The school of 2020 by: Mauricio Gutiérrez

School Of 2020 (Mauricio)

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  • 1. by: Mauricio Gutirrez

2. There are several types of technologies that exist in todays classrooms and schools. These technologies tend to complement some of the more traditional learning methods rather than replacing them. The current school technologies are only available to some schools thus widening the technological gap between the schools with technology and the schools without technology. 3. In my opinion most of the technologies currently in use will still be used by schools in 2020. If a technology is bound to disappear or at least to lose relevance in the near future is the printer. Even now some teachers are accepting work to be emailed and not printed so the printers are slowly becoming obsolete as more teachers join the trend. There is also an environmentally conscious movement and projects such as the paperless office being implemented in some schools. 4. Books and notebooks could be dropped and replaced by Kindle-like devices that would allow input or just laptop computers. The Kindle-like devices could be school issued and thus, may contain software that would prevent open internet access creating a distraction free laptop. 5. There have been several changes from the 1990s to the current times in the way technology is used by schools. Firstly back then technology was much more expensive than it is now and thus its use was lower. The school had computer rooms during the 1990s and students needed to use them if they wanted to use a computer, now most 11th and 12th grade students have their own laptop computers that they carry around with them without depending on computer labs. Teachers in order to enter the school used to have keys, now they carry keycards with RFID technology that opens the gates for them. 6. Teachers in 2020 with the use of voice recognition software and smartboards could, in theory, stop writing on tradicional whiteboards. The software could make it easy for a teacher to give the class as he or she could just dictate the lessons to the computer and the computer could make a presentation out of them. Teachers could use TabletPC technology in order to stop grading in actual paper and thus reduce costs and environmental impacts. Senior teachers would have to be trained to use the new technology and some of them could prefer the traditional teaching methods they grew up with. Some teachers could even be technophobic (afraid of technology). 7. Students would not have to write in actual paper so their calligraphy might not benefit from this. When students come to write in actual paper their orthography and grammar could be bad because of lack of practice and overdependence in technologies like spelling and grammar checkers. Students could now have access to many books for every subject in their Kindle-like devices, this would be a benefit because e- books are cheaper than regular books. 8. There will be a possible increase in costs for the school, improvements to networking and general infrastructure will need to be applied in order for the new technology to work. Some schools could become virtual schools and thus it would be difficult to control student behaviour as in a virtual world they could behave differently than in real life.