Scientific Marvels in the Quraan Presentation #3 م ي ح ر ل ا ن م ح ر ل ه ا ل ل م ا س ب ن را لق ا ي ف ي م ل ع ل ا از ج ع$ الإExcursions into the Revelations of the Almighty Creator

Scientific Marvels in the Quraan Presentation #3 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الإعجاز العلمي في القرآن Excursions into the Revelations of the Almighty

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Page 1: Scientific Marvels in the Quraan Presentation #3 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الإعجاز العلمي في القرآن Excursions into the Revelations of the Almighty

Scientific Marvels in the QuraanPresentation #3

الرحيم الرحمن الله بسمالقرآن في العلمي اإلعجاز

Excursions into the Revelations of the Almighty Creator

Page 2: Scientific Marvels in the Quraan Presentation #3 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الإعجاز العلمي في القرآن Excursions into the Revelations of the Almighty

Say: "If the whole of mankind and Jinns were to gather together to produce the same as this Quraan they could not produce the same thereof, even if they backed up each other with help and support.

الرحيم الرحمن الله بسم

أن� ع�لى �و�الجن �اإلنس �م�ع�ت� ـت اج� %ن� لئ قـل�و�لو� %ه% �ل %م%ث ب �أتـون� ي ال آن% القـر� ه�ذا �ل% بم%ث �أتـوا ي

ا ظـه%ير2 �ع�ض %ب ل �ع�ض�ه�م� ب �ان� ك88النساء ) )

Page 3: Scientific Marvels in the Quraan Presentation #3 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الإعجاز العلمي في القرآن Excursions into the Revelations of the Almighty

5. The Seas

�م� ى أو�ل �ر� ?ذ%ين� ي وا ال ��ف�ر �ن? ك م�او�ات% أ الس?�ا و�األر�ض� �ت �ان ق2ا ك ـ� ت �اه�م�ا ر� ق�ـن ـ� ف�ـت �ا فـ� م%ن� و�ج�ع�لن

�م�اء% �ل? ال ي�ءF ك �ؤ�م%نـون� أفال ح�يH ش� (30)األنبياء ي

Do the Unbelievers not see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of Creation), before We clove them asunder? We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?

Page 4: Scientific Marvels in the Quraan Presentation #3 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الإعجاز العلمي في القرآن Excursions into the Revelations of the Almighty

Fم�اء م%ن� Fة? د�اب �ل? ك خ�لق� �?ه م�ن� و�اللـ فم%نـه�م�ع�ل�ى �م�ش%ي ي م�ن� و�م%نه�م� %ه% �طـن ب ع�لى �م�ش%ي ي

�ن% �خ�لـق� ر%ج�لي ي Fع� ب ر�� أ ع�لى �م�ش%ي ي م�ن� و�م%نه�م�

%ن? إ �اء �ش� ي م�ا �?ه ق�د%يرY اللـ Fي�ء ش� �ل] ك ع�لى ?ه� اللـ :And Allah has created every animal from water)45النور(

of them there are some that creep on their bellies; some that walk on two legs; and some that walk on four. Allah creates what He wills: for verily Allah has power over all things.

Page 5: Scientific Marvels in the Quraan Presentation #3 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الإعجاز العلمي في القرآن Excursions into the Revelations of the Almighty

2ا ب �س� ن �ف�ج�ع�له ا ر2 �ش� ب �م�اء% ال م%ن� خ�ل�ق� ?ذ%ي ال و�ه�و�ا ق�د%ير2 �ك� ب ر� �ان� و�ك ا )54الفرقان( و�ص%ه�ر2

And He Who has created human being from water: then He established relationships of lineage and marriage: for thy Lord is all capable.

Page 6: Scientific Marvels in the Quraan Presentation #3 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الإعجاز العلمي في القرآن Excursions into the Revelations of the Almighty

Basic Scientific Facts:

1. There are three major oceans on Earth: the Pacific Ocean, The Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean. In addition, the Arctic Ocean at the North Pole is considered by many geographers as part of the Atlantic Ocean and refer to it as the Arctic Sea. The Antarctic Ocean at the south pole is referred to by many geographers as the southern parts of the three major oceans. It is sometimes referred to as the Southern Ocean. The term World Ocean refers to all oceans because they form one connected body of water.

2. The surface area of the oceans cover about 71% of the total Earth surface leaving about 29% for land areas.

3. The world ocean has an average depth of 12,200 feet (3,730 meters), but parts of the ocean plunge much deeper. The deepest known spot is in the Mariana Trench in the western Pacific Ocean, near the island of Guam. It lies 36,198 feet (11,033 meters) below sea level. If the world's highest mountain, 29,028-foot (8,848-meter) Mount Everest, were placed in that spot, more than 1 mile (1.6 kilometres) of water would cover the mountaintop.

4. If the Greenland and Antarctic icecaps should suddenly melt, the World Ocean Would Rise about 200 feet (60 meters). New York City would be submerged, with only the tops of the tallest buildings above water.

Page 7: Scientific Marvels in the Quraan Presentation #3 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الإعجاز العلمي في القرآن Excursions into the Revelations of the Almighty
Page 8: Scientific Marvels in the Quraan Presentation #3 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الإعجاز العلمي في القرآن Excursions into the Revelations of the Almighty
Page 9: Scientific Marvels in the Quraan Presentation #3 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الإعجاز العلمي في القرآن Excursions into the Revelations of the Almighty

Basic Scientific Facts – Cont. :

5. The ocean contains 97 per cent of all the water on the earth. The arctic ice caps contain 2% and the remaining 1% is fresh water contained in rivers, lakes and reservoirs.

6. The ocean floors are in constant motion. The floor of the Atlantic spreads about 1 inch (2.5 centimetres) every year, widening the ocean basin. The Pacific floor spreads even faster, about 5 inches (13 centimetres) every year. But its basin does not widen because the edges of its floor sink under the continents.

7. Every natural element can be found in the waters of the ocean. But the ocean is especially known for its salts. Seawater contains, on the average, about 3.5% salts.

8. The surface temperature of the ocean varies from about 28 °F (-2 °C) near the North and South poles to about 86 °F (30 °C) near the equator. Ocean temperature also varies with depth. In general, the temperature falls as the depth increases. The warm surface waters extend to depths of about 500 feet (150 meters) in the tropics, and about 1,000 feet (300 meters) in the subtropics. Below the surface waters, the temperature drops rapidly, forming a layer called the thermocline. The thermocline varies in thickness, from about 1,000 feet (300 meters) to 3,000 feet (910 meters). Below the thermocline, the water cools more slowly. Close to the deep-sea floor, the temperature of the ocean ranges between 34 and 39 °F (1 and 4 °C).

9. The most common molecule (substance) in the human body is water. It makes up about 65 per cent of the body. Most of the chemical reactions that occur in the body require water.

Page 10: Scientific Marvels in the Quraan Presentation #3 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الإعجاز العلمي في القرآن Excursions into the Revelations of the Almighty

The ocean basin (floor after the continental slopes) occupies about three-fourths of the ocean floor. The center of the basin is dominated by an underwater volcanic mountain range called the mid-ocean ridge, or Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The ridge occupies almost half of the basin. It extends from an area near Iceland to an area north of Antarctica. Much of the ridge lies from 7,000 to 10,000 feet (2,100 to 3,000 meters) beneath the surface. But in some places, it juts out of the water and forms islands, including Ascension in the South Atlantic and the Azores in the North Atlantic.

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Basic Scientific Facts – Cont. :

10.The ocean is a fascinating place that we have only begun to understand. Scientists (oceanographers) work to discover the secrets of the sea. They study how the ocean moves and how it affects the atmosphere. They investigate how organisms live in the sea and how various forces shape the sea floor. Such modern tools as satellites and computers have greatly increased scientists' understanding of the ocean.

11.The first expedition devoted entirely to the study of the sea was organized in 1872 by Britain's Royal Navy and the Royal Society of London, a British scientific association. A naval vessel called the Challenger was specially equipped for the expedition. The Challenger spent more than three years at sea and traveled nearly 70,000 miles (113,000 kilometres). The expedition made hundreds of soundings, gathered much information about the ocean floor, and discovered many marine organisms. In the early 1900's, the development of echo sounders made it easier to determine the depth of the ocean. In the mid-1900's, explorers and scientists began to get firsthand views of the underwater world. In 1943, Jacques Cousteau, a French naval officer, and Emile Gagnan, a French engineer, invented the aqualung. This device allowed divers to breathe air from canisters on their backs and to move freely underwater.

12.During the German expedition of the Meteor, from 1925 to 1927, scientists performed the first extensive survey of the South Atlantic Ocean depths. They gathered conclusive evidence for the existence of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.

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Importance of the World Ocean:

1. Maintains the health of the climate as it regulates the air temperature and provides moisture for rain falls. If there were no ocean, life could not exist on our planet.

2. Abundant food, mainly fish and shell fish (90 billion kg per year) mostly from coastal waters.

3. Abundant energy, chiefly oil and gas (in the late 80s, 25% of world oil and 20% of world gas was produced from offshore wells).

4. Source of minerals such as sand and gravel used for making construction materials, other important minerals include salt, bromide and manganese.

5. Shipping routes to transport goods between continents.

6. Source of medicine and medical research.

7. Source of ornaments such as pearls and shells.

8. Source of fresh water through desalination plants for public and industrial usages in dry areas.

Page 13: Scientific Marvels in the Quraan Presentation #3 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الإعجاز العلمي في القرآن Excursions into the Revelations of the Almighty

%الف% ـت واخ� و�األر�ض م�او�ات% الس? خ�لـق ف%ي %ن? إف%ي �ج�ر%ي ت %ي ?ت الـ و�الـفـلــك% ?ه�ار و�النـ ?يل% اللـم%ن� �?ه اللـ ل� أنز� و�م�ا ?اس� النـ ��نفع ي %م�ا ب �ح�ر% �ب ال

%ه�ا م�و�ت �ع�د� ب األر�ض� %ه% ب �ا ي فأح� Fم�اء م%ن� م�اء% الس?�اح% ي الر] �ص�ر%يف% و�ت Fة? د�اب �ل] ك م%ن� ف%يه�ا �ث? و�ب

ض% و�األر� م�اء% الس? �ن� �ي ب خ?ر% �م�س� ال ح�اب% و�الس?ق%ـلـون� �عـ� ي %قـو�م ل Fات� ) 164البقرة( آلي

Behold! In the creation of the heavens and the earth; in the alternation of the Night and the Day; in the sailing of the ships through the sea for the benefit of mankind; in the rain which Allah sends down from the skies, and the life which He gives therewith to an earth after its death; in the creatures of all kinds that He scatters through the earth; in the change of the winds and the clouds which are held between the sky and the earth, (here) indeed are Signs for people who are wise.

Page 14: Scientific Marvels in the Quraan Presentation #3 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الإعجاز العلمي في القرآن Excursions into the Revelations of the Almighty

م�او�ات% الس? خ�لـق� ?ذ%ي ال �?ه ل� اللـ و�أنز� و�األر�ض�ات% lم�ر� الث م%ن� %ه% ب ج� فأخ�ر� م�اء2 م�اء% الس? ر%زقـا م%ن�

ر% �ح� الب ف%ي �ج�ر%ي� %ت ل الفـلك� �م� لك خ?ر� و�س� �م� لك%أم�ر%ه% �ك�م ب ل خ?ر� )32إبراهيم( األنه�ار� و�س�

Allah is the One Who has created the heavens and the earth and sent down water from the skies, and with it brought out fruits to provide for you and He is the one Who has facilitated the ships to serve you, that they may sail through the sea by His Command; and He facilitated the rivers for you.

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Hج]ي� ل Fح�ر� ب ف%ي Fلم�ات��ظ ك م%ن� أو� Yم�و�ج �اه �غ�ش� ي�ع�ض�ه�ا ب Yم�ات� ظ�ل Yح�اب س� ف�و�ق%ه% م%ن� Yم�و�ج فو�ق%ه%

و�م�ن� اه�ا �ر� ي �د� �ك ي لم� ��د�ه ي ج� أخ�ر� إذ�ا Fع�ض� ب ف�و�ق��ج�ع�ل� ي نـور لم� م%ن� �له ف�م�ا ا �ور2 ن ��ه ل �?ه اللـ

Or like the depths of darkness in a vast deep)40النور( ocean, overwhelmed with waves topped by waves, topped by clouds: darkness stacked one above another: if a man stretches out his hand, he can hardly see it! Anyone who Allah does not give enlightenment, he has no enlightenment!

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Ocean currents result from two forces: (1) the action of the wind on surface waters, and (2) the differences in temperature and salt content of surface and deeper waters. The earth's general wind circulation produces the major currents--great streams that carry the ocean's surface waters in roughly circular patterns. Wind also causes upwelling, which occurs when coastal waters are blown offshore and replaced by colder, deeper waters. Thermohaline circulation takes place because colder, saltier water sinks. This action produces great vertical currents in the ocean. World Book illustration by Sarah Woodward

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Yات فـر� Yع�ذب ه�ذا �ن% ي �ح�ر� الب ج� م�ر� ?ذ%ي الـ و�ه�و�ا و�ح%ج�ر2 خ2ا ز� �ر� ب �ه�م�ا �ن �ي ب و�ج�ع�ل� Yأج�اج Yم%لح و�ه�ذا

ا )53الفرقان( م�ح�ج�ور2

It is He Who has let free the two seas: one palatable and sweet, and the other salt and bitter; and He made a barrier between them, a partition that is forbidden to be passed and a confined entrapment.

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Source: Dynamic Ocean Fronts Webpage http://www.nrl.navy.mil/content.php?P=03REVIEW197

Chesapeake Bay is a long, narrow arm of the Atlantic Ocean that runs north from the coast of Virginia, and divides Maryland into two parts.

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Page 20: Scientific Marvels in the Quraan Presentation #3 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الإعجاز العلمي في القرآن Excursions into the Revelations of the Almighty

و�ج�ع�ل� ا ار2 ق�ر� األر�ض� ج�ع�ل� ا أم?ن� أنه�ار2 خ%الله�ا�ن ي �ح�ر� �ب ال �ن� �ي ب و�ج�ع�ل� و�اس%ي� ر� له�ا ا و�ج�ع�ل� ح�اج%ز2

ال ه�م� ��ر ث ـ� ك� أ �ل� ب ?ه% اللـ م�ع� Yله% �ع�لم�ون� أئ )61النمل( ي

Or, who has made the earth firm to live in; made rivers in its midst; set thereon firm anchors (mountains), and made a separating barrier between the two seas (Can there be another) god besides Allah? Nay, most of them do not know.

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Page 22: Scientific Marvels in the Quraan Presentation #3 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الإعجاز العلمي في القرآن Excursions into the Revelations of the Almighty

د�ح�اه�ا %ك� ذ�ل �ع�د� ب م�اء�ه�ا )30(و�األر�ض� م%نـه�ا ج� أخ�ر�ع�اه�ا )31النازعات( و�م�ر�

And the earth, moreover, He extended (to a wide expanse); He drew out from within its moisture and its pasture;

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Origin of the ocean waters

The huge volume of water contained in the oceans (and seas), 137 × 107 cubic kilometres, has been produced during the geologic history of the Earth. There is little information on the early history of the Earth's waters. However, fossils dated from the Precambrian some 3.3 billion years ago show that bacteria and cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) existed, indicating the presence of water during this period. Carbonate sedimentary rocks, obviously laid down in an aquatic environment, have been dated to 1 billion years ago. Also, there is fossil evidence of primitive marine algae and invertebrates from the outset of the Cambrian Period some 540 million years ago.

The presence of water on the Earth at even earlier times is not documented by physical evidence. It has been suggested, however, that the early hydrosphere formed in response to condensation from the early atmosphere. The ratios of certain elements on the Earth indicate that the planet formed by the accumulation of cosmic dust and was slowly warmed by radioactive and compressional heating. This heating led to the gradual separation and migration of materials to form the Earth's core, mantle, and crust. The early atmosphere is thought to have been highly reducing and rich in gases, notably in hydrogen, and to include water vapour.

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Origin of the ocean waters

The Earth's surface temperature and the partial pressures of the individual gases in the early atmosphere affected the atmosphere's equilibration with the terrestrial surface. As time progressed and the planetary interior continued to warm, the composition of the gases escaping from within the Earth gradually changed the properties of its atmosphere, producing a gaseous mixture rich in carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), and molecular nitrogen (N2). Photo dissociation (i.e., separation due to the energy of light) of water vapour into molecular hydrogen (H2) and molecular oxygen (O2) in the upper atmosphere allowed the hydrogen to escape and led to a progressive increase of the partial pressure of oxygen at the Earth's surface. The reaction of this oxygen with the materials of the surface gradually caused the vapour pressure of water vapour to increase to a level at which liquid water could form. This water in liquid form accumulated in isolated depressions of the Earth's surface, forming the nascent oceans. The high carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere at this time would have allowed a buildup of dissolved carbon dioxide in the water andmade these early oceans acidic and capable of dissolving surface rocks that would add to the water's salt content. Watermust have evaporated and condensed rapidly and accumulated slowly at first. The required buildup of atmospheric oxygen was slow because much of this gas was used to oxidize methane, ammonia, and exposed rocks high in iron. Gradually, the partial pressure of the oxygen gas in the atmosphere rose as photosynthesis by bacteria and photodissociation continued to supply oxygen. Biological processes involving algae increased, and they gradually decreased the carbon dioxide content and increased the oxygen content of the atmosphere until the oxygen produced by biological processes outweighed that produced by photodissociation. This, in turn, accelerated the formation of surface water and the development of the oceans.Source: "ocean." Encyclopædia Britannica from Encyclopædia Britannica 2003 Deluxe Edition CD-ROM. Copyright © 1994-2003 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. February 21, 2004.

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�ت� ب كس� %م�ا ب �ح�ر �ب و�ال �ر] الب ف%ي �اد الفـس� ظـه�ر�ع�م%لـوا ?ذ%ي الـ �ع�ض� ب �ذيقه�م� ي ـ% ل ?اس% الن �د%ي أي

جـع�ون� �ر� ي ?ه�م� )41الروم( لع�لـ

Damage has appeared on land and sea because of the deeds that the hands of people have committed, that He (Allah) may give them a taste of some of their deeds: in order that they may turn back (from Evil).

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ت� �و]ر� ك �م�س الش? ت� ) 1(إذا �د�ر� انك ��ج�وم الن ) 2(و�إذا

ت� ]ر� ي �س ��ال ب الج% ]لت� ) 3(و�إذا ع�طـ �ار الع%ش� ) 4(و�إذا

ت� ر� ح�ش% �الو�ح�وش %ذا ت� ) 5(و�إ ج]ر� �س �%ح�ار الب و�إذا)6التكوير(

When the sun is folded up and extinguished; When the stars wither away, losing their glitter; When the mountains vanish; When the pregnant camels are left untended; When the wild beasts are herded together; When the oceans are lit with fire.

Beyond Science:

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ت� ( انف�طر� �م�اء الس? ت�) 1إذا انتثر� ��و�اك%ب الك و�إذات�) (2( فـج]ر� �%ح�ار الب %ذا �ور�) 3و�إ القـب و�إذا

ت� ( %ر� �عث ت�) 4ب �خ?ر� و�أ ق�د?م�ت� م�ا Yف�س� ن %م�ت� ع�ل)5 (% �ر%يم الك ]ك� بـ %ر� ب ك� غ�ر? م�ا �ان اإلنس� �ه�ا �اأي ي

When the Sky is parted; When the planets are)6اإلنفطار( scattered; When the Oceans are exploded; And when the Graves are turned upside down; (Then) shall each soul know the deeds it has hasented to do from those it has delayed back. O man! what has seduced you from thy Lord, the One Who is most generous?