Sacred Heart Girls’ College Newsletter 2 August 2021 No. 395 “Cry of the earth, Cry of the poor” The Bishops’ Social Justice Statement 2021-22: Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor, affirms that “we human beings need a change of heart, mind, and behaviour”. It draws from Scripture, from the theological tradition, from Catholic Social Teaching, and from the wisdom of the world, including the insights of the First Nations. The Social Justice Statement 2021-22 provides theological foundations to ground and inspire efforts to care for creation while responding to the needs of the disadvantaged and excluded. The Statement reflects on creation in and through the Trinity; the sacramentality of all created things; the wonder and beauty available to the contemplative eye; and the need for conversion and change of life. https://socialjustice.catholic.org.au/2021/06/24/social-justice-statement- 2021-22/ The Bishops’ Social Justice Statement 2021- 22 guides us in our commitment to our First Nations Peoples. The recent celebration of NAIDOC Week highlights the ways we are enriched by Indigenous culture. We are reminded to always care for the vulnerable throughout our world and our local community. In the month of July, we pray for the victims of human trafficking who, as a result of the pandemic, are at greater risk of exploitation and degradation. Lord, when we listen with your ears we hear: the bush grown more silent, the birdsong less vibrant, the stream’s sluggish ripple. Have mercy and open our ears. Lord, when we look with your eyes we see: the soil depleted, the sky smudged, the oceans rubbished and the great currents slowed. Have mercy and help us to see. Lord, when we look with your eyes we see: the workers who struggle to get by, the women subjected to violence, the people who are excluded. Have mercy and help us to see. Lord, when we listen with your ears we hear: the sound of hungry children, the distress of the mentally ill, the silent pain of homeless women and men. Have mercy and open our ears. Send your Spirit upon us Lord to renew our sight, to restore our hearing, and to reclaim your reign of justice for all people and peace for creation. AMEN socialjustice.catholic.org.au

Sacred Heart Girls’ College

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Sacred Heart Girls’ College Newsletter

2 August 2021 No. 395

“Cry of the earth, Cry of the poor”

The Bishops’ Social Justice Statement 2021-22: Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor, affirms that “we human beings need a change of heart, mind,

and behaviour”. It draws from Scripture, from the theological tradition, from Catholic Social Teaching, and from the wisdom of the world, including the insights of the First Nations. The Social Justice Statement 2021-22 provides theological foundations to ground and inspire efforts to care for creation while responding to the needs of the disadvantaged and excluded. The Statement reflects on creation in and through the Trinity; the sacramentality of all created things; the wonder and beauty available to the contemplative eye; and the need for conversion and change of life. https://socialjustice.catholic.org.au/2021/06/24/social-justice-statement-2021-22/ The Bishops’ Social Justice Statement 2021- 22 guides us in our commitment to our First Nations Peoples. The recent celebration of NAIDOC Week highlights the ways we are enriched by Indigenous culture. We are reminded to always care for the vulnerable throughout our world and our local community. In the month of July, we pray for the victims of human trafficking who, as a result of the pandemic, are at greater risk of exploitation and degradation.

Lord, when we listen with your ears we hear: the bush grown more silent, the birdsong less vibrant, the stream’s sluggish ripple. Have mercy and open our ears. Lord, when we look with your eyes we see: the soil depleted, the sky smudged, the oceans rubbished and the great currents slowed. Have mercy and help us to see. Lord, when we look with your eyes we see: the workers who struggle to get by, the women subjected to violence, the people who are excluded. Have mercy and help us to see. Lord, when we listen with your ears we hear: the sound of hungry children, the distress of the mentally ill, the silent pain of homeless women and men. Have mercy and open our ears. Send your Spirit upon us Lord to renew our sight, to restore our hearing, and to reclaim your reign of justice for all people and peace for creation. AMEN


Term Dates for 2021


Monday, 1 February – Wednesday, 31 March (last day of classes)


Monday 12 July – Friday 17 September


Monday, 19 April – Friday, 25 June


Monday, 4 October – Friday, 3 December

The Weeks Ahead

Monday, 2 August


Wednesday, 4 August


Tuesday, 3 August

Virtual VCE Transition Interviews

Thursday, 5 August

House Netball

Monday, 9 August

OES Year 11 Camp

SCSA Soccer

SHGC Interactive Live Chat Session

Friday, 13 August

Music Camp

Mid Term Break

Tuesday, 10 August

OES Year 11 Camp

SEGAP Intermediate Netball and Volleyball

Saturday, 14 August

Music Camp

Tournament of the Minds

Wednesday, 11 August


Sunday, 15 August


Thursday, 12 August

Music Camp

In this Issue >

Message from The Principal

Deputy Principal – Student Wellbeing

Deputy Principal – Learning and Teaching

Year 8 News

Year 10 News

RE Learning Area

House Arts


Geography Week

Global Academic Program – Maria Ebi

Business Operations

Canteen Volunteers

Year 8 Cooking at Home


General News

Australian Army Cadets

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD)


Welcome to Term 3

The roller coaster ride of living through this pandemic continues. Once again, our community has quickly adapted to the everchanging conditions as we pivot from onsite classes to home based learning and transition back to face to face classes. I commend our students for their resilience and adaptability as they quickly adjust to the various restrictions due to this particular outbreak. Thank you to our parents and carers who have provided amazing support to our students as they ensure enriching learning experiences within the family home. Once again, I acknowledge the excellent guidance and direction of our staff as they maintain the learning program for all our students. It was a joy to welcome our young women back on campus last Thursday. This period of lockdown seemed to be more challenging than others and we are grateful that it has been relatively short. Disappointingly many school activities have been cancelled or moved into the virtual world. This is very unfortunate, yet unavoidable, as these decisions are made in light of the Department of Health and the Catholic Education Commission of Victoria directives. These decisions have been made in order to ensure the health and safety of all in our community. We continue to live as best we can as we journey through this pandemic.

College Captains 2022

Congratulations to Gabrielle de Robillard and Oneli

Buthgamuwa who were recently appointed as College Captains for 2022

Premier’s VCE Award

Congratulations to Gabriella Bratek (Year 12, 2020) who has been announced as a

Premier’s Award recipient for her VCE study of Religion and Society. The Award was to be presented at a ceremony at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre last week. Unfortunately, the awards ceremony could not proceed due to the latest lockdown. Gabriella achieved a perfect score of 50 in Religion and Society.

News from Regina Pacis Jakarta

In February 2020 the College hosted visitors, both students and staff, from Regina Pacis School in Jakarta. This was a return visit after our students and staff had visited Regina Pacis in 2019 for the Indonesian Language and Cultural Immersion. Sister Linda, superior of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary Convent and Sister Tini, Curriculum Co-ordinator of Regina Pacis School, accompanied the students and teachers for this immersion experience at Sacred Heart. Both Sisters, Linda and Tini, have been infected by COVID and are in isolation, making a slow recovery. Sadly, a member of staff of Regina Pacis passed away due to COVID last week. In other news from Indonesia, we heard of the death of Regalia Sariputra’s mother due to COVID. Regalia was with our community in 2019 as the Indonesian Language Teacher Assistant, working with the Indonesian Language classes. We pray for our friends at Regina Pacis as they continue to suffer great hardship at this time. The students of Regina Pacis have been engaged in remote learning for over 12 months. So many families have lost loved ones throughout the current wave of the pandemic in Indonesia.

Gabrielle de Robillard Oneli Buthgamuwa

Gabriella Bratek

Staff News

Martha Garkel will be on Long Service Leave for Term 3. Leigh Shelley (Religious Education and Social Justice – Mission and Ministry Team) retired from teaching at the end of Term 2. Stefanie Perri (Community Relations and Development Manager) concluded her time at the College in the first week of July. At the beginning of the term, we welcomed back:

Margaret Buratto (after long service leave) Fiona McGrath (after parental leave) Pierina Garretto (replacement position)

Olivia Dixon returns taking up a part time position in the Library. Vera Maitrak (Class of 2020) will be joining the Learning Diversity Department providing support for students. Every blessing for the fortnight ahead. Take care, stay safe. Christopher Dalton Principal “In this time of pandemic, the Tokoyo Olympics are a sign of hope, a sign of universal brotherhood marked by healthy competitive spirit.” PopeFrancis@Pontifex 25 July 2021

In your thoughts and prayers, please remember Sonia Murphy and Andrew Berrigan and their families. Sonia’s father, Mr Ian Murphy and Andrew’s mother-in-law, Mrs Betty Clark, passed away last week.

Eternal rest grant to them O Lord May perpetual light shine upon them May they rest in peace


Deputy Principal – Student Wellbeing

>>> Sacred Heart Day 2021 When it comes to Sacred Heart Day, it is usually the weather that we are carefully monitoring, not this year. Having had to cancel last year’s event, we were even more hopeful of being able to gather as a community this year. It was with only two or three weeks to go that we felt confident enough to get the planning and ordering started. College Masses have also been impacted due to COVID lockdowns and so it was particularly special to start our annual community day a College Mass celebrated by Fr Christian Fini OMI. Fr Fini was engaging and asked us to consider if our generosity in fundraising for the work of the RNDM sisters was matched by choosing hope within our own school community and living generously and genuinely. The House Arts Competition was the culmination of almost half a year’s dedicated efforts by House Captains, Deputy House Captains and media students, actors, singers and dancers from Years 7 to 12. Sophia Menidis has provided a student’s perspective further into this newsletter. The Student Representative Council put their extraordinary enthusiasm and creativity to great effect in organising food stalls and fun activities throughout the lunchtime break. Not to be defeated by rain, the fun activities and live music were moved to the Hall where students from all year levels mingled and challenged each other to games of accuracy and skill. The walkathon was to be an energetic way to finish the day. We were immensely grateful to have been able to hold Sacred Heart Day and so, whilst it was hard to cancel the event, we did not let that define the day. Students across the various year levels relaxed or expended their energy in fitness routines across the Homerooms. One key aspect of Sacred Heart day is to raise funds to support the education project for the Dulangan Manobo girls in the Philippines. The 2021 target was $20,000. We had raised over 1/3 of that amount by the end of Sacred Heart Day and by 16 July, the donations had increased substantially. This is especially heartening as we realise that COVID-19 has impacted many in our own community financially and/or in terms of health and wellbeing. Thank you to all the students, staff and families who generously participate in our fundraising efforts to support the work of the RNDM sisters. This is one very real way in which we can choose hope. It is by deeds, not just words, that we define our wonderful Sacred Heart community. Carmel Feeney Deputy Principal – Student Wellbeing

Deputy Principal – Learning and Teaching

Term 3 Learning Conversations This term all our Learning Conversations will be conducted online via Microsoft Teams. The process for booking appointment times will remain the same as Term 1 and be made using PAM. The Learning Conversations date for Years 7 to 10 is Thursday, 2 September. This will be conducted between 10:30am and 7:00pm. As a result, this day will be designated home-based learning, for all year levels. All students can expect work to be set for their timetabled classes on this day. There will be no morning or afternoon Homeroom, however students will receive a link to register their online presence on this day. This will also support our expectation that students attend these conversations. Further details re bookings will be sent via Operoo closer to the date. Julie Swanson Deputy Principal – Learning and Teaching

Year 8 News

>>> Reflection from End of Term 2 It was nice to be back at school for those few days. Wearing masks for most of the day is not easy, even harder when marking or trying to complete assessments! Year 8 students adapted well last term and like so many others have not complained about activities and events that have changed or been cancelled. Showing maturity beyond their years they acknowledged the complexity of the situation in Victoria and doing things for the common good. Every day the Year 8s make many decisions. Most are small, but others require a lot more thought about the pros and cons involved. We want our students to make choices that augment their life situation and that of others. Sometimes they will have to choose between a fun and enjoyable activity such as sitting with friends at lunchtime instead of meeting with their teacher to receive some help in a subject area or something more difficult such as choosing to ‘call out’ inappropriate comments or behaviours and not remain silent. Encourage your young person to think carefully about the choices they makes and to take advantage of the assistance available at the College. Maths help runs every Tuesday at lunchtime in the Year 8 area;. Homework club is held every Tuesday morning at 8am in the Library. College counsellors are available for appointments and teachers want students to speak up and request help when they need to. Our most recent Wellbeing for Learning lesson was conducted online during the latest lockdown. Students worked in Homeroom MS Teams to complete a class challenge (to tie a Windsor knot using a scarf or tie) and submit a class screenshot. Although such a skill may seem outdated, it provided students with another opportunity to follow instructions, listen to other student and help one other complete a task. Enjoy our photos and feel free to ask your Year 8 student for assistance if you ever have the need to wear a tie! With my best wishes Kate de Lacy Year 8 Level Leader

Year 10 News

Our Year 10 Cohort completed the ‘Future Ready Program’ in Week 10 of Term 2. During this week, students were presented with a variety of innovative and exciting opportunities focusing on providing an authentic insight into life after High School. They created their own Curriculum Vitae portfolio and attended a ‘mock’ job interview. They were provided with a 12-month membership to ‘Careers Department’ and given time to explore this valuable on-line resource on any industry and career of interest to them. They also attended information sessions on VCE expectations, TAFE/VET pathways, and subject selection information, as well as a workshop on consent and a session on mindfulness. Much time and planning went into the ‘Future Ready Program’, and it was a pleasure to see the students participate with professionalism and enthusiasm. We are very grateful to Mrs Swanson, Mrs Connolly, Ms Young and the Year 10 Homeroom Teachers: Mrs McKinnon, Mrs Sheedy, Mr Milesi, Mrs Hornby, Ms Bombas and Mrs George for their tireless support and organisation of this week for our students. Ms Suzanne Blain Year 10 Level Leader

Petrina Formoso, Thasara Hewagamage, Elaine Diep, Shanae De Cruze

Giulia Antoniazzi

and Radeesa



Paige Neys, Noelle

Nader, Amelie


Jessica Latimer

Labrini Limberopoulos, Madeleine Younes, Emelia Hayek

Miriam Hill, Alessandra Conforti, Stella Basile, Rori Griffin-

Kayes, Kasey Ngo, Emma Viegas

Ms Bilton and Rosie Ellwood

Mr Smith and Claudia Heil

RE Learning Area

Year 12 Religious Education

The Year 12 RE program at Sacred Heart encourages students to reflect on the dignity of the human person through the analysis of contemporary issues. During Term 2, Indigenous Australian Issues were explored in light of Catholic Social Teaching. Students were encouraged to develop a deeper understanding that raising awareness of Indigenous disadvantage and promoting reconciliation are integral to our fundamental understanding of what it means to be human. Based on their own research and discussion, the unit culminated in students writing a letter to their local state or federal member of Parliament with a desire to make the Government accountable for the perceived injustice or disadvantage. Below is year 12 student, Claire Kenny’s reflection on the unit “Australia’s historical foundation of colonialism and dispossession still impacts Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to this day. Intergenerational trauma can be witnessed in all areas of life for Aboriginal people; education, employment, poverty, deaths in custody, incarceration, suicide rates and life expectancy. I believe that Australia has a lot of work to do in order to improve the lives of our Indigenous peoples, and it is therefore pivotal that young people like myself are educated about Indigenous issues, so that we can have the awareness to take action, and promote change. Our current unit in RE is providing us with the knowledge to be able to do this.” Claire Kenny 12 Green

House Arts

> 2021 House Arts Competition This year’s House Arts Festival was held on Sacred Heart Day, the last day of Term two. The theme was ‘Growing Up’, and with over 200 students rehearsing every Tuesday afternoon the show was even more impressive than we could have imagined. Each House presented a film, a 5-minute mash up of songs, and a dance. We were able to witness the immense talent of the students at Sacred Heart. House Arts preparation began at the beginning of Term 1, with the House Captains choosing leaders for dance, film and song groups. All creative aspects of House Arts are student-led and run. Whilst there was a scare that House Arts may be unable to go ahead due to a snap COVID lockdown, we were able to all pull together and still perform at an extremely high level to put on a fantastic show. After an hour of amazing performances, it was announced that Paul won singing, Trinity won film and Trinity won dance, meaning Trinity was awarded the House Arts shield. But in our eyes, everyone who got up on stage or was behind the camera was a winner. Sophia Menidis Arts Captain

Claire Stewart being held by Bridie Huggins and Grace Martin in the Bede Dance group.

Erin Close, Grace Martin, Jessica Adams, Claire Stewart and Peta Fenton-Mathews in the Bede Dance group

Natalie (10 Silver) and Choe (8 Blue) Chan perform with the Trinity song group.

Winning House Captains Emily Heverin &Jade Smith (Trinity House Captain)


Aerobics Victorian Champions!

Congratulations to all the students who competed in the Schoolaerobics Victorian State Championships in Geelong on Saturday, 10 July. The performances were outstanding with both teams taking home gold medals! The senior team (Vivacious) produced an extremely synchronised routine and attained an amazing 90.0 to win their section against some strong competition. The junior team (Dynamite) produced a highly energetic performance and were rewarded with a fabulous score of 86.2. Both teams were invited to compete at the National Championships on the Gold Coast in August and will now begin their preparation for this prestigious event. We would like to thank all the wonderful parents who transported the students all the way to Geelong and gave their Sunday afternoon and evening – we hope you enjoyed their performances and achievements! Your daughters are an absolute pleasure to work with and are a great credit to themselves, their families, and their school. Thanks to Mr Dalton who likewise made the effort to get down to Geelong and offer his ongoing support which was most appreciated by staff, students, and parents. We hope you also enjoyed the performances. Finally, we would like to thank the senior students (in particular our captain Peta Fenton-Mathews and vice captains Tiffany Carlson and Eden Platcher) for assisting with the junior students – they would not have been so successful without your help and encouragement. Well done on these fantastic results, which are testament to dedication, hard work, positive response to feedback as well as the encouragement and support of team mates. We are so very proud of you all! Mrs Mordue and Ms Bear (coaches)

Geography Week

A week of Geography activities that stretched across a few weeks due to lockdown allowed Sacred Heart students to share some new experiences, extend their Geography skills and learn more about what is happening in the world around them. Daily Geography quizzes demanded of students a familiarity with recent geographical global and local events in answering challenging questions about the weather, geological events, geopolitical issues and the environment. Congratulations to all students who attempted the quizzes. The most exciting activity of Geography week which took place after lockdown in the final two weeks of Term 2 was Orienteering. Students found this fun and engaging, some even discovering corners of the College grounds that they didn’t know existed! Orienteering is a Geographical sport that requires students to use their navigational skills to interpret a map and navigate from place to place as quickly as possible. During this activity it was not uncommon to see students running criss-cross around the College hunting for the 20 places in an effort to beat their peers. It was hot competition to finish in 1st, 2nd or 3rd place! Apart from the physical challenge; orienteering also develops navigational skills, problem solving, builds self-confidence, is mentally challenging and exposes students to this fun global geographical sport. Students are given further opportunities to develop their orienteering skills in Year 8 with a similar activity at a parkland location. Puzzling offers students great opportunities to develop a variety of skills including working as a team, problem solving, patience and perseverance. Puzzles that are maps of the world, Australia, Europe and the USA have the added advantage of increasing the students’ awareness of the where in the world they are and become more familiar with other continents and their geographical borders. Students from Years 7 to 10 enjoy the challenge that this puzzling brings and the learning that happens along the way! Geography week culminated in the recognition of World Environment Day on Saturday, 5 June. Here is the reflection we shared with the College Community on the final day of Geography week. Thanksgiving for all creatures great and small Thank you, God, for birds and animals, fish and insects, things that slither, glide and scuttle, in all their wonderful diversity. Thank you for the working animals who share our load, the livestock who help to feed us, and the pets who keep us company. Thank you for the wildlife of rivers, lakes and oceans, of desert, bush and rainforest. Show us how to care for their habitat, and teach us to treat all your creatures kindly, for you have made them all. Amen.


Dominique Wiegand Humanities Learning Leader Teacher of Geography

Global Academic Program – Maria Ebi Beginning the last week of Term 2, I participated in a global academic program known as Yale Young Global Scholars (YYGS) conducted by Yale University in the US. Throughout its duration, I was involved in multiple lectures, seminars and discussions, concentrating on the Literature, Philosophy and Culture stream. Participants were from over 130 countries. The culture and diversity represented by the YYGS cohort is phenomenal. During discussions, each participant contributed a unique and unimagined viewpoint on a particular topic; stimulating cognitive growth and allowing exposure to various ideas, values and beliefs. I particularly enjoyed a lecture conducted by Shelly Kagan, challenging us to consider the ethics surrounding the trolley problem in which we discussed moral decision-making methods including utilitarianism, consequentialism and deontology. During the program, we also engaged in a simulation activity in which we were instructed to develop a project that can be used to tackle societal problems caused by COVID-19. My group and I, believing that mental health was becoming a prominent issue within society, developed an app, named ‘Aware’ that allows streamlined access to mental health resources. Our slogan, ‘One stop shop’ complemented our desired efforts as the app features six sections including meditations, TED talks, resources, allowing users to find therapists in their local area, a digital journal tracker in which the user can track their daily mental state and emotions including the RULER system as well as a blog in which the user has access to additional resources in order to aid and combat stress and anxiety. The program has actively stimulated my thirst for knowledge while developing the manner in which I approach and deal with situations. The coursework as well as the people involved, put forward an immense passion for education as well as global challenges, igniting within me the enthusiasm to exude the same energy and contribute to my community in a meaningful manner. Maria Ebi

Business Operations Business Operations – James Tian Have you been on The Hub yet? Sacred Heart Girls’ College Parent Portal system, The Hub is now open. The Hub provides you with live information regarding Finance, Payments and your Personal Contact Details. Go to the College website: www.shgc.vic.edu.au, click on the link, The Hub and you’re in! Detailed instruction on how to get in were sent via an Operoo Letter on Monday, 28 June. For more information, please contact the College on 9568 5488 or email [email protected].

Canteen Volunteers Due to the restrictions and regulations on visitors to schools we will not be able to have our volunteers work in the canteen until further notice. If you are on the roster, you will be notified when you will be able to return to canteen duty. We are looking forward to having you back and we definitely miss the wonderful work you do. Take care and keep safe Julie Witts Canteen Manager

Year 8 Cooking at Home












Gerty Narvaez Isabel Laird

Ollie Migliorati (above)

Leila Kurban (above)

Eileen Lim

Annabel Farfalla

Lydia Pica

Tiyashi Perera

Tayah Meyers Claire Nguyen

Julia Lucchese

Hannah Dennis

Chloe Chan


This Photo by Unknown Author is

SCSA Athletics - postponed Our Sacred Heart Athletics Squad was only hours away from participating in the SCSA Athletics on Friday, 28 May before it was postponed due to COVID-19 lockdown 5.0. The new date for this event will take place on Tuesday, 14 September at Lakeside Stadium.

SEGAP SPORT (South Eastern Girls Activity Program) Basketball, Futsal & Badminton Congratulations to our Basketball A & Basketball B teams for winning their competitions, undefeated, in the Term 2 SEGAP sport competition. Thank you to all students who competed in this competition and to coaches Ms Bombas and Ms Pritchard.

School Sport Victoria SSV > Cleo Barbakas

We wish to congratulate Cleo Barbakas (7 Green) for being selected in two School Sport Victoria (SSV) Teams:

• Australian Football Girls State Team (12 years and under); and

• Basketball Girls State Team (12 years and under) Congratulations Cleo, we wish you every success in your sporting endeavours. Tasia Fay Sports Administrator Sport Administrator

General News Dear Parents, If you were not able to attend the webinar on Consent run by Elephant Education for Sacred Heart Girls’ College, we have included the information from that session here for your convenience.

Australian Army Cadets

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD)