Weekday Masses Monday Tuesday, Liturgy of the Word with Holy Communion Wednesday Thursday Friday, followed by Morning Tea No Mass 9.15 am 9:15 am 7:00 pm 9:15 am Sunday Masses Saturday Sunday 6:00 pm 8:00 am 10:00 am Reconciliation Saturday 5:00 pm - 5:30 pm First Sunday of Advent, Year A 27th November 2016 SEASONS Newsletter of the Catholic Parish of St. Thomas More, Mount Eliza 313 Canadian Bay Rd Mount Eliza Vic. 3930 Phone: 9787 7777 Fax: 9787 9734 Email: [email protected] Web: www.stm-mteliza.org Pastoral Leadership Team Fr. Laurie (Parish Priest) Lys Crowe (Pastoral Associate) Peter Whyte (School D Principal) Anne-Marie Hyde (Chairperson) Ange Virgona Bill Hunt John Bruitzman Jim Bourke Maree Taverna PPLT Email: [email protected] PCC=Parish Community Centre U=Undercroft C=Church MPR=School Multipurpose Room SSR=School Staff Room Tuesday Social Club Committee Meeting, 9.45am, PCC Sip ‘n’ Sew Group Christmas Lunch, 12.30pm, The Royal Hotel, Mornington Parish Education Board Meeting, 7pm, Wednesday Inter-Church Advent Prayer, 7.30pm, C 17th December Bunnings sausage sizzle God of hope, As we prepare for Christmas, help us to take the time to open our hearts to others and to new opportunities. To stop, listen and wait purposefully in your love, resisting the pressure to do more and buy more by living more simply and sustainably. May we recognize the talents you have given each of us and seek the opportunity to be a light for others: offering a message of hope. Advent is a time of waiting. Sometimes it can be hard to wait, to be patient, in a world where we find ourselves willing things to be faster: faster internet service, faster table service, faster commutes to work…………….. However, waiting for Christ is not time spent doing nothing. ‘Advent’ wait- ing time implies an intentional focus on the action of God in this time. It im- plies we get ready, in hope. What are you waiting for? What are you hoping for? Is there a difference? Why? What gifts or talents do you have that can offer hope to others? from Caritas Australia- Parish Advent Resource Inter-Church Advent Prayer At St Thomas More The now annual Inter-Church Advent Prayer, hosted by our Parish, is on Wednesday 30 th November at 7.30pm. We have invited the St James the Less Anglican community and The Village Church Uniting community to join us for this prayer time together. Please come along and, if possible, bring a plate of food to share for supper togeth- er after the prayer. It’s a great chance to pray together and to get to know others in our neighbouring Christian communities. All welcome!

SEASONS - St Thomas More Parish Mt Eliza · FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT, YEAR A SEASONS PAGE 3 ... church by Sunday, December 4th. ... out over the Bay during the Sunday Homily!

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Page 1: SEASONS - St Thomas More Parish Mt Eliza · FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT, YEAR A SEASONS PAGE 3 ... church by Sunday, December 4th. ... out over the Bay during the Sunday Homily!

Weekday Masses


Tuesday, Liturgy of the

Word with Holy Communion



Friday, followed by Morning Tea

No Mass

9.15 am

9:15 am

7:00 pm

9:15 am

Sunday Masses

Saturday Sunday

6:00 pm 8:00 am

10:00 am


Saturday 5:00 pm - 5:30 pm

First Sunday of Advent, Year A 27th November 2016

SEASONS Newsletter of the Catholic Parish of St. Thomas More, Mount Eliza

313 Canadian Bay Rd Mount Eliza Vic. 3930

Phone: 9787 7777 Fax: 9787 9734 Email: [email protected]

Web: www.stm-mteliza.org

Pastoral Leadership Team

Fr. Laurie (Parish Priest) Lys Crowe (Pastoral Associate)

Peter Whyte (School D Principal)

Anne-Marie Hyde (Chairperson) Ange Virgona Bill Hunt

John Bruitzman Jim Bourke Maree Taverna

PPLT Email: [email protected]

PCC=Parish Community Centre U=Undercroft


MPR=School Multipurpose Room

SSR=School Staff Room

Tuesday Social Club Committee Meeting,

9.45am, PCC Sip ‘n’ Sew Group Christmas Lunch, 12.30pm, The Royal Hotel,

Mornington Parish Education Board Meeting, 7pm,


Inter-Church Advent Prayer, 7.30pm, C

17th December Bunnings sausage sizzle

God of hope, As we prepare for Christmas, help us to take the time to open our hearts to others and to new opportunities.

To stop, listen and wait purposefully in your love, resisting the pressure to do more and buy more

by living more simply and sustainably. May we recognize the talents you have given each of us

and seek the opportunity to be a light for others: offering a message of hope. Advent is a time of waiting. Sometimes it can be hard to wait, to be patient, in a world where we find ourselves willing things to be faster: faster internet service, faster table service, faster commutes to work……………..

However, waiting for Christ is not time spent doing nothing. ‘Advent’ wait-ing time implies an intentional focus on the action of God in this time. It im-plies we get ready, in hope.

What are you waiting for? What are you hoping for? Is there a difference? Why? What gifts or talents do you have that can offer hope to others?

from Caritas Australia- Parish Advent Resource

Inter-Church Advent Prayer At St Thomas More The now annual Inter-Church Advent Prayer, hosted by

our Parish, is on Wednesday 30th November at

7.30pm. We have invited the St James the Less Anglican

community and The Village Church Uniting community to

join us for this prayer time together.

Please come along and, if possible, bring a plate of food to share for supper togeth-

er after the prayer. It’s a great chance to pray together and to get to know others

in our neighbouring Christian communities. All welcome!

Page 2: SEASONS - St Thomas More Parish Mt Eliza · FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT, YEAR A SEASONS PAGE 3 ... church by Sunday, December 4th. ... out over the Bay during the Sunday Homily!


We pray for...

Liturgy - First Sunday of Advent - Year A

Financial Matters Stewardship

Received last weekend .............................. $3,208

Pledged last weekend ................................ $2,881

Average received in October .................. $3,070


Amount received last week ..................... $1,460 Thanks to all of you who give so generously to support our


First Reading: Isaiah 2:1-5

The Lord will gather all nations in eternal peace in

the kingdom of God.

Responsorial Psalm

Let us go rejoicing to the house of the Lord.

Second Reading: Romans 13:11-14

The time has come, our salvation is near.

Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia, alleluia! Lord, show us your mercy and love,

and grant us your salvation. Alleluia!

Gospel: Matthew 24:37-44

Stay awake, you must be ready.

Next Week’s Readings:

Isaiah 11:1-10, Romans 15:4-9, Matthew 3:1-12

Those who have died recently

Peter Stuart

Those whose anniversaries fall

at this time…

Wilfred Oakes, Vernon Hussey, Rita Fisscher, Millicent


and the Sick...

Mike Seymour, David McDougall, Anne Wirth, Dennis

Sullivan, Les Harper, Gordon Foulis, Les Malseed, Len

Crowe, Jose Gomes, Des Leyden, Pat Crowther, Mar-

garet Beale, Angela Butler, Sue Kelly, Maria Kelly, Jan

Deakin, Will Murray, Sr. Tarcissius, Frank Nolan, Jo

King, Paula Stuart, Kathryn Hart, Fr. Michael Walsh,

Shane Dobson, Ken & Mary Allen, Ray Grant, Rob

Nicholls, Adrian Gobel, Rachael Sanderson (nee Da-

vies), and all of the sick at the George Vowell Centre

& Ranelagh Gardens Nursing Home.

and the parishioners of St Thomas More Parish,

Tequinomata, East Timor.

Morning Tea Your hosts this week will be

Brian and Sally McAnallen.

You are all warmly invited to

linger after 10am Mass for a

cuppa and an opportunity to get to know some

other members of your parish community better.

Your hosts next week will be Anne Davey & John


Next Week’s Roster

Mass Time Lector Commentator

6 pm Graeme Hannan Mary Charley

8 am Dennis Cleary Andrew Moloney

10 am C Tirtowinoto Jim Bourke

Mass Time Ministers of the Eucharist

6 pm

Mary Cameron (Book)

Helen Steyn (Gifts)

Judi Hannan (Gifts)

8 am Tricia Woods (Book)

Del Seletto (Gifts)

Pat McConvill (Gifts)

10 am Jacinta Griffin (Book)

Judy Jones (Gifts)

Lois Bracken (Gifts)

10 am Children’s Liturgy

Alina Dremel

Bernd Dremel

Counters Colleen McNamara

Marie Alaimo

November Mass Offerings Mass will be offered during this week for

the intentions of Dot Wines, Maurie

Hutchinson & Chris Cheah.

Baptism Welcome Congratulations and Welcome to

Noah McCartney-Rogic (Parents

- Joseph & Katherina) who will be

baptized at the 10am Mass this


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What’s Happening Here... St Vincent de Paul Christmas

Toy Appeal We are appealing for toys to give out

with our Christmas Hampers. Toys for

boys and girls up to the age of 12yrs.

Unwrapped please.

Just leave them in the box provided in the foyer of the

church by Sunday, December 4th.

Thank you in anticipation

Marilyn Hoban

Morning Tea After Friday’s

9.15am Mass This Friday - 2nd December - will be

the last morning tea for the year, after

9.15am Mass, hosted by some of the

Year 4’s from our school. All are welcome to come

along to the Parish Community Centre, and share in

this special hospitality.

30th Anniversary of St John Paul II’s Ad-

dress to Aboriginal & Torres Strait Is-

lander People This Sunday is a National Day of celebration of the

address made when Pope John Paul II visited Alice

Springs: “You are part of Australia and Australia is part of

you. And the Church herself in Australia will not be fully the

Church that Jesus wants her to be until you have made

your contribution to her life and until that contribution has

been joyfully received by others.” We will acknowledge

this in our Prayers of Intercession this weekend.

Nametags: The Parish Pastoral Leadership Team

invites you to wear a nametag to Mass! This is just

one way of us getting to know each other better. You

can BYO, or we will have some stick-on ones availa-

ble each week.

New members welcome. Please contact Christine

5975 6687 or Carol 9775 2315.

Please note: there will be no more Pizza Nights this


The Sip ‘n’ Sew Group will meet 12.30pm, Tuesday

29th November at The Royal Hotel, Mornington for

our Christmas Lunch.

For further information please contact Gui on 9787


The Welfare Officers for November are Sally and

Brian McAnallen.

STM Social Club Fun & Friendship For All

Norwood House Christmas Lunch Norwood House Christmas Lunch - Tuesday, 13th

December @ 12 noon. Cost $40. Bookings and

payment at our next Social Club Meeting on the

6th December.

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

Hello Fr Laurie.

I am overjoyed and most grateful and need to communi-

cate the significant improvement of my sight since the

stroke on 11th September 2016. I attribute the improve-

ment to the prayers of yourself, our parishioners of STM,

Mt Eliza and the people of Timor Leste as well as to my

beautiful Patty who has taken on the burden of looking

after me with generous loving care.

Initially the stroke/aneurism affected brain cells controlling

my optic nerves, especially peripheral vision, as well as cog-

nition and memory. I had difficulty seeing through the up-

per right and left quadrants of my eyes. Most disconcert-

ingly I could not recognise faces or places because of the

effect on cognition. As a result my driver’s licence was sus-

pended by Vic Roads. Since the stroke, my eyesight has

recovered sufficiently in the upper right quadrant to be

able to receive specialist recommendations that I be able

to undergo Vic Roads tests for reinstatement of the licence.

Also speed of cognition has improved significantly. Joyously

I can now recognise faces and places. I’m working hard on

memory. Also working hard on relearning and remember-

ing the road rules. Driving tests and other tests will take

place over the next weeks.

The specialists have no explanation as to why the brain

cells which had been damaged by the aneurism, have re-

vived. I attribute the improvement to the prayers of our

parishioners of St Thomas More Mt Eliza and our friends

in Timor Leste, especially Fr Manuel and the children in the

schools built or refurbished, for their prayers to the Holy

Spirit and Our Lady.

Could this message of deep gratitude be passed on to the

parishioners of St Thomas More Parish for their prayers

and well wishes. Thank you, Les Harper

Silent Prayer in the Church Every Wednesday 8:30am - 9:15am

This is an opportunity to pray for our

Parish Intentions. The readings of the

day are at the Lectern or BYO spir-

itual reading, read or sit in silent

prayer. “Where two or more gather in God’s name, God is

among them”. A simple but suitable exercise as we

continue to develop our Pastoral Plan.

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More of What’s Happening Here….



The ten year loan from the Catholic Development Fund that was taken out to fund the building of the new

Priest’s House in 2007 will be paid out in December. The loan was for $90,000.

The story is a good one - worth remembering and sharing with those who have come to the Parish in more re-

cent times.

Before then the present Parish Community Centre was used as a residence (often for two priests), for Parish

Admin and for Meetings and other Parish Gatherings. It’s hard to imagine now and there is no doubt that it was

inadequate for all three uses.

The decision to build a new residence was embraced with enthusiasm by parishioners. Peter Healy (East West

Homes) was the builder and managed the project. But the ‘Tradies’ amongst the school parents were extremely

generous with the donation of time and materials, while other parishioners got right behind the fund raising ac-

tivities that happened, such as the “Buy A Brick” Appeal. Others were extremely generous with donations.

It was perhaps the best time in the Parish during my time at St Thomas More. People who did not know each

other had a shared purpose. The only complaint was that as the building grew folk were no longer able to look

out over the Bay during the Sunday Homily!

Of course I am very aware that I have been the beneficiary of the commitment and generosity of people at that

time and of those who have continued to support our Parish. I am most grateful to all of you and I never take

your generosity for granted.

Of course our Church is now over 33 years of age and is looking a little “tired” – a fact even noted by the Arch-

bishop on his recent visit. Unfortunately he wasn’t forthcoming with the financial means to do something about

it. So once again it will be up to us. A Refurbishment Committee was established this year, has recommended

some changes including extension of the Sanctuary area, re-carpeting, replacing the pews, alteration to the front

entrance porch, creating a more spacious Sacristy and replacement of the rotting fascia at the front and sides of

the Church. We’re now at the stage of “costing” all of this.

So 2017 will be a significant one for our Parish. If we can approach it with the enthusiasm and commitment that

happened in 2006 it should be a great one for us all. May God continue to bless all that we do.

Are You (Fairly) New to Our Parish? We would love to invite you to a meal

at Fr. Laurie’s house to enjoy the com-

pany of other parishioners, both old

and new.

Just fill in the form in the folder at the

Church porch and we will be in touch.

Christmas Raffle In the lead up to Christmas we will be

holding a Christmas Raffle. All proceeds

to the Parish. 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes will be

different sized Christmas hampers.

We are asking for donations to include in these

hampers. All inclusions need to have something

to do with Christmas! e.g. Christmas food, lollies,

decorations, craft items, serviettes etc., etc.

Please bring along something and place in the box in

the foyer of the Church, or leave at the Parish Office.

Donations need to be in by Tuesday 29th Novem-

ber. Tickets go on sale next weekend. Thank you in


Would you like to advertise

your business in this space in Seasons?

In colour

Business card size

$50 for one week

We print 200 copies per week, and distribute to all

STM School families by email. It is also available on

the Parish website for six months.

Please contact the Parish Office on 9787 7777 for

further details.

School Christmas Fundraising The school have puddings, hams & wine that can be

ordered before Wednesday, 30th November. Order

forms available at the back of the Church.