San Diego Organization Gives Hope Through Gardens on #GivingTuesday

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Plant With Purpose aims to alleviate hunger both in San Diego and abroad.

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    San Diego Organization Gives Hope Through Gardens on #GivingTuesday Plant With Purpose aims to alleviate hunger both in San Diego and abroad

    SAN DIEGONovember 23, 2015 Plant With Purpose announces its involvement and support of #GivingTuesday, a global day of giving that encourages the collective effort of individuals, communities, and organizations toward philanthropy and celebrating generosity. Engagement in both volunteering and giving

    focusing on solutions to hunger through gardensare being coordinated.

    Plant With Purpose is holding a one-day campaign on December 1 to raise funds for 10 families in Burundi to receive gardens. The goal of $500 will provide tools and training to farming families in this impoverished East African country.

    Burundi is the hungriest country in the world. Burundis recent civil war was driven by ethnic tension and

    only ended in 2005. The war resulted in widespread famine, disease, and elevated crime. The conflict affected Burundis agricultural and economical resources to the detriment of Burundians livelihood as farmers. Recent instability has made resources scarce.

    As subsistence farmers, the majority of Burundians survive off of what they grow. Plant With Purpose is

    providing grassroots solutions to this crisis through training in sustainable farming and making fruit and vegetable seed available.

    Esperance is a mother of ten who is experiencing the benefits of these small but impactful steps. Esperance

    and her husband plant corn, beans, potatoes, bananas, and other vegetables in their small plot of land. I am very pleased to see how we could improve the nutrition of our children with vegetables that can be grown in even a small garden, affirms Esperance.

    As farming familieslike Esperancessee an increase in crop production, children have more to eat. Excess

    crops are sold at local markets. Profits from these gardens allow children to go to school and familys to receive healthcare. Gardens are a simple sign of hope and a solution to hunger.

    Hunger is an issue in San Diego where one in four children go to school hungry. On December 1#GivingTuesdayPlant With Purpose staff, donors, and supporters will volunteer at the Leichtag

    Foundations Coastal Roots Farm. Harvests from the farm are donated to local charities.

    The San Diego community is invited to celebrate #GivingTuesday with Plant With Purpose.


    About Plant With Purpose Plant With Purpose ( is an international development organization that transforms lives in rural areas where poverty is caused by deforestation. For more than 30 years, Plant With Purpose has

    provided lasting solutions to rural poverty through a community development approach that integrates

  • reforestation, sustainable agriculture programs, economic opportunity through microfinance, and local leadership development. Plant With Purpose currently works in more than 425 communities in seven

    countries: Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Mexico, Tanzania, and Thailand. The organization has planted over 16 million trees worldwide.

    Join Plant With Purpose in giving hope through gardens. Volunteer on December 1 is from 9:00-11:00 a.m. at 441 Saxony Rd, Encinitas, CA 92024.

    For interviews, inquiries, or additional information on Plant With Purpose, including videos or photos, please

    contact Becky Rosaler.

    Contact: Becky Rosaler Marketing and Events 800.633.5319 Office

    760.650.2819 Cell [email protected]