1 Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans SCHOLARSHIPS, BURSARIES AND LOANS (Enquiries about Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans listed below should be addressed to the Registry unless otherwise stated.) SCHOLARSHIPS Scholarships Tenable in All Faculties AIA Foundation Scholarships In 1995, the American International Assurance Co. Ltd. established two scholarships, each of the value of the composition fee, for award to a second-year BSc(ActuarSc) student and a second-year student from any Faculty. In 1997, the donor increased the number of scholarships to four and the value of each scholarship to $20,000. In 1998, the donor increased the number of scholarships to five and the value of each scholarship to $15,000. In 2000, a total of three scholarships of the value of $15,000 each were made available. Mr Armin and Mrs Lillian Kitchell Scholarships In June 2010, Miss Elley Mao, alumna of the University of Hong Kong offered to donate a sum of $150,000 per annum for an establishment of a scholarship in support of outstanding Chinese mainland students to pursue undergraduate studies at HKU. The Scholarship shall be awarded annually from the academic year 2010–11. C.V. Starr Scholarship Fund The establishment of the ‘C.V. Starr Scholarship Fund’ is cogent with one of the University’s top strategic priorities, that of internationalization. The ‘Fund’ will provide financial assistance to undergraduate students, based on merit, to enable greater numbers of HKU students to participate in outgoing exchange programmes at leading tertiary institutions. The Chan Ho Family Scholarships In May 2002, the University of Hong Kong established the Chan Ho Family Scholarships with a donation of CAD$235,000 (approximately $1.175 million) from an anonymous donor to promote and encourage graduates of Chong Gene Hang College with strong academic potential, but with limited financial resources, to pursue studies in degree programmes at a quality university in Hong Kong. Chater Memorial Scholarships The Chater Memorial Scholarships was raised by public subscriptions in 1930 in memory of Sir Paul Chater in order to provide scholarships of the annual value of $1,000 at the University.


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1Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans


(Enquiries about Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans listed below should be addressed to the Registryunless otherwise stated.)


Scholarships Tenable in All Faculties

AIA Foundation Scholarships

In 1995, the American International Assurance Co. Ltd. established two scholarships, each of the valueof the composition fee, for award to a second-year BSc(ActuarSc) student and a second-year studentfrom any Faculty. In 1997, the donor increased the number of scholarships to four and the value of eachscholarship to $20,000. In 1998, the donor increased the number of scholarships to five and the value ofeach scholarship to $15,000. In 2000, a total of three scholarships of the value of $15,000 each were madeavailable.

Mr Armin and Mrs Lillian Kitchell Scholarships

In June 2010, Miss Elley Mao, alumna of the University of Hong Kong offered to donate a sum of$150,000 per annum for an establishment of a scholarship in support of outstanding Chinese mainlandstudents to pursue undergraduate studies at HKU. The Scholarship shall be awarded annually from theacademic year 2010–11.

C.V. Starr Scholarship Fund

The establishment of the ‘C.V. Starr Scholarship Fund’ is cogent with one of the University’s top strategicpriorities, that of internationalization. The ‘Fund’ will provide financial assistance to undergraduatestudents, based on merit, to enable greater numbers of HKU students to participate in outgoingexchange programmes at leading tertiary institutions.

The Chan Ho Family Scholarships

In May 2002, the University of Hong Kong established the Chan Ho Family Scholarships with a donationof CAD$235,000 (approximately $1.175 million) from an anonymous donor to promote and encouragegraduates of Chong Gene Hang College with strong academic potential, but with limited financialresources, to pursue studies in degree programmes at a quality university in Hong Kong.

Chater Memorial Scholarships

The Chater Memorial Scholarships was raised by public subscriptions in 1930 in memory of Sir PaulChater in order to provide scholarships of the annual value of $1,000 at the University.



The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce Scholarships

In 1990, the CGCC (Foundation) Limited donated, from 1990–91, an annual sum of $10,000 for the awardof four scholarships of the value of $2,500 each, for a period of five years initially. In 1995, the donorincreased the value of each of the six scholarships to $10,000. In 2000, the terms of agreement for theaward of the scholarships were revised with effect from the 2000–01 academic year to the 2004–05academic year such that a sum of $150,000 shall be available for scholarship awards each year, with fivescholarships of the value of $30,000 each being awarded.

The Chinese Manufacturers’ Association and Donors Scholarships

The Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong has made available annually a number ofscholarships to be awarded to undergraduate students who are studying in disciplines closely relatedto industry.

Chung Hwa Travel Service Scholarships

In 1994, the Taipei Trade Centre donated two scholarships to the University to be awarded to final-yearundergraduates. In 2002, the scholarships were renamed as the ‘Chung Hwa Travel Service Scholarships’with the scholarships valued at $40,000 each. In July 2010, the donor agreed to continue the sponsorshipof one scholarship of the value of HK$40,000 for the academic year 2010–11.

Donor Scholarships

Under Statute XXI of the University Ordinance, 1911, every subscriber of $50,000 to the endowment fundof the University could nominate one scholar at a time to study at the University as an undergraduatewithout payment of composition fees, such nominee being a person qualified for admission to theUniversity. For each additional $50,000 another scholar could be nominated by the same donor up toa maximum of four. The value of each award is now limited to $1,000 a year (except the John Swire DonorScholarship which is of the value of $42,100 and the Ho Tung Donor Scholarship which is of the valueof $2,000. In 2003, the Ho Tung Donor Scholarship which was first established in September 1967 wasre-named as the Robert H.N. Ho Scholarships as requested by the donor). Only undergraduates areeligible for the award. Applications will be invited from first-year undergraduates.

Doris Zimmern HKU-Cambridge Hughes Hall Scholarships

In 2008, the Doris Zimmern Charitable Foundation agreed to establish two scholarships at HKU for itsgraduate students and alumni to pursue an MPhil degree at Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge. Thescheme will run initially for five years, starting from the academic year 2009–10. In 2009, the CambridgeOverseas Trust expressed the intention to augment the existing scheme established by the DorisZimmern Charitable Foundation by establishing a scholarship for MPhil graduates of HKU to pursuedoctoral degrees at Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge. The scheme by Cambridge Overseas Trustwill run initially for three years, starting from the academic year 2010–11.

Edwin S.H. Leong Hughes Hall Scholarships

In 2009, Mr Edwin Leong agreed to establish a scholarship scheme for graduate students and alumni ofHKU to pursue Master’s and Doctoral degrees at Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge. Scholarshipat the doctoral level will be partially funded by the Cambridge Overseas Trusts. The value of eachMaster’s or first-year PhD scholarship shall be $450,000 (£30,000).


3Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans

Eliot Hall Memorial Scholarship

In 1974, the Eliot Hall Golden Jubilee Commemoration Fund Trustees presented 6,100 Hong KongElectric Company Limited shares to the University for the establishment of a scholarship to be awardedto residents of the Old Halls. In 1992, after the demolition of the Lugard Wing and the subsequent closingof the Old Halls, the Trustees of the Fund agreed not to restrict the recipients of the scholarships to OldHall residents, but to make it available for undergraduates in any faculty.

The George William Hong Choy Memorial Scholarship

In 1997, the family and friends of Mr George William Hong Choy donated a sum of $400,000 to establisha scholarship fund in his memory to be awarded to first-year students in any faculty or school.

HKSAR Government Scholarship Fund

The HKSAR Government Scholarship Fund was established as part of a package of measures to furtherdevelop Hong Kong into a regional education hub. The fund was set up to award Governmentscholarships to outstanding local and non-local students. The scholarship money available to theUniversity of Hong Kong for the academic year 2008–09 is $2.47 million.

HKU Foundation Entrance Scholarship

In 2003, the HKU Foundation Entrance Scholarship was established to provide due recognition to thosestudents who have been admitted into the University of Hong Kong’s undergraduate programs of studyunder the Early Admission Scheme for Secondary Six Students (EAS).

HKU Foundation Scholarships

The HKU Foundation Scholarships were established in 2000 to provide support to needy yet promisingstudents. Approximately eight scholarships of the value of $10,000 each will be available for undergraduatestudents based on financial need, academic merit and extra-curricular involvement.

HKU Sports Scholarship Scheme

The HKU Sports Scholarships Scheme enables outstanding young men and women who have satisfiedthe minimum entrance requirements and specific faculty requirements — demonstrated exceptionalsporting prowess — to enter the University of Hong Kong as Sports Scholars on the basis of preferredadmission. Commencing from the 2002–03 academic year, cash awards shall also be awarded to suitablyselected scholarship recipients.

HSBC Hong Kong Scholarship and Bursary

In 1997, HongkongBank established a local bursary and scholarship programme with a donation of$94,374 for award in the 1997–98 academic year. An additional sum of $94,763 was further donated forthe award of bursaries and scholarships in 1998. In 1999–2000, the bursary and scholarship programmewas re-named as The Hongkong Bank Foundation Local Bursary and Scholarship Programme and theHongkong Bank Foundation has approved the sum of $94,500 for award in the 2005–06 academic year.



From the 2000–01 academic year onwards, the annual allocation of funding by the Hongkong BankFoundation to the University for award of the scholarships and bursaries was made on the basis of full-time undergraduate FTE in a given academic year. The Hongkong Bank Foundation will notify theUniversity each year of the amount of the funds that will be available for award of the scholarships andbursaries in that particular academic year. In 2005–06, the local bursary and scholarship programme wasre-named as HSBC Hong Kong Scholarship and Bursary, and was expanded to cover the Mainland andInternational students and students with disabilities. The Scholarship and Bursary Scheme continuedin 2006–07 as follows for award to undergraduate students who are pursuing full-time studies in thesecond year (for degree curricula of three years of above) or in the penultimate year (for degree curriculaof four years or above) in any discipline of study and who have acquired a minimum overall GPA of 3.30or equivalent in a given academic year: HSBC Hong Kong Scholarship1, HSBC Hong Kong Scholarshipfor Students with Disabilities1, HSBC Scholarship for Mainland Students2, HSBC Scholarship forInternational Students2 and HSBC Mainland Scholarship for Hong Kong Students1.

HSBC Overseas Scholarship Scheme

Since 1997, the Hongkong Bank Foundation has offered three scholarship awards annually to enablethree first-year or second-year undergraduate students to study abroad for one academic year. Thesuccessful students will receive a scholarship that will cover the international tuition fees of the overseasuniversity, the economy return airline ticket expenses, and the student residence accommodation costsabroad. In 2006, the Scholarship Scheme was renamed as HSBC Overseas Scholarship Scheme and wasextended to cover law and medicine students, i.e. all full-time undergraduates except final-yearstudents. The GPA requirement has been raised from 3.0 to 3.30.

Hang Seng Bank Community Service Scholarships

To encourage and recognize young people with outstanding commitment and achievement in communityservice, the Hang Seng Bank Limited has kindly offered to establish the Hang Seng Bank CommunityService Scholarships which shall be awarded annually from the academic year 2008–09. Two Scholarshipsof the value of $20,000 each shall be awarded to local undergraduate students who are permanentresidents in Hong Kong. In May 2009, Hang Seng Bank agreed to continue the sponsorship for theScholarships for the academic year 2009–10. In August 2010, Hang Seng Bank agreed to continue thesponsorship for the Scholarships and to increase the number of awards to seven for the academic year2010–11.

Henry Tan Scholarships

In November 2003, Mr Henry Tan, Vice Chairman of Po Leung Kuk offered to set up scholarships inrecognition of the academic achievement of students from Po Leung Kuk’s secondary schools who havebeen admitted into the University of Hong Kong to read an undergraduate degree.

Hong Kong Association of University Women Scholarship

In 1983, the Hong Kong Association of University Women donated a scholarship of the value of $1,000to be awarded annually to a woman undergraduate proceeding to the second year of any first degreecurriculum (except that of MBBS) who has achieved the most outstanding results in her first examination.

1 Applications will be invited from Hong Kong students.2 Applications will be invited from non-local ‘incoming’ students (Exchange students, viz. ‘outgoing’

students, are not included.)


5Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans

Hong Kong International Airport Student Exchange Scholarship

In 2008, Airport Authority Hong Kong established the Hong Kong International Airport StudentExchange Scholarship, which shall be awarded annually to local undergraduate students from theacademic year 2008–09.

The Hong Kong Jockey Club Scholarships

In 1998, the Board of Trustees of the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust approved funds to set upa scholarship scheme for University students for a period of 10 years commencing from the 1998–99academic year. A total of three new scholarships of the value of $89,000 each, shall be awarded each yearstarting from the 1998–99 academic year, two of which shall be for local students (i.e. students who haveright of abode in Hong Kong or have resided or have had their homes in Hong Kong continuously forthree completed years immediately prior to the commencement of their course), and one for a non-localstudent from the Mainland. In the 2006–07 academic year, the value of the each scholarship is: $89,000for all local scholars, $89,000 for non-local scholars whose tuition fee is at $42,100; and the $100,000 fornon-local scholars whose tuition fee is at $60,000 or above. In September 2007, the Hong Kong JockeyClub Charities Trust confirmed that the value of the scholarships for the academic year 2007–08 will be$89,000 for local scholars and $46,900 plus tuition fee for Mainland scholars. In September 2009, thedonor confirmed that the value of the scholarships for the academic year 2009–10 will be $90,000 for localscholars and $46,900 plus tuition fee for Mainland scholars. In August 2010, the donor confirmed thatthe value of the scholarships for the academic year 2010–11 will be $90,500 for local scholars and $48,400plus tuition fee for Mainland scholars.

Jimmy C.H. Wong Scholarships

In November 2003, Dr Jimmy C.H. Wong, Chairman of Po Leung Kuk offered to set up scholarships inrecognition of the academic achievement of students from Po Leung Kuk’s secondary schools who havebeen admitted into the University of Hong Kong to read an undergraduate degree.

Kai Chong Tong Scholarships

In 1999, Kai Chong Tong donated $2 million to the University to establish a number of scholarships foraward annually to undergraduate students who are studying in the second year in any discipline.

Koo Shui Ting Memorial Scholarships

The family of the late Mr Koo Shui Ting of the Shui Hing Company Limited of Hong Kong donated asum of $20,000 in 1962 and a further sum of $30,000 in 1978 to provide for one or more scholarships tofirst-year undergraduate students.

Lau Chor-Tak Scholarship for Outstanding Mainland Students

In January 2008, Mr Lau Chor-Tak donated a sum of $3 million to the University to establish a scholarshipendowment to encourage outstanding students from Mainland China to pursue their studies at theUniversity of Hong Kong. Mr Lau’s donation of $3 million, together with the matched funds grantedby the University, will go towards a permanent scholarship endowment. Only the annual investmentincome generated from the endowment will be used to award the scholarships, which will be awardedannually starting from the academic year 2008–09.



Law’s Charitable Foundation Law Ting Pong Scholarship

With the generous donation of $5 million from Law’s Charitable Foundation, the ‘Law’s CharitableFoundation Law Ting Pong Scholarship’ is established at the University of Hong Kong to supportvarious schemes in the following 10 years (2005–2014): a Scholarship Scheme for Non-Local UndergraduateStudents, an Exchange Programme for Undergraduate Students from Mainland Universities, and aScholarship Scheme for Undergraduate Students.

The Li & Fung Scholarships

In 2006, the Li & Fung (1906) Foundation Limited agreed to make a donation of $8 million to theUniversity to establish an endowment fund to provide scholarships for annual award to full-timeundergraduate students of the University [in any discipline and in any year of study (except final-yearstudents)] who wish to participate in exchange programmes at overseas universities in Asia, Australia,Europe or North America for up to one year with a view to enriching their understanding of their chosenfield to study and achieving greater exposure to different cultures and environments. A minimum ofeight scholarships shall be awarded annually from the academic year 2005–06 to support students toparticipate in exchange programmes in the academic year that follows. In October 2008, the Li & FungScholarship Program is transferred to Victor and William Fung Foundation Limited.

The Li & Fung Scholarships (for Mainland Students)

Li & Fung (1906) Foundation Limited agreed to make a grant of $40 million in 2006 to the University ofHong Kong to establish an edowment fund supporting (a) scholarships for Mainland students onexchange programmes, and (b) summer programmes for Mainland students organized by the University.In 2008, the Li & Fung Scholarship Program is transferred to Victor and William Fung FoundationLimited.

Li Po Chun Postgraduate Scholarships

In 1985, the Li Po Chun Charitable Trust Fund Committee has made available a number of scholarshipsfor award to MPhil or PhD students. The number and value of each scholarship is determined by the LiPo Chun Trust Fund Committee from time to time. For the academic year 2005–06, five scholarships ofthe value of $25,175 each are available for award. For the academic year 2008–09, four scholarships ofthe value of $25,175 each are available for award.

Li Po Chun Scholarships

In 1962, the late Mr Li Po Chun of Hong Kong made available a sum of money for an indefinite periodfor the award of a number of scholarships from time to time. The number and value of the scholarshipsto be awarded each year shall be determined by the Li Po Chun Charitable Trust Fund Committee. In2005–06, the number of scholarships available is 10, each of which was of the value of $20,900. In March2006, the number of scholarships available was increased to 11.

Dr Lo Kwee Seong Education Foundation Awards

In 1990, the family of Dr K.S. Lo donated to the University a sum of $500,000 for the establishment of theDr Lo Kwee Seong Education Foundation Awards to provide for travel and conference grants andbursaries to be awarded to postgraduate students registered for a research degree.


7Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans

Loke Yew Scholarships

In recognition of the benefactions to the University by the late Dr Loke Yew, a sum of $7,000 a year hasbeen set aside for the establishment of a fund from which a Loke Yew Scholarship will be awarded fromtime to time.

Postgraduate Studentships

The University provides Postgraduate Studentships to selected full-time MPhil and PhD students whonormally hold a first degree at second class honours first division (or equivalent) or above. The students’result in Master’s degrees would also be considered for determining their eligibility for the studentships.Studentships are tenable on an annual basis and are renewable upon satisfactory academic progress andavailability of funding.

Providence Foundation Combined Scholarships and Bursaries

The Providence Foundation Limited has offered since 1994–98, scholarships to students who excelacademically in any discipline of study, with the scholarship values ranging from approximately$10,000 to $16,000. In 2006, the Providence Foundation decided that the scholarships shall be awardedto undergraduates pursuing a first degree course in their second or third year of study on the basis ofacademic merit and all-rounded development, and with real financial need and poor family financialcircumstances. In the academic year 2008–09, the Foundation donated a sum of $101,000 to support 11students, and the value of each award ranged from $8,000 to $10,000.

Robert H.N. Ho Scholarships

In 2003, the Ho Tung Donor Scholarship which was first established in September 1967 was re-namedas the Robert H.N. Ho Scholarships as requested by the donor. In 2009, the donor has changed the awardcriteria for the Scholarships. Four scholarships of the value of $4,000 each shall be awarded toundergraduate students who are in their first year of studies in any discipline at the University of HongKong.

Rockefeller Brothers Fund Postgraduate Scholarships

In 1987, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund donated the sum of US$50,000 to the University to provide forscholarships to help defray the expenses of not more than two students from the People’s Republic ofChina undertaking research studies in the field of upland resources.

SkyLeaders Scholarship Award

In March 2005, the Airport Authority Hong Kong established a scholarship award in recognition ofstudents of the University of Hong Kong who have excellent scholastic achievement, strong leadershipabilities, extensive general knowledge, civic mindedness, and excellent communication skills. Studentswho receive this scholarship (for non-final-year scholars) are required to take a two-month SummerInternship offered by the Airport Authority during their summer vacation.

SMBC Global Foundation Scholarship

In August 2007, the SMBC Global Foundation, Inc., through the Institute of International Education,kindly offered two scholarships under the SMBC Global Foundation Scholarship Program to theUniversity of Hong Kong. The scholarships shall be awarded with effect from the academic year 2007–08to a first-year and a third-year full-time undergraduate student. In September 2008, the Foundationagreed to continue the sponsorship for the Scholarship for the academic year 2008–09.



The Sola Gratia Foundation Academic Fund

In September 2006, the Hui-Bon-Hoa Family donated $1 million to set up The Sola Gratia FoundationAcademic Fund to support HKU undergraduate students residing in Simon K.Y. Lee Hall to participatein programs of study or development organized by the University of Hong Kong. The Fund will be usedto support HKU undergraduate students residing in Simon K.Y. Lee Hall in the form of scholarships andgrants.

Starr Hall Well of Ishmael Fund

In September 2006, the Starr Hall Well of Ishmael Fund (SHWIF) was set up by Starr Hall as a trust fund,which shall be obtained primarily from donations and grants, gifts, devises or bequests, to provide anumber of scholarships and bursaries to be awarded to Starr Hall residents: Starr Hall Well of IshmaelFund Scholarship and Starr Hall Well of Ishmael Fund Bursaries.Starr Hall Well of Ishmael Fund Scholarship is to recognize Starr Hall residential members (bothundergraduates and postgraduates) who have significant achievements in academic, cultural, socialand sports aspects.Starr Hall Well of Ishmael Fund Bursaries provide financial assistance to Starr Hall residential memberswho are undergraduate students in support of their hall fees.

Swire Exhibitions (for Swire Hall)

In 1990, Sir John Swire donated a sum of $100,000 on behalf of John Swire and Sons to the University forthe establishment of exhibitions for the hall residents in Swire Hall. In 1994, a further donation of$150,000 was received from the John Swire and Sons to fund the award.

Swire Graduate Studentships

The purpose of the Studentships is to enable selected graduates who have secured a first degree of highstanding to continue their studies with a view to securing a Master or Doctorate degree by thesis.Holders of these Studentships are known as Swire Graduate Students, and are required to reside in theRobert Black College during the tenure of their award.

Swire Scholarships

In 1967, John Swire and Sons Limited made a donation to endow a number of scholarships to be awardedannually to students reading for higher degrees at the University, subject to residence in the Robert BlackCollege.

Taufik Ali Memorial Scholarships and Bursaries

Under the will of the late Mr Taufik Ali of Hong Kong, a trust fund administered by the Hong Kong BankTrustee Limited has been established to provide a number of scholarships and bursaries.


9Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans

Travel Grants under the Swire Scholarship and Studentship Awards Scheme

Swire Scholars and Swire Research Students may apply for travel grants to enable them to travel foracademic purposes once per year during the tenure of their Scholarships or Studentships, provided thatthe period of such tenure is not less than one academic year.

University Postgraduate Fellowships

University Postgraduate Fellowships (UPF) are awarded to a limited number of full-time PhD candidateswho have excellent academic record. Applicants can apply for the Fellowships when they submit theirapplication for admission to the full-time PhD programmes during the main round admission exercise.The Fellowship is at a value of $70,000 in addition to the Postgraduate Studentships, to be paid in three(for 3-year PhD students) or four (or 4-year PhD students) instalments of equal amount at the beginningof each year of study.

Wong Man Kit Scholarship

In November 2003, Mr Wong Man Kit donated a capital sum of $1 million to the University of Hong Kongfor award of scholarships of the value of $45,000 each, to HKU School of Professional and ContinuingEducation (HKU SPACE) Community College graduate(s) who have been offered admission to anyBachelor Degree programme in any discipline and any academic year at the University of Hong Kong.

‘Young Leaders of Tomorrow’ Community Leaders Scholarship Scheme

In 2001, the ‘Young Leaders of Tomorrow’ Community Leaders Scholarship Scheme was launchedduring the University’s 90th Anniversary to provide support to students to enhance their leadershiptraining opportunities. The scholarships shall be awarded to students in their first year of undergraduatestudies for their excellence in extra-curricular achievements and will also serve to recognize andencourage students’ social awareness and commitment to society. The scholarships will also berecognition of leadership potential.

Scholarships Tenable in the Faculty of Architecture

Aedas Travelling Scholarships

In March 2006, Aedas Ltd. offered to donate to the Department of Architecture six Aedas TravellingScholarships for the 2005–06 academic year, for award to MArch II and BA(ArchStud) III students in theDepartment of Architecture on the basis of academic and interview performance. The Scholarhips areoffered to provide students of the Department of Architecture with the opportunity to enrich theirlearning experience with respect to culture and architecture through travel to places outside of HongKong in the upcoming summer of 2006. In June 2007, the donor has agreed to increase the number ofscholarships from three to four for MArch II students.

AIA Scholastic Award

In 1999, AIA Hong Kong (a Chapter of the American Institute of Architects) had offered to award onescholarship of the value of $3,000 to the University annually from 1998–99 onwards.



Andrew Lee Travel Award

In 1978, Mr Andrew K.F. Lee of Hong Kong donated to the University a sum of $5,000 annually for fiveyears in the first instance, and in 1984, increased the amount of the donation to $8,000 per annum foranother five years. In 1989–90, Mr Lee extended this award, which replaces the Lee TravellingScholarship established in 1975, for a further five years. In 1995, the donor extended the award untilfurther notice and increased the value to $24,000.

Chiap Hua Cheng’s Foundation Scholarship

In 1993, the Chiap Hua Cheng’s Foundation donated annually one scholarship of the value of $17,000to an undergraduate following the third year of the BA(ArchStud) degree curriculum in the Departmentof Architecture. In 1994, the value of the scholarship was increased to $24,000.

Chun Wo Foundation Scholarships

(The same entry can also be found on p. 34, under Faculty of Engineering)

Davis Langdon & Seah International Experience Scholarship

In April 2006, the Davis Langdon & Seah Hong Kong Ltd. agreed to establish scholarships for award tofull-time second-year students from the programme of BSc(Hons) in Surveying at the University ofHong Kong. The scholarship is associated with a training programme which provides an opportunityfor students to gain practical experience and to understand the working and cultural environment inSingapore.

Rev Fr E. Bruzzone Memorial Travelling Scholarship

In memory of the late Rev Fr E. Bruzzone PIME, Mr Anthony H.H. Ng of Hong Kong donated the sumof $10,000 annually from 1987 for five years in the first instance to provide travelling scholarships toenable students who have successfully completed the first year of MArch to travel to Rome and otherEuropean cities to see examples of modern and acclaimed architecture. In 1992, the donor increased thevalue of the scholarship to $15,000 and further extended the award for five years. In 1997, the donorextended the awards for another five years from 1997–98 to 2001–02. In 2002, the donor further agreedto continue the sponsorship of the award for another five years with effect from 2002–03 to 2006–07. In2008, the donor agreed to continue the sponsorship for the Scholarship for another five years from 2007–08to 2011–12.

Formica Scholarship

In 1999, Formica (Asia) Limited established one scholarship of the value of $8,000 for award annuallyto the University with effect from the 1999–2000 academic year to final-year undergraduates in theDepartment of Real Estate and Construction. With effect from the 2003–04 academic year, thescholarship shall be of the value of $6,000.

Francis Lau Scholarship

In 1987, Professor Francis S.K. Lau offered to donate until further notice a sum of $5,000 per year from1988–89 for the establishment of a scholarship. In 2004, the donor offered to provide the scholarshipsto the University for a period of 6 years initially commencing the 2004–05 academic year. In 2010, thedonor again offered to provide the scholarships for a further 6 years commencing the 2010–11 academicyear.


11Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans

Francis Lau Scholarship for Outgoing Student Exchange

In November 2007, Professor Francis S.K. Lau pledged to donate a sum of $1 million to set up ascholarship fund at the University of Hong Kong in support of outgoing student exchange. The donationshall be used to sponsor 10 such scholarships per year starting from the academic year 2008–2009 forthree years initially.

Hangzhou Shangri-La Hotel Scholarship for Architectural Conservation Programme inHKU for Mainland Chinese

In January 2010, the Faculty of Architecture received an offer of a donation of $250,000 from Shangri-LaInternational Hotel Management Ltd to establish a scholarship to support and encourage studentspursuing studies in the conservation of heritage resources. The scholarship shall be tenable at theUniversity of Hong Kong and open to all full-time postgraduate students who are from Mainland Chinaand Southeast Asia, and who have registered for the degree of MSc(Conservation) in the Departmentof Architecture. Each scholarship shall be of the value of $62,500 per annum.

Hong Kong Housing Society Award

In 2008, Hong Kong Housing Society offered to donate a sum of $30,000 for the establishment of anaward. The award shall be divided equally (i.e. $5,000) among students who completed the MScprogrammes offered by the Department of Real Estate and Construction, the University of Hong Kong,in collaboration with Mainland Universities and shall be made from the academic year 2008–09.

Hongkong Land Grants

In 1981, the Hongkong Land Company Limited donated a sum of $30,000 annually for five years in thefirst instance to provide for travel grants. In 1987, the Hong Kong Land Company Limited extended thegrants for another five years and increased the amount of its donation to $35,000 per annum. In 1990,it was upgraded to $50,000 per annum (plus cost of presentation materials) effective from 1991. In 1991,the Company extended the grants for a further period of five years from 1992. In 1992, the Companyupgraded the grants to $75,000 per annum.

Hou De Charitable Foundation Scholarships for Master of Architecture

In May 2006, the Board of Governors of the Hou De Charitable Foundation agreed to donate a sum of$100,000 in 2006–07 and $200,000 each year thereafter from 2007–08 to 2009–10 initially to the Master ofArchitecture Programme (MArch) students at the University of Hong Kong for the purpose ofestablishing scholarships with effect from the academic year 2006–07. The scholarships, known as theHou De Charitable Foundation Scholarships for Master of Architecture, are intended specifically for thesupport of MArch I students. The Scholarships shall be of the value of $50,000 each per annum and shallin the first instance be tenable for one year, renewable in the subsequent year subject to academicperformance and financial need. The Scholarships shall be awarded on the basic of (a) a five hundredword essay outlining financial needs and academic goals, (b) academic performance from previousundergraduate studies, and (c) performance in an interview with the Selection Committee. TheScholarships are intended to cover the tuition fee for postgraduate studies in the award year.

The Jane Barker Scholarship for Mainland Postgraduate Students in the ArchitecturalConservation Programme (ACP)

In July 2007, the Faculty of Architecture received an offer of a donation from Ms Jane Barker to establisha scholarship to support and encourage students from Mainland China pursuing studies in theconservation of heritage resources.



Jardine/Henry Lo Scholarship

In memory of the late Mr Henry Lo Man Hin, Messrs. Jardine, Matheson and Company Limited hadmade a donation to establish a scholarship to be awarded annually.

The Lee Hysan Travel Scholarship

The Lee Hysan Foundation Limited donated a sum of $80,000 up to a maximum of $100,000 annuallyfrom 1994 for three years in the first instance to provide for two travel scholarships. In 2000, the donoramended the conditions of this scholarship and offered to continue the award for a further period ofthree years.

Lo Yuk Sui Scholarships for Postgraduate Research in Architectural Studies

In 1996, Mr Lo Yuk Sui donated a sum of $300,000 annually for the award of two postgraduatescholarships in architectural studies, for an initial period of three years. In 1999, Mr Lo offered tocontinue the sponsorship of the scholarship for a further period of three years from the 1999–2000academic year, and in 2000–01, the donation was increased to $360,000 from $300,000.

Lord Wilson Heritage Trust Scholarships

In 2003, the Lord Wilson Heritage Trust donated a sum of $165,000 for scholarship award to studentsreading either the full-time or part-time MSc(Conservation), or the PDip(Conservation) curriculum. Inthe academic year 2006–07, a total sum of $220,000, or equivalent of four full scholarships, will beawarded, either partial or full, to outstanding Architectural Conservation Programme (ACP) studentsto cover tuition fee.

Ma & Fong Awards for Architecture and Urbanism

In May 2006, Ma & Fong Associates Ltd. offered to make a donation to the Department of Architectureto establish awards for Architecture and Urbanism for the 2006–07 academic year and thereafter from2007–08 to 2010–11. The awards shall be awarded to support HKU students and staff for traveling andaccommodation purposes to enable students, with the support of staff, to participate in the workshopof the Asian Coalition for Architecture and Urbanism (ACAU) which has been established in 2004 by theAssumption University, National University of Singapore, Tongji University, the University of HongKong and University of Seoul to foster cultural exchange among students and staff of participatinguniversity.

Macostar International Ltd. Fund

In 1996, Macostar Hong Kong Limited donated a sum of $50,000 per year from 1996–97, renewable everythree years until further notice, for the establishment of a fund which shall be used to support studentsin the MArch curriculum for student exchange programme on the basis of individual merit.


13Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans

The Nascence Scholarships for Postgraduate Students in Architectural Studies

In December 2003, Mr Peter K.C. Chan donated a total sum of $1.5 million for the award of postgraduatescholarships in architectural studies and visiting professorship(s) in architecture with effect from theacademic year 2004–05. The scholarships shall be tenable at the University of Hong Kong and open toall full-time postgraduate students who are from mainland China and who have registered for thedegree of MPhil or PhD, or MLA, or MUrbanDesign, or MSc(Conservation) or MArch in the Departmentof Architecture. The scholarships shall be awarded on the basis of (i) academic merit, (ii) the candidate'sproposed research (in the case of research postgraduate students) and (iii) financial need.

P & T Scholarship in Architecture

In 1997, P & T Architects and Engineers Ltd. donated annually a sum of $40,000 for the establishmentof a scholarship in support of architectural education in Hong Kong for two years in the first instance.The scholarship shall be awarded to one or more students following the MArch curriculum in theDepartment of Architecture.

P & T Travelling Award

In 1985, the firm P & T, Architects and Engineers Hong Kong, extended its annual donation of a travellingscholarship first made in 1972 for another five years until 1989–90, and with its value increased to $7,500.The scholarship has now been replaced by a travel award, made in the form of grants designed to enablea selected group of BA(ArchStud) students to undertake an architectural study outside Hong Kong.

Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (HK) Scholarship

In 2007–08, the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (HK) offered to donate a sum of $20,000 for theestablishment of a scholarship for award to BSc(Surv) students.

Mr & Mrs S.H. Wong Foundation Scholarship for Postgraduate Studies in Architecture

The Board of Governors of the Mr & Mrs S.H. Wong Foundation donated a sum of $380,000 for the awardof a postgraduate scholarship in architecture for a period of two years starting from 1999–2000.

The Shangri-La China Scholarships for Postgraduate Students in the ArchitecturalConservation Programme (ACP)

In January 2010, the Faculty of Architecture received an offer of a donation of $250,000 from Shangri-LaInternational Hotel Management Ltd. to establish a scholarship to support and encourage studentspursuing studies in the conservation of heritage resources.

Spence Robinson Scholarship

The firm of Spence Robinson Architects Engineers has donated annually to the University funds to covera bursary or scholarship award. From 1985, the firm has funded a scholarship of $5,000 which is awardedannually.



Szeto Wai Architecture Scholarship

In 1986, Dr W. Szeto donated a sum of $130,000 to the University to establish a scholarship to be awardedannually to the most distinguished student who has completed the first year of the MArch curriculum.

Urbis Landscape Design Scholarship

In September 1997, Urbis Limited donated to the University a sum of $10,000 for the award of ascholarship to a student in the MLA curriculum at the commencement of the applicant’s second year ofstudy.

The Windflower Cultural Heritage Conservation Scholarship for Postgraduate Students inthe Architectural Conservation Programme (ACP)

In June 2006, the Faculty of Architecture received an offer of a donation from an anonymous donor toestablish The Windflower Cultural Heritage Conservation Scholarship for Postgraduate Students in theArchitectural Conservation Programme (ACP) to support and encourage students pursuing studies inthe conservation of heritage resources. The scholarship, of the value of $120,000, shall be tenable at theUniversity of Hong Kong and open to all full-time postgraduate students who are from mainland Chinaand Southeast Asia, and who have registered for the degree of MSc(Conservation) in the Departmentof Architecture.

Wong, Tung & Partners Scholarship

In 1985, Wong, Tung & Partners extended the donation of an annual sum of $3,000 for the award of ascholarship first awarded in 1978. In 1992, the donor agreed to extend the sponsorship for three yearsfrom 1992–93 and increased the value of the scholarship to $5,000. In 1996, the donor further agreed thatthe scholarship be extended from 1995–96 on a yearly basis, for award to a final-year student in theMArch curriculum on the basis of academic merit as shown in the examination results in the first yearof the programme. In 2005, the scholarship was re-named as the ‘Wong Tung & Partners Scholarship’and the value of the scholarship was increased from $5,000 to $8,000.

Yu Chun Keung Memorial Scholarship

In 1985, the family of the late Mr Yu Chun Keung of Hong Kong donated a sum of $20,000 to theUniversity to establish a scholarship which will be awarded from time to time.

Zhong Hua Real Estate and Construction, Research and Development PostgraduateScholarships

In 2000, Zhong Hua Real Estate and Construction, Research & Development Foundation Ltd. offered todonate a total sum of $1 million to the University over a five-year period with effect from the 2000–01academic year to support the award of postgraduate research scholarships and postgraduate scholarshipsfor Mainland China students.


15Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans

Scholarships Tenable in the Faculty of Arts

1986 Evergreen Scholarships

In 1986, an anonymous donor donated an annual sum of $15,000 to the University to provide for ascholarship to be awarded to MPhil/PhD students in the Department of History. In 2001, the terms ofthe award of the scholarship were revised such that the scholarships shall be awarded to undergraduatehistory students instead, as an encouragement for students to take more interest in this subject area.Three scholarships of the value of $10,000 each are available for award. In 2004, the scholarships werere-named as the ‘1986 Evergreen Scholarships’, as requested by the donor.

2004 Evergreen Scholarship

In 2004, Mr Lam Sum Chee pledged to establish a full scholarship for award to first-year undergraduatestudents in the Faculty of Arts. The scholarship is renewable for subsequent years of study subject tocontinued excellent academic achievement.

The Arts and Education Limited Fine Arts Student Travel Grants

In 1987, the Arts and Education Limited Fine Arts Student Travel Grants were established to financetravel for academic purposes of undergraduate students reading fine arts.

Centre of Buddhist Studies Postgraduate Scholarships

In 2004, Mr Ma Kong Fai and Ms Wong Pui Shan have each donated $60,000 to establish scholarshipsfor students admitted to the Master of Buddhist Studies (MBuddhStud) programme. Additionalfundingof $180,000 is allocated from the Centre of Buddhist Studies for award of the scholarships in the academicyear 2004–05 initially. Continuation of the awards starting from 2005–06 will be confirmed year by yeardepending on the availability of funding.

Chan Hon Yin Scholarships

In 2003, Mr Anthony Chan and Mr Tommy Chan kindly made a donation of $2 million to establish 10scholarships of the value of $20,000 each to be awarded annually to outstanding students taking coursesoffered by the Department of Chinese.

Chinese Gold and Silver Exchange Society Scholarship

In 1982, the Chinese Gold and Silver Exchange Society donated a sum of $50,000 for the establishmentof one or more scholarships to be awarded annually. In 1994, the donor made an additional donationof $30,000 to the scholarship fund.

Comparative Literature Alumni Scholarship

In 2009, the Organizing Committee for the 20th Anniversary of the Department of ComparativeLiterature donated to the University a sum of $18,000 for the setting up of a scholarship to be awardedto students majoring in Comparative Literature. The donation is proceeds from the homecoming dinnerin June 209, which was part of Comparative Literature’s 20th anniversary celebrations. The scholarshipof the value of $1,000 each shall be awarded from the academic year 2009–10.



Consulate General of Italy Scholarship

In 2009 the Consulate General of Italy offered to establish a scholarship to the most outstanding studentof the Language Centre of the School of Modern Languages and Cultures to reward his or herachievements and interest in the study of Italian. The scholarship shall be awarded annually from theacademic year 2008-09.

Daiwa Bank Group Awards for Japanese Studies

In 1989, Daiwa Overseas Finance Limited donated a sum of $2 million for the award of one postgraduatescholarship annually from 1990–91 to enable a student to read for the degree of MPhil or PhD in the fieldof Japanese Studies, with preference being given to candidates aiming to carry out research on theeconomy of Japan.

The Dennis and Anne Beaver Study in Lyon Scholarship

In 2008, H. Dennis and Anne Beaver Foundation offered a generous donation of $90,616.22 to theUniversity of Hong Kong for the award of scholarship to undergraduate students in support of theirlanguage training programme in France in the summer. The scholarship shall be awarded annually fromthe academic year 2008–09.

Eileen Chang Memorial Scholarship for Outstanding Student from Mainland China/Taiwan

In 2009, Dr Roland Soong, executor of the late Ms Eileen Chang’s estate, generously pledged a donationof $1 million to the University of Hong Kong to establish a scholarship in memory of the late Ms EileenChang, the legendary Chinese writer. Eileen Chang studied at the University’s Faculty of Arts from 1939to 1941 but was unable to finish her degree due to the outbreak of war. The donation fund shall be usedto award scholarships to attract outstanding talents from the Mainland China or Taiwan to study artsand humanities subjects at the University. The Scholarship shall be awarded with effect from theacademic year 2009–10.

Erik Kvan Postgraduate Scholarship

To commemorate Dr Erik Kvan’s contributions to the University over the past thirty-two years, in 1984,his friends and former students made a donation to endow a scholarship which is open to postgraduatestudents in the Departments of Philosophy and Psychology who have completed at least one year ofstudy for the degree of MPhil or PhD in the philosophy of mind or related areas in philosophy, or anyof the following areas in psychology: perception, personality, cognitive psychology and social psychology.In 2003, friends, former colleagues and students made a further contribution to the Fund in memory ofthe late Dr Kvan.

Frederick Ma Si Hang Scholarships

In 2002, Mr Frederick Ma Si Hang offered to donate an annual sum of $50,000 to the University for aperiod of three consecutive years (2003–04 to 2005–06) to provide for the award of five scholarships ofthe value of $10,000 each to undergraduate students in the Department of History.


17Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans

Glorious Sun Group Postgraduate Scholarships in Buddhist Studies

In 2002, the Glorious Sun Group made a donation to establish postgraduate scholarships to awardBuddhist clergies who wish to pursue studies in the Master of Buddhist Studies degree programme.Each year, a maximum of 10 scholarships are available, with three scholarships of the maximum valueof $160,000 designated for overseas candidates and seven scholarships of the maximum value of $80,000designated for local candidates. In 2005, the Glorious Sun Group agreed to widen the scope of thescholarships scheme from the 2005–06 academic year to include research postgraduate students. Thetotal amount of scholarships in one academic year is capped at $1 million with priority consideration tobe given to students of the Master of Buddhist Studies. The maximum amount to be awarded for localstudents and for overseas students each year will be $80,000 and $130,000 respectively.

Hang Seng Bank Scholarships

In 1995, the Hang Seng Bank Limited donated three scholarships of the value of $15,000 each for awardto a BA student majoring in Translation, a BEd (LangEd) student and a BSW student who are permanentresidents in Hong Kong on the basis of academic merit and financial need. In 1996, the value of thescholarship was increased to $18,000 each. In 1998, the donor increased the number of the scholarshipsto four: with the additional scholarship to be awarded to a BBA or BBA (Acc&Fin) student. In 1999, afifth scholarship was offered to a BSc student. In 2000, the fifth scholarship was offered to BNursstudents instead of BSc students. From 2000–01 onwards, BBA(Law) students will be eligible to applyfor the scholarships, and from 2001–02 onwards, BBA(IS) students will be eligible to apply for thescholarships. In 2001, the scholarships were renamed as the Hang Seng Bank Scholarships. From theyear 2002 onwards, the Bank offered continuation of the sponsorship. In 2005, the Bank agreed tocontinue the sponsorship and offered the fifth scholarship to BJ students instead of BNurs students. In2006, the Hang Seng Bank agreed to continue offering five scholarships for the academic year 2006–07.In 2008, the Bank agreed to continue the sponsorship for the Scholarships for the academic year 2008–09.In May 2009, the Bank agreed to increase the value of each scholarship to $20,000 with effect from theacademic year 2009–10.

Hong Kong Buddhist Association Postgraduate Scholarships in Buddhist Studies

In 2002, the Hong Kong Buddhist Association pledged an annual sum of $60,000 for three consecutiveyears to award the postgraduate scholarships to students pursuing the Master of Buddhist Studiesdegree programme.

The Hong Kong Children’s Choir Scholarship

In 2009, the Hong Kong Children’s Choir decided to set assign $100,000 to provide 10 scholarships to theMusic students at the University of Hong Kong. The scholarship shall be of the value of $10,000 each.

Hui Oi Chow Scholarships

(The same entry can also be found on p. 301, under Funds and Research Funds)

Hui Yin Hing Scholarship and Fellowship

(The same entry can also be found on p. 301, under Funds and Research Funds)



The Japan Society of Hong Kong Scholarship – Japanese Studies

In 2006, the Japan Society of Hong Kong established a scholarship for outstanding students engaged inthe study of Japanese language and culture at universities in Hong Kong. With effect from the academicyear 2006–07, the scholarship will be awarded at the discretion of the University of Hong Kong.

Jardine Ho Tung Scholarship

In 1952, the late Sir Robert Ho Tung, Kt, LLD, ComLegHon, and Jardine, Matheson and CompanyLimited, both of the city of Hong Kong, donated a sum of $20,000 for the award of scholarships to theUniversity in honour of Sir Robert’s ninetieth birthday (December 1952).

Dr John D. Young Memorial Scholarship

In 1996, friends and students of the late Dr John D. Young raised a fund for the establishment of ascholarship for award to a research postgraduate student whose field of study is in Hong Kong history.

Kowloon Chamber of Commerce Scholarships

In 1992, the Kowloon Chamber of Commerce agreed to donate a number of scholarships to the Universityfor award to its undergraduate students with effect from the academic year 1992–93. In 2009, the KowloonChamber of Commerce decided to award Scholarships of the value of $10,000 each and $5,000 each toacademically outstanding students and students with financial needs respectively.

Kumho Asiana Korean Scholarships

In 2008, following the launch of the Korean programme in the School of Modern Languages andCultures, Faculty of Arts, Kumho Asiana has offered to donate $50,000 to the University of Hong Kongto establish scholarships which shall be awarded annually with effect from the academic year 2007–08.

Louis Cha Postgraduate Scholarships

In 1989, the Committee of Management for the Louis Cha Fund for Chinese Studies and East/WestStudies established two Louis Cha postgraduate scholarships tenable by students from the People’sRepublic of China accepted for postgraduate research studies in the Department of Chinese.

Sir Man Kam Lo/Jardine Scholarship

In memory of the late Sir Man Kam Lo, CBE, Messrs. Jardine, Matheson and Company Limited havemade a donation to establish scholarships to be awarded from time to time to undergraduatescommencing the second year of study in the Faculty of Arts, Business and Economics, Law or SocialSciences.

Magdeline Lor Grants for Fine Arts Students

In 1994, Mrs Magdeline Lor donated $100,000 to the University for the establishment of a number ofgrants to be awarded to students in the Department of Fine Arts.


19Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans

Ng Tong Lai Heung Memorial Scholarships

In 1981, Mr Peter Y.L. Ng donated a sum of $20,000 and in addition donated his share of the royaltiesfrom his book New Peace Country: A Chinese Gazetter of the Hong Kong Region to establish a scholarshipfund in memory of his mother.

Rayson Huang Scholarship in Music

The Rayson Huang Scholarship in Music was established in 1987 with donations from friends andcolleagues of Dr Rayson Huang, Vice-Chancellor of the University from 1972 to 1986, to be awarded toBA or MPhil/PhD students in music.

Tricor Services Limited Scholarship

In August 2008, Tricor Services Limited pledged to establish the Tricor Services Limited Scholarshipwhich shall be awarded annually to undergraduate students of the University of Hong Kong from theacademic year 2008–09. Two scholarships of the value of $10,000 each shall be awarded to full-timeundergraduate students majoring in the following disciplines: Faculty of Arts (disciplines: CultureStudies/English Studies/History/Language and communication/Linguistics/Translation); and Facultyof Business and Economics (disciplines: Economics and Finance/Information Systems/InternationalBusiness and Global Management).

Tung Lin Kok Yuen Postgraduate Scholarships in Buddhist Studies

In 2001, Tung Lin Kok Yuen pledged an annual sum of $600,000 for five consecutive years to awardpostgraduate scholarships to students pursuing the Master of Buddhist Studies degree programme.

University for Foreigners Perugia Scholarship

In 2009 the University for Foreigners Perugia through the Consulate General of Italy offered to establisha scholarship to the most outstanding student of the Language Centre of the School of ModernLanguages and Cultures to reward his or her achievements and interest in the study of Italian. Thescholarship shall be awarded annually from the academic year 2008–09.

University for Foreigners Siena Scholarship

In 2009 the University for Foreigners Siena through the Consulate General of Italy offered to establisha scholarship to the most outstanding student of the Language Centre of the School of ModernLanguages and Cultures to reward his or her achievements and interest in the study of Italian. Thescholarship shall be awarded annually from the academic year 2008–09.



The University of Hong Kong Museum Society Travel Grants for Research PostgraduateStudents in Fine Arts

Through the generosity of the donor, the University of Hong Kong Museum Society, two annual grantsof $10,000 each shall be made to support travel expenses of art history research postgraduate studentswishing to study works of art at first hand, and/or to visit archives, libraries, conferences or otherfacilities and events overseas of significant educational merit, or to conduct interviews or other necessaryindependent research. The grants shall be awarded with effect from the academic year 2008–09.

The University of Hong Kong Museum Society Travel Grants for Undergraduate Studentsin Fine Arts

Through the generosity of the donor, the University of Hong Kong Museum Society, a total annual sumof $10,000 shall be offered to support either student travel to view art in museum collections and otherlocations outside Hong Kong, or travel to undertake internship programmes in non-Hong Kongmuseums and art institutions. The grants shall be awarded with effect from the academic year 2008–09.

Y.K. Pao Scholarships in Psychology

Sir Y.K. Pao of World-Wide Shipping Agency Limited has donated the sum of $20,000 to the Universityfor the award of two scholarships annually from 1971–72 and three scholarships annually from1982–83, one of which is tenable in the Faculty of Arts and the remaining two in the Faculty of SocialSciences. In any year when there is no eligible candidate in the Faculty of Arts, the scholarship so vacantwill be awarded to an eligible student in the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Y.W. Kwok Scholarships

In 2002, the family of Mr Y.W. Kwok offered to donate a sum of $120,000 each year to the University ofHong Kong for the award of scholarships with effect from the academic year 2002–03 to undergraduatesin any year who are pursuing studies in the disciplines of BA(ArchStud), BA, BEd and BNurs. In 2004,the scholarships were made available to students in their full-time second year of undergraduate studyin the disciplines of BA(ArchStud), BA, BEd and BNurs. In 2006, the donor offered to continue thesponsorship of $100,000 in support of five scholarship awards, of the value of $20,000 each, to be madein the academic year 2005–06, and decided to award one of the scholarships to BSocSc students insteadof BEd students, and to discontinue the award of scholarship to BA(ArchStud) students. In November2006, the donor offered to increase the sponsorship to $200,000 in support of 10 scholarships to be madein the academic year 2006–07. The scholarships shall be made available to BA students, students readingthe BEng curriculum in the Faculty of Engineering, BNurs students, students reading the BSc curriculumin the Faculty of Science, and students reading the BSocSc curriculum in the Faculty of Social Sciences.In December 2007, the donor further increased the sponsorship to $250,000 in support of 10 scholarshipsto be made in the academic year 2007–08. In July 2009, the donor further increased the sponsorship to$300,000 in support of 12 scholarships to be made in the academic year 2009–10.

Yonsei Korean Language Institute Scholarship

In 2008, following the launch of the Korean programme in the School of Modern Languages andCultures, Faculty of Arts, Yonsei University (Korea) has offered to establish scholarships which shall beawarded annually with effect from the academic year 2008–09. The Scholarship shall be awarded to onestudent studying Korean languages and culture courses offered by the School of Modern Languages andCultures of the University of Hong Kong.


21Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans

Scholarships Tenable in the Faculty of Business and Economics

Abdoolally Ebrahim and Company (Hong Kong) Limited Scholarship or Bursary

(The same entry can also be found on p. 64, under Faculty of Social Sciences)

ACCA – Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (HK) Scholarship

In 1998, the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) donated one scholarship of thevalue of $4,000 to the University for the academic year 1998–99 initially. In 1999, the ACCA continuedthe sponsorship for the academic year 1999–2000. In 2001, the ACCA further agreed to continue thesponsorship of the scholarship for the academic years 2000–01 to 2005–06. In 2006, the ACCA decidedto increase the value of the scholarships to $3,000 each, in the form of a waiver of the registration fee orexamination fees when the student takes the ACCA examination.

Accenture Scholarship Award

In 2002, the Accenture Foundation, Inc., a United States charitable organization, offered four scholarshipsof the value of US$2,000 each to second-year undergraduates who are studying in the BBA(IS), BEcon,BEcon&Fin, BEng(CE), BEng(SE) or BSc(CSIS) curriculum in the 2002–03 academic year, on the basis ofacademic merit.

AmCham Charitable Foundation Scholar Award

The American Chamber of Commerce Charitable Foundation agreed to donate an annual award to onefull-time Master of Business Administration Programme student from the academic year 2008–09.

Bank of China (Hong Kong) – HKU Students Scholarship

In January 2008, the BOCHK Charitable Foundation kindly offered to donate $50,000 to the Universityof Hong Kong to set up a scholarship, the Bank of China (Hong Kong) – HKU Students Scholarship,which shall be awarded to undergraduates in the Faculty of Business and Economics with effect fromthe academic year 2007–08 for five years initially.

BNP Paribas Scholarship

In 1978, in commemoration of the twentieth anniversary of its establishment in Hong Kong, the BNPdonated two scholarships of $5,000 each to be awarded annually. In 1989, the BNP continued to fundone scholarship of the value of $5,000. In 1994, the value of the scholarship was increased to $6,000. In1997, the value of the scholarship was increased to $6,500. In 1998, the BNP increased the value of theaward to $7,500 per annum. In 2000, the scholarship was re-named as ‘BNP Paribas Scholarship’ toreflect the change of the name of the bank to BNP Paribas. In 2003, the BNP Paribas offered to increasethe value of the scholarship to $15,000 with effect from the 2002–03 academic year and indicated that the



scholarship would be offered to a full-time student reading the following programmes (in order ofpriority): MEcon; or BEcon, BFin, or BEcon&Fin; or MFin; or MBA; or IMBA. With effect from the2006–07 academic year, the scholarship shall be awarded to a full-time second-year undergraduate inthe degree curriculum as specified (in order of priority): BFin, or BEcon&BFin, or BBA(Acc&Fin) orBEcon.

Bank of East Asia 75th Anniversary Scholarships

(The same entry can also be found on p. 47, under Faculty of Law)

Bank of East Asia Golden Jubilee Scholarships

(The same entry can also be found on p. 47, under Faculty of Law)

The China Chamber of Commerce Scholarships

In 1997, the China Chamber of Commerce donated a total sum of $100,000 for the establishment of annualscholarships for one BBA student, two BBA(Acc&Fin) students and one full-time MBA third-yearstudent. In 2004, the regulations were updated to enable full-time MBA first year students (as opposedto third year students) to be eligible for the award.

China Construction Bank (Asia) Scholarships

In October 2010, China Construction Bank (Asia) generously pledged a donation to establish ascholarship for business students at undergraduate level.

Citigroup Young Fellowship

With effect from the academic year 2002–03, Citibank, N.A., Hong Kong Branch and its subsidiaries andaffiliates in Hong Kong offered annual awards to selected students who are pursuing studies at theFaculty of Business and Economics of the University of Hong Kong under the Citigroup YoungFellowship Program. From the 2005–06 academic year, the fellowships, of the value of US$8,000 each,shall be awarded to any undergraduate and MBA student in the Faculty who has undertaken anexchange programme abroad during his/her current study at the University, on the basis of academicmerit, presentation skills, enthusiasm for business studies, leadership ability, participation in extra-curricular activities and community services.

CMA Canada Management Accounting Scholarship

In 2008, the Certified Management Accountants (CMA) Society of British Columbia (Hong KongBranch) agreed to establish one scholarship with the objective to promote management accountingeducation amongst the local universities in Hong Kong. The scholarship shall be of the value of $2,000and available for award with effect from the academic year 2008–09.


23Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans

Dah Sing Bank Scholarship

In 2007, in celebration of the Bank’s 60th Anniversary, Dah Sing Bank pledged to donate a sum of $40,000to the University for the establishment of four scholarships of $10,000 each in the academic year 2007–08initially to final-year undergraduate students who are reading for the degrees offered in the Faculty ofBusiness and Economics. In May 2008, the bank agreed to continue the sponsorship for the Scholarshipfor the academic year 2008–09. In October 2009, the Bank agreed to award two scholarships of $10,000each in the academic year 2009–10.

Emperor Foundation Scholarship

In 1995, the Emperor Group donated one scholarship of the value of $30,000 for award to a final-yearstudent reading the degree of BBA. In 1996, the value of the scholarship was increased to $37,350. In1997, the value of the scholarship was increased to $42,100 and students studying for the degree of BBAin Accounting and Finance were also eligible to apply for the scholarship. In 1999, the donor extendedthe scholarship to BBA(Law) students as well, and in 2000, students pursuing the degree of BBA(IS) werealso eligible to apply for the scholarship. In 2003, the value of the scholarship was revised to $5,000. In2004, the Emperor Group agreed to increase the value of the scholarship to $10,000. In September 2008,the Scholarship is re-named as the Emperor Foundation Scholarship.

Exchange Scholarships for EAS Students

In 2006, the Faculty of Business and Economics offered to set up some exchange scholarships to providedue recognition to those students who have been admitted into the undergraduate programmes of studyat the Faculty under the Early Admissions Scheme for Secondary Six Students (EAS). The Scholarshipsshall be awarded with effect from the 2006–07 academic year to support students who will participatein exchange programmes in the academic year that follows.

Grant Thornton Scholarship

In 2002, the firm Grant Thornton established a scholarship of the value of $12,000 for award to a final-year undergraduate reading for the BBA(Acc&Fin). In 2003, the donor offered to award a scholarshipin the 2003–04 academic year with the value revised to $5,000.

HSBC MBA Scholarships

In December 2005, Hongkong Bank Foundation offered to establish a scholarship under the Faculty ofBusiness and Economics of the University of Hong Kong (‘the University’) to recognize the academicachievements of the first-year students who are pursuing the degree of Master of Business Administration(MBA) at the University. The scholarship shall be known as the ‘HSBC MBA Scholarship’, for award toa first-year MBA(full-time) or MBA(International) (full-time) student who comes from an Asia-Pacificor Chinese Mainland location where the Donor has presence and on the basis of academic merit, onevidence of the candidate’s GMAT scores, academic records and interview scores, and his/hercommitment to career in banking and finance. The scholarship awarded in any year shall be in the valueof $250,000 and shall be used to cover the composition fees of the MBA or MBA(International)programme offered by the University.



Hang Seng Bank MBA Scholarship

In May 2006, Hang Seng Bank offered to establish a scholarship under the Faculty of Business andEconomics of the University of Hong Kong to recognize the academic achievements of the first-yearstudents from mainland China who are pursuing the degree of Master of Business Administration(MBA) programme which is offered in partnership with London Business School or Columbia BusinessSchool at the University. The scholarship shall be known as the Hang Seng Bank MBA Scholarship, foraward to first-year students who are taking the full-time MBA programme in partnership with LondonBusiness School or Columbia Business School of the University. The total value of the scholarship(s)awarded in any year shall be $250,000, which shall be used to cover the composition fees of the MBAprogramme offered by the University. The scholarships shall be awarded to students from theMainland, on evidence of the candidates’ GMAT scores, academic records and interview scores, andtheir commitment to a career in banking and finance. The awardee of a scholarship shall also be givenan opportunity to work for the donor as intern for a period of time to be determined by donor.

Hang Seng Bank Scholarships

(The same entry can also be found on p. 17, under Faculty of Arts)

Hang Seng Bank Scholarship for Mainland Undergraduate Students

In December 2005, the Hang Seng Bank Limited agreed to establish a scholarship, of the value of $70,000and for the purpose of tuition fees, for annual award with effect from 2005–06 to an outstanding studentfrom mainland China who is pursuing full-time undergraduate studies in any year in the Faculty ofBusiness and Economics. In September 2006, Hang Seng Bank agreed to continue the Scholarship forthe academic year 2006–07. In July 2007, Hang Seng Bank agreed to continue the Scholarship for theacademic year 2007–08. In September 2008, Hang Seng Bank agreed to continue the sponsorship for theScholarship for the academic year 2008–09. In May 2009, Hang Seng Bank agreed to continue thesponsorship for the Scholarship for the academic year 2009–10. In August 2010, Hang Seng Bank agreedto continue the sponsorship for the Scholarship and to increase the value of the Scholarship to HK$100,000for the academic year 2010–11.

Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) Scholarships

In 1990, the Hong Kong Society of Accountants offered to donate annually a scholarship of the value of$5,000 with effect from 1991–92 to a third-year BBA student majoring in accountancy. The value of thescholarship was increased to $6,000 per annum with effect from the academic year 1993–94. In 1996, thevalue of the scholarship was increased to $7,000. In 1998, the Society increased the value of thescholarship to $10,000. In 2001, the Society updated the terms of reference such that three scholarshipsof the value of $6,000 each are to be awarded with effect from the 2001–02 academic year. Onescholarship each shall be available to (a) a student who is studying the BBA(Acc&Fin) in his/her firstyear of studies; (b) a student who is studying the BBA(Acc&Fin) in his/her second year of studies; and(c) a student who is studying the postgraduate accountancy programme in his/her first year of studies(subject to the availability of this particular programme). Starting from the 2004–05 academic year, theHong Kong Society of Accountants has been re-named as the Hong Kong Institute of Certified PublicAccountants (HKICPA) due to the enactment of the Professional Accountants (Amendment) Ordinance2004, and two scholarships of the value of $6,000 each shall be awarded to (a) a student who is studyingthe BBA(Acc&Fin) in his/her first year of studies; and (b) a student who is studying the BBA(Acc&Fin)in his/her second year of studies.


25Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans

The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries Scholarships

In 2004, the Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries agreed to establish two scholarships to beawarded from the academic year 2004–05. In 2005, the donor agreed to continue the scholarships for theacademic year 2005–06 at the value of $4,500 each. In 2006, the donor agreed to continue the scholarshipsfor the academic year 2006–07 and the value of the scholarships was revised to $5,000, with onescholarship to a student reading the degree of Bachelor of Law (LLB) and the other scholarship to thestudent reading the Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and Finance [BBA(Acc&Fin)].In 2008, the donor agreed to continue the sponsorship for the academic year 2008–09 and the value ofthe Scholarships was revised to $6,000 each. One scholarship shall be awarded to a student reading thedegree of LLB, and the other scholarship shall be awarded to a student reading the degree of BBA. InNovember 2009, the value of the Scholarships was revised to $3,000 each with effect from the academicyear 2009–10.

Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management Scholarship

In January 2003, the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management (IHRM) offered to awardone IHRM scholarship in the 2002–03 academic year to a student studying for a full-time BBA degree(HRM major).

Hong Kong Securities Institute Scholarship

In 2003, Hong Kong Securities Institute kindly offered a number of scholarships to the University ofHong Kong with effect from the 2004–05 academic year to provide recognition for the excellentachievement of students pursuing studies at the Faculty of Business and Economics.

ICBC (Asia) MBA Scholarship

In July 2006, ICBC (Asia) offered to establish a scholarship under the Faculty of Business and Economicsof the University of Hong Kong to recognize the academic achievements of the first-year students whoare pursuing the degree of Master of Business Administration (MBA) at the University. The scholarshipshall be known as the ‘ICBC (Asia) MBA Scholarship’, for award to first-year students who are readingthe full-time MBA programme of the University. The total value of the scholarship(s) awarded in anyyear shall be $250,000. The scholarship shall be awarded on evidence of their GMAT scores, academicrecords and interview scores, and their commitment to a career in banking and finance. The scholarshipshall be used to cover the composition fees of the MBA programme offered by the University. Theawardee of a scholarship may be given an opportunity to work for the Donor as intern for a period oftime as determined by the Donor.

InterCham Scholarship Fund

In 1990, the Organizing Committee of the InterCham ‘90 offered to donate a sum of $10,000 for one yearin the first instance for the award of a scholarship to a student studying the BBA degree programme. InDecember 2002, the donor confirmed the continuation of the award of the scholarship at the value of$25,000 per annum to an undergraduate student who is pursuing studies in the third year of the BBA,BBA(Acc&Fin), BBA(IS), or BBA(Law).



irasia.com Scholarship

In 2000, irasia.com Limited donated $20,000 to the University of Hong Kong Foundation for EducationalDevelopment and Research each year for five years initially starting from the academic year 2000–01, forthe establishment of the scholarship. Four scholarships of the value of $5,000 each are available tostudents in the Faculty of Business and Economics.

Johnson & Johnson Scholarship

In 2004, Johnson & Johnson offered a scholarship, for the 2004–05 academic year, to provide recognitionfor the excellent achievement of students pursuing studies at the Faculty of Business and Economics.

Kowloon Chamber of Commerce Scholarhsips

(The same entry can also be found on p. 18, under Faculty of Arts)

Lai Sa Ingue Entrance Scholarship

Lai Sa Ingue Entrance Scholarship is established to provide due recognition to local Hong Kong studentswho are admitted into the undergraduate programmes [BBA, BBA(Acc&Fin), BBA(IS), BEcon, BEcon&Finor BSc(QFin)] through the Non-JUPAS Scheme with effect from the academic year 2010–11.

MBA (Hong Kong) Scholarships

The Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Hong Kong offered to award up to sixscholarships starting from 2004–05 to full-time new students of the Master of Business AdministrationProgramme and the Master of Business Administration (International) Programme who study in HongKong.

MBA (Shanghai) Scholarships

The Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Hong Kong together with School ofManagement of Fudan University offered to award six scholarships starting from 2003–04 to newstudents of the Master of Business Administration (International) Programme in the General Stream.From 2007–08, the donor has agreed to increase the number of scholarships from six to nine to studentsof the IMBA programme.

MEcon Scholarships

The Faculty of Business and Economics shall award up to six scholarships to new full-time students inthe Master of Economics Programme in each academic year starting from 2005–06.


27Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans

MFin Scholarships

The Faculty of Business and Economics shall award up to six scholarships to full-time students of Masterof Finance programme in each academic year starting from 2007–08.

Sir Man Kam Lo/Jardine Scholarship

(The same entry can also be found on p. 18, under Faculty of Arts)

Master of Economics Scholarships

The Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Hong Kong would award scholarships tonew students of Master of Economics programme in each academic year starting from 2009–10. The cashvalue of each of the scholarships ranges from 10% to 50% of the Master of Economics tuition fee in therelevant academic year, subject to the performance of each awardee.

Master of Finance Scholarships

The Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Hong Kong would award up to 10scholarships to current students of the Master of Finance programme in the academic year 2009–10 andup to 7 new full-time students in each academic year starting from 2010–11.

Master of Finance Admission Scholarships

The Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Hong Kong shall award up to 10 scholarshipsto new full-time students of the Master of Finance (MFin) programme offered in collaboration with theHSBC School of Business of Peking University on its Shenzhen campus in each academic year startingfrom 2009–10. The cash value of each of the scholarships is equivalent to half of the tuition fee of theMaster of Finance programme offered in Shenzhen in the relevant academic year.

Mercedes-Benz Scholarship

In 2009 Mercedes-Benz Hong Kong Limited has kindly agreed to donate $45,000 to the University ofHong Kong for the establishment of the Mercedes-Benz Scholarship which shall be awarded annuallyfrom the academic year 2008–09 until further notice.

Midland Holdings Scholarship

In June 2007, Midland University Limited offered to set up a scholarship in recognition of the academicachievement and to encourage participation of community services of students from the School ofBusiness. The Scholarship shall be awarded from the academic year 2007–08 for one year initially.



Pacific Century Insurance Scholarships

In 2003, Pacific Century Insurance offered to donate four scholarships of the value of $42,100 each to theUniversity of Hong Kong with effect from the 2003–04 academic year to provide recognition for theexcellent achievement of students pursuing studies in Actuarial Science and Business.

PricewaterhouseCoopers Scholarships

In 1999, PricewaterhouseCoopers donated three scholarships of the value of $21,050 each for award inthe academic year 1999–2000 to full-time second-year undergraduate students in the BBA curriculumwho are reading the subject of Accountancy on the basis of academic merit, participation in extra-curricular activities and community services. In 2000, the donor offered to continue the sponsorship ofthe scholarship for the 2000–01 academic year. In 2001, the number of the scholarships was increasedto four and the value of each scholarship shall be $15,000 for the academic year 2001–02. In 2003,PricewaterhouseCoopers donated two scholarships to the University of Hong Kong for the academicyear 2003–04. In 2004–05 and 2005–06, three scholarships of the value of $21,050 each were madeavailable for award. In 2006, PricewaterhouseCoopers agreed to donate a maximum of two scholarshipsfor the academic year 2006–07.

Santa Fe Transport International Ltd. Transportation Studies Scholarship

In 1996, the Hongkong International Movers Association (HKIMA) donated a scholarship of the valueof $5,000 to BBA or BBA(Acc&Fin) students. HKIMA is a group of movers. Its founder members areAllied Pickfords Ltd, Crown Worldwide Movers, Four Winds Removals Ltd, Global InternationalForwarding Ltd. and Sante Fe Transport International Ltd. The HKIMA was formally closed in 2006.The Santa Fe Transport International Ltd. has kindly agreed to continue the sponsorship of thescholarship. Following the change of the donating Company, the name of the Scholarship has beenchanged to the ‘Santa Fe Transport International Ltd. Transportation Studies Scholarship’.

Shun Hing Mong Kwok Ping Management Scholarship

In 1985, the Shun Hing Education and Charity Fund Limited donated to the University $5,000 per annumfor the establishment of a scholarship to be awarded annually. The value of the scholarship wasincreased to $7,000 in 1990 and $10,000 in 1992. In 1993, the Council of the Fund further increased thevalue of the scholarship to $15,000 per annum. In 1996, the donor further increased the value of thescholarship to $18,750.

Wing Lee Entrance Scholarship

Wing Lee Entrance Scholarship is established to provide due recognition to students who are admittedinto undergraduate programmes [BBA, BBA(Acc&Fin), BBA(IS), BEcon or BEcon&Fin] through theEarly Admission Scheme for Secondary Six Students (EAS) in the University of Hong Kong with effectfrom the academic year 2010–11.

Dr Woo Hon Fai Memorial Scholarship

In 1985, Madam Woo Yeung Ming Lau donated on behalf of her family a sum of $50,000 to the Universityto establish a scholarship in memory of the late Dr Woo Hon Fai.


29Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans

Scholarships Tenable in the Faculty of Dentistry

Hong Kong Dental Association Scholarships

In 1994, the Hong Kong Dental Association donated two scholarships of the value of $2,000 each to beawarded annually. In 2001, the Association agreed to increase the value of the scholarships to $2,500 each.

Kam Ngan Stock Exchange Scholarship

In 1982, the Committee of the Kam Ngan Stock Exchange Limited donated a sum of $50,000 to theUniversity for the establishment of one or more scholarships to be awarded annually. In 1992, afterliquidating the Exchange, members of the Exchange donated the remaining fund of $65,000 to thescholarship.

Maillefer-Dentsply China Scholarship

In 1997, Dentsply Dental (Tianjin) Co. Ltd. agreed to donate, for an initial period of two years from1997–98, a scholarship to support one MDS student in adult operative dentistry and endodontics fromthe People’s Republic of China (PRC). The value of the scholarship for 1997–98 was $80,000 and for1998–99 it was $88,000. In 1998, the name of the Dentsply Asia Scholarship was renamed as the DentsplyChina Scholarship. The scholarship has been renewed for another two years from 1999–2000. Candidatesfor the scholarship shall be nominated by the Head of the Department of one of the main dental schoolsin the PRC and the scholarship shall be awarded to a student to pursue the MDS degree in the area ofConservative Dentistry. The scholarship has been renewed by Dentsply Asia Limited of Hong Kong inconjunction with Dentsply Maillefer S.A. of Switzerland, under the new name from 2002–03 to supportone student from China studying for the Advanced Diploma in Endodontics.

Mary Sun Medical Scholarships

Under the will of the late Miss Mary Sun, a trust fund administered by the Hongkong Bank TrusteeLimited was established to provide 10 scholarships annually from 1985–86, for award to students in theFaculties of Medicine and Dentistry.

To Wai Ting Scholarships

In 1981, Mrs Alma Wen established for an indefinite period a scholarship of US$500 annually in memoryof her father.

Scholarships Tenable in the Faculty of Education

Bernafon China Audiology Scholarship

In 2000, a donation of US$40,000 was received from Bernafon AG Co., Switzerland for the establishmentof the Bernafon China Audiology Scholarship. This scholarship will support one mainland Chinesestudent to pursue studies in a two-year full-time Master of Science in Audiology programme from2000–02.



BSc(IM) Academic Exchange Scholarship

The BSc(IM) Academic Exchange Scholarship is open for application annually to Bachelor of Science inInformation Management [BSc(IM)] students who go on academic exchange. The Scholarship shall beawarded to no more than two BSc(IM) students each year and shall be of the value of $5,000 for eachscholarship recipient with effect from the academic year 2008–09.

BSc(IM) Internship Scholarship

The BSc(IM) Internship Scholarship is open for application annually to Bachelor of Science in InformationManagement [BSc(IM)] students who opt for an internship in a place other than Hong Kong. TheScholarship shall be awarded to no more than two BSc(IM) students each year and shall be of the valueof $2,000 for each scholarship recipient with effect from the academic year 2008–09.

Eileen Chang Memorial Scholarship for Outstanding Student from Mainland China/Taiwan

(The same entry can also be found on p. 16, under Faculty of Arts)

Hang Seng Bank Scholarships

(The same entry can also be found on p. 17, under Faculty of Arts)

HKU SPACE Global College, Suzhou Scholarship for the BSc(IM)

In 2010, the Parent Foundation Funds of the HKU SPACE Global College, Suzhou made an initialdonation of $200,000 to the Faculty of Education, the University of Hong Kong for the establishment ofa Scholarship to support a student from the HKU SPACE Global College, Suzhou to enroll into theBachelor of Science in Information Management [BS(IM)] programme. The Scholarship shall beawarded annually from the academic year 2010–11 for 3 years.

Hong Kong International Institute of Educational Leadership Scholarship

In 2009, Hong Kong International Institute of Educational Leadership (HKIIEL) kindly offered twoscholarships to the University of Hong Kong with effect from the academic year 2010–11 to providerecognition for the excellent achievement of students pursuing studies at the Faculty of Education . Eachscholarship shall comprise one complementary admission to take the Value Education CertificateProgramme offered by the HKIIEL (worth $4,500).

Jing Kung Scholarship

In 1986, the Jing Kung Educational Press donated a scholarship from 1987–88 to be awarded annuallyto a full-time PCEd student [subsequently re-named as Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE)] onthe basis of academic merit as shown in the final examination. The value of the scholarship is $3,000 perannum.


31Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans

Longman Education Scholarship

In 2004, Longman Hong Kong offered to donate a scholarship of the value of $15,000 to the Universityof Hong Kong for award to support science students at the University in the academic year 2004–05. InJuly 2006, the donor agreed to continue the sponsorship of the scholarship at the value of $8,000 foraward in 2006–07 as an appreciation of an article entitled ‘Genes — the Musicians of Life’ contributedby Professor Lap-Chee Tsui to a Longman science textbook. The donor agreed in March 2007 to providean additional scholarship of the value of $15,000. In August 2008, the donor agreed to continue thesponsorship of the scholarship at the value of $15,000 for award in 2008–09, and the scholarship wasrenamed from Longman Science Education Scholarship to Longman Education Scholarship.

Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Scholarships

In 1987, the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals donated two scholarships of the value of $5,000 each to beawarded annually from 1987–88 to full-time PCEd students.

Scholarships Tenable in the Faculty of Engineering

Accenture Scholarship Award

(The same entry can also be found on p. 21, under Faculty of Business and Economics)

AGS Scholarship

In 2003, the Association of Geotechnical Specialists (HK) Ltd. agreed to donate one scholarship of thevalue of $10,000 annually with effect from 2002–03 to a second-year student of the degree of MSc(Eng)in Geotechnical Engineering who has achieved the highest average mark in four core courses inGeotechnical Engineering in his/her first-year studies.

Analogue Engineering Group Scholarship

In 2007, the ATAL Engineering Limited donated one scholarship of the value of $10,000 to the Universitywith effect from the academic year 2007–08 to a full-time undergraduate student who is a Hong Kongresident pursuing third year of studies in the BEng in Electrical Engineering offered by the Departmentof Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

Analogue Engineering Group Scholarship in Mechanical Engineering

In 2010, Analogue Group of Companies agreed to donate one scholarship each year to the Departmentof Mechanical Engineering of the University of Hong Kong, starting from the academic year 2009–10.

ARUP Scholarship

In 1994, Ove Arup & Partners donated annually a scholarship of the value of $12,500 to the Universityfor a period of four years from 1994–95. In 1998, the donor increased the value of the scholarship to$18,000.



ARUP Scholarship in Electrical Engineering

In 2007, Ove Arup & Partners Hong Kong Limited donated one scholarship of the value of $10,000 to theUniversity with effect from the academic year 2006–07 to a full-time undergraduate student who is aHong Kong resident pursuing second year of studies in the BEng in Electrical Engineering offered bythe Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

Associated Consulting Engineers Scholarship (Civil and Structural)

In 1996, Dr Samuel P.W. Wong donated an annual scholarship of the value of $18,000 for award to asecond-year BEng student in Civil Engineering.

Azeus Systems Scholarships

In 2006, the Azeus Systems Limited donated three scholarships of the value of $5,000 each to theUniversity for award in the 2006–07 academic year.

Dr C.C. Liao Scholarship

In 1994, in memory of her late father Dr C.C. Liao, Dr Sarah Liao donated a scholarship of the value of$12,500 to the University for a period of four years from 1994–95.

CLP Fellowship in Electrical Engineering

In 2002, CLP Holdings Limited offered a postgraduate fellowship of the value of $60,000 per annum(tenable for two years) to the University in recognition of the academic excellence of postgraduatestudents in the Electrical Engineering Programme.

CLP Scholarships in Electrical Engineering

In 2002, CLP Holdings Limited offered five undergraduate scholarships of the value of $12,000 each tothe University in recognition of the academic excellence of undergraduate students in the ElectricalEngineering Programme in the academic years of 2002–03 and 2003–04. In 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008, thedonor agreed to extend the scholarships for award in the 2004–05, the 2005–06, the 2006–07 and the 2007–08academic years. In 2009, the donor agreed to continue the sponsorship for the Scholarships for theacademic year 2008–09.

CPDC CUM MSDI Scholarships

In 2005, BUDA Group agreed to donate, starting from 2005, an amount of HK$10,000 annually, to theDepartment of Mechanical Engineering of the Universty of Hong Kong for the establishment of twoBUDA Group Prizes. In 2010, upon the donor’s request the prizes was re-named as the ConstructionProfessional’s Development Centre and Municipal Sustainable Development Incorporated (CPDC andMSDI) scholarships.


33Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans

Chan Hon Chuen Scholarship

In 1997, the donor who donated a sum of $200,000 in January 1991 to the University to set up a VisitingResearch Fellowship in Civil Engineering, requested that a portion ($300,000) of the accumulated sumbe used to establish a scholarship of the value of $20,000 for undergraduates in Civil Engineering.

Chiang Chen Industrial Charity Foundation Scholarship

In 1980, the Chen Hsong Machinery Company Limited donated a scholarship of the value of $5,000 perannum. In 1986, the Company donated five scholarships of the value of $7,000 each. In 1992, theCompany increased the value of the scholarships to $9,000 each. In 1998, the donor revised theregulations such that two scholarships in total of the value of $22,500 each shall be awarded. In 2004,the name of the Foundation was renamed as the ‘Chiang Chen Industrial Charity Foundation (HongKong) Ltd.’. In January 2008, the scholarship was renamed from Chen Hsong Industrial Scholarshipsto Chiang Chen Industrial Charity Foundation Scholarship.

Chiang Chen Overseas Exchange Scholarship

In 2004, the Chiang Chen Overseas Exchange Scholarship was established for the purpose of supportingundergraduate Engineering students to develop international perspectives through overseas study.The Scholarship will be available for award from the academic year 2005–06.

Chiap Hua Cheng’s Foundation Scholarships

In 1978, the Chiap Hua Cheng’s Foundation donated to the University six scholarships, of the value of$5,000 each, to be awarded annually. The value of each award was increased to $6,000 with effect from1989–90 and then to $9,000 with effect from 1990–91. In 1993, the number of scholarships was increasedto seven and the value of each scholarship was increased to $17,000. In 1994, the number of scholarshipswas increased to eight and the value of each scholarship was increased to $24,000.

The China Postgraduate Scholarships for Computer Science

The Department of Computer Science and Information Systems (re-named as the Department ofComputer Science in 2005) of the Faculty of Engineering has made available two scholarships for theacademic year 2004–05 initially to support outstanding Chinese graduates normally residing in thePeople’s Republic of China to undertake one-year full-time study at HKU in either the Master of Sciencein Computer Science programme [MSc(CompSc)] or the Master of Science in Electronic Commerce andInternet Computing programme [MSc(ECom&IComp)]. The department decided to offer the scholarshipfor award annually.

The China Postgraduate Scholarships for Electronic Commerce and Internet Computing

The Department of Computer Science and Information Systems (re-named as the Department ofComputer Science in 2005) of the Faculty of Engineering has made available two scholarships for theacademic year 2004–05 initially to support outstanding Chinese graduates normally residing in thePeople’s Republic of China to undertake one-year full-time study at HKU in either the Master of Sciencein Electronic Commerce and Internet Computing programme [MSc(ECom&IComp)] or the Master ofScience in Computer Science programme [MSc(CompSc)]. The Department decided to offer thescholarship for award annually.



Choi Kin Chung Scholarships

In 1986, Mr Choi Kin Chung donated $35,000 to the University, and in 1987, made a further donation of$105,000 in the following years, for the establishment of a scholarship for postgraduate studies in civiland structural engineering. In 1995, Mr Choi donated an additional undergraduate scholarship of thevalue of $18,000 for award to a third-year student in Civil Engineering. The donor further agreed toextend the award from 1999–2000 to 2001–02.

Chou Exhibition in Engineering

Mr W.H. Chou has set aside a sum of $5,000 a year (understood to be a gift during his lifetime except incase of catastrophe when the exhibition may be suspended) to cover the award of one or more exhibitionsin Engineering. In 1993, the amount of award was further increased to $10,000 per annum.

Chun Wo Foundation Scholarships andChun Wo Foundation Bursaries

In 2003, Chun Wo Construction & Engineering Co. Ltd. offered to donate scholarships and bursariesannually to the University with effect from the 2004–05 academic year. In 2006, Chun Wo CharitableFoundation Limited agreed to continue the sponsorship for the scholarships and bursaries to beawarded annually to the University of Hong Kong with effect from the 2006–07 academic year. The fourscholarships of the value of $10,000 each shall be awarded to second-year undergraduate studentsenrolled in the Departments of Civil Engineering and Real Estate and Construction, two each in therespective Departments, on the basis of academic merit.The four bursaries of the value of $5,000 each available shall be awarded to undergraduates in the secondyear of studies in the BEng degree programme in the Department of Civil Engineering who have attaineda Yearly GPA of 2.70 or above. Each bursary is renewable for the student’s duration of study providedthat the student maintains a satisfactory academic standing of a Yearly GPA of 2.70 or above. Each year,from 2005–06 onwards, there shall be a maximum of eight bursary awards granted (i.e. new awards plusrenewals). With effect from the academic year 2007–08, the bursaries shall be offered to renewalawardees only (i.e. Chun Wo shall not offer new awardees of bursaries for the academic year 2007–08).

Civil Engineering Scholarships for EAS Students

In 2006, the Department of Civil Engineering offered to establish scholarships to provide recognition tostudents who have been admitted to the Civil Engineering Department under the Early AdmissionScheme for Secondary Six Students (EAS). The scholarship is of the value of $20,000 each.

Civil Engineering Scholarships for Mainland Students

In 2006, several donors donated a sum of money to the Department of Civil Engineering to set upscholarships for students from the Mainland China who have been admitted to the Civil EngineeringDepartment. The scholarship is of the value of $20,000 each. Priority will be given to students admittedthrough the collaborative programme with Sun Yat-sen University.


35Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans

Clipsal Hong Kong Limited Scholarship

In 1992, the Clipsal Asia Limited offered to donate annually a scholarship of $10,000 to the Universityfor a period of four years from 1992–93. In 1995, the donor extended the award to 1998–99 to studentsfollowing the Electrical Energy Systems Engineering curriculum. In 1999, Clipsal Asia Limited offeredto award the scholarship on a yearly basis starting from the 1999–2000 academic year. In 2003, thescholarship shall be awarded to students following the Electrical Engineering curriculum. In 2004, thescholarship was re-named as the Clipsal Hong Kong Limited Scholarship to reflect the change of thename of the company.

Daikin Scholarship

Daikin Airconditioning (Hong Kong) Ltd. has agreed to donate an amount of $30,000 to the Departmentof Mechanical Engineering for the establishment of a scholarship for award in the academic year2003–04 initially. The donor has donated $30,000 to the Department of Mechanical Engineering for ascholarship in the academic year 2007–08.

Du Pont Scholarship

In 1985, Du Pont Asia Pacific Limited donated to the University a scholarship of $14,000 to be awardedannually from 1985–86 until further notice. In 1993, the scholarship was re-named as ‘Du PontScholarship’ and the value was increased to $16,000. In 2000, DuPont expressed its wish to offer thescholarship to students who are pursuing a postgraduate research degree in the Faculty of Engineering.

EE 72 Allan Wong Scholarship

In December 2006, Dr Allan Wong donated a capital sum of $250,000 to establish an endowment fundfor annual award of one entrance scholarship in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

EE 72 Chan Kam Yin Scholarship

In December 2006, Mr Chan Kam Yin donated a capital sum of $250,000 to establish an endowment fundfor annual award of one entrance scholarship in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

EE 72 K.M. Yung Scholarship

A donation of a capital sum of over $500,000 was made by the family, friends, colleagues and fellowengineers of Mr Yung Kai Man to the University of Hong Kong (HKU) to establish a scholarship for HKUElectrical and Electronic Engineering students. The Scholarship shall be awarded with effect from theacademic year 2010–11.

EE 72 Philip Ng Scholarship

In December 2006, Mr Ng Yuk Wing, Philip donated a capital sum of $250,000 to establish an endowmentfund for annual award of one entrance scholarship in the Department of Electrical and ElectronicEngineering.



Engineering Outstanding Students Scholarship

In 2008, the Faculty of Engineering established the Engineering Outstanding Students Scholarship forstudents admitted to the BEng degree programme and the BEng(CivE-Law) programme.

Engineering Postgraduate Fellowship

The Engineering Postgraduate Fellowship is established with the aim to attract talented and academicallystrong candidates to read research degree at the University of Hong Kong. Up to twenty fellowshipseach worth $70,000 for admitted candidates reading PhD degree shall be available for award in eachacademic year.

Entrance Scholarships in Computer Science

In 2006, the Department of Computer Science under the Faculty of Engineering in the University of HongKong offered to establish entrance scholarships for students admitted to the BEng(CompSc) programmeof the Department via the Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS) from the academicyear 2006–07.

Entrance Scholarships in Electrical and Electronic Engineering

In 2006, the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering under the Faculty of Engineering in theUniversity of Hong Kong offered to establish entrance scholarships for students admitted to the BEngprogrammes of the Department from the academic year 2006–07.

Epson Foundation Scholarships

In 1991, Epson Foundation offered to donate two scholarships of the value of $6,000 each per annumfrom 1990–91 for three years to postgraduate students registered for a research degree of MPhil or PhD.In 1993, the Foundation offered to renew its support to the University for three more years and to increasethe value of each scholarship to $7,500 per annum. In 1996, the donor extended the scholarships for threeyears until 1998–99. In 1999, Epson Foundation confirmed the continuation of this scholarship for threeyears until and including the 2001–02 academic year. In 2001, Epson Foundation expressed its wish tooffer the scholarship to students who are pursuing an undergraduate degree in the Department ofComputer Science and Information Systems. Epson Foundation offered to extend the scholarship awardfrom 2002–03 to 2004–05 inclusive. In 2004, Epson Foundation revised the terms of scholarship awardwhich would be reviewed on an annual basis.

ExxonMobil Scholarship

In 1982, the Exxon Chemical Asia Pacific Limited donated a sum of $4,000 for the establishment of ascholarship for the year 1982–83 and then donated from the year 1983–84 until further notice a sum notexceeding $8,000 per year for the establishment of two scholarships to be awarded annually. In 1991,the Exxon Chemical International-Asia Limited donated from 1991–92 a scholarship of the value of$10,000 to be awarded annually. In 2000, the scholarship was re-named as the ‘ExxonMobil ChemicalScholarship’ to reflect the change of the name of the company. In 2002, the scholarship was re-namedas the ‘ExxonMobil Scholarship’ and the value of the scholarship was increased to $20,000.


37Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans

Fong’s Scholarship in Mechanical Engineering andFong’s Project Prize in Mechanical Engineering

(The same entry can also be found on p. 185, under ‘Prizes Tenable in the Faculty of Engineering’)

Gold Effort Electric Motor Manufacturing Ltd. Scholarship andElectrical Core & Motor Manufacturing Ltd. Scholarship

In December 2002, Mr Kwok Sau Po offered to set up scholarships in recognition of the academicachievement of students from the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

The HKEIA Education Foundation Scholarship

In 2008, The Hong Kong Electronic Industries Association launch the HKEIA Education FoundationScholarships Scheme in the academic year 2008–09. The purpose of the Scheme is to promote educationin the electrical and electronic fields by the award of scholarships of the value of $10,000 each annuallyto undergraduate students in six local tertiary education institutions desiring to train for an engineeringcareer connected with or related to the electrical and electronic industries.

The HKIE Building Services Division Scholarship

The HKIE Building Services Division Committee has agreed to donate an amount of $3,000 to theDepartment of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Hong Kong for a scholarship in the academicyear 2008–09.

HKIE Civil Division Scholarship

In 1998, the Civil Division of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (‘Sponsor’) donated an amount of$15,000 to the University to establish a scholarship to be awarded to a first-year undergraduate readingthe BEng degree in the Department of Civil Engineering in 1998–99 on the basis of academic merit asshown in the results of the HKALE. The donor agreed to extend the award to until the 2002–03 academicyear and will determine yearly whether the award will be further extended. On the annual agreementof the Sponsor, the scholarship was further awarded for the academic years 2003–04, 2004–05 and 2005–06.

HKMA Information Technology Management Club Scholarship

In 1992, the Hong Kong Management Association established a scholarship to be awarded annually toa second-year student reading the degree of BSc(CSIS). In 2004, the name of the scholarship was changedto ‘HKMA Information Technology Management Club Scholarship’. The scholarship of the value of$6,500 shall be available for award to a third-year student reading the degree of BSc(CSIS). In 2006, thedonor continued the sponsorship of scholarship at the value of $5,000 and the scholarship shall beawarded to students of the BSc(CSIS) in 2006–07 and BEng(CompSc) from 2007–08 onwards.

HKU Civil Engineering Departmental Scholarship

In 1996, the former Department of Civil and Structural Engineering donated $300,000 to establish ascholarship for award to a second-year student reading the BEng degree in Civil Engineering. In 1998,the HKU Civil and Structural Engineering Departmental Scholarship was renamed as the HKU CivilEngineering Departmental Scholarship.



HKU Engineering Alumni Association Scholarship

In 2008, HKU Engineering Alumni Association pledged to donate a lump sum of $75,000 for five yearsto support undergraduate students in the Faculty of Engineering. Hence an annual amount of $15,000shall be available for award for five years with effect from the academic year 2008–09.

HKU Industrial Engineering Alumni Scholarship

During the 25th Anniversary Dinner of the Department of Industrial and Manufacturing SystemsEngineering held in 1999, graduates of the Department donated a sum of $228,835.75 to establish theHKU Industrial Engineering Alumni Scholarship Fund for award of scholarships to undergraduatestudents of the Department. The scholarship shall be awarded with effect from the academic year2009–10.

HKURC-HKIUS Utility Specialists Fund Scholarship

In 2007, the Hong Kong Utility Research Centre (HKURC) and Hong Kong Institute of Utility Specialists(HKIUS) kindly offered to donate a scholarship for award to undergraduate students reading the degreeof BEng in Civil Engineering in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Hong Kong witheffect from the 2007–08 academic year.

Highways into the Next Century 1996 International Conference Scholarship

In 1997, a sum of $336,000 from the 1996 Highways Conference Scholarship Fund was donated to theDepartment of Civil Engineering of the University to establish a scholarship with effect from 1997–98.

Hip Hing Construction Scholarship

In 1994, Hip Hing Construction Co. Ltd. donated a sum of $50,000 for the establishment of a scholarshipfor a period of four years from 1994–95. In 1998, the donor donated two scholarships of the value of$18,000 each with effect from 1998–99. In 2004, the scholarship was re-named as the Hip HingConstruction Scholarship, and the value of each scholarship is $10,000.

Hitachi (HK) Limited Scholarship

In 1989, in celebration of the company’s 25th Anniversary, the Hitachi (HK) Limited donated a sum of$80,000 to the University for the establishment of a scholarship to be awarded to a second- or third-yearundergraduate student studying in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited Postgraduate Scholarships

In 1983, the Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited donated a sum of $250,000 to the Universityfor the provision of postgraduate scholarships and research grants. In 1991, the fund was retitled theHong Kong and China Gas Company Limited Postgraduate Scholarships Fund. In 1995, the donorincreased the value of the scholarships to the level of the composition fee.

Hong Kong Computer Society Scholarship

In 1981, the Hong Kong Computer Society donated a sum of $10,000 for the establishment of ascholarship to be awarded annually. In 1996, the value of the scholarship was $3,000.


39Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans

The Hongkong Electric Co. Ltd. Electrical Energy Postgraduate Scholarship

In 1995, the Hongkong Electric Co. Ltd. donated a postgraduate scholarship of the value of $10,000 foraward from 1996–97 to a full-time student reading a MPhil or a PhD degree in the field of or an arearelated to Electrical Energy Systems Engineering.

The Hongkong Electric Co. Ltd. Electrical Energy Scholarships

In 1992, the Hongkong Electric Co. Ltd. donated annually scholarships of $10,000 each to the Universityfor a period of three years from 1992–93. In 1995, the donor extended the award until further notice. Thedonor agreed to continue the sponsorship annually from the academic year 2008–09. The value of eachscholarship is $10,000 and shall be awarded to a first-year student, a second-year student and a third-year student.

Hongkong & Kowloon Electrical Appliances Merchants Association Ltd. Scholarship

In 1995, the Hongkong & Kowloon Electrical Appliances Merchants Association donated a sum of$100,000 for the establishment of scholarships for award to BEng in Electrical and Electronic Engineeringstudents.

The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (Fire Division) Scholarship

The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (Fire Division) has agreed to donate an annual scholarship tothe University of Hong Kong with effect from the academic year 2009–10.

Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks (HKSTP) Exchange Award

In 2007, the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks (HKSTP) is offering an exchange award to scienceand engineering students to undertake an enlightening entrepreneurial learning tour to the ØresundScience Region in Sweden/Denmark, with a view to nurturing students to be future entrepreneurs andprofessionals in their field of study. The award shall be awarded in the academic year 2007–08 initially.In November 2008, HKSTP agreed to continue the sponsorship of the Award for the academic year 2008–09 with the objectives to help Hong Kong to expand its knowledge-intensive economy and to nurtureour future generation of leaders in the areas of technology and innovation. The rise of China in globalstage, HKSTP believes empowering the next generation of leaders with visions and perspectives onnational development would be a key catalyst for their successful ventures.

Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation Scholarships

In 2001, Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation agreed to donate two scholarshipsannually to the University with effect from the 2001–02 academic year. The scholarships shall be of thevalue of $10,000 each and will be available to students in the BSc(CSIS) and BEng(EComE) disciplines.

Hsin Chong Construction Group Scholarship

In 1994, Hsin Chong Construction Co., Ltd. donated a scholarship of $12,500 to the University for aperiod of four years from 1994–95. In 1998, the donor increased the value of the award to $15,000. In 2001,the donor further extended the sponsorship of the award for four years commencing from the 2002–03academic year.



Hung Hing Ying Scholarships

(The same entry can also be found on p. 61, under Faculty of Science)

Hyder Scholarship

In 1997, the Hyder Consulting Limited donated a scholarship to the University annually with effect from1997–98 for a period of four years initially. The scholarship will be awarded to a first-year studentreading the degree of BEng in Civil Engineering and will be of the value of $25,000 per annum. In 2002,the donor agreed to extend the scholarship for another four years starting from 2002–03.

JRP Scholarship

In 2007, J. Roger Preston Limited donated one scholarship to the University for award to a full-timeundergraduate student who is a Hong Kong resident pursuing second year of studies in the BEng inElectrical Engineering offered by the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. In 2008, thedonor has reduced the value of the scholarship from $10,000 to $6,500 for the academic year 2007–08.

Jardine Engineering Corporation Ltd. Scholarship

In 1996, the Jardine Engineering Corporation Ltd. donated one scholarship of the value of $10,000 to theUniversity for award to a final-year student reading the BEng degree in either Electrical and ElectronicEngineering or Mechanical Engineering. In 2000, the scholarship shall be awarded to a final-yearundergraduate student who is majoring in Electrical or Mechanical or Building Services Engineering.

Johnson Electric Industrial Manufactory Ltd. Scholarships

In 1995, Johnson Electric Industrial Manufactory Ltd. donated three scholarships of the value of $10,000each for the period 1996–97 to 1997–98 to the University, for award to students following the ElectricalEnergy Systems Engineering curriculum. In 1998, the donor extended the award further for oneacademic year. In 1999, the scholarships were extended once again for the 1999–2000 academic year, andthereafter the donor would inform the University as to whether the scholarships would be continued ona yearly basis.

Junefair Engineering Co. Ltd. Scholarship

In 1995, Junefair Engineering Co. Ltd. donated a scholarship to the University for award until 1998–99to students following the Electrical Energy Systems Engineering curriculum. In 2003, the scholarshipshall be awarded to students following the Electrical Engineering curriculum.

Kingboard Scholarship in Engineering

In October 2007, Mr Christopher Cheng pledged to donate his honorarium as Independent Non-Executive Director of Kingboard Chemical Holdings Limited, which is equivalent to a sum of $300,000per year for three years initially. Kingboard also graciously pledged a dollar-for-dollar matching for thetime Mr Cheng’s tenure on its board. Hence, an annual donation of $600,000 shall be available for threeyears starting from the academic year 2008–09 in order to attract outstanding talents from MainlandChina to study at the University of Hong Kong, and to nurture future leaders of China.


41Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans

KONE Elevator Scholarship

In 2004, KONE Elevator (HK) Ltd. offered to establish at the University one scholarship of the value of$10,000 in the 2004–05 academic year for award , on the basis of academic merit, to third-year BEng(CivE)undergraduate students, who will undertake a five-day trip to KONE Kunshan Elevator Factory inMainland China during the summer of the year of award. In 2005, KONE Elevator (HK) Ltd. revised theregulations in order that the scholarship be made available to a third-year student who is pursuing his/her studies in the BEng in Building Services Engineering programme. In 2008, the donor informed theUniversity of the cancellation of the factory trip to Mainland China, the renaming of the Scholarship, andthe regulatory amendment that the scholarship be made to a second-year student who is pursuing his/her studies in the BEng(ME-BSE) programme.

KONE Elevator (HK) Ltd. Scholarship in Electrical Engineering

In 2007, the KONE Elevator (HK) Limited donated one scholarship to the University for award to a full-time undergraduate student who is a Hong Kong resident pursuing third year of studies in the BEng inElectrical Engineering offered by the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

AECOM Civil/Structural Engineering Scholarship andAECOM Environmental Engineering Scholarship

In 1994, Maunsell Consultants Asia Ltd. donated two scholarships of the value of $12,500 each to theUniversity for a period of four years from 1994–95. In 1998, the donor extended the sponsorship of theawards for another four years from 1998–99, and increased the value of each scholarship to $15,000. In2002, the donor further agreed to extend the scholarships for another three years starting from 2002–03.In October 2004, the donor agreed to further extend the scholarships to 2008–09. In 2008, the scholarshipswere re-named as the Maunsell AECOM Civil/Structural Engineering Scholarship and MaunsellAECOM Environmental Engineering Scholarship. In 2009, the scholarships were re-named as theAECOM Civil/Structural Engineering Scholarship and AECOM Environmental Engineering Scholarship.

AECOM Geotechnical Engineering Scholarship

In 1998, the Maunsell Consultants Asia Ltd. offered to donate one scholarship of the value of $18,000annually to the University from 1998–99 for an initial period of four years, for award to a third-yearstudent reading the BEng degree in the Department of Civil Engineering. In 2002, the donor furtheragreed to extend the scholarship for another three years starting from 2002–03. In October 2004, thedonor agreed to further extend the scholarship to 2008–09. In 2008, the scholarship was re-named as theMaunsell AECOM Geotechnical Engineering Scholarship. In 2009, the scholarship was re-named as theAECOM Geotechnical Engineering Scholarship.

Leung Ting Kui Scholarship

In April 2010, the family of Mr Leung Ting Kui agreed to donate an amount of $330,000 to the Departmentof Civil Engineering, the University of Hong Kong for the establishment of a scholarship for undergraduatestudents with effect from the academic year 2010–11.



Leung Ting Kui and Chow Che King Scholarship

In April 2010, the family of Mr Leung Ting Kui agreed to donate an amount of $30,000 to the Departmentof Civil Engineering, the University of Hong Kong for the establishment of a scholarship for postgraduatestudents with effect from the academic year 2010–11. The Scholarship was established to commemoratethe friendship between Ir Leung Tign Kui and Ir Chow Che King, who were classmates during theirtimes at the University and they have maintained very close friendship throughout their careers.

Meinhardt Consulting Engineers Electrical Energy Scholarship

In 1992, the BMP Mechanical & Electrical Ltd. donated a scholarship to the University for one year in thefirst instance. In 1993, the Meinhardt Consulting Engineers continued sponsorship of a scholarship ofthe value of $10,000 per annum until further notice. The award was extended by the donor in 1995 andin 1997. In December 1997, the donor extended the award for one academic year from 1998–99. In 1998,the donor extended the award for one academic year from 1999–2000 and once again from 2000–01. In2000, the donor further extended the award for a further three years from the 2001–02 to 2003–04academic year. In 2005, the donor further agreed to extend the award for a further three years from the2004–05 to 2006–07 academic year. In 2007, the donor agreed to extend the award for a further three yearsfrom the 2007–08 to 2009–10 academic year. In 2010, the donor agreed to extend the Scholarship for theacademic years 2010–11, 2011–12 and 2012–13.

Mitchell McFarlane Brentnall & Partners Scholarship

In 1994, Mitchell, McFarlane, Brentnall & Partners International Ltd. donated a scholarship of the valueof $12,500 to the University for a period of four years from 1994–95. In 1998, the donor increased the valueof the award to $15,000 with effect from 1998–99.

P.K. Yu Memorial Scholarship

In 1985, Mrs Patsy Yu donated a sum of $20,000 to the University for the establishment of a scholarshipin memory of her husband, the late Dr P.K. Yu, Senior Lecturer in the formerly Department of ElectricalEngineering from 1977 to 1984.

Parsons Brinckerhoff (Asia) Ltd. Scholarship

Parsons Brinckerhoff (Asia) Ltd. agreed to donate two scholarships each year to the Department ofMechanical Engineering of the University of Hong Kong, starting from the academic year 2008–09. Thevalue of each scholarship shall be $5,000.

Parsons Brinckerhoff (Asia) Ltd. Scholarship for Electrical Engineering

Parsons Brinckerhoff (Asia) Ltd. agreed to donate two scholarships each year to the Department ofElectrical and Electronic Engineering of the University of Hong Kong, starting from the academic year2008–09. The value of each scholarship shall be $5,000.


43Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans

Paul Y. Engineering Group Scholarship

In 2001, Paul Y. Engineering Group offered to donate a scholarship of the value of $20,000 annually tothe University with effect from 2000–01 for a period of five years initially. The scholarship shall beawarded to a second-year student reading the BEng degree in Civil Engineering. In 2005, the scholarshipwas re-named as the Paul Y. Engineering Group Scholarship.

Mr Poon Shiu Yung Scholarship in Civil Engineering

In 1996, a sum of $100,000 was donated to the University for award of a scholarship to an undergraduatestudent reading the BEng degree in Civil Engineering. In 1999–2000, a sum of $100,000 was furtherdonated by ATAL Engineering Ltd. for the award of two scholarships starting from the 2000–01academic year.

Mr Poon Shiu Yung Scholarship in Electrical and Electronic Engineering

In 2000, ATAL Engineering Ltd. donated an amount of $100,000 to the Department of Electrical andElectronic Engineering for the establishment of one scholarship with effect from the academic year2000–01 for three years. The scholarship shall be awarded to an undergraduate reading the BEng degreein the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering under the Electrical Engineering curriculum.The scholarship shall be of the value of $30,000 in the first instance. In 2003, the scholarship shall beawarded to students following the Electrical Engineering curriculum. In 2005, the donor confirmed theiragreement to continue the scholarship award for a further three years with effect from 2005–06, with thevalue of the scholarship of $30,000 in 2005–06, $35,000 in 2006–07 and $35,000 in 2007–08.

Mr Poon Shiu Yung Scholarship in Mechanical Engineering

In 1996, a sum of $100,000 was donated to the University for award of a scholarship to a student readingthe BEng degree in Mechanical Engineering. In 2000, ATAL Engineering Ltd. further donated anamount of $100,000 to the Department of Mechanical Engineering to continue the award of thescholarship annually for three years with effect from the academic year 2000–01.

Scott Wilson Scholarship

In 1997, Mr Ron H. Rakusen and Dr Martin H.C. Kwong, the Chairman and Managing Directorrespectively of Scott Wilson (Hong Kong) Limited, donated one scholarship of the value of $30,000 perannum to the University with effect from 1997–98 for a period of five years initially, to be awarded toa third-year student reading the degree of BEng in Civil Engineering.

Shun Hing JVC Scholarship

In 1985, the Shun Hing Education and Charity Fund Limited donated to the University a sum of $5,000per annum for the establishment of a scholarship to be awarded annually until further notice. The valueof the scholarship was increased to $7,000 in 1990 and $10,000 in 1992. In 1993, the Council of the Fundfurther increased the value of the scholarship to $15,000 per annum. In 1996, the value of the award wasagain increased to $18,750.



Simatelex Charitable Foundation Scholarships

In 1999, the Simatelex Charitable Foundation donated five scholarships of the value of $10,000 each tothe University for award in the 1999–2000 academic year. In 2000, the Foundation offered to continuethe donation from the 2000–01 academic year. In 2004, the Foundation offered to increase the numberof scholarships to eight. In May 2010, the Foundation agreed to increase the annual donation to $160,000with effect from the academic year 2010–11.

Sime Darby Scholarship Programme

Sime Darby Group has decided to establish a scholarship programme at the University of Hong Kongcommencing the 2009–10 academic year. A maximum of two scholarship awards shall be made eachyear. The Scholarships shall be of a maximum value of $65,000 each per year.

Solomon Systech Scholarship

In 2005, Solomon Systech will award scholarships to provide encouragement and financial assistance tostudents in Hong Kong who have excelled in their academic studies. A maximum of five scholarshipsof the value of $20,000 each will be awarded to full-time postgraduate and undergraduate engineeringstudents of local universities.

Sumida & Ichiro Yawata Foundation Scholarship

In 2004, Sumida & Ichiro Yawata Foundation offered to award four scholarships, of the value of $40,000each, to postgraduates and undergraduates in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineeringon a yearly basis with effect from the 2004–05 academic year. In 2005, Sumida & Ichiro YawataFoundation agreed to offer five scholarships for award in the 2005–06 academic year, two of which tofull-time students reading the MSc in Electronic and Electrical Engineering or MPhil in ElectronicEngineering, and three of which to full-time students who are in their second year or above studies inBEng in Electronic and Communications Engineering or the BEng in Electrical Engineering. With effectfrom 2006–07, the scholarship is no longer available for award to MPhil students in ElectronicEngineering. In 2008, the Sumida & Ichiro Yawata Foundation agreed to offer two scholarships foraward in the academic year 2007–08.

Mr Tsoi Tit Long Scholarship

In 2004, Professor Y.L. Choi offered to donate a scholarship of the value of $10,000 annually to theUniversity with effect from 2004–05, for award to a second-year student of the degree of MSc(Eng) inInfrastructure Project Management.

Western Harbour Tunnel Scholarship

In 2004, the Western Harbour Tunnel Company Limited (WHTCL) donated a scholarship to theUniversity for award to undergraduate students reading the degree of BEng in Civil Engineering in theDepartment of Civil Engineering with effect from the 2005–06 academic year. The scholarship recipientshall be named ‘Western Harbour Tunnel Transport Scholar’.


45Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans

Wong Nai Yin Scholarship

In 2005, Ir Billy W.H. Wong agreed to donate a scholarship, of the value of $20,000, to the University witheffect from 2005–06 for annual award to a student in his/her second year of study of the BEng degreein the Department of Civil Engineering on the basis of academic merit as shown in the examinationresults of his/her first year of study.

Professor Y.K. Cheung Scholarships

In 1995, the Organizing Committees of the International Conference on Computational Methods inStructural and Geotechnical Engineering and the Y.K. Cheung Symposium donated the credit balancefrom both functions for the establishment of two scholarships from 1995–96 for a period of 10 years. In1997, Professor C.F. Lee donated $95,000 to the capital fund of the scholarships and Professor Y.K.Cheung has indicated that he would also make a donation from time to time to supplement the fund.In 2003, the value of each of the scholarships was revised to $16,000 with effect from the academic year2003–04.

Y.S. and Christabel Lung Postgraduate Scholarship

In July 2004, the late Madame Christabel Chu Tsuk-Lim (an HKU alumna) left a legacy to the Universityof Hong Kong in memory of her husband, the late Professor Y.S. Lung (a HKU Engineering professor)and herself. The Y.S. and Christabel Lung Fund was then set up as a perpetual endowment to supportscholarships in the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Medicine.

Y.S. and Christabel Lung Undergraduate Scholarship for Engineering Students

In July 2004, the late Madame Christabel Chu Tsuk-Lim (an HKU alumna) left a legacy to the Universityof Hong Kong in memory of her husband, the late Professor Y.S. Lung (a HKU Engineering professor)and herself. The Y.S. and Christabel Lung Fund was then set up as a perpetual endowment to supportscholarships in the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Medicine. 25% of the investment incomegenerated from the endowment fund shall be used to support undergraduate scholarships in the Facultyof Engineering.

Y.W. Kwok Scholarships

(The same entry can also be found on p. 20, under Faculty of Arts)

Yook Tong Electric Co. Ltd. Electrical Energy Scholarship

In 1992, the Yook Tong Electric Co. Ltd. donated annually a scholarship of $10,000 to the University fora period of four years from 1992–93. In 1995, the donor extended the award to the year 2000–01 tostudents following the Electrical Energy Systems Engineering curriculum. In 2001, the donor confirmedthe continuation of the award of the scholarship for a period of four years from the 2001–02 academicyear until 2004–05. In 2003, the scholarship shall be awarded to students following the ElectricalEngineering curriculum. In 2006, the donor agreed to continue the sponsorship of the scholarship in2005–06.



Young Tsun Dart Scholarships

In 1961, Mrs Young Tsun Dart donated in memory of her husband a sum of $100,000 to the University,for the establishment of scholarships to be awarded annually.

Scholarships Tenable in the Faculty of Law

Mr Alan Leong SC’s Chambers Scholarships in Public Law

The objective of the scholarship is to give recognition to top quality law students, and to encourage themin cultivating this particular area of interest and expertise in the development of their professionalcareer.

Alan Smith Scholarship for Mainland Students

In 2006, Mr Alan Smith pledged a donation of $160,000 to the Faculty in support of the Master ofCommon Law (MCL) programme, and the first instalment was received in February 2006. Later in thesame year, the donor made a donation of $100,000 to the Dafydd Evans Memorial Fund in substitutionfor the $80,000 balance which he had previously committed, and has left it to the Faculty to put theamount to the best use. The Faculty has subsequently decided that the total sum be used to support theMCL programme by providing scholarships to students in the programme.

Allen & Overy Scholarship

In November 2001, Allen & Overy, an international law firm, agreed to donate two scholarships to twoundergraduate students entering the final year of the LLB curriculum at the University.

Association of China-Appointed Attesting Officers Scholarships

The Association of China-Appointed Attesting Officers donated an annual sum of $20,000 to the Facultyof Law, namely, an annual scholarship of $10,000 to an outstanding PCLL graduate of the Faculty whois a permanent resident of the HKSAR; and an annual scholarship of $10,000 to an outstanding lawgraduate from the People’s Republic of China undertaking one-year full-time study in the Master ofCommon Law programme in the Faculty. The Scholarships are available for award in the 2004–05academic year.

Baker & McKenzie Scholarship for Full Time BBA/Law and BSS Law Students

Baker & McKenzie, Solicitors and Notaries, will donate the amount of the award which will beequivalent to the tuition fee payable in final year of the LLB programme. The recipient of the Scholarshipshall be a 4th year full-time double degree student who are either doing BBA(Law) degree or doingBSocSc(Govt&Laws).


47Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans

Baker & McKenzie Scholarship for Full Time LLB Students

Baker & McKenzie, Solicitors and Notaries, will donate the amount of the award which will beequivalent to the tuition fee payable in the final year of the LLB programme. The recipient of theScholarship shall be a third year full-time LLB student of the Faculty of Law.

Bank of East Asia 75th Anniversary Scholarships

In 1995, in celebration of the Bank’s 75th Anniversary, the Bank of East Asia Ltd. donated threescholarships of the value of $5,000 each for award to students reading the degree of BSocSc, BSocSc(Govt&Laws), BBA, BBA(Acc&Fin), BBA(Law), BBA(IS), BEcon, BFin, BEcon&Fin, BSW or LLB.

Bank of East Asia Golden Jubilee Scholarships

From 1972–73, the Bank of East Asia Ltd. donated $7,000 a year to provide for two scholarships, of thevalue of $3,500 each. In 1983, the Bank of East Asia Ltd. increased the donation to $15,000 a year toprovide for three scholarships of the value of $5,000 each.

Class of ‘75 LLB Scholarship

The Class of ‘75 LLB Scholarship was set up by HKU law graduates of the Class of ‘75 with the aim toprovide support to needy yet promising local undergraduate law students. In 2005, a further donationof $80,000 was received from the alumni of the LLB Class of ‘75.

Professor Dafydd Evans Memorial Scholarship (by the Class of 1972)

In May 2006, the Class of 1972 LLB graduates donated a sum of $260,200 to the Faculty of Law to establisha scholarship to be awarded to an outstanding final-year LLB student of the Faculty with effect from theacademic year 2005–06. The Scholarship is established in memory of the late Professor Dafydd MeurigEmrys Evans, OBE, the founding Dean of the Faculty of Law who passed away in England on 1 April,2006 and who has devoted most of his life to legal education in Hong Kong and played a major part inplanning PCLL programme.

Des Voeux Chambers Junior Scholarship

In 1999, the Middle Temple Society in Hong Kong established a scholarship scheme for LLB studentswith effect from the 1998–99 academic year. Two to three scholarships of the value of $15,000 each areavailable for award to LLB second-year students. In February 2003, the title of the scholarship waschanged to Des Voeux Chambers Junior Scholarship due to the change in sponsorship while the sameobjectives apply.

Eric Au Memorial Fund Scholarship for Mooting

In April 2003, the trustees of the Eric Au Memorial Fund agreed to annually donate $10,000 to the Facultyof Law for the purpose of supporting mooting activities of the Faculty.



Fan Family Charitable Trust Scholarships

The Fan Family Charitable Trust agreed to donate an initial fund of $10 million to set up threescholarships annually for qualified students from Ningbo, on a renewal basis for the donation and theirdegree programme, one each in Medicine, Nursing, and Law. In the interests of attracting the beststudents, promotion of this programme would commence immediately in Ningbo.

HKU Faculty of Law Scholarships for Common Law Studies

The HKU Faculty of Law Scholarships for Common Law Studies were established in April 2004 insupport of students admitted to the Master of Common Law Programme offered by the Faculty of Law.A maximum of seven scholarships each of the maximum value equivalent to the tuition fee will beawarded annually to selected students enrolled in the programme.

The HKU JD Scholarship

In 2010, the Faculty of Law agreed to establish five scholarships of the value of $70,000 each, with its ownresources, for students entering the Juris Doctor (JD) Programme in the academic year 2010–11. Thepurpose of the scholarship is to help students pay the tuition fee, which is $252,000 for the whole JDprogramme.

HKU LLB3 Scholarship

In October 2009, an anonymous donor donated a sum of $500,000 to the Faculty of Law of the Universityof Hong Kong for the establishment of the HKU LLB3 Scholarship. The donation will be administeredby the Faculty of Law and the scholarship will be awarded from the academic year 2009–10.

Hogan Lovells Scholarship in Law for JD Students

In 2010, Lovells (the donor) offered to donate until further notice $5,000 per annum to the University ofHong Kong for the establishment of a scholarship, which is to be awarded annually to a studentregistered for the Juris Doctor (JD) programme. In May 2010, the scholarship was re-named as ‘HoganLovells Scholarship in Law for JD Students’ to reflect its merger with Hogan Hartson.

Hogan Lovells Scholarship in Law for LLB Students

In 1989, Lovell White Durrant, Solicitors in Hong Kong, donated to the University a scholarship of thevalue of $15,000 a year to be awarded to an undergraduate entering the second year of the LLB degreecurriculum. In 2000, the scholarship was re-named as ‘Lovells Scholarship in Law’ to reflect the changeof the name of the firm to ‘Lovells’. In August 2000, Lovells increased the value of scholarship to $20,000. With effect from the 2006–07, the scholarship shall be available for award to an LLB student in Year3 of the four-year LLB programme. In January 2007, Lovells decided to revise the value of the scholarshipto $5,000 from the academic year 2006–07. In May 2010, the scholarship was re-named as ‘Hogan LovellsScholarship in Law for LLB Students’ to reflect its merger with Hogan Hartson.


49Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans

Holman Fenwick & Willan Scholarship for Student Exchange

In August 2001, Holman Fenwick & Willan, an international law firm, agreed to donate an annualacademic scholarship to be awarded to a second-year LLB student who intends to participate in anexchange programme to an overseas university. In 2007, the donor agreed to extend the award to covereligible students of the mixed degrees programmes.

The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries Scholarships

(The same entry can also be found on p. 25, under Faculty of Business and Economics)

Hong Kong Trustees Association Scholarship

In 2006, the Hong Kong Trustees Association agreed to donate two annual Hong Kong TrusteesAssociation Scholarships to full-time students of research and taught postgraduate programmes in theFaculty of Law, the University of Hong Kong. Two scholarships each of the value of $20,000 in cash shallbe available for award to (a) full-time research postgraduate student having completed the probationaryperiod and proceeded to candidature; and/or (b) full-time taught postgraduate students havingcompleted at least 50% of the required coursework. The scholarship shall be awarded on the basis ofacademic merit as shown in the research proposal or examinations of equity- and/or trust-relatedcourses. The applicant is requested to submit for the donor’s consideration either his/her researchproposal outline after confirmation of candidature, or his/her class/tutorial assignments of equity-and/or trust-related courses.

Hou De Charitable Foundation Scholarship for the Postgraduate Certificate in LawsProgramme

In December 2005, the Hou De Charitable Foundation (the ‘Donor’) agreed to donate a sum of $200,000to the Faculty of Law for the establishment of a scholarship fund for annual award of scholarships to upto two candidates in the Postgraduate Certificate in Laws (PCLL) programme for an initial period of twoyears. In January 2008, the donor kindly agreed to continue his donation for two more years from 2008–09.A maximum of two scholarships, of the value of $50,000 each, shall be awarded with effect from theacademic year 2006–07 to students pursuing the PCLL programme on the basis of academic merit.

Professor Howard Yeung Travelling Scholarship for Chinese Studies

In July 2000, Professor Howard Yeung donated four scholarships per year to two of the top students inthe LLB course on Introduction to Chinese Law and two of the top students in the graduating LLB class.The Faculty of Law will collaborate with Professor Howard Yeung and a mainland China university toarrange a joint study tour for the scholarship recipients.

Kao, Lee & Yip Jessup Moot Competition Travel Grants

In 1990, Kao, Lee & Yip, Solicitors and Notaries, donated annually for three years from 1991 four travelgrants to the four selected students from the Faculty of Law of the University to participate in theInternational Jessup Moot Competition held in the United States of America. In 1994, the donorgenerously renewed its annual donation for three years from 1993–94.



Madam Lau Kit Fong (Sau Chee) Memorial Scholarship

In December 2006, in remembrance of their maternal Grandmother, Madam Lau Kit Fong (Sau Chee),who had supported their studies while they were young and who had passed away in July 2003, MrAndrew S.Y. Li, Barrister-at-law and Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law, together with some ofhis siblings, have donated a sum of $500,000 to the University to establish the Madam Lau Kit Fong (SauChee) Memorial Scholarship for an initial period of five years in support of LLB (including LLB doubledegrees) students who go on exchange for either one semester or one academic year. The Scholarshipsshall be awarded annually from the academic year 2006–07 to support students who will participate inexchange programmes in the academic year that follows.

Leslie Wright Scholarships for Mainland Students

In 2004, the Management Committee of the Leslie Wright: HK-China Legal Fund established a numberof Leslie Wright Scholarships for award to students from the Mainland admitted to the Master ofCommon Law Programme in the Faculty of Law.

Leung & Wan Solicitors – LuJiaZui Finance & Law Talents Scholarship

Leung & Wan, Solicitors has agreed to donate an annual sum of $120,000 in the name of ‘Leung & WanChina Development & Foundation’, to the Faculty of Law of the University of Hong Kong, for anoutstanding law graduate from any university in Shanghai City, Jiangsu Province or Zhejiang Provinceof the People’s Republic of China undertaking one-year full-time study in the Master of Common Lawprogramme in the Faculty. The Scholarship shall be awarded with effect from the academic year2008–09.

M.W. Lo Memorial Scholarships

In 2004, the Jessie & George Ho Charitable Foundation generously donated a sum of $10 million for theestablishment of a fund to provide scholarships to be awarded annually to students reading the BachelorDegree of Laws (LLB) and the Postgraduate Certificate in Laws (PCLL).

M.W. Lo Memorial Scholarships for Outstanding Mainland Students

In September 2009, the Jessie & George Ho Charitable Foundation generously donated a sum of$5 million to the University at the occasion of Commercial Radio’s 50th anniversary. The fund is usedto award scholarships to encourage deserving students from the poorer regions or provinces ofMainland China to pursue their studies in the Faculty of Law at the University of Hong Kong.

Sir Man Kam Lo/Jardine Scholarship

(The same entry can also be found on p. 18, under Faculty of Arts)

Masons Scholarship for Commercial Arbitration Mooting

In October 2000, Masons, an international law firm in Hong Kong, agreed to donate a scholarship to theUniversity for award to LLB or PCLL students.


51Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans

Mayer Brown JSM Scholarship for LLB Students

Since 1986, Johnson, Stokes & Master (‘donor’) has been awarding two annual Johnson, Stokes & MasterScholarships to students in the LLB programme of the University of Hong Kong. In 1996, the donoragreed to increase the value of each of the scholarship to $18,000, and in 2002, extended the sponsorshipto BBA(Law) and BSocSc(Govt&Laws) students and revised the amount of the award equivalent to thetuition fee of the degree programme. With effect from May 2010, Johnson, Stokes & Master is renamedas ‘Mayer Brown JSM’.

The Ng Fung Chow Memorial Scholarship

In 2005, family members of the late Mr Ng Fung Chow agreed to provide, starting from the academicyear 2005–06, a scholarship of the value of $40,000 for students registered for the self-funded PostgraduateCertificate in Laws (PCLL) at the University of Hong Kong. The scholarship shall be used to cover inpart the tuition fees of the PCLL programme and shall be awarded on the basis of academic merit andfinancial need.

Pam Baker Scholarships in Human Rights

The Pam Baker Scholarships in Human Rights were established in March 2002 for the purpose ofhonouring the work of Ms Pam Baker in furthering the protection of human rights in Hong Kong. Ascholarship will be awarded annually to a student who has been admitted to the LLM in Human Rightsdegree programme at the Faculty of Law.

Peter Vine Postgraduate Law Scholarship

In 1989, the Peter Vine Charitable Foundation donated $100,000 to provide an annual scholarship for aLLB graduate to undertake one year of full-time study for the degree of LLM. In 1992, the Foundationsupplemented the income from the original donation for a period of five years so that each scholarshipis worth $50,000 per annum. In 1997, the Foundation extended the scholarship to the year 1999–2000.In 1999, the Foundation donated an annual sum of $300,000 to provide scholarships to outstanding LLBgraduates of the Faculty of Law to support their one-year full-time study overseas in the degree of Masterof Laws or equivalent, and to law graduates from the People’s Republic of China who are undertakingthe Postgraduate Diploma in Common Law at the University. In 2002, the donor kindly increased theannual donation to $144,000.

Richards Butler in association with Reed Smith LLP Penelope Chan Chu Ling MemorialScholarship

In 1999, Richards Butler, an international law firm in Hong Kong, donated a scholarship to the Universityfor award to LLB students. With effect from January 2008, Richards Butler is working in association withReed Smith LLP as ‘Richards Butler in association with Reed Smith LLP’. The donation will be reviewedannually and the donor will notify the University in writing if the scholarship is to cease. The scholarshipshall be awarded to an LLB student who has just completed the first year of his studies.



Richards Butler in association with Reed Smith LLP Scholarships

In 1989, Richards Butler, an international law firm in Hong Kong, donated two scholarships of the valueof $10,000 each for award annually to LLB graduates pursuing PCLL studies. In 1992, the value of eachscholarship was further increased to $15,000. In 1999, the donor amended the terms of the agreementsuch that the scholarships would also be made available to students in their third year of the LLB degreebased on their second-year final examination results. In 2003, the scholarships shall be awarded tostudents in their second year of the LLB degree. In 2005–06 and 2006–07, the scholarships shall beavailable for award to two students who are in the ‘penultimate year of study’ of the LLB degree. In 2008,the scholarships shall be re-named as Richards Butler in association with Reed Smith LLP Scholarshipsand shall be awarded to second-year LLB students.

Scholarship for Legal Talent of the Development of China West Region

In 2010, Leung & Wan Solicitors China Development Foundation donated a sum of $20,000 to the Facultyof Law, the University of Hong Kong for an annual scholarship of $5,000 for a mainland student readingthe Master of Common Law (MCL) programme in the Faculty on a self-funded basis. The Scholarshipshall be awarded with effect from the academic year 2010–11.

Sohmen Human Rights Scholarships

In August 2005, Dr Helmut Sohmen kindly agreed to donate the annual sum of $1.2 million for fiveacademic years commencing in the academic year 2005–06 for outstanding students from the Asianregion admitted to the University of Hong Kong’s Master of Laws in Human Rights Programme. Theobjective of the award is to promote the protection of human rights in Asia and to develop a world classhuman rights programme, with particular focus on Asia, at the University of Hong Kong. A maximumof 10 scholarships shall be awarded annually to outstanding law graduates who have been offered placeson the programme. The scholarship shall be used to cover fully or partly the tuition fees and otherexpenses relevant to the programme.

Sun Hung Kai Properties – Kwoks' Foundation Law Scholarship

The Sun Hung Kai Properties – Kwoks’ Foundation Law Scholarship was established with a totaldonation of $2.52 million by the Sun Hung Kai Properties – Kwoks’ Foundation Limited to attractoutstanding talents from Mainland China to study postgraduate programmes in Law at the Universityof Hong Kong, and to nurture future leaders of China.␣ The Scholarship will benefit various aspects ofChina Legal Education in the Law Faculty.

Sweet & Maxwell Asia Scholarships for Jessup International Law Moot

In February 2002, Sweet & Maxwell Asia, an international legal publisher, donated $120,000 to establishscholarships to be awarded to the team of student mooters from either the University of Hong Kong orthe City University of Hong Kong, who are selected to represent Hong Kong in Jessup International LawMoot Competition held in Washington DC in 2002. In December 2002, the donor kindly agreed to renewthe scholarships that will enable the selected team of student mooters to participate in the JessupInternational Law Moot Competition held in Washington DC in 2003.


53Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans

Taolin Memorial Scholarship

In January 2010, in remembrance of her late parents, Ms Tammy Kwai Fong Goh [LLB(Hons) 1977]caused the Fan Family Charitable Trust to donate a sum of $1 million to the University to establish theTaolin Memorial Scholarship in support of LLB (including LLB double degrees) students who go onexchange for one semester or one academic year. The Scholarship shall be awarded annually from theacademic year 2010–11.

Woo Li Shiu Charm Memorial Scholarship

In memory of his mother, the late Madam Woo Li Shiu Charm, Mr Woo Hon Fai donated in 1982 a sumof $50,000 to the University for the establishment of one or more scholarships to be awarded annuallyto an undergraduate beginning the first year of the LLB degree curriculum on the basis of academic meritas shown in the HKALE in the year in which the award is made. The number and value of thescholarships to be awarded each year shall be determined on the basis of the income available.

Woo Po Shing Overseas Summer School Travelling Scholarship

In 1983, Mr Woo Po Shing donated a sum of $100,000 to the University for the establishment of ascholarship.

Scholarships Tenable in the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine

Professor Anthony J. Hedley Scholarship for Master of Public Health

In recognition of Professor Anthony J. Hedley’s contribution to the development and teaching of theMaster of Public Health (MPH) programme, the Board of Studies of the Master of Public Health hasestablished a scholarship with effect from the academic year 2010–11 with the donations from ProfessorHedley’s friends and colleagues.

B.L. Wong Scholarships for Master of Research in Medicine

In 2000, Dr Wong Bing Lai and his sons, Messrs Wong Tat Chang, Abraham, Wong Tat Kee, David andWong Tat Sum, Samuel, donated a sum of $300,000 to the Faculty for the establishment of a scholarshipscheme for candidates admitted to the Master of Research in Medicine [MRes(Med)] programme witheffect from 2000–01.

CMA Dr Cheng Ha Yan SARS Memorial Scholarships

In 2004, the Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong agreed to donate a sum of $500,000 forthe establishment of annual scholarships for award to full-time MBBS undergraduates in any year ofstudies. In November 2004, the donor donated a further sum of $200,000 in support of the scholarshipscheme. Three scholarships of the value of $5,000 each shall be available for award.



C.V. Starr Scholarships in Chinese Medicine

In December 2001, the Starr Foundation of USA made a generous donation of US$250,000 to set up apermanent scholarship endowment fund for the establishment of a number of C.V. Scholarships at theSchool of Chinese Medicine.

Mr and Mrs Chen Hip-hung Scholarships

In line with the wish of his mother’s grandfather, Mr Poon Yan Chuen, one of the founders and membersof the Fund Raising Committee of the Hong Kong University in 1909 and his grandfather, Mr ChenShum-loong, who donated a series of Chinese classical books to the University about sixty years ago(currently shelved in the Fung Ping Shan Library) and in memory of his mother, the late Mrs Chen Hip-hung, Mr Chen Shao-chi donated a sum of $3,000 per annum with effect from 1983–84 for the award ofone scholarship for students in the Faculty. The value of the award had been revised over the years, andon the occasion of Mr Chen Shao-chi’s seventieth birthday, Mr Chen’s family donated $40,000 for theaward of two scholarships of the value of $20,000 each.

Cheng C. Chiu Scholarship for Outstanding Medical Students

In December 2008, Dr May Helen Chiu generously pledged a donation of $1 million to the Universityof Hong Kong to establish a scholarship endowment in memory her late husband, Mr Cheng C. Chiu.The annual investment income generated from the endowment will be used to award the scholarshipsto outstanding students entering the University to pursue the degree of MBBS. The Scholarships willbe awarded annually starting from the academic year 2009–10.

Chiap Hua Cheng’s Foundation Scholarships

In 1978, the Chiap Hua Cheng’s Foundation donated to the University three scholarships of the valueof $5,000 each to be awarded annually. The value of each award was increased to $6,000 with effect from1989–90, and then to $9,000 with effect from 1990–91. In 1993, the value of each scholarship was increasedto $17,000. In 1994, the Foundation continued to sponsor one scholarship of the value of $24,000.

Chinese Medicine Entrance Scholarship

The School of Chinese Medicine decided to establish the Chinese Medicine Entrance Scholarship toattract outstanding JUPAS students to study for the degree of Bachelor of Chinese Medicine (BChinMed).The Scholarship shall be awarded annually starting from the academic year 2010–11.

Digby Memorial Scholarships

The Digby Memorial Fund was raised to provide for scholarships by a group of medical graduates inmemory of Professor K.H. Digby, Professor of Anatomy from 1913 to 1923, and Professor of Surgeryfrom 1923 to 1941, and Emeritus Professor from 1950 to 1954.


55Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans

Elaine G.C.F. Tso Library Grant and Research Grants in EndocrinologyElaine G.C.F. Tso Medical Elective Travel GrantsElaine G.C.F. Tso Memorial Scholarships

In 1983, Mr and Mrs Tso Chak Chun donated a sum to the University for the award of a scholarship andvarious grants in memory of their daughter, the late Dr Elaine G.C.F. Tso, Lecturer in the Departmentof Physiology from 1980 to 1982, and a student of Art and Design in the former Department of Extra-mural Studies from 1979 to 1982.

Fan Family Charitable Trust Scholarships

(The same entry can also be found on p. 48, under Faculty of Law)

H.E. Wu Jie Ping Hepatology Research Scholarship

In 2000, the Cheng Si Yuan (China-International) Hepatitis Research Foundation pledged an annualdonation of $300,000 to the University to establish the His Excellency (H.E.) Wu Jie Ping HepatologyResearch Scholarship for the purpose of enhancing the quality and effectiveness of Hepatology researchservice in China.

Hang Seng Bank – Dr Cheng Ha Yan Memorial Scholarship

Hang Seng Bank Limited and the Faculty agreed to set up a scholarship of $150,000 in memory of DrCheng Ha Yan, who was a 1997 medical graduate of the Faculty who died of SARS in June 2003. A totalof 10 awards under the Scholarship, each for an amount of $15,000 shall be made over a period of fiveyears, starting from the 2003–04 academic year of the University.

The Hong Kong Cancer Fund Scholarship in Psycho-Oncology

In 2002, the Hong Kong Cancer Fund (HKCF) offered to provide a postgraduate scholarship tosupplement funding for research training in psycho-oncology for an outstanding (medical, nursing orother) clinically qualified candidate who undertakes a PhD degree within the Center for Psycho-Oncology Research and Training (CePORT) at the University with effect from the 2001–02 academicyear.

The Hong Kong Geriatrics Society Medical Elective Travel Grant

In 2007, the Hong Kong Geriatrics Society offered to establish a yearly sponsorship to a final-yearmedical student to undertake an overseas elective in geriatric medicine. The grant will be made availablewith effect from the academic year 2008–09.

Hou De Charitable Foundation Scholarship for Master of Research in Medicine

In 2005, the Hou De Charitable Foundation agreed to donate, for an initial period of two years, a sumup to $200,000 per year for the establishment of a scholarship scheme for annual award to up to 4candidates admitted to the Master of Research in Medicine [MRes(Med)] programmes. The scholarshipsof the value of $50,000 each shall be used to cover the tuition fees (in full or in part) of the programmeand where appropriate, allowance for other expenses.



Hui Pun Hing Scholarships for Postgraduate Research

In 1990, on the establishment of the Hui Pun Hing Endowment Fund, the University awarded every yeartwo postgraduate research scholarships to students pursuing postgraduate research studies in the fieldof science, including medicine, leading to the degree of PhD.

Jackin Poon Elective Travel Grant

In 1987, Dr K.C. Poon donated a sum of $50,000 for the award of travel grants to assist students in thefinal year of the MBBS curriculum to undertake elective attachments at overseas medical schools.

Joseph Shuk-Cho Lung Memorial Scholarships

In 2010, Professor Maria Li Lung has established a scholarship to commemorate her husband, the lateMr Joseph Shuk-Cho Lung. The Scholarships shall be awarded annually to two PhD researchpostgraduate students in the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine. The value of the Scholarships shall be$5,000 each to be used as a subsidy for students’ composition fees.

K.P. Stephen Chang Travel Grant

The K.P. Stephen Chang Memorial Fund was established in 1971 with donations from the friends of thelate Dr K.P. Stephen Chang, Senior Lecturer in Medicine from 1949 to 1958.

Li Po Chun Charitable Trust Fund Undergraduate Scholarship in Nursing Studies

In 2000, the Li Po Chun Charitable Trust Fund donated two scholarships to be awarded annually witheffect from the academic year 2000–01: one scholarship to a third-year full-time undergraduate and theother to a fourth-year full-time undergraduate, both of whom must be reading the degree of Bachelorof Nursing (full-time). The value of the scholarships shall be determined by the donor each year($22,000 each since 2000–01 and $20,000 each since 2002–03).

Li Shu Fan Medical Foundation Clinical Scholarships and Bursaries

Since 1963, the Li Shu Fan Medical Foundation has made available annually one scholarship and one ormore bursaries to be awarded to MBBS students. In 1982, the Foundation provided for two scholarshipsand a number of bursaries annually.

Li Tsoo Yiu Memorial Scholarship or Bursary

The Tsoo Yiu Memorial Fund Committee had donated a sum of $25,000 to the University for the awardof a scholarship in memory of the late Dr Li Tsoo Yiu.


57Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans

Lo Chung Wan Memorial Scholarship

In 2002, a sum of $1.03 million was donated by an anonymous donor for the establishment of the LoChung Wan Memorial Scholarship for award to MBBS undergraduate students. In July 2008, the donordonated a further sum of $1.03 million to the Principal Fund so that two scholarships shall be availablefor award from the academic year 2008–09 onwards.

Mannings’ Scholarship

In 2009, The Dairy Farm Company Limited agreed to make a donation to set up a scholarship for studentsundertaking the Bachelor of Pharmacy programme. The scholarship shall be awarded in the academicyear 2009–10 and shall be subject to further review by the donor as to whether it shall be continued insubsequent years.

Dr Mary Hui Ling Li Memorial Scholarships

In 1971, Mr Kwei Wah Shan of Hong Kong donated a sum of $100,000 to the University to establish fivescholarships in the Faculty in memory of his wife.

Mary Sun Medical Scholarships

(The same entry can also be found on p. 29, under Faculty of Dentistry)

Master of Public Health Honorary Teachers Scholarship Programme

In recognition of the many hours dedicated to and the tremendous support for the Master of PublicHealth (MPH) programme by honorary teachers and senior public leaders in Hong Kong, the Master ofPublic Health Board of Studies has established a scholarship programme for newly enrolled Master ofPublic Health candidates of $100,000 (per year). Two scholarships of $50,000 each shall be available eachyear.

Morse Scholarship

This scholarship, which is normally of the value of $1,350, shall be awarded annually.

Nestle Elective Grant in Paediatrics

In 1988, the Nestle China Limited donated a sum of $4,000 annually for a period of three years from1988–89 to assist students in the final year of the MBBS curriculum to undertake approved electiveattachments at overseas medical schools. In 1990, the Nestle China Limited extended the annualdonation from $4,000 to $5,000 for another three years until 1993–94. In 1993, the donation was extendedfor a further period of one year, renewable on a yearly basis.



Mr Paulo Lam Medical Elective Travel Grant

In 1999, Mr Paulo Lam generously made an annual donation of $10,000 for three years from 1999–2000to establish an elective travel grant award to assist students in the final year of the MBBS curriculum toundertake approved elective attachments at the University of Oxford/Cambridge, the United Kingdom.

Project Rainbow Scholarship

In 2004, a sum of $200,000 was donated by Project Rainbow-Anti-SARS Concert for the establishmentof the Project Rainbow Scholarship in memory of Dr Cheng Ha Yan, Kate, Dr Tse Yuen Man, Dr Lau TaiKwan, James, and Dr Cheung Sik Hin, Thomas, for their dedication and commitment in the battle againstSARS. The scholarship shall be awarded to undergraduate students studying the MBBS/BNurs/BSc(BioInf)/BChinMed programme and who have demonstrated evidence of participation in voluntarywork to serve humanity and extra-curricular activities as well as academic achievement.

PuraPharm Group Scholarships

In 2007, PuraPharm Group agreed to offer a donation of $29,000 each year to establish the PuraPharmGroup Scholarship in recognition of the outstanding academic performance of the Chinese Medicinestudents of the School of Chinese Medicine.

Mr and Mrs S.H. Wong Foundation Scholarship for Master of Research in Medicine

In 2001, the Board of Governors of the Mr and Mrs S.H. Wong Foundation agreed to donate a sum upto $200,000 per year for the establishment of a scholarship scheme for candidates admitted to the Masterof Research in Medicine [MRes(Med)] programme. The scheme was on trial for two years starting from2001–02 and is subject to review after the period. In 2003, the Board of Governors agreed to extend thescholarship scheme for a further period of two years.

S.K. Yee Medical Foundation Scholarships

In 1987, the S.K. Yee Medical Foundation, established by Dr S.K. Yee, CBE, JSD, founder and chairmanof the Board of Directors of the United Chinese Bank Limited, donated from 1988–89 a sum of $100,000annually to the University for the establishment of 10 scholarships to be awarded to undergraduates inthe Faculty of Medicine on the basis of academic merit and financial need. In 1996, the value of the annualdonation was increased to $121,000. In 1997, the Trustees of the S.K. Yee Medical Foundation increasedthe donation to $133,000. In 1998, the Trustees increased the donation to $146,000. In 2000, theFoundation’s Trustees increased the donation to $160,000 for the 2000–01 academic year. In 2001, theFoundation’s Trustees further increased the donation to $176,000 for the 2001–02 academic year. In 2006,the Foundation’s Trustees further increased the donation to $185,000 for the 2005–06 academic year andthe number of the scholarships was increased to 20.

Scholarship and Research Fund for Studies in Pathology

In 1990, following the receipt of a number of anonymous donations for the support of students pursuingthe BSc(BiomedSc) intercalated course in Pathology, it was agreed that a scholarship and research fundfor such students be established.


59Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans

Serena Yang Postgraduate Scholarship in Nursing Studies

In 2004, Ms Serena Yang, through her association with Professor Farideh Salili of the Department ofNursing Studies, established a scholarship with a donation of $1 million to be awarded annually witheffect from the academic year 2004–05 to full-time research postgraduate students.

Sun Chieh Yeh Cardiovascular Research Fellowship

In 2005, the Sun Chieh Yeh Heart Foundation donated a sum of $90,000 to the Faculty for theestablishment of a fellowship award for postgraduate students and research associates for carrying outresearch in cardiology.

T.Y. Wu Foundation Scholarship

In 2008, the T.Y. Wu Foundation donated a sum of $300,000 to the University of Hong Kong for the awardof six scholarships to students in the LKS Faculty of Medicine in the academic year 2008–09. In January2010, the Foundation agreed to continue the sponsorship for the Scholarship for the academic year 2009-10.

Madam Tsang Kit Man Memorial Scholarship

In memory of the late Madam Tsang Kit Man, her family donated a sum of $100,000 in 2001 to establisha scholarship to be awarded each year from the 2000–01 academic year onwards. The scholarship shallbe awarded to a student in the final year of the MBBS degree programme.

W.T. Lee Medical Elective Travel Grants

Mr W.T. Lee donated a sum of $16,000 each year from 1981–82 to 1990–91 to the University for the awardof travel grants to assist up to four students in the final year of the MBBS curriculum to undertakeapproved elective attachments in the United Kingdom. In 1991, Mr W.T. Lee extended the annualdonation with effect from 1991–92.

Wong Ching Yee Medical Awards

Through funds received from the estate of the late Madam Wong Ching Yee, Wong Ching Yee MedicalScholarships, Medical Elective Travel Grants, and Medical Postgraduate Scholarships have beenestablished.

Y.S. and Christabel Lung Postgraduate Scholarship

(The same entry can also be found on p. 45, under Faculty of Engineering)

Y.S. and Christabel Lung Undergraduate Scholarship for Medical Students

In July 2004, the late Madame Christabel Chu Tsuk-Lim (an HKU alumna) left a legacy to the Universityof Hong Kong in memory of her husband, the late Professor Y.S. Lung (a HKU Engineering professor)and herself. The ‘Y.S. and Christabel Lung Fund’ was then set up as a perpetual endowment to support



scholarships in the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Medicine. 25% of the investment incomegenerated from the endowment fund shall be used to support undergraduate scholarships in the Li KaShing Faculty of Medicine.

Y.W. Kwok Scholarships

(The same entry can also be found on p. 20, under Faculty of Arts)

Yau Mon-Chi and Leung Cheuk-Kwan Memorial Scholarship

In 2007, a sum of $1.03 million was donated by an anonymous donor for the establishment of the YauMon-Chi and Leung Cheuk-Kwan Memorial Scholarship for award to a MBBS student.

Yu Chun Keung Memorial Scholarship for Master of Research in Medicine

In 2000, a family member of the late Mr Yu To Sang generously offered to donate a sum of $1.25 millionto the Faculty for the establishment of a scholarship scheme for candidates admitted to the Master ofResearch in Medicine [MRes(Med)] programme.

Yu Chun Keung Memorial Scholarship for Medical Elective Travel

In 2000, a family member of the late Mr Yu To Sang generously offered to donate a sum of $1.25 millionto the Faculty for the establishment of a scholarship scheme for the final-year MBBS students. Thescholarship shall be awarded to students for undertaking elective attachments at overseas medicalschools.

Scholarships Tenable in the Faculty of Science

AIA Foundation Scholarships

(The same entry can also be found on p. 1, under All Faculties)

Association of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists (Hong Kong) Scholarship

In 2005, the Association of Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Specialists (Hong Kong) has madeavailable a scholarship of the value of $10,000 for annual award to a student reading the Master of Sciencedegree in the field of Applied Geosciences on the basis of academic merit as shown in the examinations.

Cheung King Pak Memorial Scholarship

In 1998, in memory of his late father Mr Cheung King Pak (BA 1932), Dr Cheung Kung Kai donated asum of $150,000 to the University for the establishment of a scholarship.


61Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans

Dorothy Collins Memorial Scholarships

In 2003, a sum of $1.85 million was donated to the Department of Chemistry by the late Mrs Dorothy AdaCollins who passed away in 2002 to establish a Collins Memorial Fund. Part of the interest generatedfrom the memorial fund shall be used for scholarship awards in Chemistry to first-year undergraduatestudents.

HKCA Site Investigation Contractor’s Committee Scholarship

In 2006, the Site Investigation Contractor’s Committee of the Hong Kong Construction Associationsupported the Master of Science in the field of Applied Geosciences programme by sponsoring ascholarship. The scholarship shall be awarded to a student reading the Master of Science degree in thefield of Applied Geosciences and shall be of the value of $10,000. In 2009, the donor decided to supporta scholarship in the Bachelor of Science programme in the field of Geology instead of Master of Scienceprogramme.

The Hong Kong Federation of Insurers Scholarship

In 1992, the Hong Kong Federation of Insurers established a scholarship of the value of $15,000 for aperiod of three years from 1992–93, to be awarded annually to a final-year BBA student who has selectedeither the Accounting and Finance Module or the Marketing Module on the basis of academic merit,leadership qualities and financial need. In 1995, the value of the scholarship was increased to $20,000for award with effect from 1995–96. In 1997, the scholarship was awarded to a BSc(ActuarSc) student.In 1998–99, the donor increased the number of scholarships with the objective of encouraging tertiaryeducation on insurance. In 2004, the Hong Kong Federation of Insurers offered to increase the numberof scholarships for award to two first-year undergraduates majoring in Actuarial Science with effectfrom 2004–05.

Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks (HKSTP) Exchange Award

(The same entry can also be found on p. 39, under Faculty of Engineering)

Hui Pun Hing Scholarships for Postgraduate Research

(The same entry can also be found on p. 56, under Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine)

Hung Hing Ying Scholarships

In 1986, Mr Frank F.L. Hung donated a sum of $2.5 million to the University to support research inphysical sciences and to establish scholarships for candidates reading the degree of MPhil or PhD in thefields of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Computer Studies.



J.G. Phillips Memorial Scholarship

The J.G. Phillips Memorial Scholarship was established in 1988 with donations from students andfriends of the late Professor J.G. Phillips, Professor of Zoology from 1962 to 1967, for award to full-timestudents reading the degree of MPhil or PhD in the School of Biological Sciences.

Li Po Kwai Scholarships

In 1958, Mr Li Po Kwai donated $20,000 to establish scholarships for award by the Senate from time totime.

Norman Chui Scholarships

In May 2004, Mr Norman Chui donated a capital sum of $250,000 to establish an endowment fund forthe award of two scholarships of the value of $5,000 to a final-year undergraduate and a graduate fromthe Department of Chemistry.

Dr P.M. Hui Memorial Scholarship

Mrs P.M. Hui has made a donation to establish a scholarship in memory of the late Dr P.M. Hui.

Pacific Century Insurance Scholarships

(The same entry can also found on p. 28, under Faculty of Business and Economics)

Patrick S.C. Poon Scholarship in Actuarial Science

In 2010, Mr Patrick S.C. Poon has pledged to the University of Hong Kong for the establishment of tenscholarships in Actuarial Science, which shall be awarded annually from the academic year 2011–12until further notice. In 2011, the last year of having both EAS and JUPAS candidates, the ten scholarshipsare equally divided in the two streams of admission.

Rayson Huang Scholarship in Chemistry

The Rayson Huang Scholarship in Chemistry was established in 1987 with donations from friends andcolleagues of Dr Rayson Huang, Vice-Chancellor of the University from 1972 to 1986, for award to BScor MPhil/PhD students in Chemistry.


63Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans

Rohm and Haas Electronic Materials Asia Ltd. Scholarship

In 1995, LeaRonal (Southeast Asia) Limited donated a scholarship of the value of $3,000 for award to BScstudents specializing in Chemistry. In 1996, the scholarship was re-named as LeaRonal Asia LimitedScholarship, the value of which was increased to $5,000. In 1997, the donor increased the value of thescholarship to $10,000 with effect from 1997–98. In 1999, LeaRonal Asia Limited merged with ShipleyChemicals (Hong Kong) Limited to become Shipley Asia Limited. As such, the scholarship wasre-named as the ‘Shipley Asia Limited Scholarship’ to reflect the merger of the two companies. In 2004,the scholarship was re-named as the ‘Rohm and Haas Electronic Materials Asia Ltd. Scholarship’ toreflect the change of the name of the company.

Saw Swee Hock Statistics Scholarship

In 2005, Professor Saw Swee Hock, founding Professor of Statistics of the University from 1969 to 1971,donated a capital sum of $300,000 to set up a scholarship at the University in recognition of the academicachievement of BSc graduates whose first majors are in the Department of Statistics and ActuarialScience. A maximum of two scholarships, of the value of $5,000 each, shall be awarded annually witheffect from the academic year 2005–06 on the basis of academic merit to BSc graduates whose first majorsare in the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, and who have a minimum cumulative GPAscore of 3.0 (B) in their studies.

Science Entrance Scholarship

In 2008, the Faculty of Science established the Science Entrance Scholarship for students admitted to theBSc programme.

Statistics and Actuarial Science (SAAS) Scholarships

The Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science of the Faculty of Science has made available 17scholarships for the academic year of 2004–05. The number of scholarships has increased from 17 to 20from 2007–08 intake.

The James Henry Scott Hong Kong PhD Scholarship

John Swire & Sons Ltd. has established a PhD scholarship tenable at the Swire Institute of Marine Science(SWIMS), the University of Hong Kong, under the Swire Educational Trust scheme. The scholarshipsupports advanced inter-disciplinary research in physical-ecological processes. The scholar will besupervised by international experts from SWIMS and the Croucher Laboratory of EnvironmentalHydraulics, Department of Civil Engineering of HKU.

The Swire Hong Kong PhD Scholarship in Marine Biology

In 2008, The Swire Educational Trust established The Swire Hong Kong PhD Scholarship in MarineBiology. The scholarship shall be awarded to outstanding postgraduate students to conduct researchat The Swire Institute of Marine Science of the University.



Vacoas II Trust Scholarships

In June 2004, a sum of $2.55 million was donated to the Department of Chemistry by the Vacoas II TrustDonation, to establish a Vacoas II Fund. Part of the interest generated from the fund shall be used forthe scholarship awards in Chemistry.

Wildlife Conservation Foundation Student Awards

In order to encourage and support students who wish to pursue a professional career in wildlife ecologyand conservation, Wildlife Conservation Foundation Limited (WCF) has set up an award for theDepartment of Ecology and Biodiversity for three years with effect from 2000–01 with a donation of$9,000 each year. Three scholarships of the value of $3,000 each shall be awarded to undergraduatespursuing studies in ecology, biodiversity, and biology, who have keen interest in their field of study andgood academic results.

Y.W. Kwok Scholarships

(The same entry can also be found on p. 20, under Faculty of Arts)

Professor Yung-Chow Wong Scholarships

In 2001, a scholarship scheme was set up from the donation of a sum of $500,000 by Professor Y.C. Wong,Emeritus Professor of Mathematics, to support first-year undergraduate students who will be pursuinga programme in Mathematics.

Scholarships Tenable in the Faculty of Social Sciences

The 1973 Geography Graduates Scholarship

In 2007, the 1973 cohort of Geography Graduates, through a donation of $100,000 to the Department ofGeography, agreed to establish an undergraduate scholarship to be awarded annually with effect fromthe academic year 2007–08. The scholarship shall be awarded annually to 1–2 Geography Majors, whomust have taken at least four geography course (each with six-credits weighting) in the penultimate yearof study, on the basis of the overall results of their geography courses attained in that academic year.

Abdoolally Ebrahim and Company (Hong Kong) Limited Scholarship or Bursary

In 1971, Abdoolally Ebrahim and Company (Hong Kong) Limited donated to the University a sum of$20,000 in honour of Mr Abdeally Noordin Ebrahim on the occasion of his ninety-first birthday, for theaward of a scholarship or bursary from 1972–73.

Bank of East Asia 75th Anniversary Scholarships

(The same entry can also be found on p. 259, under Faculty of Law)


65Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans

Bank of East Asia Golden Jubilee Scholarships

(The same entry can also be found on p. 47, under Faculty of Law)

C.P. Lo Scholarship

In memory of the late Professor Lo Chor-pang, who was a teaching staff in the Department of Geographyfor nearly twenty years, a group of Geography graduates have made a collective donation to establisha postgraduate scholarship in Geography. The scholarship shall be awarded annually with effect fromthe academic year 2008–09. The value of each Scholarship shall normally be set at $5,000 per annum.

The Chiu-Kwan-Ying Memorial Scholarships

In 2003, Dr Lee Hon Wing, one of the founders of the MSocSc in Educational Psychology Programmeat the University of Hong Kong, donated a sum of $100,000 to establish two scholarships.

Daiwa Bank Group Awards for Japanese Studies

(The same entry can also be found on p. 16, under Faculty of Arts)

Eileen Chang Memorial Scholarship for Outstanding Student from Mainland China/Taiwan

(The same entry can also be found on p. 16, under Faculty of Arts)

Erik Kvan Postgraduate Scholarship

(The same entry can also be found on p. 16, under Faculty of Arts)

Hang Seng Bank Scholarships

(The same entry can also be found on p. 17, under Faculty of Arts)

HKU MSocSc Alumni Criminology Scholarship

In 2009, the alumni of the MSocSc(Criminology) in the Department of Sociology at the University ofHong Kong donated $15,985 to establish the HKU MSocSc Alumni Criminology Scholarship, whichshall be awarded annually from the academic year 2009–10 to students in the BSocSc (major in CriminalJustice) and the MSocSc (Criminology) programmes until further notice.

HKUGA Journalism Scholarship Fund

At the 32nd Anniversary Dinner of the Hong Kong University Graduates Association (HKUGA) on June21, 2008, Mr Ching Cheong, noted journalist and HKU Alumnus, in association with Mr Man Cheuk Fei,President of the HKUGA, announced that Mr Ching would donate $300,000 to HKU for the purpose ofestablishing the HKUGA Journalism Scholarship Fund.



The Hong Kong Wong Clan Association Scholarship in Social Sciences

In 1992, the Hong Kong Wong Clan Association donated a sum of $210,000 to the University to set upa scholarship fund from which a scholarship worth $10,000 is to be given to a full-time student readingfor a MPhil or PhD degree in the Faculty of Social Sciences in 1992–93, and thereafter the value of thescholarship shall be of the annual income generated from the remaining $200,000.

Hong Kong Young Industrialists Council Scholarship

The Hong Kong Young Industrialists Council donated a sum of $54,000 to offer a scholarship to theUniversity in recognition of the academic contribution of its MA in China Area Studies programme tothe community and as an encouragement to the students of the said programme. The scholarship of thevalue of $9,000 will be awarded annually from the academic year 2003–04 to students of the MA in ChinaAreas Studies programme and from 2004–05 to students of the MA in China Development Studiesprogramme.

JMSC Journalist Grant Scheme (China)

Commencing in the academic year 2008–09 scholarships shall be awarded to Mainland Chinesejournalists or students to fully or partially support their studies in the Master of Journalism (MJ)programme offered by the Journalism and Media Studies Centre (JMSC) of the University of Hong Kongthrough the JMSC Journalist Grant Scheme (China). The Scheme shall be funded by the China MediaProject and income of the MJ programme with an initial fund of $880,000.

JMSC Overseas Talent Scholarship

Commencing in the academic year 2009-2010, scholarships shall be awarded to overseas journalists orstudents, to fully or partially support their studies in the Master of Journalism/Postgraduate Diplomain Journalism, (MJ/PDipJ) programme at The University of Hong Kong through the JMSC OverseasTalent Scholarship.

JMSC Young Journalist Scholarship

A total of US$150,152 has been donated by an anonymous donor in 2003 via Friends of HKU Ltd. to theJournalism and Media Studies Centre for the establishment of a JMSC Young Journalist Scholarshipscheme, and undergraduate training programmes and internship fund.

The K.K. Ho Scholarship

In 2001, the K.K. Ho Foundation donated a capital sum of $10 million to the University of Hong Kongfor the establishment of the K.K. Ho Scholarship for academic excellence, the K.K. Ho Prize, the K.K. HoBursary, and the K.K. Ho Foundation Emergency Funds, tenable in the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Two scholarships each of the value of $100,000 shall be awarded on the basis of academic merit toundergraduate students in the first and second year of a degree in the Faculty of Social Sciences.


67Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans

Kowloon Chamber of Commerce Scholarhsips

(The same entry can also be found on p. 18, under Faculty of Arts)

Lee Kam Woon and Shum Shuk Yuen Education Fund

Mrs Lee Shum Shuk Yuen (BA 1953) has donated $1 million to the Journalism and Media Studies Centreof the University to further the education of future journalists and media professionals. It is proposedthat the entire sum of the contribution will be used to create an endowment fund to be named the ‘LeeKam Woon and Shum Shuk Yuen Education Fund’ to benefit HKU students in perpetuity.

The Ma Chui Wah Exchange Scholarship

In 2002, the Ma Chui Wah Exchange Scholarship was established with a donation from an anonymousdonor. The purpose of the scholarship of the value of $40,000 is to support undergraduate studentsreading either the BSocSc degree majoring in Politics or the BSocSc(Govt&Laws) degree who are selectedto undertake a period of study overseas.

Sir Man Kam Lo/Jardine Scholarship

(The same entry can also be found on p. 18, under Faculty of Arts)

Master of Social Work Alumni Scholarships

To honour the outstanding performance of the students on admission to the Master of Social Work(MSW) programme, the Department of Social Work and Social Administration wishes to pool privatedonations of $300,000 from alumni and other persons for the establishment of a scholarship scheme forfirst-year students of the MSW programme of the University initially for three years with effect from theacademic year 2009–10.

Master of Social Work Simatelex Charitable Foundation Scholarship

The Department of Social Work and Social Administration has received a generous donation from theSimatelex Charitable Foundation to establish a scholarship scheme for the Southeast Asian students.The Scholarship aims to provide training to dedicated social work students to become devoted andknowledgeable practitioners for the development of social welfare sector in Southeast Asian developingcountries through the Master of Social Work (MSW) programme. The Scholarship shall be awarded tofull-time students from Southeast Asian developing countries for a period of three years from theacademic year 2010–11.

The Open Society Institute Development Foundation Scholarship

In 2002, the Open Society Institute (OSI) which was founded by Hungarian financier and philanthropistGeorge Soros donated $624,000 to support programmes within the Journalism and Media Studies Centre(JMSC) of the University, of which part of the funds would be awarded in the form of scholarships, witheffect from the 2002–03 academic year, to exceptional students from the Mainland enrolled in the JMSCMaster of Journalism programme. The purpose of the scholarship is to encourage the pursuit ofindependent analysis and overall excellence in journalism in China.



Oxford University Department of Experimental Psychology – HKU Department ofPsychology Exchange Scholarship

In July 2003, Ms Serena Yang Hsueh Chi donated $300,000 to support the establishment of an OxfordUniversity Department of Experimental Psychology – HKU Department of Psychology exchangescholarship. The scholarship shall enable third year undergraduate students to enrol at OxfordUniversity during their final undergraduate year to study in that unique environment. The scholarshipshall be tenable for studies at Wadham College Oxford.

The Royal Geographical Society – Hong Kong Scholarship

In 1997, the Royal Geographical Society – Hong Kong donated one scholarship of the value of $10,000to the University, for award to an undergraduate student in the then Department of Geography andGeology for an initial period of two years, and the scholarship shall be used to support dissertation workrelating to Hong Kong, preferably of an applied nature. In 2001, the donor agreed to continue thesponsorship of the scholarship for the 2000–01 academic year. With effect from the 2001–02 academicyear, the Society agreed to permit postgraduate students who are pursuing their studies in theDepartment of Geography to be eligible for consideration for the award of the scholarship.

SCMP Wah Kiu Yat Po Journalism Scholarship Fund

The SCMP Wah Kiu Yat Po Journalism Scholarship Fund has been set up by the Journalism and MediaStudies Centre of the University of Hong Kong with cash donation from the Wah Kiu Yat Po Readers’Loan Fund for Post-Secondary School Students, the latter being a fund operated by the South ChinaMorning Post. The SCMP Wah Kiu Yat Po Journalism Scholarship Fund shall be awarded from theacademic year 2009–10.

Saw Swee Hock Statistics Scholarship

(The same entry can also be found on p. 63, under Faculty of Science)

Shum Wai Yau Journalism Education Fund

The descendants of the late Mr Shum Wai Yau have donated $1 million to the Journalism and MediaStudies Centre of the University to further the education of future journalists and media professionals.It is proposed that the entire sum of the contribution will be used to create an endowment fund to benamed the ‘Shum Wai Yau Journalism Education Fund’ to benefit HKU students in perpetuity.

Social Work Alumni Scholarships

To honour the outstanding performance of the BSW students in their A-Level and AS-Level examinations,the Department of Social Work and Social Administration wishes to pool private donations from alumniand other persons for the establishment of a scholarship scheme for first-year students of the BSWprogramme of the University initially for a period of three years from 2007–08.


69Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans

The Social Work Student-Researcher Scholarships

The Department of Social Work and Social Administration has decided to reserve a sum of $60,000annually with effect from the 2000–01 academic year for the establishment of a scholarship scheme forBSW students of the University to enhance their learning experience through involvement/participationin the research projects of teachers of the Department.

The Thanksgiving Scholarships

The Thanksgiving Scholarships were established in 2005 with a donation of a sum of $250,000 fromDr Tang Sek Ying, a medical doctor, in honour of his patients from whom he had learnt so much. Fourscholarships shall be available for award to full-time students of the MSocSc in Educational PsychologyProgramme and MSocSc in Clinical Psychology Programme for overseas training attachment.

Father Thomas Yu Yuen Chee Scholarships

In 1978, friends of the Reverend Father Thomas Yu Yuen Chee made a donation of $25,000 to theUniversity for the establishment of two scholarships in his honour for award annually. In 2001, MissHilda Kwan further donated a sum of $30,000 to the fund for the award of scholarships to studentsreading for the BSW degree.

The Transport Policy and Planning Scholarship

The Transport Policy and Planning Scholarship is set up in 2009–10 as an encouragement to supportgood quality local and/or overseas students to undertake the Master of Arts in Transport Policy andPlanning (MATPP) programme. The value of the scholarship will be set at $20,000 per awardee.

Tricor Services Limited Scholarship

(The same entry can also be found on p. 19, under Faculty of Arts)

Vicky Shek Zeitlin Memorial Scholarship

From 1999–2001, Mr Arnold Zeitlin donated a total of US$67,500, accompanied by a matching grant ofUS$62,500 from The Freedom Forum, USA, to the University of Hong Kong Foundation for EducationalDevelopment and Research. The scholarship(s) shall be awarded to (a) undergraduate and/orpostgraduate student(s) from the mainland; and/or (b) journalist(s) who has/have contributed to newsmedia freedom; who is/are pursuing study programmes offered by the Journalism and Media StudiesCentre.

William F. Woo Memorial Scholarship

In memory of the late Professor William F. Woo, who was the visiting professor of the Journalism andMedia Studies Centre of the HKU and the journalism professor at the University of Standford, ProfessorWoo’s friends and family members donated funds to the University of Hong Kong (HKU) in the form



of an endowment fund for the establishment of the ‘William F. Woo Memorial Scholarship’ for thebenefit of students at HKU and Stanford University. The scholarship shall be awarded with effect fromthe academic year 2007–08.

Y.K. Pao Scholarships in Psychology

(The same entry can also be found on p. 20, under Faculty of Arts)

Y.W. Kwok Scholarships

(The same entry can also be found on p. 20, under Faculty of Arts)

The Yung Foundation Scholarships

In 1998, the Yung Foundation Ltd. offered to donate a sum of $50,000 annually to the University for theestablishment of a scholarship scheme for University students for a period of three years commencingfrom the 1998–99 academic year. In 2001 and 2005, the donor agreed to continue the sponsorship of thescholarship for a further period of three years with effect from the 2001–02 and 2004–05 academic yearsrespectively.

Scholarships Tenable in the HKU School of Professional and ContinuingEducation

Elaine G.C.F. Tso Grants for the Promotion of Studio Art

In 1983, Mr and Mrs Tso Chak Chun donated a sum to the University for the award of various grantsfor the promotion of studio art in memory of their daughter, the late Dr Elaine G.C.F. Tso, Lecturer inthe Department of Physiology from 1980 to 1982, and a student of Art and Design in the formerDepartment of Extra-mural Studies from 1979 to 1982.


Bursaries Tenable in All Faculties

Chau Cheuk Wah Bursary

In November 2005, the Wong Family donated $1 million for the establishment of a bursary in memoryof Ms Chau Cheuk Wah. The bursary shall be awarded on the basis of financial need to full-timeundergraduate students in any year of study in any Faculty of the University of Hong Kong with effectfrom the 2006–07 academic year.


71Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans

Cheung Mui Sang Bursaries

In November 1997, the Trustees of the Cheung Mui Sang Trust Fund set up by Mrs Winnifred MaryCheung made a donation of $111,745.37 to the University to set up the Cheung Mui Sang Bursaries. Forthe 1997–98 academic year, the total value of the bursaries awarded were equivalent to $11,745.37, andthe total value of the bursaries awarded each year thereafter shall be equivalent to the interest that isgenerated each year from the lump sum donation.

Chiap Hua Cheng’s Foundation Bursaries

In 1978, the Chiap Hua Cheng’s Foundation donated to the University a number of bursaries of the totalvalue of $11,000 per annum; and in 1983, increased the total value of the awards to $25,000 per annum,which were allocated in the form of 10 bursaries of the value of $2,500 each per annum. The Foundationin 1989 increased the number of bursaries to be made available to twenty and increased the value of eachto $3,000. In 1990, the Foundation increased the number of bursaries to 30 with the value of $4,000 each.In 1993, the Foundation further increased the value of each bursary to $5,000 per annum.

Croucher Foundation Fund for Students with Emergency Needs

Since 1982, the Croucher Foundation has made available funds to the University for disbursement tostudents who are permanent residents of Hong Kong and who have encountered hardship due toemergency situations.

Mrs Emily Jorge Alvares Xavier Memorial Bursary

In memory of his mother, Mr Alfred V. Alvares has made available a bursary of $2,300 per annum to beawarded to a needy Portuguese student.

The Gemini Foundation Bursary

In August 2003, the Trustee of the Gemini Foundation offered to award bursaries to needy students ofthe University of Hong Kong with effect from the 2003–04 academic year.

Goh Cheow Seang Memorial Bursaries

Mr Goh Cheow Seang of Hong Kong, who died on February 2, 1968, instructed his Trustees to apply theincome of his Residuary Estate to provide for the award of bursaries. Enquiries should be addressed tothe Office of Student Affairs (renamed as Centre of Development and Resources for Students in October2006).

Government Grants and Loans

A system of Government grants and loans for Hong Kong students is administered by the StudentFinancial Assistance Agency.

HKU Bursaries

In October 2007, a sum of $2,000 was donated as bursary for students in the Faculty of Business andEconomics. To facilitate the administrative arragnement, it is suggested that the University set up abursary under the name ‘HKU Bursaries’ to include any miscellaneous one-off donations.



Hong Kong and Macau Taiwanese Charity Fund Bursary

In March 2008, Ms Angelique Yeh of Hong Kong and Macau Taiwanese Charity Fund made a donationof $300,000 to the University of Hong Kong to support undergraduate students with financial needs inthe form of bursary. Half of the fund shall be used to support needy students being selected by theUniversity to take part in exchange study programmes, with the remainder being used to assist studentswith financial needs under the university financial assistance scheme.

Hormusjee and Alice Ruttonjee Educational Fund

Under the will of the late Mrs Alice Hormusjee Ruttonjee, a trust fund administered by the Hongkongand Shanghai Bank, Hong Kong (Trustee) Limited has been established to provide for the award ofbursaries.

HSBC Hong Kong Scholarship and Bursary

(The same entry can also be found on p. 218, under ‘Scholarships Tenable in All Faculties’)

Hsin Chong – K.N. Godfrey Yeh Bursaries

These bursaries, administered by the Hsin Chong – K.N. Godfrey Yeh Education Foundation, shall beavailable for application in January and September each year. Enquiries should be addressed to theOffice of Student Affairs (renamed as Centre of Development and Resources for Students in October2006).

Joyce M. Kuok Foundation Bursaries

In 2000, the Joyce M. Kuok Foundation donated a sum of $120,000 to the University for the establishmentof twelve bursaries, each of the value of $10,000, for award to undergraduate students in any discipline.

Ko Ho Ning Bursaries

The family of the late Mr Ko Ho Ning has set aside a fund for the provision of bursaries for needystudents.

Law’s Charitable Foundation Law Ting Pong Bursary

In June 2010, Law’s Charitable Foundation (LCF) generously pledged to donate a sum of HK$500,000annually for six years to support needy students at HKU. Part of the donation ($100,000) will be usedto support the First-in-the-Family Education Fund Scheme, where the remainder will be used to set upa bursary to support students with financial needs. The bursary shall be awarded from the academicyear 2010–11.


73Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans

Miss Leung Pui Han Scholarship Fund

Under the will of the late Miss Leung Pui Han, a trust named as Miss Leung Pui Han Scholarship Fund(the ‘Trust Fund’) was established in 1988 and now administered by two Co-Trustees, including HSBCPrivate Trustee (Hong Kong) Limited. The Trust Fund provides for the award of bursaries to full-timeundergraduates in any faculty of the University.

Dr Lo Kwee Seong Education Foundation Bursaries

In 1990, the family of Dr K.S. Lo donated to the University a sum of $500,000 for the establishment of theDr Lo Kwee Seong Education Foundation Awards to provide for travel and conference grants andbursaries to be awarded to postgraduate students registered for the degree of MPhil or PhD in anyfaculty.

Noel Croucher General Bursaries

The late Mr Noel Croucher of Hong Kong has made available a sum of $9,000 a year for the award ofbursaries from the academic year 1976–77. In 1980–81, the sum was increased to $30,000 each year.

The Pison (HK) Company Fund for Needy Students

In 1998, Pison (HK) Company offered to establish the Pison (HK) Company Fund for Needy Studentsand made a donation from time to time to the University in the form of bursaries to assist needy studentswith effect from the 1999–2000 academic year.

Providence Foundation Bursaries for Emergency Needs

The Providence Foundation will consider applications from universities for emergency relief funds tobe rendered to any student who may have become victim of a natural disaster or serious accident inwhich both the breadwinner of the family and the student himself or herself are seriously affected. Thepurpose of the scheme is to render immediate financial assistance to the student in order to tide him orher over the period of difficulty so that he or she may not have to withdraw from his or her studies dueto the disaster or accident.

Providence Foundation Scholarships and Bursaries

(The same entry can also be found on p. 7, under ‘Scholarships Tenable in the All Faculties’)

The Providence Foundation sponsored Outward Bound Training Programme

The Providence Foundation sponsored Outward Bound Training Programme had made available inJune 2002 grants of the value of $3,340 each to sponsor 12 full-time undergraduate students in any yearand in any discipline of study for attendance at a seven-day Leadership and Team Building Programmeat the Outward Bound School. In 2003, the Providence Foundation offered a total of 24 grants, each ofthe value of $3,340, for the same purpose. In 2004, the Foundation provided a total of 18 grants, each ofthe value of $3,340 to support students in their undertaking of the Leadership and Team BuildingProgramme.



The Richard Hua Education Trust Fund

In 1996, a trust fund was established in memory of the late Mr Richard Hua for award of bursaries toneedy students. In 1999–2000, the Advisory Committee of this trust fund indicated that a sum of$100,000 would be awarded with effect from 2000–01.

Mr Ronnie Chan Memorial Bursary

In 2006, PA Consulting Group donated to the University a sum of $1,000 to establish a bursary, inmemory of Mr Ronnie Chan, the General Manager – Human Resources Department of the ModernTerminal Limited, who passed away on April 28, 2006.

Shriro Bursaries

Since 1967, the Shriro Group of Companies has donated an annual sum to the University for scholarshipand/or bursary awards to undergraduates. In 1977, the terms of these awards were amended at thedonor’s request, and the awards are now made in the form of bursaries.

The Sola Gratia Foundation Academic Fund

(The same entry can also be found on p. 8, under ‘Scholarships Tenable in the All Faculties’)

Starr Hall Well of Ishmael Fund

(The same entry can also be found on p. 8, under ‘Scholarships Tenable in the All Faculties’)

University Bursaries

A number of these bursaries are awarded annually by the Vice-Chancellor to needy undergraduateswho show sufficient academic promise. These bursaries are named after Mr Leung Yew and Mr Wu SiChong in commemoration of their generous donations to the University.

University Hall Alumni Fund

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of University Hall, the University Hall Alumni Limited hasraised the University Hall Alumni Fund, an endowment fund to provide subsidies to qualified studentsin University Hall for their hall fees. The purpose of the fund is to ensure that University Hall studentswho have taken active parts in hall activities will not be deprived of hall education due to financialdifficulties. As of January 15, 2007, the University Hall Alumni has received pledges of more than $1 milliontowards the fund, and paid over $30,000 to HKU Foundation.

University Lodge Masonic Bursary

To mark the University’s Golden Jubilee held in 1961, the University Lodge of Hong Kong, No. 3666 EC,has made available for an indefinite period the income from certain investments for the award of abursary from time to time.


75Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans

The University of Hong Kong Fund for Students with Emergency Needs

In 2002, the University received a sum of $1 million from Ocean Grand Holdings to establish ‘TheUniversity of Hong Kong Fund for Students with Emergency Needs’ to support students of theUniversity in any discipline of study who are in need of urgent financial support as a result of anemergency arising from an accident or changes in family circumstances.

Vitasoy and K.S. Lo Foundation Bursaries for Students with a Disability

The Vitasoy and K.S. Lo Foundation Bursaries for Students with a Disability will be offered to full-timelocal Chinese students with a disability at the University to support their studies by provision of financialassistance to the special needs of these students. Vitasoy International Holdings Limited and K.S. LoFoundation have generously donated $2 million to set up an endowment fund for the award of thesebursaries with effect from the 2000–01 academic year.

Vitasoy International Holdings Limited Education Foundation Bursaries

In 1977, the HKSBP-Monsanto Scholarship Foundation Fund donated to the University a sum of$150,000 to provide emergency bursaries to needy students. In 1991, the bursaries were renamed toreflect the change of the Company’s name to ‘Vitasoy International Holdings Limited’.

Wong Fung Ling Bursaries

In 1969, Miss Wong Fung Ling of Hong Kong donated $300,000 to the University to establish bursariesfor award annually.

Wong Yin Lun Bursary

In February 2004, Mr Chui Kai Hong and Ms Wong Shui Ping offered to set up a bursary in memory ofMr Wong Yin Lun to needy student(s) of the University of Hong Kong with effect from the 2004–05academic year.

Zonta Club of Victoria Bursary

In 1995, the Zonta Club of Victoria donated a sum of $5,000 for award of a bursary to a full-time disabledstudent in financial need. In 1998, the donor extended the award of the bursary for 1998–99.

Bursaries Tenable in the Faculty of Architecture

C.S. Toh & Sons & Associates Bursaries

In 1980, C.S. Toh and Press, Chartered Surveyors (now C.S. Toh & Sons & Associates) donated to theUniversity an annual sum of $2,000 for the award of a bursary. In 1993, the donor increased the annualsum to $4,000 for the establishment of one or more bursaries.



Fong Shu Chuen Bursary and Hip Shing Hong (Holdings) Co. Ltd. Bursary

In 1977, Mr Fong Yun Wah donated to the University until further notice, two bursaries of the value of$1,800 each to be awarded annually.

Gerald Stokes Bursaries

In 1983, Gammon Building Construction Limited donated a sum of $73,000 to the University for theestablishment of two bursaries for award to final-year students in the Faculty of Architecture annually,one in the BArch curriculum and the other in the BSc(Surv) curriculum.

Hong Kong Housing Society Bursary for Professional Development

In 2005, Hong Kong Housing Society offered to donate a maximum of six bursaries of $5,000 each to theUniversity of Hong Kong for award to full-time local undergraduate students who are reading thehousing related disciplines at the University [i.e. Bachelor of Engineering in Building Services Engineering,Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering, Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering (EnvironmentalEngineering), Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering (Law), or Bachelor of Science in Surveying].

Ian Brown Memorial Fund

In 1987, the wife, brother, friends, colleagues and students of the late Mr I.G. Brown, Lecturer from 1978and Senior Lecturer from 1982 to 1987 in the Department of Architecture, donated a sum of about$120,000 to the University for the establishment of the Ian Brown Memorial Fund to provide for travelgrants and bursaries to be awarded to students in the MArch degree curriculum.

URBIS Urban Design Bursary

In 1988, Urbis Limited donated an annual sum of $5,000 for the award of a bursary to a needy studenttaking the MUrbanDesign curriculum. In 1995, the donor increased the value of the bursary to $7,000.

Winifred Cheung Yuk King Bursaries

(The same entry can also be found on p. 77, under Faculty of Arts)

Bursaries Tenable in the Faculty of Arts

Noel Croucher English Studies Bursaries

The late Mr Noel Croucher of Hong Kong made available from the Shakespeare Fund which heestablished some years ago and which is presently maintained by the Hong Kong Branch of the Societyof St. George a sum of $6,000 each year for the award of bursaries from the academic year 1975–76. In1980–81, the sum was increased to $20,000 each year.


77Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans

Winifred Cheung Yuk King Bursaries

In June 2010, Dr Cheung Hee Tai (MSc 1959) made a donation of $150,000 to the University to establishbursaries to be awarded to needy student(s) in any year within the Faculties of Social Sciences, Science,Medicine, Engineering, Education, Arts or Architecture.

Bursaries Tenable in the Faculty of Business and Economics

Bank of China (Hong Kong) – HKU Students Bursary

The Bank of China (Hong Kong) offered to donate $150,000 to the University with effect from the2002–03 academic year for five years initially, to establish a bursary fund to support financially needystudents in the Faculty of Business and Economics.

Mizuho and Wing Hang Bank Bursary

Since 1989, the Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank and Chekiang First Bank has donated the sum of $30,000 perannum for three scholarships of $10,000 for award annually to full-time undergraduates in the Facultyof Social Sciences (two from third year and one from the second year). In 2002, as a result ofconsolidation, The Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank, Limited and DKB Asia Limited, two of the settlors of theDonor, changed their names into ‘Mizuho Corporate Bank, Ltd’ and ‘Mizuho Corporate Asia (HK)Limited’ respectively. The scholarship was then re-named as the Mizuho & CFB Scholarship. In 2006,the Mizuho & Wing Hang Bank Scholarship and Charitable Funds (formerly known as ‘Mizuho & CFBScholarship and Charitable Funds’) decided that the sponsorship be changed to be in the form ofbursaries, for award to local full-time students at the Faculty of Business and Economics. The numberand amount of the bursaries to be awarded each year shall be determined by the donor.

Bursaries Tenable in the Faculty of Dentistry

Edward Sai Kim Hotung Medical and Dental Bursaries

(The same entry can also be found on p. 80, under Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine)

G.B. Ong Medical Bursary

(The same entry can also be found on p. 80, under Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine)

Li Shu Fan Medical Foundation Bursaries

Since 1982, the Li Shu Fan Medical Foundation has provided five bursaries from 1982–83, each of thevalue of $3,000, to be awarded annually.

Bursaries Tenable in the Faculty of Education

Winifred Cheung Yuk King Bursaries

(The same entry can also be found on p. 77, under Faculty of Architecture)



Bursaries Tenable in the Faculty of Engineering

Mr and Mrs Chen Shao-chi Bursaries

In line with the wish of his mother’s grandfather, Mr Poon Yan Chuen, one of the founders and membersof the Fund Raising Committee of the Hong Kong University in 1909, and of his grandfather, Mr ChenShum-loong, who donated a series of Chinese classical books to the University about sixty years ago(currently shelved in the Fung Ping Shan Library), and in memory of his mother, Mr Chen Shao-chidonated a sum of $3,000 per annum commencing in 1983–84 for the award of one bursary for studentsin the Department of Civil Engineering of the University. The value of the award has been revised overthe years, and on the occasion of Mr Chen Shao-chi’s seventieth birthday, Mr Chen’s family donated$40,000 for the award of bursaries with effect from 2002–03.

Choi Kin Chung Fund for Civil Engineering Students

In July 2005, Mr Choi Kin Chung donated to the University a sum of $500,000 to subsidize undergraduatestudents in the Department of Civil Engineering to undergo industrial training in Mainland Chinaduring the summer. The number and value of the funds to be awarded each year shall be determinedwith regard to the funds available.

Chun Wo Foundation Scholarships andChun Wo Foundation Bursaries

(The same entry can also be found on p. 34, under ‘Scholarships Tenable in the Faculty of Engineering’)

Hong Kong Housing Society Bursary for Professional Development

(The same entry can also be found on p. 76, under Faculty of Architecture)

Lee Iu Cheung Engineering Bursary

In 1961, the late Dr Lee Iu Cheung, CBE, of Hong Kong donated a sum of $20,000 to the University forthe award of a bursary from time to time, in commemoration of the University’s Golden Jubilee in 1961.

Pun Yau Hung Bursaries

In 1978, the Chiu Keung Investment Company, Limited presented 15,000 Hong Kong Land shares to theUniversity for the establishment of one or more bursaries to be awarded each year.

Winifred Cheung Yuk King Bursaries

(The same entry can also be found on p. 77, under Faculty of Architecture)


79Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans

Bursary Tenable in the Faculty of Law

The HKU PCLL Bursaries

The Department of Professional Legal Education has set up a fund in 2005 with its own resources for thepurpose of establishing bursaries for award to financially needy students, who are successful in gainingadmission to the full-time self-financing PCLL programme starting from the 2005–06 academic year, tocover part of their tuition fees.

JAC Hui Bon Hoa Bursaries

In June 2006, Mr Stephane Hui Bon Hoa agreed to donate an initial sum of $1,000,000 to establish the JACHui Bon Hoa Fund for supporting a variety of academic developments in the Department of ProfessionalLegal Education at the University of Hong Kong. The Management Committee of the Fund agreed toestablish bursaries to be awarded to financially needy students who are successful in gaining admissioninto the full-time self-financing PCLL programmes starting from the 2006–07 academic year to cover partof their tuition fees.

Tang Kwok Yip Memorial Bursary

In memory of their late father, the family of Mr Tang Kwok Yip made a donation of $20,000 in 1971 tothe University to establish a bursary for award annually.

Bursaries Tenable in the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine

Anonymous Medical Bursary

In 1981, an anonymous donor donated $20,000 to the University for the establishment of a bursary to beawarded to an undergraduate preferably in the third year of the MBBS curriculum. In 2003, the daughterof an anonymous donor further donated a sum of $500,000 for award of a bursary.

Chan Chuen Memorial Bursary

In 1980, Dr Sau-Yee Ann Chan donated a sum of $30,000 to the University for the establishment of abursary in memory of her father Mr Chan Chuen. An award of up to $3,000 per annum shall be madeto an undergraduate in the Faculty who is studying in any year of the MBBS curriculum.

Daphne W.C. Chun Bursary

A sum of $45,000 was raised by a group of friends and colleagues and former students of ProfessorDaphne W.C. Chun. The purpose of the fund is to provide a grant to support a needy medical student.

Digby Memorial Bursaries

The Digby Memorial Fund was raised to provide for bursaries by a group of medical graduates inmemory of Professor K.H. Digby, Professor of Anatomy from 1913 to 1923, and Professor of Surgeryfrom 1923 to 1941, and Emeritus Professor from 1950 to 1954.



Edward Sai Kim Hotung Medical and Dental Bursaries

In 1980, Mr Joseph Hotung of Hong Kong donated to the University funds for the award of bursaries inmemory of his father, the late Mr Edward Sai Kim Hotung. In 1992, the donor agreed that the value ofthe annual donation be $100,000 for the award of a number of bursaries. In 1994, the donor continuedthe bursaries with an annual donation of $75,000.

G.B. Ong Medical Bursary

In 1981, Mr Chua Hung Tik donated a sum of $50,000 to the University to establish the G.B. Ong MedicalBursary, to be awarded to undergraduates in any year of the MBBS and BDS degree curricula on the basisof financial need.

Lee Kee Metal Co. Ltd. Bursary in Master of Public Health

In March 2004, Mrs Chan Ma Siu Tao offered to donate a sum of $40,000 to establish a bursary for studentsadmitted to the Master of Public Health (MPH) programme in the 2004–05 and 2005–06 academic years.

Lee Wing Din Bursary

The late Mr Lee Wing Kim bequeathed the sum of $20,000 to the University for the establishment of abursary.

Li Hei Nin Memorial Fund

The Li Hei Nin Memorial Fund was raised by a group of friends and colleagues in memory of Dr Li HeiNin, an MBBS graduate of 1958 who died early in her career. The purpose of the fund is to provide a grantto support a needy medical student.

Li Shu Fan Medical Foundation Bursaries

Since 1963–64, the Li Shu Fan Medical Foundation has made available bursaries, each of the value of$2,000, to undergraduates in the Faculty. A total of 10 bursaries annually have been provided since 1967–68. In 1982, the Foundation increased the value of each bursary to $3,000.

Lo Min Nung Medical Bursaries

The late Mr Lo Min Nung donated a sum of $30,000 to the University for the award of bursaries fromtime to time, in commemoration of the University’s Golden Jubilee in 1961.

Winifred Cheung Yuk King Bursaries

(The same entry can also be found on p. 77, under Faculty of Architecture)


81Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans

Yee Sui Cheong Memorial Bursaries

A capital sum of $150,000 was donated to the University for the purpose of establishing, from the interest,a number of bursaries. The awards were first made in 1974.

Bursaries Tenable in the Faculty of Science

Hui Pun Hing Memorial Science Bursary

From a bequest of her late father, Miss Hui Wai Haan of the University has offered to the University abursary of the value of $1,500 per annum to be awarded annually for an indefinite period, commencingfrom the academic year 1963–64. In 1990, Dr Hui Wai Haan, donated to the University shareholdingsin a number of companies listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange with a market value of between$13 and $14 million for the setting up of a Hui Pun Hing Endowment Fund with a proportion of theannual income of the Fund allocated for the award of the bursary.

Steven Science Bursary

In 1975, a married couple, both graduates of the University, donated a sum of $60,000 to the Universityfor the help of needy students: $20,000 towards the Medical Dean’s Loan Fund, and $40,000 for theestablishment of a bursary.

William Faid Memorial Bursary in Physics

In 1964, Mrs Jeanne Faid, MSc, generously donated to the University a sum of $8,000 for the establishmentof a prize in physics in memory of her husband, the late Professor Faid (Professor of Physics, 1924–44).Following increases in income from this sum a bursary was set up in 1975.

Winifred Cheung Yuk King Bursaries

(The same entry can also be found on p. 77, under Faculty of Architecture)

Bursaries Tenable in the Faculty of Social Sciences

Grand Union Bursaries

In 1986, the Grand Union Insurance Co. Ltd. donated an annual sum to the University for the award ofbursaries.

HSBC Social Work Scholarships

In 1982, the HongkongBank provided for the award of a number of bursaries to students reading for thedegrees of BSW, MSW or MSocSc in the field of Social Work. In 1999 and in 2005, the awards, includingthe bursaries, were re-named as ‘The Hongkong Bank Foundation Social Work Scholarships’ and ‘HSBCSocial Work Scholarships’ respectively.



The K.K. Ho BursaryThe K.K. Ho Foundation Emergency Funds

In 2001, the K.K. Ho Foundation donated a capital sum of $10 million to the University of Hong Kongfor the establishment of the K.K. Ho Scholarship for academic excellence, the K.K. Ho Prize, the K.K. HoBursary, and the K.K. Ho Foundation Emergency Funds, tenable in the Faculty of Social Sciences.Four bursaries of the value of $25,000 each shall be awarded on the recommendation of the Dean ofStudent Affairs. The students’ level of financial need and academic performance will be taken intoconsideration in the selection of the bursary recipients.

The emergency funds, which shall be awarded to full-time undergraduates in the Faculty of SocialSciences, are primarily intended to offer assistance to those who would have undue hardship incontinuing their studies without financial assistance due to accidents and/or unforeseen changes infamily circumstances, e.g. unemployment of main income earner of family.

Tjia Cheng Seong Memorial Bursary

In memory of her parents, Mr and Mrs Tjia Cheng Seong, Mrs T.C. Lin donated a sum of $30,000 to theUniversity in 1983 for the establishment of a bursary.

Winifred Cheung Yuk King Bursaries

(The same entry can also be found on p. 77, under Faculty of Architecture)


Loans Tenable in All Faculties

The AVX/Kyocera Foundation Loan Fund

In 1998, the US based AVX/Kyocera Foundation donated to the University, US$25,000 in the form of astudent loan to be administered and awarded from the 1998–99 academic year onwards.

American Women’s Association Loan Fund

In 1985, the American Women’s Association donated a sum of $10,000 to the University for theestablishment of a loan fund from which interest-free loans may be made to needy female students. In1986, a further donation of $10,000 was added to the fund. In 1995, the donor topped up the loan fundto $50,000. Enquiries should be addressed to the Dean of Student Affairs.

BCC Loan Fund

In 1985, the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (Overseas) Limited donated to the Universitya sum of $30,000 for the establishment of a loan fund from which interest-free loans will be made to needystudents.


83Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans

Chan Tat-Chee Memorial Loan Fund

The Chan Tat Chee Emergency Loan Fund and the Chan Tat Chee Memorial Loan Fund were establishedin 1970 and 1990 respectively, and merged as the Chan Tat Chee Memorial Loan Fund in January 2002.A series of donations were made to the loan fund to assist students with financial need. The total amountof donations received by early 2004 was $500,000.

Convocation/Lions Emergency Loan Fund

In 1971, the Lions Club of Hong Kong donated to Convocation of the University a sum of $50,000 whichhad been given to the University in order to establish an emergency loan fund from which interest-freeloans will be made to needy students.

Convocation Student Loan Fund

In 1984, the Convocation of the University donated a sum of $30,000 for the establishment of a loan fundfrom which interest-free loans may be made to needy students.

E.C. Ling Loan Fund

In 1981, Mr E.C. Ling donated to the University a sum of $100,000 for the establishment of an emergencyloan fund to be named the E.C. Ling Loan Fund from which interest-free loans may be made to needystudents.

Government Loans

(The same entry can also be found on p. 282, under Government Grants and Loans)

HKU Students’ Union Loan Fund

Enquiries should be addressed to the Students’ Union.

Hong Kong Rotary Club Student Loan FundStandard/Sing Tao ‘Fat Choy’ Drive Student Loan Fund

These two loan funds are administered by the Education Department of the Hong Kong Government.Application is usually open in September-October every year and a contingency exercise will besubsequently conducted in January in the following year.

Hong Kong Wong Clan Association Loan Fund

In 1992, the Hong Kong Wong Clan Association made a donation of $500,000 to the University toestablish a loan fund to assist students in financial need.



Shanghai Immigrants Student Accommodation Fund

In 1980, Mr Geoffrey M.T. Yeh of Hong Kong, acting on behalf of ‘The Community Welfare Fund Group’,donated to the University a sum of $100,000 for the establishment of the Shanghai Immigrants StudentAccommodation Fund from which interest-free loans are to be made to assist students who are rentingaccommodation near the campus but away from their families. A further donation of $100,000 wasreceived from Mr Yeh on behalf of the Group in 1989 and another donation of $100,000 was received in2002. Enquiries should be addressed to the Office of Student Affairs (renamed as Centre of Developmentand Resources for Students in October 2006).

Tsim Sha Tsui District Kai Fong Welfare Association Fund

In 1995, the Tsim Sha Tsui District Kai Fong Welfare Association donated a sum of $210,000 for assistanceof students in financial need.

Vice-Chancellor’s Loan Fund/Grant

The fund is available for the assistance of students suffering exceptional financial difficulties during thecourse of an academic year. Awards from this fund may be made on nominations from a member of theSenate, a teacher, or a warden.

Professor Wang Gungwu Loan Fund

In 1992, Professor Wang Gungwu, the Vice-Chancellor of the University, donated a sum of $180,000 tothe University to establish a loan fund for award to needy students.

Winsor Education Foundation Limited Loan Fund

This Loan Fund is administered by the Winsor Education Foundation Limited. Application is usuallyopen in September-October each year.

Wong Shek Kung Loan Fund

In 1991, in line with the wish of their late father, the family of Mr Wong Shek Kung made a donation of$1 million to the University to establish a loan fund.

Loans Tenable in the Faculty of Dentistry

Dr Lee Yu Tak Memorial Loan Fund

The Dr Y.T. Lee Memorial Loan Fund was established in 2003 through donations by dental alumni ofthe University and friends of Dr Lee Yu Tak in memory of the late Dr Lee Yu Tak, a graduate and a teacherof the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Hong Kong.


85Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans

Loans Tenable in the Faculty of Engineering

Civil Engineering Loan Fund

In 2003, an amount of $50,000 was donated by Professor Y.L. Choi to support the establishment of a loanfund for Civil Engineering students. A further $1,000 was received as a donation to this Fund.

Engineering Society and Engineering Alumni Association Loan Fund

In 1978, the Engineering Society and Engineering Alumni Association Loan Fund was established fromfunds originally raised by the Hong Kong University Engineering Society and the Hong KongUniversity Engineering Alumni Association for the provision of an Engineering Society Loan Fund andan Engineering Society Travel Grant. The purpose of the Fund is to provide interest-free loans. TheHong Kong University Engineering Alumni Association also provided from 1988 a travel grant from theFund to the Hong Kong University Engineering Society. In 1996, the donor agreed that the Fund be madeavailable to Engineering students as financial assistance on top of their eligibility for other loans, byusing a portion of the funds for subsidizing summer training in the People’s Republic of China and therest for emergency loan purpose.

Loan Tenable in the Faculty of Law

Mr Justice Pickering Memorial Loan Fund

The Mr Justice Pickering Memorial Loan Fund for LLB and PCLL students was established in 1981through donations by members of the Hong Kong Bar Association and the Law Society of Hong Kong.

Loans Tenable in the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine

Chung Ip Wing Wah Memorial Loan Fund

The Chung Ip Wing Wah Memorial Loan Fund was established in 1976 through the generosity of AikSan Realty Limited which donated $20,000 each year during 1976–79 and $30,000 each year during1980–83 to establish a loan fund for medical students.

Elixir Loan Fund

Enquiries should be addressed to the office of the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine.

Professor Hou Pao-Chang Memorial Loan Fund

In 1969, a group of friends of the late Professor Hou Pao-Chang contributed to finance a loan fund formedical students, which was known as the Professor Hou Pao-Chang Memorial Loan Fund.

Dr J. Wei-Ping Loh Loan Fund

The Dr Jerome Wei-Ping Loh Loan Fund was established in 1969 through the generosity of Dr JeromeWei-Ping Loh who donated US$500 each in 1969, 1970 and 1980 to establish a loan fund for medicalstudents.



K.P. Stephen Chang Loan Fund

A fund known as the K.P. Stephen Chang Loan Fund has been established to provide interest-free loanson the basis of financial need to medical students who have passed the First Examination.

Medical Dean’s Loan Fund

In memory of the late Dr Cassim Abdullah, his sister generously donated a sum of money to provideinterest-free loans to needy medical students. The fund has since been added to by the generosity ofother donors. Enquiries and applications should be addressed to the Dean of the Li Ka Shing Facultyof Medicine.

Standard/Sing Tao ‘Fat Choy’ Drive Medical Students Loan Fund

The Standard/Sing Tao ‘Fat Choy’ Drive, through Sin Poh Amalgamated (HK) Ltd., has donated a totalsum of $840,000 since 1969 to establish a loan fund.

Vincent Woo Loan Fund

The Vincent Woo Loan Fund was established through the generosity of Central Textiles (Hong Kong)Limited in providing a sum of $20,000 a year for three years from 1971 to establish a loan fund for medicalstudents.

Loans Tenable in the Faculty of Science

Yung Foundation Earth Sciences Fund

(The same entry can also be found on p. 210, under ‘Prizes Tenable in the Faculty of Science’)

Loan Tenable in the Faculty of Social Sciences

T.Y. Wong Foundation Loan Fund

In 1993, the T.Y. Wong Foundation donated a sum of $300,000 to provide interest-free loan to needystudents of the Department of Social Work and Social Administration who are required to take summerplacement.

Loan Tenable in the HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education

Lions Loan Fund for Management Studies

Lions International, District 303, has donated to the University a sum of $10,000 to be used as a Loan Fundby students who are in need of financial assistance and who are attending the Certificate Course inPersonnel Management sponsored by the HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education.