t S •#/ Facts and Fallacies JOB PRINTING of all kinds executed promptly, and at reasonable prices, at this office. Advertisements this Week* Annual School Meeting Auction. Sale—Fred 'Rozn'u ' . "\ . ' Salvei—Fearle. Allen. Mi>ira "' \ ••:.' Lambert—B. F.Jfarri'xrfr S-onx ' Next Sunday is Easter-McMafjn Orange StileM. H.Orlmt dk Sou - Mr. CustomerThe flaw/tin's /•'htrrfnacy Trains Leave Brushton •v No. 264 . No. 250 No. 242 T:45 a. m. 11:33 a. m. 5:23 p, m. Milk Tram leaving Brashton 9,-09 a. m. will carry passengers between Moira and Malone daily; on Sunday between all stations, . •.••'••. GOING WEST . ",• ";. . ' No. ni . -•' - YNa 857 \ - : .y- No.'265 ". 9:09 a. m. 5:23 p. m- 10:54p. m. Milk Train leavinsf •-"Brnshton at 3:20 p. ml will carry passengers between all stations daily. ; Trains Nos. 250 and 257 between CMr- nbtiBCO and Ogdensburg only, Trains on N . Y , & O. Leave Moira GOING NOBTS 8:36 a.m. 4:04 p.m. 10:09 a. ai, 7:02 p. in. The Brushton gch|ool8 close Friday for a week's Easter Vacation. , Jubilee "Quartette 1 in Grange Hail, April 17th, see the -posters. . " ^.dt. .-.- MissOrtta Larkin of Union•'Springs•[ is visiting relatives ict tbia vicinity. ! Mr.8, Boice of i.isbon is visiting at: the home of her son} Merrill Baldwin. Misa Mary Daaa 13 home from St.- Lawrence University_ for' the. Easter recess: a frieud accoiinpamed her,- - Miss Beraadetfca Quion of the Hor- wootl \ High School faculty is enjoying tier JEaster Vacation at home. The O. T. T. Clu!b : tendered~k fare^ well party to Mrs. ^ ;B, Conger in thetr club rooms Monday evening, winch was attended 4»y nearly the ebtire resident memberahipl V- ; : . Fred Rozoa will h^ye. an auction sale at the hotel barD.Briishtori, next week Tuesday/afternoon., 4Vp.nl 1.4th, at oue o'clock../The sale" -tfili,. eoiisfcc.'of '& go.od;eows..and- five, hprses.' .See. advert, ttsemetst In another colrmin,-. . Ad\". Last Friday evening the-ladjes'M the. W. B. C". tendered aji surprise- party to : M d M H S RESERVE CITIES SATISFY .-.. BY BEV-i C. SHAW ., • Blossom sweet Easter lil lies, :'*"',•• And as we scent your bloora r Memory will wander; backward Unto tbat empty tomb, And to the ri?en Savior : -'-;' : Who took the curse away, ''Giving to hopeless mortals, . A joyoas Easter day. Lon>? was the night of error. And sad the night of paio, v When mighty powers of darkness Seamed o'er the earth-to reign; But Truth's star brightly sMoiti'g, .' 'Filled error with dismay, For Love Divine illumined ''.•" '• The world on Easter day. So ring ye bells in triumph, And let fair lilJies bloom, And land and sea raise Jabilee .. Over that empty tomb; Eemember God's bright A-nge]. Who rolled the stone away, And sing our sweetest anthems On this glad Easter day. Brnsliton, N. Y. L '• .Wait fox the;.Jubilee Quartette." There was a beautiful display df . northern lights Monday, etmiogv "'••-.' .-.' Mrs. Georse Murray has been hdnie- froni McKeever-.for-a fevv ("lays. ' ; : •• Misses Frances ami Georgia .Conger' .' _ . are home from Hochester for the Easter -^ vacation. -. ' . .:• .•--•,;.',.:.;.'.-•.>... Miss - Evi Ivavauah went to North . Baogor Friday to visit her sfeter, JMris. Joseph Cobb. Bunions gallf'ry op'eh-'i^ BruMj'ton- ^LAiJ.rirO and 30; Fort Oovia-'gtoi}'16.auti"' - 17: Bombay April 1$. .'•' " .... ' ".: '..' Aliss Jennie ..--Clgrk.,.'supervisor, of drawing iu tlie Ouebnta. school^ If. spending the Eastervacation li-fe-re with ':-:•-.her fatber t Walter.Ciarki' .- - .. . Mrs.. Lowell Fetty x.eturted home " Monday from tbe Ogden&burg.. City Hospital,- where she had been for treat- •" anent, leeTing mavfci better. • . .. , ',-.- - There wiil be'services;m Si' Petfer'$ church this Thursday raoruioi? at 0:t>O '• o'clock,.. with . a ceiebratioo of ; Holy 7 • •', Commuaiou. .-:-.. .: '... "..•:'• Tbe Christian rtbiirch wilt have an Easter program Suiiday morning at |he usual hour of" service, and. the 1". Pv.'S; CVE. will have appropriate services m . . . . the evening. -".' : ,. •";-' .- - ;.- ." : •'. ; . ••/•. Mrs. W'-nii. Kussel!^ %yiip-lias been visiting her .iiauabters iQ.Millis and Boston, Mass; for several months,, has been very 'ill for two' weeksf. but is on •'" ' '. the gain at present. * •-.•..'. .;"."(• Clifford Gale, has been enoployed; in Lyntionyiile, Vt, for several ruropths, arrived home from tliefe 1-ast Thursday and ielt.that evening for Bay Panel to accept a position there, '. • ' - : - •* J. II. Amlott left Wednesday mpru : insr for Utica on* a business trip: he wiH .'return--horue by way of Watertown where he will attend a Gerentonial .ses- sion of Media Ten.ple, Nub-tes of the "Mystic Shrio.e, '.-};• •'" •/ ,"' \ : - - Mrs. Will Bombarifweutto;"the Og- Uensburg City Hospital last Thursday * iiioroing where »he underwent A suc- -. . - ; ees^fui surgical operation. .'Beports from the: hospital this-week''say-Bhe ..is ..-.'. getting along wcety. '.".'..-•. ..">..-'. - .:'. -. .At the- : Easter services, at'St. Peter's •ctiurch" Suuday aCteraoon at-three o'clock': there will.be special;^^Easter music fcy the St. Mark's ehoir, Malone. Allare cordially invited "to attend these , • •' - ' * e r v i c e 8 . " ..'."" ..•.••••'" , ..'.'•' ..;'•• '-." : -.' . : ... Last week Wedue&<1ay..: afterrioou a party, of school boy^ caught onto a through freight train to go to Moira, when the train reached Motra it was T g o i u g very rapidly ahtl some of fch«.boys ' . did not: attempt to get. off,; Bernard Keeuau however, J-.ruacie : the attempt ' audvvas thrown from his feet OH to his face auti-shoCiiityrs ^ftfid'rendered uu- couscious, in wiiich . cwiUition' he re- ujaiqed several hours. Hi* face.was ' bidry cut .and 'it; was at first -fespied, be haci suffered a fractured skull. He wa^ ; fkot able to be taken home to LawreDee- viile uatii the afteruoou of the. next day. Late.reports frum there say he is now recovering, having sustained no brokeu boues. It is. hoped thar this will be H lesson to those who have.beeu making a practice.of junopiusr freight He Doesn't Believe Board Will Upset Jtesipafip is. y«'f.rfe criticism: of tlie.'uiakeup of- the . federal reserve created by Sef.-retJiri.es Me district^ .\dkw> Houston is with a from President. Wilson. said he Thu •honestly ma>le and that the; cided 011 after ^oinplete invtis actual trade coriditju-rts •; .ml tion ..and exchange, rabt banks.-In each district Be is Mr, and. Mrs. Henry Steeubercfe at their home.-in; this :villag|. . 'jBefreihfttents. were served and a's|od timei enjoyed by all. The ladies presented;them with a nice chair, before th'eir departure. .There.ivas a very li^li't vote out in'this' t3vva at the special 1<?leetipa Tuescjay; in TJist. No. .1 there' ^ere only 41- votes cast approving of theholdms: of a-eon- year .to revise .-.the. Stetf r aud- ,50;ai?ainst., .. In.-.-ttiis , 2, .there.'were ^Vi-yotecl no; 14 yes, and ftne'spoiled t»allt>t. . • Fred W:, 'Flint.'••has'-, purchased-tile L. SchneWer -lot in the bo rued district and -will build a..hiilldingi'about 85 by 70 feet.'...In-the .front- ;he. w ; i!l havie : his. barber shop add jewelry sfcare-.'.ihil tlie tear'will-".be..used..for-' a garage.- Mr- Flint will begin work as soon..:ai the weather permits. : ; ". Tuesday evemu;«JS. L. Aldrich W. B. C.aud dllalybeate Chapter, O..E 8." and a few friends tendered a farewell reception to MTV-and;.Mrs,' 'A. B«":C-on.- %er and Dr, and Mrs> Jason t'otiger at the home of Mr. and Mrs; George Con- ner. The •fcvfo families are about to : move to TJt ! •>.. to make their home, vdiere t-h? Conger Bros, have extensive busin083 int : erests. 'A': B . . Con*eV has also opened a ^real estate office in that city fnd Dr. Conger! will practice his profession. , A. B v . .Conger, weut to X r cica Wedoesday^-thie; 'families'..go -the last 1 of "the week.' It is with reorret fchaf- tlie -people.pi Brushton sse them leaver. but they will-all join In' wishing' them continued prosperity and ,;happiuess in their new hoiues. The reception was a very.'-plfasins? aifair. ',' • .• . ' .•. &M SEEKS JUST M that fie believe<l the sefectl ins-. \voui«3 '.stand .ajid wonld not be uftM*t. hy[ilia federal, reserve- lward;when i .Just, when Hu.-s.boarfl 'will. h ed,'the president. told his• '.was iinaWe ro s;:£y. - • . , " . .: The president' ruarld. it ii had" no/hand In- the reserve cities.--••-•The j evf>r T . has.furnished him witlt infovm.fit.ipn its. to;-how it-.-r eoncItiHifnis. mid this kin s;i that thp sel^f-tlnns . tore fii ly-.s<«m\l. Th<» peasldent to '.tioji Mui.f, while there js' ponit'rheret in .the. : «ri-ties that- dihti and wi>iy tiu'nH eoTiflde'ht' that: ratti.-h of' t- •will. d1s"Ai>j>pfu:. y r h o i i tln j in •s i n t o t.»i**«i';srt'tli. - . . president w«r<; -."were de- of cu s of the .indicated -tiiat'.'lw : ot the. i»j bo\r &aclvod its isfi»J(l Mia lathetttul- the po^i- pi for down, n-t* Uis; t>t>,fiiig • • ' '.-Her "Si?e. Lady (lu siiue skopir-Tb piueli tefribly. SttYerffc you ese larger? SalesiMan—You ask Si's, ma'am. I con give yoii. N<>. 4's or—- Lady—'Che i.det larger iu;-Xo. 2'al -'At Ojne o' p. in The Undesigned will^ sell at Public Auction at the Hotel : ! ' ^ 1 \ : K - --••-'• ; '' : y - ' - • ' • • • • - Birrt, Brushtori d. for Nk ^o. &'s'**r ! I \ra«t; President's ©uiding Prmcipie In Selec- . ..-.".. .. ttons- Fpri..O^iGe. '. ' •'•iPr-esiile-ut .^'Oswii •••<?u.mifiated the principal that i>* gvidln*? "him'!« the selection Qf. pn^lic 'serviints. iirg.. the \ie\y that :he -.did = i-)ot - in eiu'«t.»j*iii-g. Bieu, who would deckle <i-uest'it.>ii?i in a eei'ttun. way. but' tl.H>.se w'toi lie Snow'.? to be just niuV f:iii". Tbe-preside-iit remarked that to- him it s(*era«d' justice wns' the Ivaritest thing in "the. wotid to 6Iit;iiii and that it re- quired more i.'ourn.si<j .rtiid iM-jetm* than any other one thfiig.j . • Mr.' WiistHV was. discussing'., his ap- pointnieut: of. Professor Wiutlarop- M. : to the interstate commerce co|nitrtnation was-ob- y after ;i vigorous senate con- test.' "ThV president fefen'ed -ttt Mr. iWiiitils as, si ju's4t-«n:d"'eJiI.?^htt > Tted nmiV infhmUely for At the l«.st regular meeting of JBi",«jsh- held, a week ago dijits received ton Grasge, No. , last Sa turd ay, five first and second degwies. The topic,, '-How !to select loiir farm seed," was explained, by Bro,| BeLong, who expressed hiinielr very plainly on this, subject aod 'I im siire tbistt our brother grangers pro! 5 ted by this ^ T .The next meeting \v afternoon, April 11. be called to order at IJBO o'clock: all ill be heid^afurday The meeting will 6 taken third and present. '.At.three jrograua will be in those who have no fourth degrees. to-.; be o'clock the lecturers charge of the Lectured of Banker Q Vjio will bring a deligatiofi of Bangor grangers and; will furnish the.prc»gmra. - The members of | Brushton grange should plan to attend| this meeting and welcome oiir visiting brothers and sisters. After the .meeting! w-artn : sugar and doughnuts will beseryed. '.•.•.-" Reuiember the date-^ April 11th atone thirty o'clock. These Cows areall new tni!k« e^ ISof tfettt Holstelns •.•••' arid 10 Ayrshaies. . .'.-:• They riingeffoniBipT years of age and ai?#.a g'ood lot.- Will be sold to . the'Highest Bidder.. •' ' • ' ALSO Want, Lost, FotmcU To.BeniL For Sale atiid. cjtker like notices mserted un=de? -this head fot one-half {seat a - word each week. L order. .Minimum. Cftnrge-10 .< wwvv . BUSINESS'-FOR SA LE-Th.. ;old lished meat and grocery : , business of Central Marker,. Brash ton, ia o ffered . for sate. An nnnsnal oppo-rtunftj. for the right man : to get a money ih-A.king' busi- flitl W H Sith g g y ness for : little money. . W. Brushton. H. Stnith, ••"••FARMS- FOE S.AtE-^AH sizes.-".AH prices. Come and see-us if ypn want to buy a farm» See. our catalogue. A. iS-.- Conger, Brashton. •'.'.••. . f lfl-w-4 : ; .^TOayw, stp, to pastor© in the Farringtc plenty'of Kood/water. Ehtrai WSt B^l jk 'wanted n pastnre, e of Floyd v » mars Q SALE—1 black year old old io July, dam b, sire by Tlrarmintis, nearly blooded Perelieroio. 1 b^y mirecPlt years old in May, well bred, Ei val. Also Slieifer calf68anc from well bred dams and Address R. B. Oongferj Brush! on colt one 15--1.6 fall two. sire Sans: 1 bull calf tered sire. PIGS FOE S A L E - 4 weeks fa Also 3 or 4 brood C. F. Harris, Moira. EOE SALE~One register* bull calf 2 weeks old, Fred Kozon* ^ nieel|y FOB SALE—A modern up to hotoe situated on state hij^biYay inthe village of Brash ton- Fine furnace heatj fruit trees, ifrar&n, shade trees. Everytbins: in perfect old-'April for ' rTolsteiti | marked. coiidition.. Apply E. Will sacrifice for quick sale. F. BoMord, Plattsbtirsh, N.'-fif./or Mrs; •Jennie B, Greetoleaf, BruslitolQ, Y. , : •.•-••• -" " ; ' •-••• r ' , ' - 1 4 : ^ 4 FOR f?ApE—AsT expect tog nfext year J offer for sale, two p stoyes, one coal range, a blue stove, and a few articles of fw 13. Bennettj Brusaton. to theelty parlor co^l fliine oil iitiure. 0^. FOR SALE-:After repairiu I ham about 35 windows, e iglassj also some very fine doo A few veranda posts' left. :.Al] dows $1.00 each. W. E.~ Clark FOR SALTB-Set of nesses, ooe single rMving 1 ^ood condition. M.; M. Mora ton,N. Y, : '.;; .,/•.. • -.. ; PASSE-PARTOPT binding at Smith's, Brashton. F OB SA £ E- Village p acres of land, good' frails,-:..e? cation, 13 room lioiase with fi in :good repair, modern b undergrpnnd cellar Fine sell at a bargain. Saa-ah Brashton. ".'.-•.:'• ,; my Bowse tra heavy, s for sale. size wiia^ Moira,: n% harness ok ess; all in ey^ B nail colors operty,. If ellant lo- riiace and 46x50,' ell.- Wilt u Phelps, ' S WANTEB-HigheBt cash for calf skins and heavy bide Market. W. H. SmitL MEN'S BUIT3 cleaned a: from 50 cents up. Leav0 at Olpthing Store. .Mrs. Brusiiton. ; FOR SALE-^At &is office a pnndie, old newspapers. Harris M AVoods Announce an[ Exhibition of Newlniportations arid '•• Original Designs of Jiigh '. .:' c l a s s ',••••••"•; .-,".- ;|.' --.. /". :; .- .;-• • •.' Dress & Tailored Htats For early Spring and Stimmer .-"..' ".;••-;'•'• '•'. W e a r - -•",::'.:" •-. .' ".- Just -.-fileee Infants'finite price paid: Central d pressed McVJann's 1 Geddes, at 5 cents Medium Price iBg in.Weight, from ^00 to 1100 lbs. TERMS: Casli or Good able Notes. s-. SOUTH BOMBAY April 6fcb—Mrs, Geo; Sweet and Mrs, Gertie Sweet were calling on relativea and friends ia town Ttiesday. i florton Wella speiit a few days last w e a k i t M a s s e n a . ',-';' V ••';''"-".'•. •'' Miss MiBnie Flanders wenjt to Eajst Brasher Sunday to,-yMt her sisfer, Mrs, .Tolin.0-rtty... -,••' :/..-•.-'.''-- '•••;•'" .'••-•-•".•-/' Mr. and Mm Cteo.' Russell, Wm. Sweet, and Mr. liastaberion attecded^ the ness meeting a^t North Bangor, Snnday. Marion Rassell, who is, attendittg school at Moira, remained thare ovier Sunday, fee gnest of her friendl* Lois Page. W. A. Richardson uf l)ic&jnson spent Saadaif at tlie home of Ms fatfaerV I>an R i e h a r a s o i L , - V - - . ' - '.••' [-••• : : : - •••'"••' ••'- .'• •••'• Mr. and. Mrs. Leon Phelps of Malone were the over Sunday gnests of •the.'^iat* ter's.stBter,-Mrs..Leti- ; Mle3. : -.... ; .". -... ••-.'s'. •;.'• Kext Sanday ia Cojamofflon' Sunday. It is also the lash Sanday in the corifer- enee year. Let everyone niake a special eflfoft to go to.chnrch th<ii day* E. A* Whitney* Auctioneer Brusflton, New York Annual School Meeting N OTIOEXS the annufl school naeefcins: of the Inhabitants of j Union Free School $)&' tr'fotJ^o.-.l,'t6.wji- o|; iMoira, qualified to vote at school nae^ings in said disfcript, will be held at the high school buildin|r ill said district,"'-on Tuee.ctay, U&y 5* W14 at 7:30 olcioek, p.; m. for the purpose of eleetin^ t*o tmptees in place of W, 'Steals and ji «S. Quinu Whose terms .of office expire |Juiy 31st and, for the trans- aeiion oi .sach other .business as. is: authorized" by the ed^eatioii law of 1910 and the acts am.enSatory thereof. ;-.-.'-Ti>e;folipwiu^is';a- detailed statement of the amorinti of money whieh will be required for school ;piirposSs'for the ea^ s of the public n eys, towit: Teachers' Janitor . Truaut Oflc Aprilfi—-Twin;babies, a girj and aboy, were born to Mr. ^,nd Mrs, j Brirt iiToek Snnday morning, April '5th,., 1914, w&o live la Henry Hnichins'house. ; Mrl and Mrs.: Abb 3Diistin pt Fi Pp^ ingtoh, Mr. andd IWfrs. Willard Avery and* Mrv soxd Mrs. Rnrt Avery attended qtiarteriy meeting here Sunday. \GJad to see Rev.,Oarioss Hill pt Burtce with as again oa qiiarteriy meeting. day i also Mrs. Friend Whdcame with him. She is the dattghtfr of dttr former pastor who lived here some years ago, Rev. John "Hull;••;•..- .]::p^:'S- : V;' ; ':''-''i::^\ ..' Mrs. I)ayid Areryis yisii^n g her sister j Mrs; Ira Green olHorthBangor.. Biirt Ellsw6rfch started out this morn- ing wijth Mis sawing machine to saw w o c i d . ' . ; "•. - "..••"' : -.'. ;: -".'.' •;'••-' •'.'...- •""•'••-"' '.•'.••"•'. :.- Miss Rena; Martin of "Malone wa-stlie gnest of her laeice, Mrs. Bqtt Ashley,. one 4ay last weekw''.. '' : -.;; '•• • •';-•.. r .•, ' •;'- ] ',-• Cold chiii5r r^orning^ but the people are very btisyl^st the same. . . . . : .;- lied Brown of Matone was in fewn l a s t / w e e k , ; - . : ' . . •'"'••' \'.' '•':• Little1;- Ethel Heath pf; Brook dale is visiting 1 M th« home of her griandfaihe^ Henry Miarey. '•:' ; /-;;. ; -.:'; •':. '. ; " -.- •'•:':' •; Thomas = Sotrthworth, sonOol Mrs Martha Beaa Lawrencev hasniowd down onto the Alwin Be,an farna near Wolf; Swa.riip. .'- -.V : .;''--' ; .-;'/; : ""." : Mrai. Ed win ttntchiris, who has been staying with her son Hefiry fpr. some tifiae 'returned to. her home-.'in W«styille, also lotttle Eva HutcMnsi; last Saturday; afternoon.••.,-'; -.'v -•.-. • -.--.-.' / '-- :'•••'"_ •;_-. -•• George Hodge was in town today. '.' Mileage Exchange Of f ice ' ; Mileages bought, sold'-.and exehamged, (JJEQ; W; HASMSi Ticket Agent g ,; W; HASMSi Ticket Agent Bru«h%pn. Ni l r . ."--•'•.. Oo to f, A. Clark Floor OH Cloths Hemp and Wool Carpets Stamped and Inlaici Linoleums Wall Paper and Window Shade Also a full line of Rubbers INDUSTftAL JWQU1RY OPENS. Federal Corwmission Begins Searching i : Prob« lit Washington. | . With prainkieiit 'ivi'trp^ritat/i.ves V»f J enip-kiyers JUM.1 »?m'}*itj rt'* 1 !-'^ as. sl>)ii. ..ni '.wI-M'f- p reia.tto.iit! iiisiiD be one *»f tlie iijf»*t -exhri .U*iittoBs : ; ever rmrkn-f;,! k^u. srjflr.-.'tt ylftvv of .^ t>>' ^. n Fountain Pens * ' - i ' I . ...When-you bisv a Fountain Pen biiy a gqoxl.. one—a- - • Parker Liick Curve ::" There's nevera hiiciior sku> f a r a s " Lwi^s-iKie H i i V r e u c i - ' - s h t i t w p ^ j 1 ) '. - .'.',i ••• •• r - . > * T - , > •-. • ' , ••capit«i ; 4»Tja--inii^.- •.''••". .'-••'•.•.""•.•• " : " |in ; '..no\v_.oi;mk a :-rar.Ker r\-n. ' -.Me.TiiftrH ; s'.of the conim.Issiio'n of wliich Made, plain. OF •: "v\'i th. Cjold Of" Frmirr^wn^i^^ mouhfincf,. '"•• .Standan! wonM.I-o^iWeo'idia^'of^he^l^y^ ^P^ r ^ r - X-iickv ." ' Curve ; i]ie.duled. for •.iwpiefp-m of its ;work iii W;)s*hiiijyrton, exj>i&«?>"e<l.'rknrsd"a < v.' tin- ,t bmniissittli .'il-)ti<;i3>rftPS n .Ti^J-t. tatho-f- y Pens $~-,oo. ... iitdnsticJal- centers of the pp. eountfy. to coutlnne. hearing;*. fIDtlCATlONAL NAMED, # if."Son's: Gomrnissron to Aid Labor •."• Headed-by Hbke Smith, Thi? *>rgani!5:.rfio?T of President Wi!- st>rt's rdcfXtio-na-i. edtieatiOBaI commit sifai, treated hy co*rtgi*es's'" to report on Jiine-'.?'- : sonie. plan for'federal aid '.for pnnmry instrnetion in manHul.training..! home eco.howk-'S* was .ftJinouneetl i-t*. Hoke Smith /-of Georaria if-' tt. Other members are" Sena- tor Page of .Vermont;; Senator Hughes of New Jersey find Representative Fegs of Ohio. j "MNB .OF;; ,' - ' Mew aal Up«tWate Millinery v Pattern flats, etc. Is now on display at nay new millinery . parlors west of the Methodist church Miss Mabel Quiim, whohas bad two seas- ; OES in Ogdensburg, has been engaged "'".'. /..'•.'•.••-.."•-. ; M triinmef-' ..' .- •• - :.'.'.'.*' You are cordially invited to call' and in- -•'..-•.• : spect ay line . LilHa L. Coniielley Brushton : , •'*:,. * *..-•-- , Ni if;. Parker Jack KnIre Safety Pen never' leaks ..when -.ci^rii.;*"]- i?r '"any;-.pocket like a short, pencil. •'Pen., knife- Mz^ \ for lacfi-s 1 purse. 'Price,' $"2;.;5p, -;ia:ordin\r to the. size and ornamer/ianon. PARKER 1 SELF FILLERS •. A -demand'fur a sclf-tillino- pen-has kd the 1'arkei" people to put' out'the 'be.- e-st ay iust oil the ..market "to put tire peiv-p'Oiu-t iv. .the' ink and.-push' the'buttcn and the .pen-isreadr. to Av-r-ite. - '-' -'All' Parker •T'ettb are. --sold under a...-written'guarantee." •/• Many .styles-'to s.dJect from a t ; . . J '•';• " - . . " '"-.-•; Charles H. Smith's, BmsHton, = "^ New York WEAR RUBBERS 325,00 'Fuel'. •.':' ' * 35.00 Library " " • / •--•; .• • •::- V -' ' Printingati<l.Stationery ' Insurance-V : ; • - v -'•• .-;.-. '•?'.;... Prineipal afej liiterest Cbutingent 20,00 50.00 order of Board of EdH ;.'...'' .Clerk, -.-.' President. E!atfi(i April 6,19li.: ; : ' ; \ ' Franklin Rear Estate Ageiicy. Real E,st&te,Loans,Investments Fsarms and General Property Selling Fawni? a Specialty. Call before buying or selling. Property kandfed = ^ i ''' WM. ST. MARY, : S ; 5 MAiOSEi N. Y. ved a Large Assoftttient of; Gbildren's }Vhit0 Muslin, Gingham^ jaiid Percale Presses, Rompers and Rttssiari Infants' Bonnets and Cloaks; Gome whether or not you .;.'. '••. ..^. ,' wish to buy ^ •. Some very attractive Ladies^ Spring Goats are on Inspection. RICE . • v / Comparison Proves the Value of this Car •••. .The Intrinsic value p^an^ article, is easily ideterminedbyjeomparison, \" r lj"»i-s. Alo-iei :.\JJ Series C Lambertis pnustial as.compared with any other car ia its price .class, ... . •".••.•." v Plenty of .room to seat fw& passengers comfortably--rich; deep ,nph6-lster ( ;-r- lon^ w\wt\ base-Udectric lights 4nd sfarter^-LamBert: '-Patented;.Gearlesn.Transmission—and'' so_ - iar o s the motor isi eonce.rned—^take your choice of, those t\yo known favorably tlie world over— the Continental or Rutenber.f - :, ;•••. - - The bief Lambert orofanization--—biff machine shops-—skilled mechanics—real knf)vvie:d -//t of mahufactering, hasmacie itpossible , . : .:-:' : "'. ••••..'•-.*'.' ..' ; . •.-. •: ; "; ;It's : Wor;tH^hile ; to.kndw;-mpre,abOT ...V, " •/,•".;•. ,• :: ..- : ,-•••'. -'.-• . . band dtiye, ceiiter control. •.:'.>-• > ; SPBE15—1to^50 miles per hour, V TIRESr--323c3i in. witlt qmck aeteeliabie tims. \ MpTQB^-CoB.tinental or Butenber~||x5K in. 30 EL P. WATER CIRprjL^TipN^Centriin^alptimp. t i B r i g g s MtaaHieto (guaranteed for, life...).'.. ttder hood, • : Plo^ feed. : , Splash and fotcfe feed- GASOMNJ| TAN fCi-Ten gallons, nnjder cowl, : ^ ^ Patented Geariegs BH ^ ^ ^ J p ^ BEABINGS—Hyatt toilet mA^^ aEtniialar ball;. ; 'FRAME^Pfe&sed:lteeL/ '..-•'. v.-''•.-^::;s-';-'; •.;. ;-'• SPBiNO, front^Titanie/semi ^ilipfcxcgr ' j?* " '' ' '' " ' ; ' ; SPBING,- rear-Fall-elliptic',•j?ro?.iB i : | :nxn ':^ 1 -. AXLES, front —I Beam Section. ., :: WHEBLS—12, % in. spoi^eB,'Artillery .tyi.-:-o. ' TBGAD—56-ineli. : - BBAKES-~-Internal expanding and Kxterna \\e< , BBAKE SUBPACES-Kaybesto's. BAB EATOB—Vertical tubnlar; " BTEKRING GEAR—Irreversible ffi'-mJ. wiMi : juslmente, . ."-. •' STEEBING WHEE3u-l$in. fliabb^auy rim. - , G M B {RATIO—3.6fcgI on bighr FENDER^— Heavy m.etal.-with aide. OutuU. '" : B0D1 MATER-lAL-WetiiL-:>nsai%tantmI we--..; . " UPHOLSTEBING-Hi^b 'Krade- . 'wM^^ . '..., 'i'rt.8tic roiln, £ood apnn^s audenrioi hiur, DOOR LATCHES—inside body, RUNNING i •is trn'uxt'. EQUIPMENT . Moliair topi sidecn.rteios,and top eover s . tnndshield, speedometer, electric laxn^s, black platad, coat rail, aickle tarimnjings, wheel pviller, complete set of tools, tire repair kit, pauip, et« ^^m^W$^\^. : . -• BRUSHTON, Agents for Franklin and SU Lawrence Counties N- Y •-• J \ .

SATISFY f, A. Clark - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn93063604/1914-04-09/ed-1/seq-2.pdft S •#/ Facts and Fallacies JOB PRINTING of all kinds executed promptly,

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Page 1: SATISFY f, A. Clark - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn93063604/1914-04-09/ed-1/seq-2.pdft S •#/ Facts and Fallacies JOB PRINTING of all kinds executed promptly,

t S

•#/ Facts and Fallacies

JOB PRINTING of all kinds executed

promptly, and at reasonable prices, atthis office.

Advertisements this Week*Annual School MeetingAuction. Sale—Fred 'Rozn'u ' . "\ • . 'Salvei—Fearle. Allen. Mi>ira "' \ ••:.'Lambert—B. F.Jfarri'xrfr S-onx 'Next Sunday is Easter—-McMafjnOrange Stile—M. H.Orlmt dk Sou -Mr. Customer—The flaw/tin's /•'htrrfnacy

Trains Leave Brushton


No. 264 . No. • 250 No. 242T:45 a. m. 11:33 a. m. 5:23 p, m.

Milk Tram leaving Brashton 9,-09 a.m. will carry passengers between Moiraand Malone daily; on Sunday betweenall stations, .

• . • • ' • • . G O I N G W E S T . ",• ";. . '

No. ni . -•' - YNa 857 \ - : .y- No.'265 ".9:09 a. m. 5:23 p. m- 10:54 p. m.

Milk Train • leavinsf •-"Brnshton at 3:20p. ml will carry passengers between allstations daily. ;

Trains Nos. 250 and 257 between CMr-nbtiBCO and Ogdensburg only,

Trains o n N . Y , & O. L e a v e MoiraGOING NOBTS

8:36 a.m. 4:04 p.m.

10:09 a. ai, 7:02 p. in.

The Brushton gch|ool8 close Fridayfor a week's Easter Vacation. ,

Jubilee "Quartette1 in Grange Hail,April 17th, see the -posters. . " .dt..-.- MissOrtta Larkin of Union•'Springs•[is visiting relatives ict tbia vicinity. !

Mr.8, Boice of i.isbon is visiting at:the home of her son} Merrill Baldwin.

Misa Mary Daaa 13 home from St.-Lawrence University_ for' the. Easterrecess: a frieud accoiinpamed her,- -

Miss Beraadetfca Quion of the Hor-wootl\ High School faculty is enjoyingtier JEaster Vacation at home.

The O. T. T. Clu!b: tendered~k fare^well party to Mrs. ; B , Conger inthetr club rooms Monday evening,winch was attended 4»y nearly the ebtireresident memberahipl V- ;: .

• Fred Rozoa will h^ye. an auction saleat the hotel barD.Briishtori, next weekTuesday/afternoon., 4Vp.nl 1.4th, at oueo'clock../The sale" -tfili,. eoiisfcc.'of '&go.od;eows..and- five, hprses.' • .See. advert,ttsemetst In another colrmin,-. • . Ad\".

Last Friday evening the-ladjes'M the.W. B. C". tendered aji surprise- party to :

M d M H S


.-.. BY BEV-i C. SHAW ., •

Blossom sweet Easter lil lies, :'*"',••And as we scent your bloorar

Memory will wander; backwardUnto tbat empty tomb,

And to the ri?en Savior :-'-;' :

Who took the curse away,''Giving to hopeless mortals, .

A joyoas Easter day.

Lon>? was the night of error.And sad the night of paio, v

When mighty powers of darknessSeamed o'er the earth-to reign;

But Truth's star brightly sMoiti'g, .''Filled error with dismay,

For Love Divine illumined ''.•"'• The world on Easter day.

So ring ye bells in triumph,And let fair lilJies bloom,

And land and sea raise Jabilee ..Over that empty tomb;

Eemember God's bright A-nge].Who rolled the stone away,

And sing our sweetest anthemsOn this glad Easter day.

Brnsliton, N. Y. L

' • .Wait • fox the;.Jubilee Quartette."

There was a beautiful display df. northern lights Monday, etmiogv "'••-.'

.-.' Mrs. Georse Murray has been hdnie-froni McKeever-.for-a fevv ("lays. ' ; :

•• Misses Frances ami Georgia .Conger'. ' _ . are home from Hochester for the Easter

- ^ v a c a t i o n . -. ' . .:• . • - - • , ; . ' , . : . ; . ' . - • . > . . .

Miss - Evi Ivavauah went to North. Baogor Friday to visit her sfeter, JMris.

Joseph Cobb.

Bunions gallf'ry • op'eh-'i^ BruMj'ton-^LAiJ.rirO and 30; Fort Oovia-'gtoi}'16.auti"'

• - 17: Bombay April 1$. .'•' " ....' ".: '..'Aliss Jennie ..--Clgrk.,.'supervisor, of

drawing iu tlie Ouebnta. school^ If.spending the Eastervacation li-fe-re with

':-:•-.her fatbert Walter.Ciarki' .- - ... Mrs.. Lowell Fetty x.eturted home

" Monday from tbe Ogden&burg.. CityHospital,- where she had been for treat-

• •" anent, leeTing mavfci better. • . .. , ',-.-- There wiil be'services;m Si' Petfer'$

church this Thursday raoruioi? at 0:t>O'• o'clock,.. with . a ceiebratioo of; Holy

7 • • ' , Commuaiou. .-:-.. .: '... "..•:'•Tbe Christian rtbiirch wilt have an

Easter program Suiiday morning at |heusual hour of" service, and. the 1". Pv.'S;CVE. will have appropriate services m

. . . . t h e e v e n i n g . -".': ,. •";-' .- - ;.- ." : •'. ; . ••/•.

Mrs. W'-nii. Kussel!^ %yiip-lias been

visiting her .iiauabters iQ.Millis and

Boston, Mass; for several months,, has

been very 'ill for two' weeksf. but is on

•'" ' '. • the gain at present. * •-.•..'. . ; " . " ( •

Clifford Gale, has been enoployed; in

Lyntionyiile, Vt, for several ruropths,

arrived home from tliefe 1-ast Thursday

and ielt.that evening for Bay Panel to

accept a position there, '. • ' -:- •*

J. II . Amlott left Wednesday mpru :

insr for Utica on* a business trip: he wiH.'return--horue by way of Watertownwhere he will attend a Gerentonial .ses-sion of Media Ten.ple, Nub-tes of the"Mystic Shrio.e, ' . - } ; • •'" •/ ,"' \ :

- - Mrs. Will Bombarifweutto;"the Og-

Uensburg City Hospital last Thursday* iiioroing where »he underwent A suc-

-. . - ; ees^fui surgical operation. . 'Beportsfrom the: hospital this-week''say-Bhe ..is

. . - . ' . getting along wcety. '.".'..-•. . . "> . . - ' .

- .:'. -. .At the-:Easter services, a t 'St . Peter 's

•ctiurch" Suuday aCteraoon a t - t h r e e

o'clock': there will .be special;^^Easter

music fcy the St. Mark's ehoir, Malone.

Al lare cordially invited "to attend these

, • •' - ' * e r v i c e 8 . " . . ' . " " ..•.••••'" , . . ' . ' • ' . . ; '•• '-.":-.'

. : ... Last week Wedue&<1ay..: afterrioou aparty, of school boy^ caught onto athrough freight train to go to Moira,when the train reached Motra it was

Tgoiug very rapidly ahtl some of fch«.boys' . did not: attempt to get. off,; Bernard

• Keeuau however, J-.ruacie: the attempt' audvvas thrown from his feet OH to his

face auti-shoCiiityrs ^ftfid'rendered uu-couscious, in wiiich . cwiUition' he re-ujaiqed several hours. Hi* face.was

' bidry cut .and 'it; was at first -fespied, behaci suffered a fractured skull. He wa^

; fkot able to be taken home to LawreDee-viile uatii the afteruoou of the. nextday. Late.reports frum there say he isnow recovering, having sustained nobrokeu boues. It is. hoped thar thiswill be H lesson to those who have.beeu

m a k i n g a practice.of junopiusr freight

He Doesn't Believe Board WillUpset Jtesipafip is.

y«'f.rfe criticism: of tlie.'uiakeup of-the . federal reservecreated by Sef.-retJiri.es Me


Houston is with afrom President. Wilson.said he


•honestly ma>le and that the;cided 011 after ^oinplete invtisactual trade coriditju-rts •; .mltion ..and exchange, rabtbanks.-In each district Be


Mr, and. Mrs. Henry Steeubercfe at theirhome.-in; this :villag|. . 'jBefreihfttents.were served and a ' s |od timei enjoyedby all. The ladies presented;them witha nice chair, before th'eir departure.

.There.ivas a very li^li't vote out in'this't3vva at the special 1<?leetipa Tuescjay;in TJist. No. .1 there' ^ere only 41- votescast approving of theholdms: of a-eon-

year .to revise .-.the. Stetfr

aud- ,50;ai?ainst., .. In.-.-ttiis, 2, .there.'were Vi-yotecl no;

14 yes, and ftne'spoiled t»allt>t. . •Fred W:, 'Flint.'••has'-, purchased-tile L.

SchneWer -lot in the bo rued district and-will build a..hiilldingi'about 85 by 70feet.'...In-the .front- ;he. w;i!l havie: his.barber shop add jewelry sfcare-.'.ihil tlietear'will-".be..used..for-' a garage.- Mr-Flint will begin work as soon..:ai theweather permits. : ;

". Tuesday evemu;«JS. L. Aldrich W.B. C.aud dllalybeate Chapter, O..E 8."and a few friends tendered a farewellreception to MTV-and;.Mrs,' 'A. B«":C-on.-%er and Dr, and Mrs> Jason t'otiger atthe home of Mr. and Mrs; George Con-ner. The •fcvfo families are about to:

move to TJt! •>.. to make their home,vdiere t-h? Conger Bros, have extensivebusin083 int:erests. 'A': B.. Con*eV hasalso opened a real estate office in thatcity fnd Dr. Conger! will practice hisprofession. , A. Bv. .Conger, weut toXrcica Wedoesday^-thie; 'families'..go -thelast1 of "the week.' It is with reorret fchaf-tlie -people.pi Brushton sse them leaver.but they will-all join In' wishing' themcontinued prosperity and ,;happiuess intheir new hoiues. The reception wasa very.'-plfasins? aifair. ' , ' • .• . ' .•.


that fie believe<l the sefectl ins-. \voui«3'.stand .ajid wonld not be uftM*t. hy[iliafederal, reserve- lward;when i.Just, when Hu.-s.boarfl 'will.hed, ' the president. told his•'.was iinaWe ro s;:£y. - • . , " ..: The president' ruarld. it iihad" no/hand In- thereserve cities.--••-•The jevf>rT. has.furnished him witltinfovm.fit.ipn its. to;-how it-.-reoncItiHifnis. mid this kin s;ithat thp sel^f-tlnns . tore fiily-.s<«m\l. Th<» peasldent to

'.tioji Mui.f, while there js'ponit'rheret in .the.:«ri-ties that-d i h t i and wi>iy tiu'nH

eoTiflde'ht' that: ratti.-h of' t-•wil l . d1s"Ai>j>pfu:. yrhoi i t l n j in

•s i n t o t.»i**«i';srt'tli. - . .


-."were de-of

cus of the.indicated

-tiiat'.'lw: ot the.i»j bo\r

&aclvod itsisfi»J(l Mialathetttul-the po^i-

pi fordown, n-t*

Uis; t>t>,fiiig

• •' '.-Her "Si?e. •Lady (lu siiue skopir-Tb

piueli tefribly. SttYerffc youese

larger? SalesiMan—You askSi's, ma'am. I con give yoii.N<>. 4's or—- Lady—'Che i.det

larger iu;-Xo. 2'al

-'At Ojne o' p. in

The Undesigned will sell at

Public Auction at the Hotel: ! ' ^ 1 \ : K - - - • • - ' • ; ' ' : y - ' - • ' • • • • -

Birrt, Brushtori

d. for Nk^ o . &'s'**r! I \ra«t;

President's ©uiding Prmcipie In Selec-. ..-.".. .. ttons- Fpri..O^iGe. '. '•'•iPr-esiile-ut .^'Oswii •••<?u.mifiated the

principal that i>* gvidln*? "him'!« theselection Qf. pn^lic 'serviints.iirg.. the \ie\y that :he -.did = i-)ot -in eiu'«t.»j*iii-g. Bieu, who would deckle<i-uest'it.>ii?i in a eei'ttun. way. but' tl.H>.sew ' t o i lie Snow'.? to be just niuV f:iii".Tbe-preside-iit remarked that to- him its(*era«d' justice wns' the Ivaritest thingin "the. wotid to 6Iit;iiii and that it re-quired more i.'ourn.si<j .rtiid iM-jetm* thanany other one thfiig.j . •

Mr.' WiistHV was. discussing'., his ap-pointnieut: of. Professor Wiutlarop- M.

: to the interstate commerceco|nitrtnation was-ob-

y after ;i vigorous senate con-test.' "ThV president fefen'ed -ttt Mr.iWiiitils as, si ju's4t-«n:d"'eJiI.? htt>Tted nmiV

infhmUely for

At the l«.st regular meeting of JBi",«jsh-held, a week ago

d i j i t s • receivedton Grasge, No.

, last Sa turd ay, fivefirst and second degwies.

The topic,, '-How !to select loiir farmseed," was explained, by Bro,| BeLong,who expressed hiinielr • very plainly onthis, subject aod 'I im siire tbistt ourbrother grangers pro! 5 ted by this

T.The next meeting \vafternoon, April 11.be called to order at IJBO o'clock: all

ill be heid^afurdayThe meeting will

6 taken third andpresent. '.At.three

jrograua will be in

those who have nofourth degrees. to-.; beo'clock the lecturerscharge of the Lectured of Banker QVjio will bring a deligatiofi of Bangorgrangers and; will furnish the.prc»gmra.- The members of | Brushton grange

should plan to attend| this meeting andwelcome oiir visiting brothers and sisters.

After the .meeting! w-artn :sugar anddoughnuts will beseryed. ' .•.•.-"

Reuiember the date-^ April 11th atonethirty o'clock.

These Cows are all new tni!k«

e ^ IS of tfettt Holstelns

•.•••' a r i d 1 0 A y r s h a i e s . . .'.-:•

They riingeffoniBipT years of age and

ai?#.a g'ood lot.- Will be sold to

. the'Highest Bidder.. •' ' • '

ALSOWant, Lost, FotmcU To.BeniL For Sale

atiid. cjtker like notices mserted un=de?-this head fot one-half {seat a

- word each week.L order.

.Minimum. Cftnrge-10 .<


. BUSINESS'-FOR SA LE-Th..;oldlished meat and grocery :, business ofCentral Marker,. Brash ton, ia o ffered . forsate. An nnnsnal oppo-rtunftj. for theright man: to get a money ih-A.king' busi-

f l i t l W H S i t hg g y

ness for: little money. . W.Brushton.

H. Stnith,

••"••FARMS- FOE S.AtE-^AH sizes.-".AHprices. Come and see-us if ypn want tobuy a farm» See. our catalogue. A. iS-.-Conger, Brashton.•'.'.••. . f lfl-w-4:

; . ^ T O a y w , stp,to pastor© in the Farringtcplenty'of Kood/water. EhtraiW S t B ^ l

jk 'wantedn pastnre,e of Floyd

v »

marsQ SALE—1 blackyear old old io July, dam b,sire by Tlrarmintis, nearlyblooded Perelieroio. 1 b^y mirecPltyears old in May, well bred,Ei val. Also Slieifer calf68 ancfrom well bred dams andAddress R. B. Oongferj Brush! on

colt one

15--1.6 falltwo.

sire Sans:• 1 bull calftered sire.

PIGS FOE SALE-4 weeksfa Also 3 or 4 brood

C. F. Harris, Moira.

EOE SALE~One register*bull calf 2 weeks old,Fred Kozon*


FOB SALE—A modern up tohotoe situated on state hij biYay in thevillage of Brash ton- Finefurnace heatj fruit trees, ifrar&n, shadetrees. Everytbins: in perfect

old-'Aprilfor '

rTolsteiti| marked.

coiidition..Apply E.Will sacrifice for quick sale.

F. BoMord, Plattsbtirsh, N.'-fif./or Mrs;•Jennie B, Greetoleaf, BruslitolQ, N» Y. ,

• • : • . • - • • • -" " ; ' • - • • • r ' , ' - 1 4 : ^ 4

FOR f?ApE—AsT expect tognfext year J offer for sale, two pstoyes, one coal range, a bluestove, and a few articles of fw13. Bennettj Brusaton.

to theeltyparlor co^l

fliine oiliitiure. 0 .

FOR SALE-:After repairiuI ham about 35 windows, eiglassj also some very fine dooA few veranda posts' left. :.Al]dows $1.00 each. W. E.~Clark

FOR SALTB-Set ofnesses, ooe single rMving 1^ood condition. M.; M. Morat o n , N . Y, : ' . ; ; .,/•.. • -.. ; •

PASSE-PARTOPT bindingat Smith's, Brashton.

F OB S A £ E - Village pacres of land, good' frails,-:..e?cation, 13 room lioiase with fiin :good repair, modern bundergrpnnd cellar Finesell at a bargain. Saa-ahBrashton. ".'.-•.:'• ,;

my Bowsetra heavy,s for sale.size wiia



ess; all iney B

nail colors

operty,. Ifellant lo-riiace and

46x50,'ell.- Wiltu Phelps,

' S

WANTEB-HigheBt cashfor calf skins and heavy bideMarket. W. H. SmitL

MEN'S BUIT3 cleaned a:from 50 cents up. Leav0 atOlpthing Store. .Mrs.Brusiiton. ;

FOR SALE-^At &is officea pnndie, old newspapers.

HarrisM AVoodsAnnounce an[ Exhibition

of Newlniportations arid

'•• Original Designs of Jiigh '.

.:' c l a s s ',••••••"•; .-,".- ;| .' - - . . / " . : ; . - .;-• • •.'

Dress & Tailored Htats

For early Spring and Stimmer.-"..' ".;••-;'•'• '•'. W e a r - -•",::'.:" •-. .' " . -

Just -.-fileee


price paid:Central

d pressedMcVJann's1 Geddes,

at 5 cents


iBg in.Weight, from ^00 to 1100 lbs.

TERMS: Casli or Goodable Notes.


SOUTH BOMBAYApril 6fcb—Mrs, Geo; Sweet and Mrs,

Gertie Sweet were calling on relativeaand friends ia town Ttiesday. i

florton Wella speiit a few days lastw e a k i t M a s s e n a . ' , - ' ; ' V ••';''"-".'•. • ' '

Miss MiBnie Flanders wenjt to EajstBrasher Sunday to,-yMt her sisfer, Mrs,

. T o l i n . 0 - r t t y . . . -,••' : / . . - • . - ' . ' ' - - '•••;•'" .'••-•-•".•-/'

Mr. and Mm Cteo.' Russell, Wm. Sweet,and Mr. liastaberion attecded^ theness meeting a t North Bangor, Snnday.

Marion Rassell, who is, attendittg schoolat Moira, remained thare ovier Sunday,fee gnest of her friendl* Lois Page.

W. A. Richardson uf l)ic&jnson spentSaadaif at tlie home of Ms fatfaerV I>anR i e h a r a s o i L , - V - - . ' - '.••' [ - • • • : : : - •••'"••' ••'- .'• •••'•

Mr. and. Mrs. Leon Phelps of Malonewere the over Sunday gnests of •the.' iat*ter's.stBter,-Mrs..Leti-;Mle3.:-....;.". -... ••-.' s'. •;.'•

Kext Sanday ia Cojamofflon' Sunday.It is also the lash Sanday in the corifer-enee year. Let everyone niake a specialeflfoft to go to.chnrch th<ii day*

E. A* Whitney* • Auctioneer

Brusflton, New York

Annual School Meeting

NOTIOEXSthe annufl school naeefcins: of the

Inhabitants of j Union Free School $)&'tr'fotJ^o.-.l,'t6.wji- o|; iMoira, qualified tovote at school nae^ings in said disfcript,will be held at the high school buildin|rill said district,"'-on Tuee.ctay, U&y 5* W14at 7:30 olcioek, p.; m. for the purpose ofeleetin^ t*o tmptees in place of A» W,'Steals and j i «S. Quinu Whose terms .ofoffice expire |Juiy 31st and, for the trans-aeiion oi .sach other .business as. is:authorized" by the ed^eatioii law of 1910and the acts am.enSatory thereof.;-.-.'-Ti>e;folipwiu is';a- detailed statementof the amorinti of money whieh will berequired for school ;piirposSs'for the ea^

s of the public neys, towit:Teachers'Janitor .Truaut Oflc

April fi—-Twin; babies, a girj and aboy,were born to Mr. ,nd Mrs, j Brirt iiToekSnnday morning, April '5th,., 1914, w&olive la Henry Hnichins'house.; Mrl and Mrs.: Abb 3Diistin pt F i Pp^

ingtoh, Mr. andd IWfrs. Willard Averyand* Mrv soxd Mrs. Rnrt Avery attendedqtiarteriy meeting here Sunday. \GJad tosee Rev.,Oarioss Hill pt Burtce with asagain oa qiiarteriy • meeting. day i alsoMrs. Friend Whd came with him. Sheis the dattghtfr of dttr former pastor wholived here some years ago, Rev. John"Hull;••;•..- .]::p^:'S-:V;';':''-''i::^\..' Mrs. I)ayid Areryis yisii^n g her sister jMrs; Ira Green olHorthBangor..

Biirt Ellsw6rfch started out this morn-ing wijth Mis sawing machine to saw

• w o c i d . ' . ; "•. - " . . • • " ' : - . ' . ; : - " . ' . ' •;'••-' • ' . ' . . . - •""•'••-"' '.•'.••"•'.

:.- Miss Rena; Martin of "Malone wa-stliegnest of her laeice, Mrs. Bqtt Ashley,.o n e 4 a y l a s t w e e k w ' ' . . ' ' : - . ; ; '•• • •';-•.. r .•, ' •;'- ] ',-•

Cold chiii5r r^orning^ but the people arevery btisyl^st the same. . . . . :.;- l ied Brown of Matone was in fewnl a s t / w e e k , ; - . • : ' . . •'"'••' \ ' . ' '•':•

Little1;- Ethel Heath pf; Brook dale isvisiting1 M th« home of her griandfaihe^H e n r y M i a r e y . '•: ' ;/-;; . ;-.: ' ; •':. '. ; " -.- •'•: ': ' • •;

Thomas = Sotrthworth, sonOol MrsMartha Beaa Lawrencev hasniowd downonto the Alwin Be,an farna near Wolf;Swa.riip. .'- - .V : . ; ' ' - - ' ; . - ; ' / ; •:"".":

Mrai. Ed win ttntchiris, who h as beenstaying with her son Hefiry fpr. sometifiae 'returned to. her home-.'in W«styille,also lotttle Eva HutcMnsi; last Saturday;a f t e r n o o n . • • . , - ' ; - . ' v -•.-. • -.--.-.' / ' - - :'•••'"_ •;_-. -••

George Hodge was in town today.

'.' Mileage Exchange Of f ice ' ;

Mileages bought, sold '-. and exehamged,(JJEQ; W; HASMSi Ticket Agent

g,; W; HASMSi T icke t A g e n t

Bru«h%pn. Ni l r . ."--•'•..

Oo to

f, A. Clark

Floor OH Cloths

Hemp and Wool Carpets

Stamped and Inlaici Linoleums

Wall Paper and Window Shade

Also a full line of Rubbers

INDUSTftAL JWQU1RY OPENS.Federal Corwmission Begins Searching i

: Prob« lit Washington. |. With prainkieiit 'ivi'trp^ritat/i.ves V»f Jenip-kiyers JUM.1 »?m'}*itjrt'*1!-'^ a s .

sl>)ii. . .n i

'.wI-M'f- preia.tto.iit! iiisiiDbe one *»f tlie iijf»*t -exhri.U*iittoBs:; ever rmrkn-f;,! k^u.

srjflr.-.'tt ylftvv of .^


^. n

Fountain Pens• * ' - • i

• ' • I .

...When-you bisv a FountainPen biiy a gqoxl.. one—a- - •

Parker Liick Curve::" There's nevera hiiciior sku>

f a r a s " L w i ^ s - i K i e • H i i V r e u c i - ' - s h t i t w p ^ j 1 ) '. - . ' . ' , i ••• •• r - . > * T - , > •-. • ' ,

••capi t«i ; 4»Tja-- in i i^ . - •.''••". .'-••'•.•.""•.•• " :" | i n ; ' . . n o \ v _ . o i ; m k a : - r a r . K e r r \ - n .

' -.Me.TiiftrH;s'.of t h e conim.Issiio'n o f w l i i c h M a d e , p l a i n . O F •: "v\'i t h . C j o l d Of"

F r m i r r ^ w n ^ i ^ ^ mouhfincf,. '"•• .Standan!wonM.I-o^iWeo'idia^'of^he^l^y^ ^P^ r ^r - X-iickv ."' Curve

;i]ie.duled. for•.iwpiefp-m of its ;work

iii W;)s*hiiijyrton, exj>i&«?>"e<l.'rknrsd"a<v.' tin-,t bmniissittli .'il-)ti<;i3>rftPS n .Ti J-t. tatho-f-

yPens $~-,oo.

... iitdnsticJal- centers of thepp.eountfy. to coutlnne. hearing;*.

fIDtlCATlONAL NAMED,# if."Son's: Gomrnissron to Aid Labor•."• Headed-by Hbke Smith,

Thi? *>rgani!5:.rfio?T of President Wi!-st>rt's rdcfXtio-na-i. edtieatiOBaI commitsifai, treated hy co*rtgi*es's'" to report onJiine-'.?'-:sonie. plan for'federal aid '.for

• pnnmry instrnetion in manHul.training..!home eco.howk-'S* was .ftJinouneetl

i-t*. Hoke Smith /-of Georaria if-'tt. Other members are" Sena-

tor Page of .Vermont;; Senator Hughesof New Jersey find RepresentativeFegs of Ohio.

j "MNB .OF;; ,' - '

Mew a a l Up«tWate Millineryv Pattern flats, etc.Is now on display at nay new millinery. parlors west of the Methodist churchMiss Mabel Quiim, who has bad two seas-; OES in Ogdensburg, has been engaged"'".'. / . . ' • . ' • . • • - . . " • - . ; M t r i i n m e f - ' . . ' .- •• - :.'.'.'.*'

You are cordially invited to call' and in--•'..-•.• : spect ay line .

LilHa L. ConiielleyB r u s h t o n : , •'*:,. * *..-•-- , N i i f ; .

Parker Jack KnIre Safety Pennever' leaks ..when -.ci rii.;*"]- i?r

'"any;-.pocket like a short, pencil.•'Pen., knife- Mz^ \ for lacfi-s1

purse. 'Price,' $"2;.;5p, -;ia:ordin\rto the. size and ornamer/ianon.

PARKER1 SELF FILLERS•. A -demand'fur a sclf-tillino-pen-has kd the 1'arkei" peopleto put' out' the 'be.-e-st

ay iustoil the ..market "toput tire peiv-p'Oiu-t iv. .the' inkand.-push' the'buttcn and the.pen-isreadr. to Av-r-ite. -'-' -'All' Parker •T'ettb are. --soldunder a...-written'guarantee."•/• Many .styles-'to s.dJect froma t ; . . J ' • ' ; • " - . . " ' " - . - • ;

Charles H. Smith's,BmsHton, = "^ New York



'Fuel'. •.':'' *


L i b r a r y " " • / •--•; .• • •::- V -' '

Printingati<l.Stationery 'I n s u r a n c e - V :

; • -v -'•• .-;.-. '•?'.;...

Prineipal afej liiterestCbutingent


order of Board of EdH

;.'...'' .Clerk, -.-.' President.E!atfi(i April 6 ,19l i . : ; • : ' ; \ '

Franklin Rear Estate Ageiicy.Real E,st&te,Loans,Investments

Fsarms and General PropertySelling Fawni? a Specialty. Call before

buying or selling. Property kandfed• = ^ i '''

WM. ST. MARY,: S ; 5


ved a Large Assoftttient of;

Gbildren's }Vhit0 Muslin, Gingham^jaiid Percale Presses, Rompers

and Rttssiari

Infants' Bonnets and Cloaks;

Gome whether or not you.;.'. '••. .. . ,' wish to buy ^ •.

Some very attractive Ladies^ Spring Goats areon Inspection.


. • • v •


Comparison Proves the Value of this Car•••. .The Intrinsic value p^an^ article, is easily ideterminedbyjeomparison, \"rlj"»i-s. Alo-iei :.\JJSeries C Lambertis pnustial as. compared with any other car ia its price .class, . . . .

•".••.•." v Plenty of .room to seat fw& passengers comfortably--rich; deep ,nph6-lster(;-r- lon^ w\wt\base-Udectric lights 4nd sfarter^-LamBert: '-Patented;.Gearlesn.Transmission—and'' so_ - iar o sthe motor isi eonce.rned—^take your choice of, those t\yo known favorably tlie world over—the Continental or Rutenber.f - :,

;•••. - - The bief Lambert orofanization--—biff machine shops-—skilled mechanics—real knf)vvie:d-//tof mahufactering, hasmacie itpossible , . :.:-:':"'. ••••..'•-.*'.' ..' ; . •.-.

• : ; " ; ; I t ' s : W o r ; t H ^ h i l e ; t o . k n d w ; - m p r e , a b O T ...V, " • / , •" . ;• . ,• ::..-: , - • • • ' . - ' . - • . .

band dtiye, ceiiter control. •.:'..>-•

> ;SPBE15—1to^50 miles per hour, VTIRESr--323c3i in. witlt qmck aeteeliabie tims. \MpTQB^-CoB.tinental or Butenber~||x5K in. 30 EL P.WATER CIRprjL^TipN^Centriin^alptimp.

t i B r i g g s MtaaHieto (guaranteed for, life...).'..ttder hood, • :Plo^ feed. : ,Splash and fotcfe feed-

GASOMNJ| TAN fCi-Ten gallons, nnjder cowl, :^ ^ Patented Geariegs BH

^ ^^ J p ^BEABINGS—Hyatt toilet mA^^ aEtniialar ball;.

; 'FRAME^Pfe&sed:lteeL/ '..-•'. v.-''•.-^::;s-';-'; •.;. ;-'•S P B i N O , f ront^Ti tanie /semi ^ilipfcxcgr

' j?* " '' ' ' ' " ' ; '

; SPBING,- rear-Fall-elliptic',•j?ro?.iBi:| :nxn ':^ 1 -.

AXLES, front —I Beam Section. .,:: WHEBLS—12, % in. spoi^eB,'Artillery .tyi.-:-o. '

TBGAD—56-ineli. :- BBAKES-~-Internal expanding and Kxterna\\e< •, BBAKE SUBPACES-Kaybesto's.BAB EATOB—Vertical tubnlar;

" BTEKRING GEAR—Irreversible ffi'-mJ. wiMi :juslmente, . ."-.

•' STEEBING WHEE3u-l$in. fliabb^auy rim.- ,GMB {RATIO—3.6 fcg I on bighr

FENDER^— Heavy m.etal.-with aide. OutuU. '": B0D1 MATER-lAL-WetiiL-:>nsai%tantmI we--..;

." UPHOLSTEBING-Hi^b 'Krade- . 'wM^^

. '..., 'i'rt.8tic roiln, £ood apnn^s audenrioi hiur,DOOR LATCHES—inside body,RUNNING i

•is trn'uxt'.

EQUIPMENT. Moliair topi sidecn.rteios,and top eovers. tnndshield, speedometer, electric laxn^s, black

platad, coat rail, aickle tarimnjings, wheel pviller, complete set of tools, tire repair kit, pauip, et«

^^m^W$^\^.:. -• BRUSHTON,Agents for Franklin and SU Lawrence Counties

N- Y

•-• J

\ .