islil mm m M & a F 11 rV* /, &*« I*- il' ft 1 ! It I t 8 i «, S i ft . % % 1 I I ti t •-<&* . .-^**^v,m*M'iBCii "^yy^^*W**«' ""SSSfP t>]<ffn"^»i'>"^" *S$S5 MS r«utir (1tan*$b> Albany ^^S^lp^^l^. aa UnimfBt, MOUSTAIX Lwnfierr.—We _, _ TerfisementoRhfeartielip. Rpl h\s some tiuie, and from the hare seen, its reputation fe *»l/other euch tomplniutiS WHieH'HAaEVEB H i l Monntain JBxe afcove remedy fcajl.flMf^ropriefor eiaima fpjfc 5*> as* toe nurater .of penajMSiiJ? "J2uMb*.ih#, Pbfehw^Sehene#»fe%^I)|^^eig6o#- *eter ond nbmeri^o^«^wl^ iafbTsSt^ are ready to testify, wHo-J4»vfcr|ceiv«Hl the benefit of this invaluable £inijbei)t. *;, ;T'".* ."*><' We do n o j y a t ^ ^ f o ^ A d j n ^ p gtl<H»9 nsinicjc^ •watch h f t W ^ r ^ E ^ e d bj- iiCuse/ns Mat Would . stagger theer^olou^ but w^jare olixuidnntlr able to refer to hundreds of those in our city .who have been oared of thosc$pinal, Nervoni-an^l Muscular Gom- plafnls w h i c & l i a v ^ B ^ ^ M a i % f # # i s ( ^ a f l bestphysieiaus'itt Ajbarry^sna otticlf-pflrts'of thelTni- ted States. . T*e pnblic'nff-longer doubt its effietcy—otiU thfe Jproprtetor offers a special guarantee whenever it is A r rL!CTF ! ) READ!!! \ JE cd iSjtfear*-ag% Corner of T&ird nnd|; .„_, ^^^^i^km^Si^^A mm&>Wi™> a'^uareaadi^f^BilfeN^^ ** m *^'^, ?p crgon 3 enffcringtfroSS^^^^ *Stoonic affections tf^^n(Ui^~^#ie^^;oIad- *fer, gravel, e t r i c t u ^ ^ a ^ w a f l c i i e i i «W5oll the concomitant trainsfgsfeypiulto affection*, find Biosc who by indulging iiia'secrej: habi^ ha»e. entiled on theinwrtves constitutional debility,"should ajsply im > weeks** or t^o years by two or three bottles; ofseveral years standing by iixor eight bottles; accordiugto the ex- tent of tjie;surface to lie. bathed.. The following «ertifieattts where cases are within afewminutes walk ofevery citizen of oar city, ought to be enough to convince those who have been too long imposed upon by worthless trash, ami to aid. their resolve* to try the only jpupolar remedy,; _;_;_ * THE MOiranjAESfisDUsliisiaiBsy. '\ The following'letters wild eeVtificates of cnrc^liave been publghedBt length in thoeity newspapers: CerKfi^ale^—Ordinal discovery of the Liniment.— M. C. Ryan, Ifewburgh, in the ease of an arm which lie had lost the use of f<8" us inontlia Certificate of, Mrs. K, Barretr, IIO^ HinniUori et. mediately for the most speedy remidies, to J^Kink- elin, the most expert andivsticeessful ^ c t i p o n e r far and near in the treatment of fill d^Bca^ of a private nature. 4 v •'-* |..> INVALIDS " t Arc apprised that Br. Kinkclih confines his. practice ton partieulnr branch ofaaedidne/wlifcli enpges his profound attention.', He'cautions tlie tiufortunate a- gainst the abuses pfmcdwmejilwnsan&arejBnntial- fy. mereuiiidized-oat .of- Jifej—Decent affections ore promptly extinguished. See yotnr cases are properly en^igrtei!, aot^ptfchedm 5Warmd peoplei ond thoso aboutto rairry, shO#l be purribulgrty cautious ortliose oeetdentsT w£aC a dreadful-inlieritaneo to transm ; t to.ppsterity.' TAKE PART.CtTEAft NOTICE. j Tlierg/i n habit whieb boysteacb each-other at the' academy or coUcgc;^ habit indulged ^n when by hljnself in solitude, ffliBwiag ng wjltMliej boy to nian- liood, Wd whTchfif not restoretffivdife time, not only beget» serious obstacles to matrimonial happiness, but gives rise toiit series of protracted, insidious-nnd dey- astathig afteetions., Few of those wlioindulgein this peruicioua jiraeticc, nra nwareof the conse<iucncc~=, until they find the nervous system sliattered, and feel strange and unaccountable feelings, vague fears In tha mind. " Tito individual .'becomes feeble, he is unable ttt labor with accustomed vigor, or to apply his mind to study;' bis step k tardy and weak, ho is •dull, irresolute, engages iu his sport with less energy than usual. These are symptoms .which should awa- ken the nttentioirof those similarly situated. YQJUXG MEN! Ifyon value your life or health, remember; the de- lay of a month, nay even a week, may prove your fc'~?.-4-K^-i*»V«t*ff**»$tl-**i^*s ~**^ ADVfiETiaEMENT SOUKD SENSE OF T«E 'cmlsmitf, ^ur pylng cuitomf ri it-respectuilly (nvitedJ " Baiffii who had lost the use of her limbsfora number of I nun, both of body and mind. Hciied'tet no false y** 1 *..- . r " . J modesty deter you/rom making your ease-fciiown to Cortifieatea of Mrs. H. Gsiyer, 14 Van Troop st., a one wh<\ from education and rvsiiectability, can alone «» ofrh«,,^f;™ „„.t ™„..T ..nw.-^ _.._^_*„--,^ fr!en j 1 y OXL He w!w p, ace3 himself ^„-,j cr D P Kinkeliu's tteatnieut, nfciy religiously confide iu his oase of rheuiriatism and spinal aflectiott of twenty' yearastanding;- ' >i" •*• * •• ' CJerJifleatc'bf M». ^n'ree. M{S»>, 4» Bcaasela^f st., most Severe and eitraoj'dinar}- cs^c of Thenniatism for 34yearfl. ' »--•-' Certificato of Mrs. SJirah Ann Smith, Half Mqon, Lansingburgh—case of nenralgjaforover five years. _ tetter from E. & C R. ITuutingtoo, Troy; refer- ringtoover 100 cases under their treatment as agents intfaH«g£ - . ' , f^^S^OBoalesof thiaiinimeut have been sold -in this etty within fo.ur months. K. B. C^mp^nded by thfrPropviutoronry, at the Gcnenrf^potfIfcletitftHpJJ3e,;Alb«Bty S Y v -*'- CT r*drs^Wfi^esafe»ndRe&f^ S&rk U60- ' ^ £ STODDARD, Plattsburgh, N. Y., General A«e**S|w^Sorthern. New York, to whom all orders should*)^ addressed,. ' T » •-«-•- Ai»Mr'jiail»ttl ®u&M&Ei8mtiffiV wigLyjjp? 1 honor as' af. gentleman, and inwhnse bosom willbo ^forevpr locked flie secret of the pal ienf. " Joo many flunk they will hug the socret-to their ownjiearta, and cure themselves. Alas! ho'w often •is thii a fatal delusion, and how many a promising young man, who might have been an ornament to st>- dely, has faded from the earth! r * Kemeiolx'rjfliat.'stTicfiirea of the^ii-etb'ra m-e rapid- l y r e m o v e d l>y_ the application of anewjherca vent i- - Ji «<wa iW -5 *JP m * yw» oronftrtenee,^ni more ««ij >'Huad're<r Th»a«aBd Cares or CtawmUMlve "GorapliinM, bmn prorcdtot^^iuidnabted^calhifactioniof aU pei ' ' «ertalu «lberRemeJj _ _ _. _ _ _ enl ifeerjt, »Wd onlj| by] DJ. .Weiiknefc and cop- stituti(4uulfdebili(.y prouiptly curetl, and fdll f vigor Cc* stored, by sending wremittance, f . „., All letters post paifli attengcdiStoi r, cosmic? R^igjjbs. _ Finding it ineon^meni to* inake'personal applica- tion can, by stating their case explicitly, together with all the'symptom*, (per letter post paid) have forwarded them a chest containing Dr. K's'medicines appropriated accordingly, and bo cured at home. PACIFIES, or MEDICINES- for^ttdfe3 tonny part of _ the Uultett Stutoe, put op socnreiErom' Damage: oas Cu- |xiosity. . . . .. l|( ^ *#* A remittance of 25 cents, in a letter post paid, addressed to Dr. Jvinkelin,^Philadelphia, will secure his Book dh Self Preservatiop, under envelope, per return of muTl. _ I^JfWy.1- loiniof ui&fo icte <«<; «jd «sJb^&aii r «m*«ua r tolave ikSwith iljat uitsl diwue Cansamptlon. I%t»Biltun b«k cared •ftoiiMUiA.or vetftms wlioiwero itul lo he liopolessly afflicted— w-ho ha$ hOTit, in. rod** Camctw-f-Arfntartha Breaat, tomtom—Beak ycrrT—jii^it-sunSn-^od nhiakgt mmr of the Flesfe-mxl Blood. Ee«on»-liir*idg-«tieJi toihpliinti tave lieonrarea ifat it irai «Wibey auli not live, a week Joator. Tntt 'Medicine h»TcUr«d .'0&B T WHO WereSMSSSto •*«>• <>Tbu atate, bot, by Iho tue of thlcrnmedy, they r*calanCarc«lirParUytaa-> :'irb^w» tt< ^fcwTaHom, TOd oagk-«o<>A£ij Kctmitteai MEROHAOT J S - f!851 # 2sss»* k# B j tr* : al^^,, S-^T^SIET: irwlJwjgl 1 Ai * cc a . . 9> Mini - t 3 a^^ O PROPRIETOl fi . r •>.!!' * J3few> Wl FE» . F. ,Tv ^»tb, and S^e£ , A. Robots; CliateaumyJ T. C toa;; U.% BrttokTWesty^M stable; EldridgeA-Woplsen,] e, Mulonej-— S eVBRA:!* yafelsWte: add highly; inip?o»ed farms, is dio wafiw l «f?Sy«3V»^l«,«n«*'MEi Oivington, vi*: TlrttWright farm, (so called.) containing 130 acres, wilh a seed. dwoJIipgrhJDUse, ^two barnx, shed* and. « Kta^miKjbereoa^irstliemWsljfideM^nioncijwri and •ha^qoi^fou^fj^ fro^^twUajyijtlMe^- 2. Button'*; old Farm,, (so called) (joataminf 164 acrea^Whb.aai!i^U«,1lj(a|i»e»^ab^^ .shed* thereon. TCbb farm lie* ab^iJL^mHbi, norih; *aosf:frpm'W«8t»fWe¥«!liuje, TnpBoIm^ river aoa iho rowl^Fart'^vhis|o.npa»i^Hnigb ^ -3{ljepar4 tymg S BJp^n i fto^|S{¥ir.TsjTcbin^r»«Jlind, , . j. 3; /^f»fn>,p(.4*>cre W ljipgf»resi «f, and adjoifiibg the vafejEBB&ft. JUpoauftWebjarc. a. d«fe|linj,hoD»e, 2.Darni^!«:«oJ»np.u>e.,.-, , . .,i., •• -4. A lotofjl29 »cres;:aiith a good *»w Tniiribereon, upon Salmon River, little to the aoutb of-We^tvilfe' Village- .P;T v ? / - t*i u <4*Sp-. *. v r> ~. p,. ( <:/ it Northern Hotels'Wilhfuraiisire and •pptir- , in tlwi^il}«g?i of SForMCovi>jgion, one-of 41te llnwt *wai|>dt(iv»^lotcU in-thls pari of thaiafmft*>t :Vt '/it-t^. i*^: «** >'i. -V-' .« r. '.-*' ' IV fit ,; Trift Hotel, and gTOOndBaUacbed^berMnr, now o c ^ r d ^ b ^ W l o Barry, in tlrt titfaits of We»tVi!le» V. Several dweliing bouse* and buttiliiig^loi*'and a - .. ...*, ..., .- .*. - „,... i '\t,g & .oPWeil^ Jargaraad- coaamodious ilore; !n *»id vi 5 ttiS <*mmtepj^m^w*m^,,,^K WAttBfi^ w,WRIGHT, fuse'siMft/t the villkge of Majone, ^aLSO , jem»&tiH fo t#aS^'li#^i^%l>^^^^^^^^'" 2&;attia,^i«iiWr>'jro^. OhtMll««r^tra«t,„*n tbe ."ff m Smith, Gl K51 ».-t i ." l J .l'£-9W? PI a!tH'"-"i->in*!>Hri w^fHi® •«r *t?t n .it* arjeo^ortmcnl ' J '-S«^pje* j»jid,.* sil(iCT4H«t», ea», wijieh Jilfbo »otd as tow as ea|%«' fottod, '•S : tbwW^^'l%''*q^f»^iKtt' Jfcrd.,, litti e a U * n ^ « M t r ^ * J i 3 < ^ ^ S ' ' J f '• • 9 1 •|JlM5vjiMi Good*. Groceries 4rt»toW, « t » y a a * H » t e * * A - ^ ^ - j , , ^t^tt iamaiwtof 18*1. Amil5.1851^ . * **•-.-,%'. BRADLEY & CA!«FIELD. norliugton, Vt. To and from Boston^ New York, Albany, Troy, Mon- treal, and all Puna on Lake Champlain. -•.. •• i\LSo,-. '.• J- . . • ro-Portso™St..'I.Bi<rrence>L»kc-Qntnrio. arid Upper Lukes, »ia Ogdensbafgh Rojl Road.' rnHETtoptibtorrof this LiiieTiave m&do ample or. X"4ifii(|enie.ot8'16r" t^e'present reason. endat»pre< pared'*W»^' •, %^\ •' ' 20 First Class lake Boats, . running directly to and from New York, and all Port* on Lake Champlain, thereby avoiding a delay of two days "in re-shipplog goodsfat Tjroy.^nd Whitehall.— Property destined for Western Lakes, will be forward- ed from Rou»S V f ^ in, I'• , '^N ot •*5^ n ^9'l59" <, J- ,0 . OR densWBbitfifrP h, ^rawfijrdo^CrfSl Mfk&dm taihpLfiie of Propeller*. Tho ! bla'tlof ibis Lino will be invariably Towed bytSleam ou Hudson Ziver, aO Lnfee-CbaajphrinV' ... <i . ' -THE NEW STEAMER, ••- ®&FF> IsOiT GHAMAESLIN, WUhgouMf t ^'|atf^.c;bMpJBfwg5S of*S50. Tons' tach, have been added to tha.Line, affording greater, J^ake Chsmplaid. a^.ti-ji.H TbcseVoat* ^ill.tun^i.iIy>betwe<-» ,RoqsaV.Point and Burlington, contieciing* with Rutland; Ogdeo*- burgh, Champlain, and St. Lanreare Rati Roads. . Proper;; gsSUJledaathM Rae.jfbr Tr8pip.ortation, 'e^ghed, and the Jected by trans- tievtar care and attention given to no$dfdefti$e4Jjar Canada. - Pronerur to/utdjrorn^oston.Jorwirded by Ruiiajid Piop»ny for Can»da,fww.ajde.dhjN<iohern,Cham- plain and St. Lawrej^^Railroad** or by ijarge** % faAhVOIM VAWitih&t&pCtekM Stip. for. faffr Rrjfad.Bl.rBoilon. '}& .VI BASSOS, M 4 J* ft preparcirto^rn^BaalactdifC i o i l i a n ^ o O t h e r i o f k jn T . - nuvIh#.oJFW»M*i,j«^»^r^p*i:a^ ifti^flpW. 0r4qr,.iit{li^#fanp«aa^n^be l |aB»^ c*n»«cure^:hi_«i a^eontini^ce^Bdjincreaie o f f a^, rminedt»ha«tbem. , # - €iotb wiW bo.i«iW»Wly4**v^*»B»<«*nfc.wiv ^IwigeibrAVool, on term»*aa*ftctorj to «U conceroed. « a n d riiry t*e»artatethe uirfersigned, immediately. StanUar^ ^attines* TJm following nuegaalled'serie? eT%»$?, Madicines'rnay be &p«nfled opon with';. iheutiaostWnfio^rite^'TWyhav^ ! the approbation 'oF'the.^at, 1 ariilnierecomni^ndijil ; ',. , bjr, a|i;'who h?(vft ' l used them as superior to any Family Medicirj&3 s known. ! T i t e r l i a v e b e e n . l i c f o j r c the Pabllc FOR FIVE YEARS, During wbich timo mote thjah 6,000 *crtif* icitcs.fine"foealfecdrdjfffotaxjixinont» public ii>en anrtotherstjiud.arc.now , o n file at the Gomparty's Office" •> TItey are Coniponndcd Willi the ulmost care and skill, anu/ibje ingredient? are tlioronglily tested by scientific chemists, so that medicines of a uniform and relia- ble quality ore gaaranttetll in-all cases. THE GRAEFENBERG Vegetable Pills, Aro particularly valuable for the* prevention «ip& cWo ofFeversinjfohqral.atlBHIioOsand Liv-ii'' cr Complaints, Jaundice, General Deblli-' ty, Common and SFck Headaclic, " Dyspepsia, Heart Burn; €os- • ' l tiveness, Griping, Urinary Diseases, Obairacliona ^fiheMonae^Influ- enza. Astbrna, and for.ava- , riely of other Chronic Diseases; in fine for all ordinary family uses. ST Full Directions for the various, Diseases Ac- company each box.' i Price 26 'idtbs'm box. . , - TflBi GBAEEENBERG - ) r Dysentery Syrup. A speedy and infallible remedy in Diarrhoea, Dya- entemMwty ^fi^oleraSIqrBusi^qwI^la Infantum, and the ASIATIC CHOLERA, if token, *Rb the B«t-symptoms/viz ; vomi'ing and diarrljcea. It never fails to core the worst possible .cases of bowel com plaints, generally in a few JtQnrs, uelddm beyoMd a day; •• 1< Is PURE- tT VEGITABI,I!, and taken in almost any quantity is per- fectly barmles^. THE GBAEFENIiERG Green Mountain Ointment. InvaluabloibVBurns, Wonnds,Sprains, Chillblaioa, Corns, S/>res, Swellings of all .kinds, Rheu- matism, Erysipelas, Bronchitis, Scorfula, Ulcers, Pains in the Side and Back immediately relieved, Inflamma- tion of the Bowels, and for all eases where (herd j s inflammation. MARSHALL'S" Uterine Catholicon. - A certain euro for Prolapsus Uteri, and for moat ol the distressing complaints incident to Females, [' Prepared by Dr T H E O . P O M B B O Y , of Utica, solely for die Graefeoborg Company. The other Gfrefenberg Slediclucs arc yVilNTER. aOQD$,iosi\i\ch tbo-attontion of : ad'opttdforourttiouo^. .. I tfgion. Pleaaevcall and % any eita6ig|mem.tnxthh, Tjxamine,pricot,^|.| Qct-,' ., .j . A'V 'NWTVMH EiKIlSG. ' IT. B.-—No cbargo for •bow.nsroods. '"1 r ' " - f . "*' ±!LJ} 'l"2._j'-''-iL:~' '•'•" ?h 1850. each, at Brufb^Mill*.- ,: •« j " entend ilRoad iwbere ail the /rot«V.»to»,rii»»^ji'3 Tbeie i»aB extei »i*o waterpower.onlbB.premiie*,;f:Gri*l Mill,£B Mill and other wofki. C ow io-ra^itlei. it d otber.i TomcchaDii lots, and The roll tilW&ittiMmO&mtm&fteVfaage of Malone, tt*Co4i»^."»wri , '*W i^Skii & di'stanc« , OIVCE MOKE f , TRAVIS GRANGE would cay that-he ha* received L» from New York, a lot of the -• ' Douglass Fumg^ A lot of Jai iSln If twer --t~. ,,«,E¥JB*IsO , PION,- * : - ./ j '->-'• CONmyMPTT^E BALar,••••«•• CHlX.SREN'S PANACEA, FEVER,AND A€UE PILLS, - LlBBV'S PILE OINTMENT, SARSAPAB4LLA COMPOUND. THE OBAEFJBNBEHG MANUAL OF HEALTH. A complete band-book of medicine for families. Price fifty cents. Office 314 Broadway, N. Y. CJMUTfOJT. ' The pnblic is requested to.bcar in mind that evr erything prepared by the Graefeubqrg Company, has their seal upon it, - Spurious articles have been issued closely re- sembling tbe genuine in every particular except (be seal, and the almost care should be obscreed' before purchasing. For sale by all tbe'Drtigg!stt"ia'M«toHe,'€^ Marsh;; Fori Covington; A. Robert*-, Ghateatrgirayr G. W: Smith, Burke; j.'Dickinion &Son,Bahgor; D . H . B. Sievens, Moira; Mills & Fultoo,: Hogantbargh— J. W. Reynolds, Bombay. ^ i • i- . i. Such.a* Tea: and CBfleaCnnriteref Sugar?Bofe*i ; . Trunk*, Spittoons,'&c , &i., - - ^'AiLSO-' ' Brass Kettles, of all Sizes.. •• Malone, June 20,18 30. ' J, LjJ 1- ' :?M aadiipotabfe*'l'o#Mi^m1i'i#a|p|Jr^ ,*v Ai VV" S '; t '•• - ' W E N * N - ^RDSH. . ^iy^MiUs^Franklin £o. ^Le1ili.oie buy Mow w|io ncyer bougbl AndtKosefwitoTOalwaysbouriit, now bavi AFPERJor.Mlopneof tbeJtlrgeat and blst assi .Vy me ^?^m°£f«* t °, b< ? f a w ' i n ihia (section.— arrforij; trHitr-D|jH3obds'- L -—•-1-1-- • • if Dre<s GoodsL such are somel very desiiible «tjle* NEH CJOODS. T B E lubfcribert arenowdrecoivlagtheir usual nock of -o- " . ' Spring nna. Suninter: Goods, from New York and Boston, coexisting of l>ry-€ioods, CJroctSries, HARD.WARE& CRpCpjRY, which they will sell a* cheap for Cash, or Ready Pay as can bo boujhl al any establishment in Ffikl lin county. Those wishing to purchase will do well to call and see £gr ' A'NDRUS & LEWIS. Malone, Msy22. 1850. Dental Copartnership. D RS- J. B. & S. S- NICHOLS, r**pectfally inform •he public that they <b»ra eniered into partnership in the practice of DENTfSTR ^ r andjhato ne of tbe firm will spend a portion of his t'rne in vwitinj tjie Vdlaces adjoinmg tfcejr respective locatioon, tads giv- ing all an opportunitytoavail themselves of the servi- ces of a skillful and experienced Dentist, at their own residence, and at moderate price*. = . , , Thedbov,elimfca^DVBileditbem*«l*eioiatforou<;h knowledge of ibe recent improvements hi'aettjng Arti- ficial Teeth, by which they art eaabted tffwpplywhole or partial setts, in cases keretofoor considered bejond tlie reach of AT*. ,. * Teethet!ttact*d wlthob.t-jiaiDjBxtMuJieoflbri Le- ihcon and ilfop^pirions jB^rrnntcfl. t . J. B. AiC«dt.s\ j^qlSdamJ j $..§- Nicitnis llaloiuf. Office onMllortif Street,' 4 Office-over Me*ea* JesreK _ ^ _ -- - rYSlOTf ' . THOMAS F| LAWT0N, Dealer ill Boots and Shoes,, R Efit^CTFUi^t*Wounc%8 to fne pTibBc chat ho keep* & full and constant supply of Boot* and. Shoes, of all-descriptions, at his Manufactory in Knapp's Stone Block, lo »bicb he has recently removed, and wjiere he will be happyto see old and new customers. He has ad- ded lirgely to his former extensive stock, and has now, he feels confident, one of tbe largest and most complete. assorunrnts.:of ' ', ' ' J Root* and Sfwes, EadieSand Gent's ""' Inditl Rubbers, S^c., 10 bo fourij in Northern Now York. ( ; . Mercbtnu) will be supplied oo the mosV liberal and satisfactory terms. Custom work promptly attended to at all times. By ernployinjf-good workman/ using first rare stock*, and punctually -rt>d««nimg hi* enapgemem*, be*hope* to MOTlmajoqoUonancaof the public patronage; while forpast'taVor* he retorns bi* grateful ackootrrsdge- maota. Alajonejjbec. If, J850. . . ; Cashmeres,' ' -.T •>' J 'lnin and Figured; AipaccasJ Fancy ' Dl'Laln^i; ^W, frc. Stoneware! assortment'of STONE J USt receWd a large WARE, consisiing of Cream ' Covered-, f . . f '••* BnUW Gkke Jugs, Preserve Jars, Churns, $»\, Ac. Nov.27_i85(). B.S. W.CLAB i ' O UR STOCK OF OROCERTES, ware, Crockery, ^c, ijtlitrgo and will bi iremelylow. Nov. 27. r B . S . W.CL\R r 5000 P A IRSAVoolen-Soeks wanted in etchs'nte fpVGoods [Nov. 27..] l^y B. S- W, CLARKl&Xa*-, T HE attention of purchaser* h invited tar 1 orPrlnU. atj|0 cenuper yard-^-VVarrante or*.—Nov. 27. i . B.- S. WU C L A R K ^=4- f TOST receive-d «1ar*iiHi**oHmeot Wthe^leBrated *J "&&r STXTP sma WLS" I and other varieties, which will be sold extremely low. H v B^S. W. CLARK,S& Co. M.foae. October 23, 1850. < , R e d u c t i o n of" P r i c e s s. Dwelling House for Sale. M. WCAO, offers foe sale, a two story dwelling bouse.iin 'tha villaga'dF Malone—on Mill st— with a good gardeo, barn, &c. - The bouse is f citable to accommodate twrj families, add jsconveDiently »it- oated as to business, water, &c. For further panicu lar*, enquire bf S. M. Wfead, at.eb*tenvgoy„or_sf.J J. Seover.U}jlb|.*V!Jia«e„ [M, t ^n», r ^a>.l^ If 50. ,. ^ -t T-t. m. .-^^.M.. r.l ... ^-j ,-*T~ HI i.r*af j i mail —" CANADA HOTJSE, CALEDONIA SPRINGS J6»3d iff) 0 PHILIP BR^WN. Caledonia Springs, July 1850. B OARD, per Hayj» .... «. do fiar^aiODtb,..-. ._•*' .... • 4V«.tf%.J^tlll f * J l H E subscriber having oblained ope .of experienced and sciernific Millers in tl e most ie coun- ;hly re- lb Bur Sniith's Premiiirii Smut tje it nu» prepared jto say lb»L hi* GrindiBj; et beat by any other mill, in quality or quantity i He is thankful fofj>a»t patronage, and solicits! I c to tcaith»*Wivels*iwrtiol^ . i ' L M*lon«,-§eVt, ! l7,1850-.- " v 1 *— ^ " * \ State* and Caasda; h *-t»nrf' oTmmmmm^Uri&t aai &»> o.^ •tiotflrar^nba^ianulrirScV^ullie - ' TMp'attie B a r e s t tssnajd (bat the character *f fbeBJafi- cine, its stNoctb, and curstire properoes will, ararjm ORCRAKOCD, and the tam* earn will b* bestowed is VK. pxring it as heretofore. As this medicine, snder its ndaced price, will oaparcbiwd by those who bare not hitherto, m«de themjelve, aeqnahuel witli its vmaes, the proprietor, wonld bee to intimate that WJ article is pot to he classed with the r u t anionntof " fteawilies or die day ;•» it claiiiu' forlltslr a grttOtr notingpneer, is ill diieasu, than any ether preparation nam iefore tie world: and hutostBinedltaelf for ciglrt yem brtls saperior meibcal rirtces, and, nnu'l this redacUon.eonuOlxnoeil doubi* the price of any other: article, hi Hal Bne. Nonce PARTICCLAB.IT. flSi srtici* act* with steal beat- ing power and.certaintr, upon tie Blood, Xiver, Etdney*, Lnngs, and all other orxaot, upon the proper action of which life and beau* depend, !•''.' * Dds medicbia has a jasuy bi^h rspate as a remsdr for' BropsyandOravel, and all dwases of that nature. It mar be relied apon wbea the UitolliEttil phr»ioUa siaBdonnl his patient,—and; for tbc*B,di«tre«*i«-.d)»e*»M^ Oaorsv, uw propri. etor wopU eamestJir and Imaejiuy Rconmeail it. Ai it. present prioa it t, eaalr obtained tx aD. and the trial will prove tbe crttele to be tbe ' Cheapest IWicine in the World! 1^ Pfease ask for psmphjeti—the agents rjive them away t tier contain over sixteen pages ofreceipt*.Cin addition lo roll ' rpwlical matter) ralnabie for honsehold pnrpoies, anil which Will save many dollars per year w practical honsekesprn. (These receipts an mtrodncedtomalt* the book of grmt vatde. aside from its character at an sdrertUmsr mediam t'ot tbe medicme, the testimooy infisrorof which, in tlie form of letter* from »1| pjrU of th» conntry .^msy "be relied qppn. t^" " Vsnghn's V*get*ble iithontriptlo Hixtnre " Hie ^.-•tlreat AnnrieaK Remedy, now tor sale in qrrart bottles at ai •; "each, mlxll Wtlex at 60-cts each. No mjall bottle* win be tanrfsilwuwpreaaitrtock Is disposed of. ' tMraapat Office, BafTsJo. N. Y., 307-Main Street', i - .< -- i' • O. O- |?AUGt»N. Sold Wboieatkand ataata by <JMX>TT McHESSpN 9j CO.,l«M»W«oL«a*,N*w,yoriCity. N. B.—AD letters {exceptingftoaiagents an4 dealers who whom be ^srwacti basmeai) mosti be post paid, or eo attsnuoa will bs civen to. then.' AGENTS.—J. W.jPangbom & Co., and F. T. Heath, Malone i 0. Lawrence 4- Son, Moira j J. COntdon'Fort Covington; Mills «t Fulton, Hogans- burghf T. P. Robsit*, Chateaugay; Z. Culver & ' Sun, Hopkinton; Lawfence, Egg'esto"- * Co., Nich- olville; O. Ransom, Malseoa; i. W. Havens,- El- lenburjh; A. Knapp, Mooers; Webb & Crook, Rouse**'Point. Also, 1 wholesale and retail iy Ofc cott, McKisson & Co., 127 Maiden Lane N. Y. £ r84:ly. H. t. FARNAM, Collecting Agent a disofrJered 0t Stomach, such as Const ipa- U4n,Io«/ardPiIe ? ,F u i, l ,> s ^orB : r,n.i to the Head, Acidity of the atomacb.Nau. raa, t I«SBribBH>, DiDgustforFood,; Fullness or WeiphtintheStoroafb.Soor Eructations, Sink} or. Hullering at tbe pit of the Stomach, Sw im! •-ming of tbe Head, Hurried *nd difficult BceathiBg, Fltitteriog at the Heart. tJbo- k&ig or 8uffocatiog sensations-« ht?n III a lying posture, Dimness fj 1 Vision, Dots or Webs be- fore Ihe sight, Feter and dull pain ; " the bead, De _ * ficiency ol ' Per. " ...NDJCSKB £.) Publisned eiery T » t 4 t > 4 r Franklin Cotaaty, Na«r YeA?' .. •' - i : •••-'* *r it!'>% 1 OFFfCE.on MaftSiMtt, . -Hi) fpu-a. lirnJ, yeU ? lOwneMoftfae skin and eyes, pain e ' io tbe aidei back, chesv, Itmba, &c, sudden flushes of heat, burniog in tfaerflesb, constant imaginings of eyil,"Bnd grwyeMcsslon of spiirite, canfceeffec- : • J tpally cured by » ' , 0r. MOOlIsANnVS CELEBRATED (tifaMjftf tfjTTERS. VBBPARZD ar T Tsais, Pea AsNO%^^iSifp«nl in advaa. I I'tTijii^he ead of *ia woatis, and 2,0.0 if p*j .,%i •>layed till tWctaatytlfrtrayean. ; ttNo panar diseontinaed until ail arrearage jiiid/ikeeptattii'r^tion^thepublisbers.. '"' LTWILVE ^t»£S, OK LESS, MAKE % SQUABI { s-Jrt*re, 1 w«*, • » ! W | 1 square, 6*M«1iaW •J " a.we»kf, ?&' -i - *« • imsM, I " » * i oo t t*»\.mn*mmm: *•_**. , * month*, 2 00 1 4 . "" sVjfeav.* '.'£ ' » Bunmttii e^rda, not eacefdtng *ix DR. a AI. JACKASOIV, ra « AT (THE No. 120 Arch St., Philadelphia: ET" 4d«*j .WsirealU^; -:Sn? All accounts for ad»erti«io<; aro/doe at the ti mm fii»*i»»ertmwOf!tb^|»d^Maf«!?«S«t. ,%Avy « F i p W S P O T R S . . m , . .. Sulwrii E Wiaai^i»t^*^'*5rDjrea»noU A Ae.TOroer saw the above dUiatetU not exeflhi, ^j cn ntniry, are pohpidered a* wishing*o cot g equalled, 0 3 any other prepaga^^mmMo Unit* \ . heit ,ibttH»lrOTiit •'<'•'''" ' r f f• *? r e curt § >atman.m<m *""* "far skill. < ^ l f i o t ^ i S e w owltJrtb* rllScontinnaBee' of Julphysxaant^ad^failed.^..^ ,. ,- paper*, the publishers may continbe to send the • ^""^B^ere #re, worthy the attention of inn *j| that U due be paid. f • f " ~ ' '< lid*. .F^BiCBiInj*great virtues in thp rectifira- 3. V*ub»erib^»r>e|l^torrefu»*»t«lt*tbe tlon.oT diseases of tha Liver and lesser glands, parefsiora dieofBeo-tpijrhiehtbey ai^direete"d. READ A3SD BBCDNVICED fFronithe'Boston Bio.'} Tho ed'torsalil, Dec 32d— "Dr. HbofiatifTa Celebrated German Baiiu ^^ MALOKE WOOL. Eiy JFAc?xo«yi ITIHE subscribers have purcbosed and are. now run- •IL ning the Woolen Factory in ihe village dT-Ma- Eone, lately jiwned by Messrs. Stark & Gorton. They ijave put the machinery in complete order, and have engaged competent' and experienced workmen ; and r'hey confidently assure the public that tbey are pre pared to do as good work a* is or can be done in any foctoty in Northern New York. We shall at all times keep on hand a SUPPLY of CLOTH, of all descriptions manufactured at similar S siallisbments, which we will Isellat reasonable prices r exchange for Wool Uppn liberal teims. We will manufacture by the yard, or upon shares, at fair rates, a* ma; suit customers. We will sell Cloth for Cash at priees which make it an object for purchasers' to apply to us in preference to going else where, for we ate prepai ed to offer CiREA T BARGAINS for that kind 5 of pay. , The notes and accounts of tbp late firm of Stark and tjSorton are iri'aar hand*, and'all persons indebted on S qu'idated demands ere requested to make payment to », and all persona having unseized accounts with said firm, and whether admitting a balance against them'or claiming a balance in their favor,ere requested to come to a settlement of such accounts immediately. ' WOOL. i ' I« JLIVH OFFICE A LL persons indebted, to either of the Hafrison* •ftrtneimrpbW of£atrd?iq thrown of-Malpae, of which ihriaaSaeriBer is the- agent, arefnereby aoti- fieHLthat^larreiiraof interest must be paid-#itboul farmer deljay^ Kereafter^ all mattor* pert.iairig to bf* LandAgencyUar tobi* personal busioe«si:mus tror&act^ ^thhlm 0Hf.f. ' ? •' t' » .. i _, . , Mondays^SejjrMvejlewJll^^anj^topo O F Fresh Cod Liver 8li»* jpst*ecfa»«d and^brcsale 1 bdjines oftbit agency, aad_on_sucb other times (when bv ... ..-.,. MF-.T^. HEATH. aubomo).MhBm'ayboa,b!e.lodevot^W!»r^c4 ••A F*eth "Supply '•n Fii.. 14.1^.' - GraTf Stoies, T«Was, »•* ; \:J2. \ ™NT? : ^P6?IESI , • f lt.H j§jubsciilber w'ou^regpeeUuny'informtba inbab- X iuuj'tiKQf Maljjwi. aaaFra.okllrr,Cpijnty jseshfrally, tbat. be baa Ju»rreeeljn$ a new anAextenalyo , STOCK OF SUPERIOR, iZARBLE, from^b« ! bclt'quarrle*iu Vermont,mhd Is now prepar- ed to futnisffall Mpd.^f '. - p . W^#&%mmw$MMp£?&r ' atiQrPafoit Slmut, .,'.-... oranV.h^ginttt'M.rBl'sl.'ne^tprjce' that must besatisftcjory 10**11 ibtrse in iheabovTartictesT -rlS-wtll-fiiniisfr ° Sfecond Arrival, -=#r THE- EMP<miUM. r |jfliiitioi»^6 f5r 'ioodi,-«hichjii .E-iSBte. ^lMiB#roic«n»*»ivb%|inrj4e^ ,^-^f^CIcHh,,C«,.rmerci. [ '< J Y e ! l j n «*- ^ la^ , TombstoAeS a* li?*MiPt»4 to t?35 JHa*ipg'fcad -many yeans'*>perieDea-iatfcii; b't ine«», ho^oe»-njstihesfi^tatD-awufaitbavpaolistt1 hU;»rork,'will bednwttabestatyle."., ?; .• >. w ^ !AH.worJc t w«ri*n!i^ Mo*t^ind#pfiprpdijc,orgr^|nnrati»rnte»>»»i|t,l)»ir«t ceitcd£?r/pav< Lein»on«rpurcha*e.oi!.ejtgag 9 work. be,fog|fi|£#JC.»,rjd « . x a f » i « u ^ J | t i « k a i d p^rjee* for. thtmsrlKet; «»>,Ml'''Mami-^-,ir^riWpBa^ftj||^«jQ( ,_=..—*,,„*.,— .-.t... .... ^,. j^tj^^m jfunJariestahlishraeBt \itfki cojjntov iU ^ m m nmnc p^Rlgl^i,p.*j; anyone., Uark^iiat;!.,,, south ufibo Academy, lotbti-village. ...... ym- ^.-, '^ \§2* -J/J >. v^^ •* . *?*• ^^b> •» ,**is.*j a.|j •i »-8-«u^fe8«M i-xrJ!<B9>tiDf>ii^L.. Jfa/ime, muit Sttsr^^ ;-ot_tohffi+.i^.t5 •T^HJEk-H baa«i^4ed* ^n'ioUwoV •^Ti^nsotrd'a Sarsap%1Jk^suaiU^«w^«ii- IN a. Such a»ls sold for •Man shillingc.« bottle be •ellafor.ix". ' „ October 30 ^.-3ereo,g.ve . Georg*. Ackley of|||a^»f^o oe«&| Wttf^mfhwtjmm t fiom Juho 2qu),.^9, f tp i f !r *IJ requir*Hj-.to;-Tt*y the »*me to the •uanceofanasslgnmtuiube leyioBliedaalsttnadiedi i'l&t&y .$••: -..•MryAtvJIHt, T- ^sr |MpSS^2i3 OTlfiE.i».h«teby^^fiten3^ttti«U^£ih^ K be given op tar»aiJ»«nk. ;**•%# ffl^MSm*® ^ #' Ayt^' Oheiry Pectwaly ^ .„ ^ Msmmm w w»ii {^ty;ma.au t£dt»mM^mW.UJ~. td aia' f(M i j •» hw -1* ?-> -.'••''•j.'sv'TPal -.&: __ aHbr^le by •• " 3W.', T l>.l')J) l uT''i , "J,'t'J^'r'»lli{ V'ilJ'' l .M\WM%n*,i>.«W- WjtDflrdTBft^Jl^rtaV^ > STOR AN^nw ba b4A»t^rT^r , *Cfa»*li artkW.ju^eea^^MaySfh .vT-i } ^ : - „ . ,, , Afeaw^uriiaiaofLiBett Coats, will b**old, or IAYRAK>:3, PluhFwkt »»lS^rJ» 5>«th* Malone, Marcj. 27,1850: HIRAM HORTON T HEcoptrtn«ribipfqrnierlje»i«tingbetweepOrep Moses <fe-Soo'|as;thU .day dissolved byjriiutual eon*enl';and *dl jnotea and' account* due to said firm, rnu»t"be.paid:to;ORrta JBosga.. Tbe>bu»inegs will be camedon and conducted by hionj'tqere willbB kept OBlha'ad. 1 -.;!—lih • . •-/ ^ ;• • j.-. - ' For fele-i^arjlnnfl StfSves.^SnSt'vir-Oulter^, Milt ' Castings; aqdfiflisIieJ to 1 order, on rca- '•' .'V; ?i'^ri?bi^nna, *•;;..' '"'.,-. It i» expected tbat, all demands now dop sai iHttJiefletJtferj HiWOUMi MMmmoos.orevena djj ; ..:Tr-li .,-..-* ,•;..• ^a»iR#af 'N*.R.^Aoy.r*flwn,w1»hiBr»vp'pai^^^ dry and Finishing Shop, together wilb the I»the>,pat- tdrnr,Fl.B»k»,4ei<^nb»»e.the«abii»hrn^^ ataWlow.prlW, by c a l l i n x o u ^ s ^ n g ^ , '• M a l gn e,d3 g t.3fj^50. .- ^ f . jff^ ^*5S3^»»siwCs^^i33SS8sa8iSKS2satS» , » £nn, V. that bBtk«a»fe«St», f^J^ t aspos lUdebefpTp toaloBg his um* Jrfa? <v «*4 ftin * ;£• AS. :eaajmuch tt " •' -jit r, j.--. «»| $m*ma%Z%?un '" n •14 order ie!^vmM^mm^^p*i^mk»i Invited to,Cif Call and exari|iW|£to,4Gt^»'3M#Bri* C&»cM^nlrnt*itb -*nWm^** b«-»^.»f%Jo^.|y«r*«|^r^ai lisbed ata trill dry a'.go6d-.a^toUW»at*gStdraa.;»biob FouB- ,ttW«a«ce. All ,«-. varieiy *ff|ob ttarjaltat-tepd. j Malone, May 16, 1850. & iMJGEas. for the CUrJJ Of LlV?r Complaint, Jaundice, f)t* pepsia, Chronic or Nervous Dtbility, is deserve*' ly one of tbe most popular medicines of the da; These Bitters have been osed by tbousandtt, »n' a friend'at otir elbow'saye he baa himself rcceivci •n^Bf^a^^n^jrin^sitje^t^axaj^of Lirer Com.. plaint from (be use of this remedy. ^'VKB-aro^^ij vinred tbat* in the use of these Biiters^he paUcci eoustanily. gains Strength aod vigor-r-a, fact woi thy ofgreat ; connideration. They ar^pfeisaat k taste and:8(pcll,and can be used by persbns wiu tbe most delicatestomacbs with safety, under sin circumstances. VYe ^aro apeaking from ezpeii' ence and lo the afflicied we advise their use. •'SCOTT'S WEEKI.*,*' one of the best L'teran papers publi«hea,said Atig. 25— "DB. HoOfLAHbV jjEEMLtot' BltTEBS, miDU- faetured by Dr. JACKSON,,are now recommended by some of the most prominent, members of tbe faculiy as an article of much efficacy in cases d female weakness. As such is the case, we would advise all mothers ta obtain a bottle, and thus save themselves from sit bness,^ _ Persons of debilitated constitutions will fiodjbese Bitters advantageous to their health, as we know .front experience inc salutary effect they nave upon weak systems," JUDIJE M. M. NOAH, a gentleman with great scientific and Injerary. atiainroentF, —"'—"•'" nier direction, they-aroTieiarjesp 5 J TJiecburt* mtved^idedj^bat^fljsiojto ti 'atjier from *he office, or removing.anI,Ieaving i ctlfed for, is prima facia evider«t}bRni*ntior)*lii 6. A Pottmaster neglecting jp iaib^i « publ "*hen hi* paper is n o t t t k e p from the"OBTee, IB 'bim*elf liable fornisaubfcription-priee. ComaMtesloli . ' -, . . ."; -.; :,. 3a. __ DEAXXKSIN eaid ia his .1 mmiw n TRANSFORTATION O MEHCHANTS, LlJMBEBHEJf, AW» OTHEBS,; interested in Imnsportation to abd from the Nor^ thirn Counties, to'New York:— . . jThe undersigned are prepared *riib ample accornmo- dations, at their Dock/and Store Houses, at the ler minus of the Champlain Branch of tbe Northern (N,. Y j) Rail Road to forward freight to all intermediate pojnts or landings. f .-- Having formed a line of Lake and Canal boats, run- ning In connection .with Daily Tow Boat*. On the North River, they propose to t-ansport freight at as joy rates as any other Line »n the Lake, and with equal promptness and care. ' ' AgenUr-tL.. P. GARDEaiR, No. 17, Coenti's^tip, NewYotk. piLtiHAH & GABPBHEB, Np. 33.0, River-sU, Troy. | . MOQRE &HOYLE. Agents and | .' Proprietors of tbe'Cbamplain i ' • Traniportation Line, 0amnl|i»{-An^Mib, 1850, j, -, , y W3>fc- —r— _^«_" ' 1 "' i_r—-r FBANKLLN COUNTY \At'MALONE""' i*Hfc sn^rj^rap^dlri^t«pjg»fcw * 8 ub - +4 l^^^m^iW^ "W&.«eojS» Apkfey, illjtW^fIrBle^le hid on jh»a<Ji >nd having made ar- rwi^mejiw to ieceivelarge*tjuantitie» of Marble from tbeweat quarries in Vermont, be;i» now prep*red»to "Monumefils, and ! fMpyj if |ttfeaH-Sffp#W»tirc] _ or (•haadjo.inipg .CpuntjieH Mpnumeatalfr^i^r .• fta. P*int*tonejfrcir7tl, 51 rar$Bd>fo^vi%itttr*etiofel'WOi Plain or ©tlNai«€Nir5a£ Finish, $25,to Airwork »iar. dontywitli '"-I'WjNfr- 1650- „-, -. , . . . "&&. Hoc^Ajq>'s ; ..GEg»c»;v. J BiTTj£Rs.—Here i> a prepwrtrion 'tvTiTctrrhe leading presses in lb* Union appear to be unanimous in tecomoJ^tdiD,', and tbe' reason ia obvious. It ia maci*|ifter a;, prescription fornishedby one of tbefmrwt^elebrs- ted physicians of modern times, tbe late J5t. Christopher Wi;iieInr'Hooflani], Professor to i;,a Um'vereity of Jena,'Private Physician to the King of Prussia, n^?one oC^lre|gre^teitiinedica I wri- ters Gerirjany%ifiif« pirj^c.p. Jfe^ras cm- phatically tbej enen>yjpf .^Hntteg, apd thereforaf medicine of wjijclf|ie', irta^.ifte loVe'ntorahd en- dorser may be i cbWdb^^/r||fi^^il'|I;. ' jrlejJSacj- ally; reMmrneadodJti^ Dyspep-' ilia, Debility, j Vertigo, .Acidity^of tbe S:omacl Consiination.Jtind j all rcomjjlaiots arising from > €AERINGT0N&0EVII fflercluints. lati, Caps, Firs, UBwroUtfs raras ' •' **;; -itfe. : "" * 12 COURTLANDT & 8f> D E Y S T R E E T TOyerj;ft!iaiitsoBiatCo.l ' " Ajgcnt^mihffle ofgaimtSfianietsBag*, Rv K.,-CfcA*t' wpuld*"be happy to meet bis tfritnds and costdmcrs at4his Itouse, Stevens «& Durkeey 8*a. 1, Field'* £xcbar)ge, Malone Franklin Co. "NEW YOBK WiEKtJ MESSEKGEB,''. /aooary « A ' ' DB *i? SS I? . m . 1850 . "wnaartes, Boot* aod Shoes, Liquor* and Wines N. Parfunxms, Fancy Articles, Ece. ^Btl~i~ ^jot»*vaiina tStjmiittSi J. RIDER, May ba found at Ureotfke^af-PanBelea^Fitei Thuiaday*. Any basiae** reijuiring the attentioi Ut* Carnmisrioaer, : iwalfarpromptly -attended *o a.fiea cf.i|B.wcwi,|r|^k|^J|»|iee^ ^ ,aj>! Office—W^Ai^fiBt.Ejt^&iw ojBc t . the editprs1|peak of-itaTeSttctS ironl tbeir own U- dividrnfeifpcHencp. lUnfler tbeBecirenmstam-a, we feel wirrantedi^ot only iat-alling theattentwii of our rtia^eraito the prtaeht proprietor'* <Br. C M. JicrKoa'sVpre¥aratid|i, t but in recommending tbtarJilteTlotiihf^tbfea^. .; Tin * t ?ia.^i^^^Um^KTWDiCl,GicieTT£, ,, the brst fsmily newipaper published in tbe Onited Sutea, the editor f saj* ; of DB HOQF|LAND^«^]rlMAN BITTERS . "It ta seldom tbat TF# recommend what»« termediPit»?nfeMtot«i>*«.1» tftSieWfidence ?*> patronage; o£; _^_ stm'o German "we wisb5t4oJi^ ! distinctly onderitpod tbat we are not^peakipg ofthe^npstrumB rjftbeday, tbat' are noised aboutfor» brief period and then forgov- BARBER AND HAIR-DRESSER. SHOP rroEi>.:Bi»«II,ti!*r*3 HOTEL. - MAJiON^.;l«.Y.. . p ^- I rjrtrTB andanigned have - * Attorney*, Solicit Uw Copartnei 0 -s K . _^ rmea«-5C6pawnersBij . « *- --.*.--» -q l 5 ^Jo»<*Ho»*t,ti« dialer tbp firnjjpf^ £ ^f^''" ' ^W>-> . ^ *»**|a^*»^Mr^- - "^j^« —-'- tbem,1o^^i*|ptteRig^ii^ti)»U^»j^ f«*- vduga of.MatofgJ^j TiikHattoB. «B beiM ' 4 T&ceof mis- ten after _^,„ p _„. —,^, „,,. chief, b^to^s%en^i^loi^*ri^i@fsneri; univer- aally prized,and wJiifcn'baa met tbe 1 bearty appro- val of tbe Faculty itself." " " • E»idencp utiod efideirear baa been received there iaraore ol it naedinihr^ctfce^ilhWr^i^ar rfinysict»aivlt PhiWdelp»ui^lbatJ^^il^r>BoatrumB combined,* W.tMl0e^aSr«t?l«^»^^^ log that 1 a Klenlific pferji rteir^olet^rovalwbe^prtfil fbitD. . , ' TbatHflna directed It i'Jifaritnro W»er Complaint an.donbt fc -»(^r using it and*» Kp^«»'r?^^Pf*.:»lli* tn^i^corjnl ctottJbe/riaj 31TS. ail^eoTcineji- tp'jitia.ia y 'W*m •aSiea __ _ aignatnre of C- J* )N^1»p>B ^ ^ S t m ^ : - ! ^ ¥* ^••'•iR*? ; ,»<&• OB tbtMlBlitlT*-- blo«a<f« . ,-^ftj/ '!jefl «J «PKf» r ' C- tad by M Uly tamntrtinat tbt Sojis of i JEIOR iS50, " pe .r.!'-¥t",!i ,iJ*t ^ ^-fO t7*t 4Jr3> MEAL farCasa. ". POt _ ___ .--? B55S

s. .1 mmiw nnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031565/1851-09-04/ed-1/seq-4.pdf · mm&>Wi™> a'^uareaadi^f^BilfeN^^ ** m *^'^, ?pcrgon3 enffcringtfroSS^^^^ *Stoonic affections tf^^n(Ui^~^#ie^^;oIad-*fer,

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Page 1: s. .1 mmiw nnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031565/1851-09-04/ed-1/seq-4.pdf · mm&>Wi™> a'^uareaadi^f^BilfeN^^ ** m *^'^, ?pcrgon3 enffcringtfroSS^^^^ *Stoonic affections tf^^n(Ui^~^#ie^^;oIad-*fer,




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*S$S5 MS r«utir

(1tan*$b> Albany ^ ^ S ^ l p ^ ^ l ^ .

aa UnimfBt,

MOUSTAIX Lwnfierr.—We _, _ TerfisementoRhfeartielip. R p l h\s some tiuie, and from the hare seen, its reputation fe *»l/other euch tomplniutiS


H i l Monntain

JBxe afcove remedy fcajl.flMf^ropriefor eiaima fpjfc 5*> a s * toe nurater .of penajMSiiJ? "J2uMb*.ih#, P b f e h w ^ S e h e n e # » f e % ^ I ) | ^ ^ e i g 6 o # -*eter ond n b m e r i ^ o ^ « ^ w l ^ i a f b T s S t ^ are ready to testify, wHo-J4»vfcr|ceiv«Hl the benefit of this invaluable £inijbei)t. *;, ;T'".* . " * > < '

We do n o j y a t ^ ^ f o ^ A d j n ^ p gtl<H»9 nsinicjc^ •watch h f t W ^ r ^ E ^ e d bj- iiCuse/ns Mat Would

. stagger theer^olou^ but w^jare olixuidnntlr able to refer to hundreds of those in our city .who have been oared of thosc$pinal, Nervoni-an^l Muscular Gom-plafnls w h i c & l i a v ^ B ^ ^ M a i % f # # i s ( ^ a f l bestphysieiaus'itt Ajbarry^sna otticlf-pflrts'of thelTni-ted States. .

T*e pnblic'nff-longer doubt its effietcy—otiU thfe Jproprtetor offers a special guarantee whenever it is

ArrL!CTF!) READ!!! \

JE cd iSjtfear*-ag% Corner of T&ird nnd|; .„_, ^^^^i^km^Si^^A

mm&>Wi™> a ' ^ u a r e a a d i ^ f ^ B i l f e N ^ ^ * *

m * ^ ' ^ , ?p c r g o n3 enffcringtfroSS^^^^ *Stoonic affections tf^^n(Ui^~^#ie^^;oIad-*fer, gravel, e t r i c t u ^ ^ a ^ w a f l c i i e i i «W5oll the concomitant trainsfgsfeypiulto affection*, find Biosc who by indulging iiia'secrej: habi^ ha»e. entiled on theinwrtves constitutional debility,"should ajsply im

> weeks** or t^o years by two or three bottles; of several years standing by i ixor eight bottles; accordiugto the ex­tent of tjie;surface to lie. bathed..

The following «ertifieattts where cases are within a few minutes walk of every citizen of oar city, ought to be enough to convince those who have been too long imposed upon by worthless trash, ami to aid. their resolve* to try the only jpupolar remedy,; _;_;_ *

THE MOiranjAESfisDUsliisiaiBsy. '\ The following'letters wild eeVtificates of cnrc^liave

been publghedBt length in thoeity newspapers: CerKfi^ale^—Ordinal discovery of the Liniment.—

M. C. Ryan, Ifewburgh, in the ease of an arm which lie had lost the use of f<8" us inontlia

Certificate of, Mrs. K, Barretr, IIO^ HinniUori et.

mediately for the most speedy remidies, to J^Kink-elin, the most expert andivsticeessful ^ c t i p o n e r far and near in the treatment of fill d^Bca^ of a private nature. 4 v • •'-* |..>

INVALIDS " t Arc apprised that Br. Kinkclih confines his. practice ton partieulnr branch of aaedidne/wlifcli enpges his profound attention.', He'cautions tlie tiufortunate a-gainst the abuses pfmcdwmejilwnsan&arejBnntial-fy. mereuiiidized-oat .of- Jifej—Decent affections ore promptly extinguished. See yotnr cases are properly en^igrtei!, aot^pt fchedm 5Warmd peoplei ond thoso aboutto rairry, shO#l be purribulgrty cautious ortliose oeetdentsT w£aC a dreadful-inlieritaneo to transm;t to.ppsterity.'

TAKE PART.CtTEAft NOTICE. j Tlierg/i n habit whieb boysteacb each-other at the'

academy or coUcgc;^ habit indulged ^n when by hljnself in solitude, ffliBwiag ng wjltMliej boy to nian-liood, Wd whTchfif not restoretffivdife time, not only beget» serious obstacles to matrimonial happiness, but gives rise toiit series of protracted, insidious-nnd dey-astathig afteetions., Few of those wlioindulgein this peruicioua jiraeticc, nra nwareof the conse<iucncc~=, until they find the nervous system sliattered, and feel strange and unaccountable feelings, vague fears In tha mind. " Tito individual .'becomes feeble, he is unable ttt labor with accustomed vigor, or to apply his mind to study;' bis step k tardy and weak, ho is •dull, irresolute, engages iu his sport with less energy than usual. These are symptoms .which should awa­ken the nttentioirof those similarly situated.

YQJUXG MEN! If yon value your life or health, remember; the de­

lay of a month, nay even a week, may prove your

fc'~?.-4-K^-i*»V«t*ff**»$tl-**i^*s ~**^


^ur pylng cuitomf ri it-respectuilly (nvitedJ " Baiffii

who had lost the use of her limbs for a number of I nun, both of body and mind. Hciied'tet no false y**1*..- . r " . J modesty deter you/rom making your ease-fciiown to

Cortifieatea of Mrs. H. Gsiyer, 14 Van Troop st., a one wh<\ from education and rvsiiectability, can alone «» o f r h « , , ^ f ; ™ „„.t ™„. .T . .nw. -^ _ . . _ ^ _ * „ - - , ^ f r ! e n j 1 yOXL H e w ! w p , a c e 3 himself ^„-,jcr D P

Kinkeliu's tteatnieut, nfciy religiously confide iu his oase of rheuiriatism and spinal aflectiott of twenty' yearastanding;- •' >i" •*• * • •• • '

CJerJifleatc'bf M». ^n'ree. M{S»>, 4» Bcaasela^f st., most Severe and eitraoj'dinar}- cs^c of Thenniatism for 34yearfl. ' » - - • - '

Certificato of Mrs. SJirah Ann Smith, Half Mqon, Lansingburgh—case of nenralgja for over five years.

_ tetter from i £ E. & C R. ITuutingtoo, Troy; refer­ring to over 100 cases under their treatment as agents intfaH«g£ - . ' ,

f^^S^OBoalesof thiaiinimeut have been sold -in this etty within fo.ur months.

K. B. C^mp^nded by thfrPropviutoronry, at the Gcnenrf^potfIfcletitftHpJJ3e,;Alb«Bty S Yv-*'-

CT r * d r s ^ W f i ^ e s a f e » n d R e & f ^ S & r k U60-' ^ £ STODDARD, Plattsburgh, N. Y., General

A«e**S|w^Sorthern. New York, to whom all orders should*)^ addressed,. ' T » • -« - • -

Ai»Mr'jiail»ttl ®u&M&Ei8mtiffiV

w i g L y j j p ? 1

honor as' af. gentleman, and i n w h n s e bosom w i l l b o ^forevpr locked flie secret of the pal ienf. " J o o many flunk t h e y will hug the socret-to their ownjiearta, and cure themselves. Alas! ho'w often •is thi i a fatal delusion, and how many a promising young man, w h o might have been an ornament to st>-d e l y , has faded from the earth! r *

Kemeiolx'rjfliat.'stTicfiirea of the^ii-etb'ra m-e rapid­ly removed l>y_ the application of a n e w j h e r c a vent i-

- Ji

«<wa iW -5

*JPm* yw» oronftrtenee,^ni more ««ij >'Huad're<r Th»a«aBd Cares or CtawmUMlve "GorapliinM, bmn prorcd tot^^iuidnabted^calhifactioni of aU pei ' '

«ertalu «lberRemeJj _ _ _. _ _ _

enl ifeerjt, »Wd onlj| by] DJ. .Weiiknefc and cop-stituti(4uulfdebili(.y prouiptly curetl, and fdllfvigor Cc* stored, by sending wremittance,f. „ . ,

All letters post paifli attengcdiStoi r,

cosmic? R^igjjbs. _ Finding it ineon^meni to* inake'personal applica­

tion can, by stating their case explicitly, together with all the'symptom*, (per letter post paid) have forwarded them a chest containing Dr. K's'medicines appropriated accordingly, and bo cured at home.

PACIFIES, or MEDICINES- for^ttdfe3 tonny part of _ the Uultett Stutoe, put op socnreiErom' Damage: oas Cu-|xiosity. • . . . .. l|(

*#* A remittance of 25 cents, in a letter post paid, addressed to Dr. Jvinkelin,^Philadelphia, will secure his Book dh Self Preservatiop, under envelope, per return of muTl. _ I^JfWy.1-

loiniof ui&fo icte <«<; «jd «sJb^&aiir«m*«uartolave ikSwith iljat uitsl diwue Cansamptlon. I%t»Biltun b«k cared •ftoiiMUiA.or vetftms wlioiwero itul lo he liopolessly afflicted— w-ho ha$ hOTit, in. rod** Camctw-f-Arfn tar tha Breaat, tomtom—Beak ycrrT—jii^it-sunSn-^od nhiakgt mmr of the Flesfe-mxl Blood. Ee«on»-liir*idg-«tieJi toihpliinti tave lieonrarea ifat it irai «Wibey auli not live, a week Joator. Tntt 'Medicine h»TcUr«d .'0&BTWHO WereSMSSSto • * « > • <>Tbu atate, bot, by Iho tue of thlcrnmedy, they


: ' i rb^w»

tt< ^fcwTaHom, TOd oagk-«o<>A£ij Kctmit tea i



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S-^T^SIET: irwlJwjgl 1

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J3few> Wl F E »

. F. ,Tv ^ » t b , and S^e£ , A. Robots; CliateaumyJ T. C toa;; U.% BrttokTWesty^M stable; EldridgeA-Woplsen,]

e, Mulonej-—

SeVBRA:!* yafelsWte: add highly; inip?o»ed farms, is dio wafiw l«f?Sy«3V»^l«,«n«*'MEi Oivington, vi*:

TlrttWright farm, (so called.) containing 130 acres, wilh a seed. dwoJIipgrhJDUse, two barnx, shed* and. « Kta^miKjbereoa^irstliemWsljfideM^nioncijwri and • h a ^ q o i ^ f o u ^ f j ^ f r o ^ ^ t w U a j y i j t l M e ^ -

2 . Button'*; old Farm,, (so called) (joataminf 164 acrea^Whb.aai!i^U«,1lj(a|i»e»^ab^^ .shed* thereon. TCbb farm lie* ab^iJL^mHbi, norih; *aosf:frpm'W«8t»fWe¥«!liuje, TnpBoIm^ river aoa iho rowl^Fart'^vhis|o.npa»i^Hnigb -3{ljepar4 tymgSBJp^nifto^|S{¥ir.TsjTcbin^r»«Jlind, , . j.

3; /^f»fn>,p(.4*>creWljipgf»resi «f, and adjoifiibg the vafejEBB&ft. JUpoauftWebjarc. a. d«fe|linj,hoD»e, 2.Darni^!«:«oJ»np.u>e.,.-, , . . , i . , • •

-4. A lotofjl29 »cres;:aiith a good *»w Tniiribereon, upon Salmon River, • little to the aoutb of-We^tvilfe' Village- .P;T v ? / - t*i u <4*Sp-. *. v r> • ~. p,. (<:/

it Northern Hotels'Wilhfuraiisire and •pptir-, in tlwi^il}«g?i of SForMCovi>jgion, one-of 41te l lnwt *wai|>dt(iv»^lotcU in-thls pari of

thaiafmft*>t:Vt '/it-t^. i* : «** >'i. -V-' .« r. '.-*' ' IV fit,;Trift Hotel, and gTOOndBaUacbed^berMnr, now

o c ^ r d ^ b ^ W l o Barry, in tlrt titfaits of We»tVi!le» V. Several dweliing bouse* and buttiliiig^loi*'and a

- .. ...*, . . . , . - .*. - „, . . . i ' \ t , g & . o P W e i l ^ Jargaraad- coaamodious • ilore; !n *»id vi

5 ttiS

<*mmtepj^m^w*m^,,,^K WAttBfi^ w,WRIGHT, fuse'siMft/t

the villkge o f Majone, ^aLSO , jem»&tiH fo

t # a S ^ ' l i # ^ i ^ % l > ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ' " 2 & ; a t t i a , ^ i « i i W r > ' j r o ^ . OhtMll««r^tra«t,„*n tbe

."ff m Smith, Gl







*t?t n .it* arjeo^ortmcnl

• ' J ' - S « ^ p j e * j»jid,.* sil(iCT4H«t», ea»,

wijieh Jilfbo »otd as tow as ea|%«' fottod,

' • S : t b w W ^ ^ ' l % ' ' * q ^ f » ^ i K t t ' • Jfcrd.,, litti e a U * n ^ « M t r ^ * J i 3 < ^ ^ S ' ' J f '•

• 9 1 •|JlM5vjiMi

Good*. Groceries 4rt»toW, « t » y a a * H » t e * * A - ^ ^ - j , , ^ t ^ t t

iamaiwtof 18*1. Amil5.1851^ . * **•-.-,%'.

BRADLEY & CA!«FIELD. norliugton, Vt.

To and from Boston^ New York, Albany, Troy, Mon­treal, and all Puna on Lake Champlain.

-•.. •• i \ L S o , - . '.• J- . . • ro-Portso™St..'I.Bi<rrence>L»kc-Qntnrio. arid Upper

Lukes, »ia Ogdensbafgh Rojl Road.'

r n H E T t o p t i b t o r r o f this LiiieTiave m&do ample or. X"4ifii(|enie.ot8'16r" t^e'present reason. endat»pre< p a r e d ' * W » ^ ' •, %^\ •' '

20 First Class lake Boats, . running directly to and from New York, and all Port* on Lake Champlain, thereby avoiding a delay of two days "in re-shipplog goodsfat Tjroy.^nd Whitehall.— Property destined for Western Lakes, will be forward­ed from Rou»S V f ^in,I'•,'^Not•*5^n^9'l59"<,J-,0. OR densWBbitfifrP h, ^rawfijrdo^CrfSl Mfk&dm taihpLfiie of Propeller*. Tho!bla'tlof ibis Lino will be invariably Towed bytSleam ou Hudson Ziver, a O Lnfee-CbaajphrinV' ... <i . ' •


••- ®&FF> IsOiT GHAMAESLIN, W U h g o u M f t ^ ' | a t f ^ . c ; b M p J B f w g 5 S of*S50. Tons'

tach, have been added to tha .Line , affording greater, J^ake Chsmplaid. a^.ti-ji.H

TbcseVoat* ^ill.tun^i.iIy>betwe<-» ,RoqsaV.Point and Burlington, contieciing* with Rutland; Ogdeo*-burgh, Champlain, and St . Lanreare Rati Roads. . Proper;; gsSUJledaathM Rae.jfbr Tr8pip.ortation,

'e^ghed, and the Jected by trans-tievtar care and

attention given to no$dfdefti$e4Jjar Canada. - Pronerur to/utdjrorn^oston.Jorwirded by Ruiiajid

P iop»ny for Can»da,fww.ajde.dhjN<iohern,Cham-plain and St . Lawrej^^Railroad** or by ijarge** • %

faAhVOIM VAWitih&t&pCtekM Stip. for.

s« faffr Rrjfad.Bl.rBoilon.

'}& .VI BASSOS, M 4


ft preparcirto^rn^Baalactdif Cioilian^oOtheriofk jn T. - nuvIh#.oJFW»M*i,j«^»^r^p*i:a^ ifti^flpW. 0r4qr,.iit{li^#fanp«aa^n^bel|aB»^

c*n»«cure :hi_«i a^eontini^ce^Bdjincreaie o f f a ^ , rminedt»ha«tbem.

, # - €iotb wiW bo.i«iW»Wly4**v *»B»<«*nfc.wiv ^IwigeibrAVool, on term»*aa*ftctorj t o «U conceroed.

« a n d riiry t * e » a r t a t e t h e uirfersigned, immediately.

StanUar ^attines* TJm following nuegaalled'serie? e T % » $ ? ,

Madicines'rnay be &p«nfled opon with';. iheutiaostWnfio^rite^'TWyhav^ !

the approbation 'oF'the.^at, 1

ariilnierecomni^ndijil ; ',. , bjr, a|i;'who h?(vft ' l

used them as superior

to any Family Medicirj&3s known. !

T i t e r l i a v e b e e n . l i c f o j r c t h e P a b l l c FOR FIVE YEARS,

During wbich timo mote thjah 6,000 *crtif* icitcs. fine" foealfecdrdjfffotaxjixinont »

public ii>en anrtotherstj iud.arc .now , o n file a t the Gomparty's Of f i ce" •>

TItey a r e C o n i p o n n d c d Willi the ulmost care and skill, anu/ibje ingredient?

are tlioronglily tested by scientific chemists, so that medicines of a uniform and relia­

ble quality ore gaaranttetll in-all cases. THE GRAEFENBERG

V e g e t a b l e P i l l s , Aro particularly valuable for the* prevention «ip&

c W o ofFevers in j fohqra l .a t lBHI ioOsand Liv-ii'' c r Compla ints , Jaundice , General D e b l l i - '

ty , C o m m o n and SFck Headac l ic , " Dyspeps ia , Heart Burn; € o s - • ' l

tiveness, Griping, Urinary Diseases, Obairacliona

^fiheMonae^Influ-enza. Astbrna,

and for.ava- , riely of

other Chronic Diseases; in fine for all ordinary family uses.

S T Full Directions for the various, Diseases Ac­company each box.' i Price 26 'idtbs'm box.

. , - T f lB i G B A E E E N B E R G - ) r

D y s e n t e r y S y r u p . A speedy and infallible remedy in Diarrhoea, Dya-entemMwty ^ f i ^ o l e r a S I q r B u s i ^ q w I ^ l a

Infantum, and the ASIATIC CHOLERA, if token, *Rb the B«t - symptoms/v iz ; vomi'ing

and diarrljcea. It never fails to core the worst possible .cases of bowel com

plaints, generally in a few JtQnrs, uelddm beyoMd a day; •• 1< Is P U R E -

tT VEGITABI,I!, and taken in almost any quantity is per­

fectly barmles^.

T H E GBAEFENIiERG Green Mountain Ointment.

InvaluabloibVBurns, Wonnds,Sprains, Chillblaioa, Corns, S/>res, Swellings of all .kinds, Rheu­

matism, Erysipelas, Bronchitis, Scorfula, Ulcers, Pains in the Side and Back

immediately relieved, Inflamma­tion of the Bowels, and for

all eases where (herd j s inflammation. M A R S H A L L ' S "

Uter ine Cathol icon . -A certain euro for Prolapsus Uteri , and for moat ol

the dis tress ing complaints incident to F e m a l e s , [' Prepared by D r T H E O . P O M B B O Y , o f Ut i ca ,

so le ly for die Graefeoborg Company.

The other Gfrefenberg Slediclucs arc

yVilNTER. aOQD$,iosi\i\ch tbo-attontion of :

ad'opttdforourttiouo^. ..

I tfgion. Pleaaevcall and % any eita6ig|mem.tnxthh, Tjxamine,pricot,^|.| Qct-,'

. , . j . A'V ' N W T V M H EiKIlSG. ' IT. B.-—No cbargo for •bow.nsroods.

'"1 r' " -f. "*' ±!LJ} 'l"2._j'-''-iL:~' '•'•"

?h 1850.

each, at Brufb^Mill*.- ,: •« j

" entend ilRoad

iwbere ail the /rot«V.»to»,rii»»^ji'3 Tbeie i»aB extei »i*o waterpower.onlbB.premiie*,;f:Gri*l Mill ,£B Mill and other wofki.Cow io-ra^itlei . i t d otber.i

TomcchaDii lots, and

The roll tilW&ittiMmO&mtm&fteVfaage of Malone, tt*Co4i»^."»wri,'*W i^Skii & di'stanc«

, OIVCE M O K E f , T R A V I S G R A N G E would cay that-he ha* received L» from N e w York, a lot of the -• '

Douglass Fumg^

A lot of Jai iSln If twer

--t~. „ ,,«,E¥JB*IsO ,PION,- * : - ./ j

'->-'• CONmyMPTT^E BALar,••••«•• CHlX.SREN'S • PANACEA,

F E V E R , A N D A € U E PILLS, - L l B B V ' S PILE O I N T M E N T ,



MANUAL OF HEALTH. A complete band-book of medicine for families.

Price fifty cents. Office 314 Broadway, N . Y.

CJMUTfOJT. ' T h e pnblic i s requested to.bcar in m i n d that evr erything prepared by t h e Graefeubqrg Company, has their seal upon it, -

Spurious articles have been issued c lo se ly re­sembl ing tbe genuine in every particular except (be seal, and the almost care should be obscreed' before purchasing.

For sale by all tbe'Drtigg!stt"ia'M«toHe,'€^ Marsh;; Fori Covington; A . Robert*-, Ghateatrgirayr G. W: Smith, Burke; j . 'Dickinion & S o n , B a h g o r ; D . H . <£ B. Sievens, Moira; Mills & Fultoo,: Hogantbargh— J. W. Reynolds, Bombay. ^ i • i- . i.

Such.a* Tea: and CBfleaCnnriteref Sugar?Bofe*i ;

. Trunk*, Spittoons,'&c , &i., • -• - ^'AiLSO-' '

B r a s s K e t t l e s , of all Sizes.. •• Malone, June 2 0 , 1 8 30.

' J, L j J 1- ' :?M

aadiipotabfe*'l'o#Mi^m1i'i#a|p|Jr^ • ,*v A i V V " S '; t • '•• - 'WEN* N - ^RDSH.

. ^iy^MiUs^Franklin £o.

^Le1ili.oie buy Mow w|io ncyer bougbl

AndtKosefwito TO alwaysbouriit, now bavi

AFPERJor.Mlopneof tbeJtlrgeat and blst assi . V y m e ^ ? ^ m ° £ f « * t°,b<? f a w ' i n ihia (section.— arrforij; trHitr-D|jH3obds'-L-—•-1-1-- • • if Dre<s GoodsL such

are somel very desiiible «tjle*

NEH CJOODS. TB E lubfcribert arenowdrecoivlagtheir usual n o c k

of -o- " . '

Spring nna. Suninter: Goods, from N e w York and Boston, coexisting of

l>ry-€ ioods , CJroctSries, HARD.WARE& CRpCpjRY,

which they will sel l a* cheap for Cash , or Ready Pay as can bo boujhl al any establishment in F f i k l lin county. Those wishing to purchase will do well to call and see £ g r ' A'NDRUS & L E W I S .

Malone, M s y 2 2 . 1 8 5 0 .

Dental Copartnership. DRS- J . B. & S. S- NICHOLS, r**pectfally inform

•he public that they <b»ra eniered into partnership in the practice of DENTfSTR ^randjhato ne of tbe firm will spend a portion of his t'rne in vwitinj tjie Vdlaces adjoinmg tfcejr respective locatioon, tads giv­ing all an opportunity to avail themselves of the servi­ces of a skillful and experienced Dentist, at their own residence, and at moderate price*. = . ,

, Thedbov,elimfca^DVBileditbem*«l*eioiatforou<;h knowledge of ibe recent improvements hi'aettjng Arti­ficial Teeth, by which they art eaabted tffwpplywhole or partial setts, in cases keretofoor considered bejond tlie reach of AT*. , . „ *

Teethet!ttact*d wlthob.t-jiaiDjBxtMuJieoflbri Le-ihcon and ilfop^pirions jB^rrnntcfl. t . J. B. AiC«dt.s\ j qlSdamJ j $ . . § - Nicitnis llaloiuf.

Office onMllortif Street,' 4 Office-over Me*ea* JesreK

_ ^ _ - - - r Y S l O T f ' .


D e a l e r i l l B o o t s a n d Shoes , ,

REfit^CTFUi^t*Wounc%8 to fne pTibBc chat ho keep* & full and constant supply of Boot*

and. Shoes, of all-descriptions, at his Manufactory in

Knapp's Stone Block, lo »bicb he has recently removed, and wjiere he will be happyto see old and new customers. He has ad­ded lirgely to his former extensive stock, and has now, he feels confident, one of tbe largest and most complete. assorunrnts.:of ' ', • ' ' J

Root* and Sfwes, EadieSand Gent's ""' Inditl Rubbers, S^c.,

10 bo fourij in Northern Now York. ( ; . Mercbtnu) will be supplied oo the mosV liberal and

satisfactory terms. Custom work promptly attended to at all t imes. • By ernployinjf-good workman/ using first rare stock*,

and punctually -rt>d««nimg hi* enapgemem*, be*hope* t o MOTlmajoqoUonancaof the public patronage; while forpast'taVor* h e retorns bi* grateful ackootrrsdge-maota. Alajonejjbec. I f , J850. . .

; Cashmeres,' ' - . T •>' J'lnin and Figured; AipaccasJ Fancy

' Dl 'Laln^i; ^W, frc.

Stoneware! assortment'of STONE JU S t receWd a large

WARE, consisiing of Cream '

Covered-, f*« . . f • '••* BnUW

• • Gkke Jugs, Preserve Jars, Churns, $»\, Ac.

Nov.27_i85(). B.S. W.CLAB

i '

OU R S T O C K O F O R O C E R T E S , ware, Crockery, ^ c , ijtlitrgo and will bi

iremelylow. Nov. 27. r B . S . W.CL\R

r 5000 PA IRSAVoolen-Soeks wanted in etchs'nte fpVGoods

[Nov. 27..] l y B. S- W, CLARKl&Xa*-,

TH E attention of purchaser* h invited t a r 1

orPrlnU. a t j | 0 c e n u p e r yard-^-VVarrante or*.—Nov. 2 7 . i . B.- S. WU C L A R K


T O S T receive-d «1ar*iiHi**oHmeot W t h e ^ l e B r a t e d *J "&&r STXTP sma WLS" I and other varieties, which will be sold extremely l o w .

H v B ^ S . W . CLARK,S& Co. M . f o a e . October 2 3 , 1850. < ,

R e d u c t i o n of" P r i c e s

s. Dwell ing House for Sale.

M . W C A O , offers foe sale , a two story dwelling bouse.iin 'tha villaga'dF Malone—on Mill st—

with a good gardeo, barn, &c . - T h e bouse is f citable to accommodate twrj families, add jsconveDiently »it-oated as to business, water, & c . For further panicu lar*, enquire b f S. M . Wfead, at .eb*tenvgoy„or_sf.J J. Seover.U}jlb|.*V!Jia«e„ [ M , t ^ n » , r ^ a > . l ^ I f 5 0 .

,. ^ -t T-t. m. .-^^.M.. r.l . . . ^-j , -*T~ H I i.r*af j i m a i l — "


J6»3d iff) 0

PHILIP BR^WN. Caledonia Springs, July 1850.

BOARD, per Hayj».. . .«. do fiar^aiODtb,..-. ._•*'

. . . . • 4V«. tf% .J^tlll

f * J l H E subscriber having oblained ope .of • experienced and sciernific Millers in tl

e most ie coun-;hly re-lb Bur

Sniith's Premiiirii Smut tje it nu» prepared jto say lb»L hi* GrindiBj; et beat by any other mill, in quality or quantity i He is thankful fofj>a»t patronage, and sol ic i ts! I c to tcaith»*Wivels*iwrtiol^ . i ' L

M*lon«,-§eVt, ! l7,1850-.- " v 1*— ^ " *

\ State* and Caasda; h *-t»nrf'

oTmmmmm^Uri&t aai &»> o . ^ •tiotflrar^nba^ianulrirScV^ullie - '

TMp'attie Barest tssnajd (bat the character *f fbeBJafi-cine, its stNoctb, and curstire properoes wil l , ararjm ORCRAKOCD, and the tam* earn will b* bestowed is VK. pxring it as heretofore.

As this medicine, snder its ndaced price, will oaparcbiwd by those who bare not hitherto, m«de themjelve, aeqnahuel witli its vmaes, the proprietor, wonld bee to intimate that WJ article is pot to he classed with the r u t anionntof " fteawilies or die day ;•» it claiiiu' forlltslr a grttOtr notingpneer, is ill diieasu, than any ether preparation nam iefore tie world: and hutostBinedltaelf for ciglrt yem brtls saperior meibcal rirtces, and, nnu'l this redacUon.eonuOlxnoeil doubi* the price of any other: article, hi Hal Bne.

Nonce PARTICCLAB.IT. flSi srtici* act* with steal beat­ing power and.certaintr, upon tie

Blood, Xiver, Etdney*, Lnngs, and all other orxaot, upon the proper action of which life and beau* depend, ! • ' ' . ' *

Dds medicbia has a jasuy bi h rspate as a remsdr for' BropsyandOravel,

and all dwases of that nature. It mar be relied apon wbea the UitolliEttil phr»ioUa b» siaBdonnl his patient,—and; for tbc*B,di«tre«*i«-.d)»e*»M^ Oaorsv, uw propri. etor wopU eamestJir and Imaejiuy Rconmeail it. Ai it. present prioa it t, eaalr obtained tx aD. and the trial will prove tbe crttele to be tbe

' Cheapest I W i c i n e in the World! 1 ^ Pfease ask for psmphjeti—the agents rjive them away t

tier contain over sixteen pages of receipt*. Cin addition lo roll ' rpwlical matter) ralnabie for honsehold pnrpoies, anil which Will save many dollars per year w practical honsekesprn. (These receipts an mtrodnced to malt* the book of grmt

vatde. aside from its character at an sdrertUmsr mediam t'ot tbe medicme, the testimooy in fisror of which, in tlie form of letter* from »1| pjrU of th» conntry . msy "be relied qppn.

t ^ " " Vsnghn's V*get*ble iithontriptlo Hixtnre " — Hie .-•tlreat AnnrieaK Remedy, now tor sale in qrrart bottles at ai

•; "each, mlxll Wtlex at 60-cts each. No mjall bottle* win be • tanrfsilwuwpreaaitrtock Is disposed of. '

tMraapat Office, BafTsJo. N. Y., 307-Main Street', i-.< -- i' • O. O- |?AUGt»N.

Sold Wboieatkand ataata by <JMX>TT McHESSpN 9j CO.,l«M»W«oL«a*,N*w,yoriCity.

N. B.—AD letters {excepting ftoai agents an4 dealers who whom be srwacti basmeai) mosti be post paid, or eo attsnuoa will bs civen to. then.'

AGENTS.—J. W.jPangbom & Co., and F . T . Heath, Malone i 0 . Lawrence 4- Son, Moira j J. COntdon'Fort Covington; Mills «t Fulton, Hogans-burghf T . P. Robsit*, Chateaugay; Z. Culver & ' Sun, Hopkinton; Lawfence, Egg'esto"- * Co., Nich-olville; O. Ransom, Malseoa; i. W. Havens,- El-lenburjh; A. Knapp, Mooers; Webb & Crook, Rouse**'Point. Also,1 wholesale and retail i y Ofc cott, McKisson & Co., 127 Maiden Lane N. Y. £ r84:ly. H. t . FARNAM, Collecting Agent

a disofrJered 0t Stomach, such as Const ipa-

U4n,Io«/ardPiIe? ,Fu i , l ,> s^orB :r,n.i to the Head, Acidity of the atomacb.Nau.

raa,tI«SBribBH>, DiDgust for Food,; Fullness or WeiphtintheStoroafb.Soor Eructations, Sink}

or. Hullering at tbe pit of the Stomach, Sw im! •-ming of tbe Head, Hurried *nd difficult

BceathiBg, Fltitteriog at the Heart. tJbo-k&ig or 8uffocatiog sensations-« ht?n

III a lying posture, Dimness fj 1 Vision, Dots or Webs be­

fore Ihe sight, Feter and dull pain ;"

the bead, De _ • * ficiency ol '

P e r . "

...NDJCSKB £.)

Publisned eiery T » t 4 t > 4 r Franklin Cotaaty, Na«r YeA?'

. . • ' - i : •••-'* *r i t ! ' > %

1 OFFfCE.on MaftSiMtt, . -Hi)

fpu-a. lirnJ, yeU

? lOwneMoftfae skin and eyes, pain e

' i o tbe aidei back, chesv , Itmba, & c , sudden flushes

of h e a t , burniog in tfaerflesb, constant imaginings of eyil,"Bnd

grwyeMcsslon of spiirite, can fce effec-: • J tpal ly cured by » ' ,



T T s a i s , Pea A s N O % ^ ^ i S i f p « n l in advaa. I I'tTijii^he ead of *ia woat is , and 2,0.0 if p*j

.,%i •>layed till tWctaatytlfrtrayean.


ttNo panar diseontinaed until ail arrearage jiiid/ikeeptattii'r^tion^thepublisbers.. '"'

LTWILVE ^t»£S, OK LESS, MAKE % SQUABI { s-Jrt*re, 1 w « * , • » ! W | 1 square, 6*M«1iaW

•J " a.we»kf, ?&' -i - *« • imsM, I " » * i oo t t*»\.mn*mmm: *•_**. , * month*, 2 00 1 4 . "" sVjfeav.* '.'£ ' » Bunmttii e^rda, not eacefdtng * ix


No. 120 Arch St., Philadelphia:

ET" 4d«*j .WsirealU^; -:Sn?

All accounts for ad»erti«io<; aro/doe a t the ti mm fii»*i»»ertmwOf!tb^|»d^Maf«!?«S«t.

,%Avy «FipWSPOTRS.. m , . . . SulwriiEWiaai^i»t^*^'*5rDjrea»noU A Ae.TOroer saw the above dUiatetU not exeflhi, ^ j cnntniry, are pohpidered a* wishing*o cot

g equalled, 03 any other prepaga^^mmMo Unit* \ .heit ,ibttH»lrOTiit •'<'•'''" ' r f f• *? r e curt§>atman.m<m *""* "far skill. < ^ l f i o t ^ i S e w owltJrtb* rllScontinnaBee' of

Julphysxaant^ad^failed.^..^ ,. ,- paper*, the publishers may continbe to send the • ^ " " ^ B ^ e r e #re, worthy the attention of inn * j | that U due be paid. f • f " ~ ' '< lid*. .F^BiCBiInj*great virtues in thp rectifira- 3. V*ub»erib^»r>e|l^torrefu»*»t«lt*tbe tlon.oT diseases of tha Liver and lesser glands, parefsiora dieofBeo-tpijrhiehtbey ai^direete"d.

R E A D A3SD B B C D N V I C E D fFronithe'Boston Bio.'}

Tho ed'torsalil, D e c 32d— "Dr. HbofiatifTa Celebrated German Baiiu


WOOL. Eiy JFAc?xo«yi ITIHE subscribers have purcbosed and are. now run-•IL ning the Woolen Factory in ihe village dT-Ma-Eone, lately jiwned by Messrs. Stark & Gorton. They ijave put the machinery in complete order, and have engaged competent' and experienced workmen ; and r'hey confidently assure the public that tbey are pre pared to d o as good work a* i s or can be done in a n y foctoty in Northern New York.

We shall at all times keep on hand a S U P P L Y of CLOTH, of all descriptions manufactured at similar

Ssiallisbments, which we will Isellat reasonable prices r exchange for Wool Uppn liberal t e ims . We will

manufacture by the yard, or upon shares, at fair rates, a* m a ; suit customers.

We will sell Cloth for Cash at priees which make it an object for purchasers' to apply to us in preference to going else where, for we ate prepai ed to offer CiREA T BARGAINS for that kind5 of pay. , The notes and accounts of tbp late firm of Stark and

tjSorton are iri'aar hand*, and'all persons indebted on

Squ'idated demands ere requested to make payment to », and all persona having unseized accounts with said

firm, and whether admitting a balance against them'or claiming a balance in their favor,ere requested to come to a settlement of such accounts immediately. '


i ' I« JLIVH

OFFICE ALL persons indebted, to either of the Hafrison*

•ftrtneimrpb W of£atrd?iq thrown of-Malpae, of which ihriaaSaeriBer is the- agent, arefnereby aoti-fieHLthat^larreiiraof interest must be paid-#itboul farmer deljay^ Kereafter^ all mattor* pert.iairig to bf* LandAgencyUar tobi* personal busioe«si:mus tror&act^ ^thh lm 0Hf.f. ' ? •' t ' » .. i

_, . , M o n d a y s ^ S e j j r M v e j l e w J l l ^ ^ a n j ^ t o p o

OF Fresh Cod Liver 8li»* jpst*ecfa»«d and^brcsale1 bdjines oftbit agency, aad_on_sucb other times (when b v . . . . . - . , . MF- .T^. HEATH. aubomo).MhBm'ayboa,b!e.lodevot^W!»r^c4

••A F*eth "Supply '•n

Fii . . 1 4 . 1 ^ . '

• - GraTf Stoies, T«Was, »•* ; \:J2. \ ™ N T ? : ^ P 6 ? I E S I , •

f lt.H j§ jubsciilber w'ou^regpeeUuny'informtba inbab-X iuuj'tiKQf Maljjwi. aaaFra.okllrr,Cpijnty jseshfrally, tbat. be baa Ju»rreeeljn$ a new anAextenalyo ,

STOCK OF SUPERIOR, iZARBLE, from^b«!bclt'quarrle*iu Vermont,mhd Is now prepar­ed to futnisffall Mpd.^f '. - • p

. W^#&%mmw$MMp£?&r ' atiQrPafoit Slmut, .,'.-...

oranV.h^ginttt'M.rBl'sl.'ne^tprjce' that must besatisftcjory 10**11 ibtrse in iheabovTartictesT -rlS-wtll-fiiniisfr °

Sfecond Arrival, -=#r T H E -


|jfliiitioi»^6 f5r 'ioodi,-«hichjii


^lMiB#roic«n»*»ivb%|inrj4e^ , ^ - ^ f ^ C I c H h , , C « , . r m e r c i . [ ' < J Y e ! l j n « * - •

^ la^

, TombstoAeS a* li?*MiPt»4 to t?35 JHa*ipg'fcad -many yeans'*>perieDea-iatfcii; b't

ine«», ho^oe»-njstihesfi^tatD-awufaitbavpaolistt1 hU;»rork,'will b e d n w t t a b e s t a t y l e . " . , ?; .• >.w ^

!AH.worJc t w « r i * n ! i ^ Mo*t^ind#pfiprpdijc,orgr^|nnrati»rnte»>»»i|t,l)»ir«t ceitcd£?r/pav< Lein»on«rpurcha*e.oi!.ejtgag9 work. be,fog|fi|£#JC.»,rjd « . x a f » i « u ^ J | t i « k a i d p^rjee* for. thtmsrlKet; «»>,Ml'''Mami- -,ir riWpBa ftj|| «jQ( ,_=..—*,,„*.,— .-.t... . . . . ^ , . j^tj^^m jfunJariestahlishraeBt \itfki cojjntov i U ^ m m nmnc p^Rlg l^ i ,p .* j ; anyone., Uark^iiat;!.,,,

south ufibo Academy, lotbti-village. ......

ym-^.-, '^ \§2* - J / J >. v ^ • * . *?*• ^ b> • » ,**is.*j a.|j

•i »-8-«u^fe8«M i-xrJ!<B9>tiDf>ii L.. Jfa/ime, muit

S t t s r ^ ^


•T^HJEk-H b a a « i ^ 4 e d * ^ n ' i o U w o V •^Ti^nsotrd'a Sarsap%1Jk^suaiU^«w^«ii-

IN a. Such a»ls sold for •Man shillingc.« bottle be •ellafor.ix". ' „ October 30

^.-3ereo,g.ve . Georg*. Ackley of | | |a^»f^o oe«&| Wttf^mfhwtjmm t fiom Juho 2qu),.^9, ftp if ! r*IJ requir*Hj-.to;-Tt*y the »*me to the •uanceofanasslgnmtuiube leyioBliedaalsttnadiedi i'l&t&y .$••:

-..•MryAtvJIHt, T-

^sr |MpSS^2i3 OTlfiE.i».h«teby^^fiten3^ttti«U^£ih^

K be given op tar»aiJ»«nk. ;**•%# ffl^MSm*®

^ • # ' A y t ^ ' Oheiry Pectwaly ^ .„

Msmmm w w»ii {^ty;ma.au t£dt»mM^mW.UJ~.

td a i a ' f(M i j

•» hw - 1 * ?-> -.'••''•j.'sv'TPal


__ a H b r ^ l e by •• "

3W.',Tl>.l')J)luT''i,"J,'t'J 'r'»lli{ V'ilJ''l.M\WM%n*,i>.«W-W j t D f l r d T B f t ^ J l ^ r t a V ^


AN^nw ba b4A»t^rT^r,*Cfa»*li a r t k W . j u ^ e e a ^ ^ M a y S f h .vT-i }^ : -„ . , ,

, Afeaw^uriiaiaofLiBett Coats, will b**old, or

IAYRAK>:3, P l u h F w k t »» lS^rJ» 5>«th*

Malone, Marc j . 27,1850: HIRAM HORTON

THEcoptrtn«ribipfqrnierlje»i«tingbetweepOrep Moses <fe-Soo'|as;thU .day dissolved byjriiutual

eon*enl';and *dl jnotea and' account* due to said firm, rnu»t"be.paid:to;ORrta JBosga.. Tbe>bu»inegs will be camedon and conducted by hionj'tqere willbB kept OBlha'ad.1-.;!—lih • . • - / ^ ;• • j . - . - ' For fele-i^arjlnnfl StfSves.^SnSt'vir-Oulter^, Milt

' Castings; aqdfiflisIieJ to1 order, on rca-'•' . 'V; ?i'^ri?bi^nna, *•;;..' '"'.,-. It i» expected tbat, all demands now dop sai

iHttJiefletJtferj HiWOUMi MMmmoos.orevena djj ; ..:Tr-li .,-..-* ,•;..• ^a»iR#af

'N*.R.^Aoy.r*flwn,w1»hiBr»vp'pai^^^ dry and Finishing Shop, together wilb the I»the>,pat-tdrnr,Fl.B»k»,4ei<^nb»»e.the«abii»hrn^^ a t a W l o w . p r l W , by c a l l i n x o u ^ s ^ n g ^ ,

'• Mal g n e,d3 g t .3fj^50. . - ^ f . j f f ^ —^*5S3^»»siwCs^^i33SS8sa8iSKS2satS» ,»

£nn, V.

that bBtk«a»fe«St», f^J^ t aspos lUdebefpTp toaloBg his



<v «*4 ftin *

;£• AS.

:eaajmuch tt "

•' -jit r, j.--. « » | $m*ma%Z%?un '"n

• •14 o r d e r i e ! ^ v m M ^ m m ^ ^ p * i ^ m k » i

Invited to,Cif Call and exari|iW|£to,4Gt^»'3M#Bri* C & » c M ^ n l r n t * i t b -*nWm^**

b « - » ^ . » f % J o ^ . | y « r * « | ^ r ^ a i

lisbed ata trill

dry a'.go6d-.a^toUW»at*gStdraa.;»biob FouB-

,ttW«a«ce. All


varieiy *ff|ob ttarjaltat-tepd.

j Malone, May 16, 1850. & i M J G E a s .

for the CUrJJ Of LlV?r Complaint, Jaundice, f)t* pepsia, Chronic or Nervous Dtbility, is deserve*' ly one of tbe most popular medicines of the da; These Bitters have been osed by tbousandtt, »n' a friend'at otir elbow'saye he baa himself rcceivci •n^Bf^a^^n^jrin^sitje^t^axaj^of Lirer Com.. plaint from (be use of this remedy. ^'VKB-aro^^ij vinred tbat* in the use of these Biiters^he paUcci eoustanily. gains Strength aod vigor-r-a, fact woi thy ofgreat;connideration. They ar^pfeisaat k taste and:8(pcll,and can be used by persbns wiu tbe most delicatestomacbs with safety, under sin circumstances. VYe ^aro apeaking from ezpeii' ence and lo the afflicied we advise their use.

•'SCOTT'S W E E K I . * , * ' one of the best L'teran papers publi«hea,said Atig. 25—

" D B . HoOfLAHbV jjEEMLtot' BltTEBS, miDU-faetured by Dr. JACKSON,,are now recommended by some of the most prominent, members of tbe faculiy as an article of much efficacy in cases d female weakness. As such is the case, we would advise all mothers ta obtain a bottle, and thus save themselves from sit bness,^ _ Persons of debilitated constitutions will fiodjbese Bitters advantageous to their health, as we know .front experience inc salutary effect they nave upon weak systems,"

JUDIJE M. M. NOAH, a gentleman with great scientific and Injerary. atiainroentF, —" '— "•'"

nier direction, they-aroTieiarjesp — 5 J TJiecburt* mtved^idedj^bat^fljsiojto ti

'atjier from *he office, or removing.anI,Ieaving i ctlfed for, is prima facia evider«t}bRni*ntior)*lii

6. A Pottmaster neglecting jp iaib^i « publ "*hen hi* paper is notttkep from the"OBTee, IB 'bim*elf liable fornisaubfcription-priee.

ComaMteslol i . ' -, . . ."; -.; :,. 3a. __


eaid ia his


O M E H C H A N T S , LlJMBEBHEJf, AW» OTHEBS,; interested in Imnsportation to abd from the Nor^

thirn Counties, t o ' N e w York:— . . jThe undersigned are prepared *riib ample accornmo-

dations, at their Dock/and Store Houses, at the l e r minus of the Champlain Branch of tbe Northern (N , . Y j) Rail Road to forward freight to all intermediate pojnts or landings. f .--

Having formed a line of Lake and Canal boats, run­ning In connection .with Daily Tow Boat*. On the North River, they propose to t-ansport freight at as joy rates as any other Line »n the Lake, and with equal promptness and care. ' '

AgenUr-tL.. P. GARDEaiR, No. 17, Coenti's^tip, NewYotk.

piLtiHAH & GABPBHEB, Np. 33.0, River-sU, Troy. | . MOQRE &HOYLE. Agents and | .' Proprietors of tbe'Cbamplain i ' • Traniportation Line, 0amnl|i»{-An^Mib, 1850, j , -, , yW3>fc-

—r— _^«_" ' 1 "' i_r—-r FBANKLLN COUNTY


i*Hfc s n ^ r j ^ r a p ^ d l r i ^ t « p j g » f c w * 8 J» u b -+ 4 l^^^m^iW^ "W&.«eojS» Apkfey, illjtW^fIrBle^le hid on jh»a<Ji >nd having made ar-rwi^mejiw to ieceivelarge*tjuantitie» of Marble from tbeweat quarries in Vermont, be;i» now prep*red»to


and! fMpyj i f |ttfeaH-Sffp#W»tirc] _ or (•haadjo.inipg .CpuntjieH

M p n u m e a t a l f r ^ i ^ r .• f t a . P*int*tonejfrcir7tl,51


Plain or ©tlNai«€Nir5a£ Finish,

$25,to Airwork »iar.


— '"-I'WjNfr-

1650- „- , -. , . . . "&&. Hoc^Ajq>'s;..GEg»c»;v.JBiTTj£Rs.—Here

i> a prepwrtrion 'tvTiTctrrhe leading presses in lb* Union appear to be unanimous in tecomoJ^tdiD,', and tbe ' reason ia obvious. It ia maci*|ifter a;, prescription fornishedby one of tbefmrwt^elebrs-ted physicians o f modern times, tbe late J5t. Christopher Wi;iieInr'Hooflani], Professor to i;,a Um'vereity of Jena,'Private Physician to the King of Prussia, n ^ ? o n e oC^lre|gre^teitiinedica I wri­ters Gerirjany%ifi i f« pirj^c.p. J f e ^ r a s cm-phatically tbej enen>yjpf .^Hntteg, apd thereforaf medicine of wjijclf|ie', irta^.ifte loVe'ntorahd en­dorser may be icbWdb^^/r||fi^^il'|I;. ' jrlejJSacj-ally; reMmrneadodJti^ Dyspep-' ilia, Debility, j Vertigo, .Acidity^of tbe S:omacl Consiination.Jtind j all rcomjjlaiots arising from >



lati, Caps, Firs, UBwroUtfs raras ' •' **;; - i t fe . : "" *

12 C O U R T L A N D T & 8f> D E Y S T R E E T TOyerj;ft!iaiitsoBiatCo.l ' "

Ajgcnt^mihffle ofgaimtSfianietsBag*, Rv K.,-CfcA*t' wpuld*"be h a p p y t o meet b i s

tfritnds and costdmcrs a t 4 h i s Itouse,

S t e v e n s «& Durkeey

8*a. 1, Field'* £xcbar)ge, Malone Franklin Co.

" N E W YOBK WiEKtJ MESSEKGEB,''. /aooary « A ' ' DB*i?SS I? . m. 1850 . "wnaartes, Boot* aod Shoes, Liquor* and Wines


Parfunxms, Fancy Articles, Ece. ^ B t l ~ i ~ ^jot»*vaiina

tStjmiittSi J. RIDER,

May ba found at Ureotfke^af-PanBelea^Fitei Thuiaday*. Any basiae** reijuiring the attentioi Ut* Carnmisrioaer, :iwal far promptly -attended *o a.fiea c f . i |B .wcwi , | r |^k |^J |» | iee^ ^ ,aj>!

Office—W^Ai^fiBt.Ejt^&iw ojBc t .

the editprs1|peak of-itaTeSttctS ironl tbeir own U-dividrnfeifpcHencp. lUnfler tbeBecirenmstam-a, we feel wirrantedi ot only iat-alling theattentwii of our rtia^eraito t h e prtaeht proprietor'* <Br. C M . J icrKoa' sVpre¥arat id | i , t but in recommending tbtarJilteTlotiihf tbfea . .;

Tin *t?ia.^i^^^Um^KTWDiCl,GicieTT£,,, the brst fsmily newipaper published in tbe Onited Sutea, the editor f saj* ; of

D B H O Q F | L A N D ^ « ^ ] r l M A N BITTERS . "It ta seldom tbat TF# recommend what»« termediPit»?nfeMtot«i>*«.1» tftSieWfidence ?*> patronage; o£;

_^_ stm'o German "we wisb5t4oJi^ ! distinctly onderitpod tbat we are not^peakipg ofthe^npstrumB rj f tbeday , tbat' are noised about for » brief period and then forgov-

BARBER A N D H A I R - D R E S S E R . SHOP rroEi>.:Bi»«II,ti!*r*3 HOTEL. -

M A J i O N ^ . ; l « . Y . . . p ^-

I rjrtrTB andanigned have -* Attorney*, Solicit

Uw Copartnei0-sK. _^ rmea«-5C6pawnersBij

. « *- --.*.--» -q l 5 ^ J o » < * H o » * t , t i « dialer tbp firnjjpf^ £ f ^ ' ' " ' ^W>-> .

*»** |a^*»^Mr^-- " ^ j ^ « — - ' -

t b e m , 1 o ^ ^ i * | p t t e R i g ^ i i ^ t i ) » U ^ » j ^

f «*- vduga of.MatofgJ j TiikHattoB.

« B beiM '4T&ceof mis-ten after _ ,„ p _ „ . —,^, „,,. chief, b^to^s%en^i^loi^*ri^i@fsneri; univer-aally prized,and wJiifcn'baa met tbe1 bearty appro­val of tbe Faculty itself." " " •

E»idencp utiod efideirear baa been received

there iaraore ol it n a e d i n i h r ^ c t f c e ^ i l h W r ^ i ^ a r rfinysict»aivlt PhiWdelp»ui^lbatJ^^il^r>BoatrumB combined,*


log that1 a Klenlific pferji rteir^olet^rovalwbe^prtfil fbitD. . , ' TbatHflna

directed It

i'Jifaritnro W»er Complaint an.donbtfc-»(^r using it

a n d * »

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ail eoTcineji- tp'jitia.ia y

'W*m •aSiea __ _ aignatnre of C- J* )N^1»p>B ^ S t m ^ : - ! ^ ¥ *

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; ,»<&• OB tbtMlBlitlT*--

blo«a<f« . ,-^ftj/ '!jefl «J «PKf» r ' C-

tad by M U l y tamntrtinat tbt

Sojis o f i JEIOR iS50, "


.r.!'-¥t",!i ,iJ*t

^ ^-fO t7*t 4Jr3> MEAL farCasa.

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