. While the he at large for their f deal of saving for I Our genuine beautiful things fe Wa Nettles' Bui School way Bar Chikn. man& D COW are contagious d Mao rds of health in many cities are coo- ng barring children with colds scho oley's Haney and Tar and reliable family medicine ;eschildren from coughs, colds, and.booping co"h Parents save trouble by giving before opens. Dicksons Drug Store- ~'-Kspat te fios. r -wnalways looks very dubi- mianbirbubhad comes home a Iatgr tha usual and says he has at the oe." She never faIt she beleved the excuse, as a imatbsr of fact, is quite But some wives seem in- af rea1ig., that their hus- ealy are bet late at the nice and, wad-n competition Umhea ha man can't afford to at at the, tick of the- clock If he t keep his position. The sein- wife doesn't -make a fuss when -a t Iate." She just notices beloopa.more tired than usual, !ts bah;1v.e his dziner and a iew l.pesos and quiet And 2y *id thaI the husband who sort a. trmaenet Is hme if he cea possibly 3m The T~d K"s Goo&. x o.W.COigho Prentiss, Miss.. is yasold and had troub- kidneys for- .many years. wlinethtFoe Kidney Pills did - ood. He used many reme- btlieds the only one that ever bim. Nho man younz or old, - neglect symptoms of kid- -Didksons Drug Store.- BF8OUITII AROLINA CORTO COMMON-PTL AS.- H. Ohfto. Plaintiff -against-- & Gibsn, Mrs. G A. Gibson, Cleo OctlawNerbert Gibson, A. L Gib ao ~ d Nelson Gibson, Defendants, -'~~UDBRA2D BY VIRTUE OF A ~bdgent rder of the Court of I.-mmPleas,.In the above stated tInetoan iretd, bearing date of usi 7, 115, I will sell at public Kn tlotthehighest bidder for eash ~at~rudon ourthouse at Manning ~sadeounty, within the legnl hours forjca l sales, on Monday, the T~hAs iof October, 1915,being sales- day~ tle-flloingdescrbed real es- Allof oar right tital. interest claim gnaate, botih at law and in equety. owowned or hveafter Acquired in of 'R end small that that tract of land situ- ~.ate, and being in the County of Claren- &n sa rid-State, containing Two Hun- ored'and Forty Five (245) acres mere c-lees, and bounded on the North by l -of. C... Gibson, East by lands of , B. Gibson, South by lands of Sarah KMes, and West by lands now or hrmery of Richbourg. Purchaernto pay for cpers. -Sheriff Clarendon Co Great Mon BARGAINS AT I "The Big Ssere with a L allithe latest modes for the A ON DIS a large and select Line of La Poplin Dresses, in all the nevs these Dresses at prices that a Sand select Line of Ladies' Col your inspection. These are d ufacturers in this country. 0 by authorities on Fashion w while the PICKINGS - Prices range from $5.00 size at a price to suit your po Remember you can get il Leaders in Our Line of Shoes iNotions. . Exclusiye Distributors f and Selby for Ladies,' the oi endon county. D. HIRSC SWhere the Dollar t weather is still prevail ine patronage during thi :he economical buyers. ( I "Scuffers" and "Interna r your dear Boy and Gir tch this space for SENSI [ding. WE CHARGE NO MORE FOR FIRST CLASS ,WORK IS ORDINA- RILY ASKED FOR SECOND CLASS. Our purpose is to clean. press and repair your clothes in such a way that you may regard our work as better than usual. ' And to charge you no more for this kind of ser- vice than perhaps you have been in the custom of pay- ing for unsatisfactory re sults. TERRE'S A DIFFER- ENCE WE WANT TO. SHOW YOU. iloffinl FrendhiDry Cleaning C0. HIs Rest Was Broken. 0. D. Wright, Rosemont, lNeb. writes: "I was bothered with pains i i the region of my kidneys. My res was broken by frequent action of m; kidneys. I was advised by my docto to try Foley Kidney Pills and one 50< bottle made a well man of me. The, relieve rheumatism and backache Dicksons Drug Store-Adv. Notice. Notice is hereby given~ that the nez examination for securing Teacheri Certieates will be held in the cour house in Manning on Friday, Octobe 1st 1915, beginning at nine o'clock This notice should be heeded by ever~ teacher who~ has not a valid cer-ificate as'well as by those who intend to qua ify. The "will be no further opportti nity for securmng these credential until May 1916. No board of trustees is authorized t employ an uncertificated teacher, an no such teacner should be allowed b the County Superintendent to drai public funds. Too much emphasis cai not be put on this point by schoc offcers." This last clause is take from instructions received at thi offce from the State Superintendent. E. J. BROWNE, County Supt. of Education. Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days Yur drgitwilfnd neyifPA ey Saving IRSCMANN'S. ittle Price" is now showing utumu Season. We have PLAY ! .dies' Silk, Satin and Silk iest shades. We are selling re sure to please. Oar large. tt Suits are now open for irect from the largest man- ly that which is recognized 1 be shown. Come early ARE GOOD to $85.00. We have your 3ketbook. HIRSCHM ANN'S. We are , Millinery, Dry Goods and r Eclipse Shoes for Men, ly guaranteed lines in Clar- HMANN'S Talkandl Walks. .0. ing, we have decided to co s Sale. The people that hi our experienced northern b 30Y'S SUITS, tional," all Leather Line SI , while the price speaks fo ITIONS in Millinery. Coat-! HE . Newspaper Mn ecuenus It. R. 1- Wentworth of the St. James Mo.. News, writes: "A sevee cold set- tled in my lungs, I feared pneumonia I recommend this goenuine cough and, lung medicine." Right now thousands of bay fever astha suffers are thankful for this wonderful healing and soothing remedy. Dickson Drug Store.- -Adv. Flowers and Birds in Factries. The time may come when ferns and ennary birds will be considered. a nee' essary part of every factory's equip. mnt. In at least -one workshop they have been found to serve a most use- l purpose-In a somewhat negative sense, perhaps. - In any event, it is susceptible of proof -that. where flow a and birds Ao not flourish the con- ditions are not what they should be for human beings. Flowers are wo garded as a good test of the humidity of the air. If the aIr ts too dry, as Is often the case in steam heated Into- Tiors. plants will wither and dW. Birds, like human beings, demand Xygen. If there be a deficiency of 'this element, the fact is speedily evi- dent In the drooping spirits of the birds, their reduced activity and their 1unnanal silence. Many Complaints Heard. This.summer many persons are com- plaining of head aches, lame backs, rheumatism, biliousness and of being "always tired." Aches, pains all ills caused bp kidneys not doing their work yield quickly to Foley Kidney Pills. They help elimuination, give sound sleep and make you feel better. Dick- son Drug Store.-Adv. To K)il Crabs and Lobsters. The kilming of lobsters and crabS *,or the table forms the subject of an -nte slgpamphlet issuei by the So. tiety for the Prevention of Cr'uelty to SAnima of London. It gives the re- -slts of a series of nperlments car- ried ou. by Mr. Josseh Sinel, late of the Jersey marine biological labors.- tory. He comes to the conclusion that the most humane way of iing crabs t and lobsters is to place them in cold water and very gradually raise the temperature. The death which ensues Is apparently quite painless, and must 'be somewhat analogous to that of a person succumbing to a "heat wave." E G Hudson's Sttement. 3 E. G. Hudson, merchantof Chamblee Ga., says Foley Cathartic Tablets are the "best on earth" for a thorough cleansing movement of the bowels Swithout the slightest inconvenience or sicknening and no bad effects. They ertainly do relieve indigestion or con- stipation quickiy and liven up the liver They make you fool light, free and en- ergetic. Dicksons Drug Store-Ady. Saving for the soy. As my friend Jones dropped a letter in the mail box he remarked: "There goes $3,000 for my boy th"' day he e asts his first vote." I Inquired where this precious letter was going. "My resignation to the board of governors of the club," said he, naming one of the four or five of which he is a mem- ber. Then he proceeded to explain. "It costs me $100 a year to walk Into that club about ten times. I'ma going to deposit that $100 each year for my so,- investing whenever the sum is considerable enough. In the twenty years from now until that election day when the baby's first ballot is put In the slot, the aggregate of thes club dues and interest will amon to $3,000. Am I wise?" I'll just pas his question along to you.-Giad, In Philadelphla, Ledger. A Wonderful Antiseptic. Germs and infection aggravate ail- ments and retard healing. Stop that infection at once. Kill the germs and' get rid of tbe poisons. For this pur- pose a single application of Sloan's Lin iment not only kills the pain but de- stroys the germs. This neutralizes-in- fection and gives n4ture assistance by overcoming congestion and gives a chance for the free and normal flow of the blood. Sloan's Liniment is an emergency doctor and should be kcept constantly on band. 25c. 50c, the $1.00 size contains six times as much as the 25c.--Adv. Pies Cured In 6 to 14 Days Your druggist will refund 'nmoney if PA.ZO OINTMENT falls to enre any case of Itching. Blind. BleedingorProtrudingPiles in 6to l4days. The first application gives FHase and Rest. 50c. H-ad Proved it. "Daughter," called the father from his position at the top of the stairs. at the well-known hour of 11:55 p. in., "doesn't that young man know how to say good-night?" "Does he?) echoed the young lady In the dark- ened hall; "well, I should say he does." Cures Old Sores, Other Remediss Won't Cure. The worstcases. no matter of how long standing. are cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil. It relieves Pain and Heals at the same time. 25c.50c. S1.00 TO T ntinue our successful S we traded with the NEI uyers have also though GIRL'S D] toes are the best and nw r itself. ouits and Cloaks, the m4 4EWN Children's Kidneys No Maning Mother Should aeglect The U tle One'slealth. Oftentimes weak kidney's cause are annoyance and embarrassment to chi dren. Inability to control the kidni secretions, at night or while at play, attributed to carelessness and too fr quently the child is punished. Paren having children troubled with kidn( weakness would do well to treat ti kidneys with a tested and proven kil ney remedy. If there is pain in tl back, discolored urine. irregular urin tion, headaches, dizzy spells or a tire worn-out feeling, try Doan's Kidat Pills at opee. A.remedy that has be4 used in kidney troubles for over years and has been recommended thousands. Proof of merit in a Ma ning citizen's statement. Mrs. J. S. Bell, S. Boundary Si Manning. says: "A younger member, my family had weak kidneys after fever. He had dizzy spells and tl kidneys acted too frequently, causit much annoyance koth day and nig1i I got Doan's Kidney Pills at the Dic son Drug Co,, and they. relieved dl trouble " Price 50c, at all ealers. Dont si ply ask for a. kidney remedy-R Doan's Kidney Pills-the same th Mrs Bell had. Foster-Milburn C props., Buffalo. N. Y. NOTICE. Write me and I will explain how I was cured In 4 days of a severe case of Piles of 40 years' standing without pain,- knife or detention from business. No one need suffer from.this disease when this humane cure caa be had right here in South Carolina. It M. 3'OSEY, Route 4, Lamar, S. C. Try to Pars. This. A correspondent, says the listener theB Boston Transcript. asads in a ra bit of English It was written by woman in excusing her tardiness answering an inquiry that had beena dressed to her: "I would have writta before but I have been sick with dog bite In the arm. The man th owns the sawmill's dog bit me in t1 road." The excuse was accepted umsent. Every Home Reeds a Faithful Cough 1 Cold Remedy. When seasons change and colds a pear-when you first detect a cold afi sitting next to one who has sneeze then It is that a tried and tested rei edy should be faithfully tested. never wrote a testimonial before, but know positively that for myself al family, Dr. King's New Discovery the best cough remedy we ever usa and we have tried them-all." 50c a $1.0-Adv. Effective Punishments. One of the first judges-real judi -of Deadwood put in operation. ma odd Ideas of corrective punishme If a man was brought before h charged with shooting up a peace place without provocation tis jud used to delight in tolling off half dozen good shots, whose business was to firs all around the accusi vho was made to stand up agati a wall. The closer theushots andli more scared the docused the bet1 the judge liked It. If the accus demurred against this little tit-for- pnishment he was formally orde1 to stand up and the maximum s tence under the code was meted < to him. In the case of aprisoner u might not be Impressed with the t get practice sentence- there were o er penalties, such as a five mile gall on a frisky horse, with the legs of1 accused tied under the horse's be and a saddle made of fair sized stor wrapped in a blanket for his seat. P test against this meant again the treme code punisnment. Health And Happiness Depend Upon Yi ILiver That sluggish liver with its sluggi flow of bile is what makes the woi look so dark at times. Dr. King's N< Life Pills go stright to the root oft diculty by waking up the action the.liver and increasing the bile. I King's New Life Pills cause the bc els to act more freely nd drive aw those "moody days." 25c a bottle-A Hearing Heart Beats. If you hear your heart beat In o: ear, as many persons do, It is no pre of anything wrong with the heart. Is much more likely to be a local fet such as a chronic catarrh of t middle ear or stiffness and retractil of the drum. This Ie on the authori of a leading physician of Chicago. FLY InD PIL4 BBS' ummer Sale for a few weel V IDEA CO. know that whe t of our little Boys and Girl: RESSES, SCF ade for our "Mischevious" )st exquisite display ever sl IDE. MAN AND HiS LAUGH. Self Restraint and Its Effects Upon Human Emotions. Laughter is a sign of high develop- ment. The nearer one Is to the animnal the less one laughs. Themore highly Y developed we becofne the more do we is perceive humor. For laughter, It must a- be remembered, is a sigf .hat an emo- t tion has suddenly been set free. It is y like a touch on the trigger of a gun, the gun being self restraint. No one ever tells an anfnal (in the e wild state) that there are etain things that he must not do. There is no direct ly prevention of an act that the animal n .wants to perform. Consequently the 50 anmima has no self reaiht. )Y Man, on the other hand, is surround- - ed by cor.umandments from babyhood onward. He is always being told by some one, first by his parents, then a by the laws of society, that there are e things that he must not do. The de- g 'sire to do these things, coupled to the it knowledge that he dare not do them, C- causes a tense emotion. The animal e lives as the occasion rises. Man is n keged up by the continuous conflict of occasions. a It is the relef from this keying up that gives risekto laughter. The great- er the tension caused by the delay be- tween Impulse and acf the funnier does the thing seem which releases it. Something which would seem only moderately funny If it happened In the -street becomes screamingly ludicrous in church because of the tension of feeling that one must be solemn. When a snowball hits a silk hat the sight makes one laugh because of the 'feel- ing that, whatever else a silk hat might be Intended for, It was not as a target for snowballs. Exaggerations are of- ten~funny, because they twist our emo- tion from a usual to an unexpected channel. A story teller who laughs at his own jokes always spoils his stories. It is the mn with the mournful face whose quips seem the merriest. It is an old saying that-one must "laugh and grow fat," but modern science has learned that we must "laugh and grow wise."- SNew York American. SOLD MAN HARE a The Actor's Meeting With Gladstone at Outside the Theater. iO John Hare.- the eminent English ac- a tor-manager, said that the most de- lightful compliment he ever received was fromn Mr. Gladstone. It was a dou- ble ended compliment. Whichever way you took it It was satisfactory. Mr. Hare earned fame playing old p-men's parts, his character as Mr. Gold- r by In "A Pair of Spectacles" being a d, good example. Added to this was a -horror of having his picture taken. Mr. Gladstone had never seen a plc. ture of the actor, but he knew him s well behind the scenes as well as be- d fore the footlights. The premier's fa- d vorite play was "A Pair of Spectacles," and he always went behind the scenes to chat awhile with the actor. The really old man and the made up old man would sit there and talk in the most. delightful way for an hour after the show. One day the Earl of Riosebery ad Mr. Gladstone to dinner, and he so minvited his friend John Hare. -The a- tor came in smooth shaved, looking g about thirty-five. He was presented to a Mr. Gladstone, and the prime minls- iter shook his hand most cordially and d said: at "My dear sir, I am very, very glad h to meet you. I know your father very, or very well. Splendid actor! Fine old d man!" at It took the whole evening for the d earl and Mr. Hare to convince himi * that this son was really the father.- ~ut London Tatler. Taxicabs in 1711. SSomething over a couple of -centuries 05ago the principle of the taxicab was heknown, remarks an exchange. An ad- l vertisement in the London Daily Cou- es rant of Jan. 13, 1711, announces that O at the Sign of the Seven Stars, under the piazza of Covent Garden, a char- lot was on view that would travel without horses and measure the miles as it goes. It was capable of turning ur and reversing and could go uphill as easily as on level ground. The Next Best Thing to The Pine Forest e For Colds Is- of Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey which goes )r. to the very root of cold troubles. It clears the throat and gives relief from y hat clogged and stuffed feeling. The vpines have ever been the friend of man in driving away colds. Moreover, the pine-honey qualities are peculiarly effective in fighting chidren's colds. Remember that a cold broken at the o start greatly removes the possibility of of complications. 25c-Adv. i Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's SThe Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the - well known tonic propertiesof QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and -~Bid u,., the Whole Sstem. 50 cents. s lodger. We extend manl n we say "BARGAINS" of i , who are now on their wa [OOL SHOES Boys and Girls. Mothers! town in this town. Watch .A.C Be Sure You Get This. Old Reliable Cough ledicine Imitations always folow the trail of sue- cess. Bundreds of imitations have come and gone since FoLEr'S HoNE= AND TAR COX- 40pb ea to loosentherip Be sure ou get the gendne Folefs Honey and Tar Conpeund .4nd aowd the name thaa. mwde Here are three easy ways to tell the genuine. 1st-Thename of "foley's." 2nd-Th yellow ypa.kag on a..* . BeekziV fthO a -- *v -low; package. 0% * cannot- get a sub- stitute to do for you what FOLEY's HmEY Am TAR CoMPoUND will do -forcoughs, col roup, bronchial and lagrippe coughs, throat and lung trouble. Buy It of your druggist and be safe. ***EVRY USER IS A FRIEND. THE C L OTH E S W E CLEAN, PRESS AND REPAIR REPRE- SENT PAINS TAK- ING EFFORT. Not a suit, skirt or over- coat leaves this place with- out our 'knowing that it is O. K. Our work must be so well done that it will please the critic. That's work well done May we do it for you? lloffiuai fFel if Cleaniing Co. Court. PETIT JURORS. Court converes in Manning .Septem- ber 20th. .Iudge Shipp presiding. J J Rich bourg, Foreston. J Fred Lanhamn, Summerton. Eugene Davis, Davis Station. E A C2oker,'Tarbeville. P M Gibbons. New Zion. C B Aycock, Rimini. I V Plowden, Mannine', R F D. S C Williams, Manning. H D Gibbons, Turbeville. N K Timmons, Mainning. R F D. S E Lowder, Wilson. J-B Pack, Paxville. P MI Mitchum, Jordan J E Barrett, Manning. T J Stukes, Alcolu. Sparkman Thames. Paxville. J E Rowe, Summerton. A A Rigby, Manning. W E Hodee Alcolu. R F D. W B Sen, Snmmerton. H- 1 Ridgewayj, Mannin~r, J H Timmons, Manningr. J S Evans, New Zion, R. F. D. -C B Barrett, Silver. J E Kennedy, Lake City. R P Barrow, New Zion. C C Toucbberrv, Sumxmerton. A F Ragin, Pinewrood. B D Griffn. Pinewood. W G Bryant, Manning', R F D.. Geo Tiudal, Pinewood. J S RIchardson, Pinewood. Hugh A Richbourg, Summerton. F W Dukes. New Zion.- M V Hudson, New Zion. B L Bradham, Jr, Man nine', R F D) Second Week Jury. JH Hardy New Zion A B Rollins Pinewood W E Morris Turbeville- W P Napier Silver Walter D Eppjerson Pinewood George JTune Manning Lester Weinberg Manningt W 3 Brunson Davis Station D G Buddin Tuberville J V Carrigan Summnerton WV R Coskrey Sumnmerton J W Patrick Manning V S Evans New Zion E S Robinson Turbeville I Y Eadon Summerton J A Roberts Foreston JH LeGrande Summerton D W DuRant Alcolu Harry A Hodi~e Summerton C M Rhodus Wilson M Cantey Summierton L A Graham Pinewood Curtis Frierson Wilson Ij J Wiudham Manning .Jake Iseman Manning L H Harvin Manning W H Davis Silver W E Daniels Alcolu J Epps Ne w Zion Harry E Davis Davis Station 3 0Lowder Wilson D C Beard Tnrbeville E B Frierson Manning G A Holladay Foreston 'W R Jenkinson Pinewood S Conyers Holladay Manning rhe Gulnirte That Does Not Affect The Heaii Because of its tonic and laxative effect. LAXA- TIVE BROMO QUININE is betterthan ordinary ringig ind heads neemer the fl name and r thanks to our custom eal good merchandise V to school, to supply ti Fathers! Come on this space for pirticul Mort 0. EDWARDS. H. M. PERRI1 EDWARDS & PERRITT, CIVIL ENGINEER kND SURVEYORS. )Mee Over Home Bank and Trust 0< MANNING S C. 0HARLTON DuRANT, ATTORNEY AT LAw, MANNING. S. C. JOHN G. DINKINS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Mapning, S. )fi-ee in Old Court House. J. H. LESESNE, ATTORNEY AT LAI MANNING. S. C. W.C. DAVIS. J. W. WIDEMJ DA VIS & WIDEMAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MANN] NG: S. C. MOANS NEGOTIATZ On First-Class Real Esta Ndortgagges. Purdy & O'Bryan, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Manning S. G. T. Floyd SRVEYOR and CIVIL ENGINEE Office over Bank of Manning 0. PUEDY. S. OI.IVI 0 BRT PURDY & O'BRYAN, Attorneys ounselors at Law MANNING. S C. DR. .1. A. COLE~, DENTIST. Upstairs over Bank 6f Manning. MANNING. S. C. Phone No 77' Notice. The books of Registration have cl< d and the bqoks are now-in the han f the clerk of court. 30 days prior he election, according to Jaw. 2 hose who failed to apply to the Boa ror renewals. can't do so, now until ter the election on the 14th'of Septel er. All certificates issued since IS re valid. E. D. HODGE. Chairman Board. "Moniey." The mind makes it and under t erms of the CONTINENTAL MOR~ AGE COMPANY you can secure it6 per cent for any iegal purpose pproved real estate. Terms easy, ti IS your wants and we will co-opera with you. 08-9 MUNSEY BLDG., Baltimor Md. CauseMuch Pain der weakness at night. tired, nervous, run-down the regular action of kid- neys and bladder. KI Pills Dickson's Drug Store. Notice to Creditors. All persons having claims again uheEstate of Thomas P. Broughto kvill present them duly attested, ai ~hose owing said Estate will make pa nent to the undersigned qualified a ninistrator of said Estate. P. H. BROUGHTON, Administrator. inwod S. 0' Aun. 31. 1915. ,hid ers and the public it means a gr'dst lem -with the finest and look at these Urs. -is Ness, Manager. to Drve Out Malaria - And Buid Up The System Take the Old Standard GROVE'S 5TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know what you are taking, as the formula is ., printed on every label, showing it is Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. The Quinine drives out malaria, the Iron builds up the systein. 50 cents NEWHOME ~j'r - .myife V-1 N NO OTHER LIKE MT. NO OTHER AS CO. Pem ter NE wicead m inbe man cost. Insist on havia the OE " it. WARRANTED FOR ALL. TIME. Knw the world over for superior sewingquSlties. * Not sold under any other name. THE NEWIHOME 8EWING MACHINE CO,0RANGE,EA88. R_ SASH DOORS - BLINDS -MOULDINGS AND MILLWORK /f- ~TBDSXAMPlId Of The Successful Busi- ness Man Sis a good one to follow; you can't go far wrong if you walk io his footsteps. No man of affirs today is without a commercial bank account; no business. however small, can afford to be without .one. If you have not an account, get in l ine for success by opening one with today. il0itie Batik a1d Trus Co 0 Constipation N t in betedrI tan to-ri Dsmns.Fr.Knig'i. sl5 N soew f toesills oATI lotCoNapso R O ACK

S Sale We Sale. The gr'dst experienced Boys SUITS, GIRL'S ...€¦ · S1.00 TO T ntinueour successful S wetraded withthe NEI uyershavealsothough GIRL'S D] toesarethe bestandnw r itself

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Page 1: S Sale We Sale. The gr'dst experienced Boys SUITS, GIRL'S ...€¦ · S1.00 TO T ntinueour successful S wetraded withthe NEI uyershavealsothough GIRL'S D] toesarethe bestandnw r itself

. While the heat large for their fdeal of saving for I

Our genuinebeautiful things fe



School way Bar Chikn.man&D COW are contagious d

Maords of health in many cities are coo-ng barring children with coldsscho oley's Haney and Tar

and reliable family medicine;eschildren from coughs, colds,

and.booping co"h Parentssave trouble by giving beforeopens. Dicksons Drug Store-

~'-Kspat te fios.r -wnalways looks very dubi-

mianbirbubhad comes home aIatgr tha usual and says he has

at the oe." She neverfaIt she beleved the excuse,as a imatbsr of fact, is quite

But some wives seem in-af rea1ig., that their hus-

ealy are bet late at the niceand,wad-n competition

Umhea ha man can't afford toat atthe, tick of the- clock If he

t keep his position. The sein-wife doesn't -make a fuss when-a t Iate." She just notices

beloopa.more tired than usual,!ts bah;1v.e his dziner and a

iewl.pesos and quiet And2y*id thaI the husband who

sort a. trmaenet Ishme if he cea possibly

3m The T~d K"s Goo&.xo.W.COigho Prentiss, Miss.. is

yasold and had troub-kidneys for-.many years.

wlinethtFoe Kidney Pills did- ood. He used many reme-btlieds the only one that everbim. Nho man younz or old,- neglectsymptomsof kid-

-Didksons Drug Store.-


CORTO COMMON-PTL AS.-H. Ohfto. Plaintiff

-against--& Gibsn, Mrs.G A. Gibson, CleoOctlawNerbert Gibson, A. L Gibao~ d Nelson Gibson, Defendants,

-'~~UDBRA2D BY VIRTUE OF A~bdgent rder of the Court ofI.-mmPleas,.In the above stated

tInetoan iretd, bearing date ofusi 7, 115, I will sell at public

Kntlotthehighest bidder foreash~at~rudon ourthouseat Manning~sadeounty, within the legnl hoursforjca l sales, on Monday, the

T~hAs iof October, 1915,being sales-day~tle-flloingdescrbed real es-

Allof oar right tital. interest claimgnaate, botih at law and in equety.owowned orhveafter Acquired in of

'R end small that that tract of land situ-~.ate, and being in the County of Claren-&n sarid-State, containing Two Hun-ored'and Forty Five (245) acres merec-lees, and bounded on the North byl -of.C... Gibson, East by lands of

, B. Gibson, South by lands of SarahKMes, and West by lands now orhrmery of Richbourg.

Purchaernto pay for cpers.-Sheriff Clarendon Co


"The Big Ssere with a Lallithe latest modes for the A

ON DISa large and select Line of LaPoplin Dresses, in all the nevsthese Dresses at prices that a

Sand select Line of Ladies' Colyour inspection. These are dufacturers in this country. 0by authorities on Fashion wwhile the


Prices range from $5.00size at a price to suit your po

Remember you can get ilLeaders in Our Line of Shoes

iNotions..Exclusiye Distributors f

and Selby for Ladies,' the oiendon county.

D. HIRSCSWhere the Dollar

t weather is still prevailine patronage during thi:he economical buyers. (

I"Scuffers" and "Internar your dear Boy and Gir

tch this space for SENSI



Our purpose is to clean.

press and repair your

clothes in such a way that

you may regard our work

as better than usual. '

And to charge you no

more for this kind of ser-

vice than perhaps you have

been in the custom of pay-

ing for unsatisfactory re



iloffinl FrendhiDryCleaning C0.

HIs Rest Was Broken.0. D. Wright, Rosemont, lNeb.

writes: "I was bothered with pains i ithe region of my kidneys. My reswas broken by frequent action of m;kidneys. I was advised by my doctoto try Foley Kidney Pills and one 50<bottle made a well man of me. The,relieve rheumatism and backacheDicksons Drug Store-Adv.

Notice.Notice is hereby given~ that the nez

examination for securing TeacheriCertieates will be held in the courhouse in Manning on Friday, Octobe1st 1915, beginning at nine o'clockThis notice should be heeded by ever~teacher who~ has not a valid cer-ificateas'well as by those who intend to quaify. The "will be no further opporttinity for securmng these credentialuntil May 1916.No board of trustees is authorized t

employ an uncertificated teacher, annosuch teacner should be allowed bthe County Superintendent to draipublic funds. Too much emphasis cainot be put on this point by schocoffcers." This last clause is takefrom instructions received at thioffce from the State Superintendent.

E. J. BROWNE,County Supt. of Education.

Piles Cured In 6 to 14 DaysYur drgitwilfnd neyifPA

ey SavingIRSCMANN'S.ittle Price" is now showingutumu Season. We have

PLAY !.dies' Silk, Satin and Silkiestshades. We are sellingresure to please. Oar large.ttSuits are now open forirect from the largest man-ly that which is recognized1 be shown. Come early

ARE GOODto $85.00. We have your3ketbook.HIRSCHM ANN'S. We are

, Millinery, Dry Goods and

r Eclipse Shoes for Men,ly guaranteed lines in Clar-

HMANN'STalkandl Walks.


ing, we have decided to co

s Sale. The people that hiour experienced northern b

30Y'S SUITS,tional," all Leather Line SI, while the price speaks fo

ITIONS in Millinery. Coat-!

HE. Newspaper Mn ecuenus It.R. 1- Wentworth of the St. James

Mo.. News, writes: "A sevee cold set-tled in my lungs, I feared pneumoniaI recommend this goenuine cough and,lung medicine." Right now thousandsof bay fever astha suffers are thankfulfor this wonderful healing and soothingremedy. Dickson Drug Store.- -Adv.

Flowers and Birds in Factries.The time may come when ferns and

ennary birds will be considered. a nee'essary part of every factory's equip.mnt. In at least -one workshop theyhave been found to serve a most use-

l purpose-In a somewhat negativesense, perhaps. - In any event, it issusceptible of proof -that. where flowa and birds Ao not flourish the con-

ditions are not what they should befor human beings. Flowers are wogarded as a good test of the humidityof the air. If the aIr ts too dry, as

Is often the case in steam heated Into-Tiors. plants will wither and dW.Birds, like human beings, demandXygen. If there be a deficiency of

'this element, the fact is speedily evi-dent In the drooping spirits of thebirds, their reduced activity and their1unnanal silence.

Many Complaints Heard.This.summer many persons are com-

plaining of head aches, lame backs,rheumatism, biliousness and of being"always tired." Aches, pains all illscaused bp kidneys not doing their workyield quickly to Foley Kidney Pills.They help elimuination, give soundsleep and make you feel better. Dick-son Drug Store.-Adv.

To K)il Crabs and Lobsters.The kilming of lobsters and crabS

*,or the table forms the subject of an

-nte slgpamphlet issuei by the So.tiety for the Prevention of Cr'uelty toSAnima of London. It gives the re--slts of a series of nperlments car-ried ou. by Mr. Josseh Sinel, late ofthe Jersey marine biological labors.-tory. He comes to the conclusion thatthe most humane way of iing crabst and lobsters is to place them in coldwater and very gradually raise thetemperature. The death which ensuesIsapparently quite painless, and must

'be somewhat analogous to that of aperson succumbing to a "heat wave."

E G Hudson's Sttement.3 E. G. Hudson, merchantofChambleeGa., says Foley Cathartic Tablets arethe "best on earth" for a thoroughcleansing movement of the bowelsSwithout the slightest inconvenience orsicknening and no bad effects. Theyertainly do relieve indigestion or con-stipation quickiy and liven up the liverThey make you fool light, free and en-ergetic. Dicksons Drug Store-Ady.

Saving for the soy.As my friend Jones dropped a letter

in the mail box he remarked: "Theregoes $3,000 for my boy th"' day hee asts his first vote." I Inquired wherethis precious letter was going. "Myresignation to the board of governorsof the club," said he, naming one ofthe four or five of whichhe is amem-ber. Then he proceeded to explain."It costs me $100 a year to walk Intothat club about ten times. I'ma goingto deposit that $100 each year for myso,- investing whenever the sum isconsiderable enough. In the twentyyears from now until that election daywhen the baby's first ballot is put Inthe slot, the aggregate of thes clubdues and interest will amon to$3,000. Am I wise?" I'll just pashis question along to you.-Giad, InPhiladelphla, Ledger.

A Wonderful Antiseptic.Germs and infection aggravate ail-

ments and retard healing. Stop thatinfection at once. Kill the germs and'get rid of tbe poisons. For this pur-pose a single application of Sloan's Liniment not only kills the pain but de-stroys the germs. This neutralizes-in-fection and gives n4ture assistance byovercoming congestion and gives achance for the free and normal flow ofthe blood. Sloan's Liniment is anemergency doctor and should be kceptconstantly on band. 25c. 50c, the $1.00size contains six times as much as the25c.--Adv.

Pies Cured In 6 to 14 DaysYour druggist will refund 'nmoney if PA.ZOOINTMENT falls to enre any case of Itching.Blind. BleedingorProtrudingPiles in 6to l4days.The first application gives FHase and Rest. 50c.

H-ad Proved it."Daughter," called the father from

his position at the top of the stairs.at the well-known hour of 11:55 p. in.,"doesn't that young man know howto say good-night?" "Does he?)echoed the young lady In the dark-ened hall; "well, I should say hedoes."

Cures Old Sores, Other Remediss Won't Cure.The worstcases. no matter of how long standing.are cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr.Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil. It relieves

Pain and Heals at the same time. 25c.50c. S1.00

TO Tntinue our successful Swe traded with the NEIuyers have also though

GIRL'S D]toes are the best and nw

r itself.

ouits and Cloaks, the m4

4EWNChildren's Kidneys

No Maning Mother Should aeglect The Utle One'slealth.

Oftentimes weak kidney's cause areannoyance and embarrassment to chidren. Inability to control the kidnisecretions, at night or while at play,attributed to carelessness and too frquently the child is punished. Parenhaving children troubled with kidn(weakness would do well to treat tikidneys with a tested and proven kilney remedy. If there is pain in tlback, discolored urine. irregular urintion, headaches, dizzy spells or a tireworn-out feeling, try Doan's KidatPills at opee. A.remedy that has be4used in kidney troubles for overyears and has been recommendedthousands. Proof of merit in a Maning citizen's statement.Mrs. J. S. Bell, S. Boundary Si

Manning. says: "A younger member,my family had weak kidneys afterfever. He had dizzy spells and tlkidneys acted too frequently, causitmuch annoyance koth day and nig1iI got Doan's Kidney Pills at the Dicson Drug Co,, and they. relieved dltrouble "

Price 50c, at all ealers. Dont siply ask for a. kidney remedy-RDoan's Kidney Pills-the same thMrs Bell had. Foster-Milburn Cprops., Buffalo. N. Y.

NOTICE.Write me and I will explain

how I wascured In 4 days of asevere case of Piles of 40 years'standing without pain,- knife ordetention from business. No oneneed suffer from.this disease whenthis humane cure caa be hadright here in South Carolina.

It M. 3'OSEY,Route 4, Lamar, S. C.

Try to Pars. This.A correspondent, says the listener

theB Boston Transcript. asads in a rabit of English It was written bywoman in excusing her tardinessanswering an inquiry that had beenadressed to her: "I would have writtabefore but I have been sick withdog bite In the arm. The man thowns the sawmill's dog bit me in t1road." The excuse was acceptedumsent.

Every Home Reeds a Faithful Cough 1Cold Remedy.

When seasons change and colds apear-when you first detect a cold afisitting next to one who has sneezethen It is that a tried and tested reiedy should be faithfully tested.never wrote a testimonial before, butknow positively that for myself alfamily, Dr. King's New Discoverythe best cough remedy we ever usaand we have tried them-all." 50c a$1.0-Adv.

Effective Punishments.One of the first judges-real judi

-of Deadwood put in operation. maodd Ideas of corrective punishmeIf a man was brought before hcharged with shooting up a peaceplace without provocation tis judused to delight in tolling off halfdozen good shots, whose businesswas to firs all around the accusivho was made to stand up agatia wall. The closer theushots andlimore scared the docused the bet1the judge liked It. If the accusdemurred against this little tit-for-pnishment he was formally orde1to stand up and the maximum stence under the code was meted <to him. In the case of aprisonerumight not be Impressed with the tget practice sentence- there were oer penalties, such as a five mile gallon a frisky horse, with the legs of1accused tied under the horse's beand a saddle made of fair sized storwrapped in a blanket for his seat. Ptest against this meant again thetreme code punisnment.

Health And Happiness Depend Upon YiILiver

That sluggish liver with its sluggiflow of bile is what makes the woilook so dark at times. Dr. King's N<Life Pills go stright to the root oftdiculty by waking up the actionthe.liver and increasing the bile. IKing's New Life Pills cause the bcels to act more freely nd drive awthose "moody days." 25c a bottle-A

Hearing Heart Beats.If you hear your heart beat In o:

ear, as many persons do, It is no preof anything wrong with the heart.Is much more likely to be a localfet such as a chronic catarrh of tmiddle ear or stiffness and retractilof the drum. This Ie on the authoriof a leading physician of Chicago.


BBS'ummer Sale for a few weelV IDEA CO. know that whet of our little Boys and Girl:

RESSES, SCFade for our "Mischevious"

)st exquisite display ever sl


Self Restraint and Its Effects UponHuman Emotions.

Laughter is a sign of high develop-ment. The nearer one Is to the animnalthe less one laughs. Themore highly

Y developed we becofne the more do we

is perceive humor. For laughter, It musta- be remembered, is a sigf .hat an emo-

t tion has suddenly been set free. It isy like a touch on the trigger of a gun, thegun being self restraint.No one ever tells an anfnal (in the

e wild state) that there are etain thingsthat he must not do. There is no direct

ly prevention of an act that the animaln .wants to perform. Consequently the

50 anmima has no self reaiht.)Y Man, on the other hand, is surround--ed by cor.umandments from babyhoodonward. He is always being told bysome one, first by his parents, then

a by the laws of society, that there are

e things that he must not do. The de-g 'sire to do these things, coupled to the

it knowledge that he dare not do them,C- causes a tense emotion. The animale lives as the occasion rises. Man is

nkeged up by the continuous conflict ofoccasions.

a It is the relef from this keying upthat gives risekto laughter. The great-er the tension caused by the delay be-tween Impulse and acf the funnierdoes the thing seem which releases it.Something which would seem onlymoderately funny If it happened In the-street becomes screamingly ludicrousin church because of the tension offeeling that one must be solemn. Whena snowball hits a silk hat the sightmakes one laugh because of the 'feel-ing that, whatever else a silk hat mightbe Intended for, It was not as a targetfor snowballs. Exaggerations are of-ten~funny, because they twist our emo-tion from a usual to an unexpectedchannel.A story teller who laughs at his own

jokes always spoils his stories. It isthe mn with the mournful face whosequips seem the merriest. It is an oldsaying that-one must "laugh and growfat," but modern science has learnedthat we must "laugh and grow wise."-SNew York American.


a The Actor's Meeting With Gladstoneat Outside the Theater.

iO John Hare.- the eminent English ac-a tor-manager, said that the most de-lightful compliment he ever receivedwas fromn Mr. Gladstone. It was a dou-ble ended compliment. Whichever wayyou took it It was satisfactory.Mr. Hare earned fame playing old

p-men's parts, his character as Mr. Gold-r by In "A Pair of Spectacles" being ad, good example. Added to this was a

-horror of having his picture taken.Mr. Gladstone had never seen a plc.

ture of the actor, but he knew hims well behind the scenes as well as be-d fore the footlights. The premier's fa-d vorite play was "A Pair of Spectacles,"and he always went behind the scenesto chat awhile with the actor. Thereally old man and the made up oldman would sit there and talk in themost. delightful way for an hour afterthe show.One day the Earl of Riosebery ad

Mr. Gladstone to dinner, and he sominvited his friend John Hare. -The a-

tor came in smooth shaved, lookingg about thirty-five. He was presented toa Mr. Gladstone, and the prime minls-iter shook his hand most cordially anddsaid:

at "My dear sir, I am very, very gladh to meet you. I know your father very,orvery well. Splendid actor! Fine oldd man!"at It took the whole evening for thed earl and Mr. Hare to convince himi* that this son was really the father.-~ut London Tatler.

Taxicabs in 1711.SSomething over a couple of -centuries

05ago the principle of the taxicab washeknown, remarks an exchange. An ad-

lvertisement in the London Daily Cou-esrant of Jan. 13, 1711, announces that

Oat the Sign of the Seven Stars, underthe piazza of Covent Garden, a char-lot was on view that would travelwithout horses and measure the milesas it goes. It was capable of turning

urand reversing and could go uphill aseasily as on level ground.

The Next Best Thing to The Pine Foreste For Colds Is-of Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey which goes)r.to the very root of cold troubles. It

clears the throat and gives relief fromyhat clogged and stuffed feeling. Thevpines have ever been the friend of manin driving away colds. Moreover, thepine-honey qualities are peculiarlyeffective in fighting chidren's colds.Remember that a cold broken at theostart greatly removes the possibility of

of complications. 25c-Adv.

i Whenever You Need a General TonicTake Grove's

SThe Old Standard Grove's Tastelesschill Tonic is equally valuable as aGeneral Tonic because it contains the

- well known tonic propertiesofQUININEand IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drivesout Malaria, Enriches the Blood and

-~Bidu,., the Whole Sstem. 50 cents.

s lodger. We extend manln we say "BARGAINS" of i

, who are now on their wa

[OOL SHOESBoys and Girls. Mothers!

town in this town. Watch

.A.CBe Sure You Get This.

Old Reliable Cough ledicineImitations always folow the trail of sue-

cess. Bundreds of imitations have come andgone since FoLEr'S HoNE= AND TAR COX-

40pbea to loosentherip

Be sure ou get the gendneFolefs Honey and Tar Conpeund

.4nd aowd the name thaa.mwdeHere are three easy ways to tell the

genuine. 1st-Thename of "foley's."2nd-Th yellow

ypa.kag ona..*. BeekziV fthO a-- *v -low; package. 0%

* cannot- get a sub-stitute to do foryouwhat FOLEY'sHmEY Am TARCoMPoUND will do-forcoughs, col

roup, bronchial and lagrippe coughs,throat and lung trouble. Buy It ofyour druggist and be safe.***EVRY USER IS A FRIEND.



Not a suit, skirt or over-

coat leaves this place with-out our 'knowing that it is

O. K.Our work must be so well

done that it will please the


That's work well done

May we do it for you?

lloffiuai fFel ifCleaniing Co.


Court converes in Manning .Septem-ber 20th. .Iudge Shipp presiding.J J Richbourg, Foreston.J Fred Lanhamn, Summerton.Eugene Davis, Davis Station.E A C2oker,'Tarbeville.P M Gibbons. New Zion.C B Aycock, Rimini.I V Plowden, Mannine', R F D.S C Williams, Manning.H D Gibbons, Turbeville.N K Timmons, Mainning. R F D.S E Lowder, Wilson.J-B Pack, Paxville.P MI Mitchum, JordanJ E Barrett, Manning.T J Stukes, Alcolu.Sparkman Thames. Paxville.J E Rowe, Summerton.A A Rigby, Manning.W E Hodee Alcolu. R F D.W B Sen, Snmmerton.H- 1 Ridgewayj, Mannin~r,J H Timmons, Manningr.J S Evans, New Zion, R. F. D.-C B Barrett, Silver.J E Kennedy, Lake City.R P Barrow, New Zion.C C Toucbberrv, Sumxmerton.A F Ragin, Pinewrood.B D Griffn. Pinewood.W G Bryant, Manning', R F D..Geo Tiudal, Pinewood.J S RIchardson, Pinewood.Hugh A Richbourg, Summerton.F W Dukes. New Zion.-M V Hudson, New Zion.B L Bradham, Jr, Man nine', R F D)

Second Week Jury.JH Hardy New ZionA B Rollins PinewoodW E Morris Turbeville-W P Napier SilverWalter D Eppjerson PinewoodGeorge JTune ManningLester Weinberg ManningtW 3 Brunson Davis StationD G Buddin TubervilleJ V Carrigan SummnertonWVR Coskrey SumnmertonJ W Patrick ManningV S Evans New ZionE S Robinson TurbevilleI Y Eadon SummertonJ A Roberts ForestonJH LeGrande SummertonDW DuRant AlcoluHarry A Hodi~e SummertonC M Rhodus WilsonM Cantey Summierton

L A Graham PinewoodCurtis Frierson Wilson

IjJ Wiudham Manning.Jake Iseman ManningL H Harvin ManningW H Davis SilverW E Daniels Alcolu

J Epps New ZionHarry E Davis Davis Station30Lowder Wilson

D C Beard TnrbevilleEB Frierson ManningG A Holladay Foreston'WR Jenkinson Pinewood

S Conyers Holladay Manning

rheGulnirte That Does Not Affect The HeaiiBecause of its tonic and laxative effect. LAXA-TIVE BROMO QUININE is betterthan ordinary

ringig indheads neemer the fl name and

r thanks to our customeal good merchandiseV to school, to supply ti

Fathers! Come on

this space for pirticul



CIVIL ENGINEERkND SURVEYORS.)Mee Over Home Bank and Trust 0<





Mapning, S.)fi-ee in Old Court House.






MOANS NEGOTIATZOn First-Class Real Esta

Ndortgagges.Purdy & O'Bryan,


G. T. FloydSRVEYOR and CIVIL ENGINEEOffice over Bank of Manning


PURDY & O'BRYAN,Attorneys ounselors at Law



Upstairs over Bank 6f Manning.MANNING. S. C.

Phone No 77'

Notice.The books of Registration have cl<d and the bqoks are now-in the hanf the clerk of court. 30 days priorhe election, according to Jaw. 2hose who failed to apply to the Boaror renewals. can't do so, now untilter the election on the 14th'of Septeler. All certificates issued since ISre valid.

E. D. HODGE.Chairman Board.

"Moniey."The mind makes it and under terms of the CONTINENTAL MOR~AGE COMPANY you can secure

it6 per cent for any iegal purposepproved real estate. Terms easy, ti

IS your wants and we will co-operawith you.08-9 MUNSEY BLDG., BaltimorMd.

CauseMuch Pain

der weakness at night.tired, nervous, run-down

the regular action of kid-neys and bladder.

KI Pills

Dickson's Drug Store.

Notice to Creditors.All persons having claims againuheEstate of Thomas P. Broughtokvill present them duly attested, ai~hose owing said Estate will make panent to the undersigned qualified aninistrator of said Estate.

P. H. BROUGHTON,Administrator.

inwod S. 0' Aun. 31. 1915.

,hiders and the publicit means a gr'dstlem -with the finest

and look at these


-is Ness,Manager.

to DrveOut Malaria -

And Buid Up The SystemTake the Old Standard GROVE'S5TASTELESS chill TONIC. You knowwhat you are taking, as the formula is

., printed on every label, showing it isQuinine and Iron in a tasteless form.The Quinine drives out malaria, theIron builds up the systein. 50 cents


~j'r- .myifeV-1



Pemter NE wiceadm inbeman cost. Insist on havia the OE "it.WARRANTED FOR ALL. TIME.

Knw the world over for superior sewingquSlties.* Not sold under any other name.







~TBDSXAMPlIdOf The Successful Busi-

ness ManSis a good one to follow; you can't gofar wrong if you walk io his footsteps.No man of affirs today is without a

commercial bank account; no business.however small, can afford to be without

.one. If you have not an account, get in

line for success by opening one with

today.il0itie Batik a1d Trus Co0

ConstipationNt inbetedrItanto-riDsmns.Fr.Knig'i. sl5

Nsoew f toesillsoATI lotCoNapsoR O ACK