwliitit-r ol Dwto Fire. Life, Steam Boiler, Employer*' Lia- bility aud Live Slock Imurauw. Our In- .urauce iumreH. Heal E»ww bought and «ild ou CoQUnlwcn, ST-lyr.' pEO. O. COMMINB.al. D., GENERAL PEACTrriOHBB. MID BFM1AUBI INTOK TBKATUXRT OF HMC .MAT1BM AUD HALAAUL DISUBES. . OOoo on north aid. ol Bl«clwall street and •boat 900 leet «eM ol WuTm rtreet, JOHN DRUMMERS SHAVIH8 uti HAIB COTTIKQ BALOOt)' MANSION HOUSE, ODR. BLACKWIL AND BUSSKX BTEKIT, DOVER, H. J. Cutting •specialty, TOS. IL WILLIAMS. MA8ON AND BLATER, _ FORT OBAM, N, J. ' Contracts taken for all kinds of work in either IIDB of buainea and tho best materials ' (amUhed. Setting Boilers and: covering Sham PIpw.wltE Asbestos a specialty. OiBoe near Central Depot 23-ly. lyrARTIM LUTHKR O0X, COOHTY anPBEIHTEHDENT .'•:•• .-07 PUBLIC BCHOOIJJ 0«IO*-JMiOKW»liL BT., COVER, N. J. Honas: OA. ». to IS.n. nery Batuniaj. r\UVBB S. FREEMAN, OARVBNTER AMD BUILDER. FUoa and apeciflcatlona mads and contraota ' taken Jobbing alwajs partleularly attaDdm to. Order* [eft'at the Brick Drug Store of Mr. Win. H. Uoodalo or at the poit oflloe wlU be promptly attended to. corner Unlou and RlrerBtreete, Doyer.H. J. 'rjiHE NEWJERSEYIRON UININ3CO. aims roB ULB DEBIBABIB FARMINO AND_TIHBEB LAKHS IH HOBRIB COUNTS in Ion ot 8 aoree and upward! and leveral good boildlcg Iota In Fort Oram, N. J. Addrea* L. O. BIEHVIBTE, Beo'y, - . ' -.' UOTXB, N. J.' fpHOS. JOHHSON, Manufacturer and Dealer In . K0KUIIEST8, HEADSTONES, BANTELB aodallwerkinHarbleandGranltfl. All work . . oi UieDtnG order and prjoes rewonable. BLaoIWEU. BlEIIT. -:• DOVER, H. J. W 1.ROBU, * ATTORNET-AT-LAW, BOLIOITOIt AND MASTER IN CHANCERY . im HOTARY PUBLIC , ", BTANHOFE, •* Hiw j«E8ir. Dr.W. E. DERRY, DOVER. N. J. BOURB: 1to 3i««nJ 0fflto8r.il d.llf, fXoectUosday. BnndajaltoaoDly. OWIMBpiaiiLTlBa i Bje, Ear, NMoand Throat Bl«or«, 45-tt WILCUX & BERRY s'oysB, v.'j.' Plaoa,apiclBcatlOT. for buDdlnra, coon ' tuon and materials furnished. Jobbing Promptly Attended to SLATE IIOOKS-Wo furnMtrtt«tcfo«da! . and put on atataroof. by good mechanics. Backafa Bheathlnz Paper always on band. . OIQos and Shop on Blackwell Ht,, next to Md Shop on Blackwoll HL Lumber tompwiy'a MUI. R^ruwx AaB WM. S, Cot-UARD FU8I1TOE, CiUPETS, 5P8IKGS, Etc, UPHOLSTERING done in all its branohos |Blto«W«.SBl-. , H.I, ,Ltd. Acres ABK TOSEE THQ TAMOUS " FOHTL.AND XAGH " I Of Furniture Ciirpets, Stoves, etc.,—tllat's what we have—every ^j f square foot of it's well covered—no chance for goods to go to seed liere^—all new lines, new designs, new everything. All unique prices—here's au instance or two: Bed Lounges $5.00 up Bed lounge like tills cut. (37B Built for comfort, wear and effect Made for hid aud lounge. Variety of coverings. •crnfl * 4 Chiffoniers at $4.95 We've a real good line —niauy patterns this especial one is worth every cent of $10.00. It's yours tor $4.05. Carpets All Weaves It 1 s'lrue gospel tliat we' re selling a mtilitude of Car- pet patterns never to he duplicatedagaiu—they're at prices .low enough to make tliem go. MitKfttcofQtwtiur [in Dl He Stats. Foiste) male IOW Held null raw-io cail ittitl AMOS H. VAN HORN Ltd. M e the Name "AMOS" HEADOUARTERS FOR ALL KINDS OF RUBBER GOODS Woonsocket Boots ,$2.60 Best Wool Boots '"[ 2.25 Good duality Wool Boot % 2.00 Best Arctics . v 1.50 il Good Quality Arctics 1.25 Women's Best Rubbers \.W, .36 Misses' Best Rubbers .30 Childs' Best Rubbers 25 Everything in proportion HEAGAN SHOE CO. Opp. B. L & W. R. R. Depot, DOVER, h. J. Carpets, Stoves. Purnltura, Etc. Low Priced, Easy Terms' I TELEPHONEB80. 73 MARKETST. Near Plane St. NEWARK, N. J. REMOVAL Dr. A. G. FREEMAN Has removcil his Dental Office to rooms over Pierson & Co's. Clothing Store Continneshin position with Diu FBEEMAN DOVERLUM BER CO BLA-OKWBLti STREET JX— LUMBER •: OF •:• ALL•:- KINDS Sash, Blinds,- Doors, Mouldings. &c.' BRACKET and SCEOLL SAVINS DONE ro'ORDEB GOAL, WOOD AP BUILDING M&TEB1YL always on hand. Having lately creeled a large Coal Trestle with COVERED POCKETS.and a capacity of one hundred cars, we can supply our trade with DRY AND SCREENED COAL '. l.tiring to handle theirown coal canhave It screened and loaded with , • - out shoveling ad neUHSinlpped kitchen. its, with a full Une of kJ uuunniLD e an ready sTOung niWa ttaor lightly tunu to thoupht . tomeet«llherwinta,wltb» Stoves, Ranges and Housefurnishing Goods Qilek Heal Gasoline Stores, ud otlier Bunimer p » d i aucb M ItefrWatore. Cream Fwerera, TlnirBre, TrYoodenwirt and . . .OraoUaWaiti. Al»«gocttor THE - CHICAGO - S T E E L - TOWER - WIND - MILL for pumping WAler. Tow« Mil Wheel pUwnlied to prcttmt coirodon. , Steam, Hot Water ail Hot J it HeatQlg I'vttfc m and wo law the bc*t mrauto Intown. SribBRtM cheerfully turntahod ind , irork gaattaiem. J. T. K E R R , OPP. Pail HQtCl. SIlHiell St.. Dover, N. J. HAVE THE OS THE BIST IMS 01 HEATING STOVES s RANGES tht World;'jtmxt of expertanc* pnabl« ui to tee the drfratt and abandon all itow« hwlng objectionable fft»tiir«i for the beet ID ths market and low priotn. A urge garrife.i.'WftffTilrgMn'phtnffj Wrlngeri, fltnel Kn»mol(d Wan. Ate, PLUMBING, BTEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING Tin Work ~of ail kbdatotmlcrfttlhfl old (tend' : . D S.• AI.LEN. Dover, N. J. . BKIIB. THOaFAHNTSO SMITH * PANN1S« Masons and Buildprs. D0V»B, K. J. Ccmtneta for all Unda of work takaa and all nuterlab tumlahid. Pntctlca) exporleae* lo ortrr bmacb of nuMni nark. .'-,' JOHBDIU PUOUlTLf ATTEHDED rO WE TRTTST The increase of oar sales show plniuly Unit jou appreciate our efforts. It is plain to be eeen no one can do better for TOD ; EVERYBODY In Dover and vicinity baa beard of oar Saturday Bargain SAWB. Hundreds of eatiafiod and pleased ouatomera prompt ns to keep np the good work; SATURDAY SPECIALS BEST,ROUND STEAK very Besi creamery EIGHT OBNTB POUND ' AND LOTS OF IT M pet TWENTY f\ TWO , / y per OBNTB fc^iV In. NONE BEITXB AT AN? PEIO Host Chuck 8Uak t ?o B*rt Dairy Butter 10c ilest Soup BIrat 3c WeTeas.any kind We Best Glrtola Steak He 17o Flat Salmon , Mo I!«trortprHouwBt«al( 16o 41b packngnGlod Dmt Iflc FresliEpp>,p«rd(wen lTo fi lG».toftllollrf O«s , 17o Broooii, very good 10c 4taea5u8alt , <bBrt0t6o8oBp.... 10c Jersey Tomatoes.rcg.tlc,now..... 3 bottles oriChlUua 10a loo Extract, vanilla or lemon BcOUHnrritoM.. 8 SSocanCaliro- 1 - *—•-— Xifff^Wfl'BakinjfSodjs,i>*rj»und ' To EMcan Caliro ISo ., ioo 00 18c life ...,,..ISc * L. LEHMAN &GO. Dover, K. J. Our other.ton*, Newark, Trenton, EIJtabeth and Railway. AMNNENSE LINE OF A.T 'SF Ifi Roll Top Desks a Specialty Everything in the Furniture Line CALL AND EXAMINE THOSE GRAND PIANOS GBE\T CLEAEIN6 SALE •• - —AT THE— -.,'.,• NEW YORK MILLINERY STORE COATS, JACKETS AND CAPES . T O B E BOLD Ar •• ' ^ ''••'•: A GREAT SACRIFICE. NO OFFERS' REFUSED. . ' • • r PINBLISE OF ;. . ' .•••••.- •EHIMBTED AND TJNTEIMMED MILLINERY All Belling at leas than cost. Big linooflBkirW and Ooraota Con, Br.AOKirraL ASDWJMIEK STUSSTO/-" -:- -:• -•'- 'rfioTEnj'H. J, Financial Report of Randolph'- Township, Feb.1st, 1896. CB. f aa Errors deducted fru:n tluiillaity aim H l'aldJoliaDowDlnKTrfflRti'El <Mo IHU3, $ I>i|« Towmililp on Oupli C*tc 1HM ' forin BCTIOOI fimj, I.UiMiN UolleuUd and in* cor- pomtinu, 887 ilB Htat Nl lOpprojirUUon (1-J) 54,101 ty iwr wot. State r,«fi«, M.00HW Itallrowl and Itec'il from Htnry \V, Crabbe,DlHtriit Clerk tulMga. &'., •• - 1 i littlWk , . From Oho*. Kocka. Col. Jlookftway Townslilji, IU1 Ht l>. Vram 8. II. Iterry. 1). C tuition, &e., KWfi'J llorra«e<ifroinl),C. of IUndol|>h Tamwhlp. UTS 71 Errors deducted from < From H. W. Urabiie. tultlon.it., «I!!B to " t;im*. Kimkft, Cot. Itiwhavaj- T'OMI- hlilp^ IPt4ll " 8.1), Unrrj-, I). C. tuition, &c, HUM Borrowed from I>. U. of Rondolpli Towiwtiip, i,u7UTl Apr IT DIIHcD.Tlt, Wm. B.neo., Mij U Wu Bnj- .. - JBBuc.well On WCrane Ed flmrj KOEIiner roiiuei Wo Otll««b*r'.'.'.*".'.'.'.'. JH1) Dirnei..."!!!!!! Jrukin» l .Iluck&"cil!!!! Hi; P Tboiua* Dntrtit. , ME HH«1> .Titol) Bliimr, . 17 UM Trtdenlck '. TJ VoUDRi Fub. IH. Nov. 1U. Dec. IB. i,u7UTl w oo cixi l\,m Wi List of Delinquent Taipiyers in Randolph Township. $ Duo corporat/"n (rood tin) " tOM-nalil]) (IWlflDof L-ollectnl) inoi 1)7 11 towtmhli>,It.h.(ina SCHOOL FUND-DOVER DISTRICT. b. 1. ittdnnLt) onImnrt. $il,WWH« lUf'flof II. W. UnLa.be, D.O.. tuition,it.. IliUPr. r. 7. 1UC-<1 of Cliarln Kotika, . . Col. Uoctaway Town-p 1IM 40 1-1. Heo'd ](] i»r milt. Bltitu tax, IBM, 5H4 07 ne CD. Ituc'il of H. II. Dcrry, 1). C, tuition. &c, 103 UJ r. If). Hec'd Burylw HevQUuc, 131! W ^.'U. " 1-JJ buteapproprl- * ation, 80SW n. fll " go per cent, SlUe tat, 18w, Cfitn Wi Dlxt. lax, duplltnte im a Oil vw. saawi 11 " " 180.. 0,441! TO »ao,iswso - SCHOOL FUND-RANDOLPH TOWNSHIP. Mir. H. Nov. 4 . ia, DIM. U. \m _ _ ...JDIMHHI. #T I. Hec'd 10 tier cent State tax, tKlH, Ilorrowod from Dlht. Clk1 U«c-d HuH'tus IleveniiH, " Ml Stale appru- prldtlou, 00 ]wr wtit, BUte ' Dlit.kx.Jupilcale SCHOOL FUND-DISTRICT NO. 9. il from linn- !«t. tai, dupll-' Wte 18(13, liTBO] , iiidrmon, hudrew ilfiiiiftti, Attdnw, Lilcn. In ,llfu tewr itnbrow Ulcli'l iditni, Wai .ndtticn.Alou...- ilklcr, Nu-k.Jr, .. mdwtnn. Nil* lljMJ, F r t d LDiirrftflit, Cbu Liidsrinu.Hiin'l .ndeiaon, JO)ID .iidenon, Aloi>i<> N Lcaemrin, AKrcd Llplui, Jini«i .Ddov«rliooOa.... .ino,4obo Llilr, Mrt Jaoob lJb bl^Alnk .iidoraoo, CUi" ,ifr«. Jutia ,i)lf, J.cob Jim, r.«uci. ,tuiDv», ffm.... ,ug«ln, Oi>ot)t( Olrret WK )D»o, Jotio Iddt.'jobt."!. " '. Biictiamii. Win Ur.>ion,F.Jiriri.... Uftltuu, OUll .- ... Ojro?, Miriln Hers, ohr Duch*L..o H.rrtco , , Fred DaiiU, Amtir ilundcl,Ji«fpli Utitiej Jotio lon.WaU Attest: February l| HORACE L. DUN HAM, Collector. C. MANN, Township Clerk. TOWNSHIP EXPENSE ACCOUNT. JOHN DOWNING, Treasurer. " H.W.KIce.JI.1)., T0WNS1I1P FUND. !. To balance 1 " II. L. Dunliam Col. ••••••-ttmui, duplicate 1WH, >. Br Jacob Itldner, . ]/ Dover PrintlaK Co., , " Thofl. B. McQraUi, . " Hictiul Orady, I 75(1 ISO IDHIS 6,00000 " W.J. Downs, " VortHrc*,, 11 J. JI.Klker, " I', .t, II. Bansett, ". Doalel D, Crater, " Jcwepli B. WiU." Wiu.ll. Spftngler, " Oeoreu Tradenlck " Wm.Tlioq.iMK!ti, " Charlas Coe. •• Johnwn II. Clark, ;J John H. Tor^ '' ttelorO. Totten," BBS BT5 0 88 T 60 w ssoo 000 B75 low 1SW 1,rSB»! Geore A. By no, " J«u. W. Urotbertott, " D. cnojt, " n.Yf, lAmadta, :". K. II. Tilipett, " Tlios. F. JobDion, " Jolm Mitchell, " afl. Jensen " Jame* aicKemia, "S.T.8mllh, " a, A.Mnnn, 11 ThBaNlioa, 11 Ain't Lraiuterrcd to road fund, " Am't tranBlerred to anoir fund, 813 " bel.paldtoF. O. Hed- den, treasurer. BIT POOR nJN 8. To baUnce . Br ilarry Ilmth I. ''ttB.GttM, " JollQ T. BUK1UII, «^o. O. CuminlM,5I.D., 113 Ttt " LociietHlllCemeleryCo. BOO - C.A.GWBH. ' " Jolin A. Lyon. " Bjr balance paid F. 0. Hedden, treuurer, DOG FUND. To balance Ity balance paid F. O. II«lJen,treMurer, werra trmm SNOW FUNll. Feb. IB. To balance, " Am'l transient*! tram Tovmatilp Ex. FuDtl, 10. Br Wm. Somn. f ir. H. -fD. L. Bryant || J. I). Dlackwell. 11. " ElisliTHeclrtr, ' " tiamuel Cliambern, " Geo, W. Ceoae, JM361 fnntii I sit or itin on 14. ' J. II. B. B. Le«l Tboe. J. Y " Jamea D.Trowb 11 George A pool. " Hetry WlllUing, ." D.U. McDatlt, " Wn. Qulraby, " WB, II. Bray, •| Vf, E. Plxon. " Henry V. Lawrence, " J. M. Briinl, " Win. II. Plenon, " Oeorgv Shaw 87 00 oi on 0B3 nw IB 00 W0J (042 J7W Feb. 13. To balhtice, " amt. trstu Feb. 'is. HyNitlonal UnloD~Datik" Da do. . " Gdorge Bhaw, " balance paid F. O. Hedden, Treat •1 11,13.108 $ 4MO8 F. O HEDDEN, Treasurer IWMSBIP EXPESBE TOSn. DK. Apt IT IlfofrntnJotinDdKolngt 017B.1 Joiwl1l.K i B < Matt,aitini/oter'k.! VllM . JalfH H.lifiDllUoiDnBittk... DOlin Oe( 17 K^ittDt'oti'lon'Btilkl!*.! 1,*77M IBM ' Fcb ii itw(rcm~li"LDoaliai»i cbiLi iDOinflinff l u l l , t n t i -nd a n i l T n w . 3,001 XI of nlMw.. '. 1010 IB ItitLaDiltTolan BAHh,... 07900 11 Oil. 180,5 Apr 17 P a Tipwtt, I M10 UL Uanbtni.,.. . .... 831V Dover Priming Co 1.3A I D Tilljer... 11BT UIJ 3 roffrdden... ...; ... IIW 3-JUDii.Ht 10H IS Town of DoTf r, 3SWP n i l Dinnett 1°^ PJ ODuieil UOOit <JK»on ...,, W.W ? 0 Heda»o AG Back ,".. . Aog 34 1>J n Dil-til Bept 18 f JB U»ndl ., THE UNION LUPEB COPIPBHY CBDCCE8S0K9 TO A. JUDSON COK bZALSBBpi _ PINB, BPAVOB, HEM D . LOOK, OHEBTNtTT and Q '* niBDWOODTIMBKB, SHINOLB^, I<A,TH, etc. Lehigh and Scranton Coal, BoaHOiiod'Wood In block! or apUL ILiOKWKLL aTTBEET, •:• DOVER, N. J. HirtiWplaced a** Bawi In tit XIII WB *n -• projired to do tUkladi of nwinf. ocfi WOT ft P il Tinprtt,.,, ., .... 'lim ^i ru Hiun-it KyJfiJ , -a» hiiioMi Onion limi .... s.ooaoo IDM IBJu»hRlrtutt Ifill I PJItumielt won ' '1KB Ht I t J W Bmttirrlnn 7 50 HummelftIlltrr.,..:. US OS 1.I.UMJ UnlniJ B.i.1, : MONTHLY. If you Ifvs witHn a rc»onat1e dli. tance of (IOOrailel), come ond He na. We will par v0Ur c»c f«ra ud enteruln you while you art here; whether you buyor col, c o n • "( welcome. See foryoimlf h l no« ina malcrUl h r col, con• "( fryoimelf how pla. n made, inipect our rondcrrul tnacMnerT, lumber d th our hindiome officet, our lumber yirdi, our Jin tent ilry kiln* »d tha teittnulppedficioryont.rth. Letui ^ meet yon per.atmll/ pud tliake TOU bv hs haniT, Afetr moment.' p l n u r t l cS*t trill ui fienfl and do m gond all around; If »d f b fhs haniT, A fetr ke ui frienfl* and ihl Ui _ ajtttuiloient plan, to mil ill poiitcU.- Onr'caUiornB'wU. coit riiii notltini'au>A I will mnt jou money. Orrti^tdtnu ttiUiUd. VISITORS ARE ALWAlfl.'WELCOIii. OORN1SH « 00^ WASHINGTON, NEW JERSEY. U.B. A. B UHUttn ., W j . i b n F Worf Ttou.i 11llcOmh nitLCook II S'USl Qanmlai S MMotion J Wflantnl* lylT LncnitQlilOtintterjAi. HKMutUiD ODOxtc Junn Downa, TboniasBUcOntb THOIUMB UcQtitb JobnDanabnB g 31 JobnDmnuufl .. ...... SUBuilon DaTir Ocmetcrj AMO. .. SUSmton JfiboDonobUn 1 111 HDUMB,,,..' ".!!!."* ^ I IT Oor.dicMl D ', Da.er Osmeury A»io.... John Wtltnt, Si D. SMBotlon no Tbomu B Mo<3rmtd v a n s M Button BMsmum J S NelaobODr UiwKftir.., JoboDroobni!!!!'.!!! 11 JOUD Down* Jobn DonchcB . ... .. deo McOnokfn m t. fl Ttinaiti II MaQra.ti . .. Orcbard Hiteot Gttnt,. ten AIIOCIIUDP Win Q nrai J WBtmml*.., Ollbue Hit flulion Wm II tJi.iTtJtonjOo... 17f,B MOII lflOO 1300 in a Aa n hind MTF 1)OQ FUND. •1 DK, r 17 neo Inm Jolin Downing |<i:uci b »l OJ Bk«1t«nn«r | IMKI Aainunt triiiiiltrrMl to Kaii] Fund sixKXl BiUticcon bind ;.. urn aaow emo. 1.1 Dii. J * DUtrtiM ^ EIJ Onoi" r kUo» j'iii)itek*etii'. .•'.!;:;; F 17 ItomiM Mwm»y lliliucc on Uiad V KOAD FUND. Duplltate 1B1H Tnwtrt hmi Duy Yr.n*f«r from TnwUt itoa'iitv Fund DTro.ar POTottco. U w i Foul. Ju«l' Vonn C HkelcuNer . tUojoel Booej E>l Ultnctiard AI HodOeu CL.rlci VDUURt. J D T l d i Ed UliueU Jtcob MldD H'm M Uiu Ocl |t; vitaQ gulu (ItoWlluin OM) U Wolf -- 0 II VLlwre Doc is Jioob ltidn J UBl.clw JIUJMU Lorw,. JOPy r ll pbllp, loo, Oo D. Vfm i Eacbiiiin.— ...... ! . Baokltr.Henry. .... Ditle». Amte Gray, Oisar, ', Beiten, Ktoliird JirllM Bd«rd irllM. Bd« lttnlKbMn, raay.PtilUp. ri4yFr«oaI rd Dan'l .Fr BniftaiHiK, *ntoo» &iy,Jimw TIODHBII, Henry lime*. Artbur SaddlRRton, Oboi Utrret, IVin Dtrrel, Emmett UBII, Otorwe It-ucbird, Tim 1 B»>afi,Gw.W Billow, Wm.. Ulan cUM. Idmrn , Eowe.Wtn Brlinl,Ed«ird , Blgelow.Cbu Jndd.OlibettEtt jofld.into ; BHI. Dlniel Brown. John Dtoltop, Obrlitopbw , iacaon, Andnw lanituln. «"&'."'.'."'.!!-". BfnitiDlD. June* Btnjimtn.luio BiruM. MlltOQ 1 Bin), Bie*ard Brafly, Patrick , tUnett, TBnoii Drmnln, Fnnk Buitinmp, Oeorgt Blo-.Joba ,..., Braonon, Gbrtitopher inn, Tboinii J 0o1e,Cbn CorelibfcOo.... Ooopc, Mrt, Ctwlite CbtlittnHO Andrew Garr.Jamti Ouitbird.L lloben. Albert CtiuiiberlalB, Bdwaid .. OtHioa.Pelcr 0u#, Jioob ,, CtamptiiD, Jowpt Oraropion, ffm «ook,a.(J Oomrlord, J»mM 0lO CU.mWrl.m.Jnba Ctwtoberliln, Wm Oolllot. n<vdill Oiaidn(j Oole,BdiB dun, Wm Orogfr.K. J DOOB!»I), Aog Due. Jacob nondiot I«ao Cooper, F n n k Dtrlton, Jobt) Carlion.A Oouele. J«m Ooak, Edwitrt OnlctllQe. IVm.,.; Dook.Wui Dotbj, MM •orb} W Uotur, Wm 0%Dt»ei; Pitrlok Uarr.Jolin Ooleroitu Frank Uoburo. Aury Gbimptot), Blcbira Coibj, AKek... Uonait Jofipti O.rlion.JoUn. aoi.Btroird O»B^ Ktaton ao*,Job rr, ttaratrtf. ll Jbn Ooini'l, Sn'k'j. 1 ,'.' Cbapptl, J»bBita*n OonnDlif'.Jotm!^;. Ooi, Derotrd...... Cbnrin, Wm .. ... CJiinolir. Wm Onlltn, Tdoa. Gublon.FiUlck... ObeBner, Frank. .. Oomwaj, ADGJ. Br. Cot,Brjint ....... '. Oomibiok, I « i c . . , Cntler.Am W... , anlier.Ana V Oatler, AotW.,. Oooiwr, WilUr Cihlll. Thntnif Cm, Alfred OailirobuB"'!^; ClilDil1dfn, Own, "Idol BklDf, Tbci... Cbi'f win, Rlobtrtl Cmelb. Qfrny CiMj.Ulebn Cr HI min,Peter Cnmn, JIIBM...,, mtoTf, Jowpb, Cook, J»tDB< Ooolej,0«BH |To7U Elllir, WlllUm M DrtHe, Jimi* Do:iurt, EwueMt D17, Willlim Dtiorc Richard DtllcJp, JOBD Darenport, C b u K D*ftuuorl, Jotn , DolmJ, fliai'l Dicl*aO II '•vtnport, Oyrm,.,.".'...'...'. ^'thtr. Oeorui >tt\,BT, Hlnin., Jkl.on. Nawioa... iau, Ktunl oporl Comeliui ion. Atliiur n^PEEw .. Hfrwn.Jotll «m. Jobo 'ltDCJ, JjffiH.. iteDport, Kdward )n»IJ(ciu,AIU>rl >OPT, Janie* JlCfc. JotlD l M ' n,bn onotiUd, Jobn Htkertou, ftidie pitirett, D«m, Ku ilrimnle. A.P.Ett . Uooiln, lllrbird Jtbbi. IVw. <Porl (Jriu JeicoD, Jobu Qoboi, UUu ff Deicoa, MiltbBW Dnkt. ffm Dufolr,Loui»A Jotolr, Idelll* Stlryraple, Lir, Jr l>«, Jaisei DND.UICU'I .Vm Cboha*, Dan'J DosoUut. JuLu, Pun Orin oDolitie, Ubrlnophsr J«in)t Hi try ^.Lirl,Jn f Kli, £ {tiud>on urtell .. .. '-- Oootse Eicrw. K*. N ,y.'.'.',',,'..'.'.",'.', Elliott Ltoimd :rnotf, Joan :Dmjit«rH, Win E'le, Uit, axbariug.. Eliuf, ;otm D. K.I . E«tou, Dbi* ""•'-, Jotiu Fffder, Qtorue. r ii»*lmiuon Mirj urn, Tliw .',' Ford! Ira Forw,EojiMi« 'ord, Win.'.. '.'.'."..'.""! .'.,." Furre, Inbn 0 ••,,,.. •• Fun), B«toej rwu^Unrd ... Ford, Benrj «ml, Biniuel 'Mania, BumoniJ [air.EdMtd . Fllap'i Itirlci"." .MM,'.'..'* [ottotg. Pnlilp FflDDlKO. O B J [orcjt'u, JimM ".".""."'...•;.".". H»b», T<ntj . ..'.".'.'.,..!.'.", 'vigt, Albert ... '.'.'..',".'.'...' r «rdiQs, J*oob, Ert 'irr.Mn Qtorg. Frincli, Jobn r'x'F.ed "".".".' ...".'".".' 'leutDit, Tit'k Ftirebiid.Qirrj VignioD, Btepneu linn' Mlcb'u."!* ',',".". [lartj, Wm Ftffren,jobn. ....... ,.. Falej.ItlcniTd... Foley, Qbu ftniWi ' Gft- Qtortt Eilof PA..... ,,. Qlllen, Fnnk Oordtn, Win UroDltn, Joba Carrion, I n t o OolitttelD.Jciepn QaUIitc.ii.Uw arlablt. Jibn O l O OtrrleovOeoroB,,.. Qeleao, rrank...,, Qrtiat.Colntn Qill. O&tt Qiltli,Tooj amreo,Oitdner Orler, Oicar Qaltiabrr, Wm Jr. Qlaanu. Henry , Hlcti'l OorJoij,Joho.. 0%tney, Joatpb Qirdow. Oiltln . . Mrdner. HfDrj Qoultl,Jamu Oiynor.Jobn.ar iQDn.Jotm (joicitt, nobu OrND, Jobn arabim, flmrj Gonntn, Jowpb.... Hunt, tM«r<> neinl.Uleb'U Btll,Wma Bill Qeor|e an.nt,WraB Bajden,P*lrlc. Hijdfu, Jituci till), Ollw Old AWwl lamnRtoo. Elmtr Jolglind. Emil. Hnmmer.OA Bicn, Peler BEDderaon,Ni!«l..; Hlrbie Wm Br Be^wV'..:::::";.::::.::.:"..::::.:.':: llnnt, Edvtrd *rt,. Bohn,Jobn Uridlind, Aagmtai nenneMj, Thoi Uaa.cn, llirrj . Heddeo. Ollrer Bnilrofft,WmA Qermia. Jmepb . .. aennetwy, Mlch'i Oelnt, Orarg«. , .. .. UocklnK,lIenrr Hioien. 0 of Uabn, fred [lanw,IiaiD Oilier, WiltorB lUnwn.Jobo Holly, SUpnen H(rt*, UlettrH Q«til>ik-a,jobn,. BlDOlkO, iUBtt Heilb, Wm Ueith, Hirry ,,. Henry, WB... BlffSD. J(IM>pb HwtntD Tl»MD,Edy Haaia, OlnuK ii.Ktr.juo :: Uarny.HnC UeuoMtty, Mti Jobn Hetlo, Peior ntaia Hod, Henry. Ktt BUI, John (f llii. Uulbert, Dewlll ItiiKlntoD, lleiter Ilnitoo,Wn Uib^J ncklns, Tbomii tUwklttMlaik Bnlcbem, Jobn met*, ffra Oildebnnt Bl]*r, Enrln nirrl»,SlliB Uitnm.Dia'l llMkinfl, Jobn flndaDn, p*ul Hubert, Oitimi Bfdloa, tVlflltm , Elolbert. Jobo.... , aIi*eny,Jobn,Jr HMiry, Ollrar! Htieklns. flui Henry. Wm IlDoptr, blcbinl nigpni, sidner Bnnt.Wni .. min, Peitr ey.Jatnn nciwpbii .... :...:: : Uodjre, RiotuM Oir.lt.John Elirrlt, Himnt) Oitllort, Mwii'l .... - ooffnicnn onrocitnt Tiat,

SF Ifi - Rockaway Township Free Public Librarytest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1896/1896-02-14.pdf · BEST,ROUND STEAK very Besi creamery EIGHT OBNTB POUND ' AND

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: « : C O N T A I N S MORE

• ' ' THAU;i; AMY OTHER PAPER. :i:


1Northern New Jersey.



Office on J3fockwdl}Street next door

to Ox National Union Batik.



T a u t * MOHTHB


1 nk. 2 wkB 8 wksi

1 1auoSCO


_m13 50IS 0018 503400

Percentage added for extras, Local notlowfittoen oeatt per line.

r \ i W I T T R. HUMMER.

Heal KetAte utd.Iiuuruioe Agent

OUlw over Ths Qw, Bloh&rda €O.'B Bton



DOVBK, N. J. .8 to B A, II.( 8 to B A, M.

a h to :>!•, u.7 to a !•,(!.

Special attention given to OUsaaei ofwomen and ohillren.




- Oflioe In UIB Tone Building,

Otm J . A. Lvon'B STOILI, DOVER, N. J


DOVER, N J.[imininca Broker And Uommiwliitit-r ol Dwto

Fire. Life, Steam Boiler, Employer*' Lia-bility aud Live Slock Imurauw. Our In-.urauce iumreH. Heal E»ww bought and«ild ou CoQUnlwcn,


p E O . O. COMMINB.al. D.,




OOoo on north aid. ol Bl«clwall street and•boat 900 leet «eM ol WuTm rtreet,





Cutting •specialty,



' Contracts taken for all kinds of work ineither IIDB of buainea and tho best materials

' (amUhed. Setting Boilers and: coveringSham PIpw.wltE Asbestos a specialty.

OiBoe near Central Depot 23-ly.



0«IO*-JMiOKW»liL BT., COVER, N. J.

Honas: OA. ». to IS.n. nery Batuniaj.


OARVBNTER AMD BUILDER.FUoa and apeciflcatlona mads and contraota

' taken Jobbing alwajs partleularly attaDdmto. Order* [eft'at the Brick Drug Store ofMr. Win. H. Uoodalo or at the poit oflloe wlUbe promptly attended to. corner Unlou andRlrerBtreete, Doyer.H. J.



LAKHS IH HOBRIB COUNTSin Ion ot 8 aoree and upward! and leveralgood boildlcg Iota In Fort Oram, N. J.

Addrea* L. O. BIEHVIBTE, Beo'y,- . ' -.' U O T X B , N . J. '


Manufacturer and Dealer In .


aodallwerkinHarbleandGranltfl. All work. . oi UieDtnG order and prjoes rewonable.BLaoIWEU. BlEIIT. -:• DOVER, H. J.





", BTANHOFE, •* Hiw j«E8ir.


BOURB: 1 to 3i««nJ 0fflto8r.il d.llf,fXoectUosday. BnndajaltoaoDly.

OWIMBpiaiiLTlBa i Bje, Ear, NMoandThroat Bl«or«, • 45-tt


s'oysB, v.'j.'Plaoa,apiclBcatlOT. for buDdlnra, coon

' tuon and materials furnished.

Jobbing Promptly Attended to

SLATE IIOOKS-Wo furnMt rtt«tcfo« da!. and put on atataroof. by good mechanics.

Backafa Bheathlnz Paper always on band.. OIQos and Shop on Blackwell Ht,, next toMd Shop on Blackwoll HL

Lumber tompwiy'a MUI.R ^ r u w x A a B




in all its branohos

|Blto«W«.SBl-. , H.I,




I Of FurnitureCiirpets, Stoves, etc.,—tllat's what we have—every j fsquare foot of it's well covered—no chance for goods to goto seed liere^—all new lines, new designs, new everything.All unique prices—here's au instance or two:

Bed Lounges $5.00 up

Bed lounge like tills cut . (37B

Built for comfort, wear and effect Made for hid audlounge. Variety of coverings.

•crnfl *4 Chiffoniers• at $4.95

We've a real good line—niauy patterns — thisespecial one is worthevery cent of $10.00.It's yours tor $4.05.

CarpetsAll Weaves

It1 s'lrue gospel tliat we' reselling a mtilitude of Car-pet patterns never to heduplicatedagaiu—they'reat prices .low enough tomake tliem go.

M i t K f t t c o f Q t w t i u r[in Dl He Stats. Foiste) maleIOW Held null raw-io cailittitl

AMOS H. VAN HORN Ltd. M e the Name "AMOS"


RUBBER GOODSWoonsocket Boots ,$2.60Best Wool Boots '"[ 2.25Good duality Wool Boot % 2.00Best Arctics . v 1.50


Good Quality Arctics 1.25Women's Best Rubbers \ .W, .36Misses' Best Rubbers .30Childs' Best Rubbers 25

Everything in proportion

HEAGAN SHOE CO.Opp. B. L & W. R. R. Depot, DOVER, h. J.

Carpets, Stoves. Purnltura, Etc.Low Priced, Easy Terms'



Dr. A. G. FREEMANHas removcil his Dental Office to rooms over

Pierson & Co's. Clothing Store

Continneshin position with Diu FBEEMAN



Sash, Blinds,- Doors, Mouldings. &c.'BRACKET and SCEOLL S A V I N S DONE ro'ORDEB

GOAL, WOOD A P BUILDING M&TEB1YLalways on hand. Having lately creeled a large Coal Trestle with COVERED

POCKETS.and a capacity of one hundred cars, we can supply our trade with

DRY AND SCREENED COAL'. l . t i r i n g to handle theirown coal can have It screened and loaded with

, • - out shoveling

ad neUHSinlpped kitchen.its, with a full Une of

kJ uuunniLD

e an readysTOung n iWa ttaor lightly tunu to thoupht

. tomeet«llherwinta,wltb»

Stoves, Ranges and Housefurnishing Goods

Qilek Heal Gasoline Stores,u d otlier Bunimer p » d i aucb M I t e f r W a t o r e . I » Cream Fwerera, TlnirBre, TrYoodenwirt and

. . .OraoUaWaiti. A l » « g o c t t o r

THE - CHICAGO -STEEL - TOWER - WIND - MILLfor pumping WAler. T o w « Mi l Wheel pUwnl ied to prct tmt coirodon.

, Steam, Hot Water a i l Hot J i t HeatQlgI'vttfc m and wo l aw the bc*t m r a u t o In town. SribBRtM cheerfully turntahod ind

, irork gaattaiem.

J . T. KERR, OPP. Pail HQtCl. SIlHiell St.. Dover , N . J .


HEATING STOVES s RANGEStht World;'jtmxt of expertanc* pnabl« ui to tee the drfratt and abandon all itow«hwlng objectionable fft»tiir«i for the beet ID ths market and low priotn. A urge

garrife.i.'WftffTilrgMn'phtnffj Wrlngeri, fltnel Kn»mol(d Wan. Ate,

PLUMBING, BTEAM AND HOT WATER HEATINGTin Work ~of ail kbdatotmlcrfttlhfl old (tend' : .

D S.• AI.LEN. Dover, N. J.



Masons and Buildprs.D 0 V » B , K. J .

Ccmtneta for all Unda of work takaa andall nuterlab tumlahid. Pntctlca) exporleae*lo o r t r r bmacb of nuMni nark. . ' - , '


WE TRTTSTThe increase of oar sales show plniuly Unit jouappreciate our efforts. I t is plain to be eeen noone can do better for TOD ;

EVERYBODYIn Dover and vicinity baa beard of oar SaturdayBargain SAWB. Hundreds of eatiafiod and pleasedouatomera prompt ns to keep np the good work;




M petTWENTY f\

TWO , / y perOBNTB fc^iV In.


Host Chuck 8Uak t ?o B*rt Dairy Butter 10cilest Soup BIrat 3c WeTeas .any kind WeBest Glrtola Steak He 17o Fla t Salmon , MoI!«trortprHouwBt«al( 16o 41b packngnGlod Dmt Iflc

FresliEpp>,p«rd(wen lTo fi lG». toft llollrf O«s ,17o Broooii, very good 10c 4taea5u8alt ,<bBrt0t6o8oBp.... 10c Jersey Tomatoes.rcg.tlc,now.....3 bottles oriChlUua 10a loo Extract, vanilla or lemonBcOUHnrritoM.. 8 SSocanCaliro-1- *—•-—Xifff^Wfl'BakinjfSodjs,i>*rj»und ' To EMcan Caliro

ISo. , ioo


. . . , , . . ISc *

L. LEHMAN & GO.Dover, K. J.

Our other.ton*, Newark, Trenton, EIJtabeth and Railway.



'SF Ifi

Roll Top Desks a Specialty

Everything in the Furniture Line



GBE\T CLEAEIN6 SALE•• • - — A T T H E — - . , ' . , •


. T O B E B O L D A r •• ' ''••'•:


. ' • • r P I N B L I S E O F ;. . ' . • • • • • . -


All Belling at leas than cost. Big linooflBkirW and Ooraota

Con, Br.AOKirraL ASD WJMIEK STUSSTO/-" -:- - :• -•'- 'rfioTEnj'H. J,

Financial Report of Randolph'-Township, Feb. 1st, 1896.


f aa

Errors deducted fru:n tluiillaity a imH l 'a ldJol iaDowDlnKTrff lRt i 'El

<Mo IHU3, $I>i|« Towmililp on Oupli

C*tc 1HM '

forin BCTIOOI fimj, I.UiMiNUolleuUd and in* cor-

pomtinu, 887 ilB


lOpprojirUUon (1-J) 54,101ty iwr wot. Stater,«fi«, M.00HW

Itallrowl and

Itec'il from Htnry \V,Crabbe,DlHtriit ClerktulMga. &'., •• -1 i littlWk ,

. From Oho*. Kocka. Col.Jlookftway Townslilji, IU1 Ht

l>. Vram 8. II. Iterry. 1).C tuition, &e., KWfi'J

llorra«e<ifroinl),C. ofIUndol|>h Tamwhlp. UTS 71

Errors deducted from <

From H. W. Urabiie.t u l t l o n . i t . , « I!!B to

" t;im*. Kimkft, Cot.Itiwhavaj- T 'OMI-hli lp^ IPt4ll

" 8.1), Unrrj-, I). C.tuition, & c , HUM

Borrowed from I>. U. ofRondolpli Towiwtiip, i,u7UTl

Apr IT DIIHcD.Tlt,Wm. B.neo. ,

Mij U Wu Bnj- . .- '» JBBuc.wel l

O n W Crane

Ed f lmrjKOEIinerroiiuei

Wo Otll««b*r'.'.'.*".'.'.'.'.

JH1) Dirnei..."!!!!!!

Jrukin»l.Iluck&"cil!!!!Hi; P Tboiua* Dntrtit.

, ME HH«1>.Titol) Bliimr, .

17 UM Trtdenlck '.TJ VoUDRi

Fub. IH.Nov. 1U.Dec. IB.


w oocixi

l\,m Wi

List of Delinquent Taipiyers in RandolphTownship.

$Duo corporat/"n (rood t in)

" tOM-nalil]) (IWlflDofL-ollectnl) inoi 1)7

11 towtmhli>,It.h.(ina

SCHOOL FUND-DOVER DISTRICT.b. 1. ittdnnLt) on Imnrt. $il,WWH«

lUf'flof II. W. UnLa.be,D.O.. tu i t ion , i t . . IliUPr.

r. 7. 1UC-<1 of Cliarln Kotika,. . Col. Uoctaway Town-p 1IM 401-1. Heo'd ](] i»r milt. Bltitu

tax, IBM, 5H4 07ne CD. Ituc'il of H. II. Dcrry, 1).

C , tuition. &c , 103 UJr . If). Hec'd Burylw HevQUuc, 131! W^.'U. " 1-JJ buteapproprl-* ation, 80S Wn. fll " go per cent, SlUe

ta t , 18w, Cfitn WiDlxt. lax , duplltnte i m a Oil

vw. saawi11 " " 180.. 0,441! TO»ao,iswso -


Mir. H.

Nov. 4. ia,

DIM. U.\m

_ _ . . . J D I M H H I . #TI. Hec'd 10 tier c en t State

tax, tKlH,Ilorrowod from Dlht. Clk 1U«c-d HuH'tus IleveniiH,

" Ml Stale appru-prldtlou,00 ]wr wtit, BUte

' Dlit.kx.Jupilcale

SCHOOL FUND-DISTRICT NO. 9.il from linn-

!«t. tai, dupll-'Wte 18(13, liTBO]

,iiidrmon, hudrewilfiiiiftti, Attdnw,Lilcn. I n,llfu tewritnbrow Ulcli'liditni, Wai.ndt t icn.Alou. . . -ilklcr, Nu-k.Jr, . .mdwtnn. Nil*lljMJ, FrtdLDiirrftflit, CbuLiidsrinu.Hiin'l.ndeiaon, JO)ID.iidenon, Aloi>i<> NLcaemrin, AKrcdLlplui, Jini«i.Ddov«rl iooOa. . . ..ino,4oboLlilr, Mrt JaooblJb

bl^Alnk.iidoraoo, CUi",ifr«. Jutia,i)lf, J.cobJim, r .«uci .,tuiDv», ffm....,ug«ln, Oi>o t)t(

Olrret WK)D»o, Jotio

Iddt.'jobt."!. " '.Biictiamii. WinUr.>ion,F.Jiriri....Uftltuu, OUll .- ...

Ojro?, MirilnHers, ohrDuch*L..o H.rrtco

, U«, Fred

DaiiU, Amtirilundcl,Ji«fpliUtitiej Jotio


Attest:February l |

HORACE L. DUN HAM, Collector.C. MANN, Township Clerk.


JOHN DOWNING, Treasurer." H.W.KIce.JI .1) . ,T0WNS1I1P FUND.

!. To balance1 " II. L. Dunliam Col.

•• • • • • - t tmui ,• duplicate 1WH,>. Br Jacob Itldner,. ] /Dover PrintlaK Co.,, " Thofl. B. McQraUi,. " Hictiul Orady,



" W . J . Downs," VortHrc*,,11 J. JI.Klker," I', .t, II. Bansett," . Doalel D, Crater,

" Jcwepli B. WiU.—" Wiu.ll . Spftngler," Oeoreu Tradenlck" Wm.Tlioq.iMK!ti," Charlas Coe.•• Johnwn II. Clark,;J John H. T o r ^

• ' ' ttelorO. Totten,"BBSBT50 88T 60




Geore A. B y no," J«u. W. Urotbertott,

" D. c n o j t ," n.Yf, lAmadta,

:". K. II. Tilipett," Tlios. F. JobDion," Jolm Mitchell," a f l . Jensen" Jame* aicKemia,"S.T.8mllh," a, A.Mnnn,11 ThBaNlioa,11 Ain't Lraiuterrcd to

road fund," Am't tranBlerred to

anoir fund, 813" b e l . p a l d t o F . O. Hed-

den, treasurer. BIT

POOR n J N8. To baUnce

. Br ilarry IlmthI. ' ' t t B . G t t M ,

" JollQ T. BUK1UII,

«^o. O. CuminlM,5I.D., 113 Ttt" LociietHlllCemeleryCo. BOO

- C . A . G W B H . '" Jolin A. Lyon." Bjr balance paid F . 0.

Hedden, t reuurer ,

DOG FUND.To balanceIty balance paid F. O.



SNOW FUNll .Feb. IB. To balance,

" Am'l transient*! tramTovmatilp Ex. FuDtl,

10. Br Wm. S o m n . fir. H. -fD. L. Bryant

| | J . I). Dlackwell.

11. " ElisliTHeclrtr, '" tiamuel Cliambern," Geo, W. Ceoae,



I sit or

itin on

14. 'J. II.B. B. Le«lTboe. J . Y

" Jamea D.Trowb11 George A pool." Hetry WlllUing,

. " D.U. McDatlt," Wn. Qulraby," W B , II. Bray,•| Vf, E. Plxon.

" Henry V. Lawrence," J . M. Briinl," Win. II . Plenon," Oeorgv Shaw

87 00oi on0B3

nwIB 00W0J


Feb. 13. To balhtice," amt. trstu

Feb. 'is. HyNitlonal UnloD~Datik"

Da do.. " Gdorge Bhaw,

" balance paid F . O.Hedden, Treat

•1 11,13.108

$ 4MO8


DK.Apt IT IlfofrntnJotinDdKolngt 017B.1

Joiwl1l.KiB<Matt,aitini/oter'k.! VllM .Ja l fH H.lifiDllUoiDnBittk... DOlin

Oe( 17 K^ittDt'oti'lon'Btilkl!*.! 1,*77M


Fcb ii itw(rcm~li"LDoaliai»icbiLi iDOinflinff lull,t n t i -nd a n i l T n w . 3,001 XI

of nlMw.. '. 1010IB ItitLaDiltTolan BAHh,... 07900


180,5Apr 17 P a Tipwtt, I M10

UL Uanbtni.,.. . .... 831VDover Priming Co 1.3AI D Tilljer... 11BT

U I J 3 roffrdden. . . ...; ... IIW3-JUDii.Ht 10H

IS Town of DoTf r, 3SWPni l Dinnett 1°^PJ ODuieil UOOit<JK»on ...,, W.W? 0 Heda»o

AG Back ,".. .Aog 34 1>J n D il-tilBept 18 f J B U»ndl .,



SHINOLB^, I<A,TH, etc.

Lehigh and Scranton Coal,BoaHOiiod'Wood

In block! or apUL

ILiOKWKLL aTTBEET, •:• DOVER, N. J .HirtiW placed a** Bawi In tit XIII WB *n-• proj i red to do tUkladi of nwinf.

ocfiWOT ft P il Tinprtt,.,, . , . . . . 'lim

^i r u Hiun-it KyJfiJ, -a» hiiioMi Onion l imi . . . . s.ooaooI D M IB Ju»hRlrtutt IfillI PJI tumiel t won ''1KB

Ht I t J W Bmttirrlnn 7 50Hummel ft I l l t r r . , . . : . US OS1.I.UMJ UnlniJ B.i.1, „ :

MONTHLY.If you Ifvs witHn a rc»onat1e dli.

tance of u« (IOO rail el), come ond H ena. We will par v0Ur c»c f«ra u denteruln you while you art here;whether you buy or col, c o n • " (welcome. See foryoimlf h lno« inamalcrUl


r col, con• " (f r y o i m e l f how pla.n made, inipect our

rondcrrul tnacMnerT,lumber

d thour hindiome officet, our lumberyirdi, our Jin tent ilry kiln* » d thateittnulppedficioryont.rth. Letui

^ meet yon per.atmll/ pud tliake TOU bvhs haniT, A fetr moment.' p lnur t l cS*t trill

ui fienfl and do m gond all around; If» d f b

fhs haniT, A fetrke ui frienfl* and

ihl Ui

_ ajtttuiloient plan, to mil ill poiitcU.- Onr 'caUiornB'wU. coi t riiii notltini'au>AI w i l l mnt j o u money. Orrti^tdtnu ttiUiUd. VISITORS ARE ALWAlfl.'WELCOIii.


B UHUttn .,W j . ibnF Worf

T tou . i 11 llcOmhnitLCook

I I S ' U S l

Q a n m l a iS M MotionJ Wflantnl*

lylT LncnitQlilOtintterjAi.HKMutUiDODOxtcJunn Downa,TboniasBUcOntbTHOIUMB UcQtitbJobnDanabnB

g 31 JobnDmnuufl .. ......SUBuilonDaTir Ocmetcrj AMO. ..SUSmton


1 111 H D U M B , , , . . ' " . ! ! ! . " *^ I IT Oor.dicMl D ',

Da.er Osmeury A»io....John Wtltnt, Si D.SMBotlon

no Tbomu B Mo<3rmtdv a n s M Button

BMsmumJ S NelaobODrUiwKft i r . . ,

JoboDroobni!!!!'.!!! 11JOUD Down*Jobn DonchcB . . . . . .deo McOnokfn

mt. fl Ttinaiti II MaQra.ti . . .

Orcbard Hiteot Gttnt,.ten AIIOCIIUDP

Win Q nraiJ W Btmml*..,O l l b u eHit flulionWm I I tJi.iTtJtonjOo...

17f,BMOIIlflOO13 00


a A an hind MTF

1)OQ FUND.•1 DK,r 17 neo Inm Jolin Downing |<i:u ci

b »l OJ Bk«1t«nn«r | IMKIAainunt triiiiiltrrMl to

Kaii] Fund sixKXlBiUticcon bind ;.. urn

aaow emo.1.1 Dii.

J * DUtrtiM^ EIJ Onoi" r k Uo»

j ' i i i ) i tek*et i i ' . . • ' . ! ; : ; ;F 17 ItomiM Mwm»y

lliliucc on Uiad V


Duplltate 1B1H

Tnwtrt h m i DuyYr.n*f«r from

TnwUt itoa'iitvFund

DTro.arPOTottco.U w i Foul.Ju«l' Vonn

C HkelcuNer .tUojoel BooejE>l UltnctiardA I HodOeuCL.rlci VDUURt.J D T l d

i Ed UliueUJtcob MldDH'm M Uiu

Ocl |t; vitaQ gulu

(ItoWlluinOM) U Wolf

-- 0 II VLlwreDoc is Jioob ltidn

J UBl.clwJIUJMU Lorw,.J O P y


pbllp,loo, OoD. Vfm


Eacbiiiin.— . . . . . . ! .Baokltr.Henry. ....Ditle». AmteGray, Oisar, ',Beiten, KtoliirdJirllM B d « r dirllM. B d «lttnlKbMn,raay.PtilUp.ri4yFr«oaI


.FrBniftaiHiK, *ntoo»&iy,JimwTIODHBII, Henrylime*. ArtburSaddlRRton, OboiUtrret, IVinDtrrel, EmmettUBII, OtorweIt-ucbird, Tim 1B»>afi,Gw.WBillow, Wm..Ulan cUM. Idmrn ,Eowe.WtnBrlinl,Ed«ird ,Blgelow.CbuJndd.OlibettEttjofld.into ;BHI. DlnielBrown. JohnDtoltop, Obrlitopbw ,iacaon, Andnw

lanituln. «"&'." ' . ' ." ' .!!-".BfnitiDlD. June*Btnjimtn.luioBiruM. MlltOQ 1Bin), Bie*ardBrafly, Patrick ,tUnett, TBnoi iDrmnln, F n n kBuitinmp, OeorgtBlo-.Joba , . . . ,Braonon, Gbrtitopher

inn, Tboinii J0o1e,CbnCorelibfcOo....Ooopc, Mrt, CtwliteCbtlittnHO AndrewGarr.JamtiOuitbird.Llloben. AlbertCtiuiiberlalB, Bdwaid ..OtHioa.Pelcr0u#, Jioob ,,CtamptiiD, JowptOraropion, ffm«ook,a.(JOomrlord, J»mM0 l OCU.mWrl.m.JnbaCtwtoberliln, WmOolllot. n<vdillO i a i d n ( j

Oole,BdiBd u n , WmOrogfr.K. JDOOB!»I), AogDue. Jacobnondiot I«aoCooper, F n n kDtrlton, Jobt)Carlion.AOouele. J «mOoak, EdwitrtOnlctllQe. IVm.,.;Dook.WuiDotbj, MM

•orb} WUotur, Wm0%Dt»ei; PitrlokUarr.JolinOoleroitu FrankUoburo. AuryGbimptot), BlcbiraCoibj, AKek...Uonait JofiptiO.rlion.JoUn.aoi.BtroirdO»B^ Ktaton

ao*,Jobrr, ttaratrtf.ll J b n

Ooini'l, Sn'k'j.1,'.'

Cbapptl, J»bBita*n

OonnDlif'.Jotm!^;.Ooi, Derotrd.. . . . .Cbnrin, Wm .. . . .CJiinolir. WmOnlltn, Tdoa.Gublon.FiUlck...ObeBner, Frank. ..Oomwaj, ADGJ. Br.

Cot,Brjint. . . . . . . ' .Oomibiok, I « i c . . ,Cntler.Am W... ,anlier.Ana VOatler, AotW . , .Oooiwr, WilUrCihlll. ThntnifCm, Alfred

Oai l i robuB" ' !^ ;

ClilDil1dfn,Own, "Idol• BklDf, Tbci...Cbi'f win, RlobtrtlCmelb. QfrnyCiMj.UlebnCr HI min,PeterC n m n , JIIBM.. . , ,

mtoTf, Jowpb,Cook, J»tDB<Ooolej,0«BH

|To7U Ell l i r , WlllUm M

DrtHe, J imi*Do:iurt, EwueMtD17, WilllimDt io r c RichardDtllcJp, JOBDDarenport, C b u KD*ftuuorl, Jo tn ,DolmJ, fliai'lD i c l * a O II

'•vtnport, Oyrm,.,.".'...'...'.^'thtr. Oeorui>tt\,BT, Hlnin.,

Jkl.on. Nawioa...iau, Ktunloporl Comeliuiion. Atliiurn^PEEw ..

Hfrwn.Jotll«m. Jobo

'ltDCJ, JjffiH..iteDport, Kdward)n»IJ(ciu,AIU>rl

>OPT, Janie*JlCfc. JotlD

l M 'n , b n

onotiUd, JobnHtkertou, ftidiepitirett, D « m , Kuilrimnle. A .P .E t t .

Uooiln, l l lrbirdJtbbi. IVw. <Porl (JriuJeicoD, JobuQoboi, UUu ffDeicoa, MiltbBWDnkt. ffmDufolr,Loui»AJotolr, Idelll*Stlryraple, L i r , J rl>«, JaiseiDND.UICU'I

. V mCboha*, Dan'JDosoUut. JuLu, Pun Orin

oDolitie, Ubrlnophsr

J«in)t Hi try^.Lirl ,Jn fKli, £ {tiud>on urtell . . . .' - - Oootse

Eicrw. K*. N ,y.'.'.',',,'..'.'.",'.',Elliott L to imd:rnotf, Joan:Dmjit«rH, Win

E'le, Ui t , axbar iug . .Eliuf, ;otm D. K.I .E«tou, Dbi*""• ' - , Jotiu

Fffder, Qtorue.rii»*lmiuon Mirj

urn, Tliw .','Ford! IraForw,EojiMi«

'ord, Win.'.. ' . ' . ' .".. ' .""! . ' . , . "

Furre, Inbn 0 ••,,,. . ••Fun), B«toejrwu^Unrd ...Ford, Benrj«ml, Biniuel'Mania, BumoniJ[air.EdMtd .

Fllap'i I t i r l c i " . " .MM, ' . ' . . ' *[ottotg. Pnlilp


[orcjt'u, JimM ".".""."'...•;.".".

H»b», T<ntj . ..'.".'.'.,..!.'.",

'vigt, Albert ... '.'.'..',".'.'...'r«rdiQs, J*oob, Ert' i r r .Mn Qtorg.

Frincli, Jobnr'x'F.ed "".".".' ...".'".".'

'leutDit, Tit'kFtirebiid.QirrjVignioD, Btepneu

linn' Mlcb 'u ."!* ',',".".[lartj, Wm

Ftffren,jobn. . . . . . . . ,..Falej.ItlcniTd...Foley, QbuftniWi '

Gft-Qtortt Eilof P A . . . . . , , .Qlllen, FnnkOordtn, WinUroDltn, JobaCarrion, In toOolitttelD.JciepnQaUIitc.ii.Uwarlablt. JibnO l OOtrrleovOeoroB,,..Qeleao, rrank. . . , ,Qrtiat.ColntnQill. O&ttQiltli,Toojamreo,OitdnerOrler, OicarQaltiabrr, Wm Jr.Qlaanu. Henry

, Hlcti'l

OorJoij ,Joho. .0%tney, JoatpbQirdow. Oiltln . .Mrdner. HfDrj

Qoult l ,JamuOiynor.Jobn.ar

iQDn.Jotm(joicitt, nobuOrND, Jobnarabim, flmrjGonntn, Jowpb....

Hunt, tM«r<>neinl.Uleb'UBtll,WmaBill Qeor|ean.nt,WraBBajden,P*lrlc.Hijdfu, Jitucitill), OllwO l d AWwl

lamnRtoo. ElmtrJolglind. Emil.Hnmmer.OABicn, PelerBEDderaon,Ni!«l..;H l r b i e Wm Br

Be^wV'..:::::";.::::.::.:"..::::.:.'::l lnnt , E d v t r d •* r t , .Bohn,JobnUridlind, AagmtainenneMj, ThoiUaa.cn, l l i r r j .Heddeo. OllrerBnilrofft,WmAQermia. Jmepb . . .aennetwy, Mlch'iOelnt, Orarg«. , . . . .UocklnK,lIenrrHioien. 0 ofUabn, fred[lanw,IiaiDOilier, WiltorBlUnwn.JoboHolly, SUpnenH(rt*, UlettrHQ«til>ik-a,jobn,.BlDOlkO, iUBttHeilb, WmUeith, Hirry , , .Henry, W B . . .BlffSD. J(IM>pbH w t n t DTl»MD,Edy •Haaia, OlnuKii .Ktr . juo ::Uarny.HnCUeuoMtty, Mti JobnHetlo, Peior ntaiaHod, Henry. KttBUI, John (f llii.Uulbert, DewlllItiiKlntoD, lleiterI lni too,WnU i b ^ J

ncklns , TbomiitUwklttMlaikBnlcbem, Jobnmet*, ffraOildebnnt O»Bl]*r, Enrlnnirrl»,SlliBUitnm.Dia'lllMkinfl, JobnflndaDn, p*ulHubert, OitimiBfdloa, tVlflltm ,Elolbert. Jobo.... ,aIi*eny,Jobn,JrHMiry, Ollrar!Htieklns. fluiHenry. WmIlDoptr, blcbinlnigpni, sidnerBnnt.Wni ..

min, Peitrey.Jatnn

n c i w p b i i . . . . : . . . : : :Uodjre, RiotuMOir.lt.JohnElirrlt, Himnt)Oitllort, Mwii'l . . . .-

ooffnicnn on rocitnt Tiat,

THE ERLFriday, Feb. 14,1896^

Tbe anil garb bill, li.troduenl l.y SciiftUirHogem, waa killul on Tuesday. SweaterDaly moved to linve tbe enacUiiB claus*stricken out. After a abort dubaU "Sena-torial courtesy" wai waived ftul a decl

o -

ti against tbe bill. Tbu eleven voting•tr lkeuut thu umcltug cl&ui-e were: Me»iDaly (Dua».), Gould, Uerbert, JUIIIIHJII, Kchain, Kuhl (Dun I, Harry, BMnii, VunrhuiVml»n*l and Williams. 'Xli'K- in tliilive were; Bradley, Hii(lf, Hoffman, PackerHugem, Kitif, Htuait* ( ton . ) , uud Want.

tJvii&Uw Voorbm jeetertlny liiVrutluce*! tbill djufcirjiun tlw oj«n *(uwo for «*<"*Llrda and Huh. lu the nor HUTU district* ireada us follow*: Woodcock, rartrid^e, Rru:njulircl, l,tacki<iii<rr.]niid toi r-^lriei, trauOctober 1 to Utotiiiber IU; litre, rabbiniiua.il, Kun>j.ean [Leafnot ai:d grouse, fruuOctober llTi tfl Dec-mLer ]»; (i-jy wipeKnftllili niii Wilson tuiipe, llttrch and Ajirland betwom August :< ami DixmaXmr Kgrain ur ujiUud plovw ur dove*, tioui AugiuWtoSeiiUmilwr IU; m d liirJw, roil ttrd»(,omuntli turn, ( run Aumul -J to December Hblack haw, from May IWlo Il< cumber 1; Irrufrom A^Jill IU to July 15; plckurel, from Mi1 to IVItrunry 1; e«l puU and t) uketB, for tlicaUbliiK i>I eel. and caUlsli, all tUt) year.

STANUOPW-The Mood anil atom, dentrnyod no proper

In tliU vldiiity as 1 bavu huurd of jut . Tlroa<U»»tre waihedoiit In ]>\a<-e& fa tbe onlydamage done Hb fur un I can oBCtrluiu,

Tin) bciya and ulrJt>. emu a of tbeui |old oum Uia nru wij>jhiK a Hkalfiig »again uu the canal and lako.

There were two funera1n last Friday afterHOOD atirudvil by uiiikr taker Almt-r. Oiwaa from th« eHVeta of acarlet fever, tother JiptlierlB or pneumonia. Tbe ducturileenilnR tinilmKreola tlie lttatca<e.

Tbe ilBiica uV tbo Forest IVmw Buddwa»i|ulielurgoty«ttoLileJ la [it wetkby HtaullOJrt) JHHiJlIf!.

EuttrtuluimnH Friday and 3uturd»yevilugsot tills weuk at Dctke.' Gpwa, nouwtbe Wilbor F a r o Univeralty troupe call ie Aiapb Uoiie«rt V<>. It lovksai tliouj{lii11. K. Ctiurcl) IH luterftU-d from tlio ulaiticket" are uolilfor Ibisa L'titurtainiiiriiu.

Borne BW'dy K<«"ly l*ui>lo have btcii w|hiK small [uz to come lu uur mliitt railthan tu net) tlielr ciilMren tuu (lie liakof bo-IHK ruined by tlie Iquor tratlb. 'i'hlatike lisd mtann to help iliu toiuperaui-etuany CIIIUIIIunity.

Tlwru treru fair aiz.nl ctiigri-gntloiii In at-Wulauce at our cburclie* on ttutidn? IBcoLHideriiJK tbe iticlimiency of tbu wea'hur.

Pmf. Matiuiy, (trincipjl of the Nuloi

UfBdny evening (if tnls wn?lt at tba M. K.Cliun.li to it gund i-i^'il HUtlicnce. It, nan |ioa[wi.eJ on account, o[ iu* wentuer lant wtok,

I t liioku ab tbuiign s-nrtor M. T. Uibbs in tciiiR tu Btay tbc full limit ur live ytart a t ibH. E. CDuti-h,

Her. E K Doualdani pixtur uf the Pttbjterlan Cburtfli \a a«dy ua a stiort visit.

was tb

OHEUTEB.Mte. A. E. Oibo-uq Uu« liecu eritertaiuli

JJIanTouiiuiof H»li ivoy.ThBllttlefnvudeio' iiiBi D'ira DmiJ Rat

bar a Burrji-im* party uu Wnlmiiday afti:

JoUn W, Drinkxator, ut Wrot N.wtoDItlasti., baa liet-u »toji|ili)K ut tba Cutfor a lew di js .

Hits Clara I) owl by, of dovur,guest ot MIB. 0*. T. IKiWfll nuHumlsy,

b i n . Walla U'urtou, Dora Skelleufcortiny DVQ ure en tlie «lck llht.

Mrs. H- Ii. Hedges |>t visiting hor son Dr. KW. HedKeaut ('tali)lleld.

Mr. 11. Abbe/, of Wuuddile,Hltb Ilia brother Chirlen ALilW, .

Thu IJ. 0. B. ot A. will KUe su entertain-treutln CliamLsrlain'd bullWrtbtfay.

A. B. Mine, <'f Dover, was In town on Hun(lay.

Mlsa Nettle Marxti In Hpandlng a mimtbTlsitHigfrfdndi lu Kmark .

HiwB.nl Wkippueimer, ot Hew Yorb rltjformerly ol tbU place was lu town onntbdny renewing act|ualnttiticeH.

Tbe eictit of the eeanoa was & "rhfekonroB>t"ft[vt;u by t taemeuat Cbumbsrliu'it hullonTuiwlayeveuInKlu honor of tlia blrltila)

very jleamntly fptut by Ihow preheat I r t iJ]||lb Uililgo, lVauacb, KaBtoii and otlplaces. A hearty wo'cono *>U4 extoudednil aud a't«r a Jolly tlms the bappy oampalelt In tbe nee eiiin1 haurj of I'io mom ing.

8P&.KTA.Frank Smith and wire, of Oak Uldge,

ID town last Salumay utd Buocny,TbeSparid ])e'atlng Cluti [>o»lpoiied tUeli

tueetlng lait Friday, F .b . 7tb, on accoiloclol at Pioab) Uirhn parsoDHge.

Tba y. 0. ». of A. meet on necoud anfourth Haturdnys of each mouth. Tney arendenvorini to organize B bnud, which will• great help to tbe in.

tba Bpart* publln ftrboil clo<Pd lai t Thtirs<day ftiieruwn ><t 2;iiO OD nccount of itoraiwertheratnl nnu-b tendance.

TbBrfllndone«r*atdomaieberc. I t1 tbe ro&da to tbej wtro bardly payable. Alu

Folk's dam bur-ted and tbe culvert brldyndur tbe N. Y. H & W. K I t wasvtxbfel UWIVJF BO t b e ; wrre urmblo to run catover It. I t n-ai comi)ltt*ly gone, nothing biths rails and a few tie* hung fait Tb- K.Co. lava bu<lt a temporary Ireitla undertbey »re runulug tralci over I t now. Thwon't p u t up tbe bridge until n u t •umrcwblcb will be en Iroa one. I t dim wwhwpart of the t.rlilfte away neor JJr». Lyomand tbe bridge near J a m t i Deckflf, m | j i w awished awiy , also Ur. Ureber'd dam.

Tbe puplla ot tbe ajiarln publio school aimaking preparation* for an eiit^Hatompot Ibe held In Tltmaii'i hall on WaablngtoaBirthday, Feb. 2J i . I t will be an exoelleientertainment caimitUuEcof dlal.guen, teci'.tUoan and tableaux. PmceedJ will b* «itU buy an cr*an /or the • houl. SCHIBDI-EI

Th« high watvr of last wt>ek « ftibed outIf, Conover'* dam and "ia«hed away tbe witirldga at tho hesd of hui pond, and n e »wubed away ffra, Bartley & 8ons' danibMld»k>Uof ra'la, wood and pole*.

Ljman Bmb baa moved into tha botuioil latber. Job Bu*li.

Teter Cos and family hjve reoivered f roithe meailei.

Oeoma Jones la going to work for J, W.Lladabury tbe coming summer.

Mr*. Hattle Strackbammorta vkltlngatG. BarUeyV,

M. Firldi t in I«a*e4 a farm near HiglBridge and will more on or b (fore Ap-|l

Ur. and Mrs. J. M. Canorer bare a vliltorIt'* a bay.

Cli«. ttoM, of Sucewunni*, expecti to moion bli farm en. April ta!.

Mra. Bu»n Rtrlck ia quite ill at thla wrlIsR.

The Lodioi' Missionary Society met *ilMr*. R. C. Hartley on Widuerdsy. Wui .

JUT. F B B N .1 know It, ob 11 kouw It,

Tboagh tbe front la on tbe panoThe time If drawiog Dearer

W h m tba birds will aing as*ln.W« o n Berry to learn at tbla writing tb

Ur, Forks taai bean conflntd to hta home ittld week.

Mi*. ThomM IVtUhmii, o f i l i oe HillTlfitlng Wta, Pttnx, Br., on Tue«day.

Young p*opl«'( prayer inratlng a t Ji8 r > ' » 0 | PrV., Friday evening a t 8 o'cloclBlnaed ia tbe a m i wbcue hope tbe Lord [a.

Qutte a, sutnher ot oa r rellarB Ttartentd from tha atoim last Thursday.

Eddie Kowe bai left ua, accepted n poaltliIn tbe Richard njln«.

Young folka aie having a jolly tlmo Mand rertivinn valmtlueB, it only cornea• JIB** we all know, tberefors let ua all ha<• tntrry time,. A number of our nitdeiits are tbe ownei

of tome very pretty colt* Dot yet brokenfor action.

POUT "M0BBI3.OnSalurilay niulit us {ifni'SfHitrt

hur, b u t ' t h e otbur H u I—«-»•i Keicuiid ti>Stiinli'|)!tb--' li'.'n

id ldriver mid tnu i i im "IUfd nil in n hvvp \i to iutMl l-r Juhii au.l ]U l l. i e to iltUti. Hut .1 .I

l o t . H'iiw i>a«-ri.t'VmJ p (1 t'.;tr, tm p g

U tint. Tlity thought by t y•Hud ttmt tln-rv um-t liftva liwii o•niK'l'iillibiui, In', b - wooM i'1'' Ml «h-jit »ny went tu IJi-orno I. ui*'* b'jum1, uvuti"ijrpale, broku tlie kv «•* l«r IIIILIH tliei'-


UH'II-(1 UlKi •UuftLct, Icnrn.

•»red, 1 B"

tiix sluuk

.ji.l i tiny in

IIJUU i.'hui iiv'fi-ll

f ((ft ""'" l ' u"' 'ut-.t f r all tboy; Hurl tu (i,

!n n ii]) In K

ii< road for a wliilo log j t bis l,l,i,.tiun. I dmi't liuuw uliat ibey

"Like ii (lie rLHM'J, tliuu lo»t Ciirever'

Thi-y tfll u« lulu WA» burn in ihf Inj llitator, ni> tl'.U ">t that it lr<i', bu

I'llUllJ itOd. Utl IllK Llt*l Wtll-tUiketho Imnge uf his L'r.-it..r? A'TUI DJcluro in tjuU'li JITKL-J «ii<'i n[i m '1 IIIj wait out in 1> -tioit wlii-n UuiL i [Ly wiHUH 1 tuivn. Hf nonet'.] Uio wirxlowii In tlj«

•tlmltt.s h-cti irid I rdl'i

i-rtiui«a:ibu t -j) IIftdnivfi fr i

ulfiuUun. All ilitf »i L'turiiil:l«IulbP m^lilmrl.x,,! mo'ltforld lliej nuU'd f..r tlie luiuus Hiilit* for iiiu(--b roii'rn'iu>r. I'uiv -n'tf'' Id It ml n hlixiiw that u;e*t! Inliigti bluiul'l lUfh tio tu ili-btriictli

:aking out Pis hm^korcliief 1)- Mi.i I'.I the In-•taa«ayfr..i.i tlio l..rii|. for «i«I.ilu,

ire madly IN O Ilir llin.f Umti l^fur;atd lie found tlie only way to et' ]> I1

ulow tbu Ininn ml IVrliui* yuu kijiplicatlmi Mr. D.m umilx i>r tint lit Liu

'(ininxiil^r mm limy drive In fieio1

il^ilfiiul buitrownt'.! umllils buii

aiiHj •B tlm[ tllK V

i t \\ u*t to lulld U

iiovr u(ilkit<K el ng tlirre onelight a laily oml ^ u ' l ^ ' i i n tti nbleil In. For-unately 1 li <*> gut nut with a w«ttfni;, and

never litncd tlia', ItoruurrMi'itlwReutliMUito HUB ttie town-liij}. O.i ill" otl^r ri in a', tb

reft i t 1< KrltiiiKdiKiKiruU'- aU >. U'tiiio Miunite lived twrohe kept a f.v,(.'o.il"iii ill"*it now he IHKOUO nnd the ham, is g.uiB •iln anil dwny. If ^iniL'iii'ily hluuM f"eron Hint ft>\* ho wouM <>» ti(it lo tirunU li

neck. \\ II.. MOUIJ I , Hrl.i for .lanm^ti 1I'D His imi t of kind hli.iiIlmio.U unit, Ullvwjiubip ( Tlit! »|KH iiitii wuulil bHtliir Lblu«•»•' tblii((6 OVLT. An GUiieu 'if pro?atitlouttur than a jiouml of cure, you knurf. I'u,ptt tba Ciir|Kira'lon ut N<'tcoug Is tlie r<


> Re bowling ni

« of tho Nnp p g ruf tins ami turon*. mid they tj|d It • -v tin

ioingutits wnjimlUc] iiliinpil to mi'i tbriteufc at SS cents a t >n in (1^ niid.llu iiii'tr, unit Invv ]t:ior fnlks ntjulil [re -

wblle tlio conlcjinpiiriim (j.i:r.o i ,uul li iw •f Morgan wuulJ niuHu ..•ur- in mey on Hi

l JIIII ino Ibmiuti (li'.t lirnt 1«-UH uf Cioiiui. rit

nt try. Well, I went f> thu c «l ilmit'f tu-daand tn i t r t d u t^n at u bl, ami with till 1 l a

r^adinK n b m t it tu'inlrin llimUib nboadl a-ked lilui bow jnucli they li-il rai«ttie nrlcixif coal since h i t miintb, aid I wrHttitrostoijiHtiwI to bear bin) m.y ibut tlit'had nnt tn'n'tl It n tent, Cm\ WIH Jmt t1

Mrs, Taylor Hoffman haj raturned alter atwJ weeks visit in Dover.

Mr*. E B. Hutton ilsital frlondj in Uend-bam on Saturday.

Kest Saturday Is Wueblagtoa1' Slrttidk;,our teachtr, J. P. LolgbCjn, h u prepared anelsborate )>n>ftraro for tbe nftcni^n. Afterthe railing of tbs Q*« tb« sebool will tingBtarBpangltnj Banner and America. AllansluviUd to come.

Wears phaard to are Iutfab Johtison outagain. Um wl.hei us to nay that he will takebetter care at himself (a the future,

flume!t IJSUUO, A ( this writing, It laiproT-ing. Mm Harry Van Pelt and Mn. Potterare Imprarlng ouilor the tkUlful aid of Dr. E.Button.

Conalderabla damage wai done through tollt idnity by th# aereie itorm laat Tbundajr.

The nmaltia at tbe late Low fitrlber, ofCJlDton, formtrlj of Authocy, were broughtto tbla place OD Muntlay Cor Intcnaeat.


What l i tba KaelDy Qara ffeBpflg* two of today's Ero. Read It.

At Ooat.Ciotlng out tb* balance ot ohiJdrm1* clooki

t t it EQTW B U S T ti J , H ,

.•iHlaHire nio,.o-.w to [isinl.li tint "C')ttitin»,"uri ll iHjrnllll , <>n t>u< r t rei^ ' ltlio iiBwap-tporht'iilei ! All H(jhl, «JTitk".If t ime ml bririirtHhiiv-t'd'inerinytnliiK 'H'RO for them, Imt (fivathontn slow fur ti

•itoa joii noulilu lu>ri>o tbdtf. ISenuriir facta firm, an you net it tWju' t il» to g-i

ln*o « * ta« of mlnilolmit every tiling you nitlu tbo uewpuprtrD. " I t l a Iwttar no v

;h tban t u tinow BJ ninny ttilng-t Hintain't no'1 H-iiictiiu'r,

I cm Bnrryto in? tlint nnce 1 h i tou thu Atiful o ! Deutb Ims cmn- lu'd th^aselio^ of Couiluctur Ot-w Huix-rlutcimg, and truiii|ilai)t(!il al l i t ls RiilaiIne year* »ld to tlie fisrd^ii of the 1/jnl.Georgn Diirtt, who Uontot thu OMM*.

loyi-es nt the ronJ iu p>lnt if ccntlu1

hprvlce, U at prefl^nt onutlncA to liN houMUna: I t ta glad to nny Hint tho Ulna-.* IH

liat ho may s<on In ab>ut o^nlu—aul li:•titiulu ar,i ninnr. I am Uil I thiit il

J. A'm<r, ot Utnutinp.', U not KOt be was |a*t we»k, Imt 1»U little girl&d Bcurlet f^v^r H ^*'iT.tlr'^ tiloug nl>teva Hurt of thla t o r n is v<ry low as'rite. I m w u man R n ip to^iirJa tUe Le

End H«Ul tbfl other ilny nii't N iwntleninear Die t'lclaimerl; ' Tln'reROL'tthQtCbar

t now. Ho t*talittitc c,nont tu*Mart's fo]ki m<d they hu 'o tlm tcnrM fxvTbe liouw (s ijunrontiiieJ nrnl UHTB bo p

ling nrnunl I < K I ^ ' Will y..u know «rlTwpfd «ll<l when tliey Ihi.imht thi

ciiu^ht him Periling ovpr In York fUal1 Wfrat nrr y^u p« in« to do ubmt itf'1 Hire jou Rolnit to prevent ttiia H«r^nnt> inrom runuiT'B Into Hart's bom> whoratlil ivobad t>roilua'.bs fmni^cirlal fnrer, piits say, nnd tlim runnlinc up to tlie I,ittu K

H »tol If he vtantB tot Ilnrt'it li'Uiw )K ij'isntlued to bo HUT*, but t h a t of tha t ' Whn[olng to unrturUVe t-> ft >p tlilit kind of tUdmi howl Our Hchtml li cks d yet, nut '

store bills ami brord bill* of trie tuichersinnlrift ou a* u-uftl mil mna people I

rnls-d tho qnpstloB wbellier the tencto Iw jmld for tlm Hino thcyor« co

p-llwl to low JutdiE UIIH cfarlBt fovcr tcniThin U a dl'iw»»atlmi (if i'mvMenu«

irtlessii'BS for which the trniay responsiule end I don't tblt.k

n m H bo M r to jmtiiuli tbem for It by lou t a r y for whatever lime It may hvit.

Meat of tbMencWH In t h h vicinity -to teacher'* caftiuinntion last week. The NfcoDg, StaubojH and 1'ott Morris teacht•ret]', florae f> Dover ant) HJIMB toNe 'h tvono t lu anl wiih whst rp^ult yt-t.

The willow of thu lute Tlieolore Burttring to more to movn to Hnckawny nil

her two boys have obtained pi a cos In tbocycle factory.

Cyrus I), Slerritt has h id a pretty 1<nthgoot quarantlue, Hojw the Bovd at Hoi)will IOOU ««o tliolr n&y lo let bliu loowprel

I uudentand Sttitluctor U u n t y h gaitiRwork mfftin tba l in t of noxt wee'Hnrtf-ml nlo.i,

I "an (tnioftti tell you nomo'lilng aboiCoufluctor Pliil Qulnn'a lienrt brnbemivn, huon »econtUntiugnt 1 u,uo« I won't, I (Ion1

like to give hlmawnp.1 am Bhrt to lf-itrci that Conductor J<

You ^111 probably runomber him. lio uaodrun 17 and 18, Jua Hnuuh',, train now.

Phil Ipstiurg Kravel train tiV o'her rfay..Tbo door of thocabao.^ nlnnimed tu or

fliiKfrnnf the only hitod Conductor itnntilrWliueri hoi left niaklng nmim'otlon or [>\iottlieflug*r n«rn*iry. I am worry for MU'lntTt. Ho got a'nng il rat-rat* an tbnt 1boteii f rcigbt If he hud only one arm. I bto (in) tiim ua hli train agalo aoso.

On WeiInfBi!ay etpnlng Mr. MaU"ny,prlncljxil of the Kctcong ichcol, tociuon imgkfnit clRarotUa and chowiug gum, tcrowded house, in tlie M E. cburch uf Sthipe . Tbo lecture wni eicfl'oat. Ilorry I can't gl»e you a boiled d a i n rcpirI t It would tatiu IIJI to t in;)uli uf your HJIHCand ketp me out ot bed too long Hiamong o t l e r tlilrtKn t i n t tha pupil* t,Natcong sclio'l haJ fnnnsJ on ontl-olnarotleague, nnd tbe wrcrtj-ary, Au4tluKtiiE.huthe names of nicru than elgbty young meand boys nn thn roll book inir, I noilcO'however, tbat wliile Mr. Uabiney wna telllubow it Icobprl for n ynui g Inrly In kwpjawa goluiceli the time—u eortof ^Mir|iutuiotlan—tUiitti wera «iin« >oung Rirln iu (rot me wto clitwid Kuni nil tbe time he ft a k i n g , e n d vliHa hetol'I ibe<iri>nR>f fmIng cigarettes on t to bumorl »j->lfin fontfIho ti j s bad bai«ly g t out of the chumhtiiUiui Jlc tu-ir cl^ureUt-Hi Mil liio tow t o did tint ni) ok ti hmi to run tliegnunllettbe Miwik-rs A\V\ l i k t tholr amuka orbrostbe until t l i e y g . t tliniiiKb. i t Istlrat-clain niiDnem ti li^ht your ci^areiutliecburcbd>»>rauyway, evenwb*iiciaarelemuhiiiK In not the f ut>j <vt of & lecture.

Tbe Veiuiuulan quesimu <*lll bsdifiDUPiIn t»e aime caureti n,-xt Munlny uvniiiHdtry Wcmt «LU read o, ii*[mr ua ,OBB *aod Hurry Courted «n ths utiier.

A jOUDRlady iiiiuled Carii'^tcr plojiil mefiddle aa a prelude lo Air. JUlioiM!>V It-cMiri-.Ubadeoof ourgruncKntharsI If anybiHlf Dadtold me when I i*n««bny that I w^uidl lwiusee a Rlrl \ Sy a flddlii in u Milhodl.r. cburch,I wuuld not have believed It. A n i l s o t t l u r ola notlnug tbe mailer witb & llddlo that Iknow of, but I leincuiber what a time tbuytuuK fulki bad fc> K«t au oncta into n littleI I . E. cbufth In tVnrrea county when 1 «v««oniiof t h e j i i i n j ffllbH. i bitverrtid eornowk-cfOhow CDano* iVo^loy was going slungtlwriuid onadaj ' wln-n lie beam buincbdywtUtllug a luuu IIISL struct I1J9 fancy. Af t rtfae inau etcuprnl W>il«y u.tt^i bim towtmtloIt B^slu MI hu cuuld Itain II. Charlie raid hoccul 1 not uto myg iKd rftisoti wbytbeoevilc bo it lil Cave all tLe gi.od tuiic>i>, aud btlug•omoirbat of a peel he wrote word* to ths•ui ie D J


.^ully Uulflit li) mall.

A J I . l)AVENi»OKT, PenmanHover, N. J.

PUBLIC 5ALE.•Hi,. |tfn>iiiial |.M|i.rty of tlie Mifecrlliei

ill ieMiMitt thu furinof bis fullmr, Nelnoi

KitiR, un thu road (rom ritaubope lo Flan

iiursciay, Februarj' 20th,.Sjh'lo ciimniPi.cc at 1 o'clock diarp. H"1


A Supplement.

I. lie ii imliiiiivil l>y Hit' Mil)'"1". U"'1

irtinii l n» Vit ut HIM mxliimitL'i' (>u(wJMl, 111 wIlL'll llllll l« U KU|l|li<'lllt'llt. If

•siiii <T |>.'rHiiici MIIILII WI Hli! H">t liuy i

ii'ilv,' "'li'i'ii, wiiivio, uullui-or uilior iiiauo in»»,; of iiuter, by lil'u . r them uotiuled, to-II r«r Hit! Mli- ut liny fjii.-lluoUH, viin.ua, malt




TAYLOR B^OS.[•uled ur iillitr liiltultuUnff Ilijilort or lup

wmiT or oilier ilmiliii,fruii,L-iii.'.ititon.ciitiim umlw u ]*iift!iy « ' tun (10) Uol-

»• l ira olMui-, mill lutiliir V*)) • '•"" 'SlllM-HUCIlt (l(Tl - - --


of tlieV. V. WUUr't:, Muyw.

, ttt-rk. l--1*'

Grand Sale of 50 Head of

ndiana HorsesE. 8. DAY, Attwlioiiw.

Sire's Sa\ti nnd IiM-liaupe Stables,

5l>|;|-l)W(il.L AVIi- MUKKISTOWN,

TUESDAY, Feb. 18th, 1896

Icln unil luwy. wiiiiu very firm rwnwlfrs, TI

irukt'ii in riiiik'li!mid iluuliie Imrnce«• and must Inx reiirewnKHl <ir inuiity M u t i j u l . rsulft at InVluck ]•, «., utiiint. A m i l i l uf llirw) mnnllii'|i hi- Kivfii "'lili ul11>niit'll Kttmritjr. It alumI,V wil« Hflll lake iiuwt. next fair day. TbuumeB ivilllHiw.ldwltlmutfall.

U. HlllE & DIIO,. Prop.


.. ln'tt ' t '^T. bunjtior. liMtiiiier manJohn J. Niltl, of iiJU7 North EUtitu al'lnlHtlo'i't' II, <oula i ot Ie found tu & da ; 'tarcb. Thu ftct. Ha t Ii9 1B silll alt* '•oriftnnt w mi or m hlti friend'.

In Iliu (nil of 1SSU be itfRan t> wifTer ...mli-ililo mlierlw Irora fitnno In the bladiltiJoiiKiiltfMK n » I'lniiifiit phyhlclan in I'liilaJal

IIMU tie WHB lold tbat a Buryicul npemtbiUnH nee imi-y. Ko iniirli did lie dread tb<TUKIIU, for if uDBticwf I It meant dcaUIhit lie put off trie t-vll day an lnutiaii pustib'While in IIIIR (raina of mini be heard


Althi)UKnilir>bcartunfd,on Ju<y 1, 1S»3. hi-mclita bnttlnfif it, ntut nHhlnftiajntb had

-iierloiiceil lienoiVlftl multB.aml t-efors behint niil-lniillliQ third iwUle, the gravsl wai

HrRrn l i i l t t to Dr KHinnlyn F a o r i t e [j ati'l for IIIH .rdors o t the tihdil.r nnd

nry orunus, caya " ft will c!T«ct a euro if oae

iK»uocuHrurrlieutimtUm. ; p pn tr<<ul'lf« In "blcti It tins cured manr

tlint werp cmiBldiroi Iwvnnd the aid of medl-l A l l ! l t ! O 0

BETTER THAN BANKSYou couldn't make a betti

investment of money than b;the purchase of diamondsetorunset. They don't rusimoths don't eat them, the;don't fluctuate invaluetoanjappreciable extent and yocan always realize on themvery nearly their value. Theymake fine presents or heilooms and are always excelent collateral. When yoiwant first water diamondsany jewelry, first see



FEBRUARY 1Thf beautiful aud accompliibcd sctren

Miss Racklle Renard

jjjjoikd by ber own companj ot plnjer

n reu€ru>Ire umant lug







"KATHLEEN MAVOURNEENA combination of rare Dn

matic Talent

A guaranteed first-clasattraction


10o.. 20c, 300.

8 1 . , Hm.l.J,














Roberts' Cash GroceryIS THE PLACE

BLACKWELL ST.. DOVERFinest Minnesoti Flour, par bblBeat Elgin Creamer; BatterGood Elgin Creamery Batter . . . . . . . . .Htriotly 1'resb Eggs31b. Pail Coltolene31b. Pot Apple Bailer10 lbs. Oatmeal, best13 Ljf moosTabln Oranges, per doienBell Milk, poroauBeet Tea, perlbGood Tea, per lb21bs Baking PowderFinest Hun -.Best New Orleans MOIUMB1 cans Cora8 eana Corn2 cons Oorn6 lbs. StBtoh61bB.Bioe


.85,. . . .20,.15




L*g HultOBForbLcia*

PorUr Houw BtMk


So,to,lo80,43, Go


Its the place to get tbe best for the least money


January Clearing SaleOf Jackets, Capes, DressGoods, Hosiery^ Housekeeping LiDens and Laces

JACKETS DRESS GOODSr L&dlen1 Jacket tu blA<& Dlody • 4B in* Rfeok TTwirWtJi flfni^^ ^I^^JI g^, . M^

j , , 1 , . , , , " . ' , ^ T . i ~ n •? i £*v9 . ' * _ _tehuBkokBerfr^npilirprlMll.at., 7<CV^jullM'JadcnttaflaabUckdiMO- i A AA

nal, regular prioe|I8JU,tU lUiWLadles' Jacket In flno black chtr-

l£A, itpitor price »8.tt, atLadles1 Jacket In black diagonal, K AA

Ladlw1 Jacket lo Un tad n j o JTAmlxtun* repiUrprioe»ll.M,»l,.. O»OU

H In. Cuhiom la colon, all WOOL nc- *«IUIMO.IOO.,U .V7....7. 3

HOSIERYrtoafta.U.... /,

o U A

... 1

CAPES•".f: $7.80

zizmr. 3.50•n^iSSWKSSS 11.99

We wish to call attention lo the new style of Corset callccArmoralde. Qnuosteed not to break down on the tide). Prla9 9 c ; worth $1,25

Spool Silks, 100 ;ds, 8 eta. spool Spool Bilks, 60 yds, 4 ots. spoolSpool Cotton, any nuke, 8 ots, (pool

1 9 - THIS IS NO SPEOIAIi SALE HUMBUG. . Bay what JIwant. When i s need o! anything else otll again

!': t f l f i m i l : STORiCorner Blackwell aud Morris Sts, DOVER


Dress GinghamsFiue quaUty, haadnome etylaa, new goods just ro-

oeiverl '

Apron GinghamsFine quality 5 o J"5

Chenelle Table CoversBioh ooloriuga, handsome potlerns, 6-4 »iz», the $1.00

kind 6 9 °

Ladies' WrappersFlanelUle, well made, yoke and ruffle, nicely trimmeT'

sold regularly at $1.26 J8c

Turkish Bath TowelsSplendid quality, (iz« 37x50 25o

Rubber BootsWomen'sEutberBoots,IBIquality »189patt

Misses1 Enbber BootB, let quality »1.19 pair

Hamburg EdgingsI s all the new styles of open work, Irish point effect*, etc.

Special Bargains in ShoesChild's Docgola Kid Tipped Bpring keel shoes, tiz-s

G to 101 98oUiases' Dongola Kid Tipped t>pring hi el shoes,

fciiesllto2 $119ChiM's Grain Tipped spring heel sfaeea, sizes 8} to 10} .89oMieaw' Grain Tipped spring heel shoes, sizes 11 to 2.. 98oWomen's Dongola Kid Tipped Button Shoes, elegant

fitting, splendid wearing qualities $1.49

Women's Fine Kid Tipped Bntton Shoes, our $3 25kind reduced to $1.88

Boy's A. Call Tipped School Shoes, sizes 11 to 5 98o

A limited quantity of Hen's Fine Oalf Button andLace ShoeB, formerly gold at $3.00 to $3.00 pair,we haien't all sizes, but if we hare your s'za youwill find them a splendid bargiiu at $1.00 pair

We hare a lot of broken lines of EnameledDecorated English Dinner Ware, two or threestyles of decoration, which we are going to closeout at the following very low prices.

Tea Plates 3o each

Breakfast Plates , 9o eaoh

Dinner Plates ". l i e eaob

Soup Plates fl» 8 M h

Handled Tea Cnps and Savons 12° eaoh

Handled Coffoe Cups and Saucers 14" eaoh

Bread Plates 28o eaoh

Oake Plates 23o eaoh

Pitohers 16o, 18c and21o eaoh

Piokle Dishes 17o eaoh

Sugar Bowls 85oeaoh

Tea Pols « o eaoli

8 in. Meat Dishes lfioeaoh

10 in. Meat Diahes • 27oeaoli

12 in. Meat Diiihes Moeaoh

14 in. Meat Dlehes 62o esoli

16 in. Meat Dishes 96o eaoh

Igg Cups 10o eaol>

Fruit Saucers <° «»°h

Bakers 186 eaoh

Sauce Boats 28oeaoh

Bowls 12oeooh

Covered Butter Dishes 52o esoh

Individual Butter Dishes. 8o eaoh

Oreams 18o eaoh

Soup Turresna .$2 76 e*oh

Thin Engraved Tumblers Bo each


Notice.Tbe annual mMtlng of the •tockhcldnri of Uia

Bjt*m Oof» Land Oompwjr will bo luU at theoffioe of Wnilam E. Kin* i t EMdlng, N. J. ODMonday, t to Mt* dar of Februu?. 16M at 10 A.M.

tbe election of Director*, and [or other burinem,oTW,y.J.,»'eb.H]80«.

J. II. NEIQIIBOUR, Secretary,


of JuuLuTX'bTo^rfhDuaaPd^V^H^dml'iudNlnetj^]*,notlcelaltr«bjKlT«itoflJlne:


The KeeleyCure?

Furaiaot to tho Order ot tba SurroKEta of tlidounty ol Morrii mide on the Twenty Eighth d«7f Januarr A- D-One Thouaaod Elgbt Hiudred amd

..metj-aJx, notice la itrebjglTm to all penoni par-ing clalmsaRAlntt the t«tate ot 81m ron D. Roaw. Utoof tbeCcuntrot Won li, da*****), to pnaent theaatne undvr oath or alilmutlop, lo Ue BUMcriber, on

._..__ . ^ T w D n t . E t e i , t l l foj 0 ( OcUtiteT n e x t

Creditor neftlbCtlDif tobrinj in and exhibit bisor her cUlm.underaathorafllrmadDD,within thetime BO limited, will be forerer barred of his or her

Hion therefor against the AdministratrixDated Ue Twenty EJghtli dar of January A. D.

The fart that tbrM well-koawn gentlrmenof till* »tolnlty recently entered upoo a cauneof The Keeley Treatmeat at Orange,N, J., bM oioaad no unall amsuot of oom-m*nt mud b u neoerattifd many esplanatlonifrom ttai underlined. I will try to covermtny quMtima aakad in thli abort ipaot.Tte Eecley Inttltnte, at Oracje, (a a branchof tbe parent ImtJtnU tit DirlRht, 111, and fatfae only one in the Btate or Kmr Jener ad-mlnlBterEoB the Dr. Lealle £ . Ke»ley DoubleCbtorldeot OoW Treatment tor the Liquor,Drag and Tobaooo dliM et.

Tfae Kveley Treatment Is tbe OHIOIITALtold cure," an<1 all otbert tra of recant

NUbllahDietit and mort at them, If not all,sTOonljimitatonoftbaKMley. NavJtraeyb u had many ot O H M " f ak»" cure*, batMarly all of tfaom l u m failtd owlof lolely totbe tnefflcaey of tiwtrao called treatment*.

Tbe Eeeley TrMtomit b u t w o caUbliabfdfor flftwa jeara, and baa b*»n admlnliteredto OVBB THRU QUHDHBD THOUSAND p<npl»In tbat time. It hai been (ntrodaoed toto9 e n n N.tlooal and T«entr-ooe Bute Sol-dl«r*' Home, Into tlw V, B, a.nny and amon|[the Icdlua, Ib haa beea Introduced amongtbe iniuatM of tfao Hfoneapolia Worhbouwand many BUt« Iutltutloni It la eodonwdby tbe tat penpU'oo earth,

Tba Ktaley Trcatantut rtqalrae no lea* thanroarweeka for tba Liquor and from four toalx meat for tba Opium, Cocaine, Morphine,and other drug addltlona. T«o weeks li re-quired for etgarflUeti and genera] nerroui de-bility uoiooompanled by and addiction.

Smga and Liquors produce a potoned con-dition of the car »eoelli, wnlob poliin^d oon-dlUoa la manlfeated by the "appetite," or" craving" for itlmoltnta. Xbs cure of thesediaeaari ti acooosplUbad by t oompleU mtor-atlon when food and alarp are a lufBctentttloraltu. The cure ol theae dltettsa ti ae-oompllabMl by a complete, rertoration ot tbaDarveoelltalta normil coniltloa wbao foodand alaep are a ia(Hclant •Uraulu*

Tfas Doubl* Chloride of Oold and Sxlluin IiUMbart known nnadyrortbiaparpoM, Dr.ECattoy <HaooTtr«d .tba proper combination,prodnefng thli Traatmvit only after overOf teen j e a n of patient ilady and expert-iwnt. Ea bat made Ueae dlawsea taliipeclalltj for orar thirty jears, aod tbs r«-

markabla moiMe of hta Traatment U (benatural m u l t of theao long yean ot padattt,paraltUnt and Intelligent ttody.

Tba nun or w e m u leavlog oar loatltatedote ao with a tollng of ptrfoot oonfldeuw IDUMoomptaU dittmotloi. of tbo appetite forLlqnor or Drugs. He knom that fa« OA«lodolga again, and tbat probably a very llttl*Iddalgftoc* will reduce him to tbe name condi-tion at when h» began treatount, Tbe factthat only aboat tan per cant, do Telapae li evl-dfloo* that only tea per cant are ao lacking Ingood common mam that thaj do not appre-ciate their natoratlon.

Unlortanataly tiw Ee«>lay Treatmiat can-not g i n a man mora braina t ian he bringawith him, nor doea It plaoe a permaiwnt plat-tar on hta month, bat i t dooi promlM himcomplete freedom from th» app«t)U whichbaa WDrlMd or [• working hie ruin. It prom-laM to da Jort u oraoh t w Urn u h s Ii willingIs do for klmeelf, and s o more, No nan la'•lakm* ltoOran|eagalnatbUw|ll. Romanwill be aeovptad who doei not really dealra tobs otnwL Tha patkot thui mttra and ntandaDpon Ua honor, aad he oonwqaently aojoyatfaegnatMtettdompodbU H l W l l

do hmby certlf/toat a, mwiUos of the icalled for that purpow and held on ttioday of JaauaiT. cbibieun huudred and

__ — ^—, . — .„. ..IB benefit of 'heRtchards-llMch Company tnattheaamfl ihould beforthwith dlaeolved ; and to Lhut end It I« orderedthat a meetlnic of the Btockholdera be brldon 'twontj-nlnth^ayof Fe1

and nlnety-dx, at the Ilorenoon at the oIHce ottheoffloeoraeorgalUch , __,., „,. ,_„Jcney, to take action npoo this resolutloB; andfurther, Uiat the Secretar; forthwith clie coHeeof aald meeUng, and of tbo adoption of tJbli reeolu-tlon, within ten dnya from ihii Jute by rubllablnRthe sold resolution with a notice of Its adoption InUio IHOH Eiu, a netniwper published In iKiver. IDthe Ctuniy d MorrU, ani drcuUtloir In #ald

- ' - - • • theprloclpal office of the

fagpdbU. «l«gW*aaltba liquor or drags ha wqtilree, and bl<llqnor la nol only the BKST, boe tha PtraxsT

Tanto0ftaeo peroant, oE ourpatinta arephyaldaca, five p*r sent a n druntatt, all aregentlemen. Erary profeaaloo la well repre-•ffltad,lMoamath«BnAOTwoaiiaUpaiUca-larly coweptible to the diaeaee of nervs


A, G. AlcCUAUQHRV, XUM( ( r .


Practical Plumber, Tin aadSheet Iron Worker.

Steam and Hot Water Heat-lag.

Dover, N. J.

Eatlnuttie Cbaerfull; Often.baUifactlon Qoaruiteed.

8-lyj Jobbing a BpecUlty

notice m siBCkioieeis' fttm n m tl l U l K l l


•aid RTcbanU-Beach e b m ^ y u T o o I t e T a n j T inbich couDtr nld company UconducUntr Iw bW-nea, for at feut four woeki once a \te&, miooea-alTely, and by niaUinjt a wrlttenw printed copy ot

?sv tous iffi laV *&M '1"

l a TTiUioaa vhcreot we bare honmnto Kt our hand*•?id .W™**. *^« eorppwita seaj of aald companythla thirtr-flrat day of Jatmarr, eighteen hundredand Blnetj-eli.

IffiNRY J. M1BEL,FBEIJ. n. *

Attat r l(Hhr





FOB BOYS AHDQIHL8.A Ertgbt, IVholeiome. Jarenlls Moothlr.







SEASON 1896"We are now exhibiting early importations in 2

LACES--O( all kinds ; vEMBROIDERIES-Cambric and Nainsook

DRESS TRIMMINQS-Choice SelectionOUTINO FLANNELS-Pretty Designs a

•WASH, if A;amO'LaD anfVancy BaUato[ rigured^quea, Swtral Wlka, V«>1 "2

TotnalcttttLeopealttRotWaaaFabrtetotunusual tstoieatwevUl olteronecaaeof fancy rantedlAvnaMexwtlymaniifaotaren'otprioeiwyd

S T S — M a d e of Dlmltr, Lawn, Fercalet, Lfneo, Eta, Etc.; 5

777 and 770 Broad St., Newark, N. J.


DOVER, N, J.OouU wall botutbttm half aold, Tbeaecrot of manj a uoceai Is lidtaioua buy-

Ing, UkUwadvubujaoCopportuoIUei tonoun •taplo good* at tho tow** marketpnoa B&ht now you b*T» iuch am opportunity, we tare extraorduiai7 bargtlna



to tun ill iltttta. 8tw<UAl UJM h


; WATCHES•SpLD-.b.N":INSTAtiiiMEiNTa'-'':

JuflBlna fromitta annual consumption of tobacco, one woaia Baj-eut'. Fcur-aithK)f America's men are *I»veswono of tba two tyrants—

.iSmoWns or Ctowlna. S A f O - K m a . the tnoaaroli vboso rule$ jmbriceatbeinoBtBubjMU,lorceanla8lBve«lopaydouWolhotrIt!iito

5 K l S ? ' 1 8 Snrfi lyUweratlmanothBrAbh L i lI>l"5rotocrdem»nc8. SurBlyUweratlmoanotWAbrahain Lincolnstratched forth his mlghXf Hand ntid freed America's men from t peiodebIllt»UnB, brata-WMSenlai, oerve-ralnloj tynraw. .

DR. MUTCHETTE 18 THE MARHe oflerafreadom to any slave to th« tobacco habit In 7ii itotTfts.8UXAB0XOP D B _ M f l T C H E T T E , s "JjSSr




Notioo is hereby gives lo the;al residents af the Borough of

U t Arlington that a convention ofrotere will be held »t the BoroughHull on Friday evening, Fabraary2l, 1896, at 9 o'olook p. u. for thepurpose of nominating officers forthe Boiongh to bo ^allotted for ontie second Tno9daj of March, 1896

H. F, FnpTiitNaHiM,


Sand for Sale.Fenozu wlihlnjt n n d for iloaldlae or BQlldliv

PUTPOBM VUI do well to Inqulrt el tha mbicribtfo burla« aMrbom. •Dell»ettd Mrnbtni

•lots U» D., L. i W. B. Ii . or 0.». ' H ol N. J."JACOB BIDNED,

Waiitea.Job and odds lota, odds, euls'. ot mercliaEdte,

-to. Lumber and nuppllai for waecn roak'^ra use.eecond-haoa tDacbLnerv, BmBUnores.plAnis.eiC'ffanlingtoaellout Low priced *tt»bi of coqioT-•UOEL etc. Description of anything ?on tintturndintoouh. . .


THE mFriday,




' 4

ct> a

. EHA., 1896.

l Dover. H. J

w e .


To d«y la Ut. Valoatlne'a DA/.Lent tealnj next Wedcasday.Kuter falls ou April 5tu this ywar.

The groundhog has rauad Cain witb tbwuaUier.

M«jiet have w&daWaterloo.

Tlie t»nlc and post

tbeJr flpwaraore In

oidw were closed un

You cannot fl^li for pickerel betweeu PubJOib Bud May 1st.

Harry J. Dlckerion 1Capitol this week.

Aull-cJgorelte Jfifljrupover. Guodtbtng.

Onlp a U* diijs morUntea wasoo loglna.

Plaiting the Nntiona

e are fljirlagiDjf up al

of pleasure before the

There have teen fourteen deaths In I'ortUorria since tbe But of January.

Dimi«l O'Cocnell, of Mine Hill, ditd fnBtate Prison at Trenton yesterday.

The Ut. Arlington club will hold a rouque-rails ball at tbe Mt. Arlington Hotel (o-ulK'it

Tbe county examination forictacul teacber*washrld ID Dover lait Friday aud Bnun

ThB Newark, II. S. conference meets onMarch K5tb la Bt. Paul's M. E. cliiircu No*-art,

Mia Grade Youiigs,of ftewnrk, h apt cdlnga few dars *ltb ber auat, Mr". P. Mower?,oil Hudson Btreet,

A little dfttigbter ot Conductor Geor«a Hu>bert, of Netoong, died o( perltouutis earlylattBmday morning.

Mm. H. F. FrothlriiUini aud mother, Mrs.B-dlofl, ot New York city, baa been-visitingfriends fu tbls town Ibis week.,

TbBfcare about Lake Hipatcong burstingiU dim last week wan all bosh. Tbj water lathe take h sot u blgb as ft ataou'd bs. -

Maniilng Wtnttri, conductor on one or ttiaHobobfln Iroixbtn, la minus a finger br *lux toocabewte door slammed ibulMi It.

The SUnbupo W, 0. T. U. ie going to bolda birthday pwtr at the ropidenua ot Mrs. 11,Bsldiyia on Wadaeaday ovenitw of o»xt week,—Higle. -

Tbft newly elected oflkerabf IWM Counell. So. Si. 0. O. K., Mi» be totalled ttajFriday eveuing. Tbe eupreiua (Misers vi,be vretwnt.

Johu Swift ot Fort Morris, wos looking atu re'olvtr the other day when tbe peikything wont oil and tbe ball entered tafs legabove Iho »nw.

Tba annusl convootlon of tbe Y. P. 8. 0 E.ot Warren sod Hutsun counties will to heldiu tbe Frestytrrlan Church In Washingtonon September 35,

Tburewlll be a presentation of inarksi—t)ldff3B at fbfi axiuury lir-ii!)(ht Bud after-watdt tbe ounpany will give thu officers asupper at Bearing1* botfl.

If you never boiled your drinking water be-fore you ought to do It no*. TBB Heavy raluHwept Impurities 1 'tu wells wltbiut evon acbauee la alter ^brough tbe earth.

Mra J. H. Nalahbour li vbtltlne: berdaughter, Mrs B. I. Patting!]!, flf Elrolro,wlio U suffering from typhoid (over. We eraglatf to note that fltmiiJiaprof Jug. ,

Five hundred shares have .fortbeBiate Mutual Building and Loan As-aoc'atiDn, and a Board will bo argaatcfd nextneek prnbabl? ou Tliur*J6j h\gh\i,

Tbe gain of Morrlt Lshe, from lo t waimark riuca tfw dsro was fcutit(s4 feet7Inchi ,arid the sain from tha r^ceat storm li 33 Inches,witb tbe water still ii?Uig.—Riglster.

The Ladle*1 Aid of the Flnt U. K, Churchwillsivfla Wathlngton Tea on Frlilay evm-ing, Tebruiry Slit, la the pvltira ol tltt.ehurvh. Supper "JH be ready ut 6 o'clock.

It U Blurted that a oublo foot of Ice weighsjust 61 pounds, wbtle a cubic foot of watorweight 02W poutidj. Vhnr fw or snow Icemlgtit mabe a dlilerence la tbli calculation.

Clarence Brown, of tboFlandera botel, will• taks tbelAdge*ocA hotel wben OaoarBclteeituorcaliita Ibe RfOksprtafclJoute and U. a,Thorpe, of K&nvil, will tate tbe FlandershoUl. -. T _ •

Mice Hoat Sobeer lntcnda opening blaRookBprlnx bouu at Ledge wood naxt Friday

' avenioi. Two hundred lovUitiouB tare beeneiteaded and we can asiure a good tfmo forall who attend.

Rev. J. L Boswell, an ad?inofd type ofMethodist mlclBtvr, ta o|)po«Kl to (be itluwAoteyttpin, aud advocates otbtr radical cbatgtnIn cburcb Karernmtat. Dr. &o*»bW* Ideas

; are growtog ta favor.• Ih«Republican Count? Comtnlttwmet in

- JMnrrlaluwo jMtmoriiing Jfir.qr8Bti(Katlpa indelected tfc* following otiiotnt Varnot B.

. Meeker, Chairman ; W. G. CollM. F . Coiidlct, Tnatoiyr.

!*• emraeodtd Hovt .. _.. N, J., four cond»nined natal cannooe and' tntny cannuo balls lor tbe deooralioos of tlie

Boldlmand BailOTB1 Mouuuisnc, btu been ra-ported latrorably In tbe Hsuate. Hon.UthlDuFltney lathBfatkarorthUblll.-P"

i i t w . . . - \ : •;. •_••-• -

Jnbn Uorean, a brnkeruan an tba ore trainon ib« Hko Urliige brauub, bad big left handnuahtd wBlle niBkitiga coupling at Rwka-

. wir Vaqtday moTutag. Tt» doctor thluuathe band may be mod but b« will Imw tbe

. middle Hnier. . • 'We auit beg the indulgence of ourraadan

this wetk,. Tbe flood a!uc off our beat lu tTbureday, and the cold ipelt laaud till Tues-d»j, aud tba fluanol&t nporti came In'on ua•a tbat wo have to Use a great purtlou of cur

'. Bptoe fcr them tbla west aud b*ve bud noojiporiUDity w print a supplement.

icporc for 1605, with

An Octogenarian buB a Birthday.Tbs reddeuee of Capt. D. 8. Allen DU. Uon-

doy nas t|ie center of a, very lnttreatlne: eventbeing tbe Bttfa anmverairy o[ this birth ot bislallier, Mr, AmrA Allen, who was bora Feb.

l, Jtiil, In tbs old Alien homo a Bheiguok Ibotter known ai Sb-<aguni). He lias

isllwd wltbla three miles ofhla birthplace, Iearnfog tbe carpeoter trada (a Dover,be lusda tbis bis bUBlnuii until about 10 yearsigo, sluca tvhlch time he bos worked out; oc-casionally os pajtlmc Bt-lng of temperatebablti he lias always enjoyed good health end

tBes to day tbe same genial nature thatbaa mado him numerous frleud« who willcevtrfonuba blm. The gueaia present ocdif hoist «t the toblo laden nllh * bountiful

pplrserved In coune» la uptodate style,nere Mr. E. D. Allen, ot Chicago, tha worldmiownej -ariltt aud tfecoiator. Aojoag bisprlaotj'sl works ot art and doilgn were eev-ore! OJrn {wlace exbiblbi, Sioux City, Iowa,

iftieral palaces In Texat and Coliwdo,World's Ifair, Chicago, alto Atlanta, and Unow ruperiotondtDg tbo palntlnj and d>eor.atloDOt tbe Gnarantea buildii'P, oooslaUnK ^jurorflre bnndred rooms In Buffalo, N. T. ,

ai-ui bis vtte from Cdfesgoj firs. H, J. Hulburt, Ut. Freedom t Dr. aad Mn. D. L. Doty,

ncn; Capt. and Hr*. E. L Petty anddaujihter, Etbel AUcn P«tty, Ur. and tfrt.V B-HejaraaD, Lillian Grace Allen, CharlesA Allen, D. Fred Alleu, ot this olty. AlsoM a A. I.. Allen, of Newark, togelhar <*itbtbe host and hoeUu Ur, and Mrs. D.8. Allen,Bbortaod opjoy toaslt wtn (Irenat Uble.On expatiating on tbe honored name and upright ebsraoter and good reputation of tbBfather, grandfather and grrat-grandNtber otthfs large and uapnv family was remindedjovially Kferrtd to tbe faot that they wereall It-publican", Thus pawd one of trie bap-'pleat family gatherings we etir wltuesiod,Hay many b»ppy ytiai* nrown him who i—

the haaondcentnot tbla oestdtoo,

Tbere will boa publics lieu-Ing ontbaraptaleru) the general ioboolla»introJiiC6dbyAweiubljaiaa tti^liter UD TUO«)»J next intbe AtHinbly oaember, after the afternoonswilot. Th'o will give all thuee who are

. a\)0O»id to the present law and woo nant tbaold l a* restored to gfca tbttr opinions to tbsCommittee 00 Eduwtioa. n .

Jonstbio Hartley, forniorlf oC GermanVillej, but whob*a bt*a for aver a r*arpu t with the Jvmpb DIIOD Cruclhle Cum-pauj of Jetsejf Cltj as Buptrlnt«ui«nt In OOBottbedHiarwietita was In town Wedneiday,and on WwlpewlBj next will tall for Ifer-

• nuda for tbe btneilt of hfa health, which hubwomeimpBiiedbyoTerwork. •

Klljkb Olena and Thama* U. Bturtevantan lh« onto lunsioued survivors In New Jar-

. wy ol U» war ot Wia. * Mr. Disno, "ho Itrflsla H«w*rk, l#sk* uven mouths of Mag 100ycanald.: Ur. Btunorsotlives In Aladior-audlain bla tffltli year. In JunoJaiB tbt. .*ereonlj tiwaty-one VetersnBOt tbe war of1312 drawing penBtoDs from the OtiTernniont,

Don't forget the druma " Fisnernika'aLuck" to be given in Pjtblaa Opera Hnune,ForcOram, to-morrow ni«ht by tbe Big HU

- Dramatic Company for tbe benefit of tbo En-UrprLe Band. ThBao yuung proule hate aipleoold refiutatlun and it ta expected tbatu u time t&ej will greatly Improre on all

• turiB*re0ortiandthatl»iayio«»giTatdaal.

. Monday nigtit will be one of groat interest. t i members of the Royal ireioum tn ttalavloluity oi au £x«mptllli»tioii Cotnmltcea ortwenty frum Ueffltt Clinton Oounoll Ho,

, 410 - ot Urootdyn will OJOIO up and worktte d(gm upjD MTeral new membern,

. Kvery inember ol the ordor htreabouH la ta-. fitetf W, cow* «Qfl enjoy eetlog tbs r

[ V; . / dsna In a perfect inanoer.. . -• .„:.'-' " I*w BonbleTot the Qunterdoa Coiniorat,r ." hu unearthed• "Bod", down in Rto$*o0d

' towc.hIp.Ua bring* fortli a girl, nm jot,1 -. fourleaujeaiBof»a»,»boiiietuuieifivfl[eat,

-V Uralncbeila height and wnlghe 171p-JUDda,' ' aodr ta still gtoniug > latt Auotocr unaou

' why Mould BDuuId live Iu flunterdon, which: nuiUla claims Is ihe btalthleitcouuiy In tbs

..:. UtsU, fljg girt* and Ittrga pufl»pWa» are

-: loI 1882, tereral tttrmm boogbt lands ol' «-CongrwraiBii Pidooet, near y/htiebtmie.'- Howtbey liarn tbat juior to that Mum PIU--- coflk gave a f 50,0(10 blanket uiort^BKe on th*- tame nrowrir w lbs First National Bonk ol

; Jonty City, -ihH purobweni-btllete ibejwill lu»e tbtlr botucs but Pidcccb says be»Mi!iH iha *altf ut wbat property be u u ki t

.. mtinmaUBt to ibo nqulnd $tO,VJQ. 'w tint;-b».Irittos and Bt-lgblwr* Kill uoi tulfer.

. "•' Hft one cjuld look out upoa tbe old fla|. flewt/ng w bmutliuJir Usi vfidaaiay from' tbe Uiany •Ull't '1^ UKtnory ul' (be birta* o[

Abrabam UO«J1H wiiboui.tttnking uf thachange wrougntin thirty-live jtara.. In lttllby kuni'. Auiabaui Uncoln WWM ttm niuai

'malliued. and bated row In tula cuumry.Tod«y iiilo bf UdB wUti Wash ing ton, ibo

' lalhtr 01 bii wwoirj', .aaiitia Abmbi-' Ltiicoln tt» saviour, tbu psirlOT, tb» it»«i_

, . UMUi, ibahruad uilodod jibniuitliroplo uue' A t n t r t c a u . : • • ' • . • . - • , - - . ' . ; ; - • . . " • ' "

' . - : Ha&AOraabtdl Wblle Oonplloff."

Mletaol Bafdofi a junog DUD •mplojJ

the uoonton gravel train, ban bis bond inaih:

ed wblle mablug a coupling llonday morn-Ing. Conductor, CBVanaugh aene htia atonca to .at, Jtwiph'i buipital at ralerwnwbtra tba band new takou off at tbe wrlitllo la getting along a* well M oin ba expKttd.Be wai to haf a been married toon toadiugb-t t r c{ Cbbf of Police Gilmartlc, of BocnwnHeUMS, brlgbt, csom^nloiubla jduugmtnModnluid worter aad bu tbe ijmpnlhy *

Have Tfoa AittJtio Talent F Do You_'• Want to Haka Sallaxif "

II u learn Ihe art of sign painting, plain amcrcamBDUl, from • Milkman, Porer Bullnan Colipg* Clau itarta Monday, FsbroaryMi Jola at onM

KYOSOTIB HEOKPTlON-Tue Buaual leceptlon of tbe Uyreotli B

Club wia held in Ibe Armory on WediK*tand it WOB the moit select aDd elegantr tbat boa been held In D o w iu l»tea, Far the l u t week tailors and dit-r» had been kept buaj, and la eiB where tbere mot au Invitation io tbe

function fair hands were busy arranglDgty gown atid adornmeata to add to tbe

n&tuni beauty of the wearer. At S o'<icbis began to roll up to the Armory door

frolgbUd witb the fairest of Dover's daugh-ters and tbelr |ullant esoorla, and ab hourInter tbu room presenUd a brilliant atene'The p>troD6M6f, Mre. Unra McCarthy, Hr*.0. B. Ue^wtt, Mrs. Mun*?t U. Searing, Mrs-F. 0 . Dicfceron, Mrs. Jullui Halrkoui», Mrs-ft, H. Dolind, received tba guut* aud thisfeature ut the occadon g*v« ft tomettilng ofthu apiiearence of a pilvateaiTiir, trblcb latft it wtu, as oaly tboitf wbo wereiurlied

ciuld Kaln admittance To give an tu1i><[dncription of the coatumei #1 the ladlu Iflbeyond tfiecapabfifties or tb« wriur and ft*we bnow of tlie Annoyance a lady feels whenher gown li not correctly described, ve uballnot RO into details, but as a whule wa bava

•r gt<en a bandsomcr feathering of womenma more UsUtfully dreued. Tee rich

colon nf tho dretaei were relieved b j thi} biCibre drew of Ifae IUBE, and In tbe

DiarcbariJmsiiflnocithsoIiijigai were JjateJdu-oplo and oharmiug.

Tbe uraod much bagon at«:%) o'uiuuk aadIQ,S led by fresfdent Baber, who bad ai

partner bis slitsr, MI«a UagRle. Tner« wereabout eeieuty-flve couples In tbe iraitli,'bleb wu direattd by Prof. Charles (Jllrgler. ui was alto ill* fiitim floor mansgo-3dflt. Tue drat part cf the order of ilinclog'tut Qulalied nt 13 o'clock, fiben refrent)menU

wureKrved bf-Daj, o( Morrlitowo, and i<was thteehour 1 ialvr when tbe last aotea uitbe orrheatra itupped tbo tripping feat across

* a « u lloor.

e unt|ua[i3ed IUOMIH uf th<* ifFuir Uas to eutltle tbn club to tba hear t s

DongratuUUoDi. Tn^re Is a lack ol sociallife iu D-i-er, and this reception liai charlysbown that people are ready to attend aoliTtilr nf lliis Mod obera there U an oimreithat only oongenial persons will be met, It

aoatndll oreaiy inattorlor thocotiunlttoc(osp)aotali»tto whom JUPJIAUOBB might be•eat »nd It required a great d«al of oourag<

t prune tbe lUta that were bandnd In by thelumbers, but Jt t»a« dona, aod tba result tt

thu htib uimaendatlou o( ih°re couns. Theslldir wm nut arrauged to niabe money, butIttMaaatltfactlonto tha club to knotr tbatthey bave a fen doll at. ahead of the expo

inj Warier was^arretted ]b/lk*VibalHai(»D on Friday last on • warrant limed byJuitloe Gage upon complaint of John V,Eagat), for ssllfrg wnf'key witnouta JlcenMA hearlBS, will bsglve queday next week notyatnxed. •

Thfl same dsy Lorenio Cnsutra wu «tr«teafor selling wbitkey to a minor. Tbli U adouble charge, at his llconio only entitle! blmto sell tnaltandbrewedliquoi-s. HrOuHtarddocs not run the saloon hlmwlf, but t-mployiThomeMMalhatodthe folter It ih»oat wbo

violated the law, If it bsi beeo brokeu, a!-ttougb Ur. Cuitaid li the party mnreJly andlegally raepocsfble, -= •' \

Friday Bridget UcQmtb Bsune dowq frcmHt. Hope Bnd\detplte tbe plentllulaeta of

ater >l*kod ber ihint with ttry )|<|uld. Thtitult w>s tbst when tbe started for home abe

ft Jt duck in the uud and SUnhal Hfgna andAiditant Uirsh*l Bytam bad to pull her outatid put ber In a cort together to tbelock-up,The u « t mcrat&f Juttlca Gtgo fuspendedicnteuce, witha warning that iftbeeTercatnabefore him again he would send ber to jiiL

MarebsiHagan caught Houben Golrfatoloof Kewark, peddling without «. license andtook him before Juatloe Oage *rbo flaw) him$2andcosl8, •. '*;' •. . ''' •

Oaorgb Cwtb m ) trotted on SatardayoiMt)t In lion-Mown and brought to Qjv«rupon complaint of tfatfaantal Plttenger. HeBald tbat while at the Central Iloun laitThursday fbo bed dolldted blm, At ththo%r-ing on Monday he failed to aabetaatlaU biscfaarie aad the Mlos Booth was dltoharged.

Saturday Uargbal Bagan •netted JoeHarris and John SJioers, tramps, and tbenext morning Juitiue Brown discharged themwith a reprimand.

Joe EORBC became v«ry drunk and hto hi*laiily culmlnaUd about mldMgbt in bU er-

t Mondty Juntlca Qese foed him |3 andand sent bltn to jtlf tor six d<y«.

CO. WH ATBL&T1C OAXEfi.Ooo-pia? U on Monday evening held ttaelr

first annual athlatla mttt In* tha armory. Tteattendance wtanot Urge butthoee who went

WES well repaid aa every eveat m closelyODlealml. < '-

Bjrom won the flr*t lieatla tbelOO./octdub la five second*. Kelly captured tbo

ad ht&t la Are mcoii&t, Jtibosoa took tbsid la fiseandtwofltthiBSWndfand Byrara

won tbe Boat beat In five wcond"/ Prlee, (3i»r, given by Newton Ely.Uase nun the half mile go as you please,

heavy marching order, la tbr« ralnotej andthree Mcoodi. trite, tlfls, given by the B.H, Berry HonJwiiM Company.;-- :

ijiwa raptured ths price for tha runnSngtltb jump. His jump M ( 4 feet p tecbes.

He alsa won the half milt walk la four DQIU:t«t4!)3-5«eoB'Js.Allgrum took honu the rocking chair glvea

by P. fT, Dlckeraon to tha winner of the bftlfmile ton. Time '£ minutes, & t-5 fecoad«.

running broad jump Mai won bj JohnVoorbeea, llftet, lllnchtfc .

Charts • Ilodwer oonm out abead in tbepotato nto*. .

In-ibe ietay, race b*ti»«n two teams offife men,each ibe winners Just Urapedthrough r>j 8-5 of « second. Time, 2 mlnutw

i - 5 w f o a d » . ' • • , - • • ' • •

Vnorbeet won tba obstacle race. -The list thing on th« program was tbe tug

"of wsr. It w u . m n by B.: flafmlab, S.U;ers,U.KnulhandIl.MlcboU ,

..: . "With the S u m . ;•"The enttrtklntnent glveb In Btker Optra

IOUM under' tho direction of Mun Uity H,Oorsell onTuwdij titglitwaioneof tlia moltchinning i*er pub on Ihe itago. The pro-jt«ni JII arranged WM roma*hat broken b«csate ot the .Indisposition of Ur. lluleand Ur.Neighbour, The piano noTos by Uiai HarryQtmtaiid UtuQlbtoamrmttOBlTparlaripitl,and Uii" Hard tang si ulo !u good valoe andwltt muoh exprealoD. Jalu .Cornell was attier bett, ubieh is to say bar seCectioosrend»redwltbaihillan41»ace thatcoiildonlyptoaae. Tue repreuDtatlon et the Nina Muieawas molt elaborate1 sad beautiful In soenio er-fectB. The graceful UuTemaDb and the

iolnjB gowns, nbiohtetoff the betuty oftba pirUdpanU, tagetber with the brilliantwlorluft* of tbo catdnm Hgbts, m&dn a plo-turehvti to esorl A cbincttr shetcti byUerun. Barry Tnomas anil W. Q. Qillsn vaaWellRcetved. Ulu Bessie Olllen played weUna Accoupaniit, A ttniurt not do*n an thaprr>gr«m m a danoe by IJIBS Plowle Birch,which was vory grooefully done

Tbe audience MKI largaand «liot,aodtbathureb rta&ts » n u t lam

COUKOIt PE00EHDINQ3Tbs ngnlar tnwtiog of tbo Common Cam

nil WM held lu t Sfoodar ejtalngln tbe<Vno-tors room of tbo Natlnnat Ualon U»nt at bo'clock, with Mayor Wolf", Heconler tieacb,Aldermeo Dakar and Mull gan aiitl Cououll-men Spargo, Young, Dlektjruon, Patty au'•'"tebesd.

_ JB mlnuUi of the nreceding regular nie«ifair were read and appro re J,

Marsbal Hap»u'* ie[«rt for January. IKKibonlug arreita mule fourteen, wai receive*>nd placed ou UloFulloe Juitlne Uttge'* r«|>ort for Jeraunrj

lbWI, sbiwlcg tbe culltctlon of (lu'B and co»;to tbe amount of flif, aud tliat of Police Juitlcefiroiro, usklfV no return! were receivedind placed oo ale aud, mottey ordered corendinUHbe treasury.

Ubon thu ajiproval o( Cbiaf Kuglncer Vree-land Lbe following actions *«re ooolirinediTbe BKDulnlon of J. J . Hold! by EnRlue Coiu-uaur, No. Lend the accHptaDcnottbu re!«n»-Uent of Wii. 8 WblU, I W P. MaDfd,. andtieorg« R. Gerard by FroUctijn HOOK andLadder Coni[>auy, No. 1.

CommUQlraUon 'I>t"Q Wm. B. Wright i ..Qg that be bad been informed tfca; tw badloUted a tuttn crdlaance Iu building the \w

wludotrsuu his building aUI'e turner of Union6Dd Illackwall etreeu, and wklDR pertnlidcnto roalcUio Urn sune as tuvh were built luiin-ceutly. A. motion w«i wtdh tind hntthat tlomatter be referred to lbs Street Cooinilttoewitb power, foliowfnft wttch too Rtrrit Com-mittee made the (oll.'irlQg report; Tbst tliofirt'walk on Vn'.oo fltrert ii 15 feet wlda : theWright building IB built on Iba atroet Hue.aud thatLwob«y nIndo\fsnnthewGoud ttoryproject over tbe aMrwalk throe fret d>iucbee, and tbto being ' u violation or B townocdlaejice, pro hi Wtfopd tree tclwtrut-tlciaB. asktbe Council 18 a holy t j talieadouiilodec 'In tb" ma!tor, whrreuiwii ainotlno was mtiloand carried I ? B vuie !, tu A tbftt tlm haytrlndowa of tbo Wright O gau & PianoMauufacturlag Co.1* Uutldlng b« allowedto remain

~ mmuntcation tram W. P, S«jd*r re-, tin* permifshn to erect & " ? " hlftn iu•rout uf bis place of busiueaj in Worreu St.wai, reoelvcil and the matter referred to tbeStreet Committee with powor,

AppIIoattuu ot Goorgd H. Waruerfor thetransfer o( bl* eabon nod Billiard Ifcepne toIs/asl HJgler y>as referred to tliu License Cum-mlttee, who referred tbe mms hick to IbeUomruou Council ai a body, stating thatcbsrgo* bad teen entered ogainat the upuli-cant a,ud were 0 0 " jieudfmc; wiiereupm a•notion woa mads acd M U T M that tbe unu*fer be not Kmuted, *ihioh aolitm wai rwignaidor«J otjd JoliiiwtJ by a uiotiuu tnado anilcarrlt d that sctloD bs rvefrved uutll tue n » t

ectiug of tbB Common Council.TbB Street Committee presented tlia policy

for the le'wvatof tfwInsurance'a tliecUr*Btone onjiber and nmclilnerj to tbe amountof (2,500. Uu motion tbt> action of tbe r~

The following I<UI« weie referred tu theFlbauut) C<'inmiLt«i, apjirovwl by thorn endordered paid;Corporattou I'my lloll 6St

Win. H. Bjn'm ™(W" » *• nso

I r a J . Cot iWfllWm. O. TBt-mpioii ^(MHotactL. Dutihtni • > ..,<. J)7TADan Dibler HUOJamas II. Brown 1173Wra. W, Hill * "Peter E. CwiierDover Holler vVorK -* 50

KElXiKTa OV COUlttrTKIMTUB HUoot Conimlttee recurauiended tbe

removal of ibe Urge tree at tho fark Hotel,corner of Warren and Dlatkwell street*, itbeing In an tiumfo coadlUoo, and on nmiiautbewme ww orderod. Toe coin ml IU a (urtlipr

amended that Blaubwell *tr«t b* put In>, ai It « u Iu a bad couditlon owing to

thif e cara cf stone (or the purpose. 0a niotlon tbe aetlcn of Ibe couiiuittita wu» eon-

The Fire and Lnmpi Committee itated thatthe light ordered at tbe Usl uiBttlDK bad beeoplaced and owing to the celhra filling withwater tram the Itte t&Ute titu comm)tl*e hadirdared out tbe tnglnea to pump tbem out.iotion wasnn motion confirmed,

Ihe Ordinance Comwlttw pifueuted a iup.plemeot to an oidlnsuca prohiLIKuR Sundayopening, which nos rend fur loformatlou.

wden tbeialdcriliotamwisreaAaiamtnditl*nd placed upou iU flual fiuiaite, which re-tulted in lU«aopt(on by a uuanlinoui vote oftbeootnoil. Tlw.otffinilttto prewntod • IBO-Otd ordinance; a tapplemeut to an 01 d uwicoreimlatlnK lh« llcttualng of tour ahupo and

Ilni .alooca, ttbloU waN read for Infqr-^..Hon, wh€B it w»«oa neOna Md over ua-Ul the next meeting af the Common Counoll.

Upon liqutryof the Major «a to ibo bmtthlnmtodo rejnrdiiig the tax duplloW forl£lB.tlieB<iraB wssOUmotlDU reforred lo tboFiranos Committee to report

Upon the recamnendBtlon of tks special.jraojlllwoti theeotlno bow widiilnu; tb«laid committee wafl autborfirf to fcnve thepetition tet we*n th» two rear rooms ou IliaInttloortiflbe bufUloii removed, tlirowltiKthe entire inaee iuto one Huer-i moetinuroom /or the 1119 of tlia different lire com-panies CJUOCII adjaurced.

j . j | . O. A. NOIBB.•fhe anutial Sta/o Oonveqtlon wll| bs bold In

_er«ij-CUy fob.- W I". Tlitar asiocjallofl willbe repretentMl by tbe-prtsfdent, general Mc-nlary and tsvernl' neoib< n, A rery strongprogniin bu be*n prepared, and all wfto at-

ind WU! bs well paH fqr gnbg,At ihe recent 'annual panf«reto» of the

Ladfe*1 Auxiliary of tbe StatB our Auxiliarywu itprwented by. tbe pre«!dent end eecre.t»ry, wbo brought ttamo rrry interesting re-ports and valuable sugxeetliua regardingtheir wotlt,

A company o( tc» Ho/s' JJngade hia beanformed under tbe leadership of tbo euorgetlqchiirmin of tbe Boys' Work Committee, Ur.* Klj. As many M can b0 acooiumwlo.ted"_iave already beoouia conaeoted nlth It, nodBible and military drill* will tie held i t 7;ISevery Tuoidny evening.

Rev, Dr. Qaltaway will aidreta tbe men'smtutiitf Pvbdt; aftfrocoD at •} o'clock,

Tba boji1 inwtlug will ba led by ),tu»oelot

Ell, _ _ _ ^ » _ - _ _ _

£«atb of Henry K. Berrj-.Henrj K, Berry, eldeit ion of tbe lat» THus

Berrydfedtfc hit home in Ghttliam ywtojvday, of pneumonia, if tor aa IHwssof eightdajs. Tte Iqneral will be belli on Mondayat Cbitbani. Ur. Borry when yet a boywei>t Into the employ ot tbe Michsnie >'a>tlonal Bank Company and, remained therefor titealy-fl»e jrare. He wai a fltst cla.esaccountant and wai ecgagtd toietUauj) tbeaocounts of »o/eral banks In Newark whichhid railed For the lait few yeari be liasbwn with (be Provident Lite anil Trust Aa-m t a t b s 'a New Y<itls, Bi» dwtli wa» Terruaexntoted,blire)gitlviBbere bad not Heardof bis iloknestf until Tuesday, • .

Eewai an elierln ta« JTwby (orfiin Uhtinjnand very active In cbarcb work.

Church Kotiaaa,FintM. B. Church—Frcaehlng at'iA;S0A

M, and 7:30 p. H. by Dr. Olllawayi Bundayschool, 2:00 r . »i.; Eiworih L?agus devotionml3B*llog, (i-M p, M, followed by preaoblng

Qnca M E Church-Preacblug In Ore.cechurch on Sunday by the pattor at 11:30 A M,and 7:B0 F.M j Sunday teho®} at 9^0 P.«.{

league devotional servfc* at i>;!»P,H.' • . .

A«-tbe Proafayterlan Cburon on Sunday

Kev. Dr. Halloway will preach at the morn-

ing and evenlug vervlcta. Bunlay icbool at

2s!tO O'clock. '

Tba eeMcee In St. John'* Church flBtt

wwJc will be as follows i • Sunday, February

10th, holy communion a t fi A. 11; mortilog

prayer a t 10;&0i Sand*? sobool at 3:30 r . « , ;

iveotag gervfeant 7:3Oi Anb Wftlnesrfsj', Feb.

IK, holy eommunloa at 7:M A. it. j morning

prayrand Hi any at 10; DbtMren'n aarvlce at

t p. u.\ evening itrvfus at 7;4i\ other daja

of the we#ltt morning prajor at 0; Bfooioc

prayer Filday, 7:45. all ether dayj at 5;

)ly o^mmunion, Thureday, at 7:3d A. «.;

there will l» during lent a reanlng or senaon

*t ecrh evening servfee; on Friday evening,

Feb.'21, the Kev. I. O. Lvd irlll pnaob; on

Wedneeday evening, Feb. '•», tbe Rev. Dr.

bbrirtfanwiJIprwcn; otuerspeoialpreacher*

_ lent will be tbe Rt. Rev. Bishop Coleinan,

Revi, W. W.' D&fbt, 0. h. 8(tf 1, P. A. H

Brown and Dr. Humoliraj*.

. : Splendid Attiaotlon

Few companies on thn rand to day offer

inch a variety of high claw plays as Uiu

Renard and bn exwllent corapany, which

appr&r* at Bskor'* Opera HOLM all text

wtttk. Think of too gttftt otmaln " Ingoruar,'

beiojr pwented stpopular price*. O u r S00

peopla were turned **ray one nlsbt a t Read*

logon. theBecond appearance ot this popular

SltrtctJoa, Kbirli inrJodaf iu its emtatWe

loae'of the best talent available, including B

fine OKbnin. Tan uiunJ- matlneee will be

given and popular pH«wwlK(*reFaII.

Vor Our Public School Libraries,On Friday evening, February Slit, Catm\_

Moperintendent Cox *ill lecture IntheQraceH. E, Church apon bli recant trip throughyallaw .Stocs .ftrlr. h. D. TJllycr willillustmto the lecture with his eltotrfaItereoptlcon. ' T&e proceeds are for tbe publicichoal lltwrJw. Jf ibl/tf doJlara or more arccleared by tha Iwturatbafluto nlll appropri-ate thirty dollars to thefund, AlWni- .Heirs good thing. Help the schoil librarlei.Adminloa: AOulu 25 oenti; ohlldran 10cents, * » -r - - -

A Naw Pastor. •Itov. Q. B. nail, who hw been tbe past:

of lbs now Swedish Congregational ChurchIn Dover, go» to Woodttock, Conn. H» hasdone 11 good work hero. Ho willlwBaeceedodby HOT. L. AleerxHt at Concord, H. E., wboenUn upon hla dutln nest Sunday, witu theehurcb now wonhlpplag in Hairhause's Hall3 t wai fa Dover, last fall, and will b« we

(he peopla


Xenort of tk» Qoaezal SecrM*rr for tbiYear Enflinff December 31, 1695.

irlug to tfia storm the regular {irogrsrucould not he carried out Sunday evening, twoof the speakers, Judge Cutler ami Mr. Uadiibeing dutaincd thereby. Dr. Halioway andVrnt. Hubert presented the woUt vury forci-bly at tbe Freabymmn Church. Ur. Lucasat tbe unlun service of tbe Oraoe anil. Pree-MaUiodUt Cburcbei in tba opera boiua spokeis bis lunal conjeit msccor, of tbe differentdopartmuutu of aaioclallou work empbasliiagtlie wci-k of rrtsentton aavtng young m»n bytue UH of ail tbe ageacfes employed batonthey become etoepHliuviuo and (in. He alsooomraendod the work In the ^inaailutn veryLI (lily em a meane not only of attraction butol buildluR up stroug bwlUa aod thus'Ingtwturtnenfor Clod. He npiba feelinglyBcucurnlnjc tbe strauger joung tnaa aud re-lated hla own expirleuce, how, a *trang<young wan in a strscga country ha went; totlieY, ai.C. A., was invited to a religious

'ice by tbs secretary, counseled Htb andUy ltd lota ehelati&u work. At " ~

M. E. Church Mr. HoagUud prewnted lots of

stirring f«CW, in-ttlr'out of bl» rlob

fence with young man. Mr. S. J. Aosi and

Dr. tialla*ar eleo nm4e brief addrweof.

Tbe Womans' meeting at the First U E

huioli was not vjrj largely attended but u

iiao prerettt wore nearly aU mambers cf tbe

Auxiliary, niii connequootlj Tory antbualai'

tie concerning Y. M. C. A. mutters, it was

rull of interest. Mr. Luoan, lunt-ail ot bold-

ug a forms! terrioi caaduclml It as a coirference and many point* were brought up

and discussed.

TiioSecrBiary'fl rei>ort which was read »t

each of the evening Ber»ton is as tolling.



iiKETma:—The records of cur aasocUtlon

for tlie year ttttStn oomplotrd ard truly that

wbluh bat lictu AeormpllRbed la worthy of


Our work in l«>tt 1* tn provlds A «J

ittraction to tb» BSIHOII by giving the

slemont aud hfltuelita mrrotindingi with

•veryttiing pleatant and helpful, Wftli tnlx

jtijfal In view several receptions we'o given i

tbe tlr«t one on New Year's Dsy et which ra-

frealinjents KLTO rerted and otliar pleasant

leatures w m Introduced. T*o rereptlon*

to bojR Tba rece)jtiou« glren to

tba inott noUble, Tbe total atUndatice nt

tha social nreattwia ?,Ji>9. ID addition to

tbosa mentioned the ladfei bare gotten up

soTfral entertainments primarily to make

iney but very tu Joy able, i m or (It cleat. Tbe

rooms bare been npaa dally except BundavB,

ani new attraction! added frotn tlniB to time.

Tbo tttal attetidaace at tberoouis wai 17,874.

Our eiKKih'ion socks to be a bureau of re-

lief and of all lofcrraatbn tlmt pertRlns to

tbe welfare of nun. Nut at much bss been

done fit tbis department as dealred, although

MM secured lor one jouDgman,

sovvrol nert) directed to good boarding plaoei

and many otberwlyi aUed.

To meet tflfl nesis D( youiif men who are

striving to bB«>H|e worth more to tbelr em-

ployers aiul advance themselves'to trttter

potltloDi we have classes in peni||uieli{p and

bookkeeping, tnecbanfoul drawlDg and J)ng-

lUh lor foreigners, ThflieolaBSMbaveatotal

onrnlltnent of Hand bava been fairly wellav

t*ud(il, Tbli atsoolatlon rmelvrd tbe flrat

prise at tbs JuioraaHoE/)! ODijveotlou of

Young Men's Cbrlutlaa ^isoclatlana at

. MaBA, lait spring for tba best

work doiw In teachfogijugllih to Turelgtiers

One of our stroDgtgt sttraotloas js therHd-

ig room with Its tarty periodicals and rniga

Vor raaoy years religious people were

'troiigly.criposed lo Cbrlstlsn men enrolling

a gymnasiums, The prfjudlces of tbe

church people were overcame aBvertl years

»go bowereraai son phytlo&l work has been

itroduced into THI assoDlatlona. Witb QS tbe

orb la tbis direction In limited fur lack of

room but wa ba^ea fair tqufpment of apps>

ratus and gymusalum ctatjei are held regu-

larly during U19 11nter niontbs.

Instead of kasenlng tba Icteraet In tin dl-

sctij rellgiuun work M It was feared the 10-

culsragenolos would do tbe experleno* of all

sFBoclatlorH ben proved the ocntrary to-be

true, large numbers be|ng attrnpted to the

-int/nti through tlfre agencies and coupwjrd

nrith about thB way ol eteru&l lite. Some ofthe brat spiritual workers In OUT own asatnla-tlou are most deeply Interested (a tbe workif t|je otlfer department*, ' ;

The most promlot-nt fMl\(reo( ourre)lgiouidepartmont were tl)'« la>rga oper^ bouse meet-Ings and tbo optii air servlpes (n the |>ark.

rvlces, whjlonat »a fruitful Inoon-aa hoped for, brought the goipel

_. _._. to m»«y wbo (Q all prqbabliHywould not bsra beard Ifj SO(J tbstplrit of tbeLord nill eau*etl)e so»d io«n to bring forth

'Ulttobfeown touorauil glory. ThB totaletteadance of mm at the Bundty atUrooauservices was 8.JW3. BiKCenful meetings formen were netd In the roomi daring tha weekof prayer for young men In Novsmber.

The work for boys IB ta a proajiarous con-dition, eipeoially the Sunday afternoonmeetings at wbjch there bu Uen an aversge

of M for elz months A" « " •dBgae Is about to ba fo n)»(J and

a company of the poj»' Brigade 1> contem-ilsted. . ..• . . -The fo(d tip membership of the auociatfoq

1 t50, of wblcb number flD are iui|«lnlnjmembers,

Tlie Itidlea Au*il|*ry deterv« the heartytbsnbi of every member for tue noble man'ner In wblcb they aided tbe aundatlan by n-levlngitof Its Hotting debt of 51-1, thereby

placing IE in a good condition ilnanoi&Uy.Tlie fculle* &•*<> B>K> pro*idsd cut flown andother attrBotlons tar tha rooms and tuva!uruiebed refrfshmenU ani assisted In various

fljg atrewptfon». .

WB alia deslra to thank the oS|cers wh.Qbave stood by us so faithfully during tb|stime of trial and, also the noble barn} ofyounjt mtn wbo serve on thB different oomr

In order to carry on tbis work monny IsBMded and we loox to ths Chrlnian men nttbe community whim Ood bas favored withthU mttld't good* tor financial »Dpp irt. Wealso n'i«drara*st,otiaB«rBt«dobriil!an youngmen to give tbelr time and efforts for tbebetterment of their folio* jouDjr. men and inproportion SB thf*a needs are lUDplledwilllonor the work end youcg men ba won toHim. ReiptaUully •unmltted,

L .8 AUBTJWGeneral Secretary.

Fjre'at fluoeuannk.TheD.,Ii. andW. sUtlouat Buccaauonaas dlicovercd to ba oa Are at tea mltmtes ta

two o'clock yesterday momiog. Wbtn first1 by kUun. Hockenburj endReeves, who•ear by, the whole front of tba fltitlon

was on fire. Before thej Mtild arouse Iboneighbora tbe whole structure waa aflame andnothing could be done to live It, and by 3i»It fell In, It was Impostfble to save a singletblng. 'All the tickets, books ani record* be-longing to tlie company wen destroyed, ItImot known-,bowttanflre orlglnatai, Therooms over the lUtion nre>usedoa« dwelling,tnbnoonebAsbeen living there ot late and

. hitvo been repairing and kabo-

lnlaiDgtbQWPll*. They Ud a Ore In tbe flre-. . . . . . .. _aW,bot whether ib»y pot Jtallout before leaving no one knows. Some tblottbeydldend tbat ths fire originated Irom adefective flue in tbe chlrocny, at a fire i» keptall night la the ofllco. TDQ upper end of thebutldbg fell firat Ths peaple turned ouGwell, willing to dn all la th«Ir power, buttbere wot nothing for them to do except

'ftteb it burn. '

& War&iBaT-'To tbe people of ForsOram 1 want It

derstootl that the person or persons wbobeen slandering my*elt aud famllf's cbarac-

bas Mid what if Ww and aajoao wbooin give ma any Information as to who »-«rt-thln talk will tn suitably rewanled.

Addrofis . - 'ALBERT EKOLEMAN,

Hinuggler, HanMlgcul Co., Col.

Dou't think becaiiBi you aro sick atid uuth-ing teoras: to give jou relief tbat jou can't

There must he a cure for von somtwhers.It your uoowr can't cure jou, ptrbapa be

bni mhtaken the cau»», Auybotty i* liaDbto make n mlstik? Eometiui«a

One in three of us suffer troutad one oil of three djsuopitci d-wflVt kuo

i t That Is, be tnu/kooir he h tick, but beblames It to lOUiBihing else.

Indigestion Ii the CAUIS O( htlf of our dan'geroui dlHosn. ' ,

:vr Digtitivo Cordlft', mido from toniimedicinal rooU and beibj,li tbo most iiaturoeuro for iudlgestlun. It relieiea the sjmp-ooii and cuits the dlaeaM neatly, naturally,iBIal'ntly, uHlng frosh life, strength nn<

guilty wna Kutenned to two juai'J impriimeat fu State Prison at bard lilinr. Loreeclelnied tbat wbeu I10 comntlttcil tba crime builltl out know what be *a* doing. Imt ilia

i>nrt Informal bltii tbftt tUflt waa 110 pxenu *Fr»d>rick lUy, ohr*d, of |)OV,T, whi

pjfadvd ffEiiJtp to 00 Jjjdlot/lJei/tchflrffloj bjnnltti baviuw; broken aad entered tlw ilsiuioi.

tichsrJi Is uroprlotor, <*aa gDiitennait '0 aterm of of titu M M fti Hie State rVis-m.Before eanUnoe, wax linp^d upon Ibis cul-prit be made n. ata'ttiifn1*. U> the Uaurt litirbiob bs said tbat Ilm broking und cnUnuxhid b«*n committed by ano'hsr hut tbDt huwai prawut anil kept u loonout, bavlux pre-viously >eut th ' utubt watebman on a will'oo«e cbisn fn order thut h'» " I" ' ' ' " pfforti

ut law br'uklng niijlit be inorn easy. It Uundeistnnd tnnt H«f bu* given tbe uamo ofibe usrty nbo did tbo eouul brcoding.

Uiillaai MofTit, J»n,.! Mobuey.alUB JaaiesCumming'i UeorKeO'ConnfllanuJohn Browntbe (our t'nteraou croiko who wen* tried am)fouvlctHf Ja«t werk uf tttittttg bur^larU^d tt:oKoiiorB)>ttoi«aD<tp<MitvtUtMiot Truy 111 In nfwhlcb Gaorgfl a, Uall wiu iiropnetor, wwevnoa BBHMxised to leu year's iinpritonnientIn BUM PIIBOQ at bard latiur, 1 lio Uuitrt inputlog Bsnt«nce stld ttiit them *>an no mill-ntlng clrcumsiBncei in tbelr cacetlist wuuMuatifr too Cuwt in any lighter sentence, asDej Bad been cuptuied with the sMlon buct/Iu their poax ens Inn ulmojt lufuieJlrit«|y qtL«rlbs burglarr and ou ttie trial they luide nqULempttoeiplatn how lc Min.e ii)io tbBiruoBiatslon.

Davlii HotjltltM>n, lndlctod for baring brokenind eotertd tba biru Q[ It. if Corni.-h. ntJtlrJiPgi and smleu therafrutn a coir bj wb^hcbarufJ oe had et).ereii n pica uf tmi 7nit, *e,%sent 10 Uiate PIIROH (or liw term ol flvw jearj,' * ]«on, or wbofielirapor uauiehaH t)c«asat^..^Intd tu be John ll»hr. NsUBixtc ftnfbeiug ths party wna cu|i]iuitt«d tbeii|»n?ihellaothir^.tUi,,'') tm vlpiuityof hQ>tfliiKrldg" * D l i M erty UurijOr dur|ng l»,t tall,tuidKuUUlonil color is lenttoth'tiJflUJiiloioi^by tbs taut that be "as a resideu} ot i W laoallty BL4 watt porftctly familiar with thabsmslnthstsaotlo.1). ' j

Joseph ftuuUworth, of Qifuton, charg<>d

iAt druBgists. A trial bottle for ten cents.

What Is tbe K»eley Oaia P8 M pagi iwo of today's En . Htadit.


fifiorg* U«lJa»d Miirv SWgwr, ul lUckwiio went jointly UJIIIUUMI UU a cliaadultury, nere trkd and enniitttMB t f i l d t O b U t U U t U al!

, tbi

Indictment wan ((rundeii upon mfdt h n furnUhod by George titsner tht. hu»t»iidof Mrs. r)l«ger, but he wan ]>recludnd frmu

" 'lag livtimoiiy in the c u e by reneun of tinitultf prohlljIuiiK ttin u»o DI & liunh»ml as 1tn^Ba ogoimit the wif^ in pft>>tf<?utio[i# 0

this cbarsctcr. Tliura was mi uLhor evltienuiogaluit t b e a «»e[ i t nucti an maul4 teaii Ushoi* tbat Mrs Stager tnlKbt liave on ono ciimore occssiouti behaved impruporly but noisutllcleiit to baso such a churnfl ujioa,

John lanBOU, of lUridoijili townublii, wheWM Jointly imitated wilb HlrburJ £ ltll uua charge or hivjug cdniniitUd an mroclcusauau l t aud battery upia Jojju It. Jtaklnt,was tried and awiultted. IUUBOII'S dftenieWB« tbat tie ksd uot muusited Jmiklna, Imlthat tbs amaultbwd beeucotumidori byEdnlland he hud only anted in tbe uapadty nfpeace muter. Eilall ties not j e t twuncit u r d , b .v ins lett for p»rt* uuknowu b«r<the iwiictmeui was ro'.urDt-A again ' t him.

Bteubun tS, Wriglit, uf Kmkanay, wbo wanjdlcted. lor Having ouinniitted perjury befonf

the Grand Jury a t it* reo*nt »rNslou wai tried

jd acqultud.John Lonergan, iorl<«l«cl fur having ,

iiUtfd aa assault and tiattery tipoti JoboKIr t , nf ilorrtrtowii, retrocts'l his tormtrplea of uot guilt" and er-ere-iapiMifRuil ty.

Tbe trial ol PeWr CurUx, of VU\* Broofc,wbo bag been IndloU»d for baiup an acccawith Johu HmltU In rnlihinn UKM K1

fierce cf that plaoe luit foil, lias gnne otf t ntbe term uecauas of the fllnoM ot Mr». Ourtii«lin la said to ho ii raaterftl wltucs* tor tbedefense,


Monday last belnji tbe dnp Bind by theCouit for tbe imposing or sentenMH. JndgoCiitlar racUd nut to the secfral law breakerstuepensitleiillxed by l a * fur the various o>-froies Khlati they bai eithtr f«e. caarktedof or pleaded guilty to.

Joaiuh 0. Apgar, ot Waihlnpt™ townslilu,.idicted for having oammttM au assault and

bsttory up»n his wife to wblcb be tiloidei]guilty, wan santenoad to piy a Hae of fi) andcoats. Aptar'e wife aout a letter tu ibeCourt nehiiitf tbat lenluim It rt'wn at iiebad not hurt her, and slio till tnt dtalre tv

"'awd.iru Loree, a. young niau nf New Vor-1. who itole a borse and ITOJ >n from IJbu.

whlcb the laUir U* lolt Rtauding

-.„„.,_.- - -, — - *>l»ce, but who «aiOuly iiidlated fur simple aS'aultanq buttflryto whlou allegutlon bu pleaded nm vult wai*jnt*uu*d lo thfi Cuiiotp JaH for thirty day»and »o pay a tine of 150 and coiU. LanUticywas shown Rush wort a bacauns of the fact

at tie bod pravioutly borne a xood <t>|iuU-,on and bsu alrealy (=rr«l a long termiu

prison whlif waiting trial. He was given atievere reprimand by the Court

MaryMhtrumn.a natoriua colored womanot Uaalwu, bearing tha aUa*"Dumli!o Bt-e'l

istutenced to einy dtyi imiirlBonm-nt in_ . County Jall-oii tbeoaflrgetirbnyintfcom.

n.Uted ao astaalt atirt battery upm- Urs,ooob'Jorrell, nf UorrisU)!rn,toiThii!i]Cb»r«i!

-"ie pleaitct) iiou vult.la ' tbe nase of Jotiu Lou«rgon, of Morr/i-

jwu, "bo waitmllcted for an>l pleailod nuiitjM) Urn GDarga ul toiniuUtiuK an aiaiujt auObattery upen Jotin if irk, of SI prrletowu, seu-tence w»i •iQiBBoded UfiUlUie Msy term Qt')i|*rt.' Lo^ur|(at) baa al«a,ys burns a gquJlarMteraiid.u BJU,UI\S Lj iu, audai^l|b of.

.mt cUntgai »ga(o»t tifui-WM tii|t a tduticif-col tiolatiun or tbB law,-the Court was de-posed wdeal lenl'uuDly t*lto rjlu).

The Eolhwfug casn were dliposei) Q( In tbetaurt ot Outnm ju i ' |ws l^st treet, ,TbB appeal case at Kiwafd Q. U * j appsl-

ant and Usorge Willianiiappellee whjoti waiaa wtion originally brougbt by tba latter to'recover wages far work dine upon a »ou»built by L**y. -WM;tried *i<" twulisd l« averdict of no cause Cor notion, ai It was shownthat tb» contractors who Uitlt the housewere toe parties respohitbla ta Wtlliaing.

IatbecssBoEjcbn Hwactbamuier, flnpellaut aud the titate of NHW Jureoy, sppelle*.the Court after a trial rendered a varjict at

Irqujfbt in tbe name of tno 8l°to by HabertUchardi, ' f ish Warden, ttiB penalty forIwackbitDimor havlnit Violated tlie Hntnu and

DlbluftB by placing t>n apimralus for catub-Icg fleli In a wream fa Wa>bitigtan townsllp./beocouacd thowpdcoQclualvelv, tbat while

be had placed (U 0 apt«ratuii in til» ttrtuaurlcg iba open season, a» he h»d a. parfeirt

-lgutiod.0, he hadBofErremoted tuusnmeal ter tba Mason dosed «i uut to prevent themigration q[ th.o fl*b,


There w u a quorum preieat on Wtdneiday

and tbi half dozen members who were a t tlie

Board rooms sdjourned to Thursday mnrulng,

Thursday all tbe members vera present

Bicfpt those from BoonfH) and Cbntbatn, and

li| tbearvmot of Ibe JiirecW? 'be Clerk caHid

the meeting to order,aud Mr. Malley was

elected Direotor pro tent. The regular com-

mittees mode their rsporte, after whlah tbe

towmhlps were called, ta a«»rt«In how mucb

mopey would need to be rulieil to n p i l r and

rebuilt) bridges damaged by tho flood of Iwt

reek. Tho following srnouiitawor«e(tiraotrt

by tba wveral Freeholders i

Boonton</. . . , . I ^

Cbeiur M

Hanovor ; i -t.OQO

JKIerson.. 1000

Uorrls 3,000



David li. Al(Miugli, ur r^tmnon, JJuut«rduii

county, 14. J.,nriijra britf tllnutof twodajti

die>l at liis plfBMatit borne near tbat village

Tnursday, January ttutb.at 10 o'clock 1

DecooseU nut. burn at HiKb llridgf, ti J

March lUOi, iBJit, aud wontW j'oaro, lOmoal-b.

and IT dovn uld at tlie Hum uf Li* <ls

«r Ut, lb4U, he wan united In uiarriagc

to HiTahn Ana Hnoaeni aail thalr

Ife has Ixieu onu uf unulioyed linppliieei.

Tiitir uuiou waa Uifwed witb eight cliUtirt

of <thom JJ^njamlu, B yciuog uma, tiled NL-'

Jltb, I8S5. Toe aoveu surviving i-liildret

wbo toft«tber with tho rrlsiow, uiciuni tins lm

m «(TB(jtiou»ta bunb*uil ondlovine 'a(her

John and Cyriw 111 tbe employ ul tbe V.

Si W. K. 11. Co. et Port Moiyie, Wwle;

ongiiKeronthc C. K H. pSFDeiigor train

nilna from I'tiUadeljihlu W Janoy City,

Mra. JvlJial'etlj Conovex, tin, Autth

lUiM-HAnritt «nd H«tty,th«l»tUruf wlioi i

»fll kuown In Duver where die formerly

Hbt Eirlrofjl. T IH d Ctittirtfd mj>u It

brulbt-r uotued JuU.t whj r en idea at I

bur* aud oounjilr* a rns|>ouslble p»ltl(

(ha n, 11, R, Co, ot K. J. During the dark

duyi nf tbe latu civil war Mr A!^«

ai and jiuui^LJu, atid rsalli'mg tbat he was

dtd at the front ou Jammrj IW, WU,

fuK bU happy buitie bthind bo jnlncd on

crult for three year*, Co. E, Eluvenlb

it, H J. VoluuUvrs. Bret cummaiiiltil by

Captain TIIUUBB J. Ualaey, of Dovor. Ai

•Jateii with those vetaraoaof many a hani

igbt Held bo loon became prufiebnt iu all

euldierly duties and ou Way -1th, 1GW, uisrclted

with liU cmuradfs scruMi tbe ftapilau ri<

Ml cuiuiwd tbat ulgbt on tba battle Held of

liancetlaMvl] le, Vu,, nbere Ills regiment just

ie year before titalalned a IOHI of Wi

tettuy end tbe folloolnR day Ur. Alp

night with bh cumradeBlti tliu Ijuttluof the

'1 denies, bis r*Kiin«ut hsvlng twtilvo men

cutidfd. At early dawn ou Hay Hth his

reglmaut agaia ndvmicol and were BOOH

gaged with the enemy. In a few aifouUs

lUgb "in severely wounded in Ibo

blp tvlib u bullet «uj tbroi buck fhot, Ui

fiil' blptidmg tu death when Corporaj

IBUS lHITe and Muiw B. Bearing of Co, B

ing ttialr gum liy tlie tlr*\w mer tliclr

eliuijlders und olanplujf tbtl)< bauds together

for B ecat n|tti one < f his aroj| around uacb

if tbelr ncpks tlity carried him tiirough a

li'iKc-r ut Lijllct* a aljiwt dmtaitce tu tb» rear

iltotb imetluB two Boldlw* nlthastr«tclier

ibty ].luuei) hun ujwn it when he waa carried

[>/ ibe twnrttra to iha (It d lioepital. From

wm tBBt to a bwfiltal at Waihlnx-

ton, U U., and Ibenca tu Philadelphia where,

altrr t|«veiJ ruontli* of severe sulleriug hu re>

i«l siilllulently t j betrauifirrtduuAprH

ST1I1, ]tWi, U) tbe Ttilerd:i rescrva ourjiii at

pVsHhlngtoii, I). C , lii vihlcb ha strnd until

'lino ll'tt, imVi, 1*lieu iUu war having closeil

u wttdisck&rawianti relutavd borne. Wany

i*r« Hgu Mr. Aluaugl) Julitsd tb« Treaty-

erwu Church aud ltd B cLusldteiii chriaiian

Ife ifiat item mudfl iiiBuirtst to all tiy life

iudllntai uf hiurt and need*. j \ i^ib ol

liroad undtlbtral VIBWI-, a f«nt if ten U and a

serviceable tiei^bbpur, phailtable fn thilUgbt

s^ndgputle Iu duet] be t:uuiiuQnde<] uuivenql

itepinsu i ult life was aa, jilBin-aut BI it w u

ioo(u|. H« JuVdJ bif buiito »nd bU family

lid hss|:ft boljlud l|tm a gjodlyuame for

bi«s nh.t> ti<lh«r him, aud tbo meat try vt «

fn as nearly bbmeUs as mortals lt?t>. It

w»- the wioli uf Mr. Alptugb tu have the two

comrade* wuu tarried; tier hmbrnd from t>>e

,tU flao ur«u>nt At tbo funeral, tut ouly

one or thi-ro, Ur, Aluuia 0. $• arlog, ot Duver,

wasulilo tJ itttfnd It, Tlio funeral etirrluui

>un> hold at hi* lito resMenca n a Monday,

'ebruary HI, at U;80 u'oluuk l> u.,anildtaplte

da storoiy weathur nere attended by a large

limber of people, Inoludlug fntmda and rul»-

Ivat {coat adlEtaaoe, Hiapattttr, Hit. Wot.

i D*«l«, proaabed a wrrouu that was A fit-

ting review of LU life awl ohiraoterand at

[Li oloto bfi remslos we™ laid at rest fn the

Family plot in tba f resbytarlan cemetery at

MrndbamMt. Olive,..ltDDflllePnssaJa .-PequannacRandolphRockawey......,..ltoxburyW h i t




-. im,, 1,000; 1,500

Total , WTbe amounts given liy Ur. Carlisle for Chea-

ter and Ur. Ttmrp for Ut, Ollreonly contho cost of temporarily roparlng the bridgeIn their townvhlpi. Xbs-P'ber Freeh old oinsm« the, amount* p#ed«t' to r*tiulW brfdgeetbat bd^o htea » irVrfiy'daiiinged thatnanstruotons. nnut.neccnrariljr \i» built within a

tar; ' ' r " " '"• '' •

On motion of Mr. Vauce tbe County Colleotor was directed to borrow.tnonej- to a mmnot eicenllrg f 31,000 In anticipation of toxetas an docrgfjjov fund for tba repiirlng andrebuilding ol bridges rnade utcesusry by thi

On motion ot Ur. Tbarp tbeCounly Coilec-v was dlrccUd to borrow this money wtaere;coulit N if cured At the lavctt rata of In-

terest . -_' .

BUOOASUKNA.Tbe M.£.0burch wlllboU »n onterUin-

it on WaeblngUin's birthday tioturiinj

Crater has returned home a'tartpendidB a week at Bound Brrok.

Helen Meeker, ol Orange, spent Sundaylih JoBlab Meeker and familyMn. W. Faucbor Uvliitlng triendeat Ne

ik.A number of our young people attended

the party held at A. Laurie's lant Fridayrfning. All reported a good time.-BlfcsHfllife Bjrnni Magnnntn AlharTtN.

Y., to upend a ninntb with friends and rela-Uvis.

Mr. ftosn, of finrer, will occupy ilia Fres'irterlan pulpit next guuilay morning. <Senprd Youon, nt HUnlior*, w«» In town

Wrdoe«Iaj'.Ulis 6110 Council la BjienJing n fin days at

Do*er. 'Jjut Thursday rnnrofuK at two n'drck tb

D, I* * W, (Ifoot wan ol'OitTerfii to bo nilire. It was iimrly consumed wheu first ieeiIJ> Jecob WJiItinun*. Wli.nFix>iVKli.

W h a t ta ihft Heeler Oatt, f

yea p«ge two of tfldsy's £ M . . lUatllt. *

Sea Shore Bstba a t Horns.

Fnr £3 ClB. you can buy a bag of Bra Salt

at Killgore's Corner Drug Btom ttint

m*k* Efi MU mitnr bnth*

LRdlea' Manila Undorwear.

A Domplete new lie* at Vary luw prices t

the Dotar B a u r of J. H. 'Grlmtn. .

BOOtfTOlf,e ltev.'£. fl, Jamiatin, paator of (beton. Unthddlat church, wm unable to oo-

pr h'rt pulpit last Habbatti on aooonot ofluknes*. the tlootor w » taken 111 quite sud-

denly (luring tlie night Saturday anil oouldt get a Mipply. Tbe marnlcg service was

| bownvev, and ifas inubarge at BJlWrQarr|inn, of tbo {Jjllelin, wbo read a i^perthat be bad prepared som« tlma »go on Matli-d n Prof. lie Voison Wood, gave a short|ddre»a|s9 along ilia 6«me lias of thought.' 9 evening service was In charge at th«

inber* nf the oopjiregatlon, and consiateilif a praise a,Qd prayer servtae.

Ulcbael JJowdoa.oF Doouton, ptnptoyed onBooutoa gravel tt-aln, had bh hqitj cruibed

fiplwesn tbe bumpsr* of hd train wlille maV-iag a coupliog on Monday last. It wasrnasbed ao badly that It was thought amputa-tion would tie neceimry. Hu wai taken to at'sWiBdn boapital for treatment. YouogQowdon was to have been married Ibis weekta Mlt* Kate Gitmnrtfo, tfitttgliU>r of Blowton's Chief of Police. T.hey b^d vented ab f t l h ^ It o,ml e^peat«d ta begin

The foundation of the (urn Iftb'e In therelBht yard uf ths I) , li. aud W. R. R.,bkbwsipsrtJyde.tj-oiei) by tbellood ]**txek, causes inueU inrauvenianaa to tbBnmpany, ai tbo Boontm euginea a n nowab en to HCDVIIIB in orclir to turn tbem

nrouud,There are twenty-two freight cars in theurdi ot the Bjonton Iron Works tbat cannot

Ua Itben out until tbe trestle, wbicb w,eiwiped out by tha stonii lest week, It rebuilt.This long brMgo sola; down ban caused noend ot trouble and Inconvenience to the man'

fftctorl ea down It the hollow, SB the ooly&f to get tbelr products to.the nllruad now

; t o cart by team, whbb means ao enormousexpense to their comwrat, I nnderstand thattbe rallroul o>mpaoy are putting In »wItchosnenr tho oli silk mill property for the uis of

IB Iron ao4 guel Ciiutpaiy.Tbe Boooton Cboral Uoiup, compoted of

about attj voices, «fl( a&sfat tbe ohofr of (heMeHoifit cburoti of Mcrrlalowa In a musical

itartalmnent tn besiven In Morrlstown inthe near future.

Members of F.quannook Council, Royalreauura, of Euontoo, will pay a vUlt to tbo

blortls orgKaiiitlon of X>orer on Hacdayvenlpg he i t .Tha Cablnut held lt« regular meeting Thura-

J*j evoahg at tbs rtwldence of J..B. Salmon,ID Divisloa street. 1'tpira wore real on 'TbeButcnof lheMedlUrraneftn,l'by UIBI Hodg-l , Mi* Florence Power* snd Rev, Wm. H.

Woclverton.Unyur Uytn, whwa cool yard was under

thB trestle tbat w&i destroyed lait week, andliat WBB wlptd oatoumfletely by Ibe flood,ill reEUtnt bis oaitl business ai soon as hsan maka the nocewarj errangements.Harmony Engine and Hote Comuany will

iroduca "Fianegan'a Fottuna" In ths OptraHuuno Fiiuay evening of this week. Afterthe play they will wind up the eveningomuiemBnt witb a ball.

Far several months p&it tbe CommonCoucoil tiave rep+atedlj refuaari to poy tba

Ilia ot the Boonton Water Company lorlater furnlehed to tho hydrants for Ore pur-

poses, clausing tiiab tcaitnuch as (hit waiercompany b&ve not complotoj their work ac-cording to tho coQtracts, and tbat the waterno) nut purs and wtiolasoaie, thtretan thaown wouM not par tbo company until theytad lived up to tbefr agreement. In order to

Had out jltfit what tied of aamlnot tha to*nbadmaaewiib the water compeji?, whetherIt Is properly dra<rc,antt vrbetaer i t l aprp-eriy drawn, au$ nactber the town ouldforfeit any bild on tbe company If tbey pthe bills, a coinnilttee was appointed camotimengo totako legal advice on tha subject

d t report to tha Council. Tha cominitw*,ng of Major Uyen, E. B. Damon

IrTBiJtDtQt Ibe Common Ccuncll, and C. A.UoOamp, from tbe Board of Trade, treat before Alfred Mill*, Esq., cf Uanhtown, laidUafyro Llia tbo contract, together witb all theresuititines adopt*! by tbe Comnuo CouncilIn regard to tbe subject, and aiked blm foroncplrj|in. Tbe Common Counoll m e t R loa Wednesday night to bear tbe report of thiscommittee, and t j bear the opinion ot Mr.MUls. After giving a synopsis ot tbe watercontract, Mr. Mills cays Uiat the town may

lib propriety anil should pay the watercompany's bllln, that by BO doing thedoes uot waive any rights ft h u m compellingtbe waf r cumuany to complete iti work, and[but the town is bound by contract to lnslitthat cbe company lira up to It« coDtraot, dIf Ibey dem't they oiti bo itiado tu do i o l t g yThe bills of tbe cominny will now be paid byth* tarra uader protest.

MOUHT AEUNQTON,Mrs. Qoorge Hennlon and daughter,. Ml

Mamie, ara vltlting Mrs, P. h. Bchsfar.Muur tliuhard Tbompion, of Nswark, Is

tbegutst ut Mr. John Wnlner.The young folks ot this place extend heart-

ffllttbanLo to Uei&r*. Cbarlea und WilliamChaplin for Iba very pleasant aleljh ridegiven tbem last Monday night, aho to Ur.

d Bjlra. Clarence tlronn, or Flaiiders whoboppItDbly entertained tbetn.

We are very sorry to not« that Dr. J. L.Taylor Is conlintd to his bed bj Illaeai.

Mensn A. H. Hehnms, J,. V. Hlngstler *ndH. F. R.fttH>, of Hobokea, speiit Wedneedpythe lake.

OcirtwWIoecbool wuclotedoa WedoetIn honor ot Lincoln's birthday.

Don't forget tha masquerade ballflobaf»r'* Jiolel tbft Friday evcolng.

• R v a w *

Saturday ev^ijiijgBiii Dumbfr of uuryounKkjilo wtre skating ou thm jj^ud. Tbp tread*oua leu g&va waj wllb a young aiaii. Ho n

oeivei a thorough drcucblug. A danger »kits plac«d ul tbat ]njict to wuro otbt-na fvw niuuieute a joung lady uot l im

jttlgnal fell in at thu same place, lieach iu stall to Wllliaii Morgan jjrjvwl u> bt ie brkve rospuer. At luxt accooote uojlLuparty ai)[tfartd tu be ttm wurtse for their t*J

Biitutt, Tlie yguiifc' lodj asmirei UH tbutcr Icy intli did not intfinitiate tiur In tin*

lout, aud «ay the will retume skating at tinDrat favorable opportunity.

Jol)ii Htwo hah relurawJ dufio after a «'ijr.urn ot Nework.

I'bf Udies' Mlitionarr K^if mmu witliM re. II. C. Barfly on Tlioraday.

AnuiuLwrof/rleadi frcim Ldgewtwd auvlHuitr gsveMr. aud Un . C. H. Ilrtiwoturprine party tit tbe bolul aa Monday evwlog.

Mr. VauiJIcJile, of Ullforil, tias iimu vliiiIng hl$ daujshter, MM Lieo, \Vvhh,

Mr. andJIin. A. M IHnnlur, of Hsmlltou,Canada, are vItltlng Clureiiua lirawn undfamily.

Kev. Dr. Hniltu, discoursed Hun<br oreii-ing from P*aliu ir.i: ill. Tbe subjaot "Floods'being a very opjiortuui one. He gavo tbevarious cauBca of tbe>e Cwds witb thuir dls

,ud beneQclunt reiults from a ncleit-titlo stat)dpolut. But tUme only verved uillustration for Improving de*ii aplrltusltruths and precept* on the ailuds uf bin

Uu Tuocday Charlie Wock brcke thr«u|{h,be ice on o»s uf tbe pjud \vM iu a U«1Uaear bis huii"> nnd waa xubinurgeil up 10 blisUouIderi. Two uien uiatiagwl to get nearenough to throw Llm a rail wbleb unUtoilbitn In making bl< escajie fr 1,111 bis tor I loutpoaftloQ. [f theiie aot-fdents ooutfuue it beems

B If a regulnr etiulpH life mrlng itation'ill soon be a necM-lty.On ttwdty, Jut. Sd, U. A. ,Vicholad calt-

l>rat«d the tflln auulveriiary of hla birth, endla now entitled to the Ji-lhoUyii of bring ni>cotogouarlaii, tad nltti one exception, Ib*oldtai perwiu In t ie (illajj*. D.-npite tL'>weight uf yearn bit fonultlei are woinJertully

rrti. Uli trieoiia unlle it) wbbiog tlially be cl>ared to remain among us and

continue blx clirlsttan uwrulnen far many

Tbe llfui of lisrtluy, Bupler & fc!*ltnonlinufnemrer* of tbe Huliion aUani heatersiave dlsiolved. W. B.Siliain retires, andIBS sold all patteros and psUuti to the tlrst

nauitd ratmbereof tbo ilrm. Tba bu^inegawill now he conducted by Hartley & Hoplor"ml Femauilo Klug. AH-RKM.


On Thursday night, In tbo midst of tbatfpfirful Btorui, tbo Tarutly or Henry Levingn,

W'ug 011 tbe Stanhope road above the cul-t wero hu-iid.l out, Ic U euppOMd tint

.lie wet ulotfaoi of lbs »M, put ue*r tbe stovetu dry U)oU tire nurf NO (HUM*! the conflagra-tion. The family lost everything, and barely:iuii>edfrom Ibo bum'ilg builillng with theirvet. It iija sad 1DM UI them asit IUHVBM tbemuaiel'fs ami po nil lots Iu toe vury bo^rt cf'lutor. Tue lions0 belonged to Qmen Ktog-UemgeBcrfpt-jre 1IM bciti) appulotuj mipBr-

InVlideut of tlie loner yUno on tba Morriiinal a • tl(ls f)'a^e, and hie family occupy tbe

Misa Susie PI tweru, of t te Uuuing bos beeiiappointed analbtaut tocher la tbe publiowLool, tlhe takes the poJltijn vacated byMf«e Jennie Slock.

bbeer, le malilog elaborate prepo-ntluni for tbeopeniugof tue uaw Hockaprio*Park Hottiou I'VidayflTeiiinir, fobruirj Ufat.

Tno Rarltan creek lioreovoi limed itabsnbsi tbs reoant H101, and tbe protecting wall ofI* conDC/ bridge on Uouutaln avunue wa<

lUdernilafd. Asaiall private br idges littleilgher up tha it remit, was nosbed away.

gutimi were uiade at ttia gld«s uf Ho-ug avenue, ai wai als 1 tha caiu around

'. I1. Jacksou'B barn at tbe look. At the uldiherJfl Klug bwnalea J, :tw grouaU around

wbiob bad been much Improved tbo pas'.summer, tba water watbed a n a ; considerable(if tbs Jiuproveaientl,

The WBII known and loug establislwd HotelUtxlgewood h lwlnR put in complete ropsir,ireparotory lo tbB coming In ths spring olU new host, Clarenco Bronn, ut Flaadam.

The carpenter work Iq In obaree of ThomasK VTllklsoa.

The uew wull, dug by Allen Hoberts, wstJUnlt totqe forty feetdowu tbrouga eolld rock,b*(ore water waa reached. ItlnvolTu] greatlabor and confderable eipense.

Mlu Addle BataBr, U spondlng Februaryand March rlaiUafr. Irlowls la eoBtern cities.

JUfsi Gusile M, MandevillP, n*ut Bundayiruong friends In tbe village, by whom shersi cordially g eeted,Tho veneralflo Mrs. Wm. EfUU t* lying very

aw, and, (ears are entertalued that she willat recover.Ths newly mscafomlied road tbiougfi herestiit'd the eiifiroaohraents ot the recentloud ID goodltyle.Tbere was some flaa iltfgbicg again in the

early part of the week after tbe fall of enowof last Balurday ul jht .

L. Allen had the mUtoUuoe to haveiU bait bos naihe 1 a«ar during the flood.

QBESAN VALUST.Jonathan Uartky, of Jersey City, baa been

[lending a week In our mldit. His iwrvwsve been oventrafaed and oaiiwqusotiy he1 laid up for repairs. We are glad to state

howerer, bs Is Improving nicely under tbemra of Dr. %tward Mutton, an* fn tbB courseot a wMlt will go to Bermuda aod will re-

itin until he fully reoovera.Mr*. Bsrtlersnd daught«r, Myrtle, joined

Ur. Hartley on Baturdty and will returnhuniewlth blm, Tfaulr many friends la. thispiaceara only too %]*& ot an opportunity toentertain tbem, and regret tbat tbelr stay waniBhort. We hope to henr flattorluK reportsmeenlag Ur. Birtlay's beattb after be Isittled Iu Bermuda.Hsv. T. F, ChnnibtrB has been apanilog a

week in New York attending u d over-seeingtboarraugeinentsforlilgfatber'afunerfkl. TheU>rupatby of tba comuiutilty go out ta bint inhis great bereavement,

Toe heaviest rain storni that bos visitedila valley for years reaches us last Thursday,

aud with tbe heavy body of mow already trnthe grr-und, brooks and stream! were toonovei flowing. Tha wat«r WBB slxt eu inchesblgber tbaa tbe highest water mark. Cellarsand basement] Were U xxlad before HOOD, aomecellars bad over four feet of water m them.It swept all imsll outbuildings, wood-pita,fcncsj ana spoiled consfderabfo bay and oitsIn tbe barm. Many gardens about here arecompletely •••bed out, and the roada willcost tuouunds of dollars to repair, tfen andloams were kept busy all day Friday andBatorJaj trying to repair sidewalks. Ur.Stoutocburgb, our ptiotograpfaer, had tbemisfortune to have bis hotue go down thastrum In the flood, but succeeded in gettingttts most of IE back again, although It will hequite an expense to repair tt,

HIBI Lsura McL-an, of Hed Bank, It the;oHt ot MIM LlJlfe Uagv.

Mrs. Willlaai Apgar htw returned to herloaie after spending a weak fa our midst,

Mr. and Ww. A. P. Downs ipeel iJondaylih friends la Beattystown.D»vll Bwartsand Ulu Emms Runyoa were

United lu marriage by tba aid of Bar. W. 8,belp at the borne of the bride oa Wednesdayevening of the week. May tbelr path throughUfa bo strewn with rotea-ls the wish of tbicorretpondent.

Mf» Maggie UcLean, of Drakestown, ilnUrof Goorga N. McLean, of this plaoe, died quitoluddealy on Bonioy morclog. Funeral willbe held on Friday and interment at Racket tatown cemetery.

Bnow loll again on Thursday morning, Itlooks as If wlottr bad Just begun.

MENDHAM.Everett Gorabrant has sold bis groceryuilnesa to Tboj. 8. Bill, who took potsesslon

February 1st.Fitilay Uao Konile has moved Into hln newiju-e on the Morriatown road.Cbarles Garabraut'i naw hou*a Is nearlyctihed, and be will occupy It about April lit.Tbe Improvement Society 1B preparing for

next season's work.E. J. Rood has sold about seventy seres of

hli farm to Qftorge DeVore.Tne Qwxl uf lait Thursday maken a new

record for thtsieotlou, the water lifting higherever botore kanwn. Fully half tb<

hrfdges In tbe towrjifafp are damaged, andthree near tke Union School Haute ure sweptentirely away. Tlie haavlrst 1 oss will be theIron hrtdganfarPflterGarabranti, which ws*carried oil its abutments and landed a warpodand twitted wreck meralhnrdrcd feet downthe stream. It wu ttrelveteet wjdo,feet long nni stood eight feet above ordinaryUtgh otter,and wHSconktrlerod outotthe wayof any fl od wbi:h night come, Tbe roadiare badly wasted. Ihu eecUon OfarCbao-berllo'i saw mlll-sbout % at a mile-Is to be^paired at M expanse ot 1165, tbo crntractisttlnxulv elvsii out. It was generally sup-posed that llm largs dam on tb? Cromwelplooo would bo carried away, but It was notInjured, allbough tht overflow for a shorttime wai about two thousand ttmea u muchaa tbs uiusl How ot the stream. Much creditIsdus to Fietierlo Pituey, G. E., who plannedthe worb.

ALWAYS LEADINGThe clothing trade of Morris County with new and attractive

detigoa iu Ciothing, Nobby Nockweur, tliu I*teat bbapes iu Hutu

and always tlitj lowest prtoea lor the buat goods atUitiablo. TUe

• old firm havu excelled all others, the new firm of

PIER5ON & CO.Will excel! tbem m theit exceptioual Ftibraary reduction sale.

Every garment Las been murkeil in pkiu 6gures with a rod letter

ticket indicating tbe exact cut. This stock must bs disposed of

roganlleas ot proflt to procure toom lor tho Btook ol S P R I N G

CLOTHING olruady purchased. The assortment will consist

of Men's Heavy Ulsters, Men's Overcoats, Sqita, Pea Jackets

:vnd Heavy Paiite. Boja' Ulitera, Boys' Overcoats and Pea

Jactt ts . About fifty Bjys' Suits, if tliey will fit your boy, price

no object. Huiivy Oapa, Gloves and Underwear will also have


PIERSON & CO.Opp. the Bank, flOKIf'S LHlIll|S ClOlHlflfS Dover, N. J:

According to the Conneoticut Ex-periment Station it is 10 to 42 percent, richer than all others in Pro-teine.


The important constituent of ani-mal poultry food is proteine. There-fore. Buy Bowker's Animal Meal.

We sell it.


Buff Brick Building, Dover. Telephone 8 B.

BelUblo Piano Tansr.Pt«no! end organs made over and all klndt

of repairing a rprclslty such H3 new Bound-ing Boardi, new Blringn, uew Uamnjrni, newKeys and make oiertbo entire notion, alsopollen tbo caw sagocd aaaew. Tblrty-lwcyeavra exptrloncc. riauosao't organ* bought,sold and exchanged. Address W. F. Wellrtano Tuner, Doxerj N, J., or residenoe, EB*sex Bt., next door to the Armory.

BarBatna.ID all winter goods, Uiut b*> sold tb

roonth, Kow Is jour ehanoa to buy and aavimostrKtU»t>OTBrfikurol J . E . Qrirom,


ED. L. DICKERSONBlackwell St., »:= Dover, N. J.



WrappersTea GownsChildren's DressesShirt Waists, Etc.


C L O A K S ^Of this winter's style (not over

thirty) if we have your size we willsurprise you with the price.

THE VENEZUELAN (QUESTIONStill excites international imprest though apprehension of serious trouble is J o Ijdecreasing, Home matters of greater moment just now arc the opportunities fnrsecuring DRY GOODS at less man the market value. It won't take a look nt themap of South America to ascertain where lo get the opporturiitiei—they are" dailyoffered at the BAKER BUILDINQ beginning Saturday, Feb. 1st and ThursdayFeb. 27th. Black wool dress goods, fancy wool dress goods, black and fancy silkswhite, red stud fancy flarifiels.Tcrtit goods and wool hosier}' 10 per cent, less thanregular price. Duck and wool gloves and mittens less 10 per cent. Wool underwear, above 50c grade, less toj icrcent . Closing outsome fancy wool dress good.it less than cost. Closing* out jackets and capes ac a sacrifice.

Wm. H. Baker Store Co» >i

rtr. P.-...

ffiSfc.v.:Ki'HUiTU|i, FredKelly,«'«'»»K^rr, WilliamKiPtir}*- Will fnmKrlly, TiiiiuthyKelly, EUKWW

K c i i u . laKcntniiy. ThuitiiM.KfawU-ThoniuKiiic, Frank


KellriJ"**!'!'Kelly, Jo*-|>ti.lrKelly. Juim-HK«|]i!>. J"liriKoehlrr, JacobK J h

I d w n , F i lI4HJ, MrL l u k r

Lutik'wt, I.. II

i.Uilll, AUJJllitt


liwlne. Tuny..•,'.•.'.'.'....1

l I •

Lort'Dio, JoHfpli....hibtwrd. JONC|I1IUrfid, John..l«H7.e, Jnlin

locklln, L'»nlf]l k f y J i m i

|*WU, Cliari™IJIWI'T, HriilurlImvklln. ItauldUrn i? . Jutinl,ovrij. TliniiinaU V M I I . IfciricfcUnwn. OilierLewi*. Jtelljnrnln

Jlfl'hcnwn. W. I"Murriuw. Mr*. Bunt*lliwiil. Mm UKukri*. 3UN. Kd.Merrill, Will lain

•• "Jlerrltt, EmmoiiM ami ClmrlwMartin, Jnini*Jlortlii, MulilonUJlurtitu StephenJlirtUrllii, Wwinl Br, ,IllHlu-llft, JILIUMSlUlidln. Tcrnince.,AlfslcdLn. Ed wardSU-KOII, Mhiliacl

SSW."™::::::::::::::::::::::ilerritt, CSjariMiHcrrin. MumtoBSleCrtunell, KdwardMdluk, JBIIICS 8Murray. John ,MeCfwkrn, Jacob I)MonwliMul. MrS I l i ' T r

n. JlolwrtMcCorty. J«mwJlurpliy, tlwirRuHorn, Vrnnklied*. TiioiuiwStorey, IVni. C

8K«Jlurtlia, iJiwrcnw." Jolin

Slalu, l'at*tfS I H B J W . AlbertJlerrfln, Clurlti»c(ltiin». JnhnMartin, MichaelJlarlf. PWHSHIUadtfen, MarRonaMcfjulro, Writ. fwUle)JloSial'on. HrB-MIclun-lJJcNfttjmra, Sir*. TimolhjJIurtlM. JnlinWoore, William ,Jloor*. Prkw

Jainm (twlote).'.

Worriwy, Itlcbard'.V.WcG»"r, William

•• JohnL

inifr, otto , ,Hciyek, CharlesMitchell, JoMjih3lurr*y, LarryM i u u i Boaueloaiuel

Fell*eclil. JohnIVllllain

Newkirk, H. CN B « B > " . Sin. Wiu. (Nelmli, Kola C...NsufTt. JohnNkhoUa, James CNnilor. J i hN U H

NorUWji, mwislNMT fltflwsrtNlchol, Chris.NorthW, TlmouuiN u n s i h , Tommy

rgl. John


O U w , OeorKH....;.

O'Connor, Jolin

EdwirdlI, James

JohnBlnn l . .


Palmer. TpJerw, EW

PJeree, cWlMi'nulea. Btephea

" , Elmer1'rsed TborouMiillJiW, WUItam

Praed, 'TIWUJM•• Frank

I'leraui, Charles'.'.'.'.'.'..".'.'.Vmika, William.,..,Parkj, Alonio.,. .

:I«ITK, .Tcihri

[mM*'w1llVni. "I'.'.'.'.'.]*'..!;ik-lmriK J»!»i II


^•jcLv:.:::::::::-::["'win, V!!i»nriV."].'!!!!"„'.!!

trail, I'lilrii*

Sliadivell, \V. E.. 1'Ui

Siiiii'mN, MrH. J '\V.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'


...Zfca'rj.w:-.::::::•taniiiik Jim. ,1. IV ,

•|||I:IIUII, Miiiilun

iinititrniiil, A I I ^ I I K L . . . . . .wlmnn, AliBiilcitiutibfiv.JolinIfklf. Julin ,

Bliaxer, Win

yScli«Jli.W,.Ii,Ii]iHiwritiK. JIIWillHliarj«-,lVintiliiir|H'Buiiiii'l

iii|iMtn. J. \V.,.)r ,

n^?A if I -HI. . . !"!"!! ! !"!"!!i n liuiiii-lInuum, Coos ,

nuiiiui'lHUii. Kill-Hllfklf, Win. HSmith, Eu*-u«Hrnllli. Tli«>HtiniHTir Clina


pt.VrSit'rJ' AU«! V)'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.',',

Htuiitor'.JaiiKfi.'.'...'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'!.•Kitiubi'i1);. AudrrvUtlnt-r, Frank

HiiiEtti* Jim'Slury."...'.'..*'.'.'.'.'.

Smith,'JniH'pu'.* .'.""!.'.*,'.','.'.','.";Init, ftuiiudJ. Kstart, Julin ,iluff, r'rankU.Tony•now, J.'iuu, Jr

htmmW.l' n.srV.V.V.1".1.*.'.'.'.'.

SmiiIei5'joH.tl?I . '"". '"**, '). '*.•,•Hwaiz. Jliduu-ISU-IIIKHM, OxL'arKiuitli, Cbiu. K

B wir't!*ciia»ri r. !r." *". i " " i!;"Kmitli, .lulinHinith, JiJinKoden, .Mall••-llli.C1-—


BaiU.'jamw".""'.'!'"'.'.'.'."'.'.'.'.'HMimlry, John. MrHnnmlry, Jolin, J r

ii'itton, Xironi!" ' . . I ! ! ! " ' . " . "* . " " !SLdly, Mk-luwl ,Hlwlly, .limieaSiiilili'jahn"•nllh, Wm

m<Di*)'< ijti<i>lK'iiMioclmr, J«W|JOKlncliw, AndrewSlu-rinnn, Hamucl

«, Jlr*.'".'.'."*!""!"""!

Taylor, 0«i. WTlpwtt.W.J—ueker, Duvkl

'rusciur WeliiwS"1^ I'.IU»1". I".". *;|(TIT. Kite

I'liom'pHffli, Mr"..*.'..*.""..'.'.'.'..'.'.'.'.',',Taylor. DonlltTlwmt ' -

, i:

ltlH ,Hnn, John.

T i l t l H l l , U I P U I I I , ' 4 4 . 1 . 4 . 4 . 4 1 . ,

TII I tie, lilwftn)Trnvleu, Edwardrii«nl<"j\ Kolx-rt>riiQH, MichaelruMoti. Tony.TUacott, Tin*.Tucker, Mr

Mcy.Slr. ,

owlirlilK".', Mrs. Catherine..

uipklna, J a n m .* .'cker, UaviJowbrltljcu, AiinnM

..JnuidKi'. lleiibeuTrftiy. VreA ',TrewUa,WroTliotiiun. Jnlin—llullnon, Win

Treiis, JowjiliRcnin, Sniilllt'li. FrankJbrlilKe, Wm

. rniult-bridim, Oco

n l^-dlnniitArron,Trevurron\ I'lilllpTr«l«. Wilbur....TlHmijmcii, EnitiiftTUDin|iito»,(J. A -.Thornpmiii. J . A


ninrcnm.Mn.CliriHUiiu..,derlioof, KIIIUT-

, ...iterliwtt. WUllntn,VnnNw, Jolin

lerbiKif. Albert.jnkert. Doniej

Vivdaml. J. IIV»ndnKJf, CliiwVandrool, AlbertVsu Anvlnle, UuuklVtdl, JunesVanilerhnof, Jcwlali

lUD, T, Andre


Vandrnofi OarrHtVnnnalta,J. Eat.VltlAn. Juhn

Viriclemnri, Jntepli...

Webber^ Henrr, E*l.

Wlliinms.iWWurui, WilliamWalton, Jwpl iWilliams, William J.Whitney, Pwry Z.IVIltlania, OporReWUIIaiuivL'hM.WIIHOD, EdunnlWall KingWall LeeWinter*. Wm.Wliltford, MartWatson, IwacWinianu), Irfwis C."liliHm, Qto. II.

IVouilniH, CJ,Woodruff, Clarence

Wlilctieiii. (ivorgeWood, Joun i'.Walker. ONWROU'sliti, Jolin ll ,WIIIIJUII*, Dcorg*W'far. A brainWeaver, HrmldahWciiwr, GeurifBIVliUfaIU, Jolin li.Wliltlonl, John UWliitford. HftiryWhlUonl, lUdianlWocwlhull. Kiigi-iioWood. CliM.Walton.MarkWebb, Jolin

I Vflight, Orion

Wt 'lo Iwrrly fiTlify tlj«ami i'<>ii!|>U'Ii' uit.'<iuiit (iT UiIt n r o f Un Tinvn-hlij LVmn

Financial Report of JeffersonTownship. February

lOtl), 1896.

Ki.xMiiy'•ill UlX,

iaiiriiudiii".<'nmil Ins.T.,t<il.

li.'r.it. I'.i I Mj'Cnu-lii-ii

•\M». .I.-lHjil,^-IliiK. .ii'lllliUKi

In full for I-


r.ll (hipllfillfi

Scliool Fund--Jefferson Township.

VU.K. llalnnroculii . Sl.friJK

H.H8I.T1 H-SB1.

rvtfolng to Iw n lami i<>ii!|UIi u (T receliiljiand «IR-UIt nr,^ of Un- Tinvn-hlij LVmnnltUf amiUolLector.lrir.-rM.ii TuiiiiKlilii for Uif jvar 1.S10. anil ft (i

• [ f l l l B t i l l l TOUjlUnU Of Skill HHfttMlVbriiurj. iblHl, to lht» bextx-'tbf.S. DBUNEV. Clialnnan.MtMTK IV. I'l 'f.lS..VHLKrf JK.NNINdS.

List of Delinquent Tax Payers in Jcf<

fcrscm Township, Feb. loth, 1896.

linker, \Vm.L '.'.'.'.'.',.'.

uu. Aituisthmirf, Hllift, Hii-l


aWin(thdl S'i.OJll

!V«l. J l l l l IIlf ltdi'k I'nrk Co



n J *

niivi-iiiif.rl,'E]ilinilnV.'.'.'.'. '.'•'.'.'.'."".'.'.. HOD u n n , V l l l l a m 100

I, Hudson




Report of Clias. .lenninjrs. TreasurerJefferson Township, Ixlirunry

loth, Mt)h.

Kllbitr, BlIwlBtli....Kvmnnn, Ilavid

1 *Jfljt«r, TlioiniM H..,10U5T1IHIT1O0

''iir.t lhiiiiiiig, It. IIi l l r i H i C l i nHoilev, UetwgeHmvu'll, Homy

Catarrh Oannot ba Cured.With LOCAL APPLICATIONS, M they

anuot rMcb tbaieat ottbeftii'Mw. Catarrb> a btood or oorst.tutinnal dlitaee, And in

order to cure it you must take Intern*! rem»-le*. Ball's Catarrb Cure U Uten inter-allj iinii acta dirpoH? on itit blood nodJUCUUI BUrfacta. Hull i Pn'ai7h Cure it not

_ quick medidue. It w&t preicribed b jenaat tbe bent [ibjuloiam in tbii ccuctry for

rg, and I» a regular prfecrlptloo. It la_ipn««-d of the lx>(t toiilcs koowu, coicbloed

witbtto bwtblood pnrlQen, acting directlym» facet. ThB poifi

" DUiBW -_ . . . . i>lti In .curingUatnrrb. Fend fnrWrt.mr.nlf.lg.free,

F. J. CBENBY & CO , I'rope., Toledo, 0.Hold by clruKgUii, price TSc,

I.Hoor}, Frolier and Mttaufsoluwr's

Agent, Columbus, Ohio, certiflea tbat Dr.

King's New Discovery l a i no eijtml u a

Caugh remedy. J. D. Brown, Prap. St JBIDH

Hotel, Fc. VVBJD*, lad., testifies that be was

curw) of • sougLi of t*f o l ean standd)* cauwd

by Li Orlppe, liy Dr. Kliig'i New D!«covery.

fi. F. Uenlll, Iiald-iim.llo. Mau., cay tbat

tie has us>d and reouuimended It and revel

iw It to fall aod vtru'd rather have It tboi

F (ICOIOT, WftUfD it ftlVfhJB CUIM. UlB.

mralnf, 2iS E. Wth B t Chicago, alwsyi

teeiis it at band and has no fear of Croup, be-

lt instantly ifllievM. Free trial Bottli

et t ie Drug Btcrfs ot Iloborl Killgor*. Dover

nnd K. N. Jenklaa, Clwstor, W. J.

BaaUen'i Arnica Salve.

The Beat Sal re In the world for Cut*,

Bruia*. Sottt, Ulcers, Salt Rbeum, Fever

Soree, Tetter, Chapped bands, CbllblaiDs

Corns and all 8k la Bru|>tJoDa, nnd poriUvely

oures PUM, OFDO pay required. Itliguaran-

twd W giva perfect Mtlafaction or nwner re-

funded. FrioeaScoutaporbox. Foraaloby

>bert KlUnore, Drugglil, Dover, R. F.

V N Jnnklnit.

.li-liir 11. Itl^H,Jotili I). Ji'iitilDK"(hNirmi l«iifit|>iirl


^ ! llornc* W. 1'Oht,

" l l . J.Mlsel."*! f'Knib-H 1. KLTlpliuv,



, HiIIIii llioirn) flfiiriiiifp iooJohn. . . .M 100

KMM Iron Co. 01 70

lit., AVnlkT J. (l8H-ltl31.H0) 117 DO, Eilnrard SUM

,ihl, fi.';11rK« 109" ChnniM HO

lAHtilT, DllVftl 101)Liiko II«|iiiU-ang Ice Ct) WOCflUmhk'v, HU-JJ1IL-II A 10 00I^vt)r,;il. M. 780

mil. lloiiry







. imillj,^A. lltsnik'ntnn,

John V.. Urns.IVier Ik-nMv,J H Kf

nnl I m i u ,ili.I. llrmiu'lt,rli-s 1.. Scrfpluw.

-Ham I'IIIIH.tkluanl I'IIIIH.AbKAloilI I'lllllt.A. .1. Frr l i .Wiui •R

UTII (mm


3t Ml117.23


UcIVrk, KrankMld'liingli, A/

Miirlln, JOHIOHK

.. ._ i1 , JiKiibJ. (1801(4.!Mcl'cch, L'iilviiiM«r l t t . Win. V •Mcjl'cek, Mule i i m t l i

» JolinMHlfT. .Incob... ,McDnll, JIIIIIM

• n, O. V, O. i t Co. . . ,

OfMI, Henry

['iiscoe, ACilllnm.,," Br».

1oiillsti]i, John.. . .. " Illablou..

Pulis. AVllliaui" Edward . . . .

Pitney, Lconnrd . . ,


1UI racttdimculilokrapcleu;']i yi coal td Uft to <lio top o t u l i "1 40 MMv,

H. V. H. Dfivtnj-irt,

1'ntrlck HoiirlKnn,Murrig It. Uitt-r,Cbirl.n Noriuun,

Jm-ob M, IVillls,Wllllft.ii H. Nonimn,

BO PatMiport,. ..am I'IWCHI,

Kllswnrtli M. n«vl*,ftlwanl 1/wler," -yOdell,

ir l ( . SIcCormlc:k,.IIBIII .1. Krtlz,

....mm Ilnven|wri,

' " n-n Davenport.

Wwrsy Pout.Ilrj'fiDt Nonimn.Hryant Nonnan,Havld )Itndli<y,

NnUinnli-l Chamberlain,"tioiiiiu ClmtnlHTlaiti,'liuinnn i5fwrtt,>litftr I t . JlcWirmlek.VMla Tdliiwil.kt',Vllllam ^1. Cliamliertaln.illjnh Niulioli,

Ct!jwK-*Whlt*lii!ail,Andrew J . Cook,

\h'nv,t» W. Vlchter.Wilbur IltmlerBun,John ivrrjiJiulxon Brink.Hnraco h- Cook,

llwiry ll" Spencer*William Ituili,Wlllimu Buih,Edvrnrd Hnrfonl,H.AltopwU,_


41. i")

Kit Wlilttle,William C V&KO*}," • ,-enO™>n,

Dr, W. S. Coursen It Bpn,Mrs. Cliariw I'l-tUnger,Tlianioii Hriclil,Warn-ii IVtUnfiCT,Dr. II. W. K1L»,S e l Vlindi.

111 H. t'liamlxrlaln,JUD. ChamberlbiD,

W. c . CiH>iK!r, under taker liill,Cliaa. Ackennn , Ov t r swror iVxt :J c l u r l t . UfUKi,K. N. l iormnn,

Ktliranl A. Illancbnrtl,All*rt H. Ctiaiiibcrlnfti,JIlcliuelFulrej,William Ji- lVood,i). si. r u n i cHarvey It. Ilavcnport,

AhmiltHmlliV,illw II. Jlott, - » W;ltg 11. llott, . 3.00

JInrfiaM Chamberlain, fenc« dam. ZWJobu Tumiuey, stump) of road

mntlnu 700ankJV. MuHbcwi, . »vcnvil LURIIHT Cnrnnany, l.tti

Tin* IlrlKl't-1""1"" lor eviction, ffl>.TOWm. Unl>le, t\iiuinlltL'Dof t l . A . a 4amVOMIT Prlniiuit Co., prlniliiK, i»Mlliimintl S Tfilyci-, *'A f i r ' « IwokIwok,

l t


«s<ir« Iwok,Urns., itrliitlnir,

Henry LlmlcnuaQ, Coramlsalouer,AnJa-w J, UL>O1(. •' a.iw('ho*. Clianilnrlalii, A«n«ir , ^ T lIloracti I. Cook, ColleeUr. EM.TK

II N l l l l ' i fees, 'M 10 U>

E- J . CCKI |»T . f i p a t on lnvcsllB-fn «i."soA. J . Alllwrn (iiwuiiioupynDifl ie33

• ' l l t n « t > • K3.K5l l b lJi«iO0N'oto i i I In vcm T l l w ,

Ifornco W. 1'iilii, CommitteeI l w H*. I'IIIU. "

Kn'U, Cfcrk,IDDI-U W. I'ulii, Committee,

H. I . Cook, RBWIOH WcflTL-r.Commlttw. 1SH, ZL

V. t i Delanvy, L'gnunlttce, UU.100 d i a l . JeiminB*. " 13.100 C l i u Jennlngi, "• « .



. 1 0

. 1 40. 43 21

,: 14 ID

___1!) 102(120

1894 4.M


11 2_15 HI1 00140100

. 10 72,. -1 BO. 1 40

Banford, Bouiro (ontato)Smith, Lodl

• lunders, Wllllnm. . » « , Mm. D n v l d . . . ; , . . . . . . . . .

Bpculit, Edwurd P .

fienrch, l!(hviird*.!!. '.!!!*.!!i"!!'. ' .i!!. '!" - ' • ' v.'m. a - .

lViiliuin 100RtcpliBiis. Jolin {18114 |U.46) 0 MHimrium, Honry HOKulllvnii, Mark 1-KI" ' - ' JUS, DavM 140


VnnJerliusli, Cliarlm^nllOnlelii Jolin ,VmJuniL Tin* B 1

„„ fMWWeaver, Jnmea


ssS::::::::::::::::::::;:::, tooph

Delinquent Tax List Boroughof Mt. Arlington for 1895

9 H8S08NI100

AlU'iibmnrt, Airs. Louisa

Heiniott, Jaii'O*Hnylur, (leorscHo)1o. JcilmDront.H.LJlraut, D, L

Ccxik, Mrs. Anna ,Conk, OtorgaQ ,Cliamlwrlftiii, ^Uvarado



eEigenliroadt, Franklin


Frwlorlcki, Stoplien.


Qordmi, IV. A


Holly, Smnud


Llttoll, Mrs. V. ilcGregor

Uttoll. VT. 1 1 . . . . . V.'.V.'.V.V.lurk, LawU C ,Lurk, Mnrtlia JIaurey, John

nMt. Arlhigton Hotel m l Diuid Co...,

Jlollcr, Mrs. EminaL... . '.'.',

M l i II C

Nlxun, CbnrlwSlxon, John B

Totticr, Augusts...

Sdiafor, H.P . . .

Svhafcr, "William....S 7 , A . aSiienTi L. "Speaker, Wlllldm....Sonunls, \F.E

ImlLb, Cbarlei

i'onToorlioefl, A. F , , . . . .



J. 3 . LOWE, CuIlKlor,

100115710 RQ

167 40638721 H17 037047441

All klndi or rWork latlafactorlly executed. In stock atallUmeBUm* and Hot Air Furnaces of everj doncrtpUoD

elc LeblKh *nd Scranton Coil Laiupa PdntB s r t u w , O

( W Falrb»nta( H<





Vlo-Fraldait—AUXBUUB B. BULL.

BtcntaijandTnunnr-H. T. HULL.


Uearj W. fcUlte, tiomj C. ntmy,

Anrelltu B. Boll, FhUlp H. HoSnao,

Qi . .Y . Bwm,U.D Fill H i m ,

Eilnimiil D. Hatoy, John Tbatehar.

BOCID. B. Burk.


J u t u r r 1M,18» |l,SM,81t.»



Interwt 1> daekndimd p«td la Juiiurj u dJuly of each yew from the profiU of Ibe fre-Ttoua dx moDthi'btuintM.

Depodts nwds oo~ or before tin SddiyiJ U O U T . April. July wid October, draw in-tarwt A«n the l i t d«yi of Mid month* r»



. A. a. to 4 p. M. dftlly, eioept IHatmilarB from 0 A. «. to 13 H. (nocn) i- - >7»If.«.

ARCTICSIn a variety of makes ful-

fill all goodliest wants be-

sides sleet, snow and


iitn'm let Quality BncktoArctli*, BMton Rub

torBliooCo. urg »>.'0r«lr

Um'i lit Qmlltr Buckl. Arotlo, Ooodjar

QloveMtg. Co | t.aoptlr

Men1, lit QuUtjButMe Arctic, VilaDoo

*'«> Arctics,

. . . t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » ! . » pa.Ii

M.D'.Pnre (lum Kollod Ed«., Billnai Foil

BucklD Jrclln, Amiricaii Babber Co

Mfg |l.>

I n ' , and Qialll; BuoU. ArtUci, Bs; State

Wg I 1 . " poll

Un 's SI Qu«!lt; Buck!. AjcUo, Imperil]

Mfs M.oopi

J.O.KAMINSKI,Dover, N. J .



Blaokwell St.DOVEE, N. J.

No contract too large lor my equipment

No contract too small for my personal


I manage Repairs to Buildings inevery branch

I also do all kinds ot Turning, ScrollBand and JlffSawinjr





930. FEK LOZVR UF. -

The Quict«t M ^ 0"**' HOUM

In New Jauy

DressGoodsBy MailjMost out-oi-town peopleknow the value of our mailorder service and thousandsmake tree use of it, to theirprofit and comfort •* •»•j«It is oft'times more con-venient to order goods bymall than it is to come tothe store. T h i s isespecially true of dress fa-brics. We will cheerfully.and quickly send samplesof silks, dress goods, washgoods, flannels, etc., etc.,on request, and from thesesamples it will be easy foryou to make a selection..*

J Goods tnay then be order-ed and you will receive

| them the day following themailing of your order— )

1 sometimes on the same dayorder is received J* ^jtAU orders are filled the

\ same day as received, thus, we afford you the quickest> mail order service in the• state * * J* * *' jtDon't imagine for a mo-) ment that it is at all bother-> some to us to fill yourS orders, however small J*) You are our patrons and| as such are entitled to every? consideration at our hands.' As we serve you when

\ you come to the store sowe endeavor to serve youwhen you write to us fromyour home * J< * *

JOriu tlmto lorwaritd on applica-

tion I they help to keep things straight I

toe them whenever possible. Alway.

i i l t t f l l il ame and

147-149 Market Street. Newark, N. J.


The goods which comprise this stock were purchasedrom the assignee of Wm. Anselyea, TompKins A\e., Brooh-yn, N. V. Mr. Anselyea conducted an establishment otnore than average size and was noted for the variety of hisdock, which included a full line of Dry Goods and Fancyioods. His wares were the best qualities, his prices al-ivays low and he was pushing and up-to-date, but unfor-;unate circumstances forced him to the wall and his stock*as sold to us

AT ONE-THIRD COST PRICEMost of the stock was purchased for this Spring-

trade and every yard and article is as desirable as when itcame from the maker's hands. The chances for moneysaving and bargain buying were never so great and many,for tbis is, without a question


No time limit is placed on lots and all will be on saluntil sold out. We advise an immediate visit if you wishyour share of the wonderful values on sale.

Mail Orders Promptly and Carefully Filled

Ooods Delivered Free


Cot. Broad & Cedar Sts.

Newark, N. I,

Sheriff's Sale.1H Y or NEW J I

n, complainant, and DanielletwwsQ Alfred Hi- . . - -P. Messier and Dora Slewler. lilu wire,HUdabraodtand Mary IllldaWndl, bin wife. Je-fendanU. FI. fa. (orsaleormnrtpngtKlprenilsea.Returnable to February Term A. I), IBM.

ISMID * TiTta, Snl'rs.

BY VIRTUE of tba above ilated writ ot FieriFacias ID raj- bands, I sltall expose for salt

at Public Vendua At Uio Court I Ion*) In klorrtitown, V' J.i onUOHDAY, tliii 10th dar ot MARCHA. D. 1800, between lbs houra of IS M. and B" M.-UiatUtouynt a oVlock In the aturnoo!„ Bald day, RU Uie followitti! dpecribed Vnxto oparcels o! loud and premises sttuale, ijinir anc

ilneintiiaTownBlilporWwiliinjton.lQUieCoutitjMorris, atui Slate of New Jency.

IstliOT. Iktlns at rock In ttia die Jacob Buntract, ten links south of a hickory tree marked ontwo i ld» ' tlieuca north, fitty^lslit liesrees fllteencbalniiLDil twenty-B*o links to a slnko and heapof stones Tor a corner! thence (!) north, thtrtj.fiidegress west, (ourtwn cbalnB and Illty-Bli linkra heap of stones; thence (8) toutu, Qftftwogreet west, Rtteaa cbMni to a beap or stones;south, tbtrtT four de«ren aut , twelre cbnlna LlitT-elRbt links to UIB place of beginning, Co;lining twenty and A half acres, strict measure

ED LOT. Deelns ID tho middle or tliu roodBaUiertnan'a luo, and runs alooft 'tis line south,twentyntaBdeKreeacMt, eleven chains and fifty,nvellnkii to stave, a corner to Uwwter'a otlierlotthence (8) AIOUK bis lino north, flftr-four degreeeaat, flftwn ebaliw and nineteen links to Uaktcorner to Measlet's lot: (S) north thirty-one nndu l l degnc* vest, n b e teen chains and eightlink! lo a staka ID said road near the upper fence

donKsald louth, lorty-ieven am!TB degrees -wrat, ftllccn clialn« n

jtotLeplflceofbegloninjc Containnineteen acres more or leu.

3D LOT. Beglm at a. stake on the north flldothe road, corner to other lot, aud tbns along trc*d south, rortyeiglit degreeawcat, flfteca iand twentyono Unkn to a corner In UieBauermsn's line; (I) nortli. thlrtj-two denvM

' , Melie c'lalos wvd the Ualu to (. niukwi tree

llnki to a corner; thence (O north, fifty-.(even „a half decrees M8t,onncl]iiiQ &ud iilua Hobs locorner: (S) toutb, forty seven &nd a half de^reeast, fifty-three cbaios nnd ninety-two links lostake; W south flfty-elRlit and a half tegmwe«t, flftytwo links to a burnt stump; thencu (.<south,teTentr-tbree end aliairdegnts west, l i r echains and seventy Unka lo corner la thn fonco(«) Dortb, Borenty-eUht and a hall di^rwa woco chain and ninetj links to a iimnlo trco;nortli, fifty and a quarter degrees wist, f our cUalnand Uilrty-clx links U\ a block oak tm.<; (ioi tothlrtr'nlneand ahAlf decrees vrat, nine dialmtwo links to a comer in Lne (euoe; ( l l ) noUdrtr-two deprew west, Iwentj-elx cbalnn to

kce ot bann ing . OoctalnlDj? fifty-three „wents* bundredths of an acre more or less. DeliUB> bonostead farm of said Messier.

EDMUND A. BAOKEtt, filieriff.Dated Jan. 80. IBM. HS.00Jeraeyman and Era. SO£S-Gt

Sheriff's Sale.Is Ctuxnni o;

Oetveen Obarlotto A. Itobcrtsoa, Burrlvlngtrii or Alexani" ~ "plalnanL and >.BlBbop.ili wife,incrtgagD nremlecK Returnable to Februaryterra, A. D. iBDH.

Jtina H. KiioiiDoufl, BclV.D t flrtue of the nbova tUtcd wril of fieri fi*-* Ic my handi, I (hall e i p w for sale atlla vendue *t UIB Court IIOUM la Horrbtawi

" °nHOHDA,Y, the Sd day oT UAH0H next,. D. 1806, between, Uio hours o! IS v. aod &o'do<

. . M., that li to wy at 8 o'clock fa tho afternoon oaald day, all that certain trad or urccl bf lamand premise* situate, lying and belli ft in the townHhlp of Randolph. ID tlia Conaiy ot Morris aiBUM ot Vexr Jersey, bounded and describedfollom Being the niue land and tiremtoe* twere conTOjed to the said ChrUtorher Bishopdeed from Letrb P. Bplcer and wife, dat«d J85,1871 sad recorded ui Bock T 8, on parps L.eta.. Wrw on Uie west side of the roadieAiIlaifrom Bt. Wary'« CaJiolto OmrcU to Fort Oraisad berinsatttpolntlnUiBflftn line or Lie wholot of which this \f h part, ono hind red anil tirenl" from tbe flflh comer of tbe wlolfl lot. * '

•econd comer of the lot tald Splcer i

nOUotnd nins thence aloDg UeflflhihBTrbotelotn)nortlitwrivo on^ n half ceirreeaweatserantr (uet more or less to the bepiunlcomer of tie whole lot, also a comer to the lasaid Lewis F. Sploor conveyed toonn JaniM Kjltby deed of July S5, 1678, tlienca along sold KyfUna (2) north sixty wren and a lialf degrees » .ono hundred and thirty-two feet to acornerofBftlKjle lot, alw In line of tho lot said Spicer coar«ye,p one WUliara Ollttf by deed of June 1, liftihence along hi* line (8) soatli twelve degree* wrifty r « t to ponmr of lot said to Jauie* Haydeed of March 97. lSn, tttenoa elotiR lilt line a[Inso( Mid OtUJk lot (4) soutli alitjfour andaalf degrees east one hundred and tlily-fourfttothebeginDliut. And said lot of land above c•cribod Is alto deBcrlbed in a certain deed from tsaid Christopher Bishop to said Sarah lliahtdated August t, 1676, and not yet rrcorded,wlilch uld deed tlia said Cbristoplier Blslion cocreyed to thssaid Sanb BliLop a life wtate la aapremisH for ana during the term of heruallife, the roTerelonary estate remaining InChrUwplierBlabon.

Dated January 80th, IBM.m EDMUMD A, BACKER, Sheriff,Chronicle Mi En . - -

a R.ro A.WionToic)



Tin, Copper and Sheet IronHoofing, Zino, Shoot lead,LeadPipeB, Pumps," &o.


Houso-Eoflting Steam Gene-

rator a ipooiolty.


Depot la New York, foot of Barclay Bt. and

toot of Christopher Bt.

COKMXKCISG Joao 2itiit 18US





3*wego eipreffl* fl tlO)ver express (I;503petcanR ezp.* 7:12ickotWl'n eit). 7:B0

affulo Mjirwa* ti-S&>Kastonexpieas 8:« «»«»«!,Dover aocotn. U;40 Etmtraorpirterantoo eip.» 11.18 "Uovor accom. 11:30

Dover AOOOElmlr«Kustoamnll ^ 2-M

Dover iiccoiii. 4M,Hadcettdt'o spl,* 6JJI

jSklo ezpreea* 0;23Dover nooum. 0;U3Milk eipre«8* 8;17Kaston aocotn.Milk express*

Vi B

1 4 : 7 - 1 4 9 MARKET S T . , - - N E W A R K , N . J

Establisltfld 20 Years.


'BJttva-'VLK'e^tstiMXW o fBt#am Bo!!er".'Sn»"ke Btecke, Oil Tnnks. Cbera-

leal Fans. Or* fiunbeta.atid all kinds ofSheet Iran Work.

REPAIRING FBOHPrLY ATTENDED TOOld Bollew Ukra in « i * w | » . Cod u d I

Wood Barrelled and Loose LtrmHalr,Plaater, Cement, Front and Common

Brick, naming, H i m Curbing

Bllli't filate M»nt«ls, Etc., Etc.

Cor. Morria^and Diokerson Sti.

WHY SUFFER FROM LACK OF LIGHT,Cet Vexed Every Day with Poor Lamps?

BUY "THE MILLER1 LAMPSnhlch elTO plenty of llulit (mida tn ffinr*lin,)BrBii1-ur.y to tin hi i i i n i , «iu*\« "I"!', irlck dom nut

UH UlrlO ful tloaunt Onyx and D

_ K.UblWiBdfllA

EOWARO MILLER & CO., ?„!,.llonll"do«.-Ui«nnF«rri».i.«inlI!l>TilBdBtill«i»»tP«kPl^l!»nilfrror C.'OPI Wcathnr liar u "IHILLKIt" OILHliATEU


W. li. Cawley* Co,, Prop's

for u d botUers of

AG£NTSd botUers of


Beers, Ales and Porters,and manufactures of lite beet

Soda and Mineral Waters.





Greatest Sacrifice of PricesWithout Reserve-Without Regard to Value.

THOUSANDS of SUITS,worth $ax, $34 and

. $25; must go ot . ..THOUSANDS ol SUITS,

worth $96, $38 and$30; must to it


THOUSANDS of OVER-COATS; worth $io to$35; must co i t . . .

THOUSANDS ol OVER-COATS, worth * J 8 to$30; must eo at . .

THOUSANDS of OVER-COATS, worth $31 to '$36; mudt to at . . . .

ALL OUR ULSTERS,InciudloellnestgradesIrish Frieze, Shetland•nd Fur Beaver,wortb( t $ t


!2 . 0 0



l 2 ioo


UielartrmtIn Ibis

Crow, llnryiand Club, Ilfehland,, . " .mont, Wononpihela and Krtituctp

Club* pricca ranidnx fmm GDu. a ot. tinvanl. •

Full llneof Imported and Domestic a las, Portslenies, Calawbaf, Winter Drinks, Jamaica Kutn,

L D. SCHWABZOpp. 0. a II. ol N. J. Depot, DOVER, K. J,

ol waited 07 »i,lo.otuuo» In OjSjiltedBti™


to the Costraln.ll, of H.J. depot


Stewart Building,Broadway and Chambers St*,

ipi Broadway, below Pulloa StNEW YORK.

DANCING CLASS,Elite Hatit Warren Street

IValtt aud all the Ka-biooablo Daocea taugblrapidly. ;

- BpociaJ attention siren to the Walts.

PHvsta lrasons given i t any time not takenupby tbochisefl. .

l^*ThBfollowing D*H dancs *t J1I be taughtm thB flntqiartori TiUby, Golf, Kllswortb,

Th6 rlnat ai aiciinton to cloaiMand ra-*pttocB Is rewrvrd t>j .

CRUSHED STONE.Anj sice or quantify, detlTervd on the Una ol

tho DeUware, Uctaurauu «M W«t«a a. E. u dQot«lttBfNJ AJd

: 0E0S9B RHAW. Bnpt,,

, ; * , . — . • express „.„5:18 Dorer Booorrt. 8:15

p. w,


Dlngb'ton malt* B;60Kostoa mail »-saBuffalo expreaa* 10:17Dorer exprees JO*jH'kettat'a <pl,» lhirj

P.M.Dover aocom. 12 -ftEaston Biprew E:05Hlmlraaxpren* fi'.'JiEorer acoom. BJi5Easton ezpran 5ri)S

Hopatcocg eip,* 6:10Dover expreas B:WWasblDgtoo nil. Q-JilH'lwttetowu exp. 7:18PtJIIIpsburg ac. $&iBuffalo axpreat* HA]Boatoo express* tt*!Dover aooom, I0JSBnllalo expreat* 10^UTheAtn treln 8;05

l B m i e b .


L<av« Arrive

Dor,r. Uonistowti.

6:00 A. it. 7:1?A.M.





fliO3A.K. - . .7:41 " 8:15

8:44 " 9:12 » 8i63 " B:S39:40 " 10:10 •' 10:30 " 10:58LltSO " U;W " U-.6S " U'Jnp.ii ,\iMt.U. 1:15P.M. I:a8p.al.2-Ai » 8:16 « 8«S "4:W " ,;.i5 " 4:415:65 " fl^fl

- - - DJifl " 7:18 ••7;S3 " 8K>a "

[OJW " io a "IMA.M. 2:06..:


At 4:20, 8:00, 7:20*, 7:20, Brf»*t 9:00, «;30«

10:10, A.M.; 18:00 H. 1:00*, 8;00, 8:30, 4:00*

l:20>, 4:30,5:10*, 6;80, 6:00,7:30*. 8:10* StSO,

•Via. Boonton Branch,


Eastward. Station*, Westward

A.H, P.H. P.M. A If. P. a . P.ll

7:S3 12:00 4:10 Cbeater 10:88 8;06 0:187^U 12:i'8 4il6 Horton 10j22 3:57 8:1B9:<ti JarlH 4:22 Ironia 10.12 2;69 0:109:00 12:18 4:29 Buccasunoa 10M 3;47 0:061:09 13:iS 4^4 Kenvll B:53 2;4H OrtKW4 12-JJ7 4)4A JuocUon 9H3 H-.88 6-.&11:17 12:80.4:60 Port Oram 0M S:35 5:(H130 13:85 6:00 Dover 0:85 3:80 ft:60

The Haukettstonn Bxprm stops at PortOram ((ofng eaat at 7:23 A, H. ; going wert t t7t31 p. H.


(Anthracite ccal tied ezoliut^ely, lunrinpl U d lort.

r u n T A B U in B r n o r itavxiiBBa m a , 18&,


For Now York, Newark and Eliz-abeth, at 6:49, A. M.; 3:19, 0:54, p.H. SundajB, 5:53 ?. M.

For Philadelphia at 6.19, A. V.:8:19, 6:61 r. M.

For Long Branch, Ocean Grove,Asbtry Park and points on NowYork and Long Branch Railroad,at 3:19 r. M.

For all stations to High Bridgeat 0.40, A. «.; 3:19, 6:61 p. at, Sun-dnVB, 6:53 p. M.

For Lake Hopatoong at 6:49,A, • . ; 1:08, 6:60, P. M.

For all stations to Edison at 6:49,4, M.; 1:08, P. H.

For Eockaway at 9:16, 11:48, A.H.; 3:41, 6:19, 7:20 P. a. Sundays,4:16 P.M. .:

For Hibernia at 9:16 1. av, 3:41,F. H. Sundays, 4:16 P. H.

For Easton, Alleatown and MsnebChunk at 6:19, A. at; 8d9, 6:64, p.u. Soodays, 6:68 r. u.

1=1 B T tJ H. KT X IJ 3-.

Leave New Tork. at 6:00, 9:10A. n.; 4:00 4:80 F. X.. Sundays, IKK)P . M . • •

Leave Bookaway at 6:40, A. M.;12:55,8:10, 6:46, 6:40 p. V. Son-days, 5:14 p. M.

Leave Port Oram at 9:10,11:41,i . H.; 3:38, 6:11, 7:15 P. M. Sun-days, 4:11 p. a.

Leave lake Hopatoong at 10:46A. H.; 3.09, 5:16 p. M.

Leave High Bridge at 8:10,1037A. K.; 6:15p. M, Sundays, 8flOP.M.

J.H.0LEAO8EN, ' •,-'-;K!''

H. P. BALDWin,'''.. ..an, l^a. Aft.


Machine & Iron Co.

AIR 00MPBE880B8, <f high-

S0I8TINQ ENGINES, duplexand ivoerva&es.;;

PUMPING ENGINES, ««rongand economical,

OORNISH PUMPS, double orsingle, •'•"

GEAHING and P ULLEYS, largeand small





COUGH SYRUPIts pleasant and agnttMa tuto, ltn southing

and expMtarant qualltlei, lti vegetates "

- propertlag and Its certain, ouraUra •

acUon ruuier It ona of the most

dHlrabla cough rflmedlM of

Prlu 25c, 50o, and 91,00 per botifa





(RON M E R C H A N T ,