Session 1_Article 2_Total Quality Management_Origins and Evolution of the Term

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  • 8/10/2019 Session 1_Article 2_Total Quality Management_Origins and Evolution of the Term



    In the global marketplace increased levels of

    competition have resulted in quality becom-

    ing of increasing importance to organisations

    and consequently total quality management

    (T QM) has become a key management issue.A considerable number of companies are

    applying TQM and the topic is the subject of

    many books and papers. As the end of the

    twentieth century approaches, T QM appears

    to be a well-accepted system of management.

    Yet two decades ago the term was not used.

    What has been the process of development of

    TQM theory and practice and when and why

    did the term come into being? This paper

    attempts to answer these questions.

    Before discussing the origins of TQM it is

    necessary to examine definitions of the term.This is not an easy task as almost every writer

    on the subject has their own definition, by and

    large devising it to suit their own beliefs, preju-

    dices and business and academic experiences.

    To some degree this is also true in the organisa-

    tions which have introduced a TQM approach

    to managing the business. The result is a prolif-

    eration of unique definitions which confounds

    comparisons and adds to the difficulties of

    understanding and analysis. Even with the

    publication of an international definition ofTQM in ISO 8402(1994) there is ample evi-

    dence that writers and researchers do not stick

    to this definition and create their own unique

    offering. Moreover, as Hackman and Wage-

    man (1995) state, a large number of interven-

    tions not related with T QM are being encom-

    passed under the TQM banner; this further

    complicates the issue of definition and under-

    standing. Despite the divergence of views on

    what constitutes TQM there are a number of

    common elements running through the various

    definitions (e.g. top management support,customer and supplier relationships and

    employee involvement). Several writers have

    tried to define the different dimensions that

    shape TQM , including Ahireet al. (1996),

    Daleet al. (1994), F lynnet al. (1994) and

    Saraphet al. (1989). Table I contains an analy-

    sis by the authors of the common dimensions.

    In this paper the discussion about the

    development of T QM begins with a brief

    historical review of the different stages that

    preceded the birth of T QM. A comparativeanalysis of the Japanese approach to quality

    management and an examination of

    Feigenbaums (1961) concept of total quality

    control is made, these constitute two of the

    37 8

    The TQM Magaz ine

    Volume 10 Number 5 1998 pp. 378386

    M CB Un iv ersi ty Press I SSN 09 54 -4 78 X

    Research and concept s

    Tot al qualit ym anageme nt: origins

    and evolut ion of t heterm

    Angel R. M artnez-Lorente

    Frank Dewhurst and

    Bar rie G. Dale

    The authorsAngel R. M artnez-Lorente is Assistant professor of the

    Department of Economia de la Empresa, University of

    M urcia, Spain.

    Frank De w hurst is a Lecturer in Op eratio nal Research

    and Quantit ative M ethods, Director of IT, M anchester

    School of M anagement, UM IST, M anchester, UK.

    Barrie G. Dale is United Ut il it ies Professor of Quality

    M anagement at the University of Manchester Institute of

    Science and Technology and Academician of the Int erna-

    tional A cademy for Quality.


    The focus of this paper is to t race the origins of the t erm

    TQM and clarify the different definit io ns employed by

    academics and practit ioners. Feigenbaum and Ishikaw a

    are perhaps the greatest contributors to th e development

    of the t erm. The other recognised quality m anagement

    guru s such as Crosby, Deming and Juran have shaped t he

    dimensions, practices and mechanism w hich underpin t he

    concept, but it is noted t hat none of these three actually

    uses the TQM term . TQM started to be used in the mid-

    1980s and only became a recognised part of t he quality-

    related language in the lat e 1980s. The paper also analy-ses the key dim ensions of TQM and t races their origins.

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    major inputs into the development of TQM.

    The visions of the quality management gurus

    are also examined.

    A historical perspective

    Powell (1995) makes the points that: T QMsorigins can be traced to 1949, when the Union

    of Japanese Scientists and Engineers formed acommittee of scholars, engineers, and govern-

    ment officials devoted to improving Japanese

    productivity, and enhancing their post-warquality of life and American firms began to

    take serious notice of T QM around 1980.

    It can be argued that many of the TQM

    dimensions outlined in Table I were beingapplied by organisations before the TQM

    movement appeared; consequently, it is noteasy to establish the exact date of birth of the

    term T QM . Stuelpnagel (1993) considersthat in Ford and Crowters bookM y Li fe and

    Work, published in 1926, the origins of TQM

    can be found. Nevertheless, it is clear that theterm and the philosophy as a whole appeared

    around the mid 1980s. Bemowski (1992)

    states that the term T QM was initially coined

    in 1985 by the Naval Air Systems Commandto describe its Japanese-style management

    approach to quality improvement.

    Perhaps, the main reason for the origin ofthe term TQM could be a substitution in thepreviously used term of total quality control

    (T QC), the word control by management

    with the reasoning that quality is not just amatter of control, it has to be managed. T his is

    reinforced by Demings (1982) view that

    sampling inspection should be suppressed and

    also by Crosby (1979) who makes the pointthat control is not necessary when a zero

    defects level is achieved. T he term control is

    sometimes understood as meaning control

    over the workforces activities, and this is clear-ly not the aim of TQM (Godfreyet al. , 1997).

    In the USA the development of quality

    management resulted from the penetration ofits markets by Japanese products which start-

    ed in the 1970s, together with the impact of

    the writings of Crosby, Deming, Feigenbaum

    and Juran. Consequently, companies andacademics studied the works of these authors

    and others, such as Ishikawa, and, integrating

    their approaches with quality management,

    gave rise to the concept of T QM. T his move-ment was exported to other countries, the UK

    being one of the first.

    Dale, who started his research in qualitymanagement back in 1981, believes that the

    term TQM arose in the UK from the activities

    of the Department of Trade and Industry

    National Quality Campaign which was

    launched in 1983 and the pioneering work of

    organisations such as IBM . He relates a dis-

    cussion with John MacDonald (one of the

    stalwarts of the UK quality management andthe first managing director of Crosby Associ-

    ates UK Ltd) who mentioned that around

    mid 1986 he was using the term T QM in his

    cross-Atlantic communication with Philip

    Crosby, who responded with the retort what

    is TQM? It is also worth mentioning that in

    the early to mid-1980s the use of quality-

    related terms and acronyms was nothing like

    as pronounced as it is today.

    Table II has been created from an analysis of

    the ABI-INFORM database, which includesbrief summaries of business articles published

    since 1986. T he number of references with the

    terms TQM , quality management (QM) and

    total quality (TQ) included in them has been

    searched. As Table II shows, the number of

    papers including the term T QM in 1986, 1987

    and 1988 is small, which confirms the view

    already expressed that the term only started to

    be used in the literature since the mid-1980s. It

    can be seen that at the beginning of the 1990s,

    the use of the term was already widespread,

    reaching a peak in 1993. Since then, the num-ber of papers using the term has been in

    decline, although maintaining some impor-

    tance in relation to volume of material. I t is the

    authors opinion that this decrease in the num-

    ber of papers is because TQM is widely known

    and accepted and is not attracting the attention

    from writers as it once did. However, some of

    the most recent incorporations into T QM,

    such as benchmarking and self assessment,

    38 0

    Total qual i ty m anagement : or igins and evolut ion of the term

    Angel R. Mart nez-Lorente, Frank Dewhu rst and Barrie G. Dale

    The TQM Magaz ine

    Volume 10 Number 5 1998 378386

    Table I I Papers with references to TQM , QM and TQ included in theABI-INFORM database


    1986 4 0.0093 27 0.063 27 0.063 42,824

    1987 7 0.0168 27 0.0648 48 0.1152 41,672

    1988 10 0.0211 36 0.0758 58 0.1221 47,490

    1989 44 0.096 54 0.1178 90 0.1963 45,853

    1990 95 0.1861 56 0.1097 123 0.2409 51,054

    1991 241 0.3996 91 0.1509 235 0.3896 60,313

    1992 453 0.6772 108 0.1615 301 0.45 66,890

    1993 720 0.5608 98 0.0763 612 0.4767 128,386

    1994 592 0.424 91 0.0652 610 0.4369 139,608

    1995 434 0.2746 57 0.0361 565 0.3575 158,046

    1996 248 0.1441 82 0.0476 383 0.2225 172,156

    1997 122 0.0912 84 0.0628 203 0.1517 133,810

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    have been the subject of further treatment in

    the management literature.

    If the origins of the TQM dimensions inTable I are traced and analysed, the following

    key points emerge:

    Those related with workforce management

    and the need for top management leader-ship have their origins in the USA, arisingfrom the Hawthorne studies (Roethlisberg-

    er and Dickson, 1939), the works of

    Maslow (1954) and McGregor (1960) and,

    more recently, that of Ouchi (1981).

    With respect to process flow management,SPC has its roots in the USA with Shewhart

    (1931) and the UK with Dudding (BS 600

    (1935)). On the other hand, mistake proof-

    ing systems are a Japanese idea (Shingo,

    1986), as is the importance of cleanlinessand organisation of tools and housekeeping

    using the fives and CANDO (cleanliness,

    arrangement, neatness, discipline and

    orderliness) principles.

    The concern about consumers needs hasbeen of inherent interest to marketing

    theorists since it first appeared, the main

    development work on this subject has been

    conducted in the USA. T he increase incompetition and demanding consumers

    have been the main reasons for companies

    treating this need to listen to customersvoices in a serious manner.

    Most of the recommendations aboutdesign processes have arisen from observa-

    tion of Japanese procedures and best prac-

    tices. Taguchi methods (Taguchi, 1986)

    were developed by Genichi Taguchi, a

    statistician and electrical engineer who wasinvolved in rebuilding the Japanese tele-

    phone system. Quality function deploy-

    ment (QFD) methods were also developed

    in Japan, but, as with the case of many

    other Japanese management tools andtechniques, they have been popularised

    world-wide by North American writers

    such as Hauser and Clausing (1988).

    The grounds of the supplier relationshipdimension can be found mostly in JIT

    theories, which were first developed in

    Toyota (Monden, 1983).

    The role of the quality department has

    been widely analysed by American writerssuch as Feigenbaum (1991) and Juranet al.

    (1974). Benchmarking was first developed in

    Xerox, an American company (Tucker et

    al., 1987) and popularised by the work ofCamp (1989).

    A brief rsum of the historical events that have

    influenced the development of TQM theory

    and practice is provided in Table III, indicatinga gradual emergence of T QM. T he use of

    statistical methods and the fundamentals of the

    system of workforce management began to be

    developed early in the century and Japan devel-oped its TQM approach gradually from the

    end of the Second World War. At the end of the

    1970s and the beginning of the 1980s, Japan-ese pressure and the success of some American

    writers created a general concern about the

    focus on quality management in the USA, and

    from this country to the rest of the world. Thepublication of the Malcolm Baldrige National

    Quality Award and other similar awards in

    other countries was the official recognition ofthe importance of TQM .

    Com parisons bet w een Japa nese andAme rican TQC

    Feigenbaum (1956, 1961) was the first authorwho used the term T QC . In his first book on

    TQC (Feigenbaum, 1961) (a revision of the

    book original published under the titleQuality

    Controlin 1951), he defined TQC as aneffective system for integrating the quality-

    development, quality maintenance, and

    quality-improvement efforts of the variousgroups in an organisation so as to enableproduction and service at the most economi-

    cal levels which allow for full customer satis-

    faction. He considered that control muststart with the design of the product and end

    only when the product has been placed in the

    hands of a customer who remains satisfied.

    In this book Feigenbaum recognised that alldepartments in a company have some respon-

    sibility for the achievement of quality, as it was

    originally perceived by Feigenbaum. Howev-

    er, TQC did not include many of the elements(e.g. supplier developmental relationships,

    people empowerment and teamwork) that are

    now considered part of the TQM concept.Japanese companies have developed their

    own approach to TQC, based on the teach-

    ings of Deming and Juran, shaping it to suit

    their own culture and operating environmentalong with the development of a new set of

    tools, techniques and operating systems. In

    the authors opinion Ishikawa was mainly

    responsible for shaping Japanese style TQC.His definition of TQC or company wide

    quality control (CWQC) is: Quality control

    consists of developing, designing, producing,marketing, and servicing products and


    Total qual i ty m anagement : or igins and evolut ion of the term

    Angel R. Mart nez-Lorente, Frank Dewhu rst and Barrie G. Dale

    The TQM Magaz ine

    Volume 10 Number 5 1998 378386

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    services with optimum cost-effectiveness andusefulness, which customers will purchase

    with satisfaction. To achieve these aims, allthe separate parts of a company must worktogether (Ishikawa, 1990).

    Analysing Feigenbaums and I shikawasdefinitions, it can be seen that there are nomajor differences. However, Ishikawa (1985)is of the view that the difference betweenCWQC and Feigenbaums approach is that,

    while Feigenbaum advocates that TQC isconducted essentially by QC specialists,

    CWQC has never been an exclusive domain ofsuch specialists. Indeed analysing the work ofFeigenbaum (1961), it can be seen that the

    focus on the participation of employees is weakand the task of improving quality is given tomanagers. According to Garvin (1988), theterm CWQC was introduced in Japan in 1968,some ten years after Feigenbaum introduced

    38 2

    Total qual i ty m anagement : or igins and evolut ion of the term

    Angel R. Mart nez-Lorente, Frank Dewhu rst and Barrie G. Dale

    The TQM Magaz ine

    Volume 10 Number 5 1998 378386

    Table II I Important events in the development of TQM

    1924-1932 Hawt horne studies demonstrated t he import ance of the social and psychological c l imate in

    work .

    1 9 2 4 Shew hart develop ed stat istical process contro l.

    1 9 2 6 The Bell Telephone began t o apply stat istical contro l met hods.

    Mid-1940s The Am erican army p ushed t he use of sampling m ethods during World War II.1 9 5 0 s A large number of attem pts at w ork improvement w ere undertaken (e.g. job enrichment, w ork

    redesign, partic ipative management, quality of w ork l i fe and w orker involvement).

    1 9 5 0 First visit of Dem ing t o Japan.

    1 9 5 1 Creation of Deming Application Prize in Japan.

    First edit ion of Jurans Quality Control Handbook.

    1 9 5 4 First visit o f Juran to Japan.

    M aslow s theories about human needs.

    1 9 6 0 Liberalisation of economy in Japan w ith pressure to im prove quality to compete w ith f oreign


    M cGregors X and Y th eories.

    1 9 6 1 First edit ion o f Feigenbaum s Total Quality Control.

    1 9 6 2 The idea of qu ality circles appeared in the fi rst issue of t he Japanese journal Quality Control fo r

    the Foreman.

    Late 19 60s

    and early

    1 9 7 0 s The pressure of Japanese companies began t o be f elt in Am erican compan ies.

    1 9 7 2 QFD w as developed at M itsubishis Kobe shipyard site.

    1 9 7 3 Aft er the 197 3 oil crisis the JIT system w as adopted by a vast num ber of Japanese compani es. A

    small number o f Am erican and European companies began to apply this system in t he 1980s.

    Mid-1970s Quality c ircles began to be w idely introduced in the USA, the fi rst quality c ircle programm e was

    launched in Lockheed in 1974 and in th e UK it was Rolls-Royce wh ich intro duced the concept in


    1 9 7 9 First edit ion of Crosbys Qualit y Is Free.Xerox Corp. start ed to app ly the benchm arking concept t o processes.

    Publication of t he BS 5750 qu ality m anagem ent series.

    1 9 8 0 An NBC television documentary about the Japanese miracle proposed Deming as a key

    element in this m iracle.

    1 9 8 1 Ouchis Z theory.

    1 9 8 2 First editio n of Dem ings Quality, Productiv ity and Competit ive Posit ion.

    1 9 8 3 Quality on the l ine , published by Garvin in Harvard Business Review, analysed the differ-

    ences betw een Japanese and American com panies, show ing some of t he reasons for th e better

    performance of t he former.

    A paper abou t Taguchis design of experim ents is publi shed in Harvard Business Review .

    1 9 8 5 The Naval Air Systems Comm and nam ed its Japanese-style m anagement approach tot al

    qua l i ty management .

    1 9 8 6 First editio n of Dem ings Out of t he Crisis. It became a bestseller.

    1 9 8 7 First editi on of ISO 9000 q ualit y manag ement system series.

    1 9 8 7 Publication of the M alcolm Baldrige National Quality Aw ard.

  • 8/10/2019 Session 1_Article 2_Total Quality Management_Origins and Evolution of the Term


    the term TQC. Garvin (1988) states that

    CWQC includes four principal elements: the

    involvement of functions other than manufac-

    turing in quality activities; the participation of

    employees at all levels; the goal of continuous

    improvement; and careful attention to cus-

    tomers definitions of quality. He considersthe confusion between CWQC and TQC to be

    widespread because whereas some experts

    use the terms interchangeably others see

    CWQC as a more advanced and comprehen-

    sive concept. It is interesting that in Japan for

    the last three years there has been discussion of

    the differences between TQC and TQM and

    the latter term is now starting to be used by

    both organisations and academics.

    The differences in Japanese and Western

    views may relate to differences in culture,politics and company philosophy. Ishikawa

    (1989) identified 14 areas of difference

    between Japan and the West, including:

    (1) In the USA and Western Europe, great

    emphasis is placed on professionalism

    and specialisation; QC only for QC


    (2) In the USA and Western Europe, great

    emphasis is placed on the Taylor system.

    (3) The pay system in the USA and Western

    Europe is based on merit (to motivate

    people by money alone). Japan uses asystem of seniority and ranking.

    (4) High turnover rates and layoffs are found

    in the West; Japan has a lifetime employ-

    ment system.

    (5) Relationships with subcontractors 70

    per cent of a products manufacturing

    costs are contributed by outside suppliers

    in Japan, and only 50 per cent in the USA.

    Subcontractors are treated as friends not

    enemies as in the case in the West.

    (6) Old-style capitalism versus democratisa-tion of capital: short-term profits versus

    long-term profits.

    These six differences, together with political

    and cultural differences have meant that the

    TQM approaches in Japan, the USA and

    Europe are different. Although the Japanese

    model has a proven successful track record,

    the existence of differences is not necessarily

    an indicator that the Western model is inferior,

    since, as Ishikawa (1989) advocates, compa-

    nies must adapt CWQC to the country orcompany according to differences of social

    background. In the last decade numerous

    success stories have emerged of TQM applica-

    tions in Europe and America. Abo (1995)

    demonstrates how the management of manu-

    facturing systems of Japanese multinationals isdifferent in Asia, Europe and the USA. Thesedifferences indicate that Japanese multination-

    als have had to adapt their management sys-tems to the different conditions of countries.

    On the other hand, Ebrahimpour (1988) andGarvin (1986) examine how Japanese compa-nies operating in the USA have successfully

    applied some of the features of the qualitymanagement approach they employ in Japan.

    The authors consider that the way inwhich T QM has developed from the Japanese

    and Feigenbaums concepts has been theinclusion of appropriate management theoryas demonstrated by the TQM dimensions

    given in Table I. Examining the ISO 8402(1994) definition of T QM, it is clear that

    TQC and CWQC are essentially TQM .However, differences in its application incompanies, due partially to the differences

    that Ishikawa (1989) identified, still exist andthis will always be the case.

    TQM : views of the quality manage mentgurus

    Crosby, Deming, Feigenbaum, Ishikawa andJuran can be considered the most important

    gurus of the quality management movement.However, this does not mean that theirapproaches are the same. The views of

    Feigenbaum and I shikawa have already beenconsidered and the focus of attention is now

    turned to Crosby, Deming and Juran.

    Deming achieved great popularity in 1980

    after the NBC television documentary about

    success in Japan where he was considered a

    key element. Although Deming maintained a

    contrary position with respect to some of the

    TQM elements (e.g. zero defects and quality

    costing) (Deming, 1982, 1986), a consider-able number of authors (e.g. Davis and

    Fisher, 1994; Grandzol and Traaen, 1995;

    Milakovich, 1991; Pollock, 1993; Rago, 1994;

    Schay, 1993; Tamimi and Gershon, 1995)

    consider him as one of the main supporters of

    the TQM concept. English (1996) considers

    that Juran is related with T QM and Drensek

    and Grubb (1995) and English (1996) also

    consider that Crosby is a TQM theorist.

    Hackman and Wageman (1995) state that

    Deming, I shikawa and Juran can be consid-ered the founders of the TQM philosophy,

    since TQM drinks in their works. Surpris-

    ingly, they do not mention Feigenbaum, the

    originator of the term TQC, which as shown


    Total qual i ty m anagement : or igins and evolut ion of the term

    Angel R. Mart nez-Lorente, Frank Dewhu rst and Barrie G. Dale

    The TQM Magaz ine

    Volume 10 Number 5 1998 378386

  • 8/10/2019 Session 1_Article 2_Total Quality Management_Origins and Evolution of the Term


  • 8/10/2019 Session 1_Article 2_Total Quality Management_Origins and Evolution of the Term


    in this paper has many similarities with the

    term TQM. However, they also consider that

    what many organisations are actually imple-

    menting is a pale or highly distorted version of

    what Deming, Ishikawa and Juran laid out.

    Juran does not use the term TQM in his

    main bookQual ity Control H andbook(Juranand Gryna, 1988; Juran et al. , 1974) nor in

    Juran on Planning for Qualit y(Juran, 1988). I n

    A H istory of M anaging for Qualityhe uses less

    than one page to explain T QM and considers

    that the best definition of T QM can be found

    in the criteria used to judge the applications

    for the USAs Malcolm Baldrige National

    Quality Award (Juran, 1995). Neither does

    Crosby in Qual ity I s Free(1979), nor inQuali-

    ty wi thout Tears(1987) nor inCompleteness.

    Quali ty for the 21st centur y(1992).A brief comparison of the ideas of these five

    quality gurus in relation to the TQM dimen-

    sions that were introduced in Table I is made

    in Table IV. It can be seen that the need of top

    management support and the importance of

    customer relationship is shared by all. Bench-

    marking is not considered by any of them,

    perhaps because this technique came to the

    fore when they already had a well-proven

    approach to quality management. Deming

    and Crosby focus their approaches in the

    production process without referencing the

    design process; however, their views are dif-

    ferent, since Crosby defends the achievement

    of zero defects through employees commit-

    ment, whereas Deming criticises slogans and

    exhortations to achieve zero defects. Both the

    supplier relationship, the quality data and

    reporting dimensions are not considered in

    any detail by the five authors, but important

    differences do not appear to exist. Ishikawas

    approach is more employee focused than the

    other four, which consider that quality man-agement needs to be guided mainly by man-

    agers. Juran, I shikawa and Feigenbaum

    devote chapters of their books to sampling

    inspection, whereas Deming criticises this

    technique and Crosby considers that it is not

    necessary in a zero defects environment.


    This paper has considered the evolution of the

    elements, practices and mechanisms thatdefine TQM. It has been shown that, while

    the term T QM only began to be popularised

    in the second half of the 1980s, many of the

    elements that have shaped it were developed

    early, during the 1950s to 1970s. M ost theo-

    retical developments in the advancement of

    the concept have been made in the USA

    whereas Japan has held the initiative in terms

    of application.

    The paper also indicates a lack of a total

    agreement about how to apply T QM, assupported by the differences in the views of

    the leading quality management gurus. For

    example, the need for focus on workforce

    management is widely accepted but the pro-

    posed ways in which to apply this form of

    management are different. Other elements of

    TQM , such as benchmarking and supply

    chain management, are not considered in any

    detail by the shapers of the TQM concept.

    Differences in the application of TQM

    amongst different countries also appear toexist. Since the culture of the company influ-

    ences the approach to the application of

    TQM , different countries with different

    cultures apply TQM in different ways. How-

    ever, as we approach the end of the century,

    economies and societies are becoming

    increasingly inter-related and these differ-

    ences are diminishing.


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    Reliabil ity Management, Vol. 11 No. 8, pp. 5-18.


    Total qual i ty m anagement : or igins and evolut ion of the term

    Angel R. Mart nez-Lorente, Frank Dewhu rst and Barrie G. Dale

    The TQM Magaz ine

    Volume 10 Number 5 1998 378386

  • 8/10/2019 Session 1_Article 2_Total Quality Management_Origins and Evolution of the Term


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    Total qual i ty m anagement : or igins and evolut ion of the term

    Angel R. Mart nez-Lorente, Frank Dewhu rst and Barrie G. Dale

    The TQM Magaz ine

    Volume 10 Number 5 1998 378386