Atos, Atos and fish symbol, Atos Origin and fish symbol, Atos Consulting, and the fish itself are registered trademarks of Atos Origin SA. July 2008 © 2008 Atos Origin. Confidential information owned by Atos Origin, to be used by the recipient only. This document or any part of it, may not be reproduced, copied, circulated and/or distributed nor quoted without prior written approval from Atos Origin. SAP BCM 5.5 Manual Global Service Desk, 07.07.2008 CPM Administration Guide

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Atos, Atos and fish symbol, Atos Origin and fish symbol, Atos Consulting, and the fish itself are registered trademarks of Atos Origin SA. July 2008© 2008 Atos Origin. Confidential information owned by Atos Origin, to be used by the recipient only. This document or any part of it, may not be reproduced, copied, circulated and/or distributed nor quoted without prior written approval from Atos Origin.

SAP BCM 5.5 Manual

Global Service Desk, 07.07.2008

CPM Administration Guide

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» Client Workstation Manual

» Communication Desktop User

» Task manager User Guide

» Supervisor Guide

» User Administrator Guide

» CPM Administration Guide» Monitoring User Guide

» Reporting User Guide

Chapter I

SAP BCM for users and administrators

Turning Client Visions into Results

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Wicom 5.5 CPM AdministrationTopics

Introduction General Access to CPM Administration

User Interface Menu Bar Main/Navigator/Side Task Frame

Usage Setting the correct privileges for Agents to use the Task Mgr for email handling Assigning agents to User groups Enabling agents for the ClientCom Enabling agents for E-mail Templates Enabling Agents for Email Signatures Assigning Agents to Activities

Administration Create/Delete Email Templates Create/Delete Email Signatures

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» The CPM Administrator application is an administrative tool for the Contact Process Management (CPM) database and related applications.

» Within AtosOrigin the application is used for the following purposes:» Managing the Task Manager (TM) application.» Modifying Activities, User Groups and Segments » Creating and managing Email Templates and Signatures» Assigning agents to Activities» Assigning agents to the required privileges

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Access to CPM Administration

» Your User Administrator has assigned your account to the CPM Administrator Application.

» When you start your Communication Desktop (CDT) software, you will have the ability to launch the CPM Administrator either manually or automatically.

» In the CDT menu bar go to; File -> CPM Administrator to launch the CPM Administrator Application.

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1. Menu bar

2. Main navigation pane

3. Main view

4. Side navigation pane



3 4

User Interface

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User Interface – Menu Bar

File -> Exit: To close the application and log out

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User Interface – Menu Bar

Help -> Help topics: To open the list of guides delivered with the software in PDF format.

Help -> About: To display the name and version number of the application.

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User Interface – Main Navigation Pane

Use the navigation in the following way:» Click the appropriate

TAB in the main navigation pane to access it’s contents. The selected TAB is highlighted.

» Cancel any selection or change and return to one of the main views by clicking any other TAB in the main navigation pane. You must close any open dialog windows before you can switch between the TABs.

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User Interface – Main View

» SEGMENTS: In segments employees usually do not need to modify items. Only in case a user would like to create specific Directory with customer contact information (e.g. upload names, telephone numbers and email addresses of a of a certain customer) modifications are required. For more details on mass uploading customer information in segments consult the official SAP BCM CPM Manual under the help menu or contact the AOVN ServiceDesk

» NEVER delete or modify –DB- in the Segments TAB, in essence you will never need to use this here!

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User Interface – Side navigation pane

» The side navigation has buttons for executing functions. The buttons may be dynamic depending on the procedure you are performing.

When you right-click in a view, a pop-up menu appears with the same functions as the buttons in the

side task frame.

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Usage - Setting the correct privileges for Agents to use the Task Mgr for email handling

Summary of minimum required CPM Privileges

» Assign new agents to the correct User Group

» Give new (all) agents the rights to the User Group itself

» In addition when the team leader requires that a agent is able to Restore marked as handled (closed) emails from other agents or pick Tasks that where allocated to other agents the agent must be assigned to the User group –Supervisors-

» Assign the new agent the Connect to Phone (ClientCOM) privilege when they don’t need to handle mails and calls simultaneously.

» Assign the new agent to any possible (customer specific) Email templates

» Assign the agent to any possible (customer specific) Email signatures

» Assign the agent ALWAYS to the Activities: ‘E-mail’ & ‘Task’.

» Assign the agent to the customer specific email Activities.

» Prerequisite: Agents will need to be granted access to the Task Mgr application via the User Administration application and agents must be assigned the correct Queue and skill settings, for more information on these settings please consult the GMO manual: SAP BCM 5.5 User Administration vx.x.ppt.

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Usage - Assigning agents to User groups

» Each ServiceDesk Region has it’s own User group. These groups enable agents to forward or redirect emails/tasks to members of their respective group and as a second purpose User Groups simplify the administration of CPM User rights for Team Leaders.

» Click on ‘Users’ in the main navigation pane

» Double click on the –DB- User Group

» Search for the Agent that you would like to assign to your User Group and select the tick box on the left of his/her name (one by one agent at a time)

» Press the ‘Add…’ button and incorporate the new agent to your User Group by allocating the group via the pull down menu, once the group is selected press the ‘Add…’ button in the Select user group – Webpage Dialog to complete the action.

» Double clicking the affected User Group will ensure the Team Leader that the agent is added correctly as the list of incorporated agents is displayed here.

» Incorporating the agent to the User Group alone is insufficient, the agent must also be granted permissions to the User Group. Simply select the tick box on the right side of the User Group and press the ‘Rights’ button.

» The Rights – Webpage Dialog appears, select the affected (same) User Group once more on the right side of the window and press the ‘ Include’ button. When the user is now displayed on the left side of this Webpage Dialog you know that the agent is granted the correct permissions to this User group.

» Press the ‘Close’ button in the Rights – Webpage Dialog to return to the CPM Administrator.

Optional –Supervisor- rights

» As mentioned before if a team leader needs a agent to be able to restore closed mails and/or pick mails on the personal list of other agents the agent needs to be assigned to the User group: -Supervisors-. Repeat the actions above for the –Supervisor- user group to ensure that this agent has the required functions.

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Usage - Enabling agents for the ClientCom

» Connection to phone (ClientCom): Enables that a agent cannot have email Tasks and phone calls simultaneously. Mails will only be allocated when no calls are in progress and phone calls will only be allocated when no mails are in progress. If you do want agents to handle emails and calls simultaneously don't apply this setting

» Click the ClientCom Icon to open the Rights dialog. Incorporate the complete User group where the agent is member of and press the ‘Close’ button to return to the CPM Administration.

Click Include and then Click Close

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Usage - Enabling agents for E-mail Templates

» Select the template to which you want the agent to use and press the ‘Rights’ button and the Rights – Web Page Dialog will appear.

» In the Rights – Web Page Dialog list on the left all agents that are already assigned to the template are displayed

» Select the User group where the agent is member of and Include it into the template Rights, press ‘Close’ to return to the CPM Administration.

Click the Rights button. The Rights dialog window appears

Click Include and then Click Close

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Usage - Enabling Agents for Email Signatures

» The total number of companies and contacts in the segment are displayed at the top right corner of the dialog window.

» The list on the left displays all users with rights for the segment.

» The list on the right displays all user groups and the number users in them.

Click the Rights button. The Rights dialog window appears

Click Include and then Click Close

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Usage – Assigning agents to Activities

» Activities are created exclusively by the AOVN 2nd line. Each email box has it’s own Activity. These Activities are used to label a Task to a certain email box. This way we can manage who has access to the mailbox. Team Leaders will need to assign their agents to the respective Activities.

» Regardless the intended mailboxes that the agent will be supporting the agent must be granted Rights to the Activities ‘E-mail’ and ‘Task’.

» Select the Activity to which you want the agent to m ember of and press the ‘Rights’ button and the Rights – Web Page Dialog will appear.

» In the Rights – Web Page Dialog list on the left all agents that are already assigned to the Activity are displayed

» Select the User group where the agent is member of and Include it into the Activity Rights, press ‘Close’ to return to the CPM Administration.

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Administration – Create E-mail Templates (1)

Click the Add new button. The E-mail template dialog window appears.

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Administration – Create E-mail Templates (2)

» NAME: To enter a descriptive name for the template.

» SUBJECT: To enter a subject to be used in the template. Use free-form text and/or button to select and enter variables which transfer the values from the selected fields to the selected locations in the subject.

» BODY: To enter the body text to be used in the template. Use free-form text and/or ‘Add Field’ button to select and enter variables which transfer the values from the selected fields to the selected locations in the body text.

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Administration – Create E-mail Templates (3)

» Two variables from the button ‘Add Field’ are commonly used: ‘Responsible’, which replaces the variable with the name of the agent handling the Task and the variable ‘Header&description’ which ensures that the original mail of the customer is incorporated in the reply (when the template is used as reply template). The position of the variable is the exact position where the information is published. Header&description is always entered at the utmost bottom of the template.


» AUTO-REPLY: Select the action which triggers an optional automatic reply. This function requires that the application and at least one channel are selected.

» ATTACHMENTS: You can select up to 3 standard attachment files included in the template. For example, you may want all e-mail replies include a account creation request form when they are related to e-mail inquiries which have arrived via a certain channel.

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Administration – Create E-mail Templates (4)

» If you want to link the template to a certain channel, select the application where the template is used. The listed applications and their channels are transferred from the CEM database. See the System Administration Guide document. When you select the application, the appropriate channels are automatically transferred to the drop-down menu and you can select them. If you want to use the template with all tasks, select the All check box.

» The All check box is also needed if the template is used for new emails, e.g. when the agent is creating a mail not based on a original mail from a customer. ‘All’ means that the template is accessible for all agents granted permissions to use the template

Click the Save button to save the template

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Administration – Delete E-mail Templates (5)

Editing email template:

1. Select one e-mail template by checking the check box at the beginning of its row.

2. Click the Edit button. The dialog window with the e-mail template information appears.

3. Edit the information.

4. Click the Save button to save the changes or the Reset button to retrieve the initial data if you have not yet saved the changes.

This procedure deletes the selected items permanently from the database and you cannot recover them if you click OK

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Administration – Create E-mail Signatures (1)

Click the Add new button. The E-mail signature dialog window appears.

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» NAME: To enter a descriptive name for the signature.

» SIGNATURE: To enter the free-form body text to be used in the signature.

» CHANNEL: To link the signature to a channel. The channels are transferred from the CEM database. If you want to use the signature with all tasks, select the All check box.

» Click the Save button to save the email signature template.

Administration – Create E-mail Signatures (2)

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Administration – Delete E-mail Signatures (3)

Editing signature template:

1. Select one e-mail signature by checking the check box at the beginning of its row.

2. Click the Edit button. The dialog window with the e-mail signature information appears.

3. Edit the information.

4. Click the Save button to save the changes or the Reset button to retrieve the initial data if you have not yet saved the changes.

This procedure deletes the selected items permanently from the database and you cannot recover them if you click OK

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Atos, Atos and fish symbol, Atos Origin and fish symbol, Atos Consulting, and the fish itself are registered trademarks of Atos Origin SA. July 2008© 2008 Atos Origin. Confidential information owned by Atos Origin, to be used by the recipient only. This document or any part of it, may not be reproduced, copied, circulated and/or distributed nor quoted without prior written approval from Atos Origin.

For more information please contact:

[email protected] 0031 205 800 241 (Option 2)Poland 0048 525 822 641 (Option 2)USA, Houston 001 713 953 3541 (Option 2)Malaysia 0060 382 131 641 (Option 2)

Atos Origin Global Managed OperationsDocumentation is created by

Radoslaw Wojcicki & Chiat Teng Lim www.atosorigin.com