Semnalizare Conducta

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  • 8/20/2019 Semnalizare Conducta


    Informa ii furnizate de borne:ț

    • fluidul transportat prin conductă

    • Denumirea operatorului conductei

    • Numărul la care operatorul poate fi contactat în situa ii de urgen ă,.ț ț


    Pipeline Marker – este cel mai des utilizat tip de bornă. on ine informa iile despreț ș

    operator, fluidul transportat, i numărul pentru situa ii de urgen ă.ș ț ț


     !erial Marker – este o bornă care indică un număr de identificare "izibil din a"ion util pentru

    monitorizarea conductei de către patrulele aeriene.


    asing #ent Marker – bornă care idică ca o conductă $prote%ată de un tub de protec ie dinț

    o el& subtra"ersează un drum, o cale ferată sau alt tip de intersec ie. 'n anumite cazuri pot fiț ț

    confundate cu conducte de preaplin

    Pipeline markers are important for t(e safet) of t(e general public

    and pro"ide emergenc) responders *it( critical information. Most

    pipelines are underground, *(ere t(e) are more protected from t(eelements and minimize interference *it( surface uses. +"en so,

    pipeline rig(tsof*a) are clearl) identified b) pipeline markers

    along pipeline routes t(at identif) t(e appro-imate – N/ +0!/ –

    location of t(e pipeline. +"er) pipeline marker contains information

    identif)ing t(e compan) t(at operates t(e pipeline, t(e product

  • 8/20/2019 Semnalizare Conducta


    transported, and a p(one number t(at s(ould be called in t(e e"ent

    of an emergenc). Markers do not indicated pipeline burial dept(,

    *(ic( *ill "ar). Markers are t)picall) seen *(ere a pipeline

    intersects a street, (ig(*a) or rail*a). 1or an) person to *illfull)deface, damage, remo"e or destro) an) pipeline marker is a federal


  • 8/20/2019 Semnalizare Conducta


    Semne utilizate în general ca plan pentru evitarea deteriorării conductei

    Domed Post TM utility markers incorporate robust engineering having culori cu un nivel

    ridicat de vizibilitate. This domed post is constructed from formulă rezistentă la UV-

    polietilenă stabilizată pentru contracara decolorarea sau deformarea. Domed

    marker posts can be bought in a number of post as well as cap colour combinations. Grca

    personalizată este în general ștanțată permanent pentru a evita decolorarea,

    efolierea sau ciobirea! Un cod de bare este încorporat pentru ecare bornă!

    Decrease your experience of accidental dig-ins and service interruptions. Armare cu fibră de

    sticlă a materialului compozit pentru borne markers guards your valuable below ground

    investment by means of clearly and quickly determining pipelines, valves as well as otherunderground utilities. Disponibile într-o gamă variată de mărimi i culoriș  available for you.

    Mesaje personalizate sau standardizate, litere i fundal reflectorizantș  and also numbering

    are also offered.


    ""#$" cod de culori

    • %ulori &orescente pentru identicare ușoară.

      %ulori rezistente în timp

      #ost decals easil' identif' utilit' lines

    • ustom decal messages are available

    • Prevents dig!ins and service interruptions


    Stabilitate la temperatură ( UV, la impact cu viteze de )* +m(!%apabile să reziste la eplozii la . metri, fără penetrare

  • 8/20/2019 Semnalizare Conducta



    Vizibilitate ridicată din toate direcțiile, inclusiv din aer

    • onform cu codul rutier /legislația rutieră0

    • 1eadil' available selections2 test station, 1adio-fre3uenc'identication /"#$D0 uses electromagnetic elds to automaticall'identif' and trac+ tags attaced to ob4ects - sta ie deț  testare acti"ată iș  capac de aerisire

    • Gama variată de înnălțimi, forme și cculori

    The round ones are classified as domed marker posts because of the huge dome cap on the top

     bar. The reason for the domed cap could be to provide 3! degree visibility. "ince many of these

    marker posts are widely-used near to rural roadways, auto accidents generally occur. To decrease

    in#ury to the cars, and to prevent repairs within the marker posts, power companies frequently

    utili$e borne elastice din fibr% de sticl%. Aceste materiale anti oc, pot fi îndoite la 90 de gradeș

    fără a se deforma sau rupe.

    The particular decals on these kinds of abs plastic marker posts could very well be imprinted on

    many materials. &enerally, black text on a see-through decal background provides the best

    clearness. 'onetheless, some power companies prefer printing dark-colored wording on a white

    reflective background. (et again, to extend the visibility with the marker posts also to slow up

    the prospects for an auto accident.

  • 8/20/2019 Semnalizare Conducta



    Lini directoare pentru marcarea temporarăunitară a utilită ilor subteraneț

    /(is marking guide pro"ides for uni"ersal use and understanding oft(e temporar) marking of subsurface facilities to pre"ent accidentsand damage or ser"ice interruption b) contractors, e-ca"ators, utilit)companies, municipalities or an) ot(ers *orking on or nearunderground facilities.

  • 8/20/2019 Semnalizare Conducta


    %&'!()) *+*T'M*/(e neall damage pre"ention s)stem s(all be contacted prior toe-ca"ation.

    P"%P%*'D ',(-(T$%&2se *(ite marks to s(o* t(e location, route or boundar) of proposed

    e-ca"ation. 3urface marks on road*a)s do not e-ceed 4.56 b) 476$89 mm b) 859 mm&. /(e facilit) color and facilit) o*ner identit)ma) be added to *(ite flags or stakes.

    *' %# T'MP%"("+M("/$&02se colorcoded surface marks $i.e., paint or c(alk& to indicate t(elocation or route of acti"e and outofser"ice buried lines. /oincrease "isibilit), color coded "ertical markers $i.e., stakes or flags&s(ould supplement surface marks. Marks and markers indicate t(ename, initials or logo of t(e compan) t(at o*ns or operates t(e line,and *idt( of t(e facilit) if it is greater t(an 6 $59 mm&. Marks placedb) ot(er t(an line o*ner;operator or its agent indicate t(e identit) oft(e designating firm. Multiple lines in %oint trenc( are marked intandem. If t(e surface o"er t(e buried line is to be remo"ed,supplementar) offset markings are used. ffset markings are on auniform alignment and clearl) indicate t(e actual facilit) is a specificdistance a*a).

     T%)'"(&' 1%&' !n) e-ca"ation *it(in t(e tolerance zone is performed *it( nonpo*ered (and tools or nonin"asi"e met(od until t(e marked facilit)is e-posed. /(e *idt( of t(e tolerance zone ma) be specified in la*or code. If not, a tolerance zone including t(e *idt( of t(e facilit)plus 476 $859 mm& measured (orizontall) from eac( side of t(efacilit) is recommended.

    (D%PT &$#%"M %)%"

    %D'/(e !merican Public

  • 8/20/2019 Semnalizare Conducta


    2* 3435 2ritish *tandard PipeMarkingBritish Standard 1710 (BS 1710) provides the standards for identifying pipes,

    including colour coding, label locations and information about pipe contents. The

    BS 1710 pipe maring standard is !ritten to be in alignment !ith the international

    "S#$% &0' standard "dentication *olours +or ipes *onveying +luids "n -iuid #r

    /aseous *onditions "n -and "nstallations nd #n Board Ships. o!ever, BS 1710

    provides for the option of using user dened supplemental colours for 2other

    liuids2 and species maring for ventilation ducts and electrical conduits. BS 1710

    also species the pipe maring for medical gases and refrigerants. This maes the

    British 1710 pipe maring standard an all3encompassing standard.

    2ritish *tandard 3435 Pipe Marker )ocations

    The BS 1710 pipe maring standard only applies to pipes carrying 4uids that are

    located above ground and to generic pipes on ships. "t reuires that, at a

    minimum, pipe maring must be located on both sides of valves, service appliances,

    bulheads, !all and 4oor penetrations, as !ell as any other place pipe contents

    identication is needed.

    2ritish *tandard 3435 Pipe Marker olours

    BS 1710 species t!o types of color coding. Basic "dentication *olours and Safety

    *olours. 5ecorative or protective coatings on pipes may not use any of these

    colors. BS 1710 species specic colours, identied by their BS *olour %eference

    number, that must be used.

    2* 3435 2asic $dentication olours

    ipe *ontents 6ame %eference *olour BS '00 *olour

    8ater /reen 19 5 &

    Steam Silver3/rey 10 0:

    #ils (mineral, vegetable or animal) Bro!n 0; * :

  • 8/20/2019 Semnalizare Conducta


    /ases (in either gas or liuid phase 3 e=cept


    >ello! #chre 0' * :&

    cids $ lalis ?iolet 99 * :7

    ir -ight Blue 90 @ &1

    #ther -iuids Bac 00 @ &:

    @lectrical Services A ventilation ducts #range 0; @ &1

    2* 3435 *afety olours

    The British Standard 1710 Safety *olours are used in addition to the Basic

    "dentication *olours. The basic color, indicating the pipe contents, is sho!n on

    either side the the safety colour. +or e=ample, re ghting !ater !ould have a

    band of green (!ater), a band of red (re ghting), and then another band of green. +ire ghting steam !ould be silver3grey, red, silver3grey.

    Fire Fighting - Red - 04 E 53

    Warning - Yellow - 08 E 51

    Fresh Water - Auxiliary Blue - 18 E 53

    *olours may be painted onto pipes or applied using adhesive labels that !rap

    around the pipe. BS 1710 also allo!s for user3dened custom colors to provide

    more detailed information. s !hen Safety *olours are used, the user dened color

    is located in a band bet!een bands of the reuired "dentication *olours.

    ontent $nformation ! ode $ndications

    The British Standard 1710 pipe maring code reuires that information about pipe

    contents be provided using at least one of the follo!ing methods

    • the full name

    • the common abbreviation of the name

    • the chemical symbol

    • the refrigerant number as specied in British Standard &'0

    • the appropriate colour bands (including specic color coding specied for medical and

    general building services, and optional colour bands for refrigeration services).

  • 8/20/2019 Semnalizare Conducta


    The above *ode "ndications must be at least at the specied locations for pipe

    marers, and there must al!ays be a *ode "ndication ne=t to any banding.

    ipe content names, abbreviations, symbols and numbers must be printed in either

    blac or !hite, !hichever provides the best contrast. The *ode "ndications are to be

    placed directly on the pipe or on a label placed on the pipe. The bacground colour

    of the label must match the safety identication color.

    $ndicating The Direction %f #low

    The direction of the 4uid 4o! in a pipe is to be indicated by an arro! located near

    the basic "dentication *olor. The arro! may be either !hite or blac, !hichever

    provides the best contrast. "f a label !ith the "dentication *olour is being used,

    the direction of 4o! is indicated by the pointed end of this label.

    2ritish *tandard 3435 Pipe Markers

    The most common and economical !ay to be in compliance !ith British Standard

    1710 is to use adhesive baced pipe marer labels. dhesive BS 1710 pipe marers

    are easy to mae and apply, and if you are using a 5ura-abel printer, they are

    economical, durable, and you can al!ays get the right material for the conditions

    (as reuired by BS 1710).

    USA CFR Line markers for mains and transmission lines.

    (a) Buried pipelines. Except as provided inparagraph (b) of this section, a line marker must be

    placed and maintained as close as practical over each buried main and transmission line:

    (1) At each crossing of a public road and railroad; and

    (2) Wherever necessary to identify the location of the transmission line or main to reduce the

    possibility of damage or interference.

    (b) Exceptions for buried pipelines. Line markers are not required for the following pipelines:

    (1) Mains and transmission lines locatedoffshore, or at crossings of or under waterways and other

    bodies of water.

    (2) Mains in Class 3 or Class 4 locations where a damage prevention program is in effect under §


  • 8/20/2019 Semnalizare Conducta


    (3) Transmission lines in Class 3 or 4 locations until March 20, 1996.

    (4) Transmission lines in Class 3 or 4 locations where placement of a line marker is impractical.

    (c) Pipelines aboveground. Line markers must be placed and maintained along each section of a

    main and transmission line that is located aboveground in an area accessible to the public.

    (d) Marker warning. The following must be written legibly on a background of sharply

    contrasting color on each line marker:

    (1) The word “Warning,” “Caution,” or “Danger” followed by the words “Gas (or name of gas

    transported) Pipeline” all of which, except for markers in heavily developed urban areas,

    must be in letters at least 1 inch (25 millimeters) high with 1/4 inch (6.4 millimeters) stroke. 

    (2) The name of theoperator and the telephone number (including area code) where the

    operator can be reached at all times.

  • 8/20/2019 Semnalizare Conducta


    !"#$ %0& - dentification 'olours (or )ipes 'onve*ing (luids n +iuid "r

    aseous 'onditions n +and nstallations And "n oard !/ips

    "5S6 7.8.- Safet' %olors

    !" 0012300 rap/ical s*mbols -- )ublic information symbols

    !" 01023011 rap/ical s*mbols -- !afet* colours and safet* signs --

    *egistered safety signs

    !" 4&56-123011 rap/ical s*mbols -- !afet* colours and safet* signs -- )art

    12 Design principles for safety signs and safety markings

    !" 4&56-323006 rap/ical s*mbols -- !afet* colours and safet* signs -- )art32 Design principles for product safety labels

    !" 4&56-423013 rap/ical s*mbols -- !afet* colours and safet* signs -- )art

    42 Design principles for graphical symbols for use in safety signs

    !" 4&56-623011 rap/ical s*mbols -- !afet* colours and safet* signs -- )art

    62 +olorimetric and photometric properties of safety sign materials

    !" 91&5-123016 rap/ical s*mbols -- 7est met/ods -- )art 12 ethod for

    testing comprehensibility 

    !" 91&5-32300& rap/ical s*mbols -- 7est met/ods -- )art 32 ethod for

    testing perceptual quality 

    !" 91&5-423016 rap/ical s*mbols -- 7est met/ods -- )art 42 ethod for

    testing symbol referent association 

    !"#'D 1505923006 rap/ical s*mbols -- !afet* signs -- "afety way guidance

    systems "&"/

    !" 149&23006 !afet* colours and safet* signs -- +lassification, performance

    and durability of safety signs

    8' &0615-12300&asic principles for grap/ical s*mbols for use on euipment

    -- )art 12 +reation of graphical symbols for registration

  • 8/20/2019 Semnalizare Conducta


    !" &0615-323001 asic principles for grap/ical s*mbols for use on euipment

    -- )art 32 0orm and use of arrows

    8' &0615-423003 asic principles for grap/ical s*mbols for use on

    euipment -- )art 42 &uidelines for the application of graphical symbols

  • 8/20/2019 Semnalizare Conducta


  • 8/20/2019 Semnalizare Conducta
