Schindler 5300 Professional service. Easy to plan. You always move well with our passenger elevator for small commercial buildings. Schindler Passenger Elevators

S ac - Malta Panta Lesco · Silence The Schindler5300 issilent. Construction and operation of the elevatorwere designed specificallyforlow-noisemovements,both while riding and stopping,

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Schindler 5300Professional service. Easy to plan.You always move well with ourpassenger elevator for smallcommercial buildings.

Schindler Passenger Elevators

The Schindler 5300 is spacious.We have intelligently enlarged the car togive you more space. Take advantage of thisnew feeling of space.


2 Schindler 5300

3Schindler 5300

4 Schindler 5300

SilenceThe Schindler 5300 is silent.Construction and operation of the elevator weredesigned specifically for low-noise movements, bothwhile riding and stopping, so that you will not bedisturbed while you take care of business. Enjoy thesilence.

5Schindler 5300

The Schindler 5300 has character.We put a great deal of thought into the sophisticated,modern design and created beautiful interior styles.The elevator offers a professional look. Allow yourself alittle vanity.


6 Schindler 5300

7Schindler 5300

8 Schindler 5300

The external values are excellent.The internal ones even more so.

Exactly rightAre you looking for an elevator for a small commercialbuilding? The Schindler 5300 is the right choice for you.The elevator is designed ingeniously, it is highly stan-dardized and flexible to install. A thoroughly attractivesolution.

Larger than largeThe car of the Schindler 5300 is spacious.We specificallydesigned the elevator to minimize the space requiredfor the technical equipment.With the new tractionmedia, our latest development, standardized shafts areable to hold cars that are up to 47 cm wider and ac-commodate up to five passengers more than in conven-tional shafts. An improvement that carries weight, espe-cially in the cars with a capacity of 800 kg and 1000 kgand centrally opening doors. The proof is obvious:

Strikingly silentThe Schindler 5300 represents comfortable silence.The car moves very quietly due to the traction media.An advantage that affects the entire building. Capacity 535–1125 kg, 7–15 passengers

Travel height Max. 45 m, max. 15 stops

One-sided entrance* 535 kg, 625 kg, 675 kg, 800 kg,

1000 kg, 1125 kg

Two-sided entrance* 535 kg, 625 kg, 675 kg, 1125 kg

Door width* 800 mm, 900 mm

Door height* 2000 mm, 2100 mm

2300 mm (for 675 and 1125 kg)

Drive Gearless/frequency-controlled

Speed 1.0 m/s

Control Push-button control, down collective

and collective-selective control

Interior Five interior styles

Key figures

Exceptionally smartAn outstanding feature of the Schindler 5300 is theheadroom height. It can be reduced to 2900 mmwithout restrictions. Unsightly structures on the roof arenot required. As a result, you have more space to use.Also, this elevator requires no machine room. The con-trol unit is installed directly in the doorframe. A separatecontrol cabinet is not necessary, all of which saves spaceand effort.

Satisfyingly energy-savingThe Schindler 5300 is environmentally friendly andeconomical in the use of energy, which contributes tolower operating expenses. The effects are noticeable.

Superior qualityWe use only high-quality materials for our car interior.Select from five different lines. In addition to stainlesssteel models, various colours are available in attractivedesigns so that you will find exactly what you want. Asa result, the choice is easy.

Simply higher standardsSchindler is setting new standards: Automatic evacua-tion is a standard feature of our elevator systems. Evenin the event of a power failure, the Schindler 5300 willtake you safely to the next floor.

NoteSpecifications, options and colours are subjectto change.

All cabins and options illustrated in this brochureare representative only. The samples shown mayvary from the original in colour and material.

Car interiorWall Street styleStainless steel brushed * For possible combinations, see the planning data on page 30.

9Schindler 5300

* Applicable to cars with one-sided entrance

Shaft dimensions*width x depth

PreviousCapacity Passengers

NewPassengers Capacity

1500 x 1600 mm 450 kg 6 + 7 535 kg

1500 x 1650 mm 450 kg 6 + 7 535 kg

1600 x 1600 mm 450 kg 6 + 8 625 kg

1600 x 1650 mm 450 kg 6 + 8 625 kg

1600 x 1750 mm 630 kg 8 + 9 675 kg

1800 x 1700 mm 630 kg 8 + 10 800 kg

2000 x 1700 mm 630 kg 8 + 13 1000 kg

1650 x 2450 mm 1000 kg 13 + 15 1125 kg

Success is a question of the rightbusiness partners – including elevators.

Be flexible. Meet the requirements of your customers.This not only applies to the development of informationtechnology. It also applies to the business of mobility.This is why the owners of a software company inFreising selected the Schindler 5300. The passengerelevator is absolutely professional, highly efficient andcompletely reliable, and meets the high demands ofa lively business. A solution you can rely on.

10 Schindler 5300

Teamwork functions best when eachpartner has a job to do, but the goalscan only be reached together.

Ideas are not generated by the push of abutton. They usually come up when you leastexpect them.

Processes have to functionperfectly. Time is money.

11Schindler 5300

Who wouldn’t like to be perfect?Our technology is.

DriveThe Schindler 5300 requires a small drive. It saves muchmore space compared to previous drives; it can beinstalled directly in the headroom and does not requirea machine room, which results in an exceptionally lowheadroom height. The drive stops the car with precision.Car and landing floor line up very accurately to ensurethat passengers get in and out safely. The drive is eco-nomical in energy consumption and causes minimumnoise due to the material of the traction media –in the car and in the entire building. Real comfort.

Traction mediaTraction media replace conventional steel cables, weighless, require less space, and run quieter. Thanks to thetraction media, there is room for the drive directly in theelevator shaft and providing room for a larger car.

ControlIn the Schindler 5300, the access to service the compactcontrol unit is built directly into the standard doorframesat the top stop. It may be installed one floor lower uponrequest. This highly functional solution is a vital achieve-ment. It simplifies elevator installation, provides practicalhandling and saves space.

DoorsDoors are equipped with a frequency-controlled drivefor fast and reliable operation. Telescopic sliding doorsare available opening to the left or to the right. The800 kg and 1000 kg cars are equipped with centreopening doors.

CarTechnology does not take much space in the Schindler5300. This is an obvious benefit, because you get morefreedom of movement due to a larger car. A strikingadvantage.

12 Schindler 5300

Saving due to new traction media

Previously: steel cablesSteel cables are relatively inelastic. They need a tractionsheave diameter of at least 320 mm with the cablediameters required for elevators. The complete conven-tional motor including drive gears must be largeenough to match. A system that requires space.

New: traction mediaTraction media are flexible. They use a much smallertraction shaft diameter than steel cables. 85 mm isenough, requiring a much smaller motor. A design thatsaves space.

13Schindler 5300

Good design is considerably more thana minor issue for us. It is what matters.

You can more than meet the demands of your businesswith the Schindler 5300, regardless of which style youselect for the interior.We can offer you five lines: thestrikingly fresh Sunset; the functional, modernWall Street;the sophisticated, refined Aurelio and Concorde lines;and theWestminster decor line with its surprising woodfinish. They are all available in different colours and styles,so you always find exactly what you expect.

For each car interior we have a matching floor andceilings, so your car looks perfect in every respect.

14 Schindler 5300

Wall Street





15Schindler 5300

LaminateSantorini Blue



CeilingFloorDoor areaCornersBaseboard

LaminateBilbao Brown

LaminateMarseille Grey

FloorBlack speckled rubber

LaminateBologna Orange

LaminateToulouse Green

LaminateCadiz Blue

Rear wallLaminateMarseille Grey

LaminateAvignon Violet

Car door and frontStainless steel hairline

Stainless steel linenStainless steel brushed

CeilingGrey synthetic material

CornersGrey synthetic material

BaseboardAnodized grey aluminium

16 Schindler 5300

Sunset.Colours and contrasts create excitingfreshness.

NuukWhite Santorini Blue

Sunset makes your car stand out. It captivates with colours andcontrasts.We offer you lively colours like Bologna Orange, Tou-louse Green, and NuukWhite. But also quieter colours like Bil-bao Brown or Cadiz Blue. Although these colours are so variedand different, they have one thing in common: They give thecar an excitingly fresh, totally friendly and inviting atmosphere.

The effect is heightened by the light gray of the back wall andceiling: It shows off the colours to their best advantage. Thedark rubber floor provides the necessary contrast. Two light-ing elements, on the right and left of the car, supply an evenlight. Car door and front are in stainless steel and the door isprotected by a light curtain.

With the Sunset decor line we also offer you a choice of twostainless steel finishes: brushed, or linen structure. An elevatoryou can score with every time.

Bilbao Brown Bologna Orange Toulouse Green Cadiz Blue

Avignon Violet Marseille Grey

Stainless steel brushed Stainless steel linen

17Schindler 5300


CeilingFloorDoor areaCornersBaseboard

Stainless steel brushed

CeilingSlightly reflectivestainless steel

FloorBlack artificial granite

Stainless steel linen

Car door and frontStainless steel hairline


BaseboardAnodized grey aluminium

Stainless steel rhombus

18 Schindler 5300

Wall Street.Stainless steel communicatesmodern functionality.

Stainless steel looks generous, and so do the cars oftheWall Street line.We offer a choice of three differentstainless steel finishes: brushed, linen structure, orrhombus. All create an effect of refined functionality.

The concept runs through the complete line. Car doorand front are in stainless steel and the door is protectedby a light curtain. The ceiling is also made of stainlesssteel and is slightly reflective. The black granite floor setsthe tone for the high-quality overall effect of the car,which can be additionally enhanced by a full-length mir-ror and a handrail. The lamps or spotlights at the backand front of the car provide a pleasant light. A captivat-ing elevator.

Stainless steel brushed Stainless steel linen Stainless steel rhombus

19Schindler 5300


CeilingFloorDoor areaCornersBaseboard

Laminate metallicSiena Brown

CeilingSlightly reflectivestainless steel

Laminate metallicNaples Yellow

Laminate metallicUdine Green

Laminate metallicPalermo Yellow

Laminate metallicMadrid Brown

FloorBrown artificial granite

Car door and frontStainless steel hairline

CornersBrown synthetic material

BaseboardAnodized brown aluminium

20 Schindler 5300

Aurelio.Warm colours for a distinctlyexclusive ambience.

The Aurelio style interior looks elegant, which is theresult of carefully selected colours and the lustrouseffect of the laminate. Siena Brown, Naples Yellow,Udine Green, Palermo Yellow and Madrid Brown exudea touch of exclusivity, which is further enhanced bythe ceiling of slightly reflective stainless steel and thehigh-quality granite floor in golden brown.

A full-length mirror and a handrail in matching colourcan also be installed in the car. The lamps or spotlightsat the front and back of the car underscore the invitinglywarm atmosphere. Car door and front are in stainlesssteel and the door is protected by a light curtain. Thiselevator has what it takes.

Siena Brown Naples Yellow Udine Green Palermo Yellow

Madrid Brown

21Schindler 5300


CeilingFloorDoor areaCornersBaseboard

Laminate metallicNancy Violet

CeilingSlightly reflectivestainless steel

Laminate metallicCalais Blue

Laminate metallicVals Green

Laminate metallicLille Brown

Laminate metallicDover Grey

FloorGrey artificial granite

Car door and frontStainless steel hairline

CornersGrey synthetic material

BaseboardAnodized grey aluminium

22 Schindler 5300

Concorde.Cool colours have a refinedand brilliant effect.

A car in the colours of the Concorde line is somethingvery special. Nancy Violet, Calais Blue, Vals Green, LilleBrown, and Dover Grey are exciting, cool colours whoseeffect is anything but cold. The sheen of the laminateensures that the colours appear even more intense andrefined.

The ceiling is made of slightly reflective stainless steel.Combined with the optional full-length mirror and thesilvery grey granite floor, the car interior appears largerthan it is. Lighting is provided by lamps or spotlightsat the front and back of the car. Car door and front arein stainless steel and the door is protected by a lightcurtain. A top-of-the-line elevator.

Nancy Violet Calais Blue Vals Green Lille Brown

Dover Grey

23Schindler 5300

LaminateDavos Beech

LaminateVittel Cherry


LaminateNarvik Teak


CeilingFloorDoor areaCornersBaseboard Ceiling

Slightly reflectivestainless steel

FloorBlack artificial granite

Car door and frontStainless steel hairline


BaseboardAnodized grey aluminium

24 Schindler 5300

Westminster.Wood for a naturally modern touch.

Wood is the trend. Also in elevators. So we‘ve createdfour different wood laminates. They range from DavosBeech through Vittel Cherry and LeedsWalnut to NarvikTeak. Their clever structures, colours, and finishes createa warm atmosphere in your elevator.

The ceiling of slightly reflective stainless steel and thedark granite floor add a noble touch. They complementthe outstanding overall effect of the car.

The car can be fitted with a full-length mirror andmatching handrail of your choice. For the lighting, youcan choose between lamps or spotlights. Car doorand front are in stainless steel and the door is protectedby a light curtain. An elevator that gives pleasure.

Davos Beech Narvik TeakVittel CherryLeedsWalnut

25Schindler 5300

Communication means that actioncauses an effect – as in our elevators.

KeypadsThe car operating panels are available with differentkeypad. The 10-button keypad has ten numbers, regard-less of the number of floors. The conventional keypad,on the other hand, only has as many numbers as thereare actual floors. The advantage of the 10-button key-pad is that the floor numbers are always in the sameposition – exactly like a telephone. In contrast, the con-ventional arrangement is especially suitable for smallcommercial buildings with few floors. The glass panelsback-printed in white give the elevators a contemporary,modern look. Keypads are available with touch-sensitivenumbers or push buttons.

Car operating panelsStandard:– Stylish, resistant glass panel – telephone stylewith touch sensitive glass, 10-button keypad– Door open / close and alarm buttons– Braille– Visual and acoustic confirmation of call– Position indicator– Direction arrows for memory push button control– Pre-announcing arrows for collective controls

Options:– Stylish, resistant glass panel – conventionalarrangement, with touch sensitive glass– Car operating panel with push buttons, 10-buttonkeypad (built to standard EN 81-70)– Car operating panel with push buttons, conventionalarrangement– Destination floor display for collective selective control– Additional, horizontal car operating panel forhandicapped– Second, vertical car operating panel in car opposite tomain car operating panel– Voice floor announcement

Landing operating panelsStandard:– Stylish, resistant glass panel with touch-sensitive buttons– Call acceptance (visual)

Options:– Stylish, resistant glass panel with push buttons– Up & down buttons on main floor (for down collective)– Up & down buttons for collective selective control– Braille– Key switch on landing– Car position indicator on each floor– Pre-announcing arrows on each floor(acoustic signal also available)

Ceiling lighting SunsetCeiling lightingWall Street/Aurelio/Concorde/WestminsterOption: spotlights (Wall Street/Aurelio/Concorde/Westminster)

Handrail white aluminium lacquerOption: aluminium brushed (Wall Street/Aurelio/Concorde/Westminster)Option: aluminium polished (Wall Street/Aurelio/Concorde/Westminster)

26 Schindler 5300

Car operating panel, push buttonsKey switch

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Car operating panels,touch-sensitive

Car operating panels,push buttons

Landing operating panels,touch-sensitive, with andwithout position indicator

Landing operating panels,push buttons


Key switches

Car positionindicator

27Schindler 5300

MirrorOne side wall or the rear wall is provided witha full-length mirror of safety glass, which may beomitted upon request.**

HandrailThe handrail finished in white aluminium lacquermatches the colours and shapes of the other interiorelements. For the decor linesWall Street, Aurelio,Concorde, andWestminster, the handrail is alsooptionally available brushed or polished. It is mountedon a side wall or on the rear wall.

NameplatesThe nameplate accommodates names and otherinformation as well as floor assignments.

Key switchKey switches will be installed upon request:reservation switches, switches used in the eventof fire and floor access switches.

Landing doorsStandard:– Prime painted

Options:– Stainless steel– Fronts (Facade) in shaft width

PenthouseOptions:– Penthouse solution with access control– Visitors pick up control

ControlThe control system is based on low-energy multiproces-sor technology. The compact main control unit of thedecentralized system is integrated in the doorframe.Push-button control as well as down collective and col-lective-selective controls are available for groups up totwo elevators.

Control functionsStandard:– Self-diagnostic, self-testing– Light curtain– Overload detection– Permanent two way communication withan assistance centre– Automatic car light– Automatic evacuation to nearest floor

Options:– Automatic return to the main floor from all floors– Restricted access to floors (access via PIN code orelectronic I.D. on car operating panel or key contact)– Intercom between car and controller box– Double entrance with parallel operation*– Pre-opening of doors– Floor lighting control– Fireman‘s control– Independent service via in-car reservation key– Handicapped optionsEN81-70– Alarm horn on car or in shaft

Special options for parking floors– Car call by key– Automatic return to main floor from parking floors

Counterweight options– Safety gear on counterweight

For possible combinations, see dimensions in the table on page 30.

In the 1000 kg cars there is always a mirror mounted on the rear wall.



28 Schindler 5300

Simply sophisticated.How simple sophistication can be.

PlanningThe Schindler 5300 requires no machine room. For you,this means less planning. Only one room, the elevatorshaft, has to be designed. Standardized plans simplifythe process, making it fast and efficient.

OrderThe design of the Schindler 5300 is sophisticated, yetsimple. The key factors are quickly established. Sincethere are no complicated specifications it is easy toplace an order. You will quickly and effortlessly find theproduct that fits your needs.

DeliveryWe deliver the Schindler 5300 all at once, and notbefore the building is ready for the elevator installation.

InstallationThe mountings are easily positioned directly in the floor;the elevator is quickly installed. No cranes or scaffold-ings are required. A well-thought-out process.

29Schindler 5300

Machine room-less cable elevator with frequency-controlled driveCapacity 535–1125 kg, 7–15 passengers

Door height 2300 not available for Sunset.

The short interfloor distance (HE min.) for oppo-site entrances is 300 mm.

EC Master Builder Certificate in accordancewith Elevator Directive 95/16/EC

GQ CapacityVKN SpeedHQ Travel heightZE StopsHE Interfloor distance

BK Car widthTK Car depthHK Car height

T2 Telescopic door,2-part

C2 Center opening door,2-part

BT Door widthHT Door height

BS Shaft widthTS Shaft depth*1 1 entrance*2 2 entrances

HSG Pit depthHSK Headroom height

for safety gear on counterweightHSK min. + 70 mm

*3 Optional







Number of stopsmax.








HKmm Type




*1 TSmm

*2 TSmm



*3 HSKmm

535 7 1.0 45 15 2 1050 1250 2135 T2 800 2000/2100 1550 1600 1800 1060 3400 2900

1300 1650 1850

625 8 1.0 45 15 2 1200 1250 2135 T2 900 2000/2100 1650 1600 1800 1060 3400 2900

1300 1650 1850

675 9 1.0 45 15 2 1200 1400 2135 T2 800 2000/2100 1650 1750 1950 1060 3400 2900

900 2000/2100 3400 2900

2335 900 2300 3600 3100

800 10 1.0 45 15 1 1375 1400 2135 C2 800 2000/2100 1800 1700 – 1060 3400 2900

1000 13 1.0 45 15 1 1575 1400 2135 C2 900 2000/2100 2000 1700 – 1060 3400 2900

1125 15 1.0 45 15 2 1200 2100 2135 T2 900 2000/2100 1650 2450 2650 1060 3400 2900

2335 2300 3600 3100

You can take things as they come,if you have planned well in advance.

30 Schindler 5300





























One-sided entrancewith centrally opening door

Height and layout

One-sided entrance,telescopic door

Two-sided entrance,telescopic door

One-sided entrance Two-sided entrance

For further information, such as proposals,construction plans and pricing, please contactour Sales Department directly.

31Schindler 5300

Why go further?We are closer than you think.

Schindler Lifts Australia Pty. Ltd.Building D, Sir Joseph Banks Corporate Park36-38 Lord Street, Botany NSW 2019Ph: 02 9931 9900Fax: 02 9931 9945

02 9931 9995

www.au.schindler.com AUS.5300.EN.04.08

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