Ahmed El-Dessouki Ayman Sheirah Basel Abdel Aziz Enas Fawzi George Moheb Selecting Employees July 2010

Selecting Employees

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Selecting Employees. Ahmed El-Dessouki Ayman Sheirah Basel Abdel Aziz Enas Fawzi George Moheb. July 2010. Agenda. 1. Introduction. 2. The Selection Process. 3. Elements for Successful Predictors. Introduction. Making selection determinations is often difficult - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Selecting Employees

Ahmed El-DessoukiAyman SheirahBasel Abdel AzizEnas FawziGeorge Moheb

Selecting Employees

July 2010

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The Selection Process

Elements for Successful Predictors

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Introduction Making selection determinations is often difficult

— Required technicalities + personal attributes

Selection activities exist for making effective selection decisions

Predict which job applicants will be successful job performers

Mistakes in selection can have serious consequences for corporate effectiveness— Affect colleagues, subordinates and clients— loss and waste of valuable resources

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The Selection Processinitial screening

completed application

employment test

comprehensive interviewconditionaljob offer

medical/physical examination(conditional job offer made)

permanent job offer reject applicant

background examinationif required



Able to perform essential elements of the job




Problems encountered

Failed to impress interviewer and/or meet job expectations

Failed test

Failed to complete application or failed job specifications

Failed to meet minimum qualifications

Unfit to do essential elements of job

The selection process typically consists of eight steps.

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Initial Screeninginitial screening

completed application

employment test

comprehensive interviewconditionaljob offer

medical/physical examination(conditional job offer made)

permanent job offer reject applicant

background examinationif required



Able to perform essential elements of the job




Problems encountered

Failed to impress interviewer and/or meet job expectations

Failed test

Failed to complete application or failed job specifications

Failed to meet minimum qualifications

Unfit to do essential elements of job

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Initial Screening Two-step procedure

- Phone Interviews

- Help candidates decide if position is suitable

- Sharing job information along with a salary range

- Encourage unqualified to withdraw

Eliminate applicants based on- Not meeting

general job requirements

- Job specification- Appropriate

experience- Required education

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Completed Application Forminitial screening

completed application

employment test

comprehensive interviewconditionaljob offer

medical/physical examination(conditional job offer made)

permanent job offer reject applicant

background examinationif required



Able to perform essential elements of the job




Problems encountered

Failed to impress interviewer and/or meet job expectations

Failed test

Failed to complete application or failed job specifications

Failed to meet minimum qualifications

Unfit to do essential elements of job

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Completed Application Form

Application Form Gives a job-performance-related synopsis

of what applicants have been doing, their skills and accomplishments

Applications obtain information the company wants and needs in order to make a proper selection


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Completed Application Form

Legal Considerations Omit items which are not job-related; e.g.,

sex, religion, age, and color Includes statement giving employer the

right to dismiss an employee for falsifying information

Asks for permission to check work references

Typically includes “employment-at-will” statement


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Completed Application Form

Successful Applications Information collected on application forms

can be highly predictive of successful job performance

Forms must be validated and continuously reviewed and updated

Data should be verified through background investigations


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Pre-employment Testinginitial screening

completed application

employment test

comprehensive interviewconditionaljob offer

medical/physical examination(conditional job offer made)

permanent job offer reject applicant

background examinationif required



Able to perform essential elements of the job




Problems encountered

Failed to impress interviewer and/or meet job expectations

Failed test

Failed to complete application or failed job specifications

Failed to meet minimum qualifications

Unfit to do essential elements of job

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Pre-employment Testing 60% of organizations use some type of employment tests Predict who will be successful on the job Results in better quality hires

Performance Simulation Tests Work Sampling Assessment Centers

Requires the applicant to engage in specific job behaviors necessary for doing the job successfully

Develop a small replica of the job on which an applicant demonstrates his/her skills

A series of tests and exercises, including individual and group tests, to assess managerial potential or other complex sets of skills

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Comprehensive Interviewsinitial screening

completed application

employment test

comprehensive interviewconditionaljob offer

medical/physical examination(conditional job offer made)

permanent job offer reject applicant

background examinationif required



Able to perform essential elements of the job




Problems encountered

Failed to impress interviewer and/or meet job expectations

Failed test

Failed to complete application or failed job specifications

Failed to meet minimum qualifications

Unfit to do essential elements of job

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Comprehensive Interviews

Panel Interview

Personal Interview

Assess candidate motivation, values, ability to work under pressure, attitude, and ability to “fit in” within the organization culture.

Interview can be — Traditional, Panel, or


“Hire for Attitude, Train for skill”Southwest Airlines and Four Seasons


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Interview Issues Interview Effectiveness Interviewer Bias Impression Management Short and inaccurate


The interview is only as effective as those conducting it.

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Interview Issues Interview Effectiveness Interviewer Bias Impression Management Short and inaccurate


Seeing the candidate resume, application form, test scores, or appraisals form from other interviews may introduce interviewer bias

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Interview Issues Interview Effectiveness Interviewer Bias Impression

Management Short and inaccurate


Applicant attempt to project an image that will result in a favorable outcome

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Interview Issues Interview Effectiveness Interviewer Bias Impression Management Short and inaccurate


Interviewers have short and inaccurate memories: note-taking and videotaping may help

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Steps for Effective Interviewing Review the job description and job qualification Prepare for interview Review the applicant form and resume before

meeting a candidate Open the interview by putting the candidate at

ease Ask your questions and listen carefully Take a few notes Close the interview Write your evaluation

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Behavioral Interview How the candidate fit the

identified dimensions or competencies of the positions?— Situational Interview— Role playing

Eight times more effective in predicting successful job performance

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Realistic Job Offers Unmet expectation of new

employees can cause them to be dissatisfied in the job and quit

Realistic job previews (brochures, videos, plant tours, work sampling) help reduce turnover rates

Favorable and unfavorable information about the job are shared

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Conditional Job Offerinitial screening

completed application

employment test

comprehensive interviewconditionaljob offer

medical/physical examination(conditional job offer made)

permanent job offer reject applicant

background examinationif required



Able to perform essential elements of the job




Problems encountered

Failed to impress interviewer and/or meet job expectations

Failed test

Failed to complete application or failed job specifications

Failed to meet minimum qualifications

Unfit to do essential elements of job

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Background Investigationinitial screening

completed application

employment test

comprehensive interviewconditionaljob offer

medical/physical examination(conditional job offer made)

permanent job offer reject applicant

background examinationif required



Able to perform essential elements of the job




Problems encountered

Failed to impress interviewer and/or meet job expectations

Failed test

Failed to complete application or failed job specifications

Failed to meet minimum qualifications

Unfit to do essential elements of job

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Background Investigation Intended to verify that

information on the application form is correct and accurate

Common sources include—References—Former employers—Educational accomplishments—Legal status to work—Credit references if job related—Criminal records—Background checks—Online Searches

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Background Investigation Why do this?

— Many – in some studies nearly half – of applicants exaggerate their backgrounds

— Negligent hiring liability— Failure to investigate applicants can be costly

Qualified privilege— “ The ability for organizations to speak to one another

about employees or potential hires”

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Medical/Physical Examinationinitial screening

completed application

employment test

comprehensive interviewconditionaljob offer

medical/physical examination(conditional job offer made)

permanent job offer reject applicant

background examinationif required



Able to perform essential elements of the job




Problems encountered

Failed to impress interviewer and/or meet job expectations

Failed test

Failed to complete application or failed job specifications

Failed to meet minimum qualifications

Unfit to do essential elements of job

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Medical/Physical Examination A selection device to screen out

individuals who are unable to physically comply with the requirements of a job

Individual does not meet the minimum standards of health required to enroll in company health and life insurance programs

Base data in case of an employee’s future claim of injury on the job

Company must show that any required medical clearance is job-related

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Job Offersinitial screening

completed application

employment test

comprehensive interviewconditionaljob offer

medical/physical examination(conditional job offer made)

permanent job offer reject applicant

background examinationif required



Able to perform essential elements of the job




Problems encountered

Failed to impress interviewer and/or meet job expectations

Failed test

Failed to complete application or failed job specifications

Failed to meet minimum qualifications

Unfit to do essential elements of job

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Job Offers Official employment offer

Typically made by an HRM representative

Actual hiring decision should be made by the department manager where the vacancy exists

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The Selection Process (Discrete)initial screening

completed application

employment test

comprehensive interviewconditionaljob offer

medical/physical examination(conditional job offer made)

permanent job offer reject applicant

background examinationif required



Able to perform essential elements of the job




Problems encountered

Failed to impress interviewer and/or meet job expectations

Failed test

Failed to complete application or failed job specifications

Failed to meet minimum qualifications

Unfit to do essential elements of job

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The Comprehensive Approach All applicants complete every step of the selection

process Final decision is based on a comprehensive

evaluation of the results from all stages


Overcomes the major disadvantage of the discrete selection method

More realistic


More costly Consumes more of

management time

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Now It’s Up to the Candidate Job choice from the perspective of

the potential employee rather than the organization

People gravitate toward jobs compatible with their personal orientation

Individual’s perception of the company’s attractiveness is important

What about those applicants to whom we did not make an offer?

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When a Measurement Procedure yields consistent scores when the phenomenon being measured is not changing.

Degree to which scores are free of “measurement error” Example IQ test.

Consistency of measurement— Time— Participants

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Measures the gap between what a test actually measures and what it is intended to measure.

If math and vocabulary truly represent intelligence then a math and vocabulary test might be said to have high validity when used as a measure of intelligence.

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Types of Validity

1. Content Validity 2. Criterion-Related Validity

— Concurrent Validity— Predictive Validity

3. Construct Validity

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Content validity Also called “sampling validity” establishes that the measure covers the full range

of the concept’s meaning, i.e., covers all dimensions of a concept

Such as a typing test for a clerk typist.

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Criterion-related Validity The degree to which a particular selection device

accurately predicts the important elements of work behavior, as in the relationship between a test score and job performance. “ Speed & Quality”.

Includes — Concurrent— Predictive

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Concurrent Validity

Measured by comparing two tests done at the same time, for example a “written test and a Practical test” that seek to assess the same criterion.

Does the new instrument correlate highly with an old measure of the same concept that we assume (judge) to be valid?

(use of “good” judgment)

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Predictive Validity

In contrast, compares success in the test with actual success in the future job. The test is then adjusted over time to improve its validity.

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Give test to all applicants, record score

and file

Hire based on criteria other

than test results

Evaluate performance

one year after beginning


Analyze test scores and

performance evaluations for

significant relationship: does it exist?


Set and implement valid

cut scores

Develop a battery of



Give test to all current employees

Analyze test scores and

performance evaluations

for significant

relationship: does it exist?




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Construct validity

This is the most comprehensive type of validity we discuss, because you are dealing with abstract measures.

Validating tests by using current employees as the study group.

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Hiring Standards and Cut Scores Issue -- What is a passing score?

—Score may be a– Single score from a single predictor or– Total score from multiple predictors

Description of process—Cut score - Separates applicants who advance

from those who are rejected

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Validity Generalization

Refers to test valid for screening applicants for a variety of Jobs & Performance factors across many occupations.

GATB: General Aptitude Test Battery.

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Selection from a Global Perspective

The individual must have an interest in working overseas and a talent for relating will to all types of people & different cultures.

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Excelling at the Interviewing

The interview is the most frequently used selection method.

Interviewing occurs when applicants respond to questions posed by a manager or some other organizational representative (interviewer).

Typical areas in which questions are posed include education, experience, knowledge of job procedures, mental ability, personality, communication ability, social skills


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Types of Interviews

Structured Interviews - uses a list of predetermined questions. All applicants are asked the same set questions. There are two types of structured interviews.—Situational interview, in which the

interviewer asks questions about what the applicant would do in a hypothetical situation

— Behavioral interview, in which the questions focus on the applicant’s behavior in past situations.

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Types of Interviews-continued Unstructured Interviews-open ended questions are

used such as “Tell me about yourself”. This allows the interviewer to probe and pose

different sets of questions to different applicants.

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Selecting Employees, HR Management