SEPG and Consulting Process

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  • 8/8/2019 SEPG and Consulting Process


    ISPI 1998 Institute for Software Process Improvement A Company Version 3.0 SEPG Consult - 1

    SEPG and t he

    Consul t ing Proc ess

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    ISPI 1998 Institute for Software Process Improvement A Company Version 3.0 SEPG Consult - 2

    Module Objec t ives

    Discuss the SEPG as Internal ConsultantsReview the skill set needed by SEPG members

    Review the Six (6) Step Consulting Model

    proposed for internal consultants

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    Model : Det a i l



    Model : Det ai l

    Define new


    Pilot new


    Refine new


    Assist inadoption of

    new p rocesses


    new p rocesses


    and Training

    Expec tationSetting

    Identificationof Initia l Staff




    Tra inTeam





    PresentFindings& Rec s



    Define & Staff


    Train Improvement


    Plan ImprovementProcess

    1 Commitment 2 Appraisal

    4 Implementation

    3 Infrastruc ture

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    The SEPG as a Group of

    Consu l tants

    You are consulting anytime you are trying to

    change or improve a situation but have nodirect control over the implementation. If youhave direct control, you are managing, notconsulting.

    If you do all the work, you are under someoneelses control.

    Consulting is about having leverage andimpact when we dont have direct control.

    The SEPG consults as facilitator and


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    Sk i l l Set s Needed by Consul t ant s

    Technical Expertise

    Interpersonal Skills

    Consulting Process

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    Consul t ant Sk i l l s - Tec hnic a l

    Exper t i se

    Software management is not the same

    as software Process management.Useful areas of technical expertise for

    SEPG members:

    Process definition and modeling

    SQA, SCM, TQM, methodologies, applicationdomains

    Organizational behavior, systems theory

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    Consul t ant Sk i l ls -

    In t erpersonal Sk i l ls

    Effective listening

    Conflict management




    Team building

    Group process

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    The 6 -St ep Consul t ing Model

    Entry &RelationshipBuilding

    Entry &RelationshipBuilding

    DataCollection &Diagnosis

    DataCollection &


    Feedback &Decision toAct

    Feedback &Decision toAct

    Planning &Implementation

    Planning &Implementation

    Evaluation,Extension,Recycle, orTermination

    Evaluation,Extension,Recycle, orTermination


    Source: adapted from P. Block, Flawless Consulting, and Participant's Guide,SEI Collaborative Consulting Skills class

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    Ent ry & Sens ing

    Purpose: Build the foundation for an authentic

    working relationshipEstablish a trusting relationship

    Learn what must be done to get a contract in


    Process: Initial meetings between client andconsultant

    Understand and sense the clientsexpectations

    Source: adapted from Participant's Guide, SEI Collaborative Consulting Skills class

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    Ent ry & Sensing - 2

    Outcome: Decision of whether you and the

    client are going to proceed and how you willdo so

    Source: adapted from Participant's Guide, SEI Collaborative Consulting Skills class

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    Cont rac t ing

    Purpose: Gain explicit agreement of what we

    expect of each otherGain explicit agreement on how we are

    going to work together

    Process: Meetings with clients, includingstakeholders, and consultant

    Make clear that you need the clientscontinuing support and what you can offer

    as the consultant

    Source: adapted from Participant's Guide, SEI Collaborative Consulting Skills class

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    Dat a Col lec t ion

    Purpose: To bring together existing relevant

    data that will define the clients problemsclearly, energize the making of appropriatedecisions

    Process: Data gathering and analysisOutcome: Data are collected to enable the

    client and key stakeholders to make

    informed decisions about processimprovement strategies.

    Source: adapted from Participant's Guide, SEI Collaborative Consulting Skills class

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    Feedbac k & Dec is ion t o Ac t

    Purpose: To present a summary of the

    gathered information in a way which tellsthe story as you have seen and heard it

    To create enough energy within clients to

    stimulate useful problem solving andspecific next steps

    Process: Presentation and decision making

    meeting(s) with all those who provideddata

    Source: adapted from Participant's Guide, SEI Collaborative Consulting Skills class

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    Feedbac k & Dec is ion t o Ac t - 2

    Outcome: Decisions that shape specific

    intervention strategies are made by the clientand consultant.

    Source: adapted from Participant's Guide, SEI Collaborative Consulting Skills class

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    Planning & Im p lem ent a t ion

    Purpose: To gain agreement, commitment,and collaboration on the action plan

    To build the project planning andmonitoring structure to maintain

    constancy of purposeProcess: Planning sessions with the client, key

    project members, key stakeholders, etc.

    Education, training, and feedback sessionswith all those involved

    Source: adapted from Participant's Guide, SEI Collaborative Consulting Skills class

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    Planning & Im plem ent at ion - 2

    Outcome: Resources are secured and

    organizational support, participation, andcommitment to proceed are maintained.

    Tasks identified in the implementation plan

    are conducted and completed.

    Source: adapted from Participant's Guide, SEI Collaborative Consulting Skills class

    E al at ion E t ension

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    Evaluat ion, Ex t ens ion,

    Recyc le ,Terminat ion

    Purpose: To gather feedback andevaluation of the consultant's behavior andthe project's outcomes

    To end or revise the client-consultant

    relationshipProcess: Feedback and evaluation

    meetings for the project and the consultant

    Termination or contract revision meetingbetween client/consultant

    Source: adapted from Participant's Guide, SEI Collaborative Consulting Skills class

    Evaluat ion Ex t ension

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    Evaluat ion, Ex t ens ion,

    Rec yc le,Term ina t ion - 2

    Outcome: For consultant, clear and concise

    feedback from the client's perspective onhis/her effectiveness and/or contribution

    For the organization, lessons learned forfuture cycles of process improvement

    Source: adapted from Participant's Guide, SEI Collaborative Consulting Skills class

    Consu l t ing Roles Are a

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    Consu l t ing Roles Are a

    Cont inuum

    Client Consultant

    Observer Collaborator Expert

    Consultant Role


    Client Consultant

    Source: adapted from Participant's Guide, SEI Collaborative Consulting Skills class