Issugartoxic? Sanjay Gupta reports on new research showing that beyond weight gain, sugar can take a serious toll on your health, worsening conditions ranging from heart disease to cancer. (CBS News) If you are what you eat, then what does it mean that the average American consumes 130 pounds of sugar a year? Sanjay Gupta reports on new research showing that beyond weight gain, sugar can take a serious toll on your health, worsening conditions ranging from heart disease to cancer. Some physicians go so far as to call sugar a toxin. The following script is from "Sugar" which aired on April 1, 2012. Dr. Sanjay Gupta is the correspondent. Denise Schrier Cetta and Sumi Aggarwal, producers. The chances are good that sugar is a bigger part of your daily diet than you may realize which is why our story tonight is so important. New research coming out of some of America's most respected institutions is starting to find that sugar, the way many people are eating it today, is a toxin and could be a driving force behind some of this country's leading killers, including heart disease. As a result of these findings, an antisugar campaign has sprung up, led by Dr. Robert Lustig, a California endocrinologist, who believes the consumption of added sugars has plunged America into a public health crisis. Dr. Sanjay Gupta: Is sugar toxic? Dr. Robert Lustig: I believe it is. Dr. Sanjay Gupta: Do you ever worry that that's it just sounds a little bit over the top? Dr. Robert Lustig: Sure. All the time. But it's the truth.

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Page 1: Sanjay&Gupta&reports&on&new&research&showing&that ...mjorth.weebly.com/uploads/1/3/1/8/13181947/sugar...Dr.!Sanjay!Gupta:!Did!it!surprise!you!when!you!first!got!these!results!back?!!

Is  sugar  toxic?  

Sanjay  Gupta  reports  on  new  research  showing  that  beyond  weight  gain,  sugar  can  take  a  serious  toll  on  your  health,  worsening  conditions  ranging  from  heart  disease  to  cancer.  

     (CBS  News)  If  you  are  what  you  eat,  then  what  does  it  mean  that  the  average  American  consumes  130  pounds  of  sugar  a  year?  Sanjay  Gupta  reports  on  new  research  showing  that  beyond  weight  gain,  sugar  can  take  a  serious  toll  on  your  health,  worsening  conditions  ranging  from  heart  disease  to  cancer.  Some  physicians  go  so  far  as  to  call  sugar  a  toxin.  


The  following  script  is  from  "Sugar"  which  aired  on  April  1,  2012.  Dr.  Sanjay  Gupta  is  the  correspondent.  Denise  Schrier  Cetta  and  Sumi  Aggarwal,  producers.  


The  chances  are  good  that  sugar  is  a  bigger  part  of  your  daily  diet  than  you  may  realize  which  is  why  our  story  tonight  is  so  important.  New  research  coming  out  of  some  of  America's  most  respected  institutions  is  starting  to  find  that  sugar,  the  way  many  people  are  eating  it  today,  is  a  toxin  and  could  be  a  driving  force  behind  some  of  this  country's  leading  killers,  including  heart  disease.  

As  a  result  of  these  findings,  an  anti-­‐sugar  campaign  has  sprung  up,  led  by  Dr.  Robert  Lustig,  a  California  endocrinologist,  who  believes  the  consumption  of  added  sugars  has  plunged  America  into  a  public  health  crisis.  

Dr.  Sanjay  Gupta:  Is  sugar  toxic?  


Dr.  Robert  Lustig:  I  believe  it  is.  


Dr.  Sanjay  Gupta:  Do  you  ever  worry  that  that's-­‐-­‐  it  just  sounds  a  little  bit  over  the  top?  


Dr.  Robert  Lustig:  Sure.  All  the  time.  But  it's  the  truth.  


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Dr.  Robert  Lustig  is  a  pediatric  endocrinologist  at  the  University  of  California,  San  Francisco  and  a  pioneer  in  what  is  becoming  a  war  against  sugar.  


Motivated  by  his  own  patients  -­‐-­‐  too  many  sick  and  obese  children  -­‐  Dr.  Lustig  has  concluded  that  sugar,  more  than  any  other  substance,  is  to  blame.  


Dr.  Sanjay  Gupta:  What  are  all  these  various  diseases  that  you  say  are  linked  to  sugar?  


Dr.  Robert  Lustig:  Obesity,  type  II  diabetes,  hypertension,  and  heart  disease  itself.  


Lustig  says  the  American  lifestyle  is  killing  us.  


Dr.  Sanjay  Gupta:  And  most  of  it  you  say  is  preventable?  


Dr.  Robert  Lustig:  Seventy-­‐five  percent  of  it  is  preventable.  


While  Dr.  Lustig  has  published  a  dozen  scientific  articles  on  the  evils  of  sugar,  it  was  his  lecture  on  YouTube,  called  "Sugar:  The  Bitter  Truth,"  that  brought  his  message  to  the  masses.  


[YouTube  Video:  I'm  standing  here  today  to  recruit  you  in  the  war  against  bad  food.]  


By  "bad  food"  Dr.  Lustig  means  the  obvious  things  such  as  table  sugar,  honey,  syrup,  sugary  drinks  and  desserts,  but  also  just  about  every  processed  food  you  can  imagine,  where  sugar  is  often  hidden:  yogurts  and  sauces,  bread,  and  even  peanut  butter.  And  

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what  about  the  man-­‐made,  often  vilified  sweetener,  high  fructose  corn  syrup?  


Dr.  Sanjay  Gupta:  Is  it  worse  than  just  table  sugar?  


Dr.  Robert  Lustig:  No.  'Cause  it's  the  exact  same.  They  are  basically  equivalent.  The  problem  is  they're  both  bad.  They're  both  equally  toxic.  


Since  the  1970s,  sugar  consumption  has  gone  down  nearly  40  percent,  but  high  fructose  corn  syrup  has  more  than  made  up  the  difference.  Dr.  Lustig  says  they  are  both  toxic  because  they  both  contain  fructose  -­‐-­‐  that's  what  makes  them  sweet  and  irresistible.  



Dr.  Robert  Lustig:  We  love  it.  We  go  out  of  our  way  to  find  it.  I  think  one  of  the  reasons  evolutionarily  is  because  there  is  no  food  stuff  on  the  planet  that  has  fructose  that  is  poisonous  to  you.  It  is  all  good.  So  when  you  taste  something  that's  sweet,  it's  an  evolutionary  Darwinian  signal  that  this  is  a  safe  food.  


Dr.  Sanjay  Gupta:  We  were  born  this  way?  


Dr.  Robert  Lustig:  We  were  born  this  way.  


Central  to  Dr.  Lustig's  theory  is  that  we  used  to  get  our  fructose  mostly  in  small  amounts  of  fruit  -­‐-­‐  which  came  loaded  with  fiber  that  slows  absorption  and  consumption  -­‐-­‐  after  all,  who  can  eat  10  oranges  at  a  time?  But  as  sugar  and  high  fructose  corn  syrup  became  cheaper  to  refine  and  produce,  we  started  gorging  on  them.  Americans  now  consume  130  pounds  per  person  a  year  -­‐-­‐  that's  a  third  of  a  pound  every  day.  

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Dr.  Lustig  believes  those  sweeteners  are  helping  fuel  an  increase  in  the  most  deadly  disease  in  America:  heart  disease.  For  years,  he's  been  a  controversial  voice.  


[Kimber  Stanhope:  Here  is  our  oral  isotope...]  


But  now,  studies  done  by  Kimber  Stanhope,  a  nutritional  biologist  at  the  University  of  California,  Davis  are  starting  to  back  him  up.  She's  in  the  middle  of  a  groundbreaking,  five-­‐year  study  which  has  already  shown  strong  evidence  linking  excess  high  fructose  corn  syrup  consumption  to  an  increase  in  risk  factors  for  heart  disease  and  stroke.  That  suggests  calories  from  added  sugars  are  different  than  calories  from  other  foods.  


Dr.  Sanjay  Gupta:  The  mantra  that  you  hear  from  most  nutritionists  is  that  a  calorie  is  a  calorie  is  a  calorie.  


Kimber  Stanhope:  And  I  think  the  results  of  the  study  showed  clearly  that  is  not  true.  


Stanhope's  conclusions  weren't  easy  to  come  by.  Nutrition  studies  are  expensive  and  difficult.  Stanhope  has  paid  groups  of  research  subjects  to  live  in  this  hospital  wing  for  weeks  at  a  time,  under  a  sort  of  24-­‐hour  lockdown.  They  undergo  scans  and  blood  tests  -­‐  every  calorie  they  ingest,  meticulously  weighed  and  prepared.  


Kimber  Stanhope:  They're  never  out  of  our  sight.  So  we  do  know  that  they  are  consuming  exactly  what  we  need  them  to  consume.  


Dr.  Sanjay  Gupta:  And  they're  not  sneaking  any  candy  bars  on  the  side.  


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Kimber  Stanhope:  Yeah,  right,  exactly.  


For  the  first  few  days,  participants  eat  a  diet  low  in  added  sugars,  so  baseline  blood  levels  can  be  measured.  


[Research  assistant:  So  remember  you  guys  have  to  finish  all  of  your  Kool-­‐Aid.  ]  


Then,  25  percent  of  their  calories  are  replaced  with  sweetened  drinks  and  Stanhope's  team  starts  drawing  blood  every  30  minutes  around  the  clock.  And  those  blood  samples?  They  revealed  something  disturbing.  


Dr.  Sanjay  Gupta:  And  what  are  you  starting  to  see?  


Kimber  Stanhope:  We  found  that  the  subjects  who  consumed  high  fructose  corn  syrup  had  increased  blood  levels  of  LDL  cholesterol  and  other  risk  factors  for  cardiovascular  disease.  


Dr.  Sanjay  Gupta:  How  quickly  did  these  changes  occur?  


Kimber  Stanhope:  Within  two  weeks.  


Kimber  Stanhope's  study  suggests  that  when  a  person  consumes  too  much  sweet  stuff,  the  liver  gets  overloaded  with  fructose  and  converts  some  of  it  into  fat.  Some  of  that  fat  ends  up  in  the  bloodstream  and  helps  generate  a  dangerous  kind  of  cholesterol  called  small  dense  LDL.  These  particles  are  known  to  lodge  in  blood  vessels,  form  plaque  and  are  associated  with  heart  attacks.  

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Dr.  Sanjay  Gupta:  Did  it  surprise  you  when  you  first  got  these  results  back?  


Kimber  Stanhope:  I  would  have  to  say  I  was  surprised  because  when  I  saw  our  data,  I  started  drinking  and  eating  a  whole  lot  less  sugar.  I  would  say  our  data  surprised  me.  


So  imagine,  for  these  healthy  young  people,  drinking  a  sweetened  drink  might  be  just  as  bad  for  their  hearts  as  the  fatty  cheeseburgers  we've  all  been  warned  about  since  the  1970s.  That's  when  a  government  commission  mandated  that  we  lower  fat  consumption  to  try  and  reduce  heart  disease.  


Dr.  Sanjay  Gupta:  So  with  the  best  of  intentions,  they  say,  "Time  to  reduce  fat  in  the  American  diet?"  


Dr.  Robert  Lustig:  Exactly.  And  we  did.  And  guess  what?  Heart  disease,  metabolic  syndrome,  diabetes  and  death  are  skyrocketing.  


Dr.  Lustig  believes  that's  primarily  because  we  replaced  a  lot  of  that  fat  with  added  sugars.  


Dr.  Robert  Lustig:  Take  the  fat  out  of  food,  it  tastes  like  cardboard.  And  the  food  industry  knew  that.  So  they  replaced  it  with  sugar.  


Dr.  Sanjay  Gupta:  This  idea  that  sugar  increases  this  particularly  bad  LDL,  the  small  dense  particles  that  are  associated  with  heart  disease.  Do  most  doctors-­‐-­‐  do  they  know  this?  


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Dr.  Robert  Lustig:  No,  they  do  not  know  this.  This  is  new.  


And  it  turns  out,  sugar  has  become  a  major  focus  in  cancer  research  too.  Lewis  Cantley,  is  looking  at  the  connection.  


Dr.  Sanjay  Gupta:  If  you  limit  your  sugar  you  decrease  your  chances  of  developing  cancer?  


Lewis  Cantley:  Absolutely.  


Cantley,  a  Harvard  professor  and  the  head  of  the  Beth  Israel  Deaconess  Cancer  Center,  says  when  we  eat  or  drink  sugar,  it  causes  a  sudden  spike  in  the  hormone  insulin,  which  can  serve  as  a  catalyst  to  fuel  certain  types  of  cancers.  


Lewis  Cantley:  What  we're  beginning  to  learn  is  that  insulin  can  cause  adverse  effects  in  the  various  tissues.  And  of  particular  concern  is  cancer.  


Why?  Nearly  a  third  of  some  common  cancers  -­‐-­‐  including  breast  and  colon  cancers  -­‐-­‐  have  something  called  insulin  receptors  on  their  surface.  Insulin  binds  to  these  receptors  and  signals  the  tumor  to  start  consuming  glucose.  


Lewis  Cantley:  This  is  your  body...  


Every  cell  in  our  body  needs  glucose  to  survive.  But  the  trouble  is,  these  cancer  cells  also  use  it  to  grow.  


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Lewis  Cantley:  So  if  you  happen  to  have  the  tumor  that  has  insulin  receptors  on  it  then  it  will  get  stimulated  to  take  up  the  glucose  that's  in  the  bloodstream  rather  than  go  into  fat  or  muscle,  the  glucose  goes  into  the  tumor.  And  the  tumor  uses  it  to  grow.  

Dr.  Sanjay  Gupta:  So  you've  just  seen  that  tumor  turn  blue  which  is  essentially  reflective  of  glucose  going  into  it.  


Lewis  Cantley:  That's  right.  


Dr.  Sanjay  Gupta:  So  these  cancers,  much  in  the  same  way  that  muscle  will  say,  "Hey,  I'd  like  some  of  that  glucose,  the  fat  says,  "I  would  like  some  of  that  glucose,"  the  cancers  have  learned  how  to  do  this  themselves  as  well?  


Lewis  Cantley:  Yes.  So  they  have  evolved  the  ability  to  hijack  that  flow  of  glucose  that's  going  by  in  the  bloodstream  into  the  tumor  itself.  


Lewis  Cantley's  research  team  is  working  on  developing  drugs  that  will  cut  off  the  glucose  supply  to  cancer  cells  and  keep  them  from  growing.  But  until  there's  a  breakthrough,  Cantley's  advice?  Don't  eat  sugar.  And  if  you  must,  keep  it  to  a  minimum.  


Lewis  Cantley:  In  fact-­‐-­‐  I-­‐-­‐  you  know,  I  live  my  life  that  way.  I  rarely  eat  sugar.  


Dr.  Sanjay  Gupta:  When  you  see  a  sugary  drink  or  if  I  were  to  offer  you  one,  what-­‐-­‐  with  all  that  you  know,  what's  going  through  your  mind?  


Lewis  Cantley:  I  probably  would  turn  it  down  and  get  a  glass  of  water.  


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But  for  most  of  us,  that's  easier  said  than  done...  


Eric  Stice:  It  turns  out  sugar  is  much  more  addictive  than  I  think  we  had  sort  of  realized  early  on.  


Eric  Stice,  a  neuroscientist  at  the  Oregon  Research  Institute,  is  using  functional  MRI  scanners  to  learn  how  our  brains  respond  to  sweetness.  


Eric  Stice:  Sugar  activates  our  brain  in  a  special  way.  That's  very  reminiscent  of,  you  know,  drugs  like  cocaine.  


That's  right.  Cocaine.  


Dr.  Sanjay  Gupta:  Let's  give  it  a  shot...  


I  climbed  into  the  MRI  scanner  to  see  how  my  brain  would  respond.  That's  a  straw  that's  been  rigged  to  deliver  a  tiny  sip  of  soda  into  my  mouth.  


Eric  Stice:  Stay  as  still  as  you  can,  ok?  


Just  as  it  hit  my  tongue,  the  scanner  detected  increased  blood  rushing  to  certain  regions  of  my  brain.  In  these  images,  the  yellow  areas  show  that  my  reward  region  is  responding  to  the  sweet  taste.  Dopamine  -­‐  a  chemical  that  controls  the  brain's  pleasure  center  -­‐  is  being  released,  just  as  it  would  in  response  to  drugs  or  alcohol.  


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Dr.  Sanjay  Gupta:  So  dopamine  is  released.  That  sort  of  makes  me  feel  good.  I'm  experiencing  some  pleasure  from  having  this  Coke.  


Eric  Stice:  Right,  that  euphoric  effect.  


Dr.  Sanjay  Gupta:  So  far  be  it  for  people  to  realize  this  'cause  sugar  is  everywhere,  but  you're  saying  this  is  one  of  the  most  addictive  substances  possibly  that  we  have?  


Eric  Stice:  It  certainly  is  very  good  at  firing  the  reward  regions  in  our  brain.  


Eric  Stice  says  by  scanning  hundreds  of  volunteers,  he's  learned  that  people  who  frequently  drink  sodas  or  eat  ice  cream  or  other  sweet  foods  may  be  building  up  a  tolerance,  much  like  drug  users  do.  As  strange  as  it  sounds,  that  means  the  more  you  eat,  the  less  you  feel  the  reward.  The  result:  you  eat  more  than  ever.  


Eric  Stice:  If  you  overeat  these  on  a  regular  basis  it  causes  changes  in  the  brain  that  basically  it  blunts  your  reward  region  response  to  the  food,  so  then  you  eat  more  and  more  to  achieve  the  same  satisfaction  you  felt  originally.  


With  all  this  new  science  emerging,  we  wanted  to  hear  from  the  sugar  industry,  so  we  visited  Jim  Simon,  who's  on  the  board  of  the  Sugar  Association,  at  a  sugar  cane  farm  in  Louisiana.  


Dr.  Sanjay  Gupta:  Would  it  surprise  you  that  almost  every  scientist  that  we  talked  to  in  researching  this  story  told  us  they  are  eliminating  all  added  sugars.  They're  getting  rid  of  it  because  they're  concerned  about  the  health  impacts.  


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Jim  Simon:  To  say  that  the  American  consuming  public  is  going  to  completely  omit,  eliminate,  sweeteners  out  of  their  diet  I  don't  think  gets  us  there.  


Simon  cautions  that  eliminating  sugar  wrongly  vilifies  one  food,  rather  than  working  towards  the  long-­‐term  solution  of  reducing  calories  and  exercising.  


Dr.  Sanjay  Gupta:  You  know,  a  lot  of  people,  Jim,  are  saying  that  sugar  is  different.  That  it  is  bad  for  your  heart  and  is  causing  a  lot  of  the  problems  we're  talking  about.  It  is  addictive  and  in  some  cases  might  even  fuel  cancers.  What  would  you  -­‐  I  mean  you've  looked  at  this.  You  must  have  looked  at  some  of  these  studies.  What  do  you  say  about  that?  


Jim  Simon:  The  science  is  not  completely  clear  here.  


Dr.  Sanjay  Gupta:  But  some  of  that's,  but  some  of  these  studies  exist.  I  mean,  what  is  a  consumer,  what  are  they  to  make  of  all  that?  

Jim  Simon:  Well,  I  would  say  to  them,  that  they've  got  to  approach,  their  diet  in  balance.  


Dr.  Robert  Lustig  agrees  -­‐-­‐  we  need  a  balanced  diet  -­‐-­‐  but  his  idea  of  balance  is  a  drastic  reduction  in  sugar  consumption.  To  that  end  he  co-­‐authored  an  American  Heart  Association  report  recommending  men  should  consume  no  more  than  150  calories  of  added  sugars  a  day.  And  women,  just  100  calories.  That's  less  than  the  amount  in  just  one  can  of  soda.  


Dr.  Robert  Lustig:  Ultimately  this  is  a  public  health  crisis.  And  when  it's  a  public  health  crisis,  you  have  to  do  big  things  and  you  have  to  do  them  across  the  board.  Tobacco  and  alcohol  are  perfect  examples.  We  have  made  a  conscious  choice  that  we're  not  going  to  get  rid  of  them,  but  we  are  going  to  limit  their  consumption.  I  think  sugar  belongs  in  this  exact  same  wastebasket.  

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