1 | Page SATISH CHANDRA MEMORIAL SCHOOL Model Question Paper for Annual Exam (2019-20) CLASS IX ENGLISH Maximum Marks: 80 SECTION: A (READING)-20 marks 1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: Burj Khalifa is a sky scraper in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and the tallest man made structure ever built. Its construction began on September 21, 2004 and the exterior of the structure was completed on October 1, 2009. The building is a part of the new 490 acre flagship development area called Downtown Dubai, located near Dubai‟s main business district. It has a height of over 828 metres and more than 160 storeys. It is not only the tallest free standing structure in the world, a record which was previously held by CN Tower, Toronto. It is the first tallest structure in the world to include residential space. It also holds the record of having the world‟s highest mosque, which is located on its 158 th floor. Adrian Smith was its chief architect and Bill Baker, the chief structural engineer. The total cost of the project was about 1.5 billion. The tower has been named Burj Khalifa to honour the UAE President, Khalifa bin Zayed AL Nahyan for his support. The decision to build Burj Khalifa was reportedly based on the UAE Government‟s decision to diversify from an oil-based economy to one that is service and tourism oriented. There are 27 terraces in Burj Khalifa . At the top, the central core emerges and is sculpted to form a finishing spire. A Y-shaped floor plan maximises the view of the Persian Gulf. Viewed from above or from the base, the form also evokes the onion domes of Islamic architecture. The residential lobby of Burj Khalifa displays 196 bronze and brass alloy cymbals representing the 196 countries of the world. The visitors in the lobby can hear a distinct timbre as the cymbals are struck by dripping water, intended to mimic the sound of water falling on leaves. Answer the following questions in brief: 1x8=8 a) In which country is Burj Khalifa located? b) When was the construction finally completed? c) Why was Burj Khalifa built? d) What world record does Burj Khalifa hold? e) What does the residential lobby of Burj Khalifa display? f) What can the visitors in the lobby hear distinctly? g) Who were its chief architect and chief structural designer? h) What kind of a floor planning does it display?


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SATISH CHANDRA MEMORIAL SCHOOL Model Question Paper for Annual Exam (2019-20)
(READING)-20 marks
1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
Burj Khalifa is a sky scraper in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and the tallest man made structure ever
built. Its construction began on September 21, 2004 and the exterior of the structure was completed on
October 1, 2009. The building is a part of the new 490 acre flagship development area called Downtown
Dubai, located near Dubais main business district. It has a height of over 828 metres and more than 160
storeys. It is not only the tallest free standing structure in the world, a record which was previously held by
CN Tower, Toronto. It is the first tallest structure in the world to include residential space. It also holds the
record of having the worlds highest mosque, which is located on its 158th floor.
Adrian Smith was its chief architect and Bill Baker, the chief structural engineer. The total cost of the
project was about 1.5 billion. The tower has been named Burj Khalifa to honour the UAE President, Khalifa
bin Zayed AL Nahyan for his support. The decision to build Burj Khalifa was reportedly based on the UAE
Governments decision to diversify from an oil-based economy to one that is service and tourism oriented.
There are 27 terraces in Burj Khalifa . At the top, the central core emerges and is sculpted to form a
finishing spire. A Y-shaped floor plan maximises the view of the Persian Gulf. Viewed from above or from
the base, the form also evokes the onion domes of Islamic architecture. The residential lobby of Burj
Khalifa displays 196 bronze and brass alloy cymbals representing the 196 countries of the world. The
visitors in the lobby can hear a distinct timbre as the cymbals are struck by dripping water, intended to
mimic the sound of water falling on leaves.
Answer the following questions in brief: 1x8=8
a) In which country is Burj Khalifa located?
b) When was the construction finally completed?
c) Why was Burj Khalifa built?
d) What world record does Burj Khalifa hold?
e) What does the residential lobby of Burj Khalifa display?
f) What can the visitors in the lobby hear distinctly?
g) Who were its chief architect and chief structural designer?
h) What kind of a floor planning does it display?
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2. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
Actually, besides the God given natural ability to think, two more things are necessary in order to think
effectively. These are knowledge and organisation. The reason you cant think clearly about certain
problems is that you do not have enough relevant knowledge or experience pertaining to them. If you have
no knowledge of a subject, you have no starting point for your thoughts; or you will think from a wrong
premise and, of course, think incorrectly. Since thought is the “go” sign for action, it seems likely that you
will act incorrectly and do the wrong thing.
Obviously, the next thing to worry about is how to go about obtaining this relevant knowledge. Again,
you must take the time to go out and search for it, if it pertains to some particular problem you must solve.
Apart from definite and particular problems, your relevant knowledge can only be acquired through
experience, from society in general, from listening to others and from reading.
Dont think because you converse with other people almost constantly, and read quite a bit, that you are
necessarily acquiring all the knowledge you are exposed to. One important ingredient may be missing- that
is, interest. You must have a spontaneous and genuine interest and curiosity about a subject in order to
gain much knowledge about it. One good way, incidentally, of being interested in others is to stop thinking
of yourself so much. Listen a little more that you talk and you may learn something. Another way of
acquiring knowledge is to read with your mind instead of only with your eyes.
The salesman who wants to have a ready answer for any argument must know his product inside out.
He makes it his business to learn all he can about it. The executive who have a reputation for always
coming up with good practical ideas at the conference table may appear to be pulling these ideas out if the
air, but nothing could be further from the truth. He has probably spent a good deal of time studying all the
problems that may come up. He is not the type who shuts off his thinking ability the moment he leaves
office. He does a research into his business; he is genuinely interested in it. There you have some work cut
out for you. If you want to think clearly and effectively about your own line of endeavour, learn all you can
about it!
2.1 Answer the following questions briefly:
a) What are the two more things necessary for thinking effectively? 2
b) How can we acquire the relevant knowledge? 2
c) How is „interest essential in acquiring knowledge? 2
d) How do proper study and research lead to success? 2
2.2 Answer the following questions: 1x4=4
a) Which word in Para 1 means connected?
b) Which word in Para 3 means natural?
c) Which word in Para 4 means fame?
d) Which word in Para 4 means attempt?
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(Writing & Grammar) 30 marks
3. You are Rahul/ Rishita. Write an article in about 150 words on the “Maintenance and Preservation of
Historical Monuments in India” for your school magazine. 8
4. Write a story in about 200 words on the basis of the beginning lines given below. 10
On reaching back home the old lady opened the door and realised that her house had been burgled. She
immediately called the police...............................
5. Complete the passage by filling the blanks. Write the correct answer against the correct blank by
choosing the correct option in your answer sheet. ½x8=4
With (a) ____________ traffic and poor facilities, pedestrians (b) _____________ to be the most
vulnerable to fatal accidents (c) ____________ road users. Even though in the last six years the number of
pedestrian subways in the city (d) ______________ almost doubled, most of them are neither well
maintained (e) _____________ well designed. As a result pedestrians avoid (f) ______________ them. (g)
_____________ the police say this should not be a reason (h) _______________ people to avoid subways.
(a) (i) increasing (ii) increase (iii) are increasing (iv) to increase
(b) (i) seems (ii) are seeming (iii) seem (iv) seemed
(c) (i) between (ii) amongst (iii) in between (iv) beside
(d) (i) have (ii) has been (iii) have been (iv) has
(e) (i) or not (ii) nor (iii) and (iv) none
(f) (i) uses (ii) to use (iii) used (iv) using
(g) (i) Nontheless (ii) Therefore (iii) Hence (iv) Similarly
(h) (i) for (ii) of (iii) about (iv) with
6. The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line. Identify the error and write the correction in the given space. ½x8=4
Error Correction
A curious thing about the developed of e.g. developed development
a motion picture is that the first groups of (a) ________ _________
people who made it possible wasnt interested (b) _________ _________
in movies at all! The first inventions were make by (c) _________ _________
men who wanting to study the movement of animals. (d) _________ _________
Even Thomas Edison, which perfected a device (e) _________ _________
called „kinetoscope in 1893, think of it (f) _________ _________
only as a curiosity. But there were another people (g) _________ _________
who saw great possibilities with entertainment (h) _________ _________
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in this invention and they began to make movies.
7. Re arrange the following words and phrases to form meaningful sentences. 1x4=4
(a) phones/ well/ ones/ near/ keep/ and/ cell/ connected/ loved
(b) a/ are/ source/ they/ of/ also/ entertainment
(c) easily/ convenient/ accessible / they/ and/ are
(d) at/ software/ its/ peak/ India/ is/ in/ revolution
8. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow. 1x4=4
“A slumber did my spirit seal
I had no human fears,
She seemed a thing that could not feel
The touch of earthly years.”
(a) Who is referred to as „I here?
(b) Why didnt he have any human fears?
(c) Explain: „ She seemed a thing that could not feel
The touch of earthly years.”
(d) Give the meaning of the word ‘earthly’.
(a) Name the poet and the poem.
(b) What is referred to as the „matter?
(c) What ultimately leads to the death of the „matter?
(d) Give the meaning of the word ‘choking’.
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9. Answer the questions in about 30-40 words. [Any five] 2x5=10
(a) How did the narrator get back his tabby cat?
(b) Describe the atmosphere of „febrile confusion around Pashupatinath temple.
(c) Why was Bruno once taken to the vets residence?
(d) How did Kalams family foster Hindu Muslim unity?
(e) Why did Einstein call his desk drawer „A Bureau of Theoretical Physics.
(f) How did Iswaran describe the female ghost?
10. Answer the following question in about 200-220 words. [Any one] 8x1=8
Give a character sketch of Vincent Charles Gerrard based on the study of the story “If I Were You.”
How does the poem “No Men are Foreign” give the message of unity and commonality of all mankind. Give reasons for your answer.
11. Answer the following question in about 200-220 words. [Any one] 8x1=8
Describe Sergie and Olgas contribution in bringing a positive change in Lushkoffs life.
The old painter Behrman did create a „masterpiece but at the cost of his life. Do you agree with this statement? Justify.
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35.C¢mu¡p NÒfAhmð­ejqÇjcn¡lQ¢lœ ¢h­nÔoeLlz
36.C¢mu¡p Hl S£heQQÑ¡lNÒfAhmð­ef¢lQuc¡J z
37.Bn¡ma¡ L¡l ­j­u?
38.¢L ­hPX¡L¡¢e Sm q­u ­Nm M¤¢sj¡ - HM¡­e M¤¢sj¡ ­L ?
39.…l¦jn¡­ulp¡­bNÒfLl­a ­L Apa ?
40.pa¥ Af¤l ­c¡L¡eOl ­b­L ¢L Q¥¢l L­l¢Rm ?
11 | P a g e
41.…l¦jn¡CL¡­clSeÉC­Vl h­¾c¡hÙ¹ Ll­ah­m¢R­me ?
42.­L HLn BVV¡ L¥j­s¡ h¢m ¢c­a h­m¢R­meh­mSenË¥¢a B­R ?
1) The sides of an equilateral triangle are 4 cm. Find its area.
2) What is the total surface area of a hemisphere of base radius 7cm?
3) The surface area of two hemispheres are in the ratio 25 : 49. Find the ratio of their radii.
4) Find the value of k, if x = 2, y = 1 is a solution of the equation 2x + 3y = k.
5) Find the curved surface area of a right circular cone whose slant height is 10 cm and base radius is 7 cm.
6) At what point the graph of the linear equation x + y = 5 cuts the x-axis?
7) Find the mean of the numbers 2,3,4,7,9.
8) Using the identity find the value of 1083 .
9) In Heron’s formula what do you mean by ‘S’?
10) What is the general equation of a straight line parallel to X-axis?
11) The heights (in cm) of 9 students of a class are as follows: 155 160 145 149 150 147 152 144 148. Find the mean,
median of this data.
12) Without actually calculating, find the value of (25)3 – (75)3 + (50)3 .
13) Without actual division, prove that 2x4 – 5x3 + 2x2 – x + 2 is divisible by x2 – 3x + 2.
14) What are the five postulates of Euclid’s Geometry?
15) In the Figure, if AB || CD, EF ⊥ CD and ∠GED = 126°, find ∠AGE, ∠GEF and ∠FGE.
16) If a2 +b2 +c2 =250 and ab+bc+ca=3, then find the value of a+b+c.
17) Find the curved surface area of cylinder if radius of base is 5 cm and height is 14cm.
18) If the mean of six observations y, y+1, y+4, y+6, y+8, y+5 is 13, find the value of y. 19) Find the product with the suitable identity: (x-2)(x+2)(x2 +4). 20) Eleven bags of wheat flour, each marked 5 kg, actually contained the following weights of flour (in kg): 4.97 5.05 5.08 5.03 5.00 5.06 5.08 4.98 5.04 5.07 5.00
Find the probability that any of these bags chosen at random contains more than 5 kg of flour.
21) In a mathematics test given to 15 students, the following marks (out of 100) are recorded: 41, 39, 48, 52, 46, 62,
54, 40, 96, 52, 98, 40, 42, 52, 60. Find the mean, median and mode of this data.
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22) The record of a weather station shows that out of the past 250 consecutive days, its weather forecasts were
correct 175 times. (i) What is the probability that on a given day it was correct? (ii) What is the probability that it was
not correct on a given day?
23) A hemispherical bowl is made of steel, 0.25 cm thick. The inner radius of the bowl is 5 cm. Find the outer curved
surface area of the bowl.
24) Construct a triangle in which the three sides are of length 6 cm, 4 cm and 2.8 cm. 25) In Fig. given below, PQ is the diameter of the circle with centre O. If ∠PQR=650, ∠RPS=400
and ∠PQM=500.Find ∠QPR, ∠PRS and ∠QPM.
26) In Figure, ABCD is a parallelogram, AE ⊥ DC and CF ⊥ AD. If AB = 16 cm, AE = 8 cm and CF = 10 cm, find AD
27) A field is in the shape of a trapezium whose parallel sides are 25 m and 10 m. The non-parallel sides are 14 m and 13 m. Find the area of the field.
28) ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral whose diagonals intersect at a point E. If ∠DBC = 70°, ∠BAC is 30°, find ∠BCD.
Further, if AB = BC, find ∠ECD.
29) A hemisphere dome of a building needs to be painted. If the circumference of the base of the dome is 17.6 m, find the cost of painting it, given the cost of painting is Rs. 5 per 100 cm2 . 30) In a triangle ABC, E is the mid-point of median AD. Show that ar(BED) = 1/4 ar(ABC)
31) Parveen wanted to make a temporary shelter for her car, by making a box-like structure with tarpaulin that
covers all the four sides and the top of the car (with the front face as a flap which can be rolled up). Assuming that
the stitching margins are very small, and therefore negligible, how much tarpaulin would be required to make the
shelter of height 2.5m, with base dimensions 4m × 3m?
32) The hollow sphere, in which the circus motorcyclist performs his stunts, has a diameter of 7 m. Find the area
available to the motorcyclist for riding.
33) Monica has a piece of canvas whose area is 551m2. She uses it to have a conical tent made, with a base radius of
7m. Assuming that all the stitching margins and the wastage incurred while cutting, amounts to approximately 1m2,
find the volume of the tent that can be made with it.
34) Three coins are tossed simultaneously 200 times with the following frequencies of different outcomes: Outcome
3 heads, 2 heads, 1 head & No head Frequency are 23, 72, 77, 28 respectively. If the three coins are simultaneously
tossed again, compute the probability of 2 heads coming up, no tail, 1 tail.
35) Construct a triangle XYZ in which ∠Y = 30°, ∠Z = 90° and XY + YZ + ZX = 11 cm.
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36) Two chords AB and CD of lengths 5 cm and 11 cm respectively of a circle are parallel to each other and are on
opposite sides of its centre. If the distance between AB and CD is 6 cm, find the radius of the circle.
37) A triangle and a parallelogram have the same base and the same area. If the sides of the triangle are 26 cm, 28
cm and 30 cm, and the parallelogram stands on the base 28 cm, find the height of the parallelogram.
38) If one side of a cyclic quadrilateral is produced, then the exterior angle is equal to the interior angle. Prove it.
39) Cards marked with number 2 to 101 are placed in a box and mixed thoroughly. One card is drawn from this box. Find the probability that the number on the card-
(i) Multiple of 5, (ii) A number which is not a perfect square
(iii) A two digit number whose sum of digit is 9.
40) If circles are drawn taking two sides of a triangle as diameters, prove that the point of intersection of these circles lies on the third side.
1.Does evaporation cause a physical change or a chemical change?
2.Convert 370 K into Celsius Scale (°C).
3.When camphor is heated in a China dish, it changes into gas without changing into liquid. What is the
name given to this change of state?
4.Why light is not considered as a matter?
5.Give two examples of suspension.
6. Name the process used to obtain pure copper sulphate from impure sample.
7.The oxide of aluminium has a chemical formula Al2O3. State the valency of Al.
8.Calculate the formula unit mass of Na2CO3.
[Atomic mass of Na = 23 u, C = 12 u, O = 16 u]
9.Write the names of the compounds (a) Ag2O (b) CuS
10.Nucleus of an atom was discovered by __________.
11.What happens to an element ‘Z’ if its atom gains three electrons?
12.An atom of an element is represented as 19
9X. How many electrons and neutrons are present in this atom?
13.When a living plant cell loses water through osmosis, there is contraction of the contents of the cell away
from the cell wall. What is this phenomenon called?
14.State the function of chromosome in a cell.
15.What is the name of Golgi apparatus in a plant cell ?
16.What are the various types of tissues found in plants?
17.Name the tissue which is present in the veins of leaves.
18.Which muscle has spindle shaped cells?
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19.Rewrite the scientific names correctly:
(i) panthera tigris
(ii) periplaneta Americana
20.Name the term which is used for the following:
(i) The left and right halves of the body have the same design.
(ii) The animal tissue differentiate from the three embryonic germ layers.
21.Which in your opinion is more basic characteristic for classifying organism- the place where they live in
or the kind of cells they are made of?
22.Name the force responsible for the revolution of moon around the earth.
23.Why is Newton’s first law of motion also called law of inertia?
24.What should be the value of F in the following, to balance the effect of F1 and F2?
25.If gravitational force acts between all objects, why don’t they move towards each other?
26.Define the universal gravitational constant (G).
27.If gravitational force exists between every two objects in the universe, why don’t you and your friend
sitting together experience it?
28. It is easier to cut an apple with the sharp edge of a knife. Give reason.
29.Is pressure a scalar or a vector quantity? Explain.
30.State the part of following musical instruments which vibrate to produce sound:
(a) flute (b) tabla (c) guitar (d) harmonium
31.What is a transverse wave?
32.Write any two basic conditions necessary for keeping good health.
33.Give one example each of infectious and non-infectious diseases.
34.Name an acute diarrhoeal disease generally leading to dehydration.
35.What is the functional unit of the environment, comprising the living and non-living components called?
36.Which component of air is essential for animals?
37.What would happen if carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere increases?
38.Improved varities can be produced in both animals and plants. How?
39.Name a farming system with minimal or no use of chemical fertilizers.
40.Name any two common weeds that grow with wheat and paddy.
41.Describe an activity to show that air contains water vapours.
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42.Give reasons for the following:
(a) Why does Ice float on water?
(b) Why does a gas fill completely the vessel in which it is kept?
(c) Latent heat of evaporation of two liquids A and B is 100 J/kg and 150 J/kg respectively. Which one can
produce more cooling effect and why?
43.Two students A and B were given 10 ml of water in a bowl and a plate respectively. They ‘were told to
observe the rate of evaporation. Name the student whose water evaporates faster and explain its reason.
44.(a) List any three characteristic of colloid.
(b) Name the two components of a colloid.
(c) Identify colloid from the following mixtures:
Muddy water, sugar in water, ink, blood, soda water, foam
45.(a) State the limitations of J.J. Thomson’s model of an atom.
(b) Define valency by taking the examples of magnesium (At. No. = 12) and oxygen (At. No. = 8).
(c) S 2–
has completely filled K, L and M shells. Find its atomic number.
46.(a) Define diffusion. Explain the rate of order of diffusion in solids, liquids and gases.
(b) State the effect of temperature on diffusion.
47.Explain the different processes involved in the flowchart given below.
48.A student was given a mixture of iron filing and sulphur? He was told to heat it and observe the
(c) Write the action of carbon disulphide on it.
(d) Describe the effect of adding dilute hydrochloric acid to it. Identify the gas and write its two properties.
49.(a) While diluting a solution of salt in water a student accidentally added acetone (boiling point 58 °C) to
it. What technique can be applied to get back acetone and what is principle involved in the technique?
(b) Write three differences between physical and chemical change.
50.What would be the work done if
(a) force on the object is zero? (b) displacement of the object is zero?
51.A 2 m high person is holding a 25 kg trunk on his head and is standing at a roadways bus-terminus. How
much work is done by the person?
52.A bullock is pulling a cart and the cart moves. Name the object which is doing work and the object on
which work is done.
2.What was taille?
3.When did France abolish the monarchy and became republic?
4.What was the role of philosophers and thinkers in the French Revolution? Explain.
5.Explain the impact of the French Revolution on the life of people of France.
6.”The rise of middle class played a very important role in the rise of French Revolution.” Analyse the statement.
7.What was the basic idea of socialism?
8.Mention any four features of the Russian economy at the beginning of the 20th century.
9.Distinguish between the ideas of liberals and the radicals.
10.What steps were taken by Hitler to reconstruct Germany?
11.Analyse the impact of economic crisis 1929 on Germany.
12.Mention any four steps which were taken by the British government to conserve the forests in India.
13.Define Preamble.
14.”Like South Africa, India’s Constitution was also drawn up under very difficult circumstances.” Explain.
15.Explain the role of Nelson Mandela in promoting democracy in the world.
16.Define election.
18.Who is the head of the Government?
19.’Working with institutions is not easy” Give reasons to support the statement.
20.Explain the major powers and functions of the Parliament.
ECONOMICS 1.What is human capital? Ans :Human capital refers to knowledge and enterprise required to put together land, labour and physical capital and produce an output for self-consumption or to sell in the market. 2.What is multiple cropping? Ans :Multiple cropping means to grow more than one crop on a same piece of land. 3.Explain any three ways through which a large population considered as liability can be turned into a productive asset?
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4.Why do educated parents invest more heavily in their childrens education? Give three reasons. Ans :Educated parents want to invest more in the education of their children because: (a) It will give good returns in future in the form of good jobs and high salaries. (b) Educated children can contribute to the economic growth of the country by making greater use of the available natural resources. (c) Educated children have higher aspirations and develop values of life like good behaviour, duties and rights. (d) Educated children are more cautious about proper nutrition and hygiene due to their exposure to education. (any three) 5.„The food insecure people are disproportionately large in some regions of the country. Explain. Ans :The economically backward states such as Uttar Pradesh (eastern and south- eastern parts), Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha, West Bengal, Chhattisgarh and some parts of Madhya Pradesh account for largest number of food insecure people in the country. The tribal and remote areas are highly prone to poverty whereas regions more prone to natural disasters are vulnerable to poverty. 6.Differentiate between seasonal hunger and chronic hunger. Ans :Seasonal hunger is related to cycles of food growing and harvesting whereas chronic hunger is a consequence of diets persistently inadequate in terms of quantity or quality. People suffer from seasonal hunger in rural areas because of seasonal nature of agricultural activities and because of causal labour in the urban areas whereas poor people suffer from chronic hunger because of very low income and thereby inability to buy food even for survival. 7.What are the functions of the Food Corporation of India? Or Mention the activities of the Food Corporation of India. Ans :The functions/activities of the Food Corporation of India are: (a) It safeguards the interests of the farmers by providing them remunerative prices for their foodgrain. (b) It maintains an adequate level of foodgrains to ensure stocks are available on any mishappening or calamity. (c) It allows the government to intervene in the food grains market for price stabilisation. 8.How does food security get affected during a natural calamity? Explain two ways in which we can ensure food security in India. Ans :For 1st part: Refer to Ans. 42 (Solved Question Bank) Food security is ensured in India on the basis of the two components, i.e., Buffer Stock and Public Distribution System. (a) Buffer Stock. It is the stock of foodgrains like wheat and rice procured by the government through the Food Corporation of India (FCI). (b) Public Distribution System. The Food procured by the Food Corporation of India is distributed through government regulated ration shops called Fair Price Shops among the poorer sections of the society. This system is known as Public Distribution System.
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9.Give an account of inter-state disparities in poverty in India. Ans :In every state, the proportion of poor is not the same. As a matter of fact, the success rate of reducing poverty varies from state to state. While the All India Head Count Ratio (HCR) was 21.9% in 2011-12 but states like Madhya Pradesh, Assam, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Odisha has poverty above the All India Poverty level. Bihar and Odisha continue to be the poorest states with poverty ratios of 33.7% and 32.6% respectively. In Odisha, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh along with rural poverty urban poverty is also high. There has been a significant decline in poverty in states like Kerala, Jammu and Kashmir, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat and West Bengal. High agricultural growth rates are responsible for reducing poverty in Punjab and Haryana. Kerala has focussed more on human resource development. Land reform measures have helped in reducing poverty in West Bengal. Public distribution of food grains is held responsible for the improvement on the poverty front of Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu.
10.what are the four factors of production?
Ans: land ,labour ,capital ,enterprenour