Saint Frances Cabrini Parish Pastor: Rev. Joe Galang [email protected] Parochial Vicar: Rev. Gabriel Lee [email protected] Assisting Clergy: Rev. Paul Soukup, S.J. [email protected] MASS SCHEDULE Monday – Friday: 8:30 am Saturday: 8:30 am & 5:00 pm* Sunday: 8:30 & 11:00 am* * Saturday 5:00 pm & Sunday 11:00 am Masses will also livestream on Facebook Sign up for SFC Masses at: signup.com/go/QTSyMrU RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION) By appointment only. Please contact the priest directly. BAPTISM Please contact Joan Schenck at [email protected] for the paperwork and to arrange for the required baptism class and date. MARRIAGE Couples must contact the priest they wish to witness the sacrament at least six months prior to the proposed date of the wedding. Saint Frances Cabrini Parish 15333 Woodard Rd. San Jose, CA 95124 Parish Office Phone: 408-879-1120 Emergency Phone/anointing: 408-912-0440 www.sfcabrini.org E-mail: parish_offi[email protected] “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” ~ Philippians 4:13 Our Mission: Worship God • Love Others • Make Disciples • Educate the Young Saint Frances Cabrini School 15325 Woodard Rd. San Jose, CA 95124 School Office Phone: 408-377-6545 www.sfcschool.org twitter.com/sfc_sj or Instagram @sfcschool_sj JOIN US FOR MASS ONLINE @ SFC SATURDAYS @ 5:00 PM & SUNDAYS @ 11:00 AM LIVE ON FACEBOOK Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord March 28th, 2021 SUPPORT OUR PARISH THROUGH FAITH DIRECT SUPPORT THE ANNUAL DIOCESAN APPEAL THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY

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Saint Frances Cabrini Parish

Pastor: Rev. Joe Galang [email protected]

Parochial Vicar: Rev. Gabriel Lee [email protected]

Assisting Clergy:Rev. Paul Soukup, S.J. [email protected]


Monday – Friday: 8:30 am

Saturday: 8:30 am & 5:00 pm*

Sunday: 8:30 & 11:00 am** Saturday 5:00 pm & Sunday 11:00 am

Masses will also livestream on Facebook

Sign up for SFC Masses at: signup.com/go/QTSyMrU

RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION)By appointment only. Please contact the priest directly.

BAPTISMPlease contact Joan Schenck at [email protected] for the paperwork and to arrange for the required baptism class and date.

MARRIAGECouples must contact the priest they wish to witness the sacrament at least six months prior to the proposed date of the wedding.

Saint Frances Cabrini Parish15333 Woodard Rd. San Jose, CA 95124

Parish Office Phone: 408-879-1120 Emergency Phone/anointing: 408-912-0440 www.sfcabrini.org E-mail: [email protected]

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” ~ Philippians 4:13

Our Mission: Worship God • Love Others • Make Disciples • Educate the Young

Saint Frances Cabrini School 15325 Woodard Rd. San Jose, CA 95124

School Office Phone: 408-377-6545 www.sfcschool.org

twitter.com/sfc_sj or Instagram @sfcschool_sj



Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord March 28th, 2021





Easter Treats from the SFC FilAm GroupIn lieu of our Annual Easter Egg Hunt, the SFC FilAm

Group will give away Easter bags filled with treats on Easter Sunday on April 4th. Please find us at the

church plaza after the 11:00 am Mass.

Be sure to sign up for the Mass at signup.com/go/QTSyMrU.

MASSES AT ST. FRANCES CABRININOW ACCEPTING MASS INTENTIONS: Please call the Parish Office for availability at 408-879-1120 Ext. 20.SATURDAY, MAR 27 | SAT. OF THE FIFTH WEEK OF LENTDay: Ez 37:21-28; Jer 31:10, 11-13; Jn 11:45-56Vigil: Is 50:4-7; Ps 22:8-9, 17-20, 23-24; Phil 2:6-11; Mk 14:1 – 15:47 [15:1-39]

8:30 am - All Parishioners 5:00 pm - Nan Fiefarek †

SUNDAY, MAR 28 | PALM SUNDAY OF THE LORD’S PASSIONIs 50:4-7; Ps 22:8-9, 17-20, 23-24; Phil 2:6-11; Mk 14:1 – 15:47 [15:1-39]

8:30 am - Connor Metz † 11:00 am - Carlos DeLeon † 1:00 pm - Assyrian Mass


Is 42:1-7; Ps 27:1-3, 13-14; Jn 12:1-11

8:30 am - Neil and Quinton Correa †TUESDAY, MAR 30 | TUESDAY OF HOLY WEEK

Is 49:1-6; Ps 71:1-6, 15, 17; Jn 13:21-33, 36-38

8:30 am - Angela Cosentina †WEDNESDAY, MAR 31 | WEDNESDAY OF HOLY WEEK

Is 50:4-9a; Ps 69:8-10, 21-22, 31, 33-34; Mt 26:14-25

8:30 am - Rita McGough †THURSDAY, APR 1 | HOLY THURSDAY

Ex 12:1-8, 11-14; Ps 116:12-13, 15-16bc, 17-18; 1 Cor 11:23-26; Jn 13:1-15


Is 52:13 – 53:12; Ps 31:2, 6, 12-13, 15-17, 25; Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9; Jn 18:1 – 19:42

7:00 pm - Good Friday ServiceSATURDAY, APR 3 | HOLY SATURDAY / EASTER VIGILa) Gn 1:1 — 2:2; b) Gn 22:1-18; c) Ex 14:15 — 15:1; d) Is 54:5-14; e) Is 55:1-11; f) Bar 3:9-15, 32 — 4:4; g) Ez 36:16-17a, 18-28; h) Rom 6:3-11; i) Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23; Mk 16:1-7


Acts 10:34a, 37-43; Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23; Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8; Jn 20:1-9

or Mk 16:1-7

8:30 am - Tom Howden † 11:00 am - Carlos DeLeon † 1:00 pm - Assyrian Mass

“ Christ Jesus humbled himself, becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.”— Philippians 2:8

Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord — March 28th, 2021


Palm Sunday 3/28: Holy Mass: 8:30 am, and 11:30 am*

Holy Thursday 4/1: Holy Mass: 7:00 pm Holy Thursday liturgy and exposition of the Blessed Sacrament until 10:00 pm

Good Friday 4/2: 3:00 pm Stations of the Cross 7:00 pm Good Friday services

Holy Saturday 4/3: Easter Vigil liturgy: 7:30 pm

Easter Sunday 4/4: Holy Mass: 8:30 am, 11:00 am,* 1:00 pm (Assyrian Mass)

* - also live-streamed on Facebook

Stations of the Cross: All Fridays of Lent: 6:00 pm

Confession: Every Saturday: 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm at the Parish Center patio area (outdoors), and by appointment

Soup’s On AgainThank you to those that pre-ordered soup and joined our first ever drive-up-and-go Lenten Soup Night. We had over 170 pre-orders! SFC Parish and school thank you for your continued support. A special thank you to Chef Tom Billmaier for making it possible with the preparation of our soup and having it ready for serving on the go.

Join us Wednesday, March 31st for our second Lenten Soup Night. The featured soups will be Corn Chowder and Beef Barley. Pick-up times are 1:00 – 1:30 pm and 4:30 – 6:00 pm. Be sure to pre-order by Monday, March, 29th using the link: signup.com/go/poCtsfQ

Signup.com does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer to not use your email address, please contact Maile Figone at 408-879-1120 Ext. 24, and she will sign you up manually. Donations will be appreciated and accepted at pickup. Soup’s on!

Our first drive-through Lenten Soup Night was a hit! Chef Tom Billmaier and his team filled over 170 pre-orders of soup and rolls!

Indoor Mass Protocols at SFC ParishSFC Parish resumed indoor Masses and sacraments starting March 1st, 2021.

Please use main entrance doors to enter and exit church

• Please observe social distancing (6 ft) at all times

• Use a face mask/covering at all times throughout the duration of Mass

• Please use hand sanitizer and other disinfectants

• Stay at your designated space/spot throughout the duration of Mass

• Senior citizens and all persons 65 years and older are asked to stay at home.

• Families with little children (infants, toddlers, & children with compromised medical conditions) are asked to stay at home.

Do not enter the church if you have any of the following COVID-19 symptoms:

• Fever, chills

• Shortness of breath persistent cough, sore throat

• Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea

• Unusual & significant tiredness, muscle or body aches, headaches, confusion, or loss of sense of taste or smell

Church Open Hours:Monday through Friday: Main church doors open at 8:00 am and close 9:30 am following morning Mass.

Saturday & Sunday: Main church doors will open 30 minutes before each scheduled Mass; they close 30 minutes after Mass ends.

The church will be cleaned, disinfected and sanitized every day in accordance with the Santa Clara County Health Regulations.

The Parish Center is still closed and no indoor meetings and/or other gatherings inside any of our facilities are still not allowed at this time.

Bishop Cantú has extended the dispensation to attend Mass to all — especially vulnerable adults, senior citizens, and parishioners with compromised health conditions. I ask all parishioners to stay safe and healthy.

With my prayers, Rev. Joe Galang, SFC Pastor

Let Us Pray…Let us pray for the people in our parish community who are homebound, sick, recovering, or are confined to rest homes, that Jesus be their strength and comfort. This week we especially pray for:

Carol Wiebe, Marc O’Toole, Marissa Enfantino-Chong, Karen Lamm, Ben Krone, Marilyn Krone, Elisa Resayo, Damon Hague, Sue Shaw, Lillian Konnyu, Steve Catching, Harry Kroeger, Jesus Barajas Sr., Janice Page, George Belle, Sarah Schattel, Jennifer Butler, William S. Navarrete, Darryl Cannon, Maritza P., Louise Fortin, Christine Vodicka, Josie Hernandez, Alicia Carrillo, Logan Habicht, Freida Flocchini, Adrienne Mackey, Audrey Nicholas,Jim Tkach, Pat Boorn, Charlie Schenck, John Smith, David Arena, Sue Coffaro, John Mackey, Minerva Ramsey, Joan Kolokowski, Sam Ajam, Jim O’Connell, Scott Reno, and Maria Ventura.

Please keep them and their families in your prayers. Names are placed for eight weeks. To place a name on this list or if you see that you or a loved ones’ name has been taken off and would like it placed back in “Let Us Pray” again, please contact Sue at 408-879-1120 Ext.18.

“ Christ Jesus humbled himself, becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.”— Philippians 2:8

Weekly CollectionPlease see next week’s bulletin for updated collection numbers.

Online Giving is Simple with Faith Direct Please consider online giving. It’s easy!

Visit our parish website, click the “Donate Online” icon link on the home screen, and log into your online giving account. Or you may simply scan the QR code on the front cover to access the site.

Contact Sue Butler if you would like to stop receiving the regular Sunday envelopes by mail.


Please Sign Up for Daily MassFor the purposes of safety, diocesean, and county health guidelines, as well as for contact tracing, we ask you to register in advance to attend Mass at St. Frances Cabrini at signup.com/go/QTSyMrU. Please add the number of family members attending with your group to reserve your place. The capacity has to be limited in accordance with social distancing practices and county health guidelines. We look forward to having you join us for Mass. If you are unable to attend the Mass you signed up for, please cancel so another can attend. If you need assistance with the Mass sign-up, please contact the parish office at 408-879-1120 or email [email protected].

Make Your Pledge to the 2021 ADAThanks to those who have already responded with a gift to the 2021 Annual Diocesan Appeal. There is still plenty of time to respond with a gift. Your gift is essential to sustaining the many ministries of the Diocese of San Jose and tphelp us reach our goal of $115,354.

Updated totals for SFC through 3/7/21: we have collected $69,168 — only $46,186 left and only a few weeks to go! Help us meet our goal.

You can give by going online at givecentral.org/dsj2021web, by texting “ADA” to 408-317-0990, or by turning the card you received via mail into the Parish Office to make your pledge for 2021.

SFC Values Your ContributionsPlease send your envelope to the parish office via USPS or drop it in the mail slot by the parish office door. Use the church-provided envelopes for your contributions and please do not alter the envelopes by cutting them apart. For special collections, please make a second separate check payable to “St. Frances Cabrini Church” with the recipient of the collection written in the memo line. Your kindness is appreciated.

Steve & Kate’s Camp At SFC Summer 2021At Steve & Kate’s Camp, kids take chances and take charge, shaping their day, their way. More choices and fewer expectations creates more possibilities, more self-trust, and less self-doubt.

Campers will choose interest-based, pod-like groups, where they can immerse themselves in activities or projects with an emphasis that speaks to their tastes. These interest groups include sewing, building, performing arts, coding/gaming, sports & recreation, or a mix of everything!

Within these groups campers decide what they want to do, and for how long. Whether they’re spending the day sampling everything, or hon-ing in on one specific skill, one thing is for sure: kids are in control.

Campers will also have the opportunity to enjoy socially distanced indoor and outdoor recre-ation, performances, games, inflatables, and a circuit of rotating activities.

We’ve also got plenty of perks for parents. Lunch and snacks are included daily, and any unused Day Passes will be automatically be refunded in full at the end of summer.

For more information, go to: [email protected] or call 408-340-7858

Please Watch Out for SpamA recent spam e-mail has been circulating. Please do not click on the links or respond to it. Frs. Joe and Gabriel did not send it and would not communiate with parishioners via e-mail in that manner.

St. Frances Cabrini Bulletin Submission Due Dates To ensure publication, e-mail your submissions to [email protected] 7 – 10 business days prior to the Sunday you wish to see your request or event in the bulletin. All requests for announcements should have prior approval from the Pastor.

Religious Education News By Joan Schenck, DRE • [email protected]

Palm Sunday begins the celebration of the most important week in the Church year, Holy Week. Jesus entered Jerusalem, where people welcomed him as a King by waving palms, laying down their cloaks, and shouting His praises. “Hosanna!, blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!” Pre-pandemic we would wave the tall palms and would happily take home palms to put on our crucifix or make crosses out of the palms.

We will join with the church celebrating this short time of glory, before we begin the Passion story. To prepare for Holy Week we urge every-one, especially our Confirmandi, to mark

The times for the scheduled SFC Church liturgies. They are all listed in our church bulletin. We need to recognize the Triduum events and attend these with family or friends that lead us to the joy of Easter Sunday. These liturgies teach us and invite us into the Passion, Death, and the Resurrection of Jesus. In the past pre-pandemic all Confirmandi would enact the 14 Stations of the Cross in the church and wearing costumes walking behinds “Jesus” who carried a big cross, ending by venerating the Cross. It is very important to attend in person or with live streaming “The Passion of our Lord, Jesus Christ”. (Mark 14:15-47) We celebrate the Paschal Mystery, We are Easter People! Blessings, Mrs. Schenck

Formed.org Pick of the Week: “ Holy Week”Dr. Brant Pitre takes listeners on a Scriptural walk from Palm Sunday to Holy Saturday. Learn about Jesus’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem, why he cursed a fig tree, the importance of the “blood and water” that flowed out from Christ’s side, and more.Formed.org is easy to use. Go to formed.org, click on “I belong to a parish/organization” and find our church by typing “St. Frances Cabrini San Jose, CA”, add your name and e-mail, and you will be set! As a gift from St. Frances Cabrini Church, there is absolutely no cost to you!


SUBSCRIBE AT: ebulletin.jspaluch.com

Stay Connected to SFC OnlineIn these current times, it is more important than ever to stay connected to SFC online. Please read our web site, “Like” us on Facebook, and follow us on Instagram.

On Facebook: Saint Frances Cabrini Parish, San Jose, CA On Instagram: sfcabrini_sj Our web site: www.sfcabrini.org

Please Support Our AdvertisersWe value the businesses that offer support to our parish through advertising. They make so many wonderful things possible. Please patronize these businesses and let them know that you saw them advertised at SFC.

Food Assistance is AvailableThe Diocese of San Jose, Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County, and Second Harvest Food Bank of Silicon Valley has teamed up to provide weekly food assistance at drive-through sites located at several area churches. No registration needed beforehand as it will be done on site.

For a list distribution dates and sites, call 1-800-984-3663 or visit www.catholiccharitiesscc.org/ covid19-information.

You may also reach out to our SFC St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry at 408-412-1926 or [email protected]. We thank our regular donors for the continued support in helping us keep our SVdP food pantry stocked year round — clubs, organizations, parishioners, our school families and children.

40th Anniversary Prayer: Diocese of San JoseEver-living and faithful God, we give you thanks for walking with us, your people of this Diocese of San José.

Pour forth your Spirit on this local Church, that our works of Faith and labors of Love may lead others to Jesus, your Son, and that our endurance in Joy and Hope may lift up those weary from uncertainty.

Accompanied by Saint Joseph and Saint Clare, may we continue “Journeying Together in Hope,” and day by day be drawn closer to your Son, our Light, our Hope, and our Salvation, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Help Us Restock Our St. Vincent de Paul Pantry Here at SFCOur SFC SVdP Food Pantry is in need of restocking. We are low on the following groceries:

• Cereals/Oatmeal/Cream of Wheat• Peanut Butter• Jellies/Jams• Pastas/Rice/Beans• Sauces• Soups• Vegetables• Fruit• Bulk product dozen/cases.

Cash donations are always appreciated, please make check payable to SVdP or through Faith Direct.

Did you know with the help of our community we provide over 25 families with weekly groceries? This wouldn’t be possible without your help and the help of all our volunteers that make this program possible. The sacramenT of

Reconciliation (confession)Takes place aT the PaRish centeR outdooR Patio aRea

on satuRdays fRom 3:00 – 4:00 Pm and by appoinTmenT.

Fund for Food Donations at SFCSt. Frances Cabrini Church has added a separate fund for “Food Donations.” This will be used for the many meals that we provide at our parish.

In Faith Direct, you can find it under “one-time gift.” This is available anytime you would like to donate to that program. We feed so many families, and your generosity is needed. This is an easy way for your to give and let the parish do the shopping.

There is not a separate envelope for food donations, but if you do wish to donate, just write in the memo section of the check that it is for “Food Donations.”

Should you have any questions, please contact Sue Butler in the Parish Office. Thank you.

Marriage Preparation RetreatsThe Diocese of San Jose offers English and Spanish Virtual Marriage Preparation retreats throughout the year. The DSJ Marriage Preparation retreat is for couples who have begun their marriage process through their parish and are needing to fulfill the marriage preparation area in their process. Visit the Marriage Prep webpage at tinyurl.com/DSJMarriage for details. The next date for the retreat in English is May, 22, 2021.

Parish Ministries and Contacts


Joan Schenck .....................................................jschenck@sfcschool.orgAltar society

Shirley Corbari ................................................... [email protected] Environment

Fr. Joe Galang ...........................................revpastor2019@sfcabrini.orgEucharistic Ministers

Joan Schenck .....................................................jschenck@sfcschool.orgEvangelization Committee

Joan Schenck .....................................................jschenck@sfcschool.orgHome Ministries

Grace Rivero .................................................................... (408) 879-1120Lectors

Joan Schenck .....................................................jschenck@sfcschool.orgLiturgy Committee

Fr. Joe Galang .................................................................. (408) 879-1120Ushers

James Sawaya................................................... [email protected]


Barry and Charlotte LeMay [email protected]

Alicia Morales ................................................................. (408) 879-1120Cursillo

Cathy Campbell .............................................................. (408) 879-1120 Alicia Morales ................................................................. (408) 879-1120

Marriage Enrichment / Date NightChris & Ann Aguilar ...................................................... (408) 879-1120

Respect LifeAnthony and Joann Allegretti ....................................... (408) 879-1120

Rite Of Christian Initation of Adults (RCIA)Tim Van Overen ........................................................ [email protected]

Religious Education & Youth MinistryJoan Schenck ....................................................jschenck@sfcschool.org

Bible StudyDonna Tkach (Morning Study) .................................... (408) 879-1120 Dave & Sue Keller (Evening Study) .............................. (408) 879-1120

Cabrini Young AdultsKelsey Ballard......................................cabriniyoungadults@gmail.com

PARISH LIFEAssyrian Catholic Community

Doris Bebla ..................................................................... (408) 879-1120Bingo

Joe Roulin ........................................................................ (408) 879-1120Building Committee

Domenic Onorato .......................................................... (408) 879-1120Bulletin Editor

Melissa Shafer .................................................... [email protected]

Mike Livingston ..........................................mlivingston@sfcschool.orgFilipino American (FilAm) Group

Maria Sarmiento ............................................................. (408) 879-1120Greeters

James Sawaya................................................... [email protected] Bocce Ball

Camille Orlando ...................................... [email protected] Catholic Federation

Debbie Piro.......................................................debpiro123@yahoo.comKnights Of Columbus

Dave Citrigno .................................................................. (408) 879-1120Ladies League

Linnea Sheehy .........................................SFCLadiesleague@gmail.comMen’s Club

Dave Citrigno .................................................................. (408) 879-1120Intercessory Prayer Group

Fr. Gabriel Lee ................................................................. (408) 879-1120St. Vincent de Paul

Steve Catching........................................................ [email protected]


Sean Cook........................................................................ (408) 879-1120Parish Council

Sam Nickolas ................................................................... (408) 879-1120Receptionist – Facilities Coordinator

Jean O’Connell ................................................... (408) 879-1120 Ext. 20Secretary

Sue Butler ........................................................... (408) 879-1120 Ext. 18Wedding Ceremony Coordinator

Jennifer Donnelly ........................................................... (408) 879-1120


Jane Daigle ...............ext.3003 ........................................ (408) 377-6545Vice Principal

Ronda Clark ............ext.3058 ........................................ (408) 377-6545Vice Principal

John Bennett ...........ext.3057 ........................................ (408) 377-6545Office Manager

Max Burd .................ext.3002 ........................................ (408) 377-6545Communications/Activities Director

Nikki Dickey ...........ext.3035 ........................................ (408) 377-6545Development Director

Blanche Khoshaba ..ext.3046 ........................................ (408) 377-6545Parent Teacher Group

Debbie Casey................................................................... (408) 377-6545School Advisory Council

Tim Nguyen .................................................................... (408) 377-6545

Join us @ St. Frances Cabrini Parish!

Name: ________________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________

City: ________________________ State: ____ Zip: _________

E-mail: _______________________________________________

Home Phone: _________________ Cell: __________________


It’s easy to register and stay up-to-date at SFC! Fill in the information and drop this form into the collection basket. If needed, a registration form will be mailed to you.

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