School: Donald R. Getty [1950] 2020-2021 Revised Budget Principal: Terry Collier Address: 8102 Chappelle Way SW Profile Nathan Ip Ward Trustee: © Edmonton Public Schools 1 of 1 Enrolment Staff FTE Budget Normalized 0.000 Custodial 4.638000 Salaries $4,088,353 95% Weighted 0.000 Exempt 0.400000 Supplies, Equip., Services $201,741 05% Regular 0 Support 8.800000 Teacher 29.731100 Year Opened 2017 Total 43.569100 Total $4,290,094 100% School Philosophy Our school philosophy is taken from the four fundamental values that Donald R. Getty embraced throughout his life. These were: 1.) when you take something on, you finish it 2.) always try hard and work to your best ability 3.) always respect the school, the teachers and your fellow students 4.) always leave things better than how you found them We have woven these four values into a focus on RAH. (Respectful. Active. Healthy.) Our staff will work diligently to create a school culture and community of learners based on these ideals. We will use our district's cornerstone values of accountability, collaboration, equity, and integrity to guide our work together and create a school culture and environment where all students have the opportunity to reach their maximum potential. Community Profile Donald R. Getty School is in the west section of the Chappelle neighbourhood at the corner of Chappelle Green and Chappelle Way. We accommodate students from kindergarten to grade nine with a capacity of 900 students. Nestled in the Heritage Valley area of southwest Edmonton, Donald R. Getty welcomes students from Chappelle West (primary attendance area), Chappelle East (secondary attendance area). It is the overflow school for students of the Dr. Lila Fahlman School attendance area. Programs and Organization Donald R. Getty School will support students from kindergarten to grade nine in an inclusive model and host two Opportunity classrooms. All programs work together to form the Donald R. Getty community within which we find strength in our diversity. Our rich, wholesome culture is cultivated through the collaborative processes in which all staff participate. School Community Relationships We would like to acknowledge the following community members who have helped to foster the growth and success of our students: Chappelle Gardens Residents Association

School: Address:€8102 Chappelle Way SW Profile €Nathan Ip

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Page 1: School: Address:€8102 Chappelle Way SW Profile €Nathan Ip

School: Donald R. Getty [1950] 2020-2021 Revised Budget Principal: Terry Collier

Address: 8102 Chappelle Way SW Profile  Nathan IpWard Trustee:

© Edmonton Public Schools 1 of 1

Enrolment Staff FTE BudgetNormalized 0.000 Custodial 4.638000 Salaries $4,088,353 95%

Weighted 0.000 Exempt 0.400000 Supplies, Equip., Services $201,741 05%

Regular 0 Support 8.800000

Teacher 29.731100

Year Opened 2017 Total 43.569100 Total $4,290,094 100%

School PhilosophyOur school philosophy is taken from the four fundamental values that Donald R. Getty embraced throughout his life. These were:

1.) when you take something on, you finish it2.) always try hard and work to your best ability3.) always respect the school, the teachers and your fellow students4.) always leave things better than how you found them

We have woven these four values into a focus on RAH. (Respectful. Active. Healthy.) Our staff will work diligently to create a school culture and community oflearners based on these ideals. We will use our district's cornerstone values of accountability, collaboration, equity, and integrity to guide our work together andcreate a school culture and environment where all students have the opportunity to reach their maximum potential.

Community ProfileDonald R. Getty School is in the west section of the Chappelle neighbourhood at the corner of Chappelle Green and Chappelle Way. We accommodate studentsfrom kindergarten to grade nine with a capacity of 900 students. Nestled in the Heritage Valley area of southwest Edmonton, Donald R. Getty welcomes studentsfrom Chappelle West (primary attendance area), Chappelle East (secondary attendance area).  It is the overflow school for students of the Dr. Lila Fahlman Schoolattendance area.

Programs and OrganizationDonald R. Getty School will support students from kindergarten to grade nine in an inclusive model and host two Opportunity classrooms.  All programs work together to formthe Donald R. Getty community within which we find strength in our diversity. Our rich, wholesome culture is cultivated through the collaborative processes in which all staffparticipate.

School Community RelationshipsWe would like to acknowledge the following community members who have helped to foster the growth and success of our students:

Chappelle Gardens Residents Association

Page 2: School: Address:€8102 Chappelle Way SW Profile €Nathan Ip

School: Donald R. Getty [1950] 2019-2020 Results Review Principal: Robert Steenwinkel

Address: 8102 Chappelle Way SW Results and Implications  Nathan IpWard Trustee:

© Edmonton Public Schools 1 of 2

1. 2. 3.

Division Priorities 2018-2022

Foster growth and success for every student by supporting their journey from early learning through high school completion and beyond.Provide welcoming, high quality learning and working environments.Enhance public education through communication, engagement and partnerships.

Based on the three SMART goals that were established for 2019-2020, report on the results you achieved (with evidence, including referencing the School’s Accountability Pillarresults, if applicable) and describe how achievement of the goal supports the above Division’s Priorities that were in effect when the goal was set.

In support of the Harry Ainlay catchment goals, 100% of Donald R. Getty students will show growth in reading, writing and mathematics by June 2020.

This goal supports the high quality teaching and regular monitoring promising practices, as outlined in the OECD report. 

Results Achieved:At Donald R. Getty school, all students experienced growth in reading, writing and mathematics. This growth was measured using a selection of assessments,including reading screeners, Fountas and Pinnell benchmark assessments, scores from teacher assessments and the anecdotal record of teachers’ observationsand conversations with students. Success in this goal was achieved through collaborative teaching models of reading intervention and sharing the best teachingand learning practices.  Some of our administration time was also used for division two Reading intervention, and one Jr. high teacher did the MYLI training andintervention. This goal can continue to be improved upon with excellent teacher literacy in reading development, targeted PD in math supports and collaborativetime to support teacher learning.

In support of the Harry Ainlay catchment goals, 100% of Donald R. Getty teachers will engage in meaningful collaboration that demonstrates increased capacity to supportteaching and learning by June 2020.

This goal supports the high quality teaching and regular monitoring promising practices, as outlined in the OECD report. 

Results Achieved:At Donald R. Getty school, all staff members were involved in collaboration and conversations throughout the year.  Staff collaborated to create opportunities forintervention support by creatively regrouping and reshaping classes to meet our students’ needs. Evidence supporting this includes collaborative teams withshared leadership and teacher requests for PD that supported their professional learning and meaningful intervention systems with tracking (particularly atdivision 1 and 2 levels). During school closures, education switched to best practices in online teaching and assessment. Although our conversations had tochange, a team approach was still evident and significant during division-wide online learning. To continue to improve upon this goal, shared leadership ofschool-based and personal learning initiatives will continue to be explored and encouraged.

In support of the Harry Ainlay catchment goals, Donald R. Getty School will provide positive mental health awareness and supports for students, families and staff by June2020.

This goal supports the high quality teaching and regular monitoring promising practices, as outlined in the OECD report.  

Results Achieved:At Donald R. Getty school, students and staff members are always able to access mental health supports. Our school continues to build a culture of inclusionand empathy, as evidenced by a growth in the number of clubs, spirit events, and teams our school saw last year. When students feel safe and secure, they aremore likely to reach out to receive the support they may not know how to get. A large part of our safe and caring community is created by our success coach, Ms.Ellen Macgregor, and the positive and visible influence. Her work with students is matched by her leadership of school initiatives (like Community Kitchen, GSA

Page 3: School: Address:€8102 Chappelle Way SW Profile €Nathan Ip

School: Donald R. Getty [1950] 2019-2020 Results Review Principal: Robert Steenwinkel

Address: 8102 Chappelle Way SW Results and Implications  Nathan IpWard Trustee:

© Edmonton Public Schools 2 of 2

and Pink Shirt Day), supporting students and families in need. Our school can continue to improve on this by advocating mental health awareness and building asafe and healthy community.

What were the biggest challenges encountered in 2019/20?Our school’s ongoing establishment in a growing and changing neighbourhood has been the most challenging piece for the Donald R. Getty School team. Withincreasing enrollment, new families registering throughout the year, ongoing staffing changes, including many new staff and several long-term leaves, our yearwas complex.  We have also seen a large influx of English language learners during the school year. COVID-19: Like all schools, we were faced with theproblematic situation of changing our entire world and teaching practices to adjust to online learning.

What was most important for your school community as you prepared for the 2020-2021 school year?As we plan for continued population growth into the 2020-21 school year, we prepare for the fluctuations that will occur due to new families moving into the area. Also, we prepare for the change in staff, and student numbers that will/might occur due to Covid. We will be more aware than ever of making sure we have Mentalhealth support for both staff and students, and many decisions will be based on considering the Mental Health impact. Continued sharing of best practices andapproaches to learning, intervention, and assessment as we build team consistency.  Continue developing fundamental skills in reading, writing and math.

Page 4: School: Address:€8102 Chappelle Way SW Profile €Nathan Ip

Measure Category Measure

Donald R. Getty School Alberta Measure Evaluation

Current Result

Prev Year Result

Prev 3 Year Average

Current Result

Prev Year Result

Prev 3 Year Average Achievement Improvement Overall

Safe and Caring Schools Safe and Caring 83.5 83.5 85.7 89.4 89.0 89.2 Intermediate Maintained Acceptable

Student Learning Opportunities

Program of Studies 74.6 73.2 74.1 82.4 82.2 82.0 Intermediate Maintained Acceptable

Education Quality 91.8 89.5 90.5 90.3 90.2 90.1 Very High Maintained Excellent

Drop Out Rate 0.0 n/a n/a 2.7 2.6 2.7 Very High n/a n/a

High School Completion Rate (3 yr) n/a n/a n/a 79.7 79.1 78.4 n/a n/a n/a

Student Learning Achievement (Grades K-9)PAT: Acceptable 76.2 63.8 63.8 73.8 73.6 73.6 Intermediate Improved Good

PAT: Excellence 10.8 6.7 6.7 20.6 19.9 19.6 Low Maintained Issue

Student Learning Achievement (Grades 10-12)

Diploma: Acceptable n/a n/a n/a 83.6 83.7 83.1 n/a n/a n/a

Diploma: Excellence n/a n/a n/a 24.0 24.2 22.5 n/a n/a n/a

Diploma Exam Participation Rate (4+ Exams) n/a n/a n/a 56.4 56.3 55.6 n/a n/a n/a

Rutherford Scholarship Eligibility Rate n/a n/a n/a 66.6 64.8 63.5 n/a n/a n/a

Preparation for Lifelong Learning, World of Work, Citizenship

Transition Rate (6 yr) n/a n/a n/a 60.1 59.0 58.5 n/a n/a n/a

Work Preparation 84.1 84.6 89.4 84.1 83.0 82.7 High Maintained Good

Citizenship 79.3 69.9 77.6 83.3 82.9 83.2 High Maintained Good

Parental Involvement Parental Involvement 68.3 61.4 66.1 81.8 81.3 81.2 Very Low Maintained Concern

Continuous Improvement School Improvement 71.8 84.5 67.5 81.5 81.0 80.9 Intermediate Maintained Acceptable

Report Generated: Apr 25, 2020Locked with Suppression for May 2020

Report Version 1.0Data Current as of Mar 29, 2020

Notes:1. Data values have been suppressed where the number of respondents/students is fewer than 6. Suppression is marked with an asterisk (*).2. Overall evaluations can only be calculated if both improvement and achievement evaluations are available.3. Student participation in the survey was impacted between 2014 and 2017 due to the number of students responding through the OurSCHOOL/TTFM (Tell Them From Me) survey tool.4. Aggregated PAT results are based upon a weighted average of percent meeting standards (Acceptable, Excellence). The weights are the number of students enrolled in each course. Courses included: English Language Arts (Grades 6, 9, 9 KAE), Français (6e

et 9e année), French Language Arts (6e et 9e année), Mathematics (Grades 6, 9, 9 KAE), Science (Grades 6, 9, 9 KAE), Social Studies (Grades 6, 9, 9 KAE).5. Participation in Provincial Achievement Tests was impacted by the fires in May to June 2016 and May to June 2019. Caution should be used when interpreting trends over time for the province and those school authorities affected by these events.6. Aggregated Diploma results are a weighted average of percent meeting standards (Acceptable, Excellence) on Diploma Examinations. The weights are the number of students writing the Diploma Examination for each course. Courses included: English

Language Arts 30-1, English Language Arts 30-2, French Language Arts 30-1, Français 30-1, Mathematics 30-1, Mathematics 30-2, Chemistry 30, Physics 30, Biology 30, Science 30, Social Studies 30-1, Social Studies 30-2.7. Participation in Diploma Examinations was impacted by the fires in May to June 2016 and May to June 2019. Caution should be used when interpreting trends over time for the province and those school authorities affected by these events.8. Weighting of school-awarded marks in diploma courses increased from 50% to 70% in the 2015/16 school year. Caution should be used when interpreting trends over time. 9. 2016 results for the 3-year High School Completion and Diploma Examination Participation Rates have been adjusted to reflect the correction of the Grade 10 cohort.10.Improvement evaluations are not calculated for school and school authority Drop Out and Rutherford Scholarship Eligibility rates. Starting in 2019, an updated methodology was applied to more accurately attribute results in cases where students receive

programming from more than one provider within a school year. Caution should be used when interpreting school and school authority results over time.

Accountability Pillar Overall Summary3-Year Plan - May 2020School: 1950 Donald R. Getty School


Page 5: School: Address:€8102 Chappelle Way SW Profile €Nathan Ip

School: Donald R. Getty [1950] 2020-2021 Plans Principal: Terry Collier

Address: 8102 Chappelle Way SW Plans  Nathan IpWard Trustee:

© Edmonton Public Schools 1 of 1

1. 2. 3.

Division Priorities 2018-2022

Foster growth and success for every student by supporting their journey from early learning through high school completion and beyond.Provide welcoming, high quality learning and working environments.Enhance public education through communication, engagement and partnerships.

The following SMART (Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-Framed) goals have been established for the 2020/2021 school year. Select the Division Priority numberthat the goal supports from the drop-down box. Schools are to set one goal for each priority. Central DU's can set their goals around one or more priorities.

Priority 1

Priority 2

Priority 3

1. 2. 3. 4.

In support of the Harry Ainlay catchment goals, Donald R. Getty students will show growth in reading, writing and mathematics by June 2021. This will be done by creating alearning community focused on:

a shared mission, vision, values and goalscollaborative teams focused on learningcommitment to continuous improvementa results orientation

These four questions will guide this learning community.What do we expect our students to learn? ( Goals/Expectations)How will we know they are learning? ( Assessment)How will we respond when they don't learn? – (Intervention)How will we respond if they already know it? ( gifted)

In support of the Harry Ainlay catchment goals, Donald R. Getty teachers will engage in a meaningful collaboration model that demonstrates increased capacity to supporthigh-quality learning and working environments by June 2021. These learning cohorts will be divided by division and number of teachers. Lead by the teachers with supportfrom the administration team. The fundamental purpose of the school is to ensure high levels of learning for all students.To that end, our collaborative teams will focus on these key concepts.Focus on Learning Do we share a common purpose? 

Collaborative Culture Highly effective teams

Results Orientation Using assessments to make a difference

In support of the Harry Ainlay catchment goals, Donald R. Getty School will provide positive mental health awareness and supports for students, families and staff by June2021.We will expand the role of our Wellness Coach to that of a Social Worker. As a social worker, she will be responsible for helping individuals, families, and groups cope withtheir problems and support their success in school. One aspect of this is teaching skills and developing mechanisms for students to better their lives and experiences.In this year of COVID, we will be continuously evaluating our teachers' and students' needs and adapt, change, and improve how we support the relationships and success ofall who attend Donald R Getty School.

Page 6: School: Address:€8102 Chappelle Way SW Profile €Nathan Ip

School: Donald R. Getty [1950] 2020-2021 Revised Budget Principal: Terry Collier

Address: 8102 Chappelle Way SW Budget Summary Report  Nathan IpWard Trustee:

© Edmonton Public Schools 1 of 1

2020-21 Spring Proposed 2020-21 Fall Revised

Resources 4,290,094 4,290,094

Internal Revenue 0 0

REVENUE TOTAL 4,290,094 4,290,094

Classroom 26.731100 2,747,717 26.731100 2,747,717

Leadership 3.000000 380,252 3.000000 380,252

Teacher Supply .000000 80,000 .000000 80,000

TOTAL TEACHER 29.731100 3,207,969 29.731100 3,207,969

(% of Budget) 74.78% 74.78%

Exempt .400000 30,555 .400000 30,555

Exempt (Hourly/OT) .000000 101,147 .000000 101,147

Support 8.800000 457,282 8.800000 457,282

Support (Supply/OT) .000000 10,000 .000000 10,000

Custodial 4.638000 266,402 4.638000 266,402

Custodial (Supply/OT) .000000 15,000 .000000 15,000

TOTAL NON-TEACHER 13.837999 880,386 13.837999 880,386

(% of Budget) 20.52% 20.52%

TOTAL STAFF 43.569099 4,088,355 43.569099 4,088,355

(% of Budget) 95.3% 95.3%



TOTAL SES 201,741 201,741

(% of Budget) 4.7% 4.7%

TOTAL AMOUNT BUDGETED 4,290,096 4,290,096

Carry Forward Included 0 0

Carry Forward to Future 0 0