Suggested levels for Guided Reading, DRA, Lexile, ® and Reading Recovery are provided in the Pearson Scott Foresman Leveling Guide. ISBN 0-328-13398-1 ì<(sk$m)=bddjih< +^-Ä-U-Ä-U Genre Comprehension Skills and Strategy Text Features Expository nonfiction Main Idea and Details • Fact and Opinion • Text Structure • Captions • Headings Scott Foresman Reading Street 3.6.1 by Alma Ransford

Scott Foresman Reading Street - Iredell- · PDF fileScott Foresman Reading Street 3.6.1 ... ©Bettmann/Corbis; 10 (L) ©Jeff Vanuga/Corbis, 10 (R) ... The tablet in her left hand has

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  • Suggested levels for Guided Reading, DRA, Lexile, and Reading Recovery are provided in the Pearson Scott Foresman Leveling Guide.

    ISBN 0-328-13398-1

  • Reader Response

    1. What is the main idea of the section called Our Nations Songs? Tell two details that support the main idea. Use a graphic organizer like this one.

    2. How do the headings prepare you for what is coming next in the selection? Give an example.

    3. Two of the glossary words begin with the same prefix. Name the words and identify the prefix. What other words do you know that begin with that prefix? Name two and use each in a sentence.

    4. Why do you think the scene described on page 6 inspired Francis Scott Key? Would it have inspired you? Why or why not?

    Main Idea:


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    by Alma Ransford

    Editorial Offices: Glenview, Illinois Parsippany, New Jersey New York, New YorkSales Offices: Needham, Massachusetts Duluth, Georgia Glenview, Illinois

    Coppell, Texas Ontario, California Mesa, Arizona

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    STAATT EESymbols can be signs, flags andpennants, animals, or just colors.


    A symbol is something that stands for something else. For example, if you see a sign with an H on it, you know a hospital is nearby. Symbols are all around us. There are many different types of symbols. Your school may have a mascot or special school colors. Symbols give us information, but they can also stand for ideas and ideals.


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  • An important symbol of our country is our flag.

    Symbols of AmericaIn the United States, we have many

    symbols that stand for things our nation holds dear. Some of them are official symbols of our country. The flag and the bald eagle are two examples. Others are popular symbols that we use, see, or sing all the time. Some of these popular symbols are the Statue of Liberty, our national anthem, and the White House. What symbols of the United States can you think of?


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    Betsy Ross shows the first American flag to General Washington.

    Our Nations FlagOne of our countrys official symbols

    is the American flag. Legend says that Betsy Ross of Pennsylvania sewed the first flag for our new nation. The Continental Congress adopted the national flag on June 14, 1777.

    Charles Thomson, secretary of the Continental Congress, said the flag was to be red (for hardiness and valor), white (for innocence), and blue (for vigilance, perseverance, and justice).

    As new states enter the Union, stars are added. The thirteen stripes remain to remind us of the original thirteen colonies.


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  • Francis Scott Key

    Our Nations SongsThe American flag inspired Francis

    Scott Key to write the song that became our national anthem. Key watched the British attack Fort McHenry during the War of 1812. The attack went on all night. It seemed impossible that the fort could survive the bombardment by the British army and navy.

    Yet early the next morning, Key looked at the fort through the dim light of dawn. The American flag was still waving over the fort. Thrilled by the sight, Key wrote a poem about it.


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    Battle at Fort McHenry


    The poem began:Oh, say can you see, by the

    dawns early lightWhat so proudly we hailed at

    the twilights last gleaming?The poem was set to music. The

    Star-Spangled Banner became our official national anthem in 1931.

    Over the years, other songs have come to symbolize the United States. America the Beautiful by Katharine Lee Bates is nearly as popular as the national anthem.

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  • Patriotic songs and music symbolize pride in our country.

    Composer George M. Cohan met a Civil War veteran who inspired him to write one of his most popular songs. The man was carrying a very carefully folded flag. Cohan wrote Youre a Grand Old Flag as a tribute to the flag and to the man who so proudly carried it.

    Another important song that symbolizes our country is Hail to the Chief. It is the official anthem of the President and has been since 1954. It accompanies the President at most every public event.


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    The Great Sealof the United States is used on allofficial documents.

    Our Nations Official SealOn July 4, 1776, the Continental

    Congress authorized design of a device for a seal of the United States of America. William Barton and Charles Thomson created the design.

    The design was approved by Congress in 1782. The seal includes the American bald eagle with a ribbon in its mouth. On the ribbon are the Latin words E Pluribus Unum, which means out of many, one. In the eagles left talon, or claw, are thirteen arrows, representing war. In the right talon is an olive branch, representing peace.


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  • The bald eagle isour national bird.It stands for freedom.

    The bald eagle has been the national bird since 1782. It is a symbol of our nations freedom. It appears in many places. Youll find it on the Presidents flag, on the Great Seal, and on the one-dollar bill.

    If Benjamin Franklin had had his way, our national bird would be the wild turkey. Franklin argued that the wild turkey was native to America and a very intelligent bird. He lost the argument.


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    This cartoon of Uncle Sam was used during World War II to persuade men to join the armed forces.

    Our Nations Uncle SamAnother unforgettable symbol that uses

    the colors red, white, and blue is Uncle Sam. He is usually pictured as a tall man with white hair, a small white beard, and dressed in a star-spangled suit.

    Samuel Wilson, a beef supplier in Troy, New York, probably inspired the idea for Uncle Sam. During the War of 1812, he supplied barrels of beef to the U.S. Army. He stamped them U.S. to show that they were government property. People think this led to the use of the nickname Uncle Sam to symbolize the United States.


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  • For more than one hundred years, the Statue of Liberty has welcomed immigrants to the United States.

    Our Nations Statue of Freedom The Statue of Liberty is one of

    the United States most famous symbols. The people of France gave the statue to the people of the United States in 1886 to celebrate the friendship between the two nations.

    The statue was designed by Frederic Bartholdi. He made several models for each of its major parts. In Lady Libertys crown are seven rays representing the seven seas and continents of the world. In her right hand is a torch lighting the way to America. The tablet in her left hand has the date July 4, 1776, in Roman numerals. That is the date of the Declaration of Independence.


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    Poet Emma Lazarus wrote a poem, The New Colossus, in 1883, before the statue was unveiled. The poem was

    placed on a bronze plaque at the base of the