Seven Basic Questions to Help People Reach the Point of Understanding

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Seven Basic Questions to Help People Reach the Point of Understanding. 1. What About the Heathen? (Will they be Condemned to Hell??). - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Seven Basic Questions  to Help People  Reach the Point of  Understanding
Page 2: Seven Basic Questions  to Help People  Reach the Point of  Understanding

1 .What About the Heathen ?(Will they be Condemned to Hell)??1 .What About the Heathen ?(Will they be Condemned to Hell)??

"The secret [things belong] to the LORD our God, but those [things which are] revealed [belong] to us and to our children forever, that [we] may do all the

words of this law )Deuteronomy 29 : 29(

"The secret [things belong] to the LORD our God, but those [things which are] revealed [belong] to us and to our children forever, that [we] may do all the

words of this law )Deuteronomy 29 : 29(

Be Confidentthat God is Just & Fair in Whatever He does

Be Confidentthat God is Just & Fair in Whatever He does

Page 3: Seven Basic Questions  to Help People  Reach the Point of  Understanding

No one will be condemned for not believing in Jesus Christ if he has

never heard of Him

No one will be condemned for not believing in Jesus Christ if he has

never heard of Him

For as many as have sinned without law will also perish without law, and as many as have sinned in the law will be judged by the

law. )for not the hearers of the law [are] just in the sight of God, but the doers of the law will be justified; for when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do the things in the law, these, although not having the law, are a law to themselves, who show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and between themselves [their] thoughts accusing or else excusing [them(] in the day when God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus

Christ, according to my gospel. )Romans 2 : 12 - 16(

For as many as have sinned without law will also perish without law, and as many as have sinned in the law will be judged by the

law. )for not the hearers of the law [are] just in the sight of God, but the doers of the law will be justified; for when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do the things in the law, these, although not having the law, are a law to themselves, who show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and between themselves [their] thoughts accusing or else excusing [them(] in the day when God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus

Christ, according to my gospel. )Romans 2 : 12 - 16(

1 .What About the Heathen ?(Will they be Condemned to Hell)??1 .What About the Heathen ?(Will they be Condemned to Hell)??

Page 4: Seven Basic Questions  to Help People  Reach the Point of  Understanding

because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown [it] to them. For since the creation of the

world His invisible [attributes] are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, [even] His eternal

power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse )Romans 1 : 19 - 20(

because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown [it] to them. For since the creation of the

world His invisible [attributes] are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, [even] His eternal

power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse )Romans 1 : 19 - 20(

The Scripture indicates that every person has enough information from the creation

that makes him know that God exists

The Scripture indicates that every person has enough information from the creation

that makes him know that God exists

1 .What About the Heathen ?(Will they be Condemned to Hell)??1 .What About the Heathen ?(Will they be Condemned to Hell)??

Page 5: Seven Basic Questions  to Help People  Reach the Point of  Understanding

If People Respond to the Light they have & seek God, He will give them a chance to hear the truth about

Jesus Christ

If People Respond to the Light they have & seek God, He will give them a chance to hear the truth about

Jesus Christ

And you will seek Me and find [Me,] when you search for Me with all your heart. )Jeremiah 29 : 13(

And you will seek Me and find [Me,] when you search for Me with all your heart. )Jeremiah 29 : 13(

1 .What About the Heathen ?(Will they be Condemned to Hell)??1 .What About the Heathen ?(Will they be Condemned to Hell)??

Page 6: Seven Basic Questions  to Help People  Reach the Point of  Understanding

There is no indication in the Bible that People can be saved apart from Jesus Christ

There is no indication in the Bible that People can be saved apart from Jesus Christ

Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

)John 14 : 6(

Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

)John 14 : 6(

" Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by

which we must be saved". )Acts 4 : 12(

"Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by

which we must be saved". )Acts 4 : 12(

We are


1 .What About the Heathen ?(Will they be Condemned to Hell)??1 .What About the Heathen ?(Will they be Condemned to Hell)??

Page 7: Seven Basic Questions  to Help People  Reach the Point of  Understanding

2 .Is Christ the Only Way to God? 2 .Is Christ the Only Way to God?

LiarLiar A great moral philosopher & teacherA great moral philosopher & teacher

Four Possibilities






-No trace of an imbalance in His life -No trace of an imbalance in His life

- Beard tremendous pressure in thetime of His death

-Beard tremendous pressure in the time of His death

Many testimonies proves that He is notMany testimonies proves that He is not

Jesus Christ is the truth and the way to God )John 14(

Jesus Christ is the truth and the way to God )John 14(

Page 8: Seven Basic Questions  to Help People  Reach the Point of  Understanding

3 .Why do the Innocent suffer? 3 .Why do the Innocent suffer?

When God created the universe, it was perfectWhen God created the universe, it was perfect

- The natural pattern of the universe is that our actions do not only affect us but always involve other people.- The natural pattern of the universe is that our actions do not only affect us but always involve other people.

Adam & Eve were given the freedom to obeyAdam & Eve were given the freedom to obey

Adam & Eve disobeyedAdam & Eve disobeyed

Evil came into the universeEvil came into the universe

- Because people disobeyed and broke God’s law, evil broadly pervades the universe.- Because people disobeyed and broke God’s law, evil broadly pervades the universe.

- God gave His life to solve the problem of evil.- God gave His life to solve the problem of evil.

Page 9: Seven Basic Questions  to Help People  Reach the Point of  Understanding

3 .Why do the Innocent suffer? 3 .Why do the Innocent suffer?

The only solution to the fact of evil, is God’s solution, Jesus Christ & His cross

The only solution to the fact of evil, is God’s solution, Jesus Christ & His cross

No matter what we will be suffering in the world, we have an eternal future because we belong to

our Lord Jesus Christ

No matter what we will be suffering in the world, we have an eternal future because we belong to

our Lord Jesus Christ

Whoever is willing to respond, will receive the gift of love, grace & forgiveness

Whoever is willing to respond, will receive the gift of love, grace & forgiveness

Page 10: Seven Basic Questions  to Help People  Reach the Point of  Understanding

4 .How can miracles be possible? 4 .How can miracles be possible?

If God exists, then miracles are logicalIf God exists, then miracles are logical

God is All-PowerfulGod is All-Powerful

Walking on the water

Walking on the water The 2 fish &

the five loaves of


The 2 fish & the five

loaves of bread

Israel children went through the

Red Sea

Israel children went through the

Red Sea

Page 11: Seven Basic Questions  to Help People  Reach the Point of  Understanding

4 .How can miracles be possible? 4 .How can miracles be possible?

If God exists, then miracles are logicalIf God exists, then miracles are logical

Raising Lazarus from the dead, healing the lepers, creating eyes for the man born blind …… ,

Raising Lazarus from the dead, healing the lepers, creating eyes for the man born blind …… ,

All these are far

beyond the natural lawAll these are far

beyond the natural law

Page 12: Seven Basic Questions  to Help People  Reach the Point of  Understanding

5 .Isn’t the Bible full of Errors? 5 .Isn’t the Bible full of Errors?

If you were asked this question,If you were asked this question,

Don’t PanicDon’t Panic

Don’t make fun of anyoneDon’t make fun of anyone

DIG for the answer

DIG for the answer

Don’t try to argue by mockeryDon’t try to argue by mockery

Page 13: Seven Basic Questions  to Help People  Reach the Point of  Understanding

6 . Isn’t Christian Experienceonly Psychological?

6 .Isn’t Christian Experience only Psychological?

- Christians have been converted from every imaginable background. Thousands of them had no childhood contact with Christianity, yet all will testify that a personal encounter with our Lord Jesus Christ transformed their lives.

- Christians have been converted from every imaginable background. Thousands of them had no childhood contact with Christianity, yet all will testify that a personal encounter with our Lord Jesus Christ transformed their lives.

- Our Lord Jesus Christ is the only constant factor in comparing the lives of Christians.- Our Lord Jesus Christ is the only constant factor in comparing the lives of Christians.

From an immoral person

to a pure one

From an immoral person

to a pure one From a thief to an honest


From a thief to an honest


From a liar to a trustful


From a liar to a trustful

person From a hate-ridden heart

to a loving one

From a hate-ridden heart

to a loving one

Page 14: Seven Basic Questions  to Help People  Reach the Point of  Understanding

7 .Won’t a good, moral life get me to Heaven? 7 .Won’t a good, moral life get me to Heaven?

This isThis is

Humanity’s righteousness??

God’s infinite Holiness??

Our Lord Jesus Christ is the absolute standardOur Lord Jesus Christ is the absolute standard

His Perfect Righteousness is the ONLY basis on which we can come into fellowship with the Living God

His Perfect Righteousness is the ONLY basis on which we can come into fellowship with the Living God

Page 15: Seven Basic Questions  to Help People  Reach the Point of  Understanding

7 .Won’t a good, moral life get me to Heaven?7 .Won’t a good, moral life get me to Heaven?

This isThis isAn incredible

optimism about humanity’s


An inexcusable ignorance of

God’s infinite Holiness

We lack the power to live as we ought, Our Lord Jesus Christ who invaded human history does for us what

we couldn’t possibly do for ourselves

We lack the power to live as we ought, Our Lord Jesus Christ who invaded human history does for us what

we couldn’t possibly do for ourselves

Through Christ, we may be reconciled to God, given righteousness, and enabled to have fellowship with Him in His very presence.

Through Christ, we may be reconciled to God, given righteousness, and enabled to have fellowship with Him in His very presence.

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The problem is not that people can not believe, but it is that they won’t believe as it will make too

radical a change in their way of life

The problem is not that people can not believe, but it is that they won’t believe as it will make too

radical a change in their way of life

The Basic Problem is Moral

The Basic Problem is Moral

People must be willing to believe before they ever will believePeople must be willing to believe before they ever will believe

We ourselves must be convinced about the truth we proclaim or else we will not be convincing at all to other people

We ourselves must be convinced about the truth we proclaim or else we will not be convincing at all to other people

For we did not follow cunningly devised fables when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ,

but were eyewitnesses of His majesty. )2Peter 1 : 16(

For we did not follow cunningly devised fables when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ,

but were eyewitnesses of His majesty. )2Peter 1 : 16(