seeing red BY DI KIRCHNER For colour photos and full details, see pages 18–25. PRINTING GUIDELINES / PAGE SCALING Print all pages at 100% (actual size). Choose “none”, not “shrink to fit” or “reduce to fit”, in the print dialogue box. Refer to the measurements along each edge to ensure you have printed correctly. www.inspirationsstudios.com Inspirations issue 112 · Copyright reserved ©2021 Inspirations Studios This design is for private use only. Permission to reproduce or copy any of the contents for any other purposes must be obtained from the publisher in writing. Inspiratons Publications has taken reasonable steps to secure the copyright for the items reproduced in this publication. Articles are published in reliance upon the representations and warranties of the contributors and without our knowledge of any infringement of any third party. Information and instructions given are presented in good faith. As we have no control over physical conditions surrounding application of information contained in this project, the contributors and publisher disclaim any liability for untoward results. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 2 12 3 13 4 14 5 15 6 16 7 17 8 18 9 19 10 20 cm inches THE WORLD'S MOST BEAUTIFUL NEEDLEWORK MAGAZINE ISSUE 112 EMBROIDERY DESIGNS · INSTRUCTIONS · PATTERNS

seeing red - countrybumpkin.com.au

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s e e i n g r e dBY DI KIRCHNER

For colour photos and full details, see pages 18–25.


Print all pages at 100% (actual size). Choose “none”, not “shrink to fit” or “reduce to fit”,

in the print dialogue box. Refer to the measurements along each edge to ensure you

have printed correctly.

www.inspirationsstudios.comInspirations issue 112 · Copyright reserved ©2021 Inspirations Studios

This design is for private use only.

Permission to reproduce or copy any of the contents for any other purposes must be obtained from the publisher in writing. Inspiratons Publications has taken

reasonable steps to secure the copyright for the items reproduced in this publication. Articles are published in reliance upon the representations and warranties of the

contributors and without our knowledge of any infringement of any third party. Information and instructions given are presented in good faith. As we have no control

over physical conditions surrounding application of information contained in this project, the contributors and publisher disclaim any liability for untoward results.

































— 2 —


I S S U E 1 1 2 · S H E E T 1 , S I D E 1

I S S U E 1 1 2 · S H E E T 1 , S I D E 1

SEEING REDBY D I K IRCHNER O F AUSTRAL IA For colour photos and full details, see pages 16–23.

CUTTING OUTCut the lining according to the measurements below.

IVORY SILK DUPIONLining: cut one 17cm x 36cm wide (6 ¾" x 14 ½")

CONSTRUCTIONAll seam allowances are 1cm (⅜") unless otherwise specified. The shaded areas on the following diagrams indicate the right side of the fabric.

1. Preparing the linenPress the linen, face down into a soft padded surface. Count out eight threads from the line of back stitch on each long side and withdraw the ninth thread. Cut away the excess fabric along this line. Count out eight threads from the embroidery on each short edge and mark with a line of tacking using the pale blue sewing thread. Measure out 1cm (⅜") from the tacked line and cut away the excess fabric, taking care to cut along the grain (diag 1).

diag 1

8 threads

8 threads

1cm (⅜")

1cm (⅜")

Remove all remaining tacked lines except the vertical centre line and at the short ends.Carefully cut the buttonholes using the fine, sharp scissors.

2. Side seamsFold under the seam allowance on each long edge along the back stitch line and press. With wrong sides together, fold the bag in half along the tacked vertical centre line and pin. Beginning at the base of the bag on each side and using A, whip the lines of back stitch together. At the top edge of the bag, work an up and down blanket stitch loop over each side seam, aligning the ends with the arrowhead rows and using two strands of B (diag 2).

diag 2

Remove the centre line of tacking.

3. LiningFold under 12mm (½") along each side of the silk dupion and press. With right sides together and matching short edges, fold the fabric in half and pin along each long side. Using the ivory sewing thread, ladder stitch the side seams.

4. Inserting the liningFold the 1cm (⅜") seam allowance at the top of the linen bag to the wrong side and press. Slide the lining down into the bag, with the top edge just below the folded edge of the linen and pin in place. Tack the silk dupion to the linen, leaving a small gap at each side seam.

5. Twisted cords Make two-colour twisted cords with ten strands of B and C using the following lengths for each one.Handle: 85cm (34")Drawstrings x 2: 95cm (38") eachBase cords x 3: 30cm (12") eachWhen making the drawstring cords, make one using a clockwise twist and the other using a counter-clockwise twist.

6. TasselsCut the piece of felt into five, 2cm x 6cm wide (¾" x 2 ⅜") pieces. Put two pieces aside for the drawstring tassels.Fold one base cord in half. Measure down 1cm (⅜") from the fold and wrap one piece of felt firmly around the cord, creating an oval shape. Stitch the felt in place using the ivory sewing thread (diag 3).Thread one long strand of B and C together in the needle and secure into the felt close to the top. Work a row of close blanket stitch around the top edge of the felt (diag 4).

diag 3 & 4

Work rows of detached blanket stitch to cover the felt, using the top row as a foundation and adding and subtracting stitches as necessary to maintain the oval shape. Trim away the ends of the twisted cord and unravel the strands of thread to create the tassel skirt. If desired, add in extra threads by threading them, one at a time, up through the tassel head then back down again. Trim the tassel skirt so that it is even. Make the remaining base tassels in the same manner. Stitch the base cords and tassels along the base of the bag using A.

Attach the small safety pin to the looped end of one drawstring twisted cord. Beginning at the left-hand seam, take the cord behind the up and down blanket stitch loop and through the buttonholes and second up and down blanket stitch loop around the top of the bag. When reaching the left-hand seam, take the cord behind the up and down blanket stitch loop and pull through so that the tails are even (diag 5).

diag 5

Measure up 7.5cm (3") from the ends of the cord and stitch together using A. Using one of the remaining pieces of felt, work a tassel head in the same manner as the base tassels. Trim away the ends of the cord and unravel the strands of thread, adding more if desired.Trim the tassel skirt so that it is even. Beginning at the right-hand seam, thread the second drawstring cord around the top of the bag in the same manner as the first cord. Pull through so that the tails are even, taking care to ensure that the cords are sitting together to form a chevron pattern. Finish the ends of the cord with a tassel in the same manner as before.

7. HandleBind each end of the handle cord with the ivory sewing thread and trim away the knots close to the binding. Slide 1cm (⅜") of each end of the cord down between the lining and the bag at each side seam and pin in place. Using the ivory sewing thread, ladder stitch the top edge of the lining to the bag, working several stitches through the cord at each side seam to ensure that it is secure.

S I D E 1

Spring SongEmbroidery design and templates. For full details see pages 24–31.

Seeing RedConstruction information and alphabet and numbers chart. For full details see pages 16–23.

The Holly and the IvyEmbroidery design. For full details see pages 32–39.

S I D E 2

Colours of ChristmasConstruction information and embroidery chart. For full details see pages 58–67.

Rose and HoneybeeConstruction information. For full details see pages 68–75.

Invermay WildflowersEmbroidery design and templates. For full details see pages 40–49.

Bright ButterflyConstruction information. For full details see pages 76–83.

SPRING SONGBY TAET IA McEWEN O F AUSTRAL IA For colour photos and full details, see pages 24–31.

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THE HOLLY AND THE IVYBY MARGARET L IGHT O F AUSTRAL IA For colour photos and full details, see pages 32–39.

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Copyright Reserved © 2021Inspirations Studios

1cm (⅜")


I S S U E 1 1 2 · S H E E T 1 , S I D E 1

I S S U E 1 1 2 · S H E E T 1 , S I D E 1

SEEING REDBY D I K IRCHNER O F AUSTRAL IA For colour photos and full details, see pages 16–23.

CUTTING OUTCut the lining according to the measurements below.

IVORY SILK DUPIONLining: cut one 17cm x 36cm wide (6 ¾" x 14 ½")

CONSTRUCTIONAll seam allowances are 1cm (⅜") unless otherwise specified. The shaded areas on the following diagrams indicate the right side of the fabric.

1. Preparing the linenPress the linen, face down into a soft padded surface. Count out eight threads from the line of back stitch on each long side and withdraw the ninth thread. Cut away the excess fabric along this line. Count out eight threads from the embroidery on each short edge and mark with a line of tacking using the pale blue sewing thread. Measure out 1cm (⅜") from the tacked line and cut away the excess fabric, taking care to cut along the grain (diag 1).

diag 1

8 threads

8 threads

1cm (⅜")

1cm (⅜")

Remove all remaining tacked lines except the vertical centre line and at the short ends.Carefully cut the buttonholes using the fine, sharp scissors.

2. Side seamsFold under the seam allowance on each long edge along the back stitch line and press. With wrong sides together, fold the bag in half along the tacked vertical centre line and pin. Beginning at the base of the bag on each side and using A, whip the lines of back stitch together. At the top edge of the bag, work an up and down blanket stitch loop over each side seam, aligning the ends with the arrowhead rows and using two strands of B (diag 2).

diag 2

Remove the centre line of tacking.

3. LiningFold under 12mm (½") along each side of the silk dupion and press. With right sides together and matching short edges, fold the fabric in half and pin along each long side. Using the ivory sewing thread, ladder stitch the side seams.

4. Inserting the liningFold the 1cm (⅜") seam allowance at the top of the linen bag to the wrong side and press. Slide the lining down into the bag, with the top edge just below the folded edge of the linen and pin in place. Tack the silk dupion to the linen, leaving a small gap at each side seam.

5. Twisted cords Make two-colour twisted cords with ten strands of B and C using the following lengths for each one.Handle: 85cm (34")Drawstrings x 2: 95cm (38") eachBase cords x 3: 30cm (12") eachWhen making the drawstring cords, make one using a clockwise twist and the other using a counter-clockwise twist.

6. TasselsCut the piece of felt into five, 2cm x 6cm wide (¾" x 2 ⅜") pieces. Put two pieces aside for the drawstring tassels.Fold one base cord in half. Measure down 1cm (⅜") from the fold and wrap one piece of felt firmly around the cord, creating an oval shape. Stitch the felt in place using the ivory sewing thread (diag 3).Thread one long strand of B and C together in the needle and secure into the felt close to the top. Work a row of close blanket stitch around the top edge of the felt (diag 4).

diag 3 & 4

Work rows of detached blanket stitch to cover the felt, using the top row as a foundation and adding and subtracting stitches as necessary to maintain the oval shape. Trim away the ends of the twisted cord and unravel the strands of thread to create the tassel skirt. If desired, add in extra threads by threading them, one at a time, up through the tassel head then back down again. Trim the tassel skirt so that it is even. Make the remaining base tassels in the same manner. Stitch the base cords and tassels along the base of the bag using A.

Attach the small safety pin to the looped end of one drawstring twisted cord. Beginning at the left-hand seam, take the cord behind the up and down blanket stitch loop and through the buttonholes and second up and down blanket stitch loop around the top of the bag. When reaching the left-hand seam, take the cord behind the up and down blanket stitch loop and pull through so that the tails are even (diag 5).

diag 5

Measure up 7.5cm (3") from the ends of the cord and stitch together using A. Using one of the remaining pieces of felt, work a tassel head in the same manner as the base tassels. Trim away the ends of the cord and unravel the strands of thread, adding more if desired.Trim the tassel skirt so that it is even. Beginning at the right-hand seam, thread the second drawstring cord around the top of the bag in the same manner as the first cord. Pull through so that the tails are even, taking care to ensure that the cords are sitting together to form a chevron pattern. Finish the ends of the cord with a tassel in the same manner as before.

7. HandleBind each end of the handle cord with the ivory sewing thread and trim away the knots close to the binding. Slide 1cm (⅜") of each end of the cord down between the lining and the bag at each side seam and pin in place. Using the ivory sewing thread, ladder stitch the top edge of the lining to the bag, working several stitches through the cord at each side seam to ensure that it is secure.

S I D E 1

Spring SongEmbroidery design and templates. For full details see pages 24–31.

Seeing RedConstruction information and alphabet and numbers chart. For full details see pages 16–23.

The Holly and the IvyEmbroidery design. For full details see pages 32–39.

S I D E 2

Colours of ChristmasConstruction information and embroidery chart. For full details see pages 58–67.

Rose and HoneybeeConstruction information. For full details see pages 68–75.

Invermay WildflowersEmbroidery design and templates. For full details see pages 40–49.

Bright ButterflyConstruction information. For full details see pages 76–83.

SPRING SONGBY TAET IA McEWEN O F AUSTRAL IA For colour photos and full details, see pages 24–31.

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THE HOLLY AND THE IVYBY MARGARET L IGHT O F AUSTRAL IA For colour photos and full details, see pages 32–39.

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Copyright Reserved © 2021Inspirations Studios

1cm (⅜")


I S S U E 1 1 2 · S H E E T 1 , S I D E 1

I S S U E 1 1 2 · S H E E T 1 , S I D E 1

SEEING REDBY D I K IRCHNER O F AUSTRAL IA For colour photos and full details, see pages 16–23.

CUTTING OUTCut the lining according to the measurements below.

IVORY SILK DUPIONLining: cut one 17cm x 36cm wide (6 ¾" x 14 ½")

CONSTRUCTIONAll seam allowances are 1cm (⅜") unless otherwise specified. The shaded areas on the following diagrams indicate the right side of the fabric.

1. Preparing the linenPress the linen, face down into a soft padded surface. Count out eight threads from the line of back stitch on each long side and withdraw the ninth thread. Cut away the excess fabric along this line. Count out eight threads from the embroidery on each short edge and mark with a line of tacking using the pale blue sewing thread. Measure out 1cm (⅜") from the tacked line and cut away the excess fabric, taking care to cut along the grain (diag 1).

diag 1

8 threads

8 threads

1cm (⅜")

1cm (⅜")

Remove all remaining tacked lines except the vertical centre line and at the short ends.Carefully cut the buttonholes using the fine, sharp scissors.

2. Side seamsFold under the seam allowance on each long edge along the back stitch line and press. With wrong sides together, fold the bag in half along the tacked vertical centre line and pin. Beginning at the base of the bag on each side and using A, whip the lines of back stitch together. At the top edge of the bag, work an up and down blanket stitch loop over each side seam, aligning the ends with the arrowhead rows and using two strands of B (diag 2).

diag 2

Remove the centre line of tacking.

3. LiningFold under 12mm (½") along each side of the silk dupion and press. With right sides together and matching short edges, fold the fabric in half and pin along each long side. Using the ivory sewing thread, ladder stitch the side seams.

4. Inserting the liningFold the 1cm (⅜") seam allowance at the top of the linen bag to the wrong side and press. Slide the lining down into the bag, with the top edge just below the folded edge of the linen and pin in place. Tack the silk dupion to the linen, leaving a small gap at each side seam.

5. Twisted cords Make two-colour twisted cords with ten strands of B and C using the following lengths for each one.Handle: 85cm (34")Drawstrings x 2: 95cm (38") eachBase cords x 3: 30cm (12") eachWhen making the drawstring cords, make one using a clockwise twist and the other using a counter-clockwise twist.

6. TasselsCut the piece of felt into five, 2cm x 6cm wide (¾" x 2 ⅜") pieces. Put two pieces aside for the drawstring tassels.Fold one base cord in half. Measure down 1cm (⅜") from the fold and wrap one piece of felt firmly around the cord, creating an oval shape. Stitch the felt in place using the ivory sewing thread (diag 3).Thread one long strand of B and C together in the needle and secure into the felt close to the top. Work a row of close blanket stitch around the top edge of the felt (diag 4).

diag 3 & 4

Work rows of detached blanket stitch to cover the felt, using the top row as a foundation and adding and subtracting stitches as necessary to maintain the oval shape. Trim away the ends of the twisted cord and unravel the strands of thread to create the tassel skirt. If desired, add in extra threads by threading them, one at a time, up through the tassel head then back down again. Trim the tassel skirt so that it is even. Make the remaining base tassels in the same manner. Stitch the base cords and tassels along the base of the bag using A.

Attach the small safety pin to the looped end of one drawstring twisted cord. Beginning at the left-hand seam, take the cord behind the up and down blanket stitch loop and through the buttonholes and second up and down blanket stitch loop around the top of the bag. When reaching the left-hand seam, take the cord behind the up and down blanket stitch loop and pull through so that the tails are even (diag 5).

diag 5

Measure up 7.5cm (3") from the ends of the cord and stitch together using A. Using one of the remaining pieces of felt, work a tassel head in the same manner as the base tassels. Trim away the ends of the cord and unravel the strands of thread, adding more if desired.Trim the tassel skirt so that it is even. Beginning at the right-hand seam, thread the second drawstring cord around the top of the bag in the same manner as the first cord. Pull through so that the tails are even, taking care to ensure that the cords are sitting together to form a chevron pattern. Finish the ends of the cord with a tassel in the same manner as before.

7. HandleBind each end of the handle cord with the ivory sewing thread and trim away the knots close to the binding. Slide 1cm (⅜") of each end of the cord down between the lining and the bag at each side seam and pin in place. Using the ivory sewing thread, ladder stitch the top edge of the lining to the bag, working several stitches through the cord at each side seam to ensure that it is secure.

S I D E 1

Spring SongEmbroidery design and templates. For full details see pages 24–31.

Seeing RedConstruction information and alphabet and numbers chart. For full details see pages 16–23.

The Holly and the IvyEmbroidery design. For full details see pages 32–39.

S I D E 2

Colours of ChristmasConstruction information and embroidery chart. For full details see pages 58–67.

Rose and HoneybeeConstruction information. For full details see pages 68–75.

Invermay WildflowersEmbroidery design and templates. For full details see pages 40–49.

Bright ButterflyConstruction information. For full details see pages 76–83.

SPRING SONGBY TAET IA McEWEN O F AUSTRAL IA For colour photos and full details, see pages 24–31.

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THE HOLLY AND THE IVYBY MARGARET L IGHT O F AUSTRAL IA For colour photos and full details, see pages 32–39.

placement mark

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Copyright Reserved © 2021Inspirations Studios

1cm (⅜")

— 3 —


I S S U E 1 1 2 · S H E E T 1 , S I D E 1

I S S U E 1 1 2 · S H E E T 1 , S I D E 1

SEEING REDBY D I K IRCHNER O F AUSTRAL IA For colour photos and full details, see pages 16–23.

CUTTING OUTCut the lining according to the measurements below.

IVORY SILK DUPIONLining: cut one 17cm x 36cm wide (6 ¾" x 14 ½")

CONSTRUCTIONAll seam allowances are 1cm (⅜") unless otherwise specified. The shaded areas on the following diagrams indicate the right side of the fabric.

1. Preparing the linenPress the linen, face down into a soft padded surface. Count out eight threads from the line of back stitch on each long side and withdraw the ninth thread. Cut away the excess fabric along this line. Count out eight threads from the embroidery on each short edge and mark with a line of tacking using the pale blue sewing thread. Measure out 1cm (⅜") from the tacked line and cut away the excess fabric, taking care to cut along the grain (diag 1).

diag 1

8 threads

8 threads

1cm (⅜")

1cm (⅜")

Remove all remaining tacked lines except the vertical centre line and at the short ends.Carefully cut the buttonholes using the fine, sharp scissors.

2. Side seamsFold under the seam allowance on each long edge along the back stitch line and press. With wrong sides together, fold the bag in half along the tacked vertical centre line and pin. Beginning at the base of the bag on each side and using A, whip the lines of back stitch together. At the top edge of the bag, work an up and down blanket stitch loop over each side seam, aligning the ends with the arrowhead rows and using two strands of B (diag 2).

diag 2

Remove the centre line of tacking.

3. LiningFold under 12mm (½") along each side of the silk dupion and press. With right sides together and matching short edges, fold the fabric in half and pin along each long side. Using the ivory sewing thread, ladder stitch the side seams.

4. Inserting the liningFold the 1cm (⅜") seam allowance at the top of the linen bag to the wrong side and press. Slide the lining down into the bag, with the top edge just below the folded edge of the linen and pin in place. Tack the silk dupion to the linen, leaving a small gap at each side seam.

5. Twisted cords Make two-colour twisted cords with ten strands of B and C using the following lengths for each one.Handle: 85cm (34")Drawstrings x 2: 95cm (38") eachBase cords x 3: 30cm (12") eachWhen making the drawstring cords, make one using a clockwise twist and the other using a counter-clockwise twist.

6. TasselsCut the piece of felt into five, 2cm x 6cm wide (¾" x 2 ⅜") pieces. Put two pieces aside for the drawstring tassels.Fold one base cord in half. Measure down 1cm (⅜") from the fold and wrap one piece of felt firmly around the cord, creating an oval shape. Stitch the felt in place using the ivory sewing thread (diag 3).Thread one long strand of B and C together in the needle and secure into the felt close to the top. Work a row of close blanket stitch around the top edge of the felt (diag 4).

diag 3 & 4

Work rows of detached blanket stitch to cover the felt, using the top row as a foundation and adding and subtracting stitches as necessary to maintain the oval shape. Trim away the ends of the twisted cord and unravel the strands of thread to create the tassel skirt. If desired, add in extra threads by threading them, one at a time, up through the tassel head then back down again. Trim the tassel skirt so that it is even. Make the remaining base tassels in the same manner. Stitch the base cords and tassels along the base of the bag using A.

Attach the small safety pin to the looped end of one drawstring twisted cord. Beginning at the left-hand seam, take the cord behind the up and down blanket stitch loop and through the buttonholes and second up and down blanket stitch loop around the top of the bag. When reaching the left-hand seam, take the cord behind the up and down blanket stitch loop and pull through so that the tails are even (diag 5).

diag 5

Measure up 7.5cm (3") from the ends of the cord and stitch together using A. Using one of the remaining pieces of felt, work a tassel head in the same manner as the base tassels. Trim away the ends of the cord and unravel the strands of thread, adding more if desired.Trim the tassel skirt so that it is even. Beginning at the right-hand seam, thread the second drawstring cord around the top of the bag in the same manner as the first cord. Pull through so that the tails are even, taking care to ensure that the cords are sitting together to form a chevron pattern. Finish the ends of the cord with a tassel in the same manner as before.

7. HandleBind each end of the handle cord with the ivory sewing thread and trim away the knots close to the binding. Slide 1cm (⅜") of each end of the cord down between the lining and the bag at each side seam and pin in place. Using the ivory sewing thread, ladder stitch the top edge of the lining to the bag, working several stitches through the cord at each side seam to ensure that it is secure.

S I D E 1

Spring SongEmbroidery design and templates. For full details see pages 24–31.

Seeing RedConstruction information and alphabet and numbers chart. For full details see pages 16–23.

The Holly and the IvyEmbroidery design. For full details see pages 32–39.

S I D E 2

Colours of ChristmasConstruction information and embroidery chart. For full details see pages 58–67.

Rose and HoneybeeConstruction information. For full details see pages 68–75.

Invermay WildflowersEmbroidery design and templates. For full details see pages 40–49.

Bright ButterflyConstruction information. For full details see pages 76–83.

SPRING SONGBY TAET IA McEWEN O F AUSTRAL IA For colour photos and full details, see pages 24–31.

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THE HOLLY AND THE IVYBY MARGARET L IGHT O F AUSTRAL IA For colour photos and full details, see pages 32–39.

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Copyright Reserved © 2021Inspirations Studios

1cm (⅜")


I S S U E 1 1 2 · S H E E T 1 , S I D E 1

I S S U E 1 1 2 · S H E E T 1 , S I D E 1

SEEING REDBY D I K IRCHNER O F AUSTRAL IA For colour photos and full details, see pages 16–23.

CUTTING OUTCut the lining according to the measurements below.

IVORY SILK DUPIONLining: cut one 17cm x 36cm wide (6 ¾" x 14 ½")

CONSTRUCTIONAll seam allowances are 1cm (⅜") unless otherwise specified. The shaded areas on the following diagrams indicate the right side of the fabric.

1. Preparing the linenPress the linen, face down into a soft padded surface. Count out eight threads from the line of back stitch on each long side and withdraw the ninth thread. Cut away the excess fabric along this line. Count out eight threads from the embroidery on each short edge and mark with a line of tacking using the pale blue sewing thread. Measure out 1cm (⅜") from the tacked line and cut away the excess fabric, taking care to cut along the grain (diag 1).

diag 1

8 threads

8 threads

1cm (⅜")

1cm (⅜")

Remove all remaining tacked lines except the vertical centre line and at the short ends.Carefully cut the buttonholes using the fine, sharp scissors.

2. Side seamsFold under the seam allowance on each long edge along the back stitch line and press. With wrong sides together, fold the bag in half along the tacked vertical centre line and pin. Beginning at the base of the bag on each side and using A, whip the lines of back stitch together. At the top edge of the bag, work an up and down blanket stitch loop over each side seam, aligning the ends with the arrowhead rows and using two strands of B (diag 2).

diag 2

Remove the centre line of tacking.

3. LiningFold under 12mm (½") along each side of the silk dupion and press. With right sides together and matching short edges, fold the fabric in half and pin along each long side. Using the ivory sewing thread, ladder stitch the side seams.

4. Inserting the liningFold the 1cm (⅜") seam allowance at the top of the linen bag to the wrong side and press. Slide the lining down into the bag, with the top edge just below the folded edge of the linen and pin in place. Tack the silk dupion to the linen, leaving a small gap at each side seam.

5. Twisted cords Make two-colour twisted cords with ten strands of B and C using the following lengths for each one.Handle: 85cm (34")Drawstrings x 2: 95cm (38") eachBase cords x 3: 30cm (12") eachWhen making the drawstring cords, make one using a clockwise twist and the other using a counter-clockwise twist.

6. TasselsCut the piece of felt into five, 2cm x 6cm wide (¾" x 2 ⅜") pieces. Put two pieces aside for the drawstring tassels.Fold one base cord in half. Measure down 1cm (⅜") from the fold and wrap one piece of felt firmly around the cord, creating an oval shape. Stitch the felt in place using the ivory sewing thread (diag 3).Thread one long strand of B and C together in the needle and secure into the felt close to the top. Work a row of close blanket stitch around the top edge of the felt (diag 4).

diag 3 & 4

Work rows of detached blanket stitch to cover the felt, using the top row as a foundation and adding and subtracting stitches as necessary to maintain the oval shape. Trim away the ends of the twisted cord and unravel the strands of thread to create the tassel skirt. If desired, add in extra threads by threading them, one at a time, up through the tassel head then back down again. Trim the tassel skirt so that it is even. Make the remaining base tassels in the same manner. Stitch the base cords and tassels along the base of the bag using A.

Attach the small safety pin to the looped end of one drawstring twisted cord. Beginning at the left-hand seam, take the cord behind the up and down blanket stitch loop and through the buttonholes and second up and down blanket stitch loop around the top of the bag. When reaching the left-hand seam, take the cord behind the up and down blanket stitch loop and pull through so that the tails are even (diag 5).

diag 5

Measure up 7.5cm (3") from the ends of the cord and stitch together using A. Using one of the remaining pieces of felt, work a tassel head in the same manner as the base tassels. Trim away the ends of the cord and unravel the strands of thread, adding more if desired.Trim the tassel skirt so that it is even. Beginning at the right-hand seam, thread the second drawstring cord around the top of the bag in the same manner as the first cord. Pull through so that the tails are even, taking care to ensure that the cords are sitting together to form a chevron pattern. Finish the ends of the cord with a tassel in the same manner as before.

7. HandleBind each end of the handle cord with the ivory sewing thread and trim away the knots close to the binding. Slide 1cm (⅜") of each end of the cord down between the lining and the bag at each side seam and pin in place. Using the ivory sewing thread, ladder stitch the top edge of the lining to the bag, working several stitches through the cord at each side seam to ensure that it is secure.

S I D E 1

Spring SongEmbroidery design and templates. For full details see pages 24–31.

Seeing RedConstruction information and alphabet and numbers chart. For full details see pages 16–23.

The Holly and the IvyEmbroidery design. For full details see pages 32–39.

S I D E 2

Colours of ChristmasConstruction information and embroidery chart. For full details see pages 58–67.

Rose and HoneybeeConstruction information. For full details see pages 68–75.

Invermay WildflowersEmbroidery design and templates. For full details see pages 40–49.

Bright ButterflyConstruction information. For full details see pages 76–83.

SPRING SONGBY TAET IA McEWEN O F AUSTRAL IA For colour photos and full details, see pages 24–31.

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THE HOLLY AND THE IVYBY MARGARET L IGHT O F AUSTRAL IA For colour photos and full details, see pages 32–39.

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Copyright Reserved © 2021Inspirations Studios

1cm (⅜")


I S S U E 1 1 2 · S H E E T 1 , S I D E 1

I S S U E 1 1 2 · S H E E T 1 , S I D E 1

SEEING REDBY D I K IRCHNER O F AUSTRAL IA For colour photos and full details, see pages 16–23.

CUTTING OUTCut the lining according to the measurements below.

IVORY SILK DUPIONLining: cut one 17cm x 36cm wide (6 ¾" x 14 ½")

CONSTRUCTIONAll seam allowances are 1cm (⅜") unless otherwise specified. The shaded areas on the following diagrams indicate the right side of the fabric.

1. Preparing the linenPress the linen, face down into a soft padded surface. Count out eight threads from the line of back stitch on each long side and withdraw the ninth thread. Cut away the excess fabric along this line. Count out eight threads from the embroidery on each short edge and mark with a line of tacking using the pale blue sewing thread. Measure out 1cm (⅜") from the tacked line and cut away the excess fabric, taking care to cut along the grain (diag 1).

diag 1

8 threads

8 threads

1cm (⅜")

1cm (⅜")

Remove all remaining tacked lines except the vertical centre line and at the short ends.Carefully cut the buttonholes using the fine, sharp scissors.

2. Side seamsFold under the seam allowance on each long edge along the back stitch line and press. With wrong sides together, fold the bag in half along the tacked vertical centre line and pin. Beginning at the base of the bag on each side and using A, whip the lines of back stitch together. At the top edge of the bag, work an up and down blanket stitch loop over each side seam, aligning the ends with the arrowhead rows and using two strands of B (diag 2).

diag 2

Remove the centre line of tacking.

3. LiningFold under 12mm (½") along each side of the silk dupion and press. With right sides together and matching short edges, fold the fabric in half and pin along each long side. Using the ivory sewing thread, ladder stitch the side seams.

4. Inserting the liningFold the 1cm (⅜") seam allowance at the top of the linen bag to the wrong side and press. Slide the lining down into the bag, with the top edge just below the folded edge of the linen and pin in place. Tack the silk dupion to the linen, leaving a small gap at each side seam.

5. Twisted cords Make two-colour twisted cords with ten strands of B and C using the following lengths for each one.Handle: 85cm (34")Drawstrings x 2: 95cm (38") eachBase cords x 3: 30cm (12") eachWhen making the drawstring cords, make one using a clockwise twist and the other using a counter-clockwise twist.

6. TasselsCut the piece of felt into five, 2cm x 6cm wide (¾" x 2 ⅜") pieces. Put two pieces aside for the drawstring tassels.Fold one base cord in half. Measure down 1cm (⅜") from the fold and wrap one piece of felt firmly around the cord, creating an oval shape. Stitch the felt in place using the ivory sewing thread (diag 3).Thread one long strand of B and C together in the needle and secure into the felt close to the top. Work a row of close blanket stitch around the top edge of the felt (diag 4).

diag 3 & 4

Work rows of detached blanket stitch to cover the felt, using the top row as a foundation and adding and subtracting stitches as necessary to maintain the oval shape. Trim away the ends of the twisted cord and unravel the strands of thread to create the tassel skirt. If desired, add in extra threads by threading them, one at a time, up through the tassel head then back down again. Trim the tassel skirt so that it is even. Make the remaining base tassels in the same manner. Stitch the base cords and tassels along the base of the bag using A.

Attach the small safety pin to the looped end of one drawstring twisted cord. Beginning at the left-hand seam, take the cord behind the up and down blanket stitch loop and through the buttonholes and second up and down blanket stitch loop around the top of the bag. When reaching the left-hand seam, take the cord behind the up and down blanket stitch loop and pull through so that the tails are even (diag 5).

diag 5

Measure up 7.5cm (3") from the ends of the cord and stitch together using A. Using one of the remaining pieces of felt, work a tassel head in the same manner as the base tassels. Trim away the ends of the cord and unravel the strands of thread, adding more if desired.Trim the tassel skirt so that it is even. Beginning at the right-hand seam, thread the second drawstring cord around the top of the bag in the same manner as the first cord. Pull through so that the tails are even, taking care to ensure that the cords are sitting together to form a chevron pattern. Finish the ends of the cord with a tassel in the same manner as before.

7. HandleBind each end of the handle cord with the ivory sewing thread and trim away the knots close to the binding. Slide 1cm (⅜") of each end of the cord down between the lining and the bag at each side seam and pin in place. Using the ivory sewing thread, ladder stitch the top edge of the lining to the bag, working several stitches through the cord at each side seam to ensure that it is secure.

S I D E 1

Spring SongEmbroidery design and templates. For full details see pages 24–31.

Seeing RedConstruction information and alphabet and numbers chart. For full details see pages 16–23.

The Holly and the IvyEmbroidery design. For full details see pages 32–39.

S I D E 2

Colours of ChristmasConstruction information and embroidery chart. For full details see pages 58–67.

Rose and HoneybeeConstruction information. For full details see pages 68–75.

Invermay WildflowersEmbroidery design and templates. For full details see pages 40–49.

Bright ButterflyConstruction information. For full details see pages 76–83.

SPRING SONGBY TAET IA McEWEN O F AUSTRAL IA For colour photos and full details, see pages 24–31.

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THE HOLLY AND THE IVYBY MARGARET L IGHT O F AUSTRAL IA For colour photos and full details, see pages 32–39.

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Copyright Reserved © 2021Inspirations Studios

1cm (⅜")