^SEASONS G^EETING^po^nt^o'^nounc^hat fJnUI^/frW'Ff

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D Vol . 2 No . 40 Page 2

Published weekly on Salt Spring Is.W. Fisher/Ed.Authorized as second class mail/Post Office Dept.,Ottawa, and postage paid at Ganges, B.C.

jboat to take off most of the 23 people aboard,jLatcr the ship came unstuck and came to the dock.

ii .'i;1! -Santa visited the hospital and greeted some child-'"•—^ jjren the next morning before salting. The SSI Vol-

unteer Firemen pumped out the Christmas ship/another good service by these men.

And speaking of the Fire Dept.,they archaving their grand opening of the new fire hall on

W F I t S PPDP Thurs. Dec. 26th or 2:00 pm. Everyone Is invitc^y____ * " j'it was three years ago this month the Chamber r

The people who buy Christmas cards buy them for I Commerce put the wheels in motion to form a fire Pro-the picture; the verse,the price, but mostly for the ! lection District. !;• took a year of hard work by many

impression it will make on the receiver. The receiver • of dedicated people,led by Henry McGill/bcfore thetakes a -,uick glance at the art work, the sentiment : idea of a fire district was accepted by the people ofand avidly searches for the hasty jotting at the bottom SS!. First,they acquired a new fire truck,at a $2500.or inside the fold. The cards of sterile manufactured discount,for Ganges/then they built the fire truck forbeauty are soon stacked on the table or strung Fulford and next was the search for a suitable siteon a bright ribbon/hung on the mantle -. IX /^ for a firchall. This v/cs a knotty problem/finallypiece. He will be impressed; not by i. ^s l l/l resolved by the fili on a foreshore lease at thethe beauty, the verse or the price but \ VJJWIII ^e present location. The building began onby the quantity-for it is a form of ( '' „ Oct. '12th. Again it was many people /do-measurcmcnt-a measurement of his ( ([ ^ ^ ^ noting time and money/that made this build -superficial worth to his fellow man. \. • •i. '"3 possible. The Fire Dist., manned by

our enthusiastic firemen, is a great thing anda credit to al' o!" Salt Spring Is.

in his moments of reflection/if heever reflects on his Christmas cards,it w°.\\ bs the Jottings, the hasty notes,screw lcd beneath that will be importantto him. They will tell him the hsaith ofa friend/ a hint of how things are backhome,, the growth of a family/the markthat' has been made/the ambitions neverrealized/and the wistful memory of arich friendship thct has shriveled,byneglect, to a once-a-yeur card.

The Christmas season on S.S.I, hasbegun with a bang. We have had snowand rain and a gale that blew SantaClaus up en the mud flats in Ganges MHarbour last Sat. night. Santa was on theBellingham Jr. C. of C. Christmas ship, coming toGanges to greet the children. Unfortunately/in thedark and stormy night, the ship came up the wrongside of the pennisula and grounded cbout 150 yardsout. About 40 minutes later the RCMP boat was outpulling and yanking, but they could

Another organization,the Lions Club is up^ to its tricks of doing much for the community.' '\->J' Not only do they do such things as man the

ambulance/but they provide fun. On Sat.,Dec.23.-d, at 4 pm they are having carol

inging under their tree at thu cenotaph,And speaking of the cenotaph/Charles

Moat/the Cs of C. and the people who\ have donated bulbs/Christmas holly/

OM •^ e^c• alrQ ° G Gommended for the..., } flower boxes. The C. of C. is very ap-

preciative of the support they have hadfrom various people on this project.

Most of the local stores will ba closed Mon. & Tues.' Christinas & Boxiny Da'-/. The Log Cabin Cafe/ theI White Elephant 8.; Moi'bour Hcusc wiil be closed those

two days. The Gar.gc; grocery sl-crcs/ the Barber shop,and the Pharmacy/ will be open the following Wed.The Harbour Hoi;sc wi!! be the only cafe open on.41 . ^ y^f Jan. 1st. The DRIFTWOOD

not budge the 73 ft. "Karmac". It "^GOODMAN FUNERAL HOME;&, offices will be closed from Dec.


' '' J~%1

was 9:00 pm/ and the children lona^*-'' D.L.GOODMAN, DIRECTOR '23rd. to Jan. 2 nd.

since gone home/ before the tide "f^, -,,phone- Ganges 100 Day or NIgh'tA- M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S , , ! I Irose^oy^QJ to gI,jI| ,the MRap ^ ^..,.:^,k-^ ^l. ..-^ "ws

^SEASONS G^EETING^po^nt^o'^nounc^hat fJnUI^/frW'Ff"' . TO ALL OUR FRIENDST^has acqu!rcd the tspr- lJriniJ V 1L n [ i

f , \ n-\ ^i i^-r/- k <i-r- - ^\ interest of Haywards B.C. ss-.. — ,,,, -,-_ ---r- o n/^ni/•k AMH rilQTnMW. ^Funeral Co. Lrd. of Victoria ^ GRAIN FED BEEF & PORKAND CUSTOMERS


10,20 & 30 Ib. PACKSii\ effective Jan. 1st. which he/'".•:. ' "•f'-.w \

• . ' 1; •' ( i/ s' Wf \••' ' •".#a»Awi continue to operate undcrSJthe name of £•

^.GOODMANFUNERALHOMfyOR. YOUR F R E E Z E RI T F rp ^" giving the same efficient and &

\ \ \ K' '•' • r^ " ' • ' •

r Jl ] ?U courteous service as formerly. .£L1 PHONE! [33" W

T h u r s d a y , December 21, 1961 D R i F T W 0 0 D V o l . 2, No. 40 Page 3

T h u r s d a y , December 21, 1 96 1 D R I F T V/ O O P _ _ V o l . _2:,[:Np ;40_. fPa^;e4. <J,..

C H R T S T M A 5 C"b M E S BUT ONCE A Y F. A R by Er! c Zennor. . ^ (s..:' -^- - - ^.. "y3, ^ v<'0' • •Z and there was a crisis, a world in a stare of unecsc and tension. The dogs of war were |^-straining at the leash* And it v/as very early in the morning and the cafe reeked of stale cigar smoke |<| and the smell of fear. A pungent, acrid odour/ more marked in the nights, for It v/as during the hours ,1It ofdarkness that the people were most afraid. A weoi-y gipsy orchestra attempted to foster an illusion

•Sj t'of gaiety. He came in/ slightly drunk/ a ful! Colonel and scorning the anonymity of the discreet booths/fp had cushions piled at the centre of the smai! dance floor/ on wnich he sat cross-legged and ordered wine.

The slightly oblique eyes/ high cheek bones/ swarr complexion and bandy legs proclaimed his Tartarancestry and although the uniform was modern and smart, the wearer somehow conveyed an impressionof the nomcd/ a tsnt dweller end a horseman. The servile gipsy orchestra promptly deserted the rest of

y- the patrons and fawned around him/ urging him to n^me the runes of his choice. The music he demand-•^ed was wild and beautiful. It told perhaps of the '."asi-e,? of the Kizil Kum, of the winter bleakness uf, the Kirghiz. Through the ages/ the life of th'-j o?psy musician has depended on pleasing the master of 4^ the day. Ask for German beer-halt music/ c; K'-ingaricn czardas cr soma ancient Roumanian dance and

^y'he has it^ Call for music of the Russians and from somcwhei-e in his folk memory/ he will produce it.^^They played with an almost desperate anxisi-y to please/ a: if having esccped the Nazi gas-chambers/^they were intent on avoiding a one v/ay trip to Siberia. As the Coione! relaxed/ one of the fiddlers

put. down his instrument and producing a pocket manicure set/ proceeded to file the autocrat's fingernails. The moment was opportune to go/ before any of his friends arrived and the situation became too

^ lively. Westernjournalists were not popular. A shabby ycu'i-h seated by the door swept the butts from\^ an ash tray intohis pockets and also rose to go.^•^ It was bitterly cold outside. A wind from the steppes seeped through bone and brain, numbing im-

, agination/ will and judgement. The lights flickered fecb;/ and went out. Yet another power failure.i^A patrol jeep trundled down the street/ the soldiers nervously fingering their tommy-guns... their pur-^pose the preservation of law and order. A cynical scp to a bad!y scared people. Soon/ all too soon,sfthe criminals and some of the Mongol troops would indulge in murder and rape, assault and w a t c h

snatching. Nine long miles to safety/ nine whoie miiss to the British Sector and sanity. And the soundof soft footsteps behind.

^ Three candles in a cafe window. A temporary refuge. The shcibby/ starved youth sidled up to the^ijfcooth/ holding in his hands a battered old fe!t hat, with a green feather stuck in the band. He spoke'^/ in English/ "You are safe here, sir, their police checked papers only minutes ago/ i hear. May I share

'Y/, your table?" Modest request granted. Face sensitive but open/ steady blue eyes/ aquiline features.. rb^accepted a coffee and cognac and told his story eagerly. They all did. He showed a child like con-

j^^viction that his would be accepted without question or query. Age twenty and something/ student of^art at some tims. Claimed to have. been imprisonsd by the Nazis as a threat to security, chi cfly be-

/ cause of the shape of his nose. Nov/ a fugitive from the Reds, no parents/ no friends, no papers, n.oanything. Asked what he expected of life/ he said, "To paint, merely to paint . Please wait a little,I fetch something back." V/as he just one of many little men, run fou! of authority v/ith the big stick/or v/as he spurious? It was a gamble and as mir.'-ites passed/ each a irial to the nerves, I expected tosec him return with the Secret Police. A not unknown trick.

f' He slipped back like a shadow. A painfully thin hand pushed a small portrait across the table, thatof a young girl. She was lovely/ her likeness living/ pulsating., "Plecse accept "/ he said. "I have

^painted her many times. We lived together.. .she a student of languages, specializing in Chinese. One•);day,.while 1 was foraging for food, tho "unbckannt" (unknown kidnappers) took her. Why, i do notI'knoWy she was never in "politik". i shall not see her more, for they never return. V/c were happy.

Now I must guide you back, for i fear you too have no proper pass stamped by the authorities/ nothingto say you are at liberty to breathe the air in this Zone. V/c are in a v/crld of documentation/ withoutthem we live by chance alone." Hs lcd the wcy through the darkness/ conversing on trivial matters in

^ German the whole time, fearful we were being followed. At 4 a.m., the British Sector v/as close and', it v/as the moment to part. He said/ ''For the sake of God aid humanity/ can you help me get out cfv this? 1 wish to paint and forget. Mcmore." V/c agreed to meat at 7 p.m. on Christmas night.^ Officialdom v/as unhelpful/ as was to bo exoected. The circumstances v/ere not only unusual but

^tfhe idea of any person being without a passport o-- official proofs of identification was a b h o r e n t .yneir attitude v/as highly suggestive of that of a r'':iiv/ay porler v/ho stumbles upon an item of unlabell-

ed luggage.Christmas dinner at the Misss. was excellent. The food, the warmth and gaiety insulated one com-

, fortably. Yet/ as the agreed time of meeting drev/ near/ the battle in the mind took issue. As fther4^.was no message of i-.opc for the young artist/ there seemed no point in meeting him. Conscience/ hov/-^cver, cannot be cheated. Reluctant legs propelled an unwilling body tov/ards the great bridge separat"V, ing us from them, the pockets filled v/ith cigarettes, a lump of cheese, soap, chocolate and some timed^Food. So nice to play Father Christmas'.

| The bitter gale blew even more keenly. The v/cslk over the bridge seemed to take an eternity. Bad

^street lighting obscured from me the alley in front of which the youngster was to have loitered.(Cont d. to p. 6)

.? Phone: 52:or' 131-W

S H E L L S E R V I C E •<,'-w



A, McMonus '' Phone: 124 ^


' V "•1.


0 A K B A Y L O C K E R S



GULF I S L A N D S F L O R I S T S / r


Flowers for ever/occasion w.^

"(^ M r , & Mrs. B. Buxton

"Ai glad Christmas and the best of New Year?1.'1*

W.T.D. Jont s Phone: 118 .• T

T h u r s d a y / December.. 21,. 1961 D R I F T V'/ 0 0 D V o l . 2 No. 40 Page 6. _ _ : = : _ ; ^ ( { ^ i

CHRISTMAS COMES BUT ONCE A YEAR (Cont'd from Page 4 ) '-A^As i drew abreas: of it^ I perceived in the dimness some object lying on the ground. My torch /

picked out the details, a bloodied, battered old felt hat, with a green feather stuck in the b and .A broodinc) sense of menace out-vied the roc;' of the winds and the urge to raise the beam and to ffocus i? on the skulking, waiting shadows in ths blackness behind became a sudden, hideous tor-ture,, I knew then the gifts I bore would never be wanted, the artist would never paint more. So,switch off the torch, Father Christmas and walk ono..casual/ unconcerned, despite the mouth alldried up and h°art bursting through the ribs,,. .and remember Lot's wife, never look back.

I returned to the Mess just in time for a most exciting game of blind man's buff.. .or should itbe bluff? And, oh yes, there were charades and the night finished with musical chairs

a Happy Christmas Y^^-^^^^- . - - ^ . ''' ••"?•'' : • ~ • c • ^ - ' / - • -^' ' -v~-' ^ / ^.- ^ ' _ /'

SAINT NICHOLAS AND CHRISTMAS CELEBRATIONS IN HOLLAND by Frank Schwagly^Z^M: Very often we talk about the: Christmas celebrations of other countries, and I would like to give youan explanation of the celebrations of St. Nichoias and Christmas* These are celebrated separately i n

Holland. \• - Firsi- we hcve St. Nicholas, which is celebrated on December 6th. St. Nicholas was born in Myra, |Spain, and he was very kind to the poor. He lived in the eleventh century as a bishop, and died i n ;

1087. He was also very kind to the yo'Jfrh, and that is why we celebrate his birthday as a special d a yfor the children. At the schools the children who didn't do their best during the past year get punished,or, if they were good, get presents from a person dressed as St. Nicholas and helped and informed byteachers. As his helper, St. Nicholas has a yc'Jng boy dressed as a negro in very fancy clothes - some-timss even more than one. He it is who goes after the children with a stick or threatens to take them toSpain with him if they won't promise 1c do better in the coming year.M This feast is usually :celebratp.d a-1 night, and after the cheldren have gone to bed the adults carryon with the fun, by making surprise parcels for each other. This may continue all night, but these cel-ebrai'ions have nothing to do wiih Christmas.

OUR CHRISTMAS IN HOLLAND .. .This day is the birthday of our Lord Jesus Christ, the day He - .wasborn in Be'hlehem, and it is celebrated as a rel^gio'JS day. Many people go to their churches in the mid-dle of the nighi . A'ter church i? o'-ei, people wish each other a very Merry Christmas. Everybody ishappy that dcy. Fo^d and fruits and extras are brought to the churches for the poor who also feel happythat other people, o: 3 thinking about them.^. Most people ha\Q a Christmas tree and a crib with little statues of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, the she-ep, shepherds and their watchdogs. This crib stays in the house until January 6th, and the tree also iskept u.-r i the Nsw Year. Christmas day is celebrated at horns with brothers and sisters and sometimesother re.la.tI-/eSt it usually starts with a Icrgc dinner prepared with extra care. The table is decoratedby candies and centerpieces - usually red tulips. When evening comes and it gets dark, all the lightsgo off exc'ipt the tree lights and th^ candles in front of the stable. Then we all sing together some ofthe Christrnc-i songs, maklr-ig everyone feel closer, and In a good mood.' ;- Instead of the Christmas cakes, we hove a Christmas ring made from spices and piecrust. For thechildren i'here are chocolate rings in the Chrisrr.-ics tree - they can take them when they wish. This is aday to be spent at home. ;r .•,-,. ,:.M:. Boxing dcy is called the second Christmas day in Holland. This day is celebrated out, with friends.

That evening there are Christmas dances for young and old, and it is more of a time to visit everyone ,wishing tham a Happy Christmas. ' ' ' i.• '. If 1 may give my own conclusions, I wouid like to say this: Let Christmas day be a day for the fam-ily together at home - not with ail those many presents, because children now think it is "presents-day"and the wonderful pert of Jesus' birth gets lost completely. And let Boxing day be a day of fun, danc-ino and pleovJres, so that we civs to both days what is expected. ______________

T h u:-s dc y, December 21, 1961 D R I F T W O O D Vol.2 No. 40 Page ^

- CHRISTMAS JN..^WEDEN by Fenella ;

Jumping up in his bunk, Anders leaned down and twitched Lisa's flaxen piaites. Lisa opened her ^jBlue eyes and smiled at her five year-oid brother. •^\

"What do you think you '11 get, Anders?" |["i hope I get a cowboy suit just iiks the boys have in Canada. You know, we saw one in the pie-; '

^tura Tcr,1 Anna sent from Calgary," ^ 'r:; "Let's gst up Anders. I can't wait "til afternoon. What shall we do ail moi-ning?" 3y this time '^i\

.^Apders v/as at the window.•\ "LI-;a", he shrieked/ "It's snowing hard. We'll go to the park and take our toboggan. If Fetter

([and Sonp a.'e there we can all ride down the hi! I together."|. So the day passed quickly and Anders and Lisa came home - snow-covered but rosy and hung.ryt;For ths Christmas Eve dinner. (People in Sweden have their feast and presents on Christmas Eve.) So-after s.r.c'rgasbA'rd/ iutfi.'k and risgrinsgrot, the whole family, mother, father, grandfather, grandmo- '^/;'i'hsi', Anders end Lisa gathered round the Christmas tree/ joining hands in a ring as they danced and •^/;sang, "Nur o'r Jul igen"/ which means "Nov/ it is Christmas again", and lots of jolly folk songs/ un- ^ |..ti! they were all tired out. ';., i

\/':: Then Anders gave everyone their presents and to his joy he had a fine cowboy suit while Lisa had { i^a big'doli dressed os an Eskimo gir!. Tant Anna in Canada had sent these to the children. "»

• Morn ?eas;-ing now, with pcpparkaka (Gingerbread) little men and women and saft (juice) for the :j\ ch3idi'2n/ and cakes, fruit and wine for the grown-ups. "\\ Andes-s dressed up in his cowboy suit which fitted him just right. Suddenly he ran to his mother. *>

"Mor (mother) can I go to Juiotta?" (In Sweden many peop!e go to church at five o'clock on Christ-..;;m&;i morning and in the old days they all piled into rielghs, carried torches and glided over the hard ^ jsnow.. with the bells ringing on the harness. In all the houses they passed on the way to church were j, \

l^li^ht':ci candles in the windows.) \\^ "Yes, Anders, if you promise to keep quiet. Last yea;- Lisa we,'.t with us and she v/as so good a!l ^\

:-the time," i$o Lisa and Anders said "Thank you ail for our presents", and ran offito bed s o as. to, be .'M'?• " i /-L • i. • V f '•'\ ^ i/- i "'- -/ ^ .-9\(up very cartoon Christmas morning t\^^4 ^ ' '" _. ^ /'""w\ V^-' ^ /

'^-i.','. c; •l',''^'f'- .y^s-'^/^/-B ^——— f^' •^





: / / V.- • f'-'^-il^:-c-.p-

FESTIVE SEASON. f\ MERRY ^Q^^^•r^^w''^, \w L^Y'',%/lg \ CHRISTMAS TO E AND ALL

^ Ik ^ &\ ^ t->,ri-- - V i'' " L --' '

1 ;' =-ja - '^ a-,

he decided he couldn't keep his Reindeer waiting cny

,Tho wild storm of Sa'-urcsy maht/ added a ; longer/ so he vanished up the stairs.touch of excitement cr.i'1 a ;-ea'- deep of discomfort The children enjoyed several films shown by Mr.to the I?VGS of a nun-ibcr 0? peopie !;avei!ing on the Doug Dane during the early part of tho afternoon.Gulf islands fe'rics, When the MV Celi-a Princess Tho children's party was sponsored by the local Women'spulled out of Fulford ct 4 P.M.-/ the ?torir., which Institute, and Mrs. R. Pattcrson was convenor, andhcd been brewing a\[ day/ whipped up --' ;'iaF;-y sea she was assisted by Mrs. M. Gyves/ the president,and washed the decki continually. After a wild and several other members..........Mrs. A. Stevensride across ths water, there was another delay - won top score at the Cribbage game in the Beaverthe ferry couldn't dock with the rough sea and high Point Hall that stormy Saturday night- there werewinds - so ihc good ship rode the storm out- r i-wo only enough to make up two tables, but despite thehours! Swartz Boy v'as in darkness,. cs the i'shtr, stormy night, they all had a good time. Mrs. G;had blown out. The pcsssngor.i cr: board '.V:J';C iviost'y Ruckle and Mrs. F. Hall served a nice supper......children off to sec t.'is ice Cacades- "nd f.aiv'Sc; ! ....A special children's service was held at St. Mary'smother") had been phwng to see who"- w-r; hnpp^n- ' Church on Sunday, and the (CONT'D TO P. ^1)ing- and wl-nie the cniidreri "/ere hc'/1):^ .' TO.it©".citing t;-•l-•o cf ^n;L !ivns, oufr or. the ii!;. '; iS-JS,parents were worr)it,3. Finally the ferry v/cs ma~noeuvered into tho cocks and the slip had to belowered by hand, as there was no power on. (Tnclights and pov/er ware •-nstcrGd just w :'hG men hadthe slip i.i pic.ce— ' ' -,Q pciiscnocrr- rccec! off lo

Victoria arid nicdo 'r.c Arena in time t"Ct":the iceshow.

Passengers waiting for the re-i-urn trip lo Fs.'lford.were allowed ;o enter ibs forbidden ao^:. (.'? '.'heToll Ferry Ccife during th'^ storm, so hc-i a happiertalc to tell, for they waited ir. co-nfori'-

The MV Cy Peck had troubies too- ihe crossingfrom the Gulf Islands we" very rough and delayedthe stout little ferry's arrival of Swartz Bay- endsti!' the Cy Peck hcd to wait two hou.-s b;ifc^^docking- this wo; or.e 01' '•he 'viLdeit ar.d roughostsTrips for the ferries. •

RJLFORD NEWS by-Bea HcMili.-r.,,,... .SantaIsn't too busy tosropa whiio c.id hsip on;' at aparty, no, SirS He ,'.-rived ar '.hs Chile1" in'1,Christmas party in t'lo FulforJ i-!a!l on Sc'Lrdcy,^ith bells c.-i, end c fter he !:'-cl ru'i our oi' 3'f'i-' -'sndbandies for eve: y i~.'s,',\d in •"•he "oopr,/ he ir. arched

down the stairs to h^lp servo tnc yw.'^ c.G"pie ^yand mingle with thcm» Thsn he spotted pcnc oi-hsr r<'.\than Ccpl-aip Crumn'ond end Mike Gyves :!-tingct iho loo t^ble witi th'-J chiidrcn. so he handedthem each a bos of co;idy. Sa;-it;' hod hc-J a rough

trip from the Nortii Pcle, ho toid ;-he kiddies, and i

f^'-p.' iso had w,"'•Ti;'3-1 ;jy w;ih a '-up of v./S-.^'c'-y •••ea,

Thursday, D e c e m b e r 21, 1 9 6 1 F T W 0 0 D No. 40 Pago 10

5000 square feet of galvanizediron roofing. Rusty but serviceablePHONE: H.A. HOREL 137-Y

Large floor furnace v/ii-h stand,Tanks and all fittings— $125.00P H O N E : 2 3 1 after6P.M.

_M_^_M__0 R_

In memory of Colin Byron, our de-parted son and brother , we wishto take this opportunity to thankall our many-friends who extendediti'uir heartfelt sympathies through| letters, notes, personal contactland many other ad's of kindness. :We wish everyone a Merry Christ- !

mas and a Happy New Year,, '1 MR.ANDMRS.J.BYRON^amily

I IN A P P R E C I A T I O N '.

(Frank Coliins extends heartiestgreetings fc;- Christmas and NewYear Season to all Salt SpringFriends. Aiso thanks to those whojhave sent cards or visited him inJHospital.i

We wish to extend our heartfelt'thanks to all who so kindiy assistedand for the words of sympathy and ibeautiful florai offerings extended \at the death of our beloved mother!and sister. W. Asbury & family, :J. Asbury & family, Mrs. Peters ;& family, Mrs. N. Wcstin.

W A N T T O B U Y j

Baby Play-pen in fairly goodcondition.

P H O N E : 56-Q

One pair Brown Suede gloves atthe Picturama. PHONE: 51-M

/•J'e you having trouble finding agift suggestion? Bill's Taxi hasgift books which you may purchasefor that friend. P H O N E : 25

For the best in brick, block andIston^.y/ork from Fireplaces to

Houses. Call W. Eeslcr. GaiianoIsland. PHONE: GULF 51


TENDERS ARE INVITED for thesupplying and installations oflighting and fixtures for the IjFENDER ISLAND SCHOOL/Pend^jer Island, B.C. !Required: 24 fixi'Jres - Federal jPacific No, 3052 (14 for Senior jjClassroom, 10 fc" .iunic:' Class- jroom). —• 2? stems - 30" inlength with canopies. —-48 Icmps-40- Watt 4£!" H? as per clause

(2)1 , All new fixtures shah be sup-plied complete with lamps andother accessories necessary forsatisfactory operation.2» 48" Fluorescent fixtures shalbe complete with high pov/er facKor rapid start ballasts for ?-40 l| GEORGESON'S BOATSWatt T12 !a;nps" Federal Pacific J! WATER TAX! & WORK BOATSNo. 3052 with plaster side panelj PHONE AGENTS C & R TAXIand plastic egy-cratc iouvered j G A N G E S , B . C .bottom



P H O N E : 183-K




Fi-'rnacc & Oil Burner ServiceFREE E S T I M A T E SP H O N E : 6 2 " M

Fluorescent lamps shall be 401

Watt 48" "H2 standard cool whiter3800 lui-non rapid start.4. Fixtures to be instcilcd mustbe identical to those in the SaltSpring Elementary-Secondary

HARRY'S WATER TAXI'Crackeriack" & Crackerjill"

Ganges, Sa't Spring islandP H O N E : 150

W . J . M O L L I S O Nload & cement gravel-Fill

Ail tenders must 'be :n the School jsoi I - Shale Excavating - FreightBo^rd Office by, or be mailed ,;Agcnt:B-A O I L P R O D U C T S J Iby, December PS'-h^ot, and •I____P i-i 0 N E : 210-rshould be addressed to: ' - — — — -The Secretary-Treasurer, School i N- / TYPE BACK HOEDistrict No. 64 (Gulf Islands) ;FRONT r:ND LOADING & DIGGERP.O. Box 128, Ganqes, B.C. ! NOW AVAILABLE FOR WELLS-and marked "Tenders for lighting;" DITCHES - SEPTIC TANKS/ETC.

FOR DETAILS PHONE: 210-M___ANNOUNCEMENTDear Folks: "or many years wehave been distributing calendarsat ccnsidcrGHc cost. This yearral'hcr then paying Eastern Litho-graphers/ we crc giving the rnon'cy usua!!" spent on calendars toone of ou:- iccc.'! organizations ininscd cv fund-<, Many thanks foryour ki:id co~5peratlon duringthe past year. S.S. MOTORS.


___PHONE: 95-Y___


FPR A GOOD DEAL LESS"Ray Will ion-is - Phone Ev 4-1 1-OLSON MOTORS- Victoria.B.^A

DICK'S R A D ' O &• T . V .S A L E S 5: S E R V I C E

K"9 Mote! for pets now has new '] ACROSS FROM TRADING CO.modern oil-heated, tire proof TUBES BROUGHT IN TESTED FREEjikennels for you;- pets. PHONE- 244 PHONE-244


(FULFORD NEWS CONT'D P. 9)... .children ofSt. Mary's Sunday School put on a lovely Christmaspageant and sung the Carols. Especial !y loveiywas the hymn "0 Holy Night" sung by Terry Mollet,Donna Hoiiings and Elizabeth Dane - all the child-ren were excellent and little Gillicn French gavethe "farcv/cll." at the end so beautifully.

Archdeacon G.H. Holmes told ihe story of theniNativity and everyone joined in singing i'hc lovely

old Christmas Carols. '

H[G_H_SCH00L_ NEWS by Joan Bidwel i...... .'OnFriday/December 15th, the Christmas Dance washeld in Mahon Hall with about 55 students attend-ing and teachers; Miss Oulton/ Mr. Evans and Mrand Mrs. Byron. A total of $31.55 was taken inat the door. The music for the evening was sup-plied by "The Crescents", an orchestra from Dun-can, featuring Jim Sutherland, Drums, Rich Carl-son, piano. Rick Barry, Base Guitar, Dave Baker,Leading Guitarist, and Myron Loutet, Accompan-ist. ' • - . . .

The Christmas Exams start on Tuesday, December j^19th and last until Friday, December 22nd. Schoo! I

will close at 3:15 on the 22nd and re-opens onWednesday, January 3rd.

I'd like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmasand the best of everything *'n 1962,

WHITE GIFT SERVICE, ,0n December 10th,1961, the annual white gift service was held in

Ganges United Church. The Sunday School Child-

ren were present and during the singing of "Away InA Ma''-3cr'.'•'' placed their white gifts at the front ofthe church. After presenting their gifts the childrensang a hymnof dedication.

The White; G'Frs, consisting of food, clothes,toys and money were sent to First United Church inVancouver to-.help make Christmas more enjoyablefor the roanv:,needy families in that area.

The Second Turkey Shoot :of the season, sponsoredby the S .S .1. Rod & Gun, saw Pete Fratinger win twoprizes,, Vie Jackson won one shoot and tied foranother with Adrian Wolfe-Milner. Herb Skuce andLouie Lorentsen won a shoot a piece with youngBrian Rogers, shooting against the men, walked offwith another prize. The two Junior events were wonby l-'cti-ick Woifc-Milner and Richard Wells. Thenext Turkey Shoot will be held on Dec. 31st.

On December 14th a baby son waS born to Mr.and Mrs. B. A. Robinson of Richmond, B.C. Thebaby, who weighed in at 9 Ibs. is another grand-child for the father's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.A.Robinson o^ Vesuvius Bay.

Miss Dorothy "Reid of Vancouver and Miss Beth Reidof Seattle will be spending the Christmas holidaywith their parents, Mr. & Mrs. F.HA. Reid ofGanges._________ _ _ _ _ -,

The S.S.LCcntcnial Library will be closed overthe Holidays,_rc"opei-iing on January 2nd.

Thursday, D e c e m b e r 21.,: 1961 D R I F T W O O D Vo 1 No. 40 Page 12

©L.D.B.Drummond ^Q}6 ~ ( 7) W .H .Saunders ^1080(8) H.C.Gicgcrich ff 128 - (9) Mrs. P. Cartwright^IW - (10) Bill Hague i'/776 - —


Christmas has a way of comingSuddenly, and start things humming.Papers and ribbons on the stair-Secrets here and secrets there iParents ponder, scheme and plot,(Wll! Jenny iikc '.he doll she got?)Would Johnny like a pup or train-?There's a dress for sister Jane,Scissors, paper, glue -and hair!(Whet HAVE the children got in thereMaking ifl-s for Mum and Dad-All so precious, good or bad.


.Starting January 2, 1962schedule fcr ycur garbage pickup by me will be:

Monday - Central to Vesuvius ..Tuesday - FromCentral South to and including Upper Ganges Rd. ..Wednesday - from Upper Ganges Road to the Cenotaph.

(^--"^Y i. ..Thursday - from the Cenotaph, South to Cushcon Lake^ ^ Rd. including Bcddis Rd. Scott Rd. and Churchill RdL5^7 P'- -f'l - 1st Tues of each mon;'h. !

The corrected rates arc as follows: Weekly ^ypick-up: $3.00 per month ——Every 2-week pick-up;$5.00 per 3 months—A single pick-up $1.25 !minimum,. The above rates ere .for pick-up of ONE

^ REGULATION SIZE GARBAGE CAN. An extra^pS charge will be made on Christmas trees (.25 each

minimum) W A L L Y R O G E R S

Christmas morning dawns at five -All the children come alive !Laughing, dancing ail about -"Merry Christmas, " hear them shout."Risc and shine", groans sleepy Dad, ^ 0 U N D . . . . . S m a l l p l a s t i c c o i n p u r s e .

Owner may claim by identifying at DRIFTWOOD .Counting three hours sleep he's had - / ///'/A"Just once a year!" yawns tired Mum,\////—r3But both come out and join the fun. ^ I' \ _____A P P R E C I A T I O N Mrs. Elizabeth El Hi

Filled to the brim the cookie Jar, ^Y^ v/isl^totha^'aTrhcrlTiends for their kind thoughr.(Please, can ! have a bite. Mama?) /——v fuincss of ^Prcssionm notes, cards letters andChristmas pudding in the pot, ' Y \ fiowors- A special thanks to Dr. O.Stanton the

Turkey sizzling/ qood and hot. " ^ nurscs & stcf of Mmt0 ^P'!01 Gnd t.o;hc vc

(Christmas crackers - hear them popi) r-\ /^ ""tccr Ambulance Drivers of the Lions Club for th(

\ -v^y gontioncss and tncir help in her time of neca.

Little children, full of vim- . \ ———-—————————————————————————•"——

Bigger children, full of whim- r'^y^ I^^^N-EART^^ 1961 by Tom PowerCrown-ups full oF gratitude ' V : ^ woman high" a son is bornFor supplies of daily food. G^ ' Upon i-his holy Christmas morn,111 :, i . i 11 r J )j t> i And good men sought no;- a wor!dly gainAnd at !cst, v/hcn all ere fed, . , r\ !/ w .' 11 .. i" i . .1,1 n- i re . L -i (11 '•.-r 'e^\ For in <Jod s kind game there is no pain.It's ".say your prayers and off to bcci..^ 7 'Christmas comes but once a year- The sto-s fbovc shine clear and bright"Thank God for that!" says Father dear. -(-hot cl! bslnw may sec God's right

to his dear •mother a lady to behold ;come all in pecce into her fold.The complete turkey dinner, raffled by the

Ganges Chapter of the I .O.D.E. under the convener- -"'"——————————————————ship of Mrs. Geo. St. Denis, was won by Mrs. HA. Miss Ponnv Trelfcrd, daughter of Mr. & Mrs.Lindsay of St. Mary's Lake. Bill Treifcrd is homo for the holidays and will be on

___.. ...,.._......____•„-„..._ S.S.I. untii hnr departure for England in January.Th'c winners of the Annual Christmas Stocking ____________________

Contest sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary to the A large crowd was pi-uscnr at Our Lady of GraceRoyal Cdnadicri Legion Branch No. 92 were as foll-^ Church Hail for a special Christmas Bingo - Theows: (1). M. Gardner ticket lO ). Jack Lamb', Hall was beautifully decorated inthe Christmas^'1465 - (3) Mrs. G. Hcinekcy ^538 - (4) Capt. i motif. The jackpot was shared by Mrs.P. Lazcnbyand

Thursday, December 2 1 / } 961 D R F F T W O O D Vol . 2 No. 40 P a g e 1 3

Thursday, . D e c e m b e r 2 1 / 1 9 6 1 D R I F T W O O D V o l . 2 No.40 P a g e 14

FACTS, FABLES & FOIBLES........ Got a nice card from Dr. and OWI^Y CHRISTMASAN©



Mr. &MFS.WJ. Mollison4^\ /^

fe, lli


Mrs. ivor Williams in England and they wish us to convoy best wishesto all their friends on S.S.I............ Apropos of ow thoughts onChristmas cards en pcge two; the most beautiful we have receivedis the one painted by Gwen Ruckle of Beaver Point..,.,....,........., .The urge to becuMFy Ganges is in many people, but wo wonderif the proposed gas st3.-agc tanks on Ganges Harbour isn't a step inthe right direction. The owner was going ip put up a big, ugiycorrugated iron heavy equipmentshed and storage lot for, his bull-dozers, before ho leased to the oil company-... .«.. .«.. ' . . . . . Didyou hear the story of Boa Hamilton on C.B.C.'s Eilccn Lau-ic pro-gramme yesterday morning? It was about Christmas in the oid days and very good __is the ics:- free issue of DRIFTWOOD and we wish to thank ail i'ha people who have conic forward to ^r"buy subscilptions. it is heartening to know that i0 men/ people hc;vc .ccr.fidcncG in us and our effortsto :.,iv2 S.S.I, a good little newspaper. We don't know when v/c will be able to get new equipment butwe hope it won't be too long. Thank you again and a special thanks for all the kind words..............«....«.And while we arc at it, we want to thank Dot Kcvis and Gv/on Ruckle for the art work used inthis issue. ..............The regular Sunday Gulf blonds Ferry scr.edule wili be in effect on Dec. 25th . . i ^and Jc.'.'Jcry 1st and^nd................Hope io sec everyone out for the Lion's carol singing and forthe official opening of the new Fire Hal! .....................A Mei-ry Christmas and a Happy,Prosperous ^cw Year to you all...............