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SAP FI ECC 6.0 Bootcamp Exercises for Day 1 Note: Throughout these course materials, a generic course name (SAP FI ECC 6.0 Bootcamp) is used.

These course materials, however, are used for the following myLearning course entries:

• SAP ACNINT FI ECC 6.0 Bootcamp (Z65402) for participants from mixed workforces

• SAP ACNINT SWF FI ECC 6.0 Bootcamp (Z65590) for Solutions workforce participants only

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents.................................................................................................2

General Ledger – Master Data...................................................................................... 3 Exercise 1.1: Create a GL Account......................................................................3 Exercise 1.2: Create a GL Account with Reference .............................................8 Exercise 1.3: Change a GL Account ....................................................................11 Exercise 1.4: Configuration: Change Field Status................................................13

General Ledger – Business Transactions & Open and Cleared Items .................. 17 Exercise 1.5: Post FI Document...........................................................................17 Exercise 1.6: Change FI Document .....................................................................28 Exercise 1.7: Park FI Document ..........................................................................32 Exercise 1.8: Post Parked Document ..................................................................40 Exercise 1.9: Reverse Document.........................................................................44 Exercise 1.10: Post with Reference .....................................................................47

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General Ledger – Master Data Estimated Completion Time: 20 minutes

Exercise 1.1: Create a GL Account


1. Access the Edit GL Account Centrally screen.

Path: IMG > Financial Accounting (New) > General Ledger Accounting(New) > Master Data > GL Accounts > GL Account Creation and Processing > Edit GL Account (Individual Processing) > Edit GL Account Centrally

Transaction Code: FS00

2. Enter 4999XX in the GL account field. (note: XX = your participant no)

3. Enter R100 in the Company code field.

4. Click the Create icon.

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5. In the Control in chart of accounts section

Select Type/description tab

Click the Account Group drop-down list to select account group.

Select General GL Accounts

6. Select the account group type to create:

P&L Statement Account

7. In the Description section enter descriptions of the account in the following fields

Short text – Training Expense XX (note: XX = your participant no)

GL acct long text – Training Expense XX (note: XX = your participant no)

8. In the Consolidation data in Chart of Accounts enter an account number

Group Account Number field - 312600

9. Click the Control data tab.

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10. In the Account control in company code section verify the currency

Account currency field = EUR

Only balances in local crcy check box = unchecked

11. Is this a tax relevant or tax posting account? Tax category field = - (only input tax allowed)

12. Can this account be created without a tax code entered?

Posting without tax allowed field = Unchecked

Note: GR/IR accounts and tax relevant accounts may NOT necessarily require a tax posting

13. Is this an accounts payable, accounts receivable, notes receivable or fixed asset account?

Line Item display – checked

Sort key field – Select 001 Posting Date

14. Click the Create/bank/interest tab.

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15. In the Control of documentation creation in company code section, enter the field status group of the account

Field status group field - G004

16. In Bank/Financial Details in company code section

Leave all the fields blank

Note: For cash or bank account, enter Planning level and check relevant to cash flow

17. Click the Save icon or CRTL+S

18. Verify ‘Data saved’ is displayed in the status bar.

19. Click the Exit icon (SHIFT + F3) and return to the SAP Easy Access screen is displayed.

You have completed the Create GL Account transaction.

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Practice Exercise Feedback Display GL Account


1. Access the Edit GL Account Centrally screen.

Path: IMG > Financial Accounting (New) > General Ledger Accounting(New) > Master Data > GL Accounts > GL Account Creation and Processing > Edit GL Account (Individual Processing) > Edit GL Account Centrally

Transaction Code: FS00

2. Enter GL account you just created in GL Account field

3. Enter R100 in the Company code field.

4. Click the Display icon.

5. Review each of the fields listed in the table below.

Check Your Work

Display GL Account Centrally screen: GL account no.: 4999XX (note: XX = your participant no) Company code: R100

Type/description tab: Account group: General GL Accounts PL statement acct: Radio button is selected Short text: Training Expense XX (note: XX = your participant no) GL acct long text: Training Expense XX (note: XX = your

participant no) General Account Number: 312600

Control data tab: Account currency: EUR Only balances in local crcy: check box unchecked Line item display: check box is checked Sort key: 001 posting date

Create/bank/interest tab: Field status group: G004

You have completed the Display GL Account transaction.

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Exercise 1.2: Create a GL Account with Reference

Scenario Create the new Petty Cash GL account 1039XX using existing 100000 Account as reference (note: XX = your participant no)


1. Access the Edit GL Account Centrally screen.

Path: IMG > Financial Accounting (New) > General Ledger Accounting(New) > Master Data > GL Accounts > GL Account Creation and Processing > Edit GL Account (Individual Processing) > Edit GL Account Centrally

Transaction Code: FS00

2. Enter GL account: 1039XX (note: the new account to be created)

3. Enter Company code field.

4. Click the with reference button.

5. Enter the GL account number to reference in the GL account no. field

Note: existing account to be used as reference

6. Enter Company code field.

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7. Click Enter or Execute icon

8. In the Description section enter descriptions of the account in the following fields

Short text: Petty Cash - TRNXX (note: XX = your participant no)

GL acct long text: Petty Cash - TrainingXX (note: XX = your participant no)

9. On the Control tab clear the Alternative account no. field.

10. Review each of the fields listed in the Feedback table below.

11. Click the Save icon or CRTL+S

12. Click the Exit icon (SHIFT + F3) and return to the SAP Easy Access screen is displayed.

You have completed the Create GL Account with Reference transaction.

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Practice Exercise Feedback 2 Create GL Account with Reference

Check Your Work

Display GL Account Centrally screen:

Transaction: FS00

GL account no.: Your new GL account

Company code: R100

All the fields should be the same as reference account except for account description that is changed in step 8.

You have completed the Create GL Account with Reference transaction.

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Exercise 1.3: Change a GL Account

Scenario Description of the previously created GL account needs to be changed


1. Access the Edit GL Account Centrally screen.

Path: IMG > Financial Accounting (New) > General Ledger Accounting(New) > Master Data > GL Accounts > GL Account Creation and Processing > Edit GL Account (Individual Processing) > Edit GL Account Centrally

Transaction Code: FS00

2. Enter 4999XX in the GL account field. (note: XX = your participant no)

3. Enter R100 in the Company code field.

4. Click the Change icon.

5. In the Description section, edit descriptions of the account in the following fields:

Short text – SAP Training Exp XX (note: XX = your participant no)

GL acct long text – SAP Training Expense XX (note: XX = your participant no)

6. Click the Save icon or CRTL+S

7. Verify that “Data saved” displays in the status bar.

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8. Click the Exit icon (SHIFT + F3) and return to the SAP Easy Access screen is displayed.

You have completed the Change GL Account transaction.

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Exercise 1.4: Configuration: Change Field Status

Scenario Field status variant for Petty Cash account that you have created earlier needs to be modified. When posting to the account, unnecessary fields do not need to be displayed. You need to copy existing field status variant to a new one and update the Petty Cash GL master data.


1. Access the SAP Implementation Guide (IMG).

Path: Tools > Accelerated SAP > Customizing > Edit Project

Transaction code: SPRO

2. Click the SAP Reference IMG button

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Menu selections for the Implementation Guide (IMG) display.

3. Maintain Field Status Variants

Path: Enterprise Controlling > Consolidation > Integration: Preparation for Consolidation > Preparation in the Sender System > Further Settings for Business Area Consolidations > Financial Accounting > Maintain Field Status Groups for GL Accounts

4. Click on Execute button

5. Highlight field status variant 1000 IDES Group

6. Double click on Field status groups folder (see screen shot above).

7. Highlight G001 General field status group and click Copy as button.

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8. Enter the new field status group name and description

Field status group field: YXXX (XX = your participant no)

Text field: Reserves – XX (XX = your participant no)

9. Click Enter.

Message will appear at the status bar: Number of entries copied: 1

10. Double click on the new field status group. The following screen will appear.

11. Double click on Additional account assignment group, suppress the following fields; i.e., change the radio button selection to Suppress.

Commitment item

Business area

Trading partner business area

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12. Click back icon . Double click on Real estate management, suppress the following fields:

Real estate management

13. Click back icon . Double click on Financial assets management, suppress the following fields:

Financial assets management

14. Click Save icon or CTRL + S.

Message will appear at the status bar: Data was saved

15. Referring to Exercise 3 - Change GL Account for account 1030XX (XX = your participant no) change the field Status Group to YXXX, just created.

Note: The field status group setup determine fields to be entered at the document posting. At the next exercise you will be posting FI document and you can try how changing the GL account field status group shall impact the posting screen.

You have completed the Configuration: Change Field Status transaction.

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General Ledger – Business Transactions & Open and Cleared Items

Estimated Completion Time: 30 minutes

Exercise 1.5: Post FI Document

Scenario There was an error in a posting transaction last week. Postage of 800 EUR was charged incorrectly to the Other Adm Expense account of cost centre Management. You need to post to the correct account Office Supplies account of cost centre Training.

Enter today’s date for both the document date and the posting date.

Use SA (GL account document) for document type

R100 for company code

AUD for currency

“Correction PstXX” for Reference (XX = your participant no)

For the line items

Debit (posting key 40) 476000 Office Supplies with 800 Eur and assigned to cost centre T81100 Training

Then credit (posting key 50) 476500 Other Adm Expense with the same amount and assigned to cost centre M81100 Management

Enter a short description of this transaction in Text as “Correction Posting Other Adm to Office Supplies”

Do not put tax code and check calculate tax as you are posting correction document and the tax has been recorded in the incorrect document last week

You need to record the document number after posting it. Then you will display the posted document and the account balance to verify the information.


1. Access the Enter GL Account Posting: Header Data screen.

Path: SAP Easy Access > Accounting > Financial Accounting > General Ledger > Posting > General Posting

Transaction Code: F-02

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2. Enter information in the following fields:

Field: Enter:

Document date Today’s date

Posting date Today’s date

Document Type SA

Company code R100

Currency EUR

Reference “Correction PstXX” (XX = your participant no)

Note: The fields above are HEADER information. This is required for any or all FI documents and applicable to all line items in the document.

3. In the First line item section, enter the posting key:

PstKy field – 40

Account Field – 476000

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4. Click Enter icon or execute icon

5. In the Item 1/Debit entry/40 section, enter the following:

Amount field – 800

Cost Center – T81100

Tax code – V0

Text field - Correction Posting Other Adm to Office Supplies

6. In the Next line item section, enter the following:

PstKy field - 50

Account field – 476500

7. Click Enter or execute icon

Note: The message is appearing because in the GL master data, the account is relevant to tax code. We can continue the posting since posting without tax allowed option is selected.

8. In the Item 2/Credit entry/50 section, enter the posting amount:

Amount field – 800

Cost Center - M81100

Text field - Correction Posting Other Adm to Office Supplies

9. Click the Document overview icon

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10. Do you need to edit the line items?

If: Then:

Yes 1. Double click the specific line item to edit.

2. Review the fields. Make changes as needed.

3. Repeat step to edit additional line items.

4. Go to next step

No Go to next step

11. Do you need to delete a line item?

If: Then:

Yes 1. Place the cursor on the line item to delete.

2. Right click on the mouse and select Delete item.

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No Go to next step

12. Review the entries before posting by simulating the document. Simulate step will show all the lines to be posted including automatic lines generated by the system; e.g., tax lines.

Note: Use Reset button to correct any line items after simulation

Path: Document > Simulate

13. Click the Save icon or CTRL + S.

14. Verify that “Document XXX was posted in company code XXX” displays in the status bar.

15. Click the Exit icon until the SAP Easy Access screen is displayed.

You have completed the Post FI Document transaction.

Note: Transaction FB50 can also be used to post FI document.

Path: Accounting > Financial Accounting > General Ledger > Posting > Enter GL Account Document

Transaction FB50L can be used to post to specific ledgers (if new GL is active)

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Practice Exercise Feedback Display FI Document


Display the FI Document you just posted and compare the information with the feedback on the next page.

Note: Use transaction code FB03.

1. Access the Display Document: Initial screen.

Path: Accounting > Financial Accounting > General Ledger > Document > Display

Transaction Code: FB03

2. Do you know the FI Document number?

If: Then:

Yes In the Keys for Financial Accounting section

1. Document number field

2. Company code field.

3. Click the Enter icon .

4. Go to next step

No Click the List button

Enter Company code field.

Enter Fiscal year field.

Enter other available search criteria from the General selections section.

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Click Execute icon

Double Click the Document No

3. Review the information on the screen.

4. Double click the required line item.

Screen Display Document: Line Item XXX is displayed.

5. Review the information in each field.

6. Click the Document overview icon

Screen Document Overview is displayed.

7. Click the Exit icon until the SAP Easy Access screen is displayed.

You have completed the Display FI Document transaction.

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Check Your Work

Document: Overview screen:

Header section: Doc. type: SA Doc. number: The document number that you posted and recorded Doc. date: Today’s date Doc. currency: EUR Company code: R100 Posting date: Today’s date Fiscal year: The current year Period: The current period

Line item section: PK: 40 - First line item Account: 476000 Account short text: Office Supplies Amount: 800 Text: Correction Posting Other Adm to Office Supplies PK: 50 – Second line item Account: 476500 Account short text: Other Administrative Expense Amount: 800- Text: Correction Posting Other Adm to Office Supplies

Display Document: Line Item 001 screen: GL account: 476000 Company code: R100 Amount: 800 Cost centre: T81100

Display Document: Line Item 002 screen: GL account: 476500 Company code: R100 Amount: 800 Cost centre: M81100

You have completed the Display FI Document transaction.

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Practice Exercise Feedback Display GL Account Line Item Instructions 1. Display the account line items of the office supplies account and compare the

information with the feedback on the next page.

2. Access the GL Account Line Item Display screen.

Path: Accounting > Financial Accounting > General Ledger > Account > Display/Change Line Items

Transaction Code: FBL3N

3. In the GL account selection section

Enter the GL account field (Use a GL Account previously mentioned)

Enter the Company code field.

4. What GL account line items do you want to display?

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If you want to display:


Open items 1. In the Line item selection section - Click the Open items radio button

2. Enter the key date of open item in the Open at key date field.

3. Go to step 4.

Cleared Items 1. In the Line item selection section - click the Cleared items radio button

2. Enter the date in the Clearing date field.

3. Go to step 4.

All items 1. In the Line item selection section - Click the All items radio button

2. Enter the Posting date field.

3. Go to step 4.

Note: There are other display selection options in this screen and additional documentation. Click the “Dynamic selections” icon and “Program documentation” icon, as needed. Open item / Cleared item selection is more relevant for GL accounts with open item management

5. Click the Execute icon

6. Review the fields and information on the screen.

7. Double click the line item selected.

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8. Click the Document overview button

9. Click the Exit icon until the SAP Easy Access screen is displayed.

Note : Transaction FAGLB03 is used if new GL functionality is active

You have completed the Display GL Account Line Item transaction.

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Exercise 1.6: Change FI Document


1. Access the Change Document: Initial screen.

Path: Accounting > Financial Accounting > General Ledger > Document > Change

Transaction Code: FB02

2. Do you know the FI Document number?

If: Then:

Yes In the Keys for Financial Accounting section

1. Document number field

2. Company code field.

3. Click the Enter icon.

4. Go to next step

No Click the List button

Enter Company code field.

Enter Fiscal year field.

Enter other available search criteria from the General selections section.

Click Execute icon

Double Click the Document No

3. Double click the specific line item to edit.

4. Review the Assignment and Text fields Make changes, as needed.

5. Click the Save icon or CTRL + S.

6. Verify that “Changes have been saved” displays in the status bar.

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7. Click the Exit icon until the SAP Easy Access screen is displayed.

You have completed the Change FI Document transaction.

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Practice Exercise Feedback

Display Changes to FI Document

Instructions 1. Access the Document Changes: Initial Screen.

Path: Accounting > Financial Accounting > General Ledger > Document > Display Changes

Transaction Code: FB04

2. Enter Company code field.

3. Enter Document number field.

4. Click the Enter icon

5. To view all changes, click the All changes button .

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6. Click the desired field to display.

7. Click the Choose icon

8. Review the detailed changes.

9. Click the Enter icon

10. Click the Exit icon until the SAP Easy Access screen displays.

You have completed the Display Changes to FI Document transaction.

Note: You can access the same screen through Display FI Document (FB03) or Change FI Document (FB02). Select Environment > Document Changes.

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Exercise 1.7: Park FI Document

Scenario You are a new employee in the accounting department, and you are not authorized to enter FI documents without being reviewed by your supervisor. You use park document facility to enter the journal. Later on, your supervisor will review the journal and post the accounting document.

You need to post journal for account Office Supplies account of cost centre Training to account Trade Payable – Domestic Adjustment account.

Enter today’s date for both the document date and the posting date.

Use SA (GL account document) for document type

R100 for company code

EUR for currency

“Payable Adj XX” for Reference (XX = your participant no)

For the line items

Debit (posting key 40) 476000 Office Supplies of 1500 and assigned to cost centre T81100 Training

Then credit (posting key 50) 160099 Trade Payable – Domestic Adjustment with the same amount

Enter a short description of this transaction in Text as “Office Supply FI Bootcamp Training XX” (XX = your participant no)

Use tax code V2 Domestic input tax

You need to record the document number after posting it. In the next exercise, you will display and post the parked document.

Instructions 1. Access the Park Document: Header Data screen.

Path: Accounting > Financial Accounting > General Ledger > Posting

Transaction Code: F-65

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2. Enter information in the following fields:

Field: Enter:

Document date Today’s date

Posting date Today’s date

Document Type SA

Company code R100

Currency EUR

Reference “Payable Adj XX” (XX = your participant no)

Note: The fields above are HEADER information. This is required for any or all FI documents and applicable to all line items in the document.

3. In the First line item section, enter the posting key:

PstKy field – 40

Account Field – 476000

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4. Click Enter icon or execute icon

5. In the Item 1/Debit entry/40 section, enter the following:

Amount field – 1500

Tax code field – V2

Check on Calculate Tax

Cost centre field - T81100

Text field - Office Supply FI Bootcamp Training XX” (XX = your participant no)

6. In the Next line item section, enter the following:

PstKy field - 50

Account field – 160099

7. Click Enter or execute icon

8. In the Item 2/Credit entry/50 section, enter the posting amount:

Amount field – 1500

Text field - Office Supply FI Bootcamp Training XX” (XX = your participant no)

9. Click the Document overview icon

The tax line that is created automatically by the system is not appearing. System will only display the lines when we Simulate the document. The simulate function is not available for document parking.

When we post FI document using other transaction, after simulating the document, we need to Reset the automatically created lines before we can park the document.

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10. Do you need to edit the line items?

If: Then:

Yes 1. Double click the specific line item to edit.

2. Review the fields. Make changes as needed.

3. Repeat step to edit additional line items.

4. Go to next step

No Go to next step

11. Do you need to delete a line item?

If: Then:

Yes 1. Place the cursor on the line item to delete.

2. Right click on the mouse and select Delete item.

3. Go to next step

No Go to next step

12. Click the Save icon or CTRL + S.

13. Verify that “Document XXX R100 was parked” displays in the status bar.

14. Click the Exit icon until the SAP Easy Access screen is displayed.

You have completed the Park FI Document transaction.

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Note: Park document can also be done through Posting FI document transaction (F-02/FB01/FB50). Select Environment>Park (see screen shot below)

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Practice Exercise Feedback Display Parked Document


Display parked document you just posted and compare the information with the feedback on the next page.

Note: Use transaction code FBV3.

1. Access the Display Document: Initial screen.

Path: Accounting > Financial Accounting > General Ledger > Document > Parked Documents > Display

Transaction Code: FBV3

2. Do you know the FI Document number?

If: Then:

Yes 1. Document number field

2. Company code field.

3. Click the Enter icon.

4. Go to next step

No Click the List button

Enter Company code field.

Enter Fiscal year field.

Enter other available search criteria from the General selections section.

Click Execute icon .

Double Click the Document No

3. Review the information on the screen.

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4. Double click the required line item.

Screen Display Document: Line Item XXX is displayed.

5. Review the information in each field.

6. Click the Document overview icon .

Screen Document Overview is displayed.

7. Click the Exit icon until the SAP Easy Access screen is displayed.

You have completed the Display Parked Document transaction.

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Check Your Work

Document: Overview screen:

Header section: Doc. type: SA Doc. number: The document number that you posted and recorded Doc. date: Today’s date Doc. currency: EUR Company code: R100 Posting date: Today’s date Fiscal year: The current year Period: The current period Reference: Payable Adj XX (XX = your participant no)

Line item section: PK: 40 - First line item Account: 476000 Account short text: Office Supplies Amount: 1500 Text: Office Supply FI Bootcamp Training XX PK: 50 – Second line item Account: 160099 Account short text: Trade Payable – Domestic Adjustment Amount: 1500- Text: Office Supply FI Bootcamp Training XX

Display Document: Line Item 001 screen: GL account: 476000 Company code: R100 Amount: 1500 Cost centre: T81100

Display Document: Line Item 002 screen: GL account: 160099 Company code: R100 Amount: 1500

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Exercise 1.8: Post Parked Document

Scenario As a team lead, you need to review and post parked documents created by your team.

Instructions 1. Access the Enter GL Account Posting: Header Data screen.

Path: Accounting > Financial Accounting > General Ledger > Document > Parked Documents > Post/Delete

Transaction Code: FBV0

2. Do you know the FI Document number?

If: Then:

Yes 1. Document number field

2. Company code field.

3. Click the Enter icon.

4. Go to next step

No Click the List button

Enter Company code field.

Enter Fiscal year field.

Enter other available search criteria from the General selections section.

Click Execute icon .

Double Click the Document No

3. Review the information on the screen.

4. Double click the required line item.

5. Review the information in each field.

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6. Click the Document overview icon .

7. Click the Save icon

• Note the document number; you are going to use the document for subsequent exercise.

8. Verify ‘Document XXXXXX was posted in company code XXXX’ is displayed in the status bar.

9. Click the Exit icon until the SAP Easy Access screen is displayed.

You have completed the Post Parked Document transaction.

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Practice Exercise Feedback Display FI Document


Display the FI Document you just posted and compare the information with the feedback on the next page.

Note: Use transaction code FB03.

1. Access the Display Document: Initial screen.

Path: Accounting > Financial Accounting > General Ledger > Document > Display

Transaction Code: FB03

2. Do you know the FI Document number?

If: Then:

Yes In the Keys for Financial Accounting section

1. Document number field

2. Company code field.

3. Click the Enter icon.

4. Go to next step

No Click the List button

Enter Company code field.

Enter Fiscal year field.

Enter other available search criteria from the General selections section.

Click Execute icon

Double Click the Document No

3. Review the information on the screen.

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4. Double click the required line item.

Screen Display Document: Line Item XXX is displayed.

5. Review the information in each field.

6. Click the Document overview icon .

Screen Document Overview is displayed.

7. Click the Exit icon until the SAP Easy Access screen is displayed.

You have completed the Display FI Document transaction.

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Exercise 1.9: Reverse Document

Scenario After posting the document, you realize that you have entered the same transaction twice into the system. One of the documents needs to be reversed.

Instructions 1. Access the Reverse Document: Header Data screen.

Path: Accounting > Financial Accounting > General Ledger > Document > Reverse > Individual Reversal

Transaction Code: FB08

2. Enter information in the following fields in the Document details section.

Field: Enter:

Document no. The FI Document number to reverse.

Use document number from exercise 8.

Company code The company code.

Fiscal year The fiscal year.

3. Enter information in the following fields in the Reverse posting details section.

Field: Enter:

Reversal reason The reason for reversal code – 01

Posting date The date for posting the reversal - today

Posting period The fiscal period for posting the reversal -11

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4. Click the Display before reversal button

Verify that the document is the right document to be reversed.

5. Click the Back icon .

6. Click the Post icon

“Document XXXXXX was posted in company code XXXX” displayed on the status bar

7. Click the Exit icon until the SAP Easy Access screen displays.

You have completed the Reverse Document transaction.

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Practice Exercise Feedback Display FI Document


Display the FI Document you just reversed and check the reversal document number. After that, display the reversal FI document and check the reversed document number.

Note: Use transaction code FB03.

1. Access the Display Document: Initial screen.

Path: Accounting > Financial Accounting > General Ledger > Document > Display Transaction Code: FB03

2. Enter the following information

• Document number (one from a previous exercise)

• Company Code = R100

• Fiscal Year = 2007

3. Review the information on the screen.

• For document that you reversed, Reversed by field is populated with the Reversal document number

4. Click the Exit icon until the SAP Easy Access screen is displayed.

You have completed the Display FI Document transaction.

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Exercise 1.10: Post with Reference

Scenario You need to post another correction posting as in Exercise 5. However, the cost centre and the amount are different. Use FI document that you posted in Exercise 5 as a reference and make correction before you post the document.

Instructions Post with Reference

1. Access the Enter GL Account Posting: Header Data screen.

Path: Accounting > Financial Accounting > General Ledger > Posting > General Posting

Transaction Code: F-02

2. Click the Post with reference button

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3. In the Reference section, enter the Document number

Note: The document number referenced must be for a GL journal entry.

4. Click the Enter icon

5. All the fields have been defaulted from the reference document. Make the following changes:

• Reference field: Correction RefXX (XX = your participant no)

6. Click the Enter icon

7. Double click on a line item and edit the following details

• Amount field: 1000

• Cost centre field in line 1: T81100

• Cost centre field in line 2: D81400

8. Click the Back icon .

9. Click the Save (Post) icon

10. Click the Exit icon until the SAP Easy Access screen displays.

You have completed the Post with Reference transaction.