School Bullying Vodcast One: The nature of bullying and how schools can respond Developed for Dr Ken Rigby Consultant

School Bullying Vodcast One: The nature of bullying and how schools can respond Developed for Dr Ken Rigby Consultant

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School Bullying

Vodcast One:

The nature of bullying and

how schools can respond

Developed for

Dr Ken RigbyConsultant

School bullying: the evidence

Contrary to some alarmist views in many countries the level of bullying in schools has been gradually declining (Molcho et al, 2009)

Numerous evaluative studies have shown that some intervention programs have reduced bullying - by varying amounts (Smith et al, 2004)

However, the level is still seriously high. In a large scale

Australian survey published in 2009 by Cross et al, it was estimated that 1 in 4 students reported being bullied during the previous few weeks.

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What bullying is

The systematic abuse of power

over someone

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Elements of bullying

A desire to dominate or hurt someone Action by the perpetrator(s) that is unfair

Occurring in a situation in which there is an imbalance of power

The target cannot provide an adequate defence

Typically the bullying actions are repeated

To produce a sense in the target of being oppressed and humiliated

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Stereotypical bully

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Direct Indirect

Verbal Insulting languageName callingRidiculeCruel teasing or taunting

Persuading another person to verbally abuse

someoneSpreading malicious rumoursAnonymous phone callsOffensive text messages and emails, putting

demeaning content on websites

Physical Striking, kickingThrowing objectsHappy slappingUsing weapons

Deliberately and unfairly excluding someone

(also verbal) Happy slappingRemoving and hiding things

Gestural Threatening gesturesStaring at someone

Repeatedly turning away

A further classification notes the motives of the perpetrator, e.g. driven by ethnic prejudice, homophobia or more simply dislike of person’s appearance or behaviour.

Modes of bullying

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What is needed before you can respond to bullying at your school?

Evidence of bullying– The prevalence– The kinds of bullying

Among whom it is happening– In what years or classes– In what areas at the school

How students are feeling about it– Those who are being victimised– Other students

An anti-bullying policy – Based upon an understanding of the situation at your school

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The anti-bullying policy

Broadly, policy to counter bullying in Education Queensland comes under the heading of a Responsible Behaviour Plan for Students

Catholic and Independent schools should refer to their sector and school policies

However, Queensland education sectors - like many other educational authorities around the world - have recognised there is something distinctive about bullying behaviour and this justifies the development and implementation of an explicit anti-bullying policy

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It is a sub-set of aggressive behaviours resulting in some individuals being repeatedly and unfairly hurt by students who are more powerful than they are

The effects of such behaviour are now recognised as extremely

serious and often long lasting

What is distinctive about bullying?

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Four purposes of the anti-bullying policy

1. To declare the school’s intention to address bullying

2. To explain why the school is doing so

3. To provide an outline in general terms about how the school is tackling the problem

4. To inform all members of the school community: teachers, students and parents about what the school is committed to doing

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Suggested elements of an anti-bullying policy

1. A strong statement about the unacceptability of bullying at school and a resolve to prevent it from happening

2. A clear definition of bullying and what it can involve

3. An assertion of the rights of members of the school community NOT to be subjected to bullying and an acceptance of responsibility to deal with it as best we can

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Policy suggestions continued

4. A list of things the school has agreed to do to prevent bullying:

Provide good surveillance of student behaviour Discuss with students issues relating to bullying Help students to develop attitudes and values that will

guide them toward relating positively with others - and skills to help themselves - and others - when bullying occurs

5. A general description of what the school will do when cases of bullying arise

6. A resolution to revisit the policy and revise it (if necessary) in the light of evidence every few years

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Some suggested questions for discussion

What forms of bullying occur most often at your school and what effects have you noticed among those who have been targeted?

Consider your school’s anti-bullying policy in the light of the suggestions made in this video about possible content. Which suggestions may be helpful?

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