Environmental Monitoring Report Semestral Report June 2016 For the period January - June 2015 IND: Jammu and Kashmir Urban Sector Development Investment Program, Project 2 Prepared by the Economic Reconstruction Agency for the Government of Jammu and Kashmir and the Asian Development Bank. This environmental monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

Semi-annual Environmental Monitoring Report · This environmental monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of

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Page 1: Semi-annual Environmental Monitoring Report · This environmental monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of

Environmental Monitoring Report

Semestral Report June 2016 For the period January - June 2015

IND: Jammu and Kashmir Urban Sector

Development Investment Program, Project 2

Prepared by the Economic Reconstruction Agency for the Government of Jammu and Kashmir

and the Asian Development Bank.

This environmental monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

Page 2: Semi-annual Environmental Monitoring Report · This environmental monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of

Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report

Loan Number: 2925 IND Period: January 2015 to June 2015

IND: Jammu and Kashmir Urban Sector Development Investment Program

Submitted By:

Economic Reconstruction Agency, Government of Jammu and Kashmir

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1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 1

2. COMPLIANCE STATUS WITH NATIONAL /STATE /LOCAL STATUTORY ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS .................................................................... 6

3. COMPLIANCE STATUS WITH THE ENVIRONMENTAL COVENANTS AS STIPULATED IN THE LOAN AGREEMENT ......................................................... 11


5. APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY ENGAGED FOR ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING OF THE PROJECT ........................................................................ 16



8. DETAILS OF COMPLAINTS RECEIVED FROM PUBLIC AND ACTIONS TAKEN THEREOF TO RESOLVE ......................................................................... 48

9. FOLLOW-UP ACTIONS AND CONCLUSIONS ..................................................... 48


APPENDIX-2: PUBLIC CONSULTATION ATTENDANCE DETAILS OF FLYOVER AT KRALPORA PLANT SITE .............................................................. 50






APPENDIX-8: SAMPLING SITE LOCATION MAP OF MULTI-STORIED PARKING LOT AT LAL CHOWK, SRINAGAR ..................................................... 56



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1.1. Overall Project Description:

1. The State of Jammu and Kashmir lies in the northernmost part of the country and

shares international border with Pakistan and China. This physiographic situation

attaches strategic importance to the region as well as the infrastructural development in

the state. The state has three main geographical regions namely Jammu, Kashmir valley

and highlands of Ladakh. As per details from Census 2011, Jammu and Kashmir has

population of 1.25 Crores, an increase from figure of 1.01 Crore in 2001 census. The

population forms 1.04% of India in 2011, compared to 0.99% in 2001. As per census

2011, the Sex Ratio of female is 889 per 1000 male, which is below national average of

940. While, in 2001 the sex ratio of female was 900 per 1000 males. The literacy rate

has seen an upward trend at 67.16% as per 2011 census as compared to the national

literacy rate of 64.80%, while in 2001 literacy rate stood at 55.52%.

2. Jammu and Srinagar are the two major cities where majority of urban population is

concentrated while other smaller towns share the rest. Urban infrastructure in these

places for long has been neglected and hence, is subject to severe urban infrastructure

problems. Although, at least, majority of population in Jammu and Srinagar cities have

been provided with piped water supplies, the other urban amenities remain neglected.

This is mainly due to meager investments made in the urban infrastructure either by

private or by public sector.

3. The Government of Jammu and Kashmir (GoJK), apart from the ADB financed Multi-

Sector Project for Infrastructure Rehabilitation (MPIR) in Jammu and Kashmir, again

approached ADB for assistance in urban sector development for more development

works and studies so as to implement comprehensively the urban sector reforms. The

GoJK through Jammu and Kashmir Economic Reconstruction Agency has conceived the

Jammu and Kashmir Urban Sector Development Investment Program (JKUSDIP) in its

effort to boost economic growth in Jammu and Kashmir State. The primary objective of

JKUSDIP is to promote economic development in Jammu and Kashmir State through

expansion of basic services such as water supply, sewerage, sanitation, drainage, solid

waste management, urban transport and other municipal functions in Jammu, Srinagar

and other important urban centers of the State. JKUSDIP will also strengthen the service

delivery capacity of the responsible state urban agencies and urban local bodies through

management reforms, capacity building and training.

1.2. Project Objectives:

4. The proposed JKUSDIP will foster the economic growth in Jammu and Kashmir State. The long term Project objectives are to contribute to the economic development of Jammu and Kashmir through enhanced and sustainable growth in the main urban areas with emphasis on promoting commerce and on improvement of livelihood for the poor.

5. The urban sector sub-projects are aimed at expansion of basic services such as

water supply, sanitation, waste management, urban transport and other municipal

functions in Jammu and Srinagar cities and other urban centers in order to cater to the

demands and requirements of the increasing population. The overall program envisages

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the following broad benefits:

i. Improved water supply system ii. Improved sewerage/drainage systems iii. Improved solid waste management iv. Improved road and traffic (urban transport) conditions v. Other municipal facilities

1.3. Environmental Category:

6. The Project 2 under JKUSDIP was categorized as Environmental Category “B”, according to ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement-2009. All the subprojects under

execution in Srinagar and Jammu have been categorized as Category “B”. 1.4. Environmental Performance Indicators, if any:

7. For effective monitoring, selected environmental parameters have been identified as

indicators which may be qualitatively and quantitatively measured and compared over a period of time in order to assess/ensure the compliance to environmental management plans (EMPs). The environmental performance indicators selected are physical, biological and social characteristics identified as most important in affecting the environment at critical locations all along the sub-project corridors. The parameters identified as performance indicators are:

i. Compliance with environmental management and monitoring plan. ii. Compliance to State/National environmental regulations. iii. Monitoring of ambient air quality, water quality and noise levels and

comparison with baseline environmental quality and State/National standards.

1.5. Overall project progress, agreed milestones and implementation schedules:

8. In Srinagar, construction work for the following three sub-projects are in progress:

i. Construction of Elevated Expressway Corridor from Jehangir Chowk to Rambagh- Natipora in Srinagar City (Physical progress of 28.08%).

ii. Construction of Multi-storied mechanized Parking Facility at KMDA Stand in Srinagar city (Physical progress of 13.75%).

iii. Construction of storm water drains in the adjoining areas of NH-Bypass in Srinagar (Physical progress of 22.59%).

9. In Jammu, construction work for the following fivesub-projects are in progress:

i. Construction of Bikram Chowk Flyover and Widening /Strengthening of Road

from Bikram Chowk to Govt. Women’s Degree College on Bikram Chowk–Satwari Chowk Road Corridor, Jammu Under Contract Package JKUSDIP Jammu/UT-01 (Physical Progress of 26.87).

ii. Rehabilitation and Channelization of Storm Water Drains at Channi Himmat in Jammu City, Under Contract Package JKUSDIP Jammu/SWD-02 (Physical progress of 48.67%).

iii. Construction of Tube wells, Installation Water Supply Rehabilitation Programme (19 Nos, tube well) (lot-1 =12 Nos. & lot-2=7) Under Contract Package JKUSDIP Jammu/ WS-01 (Physical progress of 11.52%)

iv. Replacement of Worn-out pipe lines, laying of new pipelines in distribution

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network and Construction of OHT at Jammu city Under Contract Package JKUSDIP Jammu/ WS-02 (Physical progress of 3.90%).

v. Rehabilitation and Channelization of Storm Water drain at Gangyal and Digiana areas in Jammu City JKUSDIP Jammu / SWD-01 (Physical progress of 41.41%).

1.6. Any other information useful for assessing environmental performance

of the project:

10. Sensitisation Workshop with Contractors on Gender responsive targets and Core Labour Standards In order to attain one of the objectives enlisted in the gender action plan, i) to build awareness on gender issues and to ensure labour safety and safeguard; ERA organized 3 workshops at the construction sites of Tranche-2 in collaboration with the consultants and contractors to develop understanding on gender awareness, social inclusion, core labour standards and safeguard of the labours and local community. The workshop cum training programme were organized on 11thand 12th May in Srinagar in the following locations

Kralpora Labor Camp Site – Jehangir Chowk Flyover Project

Rawalpora Drainage Construction Site – Rawalpora Chanpora Drainage Project

Pantha Chowk – Storm Water Drainage at Athwajan along NH Bypass Multi-Level Parking Site - Multi-Level Parking Project

11. The workshop sessions were divided into three parts (i) inaugural session (ii) generic and site specific discussion on Gender and Safety and Safeguards of workers and local communities along the working corridor (iii) interactive discussion with labours/ workers and finding solutions to challenges.

The key areas of discussion are as follows:

The co-relation between infrastructure, gender, improved health and hygiene;

The importance of the safety gears (Personal Protective Equipment) and constant use while on site/ during construction activity. Few real life examples were also shared with the labours as a motivation to wear safety gears;

Brief introduction on applicable labour Laws and issues like minimum wages and insurance policy, provisions against use of child labour and equal wages irrespective of gender, caste / creed and religion.

The provision of environmental protection in every contract document and implementation of EMP.

12. Nearly 200 participants belonging to ERA, Contractors (site workers and officials), PMC and DSC participated in the said workshops. Most importantly site workers participated positively and openly discussed their concerns. Many even openly admitted to their reluctance for using Personal Protective Equipment while as some workers opined that adequate PPE were not provided timely by the contactor. Every point were discussed earnestly and possible solutions were also discussed.

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Photographs of the Workshop

Workshop in progress at construction site near Pantha Chowk under “Construction of Surface water drainage system in Athwajan catchment on National highway Byepass at Srinagar”

Workshop in progress at construction site at Labour Camp, Kralpora under “Construction of Flyover / Expressway Corridor from Jehangir Chowk to Rambagh- Natipura in Srinagar City”

Workshop in progress at construction site at “Multi-Storied Parking Facility at Lal Chowk Srinagar“

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A Safeguard induction training program was also conducted on safeguard issues and application of Environmental Management Plan (EMP) at DSC office, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu on 14th April 2015.

13. Team Leader, DSC Jammu, Construction Manager of DSC, Project Manager of

contractors, Supervision Engineers and Safety Officers of contractor, and Support Engineers of DSC and Support Environment Specialist of DSC participated in the Training Program.

14. Team Leader, DSC Jammu, Construction Manager of DSC, Project Manager of contractors, Supervision Engineers and Safety Officers of contractor, and Support Engineers of DSC and Support Environment Specialist of DSC participated in the Training Program.

15. Public consultation was conducted for the subprojects under Tranche-2. During

consultation with different stakeholders, some of the issues addressed by public were

mostly “dust generation”related of Flyover and Storm Water drainage in Srinagar. They have also suggested measures apart from normal water sprinkling by way of water

tankers like “frequent mopping and scrapping of the left-over soil produced from

excavation activities” must be implemented in order to suppress dust comprehensively. Same has been instructed to the contracting firms for implementation. Refer section 6.4

under air Quality data and comparison, which depicts RSPM10 values of Jan-June 2015

below baseline data. This shows the effective EMP implementation.

16. Whereas, public has no issue pertaining to ongoing works of the parking lot at Lal

Chowk. However, they have shown a keen interest for early completion of the project so

that the concerned area of the Lal Chowk will have a better parking facility of that quality.

Refer Appendix 1-4 for Public Consultation (Participation) details.

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17. Status of statutory environmental requirements is shown in the following table:

S. N. Name of Sub-project Statutory Environmental Requirements

Status of Compliance Actions Required

1. Construction of Flyover/Expressway Corridor from JehangirChowk to Rambagh – Natipora in Srinagar.

Environmental clearance under EIA Notification, 2006.

Not Required. Contractor instructed to comply and follow-up with SPCB for the required renewal of consents for the (2 no) batching plants, (11 no) D.G sets on priority basis. Contractor was also assisted in getting the early process at SPCB level. Fresh renewal of consents expecting soon.

Approval for tree cutting

Permission obtained from the concerned authority PIU for cutting of 13 no’s Chinar trees (all trees cleared by concerned department)

Consent to establish/ operate Batch Mix Plant

Batch Mix Plant: 2 No’s installed at Kralpora, Budgam. Consent to Establish details:

60 RDK of 2013 Dated: 30/10/2013 (Capacity-216000 m


61 RDK of 2013 Dated: 30/10/2013 (Capacity-216000 m


Consent to Operate details: (Validity upto March 2015)

108 RDK of 2014 Dated: 29/03/2014 (Capacity-216000 m


112 of RDK of 2014 Dated: 29/03/2014 (Capacity-216000 m


Contractor has initiated the process of renewal of Consent to operate 2 No of Batch plants vide application no: 02/SRINAGAR-FLYOVER/P&A/001/VOL.1/338 Dated 20-03-2015

Consent to operate for stone crusher.

Stone crusher Plant (Outsourced):

Consent no: 1593 of 2015, Valid up to January 2016

The stone aggregate material is being procured from approved Stone Crusher Plants. Other outsourced plants from the contractor awaited.

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Program Management Consulting Services

Consent to establish & operate Hot Mix Plant

Hot Mix Plant : Consent obtained and valid up to Feb 2016

Consent to establish and operate DG Sets

D.G Sets: Consent of Operate (Consent submitted details as below):

109 RDK of 2014 Dated: 29/03/2014 (1 No-125KVA)

110 RD of 2014 Dated: 29/03/2014 (1 No- 82.5 KVA)

111 RDK of 2014 dated: 29/03/2014 (1 No- 250 KVA)

97 of 2014 Dated: 22/05/2014 (2 No’s- 125 & 82.5 KVA)

Renewal processes initiated by the contractor vide application no. 012/Srinagar/flyover/ P&A/001/vol-1/337 dated 20-03-2015.

PUC certificates for contractor’s vehicles.

Submitted by contractor

2. Construction of Multi-storied mechanized parking facility on M A Road near Lal Chowk Srinagar.

Environmental clearance under EIA Notification (MoEF), 2006.

Not required. Contractor directed to comply with fresh consent of Stone crusher plant from the plant owner. Since contractor is procuring stone aggregate from outsourced agency.

Approval for tree cutting Not required

Consent to establish/ operate Stone Crusher Plant from SPCB

Stone Crusher Plant (Outsourced): 902 of 2013, Valid up to September 2014 (Consent expired- renewal initiated). The aggregate material is being procured from approved crusher plant.

Consent to establish/ operate for Batching Plant

Batching Plant (Mini- mobile type): Consent No: 43 of 2014, Dated:25/04/2014 Validity expired

Renewal process to SPCB initiated by the contractor.

Consent to establish/ operate DG Sets from SPCB.

D.G Set: Consent No: 44 of 2014 Dated: 25/04/2014 valid upto April 2015

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Renewal process to SPCB initiated by the contractor.

PUC certificates for contractor’s vehicles.

Submitted by the Contractor.

3. Construction of Surface Water Drainage System in Athwajan catchment on national Highway Bypass at Srinagar.

Environmental clearance under EIA Notification, 2006.

Not Required.

Contractor directed to comply and follow-up with SPCB for the required consents (1 no) D.G set on priority basis.

Approval for tree cutting. Not required

Consent to operate for Stone Crusher Plant from SPCB.

The aggregate material is being procured from approved crusher plant. Consent No. 119 of 2015, valid upto April 2016

Consent to operate for HMM Plant from SPCB.

HMM Plant Consent No: 1593 of 2015, Valid up to January 2016

Consent to establish/ operate DG Sets from SPCB.

D.G Set Consents (to establish/ operate) yet to submit. Contractor applied to SPCB vide PCB/1980/DR Sabina and is under process

PUC certificates for contractor’s vehicles.

Submitted by Contractor.


4 Construction of Bikram Chowk Flyover and Widening/ Strengthening of Road from Bikram Chowk to Govt. Women’s Degree College on Bikram Chowk – Satwari Chowk Road Corridor, Jammu Under Contract Package JKUSDIP Jammu/UT-01

Approval for tree cutting

Approval for tree cutting obtained from the concerned department.

Consent to establish and operate stone crusher

Stone aggregate material is being procured from approved Stone Crusher Plant. Copy of consent letter from utility owner obtained and submitted by contractor. Consents to operate (Renewal) for stone crusher vide consent no148 of 2015 dated 21-04-2015 valid up to November 2015.

Consent to establish and operate concrete batching plant

Consents to Establish / Operate of Batching plant vide consent no: 190 of 2014 dated 05-03-2014 valid upto March 4, 2015.

Contractor applied for Consents to Establish / Operate (Renewal) of Batching plant and renewal awaited.

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Consent of D.G. set Contractor using 3 DG Sets- Consents to establish / operate for D.G set (35 KVA) vide consent no: 191 of 2014 dated 05-03-2014 valid upto March 4, 2017. Obtained and submitted by the Contractor.

Contractor applied to SPCB for Consents to establish / operate for second and third D.G set (25 KVA and 65 KVA). Submission awaited.

PUC certificates for contractor’s vehicles

Obtained and submitted by the Contractor.

5. Rehabilitation and Channelization of Storm Water Drains at Channi Himmat in Jammu City, Under Contract Package JKUSDIP Jammu/SWD-02

Approval for tree cutting.

134 numbers of trees (non-scheduled) are coming in the alignment of R1 and R2 drains. Permission of tree cutting is required and process of permission through PIU (ERA) in process.

Letter for the permission of tree cutting has been issued by the competent authority.

Consent to establish and operate stone crusher

Stone aggregate material is being procured from approved Stone Crusher Plant having the Consent to operate (renewed) from SPCB vide consent No. 1563 of 2014, dated 24-03-2014. Valid up to March 2015.

Contractor asked to get the copy of consent certificate (renewal) from utility owner for submission.

PUC certificates for contractor’s vehicles.

Obtained and submitted by the contractor

6. Construction of Tube wells, Installation Water Supply Rehabilitation Programme (19 Nos, tube well) (lot-1 =12 Nos. & lot-2=7) Under Contract Package JKUSDIP Jammu/ WS-01

Approval for tree cutting

Cutting of Forest tree or any other schedule tree not required

Consent to establish and operate stone crusher

Obtained and submitted by the Contractor

PUC certificates for contractor’s vehicles

Obtained and submitted by the Contractor

7. Replacement of Worn-out pipe lines, laying of new pipelines in

Approval for tree cutting

Cutting of Forest tree or any other schedule tree not required

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Program Management Consulting Services

distribution network and Construction of OHT at Jammu city Under Contract Package JKUSDIP Jammu/ WS-02

Consent to establish and operate stone crusher

Obtained and submitted by the Contractor

PUC certificates for contractor’s vehicles

Obtained and submitted by the Contractor.

8. Rehabilitation and Channelization of Storm Water drain at Gangyal and Digiana areas in Jammu City JKUSDIP Jammu/ SWD-01

Approval for tree cutting

Cutting of Forest tree or any other Schedule tree not required.

Consent to establish and operate stone crusher

Stone aggregate material is being procured from approved Stone Crusher plant having the Consent to operate from SPCB vide consent No. 179 of 2014 dated 15-12-2014 valid up to 14-12- 2015.

Consent to establish and operate for Batch mix plant

Obtained from SPCB vide consent no: 1317 of 2014 dated 18-11-2014 valid upto 17-11-2015. and submitted by the Contractor.

PUC certificates for contractor’s vehicles

Obtained and submitted by the Contractor

Consent of D.G set. Consent of one D.G set awaited To pursue for submission of consent of DG set from Contractor.

9. Replacement of Worn-out machineries and electrical equipment including essential civil works in Tube wells and Central Pumping Station (CPS) at Jammu City Water Supply Rehabilitation Programme under Contract Package JKUSDIP Jammu / WS – 03.

Approval for tree cutting

Cutting of Forest tree or any other schedule tree not required

Consent to establish and operate stone crusher

Not required at this stage because no physical work started yet.

PUC certificates for contractor’s vehicles

Not required at this stage because no physical work started yet.

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3. Compliance Status with the Environmental Covenants as Stipulated in the Loan Agreement

18. The status of compliance with environmental loan covenants of Tranche-2 is presented below:

Loan Covenants Compliance status

The Borrower shall ensure, or cause the EA to ensure that;

the preparation, design, construction, implementation, operation and decommissioning of the project, and all subproject facilities comply with; (i)all applicable laws and regulations of the Borrower and the State relating to environment, health, safety; (ii) the Environmental Safeguards;(iii) EARF; and (iv) all measures and requirements set forth in the respective IEE and EMP, and any corrective or preventative actions set forth in a Safeguards Monitoring Report.

Being complied with.

All bidding documents and contracts for Works contain provisions that require contractors to:-

Comply with the measures and requirements relevant to the contractor set forth in the IEE and EMP; and any corrective or preventive actions set out in a Safeguards Monitoring Report.

The bidding documents and contract agreements for work are incorporated with the provisions set forth in the IEE and EMP and are being complied with.

Make available a budget for all such environmental measures.

Environmental monitoring and mitigation costs allocated/ incorporated in contract agreements.

Provide the EA with a written notice of any unanticipated environmental impacts that arise during construction, implementation or operation of the project that were not considered in the IEE and in the EMP.

Being complied with

Adequately record the condition of roads, agricultural land and other infrastructure prior to starting to transport materials and construction.

The existing condition of roads and other infrastructure has been recorded in the form of photographs and video recording as well.

Fully reinstate pathways, other local infrastructure, and agricultural land to at least their pre-project condition upon the completion of construction.

All the areas that if disturbed by construction activities will be cleared and restored to pre-project condition.

Submitsemi-annual Safeguards Monitoring to ADBand disclose relevant information from such reports to affected persons promptly upon submission;

Semi-annual reports are prepared and submitted to ADB as per the guidelines.

If any unanticipated environmental risks and impacts arise during construction, implementation or operation of the Project that were not considered in the IEE and EMP as applicable, promptly inform ADB of the occurrence of such risks or impacts, with detailed description of the event and proposed corrective action plan; and

In case of any unanticipated environmental risks and impacts arise during construction, implementation or operation of the Project that were not considered in the IEE and EMP as applicable that shall be immediately informed to ADB with detailed description of the event and proposed corrective action plan.

Report any breach of compliance with the measures and requirements set forth in the EMP, promptly after becoming aware of the breach.

Breach will be reported to ADB immediately after becoming aware of it.

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ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTATION AS AGREED WITH ADB. 19. The compliance status with environmental management and monitoring plan is shown in the following table:

S. No Sub-project Name EMP Part of Contract Documents

EMP Being Implemented

Status of EMP Implementation

Actions Proposed/ Additional Corrective Measures Required

(Yes/No) (Yes/No) (Excellent/ Satisfactory/ Partially Satisfactory/ Below Satisfaction)

1. Construction of Flyover/ Expressway Corridor from JehangirChowk to Rambagh - Natipora in Srinagar.

Yes Yes Satisfactory Frequency of water sprinkling to be increased at Section –D. Necessary safety measures should be taken during girder launching and other activities by way of cranes and heavy machinery

2. Construction of Multi-storied mechanized parking facility on M A Road near Lal Chowk Srinagar.

Yes Yes Satisfactory

3. Construction of Surface Water Drainage System in Athwajan catchment on national Highway Bypass at Srinagar.

Yes Yes Partially Satisfactory At dust prone or sensitive zones where traffic movement more frequent “regular mopping and scrapping of the left-over soil produced from excavation activities” must be implemented in order to suppress dust comprehensively and to be followed by water sprinkling measures.

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Program Management Consulting Services

Contractor to ensure further strengthening of traffic and public safety measures at NH road. .



Construction of Bikram Chowk Flyover & Widening/Strengthening of Road from Bikram Chowk to Govt. Women’s Degree College on Bikram Chowk-SatwariChowk Road Corridor, Jammu Under Contract Package JKUSDIP Jammu/UT-01




For previous non-compliance of EMP measures certain amount from IPCs of contractors was deducted and the details for the same are mentioned in table-(a).


Rehabilitation and Channelization of Storm Water Drains at ChanniHimmat in Jammu City, Under Contract Package JKUSDIP Jammu/SWD-02/



Partially Satisfactory

Contractor is continuously instructed to strengthen PPEs for workers, traffic safety measures, and to further improve dust suppression measures by way of frequent water sprinkling at dust prone zones.

6 Rehabilitation and Channelization of Storm Water drain at Gangyal and Digiana areas in Jammu City JKUSDIP Jammu / SWD-01





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Construction of Tube wells, Installation Water Supply Rehabilitation Programme (19 Nos, tube well) (lot-1 =12 Nos. &lot-2=7) Under Contract Package JKUSDIP Jammu/ WS-01






Replacement of Worn-out pipe lines, laying of new pipelines in distribution network and Construction of OHT at Jammu city Under Contract Package JKUSDIP Jammu/ WS-02





9. Replacement of Worn-out machineries and electrical equipment including essential civil works in Tube wells and Central Pumping Station (CPS) at Jammu City Water Supply Rehabilitation Programme under Contract Package JKUSDIP Jammu / WS – 03.



Physical Work not yet started

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20. Details of amount deducted from the IPC's for Non-compliance of various components of EMP,in

accordance with ERA Circular No.: ERA/CEO/1038/ADM/9629-42, DATED 10/01/2013, during

the period January 2015 – June 2015.

Table-4a: Updated status ofamount withheld from the IPC's for Non-compliance of EMP, Srinagar

Table-4b: Updated status of amount withheld from the IPC's for Non-compliance of EMP, Jammu

S. No. Contract Package Bill No. Total Recommended

Deductions 1 Construction of Flyover/Expressway Corridor from

Jehangir Chowk to Rambagh – Natipora in Srinagar. IPC-14th 1,24370 IPC-15th 2,53528

2 Construction of Surface Water Drainage System in Athwajan catchment on National Highway Bypass at Srinagar.

IPC-7th 9,21,351

S. No. Contract Package Bill No. Total Recommended

Deductions 1 Rehabilitation and Channelization of Storm Water

Drains at ChanniHimmat in Jammu City, Under Contract Package JKUSDIP Jammu/SWD-02/

1. IPC -10 57864 2. IPC -11 55530

2 Construction of Bikram Chowk Flyover & Widening/Strengthening of Road from Bikram Chowk to Govt. Women’s Degree College on Bikram Chowk-SatwariChowk Road Corridor, Jammu Under Contract Package JKUSDIP Jammu/UT-01

IPC-09 163160

3 Construction of Tube wells, Installation Water Supply Rehabilitation Programme (19 Nos, tube well) (lot-1 =12 Nos. & lot-2=7) Under Contract Package JKUSDIP Jammu/ WS-01

IPC-04 (LOT- 1)


IPC-04 (LOT- 2)


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21. In Srinagar and Jammu, construction work on eight packages is under execution. All Contractors

have nominated and mobilized Environmental Safety Officers for ensuring EMP implementation at

site and reporting thereof. Monthly environmental reports are being submitted at the end of each

month by the Contractors.

22. Site visit/ inspections are being carried out on regular basis to assess the EMP implementation of

Tranche-2 subprojects under execution.

23. The safeguards staff conducts frequent site visits to monitor the implementation of safeguard

measures on sites and report to concerned official about issues/problems related to environmental

non-compliance. Necessary directions in the form of corrective action measures, in case of non-

compliances, are being issued to the contractors on the site and through letters about the

procedures to resolve problems/issues or requirements.


1.7. Monitoring basis:

24. Air quality, water quality and noise levels are required to be monitored to check if any adverse

impact is being caused by the construction activities. The monitoring of these variables is to be

carried out in construction areas at sensitive locations within 100m impact zone of the subproject.

The monitoring of environmental variables is being carried out as per the agreed Environmental

Monitoring Plan.

1.8. Type of environmental receptor/attribute to be monitored(for each type):

25. The environmental attributes to be monitored include the air, noise and water quality parameters at

the construction sites in sub-project corridors. The air quality parameters monitored include RSPM

(PM10) and (PM2.5), SO2 and NO2. The water quality parameters include temperature, pH, electrical

conductivity (EC), dissolved oxygen (DO), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), chemical oxygen

demand (COD), total suspended solids (TSS), total dissolved solids (TDS), Turbidity, Total

Alkalinity, Total hardness, Calcium Hardness and Magnesium Hardness. In case of noise, the day

time Leq values are monitored.

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1.9. Methodology, Regulatory Standards of monitoring and equipment’s adopted for Environmental Monitoring Laboratory (EML):

26. The following Assessment Methodology, Acceptable Standards and Equipment’s adopted for monitoring:

S.No Parameters Assessment Methodology


Standards Cause for rejection

Equipment’s in Use

A. Ambient Air Quality (2NAAQ Standards, 2009)- Time weighted average

1. RSPM–particulate matter PM10

GravimetricHigh Volume Sampler method (attached with cyclone).

100 µg/m


60 µg/m3

Respirable Dust Sampler, Envirotech -APM 460 BL Digital Balance, Schimadzu – BL-220H

2 3Fine

particulate matter


Gravimetric method. Beta Attenuation



Ambient Fine Dust Sampler, Instrumex.

3. SO2 Modified West and Gaeke Method.

80 µg/m3 High Volume Air

Sampler, Envirotech –APM 460BL. Thermo-electrically cooled gaseous sampling attachment, Envirotech –APM 411TE Digital Spectrophotometer, EI-305.

4. NO2 Modified Jacob &HochheiserMethod.

80 µg/m3 High Volume Air

Sampler, Envirotech –APM 460BL. Thermo-electrically cooled gaseous sampling attachment, Envirotech –APM 411TEDigital Spectrophotometer, EI-305.

B. 4Ambient Noise Level

1. Residential Area

Direct Reading in Decibel Sound Level Meter.

55dB(A) Leq

(Day time)

Digital Sound Level Meter, AZ-8928

2. Commercial Area

Direct Reading in Decibel Sound Level Meter.

65 dB(A) Leq

(Day time))

Digital Sound Level Meter, AZ-8928

1CPHEEO Manual, MoUD, GOI, May 1999; and MoEF, Act and Rules, 1986& Amendments 2000

2 National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)

3 RSPM2.5 sampler procured by the JK ERA and will part of environmental monitoring from next monitoring period.

4 Standards specified in the schedule of Noise Pollution (Regulation And Control) Rules, 2000 of Government of India The

Principal Rules were published in the Gazette of India, vide S.O. 123(E), dated 14.2.2000 and subsequently amended vide

S.O. 1046(E), dated 22.11.2000, S.O. 1088(E), dated 11.10.2002, S.O. 1569 (E), dated 19.09.2006 and S.O. 50 (E) dated

11.01.2010 under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.

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C. 5Ambient Water Quality (For Drinking / Ground Water)

1. Temp (in ºC)

Digital/Mercury Thermometer Method.

>20 ºC Digital/Mercury Thermometer

2. Color (Hazen units)

Hazen Method 5 Platinum cobalt scale

25 -

3. Taste and Odour




4. pH value Electrometric Method.

6.5-8.5 >8.5 Digital pH Meter, HANNA – HI98127,

5. Electrical Conductivity (EC) µs/cm

Electrometric Method.

≤ 500 µs/cm 1000 µs/cm

Digital TDS/EC Meter, HANNA – HI-96311

6. Dissolved Oxygen (DO) mg/l

Winkler's Method Using Azide Modification

> 6 mg/l Winkler's Method

7. Total Suspended Solids (TSS) mg/l

Gravimetric (Filtration and Drying at 105°C)

<120 mg/L Hot Air Oven, Digital Balance, Schimadzu-BL-220H

8. Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) mg/l

Digital Meter Method.

≤ 500 mg/l 2000 mg/l BOD Incubator

9. Turbidity (NTU)

Nephelo Turbidity Method.

1mg/l 10 mg/l Nephelo Turbidity Meter, Systronics – 132

10. Total Hardness (as CaCO3) mg/l

EDTA Titrimetric

300 mg/l 600 mg/l -

11. Total Alkalinity (as CaCO3) mg/l

Titrimetric (Methyl Orange)

200 mg/l 600 mg/l -

12. Calcium Hardness (Ca) mg/l

EDTA Titrimetric

75 mg/l 200 mg/l -

13. Magnesium Hardness (Mg) mg/l

Calculation from total Hardness and Calcium

30 mg/l 150 mg/l -

D. 6Waste Water Quality (Leachate- from Solid waste landfill, Storm/ drain water, dry weather flow and Inland water)

1. Temp (in ºC)

Digital/Mercury Thermometer Method.

Shall notexceed 5


thereceivingwater temperature

Digital/Mercury Thermometer

2. Color (Hazen units) Platinum cobalt scale

- 5

25 -

5 Drinking water Specifications, IS-10500

6 Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants, IS-10500

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3. Odour Objectionable/ Non-objectionable



4. pH value Electrometric Method.

5.5-9.2 Digital pH Meter, HANNA – HI98127,

5. Electrical Conductivity (EC) µs/cm

Electrometric Method.

< 2000 Digital TDS/EC Meter, HANNA – HI-96311

6. Dissolved Oxygen (DO) mg/l

Winkler's Method Using Azide Modification

> 6 mg/L Winkler's Method

7. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) mg/l

Five Days BOD as per APHA 2005

30 mg/l BOD Incubator

8. Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) m/l

Dichromate Method (APHA 2005)

250 mg/l

9. Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) mg/l

Digital Meter Method.

≤500 mg/L 2100 mg/L Digital TDS/EC Meter, HANNA – HI-96311

10. Total Suspended Solids (TSS) mg/l

Gravimetric (Filtration and Drying at 105°C)

<120 mg/L Hot Air Oven, Digital Balance, Schimadzu-BL-220H

11. Turbidity (NTU)

Nephelo Turbidity Method.

5 mg/L 10 mg/L Nephelo Turbidity Meter, Systronics – 132

12. Total Alkalinity (as CaCO3) mg/l

Titrimetric (Methyl Orange)

200 600

Annotation: BOD= biochemical oxygen demand; DO= dissolved oxygen; EC= electrical conductivity; NO2= nitrogen dioxide; PM10= particulate matter with particle size less than 10μ; RSPM= respirable suspended particulate matter; SO2=Sulphur dioxide; TDS= total dissolved solids; TSS= total suspended solids.

1.10. Monitoring results and comparison with statutory requirements at National levels.

27. The environmental monitoring data for air quality, water quality and noise levels for the subprojects

under execution of Tranche-2 at Srinagar and Jammu was carried out during the period of January 2015 to June 2015 by the Environmental Monitoring Laboratory of J&K ERA. Results are tabulated below;

A. Air Quality

28. The results of air quality monitoring conducted during period on various subproject sites are depicted below;

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29. Construction of Flyover/ Expressway Corridor from JehangirChowk to Rambagh/ Natipora, Srinagar

Srinagar Subprojects

Ambient Air Quality Site Code

Quarter Month of Sampling with date

Sampling Site/ Location

Site Type RSPM10 (µg/m






Permissible Limits/ Standards 100 80 80

S-A1 Q1 (Jan-March)

27-03- 2015 Solina (Near Allochibagh)

Commercial 120.45 15.35 19.67

Q2 (April- June)

12-6-2015 116.43 8.22 11.45

S-A2 Q1 (Jan–March)

06-01-2015 Near Bakshi Stadium

Commercial 176.23 18.87 27.44

Q2 (April- June)

11-6-2015 157.60 12.23 21.33

S-A3 Q1 (Jan-March)

05-01-2015 Near School at Solina

Commercial 137.34 14.23 19.67

Q2 (Apr- June)

* * * * *

S-A4 Q1 (Jan- March)

8 Batching Plant/ Labour Camp at Kralpora Site

Residential * * *

Q2 (Apr-June)

29-06-2015 78.56 6.54 8.33

S-A9 Q1 (Jan- March)

* Near Iqra Masjid

Commercial * * *

Q2 (Apr-June)

22-06-2015 161.28 15.74 22.56

*Monitoring of the Air Quality sampling was not possible due to the technical problem with environmental mobile lab (vehicle) and bad weather

30. Air quality monitoring results shows oxide pollutants (SO2& NO2) are within the prescribed

standards however the particulate matter (RSPM10) show value higher than permissible limit

resulting mainly due to the dust generated by ongoing construction related activities at the site

and heavy vehicular movement closer to the site. Whereas, RSPM values of Kralpora batching

plant/ campsite is well within the permissible limits.

31. To effectively improve dust suppression measures, corrective measures were instructed and

implemented for frequent removal (by way of scrapping, mopping etc) of excavated muck/ soil

or loose soil at dust sensitive zones and where traffic movement is frequent and moreover

followed by regular water sprinkling at dust prone zones in order to control the dust emanating

from plying of vehicles.

32. Since the present fugitive dust generation is directly correlated to construction activities and

hence is non-continuous and limited to construction period. The above mitigation measures as

per EMP are being implemented as evident from above results and far below during baseline

monitoring conducted over the project Corridors. The recorded baseline data of RSPM10 Bakshi

Stadium Junction [(Section A & B) and Solina-Tulsi bagh (Section-C)] is 235.45 and

189.36μg/m3.Practically, this shows effective onsite implementation.

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33. The Q2 monitoring carried out at Kralpora Labour Camp site shows all air quality parameters viz;

RSPM10, SO2 and NO2 were within the acceptable criteria and this is attributed to proper

sprinkling system at camp/ batching plant site. The trend of air quality parameters of site S-A1 to

S-A4 and S-A9 is illustrated in Figure-1(a-d) and 2 below;

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Figure 2: Comparative analysis of RSPM10, SO2 and NO2concentration at each monitoring sites of Flyover with NAAQ standard for subprojects in Srinagar.

Figure 2: Comparative analysis of RSPM10, SO2 and NO2concentration at different monitoring sites of Flyover with NAAQ standard for subprojects in Srinagar.

Construction of Multi-Storied Mechanized Car Parking Facility at Lal Chowk, Srinagar

Srinagar Subprojects

Site Code

Quarter Month of Sampling with date

Sampling Site/ Location

Site Type RSPM10 (µg/m






Permissible Limits/ Standards

100 80 80 S-A5 Q1

(Jan-March) March 12-03-2015

Outside Parking Lot (Towards Barbarshah)

Commercial 126.4 13.54 10.54

Q2 (Apr-June)

June 08-06-2015

Outside Parking Lot (Towards Barbarshah)

Commercial 121.38 11.32 15.78

S-A6 Q1 (Jan-March)

March 19-03-2015

Within Parking Lot

Commercial 89.56 10.45 13.29

Q2 (Apr-June)

June 09-06-2015

Within Parking Lot

Commercial 94.43 10.71 14.12

34. The RSPM10 results shows higher values of particulate matter outside parking lot (towards

Barbarshah) while monitoring conducted for inside parking lot shows RSPM10values well within the permissible level. Whereas, the oxide pollutants (SO2 & NO2) were well within the prescribed standards.

35. RSPM10 values were 2-5% higher than baseline characteristics and are attributed to the heavy vehicular movement near site domain and settling of fine dust/ silt in and around the Lal Chowk area due to the September 2014 floods and ongoing different construction activities. This is the main reason of dust generation outside subproject area. Air quality results are illustrated in Figure 3a, 3b and 4 of Site S-A5 and S-A6.

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Fig 3a and 3b: Showing Air Quality characteristics inside and outside parking lot.

Figure 4: Concentration of RSPM (PM10), SO2 and NO2 of monitoring site (Parking Lot- S-A5 & S-A6) with NAAQ standards in Srinagar subprojects.

36. Construction of Storm Water Drainage along National Highway, Athwajan in Srinagar

Srinagar Subprojects

Site Code

Quarter Month of Sampling with date

Sampling Site/ Location

Site Type RSPM10 (µg/m






Permissible Limits/ Standards

100 80 80 S-A7 Q1


March 13-03-2015

Near Construction Site (Within 100 mtr. impact corridor from School at Athwajan/ Panthachowk)

Commercial 143.21 18.32 24.11

Q2 (Apr-June)

June 13-06-2015

153.73 16.81 20.37

37. The monitoring results indicate that the oxide pollutants (SO2& NO2) are within the permissible

limits. The particulate matter (RSPM)10 shows higher values exceeds the prescribed limits in

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both Q1 and Q2 monitoring at S-A7 resulting mainly due to the fugitive dust generation from plying of heavy National Highway traffic at Pantha-Chowk Athwajan Junction (National Highway- 1A road) and partly due to the construction related activity on trunk drain and wind driven dust.

38. To effectively improve dust suppression measures, corrective measures were instructed and

implemented for frequent removal (by way of scrapping, mopping etc) of excavated muck/ soil

or loose soil at dust sensitive zones (throughout the NH-1A corridor) as traffic movement is

frequent and moreover followed by regular water sprinkling at dust prone zones. This has

improved the situation and contractor was further instructed to follow strict dust suppression


39. These impacts are temporary (till completion of construction period) and are mitigated through

proper implementation of EMP. The RSPM10 values stands well below the baseline

characteristics of the said site domain area.

40. Air quality characteristics of subproject as illustrated in Figure-5 below;

Figure 5: Concentration of RSPM (PM10), SO2 and NO2 at monitoring site near construction (100 mtr. impact corridor from school at Athwajan/ Pantha-chowk junction) with NAAQ standards in Srinagar subprojects.

41. Air Quality Monitoring Results of sub-projects executed under Tranche – II, Jammu Air Quality- Jammu Subprojects (Tranche – 2)

Site Code

Quarter Month of Sampling with date

Sampling Site/ Location

Site Type PM 2.5 RSPM10 (µg/m






Permissible Limits

60 100 80 80 Construction of Elevated Expressway Corridor (flyover) from Bikram Chowk to Gandhi Nagar in Jammu City.

S1 Q1 23-01-15 Bikram Chowk near starting point of flyover.

Residential, Rural and

other areas

130.20 24.24 66.36

Q2 10-04-15 179.66 31.77 88.92

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S2 Q1 29-01-15 Women College, Gandhi nagar

Residential, Rural and

other areas

112.31 23.16 74.24

Q2 22-04-15 134.46 31.25 60.34

S3 Q1 23-02-15 Bhagwati Nagar near Batching


Residential, Rural and

other areas

107.95 19.73 40.78

Q2 28-04-15 146.39 18.75 33.94

Rehabilitation and Channelization of Storm Water drain at Channi Himmat in Jammu City.

S4 Q1 13-02-15 R-3 Drain (Channi Himmat)

Residential, Rural and

other areas

129.50 30.70 61.10

Q2 28-05-15 176.76 219.19 36.45 58.43

S5 Q1 12-02-15 R-2 Drain (Channi Himmat)

Residential, Rural and

other areas

126.14 24.67 28.08

Q2 30-05-15 101.01 82.94 20.83 39.38

S6 Q1-Q2 10-02-15 R-1 Drain (Channi Himmat)

Residential, Rural and

other areas

93.00 17.54 36.77

Rehabilitation and Channelization of Storm Water drain at Gangyal and Digiana areas in Jammu City

S7 Q1-2 15-05-15 Gangyal Market near Satyam


Residential, Rural and

other areas

113.63 106.02 27.08 55.25

S8 Q1 13-03-15 Channi Himmat, near Tangar Nallah (T4).

Residential, Rural and

other areas

169.30 23.29 60.28

Q2 18-05-15 126.26 106.93 25.52 33.02

S9 Q1-2 10-03-15 Gangyal Nallah at Dilli

Residential, Rural and

other areas

75.41 36.18 49.47

S10 Q1 16-01-15 Batching plant at Chowadi

Residential, Rural and

other areas

133.92 28.50 47.47

Q2 20-05-15 138.88 110.61 29.68 54.62

S11 Q1-2 20-01-15 At the confluence of Gangyal and Digiana Nallah

Residential, Rural and

other areas

169.27 17.54 37.44

Construction of Tube Wells under Water Supply System

S12 Q1-2 06-01-15 Channi- Himmat Tube well

Residential, Rural and

other areas

204.61 19.18 74.88

S13 Q1-2 08-01-15 At New plot, Janipur

Residential, Rural and

other areas

161.83 28.01 53.18

S14 Q1-2 17-04-15 Malik market Tube well

Residential, Rural and

other areas

94.44 27.60 52.08

S15 Q1-2 30-06-15 At Rajinder Nagar,Bantalab

Residential, Rural and

other areas

148.51 72.62 32.29 23.50

Construction of Over Head Tanks in Jammu City

S16 Q1-2 24-03-15 Baba Kailakhnath Temple

Residential, Rural and

other areas

60.33 19.18 27.41

S17 Q1-2 30-06-15 At Rajinder Nagar,Bantalab

Residential, Rural and

other areas

148.51 72.62 32.29 23.50

S18 Q1-2 27-03-15 Fruit Market Residential, Rural and

other areas

117.18 39.47 56.16

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42. In case of Sub-project-Construction of Flyover from Bikram Chowk to Women College Gandhi

Nagar, the values of the RSPM (PM10) were found to be higher than the permissible limit at all

the sitesduring Q1 and Q2. The same was the case during baseline monitoring conducted over

the project Corridor. The contractor was instructed to increase the frequency of water sprinkling

and strengthen other dust suppression measures at all sites. The concentration of SO2and NO2

remained within permissible limit at all monitoring sites where as value of NO2 on one site at S1

during Q2 is above permissible limit that due to high frequency of traffic movements at Bikram


43. In case of Sub-project-Rehabilitation and Channelization of Storm Water drain at Channi Himmat

in Jammu City the values of the RSPM (PM10) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) were above

permissible limit at all the sites. The same was the case during baseline monitoring conducted

over the project Corridor for RSPM (PM10) and monitoring of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) was

conducted first time, the values of fine particulate matter seems higher side. The contractor was

instructed to increase the frequency of water sprinkling and strengthen other dust suppression

measures at all sites. The concentration of SO2and NO2 remained within permissible limit at all

the monitoring sites of the project corridor.

44. The monitoring was conducted at Rehabilitation and Channelization of Storm Water drain at

Gangyal and Digiana areas in Jammu City. The value of RSPM and fine particulate matter PM2.5

was found to be above the permissible limit. This may be due to proximity of the sites with the

Gangyal Industrial area. Whereas the value of SO2and NO2was within the range same was

observed during baseline data and additional baseline data that was generated during

preconstruction activity. The monitoring on site S11 was carried out prior to the start of work to

have the preconstruction values of RSPM, NO2and SO2as additional baseline to compare the

monitoring date generated during construction phase. The value of the RSPM was much more

than the permissible limit. In case of gaseous pollutant the value of SO2 and NO2 was within

permissible limit at this site. The comparison of air quality monitoring results for the subprojects in

Jammu is depicted in Figure 6 and 10.

Figure 6: Concentration of RSPM (PM10), SO2 and NO2at site S1, S2 and S3 on Bikram Chowk Flyover project corridor

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Figure 7: Concentration of RSPM (PM10), SO2 and NO2at site S4, S5 and S6 on Storm Water Drain (R1, R2 and R3) at Channi Himmat.

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Figure 8: Concentration of RSPM (PM10), SO2 and NO2at site S7, S8, S10 and S11 on Storm Water Drain at Gangyal , Thangar Area,Gangayal Nallah at Delli ,Batchin plant and at the confluence of Gangyal and Digiana Nallah.

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Figure 9: Concentration of RSPM (PM10), SO2 and NO2at S12, S13, S14 and S15 Tube-well sites under sub project Water Supply Rehabilitation Program.

Figure 10: Concentration of RSPM (PM10), SO2 and NO2at site S15, S16, S17 and S18 on Construction of OHT project corridor.

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B. Noise Quality

45. The measured noise quality data at various locations is given below:

46. Construction of Flyover/ Express Corridor from JehangirChowk to Rambagh

Srinagar Subprojects

Site Code

Quarter Month of Sampling with date

Sampling Site/ Location

Site Type Day Time Noise Levels dB (A) Leq

Day Time Noise Quality Standards dB (A) Leq

Construction of Flyover/ Express Corridor from JehangirChowk to Rambagh


Q1 (Jan-Mar)

March 27-03-2015

Solina near Allochibagh

Commercial 64.8 65

Q2 (Apr-June)

June 12-06-2015

60.3 65

S-N2 Q1 (Jan-Mar)

January 06-01-2015

Near Bakshi Stadium/ Iqbal Park

Commercial 67.5 65

Q2 (Apr-June

June 11-06-2015

68.7 65

S-N3 Q1 (Jan-Mar)

January 05-01-2015

Near School at Solina

Commercial 66.2 65

Q2 (Apr-June)

* * * *

S-N4 Q1 (Jan-Mar)

* Labour Camp/ Batching Plant at Kralpora Site

Residential * *

Q2 (Apr-June)

June 29-06-2015

50.6 55

S-N9 Q2 (Apr-June)

June 22-06-2015

Near Iqra Masjid

Commercial Area

69.6 65

*Monitoring of the Noise Quality sampling was not possible due to the technical problem with environmental mobile lab (vehicle) and bad weather

47. Q1 and Q2 noise monitoring shows slightly higher than the national noise level standards for commercial area as observed at above monitoring sites of S-N1, S-N2, S-N3, S-N4 and S-N9. Increase in noise level is normally anticipated as heavy influx of traffic movement is very high at these sections and in general throughout flyover corridor and heavy machinery engaged in construction activity. However, the contractor has been instructed to ensure the proper mitigation measures as per EMP of all machinery deployed by the contractor.

48. Whereas, at Kralpora batching plant/ camp site (S-N4), shows noise level at 50.6 dB which is well within the permissible level. Comparative illustration is depicted in Figure 11 below;

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Figure 11: Comparison of day time noise levels observed at different monitoring sites of Flyover subproject with National noise standards of subprojects in Srinagar.

49. Construction of Multi-Storied Mechanized Parking Facility at Lal Chowk, Srinagar Srinagar Subprojects

Site Code

Quarter Month of Sampling with date

Sampling Site/ Location

Site Type Day Time Noise Levels dB (A) Leq

Day Time Noise Quality Standards dB (A) Leq

Construction of Multi-Storied Mechanized Parking Facility at Lal Chowk, Srinagar


Q1 (Jan-Mar)

March 12-03-2015

Outside Parking Lot (Towards Barbarshah)

Commercial 69.8 65

Q2 (Apr-June)

June 08-06-2015

Outside Parking Lot (Towards Barbarshah)

Commercial 69.4 65

S-N6 Q1 (Jan-Mar)

March 19-03-2015

Inside Parking Lot

Commercial 60.2 65

Q2 (Apr-June)

June 09-06-2015

Inside Parking Lot

Commercial 63.3 65

50. Noise quality (day time) observed during Q1 and Q2 sampling for S-N6 site outside Parking facility

lot(towards Barbarshah area) was slightly higher than the prescribed noise level standards for

commercial area. Whereas, in Q1 and Q2 monitoring of site S-N6 (Inside parking lot) shows noise

level well within the permissible standards.

51. Subproject domain area is main commercial hub and frequent movement of vehicular and

pedestrian traffic is always present. This is the main reason noise generation as a constant

feature. Further, limited machinery is engaged at construction site is also source of some noise

generation which is short-term in nature. Corrective instructions to maintain machinery at site and

application of proper oiling, greasing and managing of machinery. Comparative illustration is

depicted in Figure 12

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Figure 12:Comparison of day time noise levels observed at different monitoring sites with National noise standards of subprojects in Srinagar.

52. Construction of Storm Water Drainage at Athwajan, Srinagar Srinagar Subprojects

Site Code

Quarter Month of Sampling with date

Sampling Site/ Location

Site Type Day Time Noise Levels dB (A) Leq

Day Time Noise Quality Standards dB (A) Leq

Construction of Storm Water Drainage at Athwajan, Srinagar S-N7

Q1 (Jan-March)

March 13-03-2015

Near Construction Site (Within 100 mtr. impact corridor from School at Panthachowk)

Commercial 67.7 65

Q2 (Apr-June)

June 13-06-2015

69.4 65

53. Noise quality (day time) observed at monitoring site S-N7, showsslightly higher values than the

prescribed national noise level standards for commercial area. This is attributed mainly to higher

influx of heavy traffic movement at PanthaChowk/ Athwajan junction (National Highway 1A road)

and partly due the heavy machinery engaged in construction activity. Comparative illustration is

depicted in Figure 13.

Figure 13: Comparison of day time noise levels observed at monitoring site (S-N7) with National noise standards of subprojects in Srinagar.

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54. The measured noise quality data at various locations of Jammu sub-projects are given below:

Noise Quality Results- Jammu Subprojects (Tranche – 2)

Site Code

Quarter Month of Sampling with date

Sampling Site/ Location

Site Type Noise Levels (dB Leq)


Construction of Elevated Expressway Corridor (flyover) from Bikram Chowk to Gandhi Nagar in Jammu City.

S1 Q1 23-01-15 Bikram Chowk near starting point of flyover.

Residential, Rural and

other areas

71.2 55

Q2 10-04-15 74.5

S2 Q1 29-01-15 Women College, Gandhi nagar

Residential, Rural and

other areas


Q2 22-04-15 75.1

S3 Q1 23-02-15 Bhagwati Nagar near Batching


Residential, Rural and

other areas


Q2 28-04-15 68.1

Rehabilitation and Channelization of Storm Water drain at Channi Himmat in Jammu City.

S4 Q1 13-02-15 R-3 Drain (Channi Himmat)

Residential, Rural and

other areas

77.0 55

Q2 28-05-15 71.6

S5 Q1 12-02-15 R-2 Drain (Channi Himmat)

Residential, Rural and

other areas


Q2 30-05-15 69.3

S6 Q1-Q2 10-02-15 R-1 Drain (Channi Himmat)

Residential, Rural and

other areas


Rehabilitation and Channelization of Storm Water drain at Gangyal and Digiana areas in Jammu City

S7 Q1-2 15-05-15 Gangyal Market near Satyam


Residential, Rural and

other areas

72.2 55

S8 Q1 13-03-15 Channi Himmat, near Tangar Nallah (T4).

Residential, Rural and

other areas


Q2 18-05-15 72.9

S9 Q1-2 10-03-15 Gangyal Nallah at Dilli

Residential, Rural and

other areas


S10 Q1 16-01-15 Batching plant at Chowadi

Residential, Rural and

other areas


Q2 20-05-15 73.9

S11 Q1-2 20-01-15 At the confluence of Gangyal and Digiana Nallah

Residential, Rural and

other areas


Construction of Tube Wells under Water Supply System

S12 Q1-2 06-01-15 Channi- Himmat Tube well

Residential, Rural and

other areas

73.1 55

S13 Q1-2 08-01-15 At New plot, Janipur

Residential, Rural and

other areas


S14 Q1-2 17-04-15 Malik market Tube well

Residential, Rural and

other areas


S15 Q1-2 30-06-15 At Rajinder Nagar,Bantalab

Residential, Rural and

other areas


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Construction of Over Head Tanks in Jammu City

S16 Q1-2 24-03-15 Baba Kailakhnath Temple

Residential, Rural and

other areas

62.5 55

S17 Q1-2 30-06-15 At Rajinder Nagar,Bantalab

Residential, Rural and

other areas


S-18 Q1-2 27-03-15 Fruit Market Residential, Rural and

other areas


55. Noise levels at sites (S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, S9 ,S10, S11, S12, S13, S14,

S15,S16,S17 and S18) were found to be above the National Noise Quality standards (Figure

14& 18). Same was the case in baseline monitoring whereas on site S11 monitoring was

conducted before start of any construction activity for generation of additional baseline data for

comparing with construction phase. The monitoring was done during day time. Major source of

noise at these sites was the movement of vehicles on adjacent roads and lanes. Contractors

were instructed to implement various mitigation measures as mentioned in EMP so as not to

allow any increase in present noise levels.

Figure 14: Comparison of day time noise levels observed at monitoring site (S1, S2, & S3) with National noise standards of subprojects in Jammu.

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Figure 15: Comparison of day time noise levels observed at monitoring site (S4, S5, & S6) with National noise standards of subprojects in Jammu.

Figure 16: Comparison of day time noise levels observed at monitoring site (S7, S8, S10 & S11) with National noise standards of subprojects in Jammu.

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Figure 17: Comparison of day time noise levels observed at monitoring site (S12, S13, S14 & S15) with National noise standards of subprojects in Jammu.

Figure 18: Comparison of day time noise levels observed at monitoring site (S16, S17& S18) with National noise standards of subprojects in Jammu.

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C. Water Quality

56. The results of water quality analysis conducted at various subproject sites in Srinagar are presented below:

57. Construction of Flyover/ Express Corridor from Jehangir Chowk to Rambagh, Srinagar Site


Quarter Month of Sampling with date

Sampling Site

Location Temp ºC

pH E.C µs/cm

D.O mg/l

B.O.D mg/l

TDS mg/l

TSS mg/l

Turb. NTU

T.A T.H C. H


Permissible Limits - 6.5-

8.5 ≤500 >6 2-5

≤500 ≤120 5-10 200 -

600 300 - 600




Q1 (Jan-March)

January 16-01-2015

Flood spill Channel at Rambagh

Upstream 5 8.0 627 3.2 8.2 311 180 10.0 276 328 193.2 32.7

Downstream 5 8.1 634 3.0 8.9 315 190 10.5 272 352 151.2 48.7

Q2 (Oct-Dec)

May 06-05-2015

Upstream 11 7.5 180 3.0 8.0 90 260 59.2 68 124 105 4.61

Downstream 11 7.6 190 2.9 8.5 97 270 59.0 72 124 105 4.61

S-W2 Q1 (Jan-March)

March 13-03-2015

Batching/ Camp site at Kralpora

Tube Well (40 m depth)













S-W4 Q1 (Jan-March)

March 13-03-2015

DoodhgangaStream near Kralpora site

Upstream (Near Batching Plant)

6 8.9 476 5.5 3.0 251 230 28 160 324 205.8 28.72

Downstream (Near Casting Yard)

6 8.9 437 5.0 3.5 217 235 29 164 340 214.2 30.56

Q2 (Apr-June)

June 01-06-2015

Upstream (Near Batching Plant)

16 8.3 139 8.8 1.6 71 190 8.0 64 104 96.6 80.5

Downstream (Near Casting Yard)

16 8.2 139 8.5 1.6 70 199 8.5 60 104 100.8 79.5

Annotations: TA- Total Alkalinity; TH- Total Hardness; CH- Calcium Hardness; MH-Magnesium Hardness

58. The water samples were taken from the Jhelum Flood Spill channel at Rambagh bridge (near Section-C & D of Flyover).Throughout the Q2 monitoring period, spill channel has recorded maximum discharge of water volume due to the high precipitation (780 mm of rainfall) received upto June 2015. The physio-chemical characteristics of spill channel are illustrated in Figure 19 & 20.

59. Number of dewatering stations is located along the Floodspill channel. The water from the storm water drainages at

Gogjibagh, Mehjoor Nagar, Rajabagh,Jawahar Nagar, Solina, old Barzulla etc are directly disposed into spill channel. This leads to change in physio-chemical characteristics of the water like BOD, conductivity, TSS and decline in DO etc.Turbidity factor was normal in Q1 monitoring but trend changed sharply to higher turbidity at 59 NTU which is mainly attributed to high silted discharge from River Jhelum into spill channel.

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Figure 19: Water quality characteristics during Q-3 sampling of Flyover site- Flood spill channel (Surface Water) at Rambaghbridge.

Figure 20: Water quality characteristics during Q-4 sampling of Flyover site- Flood spill channel (Surface Water) at Rambaghbridge. 60. The physio-chemical characteristics of ground water analysis of Tube Well (S-W2) at Kralpora site show most of the

parameters well within the permissible level. Conductivity and TSS values were on higher side only. The comparative analysis

of water characteristics is illustrated in Figure-21 below;

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Figure 21: Water quality characteristics of ground water-Tube Well (S-W2) Kralpora site

61. The S-W4 Water Samples were taken from the upstream and downstream of Doodhganga near Kralpora Batching Plant

and Casting Yard respectively. The water was flowing with moderate speed. Direct dumping of domestic wastes by the locals

was also observed during the sampling period. Water was found to be highly turbid during Q1 monitoring and non- turbid in Q2


62. The analysis of the Water samples revealed that the DO of the stream was found to be normal due to the moderate flow of

the water. BOD was found to be in permissible limits. TSS was observed to be higher and it may be due to the presence of lot

of litter and may also be due to the presence of silt which the stream brings from the upper reaches of the mountain. Moderate

concentrations of Alkalinity and Hardness were found in the water body. Comparative analysis is illustrated in Figure 22 & 23


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Figure 22: Water quality characteristics of Doodhganga Stream near Kralpora plant site during Q1 monitoring.

Figure 23: Water quality characteristics of Doodhganga Stream near Kralpora plant site during Q2 monitoring.

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63. Construction of Storm Water Drainage along National Highway at Athwajan

Site Code

Quarter Month of Sampling with date

Sampling Site/ Location

Temp ºC

pH E.C µs/cm

D.O mg/l

B.O.D mg/l

TDS mg/l

TSS mg/l

Turbidity NTU


River Jhelum near Lasjan bridge

Permissible Limits

- 6.5-

8.5 ≤500 >6 2-5

≤500 ≤120 5-10 200 -

600 300 - 600




Q1 (Jan-March)

March 13-03-2015

Upstream 7 8.8 350 9.2 2.0 165 200 25 116 244 134.4 26.63

Downstream 7 8.8 346 9.0 2.2 158 210 27 112 240 142.8 23.61

Q2 (Apr-June)


Upstream 13 7.8 140 8.8 2.0 70 190 7.0 60 88 55.4 8.0

Downstream 13 7.7 138 8.4 2.0 68 205 7.3 56 80 51.2 7.0

64. Water samples were taken from the upstream and downstream of the River Jhelum site (S-W3) near Lasjan Bridge, Athwajan.The

water was flowing with moderate speed in water body. The water was found turbid (Q1) and clear (visible transparency) during Q2

and odourless. Dissolved Oxygen (DO) was found in healthy state due to the flow regime dynamics of Jhelum river system.

65. Conductivity and TDS values were normal. BOD values of the concerned river were also normal due to less organic load. TSS and

Turbidity was observed higher side which may be attributed to siltation process which the river brings from the upper reaches of

the mountain. Alkalinity and Hardness were also found in optimum level in the water body. The physio-chemical characteristic

reveals least or no impact on water body due to the ongoing construction activity. Comparative analysis is illustrated in Figure 24

and 25 below.

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Figure 24: Water quality characteristics of Storm Water Drainage site- Jhelum River near Lasjan (Quarter 1)

Figure 25: Water quality characteristics of Storm Water Drainage site- Jhelum River near Lasjan (Quarter 2)

66. The sampling site of S-W5(Ground Water)of Multi-Storied Parking Lot subproject is ancillary site of sampling and is not a

routine site hence not conducted and included in this report.

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67. The results of water quality analysis conducted during Q1 and Q2 monitoring at Rehabilitation and Channelization of Storm Water drain at Gangyal and Digiana Area in Jammu City is presented below.

Rehabilitation and Channelization of Storm Water drain at Gangyal and Digianaarea in Jammu City. S. No.

Date Site Code

Quarter Site Location Air Temp

Water Temp

Electrical conduct..

TDS PH Residual Chlorine

DO TSS Turbidity Cl Ca Mg BOD Total Alkalinity

Total Hardness


0C 2000 µs/ cm <500mg/l 5.5 to

9.2 ppm <6mg/l <120mg/l 5-10 NTU 1000 <30mg/

l 200-600 300-600

1 30-03-15

S-01 Q1 GangyalNallah 100m upstream before the confluence with BalolNallah

22.9 21.3 - - 8.1 0.4 3.6 117.77 61.8 73.84 224 163 90 470 387


Q2 32.4 28.8 433 282 7.89 0.5 3.8 45 20.1 59.64 272 120 110 360 392

2 30-03-15

S-02 Q1 BalolNallah 100m upstream before the confluence with GangyalNallah

22.9 21.0 - - 8.1 0.5 4.9 164.38 122.7 68.16 272 192 75 590 464


Q2 32.5 28.7 428.0 279.0 7.73 0.4 5.6 42 42.6 59.64 244 108 54 240 352

3 30-03-15

S-03 Q1 BalolNallah 100m downstream before the confluence with GangyalNallah

22.7 21.2 - - 8.4 0.5 4.7 376.92 165 85.2 278 198 83 640 476


Q2 32.6 28.7 430 280 7.73 0.4 4.1 60 50.1 62.48 284 96 66 260 380

4 30-03-15

S-04 Q1 BalolNallah 100m upstream before the confluence with River Tawi

23.3 21.1 - - 8.2 0.4 5.6 82.05 78.3 62.48 204 160 19.37 490 364


Q2 35.6 29.1 520 338 7.55 0.4 5.7 88 48.2 76.68 276 128 21.25 360 404

Inland Surface Water

S. No.

Date Site Code

Quarter Site Location Air Temp

Water Temp

Electrical conductivity

(TDS) 6.5 to 8.5

1.0 6- 8.5 mgl

<120mg/l 1-10 NTU



30-150 mg/l


200-600 300-600

( 0C ) (

0C ) 2000 µs/ cm <500mg/l>

5 30-03-15

S-05 Q1 River Tawi 500m upstream before the confluence with BalolNallah.

23.4 21.0 - - 8.6 0.3 5.9 637.5 68.9 79.5 268 116 2.9 610 384


Q2 35.1 29.0 314.0 204.0 7.80 0.3 6.2 112.12 154.7

62.48 116 180 3.4 340 296

6 30-03-15

S-06 Q1 River Tawi 500m

23.4 21.1 - - 8.6 0.4 5.8 677.77 70.2 82.3 264 125 6.4 630 389

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Q2 35 29.0 325 270 7.82 0.4 6.1 126.66 197.2

67.13 188 164 5.8 350 352

Note: Samples with S-5 to S-10 were sampled the day after a continuous spell of rain. N.D: Not Detected Guidelines or standards prescribed in reference to IS 10500- 1991 and Schedule-VI of Environmental Protection Rule 1986.

68. Water samples were collected from all above mention sites. The water quality analysis results show that the values of BOD,

Magnesium, Calcium and turbidity are higher in the Gangyal drainsbefore their confluence with Balol drain. Balol drain itself

shows high value of these parameters before the outfall of Gangyal drain into it, which further raises its BOD and turbidity value.

69. However, Balol drain after outfall of Gangyal drain travels a distance of about 10 km before its outfall into river Tawi, which serves

as revival zone and reduces the organic load of the drain water by enrichment of dissolved oxygen. Ultimately, before the outfall of

Balol into river Tawi the BOD value gets sufficiently reduced (from 83mg/l to 5.8mg/l).The BOD value of the River Tawi before the

outfall of Ballol Nallah into it was 2.9 mg/l and that of Ballol nallah at this point was 19.37 and 21.25mg/l during Q1 and Q2

respectively. The BOD value of River Tawi 500m downstream of this confluence was found to be 6.4 and 5.8 mg/l during Q1 and

Q2 respectively which shows that the river has good reviving potential. Same pattern of water quality were observed during the

baseline monitoring. Comparative analysis of water characteristics is illustrated in Figure 26 to 32below;

Figure 26: Water quality characteristics of Gangyal Nallah, 100m upstream before the confluence with BalolNallah

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Figure 27: Water quality characteristics of Balol Nallah, 100m upstream before the confluence with Gangyal Nallah

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Figure 28: Water quality characteristics of BalolNallah 100m downstream before the confluence with GangyalNallah

Figure 29: Balol Nallah 100m upstream Water quality characteristics of Balol Nallah 100m upstream before the confluence with River Tawi.

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Figure 30: Inland Surface Water quality characteristics of River Tawi 500m upstream before the confluence with BalolNallah

Figure 31: Inland Surface Water quality characteristics of River Tawi 500m downstream before the confluence with Balol

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70. No such aspect/impact observed during this period under report.


71. No such complaints received from Jammu sub-projects during this period.

72. During this period some minor complaints from Srinagar subprojects (maintained in

Public Grievance Register at site) were received from public and addressed accordingly.

Details are mentioned below;

S. No

Subproject Name

Date of compliant registered

Type of Compliant Received (Public Grievance Register at Site)

Action Taken/ Corrective Action Measures



Flyover Subproject (Srinagar)

25/02/2015 Surface drain at sector B got choked due to ongoing construction at Iqbal Park

M/s Simplex Infrastructure was directed to clear the said drain on priority

Addressed and resolved.

Records maintained at site and DSC.

02 02-03-2015 Locals complained about pot holes on the service road

Contractor was instructed for filling and restoration of service roads. Further, all the service roads from Sec-B to Sec-C were macadamized in May 2015.

Addressed and resolved. Records maintained at site and DSC.

03 15-03-2015

Locals complained about the noise generated by the pump.

After assessment of the pump it was found that pump has some fault, so the same was replaced by the fresh one by the contractor on priority

Addressed and resolved. Records maintained at site and DSC


73. Monitoring of the sub-projects is being carried out regularly to ensure that environmental

impacts are adequately mitigated and to ensure continuation of compliance with statutory

regulations as required by laws and agreed upon EMP. The contractors are being regularly

guided and instructed to adhere to the provisions of EMP and contractual conditions.

74. As part of capacity building programme for JKUSDIP subprojects more training programs for

the engineers, the contractors and project staff will be conducted and regular informal onsite

orientation for the contractor’s supervisory staff and site engineers on EMP implementation will be continued.

Signed by: Authorized signatory from implementing agency/ executing agency

(Vinod Sharma)

Director Safeguards J&K ERA

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Appendix-1: Public Consultation Attendance Details of Flyover-Jehanagir Chowk to Rambagh

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Appendix-2: Public Consultation Attendance Details of Flyover at Kralpora plant Site

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Appendix-3: Public Consultation Attendance Details of Drainage Subproject at Athwajan

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Appendix-4: Photographs-Public Consultation of Tranche 2

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Appendix-5:Sampling site location map of Flyover from JehangirChowk-Rambagh, Srinagar







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Appendix-6:Sampling site location map of Flyover- Labour Camp/ Batching Plant at Kralpora, Srinagar






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Appendix-7: Sampling site location map of Storm Water Drainage along NH-1A, Athwajan, Srinagar




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Appendix-8: Sampling site location map of Multi-Storied Parking Lot at Lal Chowk, Srinagar


S-A6 S-W5



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Appendix-9: Sampling site locations of Air and Noise Quality under subproject in Jammu Sector, Tranche II



S1: Bikram Chowk

S2: Women College, Gandhinagar

S3: Bhagwatnagar near Batching


S4: R3 Drain (ChanniHimmat)

S5: R2 Drain (ChanniHimmat)

S6: R1 Drain (ChanniHimmat)

S7: near Starting Point of the

Gangyal Drain

S8: ChanniHimmat near

ThangarNallah (T4)

S9: Batching Plant at Chowadi

S10: GangyalNallah at Dilli

S11: GangyalNallah at Marble


S12: ChanniHimmatTubewell

S13: Malik Market Tubewell

S14: At New Plot, Janipur

S15: Baba Kalaknath Temple

S17: Fruit Market, Narwal

S18: At Rajinder Nagar, Bantalab

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Appendix-10: Water Sampling site locations under subproject in Jammu Sector, Tranche II



S-01: GangyalNallah, 100mtr Upstream

before confluence with BalolNallah

S-02: BalolNallah, 100mtr Upstream

before confluence with GangyalNallah

S-03: BalolNallah, 100mtr Downstream

before confluence with GangyalNallah

S-04: BalolNallah, 100mtr Upstream

before confluence with River Tawi

S-05: River Tawi, 500mtr. Upstream

before confkuence with BalolNallah

S-06: River Tawi, 500mtr. Downstream

before confkuence with BalolNallah