Safran The magazine for Messier-Bugatti-Dowty employees — … · QrQC: improving quality by responding faster Since mid-2012, Safran has been gradually introducing a new methodology

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Page 1: Safran The magazine for Messier-Bugatti-Dowty employees — … · QrQC: improving quality by responding faster Since mid-2012, Safran has been gradually introducing a new methodology

The magazine for Messier-Bugatti-Dowty employees — January 2014 — Issue 3






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Page 2: Safran The magazine for Messier-Bugatti-Dowty employees — … · QrQC: improving quality by responding faster Since mid-2012, Safran has been gradually introducing a new methodology

16 / SNAPSHOT The A400M: the best landing

gear system on earth. And rock. And mud. And sand

17 / VIEWPOINT "Rethink how we work",

by Vincent Mascré, Chairman and CEO

18 / PANORAMA18— Malaysia France's prime

minister visits our new site19— 100% White Belt! 19— Striving to be cleaner19— CadFree: after TRL 6, moving

toward industrialization...20— Bidos: Titanium building,

moving day

21 /SPOTLIGHTEGTS, a motor for green growthCloser look at the electric green taxiing system, presented at the latest Paris Air Show.

24 / INITIATIVE Waging a war

on inventories

25 / INSIGHT Landing gear maintenance:

a well-oiled machine

26 / TALENTS FAL support:

fl awless dedication

Director of Publication: Alison Joly • Editor-in-Chief: Laurence Lysimaque • Editors: Agence ARCA • Photography: p. 16 Airbus site – p. 17 Boeing site and our local contributors – p. 18 R. Hae� ele and our local contributors – p. 19 our local contributors – p. 20 E. Follet - F. Albert – p. 21-22 E. Drouin/Safran and our local contributors – p. 23 E. Drouin/Safran - B. Vallet/Safran – p. 24 F. Albert and our local contributors – p. 25 our local contributors – p. 26-27 P. Ledoaré and our local contributors • Contributors: F. Crancée, L. de Verduzan, C. Fériot, S. Ferrari, J.-P. Garcia, P. Germain, M. Gillet, N. Gouret, B. Guyot, C. Hesters, P. Kremer, J. Lassepa, O. Martin, J.-M. Metzger, S. Mierzejewski, G. Poulain, C. Sabatier, C. Talichet.


04 / 4 MONTH REVIEW04— Supply chain: working

more e� ciently with our suppliers

05— A new facility for Safran in Toulouse

06— Safran onboard with the Falcon 5X

06— Safran and Valeo: an ambitious research partnership

07— Safran Purchasing: three years on

11 / ROUNDTABLE Two Safran directors introduce themselves

12 / FOCUS12— Safran on

social media13— A new take

on mobility14— Paperless billing 15— Legal a� airs:

the spirit of the law

08 /OVERVIEW Gender diversity, a factor in Group performance

Director of publication: Pascale Dubois • Editorial director: Marie-Laure Dufour • Editor-in-chief and project coordinator: Alexia Attali • Editors : M. Akorri, S. Ge� ray, V. Guez, C. Matringe • Photo credits: p. 1 A. Ojedap/CAPA Pictures/Safran – p. 2 S. Cohen/CAPA Pictures/Safran - P. Soissons/Safran - E. Drouin/Snecma/Safran – p. 3 R. Frankenberg/Safran – p. 4 P. Soissons/Safran – p. 5 J.-M. Liot/DPPI/Safran – p. 6 Dassault Aviation - Thinkstock 2013 – p. 7 G. Hammerstein/Fancy/GraphicObsession - Thinkstock 2013 – p. 8 A. Nobre/CAPA Pictures/Safran - P. Gi� ord/CAPA Pictures/Safran – p. 9 E. Drouin/Snecma/Safran - A. Ferrant/Safran – p. 10 A. Wiseman/CAPA Pictures/Safran - G. Poulain/Messier-Bugatti-Dowty/Safran – p. 11 Th. Mamberti/Safran - G. Dacquin/Safran - E. Forterre/Snecma/Safran – p. 12 Thinkstock 2013 - C. Beauregard – p. 13 S Cohen/CAPA Pictures/Safran - Th. Mamberti/Safran - A. Saulin/Safran – p. 14 A. Saulin/Safran - M. Akorri/Safran – p. 15 Thinkstock 2013 - Abaca Corporate.

Production: • Printed by: imprimerie Vincent • The articles and illustrations published in this magazine may not be reproduced without prior permission in writing. The contents of this magazine have been translated from the original French. Only the French version is legally valid.

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Page 3: Safran The magazine for Messier-Bugatti-Dowty employees — … · QrQC: improving quality by responding faster Since mid-2012, Safran has been gradually introducing a new methodology

Electric green taxing system: to be marketed by 2016/2017.”

T he 50th International Paris Air Show proved very successful for the electric green taxiing system (egts), which is developed by Safran in partnership

with Honeywell. Daily demonstrations were conducted on the tarmac, which allowed the Group to achieve its goal of bringing the concept out of the laboratory and into a real-life application. It was also popular with visitors to the show. Safran garnered some very positive contacts with aircraft manufacturers, airlines, pilots and airport authorities, while fueling public interest. Green taxiing will signifi cantly reduce polluting emissions at airports and cut aircraft fuel consumption by 3 to 4%, which means that it clearly addresses several of today's most pressing concerns for all citizens.

As we are encouraged by the di� erent levels of success, we must now redouble our e� orts to overcome the challenges before us.

The fi rst of these challenges is to convince aircraft manufacturers of this technology’s value. There needs to be a cooperative approach to launching a full development program for the system in order to adapt it to the specifi c needs of their narrow-bodied aircraft in ways that meet the expectations of airlines. The partnership agreement signed with Air France to evaluate the feasibility of deployment with its current and future fl eet is a fi rst step in this direction. We still have a long way to go, but the credibility established at the Paris Air Show gives us confi dence that we can achieve this ambitious target we have set for ourselves: to be marketing the system by 2016/2017.

The second challenge is to anticipate the coming revolution in the ground handling management of aircraft. This is the foundation upon which we have signed a research agreement with Valeo, to develop guidance assistance and autonomous vehicles. This technology will be designed to have 360° vision around the aircraft, expanded vision in poor weather conditions, and automatic vehicle guidance. Safran is committed to leading the way in these areas and others by making its full contribution to tomorrow’s aircraft. It is very much in our interest to expand the spectrum of our R&T by working closely with non-competitor industries that share some of our problems in order to achieve our ambitions.




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Supply chain: working more effi ciently with our suppliers

why we need to strengthen our relationship with them. We’re doing that through a win-win partnership under which we expect them to deliver long-term innovation and performance in terms of quality, cost and lead times. In return, we want to work with them to build a balanced relationship that guarantees their ability to grow. The convention was a perfect opportunity to have an open debate about our respective expectations and commitments.

How is this partnership being built?The fi rst area we’re working on is simplifying the supplier relationship. For example, until now, each Group company applied its own requirements and approvals procedures. In 2013, we brought all of those

together to create a series of Group-wide practices. We’re also upgrading our scheduling systems to give our suppliers greater forward visibility. The second area is helping our suppliers to perform better. We’re introducing Group-wide management indicators to monitor exported quality failures, the rate of on-time deliveries, etc. That will allow us to discuss potential improvements objectively, regardless of whether they need to be made by our suppliers or by Safran. We’re also helping them to improve their operational performance through supplier development workshops which are facilitated by Safran staff (Green Belts, Black Belts, etc.). We conducted 100 of these in 2013. Lastly, we’re helping them in meeting their funding needs, either

by extending fi rm order periods, or via funding sources, such as aerofund III, to which Safran is a contributor.

What progress have you made in ramping up some of these programs?a number of specifi c projects have already been launched, including the Snecma LS2R(2) project to support LEaP engine production start-up by identifying potential issues and working together to fi nd solutions. 

(1) Until December 31, 2013.(2) LEaP Supplier Rate Readiness.

QrQC: improving quality by responding faster Since mid-2012, Safran has been gradually introducing a new methodology that has its origins in the automotive industry: QRQC (Quick Response Quality Control). Its principle is to cut quality, reject costs (scrap, rework, etc.), and eradicate internal quality issues by helping teams to respond faster to incidents at shop fl oor level. Already in place in some Labinal Power Systems and Sagem facilities, and with a number of suppliers, QRQC will eventually be extended to every part of the Group.

QRQC meeting in the Labinal Power Systems plant at Villemur-sur-Tarn (France).

See also the article published in issue 15 of the Safran Magazine at: www.safran-group.com / Media Section

15%That’s the Group-wide improvement in supplier on-time deliveries achieved between 2009 and 2013. Over the same period, the rate of exported quality failures was divided by 4.

‘Working together for greater effi ciency’: that was the main theme throughout the fi rst Suppliers Convention hosted by Safran on November 22, 2013. Denis Vercherin, Group Vice President Production(1), gives us his perspective.

The convention was the fi rst time that Safran had brought all its key suppliers together. So why now? Well, 70% of our product value comes from our suppliers. That’s



SAFRAN NewS — janUaRY 2014 — ISSUE 34

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Safran CompositesOn the home stretch!The Safran Composites research center will soon be operational. Located at Itteville in the Paris Region, it gives Safran the resources it needs to become a leading competitor in the market for composite materials, which have a key role in reducing aircraft engine fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. The arrival of Safran Composites will also add a new dimension to this site - already home to the Herakles energetic materials research center - and will create synergies with the 225 engineers and technicians working here today.

Sailing sponsorship breezes aheadThe sailing news from Safran is as exciting as ever. In September 2013, the Sailing Challenge brought together 800 Group employees and welcomed a crew of engineering graduate school students for the fi rst time. In November, Marc Guillemot and crewman Pascal Bidégorry fi nished second in the Transat Jacques Vabre onboard the Open 60 Safran. The Safran skipper will also compete in the Route du Rhum in November 2014. But there are other races between now and then, including the spring Figaro series where Safran will partner with the Guy Cotton brand. Twenty-nine-year-old skipper Gwénolé Gahinet has been selected to represent the partners in the Solitaire single-handed series. We seem to be building a real Safran Sailing Team!

A new facility for Safran in ToulouseIn 2016, the Group will open a new facility in Toulouse to bring all the head o� ce teams of Labinal Power Systems and Safran Engineering Services together in one place with those of the region’s Shared Services Centers and Group company branches. The higher profi le of this 25,000 m2 building in the Toulouse-Blagnac airport business park will strengthen the image of Safran amongst companies, institutions and graduate schools. Nearly 1,400 people will relocate here in January 2016, bringing together teams that have been scattered across multiple locations as a result of strong business growth in Toulouse and its surrounding region. Located in the leading eco-community of Greater Toulouse, the new building will deliver a very high level of environmental performance. It will also meet the full range of requirements for accessibility (transit systems and proximity to customers) and quality of life (functions, services, etc.). Construction work is scheduled to begin in May 2014. 

Progress policySafran+ upgrades its communication with the adoption of two new resources: Safran+ News, a newsletter published monthly or bimonthly depending on the volume of news, and a WebTV channel broadcasting videos of current projects. You can find both at Insite (Safran+ tab).



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SAFRAN NewS — janUaRY 2014 — ISSUE 36



in September 2013, Safran and the automotive component manufacturer Valeo signed a research partnership agreement to develop driving aid and autonomous vehicles. The aim is to pool the expertise of both partners to accelerate the development of innovative products and generate new markets. four areas have been identifi ed for the alliance: driver attention monitoring, 360° vision of vehicle surroundings, visibility in extreme weather conditions, especially fog, and robotization/dronization to develop more autonomous land vehicles. The fi rst two of these areas could lead to the emergence of technology-

based solutions from 2014 onwards. The other two are longer term, with results expected in the period 2014-2016. research institutes, universities and innovative SMes will also be involved in this ambitious program. This alliance between two companies that lead their respective markets will strengthen the position of french industry at the highest level of assisted and self-driving/piloting solutions for automobiles, military vehicles and aircraft. 

Safran and Valeo: an ambitious research partnership

Safran onboard with the Falcon 5XAt last October’s NBAA* annual convention in Las Vegas, Dassault Aviation offi cially announced its selection of the Silvercrest engine to power the future Falcon 5X business jet. This is the second sales success for the Snecma engine, which was chosen in 2012 by Cessna for its Citation Longitude. Several other Group companies are also involved in the Falcon 5X project: Aircelle (nacelles and thrust reversers), Sagem (engine control computers and wing fl ap actuators), Techspace Aero (low-pressure compressor, engine forward sump and lubrication unit, and adaptation of test benches and equipment), Turbomeca (design of the centrifugal stage

Award for the Group Security policyIn September 2013, Safran received the award for ‘Best Project by a Security Department’ at the Trophées de la Sécurité Privée (Private Security Awards) ceremony organized in Paris. The award was made in recognition of the ‘Our sucess is built on ideas: Keep them safe!’ communication campaign which was rolled out by the Group in more than 32 countries in hope of raising employee awareness of good practices for protecting our intellectual property. The awards panel congratulated Safran on its use of humor to talk about security. Following the campaign, thefts of unattended laptops and cell phones halved.

on the engine compressor), Labinal Power Systems (wiring harnesses) and Microturbo (auxiliary power unit and installation kit in partnership with Pratt & Whitney AeroPower). * National Business Aviation Association.

Single Sign-On (SSO): Unique authentication. The introduction of SSO for Insite means that Group employees will no longer need to identify themselves before accessing the intranet, because they will be authenticated as soon as they run the browser!



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Page 7: Safran The magazine for Messier-Bugatti-Dowty employees — … · QrQC: improving quality by responding faster Since mid-2012, Safran has been gradually introducing a new methodology

Safran Purchasing: three years onOn November 1, 2010, the Shared Services Center (SSC) was introduced with ambitious goals to bring non-production purchasing for the Group’s French and Belgian entities together in a single department. As Non-Production Purchasing Director Dominique Dupuy recalls, we had three goals: “Create a single structure that would improve fi nancial performance and customer service while improving the eff ectiveness of the purchasing function.” Three years on, Safran Purchasing has done precisely that, and now manages €2.7 billion of Group non-production expenditure every year. With 250 employees, the SSC has generated above-target savings every year since it was introduced. Semi-annual satisfaction surveys show a consistent improvement in service quality (up 9% in just two years). The expertise of its teams has been enhanced, and the focus is now on Lean Sigma. Five Green Belts have been awarded, and all employees were White Belts by the end of 2013. These successes led directly to the creation of Safran Purchasing North America in March last year, and Safran Purchasing UK is now in the setup phase.

Safran Archiving ServicesArchive digitizationEvery day, Safran produces thousands of documents that must be archived, shared and/or stored securely. But it is by no means a random process, explains Safran Document Management and Archiving Manager Sylvie Leleu: “Ease of access takes priority, and the level of protection must always be high.” Hence the launch of the Safran Archiving Services project which is currently run by Safran. The project aims to introduce an information system that will simplify document archiving, description and search functions, and provide a single point of access to all archived documents. An electronic document management (EDM) system will be added this year.

40,000That’s the number of employees who visit Insite every month worldwide. That’s a very good audience for the Group intranet portal, whose hit count has increased by more than 40% since it was launched a year ago. Nearly half of users sign on every day to access content or the services provided for their use.

The More Electric AircraftThe Group concentrates its skills Announced in May last year, the plan to bring all the Group’s electrical activities together into a single company became a reality this January year in the form of Labinal Power Systems. Uniting all the specialist skills of Labinal, Safran Engineering Services*, Safran Power, Aerosource and Technofan*, this new company off ers a unique combination of expertise in electrical power systems (generation, distribution, conversion, wiring and ventilation), and the associated R&T. This move gives the Group a unique opportunity to strengthen its position in the market and create a new global leader in the electrical power systems sector. * Although divisions of Labinal Power Systems, Technofan and Safran Engineering Services will retain their individual commercial brand identities.

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Gender diversity, a factor in Group performance

Because diversity infl uences performance, Safran has a longstanding commitment to promote gender equality. The Group is also involved in external initiatives that promote the importance of women in business.

“in today’s world, there is no long-term excuse for the small number of women in leadership roles inside any company. I know

that at Safran, there is a heightened awareness that diversity is necessary and important.”

KArEn BOMBA, PreSIDenT AnD Ceo, MorPHo DeTeCTIon InC.

Aquarter of Safran employees world-wide are women. That proportion is the result of Group com-mitment over many years. “We’re well aware of the value contributed by gen-der diversity in terms

not only of innovation, but also of management and operational excellence,” says Safran Diversity and CSr Manager Catherine buche-Andrieux. “Increasing the proportion of women in our labor force has therefore been a priority for the depart-ment since it was created in 2008. We now want to improve on what we’ve achieved so far, espe-cially in management, where the proportion of women is still only 21%. We’ve also set a target to ensure that 25% of all new employees hired world-wide are women.”

Stimulating vocationsThe Group is acting at a very early stage to attract more women applicants. “The average proportion of women working in areas relevant to us in French engineering graduate schools is only 17%,” continues Catherine buche-Andrieux. “That makes it difficult to introduce as many women as we would like into our engineering

Smartcard module assembly line at Morpho in Taubaté, Brazil.



SAFRAN NewS — janUaRY 2014 — ISSUE 38

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“Bringing in more women introduces greater diversity: other points of view, other opinions, other ways of working and thinking… and diversity is the source of innovation.”

AUrOrE FErrAnT, enGIne TeST DeSIGner offICe TeAM MAnAGer DeSIGn, HerAKLeS

“i’m the only woman in the team, but that’s never been a problem. My induction went very well, and I do all the same jobs as my male colleagues.”


25% representation of women in the Group worldwide.

5 women on the Board of Directors.

participating in a December 2013 meeting in Toulouse that addressed the topic of “Women, Science and Technology”.

An international challengeThe low proportion of women in industry is not confi ned solely to france. “We’ve launched spe-cial international initiatives,” explains Catherine buche-Andrieux. “The majority of these have been in the USA, the UK and Morocco, where the Group has a strong presence through 6 compa-nies and nearly 3,000 employees. In fact, we’ve already achieved a record level of women employees there: 56% of the total labor force and 40% of managers. To encourage this attitude, we hosted a meeting at Rabat in 2012 to bring Moroccan opinion leaders together with women employees of Safran in Morocco as part of pro-moting and sharing our commitment to training and promotion for women.”

teams. So we’re trying to expand our hiring pool by encouraging girls in high school to consider a future in science and technology.” Safran is a leading member of “Elles Bougent”, the volun-tary association created to encourage female high school and university students into engi-neering and technical careers [cf. inset]. Jean-Luc bérard, Group Vice-President for Human resources, has been its honorary chairman since february 2013.

Promoting the role of womenIn the wider sense, the Group is involved in initia-tives that promote careers in industry for women and advocate their role in business generally, but particularly in manufacturing industry. A prime example of this commitment is the Trophées des Femmes de l’Industrie (Women in Industry Awards) introduced in 2012 by the french maga-zine L’Usine nouvelle, and supported by Safran. At the first awards ceremony, the Innovation Award presented in recognition of a major scien-tific, technical, economic, financial or human innovation went to an employee of the Group. Sylvaine Picard, who leads the fi ngerprint recog-nition biometric research team at Morpho, received her award for finger on The fly, the world’s fi rst contactless fi ngerprint recognition technology. “By recognizing the contribution of women, this award advances the cause of gender diversity in all our business sectors,” says Pascale Dubois, Safran Vice President, Communications and Philanthropy. In october, the Group also attended the Women’s forum for the economy and Society, held annually in Deauville to promote the visibil-ity of infl uential women in a broad range of busi-ness roles. “Our annual contribution involves hosting topic-specifi c workshops and inviting around 20 of our employees - of both genders - to contribute to the debates and conferences,” emphasizes Pascale Dubois. Safran also took part in a program that promotes meetings between women, rencontres aufeminin.com,

Geometric testing of a Silvercrest engine compressor disc at Snecma Villaroche, France.


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“It’s a career in which there are a lot of men. But is it a men-only career? I don’t think so. The world of industry is open to women too. And that’s a good thing.”


Too few women in France choose to become engineers and technicians. That fact was the driving force behind the 2006 creation of ‘Elles Bougent’, a voluntary association that brings women engineers face-to-face with high school girls and women students.

The aim of these encounters is to generate interest in careers that are often - wrongly - seen as only for men. Safran has supported the association throughout its life, and 103 of its 850 sponsors are women employed by the Group. They are regularly involved in awareness-building initiatives, such as conferences, company

visits and, more recently, a welcome day hosted by Safran at the 2013 International Paris Air Show. The show was a perfect backdrop against which to explain their careers, answer some questions, and guide young visitors in making their career choices.

The Group was also involved in setting up the Women in Engineering network, launched at the 2013 Paris International Air Show by women in sen-ior management at Altran, and in cooperation with women in infl uential roles at Safran and PSA. As the first network for women in international senior executive positions with engineering companies, it should increase the appeal of an industry sector that drives innovation and competitiveness.

Long-term supportIn extending initiatives designed to increase the proportion of women in its labor force, Safran is paying particular attention to their career devel-opment. In 2010, the Group signed the Diversity Charter initiative that unites a large number of French companies with a shared commitment to combating job discrimination and promoting workplace gender diversity. Internally, gender diversity agreements were signed by Group com-panies in 2011 and 2012. As Catherine Buche-Andrieux explains, these are implemented as practical initiatives: “In terms of equal pay, many Group companies have introduced an extra budget in addition to the overall amount ear-marked for annual raises; a budget dedicated to women. In terms of career development, the chal-lenge is for career committees to identify high-potential women at the earliest-possible stage, and to improve access for women to responsible positions. Lastly, we’re actively committed to facilitating a better work/life balance, with par-ticular focus on introducing maternity support measures.” All of these initiatives reflect the Group’s commitment to these employees, who contribute so much to its future. 

Non-destructive testing in progress at Messier Dowty Mexico in Querétaro, Mexico.

For more information:Insite / HR Online / Equal opportunity and diversity / Gender diversity

Women are on the move at Safran!




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Page 11: Safran The magazine for Messier-Bugatti-Dowty employees — … · QrQC: improving quality by responding faster Since mid-2012, Safran has been gradually introducing a new methodology

1 In becoming a member of the Safran board of Directors, I was delighted to join this exceptional group of companies. first exceptional in terms of its expertise, its enthusiasm, and the spirit of innovation

shown by its teams; qualities that I fi nd every time I visit its plants, design offi ces and support functions. Second, in terms of its diversity of business sectors, the performance achieved by its industrial facilities, and the excellence of its products; something that I, as an engineer, am particularly impressed by. And last, in the scale of the challenge facing the Group: maintaining world-class leadership in all its core businesses. To succeed in these challenges, Safran is able to rely on the support of a board with a rich mix of varied skills. I plan to be fully involved in contributing to its work.


2 eight months after joining the Safran board of Directors, there are three things that I see as instrumental in contributing to the success of the Group. The fi rst is the effi ciency of its decision-making

process - the balance of its board is a key strength in this respect. The second is the series of values upheld by the Group: precision, innovation and safety… a culture in which, with my engineering background, I feel particularly at home. The last, and most important, is the passion of the men and women who are the lifeblood of Safran. every time I meet them, I appreciate their commitment and the sense of pride shared by everyone - from shop fl oor to boardroom - in explaining and allowing me to share in their past successes and future challenges. I am extremely honored to have been selected to take part in this magnifi cent industrial and human adventure.


At the Group’s Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on May 28, 2013, Christian Streiff and Monique Cohen were appointed as independent directors to succeed Francis Mer and Michel Lucas. They bring with them to Safran their proven experience of the industry and the fi nancial markets.

1. ChriSTiAn STrEiFF,VICe-CHAIrMAn of THe boArD of DIreCTorS, CHAIrMAn of THe STrATeGY AnD MAJor ProJeCTS CoMMITTee AnD MeMber of THe APPoInTMenTS & reMUnerATIon CoMMITTee

2. MOniQUE COhEn, InDePenDenT DIreCTor AnD MeMber of THe AUDIT AnD rISK CoMMITTee

Two Safran directors introduce themselves

“I plan to be fully involved in contributing to its work”

“I am extremely honored to have been selected”

FrAnCiS MEr “A man of great personality with rich and varied experience of industry and politics, Francis Mer was instrumental in shaping Safran in the decisive years that followed the creation of the company. First as Chairman of the Supervisory Board and later as Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors, he created an atmosphere of trust and cohesion required for the success of the Group and succeeded in sharing his vision of an ambitious future. His exceptional depth of intellect and humanity has shaped the development of Safran. The Board of Directors voted unanimously on March 21, 2013 to appoint Francis Mer as Honorary Chairman of Safran.”



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L ike all major compa-nies, Safran embraces social media as an integral part of its hir-ing strategy. “They are

extremely powerful tools for promoting the Group as an employer brand,” emphasizes Pascale Dubois, Safran Vice-President, Communications and Philanthropy. “They create a link that allows us to go out and meet potential applicants even before they apply. It’s not about hiring people directly, but rather about building our reputation, image and appeal amongst savvy and demanding potential applicants who are regular users of these media.”

A growing communitySafran is particularly active on LinkedIn(1), the world’s leading social network for business, with more than 225 million members. Since April 2012, Safran has had its own daily-updated Company page. In addition to learning more about the Group, visitors can find out what our employ-ees are saying, view videos, read the latest news and ask ques-tions in a discussion forum called Safran Talent, which is structured into regional sub-groups for the UK, Mexico, India and the US. Individual Group companies also have their own pages. “We’ve done a lot of work on harmonizing them to create consistency,” continues Pascale Dubois. “So we have quick links to the pages of each Group company.” The Safran Company page now has more

than 11,000 followers, and attracts nearly 1,000 more every month. A total of nearly 60,000 people worldwide follow Group companies on LinkedIn.

The voice of the GroupA further step was taken in the fall of 2013 with the creation of a ‘Safran e-community’. Taken primarily from the network of Safran Ambassadors(2), its members are authorized to speak on behalf of the Group via business networks and in spe-cialist discussion forums. “No one represents Safran more effectively than its people, they are our best ambassadors,” con-cludes Pascale Dubois.

(1) www.linkedin.com(2) Safran ambassadors visit graduate schools and universities to introduce students to the specialist skills, values and career opportunities of the Group.

Intriguing skills, a powerful social model and a rich and varied choice of career opportunities: Safran has everything it takes to attract the most talented people. The Group is developing its social media presence to spread the word about what it can offer.

Safran on social media

“Social media offer companies the opportunity to boost their appeal and influence amongst many target groups, from business communities and experts to potential applicants, customers, suppliers and partners.”


Using social media more effectively Social media are powerful real-time information channels for every type of issue. But they can also pose risks, depending on how they are used. A guide available on Insite brings together advice and good practices to maximize the security of individuals and their company. 

For more information:insite / Group-Wide Functions / Communications / Safran Media / Safran Online


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Insite radiocasts,  web series, personal experi-ences direct from employ-ees, managers and local Hr managers, and access

to all vacancies via e.Talent: mobility was most defi nitely in the spotlight last June and July. It was a sign of a new and more transparent policy, explains Vice-President recruitment, Careers and Mobility raphaëlle Giovannetti: “There is a double

Last summer, Safran was the focus of a communication campaign coordinated by the Recruitment, Careers and Mobility Department. This high-profi le initiative also refl ected a new policy for career management. So what does the new policy actually mean?

A new take on mobility

More information:insite / hr Online / Manage your career / Mobility

1. Safran encourages its people to move on regularly by changing job, business line, company or country to build their own diverse careers.

2. Raphaëlle Giovannetti, VP Recruitment, Careers and Mobility.

3. Mobility encourages creativity, as well as the acquisition and maintenance of skills.


expectation. All too often, Safran employees see mobility as a problem. That’s what we learned from the survey of managers conducted in 2012. What came out were four widely held misconceptions: changing job is complicated, it’s never the right time, it depends on management goodwill, and it’s all about net-working. We needed to change that! Every part of Safran needs a more fluid structure for mobility to support change and growth. Therefore it’s both a company need and a legiti-mate individual aspiration.” The campaign was really suc-cessful, with more than 2,000 questions received every day: “A lot of preconceived ideas have come out,” contin-ues raphaëlle Giovannetti.

A global policy Since mid-2012, there has been much greater coordination of career management and mobility for Safran engineers and managers. That initiative has been accompanied by a mobility charter and a mobility network within the Human Resources function. These measures form part of a broader policy designed to promote employee loyalty and skills development. “It’s one aspect of a global policy that includes many others, like the introduction of clear career paths,” says Raphaëlle Giovannetti.


“Mobility is one of the keys to professional development, so it must be a natural part of a per-son’s career, including mobility between Safran entities. It must be prepared for and antici-pated by managers, and gov-erned by a Group-wide set of rules.”  

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Paperless billing Processing the bills received and issued by Safran demands a lot of resources. But there is a solution: paperless billing. Here’s how it works…

“Paperless billing will allow financial controllers to focus

on their real mission of improving internal operating procedures.”

FrédériC ChAnSOn, HeAD of THe CoMPUTerIzATIon DePArTMenT AT SAfrAn fInAnCe SerVICeS

launch of Safran finance Services and the Défi project(2), the decision was made to update bill processing by extending the digitization initiative, which had been developed by Snecma in 2009. “Digitization secures and optimizes bill flows by doing away with paper documents entirely,” explains frédéric Chanson. As he explains, the process can take two forms: “The first and simpler of the two con-sists of outsourcing the task to a scanning and OCR service pro-vider. The key data extracted from the digitized documents are then uploaded automatically to the ERP(3) system of each company. This is the data exchange method adopted for the DéFi project. The second method involves importing sup-plier-generated billing data files into our own systems.”

Supporting the changefor the majority of these sup-pliers, an initial encouragement and affiliation phase is required. At this stage, the Group Purchasing function is the natu-ral and essential sponsor for ensuring that suppliers are brought onboard successfully. Although supplier paperless billing helps to boost Safran performance, it must be sup-ported by practical processes that enable the rapid process-ing of bills: that is precisely what the Lean Purchase to Pay projects implemented within

The DéFi project will allow the exchange of digital documents with suppliers.

the Group and supported by Safran finance Services are designed to do. (1) The Safran Shared Services Center responsible for pooling the auxiliary accounting systems operated by the Group, and for the Supplier Payment function.

(2) The project to implement a standard bill checking solution for SAP environments.

(3) enterprise resource Planning.

A winning solution for suppliers For Safran suppliers, introducing paperless billing brings a cost related to implementing the appropriate systems and providing our digitization partner with the necessary invoices. “Nevertheless, there are many benefits for suppliers”, emphasizes Frédéric Chanson. “The assurance that bills can’t get lost, the ability to do away with printed invoices where national regulations allow (this is the case for EU countries), the knowledge that billing data is transmitted error free, and the assurance that payment lead times will be met. Naturally, that’s essential for our suppliers.”

More than a million supplier bills are received by the main companies of Safran every year,”

says frédéric Chanson, Head of the Computerization Department at Safran finance Services(1). “In most cases, processing these bills involves a manual process that adds no great value and prevents those responsible for bill checking from doing more valuable tasks, such as identifying and dealing with billing disputes.”

Two routes to paperless billingone of the goals of Safran finance Services is to provide Group companies with an increased level of service by implementing shared and opti-mized processes. Alongside the


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Legal aff airs: the spirit of the lawRegulations, obligations, prohibitions… The law is a maze through which the Legal Aff airs Department guides Safran.

T he law is a cold, aus-tere and rather bor-ing field, right? It’s that kind of received wisdom that Safran

Vice-President for Legal Aff airs Céleste Thomasson greets with a smile, but a firm rebuttal: “Every aspect of business is regulated by law. In a Group like ours, everything has a legal implication. That begins with our manufacturing and com-mercial activities, of course. But we’re also involved in many other areas, including corporate

transactions like mergers and acquisitions, corporate law, pur-chasing, sales, competition law, intellectual property protection, which is essential in high-tech-nology disciplines, data protec-tion, and document archiving and management*.” The Legal Aff airs Department also main-tains a watching brief where its mission is to fl ag up issues and recommend solutions that pro-tect the interests of the Group. “The challenge is to support our operations staff to expand the activities of the Group world-wide, at the same time as ensur-ing that everything they do is secure and legal,” continues Céleste Thomasson.

An extensive international dimensionThis global dimension adds fur-ther to the complexity of the Legal Aff airs Department mis-sion, and imposes demanding criteria on the hiring of staff : the hundred or so corporate lawyers employed by the Group are all educated to postgraduate doc-torate level. All are fluent in english, of course. “As Safran

expands, it’s becoming neces-sary for us to work in a very diverse range of jurisdictions,” explains Céleste Thomasson. “So we rely on a network of local con-tacts in those countries where we have major manufacturing and commercial interests. These lawyers represent around 25% of our total staff, and are com-pletely up-to-date with the sub-tleties of local legislation and its application. Depending on which country we look at, the infl uence of French law, where the empha-sis is on compliance with legisla-tive instruments, and that of UK and US law, where contracts play a dominant role, remains very strong, but at varying degrees of maturity. The legal landscape is changing all the time, which makes every day even more interesting and intriguing!”  * See p. 7.

Contributing expertise, support and advice, the Legal Aff airs Department is an essential partner for the Group’s business interests.

CélESTE ThOMASSOnGraduate of the Southwestern School of Law in Los Angeles, Céleste Thomasson is a member of the California bar. She joined Safran in 2002.


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A400MThe best landing gear system on earth. And rock. And mud. And sandSince the delivery of MSN7 to the French Army in August 2013, a second aircraft has been delivered last November. The A400M military transporter program continues to pursue its production ramp-up, with scheduled deliveries of 2 aircraft per month by 2015. Test activities are on-going and are expected to end by 2018, as illustrated here by the successful unpaved runway trials which took place in 2013. In total, 174 A400M aircraft have been ordered.




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Rethink how we work"Vincent MascrÈ , Chairman and CEO, Messier­ Bugatti­ Dowty


1. September 2013: � rst � ight of the 787­ 9.

2. Drying process of the � rst A320 main � tting coated with zinc­ nickel.


For Messier­ Bugatti­ Dowty, 2013 was a good year, marked by continued growth. 1  We reached several signi� cant milestones on major programs such as the A350, A400M, and 787­ 9. Thanks to our strong commercial positioning, we are proven market leaders in Landing Gears and Wheels & Brakes and continue to make strong inroads in the Systems Equipments and MRO markets. This situation owes nothing to chance or coincidence: it is the result of the eff orts, talent and commitment of everyone.

To maintain the attractivity of our products, each year we invest approximately 13% of our total sales in research, development and industrialization. 2 MBD is innovating constantly. A few examples include Villeurbanne where we are developing new carbon products for our brakes, Montreal where we are testing a new zinc­ nickel anticorrosion treatment on large parts as a replacement for cadmium coatings [see page 19] and Bidos, where a production line for large titanium parts opened last August [see page 20]. We also created signi� cant buzz at the Paris Airshow when we presented the EGTS, a new electric taxiing system [see page 21] that could be introduced to in­ service aircraft starting in 2017. All these projects illustrate the forward thinking we are using today to anticipate the technologies that will be on board tomorrowí s aerospace programs. MBD is a market leader and an innovation leader, but we must also excel in contract implementation, which is not necessarily the case right now.

To correct this, we must rethink how we work. The roll­ out of a new uni� ed enterprise resource planning system as part of the GearUp project will help us. Yet tools cannot do it all: we must harmonize our processes to make them easier to understand and more eff ective in the eyes of our customers, suppliers, and colleagues. Quality, service, responsiveness, competitiveness ñ we must be at the highest levels across the board. That is what it will take for MBD to become and remain a leading OEM supplier, and one that customers come back to. 

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During an o� cial trip to Malaysia, French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault visited the site of our future factory in Sendayan in July 2013. The visit was also o� ciated by the Chief Minister of Negeri Sembilan and Vincent Mascré. Located near the Kuala Lumpur international airport, the 10,000m2 plant will serve as a carbon disk manufacturing and refurbishment center for the Asia-Pacifi c region. It will employ approximately 125 people and will specialize in supplying brakes for commercial aircraft, including the 737 Next-Generation and Airbus A320/A320neo single aisle aircraft. The new plant will be completed in 2014 and become fully operational after qualifi cation in early 2015.Partnering with 18 operators, our divisions equip around 230 aircraft in service in Malaysia and 420 new airplanes are on order. Some 1,500 airplanes are currently equipped with our carbon brakes in Asia, which accounts for more than half of the region's market. By 2031, the fi gure for the region is expected to triple to exceed 4,500 aircraft equipped. 

MalaysiaFrance's prime minister visits our new site

From left to right: Vincent Mascré, Jean-Marc Ayrault and representatives of the

Malaysian government.

1963On 22 July 1963, the Bugatti family sent an emotional letter to the employees of the Molsheim plant to notify them of the company's sale to Hispano-Suiza. From that time onwards, industrial operations at the site made the permanent switch to aeronautics.

Fifty years later, the plant, thanks to concerted e� orts, perseverance, and an array of improvement programs, has achieved a high level of performance in its business lines: production and repair of wheels, brakes, and hydraulic systems equipment; carbon disk refurbishment and repair. Today more than 800 people work at the site, which celebrated its 50th anniversary in aerospace on 12 October 2013. A family day was organized to mark the occasion so that the sta� could show o� the factory, especially the changes implemented in recent years, such as the installation of new machines.


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CadFreeAfter TRL 6, moving toward industrialization...The use of zinc-nickel to replace cadmium for anti-corrosion treatments is looking more and more promising: after conducting tests on small parts in Bidos at the end of 2012, success was confi rmed last year in Montreal on very large parts such as main fi ttings. The tests notably highlighted a smooth and even coating (in terms of thickness and composition) over the entire surface of the part, excellent resistance to corrosion and positive impact on the entire manufacturing process (ie painting). Tests were validated during a TRL6 review meeting in late 2013. The production launch, which is highly anticipated by the operators themselves, is expected in mid-2015.

100% White Belt!All MBD employees will be soon White Belts! This awareness campaign launched by the Group aims to instill Lean-Sigma culture in all personnel. As the fi rst step in the Lean-Sigma program, the White Belt level familiarizes employees with the basic concepts of the Lean-Sigma culture. This training will enable sta� to share a common language and tools, better envisage the potential gains from Lean-Sigma projects, and help improve our overall performance. The Master Black Belts at each site, with support from the Continuous Improvement Directors in each division, coordinated the roll-out to our sites. White Belt training is now a prerequisite for future Green Belts.

Striving to be cleanerLast summer Molsheim began a project to modernize and improve the safety of its rinse water processing unit to manage the by-product of this obligatory step in landing gear production and refurbishment. The use of new technologies have boosted the unit's e� ciency and lowered its operating cost. Employing chemical processes to obtain highly concentrated sludge and liquids made it possible to reduce the volume of waste removed by 90% to just 90 tons per year and thus lower the cost of waste recycling.

95%Respond to 95% of repair concession requests within 10 business days: that was the goal set for some 50 designers and calculators and the customer support administrator in charge of the MRO interface. Working together at a collaborative platform opened in Vélizy in 2013, the team continues to work to streamline the customer response process and is making steady progress toward its goal.

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“The key to success lies in a shared culture of prevention.”

Why did you launch a fl ight safety awareness campaign?P. K.: We are fortunate to work in a booming industry, but it is also an industry that cannot tolerate a rise in the number of accidents. In this respect, fl ight safety must increase as the number of fl ights rises. The International Civil Aviation Organization asked that, beginning in 2013, its member states implement safety management systems, which is what we started doing last

June by integrating the Flight Safety Management System (Flight SMS) in our Quality Management System and by deploying a wide-scale awareness campaign to all MBD sites.

Does it really a� ect all of us? P. K.: Absolutely! From choosing materials in the design phase to selecting a supplier and packing the product, each of us is involved and can have an impact on fl ight safety.

We all have to be vigilant and point out any risks. Our objective is to familiarize 100% of our personnel by early2015 with this approach because the key to success lies in a shared culture of prevention.

BidosTitanium building: moving dayAfter two years of construction work (completed on time), numerous moves, the dismantling of the historic building, and the construction of the new titanium building, a fi rst wave of employees and production equipment transferred last summer to the new 5,200m2 building. In parallel, a titanium production line was also set up with 13 full-time employees. The new facility is designed to manufacture (machining and processes) large titanium components (inner cylinders) for new Airbus and Boeing programs, such as the A350 XWB family and the 787, which strengthens our position on the next generation of long-range aircraft. This project is yet another example of MBD’s e� orts to modernize production resources in both France and around the world. It also illustrates the need to adapt to the ramp-up of new programs. Here the objective is to shorten the manufacturing lead times, which will drop from 130 days (in 2011) to 28. 

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EGTS, a motor for green growthCo-developed by Safran and the American company Honeywell, the electric green taxiing system was a major success at the most recent Paris Air Show. This innovative system will enable airlines to signifi cantly reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. Entry into service is scheduled for 2017.

The use of jet engines for taxiing operations of short- and medium-range aircraft consumes around 600 kilos of fuel per day. This observation inspired the development of EGTS which makes it possible to reduce fuel consumption by as much as 4% per

flight cycle. “These are considerable savings given that fuel accounts for 40% to 50% of the operating cost of commercial aircraft,” explains Christophe Hesters, EGTS Program Director at MBD. This competitive advantage comes along with an environmental benefi t because the sys-tem drastically lowers CO2 emissions and noise pollution. And it also improves airport tra� c fl ow: “The aircraft can move away from the ter-minal without starting its engines and without towing tractors, which saves time,” stresses Frédéric Crancée, Commercial Director of the EGTS program for MBD.

The EGTS team at the Paris Air Show in 2013.

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Working in start-up modeThe EGTS system consists of equipping the main landing gear with two electric engines powered by the APU, or auxiliary power unit. It was developed by EGTS International, a joint venture created by Safran and Honeywell in 2011, after four years of research conducted separately. “We are very complementary: Honeywell brings its APU expertise to the table and Safran shares its landing gear and wheel and brake expertise,” explains Jean-Pierre Garcia, program Engineering director. The project employs more than 100 Safran staff from the various MBD divisions as well as other subsidiaries: Hispano-Suiza, Labinal, Safran Power, Sagem, etc. They are organized in start-up mode so that the multidisciplinary teams can work together at the same platform in Vélizy to promote synergies.

The teams worked energetically to develop – in just 18 months – an EGTS prototype that was presented at the Paris Air Show in June 2013. Today, the teams are closely working with Airbus in a feasibility and demonstration study phase to secure a development launch in the coming months. They are also analyzing benefi ts of such a system either on future airplanes (forward fi t) or on in-service aircraft (retrofi t). “In parallel with development activities, we are also initiating partnerships with operators of large airports, who are very interested in the system's environ-mental performance,” adds Frédéric Crancée.

For the moment, there are two competing projects: the WheelTug system, which incorporates an extra engine in the aircraft’s nose landing gear, and Taxibot, an electric aircraft towing tractor controlled directly by the plane’s pilot. EGTS

4% EGTS makes it possible to reduce fuel consumption by as much as 4% per fl ight cycle.

18 monthsIt’s the time the teams needed to develop an EGTS prototype that was presented at the last Paris Air Show.

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To fi nd out more, visitwww.greentaxiing.com




International aims to market its product in 2017 with the ultimate goal of equipping 30% to 40% of short- and medium-range aircraft. (For long-range aircraft, the energy consumption induced by the weight of the equipment rules out the potential on-ground savings benefi ts.) “EGTS creates value for airframers, airlines, and air-ports,” observes Christophe Hesters. Thus the electric taxiing system looks to be a promising market for single aisle aircraft. 

1. First EGTS assembly.

2. From left to right: Christophe Hesters, EGTS Program Director, and Frédéric Crancée, Commercial Director of the EGTS program.

3. Pilot Interface Unit.

4. EGTS exhibition at the 2013 Paris Air Show.

5. EGTS system on display at the Paris Air Show.

EGTS: interactive communication MBD developed an iPad application that enables airlines to simulate the savings that can be achieved with EGTS according to fl eet and fl ight data. The resulting numbers are more powerful than words! A Twitter account (@green_taxiing) that facilitates direct contact with many key infl uencers and sustainable aviation experts is also available.

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Waging a war on inventoriesMessier-Bugatti-Dowty is reducing stocks and inventories to free up cash and fi nance our growth.

More than 200 actionsThe inventory reduction plan is one of the very fi rst projects to be implemented across all MBD divisions. To see it through successfully, Cécile Fériot is supported by designated project managers in each of the divisions who in turn work with focal points at each of the various sites. “We have more than 200 actions under way worldwide,” she explains. These actions seek to reduce produc-tion lead times, better control the planning process, and use MRP (Material Requirement Planning) tools more inten-sively. Progress has been sig-nificant: “We have reduced inventories and work in prog-ress, particularly in the Landing Gear division,” reports Cécile Fériot, stressing that “the lead times, which were measured in months 15 years ago, are now counted in days.”

50 million in 2013Reduction efforts have been deployed in all plants, drawing on the Green Belt and Black Belt networks and Lean-Sigma methodologies. The involvement of all functions, and especially Engineering, is crucial to improving part manufactur-ability and consistency of pro-duction process. Other avenues are also being pursued: improving sales forecasts for out of series production parts and better adapting provisioning to pro-duction plans to avoid excess inventory. The effort also

extends to our suppliers, with whom we are negotiating logistics arrangements that o� er greater agility. The pro-gram aims to free up 50 million euros in liquidity compared to 2012; an ambitious goal but within reach. 

Across the busi-ness, Messier-Bugatti-Dowty manages differ-ent inventories:

components that will be assembled in our plants, work in process, and fi nished parts awaiting delivery to our customers. These inventories are entered in our books as working capital. Working capi-tal represents considerable value for our company: more than 50% of our annual total sales. Reducing the volume of these inventories is a priority for MBD: “Inventory weighs heavily on our cash levels,” explains Cécile Fériot, project manager. “And we need a lot of cash to help grow our business, finance new development programs and invest in our production resources to mod-ernize and expand capacity.”

Part of the project team, from left to right: Mike Michele, Cécile Fériot, Philippe Comminges and Bernard Guyot.

Missing: Antoine Rostand, François Roby, Ivan Hardouin and Nicolas Mercatello.

The Chinese example Our Suzhou plant has been mapping the value chain for its large-volume parts since 2011. This VSM (Value Stream Mapping) exercise has been performed for 14 distinct products so far. “It has enabled average savings of 35 days for the initial 85-day lead times,” notes Mathieu Tellier, Executive Vice-President and Director of Operations at this site which specializes in the production and sub-assembly of medium-sized parts. Each VSM mobilizes all the site’s employees, from line operators to the top management, including Black Belts, managers, and support functions.

“Lead time reduction allows us to reduce waste and control

short cycles.” BERNARD GUYOT,


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Landing gear maintenanceA well-oiled machine

“MBD's expertise in repairing defects found on landing gear structural components using non-destructive tests is one of the key skills of the MRO division. It is a major point of di� erentiation compared to our competitors.”


Each year, more than 330 commercial aircraft landing gear assemblies, or more than 1,000 landing gear legs, are sent to one of the four MRO centers for an overhaul or in some rare cases, repair after a hard landing, runway excursion or towing incident.

The deadline for refurbishing landing gears ranges from two to three months depending on the model. The process is a true race against the clock. The clock starts ticking with the landing gear standard exchange, under the airline’s responsibility, so that the aircraft can be quickly returned to service. The landing gear to be refurbished must then be transported to one of our centers, a logistical challenge given customs formalities and the size of some parts. A340 landing gear, for example, can only be carried aboard a Boeing 747 full cargo aircraft. At the same time, we have to check that we have all the spare parts needed to perform the repairs and reassembly. We must ensure that the refurbished landing gear can be delivered on time to another airline for an exchange that is scheduled far in advance as part of overhaul procedures.

The defects identifi ed in the structural parts are repaired. Most commonly, this consists of removing the damaged material and re-plating the part with nickel (for example). The procedure is performed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. If the defect and its processing are not documented, they will be subject to a specifi c request. When the repairs are complete, the structural elements receive fresh protective coating and paint. They are then reassembled into a new landing gear that is ready to fl y. On average, a refurbished landing gear assembly retains 60% to 80% of its original components. Each landing gear checked is accompanied by documentation that details the history of its structural components with their serial number, number of fl ight cycles and fl ight hours. Each of our MRO sites has one to two persons dedicated to traceability management.

Upon arrival, the landing gear assemblies are washed and completely disassembled. Parts are divided into three categories. Consumables (bushings, seals, screws, etc.) are discarded: they will be systematically replaced. Electrical and hydraulic equipment and dressings are inspected to identify what can be repaired and retained. The rest will be replaced. Finally, structural components (main fi tting, inner cylinder, bogie, strut, etc.) are stripped of their coating, paint, and surface protection (chrome, cadmium) so they can be meticulously inspected and refurbished.

Once disassembled and stripped, the structural components are subjected to a series of non-destructive tests. These are performed by using cutting edge technologies such as Foucault currents and dye penetrant inspections. The goal is to identify three types of damage: cracks (caused by fatigue and the repetition of fl ight cycles), corrosion (if impacts have compromised the surface protection) and overheating (arising from lack of lubrication). These tests demand the utmost vigilance: a crack on a major part is a sign of an impending breaking. It must not slip by undetected!

Point1Proper disassembly

Point2Extremely rigorous controls

Point3Traceable repair and reassembly

Point4A race against the clock





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FAL support:fl awless dedicationFor every aircraft manufacturer supplied by MBD landing gear, equipment or wheels and brakes, an on-site support team is assigned. Its mission is to respond on the fi nal assembly line (FAL) to address any customer requests that require technical assistance from MBD. This work demands a high degree of involvement, sound technical knowledge, and sharp communication skills.







Spring 2013. Traces of hydraulic fl uid are found on the main landing gear of an A340 on the Airbus final assembly line in Toulouse, France. After verifi cation, it is determined that the leak is external to our product and most likely caused by a handling error. However,

contact with the fl uid has contaminated the land-ing gear. To avoid even the slightest risk, the landing gear must be entirely disassembled and its seals replaced. This is the task of the Messier-Bugatti-Dowty support team. For fi ve days, fi ve service engineers devote themselves to the job, including the three engineers who are usually assigned to the Toulouse assembly line plus two back-up engineers from the support team based in Gloucester, UK. “Because the leak was detected early enough on the assembly line, we were able to schedule the servicing a month in

MARC GILLET,manages the unit in Colomiers and the MBD customer support teams who work on the FAL and in the field. He worked for 10 years in the Messier-Dowty engineering design department (eventually becoming Program Chief Engineer for the A340 then A400M programs) before joining Customer Services as a Product Support Manager.

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1. Stiv Falcone, a service engineer in support operation.

2. The customer support team based in Toulouse.2



This is why certifications are conferred after nearly one year of training that includes theory, internships in production plants, FAL experience, and regulatory training. The competencies acquired are listed in the fi le submitted to the aviation authority responsible for determining applicant admissibility.

Communicating with customers In addition to the technical skills needed, this posi-tion also demands strong interpersonal skills. Working directly with customers, the service engi-neers are MBD ambassadors. Technical expertise, as well as the ability to listen, educate, and communi-cate, are essential traits for achieving customer satisfaction. “The number of requests is constant and it never stops. There is constant pressure and the stakes are high,” Marc Gillet reports. For him, there is no doubt about it: “You have to be passionate about the job”.  

advance. But when an incident occurs right before the aircraft is delivered to the airline, the servicing times are much tighter and the pressure from the customer is much higher,” explains Marc Gillet, manager of the MBD unit based in Colomiers, near Toulouse, in charge of the FAL and fi eld support teams.

A serious responsibility Some 30 service engineers are deployed to 10 fi nal assembly lines around the world [see sidebar]. They are supported by four service engineers based in Gloucester who can intervene upon request. The largest contingent works in Toulouse, where 13 MBD employees are assigned to the Airbus and ATR fi nal assembly lines.

The service engineers coordinate and carry out any required procedures on MBD products on the FAL. “There are various causes for service requests: a component may be damaged on the assembly line, a quality defect may be detected once the equipment is installed on the aircraft or the confi guration must be updated to account for a definition change,” notes Marc Gillet. “Regardless of the correction required, the task of the service engineer is to bring the equipment back into compliance with its original confi gura-tion and restore its navigability.”

Whether they perform the work themselves or coordinate the e� orts of a team of technicians, the service engineers have a serious responsibil-ity: after each servicing, they release the equip-ment in their own name and on behalf of MBD.

FAL support around the world FAL support is available in seven countries. In addition to the team based in Toulouse, service engineers work on site in:– Hamburg, Germany (5),

and Tianjin, China (1), for Airbus

- Seville, Spain (1), for Airbus Military

- Warton, Great Britain (1), for British Aerospace

- Montreal, Canada (2), for Bombardier

- Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Russia (1), for Sukhoi

- Mérignac, France (1), for Dassault Aviation

- Marignane, France (1), for Eurocopter.

These engineers are backed up by a team of four “reinforcements” based in Gloucester. The Boeing FAL in Seattle, USA, gets its support from the team based in Toronto, Canada.

2,500 Number of servicing requests fulfi lled in 2012 at all Airbus sites covered by MBD.

19Number of service engineers working on Airbus fi nal assembly lines throughout the world.

“With our teams working in seven di� erent countries which are often isolated, the main challenge is to share a single vision and to maintain a strong sense of cohesion.”


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SAFRAN NEWS — MARS 2013 — N° 124

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