SOLUCIONES 5º Semana del 11 al 15 de mayo MATEMÁTICAS LUNES 11

Semana del 11 al 15 de mayo€¦ · 5. No lo entiende, porque se pasa el día dándole vueltas y lo entiende de forma literal ya que acaba con la idea de pescar muchos peces y por

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Page 1: Semana del 11 al 15 de mayo€¦ · 5. No lo entiende, porque se pasa el día dándole vueltas y lo entiende de forma literal ya que acaba con la idea de pescar muchos peces y por


Semana del 11 al 15 de mayo



Page 2: Semana del 11 al 15 de mayo€¦ · 5. No lo entiende, porque se pasa el día dándole vueltas y lo entiende de forma literal ya que acaba con la idea de pescar muchos peces y por
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1. Por la mañana.

2. Porque veía a las gacelas muy pequeñas.

3. Adverbios: hoy, muy, más.

4. Hoy: adverbio de tiempo. Muy y más: Adverbios de cantidad.

5. Quizás el felino…. / El leopardo no desayunó….

6. Campo semántico: animales de la selva.

7. Pino.



1. La abuela dio un beso a su nieta y le dijo: «Que duermas bien, cielo.»


3. Laura (una prima de mi padre) nos visitó ayer.

El puente de la bahía de Hangzhou (China) es el más largo del mundo sobre el mar.

4. EL ARQUEÓLOGO. (Sorprendido.) - ¡Qué jeroglífico más extraño!



1. Preposiciones: de, en.

2. Está sobre la mesa; viajó a Australia ; un regalo para su tía ; el bolígrafo por una



Page 6: Semana del 11 al 15 de mayo€¦ · 5. No lo entiende, porque se pasa el día dándole vueltas y lo entiende de forma literal ya que acaba con la idea de pescar muchos peces y por

4. Conjunción: Pero.

5. ¡Ay! ---- Una niña que se

golpea en el pie.

¡Ojalá! ---- Un niño que

desea mucho algo.

6. Preposiciones: a, en y de. // Conjunciones: y. // Interjecciones: uy.


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1. Para ahorrar costes de producción, sueldos, número de horas y leyes


2. Respuesta libre.


MARTES 12 de mayo

Solo teníais que copiar contenido del arte románico del libro.

Viernes 15 de mayo


2. Sí eran importantes porque era el lugar donde se desarrollaba principalmente la cultura.

Los monjes que vivían en los monasterios eran casi los únicos que sabían leer y escribir, por

eso allí se guardaban y copiaban libros.

3. Respuesta modelo. Estos dos estilos se relacionan con el cristianismo. Se diferencian en

la altura de sus construcciones, grosor de sus muros, tamaño de las ventanas, etc.

Semana del 18 al 22 de mayo



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En abril, aguas mil: significa que en Abril suele llover de manera especial, principalmente

en la España seca. Es un mes de época de lluvias.

Aprendiz de mucho, maestro de nada: se refiere a quien pretende abarcar demasiadas

actividades profesionales, lo que da lugar a que sea incapaz de desempeñar una bien.

A mal tiempo, buena cara: sirve para dar ánimo a una persona cuando pasa una situación

difícil o cuando las cosas no salen como uno quiere.



1. - Intervienen en la escena tres personajes: Pedro, su madre y el padre.

- Transcurre un día entero, desde la mañana hasta la noche.

- Pedro quiere pescar muchos pescados y cocinarlos. Lo que realmente hace es

darle vueltas constantemente al refrán que le ha contado su padre e intentar

llevarse una olla a su cuarto.

- Porque sus padres no le dejan llevarse la olla a su cuarto y le acusan de


2. – Se explica qué es un refrán: En la primera mitad del texto, en el diálogo inicial

de Pedro y sus padres.

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- Los peces que quiere pescar Pedro: En la segunda mitad del texto, en la octava

intervención de Pedro.

- Lo que hace Pedro durante el día: En la primera mitad del texto, en la segunda



4. -El padre de Pedro se lo dice porque su hijo es muy perezoso y dormilón.

- Quiere que se levante de la cama.

5. No lo entiende, porque se pasa el día dándole vueltas y lo entiende de forma literal

ya que acaba con la idea de pescar muchos peces y por eso quiere llevarse una olla a

su cuarto.



1. De: preposición; y: conjunción; ¡eh!: interjección.

2. Con el corazón con el corazón en vilo.

3. Quien tiene un amigo, tiene un tesoro.

4. El director de casting le comunicó a Pablo: «La película se rodará en el desierto

de Tabernas (Almería)».

6. “de” y “en” son preposiciones.

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Página 106, ejercicio 6.

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Página 107. Actividades 11 C:





Espero vuestras respuestas sobre la búsqueda de información de los restos de la sinagoga

que apareció en una de las ciudades de la Región de Murcia. En las soluciones de la próxima

quincena os enviaré las respuestas. De todas formas, conforme vaya recibiendo vuestros

correos o mensajes por Classdojo o correo electrónico con la información que hayáis

encontrado, os iré diciendo si están correctas.

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Monday, 11 May Friday, 22 May

Fernando Díez Email: [email protected]

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Monday 11th May

1 Read the following text and answer the questions.

A great summer vacation

I just returned from the greatest summer vacation! It was so fantastic, I

never wanted it to end. I spent eight days in Paris, France. My best

friends, Henry and Steve, went with me. We had a beautiful hotel room

in the Latin Quarter, and it wasn’t even expensive. We had a balcony

with a wonderful view.

We visited many famous tourist places. My favorite was the Louvre, a

well-known museum. I was always interested in art, so that was a

special treat for me. The museum is so huge, you could spend weeks

there. Henry got tired walking around the museum and said “Enough! I

need to take a break and rest.”

We took lots of breaks and sat in cafes along the river Seine. The

French food we ate was delicious. The wines were tasty, too. Steve’s

favorite part of the vacation was the hotel breakfast. He said he would

be happy if he could eat croissants like those forever. We had so much

fun that we’re already talking about our next vacation!

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Choose the correct answer

Question 3:

What did their hotel room have?

1 A refrigerator

2 A balcony

3 A view of the metro

4 A bottle of wine

Question 1:

What city did they go to for their

summer vacation?

1 Latin

2 Louvre

3 Paris

4 Lyon

Question 4:

Who got tired walking in the Louvre


1 Harry

2 Seine

3 Henry

4 Steve

Question 2:

How long was the summer


1 One week

2 Eight weeks

3 Two weeks

4 Eight days

Question 5:

What did Steve enjoy the most?

1 The cafes along the river Seine

2 The hotel breakfast and the


3 The wine and the food

4 The Latin Quarter and the balcony

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Tuesday 12th May

2. Watch the following video and answer the questions.


a) Which river is shorter than the Seine?

The Thames is shorter than the Seine.

b) What is longer than a plane?

London Bridge is longer than a plane.

c) Which is taller, the London Eye or the Big Ben?

The London Eye is taller than Big Ben.

d) Is Berlin smaller than London?

Yes, it is. The city of Berlin is smaller than London.

e) What types of transport can you use to travel around London?

You can use The Tube, buses or taxis

f) What color are London´s taxis?

They are black.

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Wednesday 13th May

3. Watch the following video and answer the questions.


a) What do you need to buy to use public transport in New York?

You need to buy a New York City subway MetroCard.

b) When did the Union street market open?

The Union street market opened in 1976.

c) What products can you find in the Union street market?

Some of the products you can find are vegetables, breads and maple


d) Where in New York is the Billy Johnson playground?

The Billy Johnson playground is in Central Park.

e) How many times are the fries cooked in the restaurant “Pommes


The fries are fried twice (two times).

f) How many dipping sauces are offered in the restaurant “Pommes


The restaurant offers over 26 different kinds of dipping sauces.

g) Where is the transit museum located?

The museum is located in an old subway station in Downtown Brooklyn.

h) What type of transport can you use to travel from Staten Island to


You can take a ferry.

i) How many passengers can fit in each cabin of the Roosevelt Island


Each cabin can fit 125 passengers.

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j) How long does the tramway take to go from 59th Street in Manhattan

to Roosevelt Island?

The tramway takes 4 minutes.

Thursday 14th May

4 Read the following text and answer the questions.

At school

Lucas goes to school every day of the week. He has many subjects to go to each school day:

English, art, science, mathematics, gym, and history. His mother packs a big backpack full of

books and lunch for Lucas.

His first class is English, and he likes that teacher very much. His English teacher says that he

is a good pupil, which Lucas knows means that she thinks he is a good student.

His next class is art. He draws on paper with crayons and pencils and sometimes uses a ruler.

Lucas likes art. It is his favorite class.

His third class is science. This class is very hard for Lucas to figure out, but he gets to work

with his classmates a lot, which he likes to do. His friend, Kyle, works with Lucas in science

class, and they have fun.

Then Lucas gets his break for lunch. He sits with Kyle while he eats. The principal, or the

headmaster as some call him, likes to walk around and talk to students during lunch to check

that they are all behaving.

The next class is mathematics, which most of the students just call math. Kyle has trouble

getting a good grade in mathematics, but the teacher is very nice and helpful.

His fourth class is gym. It is just exercising.

History is his last class of the day Lucas has a hard time staying awake. Many lessons are

boring, and he is very tired after doing gym.

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Choose the correct answer

Question 3:

What is the one where Lucas draws

on paper with pencils and crayons

and sometimes uses a ruler?

1 Science

2 Mathematics

3 History

4 Art

Question 1:

What is the class that is Lucas’

teacher tells him he is a good


1 Science

2 English

3 Gym

4 Art

Question 4:

Who is the person that checks on

the students during lunch to make

sure that all the students are well


1 Classmate

2 Friend

3 Teacher

4 Principal/Headmaster

Question 2:

What class that Lucas goes to is all

about exercising?

1 History

2 Gym

3 Art

4 Science

Question 5:

Who does Lucas seat with for


1 Tom

2 Edward

3 Mary

4 Kyle

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Friday 15th May

5 Read the following text and answer the questions.

Days of the week

There are seven days of the week, or uniquely named 24-hour periods designed to provide

scheduling context and make time more easily measureable. Each of these days is identifiable by

specific plans, moods, and tones.

Monday is viewed by many to be the "worst" day of the week, as it marks the return to work

following the weekend, when most full-time employees are given two days off. Most students

attend school in the morning and return home in the afternoon (usually from about eight until

three or seven until two), and most workers go to work in the morning and return home in the

evening (usually from nine to five or eight to four).

Tuesday is the second day of the week, and is in many ways similar to Monday. Not a whole lot

changes, schedule-wise, between Tuesday and Monday; most individuals go to school or work

and return home to watch television, play video games, make plans with friends, spend time with

family, read, or engage in a similar leisure-related activity.

Wednesday is the third day of the week, and serves as the "middle" of the work week; some

individuals refer to Wednesday as "hump day," as once its workday is complete, employees will

have passed the work-week "hump," and will be on the downturn, as only two days on the job will

remain in the week.

Thursday is the fourth day of the week, and is viewed favorably by many, as it's rather close to

the end of the work week.

Friday is the fifth day of the week, and marks the end of the workweek and school-week for the

vast majority of employees and students. By Friday afternoon/evening, most students/workers

cannot wait to leave and go home, as they won't have to report back to school/work until Monday.

Saturday is perhaps the most highly regarded day of the week. Because Sunday follows it (and

there is presumably no work or school to attend, for most individuals), everyone is free to stay out

(or awake) until late at night, having fun with plans or other leisure-related activities. To be sure,

Saturday is generally thought of as a day to partake in hobbies that couldn't otherwise be enjoyed

during the regular week.

Sunday is the final day of the week, and is used by most as a day of rest. Fewer late-night plans

are made on Sundays, compared to Saturdays, as most individuals have to wake up for work or

school on Monday morning.

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Choose the correct answer

Question 3:

Which day of the week is

sometimes referred to as "hump


1 Wednesday

2 Thursday

3 Saturday

4 Tuesday

Question 1:

How many days of the week are


1 five

2 six

3 three

4 seven

Question 4:

Which day of the week is perhaps

the most exciting, in terms of plans

and activities?

1 Sunday

2 Monday

3 Saturday

4 Wednesday

Question 2:

What is the weekend?

1 Saturday and Sunday

2 Thursday and Sunday

3 Wednesday and Friday

4 Friday and Saturday

Question 5:

A regular work week begins on

which day?

1 Friday

2 Sunday

3 Thursday

4 Monday

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Monday 18th May

1. Yo estaba aprendiendo Ciencias Naturales.

Affirmative: I was learning Natural Science

Negative: I wasn’t learning Natural Science

Question: Was I learning Natural Science?

Answer: Yes, I was / No, I wasn’t

2. Tú eras mi mejor amigo.

Affirmative: You were my best friend

Negative: You weren’t my best friend

Question: Were you my best friend?

Answer: Yes, you were / No, you weren’t

3. Él fue al aeropuerto con su padre.

Affirmative: He went to the airport with his father

Negative: He didn’t go to the airport with his father

Question: Did he go to the airport with his father?

Answer: Yes, he did / No, he didn’t

4. El pastel estaba delicioso.

Affirmative: The cake was delicious

Negative: The cake wasn’t delicious

Question: Was the cake delicious?

Answer: Yes, it was / No, it wasn’t

5. Nosotras visitamos Londres el verano pasado.

Affirmative: We visited London last summer

Negative: We didn’t visit London last summer

Question: Did we visit London last summer?

Answer: Yes, we did / No, we didn’t

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Tuesday 19th May 6. Ellos escalaron la montaña más alta del mundo.

Affirmative: They climbed the highest mountain in the world

Negative: They didn’t climb the highest mountain in the world

Question: Did they climb the highest mountain in the world?

Answer: Yes, they did / No, they didn’t

7. Vosotras usasteis mi ordenador viejo.

Affirmative: You used my old computer

Negative: You didn’t use my old computer

Question: Did you use my old computer?

Answer: Yes, we did / No, we didn’t

8. Él rompió el frigorífico nuevo.

Affirmative: He broke the new fridge

Negative: He didn’t break the new fridge

Question: Did he break the new fridge?

Answer: Yes, he did / No, he didn’t

9. Ella estaba comprando golosinas.

Affirmative: She was buying sweets

Negative: She wasn’t buying sweets

Question: Was she buying sweets?

Answer: Yes, she was / No, she wasn’t

10. El tigre atacó a mi hermano.

Affirmative: The tiger attacked my brother

Negative: The tiger didn’t attack my brother

Question: Did the tiger attack my brother?

Answer: Yes, it did / No, it didn’t

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Wednesday 20th May

11. Yo estaba cepillándome los dientes.

Affirmative: I was brushing my teeth

Negative: I wasn’t brushing my teeth

Question: Was I brushing my teeth?

Answer: Yes, I was / No, I wasn’t

12. Nosotras regamos las plantas ayer.

Affirmative: We watered the plants yesterday

Negative: We didn’t water the plants yesterday

Question: Did we water the plants yesterday?

Answer: Yes, we did / No, we didn’t

13. Rachel y Kelly estaban contando chistes.

Affirmative: Rachel and Kelly were telling jokes

Negative: Rachel and Kelly weren’t telling jokes

Question: Were Rachel and Kelly telling jokes?

Answer: Yes, they were / No, they weren’t

14. Ella cogió tu abrigo rojo.

Affirmative: She took your red coat

Negative: She didn’t take your red coat

Question: Did she take your red coat?

Answer: Yes, she did / No, she didn’t

15. La televisión estaba haciendo ruidos extraños.

Affirmative: The TV was making strange noises

Negative: The TV wasn’t making strange noises

Question: Was the TV making strange noises?

Answer: Yes, it was / No, it wasn’t

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Thursday 21st May

16. Nosotros navegamos durante cuatro días.

Affirmative: We sailed for four days

Negative: We didn’t sail for four days

Question: Did we sail for four days?

Answer: Yes, we did / No, we didn’t

17. Ellas organizaron una fiesta increíble.

Affirmative: They organized an incredible party

Negative: They didn’t organize an incredible party

Question: Did they organize an incredible party?

Answer: Yes, they did / No, they didn’t

18. Tú estabas durmiendo.

Affirmative: You were sleeping

Negative: You weren’t sleeping

Question: Were you sleeping?

Answer: Yes, I was / No, I wasn´t

19. Él habló con su madre.

Affirmative: He spoke with his mother

Negative: He didn’t speak with his mother

Question: Did he speak with his mother?

Answer: Yes, he did / No, he didn’t

20. Vosotras estabais buscando al ladrón.

Affirmative: You were looking for the thief

Negative: You weren’t looking for the thief

Question: Were you looking for the thief?

Answer: Yes, we were / No, we weren’t

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Friday 212t May

Make your own picture dictionary about food items. Once you have

finished it, send it to [email protected]

Example of a picture dictionary about classroom objects