Science Year4 and Science Year5

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  • 8/6/2019 Science Year4 and Science Year5


    Science: Year 4


    Basic Needs of Humans.

    The basic needs of humans are:(a) food(b) water(c) air(d) shelter

    humans need food to:(a) grow(b) get energy(c) stay healthy

    water is needed to:(a) maintain body temperature(b) carry nutritions(c) get rid of waste product

    Humans need air to breathe.Humans need shelter to protect themselves from danger,the sun and the rain.

    Basic Needs of Animals.

    Basic needs of animals are:(a) food(b) water(c) air(d) shelter

    Animals need to eat and drink to help them grow and stay healthy.Animals need air to breathe.animals need shelter to protect themselves from danger, the sun and rain.

    Basic Needs of Plants.

    The basic needs of plant are:(a) water(b) air(C) sunlight

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    Plants absorb water from the soil trough their roots.Plants needs air to stay alive.

    Air contain gases like oxygen and carbon dioxide.

    Plants need:(a) oxygen to breathe(b) carbon dioxide to make food

    Green plants needs sunlight to make food.


    Life processes are:(a) breathing(b) excretion(c) defecation

    (c) defecation(d) respond to stimuli(e) reproduction

    Humans Breathe

    Humans breathe to get oxygen to get air.The organ involved are:(a) nose

    (b) lungs(c) windpipe

    As we inhale(a) chest move up(b) the air is taken in

    As we exhale(a) chest move down(b) the air inside the lungs flows out

    Air that we inhale contains more carbon dioxide.InhalationNose - Windpipe - Lungs

    ExhalationLungs - Windpipe - Nose

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    Humans Excrete and Defecate

    Humans excrete and defecate to get rid of wastematerial from their body.Excrete:Urine and sweatDefecate:Get rid of undigested food called faeces.

    Humans Responds to Stimuli

    Stimuli:Light, sound, smell, taste, pain, pressure, heat and cold.Humans can detect stimuli using their five sensory organs;eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin.

    Humans Reproduce

    Humans need to reproduce to:(a) increase their number(b) ensure the continuity of their species on this planetHumans reproduce by giving birth.

    Behaviour Thats Disturbs Life Processes

    Bad habits:(a) smoking(b) taking drugs(c) drinking alcoholCigarette contains harmful substances such as nicotine,tar, and carbon monoxide.Smoking can cause:(a) lung cancer(b) heart diseases(c) severe cough(d) breath difficultiesTaking drugs and drinking alcohol can delay a person'sresponse to stimuli.


    Animals undergo life processes. The life processes are:(a) breathing(b) excretion(c) defecation

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    (d) response to stimuli(e) reproduction

    Animals Excrete and Defecate

    Animals excrete and defecate to get rid of wasteproducts from their body.They need to excrete and defecate to stay healthy.

    Animals Breathe

    Different animal have different breathing structure.Fish - gillsBird - lungsCrab - book lungsFrog - moist skinGrasshopper - tracheal system

    Animals Reproduce

    Animal reproduce to ensure the survival of their species.Animals reproduce either by giving birth or laying eggs.

    Life Cycles of Animals

    Different animals have different life cycles.


    Plants undergo life processes too.(a) response to stimuli(b) reproduction

    Plants Responds to Stimuli

    Plants responds to stimuli as water, gravity and touch.Parts of plants can respond to stimuli such as:(a) roots(b) shoots(c) leavesRoots responds to gravity.Shoots responds to sunlight.Leaves responds to to touch.

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    Plants Reproduce

    Plants reproduce in various way.(a) Through seeds - papaya plant(b) Through spores - Fern & mushrooms(c) Through suckers - Bamboo plant & banana plant(d) Through leaves - Begonia & bryophyllum(e) Through cuttings - Tapioca & sugar cane(f) Through underground stems - Potato & ginger


    Protection of Animals From Danger

    Animals need to protect themselves from beingeaten or attacked by enemies.

    Hard shell - TurtleSharp claws - CatPoisonous stings - snake

    Special behaviour:

    Producing bad smell - CockroachSpurting black ink - SquidBreaking off tail - Lizard

    Protection of Animals from Extreme Weather

    Animals have specific characteristics to protectsthemselves from extreme weather.(a) very cold regioni. Thick fur - Polar bear, arctic foxii. Thick layer of fat - Whale, Penguiniii. Small ears - Arctic ground squirrel

    Very hot weatherCamelsi. Have humps on their back to store food.

    ii. Can drink lot of water at one time.Desert foxes have long ears to help get ridof excess heat.Some animals have special behaviour to protectsthemselves from extreme weather.(a) Hot weather- Wallowing in mud holes - Buffalo- Hiding under a shade or in the ground - mouse

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    -Hibernating during the cold season - Bear(b) Cold weather- Migrating from a cold region to a warmer region. swallow

    Science: Year 5


    Microorganisms Are Living Things


    - exist in large number in air, water and soil.- exist in diffrent shapes, sizes and colours.- get food from live organisms.

    Virus- tiniest microorganisms.- grow ingide live cells.- not a cells- cannot determine if they are alive or not.

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    - only feed on live organisms.- cause infections of diseases such as bird influenza.

    Protoaza- mainly found in ponds, lakes and rivers.- some eat other organisms.- harmful protozoas are found in raw vegetables that grow in polluted watersupplies.

    Fungi- simple plants that cannot make their own food.- feed on materials once alive or living things.- cause food to became rotten.- break down the food ang absorb the nutriens.- Yeast is use to make bread soft and flully.



    1)Used in food productionsor food industry.e.g Yeasts are added to makebread, tapai and tempeh.Some bacteria are used to make

    2) Used to produce antibiotics- fungi are use to produceantibiotics.

    3) Making fertiliser- Certain dead organisms and animal'sexcrement are used to make organicfertiliser.


    (1) Cause illness-Some microorganisms that the body can cause illness.

    e.g cough, skin diseases (dermatis), and stomachache(2)Cause tooth decay- Tooth decay is cause by food remains between teeth which has reached on bybacteria.(3) Cause food to became rotten- Bacteria and fungi cause food to become rotten.(4) Cause food poisoning- Consuming food contaminated with microorganismswill cause food poisoning.

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    Examples of diseases caused by organisms

    Mumps - a contagious diseases whices cause swelling of the salivary glandsMeasles - mild contagious diseases which causes red spots all over the body.

    AIDS - Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.- Caused by HIV (virus).Chicken pox - Infectious diseases- Causes mild fever and itchy red spots on the skins.

    Prevention of Diseases Cause by Microorganisms.

    - Cover the mouth and the nose when tou cough or sneeze.- Drink boiled water- Do not share your personal items with others.- Wash your hands before handling food and after using the toilet.- Bath every day.- inject vaccine to prevent infection of microorganisms.

    - Apply antiseptic on wound to prevent infection.


    Survival Of AnimalsVarious Ways Of Animals Look After Their Youngs

    Carry their young~KANGAROO- Akangaroo carries it young in its pouch.- The young will stay in the pouch until it grows big.SNAKEHEAD- Male snakeheads keep their young in their mouth.FISH- Keep their young in their mouth.Feed and protect their young until they become independentBIRD- Birds provide food for thrir young.PENGUIN- A penguin feeds its young using its beak.COW

    - A cow suckles young(calf).LION- Stay in herds to protect their young.HEN- Attack in order to protect their when they are disturb.

    Various Ways Of Animals Look After Their Eggs

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    FROG- Lays large amount of slimy eggs.- The slimmer layer will then be eaten by tadpoles whenthe eggs hatches.TURTLES- Burries its eggs in the sand.- Eggs are protects in soft shellsCOCKROACHES- Eggs are hidden in dark places.- Eggs are protected in an egg case.SNAIL- Hides eggs between the rocks.SNAKE- Coils around its eggs- Eggs are protcted in a hard shells.FISH- Lays a large of eggs.BUTTERFLY- Lays its eggs under the leaves.

    Survival Of Plants

    Various Ways Of Seeds And Food Dispersale.g.1. angsana, shorea, dandelion and sycamore.(angsana) by wind.- has fine hair- light and small(sycamore)- Has wing-like structuree.g.2. lotus, coconout, water-lily and pong- pong.(coconout)by water.- Has fibrous structure(husk) that helps to float.- Has air space to float.- Has waxy skin.e.g.3. mango,watermelon, rambutan and durian.(watermelon)By seeds- Seed cannot be digested- Fleshy and juicy- Edible- Has pleasent smell

    - Attractive and bright coloured(love grass)Some seeds have hooks that able to stick to the animal fure.g.4. balsam, peas, rubber, okra and flame of forest.(Flame of the forest)Explosive Mechanism- When the fruits become dry, the fruits explodes- The seeds thorwn out from the shells onto the air in all directions.

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    Food Chains

    classificatons Of The Animals According To The Food They Eat.

    CARNIVORE- Animals that eat the flesh and meat of other animals.- They have sharp claw, sharp teeth ans strong beak to kill their prey ans teartheir flesh into pieces.- Certain carnivores feed on insects.

    HERBIVORE- Animals that eat plant only.- Certain herbivores like to eat grass and leafy parts of young plants.- Some herbivores like to eat juicy fruits or nuts.

    OMNIVORE- Animals that eat both plant and other animals- Animals such as swan, duck, or chicken eats worms, small insectsor grains- A bear eats honey and fish.

    Food Webs

    Organisms In A Pond

    Food web- food chain that are inconnected or linked together in acommunity.a) elodea ~ tadpole ~ fish ~ duck.b) elodea ~ mosquito larva ~ fish ~ duck.c) elodea ~ fish ~ duck.[______] [______________________________]producer consumerLiving Things In The Forest

    Food Weba) grass ~ grasshopper ~ bird ~ eagle

    b) grass ~ rabbit ~ snake ~ eaglec) grass ~ deer ~ snake ~ eagled) grass ~ grasshopper ~ snake ~ eagle[______] [___________________________]producer consumer

    What Will Happen If There Is A Change In The Population Of ACertain Species.

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    - In food chain or food web, the number of living things are kept in balance.If many birds are killed, what will happen?

    1) Eagles will have less food. Some will starve to death or fly away.The number of eagles decreases2) Grasshoppes that used to be birds prey were to grow multiply.3) After some time, there will be less food fr the grasshopper.4) As a result, the number of grasshoppers will decrease.- When there is a change in the population of certain species, theother population of other species connected to it will also beaffected.- Besides, certain species of animals tha eat only one type of foodhave difficulty to survive because their only source of food may run A panda eats bamboo shoots only.b) A pangolin eats ants only.c) A koala bear eats eucalypus only.CHAPTER 4:ENERGY

    What Is Energy?


    LIVING THINGS- Energy is needed by living things to carry out lifeprocesses such as:a) moving.b) breathing.c) growing.

    NON LIVING THINGS- Energy is needed by non-livigs things to make them usable.a) moving.b) melting.c) bouncing.



    - Moving air has kinetic energy to spin the wind turbiness togenerate electricity.- A sail boat uses the wind energy to cruise.

    SUN- Main source of energy.- Plants use sunlight to make food.- Sunlight can be coverted to electrical energy.

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    FOOD- Human and animals get energy from the food they eat.

    FUEL- When the fuels(coal,oil and natural gas)are burnt, heatenergy and light energy are produce.- Formed from dead plants and animals that lived million years ago.

    Various Forms Of Energy


    - A moving object has kinectic energy.- Object that moves fast has more kinectic energy than one that moves slowlySources: wind, running, water, moving boat.


    - Heat energy makes us feel warm and hot.sources: the sun, burning of fuels, electrical equipment.


    - Lights energy enables us to see.sources: the Sun, torchlight, candles, lanterns and lamp.


    - Sounds that are produced from vibrating objects or when an objectsis hit.sources: musical instruments, and haet.


    - It is also known as electricity which is produced by theflow of electric current.

    sources: batteries, and power stations.


    - Energy is stored in an object because if its position and condition.- There are three types of potential energy:

    a) chemical potential energy.

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