Smith 1 Marian Smith Mr. Logan, Professor COMM 393: Senior Portfolio April 15, 2013 Community Jukebox: The Importance of Community Radio in Today’s Society Abstract Before the invention of the Internet, the world had television. Before there was television, the world had radio. A review of the literature covers a general history of radio, the beginning of community radio, the benefits of community radio, as well as its detriments. The purpose of this study is to discuss the importance of community radio in today’s society by highlighting its benefits and exposing the challenges the industry faces. Two different cultures, the United States and Africa, were examined. They had similarities and differences in their use and development of community radio. The implications of this study could mean more citizens of both cultures enjoy the benefits of community radio, more women take an active role in

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Marian T. Smith's Senior Thesis

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Smith 1

Marian Smith

Mr. Logan, Professor

COMM 393: Senior Portfolio

April 15, 2013

Community Jukebox: The Importance of Community Radio in Today’s Society


Before the invention of the Internet, the world had television. Before there was

television, the world had radio. A review of the literature covers a general history of radio, the

beginning of community radio, the benefits of community radio, as well as its detriments. The

purpose of this study is to discuss the importance of community radio in today’s society by

highlighting its benefits and exposing the challenges the industry faces. Two different cultures,

the United States and Africa, were examined. They had similarities and differences in their use

and development of community radio. The implications of this study could mean more citizens

of both cultures enjoy the benefits of community radio, more women take an active role in the

industry, and the governments of both countries need to invest in the development of the field.


Radio plays an important role in American society. It is a versatile and portable medium

that can influence the lives of the people who listen to it. People are able to listen to their favorite

kinds of music, as well as learn about the latest events occurring in their local neighborhood,

state or around the world from the comfort of their home, office or car. There are different types

of radio broadcasting which have individual goals and objectives for their specific audiences.

One form of radio focuses particularly on the needs of the people and issues that may affect

them. This form of radio is known as community radio and it plays a necessary role in today’s

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society. It is not limited only to certain regions in the United States. Community radio has proven

to have a global appeal, especially in developing areas around the world. However, these types of

stations are struggling to gain the same respect and notoriety of public and commercial stations.

There are obstacles still ahead in the development of community radio, but people are beginning

to understand the importance and value of community radio and the impact it has over the

citizens who are tuned in to its programming.

Review of the Literature: Community Radio in the United States

Many of the sources covered the same information: the history of radio in general, the

development of community radio, and the struggles in that area. William A. Richter, a professor

of Communication at Lenoir-Rhyne College, wrote a book entitled Radio: A Complete Guide to

the Industry which discussed the early origins and the development of radio through the years.

Richter noted how radio offered people something different than they were used to at the time of

its establishment. “Radio gave Americans something that they never had before: the ability to

experience one special moment as a country,” he said. “Prior to radio, it might take days or

weeks for news to reach across the country.” The invention of radio led to the creation of the

television and television programming (Richter 2). Many shows seen on television today are in

existence because they were originally broadcast on the radio.

Radio became a popular form of media after World War I (Richter 31). Many stations

were formed, allowing listeners to have a wide variety of programming to choose from. In 1927,

about 2,834.58 hours were spent listening to the radio in New York City (Lichty, Topping 323).

Of that time, 74 percent was spent listening to some form of music (Lichty, Topping 323). Colin

Faser and Sonia Restrepo-Estrada wrote, “radio broadcasting leaps the barriers of isolation and

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illiteracy and it is the most economical electronic medium to broadcast and receive (69).” It was

a non-commercial form of media, receiving much of its funding from “individuals,

organizations, or in the rare instance a municipality” (Richter 103). Richter noted community

radio is a form of non-commercial radio. The feature that set community radio apart from

commercial radio was all in its name. Community radio places an emphasis on the community

and the topics that matter to the people who form its framework. It has allowed people to have an

impact on social change and development (Fraser 70).

People sometimes equate public and community radio as the same thing, but the two are

different. David Dunaway, a professor in the Department of English at the University of New

Mexico, discussed how a clear distinction between public radio and community radio was made

in the mid-1970s in “Community Radio at the Beginning of the 21st Century: Commercialism vs.

Community Power.” Public radio began in the late 1960s and early 1970s with the establishment

of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and the National Public Radio organization

(Dunaway 89). He had findings that were similar to the findings of Richter. He observed

community radio stations focused more on staying local and refraining from becoming

commercial, while public radio stations were interested in engaging listeners on a national level.

Community radio in the United States can be constructed on four characteristics,

according to Dunaway’s article. Those characteristics are: “the active participation of volunteers;

that with the regard to listeners, quality rather than numbers was paramount; that listeners should

listen selectively rather than around the clock which suggested the patchwork quilt of specialty

shows still dominant in community radio; that volunteer staff does not constitute cheap labour,

but an extension of the listening community itself (Dunaway 89).” It is important to

acknowledge the people who participate in community radio are people who live in or are

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familiar with the community. People who are stakeholders in the specific community will

understand what appeals to others in the same community. Their understanding will be evident in

their programming. In a study conducted by Chambers and Callison, research “showed people

were more likely to perceive individual programs as local than station ownership” (Hubbard

409). Their study indicated there was a correlation between how respondents viewed individuals

on the radio as local and their partiality for the station (Hubbard 409).

Dunaway noted that the type of people in the field of community radio, following its

emergence in the 1970s, were people interested in protesting events and occurrences in society

(90). He made a statement which summed up the agenda of people like this: “if they couldn’t

make the revolution through radio, at least they could make a good radio in search of a cause.”

As time progressed, the characterizations of community radio changed. This form of radio was

seen as unconventional and Leftist (Dunaway 90). From the 1980s on, radio experienced many

changes. It went from professionalization to rationalization, which had a major effect on how

community radio stations were funded.

Bart Cammerats emphasized the idea of community in community radio in his article,

“Community Radio in the West: A Legacy of Struggle for Survival in a State and Capitalist

Controlled Media Environment.” His study noted that localism is counted as a characteristic of

community radio and media. He found “community radio contributes both to external pluralism

– by being a different voice among public and commercial broadcasters – and to internal

pluralism – by being basic-democratic and providing a platform for diversity of voices and

styles, often lacking in mainstream media” (Cammerats 639). However, Cammerats found

Western society tends to place negative connotations on community, such as homogeneity and

confinement (639). Connotations of this nature lead to restrictions being placed in the realm of

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community radio. What happens when people’s perception about community radio are deemed

reality? The genre of programming gets overlooked and neglected.

A Review of the Literature: Community Radio in Africa

The review of the literature for Africa focused mainly on South Africa, but provided

information about other countries in Africa impacted by the invention of community radio.

According to an article written by Eronini R. Megwa, millions of Africans depend on the radio

more than new forms of communication (337). Community radio has not been available in

Africa for the same amount of time it has been in the United States. However, it has become

popular because “it is owned by the community, relatively affordable, and enjoys a certain

unique intimacy with its owners and audience, pertinent to the illiterate and rural population, and

the local culture and tradition “(Megwa 338). Itai Madamombe agreed with Megwa on the

impact community radio has had on Africa. He found community radio stations are giving a

voice to the voiceless on issues ranging from education to HIV/AIDS (Madamombe 1).

Community radio has gained momentum through the creation of more radio stations

around Africa. In South Africa alone, there are over 100 radio stations that have a license to

broadcast in the various communities (Megwa 338). The types of radio stations range from

religious stations to stations based on college campuses (Megwa 338). There does not seem to be

any sign of a discontinuation of the development of community radio. If groups continue to show

interest, more broadcasting licenses will be distributed (Megwa 338).

The lack of technology appeared to be the one of the major problems community radio

stations in Africa faced. Madamombe noted that transmitters only reach a few miles and

development does not happen at a rapid pace (1). In his article, he also found there are factors

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that contribute to this region’s slow radio expansion. One factor was the existence of state

controlled governments. The other factor was the cost of communication infrastructure

(Madamombe 2). Megwa focused on the categorization of what kinds of technology radio

stations, primarily in South Africa, used. He found that most stations used the computer and the

internet, but the programs were not utilized to their full potential. The types of technology

Megwa found community radio stations in South Africa used most were telephones, facsimiles

and photocopiers (344). The telephones were traditional landlines, but staff members utilized

personal cellular phones to receive calls and text messages.

An interesting component of the literature review of community radio in Africa was the

role of women. According to a study titled “Giving Voice to Invisible Women: ‘FIRE’ as Model

of a Successful Women’s Community Radio in Africa,” women living in third world countries

have to deal with issues that deter their advancement (Gatua, Patton, Brown 165). The article

focused on “how community radio provides a model for the empowerment of women through

radio and the Feminist International Radio Endeavor (FIRE), a network that successfully takes

advantage of this approach” (Gatua, Patton, Brown 165). The authors hoped African women

would find their voice in the world of community radio. They discussed a radio station which

markets itself as “community radio” and is one of the only stations to do so (168). The radio

station is 101.7 Mama FM. The station made history in the world of radio because it was the first

community radio station in Africa and the third community radio station in the world (Gatua,

Patton, Brown 168). Although the station markets itself as community radio, the researchers for

the study found there was a considerable amount of government influence. FIRE is the type of

organization to speak up about that kind of influence and focus on keeping community radio,

especially as it pertains to women, focused on the needs of its audience.

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“Community Radio Provides Women a Way to Have Their Voices Heard” was another

article included in the review of the literature that focused on African women in community

radio. The writer, L. Muthoni Wanyeki, discussed how the community media is focused on the

development of women’s roles in the industry. Wanyeki noted, “Most of the community radio

stations are not specifically managed by women, but women’s representation and gender are key

components of their mandate” (76). The development involves training and an exchange of

information between communities (Wanyeki 77). Like the FIRE network, these women are

determined to make a voice for the thousands of women who are underserved and

underrepresented in the African society. Community radio stations can be found in countries,

such as Malawai, Senegal, South Africa (Wanyeki 76).

Synthesis and Conclusions

Community radio in the United States and Africa share differences, but there are

similarities that link them together as well. Both societies believe community radio has an

underrepresented power to influence multitudes of people. Both believe a form of media that

focuses on the people is important to the development of communication in society. Many

sources agree. In the United States, technology has helped community radio become more

common. Nevertheless, the lack of funding is placing restraints on the growth of the industry. In

Africa, the issue seems to lie in multiple places. The society lacks technological advancement,

funding, and government support in some cases. What the African society does have in contrast

to America in terms of community radio is a female presence. These women are committed to

making a difference in their society where having a woman who expresses her views and

opinions are very uncommon.

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What needs to be done to prevent the demise of community radio? To answer this

question, one must focus of the benefits and potential this form of radio offers. Community radio

is important. It is an affordable way to get important information to a vast number of people. The

people who are influenced by community radio are from different walks of life. Some are well-

to-do, while others are from underdeveloped nations. Community radio has the ability to push

the differences aside on the basis that, no matter the person, the communication of necessary

information is important.

Another benefit of community radio is the emphasis of the community. There is

something inspiring about people showing concern for others in their area. It seems as though the

radio personalities would be more passionate about the information they are sharing because the

information affects them also. Volunteers are the driving force behind most community radio

stations. For them, there are no paychecks. They do not receive benefits or paid vacations. They

are producing shows and programming because they have a passion for their community. As a

listener, it should create a sense of encouragement to know that the person relaying information

to you could be a neighbor or a familiar face from the neighborhood.

As a Communications Arts major, the topic of community radio is one of much interest

and importance to me. As the end of my educational career approaches, it is important that all

possible areas in the Communications field are investigated so an informed decision can be made

for my future and career. An opportunity presented itself that allowed me to experiment with

community radio. While involved with community radio, I found it to be a diverse network of

people working together to share information with the community that they serve. There is a

need for the volunteers (who insure the success of community radio) to meet each other, bond

and collaborate so that the best product possible can be produced and a uniform message can be

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shared. This is often times easily accomplished as like-minded individuals who understand they

are working toward a common goal.

I learned first-hand that the obstacles listed in the articles reviewed were also true here in

the local community. The lack of funding for community radio exists worldwide. Limited funds

prevent community radio from having a truly competitive presence with commercial and public

radio. Stations rely on grants and donations from stakeholders, such as friends, family members

and local businesses. Without the proper funds, community radio will be forced to cut down

programming. A smaller amount of programming would reduce the amount of diversity

community radio stations offer to the communities they serve.

Community radio has seen growth with the use of the Internet. Some community radio

stations can be found on the Internet, which allows the message that is to be shared to be shared

with more than the local community. This Internet usage increases the number of listeners and

expands the community that is being served, which in turn, assists in increasing the awareness of

and interest in community radio. Radio was already a mobile form of media, but it will become

more mobile since smartphones have become commonplace. Applications, or apps, now pair

with the Internet to make it easier to access the radio.

Locally, I experienced the same phenomena as what was discussed with community radio

in Africa. My experience showed there to be more men involved in community radio than

women. However, this could change as the local manager of the community radio station with

which I was involved is a female. Additionally, people involved with community radio could

make an effort to recruit more women, which would directly address this problem. Women have

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voices and opinions that need to be heard. In order for community radio to truly serve its

purpose, all kinds of people should be able to participate in the field.

Community radio stations typically have a smaller listening audience than that found with

commercial radio stations. Though the reason is not documented, I feel that one of the major

reasons is the format of community radio. Unlike with commercial radio stations, community

radio stations change their formats and genres more frequently based on the personnel that is

involved at the listening time. Most commercial radio stations have a set musical genre or

programming format. Though this leads to more consistent and larger audiences of listeners, it

does not allow for the flexibility that community radio stations have.

Though community radio is not as well-known as commercial radio, there is a lot of

value that can be learned from it. For people who are interested in radio, community radio

stations can serve as a stepping stone or an entrance for a fulfilling career in the industry.

Attempts could be made to provide alternate funding sources which would allow community

radio to be more competitive with commercial and public radio stations. Personally, the

information learned while researching this topic and the experience gained from volunteering in

community radio, has expanded my knowledge and will enable me to make more informed

decisions about my career goals. Community radio is an industry with potential that is waiting to

be discovered.

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Works Cited

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