Scientific Marvels in the Quraan م ي ح ر ل ا ن م ح ر ل ه ا ل ل م ا س ب ن را لق ا ي ف ي م ل ع ل ا از ج ع$ الإExcursions into the Revelations of the Almighty Creator Cat’s Eye Nebula

Scientific Marvels in the Quraan بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الإعجاز العلمي في القرآن Excursions into the Revelations of the Almighty Creator Cat’s

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Scientific Marvels in the Quraan

الرحيم الرحمن الله بسمالقرآن في العلمي اإلعجاز

Excursions into the Revelations of the Almighty Creator

Cat’s Eye Nebula

الرحيم الرحمن الله بسم

� �ف�ال ون� أ ��ر �د�ب �ت آن� ي "ق�ر" �و" ال �ان� و�ل "د% م%ن" ك ن "ر% ع% غ�ي�ه% �و�ج�د�وا الل %الفا ف%يه% ل ت ا اخ" %ير+ �ث (82)النساء ك

Do they not ponder the Quraan? Had it been from other than Allah, they would surely have found therein much discrepancy.

�و" �ا ل "ن ل "ز� �ن آن� ه�ذ�ا أ "ق�ر" �ل7 ع�ل�ى ال ب �ه� ج� "ت ي� أ �ر� ع+ا ل خ�اش%

�ص�د;ع+ا �ة% م%ن" م�ت ي �ه% خ�ش" %ل"ك� الل �ال� و�ت �م"ث األ"�ه�ا �ض"ر%ب �اس% ن %لن �ه�م" ل �ع�ل ون� ل ��ر �ف�ك �ت 21))الحشر ي

Had We sent down this Quraan on a mountain, you would surely have seen it humbling itself and cracking apart by the fear of Allah. Such are the parables which We put forward to mankind that they may reflect .

Orion Nebula

Why Marvels Instead of Miracles?

Planets of the Solar System

Why discuss the marvels of the Quraan?%ك� �اب� ذ�ل %ت "ك "ب� ال ال ي �ق%ين� ف%يه% ر� "م�ت %ل ل البقرة) ه�د+ى


This is the book; no doubt, in it is guidance, to those who are pious;

�%ن آن� ه�ذ�ا إ "ق�ر" �ه"د%ي ال �ت%ي ي %ل �ق"و�م� ه%ي� ل ر� أ �ش; �ب و�ي

%ين� "م�ؤ"م%ن �ذ%ين� ال �ون� ال �ع"م�ل %ح�ات% ي �ن� الص�ال �ه�م" أ ل

ا �ج"ر+ ا أ %ير+ �ب (9اإلسراء ) ك

Verily this Quraan guides to that which is most right, and gives glad tidings to the believers who work deeds of righteousness, that they shall have a magnificent reward;

Topics in the Series:

1. Earth’s Shape and Rotation

2. Creation of the Universe

3. Motion of the Earth, Sun and Galaxies

4. The Mountains

5. The Seas

6. The Clouds

7. Creation in the Embryo

8. The Human HeartGalaxy Pair From NASA’s website

The Creator said in the Quraan:

سنريهم آياتنا في اآلفاق وفي أنفسهم حتى يتبين لهم أنه الحق أولم يكف بربك أنه على كل شىء

(53)فصلت شهيد

“We will show them our signs in the heavens and in themselves until they realize that it )the Quraan( is the truth. Is it not enough that your lord is a witness upon everything!”

Keyhole Nebula

�م" ر%يك� أ %ي س� �ات �ع"ج%ل�ون% آي ت �س" (37)األنبياء ف�ال ت

I will show you my signs so do not hasten

�و%ي ه�ل" ق�ل" ت �س" �ذ%ين� ي �م�ون� ال �ع"ل �ذ%ين� ي ال� و�ال�م�ون� �ع"ل �م�ا ي %ن �ر� إ �ذ�ك �ت �وا ي و"ل

� �اب% أ "ب �ل (9)الزمر األ"

Say )O Muhammad(: "Are those who know equal to those who do not know? It is those who have understanding that take heed.

Hourglass Nebula


• The Quraan is the truth from the Almighty Allah. As such, it is in harmony and predates modern scientific discoveries.

• The Quraan is primarily a book of faith rather than a book of science. Non-the-less, God has embedded signs in it that endorse its authenticity.

• The marvels of the Quraan will continue to unravel until the end of time as mentioned in the preceding verse.

• Allah has chosen words that suit all intellectual levels throughout time.

• The Quraan was revealed more than 14 centuries ago, yet it continues to challenge the wisdom and knowledge of mankind.

Eagle Nebula

1. Earth’s Shape and Rotation:

��و;ر �ك ي "ح�ق; %ال ب واألر"ض� م�او�ات% �الس ل�ق� "ل� خ� �ي اللر� �خ و�س� "ل% �ي الل ع�ل�ى �ه�ار� الن ��و;ر �ك و�ي �ه�ار% الن ع�ل�ى

ه�و� �ال أ م�ى م�س� �ج�ل7 أل �ج"ر%ي ي �ل� ك "ق�م�ر� و�ال م"س� �الش�"ع�ز%يز "غ�ف�ار� ال )5الزمر ( ال

He )Allah( created the heavens and the earth with the Truth )not for playing(. He makes the Night overlap the Day, and the Day overlap the Night. He has subjected the sun and the moon )to His law( each one follows a course for a time appointed. Is not He the Exalted in Power, He Who forgives again and again?

�ا و�م�ا �ق"ن ل م�او�ات% خ� �ض� الس ر"� �ه�م�ا و�م�ا و�األ" "ن �ي %ين� ب ب الع%

)38الدخان (

And We did not create the heavens and the earth and all that is between them, merely for playing Earth from Apollo

�م�ر �م�ر� ت و�ه%ي� ج�ام%د�ة+ �ه�ا ب �ح"س� ت �ال� ب "ج% ال ى �ر� و�ت ��ه %ن إ ء7 ي" ش� ��ل ك "ق�ن� �ت أ �ذ%ي ال �ه% الل "ع� ص�ن ح�اب% �الس

�ون� �ف"ع�ل ت %م�ا ب %ير� ب )88النمل (خ�

And you see the mountains and think them firmly fixed; but they pass along as the clouds pass: )such is( the fabric of Allah, Who meticulously disposed all things. He is well acquainted with all that you do.

Western Hemisphere NASA Earth Observatory

ض� ر"� �اه�ا و�األ �ا م�د�د"ن "ن "ق�ي �ل ي� ف%يه�ا و�أ و�اس% �ا ر� "ن �ت "ب �ن و�أ�ل; م%ن" ف%يه�ا ء7 ك ي" ون7 ش� �)19الحجر (م�و"ز

And the earth We have spread out; and set therein anchors )mountains(; and planted therein of all things in balance.

ض� ر"� �اه�ا و�األ �ا م�د�د"ن "ن "ق�ي �ل ي� ف%يه�ا و�أ و�اس% �ا ر� "ن �ت "ب �ن و�أ�ل; م%ن" ف%يه�ا و"ج7 ك �ه%يج7 ز� (7ق (ب

And the earth We have spread out, and set therein anchors )mountains(; and planted therein of every beautiful pair )male and female(

Earth Rise, Apollo July 1969

2. Creation of the Universe:

�م" و�ل� ى أ �ر� �ذ%ين� ي وا ال ��ف�ر �ن� ك م�او�ات% أ � الس

�ا و�األر"ض� �ت �ان "ق+ا ك ت �اه�م�ا ر� �ق"ن �ا ف�ف�ت "ن م%ن" و�ج�ع�ل"م�اء% �ل� ال ي"ء7 ك �ف�ال ح�ي� ش� �ون� أ �ؤ"م%ن (30)األنبياء ي

Do the Unbelievers not see that the heavens and the earth were joined together )as one unit of Creation(, before We clove them asunder? We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?

Cone Nebula

م�اء� ��اه�ا و�الس "ن �ي �ن "يد7 ب ي� %أ ع�ون� ب �م�وس% ل �ا %ن و�إ


And the heavens We have constructed with might and We are expanding.

��م �و�ى ث ت %ل�ى اس" م�اء% إ � ف�ق�ال� د�خ�ان� و�ه%ي� الس�ه�ا ض% ل ر"

� %أل �ا و�ل %ي "ت %ئ و" ط�و"ع+ا ا� ه+ا أ �ر" �ا ك �ت �ا ق�ال "ن �ي �ت أ

%ع%ين� (11فصلت ) ط�ائ

%And then He descended upon the sky when it was smoke and ordered it and the earth to come, willingly or unwillingly. They said: "We do come in obedience."

Horsehead Nebula in Orion

3. Motion of the Earth, Sun and Galaxies

�ذ%ي و�ه�و� �ق� ال ل "ل� خ� �ي �ه�ار� الل م"س� و�الن � و�الش"ق�م�ر� �ل� و�ال �ك7 ف%ي ك �ح�ون� ف�ل ب �س" (33األنبياء )ي

And He is the one who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon and all swim along, each in its orbit.

Comet Hale-Bopp

��ق"د%ير ت %ك� ذ�ل �ه�ا ل �ق�ر� ت %م�س" ل �ج"ر%ي ت �م"س �و�الش"ع�ز%يز% %) ال %يم "ع�ل �از%ل� (38ال م�ن ��اه ن ق�د�ر" "ق�م�ر� و�ال

ج�ون% "ع�ر" �ال ك ع�اد� �ى %) ح�ت "ق�د%يم م"س� (39ال �الش ال �"ل �ي الل و�ال "ق�م�ر� ال �د"ر%ك� ت �ن" أ �ه�ا ل �غ%ي "ب �ن %ق� ي اب س�

يس ) �ح�ون� ب �س" ي ف�ل�ك7 ف%ي �ل� و�ك �ه�ار% (40الن

And the sun runs towards its destination; that is the decree of the Exalted in Might, the All-Knowing. And the Moon, We have made to traverse in phases till it returns like the old )and withered( lower part of a date-stalk. It is the Sun is not permitted to catch up the Moon, nor can the Night outstrip the Day: and each swims along in an orbit. Earth and Moon

Mercury عطارد

Planets of the Solar System

Venus الزهرة

Earth األرض

Mars المريخ

Jupiter المشتري

Saturn زحل

Neptune النبتونUranus أورانوس

The Moon القمر